Tuesday, April 09, 2024

El Amor No Tiene Receta #28, lunes 8 abril: The Good, the Bad, and the Smelly

"It was him or you"

Ginebra reminds Mauro that the first time she killed -- presumably the owner of the hairy legs -- it was to save him. That, she declares, was when she lost the last shred of her humanity. (And no one has seen it since...or perhaps ever.) Flashback to teenage Gin wielding a bloody candlestick and saying they have to hide the body, with tween Mauro an unraveling basket case as usual. Thoroughly modern Mauro apologizes profusely and promises he'll never betray her. This is not going the way I want it to go at all.

"I won't be your clown"

Los Figueroa are playing a truly idiotic-looking game of squirt-gun commando freeze tag at Kenzo's bachelor pad. Sandro places the tacks on the lower stair, where a barefoot (why???) Kenzo steps on them and sustains two nasty punctures to the foot. Sandro can't get over how funny this is going to be when he uploads it, and wonder of wonders, Jeronimo tells him it's not funny and he isn't going to be uploading anything. Sandro doubles down and says he'll even add comical music. This kid is a little psychopath. Why can't somebody steal him?

Kenzo, wincing with pain,  gives a quasi-dignified speech about how they clearly don't love him the way he loves them, but they have to respect him. It's undercut a little by the GI Joe outfit and the fact that he has no way to back it up, but hey, noble effort.

"Our friendship was a lie"

Up on the Roble roof, Esteban reams Gala out about hiding her food issues and Jeronimo's mistreatment while Paz mopes around looking guilty. Gala claps back about all the pressure she's under, having to raise her two brothers and get perfect grades and smile all the time. Esteban, apparently all out of disculpas, just goes on and on about what a great father he's always been and how he's going to go fix Jero's wagon, too. Gala tells Paz she's a big gossip and they're no longer friends. Can you blame her?

"My friend is alive!"

Just as the birthday cake is served, Fermin arrives with his very special party guest. The reunion of Luna and Monito is everything we hoped for and more. "Te quiero!" "Te quiero mas!" They sing the mananitas and Paz tells Luna to make a wish from her heart. She says, "I want to know who I am and that my mother loves me." Paz goes quietly to pieces.

Everyone sits down to eat, then by popular vote Monito is sent off to take a bath. He orders Cobija to bite anyone who tries to eat any more cake while he's gone. 

Paz calls an urgent family meeting and announces that she has made a decision: she will return Luna to her mother. No one but Lupe accepts this decision as final, and a cacophonous argument ensues. (Even Fermin and Nandy are in the middle of it, so I guess nobody thought they should make sure Monito doesn't drown, even though there's a distinct possibility he's never seen a bathtub before.) Fermin gets a call from Mauro and looks even more haggard than usual.

"Paz is the mastermind"

Gin and Mauro, their bond restored, cackle about how wonderful it would be to catch Paz in the act of hiding Sam -- then they could blame her for everything! Gin asks Mauro if he knows anyone else in that family, and he confesses he has had some, uh, interactions with Mireya. Gin orders him to seduce her and get her on his side so they can use her, too. This is getting more convoluted all the time.

"Your son will hear me!"

Esteban rages over to Kenzo's house and starts yelling for Jero to come down and face him. It takes Kenzo a while to get across to him that the kids aren't even there; he sent them home in a taxi hours ago. Esteban tells him he's a bad dad; Kenzo says he's overreacting. Filipa materializes in a puff of smoke and now they're all arguing. It sounds like Esteban demands that Jero report to his office first thing in the morning. Does he realize not everyone works for him?

After he leaves, Filipa insists on giving Kenzo a foot massage. This seems as if it would be painful, but then everything Filipa does is pretty painful. Oh, wait! It was foreplay! She climbs onto Kenzo's lap and starts macking all over him, but he gently pushes her away. He tells her all they have in common is their sons, and if she really cared about him, she'd help him repair his relationship with them. She says she will be delighted...to watch them reject him the way he just rejected her, and off she goes in a huff. 

