Thursday, April 25, 2024

El amor no tiene receta, #39, Busted

A few days later…

Lupita is back home, the house is cucarachas free. The entire family is there (Vermin, too), Samara and Monito come to greet Lupita, followed by Nandy and Kenzo. Joy all around, this is a bad sign.

Pepa is turning 18, Paz thanks Kenzo for his help, he says she needs to tell Esteban the truth. She agrees, she plans to tell him today 

ENTER the COPS, arresting everyone for having kidnapped Samara. Esteban arrives just behind them and recognizes Ginebra’s daughter. He can’t believe Paz would do that; how could she lie to him?? Castro is taking everyone to jail, kicking and screaming. Samara doesn’t want to be separated from the family; Paz is begging for Lupita not to be taken since she just got out of the hospital, but Lupita admits she knew Samara was hidden in the house.

Esteban asks the family not to speak anymore, they need a lawyer. And then he looks on, powerless, as they are taken outside.

The barrio people see press in front of the Roble house, it’s a screaming mess. Esteban is trying to reach a lawyer as Paz and her family are being taken away in handcuffs.

Samara is crying for Paz, while a reporter is trying to interview her. Castro has to pull a screaming Sam away from Paz’s arms. Nandy and Kenzo are arrested, too.

Of course, Ginebra and Mauro are behind everything, they were also the ones to call the press. They are watching the news on a tablet and enjoying the show. They also have Mireya’s necklace to keep them informed (at the very least until she loses it in jail).

Mauro asks Gin what she plans to do with Samara, and she says she will keep her alive because it suits her ( to continue manipulating Elvira and so on and so forth).

Gala has seen the news about Paz and her family. Bosco is all “I told you so”. Gala and Eder believe in her innocence. Bosco will tell abuela.

Too late, she sees the news herself. And Kenzo is going to jail, too. What, what? At least Gin will get her baby back.

She calls her, but Gin doesn’t answer, she’s too happy that her dreams are coming true. And she actually smiles a genuine smile at Mauro.

Elvira confronts Monica again, accuses her of helping Paz, who has been arrested for kidnapping. Fuego calls for security.

Felipa and the boys see Kenzo has been arrested. She is more worried about the press being all over it and him being with Nandy than about the fact he is in jail.

The women group talk about Paz, several of them don’t think she’d be capable of doing this, others think the pain of losing her daughter might have driven her to a crazy act.

Porfirio and Humberto see the news, too, wonder if Esteban was aware of what his girlfriend is involved in.

Paz, Mireya, Lupita and Nandy are all locked up in a jail cell. But then some women guards come for Nandy, they saw her legal documents and are taking her to the men cell.

Paz says she will take the blame for everything, but Mireya disagrees, it was their choice to help her.

Kenze, Vermin, Salomon and Pepa are all locked up together and very worried. Kenzo is trying to keep them calm, promises to help them all. They are visited by Bosco (wtf), who comes to mock them and threaten they will suffer so much now. Salomon gets angry, Vermin thinks they should work together, Kenzo says it might take a long time for them to get out.

Esteban has come to see Paz. He does NOT look good. She tries to explain, but he wants to speak first. His heart is broken, how could she betray him, say he loved him and lie to his face after he offered her a home, work, fought for her against everyone. No only she lied to him, but she also kidnapped Ginebra’s daughter.

Esteban continues that he’s asked her several times to speak, but she never did. He has to believe she had a good reason to do it, but he no longer trusts her. She thinks he’s being cruel, but he’s only being honest.

She says she had to lie because things got so complicated, after a while she didn’t know how to fess up. She didn’t want to lie to him, but it was all for good reasons: Sam was in danger because Mauro wanted to kill her.

She tells Esteban everything she knows, or she suspects; about overhearing Mauro on the phone saying he planned to kill his niece, Sam remembering her mother hurt her, how they saved Sam from that attack, and the cops they’d seen there. And Monito was present, that’s why they were hiding him, too.

This is too much for Esteban, he has so many doubts. Paz says she doesn’t have all the answers, yet, but her feelings for him are true, she never felt like this for anyone else. He takes what she says to heart, but her silence hurt him so much.  

