Thursday, June 21, 2007

Duelo de Pasiones - Wed June 20

Don Loco/Alvaro tells Doctora Loca that she doesn’t know what it is like to be a monster like him. He will always be carrying the blame for what he has done. He asks the doctora for help; he wants to talk with Soledad. He wants to see her and ask her forgiveness. He encounters resistance from his doctor/ lover interest. She tells him that its best he not talk to her about Soledad. He taunts that she is jealous. Finally she agrees to get Soledad to talk to him.

Gaby cries after her kidnapper (Milli Vanilli look alike) leaves her locked in a room. She eats old looking quesadillas.

Adela serves her mistresses food as Coral, Alina and Soledad all discuss the hunt for Gaby. A nurse/officer from the Mexican Military arrives at Corals bearing a letter of admittance for Alina into the Military Nursing school. She is to start first thing the next day.

The 4 Stooges; Emilio, Angel, Frank and Rodrigo spy on the kidnappers supposed hideout wondering what to do.

Claudia is almost raped by her mothers boyfriend who also happens to be the ring leader of the kidnappers. She escapes because the phone rings and Rosundo goes to answer the call. Claudia overhears him discuss a ransom for Gaby.

Hugo and Alfonsia argue about the cofre and whats in it, and whether they trust each other. They don’t. They say words and threats to each other. Its stupid filler.

Luba talks to Gaspar as he lies in his hospital bed. She waxes on her infinite problems to which Gaspar overhears. He wakes trying to comfort her but Luba denies crying. She tells him he knows that she never cries. Gaspar worries that Marianna, who is sleeping behind a sheet that separates their two beds in the hospital, wont help him get better if Luba tells her what is in the cofre. Gaspar wants to know what bad things are in the cofre. He worries that if Marianna hears about the cofre she still wont donate her kidney (riñón) to him. Gaspar warns Luba that after she tells the truth about the cofre she could be thrown into the street.

Cluadia runs out of the apartment building where she has just been with Renoldo. She runs to the 4 stooges informing them that Rosundo has the girl. Ricardo plays like he is going to run into the building to save his daughter but is held back by the men. Emilio tells him they need to go plan.

Alina is hesitant to be happy about her Nursing School acceptance cause she doesn’t want to leave Rodrigo while he is dealing with the Gaby kidnapping.

Alina goes to Rodrigo's house and chats with the nanny. The Nanny tells her that she thinks Rodrigo loves her because she is soooo much like his dead wife Elena. Not that she has ever met her, she is just going off stories Rodrigo has told her about the woman.

Claudia fills the 4 stooges in on Rosundo at someone's office. The men start talking about plans to rescue Gaby. They will grab Rosundo after he plays pool (Billiards). Angel tells the men that he knows he's not in the military like they are but he would like to help. Emilio gives him the eye but tells him he can help.

Gaby cries about wanting to see her Daddy. Milli Vanilli kidnapper rocks out to some music until he hears a radio announcement about the ransom being offered for the kid. He makes Gaby write down words on a piece of paper as she sniffles.

The Nanny tells Alina that she is sure Rodrigo has seen other good qualities in her besides those that match Elena. Alina reminisces on how hard it is to forget past loves.

We are treated to a tour of the hospital system.

Gaspar is shuffled off for dialysis. Luba freaks not understanding what's happening to her son. A doctor explains to her that he will get dialysis for the toxins in his kidney. Luba gets lightheaded as she watches the dialysis.

The kidnappers head off towards a park while the 4 Stooges follow in a Volvo. Emilio orders the men to separate. Frank is to go with Rodrigo while he and Angel head off towards their destination.

Frank and Rodrigo follow the bad guys that were in the part to an apartment. They bust in after them and hold them hostage with their shiny guns.

Gaby is forced to call her Daddy by Milli Vanilli. Alina answers the phone but Gaby continues talking like she would to her father reading the note the bad guy made her write. She tells Alina to come or they will kill her.

Rodrigo riughs up one of the kidnappers when he realizes Gaby is not there. Alina calls him on her cell phone. Rodrigo says he will go home to hear what she has to say. He leaves Frank holding all three men hostage, waiting for the cops.

Milli Vanilli takes Gaby to a beautiful black girls dressing room. He wants her to hide Gaby for him.

Luba loves on Gaspar as if he has just gone through some horrible surgery not just the dialysis treatment we say him receiving. I think she is getting a little too wound up.

Angel and Emilio follow Rosundo to a strip club/dancing club where we see the beautiful black girl.

Rodrigo tires to blame everything on Emilio when he gets back to his house to hear what Gaby said to Alina. Worry worry Frustration Hate pours out of his mouth.

Thelma takes the baby while her Singing Aunt is sleeping. The Aunt wakes up telling Thelma to leave the child with her until she returns Gaby. Thelma snaps saying its her baby and besides she has bigger problems. Orlando knows everything. He knows that Gaspar is the father of her baby.

As Coral and Soledad worry the Doctora Aida arrives.

Emilio and Angel watch Rosundo talk with the black woman. Rosundo tells the woman to take him to her dressing room and as they turn to leave Emilio lays his arm on Rosundo and tells him that he wants to accompany them also.

Emilio tells Rosundo that he wants "La Nina". The pretty black woman admits the girl is in her dressing room and she doesn't want any trouble. They go to the dressing room and find Gaby. She cries in happiness. There might be a few scuffles during this time but basically Emilio uses his gun to hold Rosundo and Milli Vanilli (MV just returned) hostage against a wall. Angel tenderly comforts Gaby as Emilio is the big hero.

Doctora Aida wants to know if Soledad and Elias are lovers. This pisses SOledad off. Coral leaves Soledad to talk alone with the doctora telling her to just make a noise and she will be right there to help her.

The Singing Aunt tells Thelma not to cry. They talk about what will happen when Emilio learns the truth. The Singing Aunt tells Thelma to have confidence in her.

Orlando arrives at La Rinconada to flush out more secrets.

Raquel (who is the singer of the shows theme song in real life) cries over a man named Vicente. Raquel vows to be strong. I know I've been gone but what's going on here?!?!

Rodrigo decides to take off to find his daughter just as a call comes in informing them that Emilio has saved the day. He has Gaby sana y salva! Safe and sound! Rodrigo happily tells Alina that Emilio has saved Gaby.

Soledad gets mad at the Doctora for wanting her to meet with Alvaro on the heels of what she did to her in court. The Doctora tells Soledad she also wants Soledad to tell Alvaro that Alina is alive.

Emilio takes Gaby to his house instead of her own house. Huh? Thelma walks into the room asking him how the search for the girl is going. Gaby spies Thelma and stands up with fear recognition in her small face.


La Fea Más Bella #297B 6/20/07 Every dog has his day, so Tomy finally has his dog day, Fer makes Lety tea, and Aldo makes Lety te he

Folks we're closing in on the end at rapid speed....

We open with Alcia at the passport line and Tomy calls on the cell and wants to know where she is. She tells him the same old song and dance about being in her appointment at the doctor’s office. He wants to speak to doc because he has a question. She tells him he can’t, that the doctor is very busy. He asks her to ask doc to call him when he’s done being busy. She agrees and hangs up.

The agent tells her she can return this afternoon to pick up her passport. She is bothered that she can’t pick it up now because she has to leave the country as soon as possible and she begs him to talk to the guy over there but he walks away. Ah foiled again, Oxigenada!

Lety is in self denial (as if we didn't know). She doesn’t understand, now Don Fer has made her think about what she should do. She wonders why he’s put her to this test of her emotions. She is mixing some sort of diet shake (probably a promo since we've never seen her with this ritual before in the storyline) and repeating that she just doesn’t understand. Will someone pleeeeassee just hit her over the head with a brick already!!! Oh, wait it's coming, the novela's almost over.

Fer is confiding in his buddy about Lety’s dream that he interrupted the wedding. Omar is like and so? Fer retorts, so !!! He saw it on a program of Jaime Maussan that a person dreams about what they want to happen but don’t dare to accept while they are conscious.

Here is a link to A UFO conference with Maussan. Interesting.

Omar, excited, says then Fer has become an interpeter of dreams! He starts to tell Fer about a dream he had last night that he was in the desert where there is nothing, absolutely nothing, because it’s a desert, but he doesn’t have a bit of thirst! He asks Fer what that means. Fer says it means that when you were little you suffered from an overdose of oxygen in your room from ultra-violet rays (huh?) and as a result you don’t have quite the same intellectual capability as most people. Omar considers that seriously.

Fer continues without missing a beat that he needs Carolina to speak with Lety and convince her to cancel her wedding with Domesolin. Omar says it was only a dream, Lety’s not going to be convinced to cancel her wedding! Fer says Lety doesn’t know what she wants, and he continues that he needs Caro to talk to her woman to woman. Just then Carolina enters. Omar tries to point to her and look at her and get Fer to realize she’s there, which he does but after it’s too late and she’s heard all his plan. She asks him just what exactly he wanted her to convince?

Mar is typing to her Cyber-non-hunk Octavio who is really the non Cyber hunk that she already met and asking him to tell her more about himself. He says he’s told many things, but she hasn’t told much and asks her for more dish. She says she is confused and has to go and she’ll chat later. He says goodbye. She wonders if she should choose between her feo cyber-galan and the real Octavio-galan. She then picks up the phone and calls the same Octavio not knowing he’s the same and agrees to accept his offer for a date.

Caro goes in to see Lety who is beating the heck out of her papers with her pencil. Caro enters and wonders if she’s again in doubt about deciding between Fer and Aldo. Lety wants to know where she got that. Caro backs off and says she thought maybe someone made it up. Lety presses her who and she finally tells her what she overheard from Fer. Lety gets mad and says he always meddles where he doesn’t belong. Caro wonders if maybe he’s not right, because Lety is so affected and that maybe she loves him more. Lety insists she and Aldo are marrying. Caro too wonders if Lety told Aldo the dream and Lety says no but she will. Caro thinks she should, and now she has to go with Omar to Monterrey to a wedding, hers and Aldo’s. Lety says she’s making her nervous and Caro mocks that.

Alicia is trying to work her magic on Celso again. She’s says this is the last time and it’a a matter of life and death. She begs him to do this one last favor. You big dummy. Hot, but a big dummy right now. If you only knew what you were an accomplice to, you’d be steamed. Oh, the feminine physique has such powers. Celso actually tells Ali that this could be a big problem. She begs him to call Tomy and say he’s her doctor and that everything is going well. She tells him that Tomy doesn’t believe she’s doing her treatment and he knows how much she wants to be a Mom.

He finally agrees because it has to do with her and Tomy’s happiness and tests out his authoritative voice. He calls Tomy and says he’s Dr. Kamasutra. He starts to tell Tomy that he’s treating his wife and asks if he remembers him. Just then we see Tomy coming outside and approaching them. He stops as he sees his Chica, and then hears Celso saying the same thing as the guy on the phone. He hangs it up. Celso thinks maybe his phone credit ran out.