"I can be your daughter...for a little while"

Fermin takes Luna up on the roof to blow bubbles. She asks why the bubbles burst so fast, and he says nothing beautiful lasts. She starts asking him questions about his daughter and he gets more and more maudlin, finally saying he wishes he could hold her just once and ask for her forgiveness. 

Luna says she can pretend to be his daughter if he wants, and as they hug, she says, "I forgive you, papa." Fermin appears to be having a complete nervous breakdown at this point, but since Luna has never known anyone normal, she takes it in stride.

Short takes:

* Gin invites Dr. Monica over for coffee, doses it with truth serum, and shows her a picture of Sam. “Is this the girl who disappeared from the hospital?”

* Mauro orders Fermin to destroy Paz's entire family, although he doesn't specify how. I guess we have that to look forward to.

* Elvira tells her grandchildren that she has decided to remove the doors from their rooms. They are predictably aghast. Is this a drama or a French farce? 

***NO SHOW TOMORROW! See you on Wednesday.***


Blue, that was so funny! How do you manage to make me laugh even when there is nothing to laugh about? Like when Vermin and Luna are on the roof and he's having a breakdown but Luna is barely noticing, because "she's never known anyone normal" - you almost made me spill my cereal.

So now Mireya will try to seduce Mauro and Mauro will try to seduce Mireya. Anyone care to bet how that will turn out?
Kenzo's story is a terrible waste of a cute actor. That's about all I have to say about it.

If Paz plans to return Luna to her mother now, how will she explain kepeing her for so long? Will she ask the child to lie and say she was roaming the streets?

Blue Lass: Thank you very much for your recap of last night's episode.

Body Count is like what: 35 now ?


Blue lass, thank you for that snappy recap of the good, the bad, the smelly..and the puzzling .

First a question, why were Exteban and Eder the only ones wearing winter jackets? Did Esteban tell Eder, " Son, I think it's going to be chilly in the barrio, so go grab your coat. I'm going to wear my attractive gray pea coat." Paz was wearing that little cheerleading dress , and it looked like a good breeze might whip off that unbuttoned resort wear shirt that Fefe had on .

Later, Paz, Esteban , and Gala were on the Rooftop of Secrets and CoffeeBeans , and Esteban was yelling at Gala. I didn't understand what they were sayibg, so I made up some dialog " Gala, I am like really stressed out and overheated ." " Dad, you are ruining the vibe of that sexy painted mask I gave you with that attractive gray pea coat . You have no riz."

I dont think you're supposed to massage a puncture wound . Ouch. I think you're supposed to get tetanus shot and not touch it . Did Felipa say to Kenzo, " Hey, let me massage that puncture wound for you" , and Kenzo just couldn't say no. Then, suddenly she was working her way up his leg and then straddling him which I'm pretty sure is an illegal wrestling pin .

The reunion of Luna and Monito offered a few moments of joy . That little house is getting crowded . It's good they have that rooftop to get away to for sharing secrets and stolen kisses. Quite a clever device to give characters pRivacy away from the main floor and street.

Will Paz really take Samlunamaria to scary, creepy Gin , or will Fefe confess that she is their daughter ? His sudden loud outburst of weeping actually made me jump.

Blue Lass,

What a sensational recap.

You hit the ground running, right out of the gate: “Ginebra reminds Mauro that the first time she killed… That, she declares, was when she lost the last shred of her humanity. (And no one has seen it since...or perhaps ever.)

Thank you for blending your wry humor throughout which was the only thing that made this episode somewhat bearable. "I forgive you, papa." Fermin appears to be having a complete nervous breakdown at this point, but since Luna has never known anyone normal, she takes it in stride”. A very valid point, stated cleverly.

If not for Luna and Monito’s reunion, this would have been an episode of endless tragedy. His smiling face was the one bright light here.

“I want to know who I am and that my mother loves me." Paz goes quietly to pieces”. Just heartbreaking.

