Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Heridas de Amor, Tuesday October 3

Renata & Juan work things out while Mamá Amparito eavesdrops. They decide to tell Gonzalo.
Gonzalo & Fernanda continue their discussion about her ‘lover,’ she continues to insist that she didn’t have an affair. He continues to disbelieve her. While they have come to terms (sort of) that he isn’t the father of Florencia. Gonzalo admits that Renata hates him and the only daughter who loves him, Florencia, isn’t even his and it’s all her fault.
Bertha (in her divinely red shirt….it screams I’m up to no good) & Alejandro share a drink and discuss. When he offers to pay her however much money she wants for the briefcase, she says, I don’t want money, I want you and starts her crazy lady eye-rolling as she starts caressing him.
Cut to Lisania & Cesar in bed. Ewww. Cesar continues his poor me act and says that he needs money. Lisania offers to help and Cesar switches to his gallant act…I can’t take your money.
Miranda & what’s her name are trying to work out what happened that fateful night so many years ago and how the many branches of their family tree relate to those events.
Carola and Raúl are drowning their sorrows in a bottle of cheap hooch. When she complains that Juan never loved her Raúl comforts her by saying, Nonsense, he loved you like a sister. That Raúl…he always knows what to say! Fernanda, everyone’s godmother and an all-around saint, has offered to help Carola and just as she’s reflecting on all the possibilities the future brings….Juan knocks on the door. Juan expresses some anxieties about his marriage and longs for the good old days when they didn’t have to worry about love and marriage. Carola looks hopeful.
Cesar starts pumping Lisania for information about her family. Lisania acts like…well an idiot…and lets it slip that Alejandro has a score to settle. (Oops, giggle, giggle.)
Renata picks a fight with Mama Amparito, ultimately telling her that she’s not the mother of Juan, she’s more like the nanny….no actually she’s more like a servant. Looks like Renata’s relationship-building skills are just as polished as ever. Fernanda comes in and breaks up the fight with a three-way glare. Renata puts a favorable spin on things (perhaps she has a future in politics) and the ever-gullible Fernanda believes her and asks Amparo what the deal is, everyone just needs to get along. Fernanda invites Renata for a coffee who is surprised that she lives in that neighborhood.
Miranda confronts Alejandro asking him about his conversation with Bertha. He reveals that in order to get the portfolio back, Bertha has demanded that he marry her. Instead of thinking about what they could do together to get at Bertha they have a fight about his behavior with Bertha and her behavior with Cesar and yada yada yada…I just want to shake some common sense into the two of them.
Daira, Luciano and Alejandro are worrying about Lisania. Ay! What to do!
Miranda tells Pamela about Bertha’s evil plot, worried that she isn’t a monster, she’s young and pretty and maybe Alejandro, a man, would fall for her wiles. Despite Pamela’s protests, Miranda is convinced that the portfolio is important enough to Alejandro that he would be willing to marry Bertha. Pamela, following the Raul-school of putting one’s foot in one’s moth, says maybe they can be bridesmaids at Bertha’s wedding. Miranda is not amused.
Renata & Fernanda have their coffee with Renata acting up about Amparo and the neighborhood. Renata tells her mom that they’ll be telling Gonzalo the next day and doesn’t care what his reaction will be since he hit her (green flashback to their argument). On her way out, Renata tells Fernanda that she doesn’t want to talk about her mother because she hates her with all her soul.
Juan and Renata have a chat. Basically he tells her she should have married someone from her own circle so he could please all her stupid little wants and wishes. He also lets her know he’s not going to tell Gonzalo they got married. Upset and not sure what to do, she decides to turn to Bertha (of course).
Charo tells Pamela and Fernanda that Lucas and Bertha have gone out. They toss her room looking for Fernanda’s engagement ring…I mean an old beat-up leather portfolio. Charo surprises them and lets them know that Bertha is going to Europe.
At San Llorente Investments…Gonzalo is busy signing some important looking papers and discusses with his lawyer how the company is going. His lawyer suggests a meeting with the investors to calm their anxieties.
Cesar, at home with his morning snifter of brandy and cigarette (clearly the breakfast of champions), is reading the newspaper and snickering to himself about Gonzalo.
At Casa Luque, Alejandro and Daira are confronting the petulant Lisania and she breaks the news that she wants her inheritance.


Tuesday, October 03, 2006

HERIDAS DE AMOR - Monday, 10/02/06

Cesar invites Miranda to the movies, but she says she and Alejandro have agreed to meet a bit later on so she isn’t really able. Alejandro is supposed to call her to discuss their plans. Cesar so “nobly” and lovingly, lowering his voice and caressing her cheek, suggests that the three of them can all go together as great friends. He coos to her in that aggravating tone of voice , “Lets go enjoy ourselves.” Just at that instant Alejandro arrives and jealously rages, “Let go of her, Cesar!” “Wipe that idiotic smile off your face, too!” Miranda looks perturbed at the both of them, but mainly at Alejandro.

Cesar says he wants to bury the hatchet. Alejandro doesn’t buy it, and so Miranda patiently explains to Alejandro in her best Nurse Fletcher voice that Cesar is a pleasant man and only wants to get along with them now. He should make an effort also. Alejandro asks Cesar just when did he have such a change of heart. Cesar uses his “reasonable man” tone and condescendingly explains that she and he practically grew up together, so even though Alejandro and she might be an item, he can never demand that the both of them, childhood friends, never speak to one another again. They never have been apart from each other, and they never will be. Besides, Miranda has asked him to make peace with Alejandro and he simply is complying. Miranda then speaks to Alejandro in her “reasonable lady” voice and asks, “Couldn’t you make an effort also?” Cesar turns away and he is grinning from ear to ear.

Alejandro is apoplectic now and refuses, like any self-respecting 30-something male would do. Cesar continues in that (infuriatingly) ultra-calm tone telling Miranda (as if Alejandro weren’t even there) that since Alejandro clearly isn’t about to do his part he’ll just go and they’ll forget the whole thing. Alejandro takes Miranda to the side and insists she has to be kidding about this, but Miranda has turned into this priggish school-marm type with rose-colored granny glasses. She stubbornly walks off leaving Alejandro with his jaw hanging down to the ground. Alejandro follows Cesar back to his SUV and pulls up in the porche, gets out, and asks Cesar just what kind of game he’s playing. Cesar says he’s only doing what Miranda has asked and Alejandro better play along, too. Then Alejandro tells him to understand something: Miranda is attracted to him, not to Cesar, because Cesar just doesn’t have that special spark to light Miranda’s fire and so he has a long way to go to ever catch up to Alejandro. Alejandro peels off. Cesar calls up baby-sister Lizania and tells her he needs her so much “tanto, tanto, tanto”, and he wants her to spend the night at his apartment. She says sure thing!

At the church Father Santiago warns Bertha not to even think of killing him because he has proof that she killed Tomasa and it will be given to the proper people if she causes anything bad to happen to him. She can’t hurt him now. Bertha disagrees and threatens him with letting his superiors know about how wealthy he’s gotten with that bank account of his if he doesn’t get Alejandro to stop nosing around about that very same account. He orders her to leave but she smiles like the Cheshire cat and refuses. “Mmmm, not yet, father! I’ve come to make confession!” Santiago is left afterward praying for forgiveness and half-crazy because of all the evil things she’s told him that he now is powerless to tell or warn any of the others about.

Renata cries and swears that if it’s the last thing she ever does she’ll make Veronica pay for what she just did. Well, Veronica is waiting for Bertha when she returns to the mansion and tells her about Renata’s wedding, and all the rest and they have a big laugh about the family she just married into.

Juan returns finally and sees the house is cleaned up, but he still acts angry. He goes into the kitchen and picks up a glass that’s still dirty and throws it into the sink telling Renata that they’re poor but they are not dirty and his family doesn’t drink out of dirty glasses. He tells her that from now on their marriage is just a sham until she tires of it or he gets the will. In front of the others they’ll be the perfect couple, but alone she’s not to say a word to him. He sends her to her room and says he’s not going to join her. Renata cries and walks off. Juan is also crying (and probably wondering what the heck he was thinking when he proposed to her, ‘cause I know I certainly was).

Vicente and Gonzalo determine to get the files on the London trading house Cesar did business with to see what clues might show up, because the files he’s looked through so far are clean. They’re certain something has been masked over and they are going to find it.

Pamela comes to visit Miranda at the city house and tells her that she won’t like what she has to tell her, but Luciano bought Cesar’s ranch, La Quinta, from him. Miranda complains about how jealous a man Alejandro seems to be and she just can’t put up with it. She actually wonders if she provoked the fight that afternoon. (Do ya think?)

Alejandro complains to Daira about Cesar, Miranda, and now Bertha. Daira hopes that at best she has only found the designs and not the other notarized documents. There won’t be anything to inherit if she gets her hands on those. He tells Daira that he’s ready to pay whatever price she asks to get his father’s property back. He’s determined not to let Bertha steal everything of his father’s life work and accumulated wealth . Daira asks Alejandro if he realizes that it’s not money she wants from him but marriage! She asks him if he’s ready to pay that high a price.

Luciano goes to see Alejandro and tells him he is ready to seal the deal for Julio’s shares of stock in the San Llorente Company. Alejandro tells him to put it all in Miranda’s name and that will give her the majority and control of the family business again. He asks Luciano what he thinks really about Pamela and how they’re getting along. Luciano admits he loves her but he also loves the girl he met at Cesar’s the other night. Alejandro laughs and says he doesn’t understand loving more than one woman. He himself is a one-woman man. Luciano apparently doesn’t want any ties. Right then Bertha calls Alejandro to come see her at the mansion.

Fernanda is hoping she’ll find a way to get close to Renata now that she’s married Juan. Carola comes in crying and saying she can’t stand Renata because she’s stolen Juan away from her. Fernanda tries to remind Carola that Juan never gave her any reason to think he’d fall in love with her. She doesn’t care. She’s made up her mind to get a good job, more respectable clothes and to enter college. She wants Fernanda to teach her to be a proper lady and Fernanda agrees and also says she’ll check into any scholarship possibilities for Carola. Carola starts for the door and says once she’s educated and ready to, she’s coming back to fight for Juan’s love and to snatch him away from that girl.

