Sunday, January 08, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #70 Fri 1/6/12 For Whom the Chimes of Doom Toll

Mónica angrily tells her father, "I'm not telling you again!" She loves Pepe and she don't love Fraud. Then she apologizes, tells Enzo she loves him very much, but if she loses Pepe she'll never forgive herself. Enzo sighs heavily and asks himself why, since he's raised her from a baby, she's so much like her mother?

At breakfast, after Chela is toasted with orange juice, Lupita announces to the family that she thinks she's in love. (Who does this?) She promises to bring him to the house but asks them not to scare him off by making a big fuss.

A man we've never seen before sits in his study, surrounded by recording industry awards, and gazes mournfully at a photo of Manuel, Ana's would-be boyfriend. (I don't recognize the lad right away because he has a much better haircut in the photo.) In a flashback, hotheaded Slightly Younger Manuel tells his dad that all he wants is to be in a band. Dad says those are a dime a dozen and Manny's turning his back on his future. Manny says he doesn't want to study business and inherit the company. "All you've done is embitter my life!"

SLAP!! "Shut up, ingrate!" Dad shouts. Manny pulls himself up from the floor and storms out. Back from the flashback, Dad seems pained by the memory.

Pancho tells Chela he's happy she's back. Temo gets them to promise that they won't fight. (Ha!) Everyone cheers, including Chucha and Goya. Popeye is even given a line ("woof!").

Manuel has apparently disclosed his privileged background to one of his bandmates, and I guess everything's smoothed over beween them. He admits that things aren't going well with Ana because she likes someone else.

Pancho tells Chela that Rebeca is coming over later. Yes, she knows that Chela's there, she doesn't like it, but she'll have to accept it. This seems to cheer Chela up, but then Pancho reiterates that Rebe is the woman he loves. Chela's smile disappears. Pancho says Chela is his family, and she and Rebe will have to accept one another.

Pepe, Lupita, and Ana sit around at school when Alex shows up with a flower for Lupita and offers to treat them all to coffee. Pepe says he's hungry, so make it a breakfast. Alex agrees and says he's paying. Ana says "in that case, we'll get it to go." Pepe makes a snide remark about Alex's Daddy paying for it. Alex, whose father didn't even show up at the jail to yell at him and is probably dead, mumbles something like "he's not the one who paid" (I'm not actually sure) which kinda makes things awkward for a second. Lupita tells her siblings to behave. Alex wants to shake hands and make friends with Pepe. Pepe hesitates and asks if Fraud will disown him as a friend. "Fraud doesn't tell me what to do," Alex says, and they shake hands. Awwww!

Apparently Ana's attention wandered while this monumentally crucial alliance was being forged. She daydreams about Manuel and wonders how he's going to convince her.

Something is terribly, terribly wrong with Beto. He's enthusiastic, he's energetic, he's optimistic. They could get invaded by space aliens right now and it would be fine, because the numbers are gorgeous! Beeeeeauuuuuutiful! These profits are unprecedented! (Someone please double-check his math - he doesn't seem very reliable at the moment.) Beto says they owe it all to Pancho. Pancho tries to be modest about it. Beto adds that there's a rumor that Pancho and Rebe are an item. Rebe, who has been snuggling up to Pancho happily in front of Beto, tells him not to pay too much attention to rumors. Beto floats out of the room on happy invisible clouds.

Candy tells Pina she doesn't feel like doing the show today. Pina says she doesn't understand but tells her it's okay. Then she thought-bubbles that she doesn't want to tolerate Candy a moment longer and knows what she has to do to make sure that this is the end of Candy's life as an "artist."

Candy has filled Chela in on her great plan to carry on with Vince in secret. Chela tells her to have dignity, and Candy says "dignity hasn't done you much good." Ouch. she apologizes. Chela says Candy deserves better than to be treated as the "other woman." If Vince loves her so much, why doesn't he divorce Pina? Candy flashes back to Vice saying "for reasons that don't matter now, I foolishly put all of my property in Pina's name. If she finds out about us, she'll want revenge - she'll squash me like a cockroach!" Candy declines to share this with Chela and simply asks her to keep the secret from Pancho. "Candy, when are you going to have a normal relationship?" Ha, there's some irony. She apologizes.

Vice goes to see Dr. Cuckoo. He doesn't have an appointment, but insists it's an emergency. He didn't understand the story about the beetle and the cicada. The doctor does not agree that this is an emergency, but is too distracted to listen to Vice's panicked babbling because the clocks are about to strike the hour. CUCKOO! CLANG! CHIME! WHEEZE!! It's six o'clock.

Pancho lectures Rebeca about the friction between her and Chela. (Boy, I sure hope this part of the story is almost done.) Rebe is convinced that Chela's still plotting to win Pancho's love.

Now that the clocks have chimed, the doctor is just regular crazy and not top-of-the-hour crazy. He switches seats with Vice and instead of clarifying the cicada/beetle story, he tells a new one:

A giraffe wanted to get to the leaves at the top of the tree, but no matter how he stretched, he couldn't reach. An ant called up to him, "give me a lift and I'll get you those leaves." So the giraffe put the ant up in the tree and thanks to the ant, the giraffe was able to dine on the tenderest leaves at the very top of the tree. (I guess the ant climbed to the top and cut the leaves down.)

"How does the story end?" asks Vice.
"The ant ended up at the chiropractor."
"Oh, of course, why didn't I think of that. Tell me something, doctor - who paid the chiropractor?"
"The ant, of course - who else? Hahaha!"

The doctor tells Vice that Candy is an addiction. He has to stop seeing her ASAP to avoid financial and emotional ruin and end up crazy forever.

Pancho and Rebeca are about to start dancing in his office when Enriqueta walks in on them. Some fancy-pants magazine wants to do a piece on Pancho. He doesn't want to do it. Too bad, it's going to be good for the company.

Dr. Cuckoo calls Enzo to tell him of Vice's unscheduled visit. Enzo reminds him that he hired him to break up Vice and Candy. Dr. assures Enzo he can take care of it.

Pepe tries to sneak up on Mónica in her office, but his phone gives him away. She tries to ignore him while he turns down a date from from some girl he danced with at the party. He tells the girl on the phone that he's already in love. Rather than be charmed, Mo asks him about Celeste and he gives another smooth Pepe answer about how much he prefers Mo. Mo is grumpy and says he sounds a lot like Frauddie. Pepe said if their relationship were a little more serious, he wouldn't pay any attention to anyone else, not even Celeste. She says she already told her father she loves him, but they're not a "we" yet, she needs a little more time. He says she can have all the time she needs. (I think she needs a good five or six minutes.)

And now for the news you've all been waiting for: the bathrooms at the Casa Popular Daycare are coming along nicely. Whew! Alex gives Lupita some earrings. (I would have asked for Granny's house instead.) She regrets that she doesn't have anything for him. "Yes you do!" "Where?" "Right here!" And he kisses her.

Candy and Ana eat ice cream. Ana still disapproves of Candy being with Vince. She rehashes about the band and the guys wanting to be her boyfriend. She won't reveal who's the guy she really likes, but he doesn't know she exists. And she thinks Vice should get divorced.

Fraud is at the gym doing bench presses. "One... two... three..." Alex approaches. "...hundred," Fraud adds. He notes Alex's serious air and guesses that "the girl" broke up with him, or maybe it's "what happened to your parents." No, that's not it. He just warns Fraud not to expect too much of him and then he won't be disappointed.

So Mara, the lady from the magazine, is meeting with Pancho and Rebe. He calls her "Lara" by mistake, eek. In fact, he uses more wrong words than usual, with Rebe constantly correcting him. He talks about Candy's scandal at the Paraíso and says he doesn't want to be famous. (Now he calls her "Rara.") She says all of Mexico already knows his story. They just want to show his human side. (Wait, what side has he been showing so far? Cyborg?) Rebeca shows her to the door. Pancho asks Rebe to be with him when they do the photos; she says no, he'll be with his family and everything will be fine. FAMOUS LAST WORDS!

