Saturday, April 27, 2024

El Amor no Tiene Receta, Capítulo 40, Viernes, 26 de abril, 2024 - "25 shouting matches, 3 families devastated, 1 episode"

This was a hard episode to recap for me... Not because of the Spanish but of the events... Bare with me.

The jail guards/whatever spray with water Paz, she's completely wet as she's screaming at them to stop. 

Ginebra and Mauro continue their scheming. Mauro asks her if she actually doesn't feel anything for Sam (gal tried to kill the girl, I don't think it qualifies as "feeling something for her") and she says she doesn't give a damn about Samara, she has to be nice to her because all the lights are on them. Mauro mentions Esteban visiting Paz in prison, Gin says they've thought of that.

Esteban, meanwhile, is screaming at Castro the cop about being completely useless. He has Monito with him, who talks about the aquatic park incident, about how Mauro came back to search for Luna/Sam. Castro won't take the kid's testimony seriously, but I think he mentions Monito will have to stay with Esteban. A furious shouting match follows (about Castro's inability to be useful). 

After they've finished with Paz, they bring Mónica, the doctor, in. Paz apologises as they take her away and start spraying Mónica with the water. 

El asks Sam if she would like a grandma. Sam says she already has a grandma, Lupis. El's face says it all. She mentions she shouldn't love a delinquent. Gin takes Sam inside. Mauro tells Elvira she's treating them both (him and Gin) as if she were their mother. Elvira says something like "I see you as my children".

Ginebra is playing nice to Sam. Sam mentions remembering the abuse she suffered because of her, but Gin insists they have planted these memories in her brain. She tells Sam to think of a blue horse. When she says she's thinking of it, Gin says that blue horses don't exist, it's that easy to make people believe things that aren't true. I mean... I am picturing Gin being burnt like the witch she is on the pyre, but I never claimed it happened. Anyway, Gin says something to God about her daughter not believing in her and sheds some crocodile tears. Sam tells her not to cry, she believes her and loves her. Hug, with Sam smiling and Gin... Having her usual face expressions.

Bosco freaks out when he hears Monito is staying. He mentions the kid biting him, Monito defends himself, saying Bosco tried to harm Pepa with his sword. Bosco of course denies this and says he wanted to give "a birthday present" to Pepa. Esteban mentions Paz and Bosco screams because of the help he's giving her. Gala tells him to stop already, his hatred for Paz has them all very annoyed. Bosco shouts that he's also very annoyed to be his father's second option. Esteban screams in return to stop saying stupid stuff, he loves them. 

Humberto and Porfirio talk about Esteban. IIRC Humberto had his luggage with him, he wanted to go help Esteban. Porfirio starts the usual "he's not my son". 

Kenzo, Pepa, Salo and Vermin are walking in jail when they see Nandy. Nooooooooo, worst fears confirmed. Rubio and his gang are making fun of Nandy, using male pronouns. At some point Rubio says "we'll make you feel a woman" or something equally creepy. 

In the female prison, some prisoner hits Lupe, who let's not forget had been attacked by Rubio literally hours/days before. They scream for a doctor. 

Gin says Sam fell asleep. El says she want to tell them (Gin and Mauro) something, but Esteban enters. He grabs Mauro and asks him why did he want to kill his niece!

No one is helping Paz, the other prisoners say she should have thought about it before kidnapping a child. More screams for help.

Back at Gin, El, Mauro and Esteban:

Gin: Leave my brother!

Est: Let him talk and you don't get involved, I already know you harmed the child.

El: You can't just come here like a caveman and throw so serious accusations around! What's gotten into you?

Gin: I would have sworn you came to congratulate me for getting my daughter back, but apparently this woman has transformed you, I don't even recognise you anymore.

Est: But Paz is my girlfriend and she's convinced that he (points at Mauro) wanted to kill the girl, and she (points at Gin) was harming her.

