Thursday, January 19, 2012

La Que No Podía Amar #13 Wednesday 1/18/12 What fresh douchebaggery is this?

Buenos dias, everyone. I am absolutely and completely lazy this morning and am going to try something different—I'm going to blog as I go along.  First I'm going to take a page from Sara and do a quick list of last night's highlights. Then I'll start to add more details and a LOT of screenshots! Let's get started.

Last night's episode had some snoozy parts in it with some important highlights:

* Gustavo gives Ana Paula a pretty (but not expensive) shell necklace. The shell was from their romantic excursion at Boca del Cielo. He has had another shell necklace made for himself. Romantic moments, kissy kissy, hearts, butterflies, te amo te amo. ZZZZZZZZ.

* Rogelio approves of Sinthia dating David. Mainly because David is a business associate and if David is married to Sinthia, Rohell figures he may have some extra influence over David in business matters. Rohell sure is the eternal romantic.

* Miguel goes off to do his truck driving business trip. Many kisses and tender farewells before he takes off, so you know an anvil is waiting for him for sure.

* Ana Paula, Dani, Tia MentiRosa are waiting for their ride from Gustavo to the nurses' graduation, but Gustavo never comes. Eventually, however, Bruno drops by and offers to give them a ride, which they accept because they are already very late to the graduation. Bruno tries to give a gift of an expensive watch to Ana Paula, which she refuses because it's inappropriate. (Tia MentiRosa accepts it later on Ana Paula's behalf.)

* Mercedes gets an even worse impression of Ana Paula when she arrives at the graduation ceremony late. She tells AP that it shows a "lack of respect" for her to be so tardy. When she finds out that Ana Paula is Gustavo's novia, they both are concerned about Gustavo's whereabouts. No one has heard from him all evening.

* Mercedes' already-bad impression is cemented when she just happens to walk in on Bruno giving Ana Paula a big wet kiss. Of course Mercedes (and her blonde friend Chia) only happen to see the part where Bruno is kissing Ana Paula, not the part where Ana Paula pulls away and rips him a new one for being so forward. Bruno feigns contrition for his "impulse," and Ana Paula says this is why she can't accept gifts from him. Ana Paula's attempts later to clear things up with Mercedes are not very successful. Tia MentiRosa later implies to Mercedes that there is something extra going on between AP and Bruno.

* Efriam wants to relieve Consuelo of her inconvenient virginity, but Consuelo decides that she'd rather not have a baby in her arms in 9 months and escapes (this time!).

* Some sort of boring stuff with the fishermen in Boca del Cielo. Where is Gustavo? We are going to prevent construction if he doesn't show up soon. Fermin (nice old fisherman dude) still has faith in the missing Gustavo.

* Vainessa can't believe that Rohell still wants to hang out at that Hacienda del Fuerte. She wants to live in Tuxtla after they're married. "But you can't even ride anymore" she ever-so-tactfully says to him when discussing his desire to stay at the Hacienda. BRUJA. Of course, Rohell wins more points as the world's most insufferable douchebag when he tells her, "This is why women shouldn't think." Later Vainessa conspires with Sinthia to try to persuade Rohell to leave the hacienda after he and Vainessa marry.

* Miguel is in a devastating accident when driving the truck for Romo Construction. He was yawning broadly before the accident, but seemed alert enough when he sees a car in the opposite lane veer over into his lane and, in an attempt to not hit this car, drives off the road and into some poor unsuspecting pedestrians. He is taken away by ambulance later, and it appears that several fingers were severed and will need to be put on ice and reattached later by operation.

* A dispassionate policeman delivers the horrific news to a distraught Dany, Ana Paula and Tia Mentirosa, that Miguel's been in an accident, he survived, however the two pedestrians he hit may not make it through the night. Much distress and gnashing of teeth from everyone.

* David and Rohell are talking in David's office when David gets a call about Miguel's accident. When Rohellio hears that his ex-nurse's brother has been in an accident, his devious ears perk up. David says that "ordinarily, I wouldn't help out, but because you are a friend I can" and adds that this could be very serious for Miguel and may even involve jail time. Rohell pauses for a long moment, considering, and then says, "No, don't do anything just yet."


Now, discuss amongst yourselves as I flesh out some of the parts of the episode that I found a little interesting and add more screencaps!

Now onto some of the parts I found a little more interesting:

We start with a touching and lengthy and snoozy farewell for Miguel. He can't believe that after all the time he lost sleep staying up late helping them study for their nursing that he won't be at the graduation! (Miguel, even though he is a bit of a dipsh*t, does seem like a good and loyal brother.) He, Ana Paula and Dany talk at length before he finally goes on his trip.

An anvil is waiting for Miguel for sure.

Gustavo comes over to chit-chat, kiss-kiss, te amo and all that stuff. They talk about how she's gotta do what she's gotta do and maybe that means going to work at that Hacienda for that douchebag guy. Gustavo says that they'll always keep in touch, blah blah blah, but she really doesn't want to take the job and be so far away from Tuxtla.

Tears and besos.
An anvil is waiting for Gustavo as well, isn't it?
He offers her a shell necklace. The shell was taken from their idyllic visit to the beach.
He also had one made for himself. Aw, shucks.

In the morning, Gustavo has a discussion with his sister Mercedes about Ana Paula. He wants her to have a better impression of AP. Before he leaves, he "throws" Mercedes a kiss. Very tender and nauseating. Anvil time is coming fer sure.

Just leave already, will you Miguel?

More of the lengthy farewell for Miguel. Anvil time is coming up soon for him too.

A discussion between Vainessa and Rohellio. Even if she can't see how unsuited they are for each other, Viewerville certainly can. She doesn't seem completely comfortable with the idea of caring for him (even though he says that he'll have a nurse too). She makes some dig about whatever nurse he gets being better than that "so-called Paula" and he gives her the stink eye. She further shows herself to be a clueless bruja when she seems astonished that he still intends to live out at his Hacienda. "But I assumed . . . " she says, that they'd live in Tuxtla, where it would be easier to get therapy. "This is why women shouldn't think!" he replies. He would be crazy to leave his Hacienda. "But since you can't even ride . . . " she adds. BRUJA BRUJA BRUJA. I'm hatin' on the bruja with her sprayed-on clothes.

Federico, Vainessa's dad, listens in to this dysfunctional conversation and quietly shakes his head.

Rohellio, could you be even more of a butthead? That's a rhetorical question.
As Vain and self-centered as ever.

Ana Paula, Dany, and Tia MentiRosa wait and wait for Gustavo to pick them up for the graduation, but it doesn't look like he's going to make it. AWOL Gustavo.

Federico wants to talk man-to-man with our resident douchebag Rohellio and asks Vainessa to leave the room. I found this conversation (which is spread out over a few scenes) very interesting. Let's break it down and I'll give my interpretation of what Rohell really means:

He says, "How I solve things is my business." What is he going to "solve"? I notice that Rohellio is always saying, "that is my business" (asunto mio) when people ask him about what fresh douchebaggery he is up to. 

Federico is worried that Vainessa will be hurt again. Rohell responds, "The last time I was the only one hurt, and that won't happen again." I think that means, "It won't be ME hurt THIS time."

Federico wonders how can Rohell be so sure this time? Rohell says that he is a different man and he is stronger. (Or maybe he should have said, "meaner and more bitter and much more of a douchebag.") Federico comments that the accident changed him completely. Rohell agrees, and says that things have happened recently (would one of those "things" be Ana Paula?) that have made him "see life differently." "Is that why you decided to get back with Vainessa?" Federico asks. "Yes, I'm realizing that Vainessa is very different than I remembered." (I interpret this to mean, "All this time I was wasting my time grieving over being dumped by her, when in reality she was always a selfish bruja and now I see that clearly.")

Federico is naturally concerned for his daughter.
You know he's up to some fresh douchebaggery because the smile does not reach his eyes.

Back to the rest of our story, Ana Paula et al are still waiting for Gustavo but he never shows. Instead we get Bruno. Not the same thing in Ana Paula's eyes! He offers her an expensive watch as a gift but she refuses, because he's not her novio. He seems disappointed, citing that they are "friends" so it's okay to take the gift. She still refuses.

At the nurse's graduation party, Mercedes and her friend Chia are wondering where Gustavo is. He was supposed to take the official grad party pictures. The party is very pink, by the way (lots of people wearing pink, pink decorations). I'm just noticing, that's all.

An abundance of pink.

Mercedes shakes her head at her brother being late, and says, "Since he started dating that girl, he's been a different person." She's already set against AP, isn't she?

We have a dysfunctional conversation between Queen Bruja (Elsa la vaca) and Vain Bruja (Vainessa). "You're not divorced yet!" complain complain complain, says Queen Bruja. You can tell she can't figure out why Vainessa would want to get saddled with that cripple Rohellio when she's still got the awesome Esteban on the hook. (Well, she's not wrong about Esteban's considerable charms.) They discuss Vainessa's absolute conviction that no way will Rohellio and her live at the Hacienda after they marry. Delusion, thy name is Vainessa.

It's time for the ceremony at the nurse's graduation and GUESS WHO was selected to read the nurse's vow? Of course, Ana Paula! They have a little ceremony where they light these little lamps and cite Florence Nightingale. FF>>>

They light these little lamps and now are ready to be nurses for real!

Back at the Hacienda, Maria is wondering if Efriam is sincere about his interest in Consuelo. He smiles with that sh*t-eating grin and claims he is. Viewerville all hope that an interesting part of his anatomy falls off. FF>>>

Sh*t-eating grin.

Also discussed among Maria, Consuelo and Margarito is how different the Hacienda is without Rohell there (like they are not in fear all the time, right?) and how they hope Ana Paula comes back.

Sinthia and David get closer and start to swap spit at a nightclub. FF >>>>

Chatting after the lamp ceremony at the nurse's graduation. Bruno gives Ana Paula a congratulatory hug which she doesn't seem very comfortable with. Ana Paula seeks out Mercedes, Gustavo's sister. Mercedes chews her out for being late, saying it shows a "lack of respect." When she finds out that AP is Gus's novia, they both wonder where Gus has gone to.