Renata is in the bedroom counting the cash her Tia Bertha gave her and wondering what to spend it on since she forgot to even pack a suitcase with her things. Amparo comes in to offer to cook supper but Renata is cool and says no thanks and wonders where Juan is. Amparo tries to explain he went to the hospital on an emergency and asks her to call her Mama Amparito like the others do, but Renata refuses point blank. Juan comes in and senses they’ve been arguing, but Amparo covers for Renata and she plays along. After Amparo leaves he warns Renata that if she does anything to make Amparo shed a single tear he’ll come down on her like a ton of bricks. Amparo hears this outside their closed door in the hallway and smiles. Inside Renata reminds Juan that her father still doesn’t know she married him, and after all he’s Florencia’s doctor. When is he going to face up to her father about what they’ve gone and done? He agrees to call him from the hospital and ask him to let them come the next day to discuss it all. He leaves saying he doesn’t want a single complaint from her. (Is he supposed to replace the strict father-figure she never had or just a budding male chauvinist? I keep thinking about the old saw “what women will do for love.”)

Gonzalo goes to see Fernanda at her home. He demands to know who Florencia’s real father was, and if it was the man he found her with that night. She tries to explain how frightened she was of losing Gonzalo and admits she had no idea til their honeymoon and that for the first few months she really thought hard about leaving him. Then when she told Gonzalo she was pregnant, he was so happy she couldn’t destroy it all for him. She tells him she left their daughters with the best man to be their father and he earned her respect. He says she made a mockery of him for 6 years after and because of her he has no daughters now. Miranda is her ally, Renata despises him and Florencia is the other man’s daughter. Of course he blames her for everything bad that happened from that night on and stomps out. Fernanda says nothing to this because it’s obvious that she does blame herself somehow.

Miranda orders Bertha to either get rid of the dog or leave herself and take it with her. Bertha refuses and tells her she’s not going to order her around. Then Bertha brings up Miranda’s reconciliation with her mother. She claims Fernanda hasn’t changed and still continues to direct everything as it suits her. Bertha says that her mother has always felt cheated but Fernanda is actually a liar. She deceived everybody. Bertha tells Miranda she has to tell her something that will change her life forever: Florencia isn’t Gonzalo’s daughter. Miranda is shocked and angry and accuses Bertha of lying. Bertha notices Alejandro standing now behind Miranda and thanks him for coming when she called him and gives him a sweet peck on the cheek. He’s frowning. Miranda is disgusted with this scene and the news and walks off angry at both of them.

Alejandro asks Bertha why she would do a thing like that to Miranda, but Bertha just laughs it off and says she’ll get used to the news soon enough and will get over it. Anyway, she asks him who told him about Florencia, was it Fernanda or Alfredo? He ignores this and asks why she sent for him and she says to discuss the portafolio, of course. He's upset and tells her to hurry it up and tell him what she’s asking in return for it. He will pay her any amount she asks. She chuckles again and tries to look sexy. She raises her middle-aged eyebrows along with her glass of brandy and explains: “I don’t want money. I want you!”


Sunday, October 01, 2006

Heridas Friday Sep 29

Al and Miranda are in Fernanda’s office, she wants to get to know all her daughters. Alejandro says she will, she says how? When? Al and Miranda both tell her they are there for her, everything will work out fine in the end. Fern is feeling this way because her daughter Renata is getting married and she can’t share it with her like a mother.

When Bertha finds the hidden pocket in the briefcase, the papers she pulls out are remarkably white and wrinkle free after being in there for so many years! This case must be made of miracle leather. Amazing. They look fresh off the printer.

Charo retrieves the envelope from the dresser and talks to herself a lot. She decides to take the papers to Father Santiago, then thinks she’ll look at them first. A picture of Tomasa when she was younger. She finds a letter addressed to Norma Gomez Ramos, who is that? Maybe Ramos was Tomasa’s maiden name? Oh well, she decides, she might as well read it. The letter says “to my dear little girl, I don’t know if the Virgin will let me see you again or when you will get this card, but know that you aren’t alone in this world.” Lalala, your father was happy when you were born, etc etc. “Some horrible woman took you from my arms and I never saw you again.” I thought the letter was to a daughter, but apparently it is to the granddaughter, who we now know is Nuria. She decides to hurry off to Padre Santiago with the envelope, after a quick prayer.

Bertha talks to the dog. Then she flashes back to ‘that night’ – Antonio de Guzman uh ooops sorry, Alfredo Luque, is asking the younger (and way hotter) Bertha, “what if she says no? What if she won’t go with me?” Young Bertha says “of course she will, she doesn’t want to spend one more day here, convince her!” Back to the present, she whines to the dog that Alfredo always loved Fern and not her. She starts rubbing her forehead and getting psycho, telling the dog all her evil plans.

Lasagna is talking with Cesar on the phone, he convinces her to not tell her family that they are together, or whatever they are. Mom is coming, see you later at your apartment, kisses bye! Jeez Lasagna make me BARF. Que tonta. Lasagna promises her mother she’ll apologize to Alejandro. Mom says “what is with you?” nothing mom GOD leave me alone. “another boyfriend?” “Uhhh yeah mom, but don’t ask me now, give me a little time first.” Lasagna leaves, Mom says “you’re hiding something, I’ll find out what.”

Charo cries to Padre Santiago. He tells her that Tomasa is in a better place. Charo tells the father about when Tomasa died and how Bertha lied about how it happened. Charo is beside herself for lying on Bertha’s behalf and wants to confess to him, he says ok let’s go.

Al and Miranda are STILL in Fern’s office. Fern has found a candidate to donate a heart to transplant into Florencia. Maybe this will get Flor to stop being such dead weight. Where are Flor and Fab anyway? I don’t think they’ve appeared in like two weeks. I haven’t missed them. Miranda’s phone rings, it’s Fab. I typed that last bit too soon. I’m a jinx. Ohhhh they have been in the U.S. buying baby things. Miranda report that they are having a good time there. Alejandro seethes at Fab calling her on the phone. He says “why didn’t SHE call you? Why didn’t you ask to speak to her?” Miranda has no answer.

Everyone is congratulating Juan and Renata. Amparo and Francisco don’t look very happy. Amparo gives a smile to Juan but coldly tells Renata to be good to him, she’ll never find anyone better. Renata says “I know.” Convincingly even, like she means it. Then Amparo gives in and hugs her. Francisco gives them advice about respecting each other. Renata couldn’t be any more uncomfortable. Carola comes in and tells Juan she’ll never leave him alone and hugs him a little too long. Renata is jealous, Superslut immediately tells her to look out for that one (Carola), making her even more jealous. She says “JUAN! I have to change, come with me.” This marriage is off to a GREAT start. Carola holds her hand out to Renata and says “I’m Carola, I hope we can become BEST friends!” Renata’s look says “I doubt it.” Renata refuses to shake hands and starts bitching at Carola to basically get the hell out and never come back. Francisco and Amparo break it up by declaring that it’s time to eat. Renata pulls Juan away and gets on him about too much touching and hugging with Carola. He explains that she’s like a sister, Renata should treat her that way too. Renata isn’t buying it but says fine, she’ll apologize and change things. I don’t believe it. Francisco tells Juan to be patient with her.

Miranda and Alejandro are arguing about Fab. He thinks she is always sooo happy when she talks to him, and thinks that he calls her too much. She doesn’t have much to say about it, just “you’re crazy, give me a break, should I never talk to him again?” They are acting like a couple of teenagers. As usual. One week they are mad at each other, the next they are going to get married. Cripes. Fern comes back in the room and interrupts their mature conversation, the women are off to see the new bride Renata. Alejandro says he can’t go because something is going on with Lasagna (like she has gone INSANE?) and he has to go check it out. Al tells Miranda he’ll call her later, she says ok I’ll wait for your call. Hey maybe they aren’t so immature after all. Al picks her cell phone up off the chair – “here you better not forget your cell phone, you wouldn’t want to miss a call from FABRICIO.” Ah. They are so immature after all. Miranda gives him a withering look and slams the door behind her when she leaves. Smooth move Al.

Santiago wants no part of the envelope Charo brought, he tells her to do whatever she thinks is right with it. She is wanting him to tell her what to do, he is hemming and hawing and doesn’t want to be the one to make the decision. He tells her that in that card Tomasa tells about something very serious but there isn’t any proof to it beyond her word. He tells her to give it to whoever she trusts the most, she still says him. He says finally, “Fine, I’ll just hold on to it for you until you decide, ok?” She is relieved and takes off.

Daira tells Al about her earlier conversation with Lasagna. Al doesn’t like her getting around so much, he wants to know who this new boyfriend is. She knows something else is bothering Al, he starts whining about having doubts, I think that he has doubts about Miranda’s faithfulness, Daira says something about her having doubts about him too? Or him having doubts about himself? Whatever it was, muchas dudas.

The wedding party is chowing down. They talk about how good the food is and ask Renata what her best dish is, she says she doesn’t know how to cook. Why, they ask? Because she always had a cook! The pobres are trying to aggravate her, she is rising to the bait a little bit. Francisco shuts them up and Renata thanks him. Juan smiles at her and she smiles back, but she obviously would rather be anywhere else. Amparo goes to the kitchen and Francisco follows her, she starts crying and says she has a bad feeling in her chest. Fran says it isn’t the greatest party but what are they going to do?

Al admits that the fact that he hasn’t told Miranda everything bothers him. He goes over all the facts again, his quest for vengeance, Flor is his sister, etc. Daira says to tell her and ask for her understanding. What if she hates him? Well, then, that’s just he way it is. Daira tells him that these things aren’t logical, he just has to be honest with her. He prattles on and on about loving her, jealousy being stupid, etc.

Rebeca and Cesar are talking about Gonz and Julio, Julio is listening in from the other room. I didn’t really understand what they were talking about but it didn’t seem that important really. Julio walks in and he and Cesar smile and laugh, Cesar works on him to try and get him to sell his shares to Luciano. Julio says fine, I’ll do it.

Bertha tells the dog that she has a fortune in her hands. She has the rights to all of Alfredo Luque’s designs, and his money. The clean crisp papers she found are notarized contracts turning over the rights to everything with the beneficiary’s name left blank. “He was going to give everything to Fernanda, that’s why he had this portfolio with him.” As if there were any way ever in the world that this would happen. Cripes. I know we have to suspend disbelief, but come on. Oh here’s how to get out of a jam – let’s have the rich guy leave something where whoever writes their name in gets everything. Great idea! She has a flashback about Flor being a young child and having trouble breathing. I think that was how she got Gonzalo out of the house for Alfredo to come in, he had to take her to the doctor. She picks up her cell phone and calls Alejandro, telling him she has to see him right away, she has his father’s portfolio! He says he’ll come right away. She says no, no, tomorrow, she’ll call him to tell him where and when. After hanging up the phone, she caresses the portfolio like she’s having sex with it, with the appropriate facial expressions and everything. She cackles that Al won’t sleep now until he has the bag in his own arms, she’s going to make him suffer, I think she said until he understands how much she loves him? Let me get this straight – I love this guy, so I’m going to make him sooo miserable until he realizes it. Hmmm. Based on some women I’ve known, this is perfectly acceptable female logic. Present company excluded I’m sure.

