Wednesday, June 05, 2024

El Amor No Tiene Receta #66: Objective Achieved


Esteban joined the demonstration where he met up with Paz and got her to shut off her cell phone. He told her that Ginebra was a killer. He had to talk to her but she hesitated to believe him. Ginebra noticed the loss of connexion and slammed the laptop shut. Esteban told Paz he loved her, which she did not believe. As the women around them shouted for Justice they looked to leave the crowd. Ginebra, swearing that Esteban will pay dearly, called Mauro to order him to so something about this immediately. She then tried calling Esteban but only got his voicemail. She did not leave a message but said to herself “You are mine, Esteban. Mine. I will not let you forget that.”

Elvira asked Bosco if he had boinked Gio. He almost freaked, but she was sincerely concerned.

Salomón explained the taco flavors to Gala, who then started calling out to customers. Two women stepped up right away. [I think he looks better without the dangling earrings, like a teen movie idol from the 50s.]

Ginebra called Vermin to ask where Esteban and Paz were. He told her they left the crowd. He could not hear what they were talking about because of the crowd noise. She warned him not to talk about their business. He said he would like to forget it. He looked into the window of the Robles' house. Lupita came in with Max and he said he had to hang up because his daughter came in. Lupita almost lost her temper as she covered Max's ears, accusing him of not caring about the child.

Esteban told Paz that Elías Barral was the most recent victim, adding the strong possibility that she had also killed Berenice. Paz was so confounded she almost fainted. Mireya prevented her falling and the three continued to shout “Justice!” with the crowd.

Salomón and Gala talked about her diet issues. She told him she was taking it day to day. She actually ate a taco! He wanted their relationship to be more serious but said he'd take that day to day, too. They agreed on this and hugged.

Elvira went through a photo album showing childhood photos of Bosco. He closed it and put it on the table, saying “I am not that child, Yaya. I lost my mother and it all went to hell.” He told her he had not boinked Gio. Elvira apologized to him. He said he never could boink Gio and thought sex should be something special. He actually got brave enough to say “You never knew true love” and asked Elvira if she had ever loved anyone apart from her husband. Elvira was not comfortable with these questions but at least she changed the subject rather than becoming indignant.

Fobo played Truth or Dare with the younger kids who asked him “Do you like my Grandma?” He hemmed and hawed until Ginebra entered the room and told the kids to go watch a movie. She asked Fobo if there was anything between him and her mother, playing the Concerned Daughter card to Oscar perfection. She smelled of upscale disapproval, saying this would make Elvira a subject of ridicule [a chip off the old block?]. No threats, no argument, just consideration. She dismissed him.

Police arrived at the demonstration, Castro among them. Paz spoke for the demonstrators, accusing the police of incompetence (as Esteban had done many times before). Others shouted questions.

Mauro searched for Mireya, then heard some of the shouting. Ginebra called him and he told her the signals were bad because of the crowd noise. He had located Mireya in the crowd, but Ginebra reminded him about Felipa. He told her nothing special happened, just a little talk about defending Bosco. He then prepared to go to the barrio. [He reported no evidence of hanky-panky, so we have nothing to vomit about.]

Fobo tried talking to Bosco. He was sincerely trying to help. He left as Pepa then called.

Salomón and Gala walked slowly after selling the tacos. Him telling her she had sold more than he had. This was cutesy until Gema arrived, looking anything but pregnant. Tortuga tried starting a fight with Salomón.

Fobo tried talking to Bosco. Pepa called to check up on him and arrange to meet.

Salomón and Gala talked about their relationship, their bizarre family situations, and the possibility of Esteban helping him to get a better job. He told Gala he loved her and he would also be a good father to Gema's baby [if it exists].

On the rooftop Esteban explained the situation to Paz. Their phones were being used to surveille them. He was living under the threat of Ginebra killing her and his family. He hadn't had sex with her but his top priority was to protect her (Paz) and his children. He told her what he found out about Ginebra including her own confession to the black widow killings. That she and Mauro planned the killing of Elías and the “kidnapping” of Sam to whom Elías had willed his assets.

At that moment Ginebra told Elvira lies about Elías' non-existent dirty business deals and the incredible debts that ensued from them. International ones at that. She would have to sell her house, etc. This was obviously to get money out of her and Elvira fell for it.

We were mercifully spared any sight of Humberto having to lower himself to boink Felipa. He was reading up on microchips used in animals. He explained this to Porfirio as to how this was working on Esteban. Porfirio asked how could this be deactivated.

Nandy entered Kenzo's office and put an agenda on his desk.

Ginebra continued to lay it on thick with Elvira, saying that she should not feel forced and also she wanted was to be loved by her. Elvira said she could not make up for all lost time but that she and Sam would be protected. Ginebra thought to herself that “Sam is a hindrance. She will not steal what belongs to me.” Elvira picked up her phone to call her lawyer. Ginebra fell just short of a grin.

