Thursday, January 06, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #3 1/5/11 A triumph of Daniela Romo's mad acting skillz

So, Max and Maria have gotten a look at each other. Max's lips move while the music plays over whatever words he's uttering…I was trying to lip-read, but I'm too distracted by the lyrics of the song:

A partir de hoy, (From today on)
Tu mirada es mi reflejo (Your look is my reflection)
El reflejo de mis sueños (The reflection of my dreams)
Cuando sueño como un beso (When I dream of how a kiss)
Se transforma en un "te quiero" (Is transformed into an "I love you")
Un "te quiero" de tu voz (An "I love you" from your voice)

A partir de hoy, (From today on)
Has cambiado lo que siento (You've changed what I feel)
Siento que a cada momento (I feel that every moment)
Se desaparece el tiempo (Time disappears)
Cuando estoy contigo amor (When I'm with you, love)
Solo estamos tu y yo (There's only you and me)

No hace falta más (I don't need anything more)
Que estar junto a ti (Than to be with you)
Porque tengo el amor que me das (Because I have the love you give me)
Porque tu tienes todo de mi (Because you have all of me)

Damn! I sure hope that's on iTunes! Sheet music would be too much to ask. Maybe a karaoke track? But I digress…

Um, anyway, Maria helps the Madre down from the runway and turns down another opportunity to talk to Victoria…go figure! She helps round up the other orphans and get them down to the bus while Max chases after them so he and Maria can exchange longing glances...

Que no puedo estar sin ti porque te extraño (I can't be without you because I miss you)
Es para ti todo mi amor (All my love is for you)
Todo de mi, a partir de hoy (All of me, from today on)

A partir de hoy (From today on)
Te acompañan mis latidos (My heartbeats go with you)
Vas conmigo en mis sentidos (You go with me in my senses)
Y es que sé que estoy contigo (It's that I know when I'm with you)
Ya no hay nadie alrededor (There's no longer anyone else around me)
Sólo estamos tu y yo (There's only you and me)

No hace falta más...

A partir de hoy te entrego el corazón (From today on, I give you my heart)
Mis secretos, mi destino y mi ilusión (My secrets, my fate, and my hope)
Cada lugar, cada rincón (Every space, every corner)
Mi locura y mi razón (My insanity and my reason)

A partir de hoy te digo que te amo (From today on, I tell you that I love you)
Que no puedo estar sin ti porque te extraño...

El destino hizo un par casi perfecto (Fate made an almost perfect pair)
Nos queremos con errores, con virtudes, con temores (We love each other with our mistakes, with our virtues, with our fears)
Nos amamos a pesar de los defectos (We love each other despite our defects)

Oh. My. I tell you now, when they get married at the end (not a spoiler, just a given for this genre) no matter how much this plot gets messed up in the process, no matter how impatient I get, no matter how much I curse the writers, I know they're gonna play this song, and I'm gonna cry.

Victoria chews out Osvaldo, reminding him of all the sacrifices she's made to get to where she is. He doesn't think that gives her the right to be so mean to a poor girl who was just trying to please her. Victoria accuses Maria of flirting with Osvaldo right in front of her. He says she has no right to demand anything of him, because she promised to change and devote more time to him, but he can see now that it was just work. He informs her, he's off to Spain soon to shoot a new show. He's sorry, but she's not keeping her promises and he's tired of it.

Antonieta, having heard the argument, comes over and tells Victoria not to let Osvaldo leave like that. "Go after him!" She tells her to think of only one thing--her husband loves her. Victoria runs after him.

At the elevator, a very tall woman in a very short skirt…the same one who was all over him at the house…has some trouble freeing herself from the cage. She hugs him and says she changed her mind. Osvaldo's glad and says she's the only one who can get him out of his funk. They hug again. Victoria sees them and stalks over. "I'm glad you decided to come," she says, almost scowling. They finally break down the deception, with Victoria calling her "hija" (daughter), smiling and hugging her. Max joins the family reunion and chides whatshername for being late. Osvaldo says it was a great show, as always, and suggests they go out together to celebrate. The suddenly happy family all get in the elevator together.

Meanwhile, down in the barrio, Juanjo and Milagros debate the nature of love. Juanjo believes it shows up on it's own. Milagros says nah, you've gotta give it a push. You mean an "arrimadita" don’t'cha, ma? (a little "arrima," from "arrimar," "to pull up, to push," maybe he means, "a little shove"?…we debated this one and Mr. 5ft says he's making a motion like you do when you're in front of the goal trying to block a penalty kick and you're jockeying for position). Well, wouldn't he like a girlfriend to hang out with, have some fun, and then eventually marry her? Juanjo says with his mom being a "mandona" (from "mandar" to order; a woman who orders people around) why would he want another one? But ma's serious. Well, so is he. "You know I'm not into love." She warns him he'd better find himself a woman or she'll marry him off to the girl they passed in the street. Juanjo decides to go back to the firehouse or she'll try to marry him off to the next woman who walks by selling tamales. She gives him the wordiest blessing I've seen in a TN thus far…"Que la santa y bentida cruz baje del cielo subre de tu cuerpo se extienda de todo mal y peligro de una muerte repentina y violenta la santa cruz te defienda Amen." (May the holy and blessed Cross come down from heaven to extend itself over your body. From all evil and danger, from a sudden and violent death, the Holy Cross defend you.)

At dinner, the family chats. Victoria excuses herself, wishing she could tell them the truth and then maybe their lives would be different. But she doesn't dare. Bernarda and Juan Pablo destroyed her life and if she ever comes face to face with them…it's on!

Bernarda thanks God for making her dream a reality--having a priest for a son! Wow, that's…different. But whatever floats your evil boat. Tomasa comes in and Bernarda gives her the stink eye. Tomasa just thought Bernarda would like to set out a votive to give thanks for her son's return.

Bernarda flashes back to a fire. Someone in her flashback screams.

Bernarda beats her breast and chants "They deserved it, they deserved it, they deserved it for being traitors and I don't repent anything I did…nothing! If I were born again, I'd burn them alive again!" Omigosh…this woman is nuts! Don't the baddies usually wait until about halfway through to show off the extent of their insanitevil? Is Tomasa still in the room? Bernarda is now kneeling and addressing the cross, saying "Thank you for having given me the power to make justice in your name, with my own hand! If I have to fight evil with evil, I'll do it. I know you'll be with me always, always…for you, for you my lord…" She breaks into a rousing chorus of the Our Father as she thinks about the fire again.

Freakishly Leggy Daughter (I'll get her name eventually) points out to Victoria that every time she does one of these gigs for the orphans she gets all moody after. Wow! Legs AND brains! Vic says this is a time for celebration, not having actual meaningful family conversations that lead to greater connection and deeper relationships. So let's all raise our glasses to celebrate your dad's new project that I'm pretending to be glad about, except that…wait a minute, I actually AM glad because I just realized while he's in Spain I can fully indulge my workaholic tendencies without him making puppy dog eyes at me for ignoring him…hmmm…note to self: hire an assistant to do nothing but send sexts to Osvaldo on my behalf while he's in Spain. Or not. FLD's like "Wow, y'all work hard!" Osvaldo says the paper (he makes the international hand gesture for moolah) calls to him. Max excuses himself, saying he also has another project. FLD jokes to Mama Vic that it's a "skirt" kind of project. Max says goodbye and tells his sister to behave…"But call me if you don't!" Ja, ja, ja. She claims to always behave. Mama Vic wishes that Max would find a nice girl and "sentar cabeza" at last (literally, seat his head; i.e., get his head on straight, settle down). She toasts to Osvaldo's project again.

"Me hiciste tuya con engaños!" (You made me yours by deceiving me [and we all know what she means by "made me yours".) It's Bernarda, sweating in her $500 black satin PJ's from, where their motto is "If no one can tell just by looking at you that you are 100% pure EVIL…it's not our clothes, they're just tragically stupid," and also offering a free "Classic Tortures of the Inquisition" 2011 wall calendar with every $200 purchase during the month of January. And that was all totally a joke, but I just went to see if there really is an "" and it says "coming soon." I'm leaving this in to see if they ever find it and try to sue me for ruining their good name…or want to steal my motto and promotional scheme. Whichever. Sorry, I'm easily distracted tonight. "And now I discover that I'm pregnant, you tell me you're married and you have a child. Damn you!" Flashback!Bernarda slaps her impregnator. Next we see her uncapping a jug of something flammable, splashing it all over the outside of a house, and lighting a match. As an adult male attempts to save his wife and child inside the burning house, Bernarda stands outside, smiling and caressing her belly. Ah, evil and hypocrisy. It's like chocolate and peanut butter, only less tasty.

Victoria and Osvaldo get home. Ossy tells Vic the story of how he got the job, adding that Alvaro wasn't even upset about it! Vic says that's what a good friend is--someone who rejoices in their friends' good fortune. Tragically. Stupid. But then again so is Alvaro for taking a friend to an audition. I figure he did it cause he knew deep down what would happen and he wanted one more reason to hate his "friend."

Alvaro is sketching as a blondish woman in a toga asks him why he took Osvaldo to the audition in the first place. "It's all a question of karma. When something does something you don't like, life sooner or later takes care of evening the balance." He brings a glass of wine over to her, then starts dipping a paintbrush in a bowl of honey. "But I didn't invite you here to talk about Osvaldo. Much less to talk." He does the expected with the brush and the honey and maybe I'm supposed to find it hot, but I don't. More food is molested as the scene continues.

Mujeres Asesinas 3…the third time hurts the worst! Woo hoo! Who's with me?!

Bernarda's flashback continues: "I love you so much that even though the child you're expecting isn't mine, I'll love him as if he was. I'll give him my name." That was Bernie's currently dead hubby. In a later flashback he says that he's going to go to the seminary to find out if Juan Pablo really did knock up the maid. She forbids him from destroying JP's "spiritual peace," especially since he's not JP's "real" dad. Well, JP loves him as if he was…so isn't it time for her to come down off her cloud? "We both know why you were so determined for him to be a priest…to wash away your guilt!" Bernarda wakes up and says she doesn't have any guilt or regrets, because all she did was justice, in the name of God (To: Bernarda, From: God, re: This whole justice/vengeance/whateveryouwanttocallit thing…LEAVE ME THE HELL OUT OF IT, YOU WACK JOB! Seriously.) "After my revenge against Victoria, I never saw her again…but if I ever saw her again, I'd be capable of killing her without feeling any pain or pity for that slut!" Really! This is just too much…my hat is off to Daniela Romo for delivering these lines without cracking up laughing. Madam, I aspire to your greatness!