Miranda and Fern are with Francisco and Amparo, Fern is upset that things weren’t happier than they were, everyone says give it time, lalala. She says she understands how Renata feels, Amparo doesn’t really like her but Francisco defends her. Basically they are all gossiping. Miranda says they better be prepared, they don’t know what a bitch Renata can be. Fern thinks she has to talk to her right away, they convince her to wait.

The REALLY hopping party consists of everyone sitting around, the party is breaking up. People leave one by one, giving Renata a chance to sneer at them individually, especially Carola when she gives Juan a loooong hug and kiss. Everyone quickly bails. Like in 20 seconds the room is empty. Congrats, congrats. Superslut of course can’t just let things be. On her way out, she tries to give Renata her car keys. Renata says no, no. Slutty says “I honor my obligations” or something like that. Juan says “what are you talking about?” Slutty McSluterson says “uh OOooohhh sorry… didn’t say anything to Juan? Oh My God!” Yeah right. Also, Erika and her FRIGGIN GAWDAWFUL HAIR are there the whole time. That has to be mentioned, as it cranks up the horror of this moment quite a bit. Juan says, “didn’t say anything to me about what, mi amor?”

Gonz is in his office, Doctor Escalante is brought in. The doctor says something is strange about Flor’s condition, it is hereditary through the parents, there is no other cause ever never ever, you see where this is leading, right? Also, he says it is strange that she never responded to the treatment from Bertha. Gonz says she saw all the best doctors! The doctor says it doesn’t matter, what matters is that it looks like Flor never took the medication in sufficient dosages. Gonz is stunned, with good reason. Maybe he’ll finally kill Bertha or something. We can only hope. Somebody on this show needs to get beat down hard and she’s at the top of the list. Well, co-number one with Cesar, whose greatest crime was taking Lasagna away from me. Bastard. Anyway, Gonz starts drinking.

Juan demands an explanation, she tries to say nothing, so he asks Slutty to tell him. She says “Renata, you might as well tell him, after all you ARE married now!” ha ha ha. Renata tells her to get out, she is going to be late for wherever she is going! Slutty finally just says “ok fine, we bet that you would marry her and I lost. You won, Renata! Yay!” She holds out the car keys. Renata looks scared and Juan looks lost. Slutty and BadHair leave in a hurry. Juan grabs Renata by the arms and screams at her, “This is why you married me? for a BET?”

Santiago is at his desk reading the rest of Tomasa’s letter. Nothing really out of the ordinary, I miss you, I wish I could talk to you, etc. He talks to his cross, “why doesn’t she use Bertha’s name? She only refers to her as ‘she’ so there’s no proof. We know, but she didn’t SAY it.” He puts the envelope away in a drawer, when he looks up, there is Bertha standing there laughing. She asks him why he told Alejandro about the bank accounts and the scandal, he says it wasn’t a confessional secret so he could say. Then something about justice, she says the only justice is HER justice, then she’s mad because Alejandro is going to investigate the whole thing. “Padre, you’re going to be sorry!” he says “what are you going to do? Kill me like you did Tomasa?”

Juan is understandably pissed off. Renata denies it, says Slutty was making a trick. He gives her an out by slightly changing the subject, saying that if her love for him is because of a bet then…. She says no! “I love you more than I ever thought I possibly could love.” She jumps on him with a pretty heavy kiss. He says “look me in the eyes and tell me, Renata, did you make a bet with Slutbag about whether I’d propose to you, or not?” She can’t do it, she lowers her eyes. He says that’s how it is with women like them, they toy with the emotions of real people like him! She made a mockery of his whole family, who welcomed her. She cries and begs for a chance to prove to him how much she loves him. He yells at her that all this was for her! (indicating the food and the party, etc) If she wants to marry a pobre then she can learn to live like one and clean everything up here and in the kitchen. If not, then when he gets back she better be gone. He slams the door behind him on the way out. Renata looks at the mess and cries even harder.

Miranda sits on the steps of the house and leaves a flower there in Tomasa’s memory. Cesar shows up and wants to take her to lunch. She says she has to meet Alejandro later. He says why don’t we go see a movie or something first, relax a bit? She seems to be going for it. Idiota. He asks when she’s meeting him, she has to call him first to find out. Ok, he says, call him and we’ll all three go, sound like fun? He is putting his hand on her face to be so sensitive like she always falls for. Right then Al shows up and yells at Cesar to get his hands off of her. I do believe Cesar saw him coming, based on the smirk he’s got on his face. Al is staring him down, Miranda is looking at Al like he’s crazy. Man she’s stupid. That’s all for today, tomorrow they’ll argue some more about jealousy, etc.


Friday, September 29, 2006

Heridas de Amor, Thursday, September 28

We open with Bertha telling her dog that she came very close to making Gonzo go crazy wondering which of his daughters wasn’t his. She repeats her justification for destroying Gonzalo and his family is the fact that he rejected her. Squeaky comes in to her room crying having overheard Gonzalo say that he isn’t the father of one of his daughter and she is sure it is her. Bertha comforts her in a way that makes her feel worse.

Luciano comes to tell Alejandro that he has completed the purchase of a block of SLI stock and if he can buy Julio’s holdings, Al will own 49% of the company and can protect it from Sleazar’s evil plans. Luciano warns Al that buying Julio’s stock may be difficult since Sleazar and Julio have set up their own investment company and they are luring SLI customers away. Al is angry and tells Luciano to go to Rebeca’s house the next morning.

Squeaky tells Bertha that after the ceremony, she and Juan are going to Gonzo’s office to tell him about the marriage. ‘What! No honeymoon?’ exclaims Bertha. Squeaky says that Juan can’t take any vacation from the hospital and he doesn’t have any money. Bertha gives Squeaky some cash and tells her to tell Juan that it is her savings. It isn’t much but they could go to Acapulco. ‘What if he doesn’t accept it?’ asks Squeaky. ‘Keep it for something that you may need in the miserable life that it is awaiting you,’ responds Bertha.

Miranda calls the hacienda to say that she is coming there. Gabino says that the telephone equipment was destroyed so they can only communicate by cell phone. There is some stuff about harvesting the cacao crop but since bimbos in bikinis are not going to do it, I really don’t care very much about it. Miranda asks after Naty and Gabino tells her that Naty is talking about some tree near the river.

Luciano visits Julio and says that he will pay whatever Julio wants for his SLI stock.

Bertha goes to Sleazar’s apartment. She wants to buy SLI stock. She tells Sleazar that he has done all the damage to SLI that he wanted and now he should help her get Julio to sell her his stock.

Lasagna is dreamily eating her breakfast while Daira and Al quiz her about why she came home so late. She is unresponsive. Al and Daira are annoyed. Lasagna tells them to stop treating her like a child.

Carola comes into Amparo’s house. She is upset that Juan is not marrying her. She will always love him even though he can’t reciprocate.

Miranda and Pamela plan to go to the bank to confront the bank officer about the boycott on giving the family a line of credit. They have to have some money to harvest the cacao. Miranda says that maybe she should be completely self-centered like Squeaky but she can’t. She hopes Squeaky is happy.

Squeaky is not happy. Juan brings her to his house. She reacts like he lives in a mud hut. Veronica and Erica arrive with the wedding cake. Juan gives Squeaky a ring and she forces herself to say that she likes it while her friends giggle in the background. Amparo and Francisco arrive and Squeaky has a flashback to her snotty performance when she encountered them selling tacos outside the church. [This is someone who lives in Mexico City and she is disgusted by street vendors???] She won’t shake Francisco’s hand.

Al and Luciano are putting pressure on the bank officer to tell them whether it was Bertha who opened the account in Santiago’s name. All of a sudden Miranda comes in and says to Al, ‘You know Luciano?’ Uh oh. The banker saves the day by telling Luciano that he should wait outside until the banker is finished with Al’s business. Since they presumably are strangers, Pamela introduces Luciano to Miranda who is cold and to Al.

Amparo gives Squeaky a gift of a wedding dress and Squeaky is hard pressed to conceal her disgust. Veronica rubs in the shame of the situation while Erica looks troubled.

The banker says that he can’t remember anything about who opened the account in the name of his uncle. Al is annoyed but he can’t threaten the guy since he did him a favor with the Luciano situation. Once Al’s business is done, Miranda tells the banker that all national and international banks have been told not to give her a line of credit. She meekly accepts the banker’s statement that if he shows her the memorandum, he will lose his job. Outside the bank, Miranda says that she will sell her car, Flor’s car and maybe Squeaky’s to get money for the hacienda. Al says such extreme solutions aren’t necessary.

Vincente comes to see Gonzo. Gonzo had him try and get more time to pay for the light and telephone bills. Gonzo is more interested in where Fernanda is. Vincente tells him that she is performing open-heart surgery and may be busy for several hours. Gonzo tells Vincente to go back to the hospital and wait for her and bring her to him or he will go to her. He needs to speak to her urgently.

Squeaky puts on the wedding dress. Veronica goes to town mocking it. Squeaky says that it would be a fine dress for her servant. Amparo overhears this and tries not to cry. Squeaky thinks it might be better to leave before the judge comes. She has second thoughts – Juan loves her and she doesn’t want to hurt him. ‘You’ll hurt him more if he finds out you married him on a bet,’ says Veronica. Squeaky tells her to be quiet, Amparo might hear.

Gonzo goes to see Rebeca. He is angry and pushes her into a chair and yells at her. I think Gonzo found out that the father of Sleazar and Fab is Julio. Rebeca tells him that she hasn’t found a way to tell Julio about this. Gonzo says that Julio has the right to know. Rebeca says that she needs more time. Gonzo then asks her how she found out that Flor was not Gonzo’s child. Rebeca says that Fab told her. Gonzo says he wants to know how Fab and Bertha found out. Rebeca has a green memory of telling Bertha this very thing. She starts to cry, Julio comes in and scolds Gonzo.

At the exchange of vows, at first it appears that Squeaky stops the wedding and says she has made a terrible mistake. She can’t marry someone whose whole house is smaller than her bedroom. Juan says that they won’t be poor forever. Squeaky says that she can’t wait. But then it is clear that this is a fantasy. When the judge asks her if she takes Juan as her husband, she answers that she does and they are married.

Back at Rebeca's house, Gonzo says to Julio that he doesn't know if this is the last time he will see him but it is the last time he will be in this house. Gonzo wonders what happened between them when for generations before their families helped each other. Julio tells Gonzo that he changed when Fernanda left him and everyone had to pay for the damage that he believed she caused. Gonzo tells him not to invent stories.