All that being said, Esteban decides there is no point in talking about it anymore, they need to focus on the present. He will defend her and her family! This Guy!!!

He talked to a lawyer, the situation is very complicated, they can’t talk to anyone but him. Paz promises no more lies, Esteban will start investigating what she told him. Paz also mentions the bullet Mireya found, and he promises to take care of Cobija and Monito and find a way for Nandy to be taken to a women’s jail. Paz thanks him, Esteban promises they’ll go through this together! She stood by him when he was in jail, being accused of Berenice’s death, it’s his turn to defend her. Paz is taken away, after they kiss briefly.

May I just say that Esteban has reached sainthood level in my book. I don’t remember when was the last time a galan actually listened and believed his lady love when a similar mess occurred.

Samara is crying, telling the cops the Roble family never hurt her. Ginebra and Mauro arrive running and Ginebra puts on the performance of a lifetime as Elvira watches. Samara looks scared, but she hugs her mother. Then she sees Mauro, she was told he is bad. Gin says Paz has been lying to her. They hug and Samara looks happy.

Then Ginebra talks to the press, asks for justice. Castro thinks they should take Monito to an orphanage.

Gala defends Paz in front of Bosco, but he accuses her and her entire family of being lying thieves. Jeronimo comes to see Gala, he’s lost a lot of sponsors because Kenzo is in jail. He apologizes for his behavior towards her, also, but she is more worried about Kenzo, she thinks her dad will help him.

Then Gala gives Jero a comforting hug, and he kisses her. She pushes him away; she never allowed him to kiss her. She used to like him, but that was before, now she has feelings for Salo. Jero tells her to check her followers, her association with Salo surely made her lose some of them. Gala checks her phone and when Jero offers his help, she accepts. He leaves, but not before saying that he loves her more than Salo does. Alone, Gala throws a plate of food on the floor and cries.

Lupita and Mireya are worried talking about the situation, when some guards arrive to tell them they will be taken to jail.

Bosco is in his room, remembering when he borrowed Pepa the book. He feels stupid for ever trusting him, says he will hate him forever… and holds on tight to his saber, hurting his palm. Do I sense a crush?

Ginebra, Mauro, Elvira and Samara arrive home. Sam doesn’t want to be here, she wants to go back to Paz, Monito, her family. Gin says they are bad people, Sam disagrees. Gin says her dad was killed when she was taken and Elvira adds that her mom hurt very much while she was away.

Gin and Mauro start manipulating Sam into believing Paz and her family hurt her. Sam remembers being locked in a box, says she hurt herself then and doesn’t remember exactly what happened to her.

Mauro gives Sam her favorite stuffed rabbit back, shows her a drawing she once did. Sam is confused, doesn’t know what to believe anymore. Gin offers to prepare her a hot tub, Sam remembers being burned in the water and gets scared. Elvira offers to help, Gin is happy just to have her around, she is behaving like a mother.

Mauro and Ginebra leave, Elvira gives Samara a hug.

In jail, Paz is being violently hosed down by the guards!


Thank you, Adriana. Wonderful! You got it all in this pivotal episode. I so agree with your

"Esteban promises they’ll go through this together! She stood by him when he was in jail, being accused of Berenice’s death, it’s his turn to defend her. Paz is taken away, after they kiss briefly. May I just say that Esteban has reached sainthood level in my book. I don’t remember when was the last time a galan actually listened and believed his lady love when a similar mess occurred."

Indeed, Esteban is a breath of fresh air in the contemporary galán department.

I am not looking forward to the obligatory "Protagonist mistreated inside of the prison" episode(s). You can see that/those coming with Paz being hosed down.

At least Monito escaped the worst.

One correction I see is that Rubio is the one who accosted the guys in the jail, not Bosco. I never saw the Elvira and Dr Monica scene. Wonder if my mind wandered. I thought there would be a possible Bosco/Pepa match early on, even though it is a cliche. Bosco really did not seem into the kiss when Gala's friend Gio initiated one with him.

