Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Llena de Amor #164 (Mex. 190-191) Wed 4/6/11 Love Is Blindness

  1. Capitulo 190

Love is blindness
I don't want to see
Won't you wrap the night around me
Take my heart
Love is blindness (Cassandra Wilson New Moon Daughter)

Okay, it's not Edna St. Vincent Millay, but that song started going through my head as soon as I typed the title. And Love sure is blind in this one, kinky lovemaking aside. We have a number of couples who just scream Doomed to Fail in Three Month's Time. But since this is a telenovela, we can trust everybody will stay Crazy in Love Forever. Now on to tonight's episodes.


Emanuel, out by the pool, chuckles at how stupid he was not to realize Mari and Vicky were one and the same. But now that he knows, boy is he ever going to torture her!


Our favorite villaness has stopped by the boarding house to threaten Netty. Give me every centavo Emiliano put in your name. If you don't, I'll never give him a divorce as long as I live. And I'm gonna live a long time. No way sez Netty. That dough belongs to his kids. Be content with the money you already swindled out of my niece Marianela, you trollop!


Well, mainly he wants Chema to get lost. When he arrives, our salty old sea captain is hovering very close to Netty and Emiliano asks what he's doing “so close to mi mujer”. Your “mujer”, Fedra just left a moment ago, sniffs Chema. This woman Netty is NOT yours. And takes his leave.


Because Delicia brushed him off with a swish when he tried to sit beside her. { You go girl!} Unfortunately big bro' Eman sits down and tells him not to give up. Gotta “luchar” for your one and only Love and all that. { Shut up Eman. We hate this guy.}


Well, at least that's the impression she gives a shocked Kristel, who thinks she's going to sabotage the reconciled couple Olly and Gretel by telling sis she saw Olly kissing Manolo. No problem, laughs Gretel. We're a “menage a trois”. Making crazy sandwich love every single night. Wahoo! Great physical comedy by all three. Gretel and Oliver goofy and camp as all getout. Kristel mega Top Model Horrified. Kudos to all. Worth a rewind.


He's ragging on fattie Marianela, who's anxious to get out of the fat suit and rendezvous for some nookie with el Lirio de Plata. No morning sickness for our gal. She's randy as a goat and ready for more shagging, pregnancy or no.


Yes, our Miss Manners takes a little time to berate Eman for hovering and fussing over Mari while totally ignoring his wife. He reminds her she was the one who told him Ilitia's bun in the oven was from another baker. She maintains now this was just a joke. Ilitia could NEVER be unfaithful. She'd cut off her hand before touching that naco policeman.


So Eman grills Oliver. Are Brandon and Ilitia lovers? Olly gets out of an outright lie by saying Brandon NEVER said a thing to him about it. Right. Brandon, at least, is a gentleman...naco or no. Still, when Oliver reports back to Gretel about the questions, she vows to make like a journalist and find out the truth. Are Brandon and Ilitia lovers indeed? Our little Brenda Starr intends to find out.


Yes, here we are again in Fertile Valley. Eman , convinced of Ilitia's fidelity, now ponders that he IS going to be a daddy. While Marianela simultaneously gushes to herself about her newly discovered pregnancy. Complications ahead. For sure.


While Doris gets in touch with her nagging side (maybe André isn't so lucky after all) and fusses at him to hurry up so they don't miss their flight, Brandon wanders into her room and finds the note on her pillow saying she's left for the weekend with her infected beau. {We also learn that the actor is well into his forties from the way he's holding the note about three feet away to read it! So sorry buddy. We know how you feel.} Then Jacqui arrives to fan the flames, claiming that André is a heartless wretch who infects women with HIV just for fun. And when they get it, he dumps 'em. Brandon immediately calls in and orders the police to intercept Doris and her criminal lover and also surround the airport. This ends badly. Outside André's apartment, Doris kicks the first officer and fells him. André adds another wallop, and they take off running. They're now guilty of assaulting a policeman. Not cool. But Doris has a backup plan for leaving the city unmolested. It involves her makeup skills naturally. Stay tuned.


Our scorned AlsoTop Model shadows Marianela out to the pool, accusing her of sneaking out every night to meet Emanuel. Mari denies it while fidgeting and fretting that she won't make it to her planned Love Shack fest with el Lirio. {And another song is going through my head.}


And while he's gone Emiliano arrives with Netty and Gladiola in tow. Ready for the family dinner where he'll announce his betrothal to Ernestina Pavon Romero. But Papa is Annoyed. Because Eman's not there (Tell him I had another engagement Emanuel tells Axel). And neither is Marianela. Kristel is outraged that those two “sooooocial climbers” (trepadoras) have barged in and just where the heck is Mommy!? Emiliano explains that they can no longer live under the same roof. And as soon as the divorce is final, he's marrying Netty. And with that he gives her a bodacious beso. Everybody toasts with champagne, including Max who's arrived from the basement in full regalia. Well everybody except Ilitia, who's had her glass snatched away by her protective suegrita Gladiola. { Love it that the prospective abuelita is meddling already. Ilitia will be no match for her. That's for sure. }Anyway, a good, albeit brief PSA to not drink when pregnant.


And living the high life. In Lorenzo's apartment. And in Lorenzo's smoking jacket (batin). Drinking Lorenzo's best cognac. Low is chapped. Fedra arrives and is equally upset. Netty's got her hub and her money. Low vows to get it back. They grapple, they fuss, they get aroused, they decide to dip into the jacuzzi, they do....or would have...except that Bernardo and Nereida got there first. While Fedra drops to the floor wailing “My eyes, my eyes!” Lorenzo fumes helplessly. Nice to see these two out-foxed and totally flummoxed by faithful lap dog Bernardo. Who has the “agallas “ to sneer --What does a person have to do to get a little privacy around here.--


Yes, our randy little vixen has managed to escape the mansion and hook up with el Lirio at the boardinghouse. Delicia and Gretel helped her make the change out of the fat suit. And el Lirio materialized out of nowhere as usual. On with the kinky blindfold and the incredibly boring love raptures. I need you...your skin, your kisses, your whatever. She's dreamily carping that she wants to see his face and know who he is so she can tell her best buds, Gretel, Delicia and Doris. He saucily wonders why Marianela isn't her best bud. She lies badly. He enjoys it. As well as the rest of her. { I am sooooo bored by these two.} During their interminable love-making, he wonders why she doesn't regognize his kisses. She wonders if she should tell him she's pregnant. { I say that's a great way to ruin the moment. But they didn't ask me.}

190 Vocabulary (just in case I poop out and don't feel like doing it later)

un batin= smoking jacket (used to be Lorenzo's now it's Bernardo's)
no comas ansias = don't worry (Emiliano to his family)u
hazme caso = André, worried that Doris doesn't understand the seriousness of assaulting an officer

Neta? Netissima! = Really? Yes, REALLY! (Olly assuring Eman Brandon told him nothing)
trepadora = social climber ( a word used at least 70 times in any telenovela ever made)
agallas = guts as in “having the guts to do something”

Dicho of the Day
Ser muy listo(a); ser muy vivo(a) To have a lot on the ball; to be very bright
Candidates anyone? Delicia maybe. Fedra in her own cunning way. Otherwise...a very short list.


On the back stretch now but this old nag is losing ground. The York Mint Pattie stash has been exhausted and I'm relying on Trident gum to get me through this last slog. And dreading my next Near Death Encounter with the dentist.


Actually they're out by the pool, still trying to make up for lost love time and Netty trips out to tease them about their smooching. And kvetch that Fedra will never let her and Emiliano be happy. Gretel happily announces that she has the proof Dad's marriage is a fraud and it will all work out.


Masked Marianela wants to know why el Lirio won't abandon everything for her. She's clearly in a nesting mode now. He maintains he must continue his noble work as long as the poor and needy require it.


Ilitia, redemption casting a soft glow on her already lovely face, is entranced with the plain little white socks from the market that Gladiola has brought. Chuck'em out! sneers Kristel. Cheap “naquerimada botitas” could you ever?.....oooooh, I get it. She gave you those 'cause she's your suegrita. That baby is naco-bred and built. Don't expect me to keep THIS secret Miss Best Friend Forever! Well, okay...maybe I'll keep the secret if you use your fashion world influence to make me the biggest brashest Top Model ever. Deal.


André and Doris are sneaking through the airport disguised as mega-old folks. Doris' mouth looks really bloody and unnatural. Plus if they were in such a hurry to make their flight, how did they have time to stage that elaborate make-up and dredge up old folks costumes? Whatever. The ruse fails when Doris sneezes and her nose falls off. Brandon hauls them both off to jail, while protesting to an enraged Doris that he loves her and wants the best for her. And André isn't it. She rails that he's acting like her dad. And he's not. Though he helped raise her from the age of 15 when her own dad took off. Stalemate. The cells are chock full of Llena de Amor actors again.


Marianela is still hectoring el Lirio (They're at the boardinghouse by the way. No need to escape to Love Shack since nobody's home.) She wants more of him. Not just these nightly lust encounters. And she has marvelous news for him. At least she hopes he thinks it's marvelous.

Okay. You know what's coming, right? She keep circling around the subject, never actually telling him she's preggers until Consuwaila , home for a quick change before heading back to hospital, knocks at the door. El Lirio disappears. And still doesn't know he's got his own little masked bun in the oven.