Bertha brings out the briefcase that Al's father left at the hacienda on the night he was shot. She needs money to outbid Luciano for Julio's SLI stock and she will sell Alfredo Luque's jewelry designs to get it. She notices a hidden pocket in the briefcase and finds some papers. Reading them, she gets that self-satfisfied smirk. These papers will get her money and Al.


Thursday, September 28, 2006

Heridas de Amor - Wednesday Sept. 27

Im having technical difficulties. The notes I saved got corrupted so Im going to have give a cliff note version. If anyone else has info to add please do! :)

Basically Wednesday's show was about Bertha telling Gonzalo (and Renata) that one of his daughters is not his. She said she didnt know which one, he will have to ask Fernanda, and only Fernanda knows the name of the man from "that night". Gonzalo manages to push Bertha around a little bit during this conversation. The pushing was probably good for Bertha.

Renata over hears Gonzalos and Berthas conversation and becomes sure that she is not a real San Llorente. This would be why her father doesnt care for her. Bertha backs up these ideas while she comforts (fills her head with lies) Renata. Gonzalo also tells Renata that if she leaves to never return.

Amparo buys a wedding dress for Renata. Amparo and Francisco decide to serve Mole and Rice for the wedding dinner feeling again that Renata surely will like this. Can you hear the music leading up to how dissapointed / pissed off Renata will be?

Carola cries and cries at the sight of the "beautiful" wedding dress. She thinks MamaAmparito should have bought it for her. She runs out of the house crying. Amparo tells her not to show for the wedding to save her distress.

Alejandro wants to have a big wedding while Miranda wants a simple one. Daria reads tarot cards for them plus Pamela. She tells Pamela that she is close to someone who wears a mask. Daria also sees a wedding close to happening but its not Alejandros and Mirandas.

Cesar who I will refer to as Sleazer seduces Lasagna by pretending to be ashamed that a girl like her would be interested in him. They copulate on his couch. Later Lasagna says she will fight her mother and her brother if they dont accept Sleazer.

The man who set up the bank account in Father Buena Aventuras name so many years ago meets up with Bertha. The account has never been touched, therefore it is full of money. The Father is a wealthy man thanks to Bertha. Bertha wants to get her hands on it. She thinks the Father will want to contribute his money to her cause as a charitable donation.

Sorry yall but Im sure someone out there has good points to add. Thanks!


Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Heridas de Amor, Tuesday Sept. 26

Yesterday Gonzalo told Berta that she is just an employee of SLI, nothing more. Then he told her about Miranda and Alejandro. Berta was stunned and agitated at the news that Alejandro and Miranda are engaged.

Meanwhile Alejandro and Miranda are discussing their wedding. He asks her doesn't she want the wedding of her dreams? She says that now is not the best time for her nor her father, it's better to have a simple wedding. "But I want to put the world at your feet," he says, kissy kissy, "let me?" More kissing.

Sanson has broken into somebody's house. He's multi-tasking because he's also on his cell phone telling somebody not to be such a "guey", a jerk. He's next to where that stupid Raul lives, the guy who exposed them so now he's going to get rid of him. He says he's at the Doctora's apartment. I didn't get all that he was saying. Something about him not being recognized, only the others, Rafia, Romero and Chaquiras. But don't worry because they're not going to crack. Suddenly he has to hide because somebody is trying to unlock the door.

Juan tells Squeaky that all he can afford after the wedding is a small luncheon. She says it's not important. Of course she'd LOVE the wedding of the year but the important thing is they are together. Juan says Dr. Cohen gave him a raise but he still can't afford a honeymoon. Squeaky tells him not to worry. Kiss Kiss and shared "Te amos."

Sanson is still hiding in the Doctora's apartment while Amparo asks how Fernanda feels about Squeaky marrying Juan. Fern is glad that somebody as wonderful and with such a good future as Juan is interested in Her Daughter Renata. But Her Daughter Renata is so petulant and impulsive she's afraid Juan will be hurt. He can't afford to give her the life she's used to. Sanson listens as Amparo reassures Fern about her daughters. Fern agrees, this may be her opportunity to win back Her Daughter Renata. Sanson smirks as he realizes that Squeaky is Fern's daughter.

Berta has recovered from being stunned and agitated. She's talking to herself because Lucas the dog isn't around. She says Miranda and Gonzalo are going to pay big time. Not only is she nobody's employee but Miranda isn't going to marry Alejandro. Over her cadaver!! Luis Alberto enters and Berta informs him that she wants to buy some company shares.

Leonardo has brought Andrea to a well-lit mausoleum. Nevertheless, even under the harsh lights she is spooked and asks to leave but faux Leo wants to show her something. She's frightened, probably of the bright lights and clean, white marble, and begs to leave. They leave before Leo can show her what he wanted to even though it's only about five feet away. After they leave the camera pans to a tombstone reading "Leonardo Altamirano." Cymbals crash.

Fern says her biggest worry is that Miranda will find out that Alejandro came to seek revenge on Gonzo. She hopes that Alejandro has forgotten his vendetta but she's not sure. Both Alejandro and Gonzo are temperamental and neither wants to lose. She and Amparo leave so Sanson can talk to himself...He congratulates himself on finding out the important information that Alejandro came to town to seek revenge on Gonzalo. This will cost them money and a lot of it. All of a sudden his cell phone rings. The lucky dumbass forgot to turn it off. He's glad to hear that "they" were taken to the police, probably the guys who stole Al's car. He's going to lie low in Morelia for a couple of days. Sanson thinks he's hit the jackpot with all his new information.

Miranda tells Pamela that she's going to sell her jewels because she needs to replace some expensive tools that were stolen, probably during the lethargic uprising of recent history. Al arrives with a pizza and receives a call that his car was found intact. He takes off and Cesar the slimeball slithers in, ostensibly to offer condolences about Tomasa. Pamela gets a call from Luciano. "Who the hell is Luciano?" asks Cesar. "Pam's new boyfriend, Luciano Sartori, owner of the reserved stocks of SLI," she answers. Cesar scowls.

Berta gets a mysterious call from Fermin Padilla. She doesn't remember him but he refreshes her memory. Some years ago she opened an account with him, a lot of money, under the name of Santiago Buenaventura. Recently two men have been investigating that account. One is named Alejandro Luque Buenaventura. Berta says they need to meet (Why? So they can be seen together???) and he agrees.

Luis Alberto enters and tells her he found some company stock that she can buy. She calls him cariño. After she leaves Luis rifles through the papers on her desk.

Miranda wants to know why Cesar is surprised to hear about Luciano. He says it's too coincidental that her friend is the new novia of Luciano, they should be careful of "his type." Pamela enters the room on cloud 9, Luciano is sweet, he wants to accompany her family to Tabasco. Cesar wants to know why. Pamela says he just purchased some property in Comalco. Huh?!?!? Miranda says that's where their hacienda and Cesar's quinta are! She can't believe that the Arriagos or the Duartes would sell their land, hmmm... Cesar says she can put the matter into his hands and he will investigate.

Gonzo's smoking in a restaurant. He wonders what happened to him, he can't manage his affairs like he used to. Alejandro's hiding something and he's going to find out what. He has a green flashback where he's telling Al his business isn't destroyed, one call to any bank and he can open an unlimited line of credit. Back to reality and Vicente joins him. He tells Gonzo that some of his contacts informed him that the smear campaign against him began some days ago in the banker's club. Gonzo recalls a conversation he had with Al and says that only two people would do this to him, Alejandro or Cesar. Julio arrives to sign the documents for the dissolution of their partnership.

Pamela doesn't see why Cesar and Miranda are persecuting Luciano just because he owns those SLI stocks. Cesar says he's concerned for their security. Miranda agrees and says they should investigate him a little more. Pamela says she'll agree to it but she doesn't like it. Cesar tells her to be careful because he's heard some things from a girl who actually went out with him (Yeah, at your house!). Ask him about Malenia or Gisel (Who were at your house!). After Pamela leaves Cesar wheedles to Miranda that he was bothered to see Alejandro in her room being such an opportunist. She says she really wants him to get along with Alejandro because they're both special to her. Also, by his actions Cesar has shown her that she was terribly wrong about him (Cesar) before. He says "Seriously? You're not going to reject me like always?"

At the restaurant Julio signs the documents. Gonzo says even though he's been waiting for this for a while it doesn't make him happy. He asks Julio if it's true he's going into business with Cesar. Julia says yes. Gonzo sincerely wishes him luck, adding he's going to need it with Cesar next to him. Julio says Gonzo is a harsh man, a tyrant, but he knows that all he's done in life has been to protect his daughters. When he (Julio) sold the reserved shares he was only thinking of his sons. Julio apologized for selling the reserved shares.

Cesar lies, promising to get along with Alejandro as Miranda requests. He lies some more, telling her that the pregnant Nuria has been abandoned by the father but he, Cesar, has volunteered to help her out by giving her money to buy all the little baby things that women love. Miranda the sap says "Verdaaaaad???" She tells him how noble he is. He smiles and shrugs. She falls for it, estupida!! He leaves the house with a spring in his step and plans to attack Alejandro's weak points via Miranda, Lasagna, and Luciano.

Back at the hacienda Pamela is trying to get Charo to tell her more about the night Tomasa died. Charo said Tomasa knew she was going to die. Ever since she returned from the property she felt doubts in her chest, said she should go before something happened. Also, mean old Sra. Berta told her to throw Tomasa's things in the trash. Pamela told Charo to give Tomasa's things to her and she'll give them to those who need them. Miranda arrives singing Cesar's praises and it's sickening so let's move on.

Nuria is packing up her desk telling Luis Alberto she doesn't want to go but it's best for the baby. He's very sympathetic and she tells him how nice he is. He hems and haws, doesn't know how to say it but...he loves her. "But you are a friend of Cesar," she says," and I...I..." "Cesar doesn't have friends, he has interests," answers Luis, "that's why I'll always be there for you." She cries, just then Cesar walks in and spoils everything. He feigns compassion then grabs her head, gives her an oddly robotic kiss and kicks Luis Alberto out of the room.

Juan is with Francisco, Raul and Carola. He's got Alejandro on the phone and says he needs to talk to him, but Al just wants to say his car was found intact. He was able to identify only Chaquiras, Romeo and Rafias. Carola is bummed that Sanson wasn't identified. Juan says he'll get caught one of these days. Juan adds that for his crimes Raul will get off with a fine and community service. Carola tells Juan she's given up the whoring biz. He hugs her.