At dinner, Pancho yells for Candy so loudly it upsets the dog. He tells the family about the magazine coming to the house to do a feature on them. (This time he says the woman is "Amara.") They'll soon be the most famous family in Mexico!

It turns out that Pina is friendly with Mara. Pina wants Mara's magazine to do a story about Pina Opina and say something about Candy that will ruin her forever.

Pancho says the whole household will be included - even Chucha, Goya, Chacho, and Popeye. Chucha asks about Nico. (Last time we saw him, I think he was planning to have a colonoscopy... and he NEVER CAME BACK!!) He's gone to visit his sick mother. Now Chucha and Goya are eying Chacho like he's the last man on earth. Candy is all excited and regales us with an apparent product placement for a hair treatment that she didn't buy from Avon. Maybe it will make her hair fall out and she'll have to use an Avon product to fix it.

Mara says there's no way she can print any intrigue about Candy, but agrees to do a story about "Pina Opina" in general. Pina wants them to do it tomorrow so it will be in the very next issue. Mara says she can't do it tomorrow and the next issue's already full because of a last-minute story they're doing. (Strangely, she does not mention WHAT that last-minute story is!)

Alone, Pina wonders what kind of story could possibly be more important than her radio show.

Chacho is excited to hear that Chela's here to stay, and asks about her alleged boyfriend. She says he moved in with his mama in a faraway town. There is more exciting chattering, but Pancho's head is someplace else. "I'm thinking about something I have to do tomorrow," he says mysteriously.

Next morning, he takes out his phone and fluffs his hair. It must be time to take pictures!

Popeye dons a necktie for the photo session. Elena tells a Televisa microphone that she's pregnant by Frauddie. Mara's mag identifies Chela as Pancho's wife. Will hilarity ensue?


La Que No Podía Amar #5 Friday 1/7/12 I Need A New Attitude: In Which RoHellio Earns Bonus Points For Most Pitiful Cripple of the Year And Then Immediately Loses Them for Being Biggest Brute of the Year.

We return to someplace in the distant wilds of Mexico, a far piece from Tuxtla and civilization, to watch in horrific awe as Rogellio, crippled and emotionally crushed, is forced to crawl, utterly humiliated, back into his (really reedy-looking red) wheel chair while his former ladylove--the fine-lookin’ ex-fiancee, Vanessa--and his Nana Maria look on, speechlessly impactadas.  --Well, Nessssa, at least does. Maria, though, immediately gives Vainessa the bum’s rush to her babe-a-licious bum and slams the car door in Nessssa’s flawlessly farded face.  Ana Paula arrives on the scene a bit too late to check out the probable competition--or to give Viewerville the calamitous cacophony of feminine feline caterwauling it so readily thrives upon, hungers for, and rallies to.  (Ah, shucks!)

RoHellio tries to resist AP’s assistance.  There’s a battle of wills over the chair pad.  He claims that she looks just like Nessa, which, as Pau knows, sucks for her.  Pau says (and this is a rather loose, but fairly accurate, translation) “--Hey, Fartface, talk to the hand!  Ain’t my fault I look like her!  You got a problem with her, then settle it--with her!  I’m your nurse and I’m paid to take care of your sorry ass!  So let me do what I get paid for, you jerk-wad!”  Oh-Hellio! doesn’t have much choice after that and struggles back into the chair while AP holds it for him.  (Viewerville notes that it takes putting the stupid brake on first, which, of course, nobody bothered to do till Nurse Pau took charge.)

On her way home, Nessa stops off in another part of the hacienda to speak to Cinthia who has galloped up to the chauffeured car to greet her.  “--Weeelllll, I never expected to see you around here again, especially after all that--!”  Nessa says she never had the courage to before now, tho’ she’d thought to often enough, but once she did—Wow!  Rogelllllliooooooh was just hideous to her! (Viewerville notes it may have to adjust sound quality in future to handle Vainessssa’s whiny pitch.) “—You can’t imagine how horrible!!” “--Oh, yes I caaaaaannnnn!  Ever since you did what you did we’ve all had to suffer through [padecer = endure, put up with] that--[sh!t of his—thankyouverymuch, NOT]!!!  Sin-thia stops herself in mid-diatribe (tho’, amply and thoughtfully extended here by your dutiful recapper) and decides to change the subject.  “--Ok, so what’s happened since the break-up? Guess you got married and all, right?”  “--Oh, yeah,” says Nesssa, “trying to forget your brother, but it was u-u-u-u-useless!  My marriage is a failure and I can’t stand the situation on the home front any longer.  I’m about to get a divorce!!“   Visions of Vainessa returning to BroHellio’s side to free her from sisterly servitude dance in Sin-thia’s head, making her smile broadly.  (Loose translation: Whooohoooo!  Happy days are here again….!!)

Once Maria and Pau have Po’hellio back in his room, Pau suggests cleaning up that cut on his hand and putting on clean clothes.  He wants Hugo, then.  He screams at Maria to fetch him.  Pau is knocked back on her feet a bit by the shock wave his yelling produces.  Maria races off and Pau asks why he won’t trust her to let her do her job.  “--What for?  All the other nurses would be glad to have Hugo tend to me.”  She’s not like other nurses, says Pau.  She values the work that she does and he’s got a bleeding hand that needs to be cleaned.  Fine, he says, that’s what she’s there for: she can dress the wound, not him.  As she tends to his hand he slyly watches her muy, but muy, intently.

In San Gabriel, meanwhile, Vainessa runs into Bruno.  She tells him about the cluster fuck of a visit to Hacienda Hell-Fuerte for Daddy’s sake, and then they chat about the great old times the four of them spent carousing together—Sinthia, him, RoHellio and her.  Who’d ‘a thought neither relationship of theirs would pan out?

Back from the boonies, Sinthia races into the main house to give Oh-Hell! the great news about Vainessa.   He doesn’t want to discuss it.  “--Why not?  She’s getting a divorce!”  So what!!  It’s over with her and he doesn’t want to hear anymore about her.  Period! 

Back in town, Bruno suggests the three of them should start hanging out together again.  Not a good idea, says Nessa.  Bruno says he’s sure she and Sin have lots to catch up on and he’d make sure Rohellio doesn’t hear about it.  Yeah, ok, she says.

At the hacienda once more, RoHell wheels up to the veranda as AP finishes giving Margarito a reading lesson. He gives her grief for teaching the boy.  It’s her day off, she argues, so what’s the big deal?  He’s angry she’d dare to do anything with his employees, especially the boy, without first asking HIS permission. AP gives in and asks.  Turns out it’s a waste of time.  “--What the heck difference does that brat’s learning anything mean to you?”  She says cuz she believes in people--including him.  He says she’s got her head on backwards, and then rolls off--without giving the aforementioned permission.  (Viewerville notes for the umpteenth time how naive Ms. Dimples is.)

A bit later in town (San Gabriel?), Pau walks into Marcaria’s grocery store to make a phone call back home.  Tia Rosaura answers. AP asks if Gustavo ever tried to reach her.  Tia MentiRosa, who just happens to have Gustavo’s card in her hand, replies that Gus showed up at the door one day and he even left his card.  It’s a shame, tho’, Pau wont’ be able to write to him like she wants, since Elena (the vecindad’s self-appointed jewelry vendor) supposedly grabbed it up with the rest of her stuff and then unfortunately misplaced it.  Pau is still hopeful.  “--Oh, please ask her to look again for that card, ok.”  “--Sure thing,” replies MentiRosie.

Pau hangs up as Bruno walks into the little market looking for her.  They make a date to go horseback riding that day.  She loves the idea but she needs a gentle horse, or something.  Bruno looks disturbingly starry-eyed.

