Friday, September 10, 2010

El Clon Thursday September 9: Summary for Discussion

Capítulo 146: In which Luisa founds the Albieri Preservation League and finds she is the only member; Natalia takes the first step – unfortunately it is into a chasm; Daniel sets off in pursuit of Jade; Rania doesn’t understand that her stock dropped the moment she gave birth; and let’s not forget: there’s a good reason they call him the Chump.

Luisa proceeds with her furtive plan to protect Albieri by sending Daniel to Morocco. She gives him an envelope with everything he needs and tells him about the tour she has arranged for him.
When she asks him: ¿Ya conociste a Lucas? (Have you met Lucas yet?) she is surprised by his response:
Yo no sé si lo quiero conocer. La verdad es que yo no me quiero ver a mí mismo más viejo.
I don't know if I want to meet him. The truth is I don't want to see an older version of myself.

At Empresas Ferrer, Lucas is assuring Enrique that he has no desire to meet Daniel. Enrique reminisces about his 80’s self, long curly hair, tight black pants and white socks a la Michael Jackson. [¡Válgame dios!] But Lucas is in no mood for nostalgia. Albieri had no right to make a copy of me without asking my permission, he says. And he can’t let Leo adopt the boy:
El lo que pretiende es sustituirme por una copia más joven.
What he’s trying to do is replace me with a younger copy.

Meanwhile Daniel is telling Luisa:
A su lado, siempre me voy a sentir como una copia... Yo no quiero ser copia de nadie!
Next to him, I’m always going to feel like a copy. I don’t want to be anyone’s copy!
But Daniel can’t help wondering about Lucas, what he’s like, in the hopes of learning something about himself. I really don’t know who I am, he tells Luisa.

Pedro and Pablo are at the pool. Pedro wonders what Malicia has been up to lately and Pablo explains that she’s busy with a visiting uncle. Pedro is surprised. He thought she had no family.

The Hilarious Adventures of Malicia and the Chump:
In today’s show the Chump buys Malicia even more stuff and she convinces him that by stealing the apartment, she has done him a favor. They agree they will sign the apartment over to Fernando in some vague future time when he has turned over a new leaf.

Alej is with Diana and he is agonizing over his decision to stay away from Natalia. His success as a fighter means nothing now, he says. Why does life have to be so ironic – to get one thing you have to give up another that you loved? Diana understands this kind of irony all too well.

At Casa Ferrer, Nati looks at a photo of herself with Alej and makes a decision: No voy a perderte, mi amor. (I’m not going to lose you, my love). Then she walks downstairs to her parents and announces: Necesito ayuda. (I need help.)
Quiero salir de este infierno. ¿Por qué no me llevan a un lugar, no me internan?
I want to get out of this hell. Why don’t you take me to a place, why don’t you put me in the hospital?
Lucas asks Rosa to call Enrique; he’ll know what to do.

At Empresas Ferrer, Enrique tells Clara about the call. She’s happy that Natalia is going to get help. Fortunately Fernando has been able to overcome his drug problem. Enrique has his doubts about Clara's optimism, but doesn’t press the issue. Clara gives him the good news about the Paris trip she and Rogelio are planning together.

Back at Casa Ferrer, Natalia wants to go to Alejandro and tell him about her decision to enter rehab. The chauffeur can drive her. Marisa tries to stop her but Lucas says they have to trust her.

We see Natalia in the back of the car. She seems to be looking for something – or someone. Pare aquí (stop here) she tells the driver.

Enrique’s voiceover: Drugs set so many traps. I tried so many times to stop…

Cut to Casa Ferrer as Enrique continues talking to Lucas and Marisa …that’s why a person has has to commit to treatment. Do you think Natalia can be helped? asks Marisa. I don’t know, answers Enrique, that depends on her, on the will of the addict to recover. There are so many things that can put the brakes on the recovery process.
Pero bueno, debemos tener fé. Lo más importante es que Natalia dio el primer paso. Se quiere recuperar.
But listen, we have to have faith. The most important thing is that Natalia took the first step. She wants to get better.

Maybe so. Just not right away. Natalia has found Paula in the park. And here is her brilliant plan:
Me voy a internar en una clínica de rehabilitación...pero tú me entiendes, necesito un pase de despedida.
They’re going to put me in rehab...but you understand, I need a farewall hit.

At Said’s house, preparations are under way for the purification ritual celebrating the arrival of the new baby (the ugly, wrinkled baby, according to Jadiya). Yet even as Rania is gloating over this son who will keep Said at her side, Said is confiding a secret to Jadiya: Voy a traer a tu mamá de vuelta (I’m going to bring your mother back.) He’s going to Fez on business in two weeks and when he comes back, Jade will be with him. (Smug. Arrogant. Deluded. Pick your adjective, folks)

In the house in Fez, Alí doesn’t understand why Zein hasn’t called. Zoraida and Jade are happily convinced that he will just show up in person – it’s more his style. Jade’s smile fades when Alí mentions the party planned for Said’s baby tomorrow. When Jade leaves the room, Alí indulges in a bit of I Told You So disguised as wisdom.

At Salamandra, Zein explains to Rogelio that Jade’s silence is her answer to his proposal. Rogelio feels that Zein has been more than understanding (condescendiente) with Jade and she is behaving very badly towards him right now. She should at least have the courtesy to thank him for the gift he sent her.

To the great joy and relief of Dora and Estela, after six months Daniel finally shows up on their doorstep. Dora was afraid he had gone off to the desert. He has every intention of going there, he tells her. He’s going to find Jade and marry her.

And in Fez, Jade puts her hand to her throat, feels for the necklace that is no longer there and thinks: Mi piedra! La sombra tiene mi suerte. (My stone! The shadow has my luck!)

Lucas, Marisa and Enrique are talking about Natalia’s treatment when Rosa interrupts them. The driver, Jaime, wants to tell you something, she says. Jaime, asks Lucas, where’s Natalia? Ella desapareció, señor. (She has disappeared, sir.) She asked me to stop, then she got out saying that she wouldn’t be long, and she disappeared.

Albieri and Luisa are at home worrying about what is to come. Luisa is only interested in protecting Albieri. She suggests it might good for Daniel to go away for a while. Although it might have been better if he hadn’t come back, concedes Albieri, now that he is here Daniel nunca más va a salir de mi vida. (Daniel is never again going to be out of my life.)

Luisa stands up and tells Albieri that she has made an executive decision. She has arranged to send Daniel to Morocco on a three-week tour. Albieri is horrified – he knows what a wanderer Daniel is, how easily distracted,and he imagines him lost and alone in the medina or the ruins. He rushes out to find him before he leaves.

Daniel decides to leave that very night. He puts a note on his bed, then hoists his pack on his back. He pauses in the living room to kiss the sleeping Estela (who has dozed off during her telenovela), turns off the tv and slips quietly out the door.

Luisa seeks out Padre Andres in his church. What did Albieri do now? he asks. It’s not Albieri, she says. This time I’m the one who did something.

Dora and Miguel are dancing in Cristina’s bar. Dora is happy because Daniel has come home at last. Daniel is in the background, scanning the room, looking for his mother.

An insistent knock on the door awakens Estela, frightening her because of the late hour. She is even more frightened when she finds Albieri at her door bringing the news of Daniel’s planned trip to Morocco. They check his room, find his note and realize that he is already gone.

Daniel goes up to Dora and gives her a long, affectionate hug. ¿Y ese abrazo tan lindo? (and this beautiful hug) she asks. Te extrañaba, mamá (I missed you, mama) he says. Dora knows something is going on. Está tan extraño (he’s acting so strangely), she tells Miguel when Daniel has gone.

Outside, Daniel gazes at Jade’s necklace and swears that he is going to find Jade.

Luisa has told Padre Andres what she has done. You don’t want him to come back, you want him to disappear, to stay in the desert says Andres. I mean no harm towards Daniel, replies Luisa. My conscience is clear. Andres replies: If your conscience were clear, you wouldn’t be here. You’re a good person with a guilty conscience. You did something wrong and now you’re afraid something bad will happen to Daniel

I just wanted to protect Albieri, protests Luisa. Sometimes you can’t protect a person, no matter how much you love them, he says. Luisa insists that Albieri meant no harm. That’s for God to judge, says Andres. But the fact is, even with the best of intentions, he committed a grave offense that has to be judged here on earth. And he won’t escape punishment.

Luisa keeps trying to justify Albieri’s actions and doesn’t want to hear what Andres has to say about the harm he caused to others. When she finally realizes she will never recruit him to the Save Albieri Crusade, she leaves in a snit.

Someone in the bar tells Dora that Daniel had his backpack with him when he left. I knew there was something strange going on, she says to Miguel.

And Estela is at that moment asking Albieri how Daniel could be going so far away. After all, he has no money. Uh...gee, I don't know, says Albieri. Estela thinks maybe Leo gave him the money. No, says Albieri, but don’t worry. I’ll bring Daniel back even if I have to go all the way to Morocco to get him.

Daniel puts Jade’s necklace in his pocket and starts walking.

At Casa Ferrer, Rosa thinks Natalia might be with Paula. And maybe Fernando knows how to find her. They’ll call him and ask.

Clara is at her house sharing a romantic moment with Rogelio when the phone rings. She explains that Fernando is out; he is rehearsing with the band. Because Rosa says it is so important to find Natalia, Clara promises to call Fernando to see if he knows where she is. She tries his cell phone and it is off. Then she calls a friend in the band and learns that Fernando has been lying – he isn’t rehearsing with them.

Fernando is playing at something else at the moment, in the company of Natalia and Paula. They are in a club, dancing, flying high.

At Gloria’s, Alej tells his mother how much he misses Natalia. He dreamed of this moment so many times, one fight away from the title bout. And now it means nothing without Natalia. If Natalia really loves you, says Gloria, she’ll work on getting better so you can be together again.

Rosa answers the phone at Casa Ferrer. It is Alejandro. He doesn’t know where Natalia is either -- he thought she was at home with her parents -- but he can tell them some of the bars Natalia has been to with Paula. Lucas takes the list and sets out to find his daughter, instructing Marisa to wait at home in case Natalia calls.

Alej returns to his empty apartment and buries his face in Natalia’s pillow.

In the final scene Lucas finds his daughter. He watches Natalia’s frenzied druggie dance under the flashing strobe lights. He looks angry.

Credits roll.