Efriam puts the moves on Consuelo out in the stables. Tries to get her horizontal on some bales of hay (for real). FF >>>

It's getting late and Rohellio wants to go home. Sinthia and David meet up with him at (I think) Vainessa's house. Sinthia and David had a good time and Rohell sort of rolls his eyes at their good spirits, he being bitter douchebag that he is.  He asks David about the engineer that is going to replace that Duran guy. Rohell indicates that he liked the work of Duran and hopes this new guy is just as good.

At the grad party, Bruno gets Ana Paula in some isolated area and then plants a big kiss on her. Of course Mercedes and her friend Chia walk in just to see that part. Mouths agape with astonishment at the sight. After they leave in an outraged, self-righteous huff, Ana Paula pulls away from Bruno and rips him a new one.

This doesn't look good to Gustavo's sister.
Mercedes and Chia look astonished and with mouths agape at the scandalous sight!

Rohellio and Sinthia get in the car to go home after their long evening. Rohell says that he's inclined to approve of Sinthia's dating David, in part because David's a work associate and that if Sinthia is David's wife, she might have some extra influence over him in business matters. Sinthia is not pleased at Rohellio's calculating manner. Rohell warns her to not go too fast, and that he's "watching her."

"This world is from the witty?" Yeah, I don't know either.
Sinthia is not touched by Rogelio's brotherly concern.
A warning from Rohell to Sinthia.

Back at the grad party, Ana Paula tries to explain the compromising-looking kiss that Mercedes witnessed between her and Bruno, but Mercedes isn't inclined to buy it. This is not helped later when Tia MentiRosa lays it on thick about what a good friend Bruno is and all but implies that Ana Paula and Bruno are an item.

More with Efraim trying to get it on with poor, unsuspecting Consuelo. She escapes in time and says that she doesn't want to end up like other girls she knows, who have a babe in arms after 9 months. FF >>

Back in San Gabriel, we have Maripaz mooning over Miguel while we get a blatant product placement from her dad and mom (whose names I will not attempt to spell). Yeah, we get it, McCormick, blah blah some sort of sweepstakes or something, blah blah, let's get a good look at that McCormick label again. FF >>

(I'm starting to fade a little here so will rush to the end of this episode!)

Vainessa and Sintha talk about Sintha dating David, problems with Rohell approving of any man she wants to see. Sinthia also says that she likes David, would like to keep dating him, and worries that if she doesn't marry some guy that she'll end up trapped in that Hacienda forever.

They discuss more about Rohell holing himself up at the Hacienda. Sinthia says that before the accident, Rohell loved the Hacienda but now he views it as his refuge, the place he can hide out and not be seen. These two clueless women think they can somehow pry Rohellio away from his beloved Hacienda after he marries Vainessa.

In the morning, both Dany and Ana Paula (wearing skimpy nighties) wonder what happened to Gustavo.

We see Miguel fight to keep awake as he drives the big Romo construction truck. Then he sees a car going the opposite way in his lane. He honks his horn, tries to avoid it, but cannot. Veering out of the lane, he hits some pedestrians.

Fishermen. Where is Gustavo? Gustavo is a good man, Fermin (nice old guy) says. "We must be patient!" Fermin says. The other fishermen are not so patient and say that if Gus doesn't show up soon, they'll stop the construction.

Mercedes is worried about what happened with Gustavo. It's morning and no word from him. Chia, Mercedes' friend, thinks that Ana Paula, as Gus's girlfriend, will be worried. Mercedes thinks, not so much, since they saw AP kissing another man.

More with the fishermen. FF >> I'm sorry, I just can't get into the fishermen right now. More concern about Gustavo, and second thoughts about the building starting.

Accident scene. A severely injured Miguel is on a gurney and being put into the back of a waiting ambulance. Yes, poor Miguel really did get some fingers severed. We see his bloody hand with one sole finger popping out of thick, bloody bandages. The remaining fingers are apparently waiting in a bucket of ice. I will spare you the screenshot of that.

More talk with Sintha and Vainessa about how they don't want to live at the Hacienda and how they're going to try to get Rohell to move to Tuxtla after he marries Vainessa. Good luck with that, ladies.

At Ana Paula's home, Dany, AP and Tia MentiRosa are worried about hearing nothing from Gustavo. Bad feeling. They get news from a bored-looking policeman that Miguel has been in an accident, he is alive but some people were hurt and are not expected to survive. Absolute distress and deep wailing from the three ladies at this devastating news.

Devastatingly bad news about Miguel.

Rohell is visiting with David in his office when the news about Miguel comes in.  "It's more serious than we first thought" David says. He goes on to say that things are complicated, some people were hurt and are not expected to survive. Miguel may end up in jail (carcel). Ordinarily David wouldn't do anything, but because Rohell is a friend and recommended Miguel for the job, David offers to help. Rohell gets this contemplative look on his face and says, "No, no . . . don't do anything yet." We are left with that and the episode ends!

Rogelio Montero: Douchebag extraordinaire.

AVANCES: As we all expected, Rogelio offers his help to a distraught and distressed Ana Paula.

Also I hope it's okay to give a minor "avance" of my own. Remember a few days ago, in a previous recap discussion, I brought up the "hand porn" seen in this novela? ("Hand porn" is when the camera focuses on the hands of a couple touching. Often this is an innocent-looking, harmless, not-supposed-to-be-erotic hand-holding or "accidental" touching of hands—like handing someone a teacup or something—but it takes on extra "meaning" to at least one of the participants of the "hand porn" and also to the viewers.)  Keep your eyes peeled for more "hand porn" in this telenovela in the days to come! :D


Una familia con suerte 1-18, part one: Inez tries to kill Fernanda with meanness

This is from Jim, our newest team member. Thanks, Jim!

Fernanda is in the hospital and is quite ill. She lets Dr. Octavio know several things, including the fact that the detective has been unable to find her lost son and that she wants to change her will. She tells Octavio that she’d like to put her fortune and company in the hands of the person who is the closest thing she has to a son…Pancho Lopez! Pina is outside her door and is able to hear the conversation. Of course, she’s angry and intends to let Vicente know the news immediately!

Vicente and Enzo are in Vicente’s office talking. He can’t wait for her imminent death. Pina calls and gives Vicente the news.

Everyone seems to be aware of the news. For example, Inez finds out and goes to see Vicente. She’s not necessarily worried about Fernanda, but she does want to talk Business! The Lopez family and friends also talk about the news, but they are genuinely worried about their dear friend, Dona Fer.

Back to Inez and Vicente. Inez informs Vicente that she has stock in the Avon company under a pseudonym. She plans to get Vicente to obtain more stock so that he could own a good percentage of the company. Inez plans to either give or sell her stock to Vicente to help him achieve this goal. In addition, they will use someone else as well…Pina!

At the hospital, Pina runs into Pancho and Rebeca. It doesn’t go well, but Pancho and Rebeca don’t let Pina’s insults bother them. Once Pina leaves, they see and talk to Dr. Octavio. He tells them that she’s ill because of her suspension of treatment and because of stress. He tells them not to worry until he finds out more things.

We then have a cute scene with Freddy and young Meli who is going to add some spice to this house. She wants to play, and he is not happy to have her there. I think she also almost catches him in some scheme. Oh, in case anyone was interested…the kid who plays Meli is Daniela Castro’s actual daughter. Later on, I think that her other daughter will also make an appearance as a character named Ramona.

Freddy remembered Ana’s words to him, along with her request for him to leave Pepe alone and in peace. Of course, he won’t capitulate.

Before the commercial break, there are two short scenes that are basically scenes of comfort and encouragement. First, Ana and Pepe talk about how they hope Dona Fer will come out of this situation OK. Then, we see Pancho and Rebeca having coffee and talking about the same thing. Rebe comforts Pancho as best as she can.

Chacho and Chato drop by the hospital to see how things are going for Pancho and Fernanda. Chato is quite smitten by Rebeca’s beauty. He acts silly due to being smitten.

Back at Avon, Pina shows up at Vicente’s office. Inez is still there. Vicente wants something…Money, and of course, Pina’s got the money. Time keeps on ticking, and Fernanda better get her legal matters in order before the evil folks put their plans in order.

Freddy and Ana see one another at the hospital. She can’t help but be smitten by him. He can’t help but to think she’s quite the “Naca.” Nonetheless, they go off for coffee and converse.

Fernanda meets with the notary and asks for everything to be put in Pancho’s name. Once the meeting is over, Dr. Octavio comes in, and Fernanda asks for him to tell her the truth about her condition.

Back at Avon, the three stooges (Vicente, Enzo, and Arnold) are meeting. Arnold is being his usual dramatic self, while the other two are exasperated with his antics. Vicente fills the guys in on the business scheme which is being cooked up and guided by Inez.

Back at the hospital, Chela is very disillusioned because she has already seen that Pancho and Rebeca are back together. She thought that things would be like before, but Lupita tells her that that can never happen. Chela wonders the purpose for her upcoming change, especially if it won’t make a difference to Pancho. Lupita reminds Chela that she needs to change for the right reasons, and do things like educate herself and become more cultured not for anyone else but herself.

At the hospital café, Pancho, Rebeca, Pepe, and Candi talk. Octavio lets everyone know that Fernanda wants to see Pancho.

Freddy and Ana talk, and Freddy begins to try and mess with Ana’s mind and heart because he knows she likes him. Freddy can’t deny to himself that Ana is pretty. Eventually…Eventually.

Inez goes to visit (agitate is a better word) Fernanda. She’s quite wicked. Of course, Dona Fer is stressed out by Inez’s visit, and her heart, blood pressure and health are affected.

Pancho walks in just in time! Inez leaves, and Fernanda dies temporarily. Fernanda actually has a heart attack.

At the neighborhood, Elena shows her dark and wicked side by telling Alex that Lupita went out…probably with Tomas. Alex wonders what’s going on, and Elena decides to tell Alex that Lupita and Tomas are thinking of getting back together. This doesn’t go over well.

There’s a brief scene at the hospital where Temo asks Lupita to go with him to the Irabien home to see Meli. At the neighborhood, Popeye also wants to go to the Irabien home to see Abeja. Popeye heads out, braving the dangerous streets and big city, to see his love.

The evil folks talk about Fernanda’s passing. We see greed and envy at their best.

Pina is also happy to have stock in the company. She and Adoracion talk. Adoracion is definitely a smart one. She asks questions that both annoy Pina and make her think.

Good news! We didn’t lose Dona Fer! Those others will just have to deal with it. Pancho is a happy man, and the rest of the family and Dona Fer’s loved ones will be ecstatic.