Max asked Vermin if her parents were in heaven and he replied that he thought so. Mauro arrived and Mireya told him to leave. He said he came to see Paz, which got Vermin's attention.   

Paz and Esteban talked about next steps. Esteban had finished telling her about the murders and the proof they needed and that now Ginebra had Elvira's protection. He also doubted that Max was Paz' missing daughter. He had never wanted to hurt her because he loved her. Beso. A few declarations of love later Paz realized that Ginebra killed Dr. Monica. They needed a plan but Esteban did not want Paz involved in it. She told him she already was; she's waiting for DNA test results on Max. They'd do this together but in secret. Beso but they heard Mireya and Mauro so they quickly separated and resumed previous distancing talk before Mauro could catch them.

Mauro said Ginebra was trying to get him but it looked like his cell was turned off. Esteban replied that Ginebra knew he was in the march with Paz. And that he was a father. Paz accused Ginebra of acting like a desperate housewife. Mireya said she told Mauro to leave because she didn't want problems with them. Paz then dismissed Esteban as she had done before in Ginebra's presence, “neither of you are welcome in this house.” Both men went down the spiral stairs.

Esteban and Mauro left, playing a verbal chess game on their way. Esteban reminded Mauro that Ginebra knows that he loved Paz and said he came to make sure Paz saw that he wasn't the sort of man they made him appear to be. Mauro said “You renounced love for the best reason: to go on living.” At that moment both men realized that Salomón and Gala saw them.

Paz told Mireya about the murder of Elías, the disappearance of Sam, and the threat Ginebra made to kill everyone. “If she is capable of that she is capable of anything.”

Kenzo told Nandy he could not stop thinking of his sons. Felipa had a restraining order against him so he couldn't even speak with them. Nandy offered to help but he declined. She tried to kiss him but he said not to. [It was obvious to us that he didn't want any security cameras or other people catching that but may not have been obvious to Nandy].

Elvira talked over the phone with her lawyer in front of Ginebra, who told her not to tell Esteban or his children. Mauro called Ginebra to report his observations, telling her she had nothing to worry about. She told him that Elvira was aware of their painful situation and has invited him to move in.

Esteban talked to Gala and Salomón and saw that all was well. He suggested that Salomón come to the office the next day. He said he would be a strict suegro and hoped his abuela will also approve.

Nandy mentioned her experience with past rejections and feared that they would not work out. She had come to the point that for her it was all or nothing and said they needed time out before leaving Kenzo's office. [Photo provided for the clue that this could be a soft-drink company].

Paz told Mireya she had more doubts. Mireya suggested distancing herself more from Esteban but Paz said there was unfinished business. Paz said she had to get the test results or risk more heartbreak. Mireya asked why Ginebra would give her the wrong girl but Paz did not think of the most obvious reason did not know. Also, Esteban and his children were in danger. Alas, this conversation ended with Mireya's confession that she was in love with Mauro [like we didn't know].

Nandy went to the restroom and flashed back to the rooftop with Kenzo. This was rudely interrupted by the arrival of Felipa with more cold water to pour on her and knives to stick into her soul. The usual.

Paz and Mireya argued about Mauro. Paz called him a monster and big manipulator while Mireya said he had goodness in him. This ended with Mireya calling herself a fool and Paz saying “You can't love a killer” before leaving Mireya crying on the roof.


A little less dialogue detail from now on so I can post at the right time. Here's hoping Humberto didn't have to scrub himself with lye soap and figures out how to get rid of that chip.

Thanks UA, my highlight of the day are the recaps and the happy realization that I really do understand most everything being spoken now, though I do still miss some things (like Sal telling Gala she sold more tacos.). Probably because I am distracted by her red hair (not a fan). I also noticed how svelte Gema is still. At least they didn't show her welding still. I would think that would give off harmful fumes. So the tracking liquid in Esteban is an off label animal tracker. I really doubt there is any such thing, a mini chip I could see but liquid! Maybe transfusions for Esteban or some type of immunotherapy will counteract that.

Urban , wow...thank you for a fantastic review of every scene . Loved the screen caps , too. The pot is bubbling, and you didn't miss a bubble. I appreciate your attention to detail.

Thank goodness there are plenty of good characters to like and care about to balance the evil of Gin. Hopefully her obsession with owning and taming Esteban will start making her careless. After the conversation between Esteban and Paz up in the roof, we know that he didn't boink Gin after the lip bite. Yay.

Fobo was sweet sitting on the floor playing with the kids...before the dark cloud that is Gin drifted in to rain on everybody's parade.

Gee, Hum is quite a researcher . Now, what is The solution to deactivating the tracking device inside Esteban's body ?

The set designer was brilliant to design that rooftop patio where characters can go to have some privacy. Clever design.

I also liked FoBo talking to Bosco. Bosco has a great dad and is getting support from Fobo and Pepa . Mr. Rogers used to tell kids that when bad things happen, they should look for the helpers. Good advice for all of us. So glad that this show has lots of good characters to fight the bad guys.