Adriana: Great job with the recap of last night's episode. I had no idea Paz was sentenced to prison.

Jarifa: Cringed seeing Paz treated like SHIT inside the prison.

One other minor note, it is episode #39, not 40. We have the night off. Kind of a cliff hanger to leave us wanting more

Thanks, Adriana.
This is the first time I see a galan believing his lady love. Has this ever happened before? Because Pasion is the only other telenovela I saw mentioned as having a strong pairing. But they still have to keep them separated so I wonder how they are going to do it. If Esteban doesn't marry Gin, they don't get to create all that tension we usually get before the happy ending.
Paz made me laugh with her silly declaration that she will take all the blame. Yes, Paz, and everyone will just believe the child was invisible while living at your house. They should stop giving the characters such stupid lines. I think it only now hit me Paz put her entire family in danger to protect a girl she doesn't know. Even if they hadn't agreed with her, it's not like they could turn her in. That's why I'm hoping Esteban will stick around as he is really their only chance. I don'tremember ever seeing so many characters in jail at the same time. No spying for them anymore. And Geronimo really doesn't care about his father all that much. I imagine their connection isn't very strong, but it seems Geronimo has some of Felipa's nastier traits. And he is bound to mess-up because Gala isn't meant for him. But it's tiring to watch men who act like assholes.
I wonder how Ginevra plans to convince Esteban Paz is lying. Also, how will she manage to pretend to be a good mother for an extended period of time?The press' interest will last for months and she also said she might write a book about her experience. She doesn't have this level of self-control and I can't believe she isn't aware of this.
I can't imagine how Esteban will be able to transfer Nandy into a female prison when she has no official documents.
Esteban's father sounded grumpy even when he was with Umberto. I wouldn't want to live with him. Now he complains he has no interest in tv. So maybe move to live in a cave then?

Also, I wonder what Mireya thinks about Mauro now. She is another one who takes stupidity pills regularly but her involvement with Mauro makes her seem even worse. I hope she learns he had her bugged. I always getso angry when someone insists another character whom they know to be bad just has to have something good. And Miraya has seen Mauro a handful of times. But she's a human character expert, of course.
I wonder when Gin will go to see Paz in jail.

Rgv chick, I hope you see this. Could you restore my missing comment?


This was picture perfect; tone, content, you relayed the dark and disturbing events clearly and with great emotion.

"May I just say that Esteban has reached sainthood level in my book". What every galan should aspire to be.

Ginebra as a loving mother was sickening. Poor Sam is so confused! I never thought I'd be relieved to see Elvira, but at least we know Sam will be safe from Ginebra's cruelty as long as she is under Elvira's protective eye. Can she move in??

The arrests were hard to watch, the mob mentality, throwing food and God knows what else, added to the surreal scene. Lupita, who hasn't even begun to heal thrown in prison.

Rubio gloating over the men's plight was stomach churning.

Jarifa, thank you for "At least Monito escaped the worst"; one light in a sea of darkness.

Bosco "...holds on tight to his saber, hurting his palm. Do I sense a crush?" I think so...

Adriana, thank you for another superb recap.



Waterlily, I see a comment from you so am assuming it's been reposted (?)


Thanks so much Adriana, your recap was great. What an episode.

Esteban totally confused me. First he was all worried when they were arrested, then when he visited her at prison I really thought he was ending it. But now he’s ready to love and help her. I didn’t realize he said she stuck by him when he was arrested. I also had forgotten that!

Bosco has crossed back over to the dark side. More like a leap! I wonder if Porfirio and Humberto will get involved and try to help.

Esteban is not only going to help the family. He’s apparently taking the dog and Monito. What a guy!

Kat, I never saw the scene with Monica and Elvira either. Since I record and then fast forward through the commercials I thought that’s what happened. But maybe they didn’t show it in some areas. I hope Paz mentioned the doctor to Esteban.



Cher Adriana. Merci. Wow..just wow . You did a fantastic job of reporting every terrifying, upsetting moment . Brava.