Tomas is impactado as he realizes his chica has been lying to him about the treatment, he whines that it’s all lies.

Back inside Aldo comes in to see Lety and tell her about the plans of everything he's getting ready for the wedding. She tries to stop him to tell him something until he says Lobster al American and if she remembers that. She smiles and says, of course, that is what he served her that first night on his yacht. And he continues hypnotizing her with his fancy food talk, telling her the lobster with white wine, well chilled. And she falls for it yet again.

We go out to the cuartel where Luigi is telling Irma how happy his parents are and they are doing well living at his house. She is surprised they are there and he says he wants to make the most of the time that they still have. She wonders about his “friend.”

He admits that Esteban is getting along super well with his Dad and that they love to play together with that foolish ball thingy. Irma give props to the Chivas. (Pues yo tambien son para los Chivas, Arriba los Chivas!!!!) He says what Chinese ladies (Chinas)? She also gives props to America (ok well they are in the DF so I suppose they don’t want to start a riot, ha ha). Luigi is not so familiar with these masculine things. The cuartel are laughing so he wonders if these gals have to be always gossiping. They wonder what kind of look he’s going for and he says his Spanish getup is in honor of Fer. He asks how he looks but then answers his own question making an X with his arms that he says means “super extreme.”

The cuartel say they are excited about Lety’s wedding. He says that right now they need to get excited about their work in Monterrey and not the wedding of his darling “Ornibella.” They are excited about both, but a wedding is a wedding. He agrees and says they have to do right by his intimate friend Padilla and that everything has to be the bomb! (Super bombis!) Irma tells the girls, to see is to believe, and Lui responds I will be your shield of protection.

Omar and Caro come out and ask him if he has everything ready. He says yes that everything for the DIF campaign will be “rechupete” and the talk (comidilla= gossip) of all the production houses in all the states! OK, maybe this has been noted before, and I missed it all this time, but I just realized the pun on the cuartel’s favorite lunch haven. The Comidilla. Ha ha. Caro tells them they need to hurry because they don’t even have their suitcases packed yet.

Martha notes how happy Sara seems, and Sara replies that she thinks she senses that something great, at her level, will happen on this trip. Lola thinks maybe tall, dark with a mustache.

Alicia talks to her “Alichita” and says that they both as beauties deserve to live in a beautiful country, and to be really rich. She says she will choose a really good papa for her (funny I thought she/he already had one…) and Alicia repeats all these qualities that could apply to Mora, until she gets to guapo (handsome) and she stops mid word and goes back to simpatico (nice). Maybe she’s more smitten than she admits to herself.

Tomas is finally having his gigantic light bulb moment (by now it must have been nearly busting his cranium). He talks it all out loud to himself and eventually puts the words in the right order, that Alicia robbed the money, but then he immediately convinces himself right out of it….until…..the bank calls to verify the plane ticket charge to Switzerland by his wife!!!! Imapactado, he accepts the charge, but hangs up and bawls buckets. As much as he has been blind to this, I do feel sorry for him right now.

We come back to Aldo telling Lety the only thing left is to do is to go to the jewelers to get the rings and for her to choose what she likes the best. He says he’s dying to make her his wife. She smiles but looks off in the distance. He comments that she looks very nervous. She says well it must be because this is the first time I am getting married. She is shrugging away from him.

Just then Fer comes out with a tea. He hands it to Lety and tells her he hopes this makes her feel better and that she can relax. He tells her he put jasmine in as she likes. Aldo says, no, you must mean hibiscus. Fer says no, jasmine. Aldo says if he used jasmine, then you must be pretty bad off because jasmine is used to make you relax. He asks if she’s not well. Lety blows it off that her assistant is overzealous and exaggerates in his duties to make her feel better. Fer says don’t do that Dona, now, remember what you just said about your dream, and he says whoops! She tells him to keep on drinking the tea himself because the one who feels bad is really him.

Aldo says yeah, but he’ll feel even worse soon listening to us talking about our wedding so he tells him to tone down his duties a little and go away now. Lety says she’ll be there in a minute and doesn’t want them to fight anymore. Aldo promises he won’t fight because she asked. Fer says don’t worry, we don’t fight, we only choke and suffocate. Ba dum dum.

Tomy is crying in fetal position wondering why she did this. Just then she comes in and wants to know what he wants. He snaps out of it quickly and very seriously calls her Mrs. Ferreira. She knows something is wrong because he never calls her that and wants to know what it is. She had too much UV when she was little obviously, too. DUH!!! Tomy tells her he knows she stole the million. Just like that. Wow.

Just then Ariel comes in and says he just came from the banking commission and has proof that it turns out that the money was transferred to Switzerland right from here, from this computer!! Tomas, impactado says yes that’s true, he transferred it to his Swiss bank account. Ariel says he knew it and wonders how the authorities will feel about this when he tells them, and now he has to go to the police. Tomas leaves and Ariel wonders where he’s going. We see Alicia impactado, and cut.

Well Damas y Caballeros, I think tonight is actually my very last Fea recap. It's been one heck of a ride. Thanks to Melinama for allowing me this honor and to all of you for your wonderful comments. It's great to share this fun novela with all of you. Look for me after Monday night though, as I try to recap and keep up with our beloved crew when they appear on Cristina.

To whet your appetite, I posted this link to the promo video Univision released. It is going to be so much fun! I'm really excited. I'm in the audience, but I can't really been seen in this clip.

Just for a treat, I'll release two more pre-show tidbits but you'll see there is much more to come:

You can see from the promos who my favorite La Fea actor is that I said would make an appearance. His real name is Mozart!

Ladies, or guys too, sorry to crush any suenos, but Augustin brought his girlfriend, and she shows up in these promos too. She's wearing turquoise.

Ok, more to come when the shows airs. Til then, Vaya Con Pollos mi querida La Fea fans!!!

And please check out Juan Q, as I'll still be recapping those!! Eduardo is delicioso!!!!


Zorro Wednesday June 20, 2007: Where the mapdallion is discovered and it looks like all Olmos's dreams will come true (for now).

Esmeralda is landed on the beach, surrounded by casks from the downed ship. Her dress, amazingly has remained intact---even the bodice remained in place, ahh the miracles of fiction. Anyway back to the show, she sees the brand of the medallion burnt into her palm and remembers losing the medallion as the ship was sinking. She is sad because it was a gift from her mother and the last thing she had from her.

Diego spots the sailor with the medallion and he demands to know where the guy got it. The sailor says it’s his, but Diego doesn’t believe him. So he offers money in exchange for the truth. The soldier tells Diego a beautiful young slave woman had the necklace with the medallion, however he doesn’t remember her name. The sailor is insistent that the necklace is his because he found it hung up on a floating piece of wood after the ship went down. Diego snatches the medallion and gives the man a bag (full of coins, we are to assume).

Alejandro gives his blessing to the engagement of Alfonso (Alf) and Maria Pia (yes, they’ve been dating for months and this is the first time Alej met the man, but anyone is better than Fernando, so Alej is all in favor of the union). Speaking of Fernando, he is standing in the background listening in on the exchange and he looks none too happy. He speaks up and says that MP can’t marry this man. Alej is annoyed that Fernando just strolled into the house and he insists that Fernando leave. Alf steps up and tells FS that the issue is something to be resolved between the two of them so he should just leave los de la Vega alone. Any further verbal sparring is halted by the arrival of Dolores carrying the beautiful baby. He becomes the center of attention and Fernando is moved by the sight of his “almost” grandson. FS smiles and it seems like all the business of MP’s engagement has been put to the back burner.

Mangle and Olmos sweet talk to each other. She sees Olmos as a dapper bald man, but to the viewing audience he’s still a toupee wearing hunchback. They talk about the baby’s birth and how Olmos saved Mangle and the baby (not). Mangle says she never realized before the value of Olmos’s friendship. Agapito comes in to check on the patient and Mangle pays little attention to him, she’s only got eyes for Olmos (man, I’m loving this!!). She makes small talk and asks about the baby, when can she see him (you’ve gotta see the baby!!---With another reference to Seinfeld--I’m sure no one would have been able to say anything complimentary about the spawn of Monty other than it is breath-taking, little horned creature. I’m sure it had a tail, too). Olmos tells her she can see her son whenever she wants.

Esme wanders away from the water a bit and comes across a knocked out SAM. She is able to revive him and goes into major cheerleader mode. She tells him that he’s got the strength to get up and get going. SAM decides he can do it because it must be divine intervention, them being alive. He says that God must have wanted them to live and that’s why they are here. Esme agrees.

Diego goes to Padre Tomás with the medallion. He’s convinced the Esme’s alive, but PT thinks it could be just coincidence. Diego feels it is very unlikely that a slave that matches Esme’s description ended up with her medallion. Diego tells PT that he’s going to visit the Queen tonight as Zorro and he’s going to tell her all the details of the whole sorted business. It will be a major rehash session. PT tells Diego to be careful and just then Monty walks up and Diego quickly hides the medallion he was showing PT. Monty wants to congratulate PT on being assigned as the Queen’s confessor during her visit. Monty makes some comment about PT being alone w/ the Queen without anyone interrupting. PT says that he could offer the same service to Monty, he could be his confessor. Monty laughs and walks away. Padre Tomás says he didn’t like the look in Monty’s eyes, he’s got to be up to something (when isn’t he up to something?).

The Queen tells the Duke that she wants to hold a masquerade ball (quick flash, Diego better not attend or everyone will be able to figure out he is Zorro). DJ doesn’t like this idea, he’s worried (ulcer 1). He says it is for the Queen’s safety, but we all know it is because he’s afraid the gig is up once Zorro spills the beans to the Queen. TQ says that she wants them to enjoy their time while they are in LA.

SAM and Esme wander and come across Camba. Esme tries to assure him that they won’t harm him, they are friends. SAM uses some hand gestures to show Camba that they are now free like birds. Camba seems to understand and he rips off his shirt and rolls around in the sand.

Diego in the Fox Cave, shows Bernardo the medallion and rehashes how he got it and what the sailor had to say.

Esme and SAM are dragging some sort of box. She shows SAM her hand and he tells her to take it easy, to go gather dry wood for a fire. They’ll need to build a fire to keep warm. Esme takes off, but first she breaks off a twig and puts up her hair (you know, first things first).

Fernando is proud of his nieto. Alej says –okay you’ve seen him now amscray. FS says this little baby bonds us together, makes us family---mixes their blood. He waxes about how Esme wasn’t his daughter, but Mangle is his true daughter and this is her son (audience knowing the inside secret, has a chuckle at this comment). Diego overhears and is ticked off at FS’s attitude toward Esme. Diego says that Esme was loved in this household for who she was not for her bloodline. Fernando realizes that he crossed a line (again) and attempts to apologize for that and for also killing Diego’s mother. That’s not enough, he begs Alej to not allow MP to marry Alf. His timing isn’t the greatest and once again, Alej asks him to leave.

