Saturday, March 02, 2024

El Amor no Tiene Receta, Capítulo 5, Viernes, 1 de marzo, 2024 - "Lies, theft and chaos: Just another normal day in the barrio"

Sorry this is belated, I had some trouble but I sorted it out.

We open with the kinda inappropriate hug Paz gives Esteban. She apologises, saying she doesn't know what she was thinking. She saw him crying and just hugged him, it broke her heart seeing him like this. Esteban, devastated, tells her not to worry, the truth is he needed that hug. 

Paz's family arrive at the company. Is Nandy part of the family? She's there too and sees Kenzo. She tells the rest about her "very good friend". Kenzo shows them the meeting (?) room.

Paz sees a picture of Berenice and says "you really miss her, right?" Esteban confirms it but says that wasn't why he was crying. He explains that Berenice did NOT commit suicide and his mother in law found a fake video with him being the culprit, but he hasn't done anything! Paz is shocked and instantly believes him. Esteban adds that she hates him and wants to get his kids away from him.

Of course, the next scene is with Elvira. She's unpacking and sees a small box in her suitcase. I don't know exactly what it has inside, it looks like the outside of the object is made of gold. I'm confused. Elvira smells it and says "it has lost your smell". A tear falls from Elvira's face as she says "I'm always going to miss you".

Gala, Bosco and the small kid who's name is Eder, I think, are presented to Paz's family by Kenzo. There will be a gastronomical presentation. Yay, FOOD! Salomon is eyeing Gala with a Joey Tribbiani "how you doin'?" look and she just smiles awkwardly.

Paz tells Esteban it took her seconds to realise he's a good man, he'll get his innocence proven! Esteban says the video is driving him crazy, he doesn't want his kids to see it, it'll break their hearts. Paz tells him his kids are going to believe him, but if his mother in law hates him he has to come up with a plan, she may go to the police. Esteban says he knows, he has to prove his innocence for his children.

Monito brings Sam/Luna to some neighborhood. He tells her to never, EVER approach the police for anything. He grabs her hand and gets her to some place where some men are throwing bread at some other children to eat. Monito tells them about Sam/Luna and how she'll come with them.

Ginebra, holding her "daughter's" bunny, cries in front if the press that are in her house about her daughter disappearing. She goes on and on about wanting to hug her and stuff and I just want to give her a good old telenovela cachetada. She even offers money to whoever finds her. The reporter next to her says this is just one of many cases of kids disappearing (I had no clue it was so common in Mexico) and says they should contact them if they have any information. Mauro is looking at her like he's thinking "how evil can she possibly be" and "well, I knew she's this evil" at the same time.

The dudes Monito talked to suddenly are obsessed with cutting poor Sam/Luna's hair. Monito, who obviously wasn't expecting this, cries and tells them to let her go. First Ginebra, now them, what's next?!

Paz meets Esteban's kids. Cute. Then, it's Paz's time to make a proposal: she says they take the businessmen to eat in the barrio, in some specific place I didn't catch. Gala thinks it's not a good idea but Esteban approves, so now it's decided!

Vermin (I'm keeping it) gets some clothes when Rubio approaches him and asks for his money. Vermin says he just came out of prison, to which Rubio replies "what do you want me to do, hug you? You owe me money!" LOL Vermin then has the nerve to say that his family has been paying for the last six years. Rubio laughs and says that what his wife has given him isn't enough. Vermin, defeated, says that he'll get a job and pay him back. Rubio agrees, but he wants it fast. He hits him in the head and Vermin falls to the ground. He remembers Mauro giving him the money and it being gone as people pass by, not helping him. I'm glad.

The food is served. I'm glad I've eaten lunch, because everything looks delicious and I'd otherwise get hungry. Esteban comments on the excellent taste and Paz smiles and adds that his son Eder "es de buen diente", (literally: "he's of good tooth"). Eder doesn't know the expression and says that he teeth haven't fallen yet or something and Paz smiles and says it's an expression. After a Google search, I found out it's used in Mexico for someone who eats a lot. Mireya (Paz's sister) whispers to their mother about love passing through the stomach.