And re-appears down below as Eman. Vicky is cold and dismissive. She's moved on. You can't, you're my woman! protests Eman. I have a new novio, she sneers. And you don't measure up to him at all. (Okay Emanuel. You're getting a clear view of her character. Sleeps around with masked guys. And is hatefully dismissive with old lovers. Like what you see?)


Netty, Glad and Oliver are on their way home from the celebratory dinner at the mansion. Emiliano wanted to accompany them but why worry! Olly's along. Except he's no help when the trio is assaulted outside the boarding house by four black-clad thugs (Fedra, Lorenzo, Bernardo and Mauricio). Fedra, with a little salute to cleavage, has a keyhold bodice to her outfit. The guys have all covered their manly chests. Lots of banging and shrieking and inside, Emanuel stands there unmoving, a total doofus, saying -Uh duh, what's happening?

Netty has been kidnapped, that's what's happening!

Meanwhile, Vicky, showing more ugly traits of character, assails Emanuel for his skanky murderous mother and claims it's all HIS fault for descending from those loins. (Do women have loins? Well, whatever.) Eman's not sure this assault is mom's fault but if it is...he vows to set things straight. Still, he thinks José Maria might be responsible for this crime. CommisarioTejada, another lovable but useless doofus, is alerted and on his way. Meanwhile, Oliver nurses his bloody nose and Glad laments that just when Netty's life was about to change for the better, this happens.

Chema arrives {“hablando del rey de Roma” speak of the Devil} and swears he'd never do such a thing. But Fedra would. Anything for money.


Is this a PSA for better salaries? Anyway, Netty is tied to a chair in some dark dingy place wailing that she has no money for ransom. It's all Emiliano's money. Which he gave to her until he could divorce that witch he's married to. Meow! Fedra's having fun channeling Cat Woman, purring and scratching Netty while fantasising about blowing her away with bullets then and there. Faithful lap dog Bernardo has a Doggie mask, very apt. Lorenzo is a Pig (dead on) and Mauricio, once again inflamed with lust, this time for helpless Netty, appears as a Rat.

The gang is bickering. Fedra's in kill mode. Bernardo is arguing that they can negotiate better terms if Netty is alive. Like turning over not only all the cash but also the mansion and everything in it.


Yep, our eternal metiche walks in the wrong door again. This time when Gladiola is frantically trying to transform nasty Vicky into increasingly nasty Marianela by wrestling her back into the fat suit. Ungrateful Vick is complaining that Doris isn't there when she needs her. Glad leaves. Consuelo stays. Mari swears Cons to secrecy while observing that Consuela hated her as Vicky, but loved her as a dear friend when Marianela. Big hug.


While Consuela and Mari hug upstairs, Gretel arrives downstairs and announces excitedly that she thinks she knows where the kidnappers have taken Netty.


Our fattie, still in nasty Vicky mode, tromps downstairs to berate Emanuel for his origins. And how dare he pretend to be as upset over Netty's disappearance as she!? Netty is NOT his blood. But I love her dearly, whimpers Emanuel. Papa Emiliano steps in and reproves Mari for her shoddy treatment. He's trying to support you. And he's a good man. Don't treat him that way. He doesn't deserve it. Have you forgotten all the love that united you?


Yep, that's how Marianela has been treating him, observes Emanuel. { And given the average dog's treatment in Mexico, that's a serious complaint.} They were good friends long before they were lovers. Can't they at least go back to being friends again?

Marianela admits that in her thirst for vengeance (Forgiveness PSA) she's become a “hard woman” (ya' think?). And what's more she's in love with another man. But she can't tell him who it is. And there we end. Whew.

Internet Previews:
Emiliano wants Emanuel to run upstairs and get Victoria. Marianela panics....and says no no, I'll go.

tener buen puestos los pantalones = to be the man of the house, to be a straight-shooting upright guy (Oliver talking about Brandon)
embaucar = trick, con
de por medio = at stake, at issue Netty, talking about the stumbling block of money in Emiliano's divorce proceedings.
bendito(a) adj. = darned, danged, friggin' as in “esta bendita puerta!” a softer version of “maldito(a) which would be “damned”
eso que ni que = sure, of course
checar la cartelera = check the listings (for airline flights) Doris to André
hablando del rey de Roma = speak of the Devil....(and he appears)

Dicho of the Day

Todo por servir se acaba. All things wear out if you use them. And Lord! My patience is wearing out with these double recaps! How about yours?


Llena de Amor #163 (Mex. 188-189) Tue 4/5/11 Fedra’s out, but there’s a new family member.