Pancho talks to a sleeping Dona Fer. He pours his heart out to her. He encourages her to live…to wake up, open her eyes, look at him, and call him “Hijo.” Oh, Pancho…If you only knew what is to come for you two in later episodes.

Vicente is supposedly worried about Fernanda and is supposedly relieved to find that Dona Fer is alive. He goes in and Pancho and he have an argument. Pancho defends Dona Fer. Vicente makes some statements that lead Pancho to believe that Vicente is up to something new.

Vicente and Candi have another argument, and this time, Candi puts him in his place! These two have the weirdest relationship and find the strangest places to talk or argue. This time, it was in the ladies’ room. Vicente is put in an awkward situation because once Candi finished saying what she needed to say, she left, and Ana walked in.

At the hospital waiting room, the Lopez family (including Chacho and Chato), is about to go home. Chela informs them that she plans to stay in case Pancho needs anything. She intends to keep him company. Rebeca has the same idea and doesn’t seem bothered by Chela.

A lot is happening at the Lopez home. Ana is daydreaming about Freddy. Temo informs the girls that Popeye is gone. Uh-oh. What will happen when Pina finds out Popeye is at her house?? Hmmm.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #85-86 Wed 1/18/12

Hey guys! No clever subtitle today.

Fernanda, miraculously alive (I guess she couldn't have really died without a week of hospital deathbed episodes), is trying to sign over her shares to Pancho, but Doc Oc would rather get her on a plane to Germany. Pancho needs a little convincing as well, so she lays it on really thick (not just with the "I'm dying" guilt-trip, but also with some heavy handed you're-my-son foreshadowing nonsense about feeling a motherly bond).

We're treated to another barfy Temo sequence, when he shows up at Pina's place to get his dog back. Now Melly is fascinated by the Lopez peasant-speak, and she butts heads with her aunt over the boy.

Alex is moping over Lupita and Freddy strangely gives him some good advice (don't give up on her, you need to hear her side of the story, etc.)... This being-a-decent-guy bit kinda comes out of the blue.

Pancho goes over recent events with Chacho and the new buddy (who, as my mom put it, seems to be there only to help review stuff that's already happened). He nobly tries to convince them that the money isn't everything, but they need some more convincing.

Fers is looking much better, applying some makeup in her motorized wheelchair. Pretty good for a recently-deceased lady. She bullies doc oc into letting her go to Avon, where she hosts a meeting to make Vins miserable. She says she'll be taking the presidency herself, which would actually be pretty cool. Unfortunately for this intriguing idea, Pancho shows up in his vecinidad-wear and seems really excited about getting his job back. Vins reminds Fers that he's got some dirt on her. He reminds everyone that his share in the company will allow him to get his paws on every decision the company makes [which means, I guess, that Pina gets to mess with Pancho, too! I forgot to write about the scene where she learns those shares are kind of hers].
Fers insists that Panch and V must work as a team, and reminds Vins that he needs to set aside his arrogance (after all, the company is his future and he shouldn't kill the goose that lays the golden eggs). She even makes them hug, which they do hilariously, with much distaste. V whispers in Panch's ear "I'll turn you into dust."

Vins was clearly not listening to this inspiring teamwork speech, because he goes right to the peskateers and pledges to use his every waking moment to dethrone Pancho.

Pina has a conspiratorial little meeting with her friend (Katy?). Katy thinks that, to get more power over Vins, Pina needs to get pregnant? How will she do that? Use her stocks and financial power to *force* him to do her. Great plan, girls! Pina is excited about shifting the power balance but more excited about the prospect of a mini-mi Pinita. Heh.

Dumb Ana is still gushing about Fred. Chela overhears and fruitlessly tries to talk her out of it. She's one to talk.

Alex thinks back on Fred's advice, and shows up at Lupita's to admit his insecurity. They make up.

Pancho is delighted to get his chair back. He has a new strategy, and Beto is uncharacteristically optimistic. The new strategy is to divide jobs between him and Vins. Not sure if I got that right (is that really all?).

Chela comes to Avon and immediately butts heads with Enzo. She tears into him, and calls him a thief and a scoundrel. She storms off, and he gets a dreamy look while love music plays.

Back at la casa popular, Chela knows the kids and the dog are hiding something from her. She's starting to get worried/mad, when Pancho marches down the street with his buds and some Mariachis, bringing her a surprise birthday party to the tune of "las mananitas." A very sweet way to close the episode!


La Que No Podía Amar #12 Tuesday 1/17/12: Everybody's Talking a Lot

The bare minimum:
  • Ro-hell and Vainy are together again
  • Tia lies, cries, spies and pries.
  • David and Sin are officially an item.
  • Gus plans to file a complaint--until he gets the severance pay
  • Bruno uses his sketchy connections to get Gus out of the picture.
  • Bruno and Vainy have a minor falling out. 
  • Ro-hell and Ana Pau fight (quelle suprise)...oh and Miguel's job is in Ro-hell's hands.
  • Speaking of Miguel--he was given an important job to do at Romo Construction. Delivering valuable merchandise.
  • Everyone flapped their gums a lot, but seriously... not a lot happened.

The over and above:
Now that there is no bidnez dealings with her father, Ro-hell is more inclined to give his relationship with Vainy another go. Smoochies with a side of gagging recapper.

Weepy Ana Pau in a dress more appropriate for a 9 year old. Gustavo visits and wants to know what’s wrong. Tia has sacrificed soo much for Ana Pau and needs her help soooo much. She explains that Tia Mentirosa wants her to accept the devil’s deal, but she doesn’t want to. She doesn’t want to leave him or her family. Gus encourages her to take the job.

Roh-hell and Vainy suck face. She knew he still loved her! They talk about her divorce which is still in progress. She’ll do anything to be free and be with Ro-hell. Smoochies interrupted by the arrival of Elsa la Vaca and Sin. Vainy tells mommy that she and Ro-hell are gonna give it another try. La vaca knows Vainy never forgot Ro-hell…even left her husband, but isn’t all this a bit hasty? Vainy is sure everything will work out fine. Sin is elated. La vaca looks on and molests her brows a la Burnie.

Mentirosa and Bruno meet. Mentirosa is upset about what happened with Ana Pau. She confesses she heard him say he loves Ana and nothing would make her happier than for Bruno and Aan Pau to get married. Bruno reminds her that Ana Pau is going out with someone else. “But someone I don’t approve of!” Mentirosa says. Bruno wants to know who the guy is.

Gus wants Ana Pau to go back to the job. Yes, he loves her and would love for her to stay so they can see each other. She thinks she needs to continue to look for work, and with his sister’s help it will be easy. Gus drops the bomb that his sister heard about the incident at the club. Sis won’t be able to help. Tears and dramatic drumbeats.

It seems to Bruno that Ana Pau is pretty taken with dude. Mentirosa says she’s just young, innocent and dazzled (deslumbrada.) After Tia explains about the broken down bus and subsequent happenings, Bruno realizes that the two hardly know each other. Ana Pau is naïve and believes everything Gus says, but Tia thinks he’s irresponsible. He doesn’t even have a job! She explains where he used to work and how the boss fired him and talked badly about him (hablando pestes.) That’s why she wants to keep Ana Pau away from him. Bruno asks if she’s sure about that and she is completely sure. Bruno tells her not to worry. He’ll take care of Gustavo.

Ana Pau will look for work without Gustavo sister’s help. She’s upset that sis will think the worst of her. (I’m still agog at the dress. What was vestuario thinking?) She wants to get along with his sister because she knows how important it is to him. Gus is sure that once sis gets to know Ana, she’ll know who was right. Ana hopes so and asks Gus about his job search. No luck for him, either. Tough times blah blah. Take the job Ana, help your family we’ll make it work. Blah Blah Blech. Link to "their song" So beautiful.

Bruno has lifted a great weight off Mentirosa’s shoulders. He’s her hero. She praises. He payses. (She takes a peek in the wallet, too!) Tia Mentirosa wants to see Don Ro-hell to apologize for her sobrina’s idiocy.

Ana Pau, Squeaky D and Unibrow. in the park. Where’s Tia?; Gus talk; measurements for graduation dress and pep talk FF>>

Gus visits Esteban, but not to apply for permits. He tells Esteban he’s no longer with Romo Construction and he wants to file a complaint against the company.

Mentirosa is busy with her ledgers when Ana Pau comes home. Same convo different day: you know I love you; why did you quit? He was an ass; One should make sacrifices. Guilt trip. Tia changes the subject to Gus. You should be with Bruno. Tia knows best.

Esteban lets Gus know that making the accusation is serious. Romo could lose his license. Gus says that’s really not his intention he’s worried about the fisherman. If the water treatment isn't built properly the water will be polluted. No he doesn’t have proof. Plans could show that the project doesn’t conform to the law/isn’t up to code. When Gus has proof, Esteban is inclined to help. Boring. Don’t care. Fill in for me. Stopped listening. FF>>

Cheers for Ro-hell and Vainy. Puke. They talk about back in the day when Ro-hell and Vainy were together and Sin and Bruno were a couple. Bruno is just another employee now. Sin canoodles with David. David says what are we all going to do know that we’re all here? Vainy suggests dancing. Sure, Ro-hell says- I leeeerrrve dancing. ooops. Apparently footinmouth is contagious.

Bruno asks a sketchy guy for a favor. Sketchman wants to know how many favors he has to do before his debt to Bruno is done. Bruno reminds him he kept him out of jail and no other lawyer would have done what he did. Fine, says Sketchman. What do you want? Bruno explains there’s this guy he wants out of the way. Sketchman wants to know if it’s a "hospital for a few days" or "disappear off the map forever" job. Bruno weighs both options.

Gus’s job search didn’t go well today. Sis wonders if he’s upset about what she said about Ana Pau. Nah, he’s upset about everything: no work, no severance pay. Sis worries he won’t be able to pay the mortgage tomorrow. All her salary goes to helping the parents. He’ll go to the bank tomorrow and talk to them. Their parents taught them to get through anything without losing their humor or enthusiasm (or some such.)

Vainy tries to smooth things over with Ro-hell. More smoochies and recapper indigestion. Bruno arrives. Where the hell is David? Must be powdering his nose. Anyhoo, Bruno finds out that Vainy and Ro-hell are back together. Bruno takes David’s vacated seat and thinks it’s just like old times…until David returns and macks on Sin. Bruno is effectively put in his place.

