Wednesday, October 06, 2010

El Clon, Wed., October 6 - Summary for Discussion

Abdul shoos Alí and Mohamed out of the kitchen - they must be present when the bride arrives. Zumaya (bless her little heart) asks Abdul, 'Si tanto le gusta el matrimonio, ¿por qué no se consigue una esposa?' If you like matrimony so much, why don't you take a wife? Then he could mind his own business and not spend his time finding wives for others. She asks if he knows any pretty women. Abdul sputters and says,'El profeta dice que el fiel para casarse debe buscar la virtud, no la belleza,' The prophet says that to marry, the faithful should seek virtue, not beauty.

The bride is reported to be about to arrive.

Latfia drags her bag through the medina crying.

No worries about Gloria. She grabs Paula by the scruff of her neck and demands her money back. Paula replies that Gloria is crazy and she didn't steal anything. Gloria says, 'Sí, estaré loca. ¿Por qué no vamos a la policía a ver qué tan loca estoy?' Yes, I'm probably crazy. Why don't we go to the police station and see how crazy I am? Paula doesn't want anything to do with the police. Paula tells Gloria that the money is at her house and she'll bring it. Naturally, Gloria isn't buying that one. She drags Paula to the restaurant and tells her to work off what she stole by washing dishes. She makes Paula tell her where she lives and says that when she done with the dishes, Gloria will take her home to her family.

Cristina is planning to honeymoon in Morocco. She tells Vicki that she and Leo were very happy there. Vicki asks what Cristina is going to do with the brujas (witches) that live in Leo's house. No problem, replies Cristina, I'll be the lady of the house.

Rosa repeats to Marisa that she won't take orders from Cristina even though she brought Daniel back to them. 'Pero no sirve para patrona, no señor,' But she doesn't make it as the señora of the house, no way. Lucía shows up and sees the bump on Marisa's face. Marisa lies about it, of course. Lucía doesn't believe her, of course, and tells Andrea about it later at home. She says that Marisa was obviously restless and uncomfortable, which to her, indicates lying. [It apparently never occurs to Lucía that it is impolite to come over without calling.] Andrea wonders if Lucas is beating Marisa up.

Luisa demands to know where Albieri was and she catches him out in his lie about meeting his friends.

All the women at the party are ululating in anticipation of the bride's arrival but it is Latifa who walks in. 'Escuché que hay un compromiso aquí. ¿Quién es el novio?' I heard there is an engagement party here. Who is the groom? she asks. 'I am,' replies Mohamed.

Said takes Rania and Jade to the mall and says that he is giving them one more chance to get along. Jade sees Daniel kissing some woman we have never seen (and scratching his head). The girl asks if Daniel knows the woman who is staring at them.

Said and Rania sit down at a table in a restaurant. Jade excuses herself to go to the bathroom. Said tells Rania that she has to get along with Jade. Jade is crying in the bathroom.

Daniel asks mystery woman a hypothetical question- if there were another man who looked identical to him but was 20 years older, which one would she choose? She weighs youth and virility against money. Daniel is apparently surprised that money is important to women.

Jade dabs her eyes in the bathroom. [We wouldn't want that orange eye shadow to run!]

Daniel tells mystery woman that the veiled woman that they saw was meant for him but the older guy got there first and lived his life before Daniel did. Not surprisingly, the mystery woman is confused.

Jade sits down with Said and Rania. When Said asks why she is sad, Jade replies that she just realized that, 'tal vez yo he persuguido tanto la felicidad que tal vez por eso ha huido de mí,' maybe I have pursued happiness so much, maybe I have chased it away. Said asks, '¿No será más bien que la felicidad siempre ha corrido detrás de ti y tú has huido de ella?' Couldn't it be that happiness has always been chasing you and you have been running away from it? Jade asks how she would know. Said replies that you always know. This is all a bit deep and cryptic for Rania [and for us]. Rania tells Said that he can count on her.

Mohamed tells Latifa that he doesn't want to get married. She accuses him of lying to her and reminds him that he promised her that he wouldn't take another wife. Mohamed says that he gave his word and can't break it. This goes on and on. Latifa cries and Mohamed makes excuses.

Alí tells Zoraida that if Mohamed doesn't want to marry Zuleica, he won't. She reminds him of what he said before about not interfering. He replies, 'Cuando uno quiere algo y se esfuerza por conseguirlo, hasta el ratón se come a un gato,' When someone wants something and makes a big effort to get it, even a rat will eat a cat' [I guess this is sort of like the lyrics to the song,
So any time your gettin’ low
stead of lettin’ go
Just remember that ant
Oops there goes another rubber tree plant
(High Hopes, 1959, VanHuesen/Cahn)]

The bride arrives. Karima sends for Mohamed. He comes downstairs and Abdul urges him to give Zuleica the gold he bought for her. Latifa is watching. Mohamend hesitates and then passes out. Latifa runs to him.

[At this point, we got a 'muy pronto' for a novela called 'Aurora.' Possibly this could be the replacement for Clon. I note that Telemundo was promoting 'Ojo por ojo' for a while as the replacement for La Cartel2 but then dropped it and is now showing 'Caso Cerrado, edición especial' in that time slot.]

Latifa has Mohamed carried upstairs and she makes sure that Zuleica doesn't get anywhere near him.

Marisa has bought a shiny red convertible for Nati. She tells Rosa that if they spoil Nati a little, she might feel more appreciated. They have to give her another chance.

The doorbell rings. It's Cristina and Vicki. Marisa tells them that Leo isn't home yet and excuses herself. In blows Nati and without paying attention to anyone, she runs upstairs. Rosa follows her and asks if she saw what was outside. Nati pays no attention. She is rummaging through her stuff looking for her stash. She accuses Rosa of stealing her drugs. She comes downstairs and accuses Marisa of stealing her money and her cocaine. She asks if Marisa wants her to prostitute herself to get money for drugs. Then she leaves. [You almost have to feel sorry for Marisa, here. Then you remember that she just bought this out of control drug addict a car!] 'Disculpen,' Forgive me, says Marisa. Vicki bolts for the kitchen to make tea and Cristina is very cool and polite. 'Todos tenemos problemas, no to preocupes,' Everyone has problems, don't worry about it' she says. [One wonders how Marisa would have behaved had their rolls been reversed.]

Gloria asks Alej if Nati has left. He tells her that Nati had to go home and take some medicine. Gloria is sceptical and scolds Alej once again for moping around waiting for Nati. He goes to train. Paula is finishing up the dishes and holding a big knife. Gloria tells Ramoncito to call a taxi to take them to Paula's family's house. Paula doesn't want to go there but Gloria says that it's her house or the police station.

Back in Fez, Mohamed has been carried upstairs. Alí tells Zoraida that it is best to let him sleep. Zoraida points out that Mohamed isn't asleep, he fainted and will wake up soon. Alí says that is too bad and suggests that Zoraida make her sleeping potion.

Abdul tells Zuleica that Mohamed fainted because he was so overcome with emotion at seeing her. He is sure that Mohamed will recover soon. Abdul asks Alí how Mohamed is doing and Alí replies that he will be fine when he wakes up. When Abdul expresses surprise that Mohamed is sleeping, Alí replies, 'Si Alá quiso que se durmiera, ¿qué podemos hacer?' If Allah wants Mohamed to sleep, what can we do?

A man at the house where Gloria has brought Paula says that she isn't his daughter and he doesn't want her around. Gloria leaves Paula there saying that is all she can do and warning Paula not to come near her bar again.

Albieri is waiting for a call and lying about it to Luisa. She cannot leave well enough alone and Albieri tells her that he is fed up with having to provide an explanation of where he goes and and who he calls.

Alí tells Abdul and Zuleica that Mohamed will sleep until the next day. Zuleica is upset. She wanted to get married as soon as possible. Abdul suggest that they have another party the next day - two parties for one wedding!

Latifa begs Alí for help. He says, 'Yo no debería meterme in eso, pero las mujeres son muy ingeniosas cuando quieren serlo,' I shouldn't get involved in this but women can be very resourceful when they want to be. Latifa decides that Mohamed should see his doctor in Miami and she has to take him there right away.

Jade is lacking confidants. She tells Miriam, the maid, that she can see the 40-year old Lucas with another woman but not the 20-year old Lucas. She says that the 20-year old Lucas is hers. Jadiya comes in and tells her mother a story to cheer her up. In the story, a prince and princess named Said and Jade live happily ever after and have beautiful little girl named Jadiya.

Lucas doesn't have confidants either. He tells Rosa that he put his life on hold to take care of Nati but it wasn't worth it. Every day things get worse. He can't take any more. He tells Rosa that he didn't marry Jade because he felt guilty about being happy when Nati was in such trouble.

We hear Nati yelling at her grandfather. Lucas wonders, as we all do, how long this will go on.