Nana Maria informs RoHellio that he’ll be eating lunch by his lousy lonesome.  FF>>

After lunch, Hugo assists Rohellio with skeet-shooting.  Unbeknownst to the two of them, Bruno is giving Pau a riding lesson in a near by pasture.  She’s tries trotting off by herself.  Suddenly the horse is scared by the sound of the rifle shots and it starts galloping away.  It races into the field where Hugo and RoHellio are.  RoHell sees AP fall off her horse –Oh Noes!!!-- and his heart jumps into his throat. They’re off to fetch her. Ro screams at Bruno not to touch or move her.  They send for a doctor.

Back at Tia MentiRosie’s, Rosie hears the front door open and stashes her travel magazine under the couch.   She picks up an old, thread-bare sock she was supposedly darning and puts on a humbled, tired, expression.  It’s Daniel and Michael wanting to tell Rosie his good news.  She’s thrilled he’s got a chance to earn extra for doing errands for his boss Gustavo and join him on some job site out of the city.  (Beanie Alert!  Beanie Alert! All those of you who are wondering how come Rosie doesn’t ask Boss Man Gus’s last name to see if Mikey’s Gus could possibly be the same engineer as Ana Paula’s Gus, tighten your credibility-gapper a notch or two.)  Mike doesn’t want to leave his auntie alone, tho’, because of how sickly she is.  “--Not at all,” says MentiRosie.  “You’ve got a chance to see distant places and to earn some extra cash.  You’d better go.  Cough. Cough.  I’ll do fine—cough, cough—while you’re gone.  Dany and Elena can take care of me.  Right, Dany?”  “--Whaa’??? Oh, yes, right.”  Dany urges Mike to go ahead.  She’ll take good care of his tia. 

Back at Hacienda Hell-Fuerte, Bruno gets castigated for daring to take RoHellio’s personal nurse horseback riding without asking his permission.  Bruno says, “--Excuse me, Ro, but the horses were mine and I didn’t think to ask you—“ Thwappp!!  Out shoots RoHell’s handy-dandy whip.  Bruno’s quickly down on the floor for the count.  RoHellio starts yelling and screaming like a wild man. “—I’M THE ONE WHO RUNS THINGS AROUND HERE!!!!!”  [¡Soy yo el que manda por aqui!]  Blood lust is the only expression we see in the close-up of Bruno’s eyes at this point while he remains obeisant, cowers down on all fours, and dutifully takes his umpteenth lash. (Arggggh!!  The entire batch of previously earned chalk marks Team RoHellion earned are now so totally erased!)  Bruno finally stands up again and we get a good view of the resultant bloody streaks lending the back of his dress shirt an added dash of color.  If AP can’t or won’t continue to work there because of her injury, screams RoHellio, then Bruno is going to find him another nurse to take her place! 

Back at the job site, Mikey gets word from Gus that he’s got a meeting with somebody who needs a carpenter, but the guy didn’t show up.  Oh, says Mike, he’s a carpenter and has worked in a shop and made all sorts of things before.  Gus gives him the chance to sub for the position.

Back at the hacienda, the doctor comes out with Nana Maria after tending to AP.  She  has a dislocated [lúxación] ankle (I think) and has to stay off her feet and stay calm the next few days.  There’s a boring discussion about why she fainted--something to do with blood pressure, I believe.  (ZZZZZ-zzzz)  Then Bruno backs out the door to fetch (and I do mean ‘fetch’) the medicines she’ll need.

Sometime afterward, Gus tells Mikey at the office that tho’ he’s good, he cannot switch positions to full time carpentry until after he’s there three full months due to company policy, but he’ll see what he can do to get him switched over.  He’ll give him small jobs in the meantime.   FF>>

That night Pau is still sleeping off the sedative.  RoHell is watching over her from her bedside.  She starts talking in her sleep, repeating the conversation she first had with Rosie about not wanting to work for Rogelio Montero because he’s such a wicked nasty man.  Whoah!  That gets him where it hurts, methinks.  He tries calming her down, rubbing her wrist and arm and cooing to her to sleep.  Pau wakes up, tho’, and is shocked to find him there by her bedside.  The last thing she remembers is falling off her horse.  “—Riding is tricky.  [tener su chiste = to be tricky].  You shouldn’t have done it without knowing how.”  Well, that was the idea, to learn, she says.  She was trying to learn.  Bruno was teaching her.  It was only that a shot startled her horse. Ruh-Roh! RoHell looks like he just might feel a twinge of guilt.  (Yep, you jackass, it was your fault after all, not Bruno’s!!)  Suddenly, thinking she’s got to go to work, Pau jumps out of bed and then gets a nasty surprise.   “--Owww!”  “—See how it’s not so easy when you’re prevented from walking?”  Nanny-nanny boo-boo!!  AP flashes him her nastiest angry Rn’s stare.

In another room of the hacienda, Sinthia teases Bruno about having a crush on Ana Paula.  She knows him well enough to know that he wouldn’t have offered to teach her to ride if he didn’t have a thing for her.  Bruno would rather discuss old times with Sin and “what might have been.”  But, Sin wanted a more worldly kind of guy, a big city type.  She smiles back a little wistfully.  “—‘What might have been’ doesn’t exist.  Anyway, you only wanted to marry me to see your family fortune increase.”  Bruno sucks it in.  His big brown wimpy eyes get even bigger and wimpier.

Back in Pau’s bedroom, Ro now lectures her on how easily things can change over night; see how now she can’t even do her job?  Well, Pau insists, she has to!  Doing what, he wants to know.  How is she going to push him around in the wheel chair and manipulate on those crutches at the same time?  Pau apologizes and suggests he can dock her pay for the time off work and the cost of the drugs and doctor.  He says there’s no reason to since she is working for him and though she was on her free time, it happened on his property.  It’s the proper thing to do.  She’s embarrassed that he’s the one having to look after her instead of the other way around.  No, he’s not doing that at all; he just wanted to remind her that she’s got to follow the doc’s instructions so she can get back to work ASAP—oh, and (imitating her words form before) enjoy the fresh air, the beautiful countryside, and take walks…walks through the estate. 

Back in the living room, Cinthia giggles a bit at Bruno’s feigned innocence.   Who’d have ever thought that instead of his owning half of this, BroHellio would have absorbed the whole of Bruno’s daddy’s estate instead?  Bruno doesn’t appreciate the remark and says they’ll never agree on that.  He then adeptly changes the subject to her, Nessa and him getting together like in the old days.  Sure, she says, as long as BroHellio doesn’t find out.  Bruno says he’ll make sure he doesn’t.

At breakfast the next morning Sin suggests to Bro-Hellio that if she can’t help with the management of the family business that she should be allowed to go to college to learn architecture. Ro puts her down and says she doesn’t have the head for it.  She’s better off in the kitchen here at the hacienda, learning something useful like cooking and cleaning from Maria!    (Okay.  Team RoHell’s count has just gone into negative numbers.)

Bruno is in the study with Rogelio discussing the fact that the competition is offering to pay them almost the same as Nessa’s daddy’s company.  Perhaps Ro should reconsider renewing her daddy’s contract, selling him “our cattle” since it’s a sure thing and the income is steady.  First of all, Ro-Hell has to remind Bruno, it’s all Ro’s cattle, and that’s not going to change, ever!  Secondly, not a chance he’ll make another contract with Vainessa’s family!  RoHellio’s done dealing with them—all of them!   He’ll work out his own contract with the competition and kick Vainessa’s family to the curb once and for all!

At the same time, Vainessa visits Daddy at the office.  In between hugs and coos, she tells him she went to see RoHell.  Daddy says that was a big mistake.  Her hubby wouldn’t like it, and she should have enough respect for both of them, despite wanting to get a divorce, to stay the heck away from Ro.  She tells her papi now that Bruno told her how the competition has offered in writing an amount close to theirs.  “--Rogelio is ready to sign a fifteen year contract with them!”  It literally gives Daddy heart palpitations.  He’s fine, he lies.  She is worried about him she coos.  (Damn!  Watch out for all the pigeon turds.) He understands her so well, where as Mama is a bossy busybody.  Vainesssssaaaaa  couldn’t stand to have anything happen to him!

