Saturday, March 09, 2024

El Amor no Tiene Receta, Capítulo 9, Viernes, 8 de marzo, 2024 - "Evil runs in the family, but Paz will make peace"

Some scenes are combined for better recap flow. 

Ginebra, after killing one of Rubio's thugs, tells Rubio this is what will happen to him if he doesn't cooperate. Vermin whines about not getting paid for selling his daughter (really now?) and Mauro tells him he'll give the money (I assume to pay Rubio? But why, since they're blackmailing him?) When Rubio plays brave, Gin shoots him in the shoes and she, Mauro and their gang all point their guns at him. Gin has a "either I'm your new boss or you're dead" moment. Gee thanks, a plethora of choices! She then talks about some job that will give them a lot of money. Uh oh.

At the family dinner, Esteban pushes Bosco to apologise to Paz. Elvira tries to intervene, but Esteban tells her that's between him and his children. Paz says there's no need, but Esteban insists, so Bosco says the most forced apology ever ("sorry if you got offended", in the most offending, aggressive tone possible), asks Esteban if he's happy, slams a napkin on the table and leaves. Esteban and Paz follow him after the first shock wears off.

Nandy and Felipa are still fighting. At some point Nandy says she's a woman and proud of it ("soy mujer, ¡y a mucha honra!"). Felipa laughs at this and says something about extensions (not making you a woman? Something like that...) Kenzo tries to get them to stop fighting. Felipa is very impolite to Nandy, she even says she doesn't want her kids near "esa", in the most derogatory way possible. She then, proving she is indeed the woman of manners and high class she went on and on about, slams the door in their faces. Classy.

Esteban starts shouting for Bosco, with Paz trying to calm him down behind him. She tells him to think the situation Bosco is in, which makes Esteban tell her how good she is. Paz says that life showed her that before judging someone you have to be in their shoes ("ponerse en sus zapatos", literally "put their shoes on", "I'm in your shoes" would be "me pongo en tus zapatos"). Love is in the air as Esteban talks about learning from eachother.

Monito defends Luna to Gorila once again. Luna begs Gorila to let her friends leave and he looks sceptical. I am shocked he has the ability to think.

Nevertheless, Esteban and Gala do talk to Bosco, who's his annoying self as always. Things heat up at the mention of their mother. Esteban loses it when Bosco tells him he's "campante" (here it means "unconcerned"). He tells him a list of actions he took and says that he couldn't find anything other than the fact that the insulin found was different than the one Berenice used. Bosco actually tells his father to f*cking find the truth, in a vague translation (he actually used the word "carajo" at the end of the sentence, which is translated to "f*ck"). Esteban screams back about justice not doing anything. Bosco asks him why they sent them that video if he didn't kill their mom and Gala gives the the most "are you insane? I'm trying to calm down the situation and you say THIS?" look ever. Esteban gives them more info about the encryption used on the videos. Gala, who all this time was trying to calm Esteban down, is confused about the plural and Esteban is forced to tell them about the second video, the one with their yaya. Bosco is wondering who hates them so much as to do all that. Esteban says they'll catch who did it.

Paz is making a sandwich for Eder, who's the sweetest cutie pie. He says he hopes she finds her daughter soon. The happy mood is ruined on the spot with the entrance of Elvira. Elvira, hovering over them like a Dementor, taking away all the happiness (Harry Potter reference intended), tells Eder to go wash his teeth in order to be alone with Paz. She tells her she doesn't like the employees who act as if they're part of the family. Paz is working at the same time, something that displeases Elvira, who demands from Paz to look her in the eyes every time she talks to her. Paz is trying hard not to say something inappropriate. Elvira says she doesn't like Paz's ironic remarks, to which Paz replies that she understands she works for her, but she should treat the people who work for her with respect, it's a matter of education. Elvira says something about the food smelling like it has too many spices. When she learns that she hasn't yet started heating it, she grabs and throws the whole pot on Paz's feet, telling her to do it again like she told her. What great manners everyone has in this show!

Ginebra tells everyone present they now work for her (we get it) as Mauro receives a phone call from Gorila, who wants paying for Samara. 

Kenzo admits to Nandy she's the only true amiga he's had. Nandy smiles and says it's true for her also.

Esteban tells the kids they have to leave and asks Paz if the pot was an accident or if his MIL from hell (okay, I might have added the "from hell" part) had something to do with it. Paz denies it and says it was an accident. Kenzo calls Esteban and tells him he needs their garden for a welcome home party for his kids. After some begging from Esteban's kids, most of all Gala, Esteban agrees it's a good idea and asks Paz if she can prepare something, he knows it's last minute and all that... Paz smiles and says of course she can. Esteban tells her no alcohol should be included in the menu. After everyone else goes to the door, Gala admits to Paz that Kenzo's son is her crush. These two (Paz and Gala) are getting along just fine.

When Esteban and Kenzo arrive at the company, they talk about their struggles; Esteban about the videos - we learn that they have specialists working on them and that he won't talk to the press before they finish their job - and Kenzo about Felipa and her threatening to take the kids away. (Where were the kids all this time? Why wasn't Kenzo with them so much since he says loves them?)

Paz is making some lemonade when someone (Nandy) goes all "WOW". Paz's facial expression:

She scolds Nandy for being so loud ("we're not in the barrio!") but who can hold a grudge at Nandy? They laugh it off three seconds later. We learn that Esteban knows about Nandy coming to help. 