Episode 188. 1+1=3. Or is that 2+2=5?
University: Gretel and Oliver chat and smooch on a bench until Delicia joins them, looking downcast. They figure she must have failed her exam and hasten to assure her that this is a temporary setback; they’ll help her study and she’ll ace it next time. Fakeout! Delicia breaks into a grin and tells them she did awesomely. Cheers and happiness. Axhole rains on this parade simply by showing up. He congratulates Delicia and she returns a cold glare. He wants to join their celebration, but she says no. Delicia and Oliver skip off and Gretel tells Axhole to give Delicia time; everything will work out.
Hospital waiting room: Sad-faced Doctor Arnaldo tells Conswailer, Netty, and Gladiola that Javier’s tests look great and he can probably go home in a few days. Netty asks why he looks so down, then. Doc A stiffly congratulates her on her engagement and leaves on the verge of tears. Glad and Consuelo remark that she’s breaking hearts left and right, while they’ve got no galáns at all. Con says she’s going after Brandon, and Gladiola had better not get in the way. Glad says I’m not the problem, he’s just not that into you. They wonder why Netty seems so gloomy. She says she just doesn’t want to get excited until everything’s settled and she and Emil are good and married.
Agency: Jose Maria visits Emiliano and proposes a gentlemen’s pact, since he’s so honorable. He’s throwing his hat in Netty’s ring. Emil finds this preposterous. “Netty and I are engaged, so get out.” “But you’re not even divorced yet, so all’s fair.” “Fine, whatever, if you win her over, I’ll respect that, but if she sticks with me, you are going to disappear.” Deal.
Mansión de Mucho Maldad: Mauricio tells Ilitia he did her a favor knocking her up. Husband-trap, yay! “My baby is Emanuel’s, and you disgust me!” Malicio smarms that she wants him BAD. He grabs her. Ilitia tries to shake him off and tells him not to hurt her; she’s pregnant. He thinks that’s hot. As they continue to struggle, he clamps a hand over her mouth and drags her away.
Javi’s hospital room: Javi teases Marianela about being in love with El Lirio. She says she just got carried away, he’s such an awesome dude and all, and besides, kissing through a mask doesn’t count. Lirio thinks she was rather overaffectionate, considering she just met him. Mari says she’s heard so much about him from others. Javier offers to cover his eyes so they can smooch some more. Mari is totally flustered and tries to leave, but Lirio stops her and holds her hands. Does she like him? Mari says she was just really excited to finally meet him, because Vicky is so in love with him, and especially after what happened… “After what?” Mari flashbacks to Love Shack, Braille Edition, but tells him she means the way he saved Javi. Lirio says Mari is so pretty and sweet, she probably has a novio or husband, anyway. “No, I’m single,” Mari says. “Oh, REALLY?” Oh, wait, she remembers that she is married. “You forgot you have a husband?” Mari suddenly remembers she has something really important to do somewhere else.
Snakemobile: Malicio drives, Ilitia cries and protests. Mau tells her the whole family will be together now, but the brat had better be a boy; he doesn’t want a girl. “Since when do you want kids?” Malicio says his biological alarm clock is ringing. Funny, it sounds like a death toll to me.
Hospital men’s room: El Lirio locks the door and unmasks. Emanuel remembers his convos with Netty, when she gave him lavish hints about Mari and Vicky.
Hospital corridor: Consuelo and Mari discuss Javier’s miracle save and how awesome El Lirio is. Eman sees them and hides around a corner. He hears Mari say “I’m so confused, I’m so attracted to him, when I see him I just want to kiss him…” Eman pops out and asks her who she wants to be snoozling.
Agency break room: Doris dashes out the back door when she hears Andre and Jackie approach, fighting as usual. Jackie wants to move in with Andre. He yells that he’s been very clear that he’ll be her friend and support her through the medical issues, but he doesn’t love her and they will not be a couple. “Because you’re in love with Doris?” “Well, yes. I am truly, madly, deeply in love with her.” Jackie storms out. Doris comes in, excited that he really loves her. Hugs. Andre says he really is, which is why he’s going to stay away from her.
Hospital corridor: Eman snuggles against Mari, teasing her about cheating on Jorge. She says he’s hardly one to talk, married to Ilitia and telling the whole world in court that he’s Vicky’s lover. He clarifies that he said in love, not lover. Mari says he thinks all the ladies are after him, but she’s happily married and Vicky is in love with someone else. “Who?” Mari won’t tell. Eman wonders how happy her marriage can be, since Jorge cheated on her with Vicky. In fact, he thinks the whole marriage is fake.
Home office: Emiliano gives Fedra the divorce papers. Special bonus offer, if she signs now, she gets every last centavo he has. Fedra plays along and says he must be really desperate to be rid of her, to be so generous. She takes the pen and scrawls across the paper. Emil can hardly believe his luck. And for good reason; he looks and sees that she wrote “Fedra estuve aqui” (Fedra was here), with a frowny face after. She says she’s not an idiot. She knows he gave everything to Netty.
Hospital corridor: Mari tells Eman he’s wrong. Jorge was super remorseful, she forgave him, and now their marriage is better than ever. Eman says he’s going to find out all her secrets. Maybe check and find out whether the marriage is actually registered. She tells him not to be such a busybody. Why does he care? He grabs her braids and says she doesn’t look at Jorge with love, the way she looks at him. Eman goes for a kiss. Denied.
Home office: Fedra tears up the divorce papers. Emil tells her she’s not stealing more money from the family. He’s getting the divorce whether she signs or not. Fedra says she doesn’t negotiate with poor people, so he’ll have to send Netty over to talk. Fedra rabidly rages that she’ll get all the money, including the change in his pockets and Netty’s pensión, too.
Hospital corridor: Mari denies she’s in love with Emanuel. He pins her against the wall and nuzzles and sexy-talks. Mari says she’s fed up with this. He says he is, too – the lies, the disguises, having to hide in order to love. Doesn’t she feel the same way? He aims to kiss her, but she faints.
Mau’s Snakepit: Kristel practices her sexiest strut in the bedroom, and preps for seduction. Candles, check. Lingerie that will give him a heart attack, check. (We wish.) She hears Ilitia yelling from the parlor. “Let me go! Don’t hurt me!” “You know you want it!” “Leave me alone! You creep! Don’t make me lose the baby!” Mau pushes Ilitia onto the sofa and etc. and says he’s going to have his way with her. After all, they belong together, especially now that they’re expecting a baby. “It is NOT your baby! I’m two months along, and you raped me on my wedding day way before that!” Kristel has heard enough. She joins them, business end of Mau’s gun leading the way, and threatens to shoot him.
Hospital corridor: Eman can’t wake Mari and calls for help. Doris runs up and shoves him away and won’t let anyone but a doctor touch her.
Mansión de Mucho Misery: Fedra’s drinking and insulting Emil’s poverty. He calls the servants and tells them to throw out all Fedra’s stuff; she’s leaving today. Fedra cackles and tells them to throw out HIS stuff, because HE’s leaving today. She says he may have fooled everyone else into thinking he’s somebody, but she’s always known he’s a nobody, and soon Netty will realize that as well. She’ll find he’s no great shakes in the sack (the staff looks scandalized), and she’ll take up with one of her many suitors, and he’ll never be any the wiser because he never knows when he’s being cheated on.
Fedra refuses to leave, and says she’s going to bring Low over here for their rolls in the moldy hay. Emil calls her a ramera. She throws her drink in his face and smashes the glass. Emil slaps her so hard she crashes into the piano. Wait, that piano makes sound? I thought Fedra had the strings removed so Axel couldn’t play it.
Hospital exam room: Doc Arnaldo checks Mari and asks Doris what’s up with the fat suit. Doris explains it all. Arne agrees to keep the secret.
Snakepit: Kristel says she was a fool to love Mau and believe his lies. It is OVER. He is going to regret being a rapey snake. He says the two of them will be the ones to regret this. He tries to sweet-talk Kristel but she brandishes the gun and says a few people will hear about this…Emanuel, Emiliano, Lorenzo. “Brandon,” Ilitia offers helpfully. Right. Mau has mil ocho mil enemies, so he’s done for. Kristel and Ilitia take the gun and leave the canalla.
Hospital: Mari’s awake. Doris tells her the secret was nearly discovered. Mari says she fainted because the fat suit is so hot. Doris wants to wait for the medical report to be sure it’s nothing else. Mari says she was also stressed because Eman wants to investigate her “marriage” with Jorge. Why does he even care? “Because he’s in looooove with you.” “Yes, but also with Victoria. It’s so confusing.” “Well, you’re also in love with two guys.” MV swoons over El Lirio de Plata.
House of Hostility: Emil tells Fedra she’s not threatening him or the kids anymore. Fed calls Bernardo and pouts for him to defend her. Bring it, says Emil. Benigno rushes in with a rifle and orders Fedra and her loyal shiprat to walk the plank. Paula and Nereida bring the suitcases down and Emil tells them to throw them in the street. Eying the rifle and Emil’s rage, Bernie decides they should leave. Fedra menaces that she’s going to get the money and the house in exchange for Emiliano’s freedom.
Hospital: Doris fills MV in on the Andre gossip, yawn. Mari advises her to fight for Andre. Mari, you are a terrible friend. Doris says he said that he loves her, which is why he’s leaving her. Mari says that’s noble, since he can’t offer the life Doris deserves (sing it, sister). But Doris LOVES him and wants to be with him. Doc Arnaldo fortunately breaks this up and tells Mari she’s pregnant. ¡¿QUÉ?!
Episode 189. Turnabout is fair play.
Still at the hospital: Doris and Marianela are both shocked. Doc A congratulates Mari and hopes it’s good news. He leaves. “I’m going to have a child!” “Of a THIEF!” “Of the man I love!” “Who is México’s Most Wanted!” “El hombre de mi vida!” “Who, if he’s caught, will spend the rest of his life in prison!” MV is just dizzy at the thought of having a child with El Lirio. I wonder what the baby’s secret identity will be.
Hospital waiting room: Eman asks the doc about Mari. Doc Arnaldo tells him it’s nothing serious, just a little low blood pressure. Eman persists and Doc distracts him by asking how he’s recovered from the gunshot wound. Eman reminds him that’s a secret. “Right, and I can keep secrets.”
Exam room: Doris wonders how MV will tell Lirio about the baby. Mari says she doesn’t know how to reach him, he just appears, and she gets blindfolded and they go somewhere but she doesn’t know where. Doris seems to find this a bit creepy. Also, she thinks the masked duo had the wrong end covered—haven’t they heard of condoms? Too late for that, says MV. But don’t tell Netty.
Dollhouse: Kristel begs Ilitia for forgiveness. Delete everything. Ilitia forgives her and thanks her for saving her from snakebite. Kristel beats herself up for being such an idiot. Ilitia graciously tells her not to be so hard on herself. Mau is super manipulative. She’s just glad Kristel finally discovered how awful he is.
Foxhole: Emil is huddled like a kid in the principal’s office, explaining why he was fighting. We’ve already heard it all. He tells Max that Fedra wants to bring Lowrenzo to live here. Max says he’s never trusted that lowlife, and he made Max’s dear Muñeca suffer more than anyone. Emil says at least they’re divorced now, and Muñeca got the kids and even all the money. Fedra is making things difficult, though. But Emil will find a way to get rid of her and leave her centavoless.
Low’s blechelor pad: Lowlife plays with Cristián and tells him soon he will get custody and they’ll be together all the time. Fedra shows up with her lip still bloody and tells him she was expelled. He says what’s his is her. She immediately claims the whiskey. Then she notices Cris and is not happy. Low soothes her and says they’ll be married, so of course she can live there. Fedra calls in Bernardo. Low is not happy about the package deal.
Dollhouse: Kristel asks Ilitia to forgive her jealousy and her…ahem…tumbles with Ilitia’s papi. Il thinks that’s maybe too much. Kristel tries to explain how it was. Ilitia really doesn’t want to hear it. Just promise it won’t happen again, not even in your imagination. Kristel even crosses her heart. Kristel says she was on such a rampage, she was even going after gay guys like Oliver. Ilitia is delighted at that hot gossip.
Blech pad: Low says No Dogs Allowed. Fedra says Bernardo is staying. Nereida comes in with the suitcases, crying at her masters’ downfall. She doesn’t think she should go back to the big house; Emil will just fire her. Bernardo tells her to stay with them and she can help with Cris. Nereida says okay, but she charges more for kids. Steam is coming out Low’s ears.
Dollhouse: Kristel sobs that she’ll be alone forever. Ilitia has everything—husband, career, kid on the way. Ilitia offers to help Kristel with a life makeover.
Blech pad: Low rages. He says Emil should just have a convenient accident. Fedra says the problem is that Netty has all the money, so they’ll have to negotiate with her and make her buy Emil’s freedom. But Netty is NOT getting Fedra’s leftovers. Once the dinero is handed over, KABOOM!, buh-bye.
Javi’s room: Eman remarks to Mari that if she hadn’t left, they’d probably be married and maybe have a child. Jorge walks in and snarks that Eman would probably have multiple kids, different mothers. Eman tells him that when he told Mari he was going to investigate the veracity of their marriage, she turned all pale. “Oh, look! Now you look exactly the same as she did!”
Hospital corridor: Jorge tells Mari he’s going to hop on the first flight to Madrid and arrange fake evidence before Eman can catch up. He asks her not to do anything crazy while he’s gone (I don’t know why she would stop now). He knows she’s been sneaking out at night, and hopes she’s not hooking up with Eman. MV swears she’s not; she’s just working on a project with Doris.
Waiting room: Eman daydreams about the Love Shack, and then about kissing Marianela. (Wake up, little hamster.) Mari walks in and he’s all over her. She says he’s in love with Vicky and should leave her (Mari) alone. He says it’s her fault he’s in love with Vic; she sent her to the agency where she’d be around him all the time with easy access to bewitch him. But he’s still in love with Mari. “You’re a jerk.” “Yes, I am, but I’m honest.” He tries to kiss her. Brandon interferes.
Big house: Emil asks Paula and Benigno to arrange a special dinner and gather the family. They thank him for ousting the viper.
Waiting room: Eman tells Brandon to stay out of it. Mari tells them to stop the pissing contest. They decline.
Pensión: Gladiola and Netty are all dressed up, waiting for Emiliano to pick them up for dinner. The doorbell rings. Netty answers and is choked by a rabid harpy.
Andre’s place: Andre arrives at home and Doris is there with a nice dinner out. Hugs.
Pensión: Fedra chokes Netty and insults her while Gladiola stands by. Fortunately JM swashbuckles in to save the day. He tells Fedra he plans to marry Netty.
Mansión living room: Delicia tells Mari she’s sure she passed the admission exam. Mari’s glad she’s realizing her potential. Gretel says something weird is going on in the house, and no one will say what. They’re supposed to have a special dinner. Mari hopes it won’t last too long. Vicky needs to be at the pensión later for a rendezvous with Lirio. They’re glad she’s having a good time, but Gretel feels bad for Emanuel. He’s so in love with MariVicky. Mari says she’s fed up with him. He’s married and expecting a baby, yet still chasing both Mari and Vicky! And now he’s looking into the fake marriage! They wonder if Mari still loves him. She says no; she’s completely in love with El Lirio, and she needs to see him soon because she has something important to tell him.
Pensión: Netty’s lines, Fedra’s lines, ad infinitum.
Mansion garden: Benigno tells Eman the news is big, but he’s forbidden to say anything. Eman says he’s got a secret of his own. He knows hot info about Marianela. For starters, she is not married. Also, Netty gave him some clues: that Eman adopted a disguise, and Mari is not so different from him. Plus, isn’t it weird that he loves Mari and Vicky exactly the same? (Has the little hamster hit cruising speed?) Benigno is confused. Eman giggles that it’s time for a little revenge, hee hee hee.
Andre’s: Doris and Andre have a dinner that would be romantic if you didn’t know he’s a skanky jerk. She loves him and wants to be together. He thinks she deserves better. For once, Andre and I are in agreement. She gives him tickets for their romantic getaway. They’re leaving in three hours.
Bedroom: Ilitia gets dressed for dinner, and Kristel gives her a helpful critique: getting a bit pudgy in the belly, and not enough in the bubis. But don’t worry; it happens in the best families. Ilitia shuts her up to talk about something more important. Eman disappears every night and doesn’t return until morning, and Jorge says Mari does the same thing. Obvio, they’re LOVERS, says Kristel. She thinks Ilitia should follow their lead and have some fun. Ilitia says she can’t take chances, since Kristel already put the idea in Eman’s head that Ilitia is in love with Brandon. Ilitia swears she has nothing going with him, so Kristel has to convince Eman that it was a lie and Ilitia is the most loyal wife ever.
Living room: Gretel and Delicia want to know what the big news is. Mari says she has to talk to Lirio first. It’s major and will change their whole lives. She’s going to fight for him. Gretel points out she doesn’t even know who he is. Delicia thinks Emanuel is getting very suspicious and may know the truth. Mari is sure he doesn’t.
Garden: Eman gleefully tells Benigno he’s going to make Mari fall madly in love with him again, and Vicky fall madly in love with El Lirio. Benigno is adamantly against this two-timing deceit. Eman tells himself it was mean of MV to make him think he was in love with two women, and she’s going to find out how it feels. He is going to make them CRAZY.
Avances: Kristel tells Gretel that Oliver’s cheating on her with Manolo. Gretel and Oliver say that actually, they are all having a threesome; they’re very modern. This looks like a scene not to miss. Emanuel asks Oliver whether Brandon is knocking boots with Ilitia.


Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Revised. New bloggers - are you out there? Willing to give it a try?

Hello friends,

Have you been reading our blog and thinking "I could do that!" ??

Our 8 pm show, Eva Luna, is ending April 11 (this coming Monday) and we don't know what's following it.. We need possibly FOUR bloggers for this show!! It's rumored to be quite good.
UPDATE: Some are of the opinion that in fact Eva Luna is NOT ending!??

Our 7 pm show, Llena de Amor, is ending April 18. and "Cuando Me Enamore" is starting on Tuesday, April 19. We need two or three bloggers for the show, which is rumored to be a comedy (I hope so!)

Our 9 pm show, Teresa, has just begun and has no regular recaps at all, because the recappers all went with "Triunfo" when it was put in the 10 pm slot.
UPDATE! Frances is going to blog Teresa tonight! Let's give her a hand!
UDPATE! Samantha is going to give it a try tomorrow night! Good luck Samantha!

We will go on with whoever we have on board, but understand: there is no "THEM" here to badger. If you are thinking, WHERE ARE MY RECAPS? consider being a recapper your very own self. Email me at if you're interested.

Respectfully submitted,
Your blog mom Melinama (Chapel Hill Fiddler)

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Llena de Amor #162 (Mex. 186-187) Mon 4/4/11

Capitulo 186 Axel Gets the Axe

Brandon and Mari are talking on the street when they spot the Lirio getting on his motorcycle, in broad daylight no less. Brandon wants to shoot (just his tires, I hope) but Mari shoves Brandon onto his Jeep seat and squashes him. Who knew foam was so heavy?

In the garden of the Casa de Mucho Dinero, Gladiola, who says she knows Ilitia had an affair with Brandon, is being very friendly to rude and doubting Ilitia. Gladiola explains that back in the day she was a make-up person for TV and she’d love to help Ilitia out with hair and makeup since she’s on rest now. I wonder if she’s up to date on how to make those little segments of hair stick together at the ends – I’ve been riveted by that. Ilitia, who obviously can’t believe Gladiola ever had any kind of life, says she knows poor people like Gladiola like to figure out ways to weasel money from rich folks like her.

Gladiola says it’s all for free – and she could help with her pregnancy. Ilitia, who doesn’t believe anybody ever does anything without expecting something in return, wonders what Gladiola knows. Gladiola plays dumb. Ilitia dismisses her.

Consuelo, at the Pension de Poco Dinero with pasty-faced Javier, is gushing over the money the Lirio left for his surgery when in come Brandon and Mari. When Brandon hears where the money came from, he snatches it away, saying he can’t let her use dirty money, he has to hand it over to the police. Mari appeals to him, and though he’s torn, he’s the Representative of The Law. You’d think The Law would pick somebody along the lines of young, snarling Arnold Schwarzenegger, maybe bristling with heavy artillery, as a rep, but our petite Brandon is feisty and muscled, and we know his heart is pure, and that’s what matters. Consuela implores that it’s Javier’s chance to live.

Kristel is seductively lounging on a couch, purring to Lorenzo that she feels like the hottest woman in the world, a queen. He snaps out of it, and – poof! - it’s actually Fedra filling out the exact same dress with some flesh to spare, mainly in front. He thoughtbubbles that he has to get Kristel out of his mind. Fedra can tell something’s on his mind, so he lies that he’s worried about Emil. Fedra tells him to relax, Bernardo’s planning a nice accident.

Netty’s eyes pop – she can’t believe all the zeros in Emil’s account, and she thinks that if he wants to protect all that money, he ought to put it in his kids’ names. He knows Fedra and her tricks, and Netty and her honesty, and he knows his money is safe with Netty, that she can be trusted to give it back to his kids.

Meantime, Lorenzo is all worried about what he’s going to do for money, while Fedra luxuriates in the thought that she’s about to be a very rich widow. Lo doesn’t like that she’s using Bernardo to help her again. Bernardo’s in love with her!

So what? says Fedra. Lo reminds her that Bernardo has saved Jose Maria’s life more than once. She thinks Bernardo is loyal to both her and JM, but there’s one critical detail about him – he got the judge’s cell which recorded her murdering him, and Lo’s voice is very clear on the recording, so she’s got to keep Bernardo happy, and Lo’s just got to live with it.

The doorbell rings. It’s Axel who snidely remarks on Lorenzo’s love den, with his “respectable” mother in it.

Here’s how it stands at the pension: Consuelo, Gladiola and Mari for keeping the money, Brandon worried that it will make them all accessories to the crime.

Netty doesn’t like Emil talking about her giving the money to his kids – she wants him to live a long time. He figures he’s still got lots of miles on him, and he wants to travel them with her. He whips out a wedding ring and Netty’s eyes get huge.

Eman and Benigno high-five over how excited Javier was to see his hero, and how wonderful it is that he’ll get his operation. The talk turns to Vicky, who Eman feels he’ll be spending the rest of his days with. On the other hand, he still loves Mari, so his heart is divided exactly at 50/50. I wouldn’t want to be in your shoes, say Benigno. (No me gustaría estar en sus zapatos. I know that’s not new vocab or even a dicho, but I’m a sucker for these nifty little phrases.) Still, he thinks Vicky is la mujer de su vida. Anyway, Mari’s married and Vicky wants to start up with Brandon. Benigno thinks she’s really interested in the Lirio.

Poor Brandon, near tears, assailed by the ladies (and the sight of a sick little boy) on one side and his principles on the other. Mari snatches the briefcase of money away, but Javier returns it to him, saying Brandon’s right, then, wouldn’t you know, on right cue clutches his head and passes out. Weeping and wailing, and Brandon picks him up and leaves with everyone but Gladiola for the hospital. Gladiola hugs the briefcase and proclaims that if the Lirio left it for the operation, then that’s what it’s going to be for.

Back to Lorenzo’s love nest, where things are much more fun. Axel tells them that Kristel gave him the address and he wanted to pop in and see the place with his own eyes. He tells Fedra that she said Delicia was a slut, but maybe she ought to look in the mirror to see one. Lorenzo tries to shut him up, but Axel hopes his mother was telling the truth that none of them were Lorenzo’s spawn. Oh yeah? says Lorenzo, well I wouldn’t want to have a big nothing like for a son either.