Pau can’t stand to stay in bed.  She can’t stand at all.  However, we note that she’s all dressed and can hobble in to Oh Hell’s study/office.  She demands to be put to work, if only by helping him file his paperwork.  Hmmm, he says.  He asks what else does she know how to do?  The dimples double.

Back in Tuxtla, next thing we see is Nessa’s daddy clutching his chest and stumbling toward TOHIT’s entrance (the only hospital in Tuxtla) when Dany suddenly looks over and sees he’s having an attack of some sort.  She calls a doctor over and they walk him inside. 

At the same time, Ro-Hell marvels at pretty Pau’s filing prowess.  Yes, there’s more to her than just those…er…dimples.  FF>>

A while later, Dany is still waiting by the reception desk for Nessa’s daddy to come out.  She hands him the expensive pen he dropped on the ground on the way in.  He says he’s fine but who knows what would have happened to him if he’d passed out and fallen on the street somewhere.  He adds that the doctor said she’d done exactly the right things with him.  Of course, she smiles; she’s a nurse.  He asks if she works there.  No, she admits, she was checking to see if there might be a job for her yet.  Not to worry, she has a job now—working for him!   Dany’s thrilled!  Hallelujah!  Praise the Lord and pass the papas!

That evening, back at Hacienda Hell-Fuerte, Oh-Hell mumbles something about wanting to taste some of Pau’s baking.  She said she could bake cakes, right?  Yep.  She’s happy to oblige, even though it’s not part of her regular regimen.  One must adapt, right?  She floors him with her dimples and pearly whites.  (The screen is so bright Viewerville needs sunglasses.)   She gets up to hobble off to bed.  “—Good night, sir.”   Ro surprises himself by telling her goodnight in reply.  He digs out his photograph of Vainessa and himself then and begins staring at it.  Nana Maria walks in on him.  Ro shows her the photo.  Maria’s disgusted, saying she only came to open up old wounds.  Whatever, he’s realized that she’s not changed in all this time.  He’s wasted seven years of his life, he tells her, over a selfish woman who’ll never change.  That’s finished, he says.  He sets fire to the photo.  It’s finished for good.

Bruno helps Pau back to her room.  He apologizes for taking her riding and causing all this grief for her.  Nonsense!  She loved it, but next time she’ll just be more careful.  No next time for her.  He wants to protect her.  Oh, he’s such a terrific friend!  His eyes light up as she charms him with another one of her sweet as sugar smiles.

Maria tells Ro how much she hates Vainesssssa and what she did to him.  It hurts to see how unhappy he is, she adds.  “--It’s not enough to simply burn the photograph, tho’…You’ve got to find a way to wrench her from your heart.”

Gus goes back to Pau’s home in Tuxtla to tell Tia MentiRosa that because of his job he’s heading back to that part of the state, to the town where he met her.  He came to see if she wanted him to take something to Pau.

Back in his office, Nessa’s still worried about Daddy’s health.  He tells her he’ll be fine with his medicine.  Not if he has to deal with RoHellio, tho’, she warns.  Daddy asks if she really went to see Ro about the contract.  No, she admits.  She whines that she still loves him.  Marrying Esteban was all Mama’s idea.  She’d convinced her that he was the perfect match for her.  What a waste!

In Tuxtla, MentiRosie asks if Gus knows how to reach her.  Uh, no, he thought she might know.  “--Sorry!  She called, but then the phone cut out.  Oh well.  Guess you won’t get to see her there after all.  I bet you really are interested in my niece.”  “--Yep!  Hope it doesn’t bother you.”  Not at all, she says.  She likes him quite a bit.  It wouldn’t be right, anyway, for her to meddle in these things.  (In a just world, the woman’s nose would be around the block by now!)  Once Gus has gone, Mikey comes in from his room and asks who it was.  Oh, it was just Elena asking if she wanted to buy some tomatoes.  Rosie finally thinks to ask Mikey what the name of his boss is.  Too late!  Dany’s at the door.  She finally has a job now as a nurse!!  Felicitaciones.  Now she’ll be able to help with the expenses at home! (Turd alert! Turtle Dove turd alert)  “--So will I!” says Mikey.  He’s gotten a part-time carpenter’s position now at work.  Things are looking up for the two of them after all!  Oh, happy day! 

RoHellio is in better spirits for some unknown reason.  He tells Margarito he’s giving him permission to learn to read.  His nurse will continue to teach him.  Out walks Pau at that very moment and Margarito gives her the news.  He and Maria rush away to the kitchen.  Ms. Dimples thanks Ro for giving his permission.  Ro replies that she says it as if she thinks he’s going to change.  “--Why not?  Everybody can.  It’s just a matter of wanting to.  I know you can be a nice guy…when you want to.”  “—Well, if you believe in me like you say, then I challenge you.  [Te reto.]  Try making me a better person.”  From the size of her dimples and that smile on her face, there’s no way in Hell-Fuerte she wouldn’t take him up on it.  Game on!


Saturday, January 07, 2012

El Mundo de Telemundo, Week of January 9 2012: Discuss Amongst Yourselves

¡Felix Día de Tres Reyes Magos! Ok, that was last week but whatever. I'm filling in for NovelaMaven this week.

Over to you.

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Cuando Me Enamoro #182 Friday 1/6/12 Sueños Cumplidos (Dreams Fulfilled)

El Gran Final

The theme song kicks in and it's the last time we'll hear Enrique's sweet "oooh hooo" over the opening credits. Then we jump right into the action. Roberta begs Renata to forgive her and they hug tightly. Fina (who looks like a flying-purple-people-eater) takes aim from the stage.

Berta sees Fina over Nata's shoulder and twists around just in time!

Berta receives a shot in the back that was meant for Renata.

Berta falls to the ground and everyone starts screaming. Fina is in absolute shock and doesn't put up a fight when Jero and Matias de-mask her. Nata holds a wounded Roberta in her arms as Gonzo cradles Berta's head and Regina yells for someone to call an ambulance. Fina snaps out of it and rushes to her daughter's side. "Why, why, Roberta?!" Fina cries. "The bullet wasn't meant for you!"

A trickle of blood escapes from the corner of Berta's mouth as she struggles with her last words. "You hurt me ever since I was born. Your love killed me." Fina cries that everything she did was for Berta. "You took everything away from me, even Renata's love." Berta sobs and then looks into her sister's eyes. "Please, Renata, forgive me!" Nata begs Berta not to say such things. "I would have done the same for you!" Nata says.

"Renata, I hated you because I didn't know how to love you." Berta cries. Flashes of Berta's life replay and prove to us that it's true. Ever since Berta was a child, Fina poisoned her against Renata. Roberta begs for forgiveness one last time before her eyes close and she goes limp in Nata's arms. Fina cradles her daughter's body as Nata sobs and Gonzo stares into the distance with grief. All the Monterrubios crowd around in shock and in tears.

Fina loses all composure and pleads with Berta to wake up. "Fina paid for her sins in the worst way," Honorio says. "She lost her daughter, the only person she ever loved, by her own hand."

"NO!" Fina screams helplessly at the skies.

Meses Después

Fina huddles in the corner of a padded cell, cooing to a doll in her arms. A doctor tells Gonzo and Regina that Fina has not come out of shock and will probably never recover from such a tragedy. Gonzo takes a last look at Fina and says goodbye for good. Fina cries as she recalls all the horrible things she has done.

Elsewhere, Honorio and Constanza take a stroll together. She is the happiest woman in the world and Honorio couldn't be happier either. Good and bad memories of the past replay and it's clear the two of them make will continue to overcome the odds together. Beso!