Leo is taking over dealing with Nati. He has confiscated the car and tells Nati that he won't give that or anything else to her. Nati tells him to be prepared for the consequences. He tells her that the door of the house will be open until midnight. If she comes home after that, she will have to sleep in the street. 'Now, its my way,' says Leo.

Enrique PSA- he tells his psych about when he hit bottom.

The three druggie teens decide to break in and rob Leo's house with the help of someone Paula knows.

Rosa fills Alej in on what is going on with Nati. He is about to go out looking for her when his manager tells him that he is going to supervise Alej's training personally from this moment on.

Finally, the sKank goes into labor.

The credits roll.


Tuesday, October 05, 2010

El Clon Tuesday October 5: Summary for Discussion

Capítulo 164: We are officially in las últimas semanas and as you might expect, everything is looking very bleak. Marisa seems to have survived Natalia’s attack, but to judge from her increasingly irrational behavioral, she may have suffered brain damage. At Said’s house, Paradise is Found. And Lost.
  • Is Gloria in danger from crazy Paula?
  • Has Pablo really been Maliciated?
  • Is Latifa too late to rescue her Mohamed from his own stupidity?

Tune in tomorrow…

At home, Albieri escapes from Luisa’s vigilance by telling her he’s going to buy a newspaper.

At Cris’s bar, Dora tells Vicki she won’t be attending Cris’s wedding – after all she’s marrying the man who’s trying to take Dora’s son away. Vicki encourages Dora to find happiness with Miguel and not to wait for some Karla to snatch him away. And Osvaldo is history, she says. A rey muerto, rey puesto! (The king is dead! Long live the king!)

Albieri joins Girl Reporter, Amalia, at a restaurant. He announces: Quiero hablar contigo sobre el clon. (I want to talk to you about the clone.)

Said gets home from his Chicago trip to find the household fairly calm. Samira and Amin are with Jadiya and they are anxious to tell him what has been happening. Rania, Amina and Jade come downstairs and have no bloody scratches on their faces.

The Naz tells Said she has in fact turned his home into a paradise by her strong leadership.

Dora tries to talk Daniel out of going to Casa Ferrer, but he is set on visiting Rosa and Natalia. After he leaves, Estela tells her daughter that arguing with him will just make him more determined to be with those people.

Cris is at home looking at dresses in a magazine and chatting happily with Vicki about the wedding. She wants her dress to be a daring choice, something unexpected.

Natalia, still sporting her new Unabomber look, is back at the Casa Ferrer. Lucas comes home, learns that Natalia is there and asks Marisa: ¿Ya te pidió disculpas? (Did she apologize to you?) Marisa admits that Natalia said nothing. Lucas becomes furious and storms upstairs. He slaps her hard across the cheek. ¡Basta! ¡Ya no más! He has had it with her. She in turn is outraged that he raised a hand to her and threatens to call the police. Go ahead, he says, and you can tell them where you got your drugs. I forbid to raise your hand to anyone in this house, he tells her. Si lo haces, te encierro! (If you do it, I’ll lock you up.) And even though it hurts me, if you continue like this, I will have to turn my back on you.

When Lucas leaves the room, Natalia complains to Rosa that Lucas hates her and blames her for his unhappiness.

Lucas tells Marisa, waiting downstairs, that Natalia is completely out of control. (Está descontrolada!) She has gone too far. [Duh!]

Leo walks in on the scene and asks Marisa how the wound (la herida) is. The wound is fine, she says: Lo que me duele es el alma. (What hurts me is my soul./My heart is breaking)

On the Pass Along the Misery Theory, Lucas turns on his father and wants to know how he can think of getting married at a time like this. Leo tells him he needs to go on living his life.

Snoopy Ramón knows that the owner of the apartment Alej and Natalia were subletting is now threatening to complain to the police if Alej doesn’t make good on the stuff the druggies robbed. Alej is going out to try to fix things and warns Ramón not to tell Gloria anything – he’ll knock his teeth out if he does! As soon as Alej leaves, Gloria skillfully extracts the truth from Ramón by making a similar threat (What is it with these people and my teeth? wonders Ramón)

After trying and failing to get money out of her family, Natalia is ready to leave again. Lucas runs after her shouting that if she leaves, she can just stay in the street. At that moment, Daniel comes walking up the driveway and Natalia throws herself into his arms. She’s afraid Lucas is going to hit her, she says. You leave her alone! says Daniel. And he looks accusingly at Lucas. You are not my father, says Natalia to Lucas. To Daniel she says: No soporto más! (I can’t take any more!)

When Lucas goes back inside, Rosa tells him his father wants to talk to him. Let him call the clone, (que le llame al clon) answers Lucas bitterly. Nevertheless, he joins his father and Marisa. It’s time to make a decision, Leo declares, and it’s incumbent upon Lucas to do so since he is Natalia’s father. Marisa suggests that Natalia is acting out because she feels they are rejecting her. But we’ve been at her beck and call 24 hours a day, says Leo.

No, listen, says Marisa. We should reward her for her insufferable behavior, the felony assaults and robberies and drugs. Let’s show our trust in our out-of-control wildly aggressive cocaine-crazed daughter by buying her a new car!

Back at the restaurant, Gloria tells Alej that she knows all about the apartment furnishings. She’s not going to let him continue paying for Natalia’s mistakes. He should go to the gym to train – she’ll take care of it.

Pablo gets to Not Really Malicia’s apartment and asks her right away why she said she was on a business trip. He knows it was a pleasure trip. And Malicia begins maliciating:
Whoever told you that is lying, she says. Rogelio had confidential business in Paris – so confidential that even Zein doesn’t know the details. But go ahead and call him and he can tell you that what I’m saying is true. Of course I’d lose my job for revealing confidences…but that’s not important. All I did in Paris was think of you.
And Pablo says: And all I did was think of you. Discúlpame, he says. Perdón. (But there is something hard in the set of his jaw that makes me think he hasn’t been totally maliciated. We’ll see.)

At the clinic, Escobar listens as Anita tells Julio that Malicia is back. And guess what? Julio smiles and guesses: ¿Sedujó al jefe? (She seduced her boss?) Yes.

Clara is back at her post at Empresas Ferrer. She and Caro have also heard the news. And no, she tells her friend, Rogelio hasn’t called.

Albieri is at the clinic. He tells someone on the phone that he’ll be there in an hour. Luisa and Padre Andres overhear him and Luisa wants to know who he’s meeting. The Mendelsons, old friends and colleagues, geneticists who are in Miami for just a brief time, he says. In his office, he admits to Andres that he lied to Luisa; in fact he’s going to meet with a journalist. He wants to get a sense of her work. So you’ve decided to go public? asks Andres. Albieri insists that is not the case. Not yet.

Marisa and Rosa are chatting about the new car for Natalia (the clinical term would be folie à deux, I believe -- two people sharing the same delusion or madness) when Gloria arrives at Casa Ferrer demanding to speak to Natalia’s father or mother. Right now!

Gloria tells Marisa that Natalia emptied and then sold absolutely everything from the apartment she was sharing with Alejandro. Now the owner wants be be reimbursed and even though the furnishings were used, he wants to be paid as if they were new.

Dora is just leaving her apartment for work when Daniel asks if he can bring Natalia to meet her. She’s really nice, he tells Dora. Her father treats her very badly – I had to protect her today. Dora’s not thrilled with the idea but finally gives her consent.

When Dora leaves, Daniel goes to his room, and veil in hand, daydreams about Jade and the kiss they shared in the ruins.

Unfortunately, Paradise has been Lost at Said’s house. Jade: Don’t treat me like a maid! Rania: That’s exactly what you are in this house, a maid for Jadiya! Said comes home before they have escalated to the hair-pulling, eye-scratching stage.

At Mohamed’s house we are treated to the two faces of the Naz: First she gives Farid a tongue-lashing for letting Latifa leave. Then, when Samira asks her if she thinks her father will take a second wife, she turns maternal and comforting: No, she answers. He adores your mother.

Luisa is getting anxious. What’s taking Albieri so long? She has Anita look up the telephone number of the Mendelsons.

We know what’s taking so long – Albieri is lecturing Amalia on stem cells and their potential use for organ replacement.

Anita has called the Mendelsons. They aren’t even in Miami!

And Albieri and Amalia continue their conversation. No, no hice un clon (No, I didn’t make a clone) he says. Usted podría hacerlo? (You could do it?) she asks. You mean do I have the knowledge, the technique – well yes, I know how to do it, boasts Albieri.

Natalia and Paula are hanging around a pool close to Gloria’s place. Nati wants to go find Alej. Paula will wait for her.

Luisa gets home. Albieri’s not there.