Ginebra enters with Mauro. Mauro goes casually to the garden like he owns the place to make a call. Ginebra freezes when she sees Paz and asks her how come she's here. Paz says she works here and offers her lemonade. Gin says she has come here to talk to Elvira. Paz asks her about Samara. Gin says she has no news, she probably misunderstood, but Paz insists she saw her. Gin talks about Samara's name meaning "protected by God". Paz tries to give her some courage. Gin sits, awaiting Elvira. Paz and Nandy go to finish preparing the lemonade. Nandy points out that there's something weird about that woman.

Meanwhile, Mauro is on the phone with none other than Gorila. He demands to hear Samara's voice. This and the rest for the things Mauro says are overhead by Paz and Nandy, who are getting progressively confused and creeped out. Gorila tells Sam to only say "hello" and she does so. Mauro says he's her tío, but Gorila snatches the phone away and says he wants his money. Mauro calls someone and tells them to track the dude (Gorila) by his phone number, they have to get rid of her and it'll happen tonight. How Mauro thought having this type of call in someone else's house, in which there are employees in every corner, was smart amuses me.

Sam asks Gorila who was that guy but he refuses to answer and just violently grabs them. Special kudos to the dog-rabbit (I'm keepin' it, Blue) for barking when he saw the kids mistreated. 

Paz tells Nandy she'll follow this guy, she can't have the kid killed. They suspect he had something to do with Samara's disappearance and although they don't suspect Ginebra, Paz says she won't say anything because she won't believe her. Little did she know!

Elvira arrives. Gin makes up a cock-and-bull story about going to a psychiatrist. Elvira says, while holding Gin's hands, that she can judge her only like she can judge herself. Gin is stumped by this and so are we. 

Sam tells Monito a fairytale about a girl named Luna, a boy named Monito and a dog-rabbit called Cobija. A hairy, disgusting, evil Gorila with smelly feet was included as the main antagonist, and a fairy godmother in the shape of Paz who saves them. They say the Spanish version of "and they lived a happily ever after, the end" ("y colorín colorado, este cuento se ha terminado", IIRC). The kids wish it was a reality. 

The rest of Paz's family has arrived at the house to help with the feast. 

Ginebra tells Elvira about her and Mauro's life, abandoned by their parents (they make it clear they're not blood related) and having to leave in the streets. Elvira seems moved and asks her how old she is. When Gin says 37, Elvira freezes and remembers herself, younger, holding a baby and being happy. Her father, with a stern look, takes the baby from her and says this kid should have never been born. Young Elvira cries as she sees the baby being taken away from her and keeps screaming "Dad, my baby!" over and over again. Back to the present, El says she didn't expect this story. Gin says she can start work in the company tomorrow and Mauro comments that he's an excellent administrator. They watch Paz's family getting the garden ready and El explains why. Gin invites herself to the fiesta and claims she's lonely. El says she can come.

Esteban wonders what would happen if he arrived at Berenice's death scenes a few minutes earlier. He swears he won't rest until he finds out who did this.

Gin, Mauro, Paz and Mireya have small talk together and when Gin and her brother leaves, Mireya says he likes Mauro's air and Paz tells her about being responsible for Sam's kidnap. 

El talks to some guy (her chauffeur?) about having doubts about Gin being her daughter. The dude suggests a DNA test. 

Mauro tells Gin about having her "gift" arranged for tonight.

Mireya suggest to Paz to go to the cops about Sam, but Paz says they won't believe her. Mir can't believe she's risking her life for this girl. Pepa enters holding a very nice drawing and Mireya hugs him and kisses him. Pepa and Paz have a conversation about how he's tired of being "el papá de todos" and he tells Paz she has to find her daughter. He also wants to leave the barrio, he's grateful for everything but doesn't want to break their heart.

Salomon has another one of his brilliant ideas: to put alcohol in the drinks. Nandy slaps him. 

Pepa calls Sal the black sheep of the family ("la oveja negra de la familia"). He overhears and runs to Nandy to whine. Nandy tells him her brother and her father beat her up and urges him to connect with his brother. 

Elvira gets pissed off by absolutely nothing and says that the only positive thing is that she (Paz) will leave after this.

"This" turns out to be a very successful party. Bosco ironically calls Paz "Paz Multitask". Kenzo's family comes and Gala runs to his older son. 

Gin comes too and is greeted warmly by Elvira. Gin still has the fake "I've been to a psychiatrist" attitude. El takes a cake from the plate Paz has and even though it obviously rocks, she pretends it's awful. 

Monito tells Sam/Luna he'll get her out of here whatever it takes ("cueste lo que cueste"). 

El obviously doesn't feel well; when she sees a kissing couple, she stops the kiss and says "that's how I was left with a baby". Esteban and Gin try to calm her down. El has been drinking a bit too, so that doesn't help the situation. She actually tells Gin that she may be her daughter!

And with everyone in shock and Gin and El smiling, we have the Fin del Capítulo...


I am a new lurker and have a question. What does "beanie" mean in the recaps? Thinking cap? Also my observation is why do none of the chefs tie their hair back at the least! I've only started following this blog during Vuelve a Mi, but the very first telenovela I watched a year ago when I decided I wanted to learn Spanish starred the actor playing Esteban. I may or may not be able to contribute a lot to the discussion but figured I would join in. I tried posting this I the previous synopsis but it failed. I think I need a cheat sheet of what the abbreviations mean. Kat

Wow, Weirdo, thank you for that snappy recap. I have a lot of questions ....