Although the actor playing Kenzo is quite handsome, the character as played has no strength, no presence. Filipa could crush him with one hand. His kids are both horrid…

Mauro is so traumatized; it is a wonder he is able to function…

Dr. Monica is in grave danger.


Thanks, everyone! That really was a dud episode. I'm grateful for the child-and-child reunion, or I'd be mainlining antidepressants right now. (Well, I kind of am -- I made Mexican brownies for breakfast, and I found myself gazing lovingly at each ingredient as I spooned it into the food processor. PAZ, GET OUT OF MY KITCHEN.)

Haha, Susan, I guess they run hot in the barrio. I liked your dialogue better.

Diana, ITA on Kenzo -- he just oozes sweetness, and I love his accent. I wonder how he and F'lippy ever got together to begin with -- was it one of those society-approved marriages, or was he so shy he just married the first girl that straddled him?

Adriana, I guess Paz could say Luna couldn't remember anything...but I guess that wouldn't explain how she couldn't match the face to the picture.

Thank you Blue Lass, I needed a laugh this morning!! :) I haven't watched the episode yet, but I know your recap is funnier!!!

I will look forward to seeing Monito and Luna reunited and I will put up with the rest while I'm wondering how the man who just found out his daughter developed an eating disorder without his noticing, his son is vaping away; yet, he feels qualified to condemn another man as a bad father just because he didn't notice his son is a jerk!!! AND Kenzo DID notice Jr is a jerk!!! He just can't do much about it! Come to think of it, Boscoe isn't exactly rainbows and sunshine himself!!! Whatever happened to supporting your friends and finding solutions together? Kids gain up on parents and parents gain up on kids! Or console each other, trade tequila shots as they lament: 'Your son's an ass!' 'Yeah, I know, your son is an ass too!!!' 'Yeah, I know!' Another round?

Srsly. This show needs WAY more tequila. Or maybe we do.

Thanks, bluelass.
I want to know what their life was like after Berenice died because Gala complained her father wasn't always present. It just feels like a repeat of vida, only Esteban isn't an absent father and didn't seem like one. So I was rather surprised Gala had a lot of responsibilities.
It was funny Ginevra said she will punish Paz if she finds out Paz had 'her daughter' hidden. I mean, she had already said she'd destroy her for being with Esteban so it's not like it's a big reveal. But they even put scary music in that scene!
Did they say what they gave that doctor? I didn't catch the name of that drug. It's a pity the doctor doesn't know how dangerous Ginevra is. I always hate it wheninnocent people end up suffering just because the good guys need their help. What are that doctora's chances of survival?

Sodium pentothol

Thanks, BlueLass, for giving another “meh” episode some life. WE need the tequila!

So, Kenzo’s kids treat him like dirt and there are no consequences. Really? I am so sick of teenagers out of control in these novelas eating up novela time that could either extend the adult plots or shorten the novela.

That being said, I was happy that Gala told the “ever so helpful” Paz to butt out of her conversation with her father with whom she has legit issues. Paz is too much of a busy body for my taste.

I am also tired of Vermin trying to make up for having sold his own daughter. Give me a break! He needs a jail cell and no further contact with her. He is so creepy. They will probably have him go out a hero protecting Luna/Sam some how.

Wow! I go that off my chest. ; )

Anyway, I will be back for another episode of seeing how this growingly annoying group of people tries to cope with their lives.

Susan and Adriana, 2 questions/points on the previous episode are, Esteban has been a father more than 16 years as Gala is the eldest and over 18 per some prior scenes early on. I have a theory about the party, I think it was just a spur of the moment decision on Paz' part to throw her a birthday party to cheer her up. The fact that the entire barrio participated makes me believe there really was some celebration already planned and this was an add on. I wonder if the Robles always celebrated their daughter's birthday even though she is missing. That would make sense. So with that scenario Gin would not want to draw attention to the date of Sam's birthday, someone might start connecting dots then and realize Sam is the stolen baby.
OT, I did not watch this episode yet and I'm babysitting my 1 and 5 y.o.grands today. We drove back from Ohio at 7 p.m. last night and didn't get in until 3 a.m. we were there for the eclipse and it was great!!!! Daughter is working from home today and this show isn't suitable for children to see so I'll catch it tonight when I'm home.