Gloria comes home pleased with the outcome of her visit to the Ferrers. Ya lo solucioné todo. (Now I’ve fixed everything.) she tells Alej. She gave them the apartment owner’s number and they will deal with him directly. They paid her for her chairs. After all, I won’t sanction anyone’s vices. (alcahuetear: to act as a pimp, procurer; to cover up).

Natalia arrives on the scene and wants to talk to Alejandro. Is Paula with you? Gloria asks. Yes, she’s right over there, close by. Gloria goes off to look for her, determined to take care of all her business at once. [This makes me very nervous. Gloria is tough and smart but Paula is vicious and crazy and carries a knife. You writers better not let anything happen to Gloria!]

Enrique PSA about using drugs to avoid the difficulties in life.

Nati and Alej talk. She tells him she is alone and everyone is against her. No, he says, I’m here for you and I always will be.

The final scene takes place in Fez. Latifa has arrived and is schlepping her suitcase towards Alí’s house. Inside, they are waiting for the comerciante Yaser and his daughter Zuleika to arrive. Zoraida says to Alí: Abdul está tan contento, parece que él es el novio. (Abdul looks so happy you’d think he was the groom.) The actual novio, however, looks miserable. ¿Por qué Ala me permitió hacer eso? (Why did Allah allow me to do this?) Mohamed no quiere casarse con una segunda esposa. (Mohamed doesn’t want to marry a second wife.) You brought it on yourself, says Alí, and there’s nothing I can do about it now.

Credits roll


Monday, October 04, 2010

El Clon, Mon., October 4 - Summary for Discussion

Just what we were all hoping for - more of the druggie teens!!
Plot advancement score: -10
Frustration level: 1000
Sorry, no pictures, no Spanish.

Clara and Fernando have the same screaming match as always. Then, what fun! a PDA from Enrique. Enrique doesn't believe his wife and children would forgive him.

When Clara won't give him any money, Fer takes a clock and some crappy ornament that he could maybe get about $1.50 for.

Marisa has been out shopping for Nati in her little dream world. She wants Rosa to organize a dinner for Nati and her friends. Meanwhile, Nati gets a call from Paula and tells her to come over.

Marisa wants to have an agreement with Nati that no one ever talks about what happened so that she can pretend that it never happened.

Rosa asks Marisa who will be boss when Leo marries Cristina. With Leo's history, Marisa isn't sure that will happen. Rosa announces that she won't take orders from Cristina.

Leo wants a small wedding. He has serious problems in his life. Cristina says that she understands but it is important to celebrate. Leo agrees to what she wants. Cristina suggests a wedding at his house with all his high society friends and all her friends from the barrio.

Nati lets Paula in the house and takes drugs again. [Marisa should just call the cops but then there would be a scandal and not having a scandal is more important to her than Nati.]

Hilda sKank can't understand why Consuelo sKank has gone back to the DelValle's.

Albieri wants Amalia's phone number. Luisa tells him that she knows that there is a part of him that is sad that his work isn't going to be recognized. She doesn't want him to go to prison, though. Albieri says to himself that Luisa will never understand what it means not to have your masterpiece recognized. When she leaves, Albieri calls Roberto to get Amalia's phone #.

Jade tells Latifa that she has to go to Fez and she can pawn her jewelry to get money for the ticket.

In Fez, Mohamed doesn't seem very happy. He tells Ali that he has had seconds thoughts and doesn't want a second wife but unfortunately he signed a contract and and has to fulfill it.

Latifa pawns her gold and is going to Fez on Friday. Jade will take care of her kids. Abdul is taking Mohamed around the medina to buy gold for his fiancée. He is going to have an engagement party for Mohamed on Friday. So Friday's lookin' good for something to happen in this story.

More disappointment. Rogelio and Malicia are back from Paris and apparently our wishes that she get sick all over Rogelio were not granted. They had a good time, they kiss and Rogelio promises to take her to Italy next time.

Nati won't let Marisa or Lucas into her room. Leo comes home to announce that he has set his wedding date. They are going to have an intimate ceremony at the house. Rosa asks if Cristina is going to come and live with them at the house. She has heard of 'modern' marriages where the husband and wife live in their own houses. Leo replies that she is more modern than he is. Leo asks Marisa to help him plan the wedding. [Ha! she'll love that!]

The doorbell rings. It's Daniel. He has the photo of him and Nati when there were little. He shows it to Lucas. Lucas doesn't understand how Daniel and his daughter could have been together. Daniel tells Lucas that he wants to be a guitar player. Lucas hears Leo's voice from the past poo-pooing guitar playing as a career. He tells Daniel to follow his dreams.

Enrique comes over. As usual, he is hot to meet Daniel. Lucas tells Enrique that Rosa wants to hear Daniel play the guitar but, like Leo, she didn't care about Lucas' interest in it when he was a teenager. Enrique replies very sensibly that people change as they get older and Daniel is like the grandchild. Lucas is still p*ssed off.

Daniel meanwhile asks everyone how he can avoid ending up like Lucas. Rosa tells him that whenever Jade appeared in Lucas' life, there was a big dustup. When Daniel asks for details, Rosa tells him that Lucas was ready to leave his wife and daughter for Jade.

Amin distracts Farid while Latifa escapes from the apartment.

Gloria tells Alej that Nati called him. He calls her back. Nati agrees to come to meet Alej at Gloria's.

Malicia is all kissy kissy with Rogelio but no sooner is he out the door, then she calls Pablo and says that she missed him and is dying to see him. She tells him that her trip was boring. Diana tells Pablo that she can't believe that he will just ignore the fact that Malicia just got back from a trip with another guy. Pablo replies that Diana doesn't know him.

Marisa asks Leo if she is sure that Cristina wants her to plan the wedding. Leo asks her to imagine a wedding planned by Cristina. At that moment, Nati and Paula, obviously high, come downstairs on their way out.

Leo, Marisa, Enrique and Lucas just stand there and tell Nati that she can't leave, much less with Paula. Finally, Lucas drags her back into the living room. Nati grabs a big ornamental rock and brains Marisa with it and leaves. Enrique says that they need to go to therapy. Marisa doesn't want to tell her problems to a bunch of loser strangers. Enrique says that the people in therapy have the same problems as Marisa. Daniel runs downstairs and asks what is going on.

Rogelio tells Zeín that being in romantic Paris caused him and Malicia to have a fling.

Clara finds out that Rogelio is back in town. She is sure that she has lost him. Another love that Malicia took from her.

Alej is waiting for Nati. When he sees her, he knows right away that she is high. He says that he thought she was better but it's the same old same old. He thought that after she lost their baby, she would wake up. Nati denies that it was her fault that she lost the baby. She says that Alej can't understand what is going on with her and why she takes drugs. She runs away, finds Paula and Alej and then she robs a woman in a car. [Perfect, now Nati has committed a crime. This just gets better and better.]

The credits roll.


Saturday, October 02, 2010

El Clon Friday October 1: Summary for Discussion

Capítulo 162: In which Marisa keeps Alejandro and Natalia apart, intensifying the suffering of both; Lucas spends the day in a jealous snit; the Naz enjoys her taste of power; and Latifa fails to understand that to pull a Rania, you don’t ask permission.

Lucas is so upset when he hears Natalia tell Daniel that she likes her young father better than her old one that he goes to Marisa (Marisa!) for comfort. I can’t take it anymore, he tells her. (Ya no aguanto más!) If he moves in, let me know. I won’t be coming back!

At the front door he tells Rosa: ¡Esta casa es demasiado pequeña para los dos! (This house is too small for the two of us!)

Alej phones from the gym. He wants to stop by to see Natalia. Do you think Marisa will mind? Not at all, says Rosa, and it will do Nati so much good to see you. Ay, pobre muchacho, remarks Rosa to Marina as she hangs up the phone, ¡Marisa no lo puede ver ni en pintura! (Marisa can’t stand him, lit: can’t even see him in a painting.)

Daniel and Natalia come down the stairs saying their teasing, affectionate good-byes. Hija, he says, eat your fruits and vegetables!

Zein goes to Cris’s apartment asking for some help. He knows Jade is back in Miami and she and Said aren’t married. He wants a chance to talk to her. Cris has an idea…

The Naz is spinning another of her Just Naz stories for Jadiya and her friends: La princesa Nazira y sus cuñadas educatitas. Erase una vez … Once upon a time a beautiful princess lived with her sisters-in-law, a bunch of useless, exhibitionist odaliques…. The kids have a glazed expression on their faces.

Albieri is on his way out the door – Luisa has just called from the office with some news about Silvia – when Daniel arrives unexpectedly. He wants to know if Albieri gave Jade her necklace. He did, Albieri assures him. What did she say? Daniel wants to know. Nothing, says Albieri. Then, looking carefully at him, he asks: Daniel, are you in love with this girl? No, says Daniel. She likes the other one. The original.