Ana Pau calls Maria. They miss each other. Ro-hell stopped taking meds and doing exercises. M-grito on the phone. Tears and begging.

David and Unibrow: Unibrow is not getting fired, but folks gotta know David is boss and things get done his way. In response to Unibrow’s question: Yes, according to David el inge is as bad as he said. Unibrow is going to be sent on an important errand as a representative of the company. It could mean moving up in the company. Deliver this merchandise and get these papers signed. Drive carefully—the merchandise is very valuable. 20 hour trip. You leave tomorrow at noon.

Bruno and Ro-hell go over contracts. Bruno says he has some info on nurses, but it seems a waste of time now that Vainy is back in the picture. Ro-hell says Vainy is not the one to be taking care of him. Anyway, Vainy and Ro-hell’s relationship with her is none of Bruno’s business. As to Ana Pau, she still doesn’t want to come back, but Tia really wants to talk to Ro-hell. Ro-hell will let him know if he wants to see her.

Miguel wants to talk to Gus, but before he can, Gus talks him into going and getting the plans for the Boca del Cielo project. And when Miguel returns with the plans, David catches him and Gus red-handed in the middle of the handoff! David says no copies are to be given to Gus.

Bruno is surprised Vainy is back with Ro-hell. She's not. She knew he’d come back to her. Bruno mentions their little deal and wants an advance, but Vainy says if she’s the one who convinces Ro-hell to deal with her dad again…then Bruno shouldn’t expect a commission!

David and Gus: bidnez. bo-ring. The plans belong to the company. Don’t screw the fisherman over. Maybe David will reconsider. He'll give Gus the severance pay. No hard feelings. Sure. None…but I’m still filing a complaint. FF>>

Tia Mentirosa is being a drama queen. Ro-hell comes to visit. He knows about Ana Pau’s hard times. Think, Ana! Come back to Hacienda Hell-Fuerte. Lets start over. O-Ok, says Ana…but where’s my apology? Oh that's too much! Ro-hell yells. Here I am offering you a solution to your economic woes and you’re still looking for an apology. The apology is important for Ana…she has those pesky principles, ya know (btw—check out Tia stealing the scene in the background.) Ro-hell thinks he can buy people. Yup. ‘Cause everyone has a price. Ana doesn’t think so. Well, since she doesn’t want to take advantage of his offer he’s out. She just chucked her last chance in the garbage. Oh, and Miguel’s job depends on Ro-hell, too.

Bruno is not a happy camper. How can Vainy screw him over after all he did to help? He postponed meetings with the competition and kept Ro-hell from throwing her out the second time she came. Vainy is pretty sure she did most of the work and what little Bruno did isn’t worth the price he’s asking. Bruno should let her know if he needs anything now that she’s back with Ro-hell since it seems Bruno has lost his position with him. Bruno makes some vague threat about the day he quits and Vainy wonders why he hadn’t already quit years ago. Bruno leaves with a “think about what I said” (What the hell did he say?)

Ana Pau yells at Ro-hell. Ro-hell yells at Ana Pau. Do I really need to translate? She’s pissed about Ro-hell threatening Miguel's job. Ro-hell is just pissed. Srsly. They’ve been having the same “it’s injusto” argument and Ro-hell has been the same sexist a$$ for three weeks. The only difference is Tia is standing by freaking out. Ro-hell leaves. Tia yells at Ana Pau and races after Ro-hell. Tia begs Ro-hell to give her more time to convince Ana Pau to come back. And please don’t ruin Miguel’s job. We three are living off his salary. Ana Pau is just caught up in (Tia almost spills the Gus beans)… her graduation. She's sure Ana Pau will come back to the hacienda.  Ro-hell gets in his car. Tia runs to a public phone.

Unibrow on the street corner. Gus catches up to him and apologizes for putting him in that iffy situation. Uni-b wants to know why Gus even wanted the plans—To annoy the boss? Of course not, The boss is doing something bad, the proof of which is all in the plans…which Gus can’t take. Uni-B doesn’t know whom to believe. Gus insists David is the crooked guy.

David gives the plans to a new ingeniero…the new graduate Edgar-- who immediately points out that the water treatment part is not right. David tells him to correct the plans and they’ll talk later.

Gus finds out Miguel is Ana Pau’s brother…and that as a brother, he has his doubts about Gus as novio material. If you found out your sister’s boyfriend was run out of the office for possibly crooked dealings (tranzas) and later said novio asks you to pilfer plans, what would you think? Gus suggests they go for a drink and discuss it.

Tia and Bruno scheme. Bruno has got to get Gus out of the picture no later than graduation day.

Blergh. Gus and Esteban again. Gus informs Este that David will give him severance pay and will reconsider. Este says they can’t do anything then. Gus hopes the project will be built as it should. Esteban is determined to supervise the construction even more carefully. Gus agrees. What’s built may be completely different than what’s on the plans. Bored recapper. Move on. Esteban mentions his marital problems. Gus says I’m there if you need me, bro. Esteban suggests Gus attend the important National Commission on Water (conference) so he can make connections, maybe get a job. Mr “I’m so concerned about water and I’m a hydraulic engineer” looks like he’s never heard of it. Really? Beanie adjustment in 3…2…1.

Ro-hell is with Vainy and annoyed that folks are walking all over him (No voy a dejar que nadie pase por encima de lo que quiero.) Vainy worries he’s talking about them and he assures her he wasn’t. Vainy is soo happy that they can be together happily ever after. Puke. Bruno calls. Ro-hell will meet with the competition tomorrow. Vainy tells Ro-hell enough with business for the day. Let’s toast. Ro-hell says it’s best he leaves and promises they will see each other tomorrow. Rather chaste kisses good-bye.

Elsa la Vaca comes in and tells Vainy she’s been thinking all afternoon. It’s quite a sacrifice to get back with Ro-hell. La Vaca still thinks Vainy is just out to help Daddy with the contract. Vainy assures her that while she wants to help daddy, she still loves Ro-hell. La Vaca—who is looking more and more like Carol Burnett’s rendition of Gloria Swanson circa Sunset Boulevard—tells her it’s nuts. Ro-hell is in that wheel chair and can’t offer Vainy a normal life or children. La Vaca tries to plead Esteban’s case and Vainy tells her to forget it.

Gus, Sis, Dinner. He got his severance pay so they’re square. With the rest he’s going to help Ana Pau. Sis is perhaps lukewarm on the idea. Gus says don't worry, he won't forget responsibilities to Sis and family.

Tia comes home. Ana Pau was worried about her. Tia tells her she went for a walk to try and figure out what they were going to do. Ana Pau must want her dead. She’s not going to eat dinner where no one listens to her. She’s going to Elena’s. She leaves. Ana Pau follows. Ana Pau tells her no matter how much he pays her, she’s not going back to work for Ro-hell. Tia says it’s because of that Gus guy. Ana swears that’s not the reason. Tia says alrighty, if you don’t want to go back to the hacienda- fine. But Ana Pau has to break it off with Gus and give Bruno another chance. Ana Pau is WTFBBQ impactada. No way is she doing that. Bruno is great and all, but just a friend. Gus is hard working, honest, bland, milquetoast …oh, sorry. Long story short: Tia says Gus is poor. Ana Pau says who cares he’s got good values. Eventually Tia claims she’ll let AP make her own choice but if Gus deceives AP in any way, Tia wants AP to promise Bruno will get another chance. Tia adds a  *cough*I’msosick*cough* for good measure.

Squeaky D delivers graduation dress. Ana Pau starts to fill her in on Tia’s latest antics.

Elena fusses at Tia for being so metiche, don't you know the minute you tell them “no” those youngins want it even more. Tia is pretty sure Gus won’t be around long. Elena wonders how she’s so sure. Tia has her ways. Tia tells Elena not to worry, the ring will get paid for. Elena comments that Ana Pau has a lot of luck with the gentlemen and with work. Elena wonders why Ro-hell offered so much money for Ana Pau to return. Tia says it so Ana Pau will put up with him. He’s used to everyone doing his bidding. After what Ana Pau said to him Miguel is sure to get fired too.

Ana Pau is about to tell Squeaky D about the crazy day when Unibrow comes home. He informs them he will not be able to attend the graduation and Squeaky reacts as if he’s just told her he ran over her abuela. A little over the top IMHO. Squeaky lines. Miguel lines. Gawd you would think he was going off to war. Ana Pau tells him about Ro-hell’s threat on Miguel's job. Miguel is impactado.


  • Gus misses the graduation.
  • Bruno busts a move and Sis sees!


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #84 Tue 1/17/12 Vince doubles his own salary.

Our episode opens on Freddy's busted nose. He's acting kind of bemused, but Pina is freaking out. She winds up squeezing it and making things worse.

Vins is still gasping for breath in the grip of the Candi-Pina vicegrip. Support one radio program, lose the other lady.

Vins and Enzo want to double their salary, and Beto whips out the Titanic analogy. The company will sink. I wonder if the new businessman of the year will be clever enough to tell Beto to think outside the box (which miraculously solved Avon's problems last time).

Arnold shows up at Rebe's with a slightly floppy purple flower (sexually symbolic, hmmm?). Her attitude is unchanged, but that doesn't stop him. Ding dong... it's Pancho! He demands to be let in, Rebe hides, and Arnold gets the door. Pancho barges in and talks Rebe out of the bathroom, and Arnold makes himself scarce with some minor protests ("she's my friend!" "The buzzards are your friends, now get out of here")

Popeye is still pining for Abeja, so Lupita and Temo take him to la casa irabien to see her.

Meanwhile Pinas ridiculous sister YuyU shows up (and they play wonderfully together, speaking and gesticulating just alike). She's come to drop off her daughter Meli, who is like an impossibly smarmy combination of Shirley Temple and Pina, so she can go hound her husband at a conference to keep him faithful. In nauseating (yet predictable) fashion, Temo falls for the brat and we're treated to some truly vile child acting. I dread that this subplot may afford him even more face time.
But hey, it was almost worth it to see Pina, Yuyu, and Meli all bickering with the exact same inflections, pronunciation (amors, pors, etc.), and the same aggressive head-wagging.

