Wednesday, April 03, 2024

El Amor No Tiene Receta #24, martes 4/2: Let Them Eat Sushi

Paz and Esteban kiss it up some more and decide it's time to call each other "tu." (Was it the limpid pool or the shotgun? Certain aspects of Spanish grammar are still opaque to me.) She surprises him on the way home with some soil samples she collected in tiny bottles she always carries with her. He is charmed but manages to keep his hands on the wheel, to everyone's relief. 

Mauro grills Abdul for intel on the dondeabouts of Mysterious Hospital Kid. He reminds him that they can't rely on their usual contacts, because it might get back to Ginebra. 

Meanwhile, the devil in a leather dress returns to the manse with her strategic gifts: a model car for Eder, a necklace for Gala, and for Bosco, a copy of "Catcher in the Rye." His favorite book! Who could have guessed? (Um, everyone?) She compliments Gala's podcast and says she'd like to be on it some time. Elvira reminds Gala that the camera adds ten pounds -- to your face. Gee, thanks, yaya. 

Ginebra has a creepily flirtatious fencing-lesson with Bosco, who's unaware that he's the one getting schooled. She digs for information on Paz, tells him he's a big boy who deserves to be taken seriously, and goads him to confront his mother's murderer. It's unclear whether she's trying to deputize him, drive him to suicide, or sic him on Rubio with his little sword. She'd probably be happy with any or all of those.

Jeronimo drops in to grace Gala with his awesomeness and basically tell her she's suddenly more attractive now that she has a novio. She alternates between attraction and repulsion as he says she's the one he wants, although he has his choice of chicas, and they could be a real power couple, once he makes her over into someone more interesting. He makes a crack about her love handles, and she finally throws him out. 

Another extremely acrimonious family dinner at the V de C's, this time with Gin present. They had to order out for sushi! Que horror! Repeat loop on all of Elvira's nasty comments about Paz and other assorted lowlifes. Eventually Esteban gets home and she lays into him about being out of his seat without permission, but he claps back. He finally lets on that his Dad was gravely ill, which shuts Elvira up just long enough for Paz to escape to the kitchen.

Gala appears in tears over Jeronimo, and Paz comforts her. She tells her she was once married to an abuser, and he only had to hit her once before she filed for divorce. She then explains that abuse isn't just physical, but verbal and emotional as well, and makes her repeat that she will not let anyone devalue her. (Not even Yaya? We shall see...) 

Fefe helps Luna with her math homework. They seem equally impressed that there are two kinds of triangles. She asks if he remembers his baby daughter, and he gets all tortured and misty-eyed as he describes all the beautiful qualities of his hours-old poker chip. They hug, and Luna flashes back to Elias telling her she was the apple of his eye. "My daddy loved me! How come my mom kept hitting me?"

Mireya calls Paz to tell her she's at the abandoned park, looking for Monito. Paz freaks out over how dangerous that is, as if the big rusty clown is scarier than Mauro. Then Mauro himself arrives with a few personal thugs to turn the place over for clues and witnesses. They find Monito sheltering in the bus, but he tells Mauro his name is Paco, he's never met a gorilla, and he only arrived a few days ago and found the place deserted. Mauro gives him 100 pesos for food and shoos him away. 

El Gran Cliffhanger: Mauro comes around the corner of the bus and catches Mireya talking to Paz on the phone while Ginebra eavesdrops outside the kitchen. Yikes! Glad I don't have to flowchart that

In other news:

* Nandy tells Mireya about the bathroom kerfuffle with Filipa. Mir says she'd like to give that nasty business a one-two slap, which reminds us why we keep her around.

* Gala's dud friend finds packets of weight-loss drugs while she's rooting around for clothes to try on. Gala lies that they were free samples from a sponsor and ostentatiously throws them in the trash.

* Abdul and Officer Floofy visit the hospital to quiz Dr. Monica, who acts extremely squirrely. 

* Pepa arrives to tutor Bosco. Anyone want to bet on how long before he gets framed for burglary? All those pocket-sized statuettes lying around...


Blue Lass, thanks for the recap. I was lost on what was in the vials that Paz shared. Abdul was definitely giving the Doctor a "what's she hiding look". So close for Monito to be rescued! Mireya searching for him to cooberate Luna's story to the psychiatrist finding a bullet on the bus stairs. I didn't think there was an escape hatch in the floor of the bus as one of the earlier episodes recapping or comments made or he would have been out of there. I keep hoping for a glimpse of good in Mauro as he truly seemed to love Sam, and here he is giving some money to Monito.
You would think with all the eavesdropping happening that they would get a clue and text rather than calling all the time!


