Sunday, March 02, 2025

El extraño retorno de Diana Salazar Season 2 #2 3/2/25

 Original second season: episodes 3 and 4

Joaquín is awake and talking to Diana about having been Lucas in his visions. He remembers talking to Leonor about some purple sage that he found growing in between some tiles. Diana readily acknowledges  to having had the same vision. He remembers saying something like their hearts were united unless hers belonged  to someone else. Diana jumps up happy hearing that.  She tells him  that he was count Lucas in another life. He answers that she was Leonor. She can’t see how it’s possible. He doesn’t know and wonders if it’s true or not. She grabs him and embraces him  in his hospital bed. 

Diana wonders out loud why he hasn’t had visions in the past. He thinks that maybe his near death experience opened a portal to the past. She knows  they talked about that possibility before. She asks if that portal is still open. He has no idea if that meeting her was no coincidence. She cries as she strokes his face. 

It is morning and  Irene and Mario are in bed.  Mario is awake unaware  that Irene also is.He gets up and sends Gael a voice message.  He will not be able to make it to the lab today because he has other things he needs to take care of. He asks Gael to cover for him and he will talk to Santelmo. He thanks him. Irene turns over and asks Mario where he’s going. He says he’s going to the lab. She asks him for a few more minutes with him in bed. He  doesn't have time  right now but asks that she  remind  him when he returns. He leaves her the keys for the apartment so there’s no reason for her to rush. While he’s in the shower, she grabs his phone and pairs it with her own making sure that the pairing is hidden.

Joaquín‘s doctor tells Diana that in all of his years of being a doctor he has never seen a case like Joaquín's. His recovery is a miracle but he would still like to keep him a few days for observation. Diana  talks about that with him since the patient's  vital signs are normal and his latest test results show nothing  to be alarmed about. In addition, the patient feels like leaving the hospital. The doctor thinks that would be high risk at this point. Diana offers to be responsible for Joaquín. The doctor reluctantly agrees because he trusts Diana and will sign Joaquin’s release. Diana asks for a copy of Joaquin‘s record so she can take it with her. The doctor will send them to her. 

Malena is sitting at home looking at the pregnancy test. She thinks about phoning Gael but then stops herself.  She opens the door to leave only to find Mario  looking  for Diana. Malena tells him that Diane is not there and she’s on her way out. Mario asks her to help him because he’s worried about her sister. Malena ask him if he’s ever thought that maybe Diana doesn’t want his help. He thinks that she’s just confused and he’s afraid that she could be listening to any advice. That’s not good for her. Malena tells him to let Diana come to her own conclusions and to stop insisting. Mario tries to explain that is why he’s talking to a member of Diane’s family. He wants her to talk to Diana. Malena is frustrated and up front that everything doesn’t revolve around Diana and Mario. She also has her own issues and is not about to get involved in his. She apologizes and leaves.

Irene is at the hospital tracking Mario’s whereabouts on her phone. She sees that he’s at Diana‘s house. She is interrupted by her boss thanking her for her professionalism in the face of everything that she’s going through when she could be staying at home and resting. Hearing that and after seeing Mario's location, Irene decides to take him up on his offer and tells him that she will be going home to take it easy for a while. He will be calling Diana to cover for her. Irene thinks that’s an excellent idea.

While waiting for Joaquín, Diana goes into another patient space in the ICU and tentatively places her hand on his forehead to see what happens. When nothing happens, she leaves disappointed. As she goes to wait for Joaquín,  Mario appears. Diane asks him what he’s doing there. He wanted to see her and her secretary told him where she was. He is sorry about what happened to Joaquín. She tells him that things can’t go on like they are. One day he’s worried about her, the next day he hits Joaquín then he apologizes. Then he reports Joaquín so  his office is closed down  but now shows up here worried about him. What is his game anyway? He insists it’s not a game.  Even though they aren’t together, he keeps worrying about her. She thanks him. She explains that Joaquín had some brain swelling and was in a coma, but he woke up. Mario is amazed and asks what kind of treatment they gave him. There was no treatment. He just woke up and his brain is not swollen anymore. Mario asks if  he woke up  as if it were a miracle? She doesn’t know, but she’s tired of trying to find an explanation for everything. Maybe in this case, like a lot of others, there is no explanation. A smiling Joaquín emerges in his wheelchair. Mario tells him that he’s glad that he’s well. Joaquin says that he’s much better. He turns to Diana and asks if they’re ready to go. Diane smiles and nods. Mario is clearly surprised. Diana smiles at him and leaves. Irene calls him and he doesn’t answer.

Gael is at home drinking listening to the message that Mario left him. He swears. The next thing he hears is the door opening and Malena arriving. She asks him if he’s okay.  He asks her if she really wants to know or if she’s  asking him to be funny or maybe just to  be bitchy. She concludes  that she came at a bad time. He says no, but wonders why she came  when he thought that she had broken up with him so he so she could be with her partner. Malena asks him how he would think that when she never said that. He lets her know that she sure gave him that impression. He thought that maybe she just wanted him to beg for her to come back. She says no.  She has something much more important to tell him but he’s so drunk…  He asks her if she came to fix things with sex like she always does. He grabs her and she breaks away from him. She makes it clear that  she just came to get the painting  and then she’ll be gone. She asked if she’s serious. He screams at her asking  if the damn painting is more important than he is. He is tired of her never giving him the place he deserves in her life. He is going to see if she can live without her f****** painting. He grabs a knife and locks himself in the studio where he plans to destroy the painting. She tries to stop him explaining  that it is her work and doesn’t belong to her but to  a customer. Gael is upset because she always puts her f******  work and that a**h*** Gonzalo before their relationship. Gael goes to cut up the painting, but somehow the gaze of the almost glowing eyes of Diana in the painting stops him in his tracks. Malena manages to get into the studio and takes the knife out of his hand. Gael backs away from the painting disoriented. He thinks the painting is cursed. Malena reminds him he is very drunk. He insists it is the painting. He then turns on Malena telling her it is time for her to take the painting and to move out. He doesn’t want to see anything of hers left in his apartment. 

