Tuesday, February 10, 2009

El Cuerpo del Deseo, - Mon. & Tues., Feb, 2-3 - Isabel and PJ/S are off the hook for Andres' death but their relationship is revealed

Mon. Feb. 2-

Inidira retracts her accusation against Isabel. In the picture, Isabel is talking to her attorney and getting the good news that the charges have been dropped.

Gaetana's performance at the bar is interrupted by an unwelcome serenata from Evaristo.
Isabel goes to Inidira's house and rubs her face in the fact that she had to withdraw her accusations.

There is a big party at the Donoso house in honor of Antonio's graduation from the University as an Industrial Engineer. Antonio goes into the study to thank the person responsible - PJ. Naturally, who should come out of the shadows in the study but PJ/S in his red shirt assuring Antonio that PJ would be very proud of him. They have a manly hug.

The next morning Angela gives her gift to Antonio - a new car.

Isabel tells Valeria that she has to leave the Donoso house and live her life. Valeria tells Isabel that it is logical that Isabel rejects her because she dared to love the men that Isabel was intereted in. "The men?" asks Isabel. Valeria says that she was always attracted to PJ and still feels a great affection for him. She will give up PJ/S but not PJ. (This scene could easily have been shot separately by the actresses playing Valeria and Isabel. They were never in the same frame.)

Tues. Feb., 3

Ángela, Antonio, Simón and Abigail go out dancing to celebrate Antonio's graduation and Ángela faints.

PJ (in his flannel pj's) is worried about Ángela but happy that Gaetana can continue renting the bar for another 6 months while she fends off Evaristo's attentions.

Felipe comes to see PJ/S and tries to find out who he really is. Is he a fraud or did he take over the body of some poor peasant? He says that if PJ/S did succeed in taking over someone else's body, he has an obligation to humanity and science to make that known. Naturally PJ/S (in his burgundy shirt and tie) doesn't want to talk about such a thing and when Felipe won't leave, PJ/S hits him.

The next morning PJ/S comes to see Ángela. He tells her to take care of herself and much to Ángela's confusion, provides details of Ángela's mother's death that he would have had no way of knowing. PJ/S leaves Ángela's room and seems to be about to go into Valeria's room when Isabel come out into the hall. PJ/S says that he doesn't want to bother Valeria; he wants to talk to Isabel. They go into Isabel's room observed by Walter.

PJ/S asks why Isabel wants Valeria to leave. She claims that the decision wasn't made in revenge but as future planning since sooner or later, she, Rebeca and Valeria will have to leave the house. PJ/S tells her that she and Valeria can't leave the house yet. PJ/S takes Isabel's face in his hands and says that he has been tied to her her from the first day he met her. Nothing and no one will separate them. Isabel asks him to tells her that they will marry. PJ/S tells Isabel that they can get married because the danger is past but he doesn't want her or Valeria to leave the house. Isabel wants to run away but PJ/S says that they don't have to hide. Isabel says that she will prove that she loves him and do it. They kiss and in walks Rebeca.


Saturday, February 07, 2009

El Cuerpo del Deseo, Wed.through Friday, Jan. 26-30

Sorry for getting so far behind on this one. I was out of town last weekend.

Salvador escapes from Gaetana's house and is wandering along the road when he is hit by a car.

Gaetana and Camilo find Salvador unconscious by the side of the road and put him in their car. He wakes up as PJ/S. Back at Gaetana's house, PJ/S says that now he understands the sensations that he had dreaming about that woman. "Salvador Cerinza is reclaiming his body," says PJ/S.

He tells Gaetana that he is afraid. He will concentrate on his mission, "I came back for Isabel," says PJ/S, "and I'll dedicate every moment of this second chance to her." He wonders how much time he has left.
Ángela and Antonio come to see PJ/S in his office to ask him about his relationship with Valeria and the fact that he was apparently going to walk away from the firm. PJ/S says that he realized that it wasn't going to work out with Valeria so now he is concentrating on his work. Ángela is clearly embarassed that she made a fuss about something that doesn't seem to concern PJ/S very much. She leaves and PJ/S tells Antonio that he should be prepared for PJ/S to do strange things.

Isabel tells the police that she and PJ/S only had a business relationship.

Thurs. 1/27

PJ/S tells himself that he has to forget Valeria.

PJ/S (in his spiffy purple shirt) tries to explain to Simón what happened with him and Valeria and tries to get Simón to like him again. He doesn't have much success on either front.

Isabel tells PJ/S about her interview with the police. PJ/S tells her to relax. He will handle everything.
PJ/S plays the piano for Valeria.

Fri. 1/28

Felipe questions Cantalicia about Salvador before and after his supposed death. He wonders if the energy of some other person took over Salvador's body.
PJ/S supports Isabel's version of his relationship with her and Andrés in his interview with the police.

Valeria tells Abigail that she feels better because she knows that PJ is giving his midnight concerts for her. Abigail asks why she fell in love with PJ/S and Valeria says that it was because he was so much like PJ.

Walter forces Isabel to make him adminsitrator of the house again. No one can understand why she just doesn't get rid of him.

PJ/S threatens to reveal that Iniridia tried to marry PJ. She goes to the police station and withdraws all her charges against Isabel.