Over at Hacienda La Bonita, Carlos and Jero tinker around in the laboratory crafting the perfect wine. Inside, Manuela and Matilde help set up a baby crib decked out in shades of blue. Nata is having a boy to be named Rafael. The ladies chat happily until Nata's water breaks unexpectedly. Nata is worried because it's two months too early but the ladies reassure her as they help her out to the car.

Jero and Carlos teach Anibal the ropes of the wine business. Matilde hurries in to give Jero the news about Renata and the guys hurry out. Meanwhile, Padre and Antonio drive Marina to the hospital because she too has gone into labor.

Carlos and Mati drive Jero and Nata to the hospital. Tony calls Jero's cellphone to tell him that Marina has also gone into labor. "History is repeating itself!" Nata says. "My sister and I were born on the same day and in the same place." Jero does his best to comfort Nata through the pain.

In the hospital, Jero is right by Nata's side as baby Rafael is born happy and healthy, if two months early. The happy family welcomes their little boy into the world.

Across the hall, Marina is having a difficult time and they have to perform an emergency C-Section. The babies are in distress. A nurse comes to get Jero, which leaves Nata to have some quality bonding time with her baby.

The doctor tells Jero that he is worried about Marina's condition. The babies will probably be fine but Marina's body is absorbing the amitotic fluid; the fluid has contaminated her lungs and could cause them to collapse.

Nata chats contentedly with Mati and Carlos. Baby Rafael is safe in an incubator. Carlos muses that it must be marvelous to be a parent. Matilde agrees and can't wait to make babies with Carlos. Gonzo and Regina call and Nata tells them they're officially grandparents.

Jero coos over his twin baby girls when Marina wakes. She cries as she holds them both but suddenly has trouble breathing. Marina asks to talk to Renata as soon as possible.

Jero wastes no time in grabbing a wheelchair for Nata and bringing her into Marina's room. Nata holds Marina's hand and tries to reassure her that everything will be okay. Sadly, Marina is a doctor and she knows exactly what's happening to her. Marina asks Nata to take care of her daughters. "You can become their mother. Love them like they were your own daughters."

Jero and Nata remain firmly in denial that Marina is dying but she is persistent. "I wish it were true that I was going to live. I would have loved to raise my daughters and watch them grow up. At least you will have the privilege of being a mother, Renata. I will be a part of their past, Jero, but you and Nata are their future. I could never find better hands to leave them in." By now, everyone (including me) is crying copiously. Nata promises with her whole heart to love and care for Marina's daughters.

Jero caresses Marina's hair as she starts fading away. "Jero, you were the love of my life. You gave me the most beautiful gift in the world by making me a mother. Take care of them and protect them." Jero swears on his life that their daughters will know how much their mother loved them. The last thing Marina asks is that one of the babies be named after her and the other be named Irene after Marina's own mother.

Jero and Nata sob as they promise to fulfill Marina's requests. The three of them hold hands as Marina passes away in peace.

Nata and Jero beg Marina not to die but it's not to be. "Sevillanas Del Adios" plays while Nata and Jero grieve.

After the grieving process that is the commercial break, we're back at the mental hospital. Fina walks around the courtyard and sees a vision of Roberta, looking ghostly in a cranberry colored dress.

"I thought you were dead!" Fina says. "I didn't die. You killed me." Berta says cooly.

Split second second flashes of Berta's death appear. "Of course you killed me. Your hate for Renata finally ending by destroying me." Fina squeaks she only wanted the best for Berta. "Love is the best thing in the world, Mamá, but you never knew how to love. Thank God I repented before I died; it made all the difference because I am in peace far away from you. Gonzo, Regina, and Renata's love saved me. You and I will never be reunited again."

Fina cries that she will never let Berta go but Berta stays strong. "I paid my dues. You no longer have the power to control my life or my soul. You were the architect of your own destiny." Berta cries as she says goodbye to her madre one last time. Fina pleads with Berta not to leave and tries to hug her but Berta dissolves before Fina can touch her.

Fina is left to wander, cry, and scream for Berta as ominous voices hum in the background. She rants and raves until the nurses come to sedate her. Fina will remain in the hospital, eaten alive with grief and guilt until the day she dies.

Gonzo, Constanza, and Honorio chat at a cafe and are joined by Matias and Adriana. They just came from the doctor's office and have great news: they are having a baby! Gonzo, Connie, and Hon are beside themselves with happiness. (In one way or another, the baby will be blood related to all three of them: Gonzo and Hon's grandchild and Connie's second niece/nephew. Telenovela genetics!) "It's the beginning of a new generation of Monterrubios!" Gonzo exclaims. Adri is proud to call herself part of the family. Everyone celebrates their good fortune.

Años Después

Years later at La Bonita, Rafael has grown into a handsome little boy and identical twins Marina and Irene are equally adorable. Renata joins them in the living room with a baby girl in her arms (who I assume has to be named Regina).

Abuela Regina helps wrangle the kids because today they're having a huge family reunion at The Wine Fair (La Feria del Vino, the same lovely festival where Nata and Jero stomped grapes together years before). Nata is doubly excited because Jero is going to present their new wine: San Rafael, named after their son.

The festival is in full swing and absolutely everyone is there to celebrate. Gonzo arrives with Honorio and Constanza, who have their grandchildren with them. Hon holds his granddaughter's hand while Connie holds her baby grandson.

Adriana and Matias stroll with them proudly. Connie remarks on Gonzo's status as an Awesome Grandpa because he has five grandchildren by Nata and Jero and two by Matias and Adri. Gonzo is happy to have seven healthy, happy grandchildren. Honorio admits he never imagined how wonderful it would be to have grandchildren. He's crazy about them!

Ines and Isidro chat by the bar and Andrescito has grown into a dashingly handsome young man. Isidro wears Ines down into allowing Andres to have a glass of wine. Ines gushes to Connie about how proud she is of Andres; he's going to medical school next year to help children with cancer who are going through what he did.

More arrivals to the party: Alfonsina (in a fetching orange gown) with young Luz in tow, Lazaro and Karina with a son the spitting image of Laz, and Matilde with a slumbering toddler in her arms. These are some seriously fertile lands at La Bonita!

Carlos, Jero, Anibal, and Alison wait anxious at their table for the judges of the wine tasting. A few scary-looking guys in suits do all kinds of pretentious things to Jero's sample and then move on.

Nata and her brood arrive and Jero wastes no time in showering everyone with love. The results of the wine judging are in: the winner is Vino San Rafael from Hacienda La Bonita! Cheers erupt as Jero, Lazaro, and Carlos hop onto the stage to accept the award.

Jero thanks the judges for their recognition and dedicates the award to the memory of his brother Rafael. Without him, Jero never would have come to live on such blessed land. Clips from Jero and Rafa's childhood play as Jero continues his speech. Thanks to Rafa, Jero meant the love of his life. "That's me!" Nata shouts from the crowd. LOL.

Jero thanks all the hacienda workers, especially his great friends and co-workers Carlos and Lazaro. "I loved my brother and I loved my brother's dreams. We will defend his land and all his ideas. This is for you, Rafa!"

The festivities at an end, Renata and Jero spend precious time in the fields with their children. Each of them crisply dressed in traditional white clothing, they stomp grapes together as a joyous and united family.

As their love story comes to a close, Renata and Jero stand alone in the grape stomping pit at sundown. The theme song plays triumphantly in the background.

"You are the sum of all my dreams," Jero says. "Thank you for making me feel what I had never felt before. I am much more in love with you than the first day I met you."
"And I with you." Renata agrees.
"Why?" Jero asks.
"Porque cuando me enamoro, se detiene el tiempo." They say in unison.
"Because when I fall in love, time stops."

Renata and Jero kiss passionately in front of the glorious setting sun as we say goodbye to a story well told.

Queridos amigos, I'm so honored to have been a recapper for you. This show has gotten me through some hard times and some great times - I'm sad to see it go. It feels like saying goodbye to an old friend.