La Verdad Oculta EP06 09/09/2010 - Faucets, daughter, blackmails and a chameleon

* Club Sagitario
Gabriela announces to the whole branch that she's going to quit because she and her family want to leave Mexico City. Mario asks the boys to leave them alone and politely questions the girl if she likes her job. Of course! They talk about her dad, how educated, intelligent, strange and lovely he is. Mario says that he may help Fausto. Gaby innocently says that she's sure that her dad would be a good employee, and she'd love to see him dressed up like Mario sitting behind a pretty desk. Mario is completely charmed by the kind nature and beauty of his child.

* Guilléns' flat
Fausto and Yolanda are still crying and discussing the past. We learn a few more facts about the mysterious case of Marta: Fausto was mad with jealousy because he was afraid that Marta would leave him and return to Mario, and he even threatened her in front of Yolanda. After her death Fausto tried to defend himself against the charges. He looked for his friend who was a detective and asked for his help. His friend believed in his innocence, but he was murdered while he was investigating the case of Marta. Yolanda is appalled. She firmly advises him to travel as far as and as soon as possible, because Adolfo Diabólico is the co-owner of the restaurant where Gaby works, and btw, the son of Mario obviously has a crush on her.

* Club Sagitario
Outside the office Carlos and David mock, argue and almost Inside the camera room Gaby and Julieta enthusiastically tell funny stories to Mario about the extraordinary talent of their dad: he is able to disguise himself and alter his sound to look like and sound like anyone. Seriously, anyone. Mario promises to help this great guy. Gabriela happily hugs him. Mario swoons. Outside he tells Abelardo that his hija is marvelous!

* street
It's early morning. Leonardo moves into the flat and in the meantime he's chatting with his neighbour, Dona Pachita. Fausto pops up and asks if they have a wrench because the faucet of their washing bin broke and they can't fix it. Leo offers his help. In the Guilléns' flat Gaby is worrying about the geyser in their kitchen. Macho boy arrives, gives the wrench to Fausto who insists on fixing the faucet by himself. He introduces himself and leaves.

While Fausto is tinkering in the kitchen the doorbell rings. Gaby opens the door, no, it's not Abelardo but David. He doesn't want her to quit the job, much less due to his fault. He's even ready to talk to her father. Fausto shows up and when he learns that his name is Genovés he rudely throws out the boy.

* Genovés villa
As usual, Bertha lies on the coach and enjoys being rich = does nothing. Mario arrives home and she's still too interested in his health.

* Guilléns' flat
Gabriela is indignant at the unacceptable behaviour of her father towards David. The boy didn't want to do any harm! Fausto looks a bit ashamed, but tells the girls that he doesn't want them to return to the club.

* Genovés villa
Blondie visits Mario in the study. He asks his son about Gaby and if he really is molesting her. Mario doesn't want neither he, nor Carlos to abuse their position. Since he looks pale and weak, David asks him if he feels well. Yes, of course. David leaves and Mario orders Abelardo to tell Fausto that they have to meet in his house.

Suddenly Adolfo shows up and asks Mario why he wanted to meet him. Mario can't wait anymore, he wants to break their association. Since Adolfo has a hold on Mario he confidently rejects his wish. Mario despairingly offers him the stars, the moon and the sun for letting him go, but the old mummy laughs at him. Are you afraid of dying? Because he, Adolfo doesn't care about that little clause of their contract. If he dies, then he dies, and doesn't give a damn about what will happen to his son in the future. Adolfo states that Mario could never convince him and he leaves. Mario is devastated.

* Guilléns' flat
The seeds of rebellion sprout in the kitchen: the girls quietly discuss their Fausto and David. Gaby is ashamed at her father's behaviour and worries about what could David think about them now?! Doorbell. Abelardo, aka El Senor De Los Libros came for Fausto. He unwillingly follows him. The girls also decide to return to the club.

* Genovés villa
Alejandra cripples along in the hall. She tells Bertha that David invited her to the club. Her sister scolds her: we're still mourning, how dare you! (Speaking of mourning, Berthita, I like your purple-gold-green-black blazer.) Ale laughs at her and leaves with Blondie.

In the study Mario and Fausto meet again. So you want to leave the town, man! Fausto explains the situation: Adolfo, the man who accused him undeservedly for the murder of Marta is the owner of the club where his daughters work. He mentions also that Yolanda already noticed the similarity between Gaby and Marta, so he's on the verge of being unveiled. Mario is ready to give another job to the girls, just please don't go away. He needs to be near to his daughter because he doesn't have much time left. Fausto is shocked. He tells Mario that his son, David wouldn't mind hitting on Gaby, and well, this may be a problem. Oh really? Don't worry, says Mario, David isn't his son. (I knew it! Then who's the father? Maybe Adolfo? God forbid.)

* Club Sagitario
The girls visit Carlos to tell him that they will quit. I mean, really. Carlos offers them to give excellent references if they stay for a month. The girls gladly agree. David and Alejandra arrive at the bar. They discuss Bertha and their childhood when they didn't have money. She never cared about that much, but she admits that it's much easier now that they under the protection of their rich uncle. David likes her sincerity. In the meantime Gaby fumes with jealousy.

* Genovés villa
Mario cries and bathes in self-loathing in his study. He tells Abelardo that he has always been a coward, he left Marta when she needed him, he accepted Adolfo's offer because he was frightened, and so on. And now he's sure that Santiago Guzman is innocent, and he feels awful for that poor man. He tells Abelardo about Fausto's talent. More crying.

* Club Sagitario
While Ale is in the toilet Gabriela excuses for what happened in their flat. David is still hurt but when Gaby confesses him how much it bothered her how her daddy treated Blondie he loosens up a bit. He suddenly asks her for a date. Gaby blushes and looks confused, well, you came here with your girlfriend... Alejandra, no, she's my cousin. Great, they agree to meet next day. Ale pops up and says that she's a pretty girl. The cousins continue their conversation, and David states that from that moment Alejandra will be his counselor and confidant friend.

* prison workshop
(At last.) Marcos and Juan José discuss the possible freeing and the future plans of Marcos. To be honest, it doesn't seem like he was going to become a hardworking, decent citizen, he already has some shady plans. When he leaves the prison, everything will be different. JJ isn't thrilled at the blabbering of his friend. Oh come on, shut up and work.

* Guilléns' kitchen
The sisters work out a plan how to meet with David: tell will daddy that they'll visit a beauty salon. Gaby starts to wash up the dishes but the faucet breaks again. The girl looks for Dona Pachita who advises her to ask Leonardo to help. Hot Cop cheers up when he sees his favourite neighbour and gladly repairs the kitchen. What a man, non. Fausto arrives home and thanks him for his help. Leo leaves. The girls finally tell him the bad news: they're going to work for a month. But Fausto remembers Mario's supplication and tells his daughters that they're going to stay.


Llena de Amor #24 Thu 9/9/10 Poor people are happy and dance, rich people are cranky and yell

Last night we left the two opposing teams gathering over at Horror House for the announcement about Mari’s inheritance.

Netty’s pals are having a strength sceance (they keep chanting fuerza fuerza fuerza) with Angela to figure out how to help Netty spiritually. Angela screams... that moment a shot is fired over at Horror House. Everyone hits the deck except Brandon. Ever the cop, the little stud is ready for action.

They hear yelling and run to Tio’s room where Benigno is holding Tio up and yelling that Tio’s been shot.

Back to the sceance where Angie is majorly freaking, “lots of fire around Netty!” Gasps and whines from the ladies. “Danger is very near” whispers Angie.

Over at the dollhouse Muñeca and Lorenzo have the usual argument. Will she really kick him out this time? Will she resist his wheedling? Yep, and he finally leaves in a snit saying he won’t stay around her sick jealousies anymore. Jerk.

Emilio and Eman don’t find blood on Tio, looks like he had a heart attack.

Now the yelling is coming from the salon where Fedra wants Brandon O.U.T. out! She calls him a peeled smurf (pitufo pelado). The usual insults ensue between Ilitia, Brandon and Fedra until Mari finally annouces she’s the lady of the house and she doesn’t intend to sell it! Fedra’s lawyer is that actor who always plays a lawyer or doctor or military officer.

Oliver and Jairo butt in on the sceance ladies and scare the bejesus out of them. Angela sees death but Oliver hears music, so Doris agrees to go dancing as long as Jairo doesn’t make her dance La Quebradita and twist her up. Wow, she’s got a short attention span. (Check out telenovela star and dancer Liz Vega doing la quebradita here.)

Back at Horror House the good guys (Mari, Brandon, Delicia, Netty and Licenciado Pacheco) face off against Fedra, her lawyers, Agent Orange (aka Mauricio) and the fresas. Fedra’s pretty confident and Pacheco gets nervous; dude may be out of his league on this one. Gretel reassures Alex that Mari is much stronger than the lot of them. Fedra threatens The Mask (aka Brandon) again that if his plan fails he’ll pay with his life.

Mari is curious how Brandon knows Ilitia. He says they met when he was having a bad day and she is worse than a hangover. Netty spills the beans to Mari that she was almost killed twice just like the medium warned. But hey, there’s nothing to worry about because Mari’s mom is her guardian angel.

Benigno yells that Tio had a heart attack. Fedra and The Mask grin, if you that's what you can call his contorted rictus.

Lowrenzo takes his little suitcase and heads right over to Begonas. All of a sudden he wants to be in her bed. I can’t believe she falls for his tonterias.

Even more unbelievable, Muñeca is now crying that she threw Lorenzo right into his lover’s arms. Yo doormat, get a grip, grab some champagne and celebrate already! Instead of taking my excellent advice she starts the mirror yelling again. “You’re less than a woman!” and breaks the mirror, staring at herself through shards of broken glass. Not good.

Emiliano and Eman are basically doing nothing except staring at Tio. Luckily Mari shows up, pushes her way through and begs Tio to stick around for her.

The fresas bitch about Eman spending all his time with Mari. She’s a slippery tick (garrapata resbalosa) and Ilitia had better watch out. Then Ilitia starts insulting Brandon, calling him a drink in a bag (un refresco en bolsa), I guess it’s an insult, I don’t really get it. For the surprise conclusion to this conversation, Kristel announces she wouldn’t mind being locked in the bathroom with that particular refresco en bolsa. Naughty girl.

