Tuesday, April 02, 2024

El amor no tiene receta, #23, "The prodigal son returns. He almost gets his brains blown."

 Girls gone wild

Vermin installed an intercom system for the house. This way they can control better who visits, like that Vila de Cortez guy. Lupita is checking it out.

At the same time Mireya is outside with Nandy, asking her for a change of clothes – her family can’t know about her walk of shame. Nandy doesn’t get it, so Mireya explains this has to do with Paz’s plan. As she keeps talking, Lupita is listening on the intercom, hearing their voices. I don’t get how this is happening, since nobody actually called. Telenovela technology.

Lupita hears Mireya confess to Nandy that she spent the night with Mauro Nicoliti, Ginebra’s brother. She is about to get the patatus, as Mireya further explains that she spent all night investigating (it’s that what we call it now?). Nandy is rightfully reluctant to believe this, so Mireya adds that she overheard him on the phone, saying that Ginebra can’t know Samara is still alive. He is lying to his sister! The horror!

Nandy asks what really happened between them and Lupita can’t bear to eavesdrop one moment longer through the intercom. She storms outside, not hearing Mireya say that nothing happened, Mauro had a panic attack and they ended up just sleeping, no bodily fluids were exchanged. What a waste of a perfectly good hotel room.

Nandy is afraid things will get more complicated now, but this is the least of Mireya’s worries. Lupita is outside and starts scolding her like she was a 15-year-old past her curfew. How could she listen to Paz, doesn’t she have her own brain? Are both her girls crazy now? Why are they acting so wild all of a sudden?

Gema and some other neighbors arrive to complain about the noise they are making. They are turning into quite a disturbance in the barrio. The family finally goes to fight inside after Gema's aunt tells them they are no where closer to opening their restaurant.

In the house, Salo is especially inquisitive about where Mireya spent the night, she suffered enough because of his father, what if this new guy is no good, also? (Boy, I can't even begin to tell you...) Nandy thinks it’s not his job to ask about this, Pepa defends his mother’s right to live as she wants.

Lupita is only worried about Mireya going out with that man, Mauro Nicoliti. The family is shocked, they all know this is the guy who tried to harm his niece. Lupita is not only worried for her daughters, but for the entire family. Mireya is playing spy, she accuses, does she want her kids to lose their mother? Mireya says she is being very careful, but the boys agree with grandma, that dude is bad news. Mireya won’t stop, however, she needs to find out everything. Vermin offers to spy in her place, Lupita remembers they also have the doctor to worry about.


Love thy employee

Paz is at work, preparing something in the kitchen, as “Don” Esteban arrives. They had agreed to pretend nothing was happening between them, but they are both smitten. Elvira arrives and almost sees them kiss. Esteban moves away fast, talking about healthy breakfast and whatnot. They manage to fool her for now.

Elvira says she is driving the kids to school today, she wants to take them to church first.

The kids arrive and Elvira disapproves when Eder and Gala give Paz a kiss. Esteban protests, why can’t they show affection to employees? At least he's no hypocrite, he's kissing on Paz, why can't the others do it, too? Elvira hurries the kids, they need to eat fast, go to church before school.

Paz serves the food, and it is delicious, as always.

After Elvira and the kids leave to save their souls from eternal damnation, Paz and Esteban are alone, free to gaze at each other and smile like two fools in love (my favorite type of fools). He’s a great father, she says, it shows how much he loves his children. He gets closer, wants to kiss her, but the phone rings and Paz hurries to answer.

It’s a call for Esteban, his father is very sick. Paz urges him to go see the man. Esteban says there is too much history between them, but she is right, he needs to go. Can she come with? She doesn’t think it’s her place to do so, but Esteban insists, she’s part of his life now.

They are interrupted by Ginebra, who has come with gifts for the kids, such a shame they’re already gone. Esteban is in a rush to leave, he needs to tend to a personal matter, so Gin offers to help. But he’s good, she can handle the company stuff. Gin notices that Paz is going with him, she doesn’t like it.

Monica is with Luna, who doesn’t remember much, but she’s certain her mom used to hit her. She starts talking about how she woke up in a box and she was hurting everywhere, maybe that’s why she’s not remembering anything. Monica says the tests done at the hospital showed that she was physically healthy, maybe she doesn’t remember because it’s too painful to do it. But therapy will help her, even if remembering all the details of the day she woke up in a box is less likely. She suspects that she was given some kind of chemical that caused her to forget things.