Diana delivers Joaquín back to his house where his mother is practicing writing prescriptions on the pad that she stole from Diana‘s bag. She quickly puts it away when she hears them arrive. Diana tells Joaquín how the doctors were talking about how they had never seen a case like his. Joaquín is convinced that her presence had something to do with his recovery. She smiles. He brings up the video he took and kept on his phone and swears that he only did it for professional reasons. He apologizes for not having told her about it earlier. She thanks him.  His mother Silvia appears. She can’t believe that her son is home and  is  overjoyed to see him. Joaquín introduces Diana to  his mother. Sylvia says that they have already met when she went along with her to the hospital. Sylvia thanks Diana for having stayed with her son. The doctors  made her go back home because of her anxiety. Diana gets a call on her phone. It is the hospital asking her to cover for Irene. She really would like to stay with Joaquín instead. Joaquin tells her to go. It is her job. She asks if he’s sure. He will be  fine resting with his mom.  He agrees to call her if he needs anything.  Diana leaves.

At the hospital, Diana goes to write a prescription for a patient and finds that her prescription pad is missing from her bag. She tells her secretary to print a prescription up for her.

Malena  arrives back home in tears. As soon as she enters, she finds that Gonzalo has called her to tell her that he is with Sandra  Posada  an artist that he talked to her about. She totally forgot about the appointment they had made with Sandra. She asks him to take care of the appointment for her. He agrees. 

Gonzalo  tells Sandra  how much he liked her Golem sculpture but since it was signed as anonymous, he didn’t know who to congratulate. It turns out they haven’t seen each other for 10 years since . . . he says she knows what he is referring to. She knows. He says the important thing is that she’s there and he likes the work that she does a lot. He’s interested in her. He asks her to tell him what it is that she wants to transmit. She mentions that she hasn’t forgotten his probing questions. He says those are the kind she can expect  every day now. She says that she’s still in love with art, but not in the same way as when they first met. She says there is such a trend these days for everybody to fit in and do things that everybody else is doing,but that’s not her styles What she’s interested in doing is causing a reaction in the people that see her art. She says that she could fill a gallery with all sorts of disgusting works of art but have hidden among them would be a beautifully captivating  sculpture only available to the person who willingly put up with the horrible work in order to look for it.  He likes that idea. He wants her to execute that idea. She asks really? He answers really.

Mario calls Diana's mother Delfina to tell her that he’s worried about her daughter.

At the same time, Diana is having blood drawn at work. She asks Dr. Guevara if he can also do a DNA test with a sample of the blood that she got from the painting.

Mario tells Delfina that every day Diana is more unstable almost to the point of being… She finishes the statement with "crazy."  Mario says that Diana is  believing in things that as a doctor she would have difficulty believing in. Delfina  says that she’s had  that curse her whole life. She blames it on Diana’s father. That’s another story for another time. Delfina  says Diana  has these long nights where she doesn’t know what to do with herself  but how do you help a person that doesn’t want any help? Mario says that he’s worried about Diana and there’s just something about that won’t allow him to let go. She is sure that it’s not too late for her yet. She says maybe if she talks to her daughter but  that Diana already knows what she thinks. She  admits that they don’t have the best relationship. Mario says it’s never too late to start again.

Diana is on her bed. After looking at some reports, she closes her eyes and suddenly she is back in the 17th century. After the usual montage, Leonor holds the piece of purple sage in her hand as Lucas tell her that he can see by her reaction that her heart belongs to somebody else. She answers  by reminding him  what they say: what the heart wants, it wants. You can’t deny it. Her heart beats faster when she thinks about Eduardo. Lucas recognizes him as a convicted man   may he rest in peace)who is who is supposedly dead. She tries to explain.  Lucas says there is no reason for her to justify herself especially for being in love. How he himself would want to feel  a love like that someday;  a love like hers that death cannot even kill.  He tells her that if her heart beats for someone else, who is he to get involved? She looks at  Lucas  and says that they must get married. Their family’s futures depend on it. Lucas says their families  can find some other way to increase their fortunes. His only mission is for her to find happiness even if it’s not with him. She sees that he’s being honest and asks if he will force her to marry him as before when he told her he wouldn't.  He insists he would never do that. His only goal is her happiness. She hugs him  and he holds her.  In spite of it all, he will still keep dreaming of their wedding day even if it ends up not being for him.