Tio emits a final groan and the guys announce he has no pulse. Tio has died. Mari begins doing CPR in a rather lackluster fashion. She tells him to fight for his life and gives him the breath of life. He breathes! Our Mari is a veritable superwoman. Eman announces she is his gordita hermosa and holds her hand over Tio’s chest. Tio observes and demands to know what the damn Eman is up to with Marianela. Eman’s face is all “duh, I dunno, what AM I up to?”

Agent Orange teases Axel and insults Gretel while Fedra tries to sequester herself with her lawyers and Netty tries to keep Licenciado Pacheco from drinking too much booze.

Tio tells Eman he saw Mari and Eman in the garden the other night and they were acting very odd. He only hopes that their affection doesn’t turn into another kind of feeling because sometimes love pops up when you least expect it. It would be a disaster for them and Tio won’t permit it! Eman and Mari stare at each other guiltily. An ambulance siren interrupts them and Tio jumps up and arms himself against the paramedicss.

Fedra insults Netty while Licenciado Pacheco stuffs his face with hors d’oeuvres. Fedra’s in the middle of telling Netty she’s not woman enough to get a man just as Emiliano shows up and stops her tirade. More nasty comments blah blah blah Mari arrives and says she’s ready to start. What? She just saved Tio’s life, then left him bouncing around the cellar with a rifle, and now she’s ready for the inheritance? Uh OK.

Lorenzo and Begona just got down to business and he announces to her that she’s going to help convince Muni to take him back. Now that’s the Lowrenzo we know and loathe.

Tio tells Eman he needs to stay at the battlefield to help protect Mari against that...that...Eman’s mother. Eman promises Tio that’s what he wants to do too. Tio tells Eman that he’s his pride and joy in spite of everything. In spite of what? asks Eman.

The lawyers open their briefcases and Netty watches The Mask. He gives her the creeps and Mari tells her that he’s Fedra’s guard dog. Netty gasps that she was warned a dog would try to kill her and that guy is darn ugly.

The housekeeper Doña Paula interrupts Eman and Tio to take matters into her own hands. She kicks Eman out and coyly approaches Maximo. She tries to get him to go to the hospital but he reminds her he promised he wouldn’t leave the cellar until the serpent leaves the house, and doesn’t he always keep his promises? They hold hands and smile at each other. She convinces him to let the paramedics in to see him and he says fine as long as she stays with him. Aha, so these two have some history.

The fresas check out the naco until Eman shows up. Mau tries to get Brandon to leave but Gretel defends him. Meanwhile in the background Ilitia tries to hug Eman but he worriedly stares at Brandon over her shoulder. Good stuff.

Oh man, Lorenzo again? He tells Begona he expects her to find Muni at the orphanage tomorrow and repair what she broke. He shakes her and she reluctantly agrees. I hope these women team up against him before too long.

Back in the barrio the happy folk are dancing. Brandon’s ma is a little worried about her son in that cave of wolves. Hey lady, that’s an insult to all the wolves of the world! She sends Oliver off to check on her baby and Netty. He preens and Doris accuses him of falling for one of Mari’s cousins.

Back at the house Emiliano announces it’s time for Mari to get the inheritance that her parents left her. Fedra’s lawyer begins...

Kristel tries to get Agent Orange to go boink in her room but he says if Fedra catches him he’s dead; better to wait until she gets some of the money and they can get their own place. He grabs some booze and off they go to some hidey hole.

Axel accuses Brandon of being with that other cop that arrested him at the university.

The randy duo of Kristel and Mau end up in Delicia’s ironing closet/laundry room. Stupid Kristel throws the hot iron in the laundry basket and kicks Delicia out of the room. Sigh, more delays.

The lawyer drones on while thought bubbles crowd the room. Fedra: where did Bernardo find this idiot of a lawyer? Bernardo: patience my sweet, have patience. Mari: oh dear, it’s not that I want the money it’s just that I don’t want my mother’s memory defrauded.

Ilitia protesteth too much to Eman about Brandon. She calls him changuito (little monkey) which is perfect, he does look kind of like a monkey.

It’s getting hot in the laundry room. Clothes are coming off and the basket is smoking.

More legal droning and it’s time for Marianela to sign the paperwork. “But just a minute folks”, sneers Fedra, snatching the papers away from Mari, “I propose that not one cent of the inheritance goes to Marianela. I want you all to hear at once that the only boss lady of this money is me!” Caras impactadas all around.


Thursday, September 09, 2010

Dinero #192- 9/9/10: Rafa and Ale Perfect the Art of Kissus Interruptus

Rafa and Ale search the sales floor frantically for the correct bag full of cash, since they can’t give Beltran a bag of medical equipment in exchange for the trucks they just handed over. They keep overlooking the bag tucked safely under Jimenez’s desk, and like Pata yesterday, I keep yelling at the tv and pointing to the bag.

Rafa resigns himself that if they don’t find the cash, he’ll take responsibility for paying the money back. Ale thinks that’s a crazy idea and they turn to face each other, inches apart. He tells her he’ll happily be in debt to her his entire life! “Cada dia, cada minuto, cada segundo, la amo mas.” (Ever day, every minute, every second, I love you more.) *Sigh!* Ale is enthralled. They lean in for THE KISS, and…kissus interruptus #1.

Ale and Rafa are startled out of their romantic moment by Ramirez’s loud call to order of the sales team troops. They’re all gathered outside and it doesn’t take long for Ramirez to convince them to leave for lunch an hour early since it’s such a slow day (flojo, which means weak, poor, lazy, feeble, etc).They decide to head to their favorite spot, El Trancazo. Unfortunately for them, Doña Arcadia’s sharp eye, really her cameras, pick up on the fact that the sales floor is bare. She gathers up Chatoooooo and the puppies for a hunt to find those rascally salesmen and women.

We beam over to the pueblo where Marino has just been released by the succubus, err…mayor’s daughter. Her enthusiasm has left him with a powerful thirst for some whiskey, but he figures the best he can do in this podunk town is tequila. He heads off to find some.

Jaime’s also on a mission. He’s going to talk to Julieta, and no, he doesn’t need Cousin Curls to help him. If it doesn’t work out with Julieta, Curls knows “unas chicas buena onda” (some cool chicks) in Guadalajara. Jaime girds himself for battle and heads out the door.

Vicky’s girding herself for battle too, to win back Rafa by scoping out the perfect pink outfit. It will be paired with her well-worn veil, of course. She is sure he will fall in love with her again when he sees her looking so lovely this evening. But why wait till this evening to pounce on him? She’ll go to Autos Siglo today to see him!

Vicky won’t have much of an audience at Siglo for whatever locura she has planned, as they are all still out to lunch. Arcadia interrogates Trapito, doling out a few swats to his fanny, to find out where the sales team has gone. He spills the beans/soup, but begs her to not let on that he’s the one who told her. The floor models approach, shivering. The a/c in Siglo must be turned up pretty high, and the short skirts and sleeves on the floor models’ uniforms don’t provide much cover. Arcadia promises to get them some shirts with sleeves. I’d personally prefer a raise and to bring my own sweater from home.

Ale and Rafa continue to panic in the comfort and privacy of their office. Ale won’t let Rafa take full responsibility for the vanished money. He insists. She asks why he wants to do such a thing. “Porque la amo.” (Because I love you.) “More than the first day I saw you. More than ever. We could be happy together, you and I. I’m dying to kiss you.” *Sigh!* They are standing millimeters from each other. Ale’s lips murmur no, no, no. But they’re puckered and her eyes are closed in anticipation of THE KISS that is sure to come. But Rafa continues to babble and stammer, and at this point I am certain the writers, director and actors are toying with us and enjoying every second of it. We go to commercial break still not knowing if our lovers’ lips will meet.

When we come back we have been deposited at Trancazo with the Sales Team. They order up some delicious sounding lunches (reminding me of the Camerones al Diablo Fajitas I had for lunch at a Mexican restaurant with my team today), and of course a bottle of tequila (we did NOT have that with our lunch). Trapito runs in to warn them that Arcadia is on the way. The team flees in every direction, except the exit where Arcadia will soon be making an appearance, bumping and colliding into each other. Ramirez and Trapito don’t manage to get far. Ramirez hides under the table and Trapito “hides” behind a column that is one-third his girth.

Ah, finally we head back to Ale and Rafa. She decides to give him some help working up the courage to kiss her. On the count of three. “A la una. A las dos. A las tres!” Rafa leans forward, and…Ale sidesteps. Kissus interruptus #2!

“We can’t.” Why, Rafa wants to know. “Because of the money.” Just then, the medical equipment salesman, who realized he was missing his bag while waiting for his bus, returns to Siglo. He’ll wait for Jimenez at his desk. His eyes are obviously sharper than Rafa’s and Ale’s, because he sees the bag under Jimenez’s desk almost right away. He happily begins to leave with the bag, just as Ale and Rafa return to the sales floor. They spot the bag in his hands and a hilarious tug of war between Rafa and the matasanos (quack) ensues. “Es mia!” “ No, es mia! Sueltelo!” (It’s mine! No, it’s mine! Let it go!)

Ale jumps in the middle and gets jerked around as much as the bag. She tries to explain that this bag is not his, and is in fact filled with cash. If I were the Matasanos that would be enough reason for me to take the bag and run. Forget the medical equipment. Ale finally manages to convince him to come back to their office so that they can show him the contents of the bag. Rafa and the Quack drag the bag, and Ale, to the office. Once there, the bags’ contents are quickly revealed and rightful owners take possession. Before he leaves, however, the Quack wants to know if Ale and Rafa would be interested in buying some medical equipment. “No!!!” Once he’s gone, a happy Rafa and Ale hug, beam at each other, and begin to count the cash. Yay!

This is our one happy ending of the night, so take the time to celebrate folks. Jaime’s day is about to get worse, and so is the Sale Team’s. Jaime arrives to Julieta’s office just as Cesar has slimed his way over and asked, no insisted, that she go out on a date with him. Smart Julieta has just said no. But tonta Julieta takes over after Jaime arrives. He wants to clear things up. She won’t listen and assures him that what she saw with her own eyes was plenty clear enough. She wants him to leave. She then drives home her point by accepting Slimy Cesar’s date. Jaime wants to know who the heck this guy is and Cesar wants to know the same. Jaime declares that he is Julieta’s NOVIO. But Julieta begs to differ. She says he is NOTHING to her (harsh), and says that she can go out with whomever she pleases. He has no business there! After this thorough dressing down, a defeated Jaime leaves. Julieta continues to seethe, and Slimy Cesar gloats like the cat that has the canary in its paws.