Esme comes across a wounded Gluck (the officer from the slave ship).

Olmos goes to pay Selenia. He thanks her for Mangle’s turn around. He says he’s the happiest man and feels like he’s living in a dream. Selenia seems pleased to hear this and then Olmos turns around with a gun. He tells her that THIS is her payment for making him a freak with her curse. She tries to talk him out of doing anything rash. He jumps into a soliloquy about how he’d never have to use the potion on Mangle if it wasn’t for her. If he was blessed with the natural good looks he should have had he would have been able to woo her without the use of potion.

Alf tells Maria Pia that after they marry they should head to Europe. He’d like to introduce her to his friends there (wonder if they’ve heard about her already---wouldn’t that be a scream, oceans and the whole transportation issues and his friends in Europe know about MP before Alej, who lives in the same house, found out). MP says she’d be delighted to meet Alf’s friends. Fernando overhears this exchange and our wonderful Arturo Peniche delivers a fine performance. He sends a smoldering look in MP’s direction and she gives him a look back that I can’t find words to describe. (Part of me thought she might be lamenting that it isn’t Fernando that she’s making these plans with, combined with a smug anger because this is all do to FS’s evil actions years before and up to the present day).

Fernando leaves and Prudencio wants to tag along. FS tells Prudi to leave him alone.

Selenia tells Olmos that she can change him and how people see him. She gets him to look into the mirror and says what you see is what everyone will see. Olmos sees an image of himself, the same one Mangle saw earlier. He obviously likes what he sees and agrees to not kill her, but he’s not going to pay her for the transformation----it will be in exchange for his not killing her.

Alej and Diego talk about the medallion and rehash Diego’s idea that Esme’s alive. Alej questions why would Monty keep her alive, it would be stupid of him to keep her alive and then sell her to slaves.

Esme helps Gluck. He has a bleeding wound and she makes a tourniquet. He’s weak from blood loss, but notices the brand on her palm. He says it looks like some sort of map. Esme says there is no way she’d hang out with a slave trader. He tells her she’s got it all wrong, he wasn’t one of them he was just working for them. He couldn’t get anyone to hire him as a captain, so he took what work he could, but he’s a good captain. He says he could take her to the place shown on her mapdallion.

Sara Kali is talking to Jonas and Suzi at the gypsy camp. She explains to them that the medallion she gave Esme was really a map (story line moving at warp speed in this story arc). Her mother hid their treasure and the medallion is the map to it. SK says she thought that Esme would live longer than her, but alas no. Hermes comments that SK constantly is surprising him and why does she always wait to the last moment to pop out news. Sara Kali says it is because she’s patient. Anyway, SK says they need the money now to carry out their mission. They talk about the logistics of not having the map and SK decides she’ll have to draw it from memory.

SAM starts to build a shelter and Esme returns and tells him about Gluck and her branded mapdallion. She fills SAM in on Gluck saying he wasn’t one of the slave traders. SAM isn’t convinced and tells Esme not to trust the man. That’s right SAM, birds of a feather and all that. Camba returns with bananas and some other food. They are happy to eat.

Zorro goes out riding and questions the wind---where are you Esme?

Renzo and Laisha are talking. He asks her why she is a bigot. She launches into how she’s seen Ana Camila/NAC and Renzo kissing (guess we weren’t shown the kiss from the camera angle with her in the shot). She says that Renzo hasn’t even gotten Jonas’s permission to be mixing with the non-gitana. Renzo tells her she needs to let go of her bitterness and try to find her own happiness. She snottily agrees she should do just that. NAC happens upon them and Laisha takes this as her exit opportunity. Renzo compliments NAC on her appearance.

Almudena and Yumali are giving us a rerun scene. Yumi is trying to get Dena to drink her medicine and Dena is resisting. She says the medicine will not make her forget that Esme is dead. Yumi says if you won’t drink this for yourself, then drink it for your husband, he needs you.

Monty goes over the plans to move his weapons into the city. He’s talking with one of Fernando’s guys I think. Monty’s ticked that FS is no where to be found. Piza walks in and at this point the bad weather outside interfered with my reception, so I missed what was said in the end of this scene.

FS is out riding and has flash backs to arguments between him and Maria Pia---where she accused him of killing Regina/Purina and the one where she told him how she hates him. He says he’ll make things easier for her now. He pulls out a long rope and starts to make a noose. Initally I am impressed by his skill with the rope. Then I think- UGH!! Fernando suicide is not the answer and personally I think you just want to make Maria Pia feel terrible because she “forced” you to kill yourself because of her rejection. It is just plain and simple—you’re selfish!! Yes you are mentally unstable and I wish you'd get some help, but bottom line is, you are only thinking of yourself (par for the course for him, I know).

Alej and Yumi are talking about the state of Dena and Alej’s worried (ulcer 2). Al says there is nothing they can do, Dena’s going to die. Yumi tries to comfort him and tells him not to give up hope. He says he feels so guilty, she tells him that he doesn’t bare the brunt of it alone, she was there that night too (yep, it takes two to tango). Alej takes this opportunity, when they are standing in the open corridor, to spell out why he feels guilty. He slept with Yumi after he married Dena. Dena overhears this whole conversation and needless to say she is muy impactada.

The Queen and the Duke wait for Zorro to come visit. DJ says he’ll go along with this visit, but if at any time he thinks Zorro means to harm the Queen, he’ll take action. Zorro will be a dead man.

Piza is in the plaza looking around at all the soldiers placed in strategic locations. Piza looks worried and since I missed the end of the last scene I don’t know what for, so can I list it as part of the ulcer count? Why not (ulcer 3).

Padre Tomás is crossing the plaza and one of the soldier warns him to be careful, they are on a dangerous mission. PT picks up the pace and hides behind a corner to tell the viewing audience that he fears there is a trap laid for Zorro.

Selenia tells her mini me that they need to pack up and get out of Dodge. MM wants to know why they are leaving when their efforts are finally paying off (literally). Selenia says they need to get out of there before Olmos kills them, their lives are worth more than money. She adds that Olmos is sure to kill them once he learns that Mangle’s hypnosis will wear off. Selenia adds that Olmos will end up paying for what he’s done because Mangle will go back to seeing him as the monster he is. MM wonders when it will wear off and Selenia says after Mangle has slept with him. HAH!

Olmos heads back to Mangle and she puts the moves on her little man. She tells him she was waiting for him and she closes the door. She goes in for a kiss (didn’t this woman just, I mean, just give birth? Is it safe for her to be doing the horizontal bop this soon after having a baby?).

Esme contemplates the burned image of the mapdallion and remembers what her mother told her about all of her fortune being tied up with the medallion. It is a light bulb moment for our heroine.

The Queen & DJ are waiting when all the candles get blown out. She says something about being in the dark and Zorro comes in with a torch. He assures her that after they talk, she’ll see things much more clearly. The Duke is disturb by these words. END OF THE EPISODE/ Ulcers 3


Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Destilando 6/20 - in which Gaviota throws her cellphone on the table.

I was really dreading this episode, but it wasn't so bad, because Destilando has been playing fair with us so far. People are suffering for obvious mistakes they themselves make. For instance, the mistake of judging by appearances: zombie granny Pilar prefers smarmy gigolo Francisco - who intends to squeeze snobby complacent Sofia dry and then dump her - to sweet devoted Elvis.

Rod and Mariana have been, and will continue to be, punished for the sin of not trusting each other. As one of our commenters pointed out, they'll say "I'll love and trust you forever," and then believe, without any proof, without even talking to each other, any preposterous calumny perpetrated by any old lying slime.

Their behavior would make more sense if they were actually in their teens or early 20s rather than their 40s. (I never really understood how Romeo and Juliet could be so moronically impulsive until I saw Zefirelli's film version of their story - the first to use actual teenagers as stars.)

Mariana/Gaviota is also being punished for her sin of lying to get what she wanted and the arrogance of thinking she'd get away with it.

That's what I mean by playing fair: it contrasts favorably with, say, Barrera de Amor or Alborada, shows in which the writers tirelessly, mercilessly, sadistically tortured blameless heroines.

Finally, a shoutout to Aaron and Minerva, who are heading towards hell with such gusto... On with the show!

Rod, sent to the hacienda by Aaron via a trumped-up agave disaster, gives final advice to Gaviota: "Keep your cellphone with you, and tomorrow leave after you get your check from Medina, and pay your debts."

She's worried but he says "tomorrow this time we'll be a-huggin and a-kissin', please, trust me, I love you with all my soul." "I love you more than my own life, I'll never forget you," she replies.

Smarmy Franky and Isa get out of the elevator. She: "Don't say hasta mañana (till tomorrow) cause there isn't gonna be a tomorrow. Now adios, my husband's waiting for me." "No, he isn't, I asked the concierge. Why're you so mean, wanna see me suffer?" More kreepy kissing of the neck. She doesn't respond. He: "OK, if I bother you so much I could vacate the building [his friend, the one who actually pays for the apartment, would like that.] but you'd miss me, I know how much you desire me." He leaves and she, expressionless as usual, calls him a miserable vividor (pleasure seeker).

At the hacienda Rodrigo is striding around, Roman in tow, figuring which farmers could sell him more agave. Jaramillo could sell them 10,000 more tons. Hilario goes on that errand, stopping by the chemists to pick up chemicals so they can test the agaves on site and be sure they're up to snuff.

Pointless scene of James yelling lousy Spanish at the jimadores. "Hurry and put those piñas in the truck!"

Pointless scene of Dani in bed and Sofia sitting on the side, worrying about this unusual family meeting. "We should find out what happened." "Yes." "OK, I'm going to the gym."

At headquarters, Gav asks Elvira if Oñate is around. Aaron sternly asks why she needs Oñate - she says she needs his report before the meeting. "Oh, you're so dedicated and professional," he sneers, "but Oñate is needed elsewhere." (He's elsewhere, snarling to someone on the phone that he needs the whole low-down on Mariana immediately!)

Roman's driving across the agave fields, Rod's in the truck with him, on his cell asking Medina if Gav's check is ready on time. Yes, it is, and it has the 20% increase Rod suggested. "Be very discreet, and give it to her before 1 pm."

At the distillery, James and Zarate watch a chemist check sugar levels. Zarate has been paid off by Aaron to say the agave Rod just bought is no good. Rod storms in with previous records of the sugar level, which in fact is just fine.

Zarate admits there has been a mistake. "A mistake? You know I've been all over trying to replace 80,000 tons you rejected! Who's behind this?"

Zarate thoughtbubbles No puedo balconear a Aaron which maybe means, "I can't hang Aaron out to dry." Zarate says he did it for his own gain.