As they go strolling around town, Leonor asks "the Count" if she can ask him a question. Lucas asks her to call him "Lucas." She smiles. She likes his name a lot. She can ask him whatever she wants. She asked why he doesn’t like his brother. He asks if she would like him to be like his brother. She laughs and says no! His brother is crude, self-centered and annoying. Lucas  laughs asking her to tell him how she really feels.She apologizes for having said too much. Lucas says she forgot to say his brother  was despotic and vain, too. Lucas asks her to now describe him. She says he’s very different. Honest, direct, and a natural rebel like she is.Lucas hopes that they have more things in common. She adds that he’s also a good guy. Their pleasant interlude is interrupted by a woman being whipped by a hooded man in the town square.

Leonor dares to tell the man meting out the punishment that it’s inhumane to be doing that to a defenseless woman. He tells her not to get involved unless she wants to end up like the woman being whipped. Lucas comes to her aid pulling rank and telling the enforcer that he’s a Count. The enforcer apologizes. Lucas tells him to apologize to Leonor. The enforcer apologizes to Leonor. Lucas tells him that he got it wrong. The enforcer needs to apologize to the woman on the whipping post. The hooded man says that is something that he cannot do. He is working for the Holy Office of the Inquisition. Leonor gets some water which Lucas gives to the poor woman. As Leonor  passes the hooded enforcer he tells her if it weren't for the count, he would whip  her,  too. Leonard looks at him defiantly. Lucas announces that the show is over and tells everybody they can go now rather than staring at a poor defenseless woman. Lucas announces  things aren’t gonna stay like this.

Later, Gustavo is giving Rodrigo and Lucas  a tour of the mine where two silver veins are coming together the form of a cross. He comments on how nature makes its riches known. Rodrigo is not quite sure what he’s looking at in the mind until Gustavo tells him that it’s silver. The mine is full of silver and other precious metals. Rodrigo asks  how much silver are they talking about. Gustavo says, at the present time, it’s really hard to calculate but in a couple of weeks they will have an approximation. Rodrigo asks if there will be tons of silver. Gustavo answers  of course! Rodrigo wonders how long it’ll take to excavate the silver. As their conversation continues, Lucas goes exploring tunnels of the mine finding and then following evidence of somebody living there. Eduardo comes out of the shadows. The two men look at each other  and Lucas recognizes him as Eduardo.

In the present, Mario has a headache as well as Gonzalo. Diana awakens with a start And birthmark/scar burns. Gonzalo starts to have an asthma attack. Mario’s had it gets worse and worse. Diana is suffering too. Suddenly it all stops.

Malena shows up at Diana‘s office. She needs to talk to her. She tells her about the terrible argument that she had with Gael. She’s never had an argument like that with him before but she’s never seen him like that. Diana says that should tell her that that relationship has no future. Malena admits that she’s afraid of a future without Gael. Diana reminds her that a habit  is not love. Malena thought  she had finally made the decision to leave him but now she can’t. Diana asked her why she always closes off the possibility of leaving Gael. Malena informs her that she’s pregnant and it’s his.

Gael awakens hung over at the lab. He drinks some water and starts to text Malena but then decides not to. He goes to the National Institute of Medical Science website where he sees an article published by Olga Heinrich.

Malena is confused. She cannot see herself as a mother. What about her career? She thinks  that she’s stupid. Diana says not to call herself that but to her to give herself some time to get used to the idea. Diana wants her to go home and rest.

Diana‘s secretary has some news for her about her lost prescription pad. Two prescriptions using her pad were used at the San Benito Pharmacy in Anzures. They were for a Silvia. Diana makes the connection to Joaquín’s mother. The secretary asks her if she wants her to report it. Diana said she’ll take care of it herself.

Mario comes home to Irene in the shower. She calls to him because she can’t see him. She sticks her head out and asks how his day was. He says it was okay but  was  long  and he is tired. She asks him to hand her the conditioner for her hair. As he hands it to her, she grabs his hand and asks him if he’s sure that he’s really tired. He enters the shower, fully clothed showing her that he’s not tired at all.

Gael is talking to Olga. He has just found out that she and San Telmo went to the same university. She agrees that they were classmates but she  was very young and naïve. She explains that she showed him some parts of her thesis to get his opinion.  Gael concludes he ended up stealing it from her. She adds that’s not all that he did with it. He also used it to open his labs. Then he didn’t even ask her to be a part of his labs.  Gael thinks that even gives him more reason to be part of the Heinrich Project.  Olga smiles and says they need to toast to giving people what they deserve. 

Diane‘s mother Delfina shows up at her office. She’s stopping by to see how she’s doing. Diana says she’s doing fine. Her mother says that Mario doesn’t think so. Diana asks when in the hell is she talking to Mario. Her mother says that Mario called her and the two of them decided that it would be good for Diana  to go see a specialist and not her friend Joaquín.  Diana wonders whether Mario  called her so that she would come and see her.  Her mother  answers that wasn’t it. Mario was worried about her and thought that maybe her mother could get her to see things from a different perspective. Diana asks  when is he going  stop meddling in her life.Her mother thinks  he’s doing it because he loves her. Diana disagrees.  Mario has to stop butting into her life. Her mother reminds  that she loves her too. She and her sister are the most important people  in her life  and  although Diane doesn’t believe it,  Mario is in love with her. You can tell it a mile away. Her mother says that she was in love once upon a time too. Diana shakes her head and says that her mother just doesn’t get it. Her mother is doing  what she usually does which is not to get involved in things that she doesn’t care about. Her mother says it is important to her. Her mother tells her  that when her father left, she didn’t go  after him.  With Diana, she’s not about to commit the same mistake. Diana looks at her, says nothing and leaves.