At Trancazo, Arcadia sets the dogs on the scent of the Sales Team. She finds Ramirez first hiding under the table. She threatens to tell his mama and sic the dogs on him. Somehow Trapito’s skinny pole provides enough cover to allow him to sneak away. She then finds the rest of the boys, except Pepeto, in the boys’ baño. She catches Dandy with his pants down sitting on the porcelain throne. He claims he was doing a “mantra espiritual.” She opens the door on some poor innocent guy perched on the pot before finding Bebe and Jimenez in the next stall. “A tu edad Bebe?!” (At your age Bebe?)

Next she finds the ladies (where else?) in the ladies’ room, after scaring out a gaggle of nuns. “Are you selling trucks in there?” Pepeto chose a rather clever hiding place…as a cook in the kitchen. But Arcadia is cleverer by far, and finds him easily. She then lines the whole team up for disciplining, like Captain Von Trapp and his kids in the Sound of Music (I expect her to pull out that whistle he used). They crossed a line and she’s not going to take it this time. They claim they just went to lunch, and they have a right to do that. She points out that they left for lunch a whole hour early. They claim they were hungry. She threatens to throw them all out onto the street. They beg her on bended knees not to fire them. Even Doña Dolores begs her on their behalf. Arcadia’s actually a softie at heart, so she gives in.

Ale’s also really a softie under that hard, silver cocktail dress, exterior. After Rafa finishes counting the money (it’s all still there) and gets ready to head to the bank, she makes him promise her to NEVER again accept a payment in cash (en efectivo). “Es una locura.” (It’s madness.) Rafa agrees. “Nunca mas. Se lo juro” (Never again. I promise you.) “Good!” She grabs his hand as she gets his assurance, and gives him another of those come hither looks. Rafa does not heed the call. Meanwhile Vicky has entered the empty sales floor looking for her Pajaríto. She’s wearing a hot pink slinky dress, silver high heeled sandals, sleek silver sunglasses, and to complete the look, her veil.

Let’s see what our other obsessed unrequited lovers are up to. Daniel and his sister Montserat are meeting over drinks. She doesn’t want him to get hurt by Marian if she’s hung up on Rafa. He’s got another ace up his sleeve, and makes her promise not to tell Marian. He really likes/loves (he uses querer, so it could be either or something in between) Marian. He’s always felt that way about her. But if that doesn’t work out, he has another marvelous lady prospect in mind. He doesn’t reveal who it is.

Marco is meeting with Chavez at their favorite bar lamenting the fact that Ale has asked him for a divorce and wants to “mandarme al diablo” (Literally means “send me to hell/the devil, but translates more like kick him to the curb.) He is taking his frustration out on Chavez’s lapels, and Chavez responds by grabbing Marco’s lapels and demanding that he calm down. “Vamos a calmarnos.” (We are going to calm down.) They simultaneously let go of each other’s lapels and decide to use their cocos (coconuts/heads). Chavez announces he has an idea. “Una idea verdaderamente infernal.” (A truly diabolical idea.) Uh oh!

We finish the night with Rafa and Ale once more. He tells Ale that they need to talk. Ale stops in front of him, waiting with baited breath. Rafa starts to stammer, but then finally manages to get out that he knows she and Marco haven’t been intimate. Before she can get indignant he continues. “I know that you still love me.” She doesn’t deny it. She’s speechless and looks deep into his eyes. They lean in for THE KISS, and it looks like it’s going to happen this time, until…Hot Pink Vicky Veil walks in. “PAJARITO!!!!!!!!!”

Kissus interruptus #3.

Tomorrow: Marian wants to talk to Rafa (give up already). Vicky threatens Ale and Rafa.


Dinero #191 9/8/10 Sometimes you win sometimes you loose and sometimes you loose the briefcase

Yahoo! Hombre look what I did. This a a picture from Rafa's special, where he was singing a duet with David Bisbal. Thanks for all your advise.

We start with Chavez hiding out in the wine cellar wearing his garlic necklace. He is on the phone to Marco describing his harrowing night. Marcos advise? Go home and take a bath. He needs him lucid and awake. Chavez assures him he is always ready and alert.

Now for an entertaining moment. Who has walked into Auto Siglo? None other than David Bisbal, with his cute little Castilian accent. Or as Ramirez so finely put it someone who speaks the language of Cervantes (Author of Don Quixote). First he has to get past Trapito who almost mops the floor with him. Once he has entered it is a mob scene, with everyone fighting for his attentions and the honor of selling him a car. Ale and Rafa to the rescue. Ale wants to know why all the scandal for the guy with the curls. (Chinos). Rafa introduces himself to Mr. Bisbal. We get a smart little a cappella rendition of “Mi Princess“. (I was hoping for the duet they sang together on Rafa’s special.)

David decides he would like Rafa to sell him the car. Rafa being Rafa tells everyone he will share the commission, but they all have to go back to their desks first. (Cada chango se vaya a su mecate /literally each little monkey go to their vine or rope.)

We leave all the excitement for a quiet moment with Rosario and Quintana. Rosario is telling him she thought Ale was really strange this morning. Happy with a shine in her eyes. Quintana chalks it up to her marriage to Marco. Rosario (not always as dumb as she looks) disagrees with that. She tells him he has to know that Ale isn’t in love with her husband. Quintana wants to know why she got married if that’s the case. Rosario responds that’s a very good question. Quintana tells her he hopes the same thing doesn’t happen to them. Okay now she is looking as dumb as she is when she tells him that will never happen to them. They are in love. Quintana tells her that every day that passes he realizes she is the perfect woman. She smiles and Quintana tells her “to see you smile is like seeing the light, the sheen of the moon.” (verte sonreir es ver la luz, el brillo de la luna).

So who saw this coming? In walks Daniel greeting our happy couple and guess what? He just happens to be Quintana’s nephew.

(Get use to this pace because we changed scenes several times tonight). Now we are back at Siglo. With Ale telling Susana all about Mr. Bisbal’s visit. She tells Susana that Rafa even got jealous. Smiling triumphantly she continues that it proves that Rafa does care for her. Susana tells her she is certain he goes green every time some guy gets close to her. Ale wants to hear more, but Susana quickly changes the subject as Rafa has just come up behind Ale. Susana starts talking about the door they are putting up in the office and it is a mess. Ale seems a little confused until she hears Rafa talking.

Ale comports herself and says if the office is a mess she will work in the conference room. Well that’s out of the question as it is already booked. Ale decides she will go home. Rafa then interjects they could always use one the vendors cubicles to close the deal with the trucks. Ale reminds him the guy is going to pay in cash. Yep that’s the deal one bill after another as Rafa pretends to count them out. Ale decides that it would be best that she help Rafa with the transaction so there will be no irregularities. (Oh my when has there ever been anything regular when Rafa get’s paid in cash.)

Ale asks Rafa if it would bother him if she came along. Rafa with the biggest smile, tells her “No not at all it would be a true pleasure to work with you shoulder to shoulder, cheek to cheek skin to skin, selling.” Ale smiles brightly and starts to walk away. Rafa continues telling her it is an honor to be able to count on her for her help. Ale has melted as she turns to Rafa smiling and speechless.

Now we are having breakfast with Vicky and family. Filepe is put out because there are no tamales. Vicky suddenly stands and wants to know if she looks bad in the veil. (Duh!!) Papa assures her she doesn‘t look bad, it is just strange that she is still wearing it. Vicky in her own little world says “I look beautiful, like a Virgin.” Filepe snaps her out of her little world telling her she needs to take the veil off. This doesn’t set well with Vicky as she threatens to throw his breakfast in his face. More family chatter and Vicky wants to know if the boys have talked to Jaimie to get him to help get Rafa Back. The brothers almost choke on their food as they remember their little encounter with Jaimie and his cousin. Then we get their version of what went down. Poor papa. He has been misled this whole time presuming that his boys were at least good enough for fighting but it turns out there just good for nothings. Felipe is out for vengeance. Don Gaston puts an end to this and tells them there will be no vengeance as he continues “ Do you want to turn into a couple of hooligans (pandilleros)? Sometimes you win and sometimes you loose. This also applies to love and the heart” now sadly looking at Vicky.

Daniel and Tio Q. are catching up with one another. Rosario a little lost in the conversation, wants to know if they are related. It turns out that Daniel’s mother is Quintana’s sister. Daniels father is very successful, but also a bit difficult. Rosario chides Quintana for talking badly about Daniel’s father. More chatter, and then Rosario remembers where she has seen him before. It was at Doña Arcadias fiesta. Daniel than remembers, of course she is Ale’s aunt. What a small world ( diminuto es el mundo). He congratulates Quintana on his upcoming wedding and to make sure to invite him. He would never think about missing such an event (tertulia/ event or gathering). Before he leaves he tells Quintana that is tie is outdated. Rosario comments on how handsome his nephew is. Quintana acts jealous and she assures him she only has eyes for him.

And as quick as you can say silver, we are off to another scene. This time Ramirez wants to know how Marino is going with his institutional clients. Marino tells him in the words of his famous book “I am off to hunt lions” (voy a cazar leones). Ramirez offers him more advice and Marino tells him he needs to find his French friend so he can get his book published, because he is no good as a vendor. Ramirez reminds Marino that Rafa took his advice and look at the star he is now. This ticks Marino off. Ramirez gives him one final word of advice and tells him he needs to seduce his clients. Marino reminds him he is a seducer but of women, not clients and he is off to hunt his lions. He than hands Ramirez his book with clients names and dates and reminds him to take care of that for him.

Ramirez wants to know if he should take care of his women as well. Marino tells him to quit being an idiot, but speaking of women. What about that Milagros. Marino wants to know if he kissed her. Ramirez tells him he is not interested in her. More chatter. Finally Susana approaches him and wants to know if he is leaving. He smarts off at her, and wants to know what she needs to know for? She tells him Ale and Rafa need to use his desk for a client. He tells her fine but tell them not to touch anything. And the clients that show up are his. He pulls Ramirez aside and says “You know what you have to do? Right?” and takes off.
Susana asks Ramirez how he can stand Marino. He tells her it is an act of compassion.

Now we go to Doña Arcadias office. Rafa enters and we have a discussion about football. Which team is better. So that was a waste of my time. Lets go to something more interesting.