Good guess! I found this online: "In Mexico, to put a person in a public situation of feeling embarrassed, for example, of looking ignorant, or ill-informed, is to embarrass that individual, since his or her weakness is being displayed publicly. In Mexico they use the term "balconear" to convey this behavior. "Balconear" comes from the word "balcón" (as in a balcony, literally), and in the old days leaders or young ladies would appear in balconies to be seen publicly."

Isa's dad isn't happy to hear Rod is out of town. Isa suggests that she may be about to get divorced and dad shouldn't count on Rod to countersign the new loans. She'll let him know later.

The vultures are gathering, hoping for a feast of flesh.

Gav knows something's afoot but reassures herself by hugging her plane ticket: "Soon we'll live our beautiful reality."

Aaron hauls Medina into an office and yells at him for telling Minerva the terms under which Mariana Franco had been hired. He snatches the check Medina is carrying (he's been carrying it face out so everybody can see - nice discreet move, Medina). "It's Mariana's final check, authorized by Rodrigo. I'm supposed to give it to her personally." "I remind you I'm the boss and pay your salary. Get out of here!" Aaron keeps the check.

Aaron looks like he'll stroke out with rage as he hisses, "Minerva wasn't wrong - Rod was planning to flee with Mariana."

Dani hears Pilar plotting with Aaron on the phone and asks what's up - Pilar chuckles nervously and says "Nothing, and wow, my shoes are killing me." Then she spills the whole story as per Aaron and says the least that can happen is that Gaviota spends the rest of her days in jail.

Dani doesn't believe any of it and tries to call Gav, but never gets through.

Oñate is very happy. He has found out about the false passport and has in hand the name-change form with Teresa Hernandez Garcia's signature. Mariana runs into him, he says she should go into Aaron's office.

Then the scene shown in all the advances: "Hello Mariana - or should I call you Gaviota - or Teresa Hernandez?" She's impactada into the commercials. Aaron knows about her fake "advanced degrees," etc. "Let me congratulate you - the time you spent working in Europe - as a whore - served you well. You learned French and English, but what particularly impresses me is your persistence - do you always get what you want?" He lets her tell the whole story - London, pregnancy, bus, flying up in the air, nuns, etc - but she's talking to the hand. "Leave before I call the police."

"I won't leave till you say who betrayed me." "Can't you guess? It was Rodrigo. He's tired of you, but didn't want to tell you to your face. He asked me to get rid of you. He's a capricious womanizer, obsessed till he gets what he wants, then his interest evaporates.

"He invented the agave problem so he could go to the hacienda and get away from you. This isn't the first time I've helped him. His strategy is to seduce the woman and say she's the only one. The whole family knows about it, Isa knows, she's very understanding, she realizes her husband has a weakness for easy women like you. He laughed telling me your stupid story, that stupid story about coming home 'intact' from Europe... "

At first she says she doesn't believe any of it. Then Aaron gives her the check he snatched from Medina, saying Rodrigo wanted her to have it for her 'services,' especially to him.

For some reason this suddenly changes her mind. She says she doesn't need the money or anything else from any of them, "You're the worst people I've ever seen in my life, your money makes me sick." Aaron grins uncontrollably, this is just what he hoped for. He taunts her with the car that she hasn't finished paying for. She throws the car keys on the table along with her datebook - and the cellphone Rod told her to keep with her all the time.

Aaron tells her to go away and stay away or she'll be arrested. She says she's going where she'll never have to see any of them, that the Montalvos are a "nest of potbellied vermin."

She leaves his office crying, Elvira gets a huge smile and reports to Minerva.

Gav says goodbye to Margarita. Margarita says Dani's on the line but Gav won't take the call. "This place is hell. The Montalvos are dead for me."

Having solved the agave problem, Rod rushes off to the airport - he tried to call Gav but got no answer (Aaron had her phone, of course, and read the text message - "I'm late, but I'll be in Manzanilla tonight - I'll be in your arms.")

Oñate congratulates Aaron on his handling of the situation - sending Gav away without involving the authorities means there will be no scandal, and also what Gav did was not legally so bad, and also it's better that the Montalvo's clients not mull over the fact that their contracts were signed by an imposter, and also it's better yet if the authorities don't poke their nose into Aaron's crooked dealings. And also - if Gav were to be jailed Rodrigo would be able to find her easily. Better she's just gone. Oñate asks for money.

Minerva is indignant that Gav has merely been run off and thinks the whole business could be better managed by - herself. She wants to storm the corporation with Isa and deal with everything. Isa says no, no more humiliations.

Rod arrives at the corporation. Elvira says Mariana is already gone, the family is waiting in the boardroom. Aaron talks to him first and gives him an earful, but Rod is steadfast in defending Gaviota and says he plans to leave the corporation and live with her.

Clarita is waiting in the empty apartment and Gav calls. "Ma, call a taxi and come get me, bring everything, the world has fallen in pieces."

Rod is leaving. Aaron is running after him, trying to convince him that Gav was an "easy woman." Finally he says: "Why do you think I hired her, why do you think she rose from receptionist to my secretary to manager so fast? You know I have a weakness for women! She was my lover!"


alimañas panzonas - potbellied bloodsuckers (my dictionary said 'vermin' but I like 'bloodsuckers' better - thanks, Jardinera!)


Zorro, Tues. June 19 - Esme's ship sinks and Olmos' ship comes in

While the slave traders discuss whether they want Garcia or just Esme, Esme asks Olmos why he is doing this and who paid him. He tells her that she knows why – she and her mother are a danger to the Crown of Spain and the who is Duke Jacobo (DJ), the real power in Spain who rules without a crown by controlling the Queen like a puppet.

DJ comes to visit Montero and Pizarro and tells them that Zorro got into the Queen’s chamber and spoke to her about SK. DJ says that this Zorro seems to know everything and he plans to tell it all to the Queen. Montero is impactado and Pizarro has a kind of rueful smirk.

Alej tells Diego that he has noticed that Diego has changed. He no longer reads poetry and does magic tricks for ladies all night. Diego says that his love for Esme changed him. Alej agrees and says that Diego now acts like an honorable and brave man: he withstood being tortured by Montero and learning about how his mother died. Diego responds that he can do much more. Alej tells him that one person can’t take on Montero and FS. He seems to be on the point of telling Alej that he is Zorro when Bernardo gives him the zip your lips sign. Diego tells Alej that Montero’s injustices have awakened the beast in him and he is going to make them pay. Diego leaves and Alej tells Bernardo to keep an eye on him – in his state, Diego is liable to do some crazy thing.

Montero tells DJ that Zorro is no ordinary criminal. He’s a trained soldier, an excellent swordsman and has more modern weapons than Montero’s men. DJ asks how a low-life criminal could have these qualities and Montero replies that he believes that Zorro studied in the best military academies in Europe. “And you don’t have any idea who he is?” asks DJ. Montero tells him that they have some suspects but are still investigating. DJ tells Montero that Zorro plans to visit the Queen the next night and tell her the rest of the truth about SK. Montero had better stop him or his military career and his life is over.

In the fox cave, Diego asks himself what has Zorro turned into? He can’t stop thinking about Esme, her eyes, her presence. He tells Bernardo that Esme was his universe and then she was ripped from his arms. They killed her and Zorro couldn’t do anything. The worst thing, he tells Bernardo, is that he can’t accept that she is really dead.

Olmos tells Esme and Garcia that if Esme disappears that is good enough for DJ. Basically, I guess he gets paid by DJ and then makes a little more selling Esme and Garcia to the slave traders and they will end up far away and eventually dead. Olmos tells the slave traders to do anything they want with Esme and Garcia but when they don’t want them anymore, they should kill them. The slave traders give Olmos some money and they lead Garcia off protesting and Esme zombie like.

Cut to AC and Renzo in a clinch. They are not sure it’s love but they need each other. AC is concerned that she isn’t a gypsy but Renzo tells he not worry about it. Gypsies are free and they understand love better than anyone.

Cut to Camba singing and dancing in the woods with little pine branches. All of a sudden his former fight promoter and his henchmen attack him from behind and beat him unconscious. The Don King of old LA wants his talent back in the ring.

Laisha, Azucena and Honas come to tell the lovebirds that Camba has disappeared. Moreover, the slave traders have been seen in the area and there were signs of violence where the gypsies found Camba’s necklace. Renzo and AC want to search for Camba but Honas is concerned that it is too dangerous and too late. Laisha has heard that the slave traders have a ship in port and are ready to sail. “Then you’re not going to do anything?” asks AC. Renzo looks pained.

Esme and Garcia have been taken on board the slave ship and they get to meet a new horrible person, Danny Gluck, the boatswain. He tells them, “I give life and take it away. To me you are just meat and I am a carnivore.[This works better in Spanish because ‘carne’ means flesh and carnivore is the same as in English.] Welcome to hell.” [Olmos has a lot to answer for here. Based on the way the slave traders are looking at Esme, it would have been better if Montero had just shot her.]

Selenia tells Olmos that she fulfilled her part of the bargain. Mangle is feeling better and she want to see Olmos and will treat him in a whole new way. Olmos has doubts and Selenia is offended and tells Olmos to pay her the rest of the money he owes her. He tells her that he won’t pay until he is knows the potion has worked. Selenia agrees and tells Olmos that the potion is like a spark – he has to fan it into a flame. Olmos tells her that he has plenty of the hots so that shouldn’t be problem.

FS’s henchman tells him that his men have caught the man they were after and are holding him. FS goes to see him alone. Cut to the hacienda where Don Alfonso’s friend, Manuel, has come to tell MP that Alfonso has been captured and taken away by men who weren’t soldiers. MP asks Manuel if he knew who the men were and Manuel thinks that they work for FS. MP asks Manuel to wait while she changes. They have to go to town. Alfonso’s life could be in danger.

On the slave ship, Esme and Garcia are moving cargo around under the watchful eye of the guards. A voice says , “Camba” several times. Garcia asks Esme how she is feeling and she tells him that she is sure that God has kept them alive for a reason. “Positive thinking, that’s good,” says Garcia. Esme seems quite animated. She says that she is free on this ship and far away from the man who killed her son – Montero. She believes that God will give her a chance to avenge herself on all those who have hurt her [a pretty long list]. Garcia devoutly hopes God arranges this. The evil boatswain orders them back to work and the camera pans to show Camba lying unconscious on some sacks. I guess the fight promoter sold him to the slavers.

DJ comes to see the Queen and tells her that Zorro is a bandit of the worst kind; guilty of robberies, attacks on the military and is suspected of killing a royal official. “This bad man you are describing is totally unlike the man who came to see me last night,” says the Queen. [Of course, the Queen is not a very good judge of character though because she trusts DJ.] The Queen insists on meeting Zorro because he has information about her family and his eyes are sincere. DJ appears to agree to the Queen’s wishes.

Diego is holding baby Alej during yet another thunderstorm in LA. We switch to a long shot of slave ship, sailing under clear skies. All the sailors run around putting up the sails. Thunder and lightning starts – a fast moving storm, I guess. Esme and Garcia try to help Camba.