Let's see, Fers is still looking for her kid she put up for adoption. Unfortunately, she takes ill, and despite her protestations the maids call Doc Oct, who demands she be hospitalized.

Pancho and Rebe have made up with alarming speed, and he makes her the best tortilla in Mexico (tortilla in the spanish style, with eggs and fried potatoes).

Pepe is happy to be working on a car project for Avon marketing (I missed the first hour, so I'm not clear on how a car fits into cosmetics), but surprised to find that the vice president has taken a direct supervisory role. Enzo has lightened up a little about Pepe and Monica, but that isn't saying much. He tells the boy he'll make him wish he'd never been born if he hurts his little girl.

Freddy looks remarkably pleased with himself for some scheme he's cooked up to get back at Pepe for dating his ex.

Chela clearly hasn't yet enacted her plan to start acting and dressing cooler, but she earns back a few points in my book when she points out how absurd and gross Temo's new crush is.

Tomas professes his love for Lupita (huh? that ship has sailed, bro). She stupidly comes to his house to tell him what she could have told him in the street: no. Unfortunately, she does not benefit from my insight, and Alex shows up with some flowers (why was he there?). He gets mad, dumps the flowers in the street, and that's that.

Now begins a sequence that I think of as loading a musket... the show is winding up for a big huge fight at a hospital (standard novela fare).
Vins informs Pina that Fers is really sick, and she reminds him that they should probably go visit her. He acts like it was his idea.
Pancho and Rebe are interrupted in the middle of their makeup brunch by Pancho's phone. They're headed for the hospital.
Pepe gets the same call (same ringtone as his dad, that's cute) and is also headed to the hospital.
Ana has the same ringtone. She's also going to the hospital.
At the hospital, Pina overhears Fers changing her will to give everything to Pancho. She begins to shred the daffodils she brought for Fers. See you next time!


Una Familia Con Suerte #83 Tue 1/17/12 Fraud gets a bloody nose.

El Talisman, the new show, is starting January 30 - so this week and next week there will be double sessions of Una Familia, 7-9.

Vince's first tasks for Lamberto: to reactivate the Vince-and-Enzo personal credit cards. Glad he's taking his job seriously.

Pancho, brooding, considers Chela as a possible novia: after alll, she knows him so well and has been with his family so long. Lupe tells him it's ridiculous, though, because he loves Rebe, and he agrees.

Enzo tries to tell Moni she doesn't need a mother, *he's* all she needs. She disagrees. He insists he knows nothing of her mother's whereabouts, but we know from his thought bubbles: it's a honking lie.

Pina wants nobody to ever see Avispa's puppies. Mean!

Manuel asks Ana what she feels for Freddy - he saw her drooling over him, but can't understand why she likes him. She has no good reason, her reason is "what can you do?" Elsewhere, Freddy smirks, realizing Ana has the hots for him.

Sandrucha brings Vince his fancy new business cards and asks if they can celebrate alone, somewhere intimate, with less clothes on. "Didn't you just tell me you don't want to be a sexual object?" he asks. She says she feels differently now that she's secretary to the president.

Fernanda's health continues to deteriorate as she notices how lonely and empty her house is without Pancho and his family. Suddenly she hears Ana and her band practicing for their audition. She goes to listen happily. Soon, however, she remembers Rebe accusing her of arrogance the previous night and has another little attack.

Candy, who couldn't get past Sandra the previous day, texts Vince from the antechamber; he comes and gets her. She wants to know what's going to happen with her radio program, Also, she's furious: "You treat me like an old rag..." He apologizes and flatters her and then kisses her. She points out he's married, "and I don't want to be another floozy like your Sandrucha. How far would you go for me? Would you respect my family, would you lose everything - your presidency, your marriage, all your money? I love you like crazy but I won't be 'the other.' "

Fer ruefully tells Ana she's feeling poorly because she interrupted her treatment in Germany to come back to Mexico "and wreck your dad's life" and now she's feeling the consequences.

Meanwhile, for Adoracion's benefit Pina models a Parisian negligee bought to seduce "... the plumber?" asks Adoracion. "No, obviously my husband!" "How can you still love him after all the things he's done? I'm worried because you suffer all the time." "This time I'm sure everything will be super different."

Rebe peeks in Pancho's window and sees the Lopez family enjoying Chela's delicious food. Chela lets her in - uh oh, Pancho is still mad! "I'm eating with my family," he informs Rebe frostily. "I just came to bring your last check; good night." He feels remorseful later and Lupe points out he forgave Fernanda, so why not Rebe? Rebe's crime didn't deserve such punishment. "You still love her, why hang around crying?"

Rebe cries in her car and Chela sees her.

Fraud wanders into Moni's office again and is irate that her screen saver is a picture of her and Pepe kissing. He reads the stuff on her desk. Moni and Pepe come in and catch him spying. Freddy: "Moni! You went to Valle to Bravo with him!?? I threw four years of my life in the garbage." Moni: "Well, I feel the same." Freddy: "Well, now I see you're pretty low class, Moni, look who you hang out with. You're no better than a cualquiera," which means literally "any kind of somebody" but is used to mean "hussy/floozy." So Pepe punches him but good. They leave and Freddy, rising from the ground with very thick red blood all over his face, vows Pepe will rue this day.

Pancho regrets being mean to Rebe and remembers her saying "I'll love you whether you're a grocer or an astronaut." His reverie is interrupted by the arrival of ... a new character. Named Chato. I guess the actor playing Chacho's pal has gone off to some other job and the jolly goings-on require a new sidekick. Anyway, this Chato is an old friend of Pancho's, come back to Mexico after discovering that with the recession there was no more work in the States. They admire his panzon (big belly).

Vince moans over Fraud's bloody nose and pledges vengeance against the mecaninaco. Freddy says he has a plan to make Pepe suffer but we don't hear what it is.

Pepe tells Monica he couldn't let Fraud talk trash about her. Monica points out Pepe was noble not to call her dad a hypocrite during the "you are a naco" diatribes - Pepe knew Enzo himself had been a mere naco car-washer as a teenager. Pepe says he was just following the Golden Rule. He gets kisses.

At Pina's house, Vince is in a bad mood and not receptive to the low-light sexy atmosphere Pina's tried to set up. "Is this a voodoo session?" He ignores Pina in her "baby doll" nighty. He's sulky and sad. She gives up.

Back to Chato, who can't believe Pancho gave up the Avon presidency. Pancho denounces the "venemous insects and vipers" who worked for him there. More about Chato, in case it later turns out to be important: he's been gone seven years (which is why they recap the whole plot for him). He was practically starving in the US. Chacho and Chato trade baldness / long nose jokes. Of Avon, Pancho muses: "Now I'm where I should be, it all seems like it was a dream." But Chacho points out he still loves Rebe...

... and that causes Pancho to rip off his apron and stamp off to see his bombon. Of which, more in the second hour.

Things go well in the recording studio. "Your band's not bad," says the producer who is Manuel's father, "But I'm only interested in you, Ana, as a soloist." Uh-oh. "I could make you a big star." Through soundproof glass the boys in the band are watching hopefully.

Chela tells Lupe: "I want to finish high school, learn how to dress, become cultured, get a job and become a boss so Pancho will find me interesting."

Pina asks Vince: why did you receive Candy last night? He says she came to get authorization for her radio show. "If you give it to her, I'm asking for a divorce." But if he doesn't let Candy's show go forward, Candy will disappear. Dilemma! Enzo points out: Vince will be ruined if Pina divorces him, so there shouldn't be a question. Vince doesn't look convinced.

Monica goes through her dad's papers to try and find clues to her mother's whearabouts while Pepe watches. They find no marriage certificate. Maybe they were never married? Over to you, Ezra...


La Que No Podía Amar #11 Lunes 1/16/12 A Chapter of Indecent Proposals

Please provide any missing details. Gracias.

Bruno approaches Ana Paula with an extraordinary offer of her salary being tripled, but must return to Rogelio with the conditions of her return. Ana Paula and Gustavo become novios. Sin-thia tells Maria that her life is a living hell.

Rogelio's Study: Bruno and Rogelio review the business contract between Federico and Rogelio's father. Rogelio displays no intention of renewing it. He changes the subject and enquires about Ana Paula's conditions. He laughs at the demand for an apology, but falls silent at the demand that he cease physically abusing his employees. “This cannot be. Paula is incredible.” Indeed she is, Sir.
Casa Carmona: Tia MentiRosa accuses Ana Paula of the usual dishonesty (her own) and of being influenced by the earnest young Gustavo. She goes on about Rogelio being “hecho y derecho” and what a fool her niece is for leaving such a splendid post as that. She finally walks out as though to punctuate the statement with an exclamation point, leaving Ana Paul in the desired state of confusion.
Casa Durán: Gustavo speaks to Mercedes about Ana Paula's need for a new post, but she's already promised the next one to another girl (Dani). Yet she is pleased at her brother's happiness at finding a suitable young woman.
Rancho de Fuerte, Stable: Sin-thia scolds Efrain over Consuelo. He teases her about her jealousy. She threatens to expose his perfidy. She reminds him he is there to serve her as the dueña and he is to end his attachment to Consuelo.
Hacienda de Fuerte, Cocina: Maria consoles Consuelo, but lets her know that what she feels for Efrain isn't love. “What would I tell you mother?” Efrain enters in the middle of Maria's lecture on his character and she chases him around the kitchen with the spatula. This might be amusing if it weren't so like her patron's bad habit with his quirt.
Casa Durán: Dany and Mercedes talk and Dani tells her to consider her best friend for the next job opening. This solves Mercedes' problem for the moment.
Hacienda de Fuerte, Cocina: Maria finally exits in frustration and Efrain scolds Consuelo. In his typically caddish manner he drops her as he might a hot burrito. Was this not what others have warned her about?
Casa Carmona: Gustavo presents the graduation tickets to Ana Paula (four, for the entire family) and another gift, a job interview in the rehabilitation facility at his sister's hospital. She cannot contain her joy at this and they regard each other romantically.
Rogelio's Study: He reads Ana Paula's letter over again with Maria's voice echoing in his mind. Bruno returns to inform him he will be leaving for Tuxtla and Rogelio announces he will accompany him.
Casa Carmona: Gustavo and Ana Paula are kissing as Tia MentiRosa returns from shopping. They do not appear to have broken the kiss quite in time and Gustavo offers his assistance with the grocery bag. Tia MentiRosa, rather than being grateful for Gustavo's gentlemanly gestures, is being a fishwife. She scolds Ana Paula for being alone with her fiancé when there is such potential for scandal. Ana Paula explains his presence and announces that she has an appointment for a possible new position. Tia MentiRosa vulgarly speculates that is would not pay as well as her last one. Before Gustavo leaves for work he and Ana Paula kiss at the door. Tia MentiRosa is not at all pleased.