Monica further asks how she feels about the Roble family and Luna says she loves them all, but would like to go to school, make friends. When Monica asks about Paz, Luna says she is the best, she’d love it if she were her mom.

Sins of the son

Now on the road, Paz would like to know details about Esteban’s relationship with his dad. He feels the need to share, too, but doesn’t know how to start. The last time he saw her was at Berenice’s funeral, where they talked for a bit and hugged briefly. The kids don’t know him and they’ve always had a hard time communicating. He loves him so much, but his father can’t forgive him for something that happened in the past. 

The car ride is rather long, about two hours, hands are touching briefly, but it is decided  they should play nice, avoid an accident. Paz does caress Esteban’s face as she speaks, though, I hope he can focus on several things at the time.

They eventually arrive in his old village and Esteban would love to tell her about his childhood in the fields one of these days. The place smells the same, he was never able to forget it. He is afraid of what he might find in his father's house, though. Paz grabs his hand; she will be by his side no matter what.

Esteban is not allowed to come into the house, he doesn’t get why he was called then. As they are about to leave, an old man arrives with a rifle. It’s Esteban’s dad, saying that he was feeling bad but he’s OK now. And he wasn’t calling for him earlier, but for a guy named Humberto, who was apparently a better son than Esteban could ever be. He fires his rifle into the air, scaring Paz, and asks Esteban to leave immediately or the next bullet will have a different target.

Esteban is shocked his father could shoot him, why all the hate? The old man says it was Esteban’s choice to leave, don’t play the victim now, you no longer belong here.

Esteban would like to talk in private, Paz offers to go back to the car, but dad doesn’t want to, he doesn’t need him and he never will. He just asks Esteban to say hello to his grandkids from him. Esteban calls for him, demanding he speak to the kids on his own, they always ask about him. He also says that he loves him and so do his children. His father seems moved, but he doesn’t turn back.

He goes into the house, looking sad. He’s gazing at an old portrait of several people standing together next to a bale of hay – most of them are grown-up man, but there is also a child. He cries.

Gin is back home, asking Mauro where he slept the other night. None of your business, he says! Just as long as he doesn’t fall in love with a gold digger, she replies. You’re the one to talk, Mauro points out and asks about the gifts Ginebra brought back home. He doesn’t think she will win those kids over like this, they are used to luxury. Gin is aware, but she has to start somewhere. Mauro suggests using their mother’s death and Gin is looking forward to continuing to play the sad widow with the entire family. In the meantime, she has a task for Mauro: figure out what is going on between Esteban and the cook, they are getting too close, and she doesn’t like it.


Confessions and office politics at the No-Name Company

Later Ginebra is at work, acting bossy with Nandy. After she’s gone, Elvira arrives to tell her something. She wants to help her find Sam, and Gin is very thankful, but what else can they do? Elvira wants to confront Rubio again.

Ginebra knows Rubio has more information, but he will never talk. She starts weeping, Elvira asks her not to lose faith, she knows what she’s talking about. When Gin asks for an explanation Elvira says she had another daughter before Berenice, a daughter that she loved with all her heart. They share the pain of having lost a daughter. Gin asks if she ever searched for her daughter and Elvira says she’s been doing it for decades, never losing faith she could one day look her in the eye and tell her she’s her mother and she loves her. Elvira has tears in her eyes and so does Ginebra. They look real, who could have thought that her tear glands worked?

Elvira asks for total discretion, Ginebra points out that her grandkids have an aunt that could help them after their mom’s death. What would she tell her daughter if she found her now? Elvira says she’d hug her, tell her how much she loves her, try to make up for lost time.

And Ginebra, what would she do if she got her mother back, would she forgive her? Only if this woman proved she can trust her, defend her no matter what.

Kenzo is deep in thought, almost bumping into Nandy. He’d like to talk, but she says they don’t need to, she’ll only focus on her work from now on. He looks conflicted.

Felipa comes by the office and gets into it with Nandy over her right to go to the women’s bathroom. Their fight is witnessed by the entire company, Kenzo has to intervene. Felipa has come to see Ginebra, says having someone like Nandy go to the women’s bathroom is very uncomfortable for her. Kenzo says she’s exaggerating, she doesn’t even work here, but Felipa insists Nandy doesn’t belong with the other women. Kenzo threatens to throw her out. Elvira and Ginebra arrive to ask what’s the scandal is about.