MP and Manuel are unsuccessful in getting FS’s henchman, Prudencio of the giant floppy hat, to tell them where Alfonso is. Manuel suggests telling Alej but MP thinks she knows where Alfonso is being held.

Alfonso is in a barn full of straw and lit candles – a good combination. FS comes in and tells Alfonso that MP is his and that’s it. FS asks Alfonso what his intentions are towards MP. Alfonso refuses to answer and FS hits him. Alfonso does not appear to be a very good fighter. FS ask him again what he wants with his woman. This time Alfonso tells him that he wants to marry MP. FS hit him again.

Montero ask Pizarro how Zorro could have gotten into the Queen’s quarters without any of his soldiers seeing him. Pizarro says that Montero knows Zorro’s abilities. In response to Pizarro’s practical question about how they are going to keep Zorro from repeating his visit to the Queen, Montero orders Pizarro to search neighboring houses, roofs and the area. There may be tunnels that go into the Queen’s rooms. Pizarro agrees and leaves and Montero says that Zorro will see the surprise he will have waiting for him.

FS tells Alfonso to leave town or he will become worm food. In comes MP and tells him to stop. “Do you want me to hate you more?” she asks, “You are a beast!” MP apologizes to Alfonso. He tells her that they are a couple and FS can beat him up every night and he’ll always stay by her side.” FS starts beating on him again and MP screams how much she hates him and orders him to get out. Manuel thinks Alfonso needs a doctor but MP says that she will take of his wounds. MP apologizes over and over to Alfonso.

Lying in bed with his crying baby, Diego dreams and rehashes about when PT warned him against Zorro seeking vengeance and the moment when Diego almost told Alej that he was Zorro. Suddenly, there is a flash of light and Diego hears Esme asking him to help her. Diego sits up – was it a dream? It felt so real.

We seem to be having a storm on the ship. I guess the budget didn’t run to a moving platform so the ship-set is rock steady while the sailors stagger about.

Renzo tells AC that God will protect Camba. She says that Camba is an innocent person. Renzo says that sometimes Camba is a gentle guy and sometimes he’s out of control. AC tell Renzo that Camba is possessed by the same evil force that possessed her. Renzo says that he doesn’t believe in those legends but AC assures him that it’s true.

On the ship, Esme gives Camba some water. Evil slave trader comes up and kicks it away saying that this isn’t an inn. The slave guy snatches Esme’s medallion. Esme tries to get it back. Then the devil takes over and Camba breaks his chains as if they were tin foil. He attacks the slave trader. During the struggle, the ship catches fire.

Montero comes to see FS who says that he is busy because his daughter just gave birth. Montero hasn’t heard about this. He tells FS that he needs some of his men to bring the shipment of weapons that he bought in Mexico into the City. It appears that Montero is setting a trap for Zorro by having his men bring in a false shipment while the real one is brought in by FS’s men. FS agrees to the plan. Montero tells FS that Zorro got into the Queen’s chamber and spoke to her about SK. “Does she know everything?” asks FS. “No,” says Montero. Zorro is coming back to tell her more with a witness present.” FS is angry. He says that Zorro cannot be allowed to see the Queen. He agrees to lend Montero his men.

Alfonso and MP are walking in the woods. MP apologizes again for what FS did. Alfonso proposes to MP. She tells him that her long relationship with FS has left scars on her heart and she needs time. Alfonso responds that maybe now is the time to make a decision.

Olmos comes to see Mangle. He has doubts that what Selenia told him was true. He knocks. Mangle tells him to come in and we see what she sees – a non hunchbacked bald guy. He’s not exactly handsome but better looking than Olmos, that’s for sure. To Olmos’ joy, Mangle tells him how much she wanted to see him. When he kisses her hand, he tells himself that Selenia was right – the potion worked, it worked!

Apparently, MP had never introduced Alfonso to Alej in the six months that they have been seeing each other. Now that he is going to ask MP to marry him, Alfonso meets Alej. He asks Alej’s permission to marry MP while FS enters the room behind him.

Diego asks the barmaid if she has seen Garcia. She says that she hasn’t seen him for several days. Agapito comes up and tells them that there has been a terrible tragedy. A ship loaded with slaves burned and sank with no survivors. At this moment, an old guy staggers up and collapses. When he reaches down to help the man, Diego sees that he is wearing Esme’s medallion. Diego is impactado. “No puede ser,” he says.

On a beach covered with flotsam and jetsam, is Esme, alive. She thanks God for sparing her life so she can continue her path of vengeance.

The credits roll.


Duelo - Tuesday June 19 - Thelma has bodacious tatas but, alas, no soul.

Maldita Alfonsina!! DonLoco curses the damned Alfonsina to his sister. Mariana further reveals that Alfonsina tried to kill her more than once. Alfonsina and Hugo are in everything together.

DonLoco blows a gasket. He gets red in the face, jumps up and pounds the table, frightening Mariana. "They should have done it," he screams to her, "they should have ended you. It's what you deserve after all the lies you've told!"

Emilio, seeing Angel in the mafioso's neighborhood, immediately wants to confront him. Frank, ever the voice of reason, sends Emilio home to wait for Angel and interrogate him there. Frank will remain at the stakeout.

Meanwhile, Angel tries to convince Claudia to out her ugly padrastro to the police. She says even though her life is hell there's nothing she can do about it. She's afraid of what Rosendo will do to Angel. Angel says he's not afraid. (Does the wimp think he can cough Rosendo to death? Maybe he plans to run behind his brother. Oh, or maybe he could wave his hankie at him and frighten him!) Angel kisses Claudia goodbye. As Margaret says, it's a decent kiss, much better than his lamprey of a brother.

Alina and Rodrigo gaze at each other sadly: "Poor Rodrigo," she thought bubbles, "he's devastated by this, I must stay by his side. Oh Emilioooooo, I'd like to know how you're doing." "Ah Alina," Rodrigo thinks, "thank goodness you arrived in my life, and just in time." Poor sap, he doesn't realize that if he hadn't hooked up with this loser and her sick family Thelma wouldn't have kidnapped his kid in the first place.

Elias is with Soledad, trying to twist her arm into getting 'serious' with him. She's worried about what others will think. Well...not actually others, more specifically what Alvaro will think. She's afraid of what he'll do.

DonLoco shakes Mariana and curses her. He always thought she was a decent woman (a woman in one piece), but she dated the foreman behind his back! She shouts back at him, it was her life! DonLoco says her lies caused all his problems. Mariana corrects him, Alfonsina caused his problems, and all his problems happened because he is Sick In The Head. "Yes, I'm loco," he yells as he breaks a chair. He grabs Mariana's throat and says he'll kill Alfonsina with his own hands. She has a moment of fear wondering if he thinks she's Alfonsina, but he lets go and orders her to leave. He goes into a red-faced fury and rants while the guards restrain him.

Cut to Dr. Love telling Malena that right about now DonLoco must really be feeling bad for behaving like such an asshat all this time.

The lucha manager comes from behind the privacy screen on a fact-finding mission. He introduces himself as Pepe Tropicasas. (I thought that was a cool name so I looked around and discovered that this guy really is in the world of Lucha. His name is Pepe "Tropi" Casas and you can read about him here. He was a fair luchador but a better coach. His sons Felino, Heavy Metal, and Negro, are also luchadors.) Dr. Love introduces himself and Malena. Luba, eavesdropping, doesn't recognize them from Escondidaville. She scratches her do they know her?

General Ochoa has told Thelma that he assigned Orlando to Escondidaville because Orlando wanted to help Emilio. Thelma scowls, or maybe she's just sitting there, or maybe she's smiling, I can't tell because she always looks like she's scowling. Ochoa says she looks "pensive." He tells her not to worry, Orlando paid his debt to society. She thought bubbles, "surely he's gone to look for Gaspar. I hope they lynched that idiot and his witch of a mother. That's my only salvation."

Alina tries to console Rodrigo by telling him she has confidence in Emilio's plan. She's clueless. Rodrigo reacts, of course, by saying Emilio's just using all this as an excuse to be close to Alina. She diffuses him, tells him to think of his daughter and nothing else. It's time to call General Ochoa and tell him to go forward with Emilio's plan.

Elias is STILL following Soledad around the boutique trying to talk her into getting serious. Enough already you drip, have some pride, give it a rest, she has too much baggage anyway. But no, he keeps pressing, "Don't worry about what Alvaro thinks, I already told him I love you." Soledad is impactada, "That must be why he called me from jail."

Elias has a flashback of DonLoco strangling him, he realizes he dropped his address book. "Doh!!!" he says, except in Spanish. Then he actually admits this stupid maneuver to Soledad.

Back to DonLoco who is still yelling at Mariana. Why haven't those guards dragged him off yet? Oh, I see, it's because we are all waiting for Dra. Loca to show up. She arrives in time to see her guy in a rage. After he's hauled away Dra. Loca asks a rather shocked Mariana to explain what happened. Poor Mariana's still in a state, he just went crazy, she's his sister, she came because the lawyer asked her to come and confirm that DonLoco was wrong about Soledad and Alina. "But," she adds, "he didn't seem to care much for the truth."

Dra. Loca assures Mariana that his reaction is normal. (?!?) He's going through a rough patch. They are at the precise point where she 1) has a possibility of curing him, or 2) where he will lose his sanity forever. "No puede ser," gasps Mariana, "my brother is completely loco!"

Rodrigo and Alina are in Gen. Ochoa's office. The General tells them they are about to begin radio and TV broadcasts about the missing Gaby, half a million pesos reward, yada yada. Good gosh darn time on the search asshats! Rodrigo frets, he doesn't want Emilio looking for her alone.

Back at Casa Valtierra Emilio asks Angel where he's been. "At the doctor," answers the man with only one excuse. Emilio calls him on it, he saw him in "that" neighborhood. He wasn't following Angel, but rather Rosendo Luna, a mafioso who traffics minors. Angel stops thinking about Angel and is interested.

Singing Auntie sings and dances for a captive audience, little Emilito who is trapped on a bed and can't escape. He sucks his pacifier loudly, probably to drown her out. Suddenly the radio music is interrupted with the announcement about the missing Gaby.

Angel tells Emilio that Rosendo is the father of his girlfriend Claudia. (Already with the girlfriend.) Claudia told Angel that Rosenda "bothered" her constantly. No doubt he's the type who would traffic minors. Emilio gets angry, why didn't Angel tell Emilio his new girlfriend's private and anguished secrets earlier? He needs to ask Angel's help...

Back at the boutique Elias is like a terrier with a dirty sock. He is still bugging Soledad. (Elias, you are pathetic, be a man and leave.) He says he wants to protect Soledad. (Dude, you are the human piñata, born to be beaten.) He asks her if she wants to stop seeing him. She shakes her head No, but not convincingly.