The slut in question finishes getting ready for bed. Osvaldo says he never tires of looking at her. She's so beautiful! He loves her more every day. Vic says she loves him too. Osvaldo says their problems are because he just needs her near him all the time. Victoria says nothing will make her leave his side. He carries her to bed and she laughs.

Max, meanwhile is attacked by Luci and her spiked heels. She's had too much to drink and he wants to take her home…she'd rather go to his place. Max doesn't want to take advantage of her in her drunken state. He suggests they do this another time. The lovely Luci calls him "aguado" (watered-down, dull) and says it's no wonder he doesn't have a girlfriend. She walks off and Max says he won't until he finds the woman of his dreams…

Max and Maria think of each other while their theme song plays again. Oh, hell, just keep playing that damn song and I won't care what else is going on.

Maria laughs at herself for thinking of him when she'll probably never see him again.

Max drives around thinking of Maria. He can't take it any more and says he's got to see her right now! He drives over to the orphanage, but hesitates before ringing the bell.

Maria is in her room, turning down her bed.

Max smiles and says "hello"…is he practicing?

"Good evening…Is that girl home? The one with black hair…you know the one? Really pretty, with these eyes and an incredible look…she's like…." He stops talking and we see he's talking to himself. He decides it's better if he leaves…"Puede que salga una monja enojada y me crucifique!" (It might be that an angry nun comes out and crucifies me!) Ah, William…you had me at monja enojada. He gets in his little green plastic car and calls himself crazy.

Maria hears him revving his engine and goes to the window. She thought bubbles that the car had been stopped at the door of the convent. She wonders who it could be at that hour…"Quien?" (Who)

Milagros, complete with traditional costume, comes into her bedroom singing. Okay, we're 30-ish minutes into the show and I've been at it for close to 2 hours! In my defense, it's because of fabulous scenes like this, where I cannot resist going into detail about everything people are saying, doing, wearing, and/or decorating with! Okay, first off, she's singing "Guadalajara Guadalajara" which is a traditional mariachi song, "Tienes el alma de provinciana, hueles a limpia rosa temprana," (You have the soul of a country girl, you smell like a clean early rose)…then, as she admires herself in the mirror, she says when Napo sees her he's going to fall at her feet! Especially since the bicentennial just passed…"We're all full of love for Mexico!" Despite the ill-wishes of all those "malandrines" (bad people; jerks). They can't keep us from loving Mexico the way we do! She goes into chipmunk mode as she dances around. Oh, Don Napo, she will not rest until she has her way with you! Milagros has her Chivas bedspread on the bed, a picture of a santo over it, a Star of David on the wall, belly dancing coin skirts draped over the furniture, a Ganesh tapestry over her dresser, a Buddha sitting on top of it, and she's wearing a pentacle necklace. Mr. 5ft observes that she's not a very good Catholic. Well, but, you see, she's a bruja, and brujas don't think there's a conflict with being Catholic and incorporating other practices in their spiritual work. If Ganesh is getting the job done, what's the problem? And when I say "bruja" I don't mean witch as in "I want to say 'bitch' but I think it's more polite" or as in "practitioner of Wicca" or as in "female pagan who chooses the label," I mean "woman who considers herself a good Catholic, but who incorporates indigenous and also possibly Eastern, European, or any other spiritual figures or practices in order to get the job done"…that job being limpias (cleansing rituals) like we saw her doing to get rid of the evil eye for the taco lady, or blessings, or all manner of stuff that takes care of the spiritual needs of the community, as distinct from their religious needs, which are taken care of by the priests and the Church. Which is not something we have a word for in English. So whether or not she's a "good" Catholic is entirely in the eye of the beholder. And this is why I've been at this recap for so long.

Don Napo and Juanjo have some coffee. The waitress is giving Juanjo the eye, but since Milagros is pushing him to get himself hitched, it makes him even less interested. Napo says Milagros thinks love and happiness go together, but he thinks he's perfectly happy being single, and the farther away the women stay, the better! They make the usual tired homophobic jokes about what Don Napo just said and establish that yes, he is a proper manly woman-loving man, and Juanjo better show some respect in deference to his age.

Bernarda has turned on the lights in her bedroom. She says JP will never find out how things really happened. Flashback. Dead husband is packing his bags and Bernarda accuses him of wanting to go tell a lie to JP. "Fine, if I can't stop you, at least take your blood pressure medication." She pours the entire bottle into a glass of water and hands it to him. Of course he drinks it. He stumbles, or tries to, out of the house with his suitcase. She coldly watches him struggling and gasping, asking for help and even pushes him down the short flight of stairs away from her…does this count as a death by escalera? He probably didn't die from the fall itself, so I think this one goes in the poisoning column. She sits on the stairs, looks dispassionately at his body and says "You're dead. I warned you, but you didn't want to listen to me." Then she gets up and starts the show "Octavio! What happened! Tomasa, come quick! Oh no, he's dead…don't leave me, don't leave me!" A slow-mo glycerine tear of puro dolor that we all know is puro FAKE rolls down her cheek. She raises her hands to heaven and begs God to take pity on her. "Octavio, Octavio!" Back in the present, Bernarda takes out a picture of them on their wedding day, then smashes it on the floor. She picks up a rosary. "Lord. I only kept an injustice from happening. And that's why I acted in your name, fighting evil with evil as always. I didn't commit any fault. On the contrary. Victoria was guilty of all of it, which is why I took charge of punishing her like she deserved." Oh, Daniela Romo, may you entertain us all with these fabulous performances for as long as you can stand it!

Speaking of punishing…Osvaldo is flogging away at Victoria with snuggles and smoochies.

Down in the kitchen, Bernarda picks up a HUGE knife, knocks over the cutlery on the table, then starts picking it up when she hears JP calling for her. She tells him she had a nightmare. He offers her warm milk or some tea and she asks him to fix her a tea…"You know I'm afraid to turn on the stove." She tells him there was an incident when she was little and that's why she can't stand to be close to fire. She laughs off his suggestion to talk and jumps back from him as he lights a match. "Sorry, mom. I'm sure you're worried about something serious. Do you want to make confession to me?" She flashes back to Tomasa giving Victoria all her savings. She comes into the kitchen and tells Victoria that she talked to JP and he denied it, saying that nothing ever happened, even though Victoria threw herself at him all the time. Damnit, Victoria, and you believed her? "You see? He doesn't care about you or that child you're expecting. You don't believe it? Fine, I'll call him and you can hear it for yourself." Spineless Victoria says no. Bernarda says that's good, it will save JP the trouble of telling Victoria himself to leave the house and quit defaming him. That means Bernarda will get to do it herself. Goody! "Get out right now! I never want to see you again!" Present JP repeats his offer of confession. "No! I don't have anything to confess, just for a simple nightmare! Good night." She leaves a confused JP in the kitchen.

All the little orphanettes, plus the Madre Superior and the other nun sneak into Maria's room in shiny foil hats (except for the nuns) and a cake with a lit candle. Mr. 5ft: "Oh, they're getting ready to kick her out, huh?" That man cracks me up! He's seen enough of these to know that when you have an orphaned protagonista, she will start out at 17, turn 18 during the course of the show, and have to leave the orphanage. Only in this case, shouldn't she be 18 going on 19? They sing her Las Mañanitas as she wakes up looking way too cheerful and pretty for first thing in the morning.

Max swears to his work buddy that this time…THIS TIME…he has found the woman of his dreams. And he wants them to go over to the orphanage at lunchtime so he can show her off to his buddy.

The orphanettes send up a cheer for "Maria Desamparada" (and seriously, you couldn't have just called her "Martinez" or "De Dios" or "De Los Santos" or "De Jesus" or anything that isn't going to set up a self-fulfilling prophecy until the last week of the show?) and throw confetti. She blows out her candle. Any guesses what she wished for?

Victoria gives the maid some laundry to do. She finds the wallet that Ossy picked up yesterday.

The orphanettes chant for Maria to take a "mordida, mordida, mordida" (bite) and she obliges with a minimum of frosting ending up on her face. Because waking up looking perfect isn't enough? Then they move on to "que lo abra" (open it!) as she unwraps a very cartoonish Virgen de Guadalupe statue. There's lots of silly string and cheering in slow-mo.

Madre Superior prays to the lord to protect Maria. The young lady in question is ushered into her office. "You know the rules of this orphanage, which stipulate that when an orphan gets to be your age, and we can't mention what that age is because then all the viewers will say 'What? It's supposed to be 18? Who waits until 19 to kick out orphans?', she has to leave this house and confront the world and show that all we have taught her will allow her to live a moral and productive life. For you, that day has come. The foundation gives us a small sum for the girls who are leaving, for them to live off of while they find a job and a place to live." Not a lot of money, but enough to live off "for a while." The other nun tells Maria the doors are always open to her. Maria says she'll never forget everything they've done. The other nun says they'll never forget the day they found her, wandering the streets alone when she was little. The only thing she could say was her name, Maria. They baptized her as "Maria Desamparada." She grew up in the orphanage in Guadalajara until they conveniently moved the orphanage and all its inhabitants to DF so that she could meet the love of her life and have several months' worth of misadventures until finally when the viewers can hardly stand it, she marries her Prince Charming and rides off into the sunset. And I love the way they're telling her all this as if she just woke up that morning without a clue. Maria says she'll never understand why her parents abandoned her (to give us a plot for this show, of course.)

Osvaldo kisses Victoria goodbye as he goes off to work. He tells her the wallet belongs to the girl she chewed out yesterday. It fell in the elevator and he was planning to give it back to her. Victoria gets quiet. Osvaldo says she's never gotten jealous when he has to do love scenes, so why is she suddenly jealous of this girl? Vic says she doesn't know, but she's not going to let it get the better of her. She's going to take the wallet back to the girl and apologize for her behavior. Then she leaves the wallet on the dresser, picks up her coat and handbag, and leaves. They wish each other a good day. Osvaldo picks up the wallet and chuckles.

Maria is still saying her goodbyes when she realizes she lost her wallet. They think she must have left it at the hotel. MS also realizes that they never talked about why Maria never talked to Victoria about being a model. "Um…she was really busy, that's all." MS thinks that Vic will want to take Maria on as a model because she's sure that Vic really liked her.