Diana goes to see Joaquin and tells him that she is worried that Silvia is using her prescription pad and that it is a very serious offense. Diana says the only reason she hasn’t reported her is because she is his mother but she is also concerned for the damage that she’s doing to herself. Joaquin knows all about it and thanks  her. Diana says she’s not going to report her for now as long as he can get her prescription pad back but if he  can’t, then she will have to report her to the officials. Joaquín looks very sad. Diana puts a hand on his shoulder and asks if he wants to talk. He starts to explain that he didn’t have the simplest of childhoods. His father was in a state of deep depression and he was addicted to all sorts of drugs until he decided to kill himself. Diana is so sorry. Now, watching his mother going down the same path, sometimes he thinks that it’s easier just to put up with her vices than to  lose her,  too. Diana strokes his face. She finds it ironic that it’s so easy to judge one's  parents until we end up in their shoes. What Joaquin would give to have his father back with him! Diana hugs him and puts her head on his shoulder.

As Diana is leaving Joaquin‘s place, she gets a message from Dr. Guevara.  The results of her DNA test are in at the lab. She goes to the lab where she meets Mario who thinks that she arranged to meet him because of  his latest calls about her well-being. She says that’s not the reason but she’s there to review the results of a couple of DNA tests that she had run.  She is no expert in genetics, but Mario is. That is why she asked him to meet her. She sends him the results on his phone. He says that he didn’t have to come into the lab to ask him to take a look at the results. Diana informs him that this was something that she wanted to go over with him in person. Mario asks who the subjects are related to the blood samples. Diana says that they are her and a woman who died over 400 years ago.  She thinks that she’s correctly interpreting  the results that show that  she does have a connection to this woman who died over 400 years ago.  Mario looks at it and says there has to be a mistake since they are a 99.9% match. Diane says that is what had her confused and that’s why she came to see him. Mario says you don’t get that kind of results unless you have blood samples from the same person. She agrees.  Mario thinks   that whoever did the tests  must have made a mistake. Maybe they  tested  one of the samples twice. Diana says no way because she asked a to take a sample of her blood and run the test. He had to take a dried sample from 400 years ago in order to do the other test.  She asked him to run the test two times. The two tests gave the same results. Mario has admit that he does not understand what’s going on. Diana says she doesn’t understand either. All that Diana can conclude is that she has the same DNA as a person that died 400 years ago. And if that’s the result, it is reincarnation.

We see how Joaquín met Diana from a ride in a cab. He found a phone that had been left behind in a cab that he was riding in. He saw the wallpaper used on the phone and identified it as the painting he had hanging over his bed at home.  While he was there, Diana got a call.  He answered. Later that day, he met Diana in a café to return her phone to her.  They introduced themselves and went to go shake hands. There was a shock as their hands touched. He blamed it on his jacket being made out of wool. They both laughed.  He turned the phone over to her. She was impressed that he bothered to come in person.  She thanks him again.  He jokingly suggested that she invite him to a cup of coffee as a way to show her gratitude.  She looked surprised but amused.   He said what he really meant was he going to invite her to have a cup of coffee with him. She agreed. Over coffee and dessert, he asked if she would bother if he asked her a question. He asked her where the painting that is the wallpaper on her phone came from. She said  it may sound corny, but her sister was a an art restorer and that was a work by her favorite painter.   Diana was impressed when Joaquín identified the painter as Irma Oloftoter. Her  sister thought  that she was an artist ahead of her time who combined psychology with science and religion in her work. Diana admitted  to feeling sort of like that, too, sometimes sort of like a weirdo. Joaquín said  the same thing happened to him. She liked the painting because it symbolized all of these polar opposites that are really meant to be together. She started to talk about  her curiosity but  stopped deciding not to submit him to her rambling. He told her not to worry about anything that only weirdos were  sitting at the table. They both laughed. Diana said she really had to stop drinking coffee and go because if she didn’t, she wouldn’t sleep at all that night. Truth be told she hadn’t been sleeping well at all. Joaquin asked her why she said that lately she had  been dreaming the same thing every single night and  then she woke  up at exactly the same time every day. She didn’t know why she was telling him all of this. He asked if she got  up without knowing that she was up. She said she had. He said that was  an example of parasomnia. She decided that she could can message him and they could  talk some more. He explained  that he was  a psychologist who specialized in sleep disorders.  She could not  believe it and she thought  that they were meant to meet. She said  that she’ll be in touch and started  to leave. Joaquin had to call out to her to come back for her phone which she had left on the table. They both laughed.

In the present, Diana is at Joaquín's‘s place looking at the painting hanging over his bed.  He just brought her something to drink hoping she’s feeling better now.She explains that the DNA tests are validating her experience. What is now bothering her is are the people that have the results right in front of them but still can’t see the truth. He suspects that she’s talking about Mario.She thanks him for letting her stay with him. The last thing that she wanted was to come home and find her mother at her place. Joaquín thinks that she needs to be surrounded by people who support her and believe her. He believes her. He adds that maybe both she and he are crazy but they can be crazy together. Diana smiles and kisses him.