Pepito is putting on the charm for Rosaura. He wants to talk to her about them. Rosaura shushes him. She doesn’t want anyone thinking badly about her. He asks her why anyone would think badly about her. There is nothing wrong with a man and a woman liking each other. She tells him to wait a moment she never told him she likes him. A smug Pepito replies “ well I don’t displease you?” (tampoco te desagrado). He continues with the charm. Rosaura tells him to take it down a notch. He tells her he could help her with getting a divorce from her husband. Then they could be together. Rosaura tells him she is interested but it would be impossible for them to be together. She asks him if he speaks English. He tells her a little but what does that have to do with anything. She tells him it is a question of class. She plans on returning to Miami with her children one day. And for that she needs a man of the world with aspirations.

Pepito asks her if she believes he isn’t such a man. Rosaura says “okay, let me ask you something. Would you take care of my children. Would you move to Miami with me?” Pepito gives this some thought and tells her it would be quite difficult. Rosaura says “now you see how it would be difficult for us.” A dejected Pepito walks away as a regretful Rosaura watches on.

Morales has shown up with a briefcase full of cash and tells Rafa he has come for his trucks. Rafa proudly introduces Ale and asks if it is okay if she assist him. Morales tells them it would be a pleasure to work with such an elegant and beautiful woman. Ale thanks him then apologizes that they can’t use the office because it is such a mess and leads him over to Marino’s cubicle. She continues to explain they are remodeling the office. Morales jokes “So you can be closer”. Rafa nervously laughs. The money is counted. The papers are reviewed and the trucks are waiting.

Mientras tanto (So who’s line am I stealing?) Claudia has snuck off to answer a call from Marco. He wants to know if they can talk. She assures him they can talk as many times as he wants. He reminds her that being just married and all takes a lot of time and energy. She tells him she could give him a revitalizing
massage. He tells her that would be fine and they should set up a future time. He tells her he has some doubts that she could help him with. Just out of curiosity he asks “How are things between Ale and Rafa?”

Claudia looks puzzled as she turns to see Rafa and Ale together then figures it out and asks if he is jealous.
Marco has become short with her and tells her to just tell him. She gleefully explains that they are together at this very moment with a client. Not what Marco wanted to hear. He nervously replies “Together? Aren’t they fighting? ( peleados) She chides him and says aren’t you just dumb “Rafa and Ale are like fingernails and dirt. (uña y mugre) They are together.” Marco is nervously chugging his drink and rudely thanks her for the information. Claudia tells him “Just a minute don’t I deserve a reward?” (merezco una recompensa) Marco talking to himself says “those two are still deceiving me. But she doesn’t want me to imagine them in bed. If these are the rules than I too can play rough. You will see Ale. I will take every last piece of land and all your money. And you Rafa you better get ready to say goodbye to your mother for a long time.” And Marco has gone to the dark side.

While we go to a lighter side, we enter our favorite salon. Jaimie and his cousin Saul show up. Ovi and the boys are quite taken with Saul. We get some fight poses from Saul and some Rocky theme music. Jaimie wanted to thank them for all their help with stopping the wedding. We have lots of talk and lots of butt pinching, but we still got lots more story tonight so lets go see how Rafa and Ale are doing.

The only thing left to close the deal is for Morales to give them the money and they will give him the trucks. They don’t even need to recount the money. After all they are gentlemen. Rafa is now clinging tightly to the briefcase full of cash. They shake hands and Morales is off. Ale says all they have to do now is take the money to the cashier to deposit it.

This is where it gets a little tricky. I had to watch it twice. Rafa takes the money and heads to the cashier, as he leaves Ramiro has stepped in front of him and stops him. He wants to know if he could get a vacation day. Rafa is thinking this over, when who should come crashing from behind but Ramirez and spills a cup of coffee all over Rafa. Rafa puts the money on a chair behind him and Trapito shows up with a mop to start cleaning the floor. There has been a client in the corner waiting for Ramiro the entire time. Coincidence or plot line, there just happens to be an identical briefcase? Do you see where this is going. Trapito picks up the case to clean the floor and puts it right next to Rafa’s case.

Rafa grabs a case and heads off. Our client has settled back down in his chair and we see a briefcase sitting on the floor next to him. Thank goodness it is commercial time. It feel like we are back in that awful taxi ride all over again.

We are back but we have to suffer through some annoying scene with Marian and her friend Muskrat. She is chewing her out for treating her brother Daniel so badly. (Who cares).

Now we have to sit through a Marino scene where he tries to best Rafa. He is in some small town looking for the Mayor. Where else would he be but in a canteen where guns are permitted. There is a little misunderstanding. Guns are drawn and Marino is shaking in his boots. Lucky for him the mayor’s daughter has taken a liking to him.

Finally, back to important matters. Ale is counting her chickens before they hatch when a panicked Rafa enters her office. He stammers and stutters as he tells her he has a problem. Ale still preoccupied with Ale, finally shows some interest. She wants to know if the problem is with his mother? His sister? He says he has a problem with the money (lana). Ale asks him what money. Poor Rafa (Poor me, I can barely stand this) is waving his hands in the air as he tells Ale the money has disappeared. Ale seems quite confused. She tries to calm Rafa down and tells him to tell her what is going on. Rafa tries to explain he was going to the cashier to deposit the money, and Ale encourages him to continue. And he says “Guess what?” “It’s not here.” Ale can’t believe this. How can this be. They counted the money together. Rafa finally opens the case and inside is a bunch of medical equipment like a Doctor’s bag. The panic has now spread to Ale and the two of them are running around like chickens with their heads cut off.

Rafa is thinking a little clearer now and decides he should go see if his briefcase might be lying around somewhere. Ale agrees and they are out of the office on a hunt for the briefcase. We get another peak of the Rafa’s case sitting under the table as Ramiro is walking with his client and thanking him for his business.

We sit through more commercials including a very creepy one involving an M&M and a pretzel. And we are back. I already caught you up on the Marino deal.

We have some more Claudia and Marco. Okay this is interesting. Marco is asking Claudia how it could be possible that Rafa and Ale are walking up and down together? Claudia tells them that right now his wife and Rafa are together going all over the place. And something very strange is going on. Marco angrily explains to her what is going on. “It’s not important to Ale that she is married. She would rather be with her lover, the half haired jerk“ Split screen time as Claudia can‘t believe Ale is like that. Marco tells her he would never have thought that either. Claudia licking her red lips gets an idea. “Wouldn‘t it be a good idea to pay them back the same way?” Marco exasperated asks her what she‘s referring to. She tells him that they could “put the horns to his wife.” (Cheat on her/ ponerle los cuernos a tu esposa) Marco making a disgusted face asks “With you?” Claudia responds well of course, forget about what happened the last time. (Little Marco was a no show.) Marco says if only he could forget about it. Then he tells Claudia to keep him well informed of what is going on there. Claudia questions “Even if I see something you might not like?” Marco tells her “Even if you see something I won’t like.” He hangs up cursing slamming his phone down and chugging down his drink.

Rafa is about a foot away from the case. He is searching the chair. Ale is asking him if he has found it. He pantomimes how he put it on the chair. Then picked it up. Ale walks right past it, wondering where could it be. (Was I the only one shouting at the TV telling them to look under the table?) More pantomimes as they walk further away from the briefcase.

Ale wants to know why that man had to pay in cash. In what era is he living in? (en que época vive) Doesn’t he know about certified checks? Or electronic transfers. Rafa sarcastically tells her it looks like no one told him about those ideas. Ale asks him what they are going to do now without the money? Rafa tells her not to worry. If they don’t find the money he will pay for the trucks. Ale tells him not to talk like that, they are going to get fired. Ale still can’t believe he lost the money. Rafa finally tells her he will pay her everything he owes her. He would gladly be in debt to her for his entire life. Ale quietly pleads with him to not talk like that. He tells her what he feels for her comes from deep down in his soul.

Ale stammers and tells him she wants to hate him. Rafa groans as Ale continues “Look at the things you make me say.” The truth is I want to hate you , I want to despise you” (despreciarlo). Rafa goes in close and tells her he loves her more. Ale gets as close as a whisper and there we end.


Llena de Amor #23 Wed 9/8/10 Llena de quickie recap

Tonight is Cathy's night off and the title sez it all. If you have anything else to add just throw it in the comments and I'll add it to the recap later.

Ilitia sees Eman in bed with Mari and freaks out, she’s such a whiner. Mari kicks them both out.

Fedra doesn’t want Muneca to visit her stylist Francois (pronounced Frankoeese). Heh, Muni points out isn’t it pronounced Franswaaah? (Yes and this has been bugging me forever. Fedra you are such a peasant.) Kristel interrups them with her funny combo of fresa and english. Call me weird but I think she’s a hoot.

Netty and Doris are all boo hoo we’re gonna die from the poison gas. Doc sez just take the pills and live.

Gretel goes to the police station and her admirer whatzisname is smitten. She wants to ask a favor, she sure is sullen for someone who wants something. She sez it’s his fault her bro got kicked out of school. They argue nose to nose. They are so gonna be together before this show is over. He agrees to help.

Eman tells the family NO WAY is Mari gonna be in the concurso. She shows up and insists she will. They all have an opinion about this. Agent Orange shows up, pushes his weight around and pisses off Emanuel.

The Mask drives Fedra to her tryst with Lorenzo. She ain’t happy that Lorenzo's been cheating on her. She slaps Lo around a bit and tells him that Muni spilled the beans about his other amante. He gets turned on by this and manages to calm her down. What? These two are gross.

Mari and Delicia are talking about mari and Eman of course. Blah blah blah. Mari sez something about Delicia and Axel and Delicia laughs, doesn’t Mari know that Axel is gay? (Se le hace agua a la canoa?) OK looks like everyone knows except the family, so pretty much tracking with real life here.

Axel tells his friend that he’s the only one who understands his anguish. They are interrupted by Fabiola. Friend leaves and Fabi tries to kiss him. He’s repulsed and she says aha you don’t like girls. Luckily Gretel and the cop show up.

In a later scene Fab blabs to some other chick (much nicer it seems but I'm not sure) but I don't know what they said.

Eman tries to talk Mari out of entering the beauty contest. Confide in me Mari, you can trust me.

More gross nasty foreplay and sueltemes and grabass by our creepy couple. OK they’re gonna do it. Bye for now.

Compare to a “cousinly” hug with Eman and Mari, espied by Kristel and Ilitia who freak and shriek. This goes on forever as usual.

Netty and Doris are livin’ it up, come home from a shopping spree and find whatsername crying over her son’s bad press on TV y Novelas.