Thanks,bluelass. 'hours-old poker chip'...amazing.
Does anyone remember what Paz said she normally used those containers for? I meant to translate that part and forgot.
Your comment on Bosco and Ginevra's scene was pure gold.'little sword'...' I'm surprised Ginevra openly insisted the kids should meet Rubio. That won't endear her to Esteban. I thought she wanted to stay in his good books.If she is counting on Elvira to help her marry him, that can't work because he doesn't get along with her and so I'd be surprised if he listens to her. But it will be such a shame if they make him marry Ginevra when Esteban and Paz had aalready agreed to do their best to stay together. They somehow don't seem like a typical couple because they both know it's going to be hard.
I remember thinking Esteban's father must have disliked his son's choice to go into the business industry, but surely shooting him for this is a bit much? What did Esteban have to do for his fahter to bring a gun and threaten to kill him? This just makes him seem unreasonable, especially given that Esteban is clearly willing to talk things over.Paz said he shouldn't give up and keep trying, but what can Esteban do when his father refuses to listen? They make it seem it's Esteban's duty/that he should to try to mend the relationship, but has he done anything wrong for this to be the case?
It's funny how mad Elvira gets when Gala challenges her snobbish ways.
How can Geronimo actually believe Gala is boring when all he does is play computer games?'I have millions of followers' doesn't necessarily mean you are doing something oh soo interesting,pal.It just means you do stuff certain people watch. Didn't he also acuse Gala of not showing anything real?No wonder Felipa is his mum.His comment about her 'needing a life' was just so funny to me, given his own content. What an...I do hope she doesn't listen to him. It's a good thing Paz was there because Esteban might not understand Gala's problem and Elvira is of no use. Elvira herself immediately goes on the attack when Gala challenges her. It's social media to blame, of course.

Blue Lass,

An incredible recap peppered with wry wit.

Ginebra's fencing with Bosco exuded an uncomfortable, inappropriate vibe. "It's unclear whether she's trying to deputize him, drive him to suicide, or sic him on Rubio with his little sword" or something else.

My heart was in my throat as Mauro searched for Monito. What a smart boy he is, he knew he needed to lie through his teeth and did so seamlessly.

I can't imagine how Mir is going to explain her presence in any sort of believable way. I hope she and Monito manage to talk. He's been on his own for far too long...

Watching Esteban, a grown man being grilled like a child by Elvira was hard to watch. Did Ginebra think that by staying during the interrogation she would endear herself to Esteban?? She should have had the presence of mind to excuse herself, she had no right to be there.

"Jeronimo drops in to grace Gala with his awesomeness and basically tell her she's suddenly more attractive now that she has a novio. She alternates between attraction and repulsion..." I vote for the latter. There is nothing at all endearing about smarmy, conceited Jeronimo.

Dr. Monica is in imminent danger.


Thanks, Blue Lass for a VERY entertaining recap of a “meh” episode.

Bright spot: Paz explaining to Gala that abuse isn’t only physical.

Any scene of Vermin with Luna, turns my stomach. Can’t he just get run over? Drown in a sewer?

Ginebra has her game down pat: gifts for the kids and further poisoning of Bosco’s already poisoned mind.

Couldn’t get on board with the little vials of soil.

Happy to see Gala get rid of conceited Jerónimo rather than choose to be his project.

Esteban needs to either kick his mother-in-law out (if it is his house) or move out with the kids. He could let nasty Bosco stay with the old witch.

Paz’s meat loaf looked good.

Unbelievable for even a novela that slithery Ginebra would be listening in on Paz’s call.

Thanks, Blue Lass, I enjoyed your recap. The ending wiped out any good in the episode. I’m not sure what Ginebra heard, I don’t think Mauro heard anything, but if Ginebra and Mauro talk about this they’ll know the sisters suspect them. I was thinking Paz’s life is in danger as she stands between what Ginebra wants-Esteban. Right now they’re both in trouble. And I never thought about the doctor being in danger. She could explain away the nervousness as losing a child she was caring for. She’s the only help they have right now.

Poot Gala, it seems her grandmother and her would be boyfriend both are overly concerned with her weight.

I liked Esteban and Paz returning to his home. I don’t understand why they’d call him to the ranch and then give him that kind of welcome. But that might be a great place for Paz and Luna to escape to some day.

Felipa was just embarrassing in the bathroom scene. She was trying to embarrass Nandy but really made a fool of herself. Loved Kenzo telling her she doesn’t work there.



Blue Lass, thank you for guiding us through that episode . Uff

I figured Paz had collected some soil from the farm . It made me think of my dad , who loved the soil and his farm . He was very mildmannered, but he once reprimanded me for saying " dirt" instead of" soil " by explaining that dirt is what the vacuum picks up, but soil is what is in the fields.

I am glad that Paz talked to Gala after Gala's unfortunate audience with Jerry , son of Felipa...tree>>>>>>rotten apple. It was great to have Paz explain about steering clear of abusive , toxic men .Good advice . Here's what also works " If you ever, ever hurt me , I will call my father and the state police; not necessarily in that order. "

Vermin (FeFe???) Is falling in love with that little girl . I think we need him alive to save Luna from evil, leather bound Gin and\or her subservient, groveling henchman Mau.