Albieri invites him to come along to the clinic, but Daniel doesn’t want the people there looking at him. He’s going home. Albieri tells him he has no reason to hide, he’s no different from anyone else.

Jade smiles as she looks down at the necklace in her hands.

Albieri’s words must have softened his feelings, because Daniel tells Dora that, as far as testifying goes, he won’t be part of a conspiracy (complot) to put Albieri in jail. Dora tells him that if Leo proceeds with his plan to sue for paternity, Daniel will have to testify. And he’ll have to say very firmly that he isn’t a clone. [Neither Dora nor Daniel seem to understand that their legal counteraction would protect Albieri; it’s Leo’s suit – and Lucas’s too – which would expose Albieri to legal jeopardy.]

Would they write about the trial in the papers? Daniel asks. Because if they do, he won’t go out where people might recognize him and call him a clone.

Silvia is at Albieri’s clinic. No hard feelings, she says. I did what I felt ethically bound to do. Villegas just didn’t believe the clone story. Qué buenas noticias! (what good news!) exclaims Padre Andres, who has been hanging around the clinic a lot lately [And why not? There are certainly souls there needing saving – and has he met Escobar yet?].

Samira tries to comfort her mother but Latifa is inconsolable. She is convinced she has lost Mohamed forever. Then she has a brainstorm: She’ll pull a Rania! She’ll go to Fez and bring her man back home!

But in Fez, Latifa’s man is more determined than ever to take a second wife. He is unimpressed when Alí points out how much turmoil a second wife brought to Said’s home. That won’t happen to him because he, Mohamed, isn’t marrying an odalisca! [Yeah, like Said found Jade and Rania in the “odaliscas” section of Craig’s list, Fez.]

Abdul says Yaser and his daughter Zuleica are good to go. They need Mohamed’s answer. Me caso, affirms Mohamed. I’m getting married.

Alí tries to dissuade him from rushing into marriage out of anger or in reaction to a rebellious child. He is exaggerating the importance of Samira's refusal to wear a veil. He reminds him that: No es obligatorio usar el velo en nuestra religión (It isn’t obligatory to wear a veil in our religion.)

Back in Miami, Ramón tells Gloria about Nati’s miscarriage. ¡Ay, qué tristeza, qué tristeza que Natalia haya perdido a mi nieto! (Oh, how sad, how sad that Natalia has lost my grandchild!)

The sKanks are still out there walking. Hilda has heard that Lucia asked Consuelo to come back to work for her. Consuelo didn’t want to but Rosario made her do it.

And indeed, Consuelo and Rosario are standing in Lucia’s house while that lady tells Consuelo how much she missed her; she had to put up with a parade (desfile) of inept maids after she left. Andrea walks in and is obviously disgusted to see Consuelo. She says: You used to clean my parents’ bedroom every day and every day, you would leave carrying an envelope. What was in the envelope?
Consuelo looks a bit flustered, feigns confusion. She says: ¡Yo sería incapaz de llevar algo de esta casa! (I would be incapable of taking anything from this house!)

Alej is walking up the stairs to Natalia’s room when his path is blocked by Marisa. My daughter needs to rest, Marisa tells him. If you really care about her, you’ll leave her alone. I think you believe I’m responsible for everything that happened to Natalia, he says. I don’t care what you think, she answers, my only interest is my daughter’s well-being. And the overly educado hijo de Gloria, instead of calling out ‘Nataliaaaaa’ at the top of his lungs, turns around and leaves. [And then it hits me: He looks like a young Brando! Stellaaaaaa!] We see him drive away in Pablo’s red pick-up.

Cris calls Jade and tells her Zein is dying to see her. She will swing by later and pick her up. Jade smiles and reflects: Mi suerte volvió! (My luck is back!)

Enrique convinces Lucas that the two of them need a night out. And of all the gin joints in all of Miami – they’ll go to Salamandra!

Said’s servant tries to stop Jade from leaving. Lala Nazira wouldn’t like it! I’m not Nazira’s slave, answers Jade tartly and continues out the door.

When Cris and Jade arrive at Salamandra, Cris goes off to find Zein. Enrique and Lucas are already there. In the crowd, Jade and Lucas see one another. Lucas is filled with joy and hope and visions of Jade dancing: first in Alí’s house while he watched secretly and later in the ruins, when she danced just for him. Jade, he pensado mucho en ti! (Jade, I thought about you so much!) he says happily. Her answer stings:
Yo también he pensado mucho en ti. Cada vez que me acuerdo que no tengo casa, de lo mal que me ha ido en la vida, me acuerdo de ti, Lucas!
(I’ve also thought a lot about you. Every time I remember I have no home, of how badly my life has turned out, I remember you, Lucas!)
She goes on: Do you know how it feels to live like a servant in the house where you were once the owner just for the sake of being close to your child?
He tries to explain things to her but she refuses to listen. Then he tells her he knows she met his ‘copy’ in the ruins. How did that feel? he asks bitterly. She runs out and he follows her, just a beat too late. She has vanished in a cab.

Cris and Zein come onto the dance floor. While they are looking for Jade, they spot Enrique. Did you come with Carolina? they ask. No, he says, with Lucas… And all three realize that Lucas and Jade are gone.

Daniel is looking through a box of memorabilia for a photo of him and little Natalia. He tells Dora and Estela that he went to visit Rosa and met Leonardo’s granddaughter, Natalia, and that got him thinking of his childhood friend. ¡Mira! ¡La encontré! (Look! I found it!)

Lucas returns to Casa Ferrer as grouchy as he left it that morning. It has truly been a terrible, horrible, no good very bad day for our hero. Is he still here? he asks Rosa. If you all like him so much, why don’t you keep him and I’ll leave!

Jade’s homecoming is no more pleasant. She runs upstairs to escape the interrogation of the imperious Naz. She finds Jadiya, Rania and Amina huddled together. The Naz turned out the lights and Rania is afraid of the dark. The Naz sent Jadiya’s friends away. They all seem to be looking to Jade for guidance.

Downstairs the Naz is gloating about how the odaliscas are finally getting along with each other -- even if it’s only for the sake of conspiring against her.

At Gloria’s place, Alej tells Pablo that Marisa wouldn’t let him see Nati. But what he doesn’t get is why she hasn’t called him… unless someone is manipulating her.

That’s not exactly right. Natalia tells Rosa what is really going on:
Es que Alej quería tanto tener este bebé, y yo también.. Eso fue por mi culpa y nunca me va a perdonar.
It’s just that Alej wanted to have this baby so much -- and I did too. This was my fault and he’ll never forgive me.

Gloria is consoling her son but when he says:
Tenía tanta esperanza de que este niño cambiara a Natalia, de que le hiciera bien...
(I had so much hope that this child would change Natalia, that it would do her good...)
…she reminds him that a child doesn’t solve problems.
Sea como sea, yo quería tanto a ese niño, says Alej sadly.
(Be that as it may, I wanted this baby so much.)

Latifa is desperate. She decides to ask cousin Farid – he’s the one minding the store so Mohamed can be in Fez destroying his family’s happiness -- for money so she can go to Fez and surprise Mohamed. He turns her down flat. No es bueno darles sorpresas a los maridos (It’s not good to surprise husbands). When she breaks down and appeals to his pity, he remains a stone. A humorless stone who refers to himself in the third person. Next to this guy, even Mohamed looks like a party animal. [Seriously, Latifa. Go sell some gold and buy yourself a ticket.]

In the final scene, Alí does his best to keep Mohamed from taking a second wife. He is making much too much of the veil issue, he tells him. He reminds him that when a woman is forced to wear a veil, it has no spiritual value.

Abdul bustles in smiling. You’re a lucky man! he tells Mohamed. Yaser is willing to accept you and his daughter Zuleica is happy about the arrangement. Let’s go buy gold for the bride and then we can go to her family’s home and you can ask for her hand!

Credits roll


Friday, October 01, 2010

El Clon Thursday September 30: Summary for Discussion

Capítulo 161: In which Paula is The Wolf at the Door; The Naz wrangles the Odaliscas; and Natalia and Daniel discover they are soulmates.

When the doctor leaves, Marisa goes to her daughter’s bedside. Natalia turns on her: ¿Qué haces aquí? Vete. (What are you doing here? Go away!) I don’t want anyone here. ¡Que se mueren todos! (Drop dead, all of you!)
A stricken Marisa flashes back to an image of a woman in a hospital bed. The woman thrashes violently as two attendants hold her down, and give her an injection. She is screaming: ¡Suéltenme! Lárguense! Marisa, ven! (Let go of me! Get out of here! Marisa, come!) We see a little girl crouching on the floor outside the room, her face buried in her hands. And we see the adult Marisa sink down and cover her ears with her hands.