El: You're way too far away [from the truth] Esteban, how can you believe a kidnapper?

Est: Paz isn't a kidnapper! She was only protecting the child from these two! (points at Gin and Mauro)

El: You're blinder than ever. (Pot calling the kettle black...)

Mau: If you don't have proof for these accusations, you should move with more caution from now on, eh?

Est: Oh I'll find proof. The truth will come to light sooner of later.

Gin: How could you even imagine that I would be capable of harming my daughter? She came from me, she was in my womb, I suffered pain I can't describe when they stole her from me! 

At male prison: Kenzo, who has had enough, stands up for Nandy and punches Rubio. I think you can tell who won the fight. At some point, Rubio asks him if he's in love with "that monster". Says the (almost?) rapist who is Ginebra's lapdog. The guards grab Kenzo, who's pretty badly hurt and I think take him to solitary confinement. Nandy screams at them to leave him. (The guards did nothing to stop Rubio from almost killing Kenzo, but stopped the boys from helping Kenzo. Justice.)

Mauro brings the phone records. Gin says they have them because of some matter with Elías' business. Esteban reads that Mauro said that they have to see if there's something wrong with the company at Kenzo's kids' party. He says Paz heard different things. At some point, Mau tells him to go ask for their records from the telephone company since he plays cop (can he though? I don't think that's legal). El starts her comments again and Est says the only thing they can blame Paz for is for wanting to protect the child. He tells Gin to drop the denuncia, of course she refuses.

More shouting between Porfirio and Humberto. Porfirio says that Esteban is dead for him. Okay, that's the #568 time he's said that.

A doctor that came isn't too keen on helping Lupe. Mónica tells her to remember the vow to Hippocrates, but the other doctor says some lives ought not to be saved. Paz apologises to their mother, this is all her fault. Mir and Lupe say it isn't. I swear, if Vermin doesn't say that Samlunamaria is Paz's daughter now...

Los Nicoliti and Elvira tell Esteban los Roble were hitting Sam and mention the head injury she suffered, the reason she went to hospital. Because you know, they saw Sam and they thought "oh look, a child, let's start hiding her in our house for absolutely no reason. Hey, let's start hitting her as well! What a terrific idea!" Pretty legit. They also say doc Mónica helped them get the child out illegally. With all the noise, Sam wakes up and is interrogated by Esteban. The kid is dead confused, but the whole vibe is unfortunately looking good for Gin. Sam leaves. Esteban still doesn't buy it and says even if they didn't do it, Paz misunderstood.

They throw Kenzo in solitary confinement (?). Kenzo has the energy only to say "get me out of here".

In both prisons, they're showing our heroes their cells. 

Gin gives Sam her plush rabbit, the one she almost threw away/tore before Elías saw her. She lies that Sam wanted to throw the bunny away but she (Gin) insisted; Sam thanks her for insisting and caresses the rabbit. Gin hugs Sam and kisses her on the forehead. Chilling.

Mir wants revenge on Gin, Lupe says no, all that spy stuff should stop, this is what got them here in the first place. Maybe they should just accept their sentence... Paz says no, they'll find a way to get out of here.

Nandy and Salo talk about Kenzo at first. Salo makes some comment like "at least he defended his love". Nandy asks who didn't and he tells her about Gala and what Gema did.

Shouting match #15: between Esteban and El about the company and Berenice. He calls the lawyer and shouts (#16) because he now refuses to take the case. Gala wants to talk to her dad, Esteban tells her to sit down. 

Gin and Mauro toast to, I quote Gin, "your stupid niece not remembering anything". 

Jerónimo has a soul; he tells Felipa the money he'll make off gaming will go to his father's release. Felipa starts shouting.

Kenzo is still in solitary confinement.