At the church, Victoria cries to the Virgen that she was hit and she lost her daughter over 20 years ago…wait, wouldn't that mean Maria is maybe 21 or 22? What exactly was it that happened 20 years ago, cause it can't all have happened at exactly the same time? "Where could my daughter be? What could have become of her?" She begs for the miracle she's been asking for all these years…to see her daughter again, to hear her daughter call her "Mom." Padre JP hears her cries and wants to go talk to her, but Bernarda wants to talk to him ASAP. She sneers when he says he wants to see what's wrong with that woman over there. "I'm your mother. My needs are more important than anyone else's." He reminds her he owes himself to God and people in general…not certain specific ones above others. He says he'll go talk to the woman and then he'll talk to her after. She starts to follow him, but is stopped when a woman approaches with candles. Heh. She starts up her internal chant of "I regret nothing."

Padre JP comes closer to Victoria until they face each other and the music of "You!" plays. "Yeah, it's me, the Victoria you knew all those years ago!"

William Levy in a kayak.

Tomorrow: JP was a coward; Max goes looking for Maria.


La Verdad Oculta #077: Adolfo don't need no steenking cuff link now -- and Susana, The English Patient

David is up in his wheelchair and raring to go get Adolfo's signature on the end contract while the iron is hot. In Mario's office, David gently tells his mamá that she has the car, driver and bank account at her disposal now that she is mistress of the house along with Gabriela.

After Dora exits David informs Santiago that David, with power of attorney, will sign the end contract, avoiding Santiago forging Mario's signature. Santiago takes a call from Leonardo, who mysteriously plans to meet him at Mario's the next day for questioning.

In Puerto Vallarta, Mauricio is just asking Garnica's whereabouts of Zaida, when she takes a call from Adolfo who cautions her she sounds upset and must buck up or look suspicious. Since Juan José is returning to the D.F., Adolfo allows Zaida to come home, too.

Juan José is astounded to hear on the phone from Asunción they learned the chopper belonged to Garnica, and he relates Garnica maintains he just sold it. Then still upset Zaida appears there also, bidding Juan José goodbye after claiming to not locate Garnica. Juan José even asks Zaida if she needs a doctor.

Back in the D.F., Adolfo takes Carlos's trefoil ring to his favorite semi-legit jeweler to have it copied; it doesn't have to pass expert muster, though, because no expert will look at it, he claims. From the Sagittarius, Carlos thrills Bertha again over the phone in her bedroom with some sexy murmurs.

When she admits she really was surprised at him, he coolly explains that's what happens with an expert in charge. And when this makes her laugh and threaten to rush over there, he's more than willing. She observes Adolfo will fire him from the Sagittarius again, but Carlos is gallantly prepared to lose the entire zodiac for her, he says.

Downstairs in the condo some moments later, Bertha makes a visiting friend green with envy regaling her with Bertha's good fortune, her sugar daddy, her expensive car -- and guess what? The son, Carlos, just made a play for her! What a mess that could be, but a delicious mess.

Back in Puerto Vallarta, Juan José and Alejandra are just poking around Garnica's room, finding his open briefcase, when they jump at the maid's entrance and decide instead to tell the police about it. Back at home, Asunción lets a social worker, Ofelia Cantú, into the house to talk about adopting Caramelo.

And it's very bad news; the two men aren't sufficient legal parents, and social services is going to take Caramelo away. While the woman is still there, Asunción terrifies Juan José on the phone, with her explaining the legal documents they need -- especially proof they are not ex-convicts!

Juan José hangs up, absolutely thunderstruck, so that Alejandra can't calm him down. More than ever he realizes the crushing need to find that letter! He must prove his innocence now -- in order not to lose Caramelo!

Back at Mario's, David asks Gabriela to get Leonardo to accompany them to the end-contract signing; they don't have the cuff link to threaten Adolfo with any more. He doesn't know that, they say, but hopefully the policeman's presence will unnerve him enough to sign before he realizes it.

When Julieta arrives, Abelardo insists Dora not handle servant's duties any more and goes to let her in. Today Julieta remembers where she left her keys before the robbery and dismays Gabriela with news that it was at Roberto's. Santiago is really upset to hear this development from Gabriela over the phone.

At Leonardo's he has his sling off, though his arm is still stiff. When Paula asks why he's looking so happy, he explains his arm is better, he can go back to work, he loves her a lot -- and for something that he can't tell her about. Leonardo has to tickle Paula into submission to stop her wheedling the secret out of him.

In a D.F. hospital, two doctors discuss a mysterious comatose patient, of whom no one has asked nor did they find any information: only a pair of shoes, clothing and a picture of an unidentified woman. If she doesn't awaken soon, it may mean brain damage, they say.

At home at the condo, Adolfo feels downright jolly as he relates developments to Yolanda. In fact, if things go well, he may return Carlos's ring to him, he says, making Yolanda very happy. She's about to rhapsodize into a sentimental father-and-son scenario, when that's going too far for Adolfo; and he steps on that.

Adolfo charges Yolanda with finding Susana by going by Mario's and talking to Gabriela about their former maid. They have to find the shoes and photograph! In Puerto Vallarta, Elsa almost makes Caramelo throw out the famous letter with the trash; but Caramelo gets to keep it because Chicles gave it to her.

In Mario's office, Santiago informs David that Julieta lost her keys in Roberto's condo; and they deduce what happened and decide to contact Roberto. It's crucial Roberto doesn't tell Adolfo he suspects someone is posing as Mario. They just have to make it to the signing first.

Juan José & Co. return home from the beach in a flourish; and Alejandra assures Asunción and Juan José that a Mr. Alonso she knows, a family practice lawyer, can help them. In their absence, Asuncion brought Chicle's mother to the house to work for them; and she is very grateful for all they do for him.

Meanwhile across the way, Julieta and Gabriela up in her suite put their heads together and note a load of inconsistencies in their understanding of the family incidents -- and are determined to make Santiago come clean and spill everything.

Back at Juan José's, when Mina explains further how she discovered Garnica's helicopter through a very helpful import company contact, she becomes flushed and flustered, as he plants two big grateful kisses on her face. After her hasty escape, Juan José tells Asunción he intends to inform Leonardo about the chopper.

Napping David dreams a sweet story, inspired by his beautiful wife's intelligence and determination, where she is so capable that she can even make him rise from his wheel chair and dance with her. In an ethereal violet haze, David romances her through the steps -- before awakening to smiling Gabriela, full of questions about her hotel business studies for her own personal professor.

Later alone in Mario's bedroom, David is just hanging up after leaving a message on Roberto's voice mail, when "Mario" enters through the tunnel door. David declares he thinks Santiago should tell the girls everything; and if he doesn't, he says, horrifying Santiago -- David will tell them himself!


Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Mujeres Asesinas 3

Is anyone else planning on watching? I did recaps for season 2 and I'd like to continue for season 3. Would anyone else like to join me? I don't know how many episodes to expect, but maybe we could split it up by week number? Or if you have a particular actress whose episode you want to do? Let's talk it out before the blood starts flowing!


Llena de Amor #101 (Mex. 106) Wed 1/5/11 Surly Girls 'R Us

Okay. Another evening spent with bitchy, jealous, unfaithful, moronic, devious females. And that's just counting MariVicky, Ilitia, Consuelita, Kristel and Fedra. Then there's Gretel, still disguised as a swish Spanish journalist, lusting plaintively after Oliver. And good sweet put upon Muñeca, who has another child to raise, thanks to her husband's couch casting. I'm way past the PMS stage in life, but the hormones were hanging heavy tonight, let me tell you. Here are some of the surly female storms we passed through this evening.

First, a replay of last night's passionate kiss.

Yes, Emanuel taunts Vicky until she loses control and grabs him herself for some heavy duty lip massage. Looked pretty hot to me, but he dismisses it as "iceberg" kisses and reminds her he's a married man and will not permit himself to be sexually assaulted like that again. So control yourself Vicky! She gnashes her teeth in fury and frustration after he leaves. Well played, Eman!

And yeah, speaking of sex, we find ourselves at the boarding house where a shocked Ilitia learns that the little demon Christian is actually her half brother. Muñeca wonders why the shock though. It's not as if it's the first time. Ilitia resents Mom exposing her private life. But Brandon points out that everybody in the boarding house knew about it anyway. He and his mom were the witnesses when Begoña went to have Christian's birth registered.

And the scene switches to the man himself. Lorenzo, looking much the worse for wear, is knocking back the drinks and remembering Begoña's taunts about him losing the love and respect of his wife and daughter when they find out.
And assuring him he will never have the love of his own son either. He's so deep in his cups and bitter memories, he sees Begoña's face in place of a puzzled Flor who has come to see how he is. But he comforts himself with the bromide that Begoña's death was her own fault. Why couldn't she have been nicer about everything?

Vicky goes back to redo the super lame blue jeans commercial but wants Emanuel to stay around to give input. He declines but says he will see her later. Dum de dum dum.

Back at the boarding house, lots of cooing and fussing over Christian (except from Ilitia who looks like she smells something bad). And lots of sighing over Begoña when they find out she's dead. Well, actually no one seemed especially disturbed by her death. They plowed right on into what a great parent Muñeca would be for the little tyke. More fish eye from Ilitia. Actually the combination of pozole ("pozo-qué!?) and the news she has a pesky little brother has thrown our fresa for a loop. Worse yet, she finds herself sitting down at the dinner table with all these nacos, including Delicia. Not bearable. Not for our Top Model. Lots more growing up to do before she's ready for that. After exiting the table, with Brandon hot on her heels, she digs out her purse, drops the sexual problem psychiatrist's card (shades of Dinero!) and guess who picks it up. Yep, our sexy policeman Brandon. Who wants to know why her husband doesn't make her feel like a woman. She tells him to butt out. He tells her he's butting in. So deal with it. Stalemate. For now.

And speaking of sexual problems. Oliver thinks he has the answer to Manolo's. He's going to fix him up with a guy who could respond to Manny's affections. Our little pollito tells him it's no good. And besides, he'd rather help Oliver. Placing a hand on his knee (and getting it quickly swatted off) he tries to comfort Oliver by proposing that maybe Gretel truly loved him but was forced by her wicked mother to reject him. Nope. Oliver asked. And she said no. Well, Manolo's going to get to the bottom of this. Palabra de hombre. Gallo. "Será gallina" quips Oliver. But he's game.