Daira is at Miranda's when Al returns and tells them his car was found before the thieves could damage it. Daira observes that Al and Miranda look happy together, like they are illuminated by a great light. Pamela hopes that she and Luciano can look like that; they are going to Tabasco together. Al doesn't look pleased about this news. Daira whips out her tarot cards and is going to read everybody's fortunes.

Huh? I thought Cesar was comforting Nuria and now all of a sudden she's mad. Must have been that crappy kiss. She's jealous of the time Cesar spends with Miranda, he has no intention of marrying her (Nuria) and she knows he won't recognize his child. She says "You always convince me to your way but not this time!" Quoth the doormat. Cesar sweet talks her, says he told Miranda of her pregnancy and that he was helping her. One second she believes him, the second she pushes him. This editing sucks. As Luis eavesdrops Cesar gets angry and starts yelling, telling Nuria she'd better not reveal the baby is his. Now Nuria is apologizing, saying she'll do anything he wants. Behind the door Luis loosens his tie as if preparing for a fight, but he's a doormat too and does nothing. Cesar threatens to leave her and she shamelessly begs him to stay. He tells her to convince him and taps his lips. She kisses him. I gag. Luis Alberto rolls his eyes.

Berta meets Fermin in a public bar. She wants to know what HE'S going to do about what's happened. He wants to know what THEY are going to do about the two guys. She'll deny everything, no proof she was involved. He says some of the records are in her handwriting. "Oh, so it's money you want," she says. No no no no, he doesn't want money. He has a good job, a wife, children and he doesn't want to lose it all. "Where do you think this nephew got my
data?" he asks. Berta shrugs.

Faux Leonardo has taken Andrea to dinner. He keeps calling her "amor" so he must want something. He asks how she knew he wasn't the real Leo. She says the real Leo only smiled when he was about to hit her. Faux Leo tells her no more hits, only love and protection. Three guys with violins have arrived and are leaning over them trying to get their camera time so we can't hear the dialogue very well. After buttering her up faux Leo whips out the booklet he lifted from her box of memories, opens it and asks her if she can decipher the code. She mumbles that to translate it one needs the keys. Because of that notebook they had to run away. She tells him to get rid of it, he shouldn't have it near him, it's very dangerous.

Juan tells his dad, Raul and Carola that he wants to invite them to a little "do" tomorrow because, (long pause), because he's getting married! Carola is impactada as the cruel word "MARRIED...MARRIED...MARRIED" ricochets throughout her head.


Monday, September 25, 2006

HERIDAS DE AMOR - Monday, 9/25/06

Sanson walks in on Alejandro and Francisco, who’ve been discussing the car theft with with Amparo, Carola and Raul. Sanson goes straight to Raul and tells him he wants him to come with him immediately. Raul refuses saying he is no servant and he’ll come by later as they’d agreed. Sanson doesn’t like it one bit and grabs for Carola’s arm and pulls her along, telling her she’s needed back at the club. She tries to resist and Alejandro pulls Sanson off her and pushes him down. He reminds Sanson he is not to talk to a young lady this way. Sanson figures she’s now taken on Alejandro as a john and smirks about it so Alejandro slugs him and Sanson swings and gets a right hook in. Alejandro is hit and returns a punch to Sanson’s nose and then throws him to the ground. Sanson gets up and threatens the whole lot of them, then goes out the door screaming and yelling at them.

Charo is packing up Tomasa’s things when Bertha comes in an notices the envelope Charo has left on the top of the dresser. She wants Charo to tell her what’s in the envelope; the housemaid lies, saying its a birth certificate and some personal photos of hers. This doesn’t interest Bertha in the least, and she “sweetly” reminds Charo that she’ll take care of Charo as long as she remains loyal to her. After Bertha leaves Charo grumbles that the old biddy won’t be pulling anything over on her. Charo then determines to give the envelope to Father Buenaventura to have him take a look at it.

Pamela and Miranda are upstairs discussing Tomasa’s earlier premonitions of some impending doom. Miranda decides that since Tomasa couldn’t stand to wear black she won’t continue to wear any mourning clothes. Then she tells Pamela that she wonders if Tomasa was pushed, or --murdered; Lucas might have frightened her into falling backwards (doing the dirty deed for Bertha?). Pamela, incredulously, finds this hard to believe. “Oh well,” Miranda says. She’s full up with worrying about what caused it all and now will concentrate on getting the notary to return ownership of the company to her father and later she has an appointment to sign a second mortgage on the hacienda. They go off to meet up with Alejandro.

Raul and Carola tell Francisco and Amparo they’re leaving for her apartment and Francisco and Amparo are left to worry. Alejandro tells Amparo and her brother that the police have located his stolen Porsche and its now just a matter of waiting. In the meantime they simply need to keep their doors locked till this is over. Amparo is afraid Raul will end up in prison, but Francisco insists he’ll get out on bail and then do community service and be fine. Alejandro says good bye and leaves. Juan arrives a bit later and after taking responsibility for the problems with Sanson’s gang, he surprises them by telling them that he is going to get married.

Over at the house in Mexico City Cesar is whining to his mother that Alejandro won’t let him even come near Miranda. Alejandro never separates himself from her not even for an instant. Rebeca says well, they love each other, so it’s to be expected. Cesar is insistent and tells his mother that Miranda loves Rebeca and will pay attention to whatever she has to say. Can’t she put in a good word for him? Who better to make her happy than him? (He’s on his knees, mewling in front of her. “Hazlo por mi, mami/Do it for me, mommy.”) Rebeca doesn’t think it will matter since Miranda is a very determined female, but says she’ll think of something and will ask Miranda to give Cesar a final opportunity, then hugs and kisses him as if he were still in short-pants.........

Juan’s aunt and dad figure he’s crazy since the girl is used to living in such luxury. He can’t be serious about bringing her home there to live. Juan defends himself and his honorable upbringing. Besides, he’s entering into a medical specialty and will be rich in a few years. His family gives in finally.

Miranda and Pamela are sitting in the lobby of the bank when the loan officer’s secretary rushes in to warn them (on pain of being fired) that there’s been a bulletin sent out stating that no one should lend credit to the San Llorentes. Miranda is dumbfounded.

Bertha shows up at the business and speaks with her goddaughter about Tomasa’s death. Nuria informs her that the doctor told her she has high blood pressure, so Bertha tells her she’ll go to stay with Miranda at the hacienda. The climate will be good for her and she can help Miranda with whatever she’s needing to get done.

Erika goes with Veronica to get her HIV test.

Gonzalo instructs Vicente to locate all the customer files that Cesar and Julio worked on because he’s going to look through them all. He is certain there is something there that will point to Cesar’s criminal activities. Just then Bertha enters the office.

At Pamela’s house Miranda finally meets Leonardo. Pamela asks him to use his contacts to assist Miranda and her father to find credit. He tells them that he is aware that someone is trying to discredit Gonzalo and his ability to handle accounts. Miranda goes on about how she'd love to escape this all by becoming a totally different person. Leonardo prophetically tells her she doesn't know how rough it can be trying to live as somebody else. It is not as easy nor appealing as it might seem.

At the bank Luciano and Alejandro are meeting with the loan officer. They hand him a file with his uncle’s supposed bank account and ask him if it didnt’ seem strange back then that a priest would open and maintain an account that huge? The banker says not really, because back then he used to open as many as ten accounts every day. He gets up to attend to waiting clients and Alejandro offers him a bribe to “remember” more clearly what might have happened back then. The banker acts embarrassed and angrily leaves.

Alejandro tells Luciano he’s sure the guy is hiding something. The banker goes straight to his secretary’s computer screen and they dig out the priest’s account info. He orders her to contact Bertha de Aragon immediately.

Miranda and Pamela leave Andrea’s house. She turns to Leonardo and tells him she knows he is not her real husband, but an imposter. He eventually admits this and offers to take her to find him immediately.

At the San Llorente offices, Bertha informs Luis Alberto that she will be joining the company and taking over Cesar’s office. Luis will be her personal assistant and will teach her everything he knows. Then she smiles at him knowingly and asks him if he’s in love with Nuria. This knocks him off balance a bit and she laughs and invites him out for some coffee.

Juan goes to see Renata at the mansion and tells her that his family is supportive of their getting married. She doesn’t like the idea of it happening so soon and knows her father simply won’t ever allow it. He asks her to marry him in secret; she balks and he asks her to make up her mind quickly. He wants them to marry secretly and they’ll need to take their tests that day. She agrees and while she runs off for her purse and asks Charo to be her witness and not to tell a soul, Juan asks Veronica and Erika who have just come from the testing site to be their witnesses. Renata tells Erika before leaving that they aren’t to tell anybody about this wedding and that she doesn’t plan to take Veronica’s car from her, either.

Alejandro arrives at the company’s offices and he tells Gonzalo that he came to help him out and to ask formally for Miranda’s hand in marriage. Gonzalo angrily tells him “Never!” Miranda has overheard this exchange and she asks her father why he refuses to allow them to marry. He tells her to leave so he can talk to Alejandro alone. She leaves and Gonzalo swears he’ll find out the true reason Alejandro appeared at his business. Alejandro admits that he wanted to finish him off along with everything that was his, but not any longer. He’d had time to think about it and had changed his mind. This isn’t enough explanation for Gonzalo. Alejandro warns him that he’s mistaken if he thinks he can stop him from marrying Miranda.

In the reception area Bertha tells Miranda that she’s going to be working there now like it or not. Miranda gets Bertha’s goat by telling her that Bertha will never be more than an employee because she is not a true San Llorente.

Gonzalo is invited to the wedding and Alejandro’s personally bringing him the invitation as it would make Miranda happy to have him there. Gonzalo refuses still. Alejandro says whatever his reasons were before they’re no longer important. Only Miranda’s happiness is now important to him and the offer to back the business is still standing. Gonzalo tells him to go to hell so Alejandro leaves his office in disgust.

Bertha sees him and turns into the pitiable victim and whines to Miranda she simply cannot put up with Miranda’s continual insults any longer. Alejandro asks what’s the matter and Miranda answers that Bertha’s only putting on one of her dramatic acts and having a childish temper tantrum. Bertha whines and pleads with Alejandro to give her a minute because she really needs to discuss something with him. He apologizes but says Gonzalo needs someone to talk to and who better for him than her? He really needs to get going with Miranda and Miranda and Pamela smirk at Bertha as the three of them leave together. Bertha heads for Gonzalo’s office.

Inside she complains about Miranda and the way he’s treated her and taken advantage of her (Bertha) over the years: as a free nanny and housekeeper. She wants him to love her and to desire her, etcetera.......after all she’s earned his respect. She kept his name clean from the scandal. She dirtied her hands for him and even was his accomplice to a murder. She demands that Gonzalo bring her into the business as a shareholder as she wants to invest her money in his business. He refuses but eventually tells her she can come to work there however, only as a regular employee. That should be enough for her, but forget it if she is thinking to buy into a partnership with him. Also, she is never ever to bring up the scandal of their past to him again.