Cop comes down and sez it’s no use, the rector is harder than stone and flaquito is out of there. Gretel’s not happy but no crankier than usual in my opinion.

Oh I’m gonna hurl. Lorenzo and Fedra are in post coital bliss. Is his hair blacker? She sexily pretends to strangle him, then pulls the scarf tighter. Anyone wanna guess how he’s going to met his maker? Oh hell there they go again. They are just weird trips incorporated.

Mari has a new dress and it’s ghastly. Where did she get it? Not sure. Brandon is downstairs and Eman is irritated. Chest thumping and tie comparing ensues. Brandon has gifts, lots of them, clothing for Mari. Brandon keeps saying “mi” Marianela and Eman hates it.

Delicia flaunts Brandon's gifts in front of Eman. She’s a good pal to Mari dontcha think? Mari wants Brandon to stay. She hugs him and Eman is tortured. The guys glare. Gosh they’re both real cute.

Doris does a Netty makeover and the household oohs and ahhs. She looks the same to me. She and the lawyer have a date with destiny and the entire household greets him at the door. Doris tells her to be careful. Uh oh.

Oh cool, Muneca’s moving out. Correction, they are Lorenzo’s bags and she’s kicking him out. Cooler still if only it would last which it won't.

Fedra puts on her makeup and gives herself a pep talk about the announcement.

Brandon more or less shows off his six pack to Eman and then they bicker a bit. Mari comes down in her new outfit that Brandon bought, slacks and a sweater. Bman whistles, Eman smiles. Eman opens his arms for a hug and she runs by him to Brandon. That was cute. More scenes like that please, thank you writers.

Doorbell rings and everyone shows up all dolled up. Ilitia insults Brandon. Agent Orange and Kristel gloat.

Downstairs The General brandishes his gun. War could break out tonight and he wants to be prepared.

Netty shows up looking all hot and Emilio is smitten. Fedra will be totally ticked of course. OK, it looks like everyone is there and my recording stopped. Wow, tomorrow night should be exciting!


La Verdad Oculta 2010/09/08: Pre-empted again.

I just checked the broadcast, and we were pre-empted again. My schedule was still showing LVO until the moment I checked it, and then the slot changed to Desafío as I watched. We'll try again tomorrow.


Wednesday, September 08, 2010

El Clon, Wed., September 8 - Summary for Discussion

How the lack of caller id can cause big problems
Alej has finally had enough
Luisa thinks that Daniel needs a vacation in Morocco

Everybody except Jadiya is happy with the birth of Rania's baby, Munir. Said says a prayer so that the first thing the baby hears are the words of the prophet.

Alej leaves the scary drug place with Nati. She is not happy to see her mother in the cab.

Lucia tells Andrea that she doesn't know the details but Nati must be having some terrible problems. Marisa was very upset but she wouldn't tell Lucia anything. Lucia can't understand why. Andrea reminds her that Lucia didn't want anyone to know when Roberto found drugs on Andrea. She was ashamed as if it was the worst thing on earth. Marisa feels the same way about Nati's situation. Lucia says that Andrea's situation was very different. She made a mistake but then cleaned up her act. Andrea says that she and Nati both experimented with drugs but Nati was going through a very difficult time... Lucia replies that no one else is to blame when someone starts taking drugs.

The maid comes downstairs. She tells Lucia that the other maid, Consuelo, is no longer insisting that she clean Lucia's room. Andrea and Lucia agree that Consuelo is very strange.

Hilda is preparing for the good life- golf and Italian lessons.

Marisa returns home. She tells Rosa that she doesn't understand why Nati hates her so much. Why everything that happened in Nati's life is her fault. She asks Rosa, '¿Qué es lo que he hecho tan mal con ella?' What did I do with her that was so bad? She says that she always wanted to be a good mother. She tried to be a good mother. '¿O no? ¿O he sido egoísta? ¿O me he concentrado en mis fracasos, en mis frustraciones; y me olvidé de la persona que más amo? Or not? she asks Rosa, Was I selfish? Did I concentrate on my mistakes and frustrations and forget the person I love most? Rosa tries to be supportive. She says that all mothers do what they can and what they believe they should do for their children. Marisa says that she sacrificed her whole life in a loveless marriage for her daughter. She asks over and over again why Nati hates her so much. Why does she act this way with her and not with her father or grandfather. She tells Rosa that the person who left the the scary drug place was so dirty, dark and horrible, not the little princess she raised. '¡Estaba tan drogada!' She was so drugged up! sobs Marisa. She takes Rosa's had cries and says, '¡Ya no sé qué hacer con ella!' I don't know what to do with her! Rosa tries to comfort her.

Things are not any better at Alej's place. '¡Ya llegué a mi límite, Natalia!' I've reached my limit! says Alej. He says that no one could take this in spite of how much they love someone. Nati says that she is sorry. He tells her what winning the fight in Atlanta meant to him as someone who was born with nothing. He tells her that he couldn't go to the party his mother threw for him because he was getting her out of that hole where they almost killed her. He pawned his TV and his watch, the only remembrance he had of this father. Nati says that she is sorry. Alej says that he is always there for her but she is never there for him. She stole his tranquility, his life, his stuff. He says that he gave her one last opportunity to choose between drugs and him. Nati says that she chose him. '¡Entonces, deja las drogas! Then give up drugs! yells Alej. 'Es la última oportunidad que te doy!' I am giving you one last opportunity! She dumps her drugs out of her knapsack onto the table. Alej leaves the apartment.

Diana promotes Andrea as the women of Pablo's dreams, not Malicia.

Rogelio describes the wonderful vacation in France that he and Clara are going on. Clara sees Pablo and Malicia dancing (and kissing).

Someone has sent Jade a serenata. She thinks that Lucas did it.

Is Zein wondering if he has enough hummas for the weekend?

Lucas asks Rosa why she didn't call him. Lucas decides everything that has happened with Nati is his fault. If his daughter had had a happy father, she would be ok now. He had to sacrifice his true love. '¿Pero de qué sirve que ustedes ahora se estén matando para saber quién es el culpable?' But what is the point of killing yourselves now over who is responsible? asks Rosa. [How true Rosa! Do something to address the problem!]

The serenata came with a diamond bracelet and a card. It was from Zein. The card says, 'Cualquier gesto tuyo, me diría que sí; tu silencio me diría que no,' Any response from you will say yes to me; your silence will say no. Abdul is disgusted that he got up to listen to the serenata sent by an infidel.

The phone rings. Jade picks it up. It's Lucas but the nitwit doesn't say anything. Jade assumes that it is Zein:
'¿Eres tú, Zein? Gracias por el regalo que me mandaste; me encantó.
Zein, yo te quiero pedir tiempo. Dame tiempo para aprender amarte. Ya no me interesa Said. Ya me no interesa Lucas. Acepto tu propuesta.'
Is that you, Zein? Thanks for the gift you sent me. I love it.
Zein, I want to ask you for some time. Give me time to learn to love you. Said doesn't interest me anymore. Lucas doesn't interest me anymore. I accept your offer.

Lucas hangs up. Jade decides that her destiny is with Zein. Poor Lucas is destrozado.

Alej tells Pedro that he thinks that after what she went through, Nati finally understands what she could lose if she continues to do drugs. He thinks things will be different this time.

Alej comes home with flowers. Nati isn't there. Nati is with Paula. She needs just one more line. Alej packs up his stuff and returns to Gloria's. Nati comes home and finds Alej's stuff gone. PSA from Enrique. Nati goes to Gloria's but she tells Nati to go away.

Jade tells Ali that she said yes to Zein.

Zein thinks that Jade doesn't want him since he didn't hear from her. He says that he will never let a woman into his heart again. [You are well out of this one, Zein.]

Nati returns home. Marisa tells her that she will take care of her.

more PSA.

Gloria tells Alej that Nati was there and she ran her off. Alej tells her that maybe he could have done something more. Gloria tells him to fight for his life. She asks him to promise not to look for Nati.

Luisa and Albieri wonder what is up with Sylvia's complaint to the Medical Board. Luisa says that Sylvia is in a difficult position herself. She implanted the embyro. Albieri points out that she didn't know what he had done. Luisa says that it is her word against his. At first, Albieri refuses to lie and accuse Sylvia but Luisa suggests that he has to defend himself.
The doorbell rings. It's Daniel. Albieri asks where he has been and Daniel says that he has been around (por ahí) but now he wants to go to Morocco. Albieri is coming up with all the reasons why that isn't a good idea while Luisa is thinking that having Daniel disappear would solve all their problems. Albieri promises to take Daniel to Morocco after he takes care of a few things in Florida. When he goes to find more reading material for Daniel, Luisa offers to buy him a plane ticket to Morocco provided he doesn't say anything to Albieri. Daniel readily agrees.

Mohamed tells Latifa that he is concerned that the Naz is putting Cairo feminist ideas in Zamira's head. Amin comes home and reports that Zamira left school without him and he doesn't know where she is. She is with Carlos, of course. He wants to go home with her. She finally tells him that her family won't accept him because he isn't their religion. Carlos says that he will join her religion. Zamira kisses him and runs away.

Jade tells Zoriada that she is surprised that she hasn't heard from Zein. Zoraida thinks that Zein wants to surprise her and will probably come in person. Jade asks why Zoraida never married. Zoraida tells her that long ago a man who worked for Ali was interested in her but when Latifa was born, Zoriada was sent to the US to care for her and when she returned, he had married someone else. Jade thinks that Zoraida could still find someone. Zoraida says that her time has passed but that Jade will be happy with Zein.

Luisa gives Daniel $1000 and sends him to the airport.

The credits roll.


Llena de Amor #22 Tue 9/7/10 Smoking can kill, kids.

Also, our protagonists have a little chat about the birds and the bees and then spend the rest of the episode in bed together! Really! Also also, who knew there were so many words for swine?

Episode 22.

So yesterday, Marianela was crying in her bedroom and Emanuel was trying to get her to open the door. He threatened to get a cadena (chain) and candado (padlock) and chain himself to her doorknob if she didn’t open. I’d have let him do it, but after telling herself out loud that he must NEVER know she is in love with him, she finally opens the door. I wonder at what stage of development she will realize that other people can hear her, even when she is talking to herself.

Muñeca lolls in bed, too distraught to bother with life. She tells Flora she just doesn’t know what to do, seeing as how Lorenzo has an amante. Flora thinks getting out of bed and showering would be a good start. She finally convinces Muñeca that the orphanage children need her, so she has to get up.