So there. Anyway, when Axel tells Fedra she cost him what he loved most in the world, Fedra just pours herself a nice stiff one and tells him no big deal, she was just a servant. He holds up her bottle then drops it. It’s in shards, like his heart, and he grabs her by the shoulders. He knows everything! She protests that she did it to save him from marrying a servant. Lorenzo sides with Fedra. Axel tells his mother it’s his life and she should just butt out.

Netty is overcome by Emil’s proposal, protests and flops in a chair and fans herself. Emil is all sweet charm, and she accepts. Get her a pen and she’ll sign the papers! The papers can wait, Emil tells her, slipping the ring on her finger. Closeup of the ring – whooeee! It’s a honker. They kiss.

Fedra haughtily sniffs to Axel that he was about to marry a savage, somebody without culture or education. You’re describing yourself, zings Axel. Delicia is dignified, decent, yes, very poor, but honest, with a heart that’s worth all the gold in the world.

Lorenzo opines that Axel needs to get out in the world, you know, sample some women, some wine, get some experience. Axel sneers, and asks Lorenzo to do everybody a favor and take his lover here and get her out of their lives. Off Axek goes.

Fedra throws back the last of her hooch and trots out after him.

At the hospital, the doctor rushes little Javier off while Consuelo wails then passes out in Brandon’s arms.

Netty has signed all the papers, and Pacheco graciously but ruefully congratulates her. He leaves, and Emil remarks that she’s leaving a lot of broken hearts: Pacheco, the doctor, Jose Maria. She says that she has always been head over heels in love with Emil, and they kiss again.

Consuelo has come to, and wails about her son being about to die and how Brandon doesn’t care. Brandon protests that he would give his life for Javier. Mari understands Brandon’s dilemma, but she tells him it’ll be on his conscience for the rest of his life. She leaves. Enough already! We know how it’ll come out anyway.

Presto change-o, Doris has morphed Mari back into Vicky, who fusses about switching back and forth all he time, and now Ilitia wants to talk to both Mari and Vicky together. But, actually moving on from the all-engrossing topic of herself – why does Doris look so down? It’s Andre – she’s in love with him, says Doris, and she understands him, but he’s hurting her, he’s not for her. Pity me that the heart that is slow to learn what the swift mind beholds at every turn, she says. Well, actually Edna St. Vincent Millay said that, but not in Spanish, which saves me a bit of translation.

Mari gets some roses she figures are from Eman, and she and Doris decide to forget guys and go to a movie. Then Mari reads the card: I need you more than ever (signed) El Lirio de Plata. Awesome! She hugs the roses.

Fedra has followed Axel home, right into his bedroom. She tells him she had the right to interfere because she’s his mama. She didn’t want him to throw his life in the dumpster, to dishonor the family’s good name. He tells her she’s the one dishonoring it by being Lorenzo’s lover.

Water off a duck’s back to Fedra. She agrees with Lorenzo, Axel needs more experience with women. He’ll thank her later.

Delicia walks in with Pacheco. She wants her divorce now.

Vicky sits on her bed and exults over her roses. The card further tells her to take the piece of cloth from the roses and to cover her eyes with it. We’re going to be alone just you and I.

She makes herself a blindfold with the swatch of cloth and sure enough, the Lirio is suddenly in the room, thoughtbubbling that he’s not going to lose her, even if he has to hide his face. It’s just you and me, he says to thrilled Vicky, and he pulls the mask up a little and gets right to kissing her. I know this is supposed to be a romantic scene, but it’s a hoot watching blindfolded Vicky and Leatherman kiss through a small space in his mask. He sweeps her up in his arms and carries her to the window.

Doris comes down the hall, goes into Vicky’s room and finds her gone, but the roses and a silver lirio remain on the bed. Doris thinks it’s all terribly exciting.

Pacheco announces that he’s helping Delicia for free because she’s Vicky and Mari’s friend. Fedra calls him a barrio lawyer and spits that Delicia isn’t going to get a single peso. Delicia says she didn’t marry for money, but for love. Now she wants out of this nightmare. Fedra keeps on, and Axel tells her to butt out, then tells Delicia he’s not signing any divorce papers.

Oliver and Gretel show up at the hospital where weepy waily Consuelo tells them there’s no money for the operation. The Lirio boo hoo but Brandon boo hoo. Oliver kinda understands him.

A doctor comes out and says they have to operate now and Consuelo weepily wails about no money. But here comes Gladiola, saying everything is paid and look! There’s still some left over. She gives the mostly empty briefcase to Brandon. The doctor, satisfied that he’s going to be paid, announces that there’s no time to lose.

Consuelo tells Brandon to go ahead and handcuff her. He struggles saying that he believes in the law, in justice. Finally he cracks and hands over the briefcase, telling them he never saw the money. He takes off.

Emil, with a spring in his step, comes home and finds gloomy Axel on the steps. Axel explains how Fedra set Delicia up. Emil is sympathetic, but notes that everyone believed Delicia was innocent, except Axel. Axel doesn’t want to lose her. Emil sadly tells him that he lost her the moment he quit believing in her.

Axel begs his father to help him convince Delicia. Emil just shakes his head and tells him he’s a man now and he has to take responsibility for his actions and accept the consequences. Behind Emil I see ghostly legions of viewers, arms folded, glaring at Axel, but maybe that’s just my imagination.

Jose Maria is out of his hospital bed and has put on his street clothes. In comes Netty, and he admires how she’s glowing. She exults over how happy she is, and he takes it to be because of his improvement. He says she’s never known anyone who fills him with life like she does. She tries to tell him she wasn’t referring to his health, but he interrupts, taking her hands (somehow not noticing the ring) and tells her Destiny planted her right in front of him.

Destiny, he says, is like a dark cloudy day at sea, and suddenly the sun appears. Bit of a mixed metaphor if you look at what he just said, but hey, I don’t write this stuff. She is his sunlight, and he wants her to be his wife.

Delicia has signed some papers, and Pacheco tells her that it’s not all over that fast. Axel comes in and begs her to give him a chance and don’t do this to him (to him??? Grrrrr.). She tells him she loved him, she faced his family for him, but he threw it all away. Pacheco warns them that is just the first step, and it’ll take a while, particularly if the marriage was consummated, which it was, right? It was, says Delicia, in a nightmare I’ll never forget.

She hands Axel the papers and asks him, if he has even a little respect for her, to sign them. Reluctantly, he does, telling her he hopes she doesn’t regret it tomorrow, because no other man will ever love her as much as he does. Off he goes.

It’s nighttime and Brandon has come to see Ilitia who demands to know what he’s doing there. He in turn demands to know about what she told Consuelo, that he’d gotten somebody pregnant.

El Lirio has brought blindfolded Vicky to a cabin in the woods lit by burning candles. He removes her blindfold and she admires the room. He tells her they’re at a cabin in the woods where he comes when he wants to be alone, a refuge. He puts the blindfold back on and says from now on, he wants her kisses to be his refuge.

He removes his mask, so we see his face, and he kisses her.

Capitulo 187 Love is Blind (rated R)

Netty apparently hasn’t told Jose Maria that she’s engaged, because they’ve arrived back at the pension where he pays her some courtly compliments, and she says she doesn’t want to hurt him. She figured she’d be single all her life, and then wouldn’t you know it, today…

Emil walks in, because maybe actually there is no front door to even lock, and finishes Netty’s sentence for her – Today he asked her to marry him, and she said yes.

Vicky is having a candlelight dinner with El Lirio, and you’d think the romantic atmosphere would be lost on her, since she’s still blindfolded, but no, she says she tastes everything so much more intensely. He, unmasked still, pops another tasty morsel into her mouth.

In his low rumbly Lirio voice, Eman talks sensually of the wine, then kisses her. More nuzzling and slow kissing on his part, while he seductively murmurs that time doesn’t exist for them.

Brandon is grilling Ilitia about who this woman could be that she says is carrying his bairn. She laughs that they way he slept around, who knows. He tells her no way – if a woman was expecting his child, it would be the most important thing in his life, and he’d never leave her. Really? says Ilitia, brightening. They used protection, so he’s sure the her baby isn’t his – or is it? She just looks at him.

Back to the kissing – Vicky is breathless, afraid she’ll do something foolish, they ought to stop. Go for, it says El Lirio, kissing her some more. She wants to take the blindfold off. In a little bit, he says, more kissing, more flickering candles, swelling music. El Lirio turns and puts his mask back on, then slowly removes her blindfold. She turns to look at him, then says she wants to see who he is before it goes further.

You really don’t know who I am? Look into my eyes, he says. She doesn’t need to tell him his name, just who he is. You are the love of my life, she states. He partially lifts his mask and kisses her. The musicians are really working up a sweat. They sit on the bed, still kissing. The Lirio and Vicky, I mean.

Ilitia tells Brandon that the kid is Eman’s. He thinks she really deep down wishes it was his. She snorts. She admits that she started the rumor, but she did it to bug Consuelo. Brandon is sad, and wonders if she actually wished it were his. She snorts again. He wishes it were, and he wipes his eyes. He strokes her cheek and she softens.

Enter Fedra, coming down the stairs, and that’s the end of our sweet little scene.

Netty tells Emil off for dropping a bomb like that on poor Jose Maria, who could catch another heart attack right there in her living room. She was going to break the news slowly.

JM points out that Emil isn’t divorced, and Fedra’s not going down without one helluva fight. Why, it could takes months… years! Why take something on backorder, when JM is right on the shelf, assembled, and ready to take home? Emil is furious, but JM, wagging a finger in front of him, says he’s not going to steal his life again. Off he goes.