At Gloria’s, they are frustrated that the police haven’t caught Paula. And when they do find her, she’ll have ‘inhaled’ all the money she stole. Ramón is still a wreck. When Pedro touches him on the shoulder, he jumps and tells him not to come up behind him.

Yes, Paula is very much on the loose, on the prowl like a wounded wolf. And right now the wolf is at the door of the Casa Ferrer screaming Natalia’s name, struggling violently with the guards, while Marisa and Rosa look on. Close the windows, and the curtains says Marisa so Natalia can’t hear her. I don’t understand why this is happening!

Andrea goes to Gloria’s and tells Alejandro that Nati has lost the baby.

Rosa tells Marisa that Alej called and he knows about the miscarriage. Rosa told the truth: that Nati is sleeping because of a sedative the doctor gave her. And what about Leo and Lucas? asks Marisa. They’re sleeping too. Marisa will keep vigil in case Natalia needs something in the night.

At the clinic, Albieri shows Luisa Jade’s necklace and tells her he’s going to return it to its owner.

Julio comes in with some news: The Medical Board has refused to hear Silvia’s complaint. Villegas doesn’t believe the clone story and thinks he’ll look like a fool if it’s made public. Instead of being relieved, Albieri is outraged. He wants his great deed acknowledged. And he suspects that Villegas really does believe him and is denying him his glory. Luisa and Julio try to convince him that Silvia’s complaint would send him straight to jail and would make Daniel’s life miserable.

Or should I say more miserable. Daniel is reading all about Dolly. He tells Estela that the normal life span of a sheep is eleven or twelve years but Dolly died at six. They think it’s because she was cloned from a six-year-old animal. Since Lucas was twenty when Daniel was cloned, he will probably die young too: Es como si me hubieran robado veinte años de mi vida. (It’s as if they had stolen twenty years of my life.) But Estela continues to dismiss the clone story: A ti te cuentan un cuento chino! (They’re telling you a lie/a tall tale).

Dora comes in all dressed up and ready to go see the lawyer with Daniel.

Albieri shows up at Said’s house looking for Jade. As Said looks on suspiciously, Albi says: Yo vine para hacerte entrega… (I came to deliver to you…) Jade is delighted: Mi collar!
You lost it in Fez, right? says Albieri. But how did you happen to get hold of it? presses Said. Albieri has the good sense to fib and say that Luisa found it and realized it was Jade’s.

The kids have been squabbling again. Jadiya was in Rania’s room trying on her veils in front of her mirror and now Rania is like all mad and stuff, helloooo. When Said walks in, Jade has also joined the quarrel. Enter The Naz Triumphant. Said says to his sister: La casa queda bajo tus ordenes! (The house is under your orders/you’re in charge). He is going to Chicago for a day. Jade and Rania glare at one another.

Dora and Daniel are meeting their attorney, Cecilia, at Cris’s apartment. Cecilia starts to explain Leo’s intentions in his demand…

Leo, for his part, is telling Lucas that he isn’t ready to proceed right now. He doesn’t want to hurt Daniel or Albieri and he’s still too heartsick about Natalia to think about the suit. But he’s not too heartsick to blame Lucas and Marisa for Natalia’s problems. Lucas tells him that if Leo does proceed with a demand against Dora, he will lodge a counterdemand against Leo. Do it, says Leo.

Lucas asks Enrique to prepare that counterdemand.

Cecilia, back at Cris’s apartment, explains that if Leo goes forward with his suit, Daniel would have to talk to the judge and Albieri would go to jail.

Lucas tells Enrique that Daniel is not Leo's son: Ese muchacho nació de mí, de una célula mía; eso quiere decir que es una copia. (That boy was born from me, from a cell of mine; that means he’s a copy.). That’s arguable, says Enrique. And, he says, I’m in a difficult ethical position here. Well if you can’t be my attorney, says Lucas, find me someone really good. Enrique promises to call him.

As soon as Lucas leaves, Enrique calls Roberto. TWLIM (the worst lawyer in Miami) has to interrupt his golf game to take the call. Enrique explains his dilemma. Even though Roberto’s name is on the document Leo is filing, he, Enrique, actually wrote it. If Enrique takes on Lucas’s case, he can’t continue advising Roberto. That would be like arguing against himself. Roberto is alarmed. He may be a lightweight, but he does know his own limitations. You can’t abandon me! he says.

Pablo may not be completely brain dead. He tells his gym buddies, Alejandro and Pedro, that if what Diana told him about Malicia’s trip is true, she’s history.

At the Clinic, Escobar explains to Anita and Luisa that Fernando is at home and Clara is keeping watch over him. They researched rehab facilities and the good ones are too expensive for them. They don't even have anything left to sell to raise the money...

Caro is home with Clara. Clara goes to see if the paper has come and finds, instead, the wolf is at her door: Paula.

Natalia wakes from her sedated sleep and asks her mother to repeat what the doctor said. With some reluctance, Marisa says:
El médico me dijo que habías perdido tu bebé por las drogas que habiás consumido antes y durante el embarazo.
(The doctor told me that you had lost your baby because of the drugs you had used before and during the pregnancy.)
You mean I can’t have children? asks Natalia. No, Marisa corrects her, but if you continue using drugs, the same thing is likely to happen again.

Rosa greets Daniel happily when he arrives at Casa Ferrer. He’s glad to see her too. As he says: Es mejor ser visto como un espíritu que como un fenómeno. (It’s better to be seen as a spirit than a freak.) She invites him up to Natalia’s room so he can visit his “sobrina” (niece).

Rosa introduces Daniel to Natalia: Es tu tío Diego reincarnado…igualito como era él.
(It’s your uncle Diego reincarnated... he looks exactly like him.) And he knew you when you were a little girl.

Daniel acknowledges that he told Rosa he used to have a friend named Natalia. Marisa insists it must have been some other Natalia. But he’s identical to my father, says Natalia, wonderingly. Marisa leaves in disgust.

Natalia finally seems to be perking up. She says that when she heard about what Albieri had done, she thought it was a joke. Are you afraid of me? asks Daniel. No, says Nati, sit down.
Daniel tells her: Es que la gente dice que yo soy un clon… (It’s that people say I’m a clone.)
And I don’t like it, he says, it scares me. I’m afraid of dying.
Me too, says Natalia. Daniel says everyone looks at him as if he were a freak. I don’t belong to this world, he tells her. (No pertenezco a este mundo.) Me too, she says. I don’t belong to this world either.

The wolf, AKA Paula, forces her way into Clara’s house, plops on the sofa and falls into a dead sleep. Clara is afraid to call the police because they’ll probably arrest Fernando too. And she can’t go to work and leave the house unguarded – there will be nothing left when she comes back. Call Escobar, says Caro.

Enrique to therapist: I started with marijuana, went on to cocaine. And with cocaine, I felt like God…I felt like I was holding God in my hands. And in a very short time, my life had become a nightmare.

Escobar brushes off Clara’s concerns: He can’t leave work. Take care of it yourself. It’s your problem for letting a stranger in the house. I’ll come by after work and talk to Fernando.

Then Escobar turns to Anita and grouses about Clara’s expecting him to interrupt his workday. She must have a real problem, says Anita. Well Fernando didn’t have these kinds of issues when he was living there, he says. Esto demuestra que Clara es un fracaso como mamá! (This shows that Clara is a failure as a mother!)

At Empresas Ferrer, Leo asks Caro where Clara is. Caro tries to cover for her friend saying she was in earlier but felt ill and had to go to the doctor.

Roberto and Enrique continue their conversation in person. Enrique insists he can’t advocate for two opposing sides. Roberto again begs him not to abandon him. The phone rings. It’s Leo asking Enrique to come to his office.

I suppose Lucas asked you to recommend a lawyer, says Leo. No, answers Enrique, he wanted to hire me. Enrique catches Leo smiling at the thought and he is furious. He tells Leo: You’re so smart! You think you hired the most persistent, daring, brilliant attorney – and now he'll be going up against old, alcoholic Enrique!
Oh please, says Leo, don’t make a telenovela out of this. And don’t underestimate yourself. Enrique retorts: You’re the one who shouldn’t underestimate me! [Bitter irony is lost on Leo. He is the Man in the Gray Teflon Suit.]

The Reign of the Naz begins. She sends the odaliscas – Jade, Rania and Amina – to cooking school. Lesson one: How to prepare carnero for your man. No la confrontes, (Don’t confront her) Amina warns Rania. And the three march meekly toward the kitchen, like three lambs preparing to dress the mutton.