Emilio tells Angel that Claudia's stepfather might be involved in Gaby's kidnapping. Angel should try to get important info out of Claudia. The brothers leave together.

Luba tells Pepe Tropicasas that she doesn't know those two people on the other side of the screen. Pepe says there was another woman there earlier. It must be she who is from Escondidaville.

Two bald, shiny headed villains go into Rosendo's office and tell him about the Gaby announcements. They're freaking out that there is a half million peso reward. Oh wait, the guy behind the desk isn't Rosendo because he says he needs to ask Rosendo what they should do. I think the bald guys might want to find Gaby and turn her in for the reward.

Auntie frets to Thelma about Gaby. Thelma has more important things to worry about than 'that brat.' Even Auntie is appalled by Thelma's hard heart, so appalled that she's going to tell Emilio everything. Thelma reverts to the usual threat, Emilio will throw them out into the street. Furthermore, she's not going anywhere without her son. They'll have to kill her first. This no doubt portends a future baby-napping.

Alina and Rodrigo get into another tiff about Emilio. She tries to leave in a huff but he pleads that he's just worried about his daughter.

Cut to Gaby asleep on a dirty blanket. She dreams of seeing her mommy playing with flowers in a beautiful field. They hug. Big bad guy roughly picks her up and she wakes, screaming for her mommy not to go. Bad guy tries to say something to her, points to a bag on the table. I think he wants her to eat.

The Bros. Valtierra go to the boutique looking for Claudia. Emilio tells Soledad and Coral they believe Claudia's stepdad is involved in trafficking minors. Naturally Claudia overhears and is muy impactada.

We get another lead-in of the mystery woman after the commercial.

Claudia rushes is, "My father is a criminal?" Emilio introduces himself and explains the situation, the police have been investigating Rosendo for a long time. Claudia is beautifully impactada. She agrees to help the Bros. Valtierra trap her stepfather and put him in jail.

Sierra Escondida- Hugo searches Luba's cave. He throws things and cusses because he can't find The Cofre. He calls Luba a third-rate witch and he'll make her tell him everything if he finds her.

Hugo is interrupted by Vera who just happens to be wandering through the cave. She tells him she works at La Rinconada, is he the police? Hugo remains silent so that Vera can run her stupid mouth. She babbles, has he found that pig of a witch? She hasn't seen Luba since she killed Florecita and split town. Hugo is interested in hearing more. As Vera yammers on Hugo thinks it will be difficult to find Luba if she's on the run from the cops.

At Casa Valtierra Thelma continues to work on Auntie, how could she think of betraying her own flesh and blood? Thelma says her aunt has "gone to the other side." Auntie acquiesces, says she won't say anything to Emilio, but she can't imagine what they'll do if the kid tells her dad it was Thelma who stole her.

Alfonsina, still in her "disguise" of peasant duds, wonders what's keeping that idiot Hugo? She figures if she can only get The Cofre in her hands she can get ten times the amount from Don Loco than Hugo did.

DonLoco is in a cell. He rants for his doctora, somebody call his doctora! Mariana's voice haunts him..."Alina is yours, yada yada everything everybody already knows ad nauseum, Alfonsina and Hugo know what's in The Cofre..." DonLoco tells his head to shut up but it continues taunting him in Mariana's voice.

Dra. Loca and a nurse round the corner. The doctora blabs on about poor Alvaro. She says she's not going to sedate him because he needs to confront the truth. "Oh, and nurse, no way am I going to transfer him to a nut house because...(smug smile on the Dra.) I'm going to cure him myself!" Oh Gawd help us.

Thelma and Auntie argue some more. Thelma accuses her aunt of abandoning her at the worst moment of her life. (What about the worst moment of Gaby's life? Thelma really needs to visit the whirlpool!) Thelma storms out and Auntie sobs. Outside the door Thelma mutters "Little by little I'll get you on my side Tía."

The big kidnapper stuffs his face with a burrito while Gaby huddles in the corner. She says she's not hungry but thought bubbles that she's starving. The guy taunts her and she says her daddy's going to put him in jail. He stuffs more burrito in his mouth.

Rodrigo and Alina arrive at the boutique just as Emilio, Angel and Claudia are leaving. Emilio introduces Claudia saying the main bad guy just happens to be her stepfather. Rodrigo wants to go with them, Emilio says no he's too emotionally involved, Rod says yes he doesn't want to lose another loved one due to his lack of control, they eye each other, Emilio relents, off they go.

At the hospital, Mariana walks by a praying Luba. She cries on Dr. Love's shoulder. Luba hears and thinks it must be the other woman from Escondidaville. She eavesdrops as Mariana relates to Dr. Love and Malena that her brother is a real nut case. The DNA proof that Alina is his daughter only served to drive him over the edge. Luba figures she must be listening to DonLoco's sister, Mariana Valtierra.

Alina tells Soledad and Coral that she has a lot of faith in Emilio. She doesn't mention Rodrigo.

Hugo strides through the countryside with his fake cofre. It looks like a lunch box from the Spanish Inquisition and not a bit like the real cofre. Oh, OK, he says it doesn't really look like the original which is made of wood, thank goodness Alfonsina has a worse memory than he. (What, they couldn't get props to make a cofre that remotely resembles the original?) Hugo adds hopefully it will be enough to trick the traitoress long enough to get all his money from her.

Rodrigo, Emilio, Frank and Angel drop Claudia off at the hood. Rodrigo is ready to rush in and bust the padrastro immediately but Frank talks him down. Claudia needs to go in alone. She kisses Angel.

Coral, Soledad and Alina go home and update Adela on the news. Margaret called it again - Coral the food destroyer is starving and asks Adela to make a plate of sandwiches. They have filler conversation regarding what might happen if the rescue goes awry. I think this is supposed to create tension for the audience. The only tension I have is Where In The Hell Is Tonki?????

Dra. Loca enters Loco's sickroom. He asks why she didn't give him a tranquilizer? Does she think it's better that he hears voices? (Is our crazy guy turning into a little addict?) He tells her nobody can understand what it's like to be a monster like him, a damn beast who hurts those he loves most in his life. "Do you mean Soledad?" asks Dra. Loca? But DonLoco's on a roll and ignores her. He tells her about the pain he will live with all his live, "You have to help me Aida, I have to see Soledad and ask her forgiveness." Dra. Loca caresses his hand and we get a multi-dimensional close-up of DonLoco's head.

Advance - Gaby calls her house and reads (to Alina) a ransom note written by the bad guy. Claudia gives the soldiers a tip. Rodrigo and Frank draw their guns and point them at someone.

cordura = sanity
es de una pieza = she's a really decent person
pacotilla = junk, trash
de pacotilla = third-rate


Destilando Amor, Tues 6/19

Too tired to come up with a catchy title tonight. Too many things happened!

Minerva calls Aaron and tells him, "Get over here right now! Gaviota has appeared. She's here. We have to decide what to do with her. Yes I'm sure. She's your protege, Mariana Franco!"

Sofia and Pilar speculate about tomorrow's meeting. Pilar notes that the wives (Isa, Minerva, and Fedra) aren't invited. Daniela smiles to herself, which makes Pilar suspicious. "For the first time in my life, I'll be happy to attend a board meeting," Dani hints. "I think he's going to give you the best news of his life."

Sofia's car arrives. Frankie, the very classy and discreet amateur gigolo, is laying on the horn. Dani mischievously tells Pilar that Sofia has an admirer. Sofia doesn't deny it as she rushes out to greet him. Dani tells her granny to relax: maybe Sofia won't end up an old maid after all.

Frankie flourishes at the car. Sofia offers to pay; Frankie says before we talk about money, let's test it out by going to that restaurant we talked about last night, and celebrate. He clowns around and says if the car's still broken, they'll push it. Sofia laughs and tells the maid she's going out for a while. Frankie (the compulsive horn-honker) gallantly opens the driver-side door for her, and away they go.

Margarita and someone else are gossiping in the hallway, wondering what's going on, as Aaron speeds past them into the boardroom with steam coming out of his ears. He closes the door and demands an explanation from Minerva and Isadora. Angrily jamming his crazy finger against the side of his head, he scolds Isa for playing along with Minnie's craziness. Minnie scolds him back for hiring "Mariana" without checking her references. That was crazy. And Medina makes three crazy people because he never verified any of her information. So she and Isa checked it out themselves, and it was all false.

Out in the executive lobby, Margarita informs Gavi that the earlier ruckus was caused by Isa and Minnie screeching in the boardroom. Then Aaron showed up and it seemed like he was calming them down. Marg and Gavi wonder what it means. Oñate arrives and asks for Minerva. Marg tells him of the party already in progress. Marg is clearly concerned. Gavi wonders why Oñate would need to meet with Minnie.

Aaron is not yet convinced. Mariana did have documents that checked out. He scoffs at their anecdote about Mariana singing Gavi's song and says anyway, Gaviota's real name is Teresa Hernandez. Minnie points out that those documents could have been falsified. Isa gets impatient and prepares to stomp off and take care of it herself. Aaron tells them to sit down. They meekly comply. Minnie sarcastically mimics Mariana confessing to being Gaviota.

Oñate brings his own two pesetas to the table; he congratulates Minerva on her instincts. The airline told him that Mariana and Rodrigo both came back from Manzanillo on the 31st, on different flights. Isa begins flipping out again. Minnie smugly passes the incriminating evidence for Aaron to inspect.

Minerva points out that this woman, whatever her name is, is very dangerous. Isa mentions tomorrow's meeting. Minerva says it's probably not a coincidence that Medina was preparing Mariana's severance package and that Rodrigo left with Videgarray.

Aaron is coming around, reluctantly. Isa wants to confront Gaviota, but Aaron warns her again. Minerva warns that they don't have much time. Aaron calls for Elvira, who doesn't answer, so he tells Minnie to go get her. (Yes, that's right, a stick is fetching a dog. Ouch, was that rude? Sorry, it couldn't be helped. If it's any consolation, I like Minnie's dress.) Aaron asks Oñate how good are their police contacts. He wants all the information on Mariana they can find - including the dates when she's left and re-entered the country - within an hour. Oñate takes off, eager to please.

Minnie comes back with Elvira (Elvira is charmed that Oñate held the door for her). Aaron tells Elvira to get the distillery boss on the phone. He tells the women that if they can prove that Mariana is Gaviota, they will have an advantage; but they'll need some time. Isa gets up again, impatient for vengeance. Yet again, Aaron tells her to sit on it and let him handle it. He suggests that the women leave - if Rodrigo sees them, he'll be suspicious. Isa doesn't want to go, but she finally agrees to go hang out with Pilar. Aaron asks Minnie to keep an eye on Isa and make sure she doesn't do anything crazy. Minnie scolds Aaron again for not having believed her. He promises to mess up Rodrigo's plans. They kiss like a happy couple and he sends her on her way.