Commercial Break beginning with a promo for El Talisman.

Recamara de Sin-thia: Mellors climbs the trellis and sneaks in through the usual entrance and Lady Chatterley does not appear to be in the mood for a dalliance. However, his rough manner engages her as he throws her to the couch and her passion appears to increase. Consuelo does not know what she is missing and that is to her own good.
Casa Carmona: Ana Paula reproaches Tia MentiRosa for commenting on their not having new clothes for the graduation.
Ana Paula: Aunt, don't say in front of Gustavo that we don't have proper dresses for the graduation.
Tia MentiRosa: Why not? I'm only telling the truth. (drinks something we can't identify)
Ana Paula: I don't want him to think he's obligated to buy me anything. He's very generous and I don't want it to look like I'm taking advantage of him.
Tia MentiRosa: But what do you want a man for but to help you and buy you necessities?
Ana Paula: Tia, don't talk like that.
Tia MentiRosa: It's the truth. It's a worthy occasion and we need to prepare for the party.
Ana Paula: So we will.
Tia MentiRosa: Don't start saying the only important thing is love because it's not true. It's not like in the movies. In real life people marry for convenience, not because they're in love. When hunger enters the door –
Ana Paula: It won't be that way for me. On my wedding day it will be for love. A love so strong it will overcome every problem.
Tia MentiRosa (with a condescending laugh): It's a nice dream, very pretty. But practicality is another matter. I tell you this because I love you. It's wrong to dream of a royal prince. (places the tickets on the table)

As Ana Paula rolls her eyes, Tia MentiRosa coughs with such timing we all know it's another of her lies. .

David's Office, a noche: Gustavo arrives to collect his severance pay, but David tells him that he has forfeited his rights to it because he resigned. Gustavo tells him that this denial is illegal, but David – with condescension that Tia MentiRosa could have taught him – informs him that he just doesn't understand company politics. Gustavo understands well enough that he can stop him from building the hotels if he fails to comply with the law.

It is now morning in Tuxtla.
Health Club: Ana Paula presents her qualifications to the hiring manager in the rehabilitation center of the hospital. The documents appear to be in order and she explains that she took care of her mother in the last years of her life and briefly worked for a man who couldn't walk. The hiring manager is pleased, explaining she is qualified for the available position, and begins to describe it.
Federico's Office: Rogelio arrives for an apt. Federico closes the door behind him and takes his seat. We can anticipate no interruption from Elsa la Vaca.
Health Club: Ana Paula and the manager walk over to the desk, about to settle mundane matters such as her first day of work when Vainessa saunters in wearing a dress that may have been painted on.
Manager: The job is yours.
Vainessa: That's impossible. This tipa can't work here.
Manager: Why?
Vainessa: She is incompetent to do the required work if that's important to you.
Ana Paula (facing her directly): That is a lie.
Manager (to Vainessa): Why are you saying this?
Vainessa (arms akimbo with a victorious smirk): Because that's what she does. She worked for my ex-fiancé and left at the first little argument.
Manager: Is this true?
Ana Paula: Yes, but it isn't like she said.
Vainessa (with an unsubtle mocking tone and gesture): She left him a note saying she couldn't stand it any more, and walked out.
Ana Paula: Yes, I did, but it wasn't –
Vainessa (to the manager): That was so unprofessional. I'm just leaving you my advice and I will tell everyone about the kind of person you're about to hire. (looking over Ana Paula's head as though she were a piece of trash) Therefore?
Manager (with a a doubtful expression): That's very strange. Ana Paula came very well recommended.
Vainessa: I see. I can't imagine why. But if you don't want to believe me, fine. At this very moment I'll just go see – (turns to exit)
Manager: No, no, no, no, no. Wait.
Ana Paula: What? Aren't you going to allow me the benefit of explaining these things?
Manager: I'm sorry, but in view of this I can't give you the job.
Ana Paula (to Vainessa): Why are you doing this? What difference does my working here make to you?
Vainessa: Wake up, slut. I have friends.
Manager: Please leave.
Ana Paula: No, no, no. I can't let this woman force me to leave.
Manager (picking up the telephone): Leave or I will call security.

Ana Paula and Vainessa exchange a hostile glance and Ana Paula departs, saying to herself that it looks as though something is following her everywhere. Vainessa smirks to herself as Ana Paula exits. Vainessa has won this battle, but this war has just begun.

David's Office: Sin-thia arrives, wearing a leather dress that is also painted on. He begins flirting with her.
David: It's a pleasure to see you. Wow. It's a true miracle. Please come in and sit down.
Sin-thia: Thank you. I'd be in town more but you know how my brother is. He doesn't let me leave my corner. [esquina]
David: But things have to change for a beautiful woman like you. To be locked up like that is unfair to the rest of us, don't you think?
Sin-thia: One hopes that you will bring about the change. You're absolutely right.
David (addled): Well, yes.
Sin-thia: So how are you?
David: With you here, very well.
Sin-thia: Still the eternal bachelor?
David: I have yet to meet she who would make me change my life. I hope Rogelio will permit me to visit you.
Sin-thia: Rogelio is in town; he had an appointment.
David: So he's alone in the city?
Sin-thia: No; Hugo is with him. And I'd rather be with you until he's done.

David is clearly pleased at her forward nature.

Federico's Office: Rogelio tells Federico directly that he does not wish to continue to do business with him. Federico indicates his suspicion that this is about Vainessa and that someone as successful as Rogelio should be able to separate business from personal matters. Rogelio takes this as an insult although Federico didn't intend it as such. He continues to explain that their their association had been successful and should not end over Vainessa.

Commercial Break leading with a promo for Dale con Ganas.
Restaurant: Ana Paula tells Gustavo about the humiliation Vainessa just put her through. He tries to get her to calm down, but then explains he was forced to resign from his own post and received no severance pay.
Federico's Office: Federico is trying to get Rogelio to see the business and personal issues as separate and unrelated. He should just settle matters with Vainessa once and for all. After this concludes unsuccessfully (from Federico's viewpoint) Rogelio he prepares to leave. As Hugo takes his place behind the wheelchair Vainessa arrives and boasts to Rogelio that she chased Ana Paula out of the health club job. Rogelio is not impressed and departs. Vainessa, in her tight white ramerafalda, patiently plays with her hair beyond his departure, sure of her charms.
Restaurant: She addresses him for the first time as “Mi Amor” and he is thrilled. He is prepared to fight dragons for her. They kiss despite its public impropriety.
Federico's Office: Vainessa tries to get her father to talk about his conversation with Rogelio and she proceeds to whine and cry her usual poisonous tears. She manipulates him into embracing her.
Restaurant: Gustavo and Ana Paula discuss how he will explain to Fermin and the other fishermen what will happen. Gustavo tells her he will find a way to do this. When she suggests he return the graduation tickets for the money, Gustavo refuses, explaining that despite all the problems they will go to the graduation together and that this will be the first of many important shared events in their lives. As they embrace she appears worried.
Cafe de Macaria: Maria and Margarito. Maria asks whether Maripaz can take over for Ana Paula teaching Margarito and Macaria tells her that her daughter has no time because she will soon be attending classes herself. Maria tries to leave, knowing that Macaria wants in on the gossip, but Macaria persuades her to sit as she sends Maripaz inside. Margarito almost spills, but Maria nudges him into silence without dropping Macaria's gaze.
David's Office: David and Sin-thia share coffee and talk about going out to the midday meal as Miguel comes in carrying David's computer. David instructs him to leave it on the floor for the moment. Rogelio and Hugo arrive. Rogelio and Sin-thia say they recognize Miguel although they may not be making the connexion to Ana Paula. David is satisfied with Miguel's work and thanks them for recommending him.

Commercial Break
Casa Carmona: Dani arrives and wants to talk about what they'll wear to the graduation. Ana Paula takes out a black dress and asks whether Dani's sister could alter it to change its appearance. As they discuss this Tia MentiRosa pulls her stunt of praying because they need money. She isn't praying to the Virgen de Guadalupe, but attempting to manipulate Ana Paula's well-developed sense of guilt.
David's Office: Rogelio and David start talking about Gustavo and why he no longer works there. David describes him as being incompetent and incapable of carrying out the work. Rogelio says that this is why he trusts no one. Miguel, though we may find him wanting in intelligence, listens raptly to this discussion.
Casa Durán: Mercedes receives an unpleasant phone call from the health club manager and Gustavo arrives as she ends it. She reproaches him for recommending Ana Paula.
Casa Carmona: Over dinner and during a discussion about the difficulties in finding employment Miguel reveals that Gustavo has lost his position despite his background and experience. It comes to light that he and Ana Paula's novio are the same person and Tia MentiRosa's expression took a decidedly sour turn.
Casa Durán: Mercedes and Gustavo argue about Ana Paula and her resignation. Mercedes is angry that her recommendation of Ana Paula will hurt her future credibility in her work because of how this matter was concluded. She gives him an apology for her anger, but no opportunity to explain everything that happened. Finally, she explains their financial circumstances in view of his lack of severance pay and that they will have difficulty paying what they owe for the month.
Restaurant: David, Rogelio, and Sintha take lunch. In true gentlemanly fashion, David requests Rogelio's permission to court Sin-thia. Rogelio grants it, to both their surprise, then excuses himself to answer his ringing cell phone. Bruno has called to ask whether he should try harder for Ana Paula or get another nurse. Rogelio tells him that he will get another nurse after this call. At the sound of his name David asks Sin-thia whether there is still anything between her and Bruno and she tells him no. They flirt over the red wine, but Rogelio does not look pleased at this.
Tienda de Ulisses: As Efrain and Margarito exit to put the purchases in the car, Macaria enquires of Maria about Efrain's love life. Because it's been at least a year since she knows of a girlfriend in his life. There is an ulterior motive here, and we can imagine what it is.
Restaurant: David takes his leave to return to the office. Sin-thia tells Rogelio she's interested in David and would he not make a good husband for her. Rogelio, despite his dark expression earlier in the scene, concedes that this may be the case but they'll see. He then suggests that they visit Vainessa.
Casa Carmona: Ana Paula and Tia MentiRosa argue again about Gustavo. This tedious exchange merely serves to emphasize the unimportance of Gustavo's character and the importance of money to Tia MentiRosa. Bruno arrives to talk to Ana Paula while Tia MentiRosa fawns over him. He tries to persuade her to return to Rancho de Fuerte. Ana Paula asks him whether he's really doing this for Rogelio or for himself.