Back to the games at the agency. The second pathetic jeans sequence has been filmed. Everybody's exultant, chortling that it's much better than the first "tomo" (take) and even snotty Emanuel allows as how it's now up to the agency's standards. Vicky's ready to go home. But wait. Now he fires her. In front of the whole blue jeans cast. Very poor management technique no!? She's argumentative, impossible to get along with. Maybe if she had a personal life she'd be better. But she doesn't So out! We'll send you your severance check. Lots of shocked faces including Vicky's. She stomps off vowing that he won't "salir con la suya" (get his way). And that's probably true, given that he wields only moderate clout in the agency. Papa Emiliano is the head honcho after all.

Conflicts a-plenty back at the boarding house as well. Consuelo has picked up on the potent sexual chemistry between Ilitia and Brandon and is fighting mad. Oh, ya think Ilitia likes me? queries Brandon hopefully. I'm not about to be your Doctora Corazón she snaps. Even though we have a "free" (she says it in English) relationship with no commitments, that's asking too much. Mama Gladiola interrupts and wants to know just what in the Sam Hill is going on. They try to weasel out of it. More later.

Ilitia has stormed back to the ugly white concrete mansion the Ruiz y de Teresas call "home". She's fed up with naco food and naco folks. And even more fed up with having a younger half...or make that quarter-brother. Ya mean that adorable little kid your mom brought to the wedding? gushes Kristel. Oooooh he was soooooo cute. And heck, Kristel understands. Ilitia's dad is a hunk. Lots of women after him. Begoña probably just got pregnant to get him away from Muñeca. Well no problem. Begoña's dead. reaction. Well, your mom's a great mother. So charitable. Like she's a soul sister of Mother Teresa, ya know. Mother Teresa's dead too, snaps Ilitia. Kristel processes this new information with some difficulty but then segues to the real issue. SHE needs support too. Top Model type support. Because Mauricio doesn't want to marry her. And gets very riled up when Ilitia takes the stance of No Boda. Good Riddance. NOT! says Kristel. She's like some little rodent. Has her eye on a piece of rotten cheese and nothing, absolutely nothing will keep her from going after it. Ay, pobrecita!

Gladiola's still giving our guilty pair, Consuelo and ,the third degree. Their spat sure sounded like the kind of fights Glad used to have with Brandon's dad. So whassup? This line of questioning gets short-circuited by a tearful Vicky arriving home to say she's been canned. Good news for Consuelo. She helpfully points out that Vicky will have to move now that she's got no money. Alas, Vicky is "the guest" of Netty. So Consuelita can't eliminate this particular rival for Brandon's affections. Now Netty and Emiliano arrive. He's informed of Eman's dastardly action and promises to rectify it. Vicky's none too gracious response is that she won't allow herself to be humiliated like Fedra and Eman did to Mari. For someone who's described as "educada" (well-raised, well-reared) she's giving a very surly performance. Sounds like the Forgiveness Nazis need to work on her some more.

Ilitia and Kristel are continuing their surly spat as well when Head Surly Girl Fedra arrives. She agrees with Ilitia, of course. Kristel would be much better off without that "bestia". So Kristel brings up Lorenzo. And swishes off. And Ilitia grills Fedra about what she has going with her dad. Fedra, our accomplished pathological liar, dismisses the whole thing. Surely Ilitia isn't going to imagine goings-on like her mother does. She and Lorenzo are Just Friends. But good heavens! you mean to say that Lorenzo has another illegitimate child, IN ADDITION TO YOU ILITIA! Wow...he did that to Muñeca AGAIN!? And with that dagger thrust, she smiles and heads off to bed.

Next day at breakfast, Fedra's in fine form, waggling a strawberry around on her fork while gloating over the latest Lorenzo scandal. And God forbid that Emiliano should ever do something to make her the subject of gossip! She would kill him! (Alright, we're remembering the photo of Emi and Netty kissing in the restaurant, even if he isn't. Clearly there are more storms to come.) While a beleaguered Paula serves breakfast (too slow for Ms. Fedra) Ilitia wonders where Eman is. Not up yet? And behold! in he bounces, fresh from exercise. But Emiliano is confused. And worried. What do you mean, you don't know if he's up! Aren't you sleeping together? Stay out of my business dad. But dad won't. And neither will Mom. Ilitia, I've told you, if you don't start functioning like a wife for my son..., she threatens.

So Eman and Ilitia aren't sleeping together. But Oliver and Manolo are. Our two sleepy fellas are slouched together in snuggly police chairs, heads lolling, shoulders rubbing, snoozing away when the Comisario arrives.
As always, he's tolerant, open-minded, yada yada, but wake up! Get going! He's just gotten a tip-off ("pitazo") concerning some stolen merchandise and they have to be on it. Now! Manolo wants to go too. Oliver wants him to stay here in a safe place. Comisario thinks it's good that a journalist tags along. These thugs are more scared of a camera than a pistol. And with that lame and far-fetched justification, we have Oliver and Gretelman off on another excellent police adventure.

Well, get ready for another tip-off. Vicky wants Delicia to get back in the Ruiz household so she can keep an eye on what Fedra and Eman are up to. Delicia defends Emanuel. No way could he have poisoned those chocolates. He truly loved Marianela. And what's more, there's ñaiñai (nothing) going on, bedroom-wise, with him and his wife. Separate chambers for our newlyweds. Whaddya think of that. Surly girl looks thoughtful.

More acrimony at the mansion breakfast table. Ilitia's complaining about the lack of privacy. No wonder her marriage isn't working! Kristel, with a sidelong look at Fedra, assures her that one can get up to a lot of hanky-panky in this house. You just have to know how to fake it....right, ma? Eman's still telling Dad to stay out of his business and Emiliano is taking son to task, reminding him that there's a director's meeting this morning and he'd better be there, rather than spending the day squiring around his wife. Take that!

No sweetness and light in the kitchen either. Paula's dragging her ass and Nereida's not having it. She's the housekeeper after all. And SHE gives the orders. After 40 years in this household, the only one who tells me what to do is Fedra, snaps Paula. And drops a plate full of food on the floor. And Fedra would want YOU to clean that up, Nereida. Unless of course, you want to bring Delicia back to help. Hmmm. Looks like our De's stay in the boarding house will be short-lived.

Our last scene before ads is Vicky on the phone to Almudena where she learns Emanuel called to find out if Marianela had gotten her inheritance. Will this help his case or hurt it? Don't know... but Vicky looks thoughtful again.

After the next set of ads, we've got Christian in full screech while a flustered frantic Lorenzo tries to interest him in the mountain of toys he's brought home from the store. Our little thespian is really into it, howling, wiping his nose on his sleeve and glaring at Lorenzo. Muñeca scoops the little fella up and Lorenzo worries about Fedra killing him now that the news of his blow-by is out. Guess that's the closest he can get to a guilty conscience.

Does Ilitia have one? Not sure. Flor's playing counselor, wanting our spoiled Top Model to support her mom now that she's dealing with Christian. No way. Bye. Ilitia's got her own problems with her marriage. That's job one. Well, no wonder you've got problems, with your character, blurts Flor. And then, remembering that kiss she saw between Ilitia and Brandon, suddenly crows...But that's it! The fight's about your romance with that policeman.

Whoops. Kristel enters. Overhears. And has new emotional blackmail material.

THAT policeman is currently being undressed by Consuelo. All part of her plan to get him into a freshly laundered, freshly pressed shirt. But she gets distracted looking at those sculptured pecs and chiseled biceps and starts to nuzzle all over, rather than dress. Not the ear, moans Brandon. Guess that's his point of no return. Fortunately Gladiola arrives and puts an end to this madness.

On the other hand, Kristel's just getting started. On the blackmail that is. So you've been getting it on with that naco policeman, she crows. No nookie in the marriage so you've got your dirty little fantasies going with that street cop. Well, you'd better go along with my plan to hook Mauricio then. 'Cause if you don't, I'll rat you out to my brother. And with that Top Model Threat, we end.

At the shareholder's meeting, Emiliano announces that Victoria de la Garza is now the legal representative of the board. Whatever that means.
And Emiliano has Vicky in a clinch and tells her she's not getting out of said clinch until she tells him the truth Well we DO know what that means....

ñaiñai = nothin'
salir con la suya = get your way (a frequent phrase in telenovelas)
pozole = soup consisting of pork, hominy, chiles, pork broth and usually garnished with radishes, chopped cabbage , limes and lemons, cilantro and fried corn tortillas
etc. "Naco food" as opposed to the high-falutin' stuff Ilitia eats
dimes y diretes = gossip, palaver,
pitazo = tip-off
meter la pata = to put one's foot in it (what Almudena feared she had done talking to Emanuel)
peluso = street kid, urchin, naco (Kristel, talking about Brandon)
andas de zorro = acting like a slut (Kristel accusing Ilitia of romancing Brandon)
huele a pobre = smells of poverty (Kristel about Brandon)
tomo = take, as in a scene
gallo = cock (as in rooster)
gallina = feminine version, as in Gretelman

Dicho of the Day

Su una vela se te apaga, otra te queda encendida. (lit. if one candle goes out, another one is still lit).
Fig. If one thing doesn't work, you can always try something else.
Kristel's philosophy as she tries various blackmail maneuvers to get support for her desired marriage to Mauricio


La Fea Más Bella #155-156 1/5/11 Four cookies crumble: a smart cookie, a tough cookie, a fortune cookie, and a cookie monster

Capitulo 155.
Read Amanda’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Luigi works Irmita to exhaustion and she faints. He cries and begs her to be okay. He reacts as if it were his own mother, and he knows he pushed her too hard.

2. Fern is getting very drunk at his desk. He tells Omar that Tom asked Lety out, and she is almost dying from emotion. (Boy howdy!) He says she can do what she wants, but he’s going to sit right here until she gives him that balance.

3. Fern kicks in Lety’s door. See the transcript. He tells her she’s driving him crazy, and she’s not leaving until they finish the balance. He says he’s the new Fernando she has created. He forces a kiss and she yields (what a kiss!), but Caro comes in and sees them and then leaves quickly.

4. Lety finds Caro with the crowd attending Irmita. She fantasizes that in front of everyone, Caro rebukes her for kissing her boss, expressing her worry that Caro will tell Marcia what she saw considering that they’re good friends. Caro assures her, “I know nossing!” and she agrees that Lety needs to get away. Caro asks if Lety’s novio is waiting for her, and Lety says intensely, “I don’t have a novio.”