Salo is good for Gala. His shirt had the words " Daily Utopia" . Yes, let's have that ...utopia everyday.

Gin is feeling in control of everyone , and she is over the moon about sweet talking Elvira . Will Elvira tell Fobo ? Susan


Urban, thanks. This was great as always.

"Here's hoping Humberto didn't have to scrub himself with lye soap and figures out how to get rid of that chip." You can say that again.

Kat , I also wonder if that tracker really exists but whether it does or not, at least FINALLY we know how the tracker is working in this story.

Done with: Mireya and all of of the teenage subplots. Kenda and his myriad of problems could be following.

Annoying casting: Gala is supposed to be 19. She doesn't look it. She always has looked younger than her little bro Bosco. Isabella Tena the actress is only 17, a young looking 17. They could have made her a younger sister.

Why did Gala dye her hair red when her "wicked stepmother" is a red head? I missed a few episodes around that time. Was any reason given?

Very good episode. Things are finally moving in the right direction and little by little Ginebra is going to be losing control as she becomes more frantic and desperate. . . or so I hope.

How long until Paz finds out the vermin that Vermin is??? I am long past ready.

Jarifa, having known lots of teenage girls, I think Gala just wanted a new look to try to let go of her eating issues and low self esteem. She wanted to change herself to become somebody else. She doesnt like or trust Gin, so i dont think she thought about her similar hair color. I am surprised she didnt go for a wilder color like pink or blue, but she seems to be pretty conserative. Susan

Thanks, Susan! To me, it was weird since it happened right around the wedding. It is a beautiful light red. Blue and pink are popular around here . . . if only I were younger!

UA: Awesome job with the recap of last night's episode. I want to see Buji Elvira get her comeuppance ASAP.

Ginebra is faking the baby story to keep her control of Esteban.

Jarifa: More twists & turns to the story.


Thanks Urban, I enjoyed both the recap and screen shots. Esteban is taking risks and I’m afraid Ginebra is going to figure out what’s going on. I sure wish Elvira would start getting suspicious.

I thought Felipa had heard Humberto and Porfirio talking about Esteban’s problem. When she put the glass to the door the other night she heard their conversation. But I could easily be wrong! But my first thought was she was covering for them.

I’m glad Paz knows the truth but wish she hadn’t told her sister. I don’t trust Mireya not to tell Mauro, or maybe let it slip. And how can she see goodness in him. He would kill her sons, and maybe her, if Ginebra told him too.

I like Solomon and Gala being together. I hope the other girl is not pregnant.

I’m not sure how much Elvira is giving to Ginebra, or how much of the company, but wasn’t she sure Paz was after Esteban’s money.

Ginebra has all this money and can’t spend it. It must take a while to Laundry money!



Another incredible recap Urban. Your screen shots are always the perfect accompaniment.

Esteban is finally able to bare his soul. In spite of everything Paz has endured, the shock and horror was clearly etched on her face.

"He hadn't had sex with her but his top priority was to protect her (Paz) and his children". So Ginebra didn't have her way with him that night.

I really enjoyed Fobo interacting with the kids, especially Bosco. I don't think Elvira deserves him though.

Salo and Gala were so sweet together, they have such caring and respect between them.

Humberto can do everything it appears. The unsung hero.

"This was rudely interrupted by the arrival of Felipa with more cold water to pour on her and knives to stick into her soul" was perfect.


Indeed, Elvira did convince herself that Paz was after Esteban's money. However, in the belief that Ginebra was To The Manor Born prejudiced Elvira toward her even before it occurred to her that she was her long-lost daughter. It has not occurred to her that Ginebra is a bad seed and with 26 episodes to go that won't happen tomorrow.

The big question now is how much of Elvira's assets are bequeathed to Ginebra and what Ginebra will do next. She knows Esteban suspects her of Berenice's murder so she should be thinking twice about how he would be reacting if anything happens to anyone in his home.

As for Mauro, he isn't half the killer Ginebra is. He is scary when making threats and especially with a weapon at hand, but we've only seen him kill once. We still don't know his entire backstory. Ginebra enjoys murder too much, as we have seen. The poison incident was shocking, but someone said she's getting overconfident. That was the thing because there were enough other people there who could have had a bad vibe.

Selling healthy babies implies their clients have all been wealthy, but that is no measure of character. I wonder whether he thinks about that.

I am enjoying this show . The actors are doing a great job, and the good guys are smart and proactive . I am happy that we don't have to wait until the final episodes for the lead couple to be together and helping each other fight the villains . I like when the galan has loyal friends and family.

Gin is not going to be happy about Esteban getting off his leash and being with Paz.


Oh my, I just read Adriana 's excellent recap of the last episode (which I did not get last night because of football), but now it has disappeared ! !!

This show is heating up. Love it. Hope we get the episode tonight. Susan

That is Monday's episode, so it will be reposted.

No, it’s tonight’s. Coming soon to a blog near you!

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