When Lucas gets home, Mama Rosa tells him to go to Natalia’s room – he’ll find a nice surprise there. Lucas stops at the doorway when he sees Daniel and Natalia together. This is what he hears:
N: ¡Qué divertido! Eres mi papá pero de mi misma edad! Lo máximo!
(What fun! You’re my father but you’re my age. The greatest!)
D: ¿Te gusta?
(You like that?)
N: Sí, sí, me gusta – Papá!
(Yes, yes I like it, Dad!)
They hug.
D: Sabes, es divertido tener una hija de mi edad. ¿Qué papá te gusta más, el viejo o el joven?
(You know it’s fun to have a daughter my age. Which father do you like more, the old one or the young one?)
N: Me gustas más tú! (I like you better!)
D: Hija! (Daughter!)

Credits roll.


Thursday, September 30, 2010

El Clon, Wed., Sept 29 - Summary for Discussion

Ramoncito gives up the dough in the cash register to Fer and Paula. When Gloria comes in to find out what is keeping him, he faints.

The haul is $475 and our strung out thieves are already calculating how much it will buy. (I guess Paula's decision to give up drugs was short lived.)

Gloria tries to get some information on the perpetrators from Ramoncito but he is too scared to speak. Finally, he identifies one of the robbers as Paula, a friend of Nati's.

Alej confirms that he knows Paula. Gloria wants to know where she lives but Alej says that he doesn't know. They sleep in the parks, on the streets wherever they are when the sun goes down ('donde le agarre la noche,' literally, 'where the night grabs her'). The police have come and Ramoncito is back in stride. He identifies the perp as a friend of Natalia Ferrer, the daughter of Leo Ferrer. Alej tries to warn Marisa about what has happened but she won't take his call. He calls Andrea who is at TOPIM (the only pool in Miami) and tells her what happened.

Also at TOPIM are Diana, Pablo and Pedro. Diana tells Pablo that not only did Malicia not go to Paris on business, she went as Rogelio's vacation companion after Rogelio broke up with his girlfriend. Pablo refuses to believe it. Diana replies that it is true, '¿Ya entiendes por qué no me la trago, Pablo?' Do you understand now why I can't stand (literally, swallow) her?

If Malicia's ears are burning in Paris, it's because Clara and Carolina are calling her names in Miami: 'Es que esa mujer no es mala, es perversa,' That woman is not just bad, she's evil, says Carolina. Clara is sure that she did it on purpose (a propósito) and says that she is 'diabólica'. In stumbles Fer saying that the police are after him.

The police have come to Casa Ferrer, too. Marisa says that it must be a mistake. Her daughter doesn't hang out with people like that (this is the same Marisa who went to the scary drug place to find Nati). When the officer says that the employee in the bar identified her, Marisa suggests that Nati is well known from the social section of the papers. Then she lies when the officer asks if her daughter is at home. When the officer asks if Nati was the girlfriend of Alej and says that the robbery took place in his mother's bar, Marisa punts to Leo. She has Rosa call Leo's office and tries to get the police to go there.

Fer has shut himself up in his room.

Leo calls, who else, Roberto, TWLIM (the worst lawyer in Miami) and tells him that the police are at his house. Leo can't believe that there is any justification for the police to interrogate someone just because a friend of theirs committed a crime. Leo asks for Clara but she isn't back from lunch. 'What, does she think this job is a hobby ('pasatiempo')?' asks Leo.

Clara tells Carolina that she can't take it anymore. She is afraid that Fer's problems will cost her her job. She can't concentrate at work, she can't sleep. Every time the phone rings, she thinks it might be the police saying that Fer is dead or in prison. Carolina tries to comfort her.

Marisa tells Rosa that it isn't fair that Nati's name should be on a police report about a robbery. Rosa advises her not to lie. She says that everyone will find out everything eventually. Marisa replies that she is doing it for Nati's sake, not hers.

Another party at Casa Alí. Abdul is promoting the second wife to Mohamed. Her father is a powerful merchant and if Mohamed marries the daughter, they will be partners. Alí comes over and advises Mohamed not to make rash decisions.

Meanwhile, Latifa is, what else, crying. Amin accuses Zamira of causing Mohamed to seek a second wife. The children start fighting and poor Latifa runs out of the room.

Back at the party, Abdul's chosen bride has arrived [I'm not going to bother learning her name until I'm sure she is sticking around]. Mohamed thinks that she is pretty.

Back at the house of feuding wives and ex-wives, Said has brought some veils for Rania. In comes Jadiya and demands to take first pick of the veils. Said lets her while Rania fumes and Munir wails. Jadiya tells Jade that Said gave her the best veils and gave the leftovers (sobras) to Rania.

Said tells the Naz that there is more peace on a battlefield than in his house. If he was expecting sympathy from the Naz, he is mistaken. She replies that he must like discord having married so many odalisques. She says that Said and Mohamed are like people who have a beautiful bowl of fruit in front of them and go right for the one rotten piece. Then they complain about the whole bowl instead of throwing out the rotten fruit and selecting another piece. Said admits that he chose badly but he says that it is too late. He is married and has children. He can't go back in time. The Naz offers to train (domar) the odalisques if he puts in her charge of the house for one day. Said replies that he will do it.

Dora and Miguel are at the club. She reports on the lawyer Cristina found for her. He reiterates his offer to pay the fees. She says that it will only be a loan. What Miguel did for Osvaldo comes up and Dora tells Miguel that she never realized in all the years that she has known him, what a great guy he is. He moves in for a kiss but Dora pulls away at the last moment and says that she has to leave.

Dora comes home and tells Estela that she and Daniel have to meet with the lawyer. Daniel doesn't want to fight with Leo. Dora begs him not to ask her to give up the fight for her rights as his mother.

Even the worst lawyer in Miami seems to have more on the ball than Leo the successful businessman. It apparently comes as a surprise to Leo that Dora could oppose his suit and file a counter suit. Roberto points out that Leo is trying to change Daniel's birth certificate and any mother would oppose that. 'But she's not his mother,' protests Leo in his incredibly tiresome refusal to see anyone's point of view but his own. 'A judge will decide that,' replies Roberto.

Marisa comes down [just once before the end of this novela, I want to see her dressed like a normal person. She's a 40 year old woman for God's sake!] and asks to speak to Leo. Leo tells her that the police will handle the investigation of the theft with discretion. Rosa comes in and says that Nati is not feeling well. They all go to Nati's room. She is having abdominal pain and is afraid that she is losing her baby. They call the doctor.

Paula calls Clara's house and asks to speak to Fer. Clara tells her to leave her son alone. Paula says that she is coming over to the house. Clara threatens to call the police. Paula replies that if she is arrested for the robbery, she won't go down alone. 'Do you want to see your son behind bars?' asks the unlovely Paula.

Poor Clara doesn't know what to do. Carolina says that she is there for her.

Back at Casa Ferrer, the phone rings. Rosa answers and says Paula is on the phone. Nati insists on speaking to her and tells her to come over.

Lucía and Andrea discuss the strange behavior of Consuelo, the maid who quit. They seem to want to investigate it further. [Hellooo! since when do rich people care about why the maid quit? There are always more maids out there.]

Roberto comes home and tells Lucía and Andrea that Nati is having a miscarriage. Lucía wants to go and support Marisa but Roberto tells her that is the last thing Marisa wants.

The sKanks blather on about how little they will miss the neighborhood when they move up in the world.

The doctor comes to see Nati. Lucas watches him go up the stairs. Why isn't he involved in this family drama?

Leo tells Lucas that he ran Enrique down for so long for being a drug addict and now his granddaughter is following in his footsteps. Marisa comes in and orders Rosa to tell the guards not to let Paula in.

Paula is outside.

Nati loses her baby.

More bickering of Mohamed's children while a party goes on at Gloria's. Zamira calls Fez [which is on telenovela time, since if it is evening in Miami, it's the middle of the night in Morocco] and gives the phone to Latifa. She tells Mohamed that if he takes a second wife, he won't see her or his children again. Meanwhile, Zoraida is filling the wife candidate's head with lies about how badly Mohamed treats his existing wife and children. Latifa is very pleased with her strategy and when Mohamed calls back, she orders her children not to answer the phone. Back in Fez, Mohamed has decided to take a second wife.

The credits roll.


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

El Clon Tuesday September 28: Summary for Discussion

Capítulo 159: A night of lies, damn lies and … more damn lies.
In which Malicia delivers the death blow to Clara’s romance; Rogelio’s been taking Dumb pills; Marisa’s been taking Mean pills; and Fer and Crazy Paula pull a knife at Gloria’s Bar.

As promised, Jade takes Samira aside for some girl talk. She repeats what Zoraida told her when she first came to Morocco to live:
Cuando uno es la parte débil, hay que evitar.
(When you are the weaker party, you have to avoid (direct confrontation).)
Samira listens respectfully but still rejects the veil. And Jade smiles and says ruefully:
¡Ay Samira, si fueras mi hija, no serías tan parecida a mí!
(Oh Samira, you couldn’t be more like me if you were my own daughter!)