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

El Cuerpo del Deseo, Mon. & Tues., Jan. 26 & 27- Uh oh! The PJ isn't in Salvador any more.


Simón tells Ángela about PJ/S and Valeria. Ángela confronts Isabel and tells her that she has no right to interfere in Valeria's life and that PJ/S can fall in love with whomever he wants. Isabel replies that she was just preventing Valeria from making a terrible mistake and that Ángela doesn't really know PJ/S.

Felipe tells Cantalicia that Andrés drowned under mysterious circumstances and that she should stay away from the Donoso house.

PJ/S tells Gaetana that he is going to see Valeria. He needs to be persistent.

PJ/S sneaks into the house through the basement as usual and into Valeria's room. She reacts badly on seeing him. He tells her that he didn't know she was ill and asks what is the matter. She says that she hates him.

Gaetana's landlord come to say that he has sold her house to a local thug. Gaetana tells the thug that he has to speak to PJ/S.

Isabel comes into Valeria's room. Isabel says that she needs to speak to PJ/S.

Isabel tells PJ/S that he has made fun of her. She kept her promise (killing Andrés) while he plotted to run away with Valeria and jilt her. She says that she should have killed PJ/S like she did Andrés. "And Pedro José Donoso," says PJ/S. Isabel tells him not to mention PJ's name. PJ/S says that Valeria will never forgive him and he is not the man for her. He was made for a woman like Isabel. PJ/S says that he will comply with her demands. Isabel replies that she isn't the only one in this relationship. PJ/S tried to escape from her with Valeria but no one can take him away from her or erase her from his mind.

The psychic wind sounds and PJ/S flinches in pain.

PJ/S admits that if he came back, it was for her, just for her. He says that he has to complete his mission if it's the last thing he does and he shouldn't hurt innocent people. He kisses her.He swears by all that is holy that if she has completed her promise, he will complete his.

During the night, PJ/S wakes up and calls Cantalicia as Salvador. She hears his call. He falls back asleep wondering what is happening to him.

The next morning PJ/S is dressed to go to work but he has lost his table manners and is not interested in Gaetana's problem with her new landlord.

Outside, more psychic wind sound, PJ/S has some kind of a seizure, turns around... and a pugnacious expression and some more eye makeup indicates that PJ isn't in Salvador's body anymore.

The thug landlord and his thug employees show up and since Salvador doesn't have PJ's martial arts skill, they beat the snot out of him. When he wakes up, he says that he doesn't know who they are or where he is.

Gaetana figures out what has happened and tries to keep Salvador under control with drugs.

She tries a seance with Camilo to contact PJ.

But Matilda breaks the spell and Salvador escapes from Gaetana' house.


Sunday, January 25, 2009

El Cuerpo del Deseo, - Jan. 19-23- PJ/S plans for future happiness go terribly wrong

Sorry, sorry, sorry that I've gotten so far behind on Cuerpo. Fortunately, this is a novela where not that much happens.

Once Andrés is buried, the main thing that happens is that Simón finds out about PJ/S and Valeria and naturally he is very upset.

Isabel tells Walter that she doesn't need his services now that Andrés is dead and he should resign or she will fire him.

PJ/S comes to speak with Simón. He tries to tell him that he didn't know that Simón was also in love with Valeria. He convinces Simón to go back to work but Simón says that their friendship is over.

PJ/S tells Gaetana that he wants to leave as mysteriously as he arrived but with Valeria.

Walter threatens Isabel with going to the authorities with the truth about their 'happy' marriage if she fires him.

Walter opens his 'private collection' of stolen stuff and says that if he has to leave the Donoso house, he can sell some of it to live on. Isabel capitulates to his blackmail.

Isabel is told that the police are opening an investigation into Andrés' death. She tells Valeria that she has to back her up and goes over their story again and adds more lies. Valeria says that she will try but she doesn't want to lie to the police.

Valeria calls PJ/S and arranges to meet him but Rebeca is listening.

At a restaurant, Valeria agrees to run off and marry PJ/S without telling anyone.

Rebeca, in a ridiculous disguise, watches them and is devastated.

PJ/S drops broad hints to all and sundry that he is taking off. Here, he is talking to Antonio and drinking a toast to his grandchild.

Rebeca goes postal on Valeria.

When Isabel finds out that Valeria and PJ/S are planning to run away, she tells Valeria that she and PJ/S are lovers.

Gratuitious shower scene as PJ/S prepares to meet Valeria.

When PJ/S comes for Valeria, he is confronted by Isabel. They meet in the attic to talk but PJ/S doesn't know that Valeria is listening.

Isabel asks if PJ/S feels anything for her. He says that he does love her but he's giving her up because he will end up getting hurt.

Isabel shows PJ/S that Valeria has heard the whole thing.

PJ/S is impactado. Valeria says that she hates PJ/S.

Valeria collapses.

PJ/S gets Excedrin headache #20 - too many women! and passes out while driving, which nearly causes an accident.

Gaetana advises PJ/S to forget about Valeria and move on with his life. PJ/S tells Gaetana that Isabel called him a coward but he swears that he will show Isabel that she was wrong. He won't give up on having Valeria.

Isabel tells the delirious Valeria that PJ/S never loved her and that she should die.

Both PJ/S and Cantalicia have the same dream. PJ/S doesn't seem to remember that this is what happened to him before he got Salvador's body.


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