Back to the sad: the dudes thankfully HAVEN'T cut ALL of Sam/Luna's hair off. The dude who cut her hair says she needs to start stealing. She doesn't want to, she says stealing is wrong. Monito offers to let him do it and she can just help or something like that. The dude says that today's the testing day to see whether or not she can stay here. Poor kid.

Gala is apparently one of these Instagram - Tik Tok girls. She's live (?) on some platform asking her followers to help her chose some outfit. As she's describing the outfit she'd like, she spots Salomon. IIRC she stops the live before talking to him. She asks him if he's following her and he hits on her. Gala is not really interested in eating tacos with him and tells him he has to try harder. Salomon then goes like "princess of social media, would you like to go out and eat ice cream with me?" LOOOL Gala turns down that one too and Salomon, in classic Salomon fashion, hits on some woman who's working in the clothes store they're in, asking her what she's doing after work. Gala laughs and leaves. The whole was actually hilarious, in a good way. We need comic relief.

Nancy tells Kenzo she has some songs the businessmen won't be able to resist to dance to. She puts one on and starts dancing. Kenzo laughs and she tells him to move and not just stand there like a mummy LOL. He says he has two left feet ("tengo dos pies izquierdos", the translation is the same as the English expression), but Nancy just grabs him and shows him some steps. They dance together. 

Bosco brings a present for his dad, who's busy, so his secretary tells him to leave the gift on the table. I have a bad feeling about this. Bosco goes to get Eder to show him the present. Paz's other nephew, I keep forgetting his name, comes and sees Salomon from some camera panel or whatever it's called. He quickly hides the camera panel with a "welcome" poster. Unfortunately, as he goes to leave, he breaks the gift. Bosco arrives with Eder and is NOT happy. He calls Paz's nephew an idiot, he apologises but Bosco is very angry. He says something like "the gift represents my mom" and Paz's nephew makes a comment on his mom being more mature than him, IIRC, not knowing she has died. Bosco informs him and they get into a physical fight. Esteban pops up and asks them what happened.

Mireya asks Paz to tell the truth, does she like Don Esteban as a man? Paz freezes and looks at her mom, who gives her a look.

Sam/Luna says at some point that Cobija has more hair than she does. I just LOVE that she brings Cobija everywhere she goes. Monito tells her the plan: she'll have to distract the people carrying bags with them in order for him to steal their purse and then run. Sam/Luna still doesn't want to do it, but I don't think the girl has a choice.

Ginebra walks victoriously towards her brother, saying she's so glad the girl isn't here. With a mocking voice, she goes "Mommy, why don't you love me?" and laughs. Mauro gives a forced smile and says everything is ready for Elías's funeral. Ginebra actually says she'll get exhausted by pretending she's crying so much!!! After some moments, Elvira somehow is outside of their house and says she met her at the event and her story moved her. 

Paz says Don Esteban is a very good man, but she sees him as a boss. She adds about the difference in social classes. Her mom says love doesn't care about social classes as Paz's phone rings, it's Esteban. She picks it up and Esteban tells her about her other cousin, who's apparently called Pepa (from Pedro Pablo) and Bosco getting into a fight. She tells her mom and sister. No offence or anything but... Pepa? Really? They had one job and they failed.

Elvira tells Ginebra she understands exactly how she feels. Ginebra asks her if she has also lost a daughter; Elvira confirms it!!! (Who could it be? Any bets?) 

Bosco is still mad about the broken statue thing. Esteban tries to get them to stop fighting. Paz and her family arrive. Bosco seems pretty determined not to forgive Pepa; he leaves.

The kids put their plan into action, but unfortunately, Monito falls as he's trying to steal the bag. The woman screams for the police and tells a police officer about the almost theft. The kids run as fast as they can. 

Esteban asks Bosco to apologise to Paz but he doesn't want to. Paz says it's alright, if Bosco doesn't want to say it it's fine. 

Mireya talks to Pepa and he admits he accidentally did it because he was trying to hide the cameras that showed Salomon hitting on some gal. Mireya screams at Salomon that he already put their family in trouble. Salomon doesn't say anything.