When Elvira finds out about the bathroom issue, she says they need to figure out how to handle the situation, this is the first time they’ve had a trans person work for them. In the meantime, she should go to the men’s bathroom. Kenzo disapproves, but Elvira says they still need to learn a lot on the subject. Kenzo offers to work on this, create awareness among the employes.


Vermin is at Mauro’s house, looking at a picture of his daughter Maria/ Samara/ Luna. Mauro is saying she had a beautiful childhood, Vermin disagrees, since she’d dead now. Honestly, I kind of agree. Mauro says Sam might be alive, someone told him a girl with her features was taken out of a public hospital illegally. Vermin asks what he plans to do if he finds the child alive and Mauro confirms that he wants to kill her. Vermin suggests forgeting about her altogether, but Mauro didn’t ask for his opinion. Vermin already has selling her on his conscience, he can’t add her death, also.  Mauro points out that not helping might get him killed, Vermin needs to investigate what happened in the hospital.


Fields of corny love

Esteban and Paz walk through the huge corn fields. He’s still in shock after his father threatened him with a rifle, he saw hate in his eyes. Paz thinks Humberto is his brother, but Esteban explains it’s his cousin and he thought he had the right to take his place in the house and in his father’s heart.

Then they talk about life in the country, how he used to wake up early in the morning as a child and then ran to the fields, ready to start work. Later his mom would come with lunch, and they’d eat next to the trees. He loved working with his father, making him proud. And Esteban remembers scenes from his childhood and the great relationship he used to have with his dad. He loved him so much, but that is all in the past now, all his efforts to have a good life and family don’t matter for him.

Paz says it’s not too late, his father is still here and is alive, and there was a lot of love in his eyes. Families fight, but there is still time to make things work. Esteban feels good hearing her speak this way.

Paz asks him to show her how he works the land, she’d like to know this side of him better. Yes, take off that suit and shirt and start corn picking.

Later they are strolling, and Esteban has removed his suit jacket (and nothing else). He’s now talking about the importance of knowing one’s roots and being proud of your origins. Paz would have never thought this about him when they first met, him working the land, getting his hands dirty. Esteban points out that she works with her hands, too. There are still so many things they need to learn about each other… like Esteban’s secret cumbia steps.

And he grabs her by the waist, starting to dance and laugh. When they stop, Paz wants to hear his heartbeats, and would love to open her own heart to him. She has a confession to make: falling in love with him will be unavoidable. And kiss!


Thanks, Adriana.
Lupita made some great points and I wanted to shak Mireya when she said they won't make her change her mind even when Lupita said her kids will be without a mother if she keeps spying on Mauro. For someone who talked about how her kids are the most important thing to her, she sure is willing to risk her life pretty easily. I'm starting to think she doesn't fully realise the danger she is in. Maybe she doesn't think Mauro would kill his niece as...well, he left her in a box/abandoned her so...
I cannot believe Paz actually asked her sister to do this kind of thing. And all she said when M told her she was at Mauro's place was 'be careful'. She didn't say 'get the fuck out of there'. I do think they could have worked a bit harder to make this make sense. Do character-driven telenovelas even exist?
I wonder what Gin will do now that she knows Elvira did look for her. Her whole revenge doesn't have a purpose now, but I bet she can convince herself it does. The whole 'she has to support me no matter what' demand makes me think Elvira won't turn her in even once it will be obvious it's what she should do.

Adriana, this was great. Thank you.

Juan Carlos Barreto’s portrayal of Esteban’s bitter old father was just as effective as the likable mensch he played in “Vencer el desamor.” I cannot wait to find out how and why Esteban’s cousin Humberto displaced Esteban in his father’s life and heart.

Blah blah Vermin would do everyone a favor by just disappearing.

Ginebra plays with Elvira like a cat with a mouse and you can see the satisfaction in her smirky eyes even through the tears.

Loved the corn field scenes.


Your recap was a thing of beauty; exquisitely written.

I was not able to watch but after seeing everything through your insightful lens, will need to watch this later.

"Girls Gone Wild" and "Fields of Corny Love" were but a few of your many gems scattered throughout.

I was so relieved that Luna remembered and related her mother's vile treatment to Dr. Monica.

"Elvira has tears in her eyes and so does Ginebra. They look real, who could have thought that her tear glands worked?" was wry and wonderful.

I was a bit surprised that Vermin acknowledged he would kill Luna. I thought he still had a bit of humanity in him.

I'm looking forward to learning what caused the rift between Esteban and his father.