Pablo and Malicia are saying their good-byes. She wants him to say he’ll be faithful to her while she’s cavorting in Paris – on business, of course -- with Rogelio. He says:
Mientras tú no estés, no voy a hacer reír a ninguna mujer.
(While you’re not here, I won’t make any woman laugh.)
[Pablo is at least as slippery as Malicia, but not nearly as slimy.]
Pablo goes to get his car to drive her to the airport. As soon as he is out the door, Malicia calls a taxi. [Apparently her broom is in the shop.]

Carolina was sure Rogelio would call before leaving for Paris. Why would he, says Clara, when he’s with that slut! (la zorra esa, literally ‘fox’)

Malicia has taken the cab to Salamandra. She wants to leave for the airport with Rogelio. Rogelio wonders aloud if he should call Clara. Malicia thinks not. She’s heard that Clara is getting back together with her ex- (and the father of her son), Escobar. In fact, Clara “se metió contigo para darle celos a Escobar.” (she got together with you to make Escobar jealous.)

Pablo gets back to Alicia’s ill-gotten apartment and finds a note saying she took a taxi – if she saw him again, she might not be able to leave! And the note concludes:
Te amo más que nadie en el mundo. (I love you more than anyone in the world!)

Hilda and Karla are at Gloria’s and dreaming of birth announcements and social pages and lawsuits. Miss K injects a tiny note of reality. Their lawyer has said that even if they manage to get what they are after, it will be a while before they see any money. Maybe they should be careful with their expenses. Yes, agrees Hilda, it might take a month…

When Andrea and Alejandro arrive, Karla gives him a jealous look. Andrea tells Alejandro to write to Nati and she’ll make sure the letter reaches her. Alej wants to visit Nati but no one will tell him the name of the clinic. He doesn’t understand – he’s the baby’s father!

And at Casa Ferrer, somehow Marisa has intercepted the letter. Rosa tries to convince her to give it to Natalia --
¡Llévasela! Se va a poner muy feliz! (Take it to her! She’ll be very happy!)
Marisa tears up the letter. Leo comes downstairs and is ready to go with Marisa to the Rehab Center to visit Nati. Lucia arrives unexpectedly. Marisa makes up a story about visiting a sick friend of Leo’s.

While Marisa is with Lucia, Leo takes Rosa aside and asks why she didn’t tell him Daniel had been there. When he hears that Daniel left abruptly after arguing with Lucas, Leo gets mad at Lucas: He should have more consideration with the boy!, he says. He’s an adult!

Albieri is at home when he gets a call from someone named Villegas. Villegas wants to see him and Albieri says he’ll be there within the hour. Then Albieri tells Luisa:
Lllamó Villegas. Lo sabe todo.
(Villagas called. He knows everything.)

Roberto finds Escobar at the clinic and informs him that his demand against Malicia was denied by the judge. The apartment is a lost cause. [Well, maybe if Escobar had a better lawyer…]

At the Rehab Center, Natalia tells Marisa and Leo that she has had time to think things over and she is ready to go home. But why didn’t Alejandro come with you? she asks. Her mother says:
Estará ocupado con sus cosas.
(He must be busy with his stuff.)
Then Leo repeats his job offer:
Mi propuesta sigue en pie. Quiero que vengas a trabajar conmigo.
(My offer still stands. I’d like you to come to work with me.)
Natalia could be his personal assistant. All three seem to like the idea.

Latifa no vino. Le ha dado muchos disgustos a Mohamed.
(Latifa didn’t come. She has caused Mohamed a lot of heartache.)
This is how Mohamed answers Zoraida when she sees he has come alone to Fez.
Alí is planning a welcome reception for Mohamed in the evening and Abdul has invited the businessman Yaser. Out of Alí’s earshot, Abdul explains that:
(Yaser) va a traer a su hija para que te conozca.
(He’s going to bring his daughter to meet you.)
Mohamed is less than enthusiastic.

Zoraida pleads with Alí to keep Mohamed from taking a second wife. Alí defends polygamy [although some of us may remember him saying on another occasion that, if he had to do it over again, he would have married only one wife.] But Zoraida insists:
A ninguna mujer le gusta compartir a su marido.
(No woman likes to share her husband.)
Furthermore, if Zoraida had a husband, she would make sure the marriage contract specified that he could take no other wives.

Albi and Luisa are talking about Villegas, apparently an old colleague and rival of Albieri’s and now an important figure on the Medical Board. They never got along and Villegas always thought Albieri was mediocre and dull (apagado). Albi needs to find out what Villegas actually knows. Luisa’s advice:
¡Niégalo todo, Albieri! (Deny everything!)

As soon as Albieri leaves, Luisa calls Julio. Is it a good sign that Villegas called? she asks. Julio doesn’t know, but he doesn’t think Silvia has made the formal complaint to the Medical Board yet or he would have heard about it.

Albieri is sitting before his old rival Villegas. Villegas expresses some reluctance to ask the question, but finally comes out with it:
Albieri, ¿es verdad que tú hiciste un clon?
(Albieri, is it true that you made a clone?)
And Albi, with a look of supreme satisfaction, says aloud:
Sí, yo lo hice, hice un clon humano y tiene veinte años de edad. Pero no me crees, tú no me crees capaz.
(Yes, I did it, I made a human clone and he is twenty years old. But you don’t believe me, you don’t think I’m capable of it.)
Villegas says he’ll need the weekend to think it over. They’ll meet again on Monday.

When Albieri leaves, another man enters the office. Villegas tells him that Albieri is a very eccentric man; he needs to verify his story so he doesn’t make a fool of himself in front of his colleagues.

Back at home with Luisa, Albieri laughs at Villegas’s dilemma. Albieri thinks he may get away with it because his nemesis is too arrogant to believe the truth. But he is torn because he does desperately want recognition for what he has done. And he can’t stand being underestimated.

Daniel tells Estela that Jade loves Lucas, not him.

And Lucas complains to Cristina that Jade seems prepared to love someone just because he looks like Lucas. How would you feel, he asks Cris, if you met a twenty-year old clone of my father? He’d be a stranger to me, she says. I didn’t know him then. Okay, what about this, asks Lucas:
¿Qué pasaría si ahora apareciera un clon de mi papá en la edad en que lo conociste? – ¿a cuál escogerías: al clon o a mi papá?
(What would happen if right now a clone of my father appeared, a clone the same age as my father was when you met him – which would you choose? The clone or my father?)
Cristina swallows hard. Al clon, she answers.

Daniel wants nothing of Jade’s, he tells Estela. He is going to return her necklace.

Jade ruminates over her vida sentimental with her cousin. (Maybe she is trying to get Latifa’s mind off Mohamed.) She shouldn’t have gone to the ruins… The shadows of Lucas did make her feel happy… she’s not afraid of Lucas but she is furious with him… when she accepted Zein, it turned out he had forgotten her…

Not exactly. Vicki and Zein meet by chance at the pool. Vicki knows that Zein was hurt when Jade didn't call him (Well, she did call, of course. But only we and the nameless hussy in his bed know the truth!) Zein is surprised to hear that Jade is now back in Miami and that she didn’t marry Said.

Daniel appears on Albieri’s doorstep, Jade’s necklace in hand. I need you to give this back to her, to Jade! he says.

At Casa Ferrer, Rosa speaks her mind to Marisa:
¡Fuiste muy cruel! No has debido romper la carta que Alejandro escribió a Natalia!
(You were very cruel! You shouldn’t have torn up the letter Alejandro wrote to Natalia!)
Marisa continues to scapegoat Alej as the source of her daughter’s problems. She is determined to keep him away from her.

At the Rehab Center, Natalia’s therapist tries to persuade her to stay longer, but she has decided to leave.

Enrique: I was afraid when I left the clinic. I had to learn how to protect myself from drugs and how to rebuild my life.

Marisa and Lucas pick up Natalia and bring her back to Casa Ferrer. Rosa and Marina greet her warmly. Marisa gets up to leave the room. Her purse is on the coffee table. Marisa glances at Natalia and then quickly picks up the purse. And Natalia notices.

Rosa offers to phone Andrea or Alejandro – he called so many times for you! – but Natalia asks her not to call anyone.

Enrique: The people around me had been hurt and now they were expecting me to relapse. I could see it, I could read it in the subtext of everything they said: How long before he relapses?

They’re partying at Gloria’s but Alej is feeling sad because Nati hasn’t called.

The three sKanks are there too. Consuelo is up there shaking it and Karla would be too but Hilda is afraid she’ll get elbowed and their investment will be damaged.

Two scuzzy black-clad figures appear abruptly. They push through the dancers to the cash register where Ramón is taking orders. Fernando’s hand is under his shirt and he points his finger, like a gun, at Ramón. Paula pulls out a very real knife and says: Dame todo el dinero. (Give me all the money.)