To recappers Cheryl, Jules, Elna June, Lila, Marta Ivette, Sylvia, Carlos, Vivi, and absolutely every commenter: thank you so much for your wit, conversation, and friendship. I'm so proud to be part of this community and having someone to laugh and cry with is priceless. I will miss our daily chats like crazy but you'll always be able to find me lurking around. I am a proud telenovela addict and will never be able to give it up completely.

Now let's party!


Friday, January 06, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #69 Thu 1/5/12 Vins is bugged and Pina’s watching Tomás.

Vins is still at the Cuckoo Curaloco’s office. Doc tells him a fable: A beetle (escarabajo) and a cicada (cigarra) are walking together in the hot sun. The cicada stops in the shade of an oak. The beetle keeps going, but eventually is too hot and digs a hole to get out of the sun. At night there is a storm and the hole fills with water and the beetle drowns. The cicada opens a dragonfly (libélula) factory and lives happily ever after. What’s the moral? Oops, time’s up.
At the taller, Pepe tries to talk to Tomás about Champi but Tom is lost in thought. He tells Pepe that Pina is nice to him and says he wants to change and be the honest gentleman she thinks he is. Pina calls and asks Tomás to meet her somewhere for a surprise. His eyes bug out. Pepe teases him.
Chela malaises in bed in the big house and Pancho dotes on her and settles in to keep watch for the night. Eventually he’s exhausted in the chair and he collapses in the bed, snuggled around her and dead asleep. Downstairs, the insufferable brats are thrilled that Chela is back. They decided to leave her alone with Pancho so the not-so-inevitable might ensue. Lupita thinks they’re setting their hopes too high.
Tomás meets Pina in a restaurant, late because it took a lot of buses to get there. “Vino?,” she asks. “No vino, se quedó allá,” he jokes. Pina thinks he’s funny. He says the only wine he’s ever drunk was communion wine, and that was only because he swiped the priest’s flask. She gives him a fancy watch to show her gratitude for his attentiveness. He says it’s too much. They eat the best dead cow Tom has ever had and he has to leave to catch the bus. They fight over whether he will accept the watch.
Adoración catches Vins and Candy together in the garage. Vins orders her not to say anything to Pina, or she’ll break poor Pina’s heart. Ado throws the blame back where it belongs.
Ana doesn’t want the band to break up. She hates all the awkwardness. Manuel says he’s got a brilliant plan to make her fall in love with him. I guess that will solve everything. Screw Fernando. Or, rather, don’t.
Next morning: Chela wakes up face to face with Pancho and puckers up. He wakes up and jumps away and hurries out. Chela thinks maybe she still has a chance with him. Out in the hall, Pancho is nervously evasive with Lupita and she tells him Rebe’s waiting downstairs.
Lupita goes in for a talk with Chela. Topic: Alex and how fast and how far Lupita wants things to go. The insufferable brats eavesdrop, and Candy joins them. Lupita catches them.
Rebeca asks Pancho what the family emergency was. He tells her Chela is very sick. She gets all snitty and says she loves his kids but she doesn’t want to deal with Chela. I don’t think anyone was asking her to. Pancho says she’s being unfair.
Rebe rants to Barb. They think Chela is faking the flu to get close to Pancho. Yeah, nothing like flu germs to make someone you’ve lived with for years want to smooch you finally. Barb thinks Rebe’s jealousy is unwarranted and will drive Pancho away if she doesn’t rein it in. Rebe has a fantasy that she and Chela are boxing and Pancho is the ref. They both knock him out and hug each other.
At Casa Iramal, it’s Blech-fest Breakfast time again. Vins does horrible things to his foodstuffs and Freddy gets all attentive to Pina, probably just to avoid looking at Vins. They finally ask Vins what’s wrong with him and he rambles about beetles and cicadas. Loco.
Chela’s cooking again at the big house, and everyone’s thrilled and they toast to her.


La Que No Podía Amar #4 Thursday 1/5/12 The Woman Who Couldn't Get Over Herself

Happy New Year everybody! And a Happy New Show…for now….

Full disclosure: We have had the closed captions on our TV set to Channel 3 ever since Uni showed La Reina del Sur. Mr 5ft read the book in English, so we were both excited to see the TN version, and even more excited that I wouldn't have to translate for him. Since then, we just never bothered to take off the closed captions because most shows don't have anything on CC Channel 3…except that sometimes SyFy will put Spanish captions there, which is just awesome! But it's hit or miss. As of right now, I've seen the captions all week on this show. I don't know if they're here to stay, but since we're also slogging through the last bits of La Casa de a Lado (emphasis on slogging) I'm just going to leave all my settings alone and see what happens. It feels a bit like cheating, and I certainly don't want to lose sight of the fact that not everyone has access to them and so just ignore dialogue, but on the plus side, sometimes I disagree with the captioner's word choice and that'll make for some good Spanish nerd discussions :D

Anyway, on to the actual show….

Consuelo is macking on Efrain. Cinthia sees them, so she backs out and calls out for Simon before walking in again. Puh-leeze, you can totally tell from her face that she saw what they were up to and she did not like it. Efrain offers to saddle her horse, since Simon, the "caballerango" (wrangler, groom) isn't there. She suggests that Consuelo get back to the house and Consuelo hightails it out of there. Cinthia comes on strong to Efrain, who is playing hard to get. He says he's gotta go talk to Consuelo's brother.

Bruno pretends not to understand the question and Rogelio claims he doesn't want his employees fraternizing. Riiiiight. Oh, and besides, she's not on his level. Pfft. Bruno says he loaned her money to get her come out there. "Always thinking about me, huh, Bruno?" He informs him that he bought out the debt and writes Bruno a check. Bruno tries to decline, but Rogelio, as usual, has his way. Bruno takes the check. Rogelio says Paula will work harder if she thinks she owes him.

Jewelry lady has new wares. Rosaura tells her she doesn't want to look at things she can't have! Since that idiot, Ana Paula, quit her job. But no worries about the payments that are due, it's not the 15th yet, so she's got time to figure it out. Ana Paula calls and gets chewed out by her loving Tia, before getting a chance to say she's staying. Rosaura changes her tune instantly and praises her for sucking it up and working wherever she can, like the pauper she is. She starts giving serious consideration to a piece of jewelry. Ana Paula tells her she might be getting a call from a guy, and if he calls, to please ask for his number. She says he had offered to put her in touch with his sister for a nursing job. Oh, well, you won't need that, now that you'll be working out in BFE for a year, says Auntie. Well, yes, but she'd like to thank him all the same. Tia looks suspicious.

PT continues. He tries to weasel out of the last 10 minutes, but Ana Paula won't let him. Miracle of miracles, he doesn't argue with her.

Federico is on the phone talking about needing to get provider's whose cattle are of the same quality as Rogelio's. Vanessa comes to visit him, looking hot in a hot pink halter dress. She says she knows he was in San Gabriel and wonders if he saw Rogelio. He says the contact is up soon, and it's not going to be so easy to deal with. If he won't renew, their company is in serious trouble.

Rogelio moons over the picture of him and Vanessa. Ana Paula surprises him and gets a look at it when he drops it. She's worried about him when she realizes he's teary-eyed. He gruffly tells her not to come in without knocking. She insists on helping him, but he brandishes the whip, telling her to go away and not come back until he calls for her. He manfully struggles not to cry once she leaves. Oh, Rog, you big softy!

Rosa is drooling over that big 'ol ring and saying how she deserves it and more. For freeking what? Jewelry lady convinces her to keep it, since she succeeded in whoring her niece out to that millionaire. What? Is that not what she did? They're interrupted by Gustavo, holding something that looks like a bouquet for a flower girl or a junior bridesmaid. Seriously, dude? Tia is not happy to see him.