Gala asks Esteban if he's sure Paz and her family are innocent. Esteban says that even though all evidence point against them, he's sure they're innocent, he can feel it. He talks about the symptoms of love and we see Gala feeling the same for Salo. She admits this to her dad, she wants to go see Salo. He says okay, but they'll have to help Paz and her family. Gala agrees and hugs him.

Another boring Elvira-Bosco conversation. El talking to Bosco's teachers to get his grades up (Bosco's not happy) and Paz and her fam are mentioned. 

Eder is perfectly fine with Monito staying in his room. Esteban says he'll stay until they found his parents. Monito says he doesn't want to, his parents dumped him and don't even remember him now. Esteban tells them a bedtime story.

Samlunamaria is praying about Paz and her family. At the same time, Paz is praying for Samlunamaria and to get them all out of here so they can protect her.

In the male prison, the guards separate the prisoners in shower group and work group, IIRC. They take Salo away. 

Salo is taken to be seen by Gala, who has arrived to see him.

Esteban has brought his other two kids in the empresa of mystery products. Felipa, in a move that I would have never thought possible, screams at Esteban that he's not doing anything to help Kenzo!!!

Rubio starts being Rubio, this time with Pepa. Yes, Pepa and the others are in the shower group, while Rubio and his people aren't.

Gin has come to visit Paz. Gin "is mad" at Paz for taking her daughter away, hurting them both and mentions her not being a mother. Paz says she did it to protect Sam when she was in danger, she could never hurt an innocent and she's not a mother because her daughter was taken away. Gin says it's such a pity that she'll never find her (Paz's) daughter; because she never will.

Esteban tells Felipa to calm down, violence is never the answer. She screams to prove Kenzo is his best friend, like a brother, pay the money needed! Esteban says there will be no such option (from the judges). Felipa says Kenzo isn't a deliquent like los Roble, Esteban says he has a plan.

The convo between Gin and Paz continues. Gin says that she (Paz) had her daughter taken away from her, so she became obsessed with hers (Gin's) and took Sam. Paz says of course not, she just protected the child. Sam remembers all the harm Gin did to her. Gin screams that Paz is an infeliz, separating a mother from her daughter, especially since she has had the same done to her; she (Paz) is an egoist and she (Gin) wants her (Paz) to suffer. Paz screams back at her to shut up, she (Gin) is the only bad here. Gin slaps her!!! 

Rubio says something creepy about a client(?) and attempts to take Pepa away, but Vermin attacks Rubio.

Mir has a bad feeling her sons.

Gin tells Paz it's all over; her family is locked up in here, she will never see the child she tried to help, she will never find her daughter and she'll lose Esteban's love. Paz says Esteban believes her, Gin says not for long. Paz replies that he'll never be with Gin, Gin says Paz will be locked up in here while she will be outside, consoling him. "You've made your own tomb, Paz", she says. "I'll see you in court", she adds.

And with this f-d up situation, we have the Fin del Capítulo...



Your sensitive, carefully crafted and all encompassing recap was the perfect antidote to this explosion of evil. You were fearless and awesome. An enthralling read.

Your dialog translations were amazing.

Paz and her entire family crashed into the abyss, seemingly hopeless and helpless. Yet there is one, standing alone to fight this unrelenting, sickening tide of evil. Esteban. A righteous, unafraid galan who will persevere until the truth is revealed.

"At some point, Rubio asks him if he's in love with "that monster". Says the (almost?) rapist who is Ginebra's lapdog. The guards grab Kenzo, who's pretty badly hurt..." reflected the angst and agony so heartbreakingly realistically.

So much pain. Watching venemous Ginebra with Sam; Kenzo's savage beating and Pepa's terror was almost too much to bear. Kenzo, my admiration at your strength and courage knows no bounds.

To be able to continue, I must believe this is rock bottom. I have faith Esteban should be able to get everyone (likely except Paz) released quickly.

Porfirio is dead to me. Surprisingly, Humberto may be a somewhat of a savior.

I have a bad feeling (well many bad feeings actually) about Monica.