"Paz and Esteban are alone, free to gaze at each other and smile like two fools in love (my favorite type of fools)" was lovely.

Your recap shone so bri!


Your recap shone so brightly!


Cher Adriana, Merci for another excellent report of everything simmering in this stew. I was thinking today that this receta has many flavors ...sweet=Paz, bitter=Gin, Spicy=Mir, hot=Esteban ...tasty. Yum.

Lots of cornfields in my area , and I grew up surrounded by fields of corn . Farmers used to leave their corn stalks up for awhile in fall for hunting season . Lots of pheasants in them. In recent years, farmers make mazes amid those dried up stalks and people pay to go through the mazes. AMAZing to me that anyone would pay to wander through those dusty fields. Anyhoo, wandering through a cornfield with Esteban.....i think that lots of people would pay for that.

I really don't understand why Eseban's father is so angry with him . Gee, he held a rifle on him . It was nice that Esteban and Paz got away from everybody and had some time alone together . ...before and after angry dad held a rifle on them. I must say that I have seen many of Daniel's novelas , and I think that the chemistry between Claudia and Daniel is the best I have ever seen. Paz is getting quite proactive in their interactions. She is a proactive hugger and kisser. Bueno besos.

I wonder how soon Humberto will arrive on the scene .

I think Gin has to work on her poker face . She lowers her head and looks out the top of her eyes and scowls. She had that look when Esteban told her " thanks but no thanks, I'm good " and walked past her with Paz. Uh oh .


Thanks SO much, Adriana, for your terrific recap!

I somehow managed to watch half the episode, but I didn't see the scenes with Esteban's father. I assume they were near the end. Shame. I wonder why he is so pissed at Esteban.

Overall, I like this novela, if we exclude certain WTF writing options, like Paz telling her sister to be with Mauro to investigate.

In a hurry, got to go but thanks again!

Thank you Adriana and all the recappers for your hard work and wit.

I'm not sure I'm learning beneficial Spanish which would be useful when traveling but I am having fun. I have kept up with some of the novelas in the archives and I want to come out of the shadows to say THANK YOU!

I love how the role of technology has morphed over the years. When I first started here (I think it was "Tres veces Ana") I don't think they had cell phones but then when characters had them, the phones were often turned off or left at home. Now we have characters fully immersed in the social media world and texts sometimes appear as bubbles for us to read. I imagine that the writers have to work harder to make stories "work" when people can just talk to each other and even track their position.

thanks again, I love the Patio!
Rena in NC

Thanks Adriana! Your recap is witty and hilarious! I can just hear your laughter in your writing!

I found it kind of laughable that Lupita is still berating Mireya for who she does or doesn't spend the night with at her age, but then since the who is Mauro, I think it's definitely called for!!! I can't believe Mireya can stand to be within 20 miles of him let alone in the same bed. It seems as if she's going to fall for him and I just find that creepy and unreal!!!

Paz and Esteban are cute together! And I liked the intro of daddy Esteban, I like that actor, can't think of his name right now.


Thanks so much, Adriana. Such a clever, witty recap!

I join Darcy in astonishment at Lupita going nuts at Mireya. The way it was acted, at least to me, was not so much about it being Mauro, but that her adult daughter of two teenagers stayed in a hotel room with a man. The actor playing Lupita seems to enjoy getting angry. She's SO sweet most of the time, but when she goes off, watch out. It was particularly inappropriate to do that in front of all the chismosos, including Gema, who I can't stand.

The one who needs to go to church is Elvira, not the kids. Maybe the priest can recite the Sermon on the Mount to get through to the snob.

I'm sure we'll find out what's up with Humberto. Seems to me like he poisoned Esteban's father's mind against his very good son.

More frustration. Why didn't Elvira include the fact that her FATHER took her baby out of her arms when she confessed about having a daughter before Berenice. I'm still wondering if Gin is really her child or if she somehow paid someone for the positive DNA match. I'm starting to hate the appearance of that long silver hair coming around a corner.

I liked Esteban's look of annoyance when, IIRC, Gin questioned Paz going with Esteban. She's right to fear Paz messing up her master plan. Speaking of that, who just shows up all the time without calling first?

Filippa is completely lacking in class. From your recap, Adriana, it looks like I misunderstood. I thought Kenzo insisted she could use the bathroom she wanted to use.

Seemed like Paz asked Esteban to pick some corn, but all I saw were dry stalks.

Great work, Adriana.