So, Elvira has an epiphany that Gin is her lost daughter just because her daughter would also be 37 ???? There are lots of 37 year old women all over the place , Elvira.

And what is up with Elvira and Bosco hating on Paz? Paz is the epitome of her name...Peace. She has the patience of a saint and just smiles and ignores both Elvira and Bosco. Bosco was incredibly rude and disrespectful to his father. This dude is Yaya's boy. Uff . Thank goodness Gala and Eder love their dad and are becoming very close to gentle , loving Paz.

Very convenient that Mauro decided to make that phone call at Esteban's place as he wandered around chatting with Gorilla like he was ordering a pizza delivery. #beanietime. So , what is Paz going to do? I am glad that Nandy also heard the scary phone call.

Do Kenzo and his classy ex both realize that Nandy is trans ? Is the ex nasty because she knows that ...or is she just nasty and has a thing about extensions ?

I have a feeling that Nandy is the kind of friend you want to have your back . She looks like she will be ride or die with her pals.

Wow, now Sam seems to be wearing a half mask of dried mud. Couldn't she wipe her face on a blanket or the dograbbit ?

I liked the fairytale that Sam told Monito with Paz as the fairy godmother . So sweet.

I cannot wait to see what happens on Monday .

Kat..hi there . This forum has been around for maybe 16 years . Years ago , someone named Emily , I think, knit beanies because someone said we needed them to believe what was happening in a certain novela. Ever since then , we have been talking about beanies when plotlines get too unbelievable to believe .



This was wry, witty and wonderful.

("ponerse en sus zapatos", literally "put their shoes on", "I'm in your shoes" would be "me pongo en tus zapatos") and "y colorín colorado, este cuento se ha terminado" shone so brightly.

I fell asleep at the beginning of this and while I hope to watch it when available, thank you for relating all of the action so very well.

Have we ever had a galan as young as Monito?? Writers, for the future, clone him and just add two decades to his age and you'll be set.

Mauro seems to lack the finesse to make a very convincing villain. In his line of work, one must always be aware of their surroundings and who is present.

I've had enough of Bosco's overt nastiness and fierce scowls. He needs to be banished to his room permanently.

I look forward to watching Elvira and Gin's interactions. I imagine no one told Elvira that loose lips sink...well, you know.

Kat, welcome! Susan is right about the beanies, lovely Emilia and her husband Mike were fixtures on the patio years ago and Emilia actually did knit beanies for some of those here!


Thank you Weirdo for capturing all the action! I so appreciate the recap because my mind wandered while watching and I missed plenty!!!

Susan said exactly what I was thinking about jumping to the conclusion that Gin was her daughter just because she was 37!!! Couldn't have said it any better, that's a leap too long for any Olympic high jump competition. You do have to wonder what kind of piece of work El's daddy was though if he took her baby away like that!!! And all El could do was cry and say 'no daddy?' I mean we don't know how cruel the man was yet, but I'd have done far more than cry in that situation!!! Boot to the head!

Mauro talking in the house was stupid and arrogant, but of course we need to somehow set up the possibility of Paz reuniting with Luna and NOT telling Ginebra where she is!!! That is unless she does tell Gin and 'warns' her that Mauro is dangerous.... I hope that doesn't happen! But maybe since Luna is remembering stuff now, she can fill in the blanks on evil mommy as well.

Tired of Boscoe, I vote military school, stat!


Welcome Kat!! Please stay and chat with us! It's a good way to compliment your watching/learning! Caray is a great place to be!!!

Were we ever told what name Paz gave to her baby girl?

Weirdo thank you for an excellent and entertaining recap.

Kat, welcome! Don’t be a stranger. We are a friendly

Darcy, yes, military school for Bosco. I don’t want to see or hear him anymore.

Diana, love your idea of Monito being a galán one day.

A few thoughts:

Another solid and entertaining episode.

I got a kick out of Ginebra shooting at Rubio’s feet. I hadn’t seen anyone “making somebody dance” (as they used to call it) since the days of the old westerns.

Why are the exes in these novelas usually jealous of whoever they think their ex is interested in? It is usually the male but here it was the female Felipa. I don’t get it.

That was a cute break with the fairy tale.

Great moral complication: Elvira’s baby girl was taken from her by her own father which makes her a victim and now will make whatever kind of revenge Ginebra might have in store for her misplaced.

Weirdo, your recap was so snappy and witty -- I laughed out loud more than once. I like your style!

Susan, Paz called her baby "Maria" in the first scene when she was talking to her stomach.

Here are a few other things I noticed in passing that may or may not be significant:

When they were bringing out Berenice's body, the camera panned through the crowd of gawkers and seemed to linger on some guy with tribal tattoos all up thee back of his right arm. But it could have just been a tracking glitch.

When Esteban came home from the carcel, Bosco was looking out a second-floor window that was lined with paintbrushes and other art supplies. Could he be a frustrated artist? I'm sure Yaya would not support that as a possible career path...but it might serve as a rapprochement with Pepa at some point.

Urban, a Google image search seems to confirm that Altair's after-market enhancements are already in place. I'm disappointed; she was already gorgeous. I think Margarita Magana may be the only all-natural girl left.