Back at the mansion Alejandro explains that Gonzalo won’t listen to reason. Miranda says what is left then that they can do? He suggests they marry right away otherwise, something will happen to separate them and he doesn’t want that. Anyway, as her husband Gonzalo should be more likely to accept from him the capital and financial backing the banks will no longer give him. Miranda accepts and tells him she is definite about this.

Bertha asks Gonzalo what Alejandro was there for. Eventually Gonzalo tells her that he came to tell him he and Miranda were getting married. Bertha is stunned and becomes noticeably agitated at this news.


Sunday, September 24, 2006

Heridas, Friday Sep 22

About the scene when Miranda is in her room crying about Tomasa – hello Pamela! Somewhere between last week and now she got 10 times hotter. Wow. On with the story.

Carola is getting the news from Bertha about Tomasa dying, surely the story fits Bertha’s point of view. Julio is all dressed up to go see Gonzalo about dissolving their partnership. She tells him that Gonz surely isn’t in the office, due to Tomasa dying and all. She wants to go to the funeral, Julio doesn’t want to. He sends his regards to Miranda.

Bertha is talking to the dog and Renata enters. They have some small talk about Tomasa and Bertha tells her that she’s “as pretty as me.” ha ha ha. Renata drops the bomb – “are you going to tell me why you were in Germany?” She explains it away by claiming to be looking at properties to give to Renata as a gift! Renata the greedy eats it up and thinks Bertha is so great again.

Juan is talking to Amparito, he tells her that it’s Raul’s own problem to fix what he got into. Francisco shouldn’t have to worry about it. They start talking about Renata, apparently Juan is convinced that they are going to get married and live in the poor house! Amparito of course can’t believe it but Juan thinks it is all decided.

Cesar is totally not paying attention to the funeral service, very disrespectful. Gonz, Miranda, and Al are sitting next to each other, I thought Gonz was mad at both of them. Superslut is sitting with Bertha across the aisle, they whisper about evil plans. Apparently they don’t care if anyone discovers that they know each other. Fern whispers to Rebeca to never tell anyone that Gonz is not Flor’s father. Gaaaahhh Erika and her layered bowl cut are sitting with Renata.

When they all get back to the house, they see Charo and ask why she didn’t come to the service? She says she couldn’t, she REALLY couldn’t. Bertha smirks. What a bitch. The dog comes out the door and barks at them all, Bertha smirks some more. They stand on the stairs discussing Tomasa’s fall down those very stairs. Miranda asks when Bertha is getting rid of the dog. Never! She says, the dog takes care of her and everyone else too. Gonz agrees with her that the dog is helpful. Gee thanks dad. Miranda gets suspicious and says “well then, where was the dog when Tomasa fell?” Bertha remembers what happened but says “he was in the kitchen with me and Charo. Go ahead, just ask her!” Charo has no choice but to agree.

I’m going to leave out any details of people discussing Tomasa’s death, it’s the same thing over and over. If you see people talking and crying in this episode, that’s what they are talking about.

Fern is worried that without Tomasa or Nati, there won’t be any way to find out exactly what happened that fateful night way back when. Fern says Bertha is the evil mastermind, dumbass Alejandro tries to convince her that Bertha doesn’t seem the type and she for some stupid reason decides el tiene razon. Everyone is so stupid.

Renata tells Gonz and Miranda that maybe Tomasa fell and died because she was fat. She thinks she deserved it. Renata doesn’t care about Tomasa because Tomas only cared about Miranda. She’s bitter. Miranda storms out. Gonz tells Renata that he needs to talk to her. He gives her a hug and she thinks he must not feel well. She says don’t act all nice now, you treated me like some thing and now you want to be the caring father. He sticks his jaw out but says nothing.

Charo cries at Bertha about having to lie, Bertha tells her to keep lying if she knows what’s good for her. To the police, to everyone. Bertha says she’ll accuse Charo of being Tomasa’s killer if she doesn’t cooperate. Char sniffles some more.

Miranda is crying, surprise surprise. Pamela comes in. If she keeps up this level of hotness, she’s going to replace Lasagna as my favorite. In fact, I think she did, after seeing Lasagna kiss Cesar she is dead to me. Viva Pamela. Anyway, she and Miranda sit on the bed remembering Tomasa. Miranda now is thinking that something doesn’t add up about how Tomasa died. I imagine we’ll be unraveling this mystery for weeks. Miranda says that it is strange that as soon as Bertha returns from her trip, Tomasa has a strange accident.

Alejandro tells Fern that he thinks the guys that jacked him are the same guys he saw in front of her house before. He even knows he names. They decide to talk to Amparo and Francisco about it. Juan enters. Al leaves. Juan tells Fern that he has something important to tell her urgently! Juan, que paso? Oh my god! What could he possibly be there to tell her! This is the biggest cliffhanger yet! I hate how they have to manufacture tension in these shows. If there is something dramatic, it will take care of itself. For Juan to tell Fern something we already all know isn’t dramatic. Telling your godmother you like some girl doesn’t deserve the dum dum dummm music.

Renata and Gonz hash over his treatment of her over all the years. He’s a crappy father, he loved the others more, yada yada yada. RRRRRRsi RenataRRRRtienes razonRRRRR. He wants to be friends with her. She is beside herself at the idea. More about how she had it so good, he was so distant. Snore. Wait – she gets too sassy and he slaps her. She says something nasty to him and then leaves.

Al discusses the situation with Amparo and Francisco. They are worried about Fern’s safety if the bad guys recognize Al as her friend. Al decides finally to go to the authorities. Francisco then shows off a new green soccer shirt he got along with some story about how he got it free, I didn’t quite understand.

Fern doesn’t know if Juan and Renata together is a good idea, Juan gives a bunch of reasons why it’s ok, he has a good job, etc etc etc.

Bertha comes into Renata’s room where she is crying. So much crying. Always everyone with the crying. Renata is sad about what happened with Gonz, Bertha pretends to be concerned. Bertha blames everthing on “tu madre.” Renata doesn’t know that Fern is her mother. So Bertha does her usual, blame everything on Fern. Bertha gives her a long lesson on how to properly hate someone. Then Bertha tells her that when Flor dies, all her time will be free for her! Great!

Miranda/Columbo is still on the case. Then they decide that soon they have to tell Renata the truth about Fern. Pamela then agrees that what Renata said, that Miranda should marry Alejandro, is the most practical solution to the monetary problems.

Raul and Carola are figuring out their plan I think, for some reason I’m not getting the details. Some talk about coincidences, I think that they need to tell Alejandro everything they are planning, it wasn’t a coincidence that he got involved with those same guys, by getting jacked the other day.

Miranda says that marrying Alejandro with even the slightest hint that it’s only for his money would forever damage their relationship.

Fern tells Juan that he’s like a son so he can count on her help. He says he’s not asking Gonz for permission, Fern tells him he better talk to Renata about that first, he can’t decide that for her. Good call. He says fine. She asks the typical “where will you live?” etc. He says here in the hood, Fern of course doesn’t like that answer.

Bertha continues hate class with Renata. “Do something that will hit him so hard.” Renata says, “like get married to a poor guy?” Bertha loves the idea! Poor Juan. He’s a good guy and he’s about to get royally screwed. And not in the good way. Bertha says where will you find one? Renata says she already has one. And he doesn’t have any suspicion about Renata’s true motives. Bertha asks if she loves him, Renata finally says yes she does, and he loves her. So they love each other, but she’s going to take advantage of him anyway. Bertha has the bright idea for them to get married in secret.

Miranda is packing to return to the hacienda, she says it’s better for everyone if she’s not at the house. Pamela is staying to get her family back together. Pamela asks how Miranda is going to get more money to maintain the hacienda, Miranda says she’s going to take a mortgage on the property.

Charo packs Tomasa’s things into a box and talks to herself. She finds an envelope. She hears Bertha coming and she puts the envelope on the dresser. Dummy. Hide it or something. Damn.

Francisco, Raul, Al, Carola, and Amparo all sit around the table discussing what to do about the crooks. Suddenly Sanson enters, “Raul! Just who I was looking for.”


Thursday, September 21, 2006

Heridas de Amor Sept. 20

Fab and Flor are no where to be seen in this episode. What a welcome relief.

Miranda tries to help Al by telling him to give everything he has to the thieves. She listens to what is happening during the robbery on her cell phone. Then she goes downstairs to where Bertha and Gonzalo are talking to tell them what is happening to Al. (Bertha has poured herself some cognac or some other amber liquid and seems to be enjoying confronting Gonzalo. ) Miranda interrupts them to tell them she is going to find Alejandro. Bertha tries to go to but Miranda won't let her. She quips to Gonzalo as she flounces out of the room "See what type of woman you have by your side?!" Gonzalo then tells Bertha that he realizes how things are with her. Bertha reminds Gonzalo that they are accomplices. They are in this together. It will either unify them or destroy them.

Andrea and her long lost husband Leonardo talk over old times. Pamela joins them and Leo tells them that he will be with them, that they are not alone anymore. Pamela brings out an old box that holds everything that survived the fire. She tells Leonardo that she doesn't remember him. Andrea also remarks that all their old wedding pictures did not survive. Leonardo leaves them for the night saying he wants to give them time to get used to him. But! Before he leaves he pockets something that was in the box. (Having not been that observant I didnt notice his sticky fingers but recapper Jean believes it might have been a checkbook. Hmmm. Thanks Jean!)

Miranda finds Alejandro walking down the street. (Its night.) Gonzalo followed her and they both run to Al scolding him for fighting the thieves. Gonzalo acts concerned. Al says he wants to talk with G tomorrow. G leaves and Miranda stays telling AL how she loves him. Kissy Kissy.