I shudder every time full grown , adult man Esteban is being yelled at like a kid who just broke the cookie jar by his mother in law . Think of every guy you know and ask yourself what their response would be if their suegra did that to them . I went down my list. I cannot believe that Esteban just takes it. This time Gin had a front row seat when Esteban and Paz showed up from their little vaca to see angry , rifle toting dad .

Gin comes bearing gifts . " Catcher in the Rye" Yes. How did Gin guess that was Bosco's fav and not " Lord of the Flies?" The scene with Gin and Bosco in their sword fighting gear was very odd . What is she up to?

I am starting to wonder if Esteban's dad is starting to have some cognitive issues since this has become a popular storyline in recent novelas.

Yes, the meatloaf looked good . I put oatmeal in mine . Elvira will be outraged when she is served meatloaf .

Okay, one of the good guys needs to rescue Monito from those mean streets .

Blue, I am so glad I read this fun, witty recap before watching the episode. I just love when you point out the quirky things, then I can look for them and have a good laugh. The devil in leather!

I am so happy to see the Monito storyline come back. I've been worried for Hermanito. What a doll.

Like Susan, I also thought Esteban's dad may be struggling mentally. First thing first, they need to take his gun away, or at least the bullets. Maybe Paz can work her magic and get him to calm down. It seems like such a nice place for them to go to get away... from prying eyes looking for Luna, and from Elvira (for Esteban and the kids). I like the actor who is playing Esteban's dad. He plays a good guy so convincingly. I hope he turns into one here before the FIN.

R la O


Thank you Blue Lass for another hilarious recap! I loved 'she lays into him about being out of his seat without permission!' among other lines already quoted. Too funny.

I have a hard time watching this show. I don't know why, I like Daniel Elbittar and Claudia is lovely, but there's just something that doesn't click for me. I'm thinking about just reading the recaps and not watching because I don't want to stop reading the wonderful recaps!!!

I hate, hate, hate, hate, HATE that once again Monito wasn't rescued!!!!

Gin is entertaining but yeah that fencing sess was creepy!! I do think she heard enough from Paz to put two and two together unfortunately....I do think Mauro will let Mireya go and she still won't be scared enough to stay away from the murderous creep!! I don't care if he does care about Luna, or if he gives 100,000 pesos to Monito, the dude led a hit squad into a camp full of kids with every intention of killing them all!!! There's no forgiveness for him!

Terrific recap, Blue Lass! So many witty lines. Was "devil in a leather dress" a play on Devil in a Blue Dress. Every time I see that 1995 movie show up on my digital guide, I tune in for a while to catch another glimpse of Gorgeous Denzel.

Jerónimo is a complete asshat. [Raised by Filippa...big surprise.] Kenzo has his work cut out for him fixing this kid, if that's even possible.

Gala wasn't having Elvira's disparaging of Paz at the table and got up and left. Someone should tell Elvira that when she opens her mouth, NO CLASS AT ALL is fully visible.

Yikes, indeed! What exactly did Ginebra overhear. I have a feeling it might have been one of those head fake cliffhangers in that she didn't overhear enough to rush over to Paz's house and take Luna/Sam. And how would there be any telenovelas without eavesdropping? I have a sense there was less of it on the Telemundo novelas, but I can't be sure.

Amen, Diana. Esteban needs to tell Elvira to shut her trap or move out of HIS house. I guess the writers think they need lots of Azela Robinson scene chewing.

Novelera, yes, I was thinking of the song. Not familiar with the movie, but I'm a big Denzel fan as well.

I love Azela, but could they maybe give her at least a shred of self-awareness? That girl is a mess. I was shocked she gave in right away to the gender-awareness training, but maybe she's just worried about a lawsuit.

Susan, I didn't think of Porfirio having cognitive issues, but it seems like a good bet. Esteban did say he'd tell Paz all about what caused the rift when he felt up to it, but for now we're still in the dark.

I think it had to be "Catcher in the Rye" because of course Bosco thinks he's a misunderstood genius.

Liz and Diana, Dr. Monica said something about them having all her contact information in case they needed anything, so I'm afraid they'll track her somehow. No spoilers, just paranoia.

Waterlily, Paz said she used those bottles for baking soda...I'm at sea as to why, or why she needs more than one. Anyone else have a theory?


Thank you, Blue, funny as always, you never miss a beat.

Paz carrying tiny bottles in her purse is pretty ridiculous. It's like those CSI types on TV, who always have small bags for evidence and disposable gloves and whatnot in their perfectly tailore suits. Since Paz is a chef, shouldn't she have tiny pots and pans or tiny forks in her purse?
I bet she takes that soil home, uses it in their rooftop garden and manages to grow some magic beans.

How can Gala be so supportive and aware of Paz' value, while at the same time be so bling at her own worth. I guess that's what this type of desease does to you, but I find it tiring to watch.

Is Ginebra pulling a Mrs. Robinson on Bosco? God help us all!

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