After the horror montage from the 17th century, Lucas tells Edgardo not to move. He introduces himself as Count Lucas and he is armed. Eduardo makes it clear that he has no intentions of hurting him. Lucas asks what he’s doing there. Eduardo says that there are some very powerful people that want to shut him up. That’s why he’s hiding there. Lucas  wonders why he should believe him. Edgardo says to ask his fiancée Leonor. Suddenly, they hear Rodrigo is calling for Lucas  trying to find him.Lucas answers that he will come to him. Lucas tells Edgardo that if he’s lying to him, he will kill him with his own hands. Lucas leaves. Leonar, Rodrigo And Gustavo are waiting outside of the mine for Lucas. She says that he had them all worried. Lucas excuses himself saying that he’s a bit of an explorer. Rodrigo remarks  he must have gotten lost due to his clumsiness. Leonor  notices the cruel remark but says nothing. Gustavo says it happens to everybody. As Rodrigo and Gustavo start to lead the way back, Lucas tells Leonor that he knows her secret. He knows that it was she who helped Eduardo.  She asks him to not say anything.  Eduardo does not deserve to be punished for the crime they are accusing him of. They set a trap for him because he discovered.Corruption in Otolara’s  government. Lucas says that’s a very serious accusation. Leonor knows it was. She herself sent the report to the King. It is just a matter of the King receiving the papers so he can clear up the situation. Lucas tells her not to worry as he knows how to keep a secret. She takes his arm and they walk back.

In the present, Diana wakes up in Joaquin’s bed. He asks if she was dreaming of the past.  He makes a joke saying that she’s going  get tired of him if she keeps seeing him in her dreams. She admits she was.  There areso many things that she wants to tell him but there is one thing in particular.  When she was a baby, a mirror shattered. Her father blamed himself for all of these years. He even convinced himself that it would be better for him to leave the family because he was too dangerous to be with it. She is wondering if it were she who shattered the mirror. There’s a flashback where baby Diana is in her crib, reaching for the shards of glass, suspended in the air above her. Joaquín concludes  that she’s asking that question because of what happened in the library. She’s wondering if she has some sort of ability? Joaquin rephrases it calling it a power. Diana then concludes that it’s all just ridiculous. Joaquin doesn’t think so especially with him where they share dreams and visions of the same people. She asks him if he remembers what happened at the floatararium. He nods. She wonders if she had something to do with that. They show us the two of them, kissing and electrical system going crazy.  He asks her if she was capable of creating a short circuit at that place. She has no idea. He says there’s only one way to find out. They have to find another way to study her behavior. Maybe they need to stimulate her mind more. Yes if she’s willing to give it a try. She takes his hand and nods.

When  Diana brings up Malena’s pregnancy, Malena asks her to drop the subject so that their mother doesn’t hear. Melina asks about Joaquin‘s response to the DNA results. Diana says they aren't talking about her.  Is she going to choose Gael or Gonzalo. Malena is not sure but the one thing she is sure of is that she wants to keep her baby. Malena is all smiles. Their mother comes into the kitchen. Diana excuses herself because she has a meeting at work. Her mother asks her if she’s going to have more esoteric sessions with Joaquín. Diana ignores her and leaves. An annoyed Malena asks her why she had to say that. Her mother answers that somebody had to. 

At Joaquín’s, his mother Silvia has made coffee and breakfast. She asks him if he wants a cup of coffee. He asks  if they’re going to pretend that this is just another normal day. She is taken aback as he asks her for Diana’s prescription pad. She lies saying that she has no idea what he’s talking about. He wants to know why she came.  Was it to make a fool of him or to  see if she could destroy the home that he finally built for himself? His mother says that she knows that she failed him in the past. As for the pills,  she has barely taken what the doctor gave her.  In spite of her protests, Joaquín finds  the medication in  his mother‘s purse. As she continues to protest, he tells her not to waste her breath because it’s not even personal anymore.  True addiction took his mother away a long time ago and if she is there to involve him in her blackmail one more time it’s better that she leave. She wants to mend their relationship. She misses him. She says he knows it is hard to get off those pills . . He tells her he does not have the frame of mind or time to mend their relationship. He wouldn’t have time for anything else. She thinks he means somebody else not anything  else. He shrugs his shoulders. She brings up Diana telling him that she would not leave him, even for a second when he was in the hospital. She asks him if he’s refusing to admit to having a serious relationship with her. Joaquin laughs. He can’t believe that she is turning into  the mother who actually cares about her son now! She only wants to be a part of his life. He tells her no. She has three days to go to AA or he will take her to rehab. He leaves her crying and panicked in the kitchen all alone.  

Malena goes to the gallery and sees Sandra who introduces herself. Malena asks where Gonzalo went. Sandra says  he went out for a couple of coffees. Malena smiles seem to find that "interesting."  Sandra says they are going over the details of the exhibition. Malena asked what exhibition? She says she hasn’t approved any exhibition with Gonzalo. Sandra answers  that is something she is going to have to talk to him about it Sandra recognizes that Malena might have a problem with the fact that she and Gonzalo had a relationship once upon a time, but it was a long time ago. All that Sandra hopes is that it does not change the value of her art work. Malena says no, not at all and she need not worry but her demeanor says something else.  Gonzalo returns with the coffee. He greets Malena saying that he didn’t know that she was coming. Malena asks to talk to him in private for a second.