Thanks for the welcome. I never used to watch TV and now I am addicted to TNs. These recaps are so helpful. I also want to thank Weirdo for the wonderful recap. I have a daughter in law that was born in Colombia, raised in PR. Mis consuegras no habla ingles, so here I am trying to learn so we can communicate. Also my DIL is hard to understand when she speaks English so this will help. I do prefer the more comedic TNs (Betty la Fea, Silvana sin Lana, La Suerte de Loli)as I am not a fan of violence and if anyone has any suggestions of some old ones to watch I'd love suggestions if they can be found on Vix, Telemundo, Canela or Roku TV.. (or any other free streaming apps. I chose not to finish La Impostora though I read the entire blog you all posted 10 years ago. That one really needed a beanie as the main protagonist came back rich after 20 years looking for his child, said child having an 8 year old of his own really stretched the realm of possibility . It could have been so easy to have it be 30 years prior to make it feasible.

Kat, for a heartwarming lighter tale I am suggesting “Mi marido tiene familia” and “Mi marido tiene más familia.” They are about a woman who wants to marry a man without a family due to her experiences with her own crazy family. Her fiance fits that requirement until he is reunited with his long lost family and she now has to fit in and deal with what she never wanted. There is plenty of drama and comedy woven throughout these novelas. They are both on VIX. As a matter of fact, I am rewatching them right now.

Welcome Kat. I have a similar intro to TNs. I was working as the accountant for a construction company. Many, perhaps most, of the guys working construction in California are hispanic (kind of hate that word but it does cover Mexicans, Central Americans, etc.). I have studied other languages, but decided Spanish made sense. I began taking classes at our local adult evening school. My co-worker, our payroll admin, was born in Mexico. She clued me in to the beginning of a novela. I had tried to watch before to improve my comprehension but couldn't make much sense of them with my then pitiful vocabulary. She suggested I tune into one that was beginning the following week. Big difference in comprehension!

Thanks for the terrific recap, Weirdo! Very witty and clever.

Yes, why don't they figure out a way to wash Sam's face? It's starting to be a bit ridiculous, although I suspect it's a hint at the lack of care for children at the "Oliver Twist Camp". Kudos to whoever coined that one.

I suspect Nancy meant she'd never had an amigo before, meaning a male friend. She has plenty of girlfriends.

I'm surprised that Elvira actually came up with a cute uniform for Paz. I'd have expected a dun colored, two sizes too big thing.

Sigh. It seems it's going to take a long time for Bosco to change. I agree. Lock him in his room until college.

I was really, really surprised that they had Paz overhear Mauro. I await Monday's events eagerly. Of course that sweet little girl is not going to be killed. I also hope her memory loss doesn't last as long as the child in Vuelve a Mí.

I'm over all the scenes of Elvira mistreating Paz. Spitting out that cupcake was just gross. And she did it in front of other people. Yikes.

Novelera, yes, I thought the uniform that cranky Elvira chose for Paz was cute.

Hey...who doesn't like a cupcake ? Elvira is a bitter itch.

Blue Lass gave us " Camp Oliver Twist." So much fun watching shows with clever, witty folks.

Yes, I hope Sam\ Luna\Maria gets her memory back sooner than Juan \Andres in Vuelve a mi. I wonder how the writers will keep her away from Gin while reuniting her with Paz. I cannot figure out where this plot is going.

Blue Lass , yes, Bosco seems artistic . Didnt he sculpt that Angel statue that Pepa accidently broke? Perhaps Bosco and Pepa will bond over art after Bosco stops being an angry teen.



Oh, and I forgot to mention, once when Esteban was praying to Berenice's picture, he told her that Bosco had become "secretive." All I could think was, PLEASE DON'T MAKE HIM GAY. I'm all for the gender spectrum, but I'm tired of everyone having to be tormented about it. I know lots of really happy gay people. Some of them are even Mexican.

Welcome to the patio, Kat! (The expression derives from the "Patio of Lowered Expectations," which I believe we started using to refer to ourselves during Abismo de Pasion, but my memory is fuzzy.)


Kat, Quien es Quien is a telemundo novela and a 'comedy', I put that is quotes because there were actually some darker parts of it, but for the most part is was light-hearted and it had some very funny characters. There wasn't much violence in it, though there was some.

Tierra de Reyes is another telemundo novela that I really liked a lot. It wouldn't be a comedy either, but the villain is sarcastic and mocking a lot of the time which might make you laugh. Last I looked it was on Hulu, but it's probably on the Telemundo app too. There's some but not a lot of violence as it's mostly a love story - with not one but three different main couples meeting and falling in love. There's definitely some beanie stuff involved in this one, but it had a really good cast, and the acting was fantastic! 
On Vix, I like Cosita Linda, it's maybe not comedic but very little violence. A love story with most happy families and colorful characters; there is required anti-protagonist who hates the heorine and wants to get the galan.

Medicos, on Vix, is also a very good show, IMO. It's not comedic but doesn't have much violence either. It is the story of a group of doctors/nurses working in a hospital and has a love story included as well.


I am enjoying this story, and the outstanding recaps really add to my enjoyment. I always miss things, and they really help fill in the blanks!
Welcome to Kat. I usually lurk, and it was years before I chimed in a bit. I have found that being a part of a patio really helps during the dark parts of the stories. A recent telenovela that I enjoyed was Si nos dejan.
Back to Receta, I agree that Sam’s face being caked with dirt is getting old. Bosco is a pill. I am fascinated with the backstory of Elvira’s daughter! I wonder if any of the baddies will morph into something better. It would be interesting if everyone weren’t just good or evil, perhaps evolving during the story. (Bosco and Elvira come to mind.)
Thank you again to all the recappers! We are so fortunate to have these wonderful, beautifully written summaries!

Thank you, Weirdo, that was a super fun read!