Credits roll


Monday, September 27, 2010

El Clon, Mon., Sept 27 - Summary for Discussion

My score on plot advancement for tonight episode was o - same old, same old.
My frustration score was 30. Just the appearance of Enrique merits a high frustration score and Rosa a pretty annoying, too.

'Hijo, estas totalmente drogado,' Son, you are completely drugged up, says Clara to Fernando as if she just realized what is going on but hasn't realized how dangerous the situation is. Fer says that he needs money and won't leave until he gets it. She calls the Chump and tells him to come over. Clara refuses to give Fer any money to support his habit but she says that she will pay for him to go into rehab. Fer loses it and starts screaming and breaking stuff. Then he hits Clara and takes her wallet.

Oh no! More Enrique and his shrink. We've already heard this 1000 times. And we are even treated to a flashback of a druggy Enrique.

Pablo comes home to Malicia and she accuses him of having something with Andrea. He replies that Andrea is just a friend. Malicia says that she is jealous because she loves him. She doesn't want to be worrying about what is going on in Miami when she is 'working' in Paris. Pablo makes the right noises and they kiss.

Daniel comes to Leo's house. He asks Rosa if Lucas is home. Daniel says that he has come to speak to him. Rosa tells him that he just missed seeing Leo. Daniel asks if Rosa knows that Leo wants to make him appear before a judge to say that he is Leo's son. Rosa replies that of course she knows about that. Since Daniel came back, Leo has changed back into his old happy, talkative, romantic self. She confuses Daniel by describing how sad Leo became after he died. 'Que yo no me morí, yo estoy aquí hablando con usted,' But I didn't die. I'm here talking to you, says Daniel. Rosa is fixated with the idea that Daniel is the reincarnation of Diego. When Daniel protests that Albieri told him that he was a clone, Rosa gives her opinion that Albieri has been running a cloning scam on Leo for years by pretending to clone animals and then charging a lot of money for them.

Marisa comes in. She says hi and leaves immediately confirming Daniel's fears about how people react to him. Rosa goes after her. Luisa tells Rosa that Daniel makes her nervous and she can't be with him for more than a few seconds. Of course, Rosa can't understand why Marisa would have a problem being with her brother in law (cuñado) who has reincarnated himself to help the family with their problems. Marisa doesn't even try to reason with Rosa.

Marisa finds Lucas looking at some of Nati's things. She assures them that they will comes through this together as a family. She asks Lucas to make a pact with her to stay together while Nati is in treatment. She will give up her 'personal life' and she asks him to do the same. Lucas replies that he thought they had already made that pact. 'Yo hace mucho tiempo que renuncié a mi vida, renuncié a mi felicidad,' I gave up my life, my happiness a long time ago.

Jade and Latifa sit down together and of course Jade asks if Latifa has heard anything from Lucas. When Latifa says that she hopes Jade isn't still thinking about Lucas, Jade gives her usual response: Lucas is out of her heart; she is very bitter towards him because he ruined her life. She says that Latifa was luckier because she loved Mohamed from the git go. If Lucas hadn't been in her life, she might have fallen in love with Said.

Mohamed leaves the apartment without saying a word to Latifa. Latifa laments to Jade that she is afraid Mohamed will leave her and she is also worried about Zamira. She is afraid Zamira will turn out like Jade. The phone rings. It's Zoraida warning Latifa about Adbul's plan to get Mohamed a second wife. She warns Latifa not to let Mohamed come to Morocco alone. When Alí comes in and asks who Latifa is conspiring with, it's Zumaya who pipes up and claims that Zoraida is ordering spices (condimentos) that she forgot when she was in the medina.

Of course, Latifa is in a dither. Mohamed has gone out but Amin doesn't know where.

The sKanks are coming back from a shopping trip for the baby. Karla is concerned that they have gone wild on their credit cars. She thinks that Hilda might be counting her chickens before they're hatched. Hilda is sure that the baby's father will pay for everything.

Lucas is lying on the couch like he was dead when Rosa brings Daniel in. Lucas tells Daniel that he knows from Dora that Daniel went to Morocco and saw Jade. Daniel replies that Jade told him that she knows Lucas. 'Is that all she said?' asks Lucas. Daniel says that he loves Jade and that she isn't afraid of him. He pulls out the jade necklace and tells Lucas that he found it and he wants to give it back to Jade because she is the only person who isn't afraid of him. Lucas asks if Jade has said that she is in love with Daniel. 'Cuando besamos...' when we kissed, starts Daniel, '¿Besaste?' You kissed? asks Lucas. Daniel tells Lucas that he kissed Jade when they were in the ruins. Lucas leaves the room. He tells Rosa that to get the kid out of the house before he comes back. '¿Será posible que ni reencarnado dejan de pelar?' Is it possible that they won't stop arguing even now that he is reincarnated? laments Rosa.

Rosa takes Daniel to see his new room. She tells him that she is going to call Enrique, an old family friend who knows everything about reincarnation and ask him to come over. On his way, Enrique finds Clara crying at her desk. She says that her life is a disaster and tells him about her latest encounter with Fer. Enrique recommends therapy for her [maybe he gets a referral fee from his shrink]. At first she protests saying that she isn't the one using drugs but Enrique says that she needs help to get on with her life. Enrique tells her to trust him.

At druggie central, now Paula is crying and saying that she wants to stop. Fer is high and wants to be left alone. Paula says that they are out of sync - when she wants to quit, he doesn't and vice versa. Paula says that she will go into rehab and get out of this.

Rosa shows Daniel Nati's room. Daniel remembers that he had a friend when he was little named Natalia. Rosa is sure that he knew Nati when she was a little girl. She has goosebumps ('se me eriza la piel.') Then Daniel asks Rosa if she knows Jade. Rosa runs out of the room. Daniel follows. Rosa tells him that Jade ruined Lucas' life when they fell in love. '¿Y ella todavía estará enamorada de él? And is she still in love with him? asks Lucas. Of course she is, responds Rosa. Daniel now realizes that Jade kissed him because she thought he was Lucas.

Lucas is telling his troubles to Cristina. He says Daniel is trying to live his live over again and that if Jade really loved him, she would understand about his daughter. Cristina replies that maybe Jade thinks that he is lying since he has failed her so many times. Lucas counts out the failures- when Diego died; when his daughter was born and now when she is involved in drugs. '¿Tu te das cuenta, Cristina, que no estamos juntos porque siempre ha habido un impedimiento real?' Do you realize, Cristina, that we are not together because someting always gets in the way. [Welcome to being in a novela, Lucas!] Lucas says that if Jade really loved him, she would accept him with his problems but she just wants to erase them. He says that she really wants to be with Daniel. Lucas says that he is alone, without her but that is not true for Jade. She is with Daniel and even worse they are meeting in the ruins, the place that holds such an important part in their history. In vain does Cristina say that if Jade kissed Daniel, she was really kissing Lucas since they are the same. Lucas says that he would rather she kissed any other man that Daniel. He says that he can never win against Daniel. 'I can never be better than I was 20 years ago, never,' [Unless he talking about sex, that is ridiculous. Lucas of all people should realize that Daniel is a different person. Jade didn't fall in love with his face. Grrr!]

Daniel meanwhile, has decided that Jade thinks he is just a copy. She isn't in love with him. She is in love with Lucas. He runs out saying that he doesn't want to know anything more about Jade. 'Misericordia,' says Rosa, '¡los dos hermanos se enamoraron de la misma mujer! Sweet Jesus, both brothers are in love with the same woman!

Said comes home from work and Jadiya unburdens herself with a rant about how mean and awful Rania is. She wants Said to throw Rania to the wind and marry Jade. Said tries to advocate for a peaceful house but Jadiya claims that the lack of peace is Rania's fault. Said goes to see Munir and Rania complains that Jadiya is turning Said against her and won't rest until Jade is first wife and she is out the door. Said is exasperated and says that if this continues, he will do what Alí did - buy another house, live there alone and only come and visit the house of the wives.

Mohamed comes home and Latifa demands that she speak with him. They go into their room and the Naz pops up from the couch. She says that if she had known that men like to be trampled on the way Jade and Latifa do, she would have been married long ago.

Latifa tells Mohamed that she knows everything about his plan to take a second wife. Mohamed replies that if she is so worried about him taking a second wife, it must be because she hasn't been a good wife. Mohamed says that if he has daughter who won't wear the veil, it must be because she had a bad mother. He goes on to say that he has been a model Muslim his whole life so the problem must be with her. [I thought he might have a coronary.] Referring to himself in the third person, Mohamed tells Latifa that he never thought about having a second family until this family was no longer real and no longer happy. Mohamed leaves and Jade comforts Latifa.

The credits roll.


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