What does that mean? Emil wonders. Netty sympathizes that he doesn’t have long to live and he ought to have a little happiness before he goes. With somebody else! storms Emil. First he’s cozying up to Eman, and now he’s dropping to one knee for Netty. Netty swears he’s a good man. Emil’s cell rings and it’s Gretel, telling him about Javier.

Fedra just knows something’s going on between Brandon and Ilitia. She flies at them. Brandon stops her, reminding her of Ilitia’s delicate state. He leaves, and as soon as he’s out of sight, Fedra grabs Ilitia by the hair, warning her that he’s off limits, and if she doesn’t obey, Fedra will be glad to murder them both.

Things have progressed in the candle-lit getaway. Vicky and the masked Lirio are now horizontal and she swears he’s el hombre de su vida. He calls her his woman, his love, his friend, his lover. He doesn’t want to rush her, though. She tells him to put her blindfold back on and have at it. He warns that he won’t be able to hold back.

Wow, my TV is fogging over. He puts the blindfold back on her, then takes off his mask and starts kissing her, saying hot seductive lines. Steamy stuff! Candles, theme song, and the next thing we know, they’re both nekkid, except for her blindfold and he’s on top of her. Fadeout.

Fedra asks Ilitia if she knows where her husband is. Ilitia asks if she knows where hers is. Fedra tells her that she’s pathetic, taking up with that policeman, just to feel loved. Angry, Ilitia wants to go to her room, but Fedra orders her to stay, then says she’s been wondering how it is that a fellow would prefer sleeping with a disgusting fatty over caressing someone like Ilitia, huh?

Ask my father, says Ilitia, a tear running down her cheek, after all, he slept with you. Good one! says Fedra. I like you better this way, unsheathing your claws.

Jorge wanders in and says there was a meeting at the agency, and Eman and Mari didn’t show up all day. He plops himself on the couch by Ilitia, who is upset to hear that Mari wasn’t with him. Fedra figures that Ilitia’s husband and Jorge’s wife are probably cheating on them at this very moment. Jorge and Ilitia go looking for them.

Bernardo is the next to wander in. He tells Fedra he just found out that none of the money or the agency shares are in Emil’s name.. they’re all in Netty’s. Fedra does some deep breathing.

Jorge calls Doris on her cell to see if Mari’s at the pension, but he gets her at the hospital. He was unaware that Javier was in surgery there, or in fact who Javier is. Anyway, he wants her to put Mari on. Doris says she doesn’t know where she is, but she does know that she’s fine, better than ever in fact. She can’t say who Mari is with, but he’s making her very happy, and she deserves that, she’s sure he will agree. She’s gotta run.

Jorge snaps his phone shut. Both he and Ilitia Suspect.

It’s getting even hotter in the hideaway, many kisses, much lovetalk. Isn’t this private? Should we actually be seeing this stuff? I hope y’all locked up the kiddies, because this isn’t for their innocent eyes.

The Jorge/Ilitia alliance is unraveling. They are both steamed about Mari and Eman. Ilitia says it’s probably her fault – she told Mari that Jorge and Vicki were lovers, which makes Jorge even more steamed. Ilitia tells him that Mari was crying, and if he were man enough, neither Mari nor Vicky would be chasing after Eman. Zing! Ilitia thinks he should beg Mari’s forgiveness. Zing! Jorge tells her Eman thinks she’s pregnant with someone else’s child and he’s definitely going to leave her no matter what. Zing zing! You’re on your own, says Jorge. She slams out.

More kissing in the love nest. Kissing is actually an understatement, but Edna St. V. Millay isn’t helping me this time. Eman thoughtbubbles that he’s sorry, but it was the only way to love (read: make love to) her. To himself, he remembers the first time. Out loud, she marvels that it’s like they were together before.

Fedra absorbs the news about Netty and Emil’s fortune like a body blow. Bernardo reckons Eva must be doing somersaults in her grave. Fedra is amazed that Netty is smarter than she thought – she wasn’t happy with just Emil, she had her eyes all over Chema too. Looks like Netty wins, says Bernardo, smiling wryly. It’s all Bernardo’s fault! None of this would have happened if he had just killed her like she ordered. And now she has her hands on Fedra’s machos and her money too. Bernardo helpfully points out that Netty has Fedra’s children too, because they respect her much more than they do Fedra.

Fedra swears she’s going to take her limb from limb because nobody – nobody! – takes what’s hers. Bernardo just shakes his head.

Netty and Emil show up at the hospital waiting room where Consuelo is – surprise! - weepy and waily and fills them in. Oliver explains that the Lirio paid for the operation. Whadda guy, says Emil.

Ilitia gets a call and thinks it’s her baby, but it’s Mauricio wanting to talk to her. Frightened, she tells him to leave her alone.

The doctor comes out from the operating room and tells them it went great, referring I guess to the operation, not the deposit to his account. Jubilation! Gretel thinks Brandon should stop chasing the Lirio, and Emil mentions his noble mission. Doris says she’s sure el Lirio is happy right now, and there are some wondering looks.

It’s post-amooor time at the hideaway, and Vicky’s is lying tenderly on Eman’s chest. She guesses she’ll find out some other time who he is. He apologies, but said it was the only way for them to be together. More lovetalk, more kisses, more swelling…music.

In Brandon’s office he and Oliver are having a big laugh. Oliver tells Tejeda that he made up with the Love of His Life. Manolo comes in and plants a big one on him. Tejeda congratulates them and tells them that a same-sex marriage will set a great example for everyone, in fact, he wants to be padrino. Some joking about Manolo living as a girl that I didn’t catch, and Tejada thinks he’s going to have an operation. More laughs, and everyone leaves Tejeda confused.

Javier is in his hospital bed, unconscious still, and Consuelo, Netty and Gladiola are overjoyed that the Lirio helped. The two ladies suspect that Netty actually knows him, but fortunately the doctor comes in just then.

Tejeda wonders how money for Javier’s surgery appeared magically. Brandon fumbles around and says he thinks some family member sent it. Tejeda thinks he’s hiding something.

Brandon changes the subject to El Lirio. Tejeda thinks Brandon should watch Vicky, since he has an inside track with her, but Brandon thinks Jose Maria is of more interest.

Javier opens his eyes to see the Lirio, who apparently has made his way from the hospital parking lot, through the lobby, up the elevator and down the halls full of staff. Or maybe he climbed in the window. Or maybe he just changed in the bathroom. Anyway, I’m as amazed as Javier, and I’m not even coming off heavy drugs.

El Lirio tells Javier to go to school, have fun, and be a good fellow. Javier promises, and says he wants to grow up to be like the Lirio. Because El Lirio didn’t think to lock the door, in comes Mari who is stunned to see him. El Lirio! She thoughtbubbles. Mi Gordita Hermosa, he thoughtbubbles.

Nereida brings Ilitia and some coffee and gossips about something, though I couldn’t make it out, maybe something about Jorge being cheated on. Ilitia suddenly has an appetite and orders up a big breakfast. She gives herself a pep talk about needing to keep her fabulous figure. Behind her, Mauricio is approaching. He kisses her cheek, scaring her. He has come to inquire after the paternity of the little tadpole in her abdomen (which, if it has been listening through the walls of the womb all this time, must’ve decided it’s going to cling for all it’s worth to some handy organ and not be squeezed out into a world full of lunatics).

Javier, though fresh off surgery, has more sense than most of the adults in the novela, because he thinks Mari should lock the door. She stares at El Lirio while Javier tells her that his head hurts, but he’s going to be strong because El Lirio is with him. El Lirio pretends not to know who Mari is. Javier introduces them and she smiles and says she’s heard so much about him. Gosh, there are actually 5 people here when you think about it. Javier of course, then there’s Mari and Vicky and Eman and El Lirio. He gallantly kisses her hand.

Delicia is struggling comically with a test in school, and we see lots of cute guys in the room. We can always hope. The teacher gathers up the tests.

Mari thanks El Lirio for all he does, and when Javier tells him how Mari convinced Brandon to let them use the money, El Lirio thanks her. Javier thanks them both, and Mari says it was all the Lirio. She plants a kiss right on his leather mask, and doesn’t stop. This girl is really into leather, I’m telling you. She wraps an arm around his neck.

Avances: Emil tells Jose Maria that if he can win Netty’s love, Emil will back off. But if Emil wins, JM has to disappear. They shake on it. Mauricio gets rough with Ilitia and says they have to talk about how they’re going to raise their child. He covers her mouth and drags her out.

Some different avances on TV, which may be for the last weeks. Kristel sees Mau attacking Ilitia, and pulls a gun on him. The doctor tells Mari she’s pregnant. Etc.

Gran Final: Monday, April 18th.


Saturday, April 02, 2011

Llena de Amor #161 (Mex. 184-185) Fri 4/1/11 Justice

Part 1 I'm Not a Puppy You Bought

At the subasta, a giant cockroach drops from the rafters, removes Fedra's tiara, and ascends into the heavens as Comisario Tejada and Inspector Brandon look skyward with pistols drawn firing at the dark insect. The super-roach is of course

el Lirio de Plata.

Urging the helpless police to capture the giant bug is none other than Emanuel Ruiz y de Teresa who... hey wait just a stinkin' minute isn't he

el Lirio de Plata?