Malena is angry. She asks if he wanted her to be a partner in the galley with him so that he could approve exhibitions of his exes work without even asking her. Gonzalo tells her that she’s seeing something that’s not there. He admit that Sandra is his ex  but it was  10 years ago that they last saw each other and were together.  The exhibition has nothing to do with that. He reminds Malena that she liked her work. Malena agrees  but that’s not the point. She says that he hid that he knew Sandra in another way. Gonzalo agrees with her. He should’ve told her  but Malena didn’t come to the meeting  with Sandra. He didn’t find time to tell her and she’s been busy with other things.  She asks him if them having sex then is just "her"  thing? He finally asks if this is all about Gael. She leaves in a huff saying that he is just not understanding anything. Gonzalo is left confused.

Santelmo offers a shot to Mario to celebrate making the lab proud. He got a call from Stanford and they want to make an investment in the lab after seeing Mario’s article. Mario thinks that’s a great piece of news. He never imagined that happening. They even want him to continue his research there. They will pay for all of the equipment and personnel necessary.  It would be in  couple of weeks or as soon as they sign the contract. Santelmo tell him to cheer up. They have met their goal. They toast. Mario looks upset.

Malena gets a call from Gael as she is unpacking at her sister‘s place. She doesn’t answer. Her mother comes in hearing the racket.  She tells her mother that she is looking for something  but can’t find it because everything’s a mess since she has moved back from Gael‘s back here.  Malena starts to cry. Her life is a f******  mess. Delfina  decides to leave her alone.  Malena listens to the voicemail that Gael has left her. He admits that she probably doesn’t want to hear from him, but he has to apologize for having drunk too much and being an asshole. He tells her that he’s planning on changing. He only wants to be a better person for her. He is going to give her all of the space she needs.

Joaquín tell Diana that he’s going to try it one more time. He is experimenting with psychic cards.     He is holding up a card with a circle on it. She cannot see the circle and he is asking her to tell him what the image is.  He tells her to concentrate. She still can’t tell him what is on the card. She says she doesn’t know. He says that if she doesn’t try, she’ll never achieve anything. He urges her again to try to see if she can do it. She becomes frustrated and tells him that she can’t tell him anything. She doesn’t know. She doesn’t know why he thinks she’s clairvoyant. He says that the fact of the matter that he could leave the hospital unharmed in the good shape that he was was due to her, right? He thinks that if everything has to do with her mind, these exercises are only going to stimulate her mind independent of whatever the results are. He urges her to try one more time. He tells her to close her eyes. He tells her to think about Leonor her feelings, her memories,  her story. The bond between them is the answer. What does she see? The door to the room starts to move on its own.She’s even more frustrated now saying she doesn’t see a thing. Nothing at all. Joaquín sees the door move and decides to frustrate her even more saying that if that’s how she feels, maybe they should just break up. She asked him what’s wrong with him. The door moves again. He says it seems like she’s never been good in personal relationship starting with her own parents. She asks him why he’s saying these things. The door continues to move back and forth in tune with her emotions. Her father left her and she never was able to have a serious relationship. He she tells him that he’s hurting her. He then mentions Mario not having a serious relationship with her either.  She gets up and starts screaming at him. The door slams shut. Diane turns to him and asks what he’s doing. He explains that the more angry and scared she got the door started to move on its own until it finally slammed shut. 

Gael and Mario are in the lab. It seems that neither of them are able to concentrate on their work. Gael is going to  go out for some coffee. Gael presumes that  Mario’s preoccupied with Diana. Mario says no it’s with the research. He explains that Stanford called and they want to finish his study up in the USA. Gael doesn’t know why he seems to be so worried. It’s great news. Mario agrees it is. Mario decides that he wants some coffee too. Gail leaves.

At Joaquín's, Diane is looking to see if there was any draft that could have slammed the door shut. Joaquín tells her there’s nothing wrong with the door. Diana finally has to admit that it was her. Joaquin says the theory doesn’t stop being a theory until all the possibilities against it are tested. Heis wondering if it’s her connection with these people in the past that are the catalyst for her powers. Diana doesn’t seem to like the word "powers"  so Joaquín tries calling them her skills, her abilities… her gifts. She says if they could access her memories in a controlled way, they might  be able to control her abilities. Diana wants to know how they could control her visions. She thinks that she already knows somebody that could help them with that.

Gonzalo is leaving the gallery. He gets into his vehicle when Sandra  sees  him and gets in. They chat.  He describes what he’s going through as his natural state of "chic depression". Sandra laughs. She asks him a serious question. Why didn’t he tell Malena that he had approved her exhibition. Gonzalo says that’s a good question. The truth is because he and Melina are not in a real good place right now. She asks if there isn’t a way of taking that relationship to a good place for the good of the gallery. He admits that Sandra is right. If things keep going this way, it’s going to  end up being pure chaos. Sandra smiles. She suggests that they go bowling.  Gonzalo laughs. He doesn’t understand how bowling is going to help his situation. She says it’s not going to fix the situation but it could leave him in a better mood especially if she doesn’t win like she always does. They both laugh. 

Emiliano is outside burning herbs in a  shamanic ritual. A boy comes running to tell him that somebody called him at the pharmacy. Emiliano tells him that they’ll call back in 10 minutes. He asks if Emiliano needs to know who called. Emiliano assures him that  he knows.

Joaquín goes home. He responds to messages from Diana saying that if they don’t meet up today, then they’ll meet up tomorrow. He calls out to his mother announcing that he’s home. He goes into the guest room and all that is left is Diana’s prescription pad.