Vanessa tries to soothe Federico, saying he can find other suppliers. However, as Federico explains, no one's got as good quality or delivery as Rogelio, and that's what makes their company the best. Bruno's going to talk to Rogelio and see what he can do. Vanessa keeps fishing for personal information, whining that Rogelio has gotten bitter and it's all her fault. Oh, stuff it! Either you feel bad enough about it to stay with him/go back to him or you move on. Seriously, in or out of the pool, babe. Daddy tells her she made a decision, she had every right. Vanessa cries about her hopes for a life with Rogelio and how they all went to hell. "You have no reason to think about him anymore. Your husband wouldn't like that." I don't think she's jonesing for Rogelio, I think her marriage probably sucks and she's thinking the grass is greener over in Rogelio's pasture. It's more the idea of Rogelio than the actual jackass himself.

Gustavo does a little ass kissing and is then disappointed to hear that Ana Paula isn't home and won't be for the foreseeable future. Tia snatches the flowers away to put them in some water, even as she's sneering at them--which makes me want to rethink my earlier opinion, because I hate to agree with this harpy on anything! She tells him Ana Paula found a better job, but she doesn't know where exactly since the phone signal cut off *giggle, giggle* Gustavo is shocked, hurt, and maybe even a little angry. He leaves his card with Rosa so she can give the info to Ana Paula next time she hears from her. Rosa's rich-man-radar goes off when she sees he's an engineer. She really gets excited when he says he lives nearby and his parents are retired. "Oh, and what did they do?" Dad was a high school teacher and mom was a librarian. Stand down! Stand down! False alarm! Don't lower the nets! She gets rid of him quickly. The jewelry lady is impressed, but Tia is not. She gripes that now she knows why Ana Paula was so anxious to get his contact info!

Ana Paula goes running to the kitchen to tell Maria she saw Rogelio crying over a picture of him and…some woman. She kind of got the impression that woman looked like her. Maria agrees she does. Paula assumes the woman must be dead and wants to know more about her. Maria says she's as good as dead, and they're forbidden to speak of her. She's Vanessa, the woman who was going to marry the boss. But after the accident, she left him. Since then, he…changed. Vanessa is the one responsible for Rogelio being the way he is. Ex-cuse me! As we're repeatedly reminded, no one makes Rogelio do anything he doesn't want to do, and that includes being an enormous ass! No one is responsible for that but the man himself.

Vanessa insists on taking responsibility for Rogelio cutting off their cow supply. I do not like chicks who have such a need to feel like the center of the universe. Daddy says who knows, maybe Bruno can work something out. He gets a call from Bruno, who apparently has bad news for him. When he hangs up, he tells Vanessa that Rogelio is negotiation with their competitors.

Rogelio gets over his emotional upset by cleaning his rifle. Gee. That's healthy.

Rosa explains to Jewelry lady that she doesn't like Gustavo because he's not rich enough. No, I'm not going to break that down to the particulars, because her greed is reprehensible. She won't aim for Rogelio because she doesn't figure he's interested in marriage, what with being paralyzed. So she's picked Bruno as her meal ticket and channels Teresa in gritting her teeth and complaining about needing to get out of this filthy poverty that she just can't stand!

Ana Paula chats to Romeo and Juliet about how super cute Gustavo is and how much she wants to see him.

Gustavo sends Miguel to pick up some "luminarias" (lamps). He sits down with his sister, who is disappointed that Ana isn't there to meet her. She mocks him gently for saying that he's going to wait for her.

Bruno is wandering around the house looking for a decent signal as he talks to Rosaura. She's glad that Ana Paula will be staying, but she fakely worries about Rogelio being "difficult." Bruno reminds her that's not news. Rosaura whinily begs him to please look out for her and take care of her, because she knows Ana Paula must be feeling sooooo lonely. Bruno just grins.

Cinthia goes to the kitchen to tell Maria, as Consuelo's godmother, that Consuelo's been very, erm, "friendly" with Efrain. "She's so young, and you know what Efrain's like…we'd hate for her to end up pregnant!" Maria says she'll have a talk with her, horrified at the idea. Bruno walks in to let Maria know that Rogelio will be eating in his study and that's all he said. Maria and Cinthia are both alarmed. Cinthia takes advantage of this to say she won't be eating at home this evening either.

Ana Paula finds Bruno and tells him she is going to stay after all. She knows that Rogelio bought out his debt. Bruno insists she never owed him anything and he only accepted Rogelio's money so he wouldn't make trouble for her. Ana Paula says it's not just that, he also got her brother a job. "Well, now you see how all of us, one way or another, end up in debt to Rogelio Montero." He invites her to have something to eat and then go riding, but Ana Paula wants to be around in case Rogelio needs her. "Oh, he's locked himself up in his study. There's no telling how long he'll be in there." Ana Paula tells him she surprised Rogelio looking at a picture of a woman. A woman Maria says he doesn't like them to talk about. "Vanessa" guesses Bruno.

Maria brings a tray to Rogelio's office and rather stiffly broaches the subject of the picture, saying she didn't think there were any pictures of "that woman" left in the house. Rog guesses that Ana Paula told her. Maria reminds him it's been years and she's married to someone else. "Oh, don't start," says Rog. She doesn't care if he scolds her, and says she hopes one day he'll go back to being the happy Rogelio that she raised. Well, that ain't gonna be today. Rogelio slams his hands down on the desk and tells her to get out!

Ana Paula tells Bruno that all Rog did was tell her to get out. She was moved to see him so upset. Bruno says that Rog just doesn't like anyone knowing anything about him. He thinks Rogelio needs a woman. "Pfft! As if one would want him with that nasty attitude of his!" scoffs Ana Paula. Besides, he never goes out, so how would he meet anyone? She thinks it's just not good for him not to go out in general, aside from being bad for his dating prospects. After all, it's so beautiful out there. She smiles dreamily, talking about how beautiful the river, especially, is. Bruno offers to take her there. She doesn't answer. He tells her that he's going to make an effort for their time together, at least, to be pleasant, despite being in such an unpleasant place. Ana Paula tells him his support is very important, as he's her only friend there, aside from Margarito.

Gustavo reports to David that Miguel is working out so far. David is pleased, since he was recommended by Rogelio and he wants Rogelio to invest in the new mall. Gustavo actually came over to talk about that. The ground looks good, but they need to do something about the "drenaje" (sewer system, according to CC, but I also see just plain "drainage"). He hands over his proposal. David offers to call Rogelio, and he wants Gustavo to stick around in case Rogelio has any questions. David tells him he has good news--the engineer has finished his study, and they can build the mall. Rogelio wants to be sure there are no problems. David offers to send the report over to him.

Bruno shows Ana Paula where "La Querentia" used to be. Ana Paula understands why he doesn't want to leave. Bruno says he won't leave until he finds out what really happened with his own hacienda. How it went from his father's hands to Rogelio's. That's his most compelling reason to be there. Ana Paula asks if he thinks Rogelio got the land wrongfully.

Consuelo comes into the kitchen and gets interrogated about Efrain. She claims there's nothing going on. Maria tells her she's there to work, not the flirt! Besides, Rogelio doesn't like his employees fraternizing, so she'll just have to meet someone in town. Efrain has a reputation as a "noviero" (flirt, womanizer), she says, and flits from woman to woman. "If I told you about all the women I know he's been with!" Consuelo hasn't heard of anyone since she's been there. Well, Maria doesn't want her near him!

Bruno tells Paula, when he's never told anyone before, that when his dad lost the land, he was away. When he got back, he was more concerned with his dad than with the land, since his dad had gotten sick. He heard some rumors going around, but being a lawyer, he knows he can't accuse someone without proof.

Cinthia informs Efrain that as long as he's being used by her, he's not allowed to date anyone else. I'm all for monogamy, but I'm not sure this is how it's supposed to work. Anyway, Efrain says she'd better satisfy his desires, in that case, and it's back to business as usual.