Elvira realized Ginebra is the same age her first daughter would be, so she immediately believes she should test her DNA? Ooookey... It's clear that she didn't give her baby up, so Ginebra's hate is misplaced. She should have her grandfather, but I guess living in an orphanage damaged her beyond repair.

Mauro strolling in a stranger's house and negociating with kidnappers is heard by Paz? As Darcy said, I guess Paz needed a reason to hold onto Sam if she finds her again.

ITA that Bosco is a hard pill to swallow. If he's truly artistic, then surely Paz will help him "come out" to the family.

I was relieved Paz doesn't have to wear a maid uniform or something similar.

Welcome to the Patio, Kat. I found this place shortly after moving to France and it helped me face a lot of lonely hours while my husband was out, working.
I've been watching novelas ever since I was a kid, it helped me learn Spanish and discover a brand new world.
I very funny Telemundo novela that I recommend is Marido en Alquiler with Sonya Smith and Juan Soler. It has some laugh out loud funny moments, uses the farce in a way I hardly ever see used succesfully in novelas and has a lot of touching momens also.

OT... Kat, I didn't watch " Por Ella Soy Eva" when it was originally on Univision , but I have watched some episodes on Unimas. Jaime Camil is very funny in a slapstick way .

Adriana, when did you first pop up here at Caray? Maybe seven years ago ??? I think that you, Kirby, Julie, and I used to have late night ( for me here) conversations. Susan

Susan, I first found Caray Caray in about 2012, when Amor Bravio was airing. I didn't join the conversations at the time, which is one of my biggest regrets (novela wise LOL), because I still consider Cristian de la Fuente and Silvia Navarro's chemistry one of the best I've ever seen.

Then I distinctly remember the first novela I recapped, Corazon Indomable, which was the most ridiculous thing that has ever seen the light of day. That was 2013 (just checked), so I guess I've been around for more than 10 years now.
It's been more than you guessed maybe because I'm not always around, I tend to take breaks between novelas because they are time consuming and between work and young kids I need to put pause on novelas every now and again.
I also used to spend a lot of time watching and recapping Telemundo novelas, so I wasn't visible on Univision.

I do remember the talks, there have been so many subjects of conversation, some more silly than others, but always great fun.

Poor Sam's muddy face should have turned to dry dust by now.
OT Adriana, where can I find recaps of the Telemundo ones? I haven't been able to find any blogs except Caray, Caray. Thanks everyone for the suggestions. I have seen Quien, Quien Darcy..a fun weekend OT could be what was the first telenovela you watched completely. Mine was Entré tu amor y mi amor which had the Esteban character as the main male protagonist.

Kat, the Telemundo novelas have always shared one page on Caray Caray (kind of like most Univision novelas do now). So whatever novela you're searching for, you'll have to scroll through the comments to find recaps. What we do is we put the name of the novela at the top of the comment and then start writing the recap.

Here is a link that might help you find novelas that interest you.

OT..Kat, I watched " Entre tu Amor y MI amor" last year. That is a Venezuelan telenovela shown on Venevision in 2016 . Daniel Elbittar is Venezuelan. I had to wear my beanie all the time when I watched that show, but Daniel was great as the galan. I did some research , and he has been on a survival type show and a dancing competition called "Baila si puede ." He was just on " Mascara " singing recently . Multi talented .

Adriana, I was very impressed with the number of languages you knew when I first " met" you .



The first novela I ever watched start to finish was Pasión de Gavilanes in 2003. I was in college at the time and one of my roommates was an international student from Mexico. She’d come home and turn on her novelas and start laughing and laughing and I wanted to know what was so funny! We figured out that the Telemundo novelas had English subtitles and we started watching together. Been watching ever since. I actually learned Spanish watching novelas so I can definitely endorse it as a method for learning!

P.S. I loved Pasión de Gavilanes!!! Still one of my all time favorites but I wouldn’t call it a comedy.If you ever watch it just watch season 1! They made a season 2 twenty years later, but it was just plain weird!!!


Oh, Darcy, remember how excited we were about Pasion de Gavilanes 2 and how nuts it got? How there was a different tragedy in every episode and the only thing that kept us going was the fact we might see Franco back?

Susan, I couldn't watch Entre tu amor et mi amor, I started it after watching Daniel in La herencia, but I really didn't like the female prota.
I only started watching "Receta" because he was staring in it. He said in an interview that Juan Osorio, the producer, created the role with him in mind because he wanted to give him a lead role after the last couple of projects they'd done together.


Oh yeah Adriana, I remember!!! That show was like horror movie one night, science fiction the next, then romance, then serial killer suspense, you couldn’t figure out what in the world was going on from one day to the next! But Franco was worth waiting for still!! ;)

OT...adriana, well I had to push myself to keep watching that one because I didn't care for the female or the female lead or villain either and the storyline got pretty odd. I also watched several other novelas that Daniel did when he was younger for Azteca and the dance competition and survival shows he did. He is very funny. The cast of Refers seems to be getting along very well . Daniel puts a lot of funny things with his castmates on Facebook and TikTok.

Darcy ,some of my Spanish speaking students were scandalized that I was watching telenovelas.



That first novela I watched from start to finish was El Privilegio de Amar in 1998 with Rene Strickler and Adela Noriega. As I mentioned in an earlier post, my wonderful co-worker Graciela told me when the premiere was about to happen. Talk about old school, I recorded the episodes on VCR tapes. I watched them that way so I could FF>> through the pesky commercials and also rewind often to better understand vocabulary and expressions that were new to me. I started giving the tapes to a woman who was also in my long-term Spanish class (I'm still in it!) so she could do the same.