Sam/Luna and Monito run as fast as they can. They hide under a truck and they manage not to get caught.

Elvira tells Ginebra she can use all her resources to find her daughter. Ginebra obviously wasn't expecting that. Elvira invites to her company's event tomorrow but Ginebra says it'll be hard to come before of her husband's funeral. Elvira hugs Ginebra. Mauro sees this and he and Ginebra exchange a look. After Elvira leaves, Mauro asks her how she felt when she saw Elvira and she replies "hate, the most intense hate". Okay, I'm betting Ginebra is Elvira's lost daughter now.

Bosco is still bratty as he goes to bed, Eder does the same (except from the bratty part). Elvira arrives and asks Esteban why he changed the place of the event. He actually replies "because I can" and she tells him to change it back. He says all the invitations have been already sent. Elvira insists, but Gala, who's there, says she agrees with her dad and manages to convince Elvira. She calls her "yaya" again, interesting.

Mireya scolds her sons, especially Salomon, about today's mess. Salomon promises not to mess anything up on the grand event. They all start cooking when Vermin enters. Paz drags him away and he actually has the nerve to say that he thinks there's something going on between her and her boss and he doesn't like that! I hope Mireya teleports outside and slaps him again. Paz tells him he's just her boss and it's none of his business.

Elvira and Esteban have another fight over Berenice's murder. Esteban points out that in the fake video, Berenice was wearing a red dress and shows her the closet in which he keeps all her dresses, no red ones. Elvira says he could have burnt it. At some point she even pushes him and asks him to admit it. He says he won't admit something he didn't do. It doesn't end well, as it usually does. 

The dude, who's nickname is Gorila, almost throws Sam/Luna out after he hears they didn't manage to pickpocket anything. Monito saves her once again.

The next day we have the big fiesta: Elvira is her usual snobbish self, Esteban his usual loving self, Paz her usual happy excited self. Pepa and Bosco have yet to make up after their fight. Salomon hasn't managed to make Gala interested and they insult each other about being boring. Esteban tells Kenzo to contact their lawyers, he's sure Elvira will go to the police. 

Ginebra actually arrives, with her brother by her side. Paz talks to her, saying she can identify with her, she has also lost her child. Mauro seems interested in Mireya. After some accident with the tacos, Mireya notices Vermin and shoos him out. Unfortunately, Mauro also spots Vermin. Uh oh.

The party/presentation/whatever is going great, until the police arrive. Way to ruin the mood. They arrest Esteban as he screams that he'll prove his innocence.

He's in a cell now, still saying he'll prove his innocence to Kenzo.

Elvira tells the kids about the video. They don't believe it and Eder starts crying.

Monito gives a pear to Sam/Luna. Awww.

In the last scene of the episode, Monito and Sam/Luna are walking and talking about Sam/Luna asking for money. Paz is walking that way too and after Monito goes somewhere else, she and her actual daughter meet each other for the first time. Paz looks like she gets a call of the blood. Sam/Luna extends her arm to ask for money.

And with the first mother-daughter meet up, we have the Fin del Capítulo.


This was signature Weirdo, smart, savvy and so much fun.

I always enjoy new vocabulary and have now added “cachetada” and “two left feet ("tengo dos pies izquierdos" to my growing list.

“Salomon is eyeing Gala with a Joey Tribbiani "how you doin'?" look and she just smiles awkwardly” nailed that scene exactly.

Sam has already suffered far more abuse than anyone, let alone an innocent child should ever have to endure. Pure speculation but it seems relatively certain now that Paz has seen Luna that Ginebra’s “jig” is up. My biggest fear is that Sam will end up back in her evil clutches. Paz’ expression of love and yearning upon meeting Sam was heartbreaking.

When Vermin and Mauro saw each other, there was a definite spark of recognition, but did they know for certain who the other one was? I would have expected Vermin to go for Mauro’s throat unless that for once, he considered his options, realizing he’s already in enough trouble.