Gonzalo and Sandra have a good time bowling. Sandra says if she didn’t know any better she would think that Gonzalo is more than just business partners with Malena. He confesses that they are. Things are not going really well now because Melina is in the process of leaving a very long relationship. He doesn’t know why he’s saying all this. Sandra says it’s normal.  She trusts him, too. He asks her what happened to her boyfriend Mauricio. She says that they were married for five years. After that, she doesn’t really know except that they changed. Gonzalo says that happens. She supposes it does.

Maria goes to see Diana in her office. Little does he know that Irene has seen him walk in. He’s there to apologize for the way that he reacted at the lab. She says he reacted like an arrogant scientist. He says more or less and he agrees.  She gestures for him to take a seat. Irene stands by the door and listens. He apologizes to Diana. He says that sometimes it’s hard for him to not realize that all doctors do not think alike. Diana doesn’t seem to think that there’s any point of discussing these things with him. They will never get anywhere with it. He know but thinks that the process could be very enjoyable. He smiles. She smiles a bit. He says now that they’re no longer together, they’re not even friends. Arguing with her is the only thing that he has left. Her smile grows. She understands him. She thinks that they should stop seeing each other out of respect for their  current partners.  He gives you the news about Stanford wanting to invest in his research. She is very excited about it for him. She congratulate him. He will be leaving in two weeks. Irene looks rather deflated outside the door as she listens. Diana says starting fresh is never easy but she thinks that Mario knows that all too well. She is sure with all of the work that he’s put in that the goal of his research is closer than ever. She tells him to take advantage of the situation. He has tears in his eyes as he tells her that this might be their goodbye.  Her eyes fill with tears too. They both get up on opposite sides of her desk. She tells him that she sure he’ll do very well. She is sure about that. He thanks her for everything and  goes to shake her hand. She comes around the desk and gives him a hug that they both enjoy.  Irene quickly moves down the hall before he leaves.  Diana iss ure Mario will do well. 

Diana, thanks her father Emiliano for coming to see her. Diana doesn’t know where to begin. She feels that the past has somehow twisted her mind. She doesn’t understand why she feels like she has such a connection with both Mario and Joaquín. He tells her that what she needs to do is to make sure that she has a very clear goal of what she wants from the experience. Otherwise, it could be a great disappointment. Her father asks if she can trust Joaquín.  Diana says yes she does. She tells her father to take a seat as they wait for Joaquín. He repeats what he told her before. There is somebody near her who is not the person that she thinks he is. He says, unfortunately, there’s no way of knowing who that person is but he knows that he exists. Diana insists that if there’s anybody that she can trust it is Joaquín. Her father says okay. Joaquín arrives. 

Gael has run to Olga to let her know all about what’s happening with Mario and Stanford. She says it can change all of their plans especially Gael's. With Mario in Stanford , they will lose all access to his research.Gael  is worried about when patents will be filed. She wants him to get his hands on  everything Mario has.  She is planning on filing  patents on Mario's research in Mexico before Mario leaves.

Emiliano has Diana and Joaquin standing in the apartment.  He explains that his medicine is traditional and simple.. It is ancestral. He smokes them with a smudge stick. This will help them die so they can Separate themselves from their body and be able to contact other planes of existence and get a new perspective. It’s something that cannot be taken lightly. The poison of Otac is a sacred ritual. It needs to be taken with all seriousness and respect. Joaquin recognizes it as toad medicime.  Emiliano tells him he’s right.  He presents the four elements before them.  Before beginning, they need to have present in their minds their intention for being there. Emiliano asks Otac to light their way and chants . He prepares two glass pipes with a substance in the bottom that he heats. He tells them to inhale three times and then to hold the smoke in their lungs. Joaquín is the first is the first to breathe in the smoke. Emiliano covers his nose and mouth to make sure that he is retaining it in his lungs. Joaquín passes out and Emiliano supports him to the floor where he lies down. Diana is next.  He tells them to go and not worry about a thing. He will be there to guide them through the whole process. As she inhales, Diane‘s eyes open. Her father continues chanting as Diana now has joined Joaquin lying on the floor.

There is the montage of 17th century events. Rodrigo has sent for Lucas. When he walks in,  Rodrigo is polishing jewelry. Lucas sarcastically states that he invited him to come and see him so he could watch him polish  jewelry. Rodrigo tells him not to be blasphemous. He is polishing a cross blessed by the Pope himself a just man not like the heretics that are of a different race. Lucas knows that he’s talking about the indigenous woman that was being whipped unjustly.  Rodrigo does not agree  as he refers to the ridiculous scene that Lucas made trying to protect that pagan beast. Lucas needs to know that the  woman was accused  of idolatry  and witchcraft. She should be found guilty as a matter of course and be burned in the flames of justice. One of Rodrigo‘s employees knocks on the door to remind him of an appointment with the abbott. Rodrigo excuses himself. Duty calls. Before leaving, Rodrigo tells Lucas that his intentions are good but his cause is the wrong one. He pats Lucas on the face and leaves. Lucas has left a lot to think about.

In the present, Joaquin is unconscious on the floor, but looking like he’s agitated. Emiliano is busy keeping the ceremony going. 