Kat, I haven't been watching faithfully the last few shows, so I'm not sure how Luna's party came to be, but if Paz were to say that they were throwing a party for her missing daughter, Maria, I could see Gin not saying anything because she didn't want anyone to connect those dots. Great theory!

Waterlily, I believe that after Berenice died Esteban was in shock for a while, there for the kids physically, but probably not in the best of moods. Gala being the oldest, felt the need to step up and even if her father got better, she could have still felt the pressure to take care of her siblings. I'm not surprised he was not aware two of his kids had problems (although I don't consider vaping a big deal, I'd be more worried about Bosco's crappy attitude).

Darcy and Blue, more tequila is always a good ideea. :))

“Oh, wait! It was foreplay!” Omg! So funny!

Isn’t it ironic how much more masculine Filipa appears than Nandy? I don’t want this to happen, but wouldn’t it be poetic justice if Felipa were harassed by some low-life thinking she was trans?

I am desperately wishing Fermin would leave an anonymous message suggesting Paz get a DNA test done with Luna. I’ve imagined so many ways this could happen.

Kat, I do think the barrio was planning their annual mask party, much like they did in Verona. When Luna started stressing about her mom trying to find her, they tried to change the subject and Paz hurriedly came up with the birthday party idea. With a ? candle.

R la O

Thanks so much Blue Lass. Much as I love Paz and Esteban I find this show hard to watch sometimes. I did enjoy the reunion of Luna and Monito. I was thinking they could use Monita as the child Ginebra suspects is Sam. I’m guessing he’ll be moving in too. I see no way Paz can return Sam without getting in a lot of trouble. But surely Vermin won’t let Paz do that. He knows what awaits her.

I liked the bubble scene on the roof too. I kind of like Vermin. What he did was awful and he realizes it and is having to live with it. Plus, he’s going to be asked to kill Paz and the whole family. Why would Ginebra ask him to do it. She’s got other killers on the payroll. And he’s not a killer.

I thought it was funny Elvira wants to remove all the bedroom doors. I’m sure Esteban did not, and will not, agree to that.

I hope the doctor will get to live. Maybe with strong enough reasons you can lie while on truth serum.


Great work, Blue Lass. My favorite was because she's never known anyone normal. Truer words have not been written.

I always thought that Mauro was older than Ginebra, but I was wrong. I don't remember the full numbers they were branded with, but this explains some of the issues in their relationship. At least we now know that Mauro's parents were drug addicts. How old was he when they dropped him off at the orphanage? Were there no relatives from either parent who could have taken him in? Ginebra looked about 12 in that flashback.

That he ordered Vermin to destroy Paz and her family is the shocker of this episode. Does this make him now as heartless as Ginebra or is he faking that? Was this meant to pass his trauma to Vermin? I think that already happened.

Vermin needs to fess up before Abdul figures out how to bug Paz' and her family's phones.

But we still don't know what happened to the money Mauro paid for baby Samara. Did Mauro retrieve it? Did Rubio find it? Enquiring minds want to know.

Totally agree about Felipa and her rotten kids.

I doubt that Esteban will agree with removing his kids' bedroom doors but he should not tolerate what is going on now. He should have approached Kenzo more calmly but cyberbullying is no joke.

I hope the doctor has enough strength to fight the sodium pentethol. The second I saw Ginebra pour the coffee I knew she was up to evil.

Urban, the bag o’ cash had a location tracker, so I assume Mauro & Co. recovered it immediately.

Wasn’t Ginebra scary with the coffee? Like the wicked stepmother with the poison apple.

I don't remember anything being said about a tracking device. It would make logical sense knowing Ginebra as we do.

She was scary in that scene. Here's hoping she is foiled this time.