Elvira has the distillery guy on the phone. Before taking the call, he asks her to call a travel agent and get a ticket on the last flight out to Guadalajara, in Rodrigo's name. Elvira is flustered, having been asked to do two things in a row.

In the hallway, Minerva assures Isa that Aaron's idea to get Rodrigo out of the city is a good one. She says it's too bad Isa will have to sleep alone. Isa retorts that she's always slept alone. Just then, the evil Mariana/Gaviota steps out of her office and greets them. The two women glare at her and hurry away. She waylays a man named Rosendo to ask him to copy some papers. Okay, that was random.

Aaron asks the distillery guy for a favor. His cousin Rodrigo will be arriving there tonight. He tells the distillery guy to do what he has to keep him "entertained."

Gaviota comes in just as Aaron is hanging up. She's looking for Oñate. Aaron tells her the candyman left, and asks if Rodrigo has arrived yet. He says he'll wait in his office and wants to talk to him as soon as possible.

Rodrigo is in Medina's office, where Placido is collecting the trash. Placido tells Rodrigo that Medina went home. Rodrigo leaves a note on Medina's desk telling him to increase Mariana's severence by 20%. Nice. (I'll be lucky if I get a free lunch on my last day.) He signs his full name on the note and goes into the hallway, where he is surprised to see Gaviota. They go into her office and he shows off their plane tickets. She says everything's ready except to inform Oñate, but he's gone.

Rod notices that she's flustered. She doesn't know why. He admits to being nervous as well. She tells him that Minnie and Isa were there earlier, looking for Oñate, and they met in the boardroom and Aaron was there, and he's still waiting in his office and wants to talk. Rod tells her to calm down; it'll just be a matter of hours until they're at their island.

Aaron is on the horn again, telling someone named Juli or Yuri to cancel all their appointments for the week. Nope, he's not going to travel. They'll be in touch. He hangs up the phone and paces around nervously for about half a second until Rodrigo shows up, beaming. Aaron greets him with, "Where the hell have you been? It's chaos! The distillery boss called to say that 80,000 tons of agave were REJECTED!" It showed up with less than 16 brix and is too far short of the required standard to produce tequila. Rodrigo is impactado. Aaron says he'd better go take care of this, or they'll lose their client.

Rodrigo stares at him, dumbfounded. He says this trip will screw up his plans and he's not going to go. Aaron shakes the crazy finger and reminds him that producing agave is Rodrigo's responsibility. He has to take care of this personally, or they'll lose an excellent client. (Rodrigo nods angrily, perhaps remembering Aaron's attitude the last time they "lost" a client.) Aaron says that on top of that, they'll have to pay a fine.

Rodrigo says he'll talk to James and Roman and they'll ask around for some replacement agave. Aaron is adamant that only Rodrigo can carry out the negotiations. Plus, to save time, he already had Elvira get him a flight. Rodrigo reminds Aaron about tomorrow's meeting. Aaron pretends to care and says he'll run the company while Rod's gone. He invites Rod and Isa to dinner.

Rodrigo tells Aaron that some employees overheard Isa and Minnie arguing there earlier. Aaron sits down, and in the time it takes him to bend his knees, he comes up with a great explanation: Minerva got it into her crazy head that Aaron's fixing to divorce her, so she came to ask Oñate for information. He wasn't there, so she decided to wait, and Isadora wanted to hang out too, and then they had a "discussion." Minerva reproached Isadora for letting Rod spend so much time with Mariana, and they got to screaming, but luckily Isa is very prudent and convinced Minerva that they should leave before Rodrigo got back.

Now Rodrigo wants to know why Aaron is there. Aaron says that when Rodrigo didn't show up, Elvira called him in to deal with the trouble at the plantation. (Rodrigo: Ask Elvira what time she made that phone call!)

Now Rodrigo wants to know why Mariana wasn't asked to deal with the problem. Aaron gets up (again, it buys him the nanosecond he needs to come up with an answer) and says a problem of this magnitude can only be dealt with by the company's director. Aaron dropped everything to come over and see to it, and Rodrigo should be thanking him!

Now Rodrigo wants to talk to Zarate, the distillery guy. Aaron accuses Rodrigo of doubting his oh-so-trustworthy word, but Rodrigo insists. Aaron looks faintly concerned at first, but it quickly becomes clear that Zarate is playing along on the phone. Rodrigo wraps it up by telling Zarate he'd better be at the hacienda tonight so they can talk.

Next, Rodrigo calls Elvira and tells her to move up the meeting to 4 instead of 2 and make sure to get him a flight back at noon. Aaron tells Rodrigo that won't be enough time to get the agave. Rodrigo says no way is he going to cancel the meeting. Aaron wants to know what it's about, anyway. "All in time," Rodrigo reassures him. He says now he'll have to call Isadora to cancel their dinner plans for the evening (she was going to ask him to sign Daddy's loan papers; he was going to ask her to get out of his life).

Aaron says Isa won't be at home; he heard that she was visiting with Pilar. This surprises Rodrigo.

Meanwhile, back in Guadalajara, James is leading an educational tour through the agave. He tells them, among other things, that it takes the blue agave plant 6 to 8 years to mature. (I think the purpose of this scene was to remind us that James is still part of this novela.)

Pilar's eyes pop even more than usual as Minnie and Isa share their shocking news about Gaviota. They rehash what they already talked about before, and Minnie says they must be planning something. More rehashing of the plan to get Rodrigo out of town and learn more about the homewrecker. Pilar says gee, who would have guessed she's an imposter. "If we'd known that, none of this would have happened." Um, duh?? I guess Don Amador liked 'em kinda not-too-swift.

My TV screen is too small and I'm sitting too far away to be sure, but I think Minnie and Isa just rolled their beady little eyes. Minnie says that's the least of their problems. And everyone called Minnie crazy and they were all so enamored with the efficient Miss Franco. But Aaron will take care of this.

Rodrigo calls for Isadora. She doesn't want to take the call, but Minnie urges her to go on with the game and don't let him know what's going on. Rodrigo gives Isa the bad news about his trip and canceling their dinner plans, while Aaron pours drinks. Isadora takes the news surprisingly well, and hisses after she hangs up. Aaron offers to take Rod to the airport.

Elvira bursts in - lady, if there's something wrong with your knuckles, you could try tapping at the door with your foot - to tell him that Oñate is on the phone. Rodrigo gets up to leave, saying he has to give Mariana some "instructions." He confirms his return flight with Elvira.

It turns out that Oñate does not have any info yet. Aaron tells him they'd better have it by noon tomorrow when Rod comes back.

Rodrigo gives the bad news to Gaviota. She is vexed. She just called them this morning to confirm that the agave would be okay to give to the client by the end of the month. Rodrigo tells her that Zarate just now said otherwise. Now he has to go find some more, because the stuff they have isn't ready to cultivate.

Gaviota is bummed. He tells her to cheer up. It'll just be a few hours. He'll call her.

She begs him not to leave. She hugs him and cries. She tells him, "I have a bad feeling about this. As if... well, if I say it out loud it will happen." He tells her they're about to begin a new life together filled with love; trust him, it will happen. He tries to reason with her, says he'll call tonight and come back tomorrow and he loves her more and more every day, but Gavi is spooked and does not want him to go. They kiss, and I worry someone will come in and bust them; but I guess at this point, that would be redundant.

And now for something completely different: Sofia has just finished dining with nature's own appetite suppressant, Frankie the Aspiring Grifter. He is telling her that this place (which looks nice enough to me) isn't nearly as intimate as the one he had talked about, but the other one was closed. Sofia doesn't care; she's charmed. But she's also cold and she's ready to leave. Frankie gives her his jacket and calls for the bill.

He suddenly puts on a face that is probably supposed to look seductive. (You know, if I didn't feel so sorry for Acacia, I'd fix her up with this guy, because then they could go off and be weird together.) She asks why he's looking at her that way. He says he's very confused: he doesn't know why he likes her eyes so much. (Maybe because they're worth a couple of million dollars apiece?) Or is it her mouth. Or is the way she looks at him...

Fortunately, the waiter arrives with the bill, so we don't have to hear any more of Frankie's drivel. Frankie studies the bill and reaches for his wallet. Um, guess what? Of course he makes a big show of looking for it and pretends not to know where it is.

After work

Gavi and her mom are packing. Clarita says she's almost done. She's going to put away the TV and the Virgencita and saints last. Gavi tells her that everything else is ready, but Clarita doesn't believe her. Gavi tells her about Rodrigo having to leave. Clarita brushes off Gavi's concern, but Gavi says that when Rod said he was going, she got a chill in her bones, just like the day he left for London. (She doesn't add, "...capitol of England.")

Clarita gives her daughter some air-slaps - woops, no, she says she's shooing away the buzzards. Gavi explains the weird events of the day - Minnie and Isa fighting, later leaving together like nothing had happened, and not answering Gavi when she greeted them. Clarita brushes this off as well.

At the hacienda, Rod meets with Zarate, James, and Roman. Zarate says they got the agaves at the plant at noon, and they looked fine. But the lab tests revealed too-low sugar levels. They look big and nice, but they're not very sweet.

Rod says they have to get more agave. Zarate warns that the crop isn't ready. Rodrigo cuts him off - he's here to solve the problem. He'll inspect the agaves himself tomorrow. Zarate reluctantly agrees and leaves.

Roman says something flippant-sounding that I don't get, and Rodrigo thinks of an agave guy who can help them, or hook them up with others who can. James agrees, and the three of them grab their hats.

At Pilar's house, Aaron is telling the family (minus Rodrigo) about the agave story. And tomorrow, Oñate will have information about Mariana Franco's past. Pilar is confused as to why this information is needed. After all, when he hired her, he already checked that stuff, right? (Oh Granny, if you can't think of something unclueless to say, don't say anything at all!) Aaron says that Mariana seemed like a woman of the world, intelligent - nothing like a lowly migrant worker. She spoke to him in French, and joked with him in German.

Minnie reminds him that Gaviota went to Europe. Of course she learned the language - so she could approach her clients. She makes a little dig at Aaron - she understands how Medina could have fallen for that face, but Aaron too? He pats her leg (a little too forcefully) and tells her that's enough. :-)

Bruno wonders what the consequences of this will be. Fedra jumps to Aaron's defense. (I don't get their marriage. Every time I see Bruno and Fedra together, I always wonder if Bruno lost a bet.) Fedra says nothing has happened yet that they can't still fix. They can call the police! Patricio points out that they don't have anything to accuse her of except a bad resume... for which they could only fire her, at most. Pilar thinks that ought to be enough. Minnie reminds her that Mariana's also going to run away with Rodrigo.

Aaron brings them back to reality - Oñate will have the info tomorrow. Isa impatiently asks what proof does Aaron need - Rodrigo stopped looking for Gaviota when Mariana showed up. He didn't accept his director position for the family - he only did it to be with his vixen.