At least Vermin defended Pepa.

Weirdo, thank you for everything.


Weirdo, that was a FANTASTIC recap. Sorry it was hard — hopefully Diana is right about rock bottom, but I have my doubts.

That was THE WORST episode to watch so far. It was especially difficult seeing Kenzo having his head bashed in the ground. Give me the cold water shower any day over that beating. I would have hated to be the one to recap it, kudos to you weirdo for dealing with it so well. wow. Thank you for that remarkable , detailed account of this episode brimming with angst and evil. Ugh

Can we hope that Esteban will stay strong and determined and not let Gin somehow seduce him ? Please . we need Strong, determined heroes . There is evil ,but there is also goodness , kindness, devotion, loyalty. If the writers are going to deal out so much tragic suffering to innocent people, they must give us hope that the good can overcome darkness.

Humberto, you have been trying to talk sense to Porfirio without any luck. Esteban needs someone to help him fight , so get on your horse and ride right now...okay drive your car.

We get those harrowing jail scenes in almost every novela. Yikes!! PSA: Stay out of jail .

Love seeing Esteban with kids . He is a born father . Men can be fathers to kids who are not their own. I have seen that happen many times with the men I know and love. Monito is lucky to be under Esteban's protection.

Gin is a monster . I dont know what her next step is , but I am sure she wants to hurt Elvira, but she needs her as an ally right now . Will Elvira ever wake up and realize the monster in their midst and become Esteban 's ally? Esteban needs backup , and so far, he is pretty much alone .

I dont condone violence ,but I must say that I enjoy the scenes of Daniel in beast mode. Watch him . There is a formula....careful listening to the idioto in front of him ...sometimes a little head nodding ...then the face and ...bam ..the lunge forward with that hard push . I wonder if the actor he is playing opposite gets a warning about that very real push before the scene starts .

Can't wait to see how this story unfolds on Monday .


Question...Hum takes a cup away from Porfirio ,and then when Hum leaves , Porfirio pours out the contents onto the floor! . Is this indicating that Por has a drinking problem?


Thanks so much, Weirdo, that was an excellent recap. Putting in the dialogue was above and beyond. In addition to this being such a hard episode to even watch

I hope the worse is over but I’m afraid it isn’t. And Ginebra even threatened the lawyer. I hope Esteban fires him.

That jail is awful. I hope it’s a huge exaggeration. But obviously there are prison guards on Ginebra’s payroll. And maybe some cops.

There was so much yelling in this episode! And I hope Paz and family don’t have to stay there until the very end. But I do think Esteban and Ginebra will end up together, even if it’s just to spy on her. And what happened to Mauro’s love for Mir? I guess that wasn’t real.

My hope is that Humberto saves the day and Porfirio comes around and cooks for the family. The table full of food made me think that!


Susan, "Question...Hum takes a cup away from Porfirio ,and then when Hum leaves , Porfirio pours out the contents onto the floor! . Is this indicating that Por has a drinking problem?"

That scene totally confused me; I couldn't figure it out for the life of me.

I think you might have answered your own question. It seems to be the only feasible explanation. Very astute.


I may have to rewatch the Porfirio scene with the drink. It could be coffee or tea. Some illnesses discourage caffeine consumption. Heart disease and heart murmurs, probably high blood pressure too.

Weirdo, you have my sympathies for recapping this disjointed episode stuffed with way too many nasty details. You did an amazing job. I wouldn't have wanted to recap it. Thank you.

"Paz apologizes to their mother, this is all her fault." It is her fault and the fault of her mother and everyone else who went along with Paz's harebrained scheme. Too bad they could not have made the "missing child " theme more realistic and believable.

No surprises with the brutality of the prison scenes and with the guards enjoying the cruelty rather than putting an end to it. The so called "doctora" was no better.

Just like Monito, I feel like Sam knows who's who and what's what. She knows how to give the right answers to Ginebra and to pray for the right people. Those two give me hope for a good ending for them eventually.