5. Omar warns Fernando to control his emotions or he’s headed for disaster. Omar says (loosely), “I don’t know if you’re lying to yourself or only to me, but we both know that what’s upsetting you is not the balance but what Lety is doing with Tom. It desarreglar (to disrupt, to mess up as hair) your life. You need to fight against your feelings. The meeting is almost here, and I don’t want my president in sentimental chaos.”

6. Ariel’s toady Olarte reports that the owner of FI is Leticia.

7. Lety tells Tom, “Game over.” See the transcript. She says she’ll be gone by this weekend, and Tom needs to break up with Alicia before the committee meeting as well.

8. Fernando ask Lety’s chair (loosely), “Why do you want to destroy my life? I wrote that I’m willing to cancel the wedding for you and you don’t care. You won’t even tell me what’s wrong. Thanks for everything.”

Capitulo 156.
Read k-Fuego’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Lety goes to visit Irma who is on bed rest. Fernando calls to check on Irma, but his main focus is finding out that Lety is there with Tomás. Tom mourns his loss of Alicia.

2. Fernando pulls up to his parents’ house, and he feels like he’s going to the executioner, between Marcia’s talk about her wedding and his parents’ relentless questions about the company. He concludes, “I don’t want to be here. I’m going to where I do want to be.”

3. At Irmita’s, Fern and Tom give each other the stink-eye. He has no patience for Marcia’s call. Lety gets into her car, but Fernando drags her into his car instead, and he says (loosely), “We’re going someplace so we can talk calmly and alone. Stop this game. You love me, right? You love me like I love you. So leave this guy and come with me. I’m dying over you. I love you.” Tom yells at Fern to leave her alone.

4. Fern screams at Tom that he’s a criminal and he’s exploiting Lety. Tom protests that the money they spent is from the profits they earned. Fernando says, “Fine. Keep the money. But not Lety. Leave her for me.” Tom refuses. He takes off his glasses and starts swinging wildly at Fernando, but Fern easily weaves out of his way, but then Tom connects with a punch to the face. Fern says, “You asked for it,” and gives Tom a solid roundhouse in the face. Once he starts, he can’t stop. Two more roundhouses until Tom slumps to the ground.

5. The sight of Tom’s bloodied face shocks Fernando. He tells Lety, “I love you. I love you and I’m going crazy.” Tom comes back for more. The cuartel hears the noise and comes out into the street. Lety pulls Tom off and Saimon tries to pull Fern off. Fern grabs Tom and screams, “Neither you nor anyone else is going to take Lety from me.” He winds up but Saimon grabs his arm. Fern throws Saimon to the ground and screams at him to not interfere. Lety steps up, screams “Quiete!” and slaps Fern hard, while all the cuartel watches.

6. Driving home, Lety tells Tom it wasn’t jealousy, it was fear for his company. He only wants her so she’ll doctor the balance. She says, “I’ll never forgive him.”

7. Fernando sits on the curb outside Irmita’s with his flask and says, “What have I done? My jealousy is killing me.” He tells Marcia that he’s going home and not going to his parents’ house. He yells at her, “Dejame en paz!”

Spanish Lesson

In the Cave.
F: Did you finish the balance yet?
L: No, I’ll finish it tomorrow.
F: Tomorrow? Since we have sooo much time, right? No, that won’t work. You have to finish it, right here, right now.
L: Perdon. They’ve already come for me. They’re waiting.
F: Ha! They came for you? How nice. You’d prefer to leave with him than finish your work?
L: I’m very tired. I want to leave.
F: No, you’re not tired. What you want is to torment me, to make me crazy.
L: You’re mistaken. Good night. (She tries to leave. He blocks her path.)
F: No, don’t leave. No, because I’m getting tired of this situation. And sick of it. You’re going to stay here with me. Together we’re going to finish the balance.
L: Someone will find out. (He kisses her forehead and she tries to push him away.)
F: What do I care if they find out? You want to provoke that, don’t you? You want something terrible to happen here, don’t you? Because that’s what’s happening. You want to drive me crazy? Perfect. This is the new Fernando, the one you created. Who can yell if he feels like it. Who can kiss you if he feels like it. Who can do what he wants with you.
He tries to kiss her. She says no and tries to push him away, but he overpowers her and kisses her. Carolina walks in and sees them, and she leaves. Lety saw Caro, but she goes back to kissing Fernando. What a kiss! When he shoots his arm behind her back it just floors me.

Lety and Tom in the Car.
L: It’s over. Se acabó. I’m not going to continue this absurd game tormenting Fern because the one who loses is me. I don’t even know what I’m doing. Someone important in Conceptos found out that there’s something between Fernando and me. Everything is exploding. I’m killing him and I’m killing myself. I gain nothing, trying to cause jealousy in a man who doesn’t love me. (Painfully.) I’m making him crazy. He’ll do anything to get the fake balance. He swears he loves me. He promises he’ll cancel the wedding. He follows me. Today he kissed me in the office. As much as I try to reject him, I just can’t. I can’t resist him. All I’m doing is making myself look ridiculous. I’ve lost my way. Everything I’m doing to torment him is ridiculous and stupid. I’m not the same Lety I was before. I feel like an aggressive woman. Like a clown. Without my compass. A low class atrevida (bold in a bad way) nutcase. Now I know I was wrong to buy this car. To spend a wad like that in a luxury restaurant. We’re not like that, Tomás. We’re making ourselves rediculous.
T: I’m secure in this. I don’t feel ridiculous.
L: Sí, Tomás. I’m playing games with Fernando, the families, the companies. You’re playing a millionaire with that woman. But the worst thing is, they are all laughing at us. I’m sure she’s laughing at you. Enjoy your dream while you can. It’ll be done by the weekend. I’m not going to be here for the wedding. And by then you need to be out of her life.


Triunfo del Amor #2 1/4/11 Osvaldo's Hot. Alvaro's Not. Max is Hot. Alvaro's Still Not.

Hello, Caraymates! It’s been awhile since I’ve been here, and William Levy's my weakeness so I may say very mushy things, but here goes:

From yesterday: Bernarda demands to know the father of Victoria’s child and is impactada when Vicky says Juan Pablo is her baby daddy. Flashback over.

WOOT WOOT! Next we see the gorgeous, hot, beautiful, angelic, William Levy showering. Droool.

Tomasa tells Juan Pablo that she needs to tell him something about Victoria. He’s all ears.

Victoria is feeling guilty about not telling Osvaldo anything about her past. She thinks it’s too late to tell him now. Oscar comes in and says it’s never too late to tell the truth. Victoria looks nervous about what he knows.

Juan Pablo asks Tomasa to proceed, but she just ends up saying they’ll never see her again. They both hope she’s okay.

Victoria agrees with Oscar that it’s never too late for the truth. He starts laughing because he didn’t hear anything, and he has no idea what the heck they are talking about. Victoria has a haha, that’s SO not funny look. He kisses both women, and Antonieta tells him that they weren’t talking about anything important. Yeah, nothing important. Just about a relationship based on Victoria’s Secret. Others come into the office for a meeting, and Victoria asks if that’s everyone. Oscar says everyone minus Max. She looks disappointed.

Speaking of Max, the hottie is driving to work.

Victoria tells Oscar to close the office door. She’s talking about doubling the quantity of some clothes, and I don’t know why they all act like it was the best idea ever. Boring work talk.

An old woman gets robbed, and Max nearly runs the thieves over with his car as he tries to help her. He beats the crap out of the villains.

Fire department. Juanjo and his dad (?) are in the bathroom, washing hands and face by the sink. They’re talking about girls, I think.

The police come to arrest the thieves, and Max gives the pobrecita vieja back her purse. Oh, how brave! Lol what a typical hero. She thanks him, and he kisses her and leaves because he has to do something urgently.

Juanjo and his dad are talking about tortas and some girl. Juan Jo tells his dad to shave so his mom will think he looks nice.

Maximiliano has arrived at work. He’s putting his jacket on while running toward the building. He forgets his briefcase, retrieves it, runs inside, is distracted by MANY girls (why oh why couldn't I be one of them?!), but by the time he gets there, Victoria doesn’t let Oscar open the locked door for him. He’s knocking, yelling, and asking Antonieta to let him in through the glass door. Victoria mean mugs him.

Max goes into his office and talks to his friend Fabian. He was only ten minutes late, geesh. What’s the big deal? Fabian tells him that the señora likes punctuality. The señora is going to hear him, Maximiliano declares.

Oscar and Victoria talk about her plans. She likes women to feel confident and such. Oscar admires her. Max comes in, waving a white truce handkerchief. Oscar leaves, and Maximiliano begins to explain, but Victoria doesn’t want to hear it. She says he knows what he means to her, and he says yes, he does. He tries to sweet talk her. She thinks he needs to be responsible because he’s going to run this show some day. He thinks she needs to chill because he’s not just an employee. Yes, he is an employee just like all the others she says as she walks out. He can’t believe ten minutes is such a big deal.

The orphans and nuns are ready for Victoria’s show.

A gal comes in to give Max some papers that his mom sent. She flirts with him. Her name's Lucy, and she asks him out to dinner. They make a 9 o'clock date. She leaves, and Fabian does a you, stud kinda thing. Max says he's having fun, and when he's married, he plans on being faithful to his wife. Fabian is like what--no! really? Max thinks that when he meets the girl for him, he'll change. It sounds kinda like Hal's planned transformation in Henry IV. Anywho, he says there'll be a time when he'll dedicate all his love to one girl.

And now we see Ms. Right. María happily looks around the building. She's one of the orphans, and she looks like a doll. Really, Maite is very cute. The Madre asks María not to get too excited when she sees Victoria, but Marí's not too sure she can gaurantee that. She's always admired Victoria. She promises to be calm and not embarass Madre nonetheless.

Victoria's telling Antonieta that she had to put Maximiliano in his place. Then she goes on about how she should tell Osvaldo that she had a daughter. Antonieta thinks Victoria's tormenting herself. She knows about Victoria's past, and she knows Victoria has looked for her daughter all these years.