This Spanish class is, I believe, unique. One of our local high schools has an amazing evening adult school. One can take Spanish, French, Italian, Mandarin and once, briefly, German. I've had two Spanish teachers there, a mother and son. The son, Leonardo, taught beginning, low intermediate and high intermediate. Doña Graciela taught Advanced. With Leo I learned LOTS of grammar. But the second hour of the class with both teachers that met from 7:30 to 9:30 PM was always literature. We'd read a book entirely in Spanish, taking turns reading sections aloud to practice our pronunciation. Then we'd discuss the themes in the novel. It would usually take a whole quarter, sometimes two, to read the novel

Graciela used the same class format in Advanced. Some standouts were: Pedro Páramo, Doña Bárbara, Abel Sánchez, and Crónica de una Muerte Anunciada. Sadly, Doña Graciela retired from teaching. But her son, Leo, took over the advanced class, in addition to the other classes he kept teaching. He's a brilliant man. I consider myself fortunate to live in a town that has such fine language teachers available to me.

I have kept every book we've read in class. I have always written in them, underlining new vocabulary words and writing the English translation in the margin. It's really fun to sometimes go back to those first novels or books of short stories and notice HOW MANY words I did not know then and do now.

Novelera, 'm so jealous of all those teachers you've had. In my country we don't even have a chance to take Spanish at an evening school or at regular school. Did you go as far as analysing the literary devices in those novels?

Part 1

Thanks, everyone! I really enjoyed all your wise comments.

Kat, welcome! I'm glad to see the patio grow. By the way, if you want a cheat sheet of words/phrases used in recaps, check out this link. It's an index of articles dedicated to explaining them.

I usually watch darker novelas so I can't help you there, but I think the rest of the patio has given many good suggestions on lighter novelas. Side note: if you don't like dark novelas, stay away from Pasión de Gavilanes 2! More on that in a bit.

Susan, I also think Elvira thinking Gin is her daughter because she's 37 is a bit of a stretch, but I guess she already had the "llamada de la sangre" moment and this just added to the feeling. Otherwise it makes no sense, lol.

I loved "yaya's boy". Bosco is that one kid in telenovelas.

I'm also wondering about Kenzo and Felipa knowing about Nandy. I mean Kenzo maybe but how can nasty Felipa know?

Diana, "Have we ever had a galan as young as Monito?? Writers, for the future, clone him and just add two decades to his age and you'll be set." Yes. Please! We need more men like Monito! He's got more game with Luna than our galán with our prota and Monito is 6 so that's saying something.

Darcy, ITA about Elvira's realisation about Gin. "Couldn't have said it any better, that's a leap too long for any Olympic high jump competition" was so LOL funny! And ITA about El not doing that much to get her baby back.

Jarifa, I was loved Gin shooting at Rubio's feet. And Felipa is too obnoxious to live.

Blue Lass, I like your style as well! I think our styles are similar and I like that! Loved your asides, especially the one with Bosco. Maybe these two (Bosco and Pepa) will finally get along.

Novelera, "I suspect Nancy meant she'd never had an amigo before, meaning a male friend. She has plenty of girlfriends." Yes, I think so too.

Nandy is the cheerful, fun to be around person of the group.

I thought Elvira pretended to spit the cupcake to make Paz look bad but actually ate it. Nevertheless, both these are equally horrible.

OT...waterlily, I don't know what your native language is , but I am always amazed at how much Spanish you understand when we discuss these shows. How did you learn Spanish ? You seem to be doing very well . I studied Latin and French in high school and French in college . I still remember some French vocabulary , but I cannot understand spoken French and cannot speak French.


Part 2

Babachita, I agree with your comments, especially with the ones about Bosco. A pill and a hard one to shallow! But I do think he'll turn into something better.

Thank you so much for your kind words! We're fortunate to have such amazing commenters. I think we can all agree your guys' comments fuel us to keep going with the recaps.

Adriana, I have to say I missed your recaps and comments the time you were "gone" from Caray. I laughed at "Mauro strolling in a stranger's house", lol!


Pasión de Gavilanes 2... How can I forget that one? *Flashback to Romina wearing a mask dancing in front of an almost passed out Jimena* Yeah... I won't forget that one. Although I have to say it has a special place in my heart - it was the first novela I recapped, alongside Darcy and Adriana. What a fun ride that was. Wild, but fun!

I started watching telenovelas during quarantine. I was bored and as I was changing channels I found a channel showing a telenovela, La Patrona. (Although one could argue that my first was Reina de Corazones, but I don't count it because I only watched 3 episodes). There's a prejudice here about telenovelas being low-quality and after watching the "maldita lisiada" scene from María la del Barrio, I was ready to get a good laugh out of it. But it proved me wrong and instead I actually liked it. After watching La Patrona, I watched Santa Diabla and both seasons of La Doña. Then, that channel stopped showing telenovelas and I was SUPER disappointed, so I was like "fine, I'll do it myself" and started learning Spanish. I remember jumping into recapping knowing only basic vocabulary and I admit jumping into it so suddenly actually helped me in the long run. All due to a phone glitch... Long story.

Hey Waterlily, here we also don't have a chance to learn Spanish in school. We only have French or German. Some schools have Italian, but they're very few. Never been a French fan (sorry Adriana), so I went with German.


Hey Susan, our comments crossed.