Lorenzo is at the office, where his secretary announces the arrival of his favorite model, Begoña. He wishes Begoña would just be gone, ya. She’s amazed at the way his wife acts like she owns him and was so open about his failings, without empacho (embarrassment). Or maybe Lorenzo is the one who is supposed to have empacho, because his wife supports him financially. Lorenzo thinks Begoña is just after money, but she insists she does not want money. She did not get involved with him for money or to further her career, but because she fell in love with him and hoped they would have a future together. To her credit, she readily admits that this was stupid. But she hasn’t learned anything. She still wants him to be with her, so they can be all lovey-dovey and their son can have his father. She promises his wife will never find out about their relationship. I believe that ship has sailed. He tells her to get lost. She says if he won’t play her way, he’ll find out how far she can go. He will end up losing everything.

Emanuel asks Mari what’s going on. Why was she so upset? She says she was just mad because she dropped the glass, after she made his favorite energy juice just for him! He’s touched at her efforts and says he’d love to try the juice. But was she really mad about that, or about what Ilitia said?

Brandon and Oliver argue about Ilitia, and Javier asks Brandon if he really abused her like the tabloid says. Brandon assures Javier that he would never do such a thing; Ilitia just hates him, maybe because he doesn’t have a galán face or because he’s poor; he’s not sure why. Javier asks if they’re going to send him to jail. Gladiola walks in. “They’re going to put you in jail?”

Netty, Doris, and the other couple are still in the elevator, choking on smoke. Netty thinks it’s a bomb in the shopping bag. She pushes all the buttons trying to get the doors to open, but they don’t. Doris tries to pry the doors apart and says they’re atorada (stuck). The guy tries but he can’t move them either. They’re all getting sick.

Emanuel grills Marianela about why she felt uncomfortable when he and Ilitia were kissing. “See, Mari, when a man and a woman like each other very much…” he starts off, trying not to laugh. “Yeah, yeah, stop, I know,” says Mari. He apologizes, saying he wasn’t sure how sheltered she was with the nuns. She says it’s not that; she knows he and Ilitia are together, it’s just… Then she conveniently has trouble breathing, so he helps her lie down and try to relax.

Kristel and Mauricio are returning from their jog. Kristel has the most prissy princess gait I have ever seen. André comes out of the house with his lady of the hour; this one is Diana. She is very pretty, and Mauricio gives her a good look up and down, earning a smack from Kristel. André claims they are actually engaged, and will marry very soon. Who knew Mauricio and Kristel could be diplomatic, but they actually do not comment on this. André tells them that Emanuel said they could use the house for a photo shoot of Diana. She needs pictures for the club beauty contest. Kristel is not pleased to have the competition. Diana and Kristel size each other up while Mauricio pulls André aside and says privately that he thought he had another girlfriend, Rebeca, who was also entering the contest. André says Rebeca had to leave town and drop out of the contest, and Diana doesn’t know about her, got it? Mauricio agrees he also knows nothing about Rebeca, and they make a bet as to whose arm candy will win.

The unknown lady in the elevator has fainted. The others are still choking and worrying that they will die. Bernardo pushes an emergency alarm button in some service corridor and gloats that by the time they are found, they will be dead. Some security guys try to chase him.

Oliver teases Brandon that he and Ilitia look like novios in the magazine photo. Brandon tells him to shut up. Brandon decides that if Ilitia wants war, she is going to get a war. He’s going to the magazine to tell them his side of the story! Gladiola tells Oliver to go with him and stop him from doing anything foolish. Oliver says he’ll try, but she knows how her son is. Javier is still there. Who does Javier belong to? Has anyone ever said?

Doris and the man are now unconscious; only Netty is still barely holding on and saying she can’t die. She has to stick around to protect Marianela! And…she’s out. The security guys finally get the doors open.

Mauricio is taking the photos of a bikini-clad Diana. He’s got the skeezy photographer act down cold. He’s actually straddling Diana in order to take close-ups of her face. André does not approve. “What are you doing? These are supposed to be photos for the contest, not for a porn mag.” He takes the camera and proceeds to do exactly the same thing Mauricio was doing. Diana smiles prettily.

Kristel and Ilitia are nearby, but ignoring them. Kristel says she is sorry to have to tell Ilitia this, but her suspicions about Emanuel and Marianela may in fact be true.

Mari is still having trouble breathing. Emanuel tries to help by freaking out and rubbing her hands. He decides to go for a medic. She begs him to stay, and says “help me, help me” until he finds her inhaler right there in her pocket. She breathes in some medicine in a way Ferro surely wouldn’t approve of. Emanuel hugs her until she feels better.

Gretel and Axel are huddled on the floor in his room, both crying. She says she tried to talk to Dad, but he doesn’t seem ready to listen and understand Axel. Axel says it doesn’t matter. He’s decided he’s going to tell everyone the whole truth today. They’ll find out eventually anyway, and it will only be worse if they hear from someone else. Gretel fusses that he should wait until they think of a better solution. He says he can’t wait. She has no idea what it’s like to live a double life! “You do?” she asks. “What are you talking about?”

Ilitia and Kristel continue kvetching about Emanuel’s attentions to Marianela. Today’s insult: Lechoncita (filthy little pig). They decide that Emanuel just likes to do social work to feel better, and the more ugly and amorphous the subject of his charity, the more benevolent he feels. Yes, that’s it. Besides, says Ilitia, she has no reason to feel jealous, now that she and Eman are enjoying their honeymoon. “Finally?!” says Kristel. Ilitia elaborates, and Kristel seems to enjoy hearing the details of her brother’s intimate life.

Axel has come down off his ledge and lost his nerve. He leaves the house with Gretel, telling her he was just being dramatic; he’s just worried because he was suspended from school and doesn’t want their parents to find out. She says everyone hides secrets. He wonders what hers is. She doesn’t tell him, just says to trust her because she has one more card to play.

Hurricane Brandon blows into the offices of TV y Novelas and tells the editor if he doesn’t fix the problems he’s caused, he will be sorry.

Mauricio ogles Diana and thought bubbles something about humiliating Ilitia and sticking it to Emanuel.

Hilariously, there is an ad for TV y Novelas during the break.

Back in the office of TV y Novelas, Brandon yells that the magazine is filth and ruins people’s lives! The guy tries to defend himself, but Brandon is not having it. Because of these false reports, Ilitia lost her job, and he is probably losing his as well! The editor claims the photo proves Brandon molested her, but he says it proves nothing of the sort. He saved lots of people’s lives! Now editor thinks he just wants attention for his heroics, but saintly Brandon just wants to help people. That’s what he does. So the editor had better make things right so he can keep doing his job, or Brandon will take this to the press AND to court.

Ilitia says to Kristel that she heard Marianela is inheriting money; is it a lot? Kristel says the fortune is as big as Mari is, probably, because Tio Luis Felipe was swimming in money. Probably Mari will go buy a chocolate factory first thing. Ilitia thinks she should get liposuction first, but probably Mari thinks her fat looks good. After all, she did enter the beauty contest. Kristel says no, Mari knows they are going to make fun of her. Mauricio has it all under control. Ilitia cheers for this. She’s looking forward to showing that marrana (dirty hog) what’s what. They smirk and toast.

So, Emanuel didn’t know that Marianela was asthmatic. He thought she was having a heart attack. She convinces him that she dropped the glass and ran away because she felt an asthma attack coming on. No, no, she wasn’t upset that he was kissing Ilitia, not at all. In fact, he should get back to his novia. They agree that they will always be best friends. Marianela starts to cry as Emanuel is leaving, and he decides that best friends can’t leave each other all sad, so he coaxes her back to her bed and snuggles in beside her, taking off his shoes to get comfy. Mari looks decidedly NOT comfy.

Brandon tells his airport story to a reporter while a photographer takes shot after shot after shot of him. “Why so many photos? I’m not Ricky Martin,” says Brandon. The editor tells him that his story will be in the next edition. “Ha, take that, Ilitia,” he thinks. “You will get a spoonful of your own chocolate.” Let’s hope it has lots of calories.

Lorenzo goes to Begoña’s apartment and is taken aback when she opens the door holding the baby. She wants him to hold his son, but he won’t even look at the child. He asks why she hid her pregnancy from him. She says she was afraid that he would try to make her get rid of the baby, but her child is the best gift ever. She raves about how happy she was when she first held him in her arms and how much she loves her little baby, as Lorenzo reminisces about happily holding Ilitia (I assume) when she was a baby. He looks thoughtful.

Fedra tries to calm Muñeca, who is still crying about Lorenzo’s betrayal. Fedra pretends to be astonished that Lorenzo is cheating on her. “The worst part is that she pretended to be a friend!” says Muñeca.

Lorenzo is now hesitantly waving and smiling at the baby, behind Begoña’s back and from across the room. When Begoña turns around, he instantly goes straight-faced and asks what the kid’s name is. She says he doesn’t have one yet, because they should decide together. She starts smooching on Lorenzo’s neck and…doing something else, fortunately off screen, but he starts jumping around like grease on a hot griddle…and tells him she’s fine with him living with another woman for money, and she’ll forgive him for having other lovers while she was away, because she loooooves him. He breaks away and says he wants a paternity test, and if the baby is really his, then they’ll see.

Bernardo storms into the kitchen in a dark mood, yells at Nereida, and pours lemonade so distractedly that most of it goes all over his hand and the floor. Nereida tells him that if this is how he is going to treat her, then she is going to return the sentiment the next time he shows up in her bedroom. Curses, he mutters. He snarls that the little puppet has managed to escape from him again.

Doris and Netty are in the hospital, groggy but alive. Netty marvels that she has slipped out of Death’s clutches yet again. Doris says she really thought she was going to die. She saw a light at the end of a tunnel and everything. Netty tells her not to mention the light, or the eight rooms, or any of that. They’re alive. {Does anyone know what the eight rooms is about?}

Fedra tries not to flip out as Muñeca tells her about the Other Woman. She does get all indignant, but sells it as being on Muñeca’s behalf. She insists that Muñeca has to find out every last detail about this woman. Muñeca sobs that she can never forgive what Lorenzo has done to her. “What are you talking about?” Emiliano asks as he comes down the stairs.