Bertha has gone to her room to freak about whether Alejandro is safe. She's mad that she didn't get to go help him. She starts talking to herself about not wanting to lose him too. Psycho. Later we see Bertha stretched on her bed while Charo unpacks for her. Bertha tells Charo to tell her everything that happened while she was gone. Charo doesn't say anything interesting and is sent out to get Lucas the dog. Tomasa comes in and sees Bertha with a soft leather briefcase and asks if that's the missing Luque portfolio. It is. Bertha wants Tomasa to tell her why Florencia's medicine has been sent to analyzed. Charo comes into the room with Lucas who promptly spooks Tomasa. Bertha lets him get up on her white bed while she coos to him. Later Tomasa brings Bertha and Lucas tea downstairs in the living room. Tomasa tells Bertha that she is a "Diablo en persona!" Bertha slaps her and starts in on her with a verbal attack. They both claim the other will regret whatever is being done. Tomasa raises the stakes by saying she knows it was Bertha who brought Alfredo Luque to the hacienda. Tomasa says Alfredo despised Bertha and Bertha couldn't stand it. Lucas barks and Tomasa gets scared. Bertha tells her that that's not all she did. She then cruelly teases Tomasa that she provoked the deaths of her kids and that Tomasa has known all her life her missing granddaughter. Tomasa has spoken to her a million times and hasn't known it! Its Nuria! Tomasa runs off looking terrified at these revelations and at Lucas, who looked sweet to me. Bertha tells Lucas to attack and away they go. Tomasa screaming no no no with Lucas following her and barking. This had to be the longest most un-frightening scene. Finally when we think we can't hear Tomasa say No again she manages to fall down backwards from the front steps of the house. Bertha looks on happily as we see Tomasa prostrate at the bottom of the stairs. (Sweet Lucas never touched Tomasa and his barks were not menacing. They tried real hard to make this dog look mean but I think he looked like he was worried that Tomasa had fallen.) Charo comes up to Bertha asking her what is going on. Bertha pretends to find Tomasa on the steps with Charo in tow just as Gonzalo is walking up the front path. Gonzalo cradles Tomasas head as she says her last words of "She also shot."(Ella tambien disparo.) Twice she says this and then she dies.

Juan talks to himself about Renata. He thanks Raul for having introduced them. Meanwhile Renata is thinking about Juan. They both have green memories of each other. Back to the present Renata thinks she can't be in love with him but she is! Then she makes fun of what her kids' names would be if she married Juan. She laughs at how ridiculous she thinks their names would sound. Later Juan comes into Renatas room (shirt unbuttoned) and tells Renata that they should marry. (Seems he's guilty about shagging his madrinas daughter.) Renata tells Juan that don't dont need to marry. Juan tells her she made him feel something. Renata argues how her father wont let her marry him and that they barely know each other. Juan tells her she isn't a child and married, they will learn together about each other. (Real mature argument there lover boy.) They end the scene kissing.

Raul tells the police detective that he believes the attack will happen tomorrow. He worries about Carola. Carola walks in and Raul hangs up the phone. As the phone hangs up we see that Miranda and AL are in front of the same detective who just hung up the phone with Raul. They are there to report the car heist. Al has a satellite locator on his car. They should find it soon. Al is sure he recognizes one of the robbers. Al and Miranda then call Fern to have Al checked out. Al remembers where he saw the robbers. In front of Ferns house! Fern knows the thieves! Al and Miranda go to Ferns hospital where Fern promptly declares Al OK. Daira and Lizania arrive to check on Al too. While there Charo phones Miranda to tell her that Tomasa has died.

Sanson yells at his guys about the car theft telling them they should have killed Al (they don't know its Al). They decide the car will be sent to South America in a few days.

Over at Cesar's pool hall, which seems to be quite the happening place, Cesar has gotten one of his girlfriends to call her friend to find out who Luciano was with. Cesar just so casually has his head between the girls breasts while she talks on the phone in her bikini. Looks like Cesar has a pool to go along with his pool table. After some snogging the girl lets Cesar know that Luciano was with Alejandro Luque. Cesar immediately asks Luciano about knowing Alejandro. The girls take off and Cesar gets mad at Luciano. Luciano has a memory of Alejandro telling him to pretend that they are enemies. Luciano wakes from his memory to weave a web of lies about how Alejandro made him loose capital in a business deal. Alejandro ended up with all the money from the project so Luciano dislikes him. Luciano asks to not talk of this anymore but to talk of the LADIES instead. Cesar buys the story and asks Luciano to join him in setting a trap for Al. Luciano wants to know why Cesar wants to do this. Cesar admits Al took his woman. Luciano asks if it is Miranda.

Flash to a doctor pronouncing Tomasa dead from her fall. A detective (is this the same one?) asks Gonzalo and Bertha questions about what happened and who was at home. They claim she was like family. The detective mentions he will wait for the autopsy and he wants to talk with the servant girl. Later in her room Bertha thinks to herself how stupid Gonzalo is for not knowing what Tomasa meant when she said "Ella Tambien Disparo." Bertha knows what she meant... oh no! Tomasa and Naty saw me! Charo goes to Bertha worried about the cops wanting to talk with her. Bertha tells Charo not to worry but to do exactly what she tells her to do. Later we see Charo crying in her room. Bertha comes in to tell her she doesn't want to see anymore tears. Especially not for someone (T) who didn't deserve them. Bertha scares Charo about Tomasas ghost coming to haunt her. She uses that as an excuse to throw all of Tomasa's stuff away. Bertha kindly tells Charo she can keep a few things but the rest goes in the trash!

The next day Alejandro is seen outside the church telling Miranda by phone that he has made arrangements for the funeral. She tells him how she loves him and they hang up as Luciano walks up. Alejandro tells Luciano to continue as planned, he wants to buy the "Mangler" ranch. Al wants Luci to put the ranch in Luci's name for now. He wants the ranch to be a gift to Flor and Faby but wants everything to continue as planned for now.
Renata somehow is back in Mexico at the house. Renata goes to Mirandas room where Miranda is telling Pamela that Tomasa was like a mother to her. Renata cries to Miranda about Tomasa and how sorry she is for Mirandas loss. She asks Miranda what are they going to tell Florencia?


Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Heridas de Amor, Tuesday Sept. 19

Miranda tells Alejandro that she's going to ask her father to return home. She reminds him not to tell either of her sisters what has happened (that she found out Fernanda is her mother).

Francisco, Amparo and Fernanda are enjoying a meal. They're all happy because Fernanda is reunited with Miranda but they wonder about the other two daughters who do not yet know that Fernanda is their mom. Francisco and Amparo want Fern to stay around a while. Fern says she's not going anytime soon, they have been her only family and they are like the brother and sister she's always wanted.

Joel arrives. He talked to someone at the metro who saw a woman matching Naty's description purchase a ticket to Tabasco. "She returned there?" asks Fernanda, "but where?" Joel says she went to Villahermosa. He's going tomorrow to get more info from the drivers.

It's a dark and stormy night. Squeaky paces her chamber watching the lightning. Slowly the door creaks open and a dark figure's the studly doctor Juan. He's happy to find her alone. They make small talk about fear of the night, fear of the living and fear of each other. They gaze into each other's eyes then finally get around to a long kiss. He's hot.

Carola tells Daniel that what he's suggesting is crazy. He wants them to live together. She says there is too much difference between them as well he knows. Even though he says that's not important over time it would become important. She never has been one of those women who sees their clients as Prince Charming (Principe Azul). She doesn't believe she will be rescued and taken to a castle. He says that with time she could turn into a princess. He'll go but he wants her to promise to think about his offer. As the music reaches a crescendo she kisses him on the lips. (Remember she wouldn't do that last Tuesday night!) He's surprised and she tells him she did it because she's no longer a woman of the street and he is very special to her. He kisses her hands and gets that hunky Marcos look he used to have on Alborada.

After Daniel leaves Raul, who has been hiding in another room, asks Carola why didn't she accept his offer. She says she's holding out for Juan, for when he returns. Raul says Juan is super ga-ga over another chick, seriously. Carola is bummed.

Juan is kissing Squeaky as the thunder crashes. He hesitates, says he must respect her and her house. She tries the old "You don't like me?" trick and it works, not that it took much effort. He says ever since he first met her she's driven him crazy, he can't stop thinking about her. She grabs him and tells him she's never been with anybody. "Then it's something very special. I hope it's as special for you as it is for me," he says. "It will be important to you?" she asks. (Warning: get barf bag now.) "More than my life," he whispers, "It will be my most precious gift." (Blech! See, I warned you.) That last statement aside, did I mention he is H.O.T?

Miranda tells Al she doesn't know how she can look at her father, how could he have done such a thing? She says her mother and Berta were in love with the same man, Berta told her that they killed him, she told her that they both knew Al's father. Egad, now she gets it! "Alejandro, my father killed Alfredo Luque..." (Sobs) "your father!" (Violins shriek.) Commercial break.

Miranda is still sobbing, "My dad found your dad with my mom and out of jealousy killed him. You know what this means? Our love is impossible. Leave now. Leave and never look for me again." Alejandro thought bubbles "I can't allow Miranda to suffer so. My vengeance must stop here!" More crying. "Listen," says Al, "my pop only died a few months ago." Happy piano music accompanies Miranda's smile. They embrace.

Squeaky and Juan are basking in love's glow. She says she never thought it could be so nice and she'll never forget this beautiful night. He can't say with words what his heart feels. They take turns feeling their beating hearts. "And now what," asks Squeaky, "are we friends, lovers, what?" Juan says from his point of view they are boyfriend and girlfriend. "But wait," he adds, "that can't be because I have nothing to offer you." "Let's see how things go," encourages Squeaky. He leans back to kiss her, displaying his 6-pack.

Miranda is relieved to hear that Alfredo Luque died only a few months ago, but she's going to ask her mother who the murdered man was. Also, she doesn't want to speak to her father. Alejandro tells her not to harbor rancour, Gonzo is still her dad. Miranda says he killed and never paid for his crime. Gonzalo San Llorente is dead to her, as dead as the man he murdered. Alejandro tells her he would give anything to see and speak with his dead father, so heed his advice, don't condemn Gonzo when she doesn't know exactly what happened. She tells him she doesn't see it that way, she hurts not only for the soul of the man but also for his family's suffering. Al gazes at her with adoration and thought bubbles "I pardon him Miranda," (he embraces her),"the love I feel for you allows me to forget the hate that has tormented me all these years. Today I start a new life at your side." He tells her to go talk to her father.

Gonzo arrives at the hacienda and tells Miranda he only came to get some things from the library, like the money she put away. She tells him there's very little left. She also tells him she doesn't want him to return to the condo in Polanco, she wants him to stay at the house. She plans to talk to Vicente tomorrow and return Gonzo's company to him.

Carola and Raul are planning to set up Sanson for a sting but Raul is worried that if things don't go as the police plan he could be putting his whole family at risk. "Don't think that or you'll 'throw the salt' (put a jinx) on us," says Carola. As soon as they have all the information they are to inform the cops, that's the plan. Raul says it's all his fault they are involved in this. He wants to take care of everything himself. As they leave he crosses himself.

Fern tells Amparo not to be silly, she should give herself the opportunity to to see if Roman likes her. Amparo is afraid because she's not like him, he's educated and elegant while she is common and rough. What if she falls in love and it doesn't work out? Fern tells her not to shut the door on love. It's better to live with the Wounds Of Love than never to have loved at all.