Victoria pulls out a doll from her drawer. Antonieta goes on about Victoria's struggles. She investigated, went to orphanages, and all looking for María. There's a picture of a cute little María too. Victoria cries that all her struggles are useless because her daughter's still lost, and she's never going to forget. She can't forgive everyone for all the wrong that they've done her. Antonieta consoles her and tries to change the subject. Why don't they prepare for today's event? Victoria can't get away from her pain. She hugs Antonieta.

Osvaldo's having lunch with Álvaro when a woman comes and asks for an autograph. Of course, Corazon. He tells her not to forget to get Álvaro's autograph. She gets a kiss from Osi, and uncomfortably waits to get Álvaro's autograph. Other girls surround Osvaldo.

Fabian is really confused by what Maximiliano said. He doesn't think Max is capable of falling in love. Max tells him to relax because--he stops and checks out the chick by Fabian's desk. When she's gone, he resumes. Anyways, he's not getting married soon. The girl has to be really special. Fabian doesn't think Maximiliano is ever going to change. Max thinks that hope is something you should never lose.

Max says he needs to catch up on what happened this morning. Fabian doesn't think he's going to like it. Maximiliano looks at a file and says it's absurd. Why is the cloth cheap? He's going to talk to his mom. She's not here, Fab tells him. Well, I'm going to find her; this is is absurd, Max repeats.

Back to Osvaldo and Álvaro. The girls are gone. Álvaro asks if all the attention bothers Osvaldo. Osi loves it. The attention. The kisses. The hugs. It's part of the profession. Álvaro hates it. He thinks his privacy should be respected.

Osvaldo gets a call from a girl in a bikini. He promises that they'll spend time together. She says he's abandoned her, and he gives her kisses over the phone. Álvaro, who was just talking about privacy, looks all up in his business.

The nun points Victoria out to María, and María excitedly calls her name and rushes to talk to her. She tells her how she's always admired her, and she feels lucky to be here with her. She's trembling because she's so excited. She feels incredible, and she has a favor to ask. Victoria looks like she understands why the girl approached her now, but she's wrong. She looks really surprised when María asks to let her kiss and hug her. She doesn't even wait for a response. She just throws her arms around her, smiling in that sweet, innocent, orphan smile that Maite is so good at doing. Victoria is moved, and she looks above with tears in her eyes, and she hugs María.

The nun pulls María back and tells her to give Victoria space. María Desamparrada, Victoria repeats after the nun. That's what they call me, María says. Why we call her that is a long story. We'll tell you one day, says the other nun. Victoria agrees since she has no time today. They thank her as she turns to leave. María says, do not to forget about me. Victoria turns around, and María grabs her hand and tells her it's her dream to be a model. Victoria looks at Antonieta, puts her hand on María's, and promises the girl that they'll talk later.

Bernarda slaps Tomasa across the face for reminding Juan Pablo about Victoria. Tomasa defends Victoria and says everything wasn't her fault. Bernarda tells her to scram because she doesn't know what she's capable of. She wants her never to bring up Victoria again. Tomasa has guts and says she doesn't care about being kicked out; she'll leave on her own, but not before telling Juan Pablo the truth. Bernarda warns her that she's nice when she's good and can be evil when she's bad. Muhaha.

The priest is welcoming Juan Pablo. He's glad JP is young because you need lots of energy for this job. A guy named Domingo runs in. He kisses JP's hands when he's told that Juan Pablo's a priest. He's there to answer any questions JP has. The other priest is ready to leave, and Juan Pablo assures him that he'll help people and serve God.

Álvaro thanks Osvaldo for accompanying him. This audition is very important to him. Os is just glad his telenovela is over, and he can rest.

Álvaro asks about Os's relationship with Victoria, and Osvaldo starts blurting out how he needs attention, and Vicky doesn't have time for him. He mentions that she said she'll change. Ál apologizes for butting in, but he adds that Osvaldo was very suspicious at lunch. Osvaldo smiles.

Victoria tells Antonieta that she felt something strange when María Desampparada hugged her. Antonieta thinks Victoria always feels that way toward orphans, but Vicky tells her that with María it was different. It felt like her heart was coming out of her body. Then she tells herself that maybe she just misses her daughter.

Ál and Os are introduced to a dude named Pedro. Everyone's given a script. Osvaldo protests that he's not auditioning. He just came to accompany his friend. He's told to read anyways.

Max is asking Vicky about her choice in vendors or something. She tells him that poor people deserve a chance too. It's good quality for a cheap price. Plus, she's not embarassed of her humble origins. She's very proud, and these girls deserve a chance. He looks like he gets it, but Victoria tells him that they'll talk later. He says he'll wait for her there. Max winks at some girls, and Victoria tells him to wait in the salón. He reluctantly agrees.

Domingo is so excited that Padre (JP) is here. Whoa. A group of guys comes, and one of them punches the other. Fight! Fight! Fight! Padre and Domingo intervene. JP tells them that if they want to fight, they'll go to the gym.

Now we're in the gym where JP is explaining that one needs to be patient and respect another.

Ál does his lines and gets an applause. Osvaldo shows him the thumbs up. Pedro says both men were great, but he can only choose one. He puts his hand on Ál's arm and says the protagonist for this series is Osvaldo. BURN!

Osvaldo repeats that he wasn't trying out for the part. They say they need him, but Os says he wants to rest. Guilleremo (Ál's last name) is the guy they need. Ál says he understands; that's the profession. They tell Osvaldo this is in international project, and he can't say no. He's congradulated.

At Victoria's event, Antonieta is on stage, welcoming the crowd. The show starts. A model walks.

Antonieta asks Victoria where Maximiliano is. She says she told him to wait in the salón. Antonieta asks if she's still thinking of her daughter. Yes, she is. What about Juan Pablo? With the same magnitude that she loved him, Victoria now hates him. She wants to see him dead. Eee. Talk about bitter. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the ramp.

Juan Pablo feels dead. He's tired, that is. Domingo keeps talking about how cool JP was boxing. He thinks it's important to be a teacher in order to be a priest. He always liked helping people.

Flashback. JP's telling a crying Victoria that she has the potential to overcome all challenges. Victoria says she'll neer forget his words.

Domingo snaps Padre out of his memory. He wonders where Padre was for a second. JP tells him he was remembering someone he once knew and will one day find so he can ask forgiveness.

Victoria says one day, she'll have to tell Osvaldo the truth. Like Oscar said, never too late for the truth. There should never be secrets between two people who are in love, Antonieta says.

Osvaldo walks into his home where the girl from the phone awaits him. She jumps into his arms and says he promised they'd spend time together, but he says they'll have to postpone because he needs to go to Victoria's event. Strangely enough, I think she's his daughter. Ew. She gets all upset and says it's always Victoria and her events. She hates the events and is not going with Osvaldo. She storms off.

Max is looking hot. What's new about that tho? María offers her spot to some photographer who is taking pics of the models. She's standing on one side of a TV screen, and Max is on the other side. They don't see each other. Maximiliano looks at the stage, while María is staring at the ceiling.

Some kids play soccer with Juan Jo.

More models. Antonieta runs to María and asks her to get some white roses asap. She gives her some money, and María happily goes.

Osvaldo arrives for the show. María rushes the lady preparing the flowers and misses Olvaldo pass the hall.

Juan Jo helps Milagros with her stuff. A girl says hi to him and calld Milagros mother in law. Milagros thinks he should go out with her. He doesn't like her. His mom doesn't understand why.

María sees Osvaldo but doesn't notice it's him because she's in a hurry to get the flowers to Antonieta. When she's closing the elevator door, he comes in, and she's super excited to see him.

Bernarda says she always wondered where this cross (the one from Victoria) came from. It was a gift, JP says. He wants to talk about his father's death, which Victoria says they talked about. It pains her to think about it because she loved him so much. She's not kidding anyone--oh wait, Juan Pablo believes her. 0_O

She runs to her room, closes the door, and says Octavio deserved to die. She closes the curtains and makes her room all dark and creepy. She says Victoria and Octavio paid for betraying her.

María stares at Osvaldo in the elevator. It gets stuck, and she grabs Os's arm because she's scared. She drops her wallet.

Antonieta tells Victoria that she sent María Desamparrada to get flowers. Vicky wants to thank her personally, and she remembers that María said she wants to be a model.

María and Osvaldo make small talk. Os comments that he notices she's with the group that came with the nuns, and she comments that Victoria's very good to do this event yearly. She tells him the flowers need to reach Victoria asap.

The nun ensures Victoria that María is very responsible. Victoria is pissed that she's late.

The elevator starts working. They thank God.

Victoria grabs some flowers out of a vase and gives it to the nun to give to Antonieta. Right then, she sees María exit from the elevator with Osvaldo. There's an innocent kiss on the cheek, and Victoria is enraged. Osvaldo tells María she's an innocent girl, and she should never change.

María runs to Victoria and begins to apologize, but Victoria cuts her off. She doesn't want any explanations. María has proven that she's good for nothing. Osvaldo tries to defend the girl, but Victoria says she doesn't have time to talk to him. She takes the bouqet from María's hands and throws it on the ground before leaving.

Osvaldo apologizes for what just happened, and he says he'll talk to Victoria and explain. María is near tears but says that's not necessary. She doesn't want to cause any more problems. She walks off sadly. A woman asks Osvaldo if he dropped whatever it was that María dropped in the elevator. He says it's not his, but he knows who it belongs to. He takes it.

Maria is sitting in the front by the nun again. She says she has a headache and wants to go back to the internado. The nun tells her to wait, and Maria says she'll go wait in the back.

Victoria's on stage. Maximiliano cheers for her. The crowd claps. She thanks everyone and calls the nun on stage. Victoria hands her a check I think. More applause. Maximiliano and María are on opposite sides of the room, but their eyes lock. They look mezmorized by one another and smile. Maximiliano looks intrigued by her reaction to him.

End of episode.

We see William Levy in the kayak again. Totally random, but hey, it's hot. :D

Feel free to add/correct anything.


Llena de Amor #100 (Mex. 105) Tue 1/4/11 Shut up, Victorianela.