I think the main reason one can't speak a language "learnt" in school is because of the teaching method(s). I am taking additional courses for German because schools suck. I'm a huge language nerd and want to become a polyglot in the future. But an actual polyglot... Not the ones who have learnt a language only in level A1 (beginner) and claim they can speak it. No more ranting for tonight, it's 20:21 here and I'm sleepy. Goodnight/day to everyone!

Susan, I started learning Spanish about three years ago when I suddenlydecided I needed a hobby. I now wonder how I still stuck with it after seeing all those conjugation lists and thinking there's no way I'd be able to remember all this. I tried rewatching el nombre del amor soon after starting to learn Spanish and of course I couldn't understand much, so I used this blog.The little Spanish I did know at the beginning is all from telenovelas. I also used textbooks, podcasts and an app called language transfer, which uses similarities between English and Spanish to teach Spanish vocabulary and also covers a lot of Spanish grammar. It's interesting you say you are impressed by my Spanish because I think it sounds more impressive than it really is. My native language shares some features with Spanish, like having two genders and verb conjugations for different persons, which I think makes it easier to learn. I wonder how much success I'd have with German or French. I took Russian at school, but for some weird reason those of us who found English easy struggled with Russian. The texts we read were also quite boring, which didn't help. Maybe all languages need something similar to telenovelas. I have no idea what i'd watch if I wanted to learn German, for instance. Peppa pig isn't terribly interesting, definitely not interesting enough to keep watching it every day for months.

OT...Waterlily and Weirdo, I am always amazed at how quickly some students learn English . It seems the more extroverted students are better at speaking and listening, while the more introverted students often tend to be better at grammar\writing\reading. English has a huge vocabulary with many words having multiple synonyms.

I had the same teacher for English lit, Latin, and French in high school , In Latin and French , she mostly taught us songs and poems.

I have two questions for both of you . How did you learn English ? What was easier for you to learn , Spanish or English ?

What a great conversation this is, and it almost has nothing to do with Receta. That's the beauty of our community.

Weirdo, I remember so well your "rookie" recaps for Passion 2. Darcy and I were desperate to get another person to help us recapping, you were kind of willing and had a great writing style, so we practically begged you to join us. It was great fun after all, I guess we could write full recaps about the recaps that we had for that incredibly WTF show.
Don't apologize for disliking French, I hated it for a long while, too, but it was basically because I had a nasty teacher when I first started it (I was 11) and I only learned to appreciate it more as I got older.
When I moved to France I realized I had no clue about how real French people spoke (because, yes, even good teachers can't really prepare you for the actual thing, nevermind bad ones). I still struggle with grammar and I will always have an accent, but my friends say it's charming, so never lose it. Yey!

Spanish was actually easier to learn , because it happened without me even realizing it. I started watching novelas as a ten year old, never really stopped, and by the time I was an adult, I could easily understand conversations, but still had a hard time speaking. It was only when I started working at my current job that I got to use Spanich more regurarly and I'm getting better at talking. But I do understand 99.99% of it and I never use captions.

Waterlily, I'm originally from Romania, Eastern Europe, my native language and Spanish both have latin roots, so the similarities are countless (never stopped to compare, though LOL). Since French is latin, too, you don't want to know what is going on in my head when I have to speak all these languages almost at the same time - sometimes I don't even realize what is coming out of my mouth, I just respond to whatever language the person in front of me uses.

Susan, I'm going to answer the question you asked Waterlily and Weirdo, because I want to feel included LOL

I started learning English when I was 8, our teacher only spoke in English to us. At first we were like WTH, but my dad spoke rather well, so he helped me with homework at the beginning, explained me the things that were harder to get. Then I was in intensive English classes (that's what they were called) all through my school years (meaning 4 to 5 hourse of advanced lessons every week) and always watched TV with the original, English voices.

As soon as I finished school and I stopped contact with formal learning, I started writing in English (first silly books, and then Caray).

I don't know if learning a foreign language (no matter which) has anything to do with personality. Kids tend to learn faster because they are sponges and their brains have it easier (I read a lot on the subject when I had my first daughter, I wanted to make sure she's speak all teh languages she was surrounded with). Maybe extroverted people speak it better because they just like to talk more in general, while introverted people are just shy and prefer to keep to themselves. So who knows what is their actual level.
Also, I'm noticing how badly most French people speak English and how bad English classes are - these two are definitely linked LOL

Susan, I learnt English at school. I had a really lovely and encouraging teacher so I fell in love with this language very quickly. I sometimes wish I had been born in the UK just so I could have had a chance to study English lit. I only really started consuming a lot of English content after I graduated. You are right about introverts being good at grammar/writing. At least in my case it fits. I hated dialogues and wasn't the biggest fan of monologues either because...I want to keep certain things to myself! I can spill all my secrets in writing, though. I think Spanish is easier to learn due to its similarities with my native language and because I remember struggling with English pronunciation rules at the very beginning. I was also very confused as to why a table was it and not a he or a she in English. Definite and indefinite articles make me want to tear my hair out sometimes even today. I think they are one thing I don't especially like. I remember having to learn different functions they have and hating those lectures. Prepositions can be confusing too. Phrasal verbs are another thing some students struggle with. We have to memorise long lists of these verbs and their meanings: put up with, put on, put out...
Adriana, the number of languages you speak is impressive. I have a question. Were the French friendly when you moved to France? Was it difficult to make friends there? I've heard some not very nice things about them and am now wondering if what I heard is true.