......and thus begin tonight's dissected episodes of Llena de Amor . Let's see if Dr. Carlos can reassemble the severed parts (without the aid of any aspirants to Telenirvana as described by Maggie in her solicitation for recapping volunteers) into a semi-coherent Frankenovela for your amusement.

Meintras tanto, a rather tasty looking Gretel is entertaining a hunky guest in her bedroom and it ain't Oliver. Cripes! It's that walking talking chunk of dog dropping, Alfredo. Has she lost her everlovin' mind? Oh, that's right... she's CRAZEEE! It's back to the wine cellar with you young lady.

She is very seductive and he is clearly smitten and... Well thank goodness... it's a sting operation. Somehow Oliver and Delicia have convinced Gretel to help them entrap that scum. They are in another room with that little buzzard-puke, Axjólio, watching Gretel ensnare Alfredo with her charm (which is nicely displayed, I might add) on a video monitor. Excellent! Of course Axel, who looks like something the cat coughed up, is skeptical. Oliver grabs him and sets him down in front of the monitor so that he can watch and learn. Alfredo leaps into the bed, pulls down his tanktop and pats his pec as we try to swallow back the vomit welling up in our collective throat. The years in the wine cellar must seem like Spring break compared to what Gretel is facing at this moment, but let's not forget, she is a journalist and will suffer to get her story. She even touches him... GACK!... Well... that's why Dios invented soap, but Delicia is disgusted. Oliver encourages her to remain strong.

Gretel pushes him back and he quickly sniffs his armpit and wonders, "Should I have used Right Guard?" She says that her last lover was the worst kind of traitor. Back in the control room, Oliver objects. Alfredo kisses his bicep. Gretel closes in again "I want my next novio to be faithful (fiel). What about you and the servant girl?" It's wakeup time for Axjólio. Alfredo spills the soup. He tells her of Delicia's drugging by Fedra and the job he carried out for Axel's mom. Axel is stunned. Delicia glares at Axel. I don't detect forgiveness in her eyes.

Folks mill about the stage where

el Lirio de Plata

has just relieved la Reina de la Noche of her recently acquired coronet. Lo is relieved. No way is he going to pay a cool million for a stolen tiara. Mauricio is livid... no... actually he is still a sickly shade of orange, but he's very angry. Fedra mourns the loss. Kristel finds it, "shocking!" Muñeca wonders how

el Lirio de Plata

could be responsible with youknowwho still in the room. Fidel doesn't have the foggiest idea. Ilitia complains to Emanuel as Victoria suddenly thinks of something that she must do to help and hurries away leaving Jorge with Jesús en su boca.

*Alfredo reveals everything to a fascinated (and fascinating) Gretel. The drugging, the photos, the graffiti on Dee's back. Axel realizes his stupidity, but waaay too late. Delicia spurns his pleas for forgiveness and sadly kicks his sorry butt out. Quiet justice.

A self-satisfied Alfredo continues to gloat and settles in for some sweet lovin' from the sultry Gretel. She moistens her lips, gives him a wanton hungry look, asks if he'd like for her to disrobe, and reaches into the cleft between her billowing globes to reveal.... a microphone. Gotcha!

WTF! Her seductive smile contorts into that angry grimace that we've come to know as the face of Gretel, she reaches way back, and then delivers a slap that causes cheers to erupt across this land. Not so quiet justice.

They are joined by Delicia who is seething. She delivers her own petite but powerful punch. Next!

Gretel orders him out and just as it looks as though he has plans to rape them both reaching to unfasten his belt... heeere's Oliver! Close behind is Axjólio who delivers a right cross to the chin. OK... warranted, but once again, too little... too late. Run along sonny, we girls have it under control.

Oliver ejects Alfredo, leaving a truly contrite and miserable Axel (accompanied by his own creepy clumsy guitar strumming in the background) who drops to his knees and earnestly pleads for forgiveness... nopis! Well, actually, she forgives him, "from the depth of my soul," but...

"I. Want. A. Divorce."

Anyone want mercy for Axel? Me neither.

Vicky leads

el Lirio de Plata

into the basement and stashes him in a cabinet. Really? Is that a good choice?
She drops down behind a large cardboard box. Really? Is that a good choice?
Tejeda and Moreno hurry in with pistols drawn and quickly flush out Vicky. As she stands up, she tugs down the hem of the clingy knit dress which is perhaps a size too small. Chocolates? The cops try to send her on her way but she lingers and denies that she was helping

el Lirio de Plata

but her worried eyes linger a bit too long on the cabinet.

Looking dim for José Maria. A Dr. are poised with defibrillator paddles over his bared chest. Pop! As a grieving Letty observes. She doesn't want him to die. Another Dr. assures her that he is in good hands.

Vicky has plastered herself to the cabinet doors removing all doubt. Brandon removes her and he and Tejeda fill the cabinet with lead. Yikes! This annoys Vicky so she pulls Brandon's hair. He ushers her from the basement as Tejeda kicks the cabinet open...

It's a Festivus miracle! EMPTY!

*At the hospital, more pops of the defibrillator. Nada. The Dr. with Netty declares that it looks like it's over. Netty sends a telepathic message to the lifeless José M, "You have to live, your son needs you." Monitors... flatline.

Suddenly the monitor comes to life. J M gasps.

It's another Festivus miracle!

Brandon returns Vicky to Jorge. "They killed ...

el Lirio de Plata,"

she wails. Tejeda huffs and puffs as he jogs up and announces, "He escaped!" Vicky rejoices. Brandon bites his fist. We all wonder, "How the heck did he do that?" Out of sight Eman notices that while Vicky wants nothing to do with him, she seems quite taken by... yes... sigh...

el Lirio de Plata.

He strolls out and expects an apology from Brandon. Brandon is sorry. Cops are human. They make mistakes. Eman was their best suspect. They shake hands.

*Doris is departing with a suitcase. Gladiola inquires. Yep, she's going on a trip with Andre. Gladiola is unhappy and so am I... Next!

Fidel, Benigno, and Eman return to la Buena Vida, rejoicing over a successful operation, though Fidel and Benigno are wondering, "Who was that masked man?" They are joined by

el Lirio de Plata.

A perfect caper. The tiara will help lots of sick kids.The alternate unmasks and we see... Emiliano! He's grinning from ear to ear with jauntily tousled hair.

*At the police station, Victoria (or maybe it's Marianela... who cares?) chews on Brandon. Jorge observes that Mari is smitten. Next!

Back to the celebration. Eman thanks his dad. Emiliano admits that it's the most fun he's had in years. Emil is Eman's hero and vice versa. Emiliano gives credit to Vicky for aiding him. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Emiliano admits that he needs to get in shape as his back reminds him of his age. Huggies. Smiles. Tequila!

"¡Salud!" Emiliano coughs and chokes a bit and based on his reaction and that of the others, it looks like perhaps real Tequila was slipped into this scene. Excellent.

*Gladiola pleads with Doris. Doris gives her (and us) a lecture about HIV. Doris loves Andre. Off she goes. Consuelo consoles.
Oliver and Gretel return the equipment they borrowed for the sting to the police station. They have not made up, but not to worry. They are promptly arrested by Brandon for an improper unauthorized use of police equipment. Two other officers cuff them and lead them to a cell. Oliver and Brandon exchange conspiratorial smiles.

*At Netty's Nest, Vicky returns and is accosted by a (you've got to be kidding me!) a mini-

el Lirio de Plata

brandishing a gun.

el Lirio de Plata

abhors firearms, so we know that this one is a fake. Cute, but clearly a fake. He unmasks... hey it's... Javi!
Who would have guessed? Even the bitter Vicky is charmed.He asks her if she really knows the real thing. She does. He asks her to deliver a message the next time she sees him. He wants to meet and partner-up with him. Consuelo joins them and sends Javi off. Vicky is genuinely concerned and tells her that she knows someone who will help Javi. Consuelo says no thanks. Brandon is going to help. Well excuuuse me!

Gretel's as mad as a wet hen. She and Oliver are tossed into the same cell. Jail over-crowding. Oliver goes to work. After a few exchanged insults he works that old Oliver charm. She can't resist those dark pleading eyes. Beso!

*Doris arrives at Andre's place and they're set to go, but... here's Jacki.

Gretel is still resisting but... more Oliver charm... she's cracking.

*Doris leaves Jacki and Andre alone to iron out there differences. Jacki wants to resume her relationship with Andre. He supports her, but they can't be a pair. He loves Doris. Yikes! Por favor! Let these two be together!

Gretel's reluctant again. More Oliver oil. He opens his heart. She resists, "¡Te amo, te amo, te amo!" She cracks as her feelings for him boil up and over. Gretel is basically a lusty lass. We have ignition!

*The Dr. is explaining the gravity of Chemo's condition. His heart is bad. He had an infarto (Heh, heh, the Dr. said infarto) and so he's worse. Basically, José Maria shouldn't start any thick books or buy any green bananas. Netty grieves. As she approaches his bed he groans, "Hijo. Emanuel." Netty struggles with what she knows.

At la Buena Noche the party is on. Tequila and male bonding. Emanuel, Emiliano, Benigno, and Fidel celebrate. Emanuel crowns Benigno with the tiara. E&E are both proud. Haven't you boys had enough to drink?

*Emil asks about Chema, "Doesn't he work here?" No, Eman let him go when he learned that he had murdered his grand parents. "For the best," Emiliano observes.

*At José Maria's bedside, Netty realizes what she must do and resolutely exits.