I think that Porfirio's problem is his perception that Esteban rejected his way of life. We could find out that Esteban went to college for agriculture and switched his major to business. This can lead to reverse snobbery on Porfirio's part. I've seen this happen.

Ginebra has no heart and no scruples. She has murdered before and alone, without Maro's assistance. She gets off on it.

More later.


Urban, I was thinking the same thing . Perhaps Esteban's father expected him to stay and work on the farm. Some of the guys I went to school with stayed and worked on and eventually inherited their family farms . One of them got a degree in chemistry but stayed on the family farm . Others decided they didn't want to farm. One of them became an agriculture professor in a university. It will be interesting to find out more about this storyline. Maybe Paz and Esteban will get a HEA on the farm.

I'd rather see Paz open a white-table restaurant.

Having Esteban go back to the farm is a major step back in his life, gives the older generation what they want, and would be a slap in the face of their advancement.

Adriana, what a delight! I had so much fun reading it. "Telenovela technology"..."Is that what they call it now?"...and my favorite: "Yes, take off that suit and shirt and start corn-picking"!

Susan, I loved your flavors. We could have a lot of fun with that. I'd like to submit Salo=corny, Elvira=sour and Fobo=bland.

Welcome, Rena! If you ever do find this vocabulary useful when traveling, I want to come along. ;}

OT, Rena, like you I am watching older series with wonderful recaps from this patio(currently immersed in Mi marido tiene familia, lots of useful vocab in that telenovela). Thanks to the recapper that suggested it I can binge watch it, and I have to congratulate VIX in their CC's. They put the person talking in their CC's which really helps when you first start watching to put faces to names.
Nothing much to add that hasn't been touched on already, except to say thanks for wonderful recapping I don't have to stop the show and look up vocabulary words in my Spanish English app.... Currently on day 390 in my Duolingo journey to learn Spanish and one year of watching telenovelas.

Ok, I'm watching this episode now and I do have a comment after all. When Esteban was having a flashback to his childhood picking corn and his dad is in the memory, I feel they should have dubbed the old dad's voice and not used the younger guys real voice. It was rather disconcerting as he had a weird rather high pitched voice.

Thank you, all, for stopping by! Sorry I couldn't check in earlier, yesterday I've had one of those days I'd like to forget as soon as possible.

Waterlily, I tend to be on Lupita's side, too, both Paz and Mireya are playing with fire big time. One could end up in jail, the other could end up dead. They should have given Mireya a better motivation to want to get close to Mauro - and I also agree that Paz is being too casual about the whole thing, too.
Gin might not believe Elvira when she says she's been looking for her baby all these years. She's built her life on her need to destroy this woman who supposedly abandoned her, it that's not true, than what does she have left? Several killings on her conscience and a big room full of cash?
Saying her mom would have to support her no matter what is her way of thinking three steps ahead of everyone else. She's in it to win it, but if she is ever in trouble, she needs to be sure that Elvira will help her no matter what. Mom guilt at its finest.

Susan, loved your suggestion of flavors. Very well chosen, indeed!

Rene, welcome! Being out of the shadows is great, we need as many voices as we can get in order to keep out community alive. Novelas are a great tool to learn Spanish, that's how I started, and I'm now watching without CC and are able to even talk a bit.

Urban, ITA with you that Porfirio (didn't know this was his name, thanks!) might be upset because Esteban chose city life over the corn fields.
Esteban wasn't always in charge at Elvira's No-Name No-Purpose company, he must have started at a lower level, so for someone like Porfirio it would have been impossible to understand that his son, which he raised to love the campo, has chosen such a different path. Some people are like this.

Adriana ,glad your very bad, horrible, no good day is over. Mine wasn't great either. Onward.

Remember that Gin also has a huge wardrobe of leather skirts, jumpers, coats, jackets, erc.

Can't wait to see where this story is going. Paz and Esteban are sweet together, but they are surrounded by bitter and sour. Blue Lass, how did I miss Sour as Elvira's flavor. My bad. You're right that Fogofobo is quite bland right now, even in his undies.

Regarding the cornfields, people used to go into them at night, pull out some stalks and plant weed . Police helicopters would fly around sometimes searching fields.


Working on last night's recap now. Should be an hour or so.

Thanks Adriana, that was great. My favorite scene was the intercom one. Just a fun scene. Although Mireya needs to keep her distance from Mauro. She seems to be interested in him romantically, but she needs to keep reminding herself he wants to kill Luna.


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