Commercial Break
Casa Carmona: Bruno explains he just follows Rogelio's orders, but that he has a motive of his own. Tia MentiRosa cheers his declaration of love and Ana Paula informs him she has a novio. He is not pleased at this disclosure, pointing out that she had previously told him she had no one. She apologises, but this is a new development in her life. Tia MentiRosa foolishly offers him coffee as he gets up and departs in anger he is intelligent enough not to show, ignoring her entreaties. She wails and rails to Ana Paula about what she is passing up, saying that Miguel has a mediocre job. She then lies about passing up the opportunity to marry because of the two of them, finally taking her crocodile tears outside.
San Gabriel: Sin-thia and Vainessa greet each other and she and Hugo leaves Rogelio alone with the vain one.
Vainessa: I don't believe this. It's what I've been waiting for.
Rogelio: I know, in which case I will be direct. I've been told you say you love me. And that you want to revive our relationship. (She walks away and sits down at the fountain edge) What do you say? Now that there is no contract between you and your father to interfere?
Vainessa: What? How?
Rogelio: If you accept now it could be for love and not for money. Do you want to begin again?
Vainessa: I don't quite believe this. At your hacienda you were so crude with me. How is it that after what you said to me you're saying this?
Rogelio: What you did was much worse, Vanessa. Despite the absence of seven years you seek me out. That's why I'm here now.
Vainessa (taking his hand): You believe me.
Rogelio: We've both hurt each other and that's why I'm here. (He starts stroking her hair) Here is my offer. [propuesta]
He kisses her very deliberately as the orchestra conveys what must certainly be her confusion.


Besos and plotting, including Rogelio asking Ana Paula if she will return.

esquina corner
propuesta offer, proposal


Una Familia Con Suerte #81-82 Mon 1/16/12 Is Vicente’s Star or Supernova Rising As Pancho Makes His Sun Set in the Vecindad?

Here’s to peace, equality and justice for all on this Martin Luther King Day.

Enzo shares with Vicente that he doesn’t want his daughter to suffer. Vaincente would rather talk about his problems with Candi but offers that something will occur to him to help Enzo. Monica’s girlfriend comes to see her and she hears all about Moni’s romantic interlude in Valle de Bravo with Jose (the Pepe formerly known as naco.) She describes the cabana, candles, all the delightful details, dinner saxaphone player, flowers, etc. She couldn’t believe she could be so happy. So what is she so upset about, did Jose do something? No, no he behaved so perfectly well. {This may give hope to CHFiddler, et. al. about what they did NOT do.) Instead Monica reveals her pain is caused by learning that her mother is alive!

Enzo reminds Vin the Vain that he has always been with him in business and economic crises and even with his drama with Candi. Vin assures him he is going to be with Enzo now in his problem with his daughter as he demonstrates by almost jumping on him while they both remain standing.

Monica questions why her mother left her and why her father had to raise her alone. Didn’t she love her? What did she do wrong.

Pancho continues tormenting Fernanda and Rebe who have shown up at the vecindad hoping to persuade him to stay with Avon. But he rebuffs their arguments saying that he needs to talk to his family because they have so much to decide with all the changes coming in their life. Fernanda asks pathetically, was it all bad, was nothing good? Rebe asks Pancho’s forgiveness once again with no apparent effect on Pancho but it brings a smirky smile to Chela’s face. The two executive ladies leave in defeat. Pancho is hugged by his kids while Chela smirks on. Outside Fernanda tears up the resignation letter. Rebe tells her that not only has Pancho resigned but she is going to leave the company too. She is sorry but this decision is also irrevocable. As Rebe walks away, Fernanda half falls into chauffeur Gonzolo’s arms as he helps her into her limo.

Arnaldo fills in Vicente that Candi will have a radio program that will replace the time slot occupied by Pina Opina. Vicente doesn’t know what to do, if he ever does but Arnie will go talk to Pancho. Arnie kisses Vicente then threatens to kiss Enzo who threatens to trade a punch for any kiss that lands on him.

The family all talk about how happy they are to return to the barrio, except the Pompé the dog. He wants to meet his puppies (cochorros.) And Ana will miss Freddie. Meanwhile Freddie is being counseled by his mother Pina la Paina who is mostly concerned with her program being upstaged by Candi’s program. Does she not know that Candi is upstaging her with more than radios? And here comes the cachorros in a bread basket brought by Adoración. Pina won’t even look at the little white rat-sized bundles of joy calling them mangy vagabonds. Freddie takes a look then picks up one to coo at. He gets Pina to put one on a velvet pillow beside her saying, it is your nieto MOM.

Pancho discusses with his children that they have nothing left to do with the mansion of Dona Fernanda but each will have adjustments to make. He especially has his job to change. Looks like he is headed back to the world of vegetables. Candi is proud she will have a radio program to put together. Tomás comes in on the conversation, petting little Popeye. Tomas tells them that doggy daddy Popeye has puppies that he witnessed being born yesterday.

Back at the Irabiéns, Adoración is watching the three white pups who each look almost as big as Mama Abeja who looks at them with surprise that they came out of her. Small wonder there had to be an emergency cesarean delivery. Popeye comes over with Ana to visit his hijos. He tells Abeja at last he gets to see his pups he is so excited. Que emoción.

Pina comes down the stairs with a snarl on her high class lips, but what kind of scandal is here, she cries. What is the delinquent dog Popeye doing in her house?

Chela asks Pancho if he is sure of what he is doing. He reminds her she always wanted this. She demures that she has only wanted what is best for him. After being a complete beach all this time, now Chela is the one who reminds him to be proud of his work with the Arabs and the Japanese deals he was able to carry out and fixing the company with his honest business practices. What Pancho says he could never understand is why someone like Vicente was kept on in the company as a rat with two feet (rata de dos patas.) Well he is her nephew reminds Chela. Fernanda was not sincere with him, he whines. Chlelsa defends her. He can’t believe that Rebe betrayed him too. Chela looks mysterious but twinkly eyed and silent at this remark.

Rebe cries with her lovely friend that Pancho is lost to her forever, boohoohoo. The friend reminds her that Pancho never stopped defending for her and now she should not give up fighting for him.

Pina tells Ana that these flea bitten bastardos can’t be seen in the light of day. No one must see how ugly they are. Ana points out that the Popeye as the father of these pups has rights too. Ana threatens to carry the puppies away too if Popeye has to go. But you can’t take Abeja. Pina orders them out especially Popeye. Pina is always pretty silly but outdoes herself ordering new Mama Abeja to leave the puppies and come with her. Abeja ignores her like a good mommy should. She’s a well trained dog, she stays beside the basket through the entire scene.

Candi is discussing her radio program with the producer when Vicente arrives. He pushes the producer out of the room so he can talk to Candi. He reminds her that she drives him crazy. She can’t forgive his behavior of last night.

Fernanda has come to the children and tells them she wants to talk to them telling them how much she needs them.

Candi lets Vin know that they will no longer be neighbors and he will never see them again. Why not, he whines. Because my brother has resigned from the presidency. Vin does his signature hot finger shake with sizzle sound effects.

(The cream being sold is por nacos para nacas se llama nacar. Right? Better than killing all those thousands of turtles and who cares about abalone or mussels or whoever is being killed to make our skin softer.)

Vin can’t believe that Pancho renounced the presidency. Vin is confused but yells out his door with great glee that the greengrocer has resigned.

Fernanda is making them all feel bad, she had talked with all of them when they came to the her side of the city and hoped they were happy. Rebe comes to talk to the greengrocer and tells him that she has resigned too. She wants him to know that she doesn’t care if he is a green grocer or a president she sincerely loves him for himself. She only wants him to know her sincerity in this love. She leaves. He says but love you too, Rebe, he says to the door. But you failed me.

Fernanda tells them that no one has been as honest and capable as Pancho Lopez. And she is so sorry he is so bitter. She has come to think of them as her own grandchildren. They give her their support and love, especially Ana and Temoc. Candi comes in saying her mission was awful. Fernanda says she hopes the whole experience wasn’t a horrible bother and unhappy for all of them. Candi assures her that she loved living in this house and the neighborhood. Fernanda wants to talk with Pancho once more.

Vicente rushes in, hugs a delirious Arnaldo crowing that Pancho has resigned and his fortune is about to change. They kiss and jump up and down with what this must mean for Vicente. Vicente goes off to give Enzo the joyful news and Arnie says he has come to the moment of a big decision.

Chela tells Candi how happy she is to think they are all returning the neighborhood. Candi is not so happy. How can you compare this (all the wonder of the mansion) with our old neighborhood? Chela says there is no comparison, but she is sure that they will return to their old happy life. Candi asks her if she thinks it will really all be like it was.

Fernanda tells the veggie toting Pancho that she feels so alone it’s a torture (calvario.) He assures her that it is not all was bad. She begs him to know that her intentions were honorable and he kindly tells her NO it wasn’t all bad it began well but things happened she couldn’t (didn’t) control. She sits or really slumps in a chair. He says you shouldn‘t feel bad about this supposed failure (fracaso.) His family loves her. You saved my life, she adds. And it is her fault that Rebe and he can’t work it out. He says that’s a different matter. Water and oil don’t mix (agua y aciete no mezcla) He tells her he has begun to think of her like his mother. (forshadowing her search of some episodes ago?) They decide to hug and kiss to seal the deal. They agree completely on one thing: Love is the most important thing in life.

Enzo and Vicente do a happy dance and song that Pancho is nowhere to be found. The support staff look on with alarm at this bit of antics.

Chela kneels and prays to the Virgin in a chapel that Pancho will be like he always was and will lose the bitterness. She only wants what she thought was hers, they were so happy.