OT..Adriana,thank you for responding . I had an older lady from Paris as a student . I stopped trying to say anything to her in my poor French because she always criticized me. Most students love if you can say any words in their languages , but not her. Also, she went to Quebec and came back and told me that they weren't speaking French there! I have had students from all over the world. I love teaching , and most people are so appreciative . I have learned a lot from my students. I especially like to teach grammar .

I am wondering what language you dream in . Students are excited the first time they dream in English.


OT..waterlily. I am fascinated by your comments. I love teaching grammar , and I have taught all those topics you mentioned . I have created a lot of worksheets and handouts to make those concepts as easy as possible for my students. I write a lot on the board.

Susan, since you have students from all over the world, how do you start teaching them pronunciation rules? I remember the teacher introducing us toIPA, but she gave examples of certain sounds from our native language to illustrate sounds like chwa. I read a rule that said vowel plus two consonants changes the vowel's pronunciation, but I cannot remember if I was explicitly taught this rule. All I remember are minimal pairs!

Waterlily, the French appear friendly but it's only an appearance. It takes a lot of time to actually get in the inner circle. Of course this is only my personal experience, younger people tend to be friendlier also. The first few years I was here I mostly had friends who were foreigners, too.

Susan, it actually depends on what I dream of. If I dream of my family back home, it will be Romanian, if I dream about my life here, it's French. Years ago when I spent most of my days writing books in English, I sometimes dreamt scenes from my books, and everyone spoke English. I've been through all the grammar rules and whatnot, but I forgot most of them because it all comes naturally to me and I know sometimes I make mistakes, but oh, well, don't really care at this point.

Daniel Elbittar has an almost perfect English and his sons are both bilingual (their home is in the US, Daniel travels back and forth as far as I can tell).

Adriana Noel

Sorry my comment is so late, Weirdo, but I had a crazy weekend and fell behind. I have to start making up for that this week.

Bienvenidos, Kat! I've been here since 2011 where the first novela I wrote full-page recaps for was La Fuera del Destino. I started learning Spanish from PBS in 1993 from a program called Destinos: An Introduction to Spanish. It beats any class in any school.

My motive was that I needed to learn what I had been dancing to, having been taking flamenco lessons since 1990. After this program I went to Spain on vacation and only opened the dictionary once. My first novela was called Madres Egoistas and I have been hooked ever since. Alas, since retiring from work I don't get much opportunity to converse in Spanish so I sometimes falter in my recaps.

Back to our story...

I misheard something a few episodes ago about Elvira's baby going missing; I thought it was her husband who had done this. That it was her father and she was probably in college at the time makes more logical sense to her story. This most likely means that Ginebra is the half-sister of the deceased Berenice. What I would like to know is:

--- What did Elvira's father do with the baby? Did he abandon her randomly or leave her on the church or orphanage doorstep?
--- Did Ginebra and Mauro bust out of the orphanage before adulthood? How long were they on the streets?
--- How badly were they abused in the orphanage?
--- How did she find out that Elvira was a bad mother?

Completely agree that Samara and her dear dog should no longer be wearing that dirt.

Paz is going to walk into hell for that child and Mireya looks like she digs Mauro, which can't end up happy. I also don't think that Kenzo knows that Nandy is trans, which Felipa will have a conniption over when she finds out.

OT...waterlily ..I teach my students the little rule that American children learn .." When two vowels go walking, the first vowel does the talking . " For example, you hear the long o when you say the word " road". When you say " feat" " you hear long "e." In English, vowels have 2 different sounds short and long. The long vowel sounds like the letter in the alphabet.

Also , three letter words with a vowel between two consonants has the short vowel sound , but when you put a silent "e" on the end of the word , the vowel sounds long . For example, " rid" ( short i ) "ride" ( long i)

It took me a long time for my student Octavio to teach me the Spanish vowel sounds .

Spanish speakers often drop the ending consonant , whereas English words have stress on that last consonant . They might say " bir" instead for "bird" . They also might not pronounce the strong ending "s" when the word is plural. They might say " bird" instead of " birds." I tell them they have to punch or stomp on the end of words . Plural " s" endings sometimes sound like "s" and sometimes like "z." ( cats (s sound) \ dogs( z sound)

I have trouble speaking French because the words don't have strong ending sounds . I see "les" and wonder where the "s" went ! Arabic has strong endings , so i think my pronunciation is pretty good . I write the words phonetically as my students say them .

"s " has two sounds in English . Sometimes "s " sounds like " z" ( easy, busy)

Susan ( Middle "s" sounds like "z" )

OT..Adriana, I heard Daniel speak English in an interview. He is fluent with a charming accent. His kids will grow up bilingual which is terrific.

Urban, no worries, usually I'm the one who answers late LOL!

Great questions! "Mireya looks like she digs Mauro, which can't end up happy." ITA!

Adriana, LOL about you guys begging me to join you. Glad I could help. Two recappers for one novela is very tiring, right Diana? We had the same problem with Minas.

Susan, I started learning English at school, when I was 6. I never had good English teachers, so I actually hated English at first, but them my mom, who's an English expert started teaching me and I loved it. I think the biggest "problem" I had is the alphabet, since the Greek alphabet is very different. But I'm pretty confident with English now.

I think Spanish appeared easier to me because I had already learnt English. The funny thing is that I didn't like Spanish either at first. Oh no, does that mean I'll learn French? LOL jk, any language is good to learn.

Susan, you look like you're a great teacher. Your students must be very happy.

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