There was definitely an evil meeting of the mind and spirit when Ginebra and Elvira met. The coincidence of Elvira “losing” a child and Ginebra’s reaction leaves little doubt…That said, Elvira never mentioned a son. Where does Mauro fit into all of this? Also I caught a very strange, sexual vibe between Mauro and Ginebra although I can’t recall the specific scene.


Weirdo, thank you for that snappy recap of this episode as this story unfolds . I am enjoying this telenovela except for the violence, especially the scenes of poor little Samara , who seems to have gone from the frying pan into the fire ...well, there was that awful crate before the fire. Yijes. How my child longer are the writers going to out this young actress through hell? Paz , please take this child hone with you !!! Gorilla is tge perfect name for that beast who has all there kids in his band of thieves . He makes my skin crawl. I need the writers to release Sam from this horrible guy .

Well, Elvira is set on sending Esteban to jail for killing the wife he loved so much .... so sad . That was quite a realistically solid push she gave Esteban , who looked so cute in his comfy house duds . Wow, his mansion certainly has a" staircase of death"if I've seen one steep and no railings!!! Daniel probably told Azeala to just go for it.



I just watched this episode again . It surely seems that Elvira might be Ginebra's mother. Gin looked extremely creeped out when Elvira hugged her , and Mauro hidden and watching looked surprised . So...I guess we have another telenovela about a daughter who disappeared . I also noticed that Gin's mansion also has a " staircase of doom" which is steeper than Esteban's and once railings . I get vertigo just looking at those staircases, but wealthy Mexicans must love them. . Are we going to see someone somersaulting down one or both of those staircases?

When Gala was on her phone and Sal out the moves on her ,they seemed to still be in the office because there were women at desks around them .

I wonder if Bosco made that statue . It was an angel . I guess it represented his mother. Bosco is an angry young man.

I wonder if the little actress gets tired of constantly carrying Blanket , the adorable dograbbit? She never lets him down even when Gorilla grabś her and carries her around . I hate seeing this tiny girl in these awful circumstances . I hope Paz takes her home and the family surrounds her with love , safety, and delicious food.....and keeps her far away from awful Ginebra.


Thanks Weirdo, you covered everything, a real help for me.
I thought they were cutting Luna’s hair to make her look like a boy. But they never really finished the job. Just seemed to shorten the front.

I think if Paz recognizes her as the missing girl she’ll return her. But maybe she won’t recognize her. I think the men that cut her hair recognized her. We know they would have turned her in for the reward.

I thought Fermin would have a brief role and then disappear. I guess he’s not going anywhere.

I saw the scene with Elvira and Ginebra but I was way off base. I thought she was talking about losing Bernice.

I hope Esteban gets out of jail soon. I was not expecting so much gloom and doom in this show. I’m sure Elvira had the police arrest Esteban in the middle of their work party on purpose. She didn’t want it in the barrio and it ended quickly. It seemed like they took the food and went out in the neighborhood selling it. So not sure if they made any money after all that work.


Weirdo, thank you for this wonderful and detailed recap!!!

I think I'm in the minority, but I didn't think the hug was inappropriate. Paz is a new employee, which gives it a bad look professionally, and if they had met at a job interview, or had only had limited personal interactions I would agree, but they met in a way totally unrelated to work, and although they've only known each other a short time there limited interactions involved a personal connection so deep that they told each other their deepest wounds in their first afternoon of knowing each other, Esteban had even been a guest in Paz's home, when Vermin unfortunately arrived; and ultimately he offered her a job in friendship because he wanted to help Paz personally, and not because they had formed any kind of professional connection. Under the circumstances, I don't think the hug was all that out of place, plus I agree with what Esteban said, he needed a hug in that moment.

That little Monito kid is adorable!!! Gorilla is not, it seemed so strange to me that he wanted to cut her hair and then I realized it was to make her a street urchin and thief and it made more sense. The hair cut needed to happen of course to make her look less like the pictures Ginebra is plastering on the news.

