Thursday, August 07, 2014

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS -- Reina de Corazones: week of August 4 - Page Two

From Monday's post:
"NovelaMaven and I have decided to do two Reina posts a week while this high level of comments continues. That way, we should avoid having to deal with the dreaded "second page" of comments, which is a pain and baffling for new followers of our blog. We will do the usual post on Monday and second one on Thursday, just before that day's capitulo airs."

So now it's Thursday and here is Page Two for your comments for the rest of the week.

Here is the dropbox link to the recaps for last week:

Reina Week 5

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Monday, August 04, 2014

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS -- Reina de Corazones: week of August 4 - Page One

Reina fans - you rock - more than 285 comments last week! As NovelaMaven already mentioned, we have decided to do two Reina posts a week while this level of comments continues. That way, we should avoid having to deal with the dreaded "second page" of comments, which is a pain and baffling for new followers of our blog. We will do the usual post on Monday and second one on Thursday, just before that day's capitulo airs.

So strap on those beanies and let's get back to the silliness, the mystery and mayhem that is Reina. We still have an opening for a recapper on Tuesdays if anyone wants to give that a try. It's fun.

For the truly obsessed, I have compiled the first four weeks of Reina recaps (not including the comments or corrections ) into 4 Word documents, one for each week, and put them in a public folder in Dropbox. It is very time consuming to try and search the recaps in Caray. You should be able to download the documents by following these links:

Week 1:

Week 2:

Week 3:

Week 4:

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Monday, July 28, 2014

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS -- Reina de Corazones: week of July 28, 2014

Are we all ready for another crazy exciting week?  I think we may be breaking records here, Reina fans!

Here's the recap schedule:

Mondays -- Caroline
Tuesdays -- I'm not sure.  Stevey, are you out there?  Do you still want to recap?*
Wednesdays -- Jean
Thursdays -- Mauricio
Fridays -- Sara has been doing these on a week to week basis (and I'm hoping that she never, ever leaves us!)

We have really been blessed in the recapper department, don't you think?

*If we haven't heard from Stevey by Tuesday night and no one else comes forward to volunteer, I'll fill in this week.

Have fun!

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Monday, July 21, 2014

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS -- Reina de Corazones: week of July 21, 2014

Here's your post for this week Reina fans. I can't wait until tonight's capitulo to see where we go with this novela. Thanks to all the folks who have volunteered to post recaps. They've been great.  Thanks to the commenters, too. As Navier said to Reina, "I'm not afraid of anything" (except boring novelas, which we don't seem to have here.) Enjoy!

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Sunday, July 13, 2014

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS -- Reina de Corazones: week of July 14, 2014

Here is a separate page -- posted  a day early -- just for conversations about Reina de Corazones.

Even though a lot of people are watching and commenting, no one, as yet, has volunteered to recap on a regular basis.  Mauricio and Sara stepped up to help in the first week, and I did a couple of minicaps too.  For week two, I've agreed to write a brief summary of Monday's episode; Sara has volunteered to recap Wednesday and Friday.

Is anyone interested in writing a brief recap of Tuesday's or Thursday's episode this week?

Is anyone interested in recapping this one regularly?

Folks, if no one volunteers, we'll just have comments.  It's up to you!

Have a wonderful week!

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Monday, July 07, 2014

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: THE FRONT PAGE -- El Señor de los Cielos 2, En Otra Piel, and TA DA! Reina de Corazones, week of July 7, 2014

Reina de Corazones starts tonight (Monday) at 8E/7C on Telemundo, and I have to say it looks like fun.  Eugenio Siller and Paola Núñez are the protagonistas, and -- deliciously -- Juan Soler and Catherine Siachoque are the main villains.    Enrique Iglesias sings the theme song, Bailando.

Here's a little bit about the story: 

Reina (Paola Núñez) is a young dressmaker with a horror of a stepmother (Rosalinda Rodriguez, who owns this kind of role) and a jealous half sister.  Nicolás (Eugenio Siller) is alone in the world.  He earns a living parking cars, but he also knows his way around a poker table.  The two meet at the wedding of former porn star, Estefanía (Catherine Siachoque), a millionaire casino owner and soon to be a widow.   For Reina and Nicolás, it is love at first sight. 

They decide to get married secretly in Las Vegas. But tragedy and malice (i.e. Victor and Estefanía) conspire to separate them.

Juan Soler in a World of Dazzle and Deception, Intrigue, Dizzying Wealth, High Fashion, Juan Soler amid Dirty Money and Dirty Diamonds, Dangerous Men and Fast Women, a World of Casinos and High Rollers, CIA Spies, Amnesia, Juan Soler, Mysterious Threats lurking in bushes, and lots and lots of Sexy, Pretty People -- what's not to like?  (Oh and did I mention Juan Soler?)

Note: There is a more extensive, although spoilerish and weirdly incoherent sinopsis on the Telemundo website.

Cast Descriptions based on information gleaned from the Telemundo website:

Paola Núñez is Reina Ortíz (Reina de Corazones/Queen of Hearts), a bright and creative young woman and a dreamer at heart who longs to meet her Prince Charming.  She's not hard on the eyes either (but you already guessed that, right?)

Eugenio Siller is Nicolás Núñez.  When he meets Reina, it is love at first sight. 

Juan Soler is Victor de Rosas (El Halcón Negro/The Black Falcon).  He wears a mask of respectability.  In fact, his wealth and power and prestige are built on dirty dealings.  He has no moral limits.  None!

Catherine Siachoque is Estefania Pérez Hidalgo (Reina de Diamantes/Queen of Diamonds), a seductress and a woman addicted to diamonds.  She would do anything to win Nicolás's love. 

Laura Flores is Agent Sara Smith (Reina de Picas/Queen of Spades), the head of the CIA.  Behind her stern facade, she hides a sad past.

Carlos Ferro is Lázaro Leiva, a man who has had a hard life and will soon come to know true love.

Gabriel Coronel is Francisco "Frank" Marino, an agent in the CIA.  He is the go-to guy for the toughest missions. 

Geraldine Galván is Greta de Rosas, a young woman who lives like a princess until life teaches her a hard lesson.

Wanda D'Isidro is Susanna Santillán, a distinguished socialite and the ex-wife of Victor de Rosas.

Pablo Azar is Juan José "Juanjo" García, a Mexican immigrant who wants to better himself.  He adores women.

Paulo Quevedo is Isidro Castillo, a hitman who works for Victor de Rosas.

Read more »

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Monday, April 28, 2014

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: THE FRONT PAGE -- Avenida Brasil, En Otra Piel, Camelia la Texana, et cetera, week of April 28, 2014

Here's a new page for the week!

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