Why can Pina see Candi's rehearsal or program on her computer? She says more ugly things about Candi who looks beautiful, something Pina can never do. Vicente comes home to tell Pina that Pancho resigned. She can’t even be excited for him but knows something big is up.

Tomas brings a welcome home bear to Lupe. It is nothing, he says as she begins to reject his advances initially.

Chela swells that she has won and Pancho is home. Candi is unhappy in the old digs. The kids are mixed.

Fernanda comes in to tell Vicente of the resignation and the new president will be him she adds quietly.

Candi says you have no idea what hope I had to have my own radio program. Pancho thinks that Fernanda might let her keep it.

Vicente is so happy that he will get the chance this time to be president but Fernanda warns him not to get back to the dirty business practices (basura) like before. He says it will be so happy and he will convert the company into the grandest empire. Fernanda doesn’t look so sure.

Chela is so happy that the children will have to change back to their poor schools and Pepe and Lupe can go to a public university. She is so happy for herself she doesn’t see the hurt In Pancho’s eyes.

Vicente toasts champagne with Enzo for their future and the future of their businesses. He asks, what has happened to Arnaldo? Enzo says, well he had something to do. How could it be more important than this moment?

Arnaldo drinks soberly with Rebe at her apartment. He wonders about Pancho and her and she says he won’t return. I don’t want to talk about him. And he says but what will you do. She lost Pancho because she agreed with Fernanda to trick Pancho and he won’t forgive her. Arnold says what if you had the love of your life in front of you? She shrinks back. No literally right in front of you, he continues. He proclaims his love for her.

Jose/Pepe has to tell Monica that his circumstances have changed too and does that mean anything to her. Monica says don’t worry about me. Pepe wants her to be happy and wanted to make good with her dad and thinks she could try to get close to him to repair the break between them.

Rebe says but you are gay, in reaction to Arnie’s soulful confession. No, I have never been gay and I am totally in love with you.

Enzo and Vicente celebrate that they will now have control of all the company’s money for their own business deals.

Enzo gets a call from Monica. She wants to talk to him. Vicente is telling him to say in command. Enzo is so excited that Monica will come that he ignores him. Monica gets off having made the meeting and tells Pepe she is scared. What he will say about her mother. They can’t do without each other they swear as they melt into a kiss. (At least one relationship seems good in this mess.)

Arnold says there were many reasons to hide who he really is but Rebe rejects him saying she loved Pancho profoundly and will for the rest of her life. She ask his forgiveness. He says he has always been profoundly in love with her and will now be unconditionally her friend.

Enzo in tears is telling Monica, your mother was a very impetuous woman (muy alocada). IS, says Monica. Yes, is, he corrects himself. Your mother was very rich and her parents were going to reject me as a mate for her. Monica wonders, why were you like that with Pepe if you came from poorer circumstances? To save you the pain I had. (not so logical pops) Her parents objected so we married in secret, she was determined to keep her baby (interesting wording, he is not ready to tell Monica the whole story.) What happened? One day, she simply left with no trace. Monica wants to know why and where, but he has no idea where she went or where she is now. He looked for about eight years but she vanished without explanation. He asks Monica’s forgiveness for lying to her but he didn’t know what to tell her. She softens during this description then forgives him and they kiss with tears. Ah, Enzo is acting so human for once and his reward is Monica’s support.

Pancho snores and Popeye tickles him awake. Then all the kids come in to bounce on his bed. Chela smirks how happy her life is. All welcome him home to their old apartment except Candi who is sarcasitic, oh oh happy happy. Chela woos them all with breakfast. They all pile on Pancho, Chlea waits for her chance.

Back in the Avon offices, Rebe is explaining the story to Monica that Fernanda hired her back to guide Pancho and now she has no reason to be there. Monica is so sorry. Rebe adds, but Pancho broke off with her. She brings her an envelope that tells her about the project she wanted to do (with Pepe? ) being awarded as one of the projects for Avon. (Correction thanks to CHF, Pepe entered this ocntest under the pseudonym Serenita so now he will have to work directly with Enzo, oh my) She starts to tell Rebe her problems, it isn’t Pepe but her mother.

Enzo says Monica returned home. Vince doesn’t want any more details. He has his own thoughts to pursue.

Rebe begs pardon of Fernanda for being so strong with her the other night. She wants them to be friends like always forever. And Fernanda says that is the same thing that Pancho said. Fernanda says come with me. This afternoon I will name Vicente Irabién as the President and I don’t want to go alone. In the name of our friendship please come with me. She weakly holds her head again and Rebe worries.

Pancho stands on a soap box, literally, to announce the whole market that as of yesterday, I am no longer the President of Avon. And I am here to tell you that I will return to my old job with energy and enthusiasm right and correct. He is as happy here as any where. Greengrocers rock.

Arnold comes back to Rebe’s office she tries to fend him off but he says what he really needs is that regarding what they said to each other yesterday, no one else should hear of it. They both agree to be discreet.

Monica opens the envelope telling her she has won the contest that Rebe encouraged her to try out for with her project. She shares her excitement with Pepe. The only downer is that the head of the entire project of which hers is one part is none other than her father.

Enzo chides Vicente about turning aside his triumph and thinking only of his love for Candi. He says he sees her as his queen and the prize for his victory. She should be on his arm. Enzo hides his face in his hand. (Vicente will jettison Pina? Not that I could blame him, but really?)

Candi shows up to argue with Vicente’s secretary who tells her that the president is very busy. Candi is surprised that Vicente has only been named President so quickly. The secretary says he will be busy for a long time. Tell him when he has time that I want to talk to him about my radio program. The secretary has that yeah never, look on her face.

Alex complains to Freddie that Lupe has returned to the same neighborhood as Tomas, his old rival for her affections. Freddie tells him he is going to lose her from his own jealousy, but why would he care. Pina interrupts in a cocktail dress to swoon over the big moment of the Daddy they need to get ready to attend. Things are going to be as they should have been since the beginning, opines Pina.

Candi comes in to tell Chela, Pancho and Pepe that Fernanda lost no time in making Vicente the president. They had been congratulating Pepe on winning the project contest. I guess he is involved too or just his usual supportive self for Monica’s success.

Out in the courtyard, Lupe greets old friends and Alex and Tomas show up and approach her from opposite sides. She considers both then advances to Alex to give him a big kiss as a crestfallen Tomás looks on.

Back at the Fernanda’s house, Temo and Ana receive the baby puppies from Adoración who has brought them out into the garden to see papa Popeye. They say will if Pina is going to abandon them then we could take them home. Adoración looks on with horror.

The Avon announcement is catered with drinks and snacks. The every day is doomsday accountant is comparing the end of Pancho’s presidency as the sinking of the Titanic.

Vicente sees himself on the throne taking on his imperial crown. Doesn’t he look like a butter commercial? Fernanda comes in looking quite ill and wilted and the boys comment on how soon she will fall. Pina and Freddie push themselves up to the front to be close to the stage. She tells the audience that Pancho has resigned the presidency and she has to take care of her health so Vicente Irabien will become the new President. The video that immediately plays shows him as a Harvard graduate, charts proclaim his business acumen and he is successful in his personal life with his wife Pina who is responsible for the boy child Freddie. The faces reflect the mixed reaction to the value of this particular achievement.

Taking the stage in a bound, the elated Vicente declares, the world in chaos will return to harmony. Pina tries to get Candi to leave but Candi insists loudly that she has come to represent her brother and she has a right to be there since she still works there. She takes the stand and says the best president is me carnal Pancho Lopez! The secretaries try to stop her but and Vicente almost passes out with Candi’s denunciation. After she saunters out curls a bouncin’, he takes the microphone back and says his presidency will make Pancho’s seem insignificant in comparison. He immediately names Enzo as his Vice President. They hug endlessly at the podium. Fernanda looks like she is going to have another relapse soon. Rebe is as purple as her suit jacket.

All this time, Ana and Temo have been arguing about the puppies when Manuel shows up with the giddy news for Ana that his father will give their band an audition tomorrow. Freddie magically shows up at home from the ceremony and tries to kick Andres out of the garden. Ana wants a ride home with the puppies but Fraudie says he only takes his girlfriends on rides. Ana tells him it’s a shame that a handsome man like him is such a jerk (mala onda).

Alex and Lupe seem to argue about this change of her living arrangements will be a threat to their romance.

Vicente gives the old presidential office secretary the boot and she leaves crying. His old chair shows up with much chaos and then Arnold says he has something to say. He opens the refrigerator and they make bad jokes about the smelly food. But Arnold takes the food out with care. Enzo is told to call the architect to take everything that reminds them of Pancho out of this office. Arnold casually resigns as he leaves. Enzo and Vicente hug some more not seeming to notice. They are too excited about getting back to business as usual.

Lupe and her dad talk about Alex and she asks him if he might be making a mistake about Rebe. Rebe is in her office and dreams of all the good kisses and romantic moments. Arnold comes in for a hug, while a man comes for her boxes. Arnie says never forget that you can always count on me.

The accountant is told to take everything to the new Vice President Enzo regarding numbers. He wants to know if there is anything else. He wants to know if he can count on him. As he escapes the room, he runs into the old secretary. Are you leaving too? he asks. No, but my job has been degraded, she sobs. And the Accountant of Doom screams, It’s Armageddon!

Chela and Candi discuss Candi’s appearance at the announcement. Chela can’t believe Candi is still enchanted with Vicente.

Monica congratulates her father on his new Vice Presidency. For a change he is so happy. Monica then asks, is it true that he knows absolutely nothing of her mother now? She wants to know why she left, why did she abandon them. Enzo looks unprepared to give her a satisfactory answer.

Next up: Vicente and Candi spark, and Pina snarks and harps for a divorce. Rebe shows up at Pancho’s humble digs much to Pancho’s delight or at least surprise to hear her voice and Chela’s dismay.


Vecindad – neighborhood or tenement building
Cachorro – Puppy, kitten or any baby animal
Nieto – grandson
¡Que emoción! – How exciting!
Vagabundos sarnosos – mangy bums or vagabonds
Rata de dos patas – two legged rat, i.e., a man,
see Paquita la del Barrio:
Calvario – a torture, a hell, also Calvary
Fracaso – failure, disappointment
Agua y aciete no mezcla – water and oil don’t mix. They were talking about different issues.
Alocada – impetuous, rash
Guiar – to guide


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