Yes, Diana, Esteban is an example of what every galan and every man should be. We need heroes . Love isn't just about chocolate covered strawberries and kisses . When you love someone unconditionally you rescue each other over and over and over again . Yeah, Esteban . And he took Monito and the dograbbit under his protection,too . #whataman . Yeah, Juan Osorio. This is what we want.

Esteban is so good with his own sons, but I think that he has become a role model to Salo and Pepa and now Monito. This poor little guy has been through so much , and he is so fortunate to now land with Esteban . Daniel has two little boys, so he knows from real life how to father boys.

I hope that Gin doesn't get custody of dograbbit. I keep thinking of the wicked witch and Toto in The Wizard of Oz." " I'll get you and your little dog , too." Yikes .

Kat and Diana, I agree that there is something happening between sweet Pepa and sour Bosco. It was telling that Bosco gave Pepa " The Catcher in the Rye" which is a classic tale of a teenage boy trying to understand life, love, and sex . I thought it was interesting that Gin chose that book to give Bosco , and it was interesting that he then gave it to Pepa.

Gin is scary bad . The little actress playing Samlunamarie is so believable that it worries me . Her reactions are so intense and so real.

Who knew that we would be looking at Elvira as a safe place for Sam?

Okay , Esteban , swallow your pride and call Humberto and Dad . You need help and your bff Kenzo is in jail with your novia. It is going to take a team to help Paz and Co.



Many thanks to the stellar recapping team for this week's hard work! I had the week off, so I'm behind again and counting on your eyes, ears, and wit to get me through. There has been a lot to FF>> through lately, and I appreciate being forewarned.

Diana, so funny, suggesting Elvira move in with los Nicoliti. That would solve a LOT of problems!

I would like to see Monito end up with Kenzo and Nandy. What a sweet little family they would make!

Blue Lass

"I would like to see Monito end up with Kenzo and Nandy. What a sweet little family they would make!" I hadn't thought of that but it's an excellent idea!


Excellent recap, Adriana Noel. I especially loved your description of the scene with Paz and Esteban. I have to say I was gob smacked by that one and braced for the big breakup that usually occurs in a TN. He started off that way, but boy did he come through!

SO happy Monito will not end up in an orphanage. I second the idea of his living with Kenzo and Nandy, but maybe Sam is so close to the boy that he could end up with Esteban and Paz.

Kat and Liz, I am also wondering about scenes I never saw, like the one with Elvira and Monica. I saw one earlier this week, I think, where Elvira grilled Monica and fired her as her grandchildren's therapist.

I also saw Rubio, wandering free in the jail, threatening our male prisoners with awful things. Guess he's in charge of meting out "newbies" beatdowns. I did not see Bosco at the jail.

I'd like to see a TN where female guards are human beings. Every time a woman is incarcerated in a TN, they choose the least attractive women in Latinoamerica as guards, and we get to see some sadism.

Again, thank for the fine recap. I have a policy of never watching previews, so I had no idea the hammer would come down last night. I did see a coment hinting that yesterday.

I fixed the sidebar comment I misattributed to Weirdo when it was actually Susan. Cut and paste is efficient, but not guaranteed to be error-free. ;}

I'm scared to watch tonight because I'm afraid they'll put Nandy in boy jail.

Blue Lass, yes, it would be awful for Nandy if they move her to the men's jail. Uff.
I hope that Esteban stays loyal and doesn't get galan stupid and falls under Gin's witchy spells . I am tired of weak willed , easily duped galans. He has a whole family, two little kids, and a dograbbit to rescue. #staystrong


I only now realise Paz put her entire family in danger. And her silly suggestion that she'd take full responsibility for the whole thing just made me angry. They'll just say the kid was invisible to everyone else and everyone will believe them because it's a great explanation. You should try it, Paz. There's no need to turn her so stupid!
Were there ever any telenovelas with loyal galanes? I only saw pasion mentioned as a telenovela with a strong galan.
I'm still curious how Esteban could end up with Gin. It would be one thing for him to leave Paz, but showing any interest in Gin, whom he never really liked all that much, is another level. Unless they find another way to keep those two apart, but I don't have much hope when it comes to creativity in this part of the story. Everyone always goes for this angle.

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