You're not alone Liz, I thought Eliva was referring to losing Bernice too! The other theory is interesting too! Altough the question of 'what about Mauro' is a good one if Gin is Eliva's daughter. But then there's always the possibility that Mauro and Gin aren't blood related. If they were both abandoned/orphaned they may refer to each other as brother/sister in the family forged in fire sense, idk, lots of possibilities. Either way, it's clear Gin has something against Eliva for whatever reason, she intensely hates her, so maybe it's Eliva she's actually trying to hurt and not Esteban....

We will see. It sure was an eventful first week!

Darcy, I am with you regarding the hug. Grief and expressing sympathy and empathy removes many normal barriers . Also, different cultures have different norms when it comes to personal space and touching. You presented your position in a very convincing way . Well done. Sometimes a hug convenes so much more than words. It says " I am so sorry. " " I understand what you are feeling." " I want to comfort you." " I wish I could make things better."

On Paz and Esteban: "...although they've only known each other a short time their limited interactions involved a personal connection so deep that they told each other their deepest wounds in their first afternoon of knowing each other" was beautiful Darcy...

Paz has such a huge heart and her gesture was spontaneous and heartfelt.

As you sagely noted Susan it does convery "I understand what you are feeling and I want to comfort you".



Thank you, Weirdo, you knocked it out of the park with your first recap.

I was pretty sure Elvira was talking about losing Berenice, too, but I guess they left it vague so that we would start speculating. Misson accomplished. That box she was looking through, I think it containted keepsakes from her daughter.

Mauro could not be Ginebra's blood brother, they could have met when they were living in the streets together - no spoiler, but wasn't this heavily implied? His devotion to her could be because she protected him while they were kids?

Ginebra's reaction when Elvira arrived was one of barely restrained fury (the way she violently grabbed Mauro's hand at her back was very telling). My new working theory is that somehow Elvira stole Ginebra and possibly Mauro from their real family (seeing how this is a story about missing kids), and then, after removing them, somehow got her hands on their fortune (the company that she so proudly ownes).
I believe Ginebra's man target is Elvira, not getting into Esteban's pants (at least not for now). She might want to remove him from the equation, have him thrown into jail and then become friends with Elvira, slowly destrying her from the inside.

I guess time will tell...

Adriana Noel

I meant to write "Ginebra's MAIN target"...

Darcy, I thought that hug was totally inappropriate, too, but they are soulmates, so we must see it as romantic, right.
I guess there are people in the world that we feel an instant connection to and we feel that we can talk to them freely - Paz and Esteban are like this. Besides, they've both been celibate for so long now, those hormones must be running wild :))

Diana, Mauro and Vermin definitely recognized one another. I guess you never forget the face of the man you sell your newborn baby to, am I right?

Susan, I love the novela, too, but can't stand Samara scenes because they seem so realistic. And I know kids all around the world actually live in this type of conditions, or aeven worse, so that breaks my heart. That scene where they cut her hair was so violent!

Liz, I was thinking the same thing as you: I hope Paz was paid for all that food before Esteban went to jail. He had to at the very least advance some of the money, that's how this type of work usually goes. I'm sure Paz would return Samara to Ginebra, she even feels a connection to that She-Devil, because they've both lost children.

Adriana Noel


Thank you, Weirdo!

I finally got to watch this today.

Surprise! I never expected Esteban to be arrested so quickly.

Although traumatic, I saw Samara’s hair cutting as an initiation into the gang.

Poor Samara, one more time, now that Gorila knows that she is a missing child from a wealthy family. Will she end up with Ginebra again for big $$$?

Paz and her family live in the Iztapalapa section of Mexico City which can be a pretty rough place.

So far, so good.

Thanks, weirdo. I still remember your recaps of minas, which were such joy to read, unlike that show.
I was at the point where all that abuse was hard to take. It turns out you have to be in a good enough place to watch stuff like this. I have no idea how that actress can play someone who is so evil.
If Elvira manages to turn her grandkids against Esteban, I don't know how I'll manage to watch the episodes. It's so nice to see Paz believes he is innocent, though. I know they just met, but it makes such a nice change from what we usually get. Has Gnevra got all her husband's money yet?
Thanks for explaining that expression, weirdo. I was wondering if I heard it right.
Mauro's days are numbered if Ginevra learns Samara is alive. But what would she do once she learns Samara doesn't remember anything? Btw does anyone know the meaning of this name?