Diana, thank you for another fine review of all the drama .

I forgot this show was on at 1.00 yesterday , so I really appreciated your recap. I only saw the last 10 minutes , which was more than enough.

JE did not show an unconditional love for his supposed soulmate , and that is tge only kind if live that I understand , so I am fine with BSC , scheming Refrida feeling him in. She seems to be just what he deserves for throwing Angel under the bus so quickly and cruelly. True loves don't turn on and off like a plight switch. JE deserves a life with Refrida....ugh.

Hmmm....Renato seems less interested in Jimena because he might be hoping for a chance to win Angel now that she has left JE. However, Sebastian appears to be a fan of Jimena. Lets see where this goes . I guess we all see Icky as icky and a serial cheater. Jimena, he is going to either slink back to Doris or find another girl . He is so not worthy of you . There ate lots of good guys out there . Concentrate on finding one of those.

Still bummed out about poor Ramiro. I had hoped he would live and become a better man. Now, lets hope Lucas starts his hero's journey .

I also miss Mau smirking and creeping around making all the baddies nervous.

OH MY Blues Lass, your recap was hilarious! I especially loved the "she hasn't met anyone normal" bit. So funny (and true)!

I am also creeped out about the writers acting like Vermin can be redeemed. Uhhh... How about no? I can only see his die at the end, but he certainly won't get redeemed in my eyes.

So now Mir is trying to seduce Mau and Mau is trying to seduce Mir... Well that's a plot line that can't take long.


Hey Susan, you accidentally posted your Vivir comment here. Btw, I still can't find the intro song for Mujer... QTH? Did Uni put a different one than the Turkish original?

OT...Weirdo ...whoops . Yesterday was a bad day . Had to say goodbye to one of my best friends . I have been a little out of it lately.

I think the theme song for Mujer is " Esa Hembra We Mala"


I have one question about Vermin, I seem to have missed what he was sent to prison for. Was Ginebra behind his incarceration so she could get the money back? Since he never received the money is he really guilty of selling his baby? Not that he deserves a pass for his actions, just wondered if I missed something in the first few episodes

Kat, Fermin was in prison for spousal abuse. Apparently there's quick turnaround on that in Alternate Mexico City -- he was denounced and locked up the same day (hence his inability to retrieve the cash from the hospital ductwork.)

Susan, are they really using "Esa Hembra es Mala" for the MUJER intro? That was the theme song for TERESA with Angelique Boyer and Sebastian Rulli. I have it on my Spotify.

R la O, good point about Filipa. Kenzo is such a weak personality, maybe he just gravitates toward tougher women. Nandy genders more feminine than Fil, but I'd watch out for the right hook all the same.

Susan, thanks so much!

Sorry to hear you had such a rough day. I had some rough ones in a row too. Hope everything goes better soon...

Terrific recap, Blue Lass. I'm rather late to the party. Also loved the "only normal person" comment about poor Sam. Such witty lines!

Esteban came across as weird when he ragged on Kenzo so hard about Jeronimo. Yes, the kid is a waste of time, but when actors accustomed to playing heroes try to put on their angry pants, it comes off sort of hysterical.

Vermin is the only thing I can think of to prevent Sam going back to her mother. I'm also sort of surprised the writers are showing her eager to be back with her mother. She's begun remembering the cruelty, especially the beating her hands with a belt that we saw.

Sounds like I may have been mistaken. I thought Elvira said she'd already taken off their bedroom doors. Hopefully the patio is right and Esteban will put a start to it. I guess the writers are determined to have that hag ruining everything. Otherwise I can't explain why Esteban doesn't tell her to pack her bags.

I was happy to see Bosco get off Team Yaya. It's been disgusting watching him side with her up to the point where he loses his bedroom door.

Why do I think that one of the writers actually took the door off his or her teen's room ?! I have never known anyone who did that, but any teen would throw a fit about that . Yaya probably would also like to take the door off Esteban's door since she treats him like a teenage boy .

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