Emanuel is still relaxing and patting Mari’s leg, and Mari is looking anything but relaxed. He brings up the beauty contest and says they’re just planning to mock her. She says she knows. “Well, then promise me you’re not going to compete,” he urges. She feels trapped, because if she doesn’t compete, Mauricio will tell! Emanuel will know that she likes him! This will be the worst thing imaginable!

Agent Orange is receiving accolades for his mysterious strategies down by the pool. He won’t tell Kristel and Ilitia his secret, but says he has a way of getting Marianela to do whatever he wants.

Lorenzo remembers his sudsy rendezvous with Fedra and says she is the only one he wants, the only one he would leave everything for, and the only one he cannot have completely.

Muñeca tries to tell Emiliano that she’s just upset about foolish everyday marriage stuff. He says one doesn’t attempt suicide over silly little things, and she’s tried several times. It must be something serious. He wants to help. Fedra sits there thinking that he is going to pay. She tells Emiliano that it’s ridiculous for him to keep acting like Muñeca’s novio when he ditched her years ago. All Muñeca needs is her good friend Fedra. Delicia tells Fedra the phone is for her. Some strange guy who says he’s her stylist.

André and Diana leave, and André gives Mauricio the camera to return to Emanuel. I’m guessing those photos are going to take a detour. Ilitia decides to go find Emanuel. Kristel asks Mauricio what happened between him and Marianela when they were locked in the bathroom. What hold does he have over her? What does he know that is keeping her from telling people what he did? He dives into the pool to avoid her questions.

Marianela won’t agree to stay out of the competition. Emanuel can’t figure out why she would want to be in it and asks who is pressuring her to do it.

Doris and Netty talk about the dog that Juan Pastor said was out to get Netty. But this wasn’t a dog, it was a man; they saw him. The doctor comes back and gives them medicine and says the gas was very poisonous and they could die within a week.

Fedra agrees to go see her “stylist” and “try the fabulous dress.” Emiliano doesn’t like her spending so much time with that man, but Fedra giggles that he’s hardly a man, if they know what she means, and she makes some comment about him that gets censored (but the captions don’t censor it. He “no tiene ni pelo, bueno, ni una pluma”). Muñeca decides that she’ll accompany Fedra to see the stylist. A new dress is just what she needs to cheer herself up!

Marianela doesn’t want to talk about the pageant any more. Emanuel figures out that Mauricio is coercing her, and demands to know what that orange pig is up to. Mari looks away, and he leans in and touches her cheek to make her look at him, just as Ilitia bursts in. Ilitia screams. Emanuel calmly looks at her like she’s nuts.

Tomorrow: Brandon and Emanuel try to mark their territory. Emanuel hugs Marianela while Ilitia yells at him.


La Verdad Oculta TUE: Theme Song Lyrics

In case you're wondering where your show went, we were pre-empted by sports. Tune in tomorrow -- same bat time, same bat channel, for Ep. 006.

I'll use the opportunity to post the lyrics and translation to the lyrics from the Luis Miguel theme song in the comments section.


Tuesday, September 07, 2010

El Clon Tuesday September 7: Summary for Discussion

Capítulo 144: It’s a boy!
Es un varoncito for Rania and Said. Andrea gets closer to Pablo. Cristina and Leo are together again. Fernando is playing Clara. Zein is either playing Malicia or being played by her. And Alej has an unexpected partner in Operation Rescue Natalia.

No one has seen Daniel. Dora fears that if he has gone to the desert, he will never come back. Rosa stands in the nearly empty Diego shrine wringing her hands. And Leo orders Roberto to track him down, no matter what it takes.

Lucas wants Roberto to disregard Leo’s instructions. Roberto isn’t willing to defy the boss but he agrees to keep Lucas in the loop.

Enrique accuses Lucas of avoiding a meeting with Daniel for fear of confronting his own past. It’s not that, says Lucas. Whether or not this boy Daniel is a clone, he is a separate and distinct person. As a twin, Lucas struggled to establish his own identity. This lack of identity made him weak. And because of that weakness he lost Jade.

Jade and Zumaya return from the medina to Ali’s house in Fez to be greeted with the news that Rania is about to give birth. This happiness could have been yours, says Ali. And Zoraida adds that she never saw a love greater than that of Said for Jade. Love? Or obsession? answers Jade.

At Said’s house in Miami, the menfolk -- Said, Mohamed and Amin wait downstairs. Samira and Jadiya are just outside the birthing room and peek in on the proceedings. Rania is a very noisy parturient. Amina is at her head, Latifa attends her bottom, and the Naz is shouting unhelpful things in the background. Rania gives one final push and the baby is delivered into Latifa’s arms. The men come running upstairs when they hear an infant wailing. ¡Es un varoncito, Said! (It’s a little boy, Said!)
Jadiya’s face is a tear-streaked mask of tragedy and Latifa tries to comfort her. Said cries with joy. And of course Rania, Amina and the Naz are thrilled.

Alejandro is frantically searching his apartment for money or things he can sell while the odious Paula watches, boots on the table. He comes up with $100 and the television. Why don’t you get the money from Natalia’s rich parents? she asks.

Pablo is at a café with Andrea and Diana. Diana continues in her self-appointed role of Cupid for her friends. She begs off attending the victory celebration at Gloria’s, saying she is not feeling well (estoy indispuesta), leaving Andrea and Pablo to set off together.

At a pawnshop, Alej gets $100 for his watch and tv. He’s still $400 short.

Pablo and Andrea arrive at Gloria’s and discover that the guest of honor has gone off to get Natalia and has not come back. Says Andrea:
¿Será que Natalia tuvo una recaída? (I wonder if Natalia had a relapse)
While they are waiting for Alej, Pablo gets a call from his ‘novia’ and Andrea strains to hear the conversation.

Malicia is surprised when she opens the door to ‘her’ apartment and finds the Chump relaxing on the couch. He is there so they can solve their problems as a couple, he explains earnestly.

Clara and Caro discuss the Chump, how much Malicia has managed to squeeze out of him. Caro wishes she could find herself an Escobar. [Oye, Caro, you already have an Enrique. Isn’t that enough tsuris for a lifetime?]

Albieri and Luisa are at home discussing Dra Silvia’s stated intention to denounce him before the Florida Medical Board. He understands that she feels he betrayed her trust; Luisa, however, is outraged and insists that the betrayal is on Silvia’s part. Luisa can’t excuse Silvia’s disloyalty to Albieri. But Albieri admits that deep down, he wants Silvia to make what he has done public. He is willing to face losing his license, his clinic, even going to jail. But he demands recognition for his great accomplishment: cloning a human being.

Cristina is in her apartment with Vicki. She has decided to take a long trip and rethink her life. Quiero ser feliz sola, sin la necesidad de tener un hombre a mi lado. (I want to be happy alone, without needing a man at my side.) These must be magic words because no sooner has she uttered them than Leo appears at her door. I have to talk to you, he says, and I’m not leaving until you listen to me.

Alej is so desperate, he seeks help at Casa Ferrer. He comes looking for Lucas, but it’s Marisa who is home. She and Rosa want to know what’s wrong. It’s Natalia, he tells them: La tienen secuestrada en un lugar dónde se venden drogas. (They’re holding her hostage in a place where they sell drugs.) If they don’t get $600 by night, they’ll hurt her. He has only been able to come up with $200.

Rosa runs upstairs for money and comes back with $500. He only needs $400, he says, but she insists he take the full sum, just in case.

Lucia has been present, sitting just out of earshot of the conversation. It is clear to her that there is a crisis. As Marisa’s friend, she wants to help. Marisa breaks down and tells her what is going on.

Marisa, for once in her life, acts bravely and selflessly (if a little recklessly). She insists on accompanying Alejandro to rescue Natalia. He is dubious, especially given that she is wearing one of her typically provocative dresses, today a blue Marilyn Monroe number. But she dismisses his doubts, rejects the idea of being driven by the chauffeur and she and Alej set out together in a taxi.

Back at Cristina’s apartment, Leo thanks her for bringing Daniel to him. He knows Daniel isn’t Diego, but somehow, with his arrival, his own heart, which had been closed off for so many years, opened up again and he started to feel alive. The unjustifiable resentment (ese rencor injustificado) that I harbored against you all these years is gone, he tells her. Te vengo a pedir perdón. Perdóname Cristina. (I’m here to ask your forgiveness. Forgive me, Cristina.) In answer, she takes him in her arms. [So much for the Eat Pray Love plans. Cut directly to Love.]

Ramón has been calling Alej’s cell and there’s still no answer. Gloria is exasperated and Pablo is sick of waiting. He has made plans to see Malicia, but he will take Andrea home first. In answer to Andrea’s question, he admits he isn’t exactly in love with Malicia. Tal vez después... (Maybe later on...)

At Salamandra, Malicia is telling Zein: ¡Estoy muy enamorada de Pablo! (I’m so in love with Pablo). She always had a thing for Pablo, she admits, but he was off limits when he was Cris's boyfriend. And why did Cris and Pablo break up? asks Zein with seeming innocence. Because of Sr Ferrer, says the Malicious One. Zein is surprised – he thought he was the reason. He kissed Cristina and some gossipy employee told Pablo about it.

I’m surprised to hear you say you’re so in love with Pablo, adds Zein. I saw how you were looking at Rogelio last night. And why not? He’s divorced, handsome – you’d make a nice couple. [ok, is this conversation for real? Is Zein onto her or is he another gullible fool?]

Escobar boasts to Julio about how he confronted his problems with Malicia head-on by showing up at the apartment. And he should have done it long ago.

Clara is doing a little gentle boasting of her own. She tells her friend Caro how well Fernando is doing. He is back in the band and off drugs. She’ll just give him a call.

Fernando is rifling through all the drawers in Clara’s house when the phone rings. He listens to his mother tell him how proud she is of the changes he has made. He cuts the conversation short because he has a rehearsal with the band. The doorbell rings. It’s Paula making a home delivery of drugs. She plops down on Clara’s couch and very casually mentions that the dealers have Natalia: if Alej doesn’t pay her drug debt by tonight, they are going to kill her.

The taxi carrying Marisa and Alej arrives at the drug house. He asks her to wait while he goes inside, first entreating the driver to take care of the lady for him: (Me cuida la señora.) Alej approaches the gang and hands over the $600 they demanded. It’s not enough. Now they are asking for $700 to pay interest. Alej gives them the extra $100 that Rosa had pressed on him. They take him to Natalia and we see him with his arm around her, ready to lead her to freedom.

Credits roll.


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