They hear Sofia laughing at the front door. Pilar advises them not to tell her what's going on until they can resolve the situation. Sofia comes in with Frankie in tow. Sofia is surprised to see the whole family there. She asks if the meeting wasn't supposed to be tomorrow.

Isadora is even more surprised to see Frankie. He gives her that creepy smile, which no one else seems to notice. Sofia tells them they were out testing her car, and introduces Francisco de la Vega. He puts on his smarmiest smile for the family. Sofia points out that Isadora already knows him - he's her neighbor. Isa greets him politely. Sofia introduces the rest of the family. "Ooh, Sofi, I didn't know you had a boyfriend," Fedra says in her kindergarten-teacher voice. (Note: It doesn't sound so obnoxious when it's coming from an actual kindergarten teacher.) Sofia says they just met, and he helped out with her car. Pilar says there are still some gentlemen in this world. Frankie humbly says it wasn't his own virtue, but the good upbringing of his parents. Sofia offers to show him around the house. After they leave the room, Fedra makes a condescending remark about Sofi's enthusiasm.

Pilar asks Isa how well she knows Frankie. Of course, she says "only a very little."

Meanwhile, Dani is posing (clothed) for a sketch by Elvis. She's eager to see everybody's faces tomorrow at Rodrigo's meeting. He's going to renounce his marriage-for-appearance's-sake, he's going to renounce the Montalvo family's rancid morals, renounce the company, the money... hey, Dani, not so fast with the money, okay? ...renounce everything for the love of Gaviota. Elvis laughs and applauds. Dani says she's truly happy because at last, Rodrigo decided to live love at the side of the woman he loves.

Sofie and Frankie are in Granny's arboretum. He claims that his sister is a bonsai expert, and took classes in Japan. Sofi finds this interesting, but something tells me her standards are low. She asks again how much it cost to fix her car. He tells her to forget it, but she won't drop it. He says okay, we can talk about it tomorrow at a very exclusive bar he knows that specializes in vodka, 100 labels from everywhere in the world. His favorite is from an area in the Balkans, called [utter gibberish, I'm sure it doesn't exist].

Sofia says she's never had vodka. Why am I not surprised. Frankie assures her that she'll love it. (I wonder if he's planning on slipping her a mickey, or would that be overkill?) She says okay, but first she has to pay him for fixing her car. He says no, she paid for lunch, so they're even. She thinks not, because that was THANKING him for fixing the car.

He continues to pour on the slime, I mean charm. She totally buys it.

Rodrigo and his posse are hanging out at their favorite bar, but for once they aren't listening to Gaviota. They meet with the agave kingpin, or whatever he is, and explain their problem. He doesn't have even half as much as they need, but Rod is eager to buy it. James offers to take over finding the rest. The agave guy says he'll give them a list of some other agave guys. Then they drink.

Everybody prepares to leave Pilar's place. Patricio takes Aaron aside and asks what else is going on at the company. Aaron puts him off, saying they'll have time for that later. Meanwhile, Pilar assures Isa that everything will be taken care of, and they're all on her side. Minerva takes this opportunity to point out once again that she wasn't crazy or obsessed.

Bruno asks where Dani is. Pilar at least has the decency to refer to Elvis as Dani's novio, the painter. (I can think of a lot of other things she might have wanted to call him.) Everybody finally leaves - except Isadora, who has to go back in for her keys. Pilar offers to let Isa stay at the house for the night, so she won't be alone. Isa declines - just in time for Frankie to bum a ride home with her! Frankie bids Pilar and Sofia a greasy adieu.

Sofia asks Pilar what everyone was talking about. Pilar deflects this and wants to know more about this Francisco de la Vega. "He's my future husband," Sofia answers. Ew.

Outside, Isa scolds Frankie for meddling in her private life - leave her family out of it! He claims it was a coincidence. Isa says she's already familiar with the story. All she asks is that he never come back to that house. He says why, is she starting to feel something for him? He moves in for a kiss. She shoves him away. He kisses her violently anyway. Before long, she gets into it. Then she pushes him away again. He invites her to tell him he's the best lover she's ever had. She complains that he's vain. He starts pawing her again, and she reminds him that they're outside her grandmother-in-law's house. She asks that he not speak while they're in the car. Frankie says maybe he'd better take a taxi - the driver would probably be a friendlier face. She hisses at him to get into the car!

He tells her not to drive fast. Ew. I don't want to know what he has in mind.

Minerva and Aaron are rehashing in their apartment. They know Gaviota can give Rod the baby that will cost Aaron his inheritance. He tells her firmly that Gaviota/Teresa/Mariana's future will be decided tomorrow. Minnie grins with malevolent anticipation.

Gavi and Clarita are ready for bed and thinking about tomorrow. Rodrigo calls. He tells her he's got some of the agave and he'll be back tomorrow just as he's planned. Then he'll talk to Isadora about the separation just before the meeting. He's not sure how long it will take, but they can go ahead to Manzanilla without him and wait for him at a hotel.

Gavi whines that she wanted them to leave together. Rodrigo says at least Gavi and her mom will be there. He'll get there later. She whines that they're already on the last flight. He says he'll rent a plane. He reminds her to leave her cell phone on. She'll go to work tomorrow, don't wait for him, get her check from Medina, and pay off her debts. She's still worried about her car payments.

He predicts that at this time tomorrow, they'll be hugging and kissing. They exchange mushy words, and she tells him that she loves him more than her own life. "Don't forget that, ever."

I guess the big question now is, how long before he forgets?


Aaron asks Mariana if she's Gaviota. One thing I'll say for this guy - he doesn't waste any time.


Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Juan Querendon 6/19 You’re only as clever as your interviewer

Pastor and Juan continue their “moment.” Imagine if Pastor had seen Juan in those running shorts! Pastor breaks the silence and asks if Juan is there for the job. Juan says that he is and introduces himself to Pastor. Pastor replies that the pleasure is all his. He walks to the other applicants and says that the job has been filled. Juan thinks this means that he should leave and wait for another vacancy, but Pastor explains that Juan is the one who filled the position. Juan recognizes that he’s playing with fire.

Paula gives CL her credentials. CL tells Paula that her mother has told him all this. He offers Paula something to drink, which turns down. He tries his best, even saying that some business deals go better with a cocktail. She still says no. They telenovela stare at each other across the room.

Juan and Pastor walk around an office that oddly resembles the layout of Conceptos. Juan notices the pretty little assistant.

Paula continues with the story of her education. CL says that is all well and good but he believes more in experience then in academics. Paula replies that she doesn’t have the experience but she thinks that she has the qualities that the business needs. CL agrees that she probably does have them. He says that in this business there are two ways to get employment – the easy way and the hard way. Paula asks about the easy way. CL says that to talk about that path, they need to have a drink. She acquiesces and he goes straight for the vodka. It’s perfect for talking about business. Paula looks a little more than unsure.

Juan sits in Pastor’s office. Pastor says they should just get rid of all formality. He casually asks Juan about his job experience. Juan says that he has a lot of experience. Pastor replies that he could see that at once, it’s a natural born physiognomy, and he’s never wrong. Pastor can tell that Juan has faculty, intelligence and a good presentation. Juan thanks him. Pastor says he has a position for Juan. He asks Juan to accompany him on an errand and Pastor will tell Juan about the job on the way. Juan recognizes that Pastor is fascinated with him. Juan turns down the offer. Pastor takes this to mean that Juan isn’t interested, but Juan assures Pastor that he is. Pastor says that he’ll give Juan another opportunity. He asks if Juan knows how to drive. Juan doesn’t, but he says that he can. Pastor offers Juan the job of chauffer. Juan knows that he shouldn’t but he accepts the job anyway. Pastor advises Juan that the introductory course will be tomorrow. Juan tries to weasel his way out of it, but the men come to an agreement. Juan thinks to himself that he’s doing all this for Marely, for whom he would make any sacrifice.

Juan and Pastor continue to wander around the office. Pastor introduces Juan to, Fernando, the man Juan will replace. Juan introduces himself. Pastor tells Fernando that he can go have a torta or something else because Pastor needs to explain everything to Juan. Fernando coldly exits the garage. Juan thinks to himself that he didn’t like Fernando’s attitude and he didn’t like the way Pastor dismissed Fernando. Juan turns to Pastor and sees him looking at Juan in the same way Nidia does. Juan doesn’t like it, but he needs the job. Juan gets into the driver seat. He goes through the buttons on the dash – the lights, the signals, the windshield wipers. Pastor tells Juan that the car is an automatic, Juan has no idea what this means. Pastor asks Juan to come to a dinner party later in the evening. Juan says that he has something else to do, a friend has died. Juan says they can do something another day.

CL gives Paula a little speech about the power of women. They use the most powerful tool of all, sex. He points out several famous women, like Helen of Troy, who used their sex appeal to their advantage. Paula wants to get to the point of how to get “in” in the office. CL explains that a woman should use all her power (emphasis on the all) in order to climb the ladder. Paula’s upset; she came for a job. She asks why he didn’t read her curriculum. He says that he reads it in her eyes. He touches her face, but she pushes his hand away. He asks if she wants to begin at the bottom as an assistant in sales or if she wants to be the commercial director of the company. CL says that he wants things to be clear. Paula replies that she would be happy with whatever position, but she prefers commercial director. CL says he likes ambitious people, now all he needs to know is if she has the qualifications for that charge.

Pastor and Ivonne talk about the new employee. Pastor’s very obviously enamored of Juan. Ivonne agrees that Juan is very handsome. Pastor thinks Juan’s more than handsome; he’s divine. Ivonne asks if there was chemistry. Pastor thinks there were; he saw it in Juan’s eyes. Pastor tells Ivonne how Juan upset Fernando. He draws a picture of two hearts with the names Juan y Pastor inside the drawing. He holds it up for Ivonne to see. They giggle.

CL and Paula toast. CL leans in for a kiss but Paula moves out of the way. She stands and says that she too likes things to be clear. She says that she has all the qualifications, but she’s not going to sell her soul or her body for a job. She dismisses herself from the room, but CL stops her. He tells her that she passed the test. He wanted to make sure she wasn’t like all those women who came to him to find a job the easy way. He offers his apologies. Paula falls for it; she sits down again. He says they will now talk seriously. He offers the commercial director position. CL calls Pastor to come to his office.

Juan stands at the bus stop. He’s worried about the situation with Pastor, but he’s more worried about having to show up to work on Monday and drive that car; he’s only driven a scooter, a bicycle and what I can best translate as a yam cart (un “carrito de camotes” anyone?). Juan sees the beautiful woman standing near him. He walks around her just like she’s prey. He speaks to her to assure that she’s safe with him around. The woman plays disinterested. They make some small talk about where they’re going and where they’re from.

CL introduces Paula to Pastor. When CL tells Pastor about Paula’s position, Pastor begins to protest but is cut off by CL. They excuse themselves to another room.


The families celebrate


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