Thanks so much, weirdo. i had no idea what a couple words meant in that scene with Esteban and gGin and I think you translated them.
Someone comment that Esteban abandoned his father and sort of shouldn't be nad now, but if Porfirio is determined to pick his resentment over the love for his child, I'm sorry but he deserves to be alone because that's what he prefers. He sounds like a miserable old man even when he is with Umberto.I have no idea what would make him come to his senses. I wonder if he would regret his choices if,say, Esteban died and he would have had no chance to talk to him. This level of stupid stubborness is baffling.
Samara told Esteban Gin treated her wll and it sounded as if she was talking in a general sense, not 'she hasn't done anything bad to me yet but I remember a couple of incidents from earlier...' It's scary to think how this can mess-up the poor girl's brain. She'll start doubting her own memories.
When did Monica get there? Did Elvira report her?
Gin would have to keep Sam alive for years because she also said Sam is the heiress of her father's wealth. i wonder how she' cope with that because she seems to hate Sam. I wonder if she likes being cruel to everyone or if her level of cruelty increases in certain cases because she seemed to have loved mistreating Sam. If Esteban married her, would she secretly mistreat Eder? I can't imagine this because Eder trusts his father. But would she be awful to him just for the sake of seeing him suffer?

Just a fantastic recap, Weirdo! I was thinking about you having to recap the "Cruelty Olympics". I kept hoping for just a tiny bit of hope, but no.

It was very disappointing that Sam didn't tell Esteban what she told Paz about Gin's abuse. He should have said he needed to ask her some questions in private. I believe Jarifa mentioned that Sam may understand she needs to play along, so that could be it.

I love that Salo, the sort of tough guy of the Roble clan, is so accepting and loving toward Nandy.

Yep, Gin threatened to have Esteban's lawyer's family killed if he didn't back out of the Roble defense. OK, I get it. This is a telenovela. She may not have done the threatening herself, but no one ever drops a dime on Gin and Mauro?

I was also glad to see Jerónimo stand up to his mother. I had the sense that Filipa was pushing him so hard for perhaps two reasons: greed and a justified fear of Gin if the kid doesn't perform.

Speaking of big bucks, I guess there's never enough for Gin. She has that room full of $$$ that she needs laundered. But she's still intent on getting her hands on Sam's inheritance.

Bosco is pretty much over Evil Grannie. He was disgusted at her pressuring his school to give him a break on his less than stellar math skills.

What's wrong with Castro? I'm losing track of all the times he's been on the side of the Richie Riches. Monito outright said that his mother just moved away and left him, but Castro just keeps wanting to give him back to those parents or put him in an orphanage.

That was an awful scene with Paz and Gin. But now Paz has a clear picture of the psychopath who hates her. It probably won't happen, but I'd LOVE to see Paz tell Esteban word for word what Her Evilness said to her in prison.

So the scene with Rubio talking about a client is the all too familiar idea of prison rapes. Also, I guess Rubio's power has two facets. He was the head of a gang of crooks on the outside, and apparently immediately became top dog in the jail. And we assume his ability to walk around and make deals could have something to do with Gin paying off guards.

It's been mentioned here that Pepa could be gay. Sort of tired of sensitive guys in TNs stereotypically turning out to be gay. And we've seen hints that something could develop with Bosco. But Rubio said something about the "client" showing him who he really is. Ugh.

Just a very

Hot news from this epi: Castro said he didn’t even believe that Mauro killed Gorila, since “they never found a body.” Maybe he’ll turn up when we least expect him…

Also, yes, that was coffee Porfirio was drinking. Hum took it away because it raises his blood pressure.

Blue Lass, thank you for the info on Gorila! Yes, it seems he might well reappear...

Ahhh, high blood pressure. I should have guessed, it's why I decided to give up coffee myself. ☹


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