Repeating from yesterday, Emanuel pins Fedra against the wall and demands information. If he looked at me like that, and at that range, I’d confess everything I’d ever done as well as stuff I only thought about doing, but Fedra is more practiced in persuasion and evasion. She waffles and scampers. Eman mutters to himself that she’s hiding something and he will get to the bottom of it.
Delicia sits in the courtyard at Netty’s pension, and finally Netty arrives at home. Unfortunately for Delicia, Axel is right behind her. Dee says she needs to see Ma…um, Victoria. Netty sends her upstairs to wait in Vicky’s room. Axel tries to follow, but Netty can’t miss the mental daggers Delicia is throwing his way and she forbids him to go upstairs. When Netty goes off to change her clothes before her chat with Axel, he calls someone and says everything is ready and they’ll see each other at the arranged location.
Emanuel calls Almudena, Carlota’s maid, and tries to find out whether Marianela received her inheritance, or if maybe any lawyers visited around the time of Carlota’s death. Almudena stammers and stalls and finally admits that Marianela has forbidden her to speak to him. She claims she doesn’t know, anyway. Emanuel hangs up, frustrated, and immediately Fidel calls from outside the police station to report that the police have gone to rescue Cristián and Mauricio left awhile ago.
Fidel watches as Lowrenzo and Muñeca leave the station. Low cranks his Mr. Nice Guy act up to eleven, Bambi-eying that it’s such a relief to have all this out in the open and he just can’t wait until they have their son back all safe and sound and adopt him and raise him together. “OUR son?!” retorts Muñeca. She’s furious that he has deceived her once again. He’s a scuzzbucket and ruins everything he touches; Begoña even died because she got involved with him. Now he thinks she’ll forgive him and happily raise another amante’s child with him? It’s just like when Ilitia was born, all over again. No way. Lowrenzo reminds her that she’s happy to have Ilitia, but Muñeca isn’t thinking that the love and happiness extend to Lowrenzo anymore. It doesn’t help at all when he implies that his free-range spawn were Muñeca’s fault because she could never get pregnant. Muñeca leaves arm-in-arm with her soon-to-be-tradeup (I hope), Fidel.
Ilitia tells her therapist that she can’t escape the horror of the rape. She sees his face following her everywhere. The shrink wonders whether she knows him. Most rapists are family members or acquaintances of their victims. Ilitia insists it was a complete stranger. “Why did this happen to me? Why?”
The police storm an empty warehouse and find our familiar baddies Baldy and Trashy playing cards. B and T don’t put up a fight so Oliver is easily able to run into a little room (constructed obviously of scenery walls, which are built nothing like real walls in real buildings) and find Cristián sitting on a mattress, unconcerned. Oliver grabs the little boy and runs out under heavy police guard.
Dandy sits in Agent Ogre’s living room, telling someone via phone that the money’s all there, to the last centavo. A person-shaped shadow crosses the wall behind him, but he doesn’t seem to notice. He does notice that the front door opens and no one enters, so he goes over to investigate. Our favorite shadowy avenger grabs him and growls that he took something that doesn’t belong to him. Dandy warns him to stay out of it or else, so El Lirio easily knocks him out and ties him up. Victorianela walks in the door calling out for Mauricio (why doesn’t anyone ever knock and wait for someone to answer at other people’s houses?) and El Lirio hides behind a wall and then grabs her. Sexily. “Why do I always run into you just when I’ve hit someone, my pretty?” he asks.
Malicio and Lowrenzo sit in a bar and toast to the success of their brilliant plan. The mob lawyer joins them and reports that Cristián has been rescued. However, Baldomero and Basurto had to be sacrificed to the operation, so now Garduño says that Malicio owes him triple. Mau-ron is stricken and Lowrenzo gloats. Not for long, though, because Garduño has also sent the message that since he’s taking the rap for Begoña’s death, Lowrenzo is his lifelong slave. Mob lawyer warns them both to behave. One false move and either or both of them could appear hecho cachitos y empacados en un congelador de carne.
Victorianela watches as El Lirio collects the briefcase and asks him if he’s stealing it. No, taking it back from the people who stole it and giving the cash to needy children, he says. Marioria warns him that Fonskanka is very dangerous. El Lirio slinks up behind her and mask-nuzzles her neck and asks since when is she worried about him. Since she discovered how charitable and good he is, she says. She asks whether he’s going to tie her up again. Only if she tries to stop him from taking the money, he says. “No, tie me up!” she insists, holding out her hands. Well, this is getting a little kinky. El Lirio seems to think so too, not that he’s complaining. “You liked it so much, you want to repeat the experience?” “No, when the police arrive and find out you and I were both here, I don’t want them to think I’m your accomplice. Tie me up!” He starts to wrap the cord around her wrists, then kisses her hands and says no, this time she’s part of the loot. He’s taking her with him.
After a commercial break during which we reinforce our beanies to help us believe these two can be so close for so long and not recognize each other, Victorianela asks Emanuelirio if he’ll take her by force if she resists. He says he’ll do anything to achieve what he wants. Me, too, she says. She tells him they can help each other. There are other ratbastard scumbags to be taken down, namely that witch Fedra Curiel and her conniving son Emanuel. El Lirio blinks and says he’s always thought Emanuel was good and honest. Not so, says Vicky. He just wants money. He’ll play the saint, then stab you in the back at the first opportunity. El Lirio sadly says they’d better leave. He gallantly waves Vickynela out and drops his gun on the sofa next to the unconscious Dandy as he exits.
Outside, El Lirio tries to hurry and Victorianela whines that she can’t run in her high-heeled shoes. They come to Lirio’s motorcycle, which just reminds MariVicky of someone else who owns a moto, or maybe two or three. So then El Lirio is treated to a long rant about the frivolous playboy who wastes his money on expensive selfish whims rather than helping the poor the way her noble hero El Lirio does. Emanuelirio shoves a helmet on her head to shut her up and they climb on and ride away.
Oliver and Tejeda return Cristián to Muñeca. Muñeca, Cristían, and Manzanita all hug. Fidel and Flora beam. “Me quieren salir las de San Pedro,” says Oliver, tearing up. “Me, too,” says Tejeda. But he wonders where Brandon is. Oliver vaguely says he’s wrapping things up with the operation. Lowrenzo swoops in, all emotional over MI HIJO, and Muñeca remembers when she tried to introduce him to Cristián, before he knew this was his son, and he yelled and wanted nothing to do with the child. He picks up Cristián, but the astute little boy just reaches for Muñeca. “See, he doesn’t want you. He’s afraid of you,” Muñeca says.
Dandy wakes up and Malicio finds him tied up. “Where’s the money?!” he yells, always concerned about the health and welfare of others. Dandy points out the silver lirio on the table. Super Mauron throws a giant tantrum, then swigs a lot of booze and does some deep breathing exercises to calm down.
El Lirio drops Vicky off at the agency and advises her to give Emanuel a chance to explain things; maybe he’s innocent. “He’s not innocent; he’s the worst person on the planet. He’s selfish, superficial, has no work ethic, and treats his employees terribly.” El Lirio revs his motor in wordless protest. “Think about what I’ve said. We need to teach Emanuel Ruiz y de Teresa a lesson,” MariVicky says.
Agent Orange has summoned Fedra to his lair to ask for help. He tries to soften her up with drinks and his best beloved-son-in-law act. “You may be able to fool my daughter, but not me,” Fedra says. Get to the point. Okay. He tells her he needed the money that was stolen at the wedding to repay a debt, but she can save his orange hide. If she doesn’t, they will kill him! “Anyone who kills you would be doing me a favor,” Fedra croaks. “In fact, if you’ll just give me the guy’s phone number, I’ll call and tell him that. You think I’d give you money? As if!” She swaggers out, muttering, “What an idiot!” “I guess we’ll do this the hard way, then, but you ARE going to loan me that money, damn you,” Malicio mutters.
Axel has invited Netty to dine at a very nice restaurant, for which he is drastically underdressed. Needless to say, his hair is dressed to go to a hole-in-the-wall barbecue while it’s hit by a tornado. They sit down and Axel orders champagne. Netty protests that it’s too expensive. “Don’t worry; I’m not paying,” Axel says. “What?! You mean I’m paying? I didn’t even bring my wallet!” Netty panics. “No, I’m paying,” purrs Emiliano, melting ice for blocks around. He takes a seat and smiles, and Netty frantically bats her eyelashes.
Over at the agency soundstage, a new advertisement for Bleu Jeans is being filmed as Mari supervises. Needless to say, it features André and Jackie and is terrible. Emanuel comes in to watch and cringes. Everyone else seems to think it’s great, though. André congratulates MariVicky on pulling it together in record time. I think someone should be suggesting that they put MORE time into these things. MariVicky thanks everyone and dismisses them, but Emanuel stops them and says this is no good; it is not what the client asked for.
Oh, gag, we’re at La Mala Noche. La Reina finishes her “sexy” “act” and Spiderus brings her a plastic-wrapped rose and raves, calling her “Fedra” right there on the stage. “Estabas apoteósica,” he exclaims. “Apoteoica, tu abuela!” she retorts, insulted. He clarifies that it was a compliment and tells her there’s a man waiting for her in her dressing room. Fedra is thrilled by that and shoves the rose back at him and lurches unsexily off the stage to great applause. Spider angrily shreds the rose.
Fedra swans dramatically into her dressing room, only to find that her guest is Malicio. “Welcome, mi reina,” he says.
Emanuel yells at Victorianela for screwing up the jeans ad. She yells back that it’s just like him to blame her, after he blithely took the afternoon off to frolic with his wife. “Well, I don’t think I’m the only one who vanished! Where were you and who were you with?” he retorts. She deflects. “Can’t I leave the agency for one moment without you screwing everything up? You’re incompetent!” Emanuel says. “You’re the incompetent one!” MariVicky yells back. “Careful what you say! I am your boss!” “Only because your daddy’s the owner! You’re completely unqualified!” “Well, if you’re better, prove it by refilming this commercial, and get it right this time! If it isn’t what the client wants, we’ll reject it!” MariVicky yells at everyone to get ready for a redo, and Emanuel rolls his eyes.
Malicio tells Fedra he’s come for his check, but don’t worry, he’ll repay in thirty years or so. “No tenses tanta tu cuerda, idiota, que se te puede reventar en la jeta,” she warns. He says if she doesn’t pay, tomorrow all the periodicals will print the whole story of the real Slim Shady, I mean the real Fedra Curiel. Fedra snags his weapon (I can’t tell what it is) and tells him she won’t rest until he’s dead and buried. He threatens that if she tries anything, her loan to him will become a gift.
Netty is mad that Axel tricked her into joining Emiliano for dinner. Emiliano takes all the blame, but Netty is not communicating directly with him. “Axel, tell this man that I will repay every centavo!” Netty says, getting up to leave. Axel begs her to stay. “Fine, Axel, I will have dinner with you…but tell this man to leave! Tell your papá that to me, he is dead and buried para siempre!” Netty drama queens. “Oh, but first, ask him to leave us money to pay the bill,” she adds in a whisper. Emiliano amusedly raises his eyebrows seductively at her.
Fedra hands over a check and tells Malicio not to get used to this. The next time he hears her voice, it will probably be saying goodbye at the gates of hell. Mau smarms that maybe it won’t be a goodbye, but a little trip they take together. {Now there would be a good comedy. Mauricio and Fedra, stuck together on a long road trip through hell.} He’s edging into rapey snake mode, not that he’s ever far from it, and Fedra senses this and pushes him away and calls him a flee-ridden dog. That just excites him. Fedra is resistant and feisty, which excites Agent O even more, but he decides to pass for now.
Netty and Emiliano fight via Axel… “Axel, tell your father I can’t stand traitors!” “Axel, tell Netty I explained why I had to leave her!” “Axel, tell him he lacked the balls to stand up for himself!” …until Axel gets fed up and yells that they’re acting like children and leaves. Netty wants to leave, too, but Emiliano stops her. She tells him he’s just as egocentric and horrible as Emanuel. He wants to explain.
Emanuel and VickyNelly fight over the choreography and camera angles of the wretched jeans advert. Emanuel tells her to respect the ways of the agency, or she’s fired.
Brandon walks in to the pensión (which reminds me…has Delicia been sitting there for hours waiting for Marianela?) and is accosted by an amorous Consuelo. He gently pushes her away and says he’s not into her and she deserves someone who is. She doesn’t care, and resumes the assault. Ilitia walks in, gasps at high volume, then apologizes and encourages them to keep it up; they were doing great. Brandon declines and looks pretty happy to see her, but Ilitia says she’s there to visit Victoria. Javier runs in and asks Brandon to help him with his homework. “Who’s this little dwarf?” asks Ilitia. Consuelo introduces him as her son. Ilitia is all sickly sweet to Javier and then turns to Brandon and hisses, “You’re married, you jerk?!”
Netty signs an autograph for an adoring fan while Emiliano looks on proudly. He tells Netty he collects every magazine she appears in, and watches every episode of her telenovela. Netty is flattered, but tells him although she’s grateful he saved her home, that’s as far as it goes. “Your eyes say the opposite. You can send me to the devil a million times, but I’ll return to you a million times. I love you and won’t accept another rejection,” he smooth-talks. They kiss, and some rude paparazzo takes a picture.
“You lying jerk! You have some woman at home, washing the skivvies you take off for other women?!” Ilitia yells at Brandon, while Consuelo covers Javier’s ears. “No, no, let me explain, hysteriquita,” Brandon tries, but the hysteriquita rants on that he’s a worthless loser who will never have the class of her dear daddy. Finally Brandon manages to interrupt her. “Your dad? Classy?! I guess you haven’t heard the latest! Better go have a chat with Muñeca!” “Huh?” “Oh, go talk to your father. Ask him to introduce you to your half-brother!” “How dare you?!” “Also, Consuelo is not my wife, and Javier is not my kid! Can’t I have friends?” “Have all the friends you want! Have a whole harem full of lady friends, I don’t care!”
Muñeca walks into the pensión with Cristián, much to Ilitia’s surprise. She’s annoyed that her mother is visiting Brandon, but Muñeca says she needs to talk with everyone who lives in the pensión. Ilitia is still perturbed that she’d associate with them, especially after this naco’s latest lie, that Daddy has another child from an affair. So Muñeca informs her that it’s true; this little angel is the son of Lowrenzo and Begoña. Ilitia’s self-absorbed little world crumbles yet again.
MariVicky follows Emanuel into his office, griping about the money he’s wasting on all the retakes. He says he’ll just take it out of her salary, because this mess is her fault. She bickers that it’s his fault, because he ditched the production to flit off with his wife. He retorts that the real problem is that Vicky is more concerned with collecting men than with doing her job. André, Brandon, him…how many more men does she need? “Just one who isn’t a coward like you!” Things are getting hot and heavy now. “You really hate me, don’t you?” he asks. “You have no idea how much.” “Then why do your lips tremble when I’m near?” “Don’t you dare kiss me again.” “I’m not going to kiss you, because right now you want it much more than I do.” Boy, does she ever, and like she said earlier, she gets what she wants.
Mañana: Netty hears Delicia calling Victoria “Marianela.” Kristel hears Flora talking about Ilitia’s illicit crush on Brandon. Emanuel reminds Vicky he’s married.
Acechar – to stalk
hecho cachitos y empacados en un congelador de carne – made into ham rolls and stuffed in a meat freezer
Me quieren salir las de San Pedro – I’m getting teary. “Las Lágrimas de San Pedro” is a famous painting by El Greco, por ejemplo. Lágrimas de San Pedro is also an herb used medicinally in México, apparently, which seems irrelevant here but I find it interesting.
Apoteósica – jubilant, on fire, triumphant
Apoteoica – I can’t figure out what Fedra thought Bernardo said or meant. Anyone?
Llanero - cowboy
No tenses tanta tu cuerda, idiota, que se te puede reventar en la jeta - don't tighten your rope so much, idiot, your face could burst
Alcahuete – tattle-tale, gossip