*Sipping coffee Paula is distraught to learn that her daughter has been locked up, but Delicia hastens to reassure her that it's a good thing. Then Paula wants to know why Delicia looks so sad. Hasn't the matter of the photos been resolved? The reason for the sad look strolls in and asks to be alone with his wife (not for much longer if we have anything to say about it, Buster). He gives her a wan, pleading look.

Fedra, accompanied by Bernie, enter Chepa's room. Fedra's distraught as her girls are struggling to jump ship. It's more than she can take. She sends Bernardo for something... "...with alcohol, por favor." Hmmm, with Bernardo gone, she seems to recover her strength... she removes the oxygen cannula to make him more comfortable. Look, she's going to fluff his pillow... awwww... Yikes! She puts it over his face, "¡Hasta nunca, José Maria Sevilla!"

Part 2 Marianela Is a Total Idiot

She holds the pillow over his face as she berates the unconscious sea captain. This little bedside tableau is interrupted by Netty who has returned. Netty rushes in shouting at Fedra to stop. Fedra shushes her, "¡Callate!" This is a hospital, imbecile!" They struggle... boy, do they ever struggle. They shout. They insult.Speaking of struggle, Fedra's girls, loosely restrained, struggle to make an escape. Is it getting hot in here? You'll excuse me as I rewind.

Axjólia grovels and bleats. You pitiful little swinelet. Have some dignity at least. She calmly tells him, "You broke my heart... I. Want. A. Divorce." He pleads and admits that he made a mistake. You think? You really think? She reminds him of that final insult when he took her to his bed. She's not calm anymore as she tells him of her plans for the future. The main thing is... he's not in it. She leaves him to wallow in self-pity. His freaky hair looks even more ridiculous now. Go practice your guitar, kid. You need the practice.

Round two in Chema's room. Ah heck, Bernardo shows up. Fedra seeks solace. Letty tattles. Bernie knows Fedra. José M comes to and tells Netty that he needs her now more than ever. Fedra snatches the pillow from Netty and once more pounces on Chema. Bernie peels her off. An attentive Netty repositions the nasal cannula and orders Fedra out. Bernardo escorts Fedra out.

*Doris has returned home. Gladiola is ... um... glad, but supportive. Doris is sad but strong.

It's morning. Fedra has changed clothes (boooo!) and is wearing a more modest (boooo!) but attractive black dress which exposes (yey!) her right shoulder.Seated on the patio, she seethes over her orange juice. She tells Bernardo that she wants Chema dead. Bernie wants her to leave him alone. "I want him dead!" Emanuel wonders who she wants dead as he strolls up and joins the conversation. Fedra explains. Her lips are moving so we know that she is lying. José Maria is a very dangerous assassin. Emanuel tells her that he knows that José Maria is his real father but that she shouldn't fret. He has severed all ties with José Maria. Bernardo is disappointed in Eman. "Thanks to you, my captain is at death's door." Fedra focuses her deathray vision on Bernardo.

*It's morning. Snuggled on a narrow cot in a rather spacious jail cell, Oliver kisses the cheek of a contentedly slumbering Gretel. She opens her eyes and smiles. Looks as though things are alright between these two. Marianela joins them... well she walks up to their cell. She starts to explain the events of the night before but is joined by Brandon. He tells of how this lockup of the snuggle bunnies was to help his chum Oliver reconcile with Gretel. Gretel is actually cool with that and looks adoringly at Oliver as she tells Marianela not to be angry with Brandon, because thanks to him, "I'm the happiest woman." Brandon opens the cell to release the lovebirds and offers Mari a ride home, "We need to talk."

Oliver says, "Well lets get dressed." Gretel instead closes the cell door, smiles and says, "Oliver Gonzales, you are arrested for an assault on my heart. Therefore, don't leave. I want a couple of more hours locked up with you."

Eman is shaken by Bernardo's revelation,"No puede ser." He asks where he is, but Fedra objects. Bernardo stands up to her and encourages Emanuel to go see his father. Fedra expands her lie, telling Eman that her father caught José M raping her after he had beaten her, then the yacht caught fire... Eman interrupts her story as Bernie looks on appalled. Eman does not want to be manipulated anymore. He doesn't know what he's going to do, but it will be his decision. He leaves. Fedra smacks Bernardo.

Axel pleads and begs, then tells Dee that he will not permit her to divorce him. She tells him, "Axel, I'm not a puppy that you bought and can do whatever amuses you. I'm a person who feels and suffers." He takes her hand, "Mi amor...," She swats it away, "¡Suéltalo!" He tells her that he has asked forgiveness a thousand ways, "What more do you want me to do?" She tells him to get on with his life as she picks up the pieces of hers. She thanks him for the lesson. Now all she needs is a lawyer.

Eman arrives in José M's room and Netty fills him in. She tells him that his days are numbered. Eman thinks for a moment and then instructs Netty not to tell JM that he was here. He leaves.

Brandon and Mari stealthily approach the morbid manse. She needs to enter undetected or risk exposing her masquerade. He warns her that it's risky. Not to worry, eLdP has taught her the utility of windows. He tells her that she can deny all she wants, but he knows that she is in love with eLdP. Nevertheless she denies it and tells him that she will never forgive him if he harms eLdP. He assures her that one day he will capture him and put him away. Ilitia joins them, "What's going on here?

*Netty tries to encourage JM and even reveals that Emanuel came to visit but likely will not return. He pleads with her to help him gain Eman's love... just as Emiliano makes an appearance and locks eyes with Netty.

Ilitia requests that if Vicky wants to talk with the whale, do it away from here. She doesn't want to see Vicky. Turning to Brandon, she asks if he too is bewitched by this unsalted leg of Serrano ham. Vicky tells her that she should be relieved since it directs her attention away from Eman. Vicky leaves Brandon to cope with Ilitia. Brandon tells her to be careful how she speaks about his future wife. Ilitia glare

JM and Emi engage in an interesting pithing contest since JM is flat of his back with an oxygen tube in his nose... dying. "Netty is mine, she's been here with me all night..." Netty stammers that it's no more than she'd do for anyone else alone in the world under the same circumstance. "I'm not alone, I've got you." They compare the Hells that they've each inhabited for the last 28 years. JM... prison. Emi... Fedra. Emi wins.

Emi announces that he'll soon be free to be with the woman he loves. Netty weakly smiles but moves closer to Emi.

Ilitia asks Brandon if he's sure that Vicky is what he wants. After all she's had Emanuel and Jorge and eLdP. "Should I go on? Sould I add your name to the list? Because nothing surprises me." He reminds her, "You let me into your bed, or have you forgotten?" "That's very different." Brandon tells her that they're talking about betrayal and she betrayed Eman. She asks if that is what he really wants and he assures her that it is.This pleasant discussion is terminated by the approach of our chunky cherub. "¡Hola, Brandon!" Big hug for , "¡Mi Gordita!" Ilitia tells her that she wants to talk to her and Victoria.

Andre arrives at the pensión looking for Doris but finds Gladiola. Doris isn't there but Gladiola wants to talk to Andre. She tells him that Doris has shed many tears over him. He explains that he's sick and has been lashing out. Doris treated him well and thanks to her, he's still alive. He is in love with Doris. She tells him that if indeed he is in love with Doris, "... then leave her alone."

*At the agency dressing room, Doris is joined by a refreshed Jacki who announces that she and Andre have made up. She tells Doris, "Andre es mio." I say let her have him. Doris, however seems willing to fight for her love. Jacki wants Doris to do her job and do her make up for her.

Ilitia is sitting on the patio with Mari and Brandon. She wants to speak to both Mari and Vicky... together. They spar. "Vicky left." "No, I saw her in the Garden with Brandon." and on and on... Ilitia then tells Mari that Brandon is planning to marry Vicky, Mari's thrilled. Ilitia then tells hr of Vicky's conquests, including Jorge... Mari's crushed. Now she'll have to dump Jorge... leaving the door open for Emanuel... and with poor Ilitia... prenant... Brandon leads Mari away as they exchange smirks and snickers...

Marianela 1 Ilitia 0

*Javi has a headache. Consuelo escorts him to the sofa and offers to go get him some medicine at the pharmacy. He offers to go along. She leaves him alone, but not for long because he is joined by

"¡El Lirio de Plata!"

*JoséM contemplates his situation and vows to fight for Emanuel and Letty... ummm... if you say so.

In the boardroom Emiliano and Letty await Licenciado Pacheco who arrives with papers. Emiliano announces to her that he is signing over everything he owns to her. Pacheco nods in affirmation then looks for the donuts. OK, I added that last bit.

*Javi tells eLdP that he has the very same outfit, "Hey, I'll show you." "No, wait, I only have a little time." He has Javi sit and joins him on the sofa. He's heard that Javi is sick but very brave. He's going to help. They fist bump and He gives Javi the briefcase full of money for his operation.

Ilitia is angry with Mari and with herself. Nereida escorts Gladiola onto the patio. "We need to talk." Ilitia tells her that she is not accustomed to talking to people like her. Then why is she messing with her son, Brandon. Actually, Gladiola understands perfectly.

Mari and Brandon on the street. She tells him that she knows that he loves Ilitia and he tells her that he's certain that she loves Emanuel Ruiz y de Teresa, but should give him a chance. He knows they could be very happy together. A man in black exits the building across the street and climbs onto a motorcycle. Mari spots him and then proving once and for all that she is a total idiot exclaims, "He's alive! He's OK! Nothing happened!" Drawing and pointing his pistol,Brandon completes the thought,

"¡El Lirio de Plata!"



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