Miranda tells Gonzo that tomorrow Squeaky returns and what will she say to her if he's not there? "Tell her to run to her mother's arms as you have done," he whines, but in a very deep voice. She says she won't tell them about Fernanda, especially Florencia because it would surely kill her. Gonzo is surprised, he hasn't heard that Flor is so sick. Miranda brings him up to speed, expressing her concern that they're afraid her pregnancy won't come to term. She tells him Flor and Fabricio are shopping in Miami because Cesar loaned them the money. Gonzo whips his head around and glares.

Cesar and Luis Alberto are playing pool in Cesar's hideously ugly and claustrophic rumpus room. They're waiting for Luciano and gossiping about him. Cesar says sooner or later SLI will be his. Three skanky chicks enter then Luciano arrives. One of the skanks asks Luciano about the very handsome friend he was with at the bar the other night. This tacky but innocuous question is accompanied by sinister music. Then Luciano glances around the room furtively.

Gonzo and Miranda are STILL talking about him moving back into the house. Long story short...
Gonzo: "It's her house but wah wah wah it was my money that maintained it and now she wants back in."
Miranda: "I love you but she's my mother and she's suffered too."
G: "OK I'll come back but your sisters must never know."
M: "Agreed, I won't tell them."
G: "Agreed, but the new rule of the house is no more Alejandro Luque. You decide."
M: "Agreed, starting today things in this house will be as you say."

Raul tells Sanson he needs to know more robbery details, at the very least which bank? Sanson says he'll find out tomorrow. Rauls says he's leaving the gang after the robbery. "Sure, if that's what you want," says Sanson, "but not until tomorrow." Raul leaves and Carola arrives. Sanson kicks his minions out, telling them to go find some fun. Now it's Carola's turn to try to get info out of him. His response is "tomorrow you'll be driving the getaway car." (Nice bit of detective work Raul and Carola...NOT!) After she leaves he mutters "Those two just signed their death sentence."

I guess Squeaky and Juan aren't spending the night in bed with each other because he's kissing her goodnight. She wants to stay in Flor's room because it makes her feel secure. He thought bubbles "It's not good what I've done, let down my godmother by boinking her daughter. She'll never forgive me." In bed Sqeaky is thinking that Juan is wonderful. "When Veronica and Erika find out they'll die of anger. And stupid Veronica, I'm going to win her car. After I win my prize from her I'll tell Juan goodbye once and for all."

Cesar tries to get the bimbo to tell him more about Luciano's friend, like his name. She doesn't know but she tells him about another woman who does.

Miranda calls Alejandro to tell him that by order of her father he can no longer come to their house. He tells her not to worry, he'll talk to Gonzo. Just then he stops at a light and is attacked by Sanson's gang, the ones who are out looking for a little fun. Miranda hears them on her cell phone and panics.

Ick, Berta has just arrived home. Gonzo isn't happy to see her and orders her to tell him right now who was the man with Fernanda that night. He shakes her. She wants to know why these questions after all these years. Tomasa is eavesdropping. Gonzo says she better not pretend she doesn't know because he'll kick her out right now. "So do it," she retorts, "but I don't know, nobody knows." He wants to know what happened with the body. "I told you, Tomasa's kids threw it in the river and the current took it away, that's why it was never found." As Tomasa listens Gonzo tells Berta that Miranda knows about Fern but that Berta better not tell the other two sisters. "Count on me, you know how I adore your daughters," she says. Gonzo tells her he doesn't believe her sweet tone nor her stupid smile. He's different now and won't fall for her bull. "Fine," she answers," at last we can remove our masks." She suggests they maintain a united front against Fernanda but Gonzo says he's not interested in any alliance with her.

Miranda is still listening in horror as poor Alejandro is the victim of the longest car-jacking/robbery in history. Lots of yelling and threats, "Get out of the car!" "Help, they're attacking me!" "Alejandro, what's happening?" "Give us your keys and wallet! You're a dead man!" More yelling, then shots. Miranda shrieks, "Alejandro, Alejandro!"


Monday, September 18, 2006

HERIDAS DE AMOR - Monday, 9/18/06

Cesar arrives at the San Llorente plantation and runs into Fabricio who tells him that Miranda and Alejandro are coming to sort the problems out there at the plantation. Lizania greets them and flirts with Cesar who is eager to oblige and says he’ll catch up to her in a bit. Cesar then says to call Miranda and Alejandro to tell them not to come. He and Fabricio will solve the problem there together. Fabricio asks how and Cesar says they’ll think of something. Fabricio isn’t quite comfortable with that reckoning. It’s her place afterall.

Daniel and his brother are at Rebeca’s asking Julio what he plans to do with the money that is theirs from their mother’s inheritance. Julio tells them of his decision to start a new investment house with Cesar by selling off his shares of the business that his father left for him, and that he will invest their money and let it work for them. Daniel gets angry and demands his rights to the stock and to his membership on the board. When his dad says no, Daniel demands his share now rather than to lose it all in a risky start-up venture like this. He orders his brother to leave with him then but Angel says no, he’s come to talk with his dad and is staying. Daniel stomps off and Angel immediately apologizes for his ungrateful actions and attitude and the two hug.

Francisco and Amparo are telling Father Buenaventura that the factory owner came through with a severance check for Francisco when Daira shows up. Francisco and Daira go out to the grounds and he apologizes for his former behavior with her, especially now that he knows she’s related to Alejandro. They begin to get on well together.

Fernanda opens the door to find it’s Gonzalo standing there. He immediately tells her that he knows that Alejandro Luque is her “guardian” and he wants to know what their true relationship is. Miranda is there and he tells her things between the two of them have changed and are irreparably torn, though she feels they shouldn’t have. Afterall, this is her mother. He says now he’s been converted into the monster and it’s all Fernanda’s fault. Fernanda says that is the last thing she’s wanted but he asks again what is the relationship between her and Alejandro Luque.

At the San Llorente hacienda Lizania and Cesar have a “heart to heart” about his desire to change into somebody respectable and well-liked. Cesar gets all weepy and whines to Lizania about what a rotten person he’s been to everybody and how he wishes he could turn into another man. They enter a room off the side and sit and chat. He tells her what a rotten womanizer he has been. She naively offers to help him, telling him just recognizing the problem and dealing with it is the first step. He says how embarrassed he is. They agree to keep this relationship and his personal tribulations quiet from everybody. She leans into kiss him but he feigns uncertainty and fear. However, he “gives in” after only a second’s pause and with a “Bueno, sí ” he demurely “plants one” solidly on Lizania’s lips...... At this point he insidiously thinks to himself how he plans to make Alejandro pay for his actions through his sister, Lizania’s, suffering.

Luis Alberto is overheard by Luciano Sartori telling a client to pull her money out of San Llorente Investments; its days are numbered. He immediately catches Luis Alberto in a lie and tells him he seems to be a disloyal employee if that’s what he’s been telling investors. Luis pretends to take offense and says Luciano is mistaken if he is thinking to accuse him. Luciano calls his bluff and tells Luis “Good try, but I know exactly what your relationship is to Cesar and one ought to be careful with what he says.”

At Fernanda’s home in Mexico City she explains that Alejandro has only lent her a hand owing to the fact that his mother was once her best friend. It has been only that. Gonzalo says he’s moving out and will take the condo at Polanco. She can move into the mansion that his father gave her as a wedding present when he used to think she loved Gonzalo and would be a good wife to him. She says no, not for pride’s sake, but she will not be moving back in there. That life is over and done. This is her house now and her sentiments and her more recent memories are a part of it now. Gonzalo answers that he is not moved by this in the least. If she thinks to point a finger at him she is mistaken; and if she thinks she’s going to continue to throw the blame to him for something that isn’t his doing, then she’s equally mistaken. “I am an honest, upstanding man. I was cheated on and I acted as a result of that. I am not sorry for it. You two go around taking delight in speaking of your victimization and your pain. Who, though will put herself in my place? Measure yourselves by the same standard!” He slams the door as he leaves. Miranda makes excuses saying he’s not really like this and has always given them a good, loving home—and adds, “If it hadn’t been for Bertha....” Fernanda agrees and says what though can they do? Miranda says they’ll force her to confess and fight her using the very same weapons she uses.

Alejandro is driving Daira back and tells her that he has lost control of himself; with regard to taking vengeance on Gonzalo, he felt no pleasure in seeing him so defeated the other day when disassociating himself with the business or in destroying the man’s life and livelihood. The look in Gonzalo's eyes was just like that of his own father’s. He's changed now and it's because he never figured to find Fernanda or Florencia and Miranda. Daira tells him then that he must do as his heart tells him.

Florencia tells Fabricio she’d love to go to Miami to buy baby clothes so Fabricio suggests they go together and get her mind off things there. He sneaks out to call his mother to use her credit card to pay for the trip but she says after paying for Julio’s hospital expenses, she doesn’t have anything left. Cesar overhears this conversation and offers to pay for everything. He takes Fabricio into the office of their hacienda and asks for bygones to be bygones as he’s done with Julio. Fabricio falls into the trap Cesar has set. They make their peace and Cesar buys the tickets, pays for the hotel, and even sets up a cash account for any expenses while up there. As Fabricio leaves Cesar thinks to himself that now he’ll be able to sell off the ranch the next day without Fabricio sticking his nose into it all and scotching the deal.

Leonardo invites Gonzalo to lunch. At the restaurant he asks Gonzalo if he had ever stopped to think that one day the bill would come due for all his past acts. Gonzalo never figured the price would be so high nor that he’d be fine one day and the next be left with absolutely nothing, including his daughters. Leonardo asks if Gonzalo might still love Fernanda and does he think there might be the remotest possibility that in fact she didn’t really cheat on him. He replies that even if she didn’t, too much harm has been done and a dead man whose name he never knew is still involved somehow. Leonardo suggests then that he consider taking the first step and investigate the circumstances. Gonzalo promises he will do just that.

Veronica and Erika’s mothers have said they must return home to Mexico City. Renata says she must stay behind to help care for her sister. Erika remind’s Renata they agreed not to let Veronica take advantage of them and that Renata should still cancel the bet over getting Juan to fall in love with her and to propose marriage. Renata ignores this advice and smiles a bit conceitedly as she continues joking with Veronica over her plans with Juan.

Alejandro picks up Miranda and she later manages to get a call from Renata telling her what’s happened at the hacienda and that everybody has gone. She and Juan will come back to Mexico the next day and then Miranda and Alejandro will fly out to the hacienda to take charge of things. Miranda and Alejandro hug as she explains how things have turned out there and she reminds him that neither of her sisters are yet to be told the truth about their mother when they return to the mansion.


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