I always love to read any English words on the kids' teeshirts. Sal had on a teeshift with the words " Girls read minds" on it. Ha. It is pretty easy for a girl To your your mind , Player.

Once again ,we see how easy it is to have someone arrested and thrown into jail. I am glad that Paz and Esteban had that tender moment and Pad told Esteban that she believes in his innocence before the speedy quick arrest happened . Hold my taco.

Ginebra and her faithful servant Mauro definitely hate Elvira . Mauro gave her the stink eye , and then Gin clutched his arm behind her back as she stared at Elvira. . I guess Elvira is Gin's birth mother , but it will be interesting to see how mother and child became separated and exactly how Gin turned into such a wicked itch and why she superhates Elvira. Are Gin and Berenece sisters or half sisters?


Great work, Weirdo.

I was freaking out when that thug grabbed Samara. I thought he was going to kill her -- or the dog -- in front of the other kids. As it is she will end up with major trust issues because of Ginebra and now male adults. Here's hoping she isn't in this environment for long.

Since Paz had done drawings that look like her, Paz should take her home, then get a DNA test. If that isn't interfered with she could bring serious charges against Ginebra who would not yet have legal control of Elias' entire fortune. In a case like this it could take months or years for her to get said control, especially if she was not named executrix in Elias' will. Right now she can only access anything that is in her name.

As for the theory that she is the long-lost daughter of Elvira, I can buy that (I also thought that Elvira meant Berenice). We do need more details and here's hoping we don't have to wait too long for them. My guess is that Ginebra was kidnapped as an infant or toddler and Mauro went missing from a different family at more or less the same time, so there is no blood tie between them. The mutual hatred between the two women is based on something unrelated.

Regarding the child's name:
Samara is a feminine name of primarily Hebrew origin. Meaning "guardian," Samara evokes a sense of quiet watchfulness and divine worth. Samara also has Latin roots, translating to "elm-tree seed" and helping baby embrace their inner tree-hugger.

I also hope we find out more about Esteban's father and whether Elvira married him for his money.

Urban....Was Elvira married to Esteban's father?????? I didnt know that .

Oops... scratch that; I should have proofed that one. It was Berenice's father I meant.

Elvira is such a snob but sometimes a nouveau riche is more so than a person to the manor born.

Great recap, Weirdo -- I really enjoyed reading it. And the comments have been stellar, too. Such a clever group. It won't be long before we have new material for the sidebar...!

What a great group we have! Thank you Diana, Susan, Liz, Darcy, Adriana, Jarifa, Waterlily, Urban and Blue Lass! Wow! We're a patio of TEN!

I was feeling a bit ill yesterday and your comments made my day. I unfortunately don't have much time to write, but I wanted to express some thoughts.

For some reason, I didn't think of Berenice being the one Elvira referred to. I guess I immediately thought of the literal meaning of "lost". Maybe they want to draw a parallel between the three main families, the parallel being lost children. Or maybe she really was referring to Berenice. Although I agree Mauro is a problem in my theory. I guess time will tell.

I completely agree that the scenes with Samara are heartbreaking. Too much abuse to the poor kid. I hope Paz helps her and Monito. These kids deserve way better than having to rob people for food.

I thought of the hug as a bit inappropriate because of the way Paz hugged Esteban, not because she hugged him. I don't know, like she hugged him out of the blue from behind... But Darcy raises a good point about having met previously.

No novela on Thursday, RGVChick announced it on Primetime.

Can't wait for tonight!

Well, as I have been going through my day doing what I have to do , I am still thinking about the episode and the Caray comments . About the hug , when someone comes up behind you like Paz did and hugs you from behind , they often put their arms around your waist. However, PaZ placed her hands lightly on Esteban's shoulders . When I first watched the scene , I wasn't paying close attention , and when the hands were suddenly on his shoulders , I thought Esteban was imagining Bernice was there comforting him . Anyhoo, Esteban needed that hug and hugged her back.

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