Back in time, an excited Leonor goes down to the kitchen to talk to her friend Ofelia. She finds Ofelia very upset and asks her what’s wrong.  They are going to kill her niece because the church accused her of being a witch. Leonor  puts it all together. The woman that they are going to burn is her niece. Ofelia says  that she’s never asked her for anything before and  has always been by her side.  Leonor says she can ask her for whatever she wants or needs.  Ofelia shows her a bag filled with statues of her non-Catholic  gods. She cannot destroy them. Ofelia says that if her niece is found with these items she will surely be burned. Leonor says they have to hide them. That is why Ofelia brought them to her house. They would never come looking for them here. Her family has links to the crown. Ofelia  doesn’t want to get her into trouble but she has no other options.  Leonor says that she can count on her but knows  that her house is not the place to hide them. Leonor makes it clear they’re just being close to the royal family doesn’t really matter with what is going on her. She uses the example of Mario and what they did to him. They need a hiding place that’s more secure. Lucas enters adding . . .  and more difficult to trace. He apologizes and tells them that he heard everything since the door was wide open. He assures them that he’s their ally. He knows of a place where nobody would dare go to  look for them. He says inside the Palace of the Inquisition where he is currently staying with his dear brother  Rodrigo. Leonor picks up the bag and says she’ll be going with Lucas.

In the present, Emiliano keeps on fanning those flames so the smoke keeps swirling.  Keeping time with a pair of maracas, he chants.  Still on the floor and unconscious Diana and Joaquin‘s  hands reach out to grab each other.

Leonardo and Lucas arrived at the Palace of the Inquisition. Lucas goes inside and tells Leonor to wait for him in the courtyard. He does not realize that she’s being watched by a figure from a second story window. Lucas comes out and assures her that everything‘s okay and that Ofelia has nothing to worry about. He hid the figures in an unreachable spot. He says they need to get out of there because they are too exposed. She stops him in his tracks and kisses him. Leonor expresses the kiss was an expression of gratitude that could not be expressed in words.

In the present, Emiliano passes a black feather over his daughter‘s face.

Rodrigo is quickly walking through the forest. The sound of women praying the rosary is all you can hear in the background. He enters a small cabin  and asks what the hell is going on. There’s a man in the bed wheezing. Rodrigo asks somebody  to tell him what’s going on. The women say that he’s dying. Between wheezing  and coughing,  he says that woman is the one who cast a spell upon him. She’s a demon. Rodrigo asked which woman is he talking about.  The man wants Rodrigo to know so that she can be judged and identifies her as the woman who was with the Count his brother. She’s a witch. The man starts to cough and cannot stop.

Back at Diana‘s house, Ofelia tells Gustavo and Ana  that Eduardo‘s wife has arrived. She is in the sitting room and says that she has some very important papers with her. Leonor’s parents go yo welcome her and  to see what she wants. It turns out that the woman  is Inés Betancourt  de Carbajal, Eduardos’s wife. (Surprise! She looks just like Irene.) She has proof to exonerate her husband.

Diana and Joaquín regain consciousness at the same time.


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There may be a few more scenes and obscenities in the recap than in Univision’s version since I wrote it from the original from the VIX site,

Malena is getting on my last nerve. Time for her to make up her mind akready: Gael? Gonzalo? or NOBODY? I like the third option. Also, she might want to turn up at work to actually work.

It is hard to believe that any woman of the 17th century would ever question the business of the Inquisition let alone in public knowing a women’s fragile position in a theocracy.

Jarifa, an incredible summary, beautifully conveyed. Every word flowed so seamlessly; you explained everything in vivid, colorful detail.

This was so well written and superbly acted. So many scenes had me riveted but none more than Emiliano's ritual. I am also fascinated by what will happen to Leonor now that Rodrigo has been told she is a witch (although the flashbacks indicate the penalty will be severe). Ines showing up was a bit of a surprise especially as "It is hard to believe that any woman of the 17th century would ever question the business of the Inquisition let alone in public knowing a women’s fragile position in a theocracy" which was perfect.

Who was watching Rodrigo and Leonor?

Malena (all hard edges, no soft curves) needs to choose door #3. Gael is a lying, thieving, manipulative mess who seems now irredeemable. I like Gonzalo but Malena doesn't seem to be able to extricate herself from Gael and he deserves better.

Thank you for your careful, intricately woven recap Jarifa. It is so appreciated.


Jarifa, thank you so much for your detailed explanation of all the doings. This is very much a mystery type show, isn't it. I hadn't realized Olga wanted to file the patents before Mario left. Who is the guy that stole her thesis work, is he the guy running the lab. I haven't sorted out the minor characters names in my head.

Jarifa, thank you so much for bringing us every moment of this unique story of endless, timeless love . What a treat to read with my coffee !!

I wondered if Irene might also be from the past since she was so obsessed with Mario. Sure enough, she was his wife in the past!!! I am sure that she played a part in Leonor's run in with the Inquisition . a what a fascinating story with excellent acting .

As we watch this story unfold, I am wondering about how it will end. Susan

Diana, thank you. That is the question: who was watching Eduardo and Leonor. It is looking like those pagan statues are going to play a role some how in Leonor’s downfall. I agree that Emiliano’s ritual was fascinating. I loved how he “knew” who was calling him.

Kat, thanks. Yes, the are more mysteries here than I thought there woukd be.No worries about character names. I have all? Most of them? Written down so I can hopefully keep them straight. LOL Yes the doctor who stole Olga’s thesis was Dr. Santelmo who Mario and Gael are working for.

Susan, thanks. So glad you enjoyed reading the recap. You had a good take on Irene/Inés! I was surprised to see her in the past. This is really a quality production all the way around.


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