La Verdad Oculta EP76 01/05/2011 - An engagement, a kiss, a jacuzzi and a very bad karma

*Fausto and Gabriela visit Julieta, who hasn’t talked with him since the shocking revelation about their past. The weeping father and daughters hug each other.

*Adolfo finds hung-over Bertha in the hall and realizes that Daddy’s little princess wasn’t sleeping in the condo. She says she spent the night with a friend of hers and reproaches him for lying her about Carlos’s so-called smuggling businesses.

* The Faidellas show up at Guilléns’ doorstep again to invite depressed Julieta to watch a movie together. While the girls are in Paulita’s bedroom Ramón tells Leonardo they managed to trace the phone calls Marcos got in the prison, they’re from an apartment that was rented by Susana Gómez.

*In the seaside hotel Alejandra and Juan José practice their own NC-17 rated version of The Blue Lagoon in a jacuzzi. Sizzling hot.

*After Paula falls asleep Julieta joins Leonardo in the living room. Leo, who already noticed her sadness, asks her if there’s something weighing on her mind. He learns Julieta knows about Fausto’s past and she finds her father’s sufferings terrible. Don’t cry, they know who the real culprit is and they’ll prove Fausto’s innocence. Leo’s comforting words and caresses sweep Julieta off of her feet. They slowly near to each other and then… *Viewerville: thumbs up*

* The members of The Rich Club have an uncomfortable dinner together, where Mauricio and Alejandra start a professional debate on the length of the construction. Medina thinks he’ll need at least two months but Ale says she finished JJ’s house in a month and she had less workers than Medina. JJ defends his girlfriend’s opinion, Medina fumes and Elsa has the expression of the deer in the headlights. Garnica settles the dispute and tells them his newest idea: it’d be great to have an own airport! Oh, it’s a shame that he’s just sold his helicopter. What, Garnica did have a helicopter?! Yes, but he sold it 3 weeks ago. JJ is very interested in the plane and asks Garnica about its details. And tell me, Zoyla… Zaida! Sorry, Zaida. Do you really want to invest your 10 millions into this project? Garnica looks puzzled. What the hell are these two talking about?

*Bertha visits Mario’s doctor and learns her uncle has brain tumor.

* After the dinner Garnica tells Alejandra he wouldn’t mind having her participating in his seaside project. However, Ale and JJ agree they don’t trust him a bit. Back in his room Garnica finally opens his suitcase and finds the complete mess inside it. Where’s the letter? Where. Is. The. Letter?! He calls Zaida to tell her they have to meet in 10 minutes and before leaving he picks his gun up. I have a bad feeling about this. In her room Elsa puts Caramelo’s things, including a letter into the little girl’s backpack.

*In the tunnel house Fausto asks Abelardo if he should tell Gaby he isn’t her father. Yes, he should. But then she would find out what kind of woman her mother was. Come on, they could tell her Marta was in love with Mario, and she would understand that. In their bedroom Gaby asks David to teach him about hotels and business.

*Garnica and Zaida meet at the port. He points his gun at her and demands to where the letter is. What letter? She swears she doesn’t know anything… Talk or I’ll kill you! BANG! Édgar saves Zaida by knocking Garnica out. He’s still alive and they’ll get rid of him, says Édgar. He needs Zaida’s help. She protests but he roars at the shocked woman: OBEY! They sail deep in the ocean and throw growling, agonizing Garnica into the water. When they get back to the hotel Édgar reports to Adolfo that Garnica became fish food. Then he asks Zaida about the famous letter and when she cries and swears she has never seen it he tries to calm her down.

* In the bedroom Juan José and Alejandra talk about Garnica’s mysterious helicopter and finally JJ listens to common sense and he’s ready to tell everything to the police. And what about Zaida? Who is she? Ale doesn’t like her and not because of jealousy.

*Bertha tells Adolfo about Mario’s sickness, his strange attitude towards his doctor and treatments. Mario should be dying in Switzerland. Adolfo decides to give her a car for her services and he is very amused at her enthusiasm about the gift.

*In a well-orchestrated, romantic seaside dinner Elsa honestly tells Mauricio she managed to forget Juan José and now she loves him – and our favourite architect asks her to be his wife. Fireworks, beautiful music, happiness.

*Asunción has an awful nightmare about being on the streets with Caramelo again.Next morning Zaida and Édgar, the two nervous accomplices talk about what to do next. He’s going back to Mexico City, bye. In the meantime Caramelo asks Elsa if she’s seen her letter. It’s in her backpack. After the kids leave Mauricio asks Elsa if she wants to adopt Caramelo.

*Worried JJ and Alejandra knock on Garnica’s door but there’s no response. When Zaida shows up they ask the anxious woman to tell the lawyer they have to go back to Mexico.

* In the Ávila condo Édgar tells Adolfo he took care of Garnica’s cadaver and he left no traces. Dolphie is very content and plans to give him another job, but if he fails he’ll kill him. *Viewerville: yawn, yeah, Roberto is totally dead after failing at least ten times* Don’t worry, boss, he won’t fail. However, that old hag Zaida may be dangerous. After Édgar leaves Adolfo starts to speculate about his little business with the Genovéses: he should get rid of dying Mario before the contract expires.



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