Rogelio is sitting up in bed reading when Ana Paula comes in for his therapy time. Now he tries to fight it, saying it's a waste of time and won't get him to walk again. She tells him he's not facing reality and being a jerk for shutting himself up indoors when there's so much beauty outside. He's just moping around getting angsty. "What do you know about it?!" She says he's not the first or the last person in a wheelchair and she's known plenty of patients who get on with their lives and are happy. Exit Paula. So I guess he gets out of physical therapy after all.

Ana Paula complains to Maria about Rogelio not wanting to do his physical therapy last night. She's trying to be patient, but she just doesn't know how to get him to snap out of it. She wishes she could at least get him to leave the house. Rogelio is wheeled in and is surprised to see Ana Paula there, since it's Sunday. Her contract specifies she's to have one day off a week, Ana Paula reminds him, but it doesn't say that has to be Sunday. Besides, she didn't really work the previous day. "Oh, what a good employee you are. Maria, remind me to tell Bruno to give the nurse a bonus." Ana Paula says that's not necessary. She's just doing her job. Rogelio insists she takes the day off, then wonders why she's walking away. "Since today is my day off, I can eat where I want, and I'd rather eat in the kitchen." Rogelio huffs at Maria to go tell Hugo that he's going to supervise the work in the fields today and insists on serving himself breakfast. Yeah, he just doesn't know how to deal with that spunky Ana Paula.

Efrain and Cinthia are sucking face. I presume "again" and not "still" since the outfits look different, but hey, who knows. "My brother thinks I'm still asleep." Efrain has her horse ready so they can rendezvous up in the mountains. Cue the Barry White music….

Miguel tries to give his aunt the happy news that he and Dany are officially dating, but she figured it out already. Cause she's not blind. "Just make sure you don't distract him from his work." Shut. Up. I'm trying to recall when I've ever seen this actress that I haven't wanted her to just shut up every time she's on screen. I hope it's first-rate acting and that she's not just naturally like that. Dany is happy that her "flaco" (skinny guy) is working and happy, so of course she wouldn't. Rosa asks Dany to pass her the tortillas and flashes the big emerald at her. Dany and Miguel both ooh and aah over it, and Miguel asks where she got the money for it.

Ana Paula works on math with Margarito…"If you have five mangos in this hand and three in this hand, how many do you have?" She says she's going to get him a workbook, then has him recite something out loud that she's written down. "The…house…"

Rosa says the stones are fake. Dany isn't buying it, so Rosa tells her to ask Elena. "If it were real, I would have sold it a long time ago…to help with all our expenses. Especially now that I can't work." She fake cries and pretends to be embarrassed that Dany has found out about their financial troubles. She turns up the waterworks about how she's always working, cooking for other people, etc. Miguel looks guilty. Dany insists on washing the dishes. "Flaquito, tu platito" (little skinny guy, your little plate…"babe, your plate"). Rosa tells Miguel she's glad Dany is so committed, since she can no longer work. Miguel goes to help Dany with the dishes and tells Rosa to go lie down, they'll clean everything up. Rosa rolls her eyes when he's gone and goes back to admiring her ring.

Efrain smooches on Consuelo. Consuleo says she's not allowed to go out with him…but maybe if she talked to Maria…. Efrain says, no, it's no good. Someone saw them and told the boss, so they can't see each other anymore. Shucky darn. "Well, what if we saw each other in secret?" Ooh, Efrain likes that idea, since she's just so purdy and all…oh, but it wouldn't be fair to her, and what if they got caught? No, better wait for things to calm down. "This wouldn't be because you're a skirt chaser who has no interest in being exclusive, would it?" Efrain takes off his hat and swears that he wants to marry her. Dude. That's just wrong. And he swore, even. For that, some part of his anatomy better spontaneously fall off. Consuelo gets all excited. "But in the meantime, we've got to say goodbye, and make it a good one!" Smoochies.

Gustavo asks Miguel to drive him out to deliver, presumably, the plans to Rogelio, and Miguel agrees.

Margarito comes running up to Rogelio to tell him someone's looking for him. Someone in a car parked out at the street. Oh, it's Vanessa. Dressed marginally more conservatively and doing her best to look sorrowful. She takes in Rogelio, and his wheelchair, and says overly dramatically, that she came to talk to him. "Forgive me! I couldn't…it was such a blow to me!" Rogelio mockingly says it's a good thing the accident happened two months before the wedding, otherwise she would have sworn to be with him in sickness and health for the rest of their days. "Forgive me…Please understand! We're not all as strong as you are!"

Maria takes some workbooks out of a cabinet to give to Ana Paula. She thanks her for being concerned about Margarito. He's been lonely and needing someone to give him some attention. Margarito comes running in to say that a very elegant lady is outside…and she looks like Ana Paula! She's talking to the boss, and she's rich. He can tell, cause she showed up with a chauffeur. He came running because the boss is fighting with her.

"When the doctors told me you wouldn't walk again, the first thing that came into my mind was that I couldn't marry someone who…" "Someone who wasn't a full man anymore?" She accepts she didn't know how to deal with the situation, but it was he who forbid her or anyone from her family from setting foot on the property (presumably for the purposes of patching things up). He reminds her that order is still in force. Maria comes up and goes into full-on mama bear mode, asking what Vanessa is doing there, coming to upset her cub? She says she's there on business, on behalf of the Southwest Meatpacking Company. "It's your father who does business with Rogelio!" insists Maria. "So you didn't really come to see me," realizes Rogelio. Vanessa knows she's stepped in it and tries to backtrack, but Maria cuts her off. Rogelio screams at her that she's let him down again. "Calm down Rogelio, you'll hurt yourself!" says Maria. Rogelio accuses her of being selfish, as usual. She was only thinking about herself after the accident, and now here she goes again. He says he never wants to see her again and brandishes the riding crop at her. Maria coos to him as he and Vanessa look at each other, all teary-eyed.

Ana Paula wants to go see what's up, but Margarito cries and begs her not to go. "Mr. Montero might need something." "If he doesn't want to see that woman he's going to be angry and he's going to take it out on us! Stay with me! Let Maria tell us what's going on."

Maria tells Rogelio that Vanessa deserves punishment, but it should come from him. "Please! If I came here, it was because…" "Oh, because after seven years you finally wanted to see how I was doing?" He gets up to threaten to throw her out bodily, but he ends up on the floor, waving the crop at her. "Now are you happy? See what you've done?! Get out! God protect you the day you want to hurt Rogelio! You're going to kill him! Leave! Leave! Get out!" Maria shoves her into the car and it drives away. Ana Paula comes running out and tries to help him, but he tells her not to touch him, he can do it himself. He drags himself over to his wheelchair, but knocks it over. Ana Paula grabs it and holds it in place, over his objections. Rogelio looks up at her and starts yelling that she's just like Vanessa. "Go away!"

Tomorrow: Ana Paula continues to stand up to Rogelio; Vanessa can't quit thinking about Rogelio; Rogelio burns the infamous picture; Ana Paula has a riding accident.


Thursday, January 05, 2012

Cuando Me Enamoro #181 Thursday 1/5/12 Love is the answer, and you know that for sure. Love is a flower, you gotta let it grow.*

*John Lennon, Mind Games

All you Rene Casados fans are in for a treat tonight. It’s Papa Gonzo’s night to shine. Cliff Huxtable, Ward Cleaver, Richard Castle, step aside and make room for the master, Don Gonzalo Monterrubio!
Oh cool, we get to see the swordfight on the high seas one more time. Just the end though, the skewering, in effect the best part. Wow, Jero really jammed it in there. But all that bloody spittle was just gross.
After some prolonged repeated scenes we finally get to where we left off last night...
Lurking Berta overhears the post-necklace Hija/Mama exchange. From her spiteful point of view this tender moment is not about Renata but rather about herself and she demands an explanation, much as she would from a lover kissing another woman. Regina and Renata agree the time for truth has come. “You are not my real daughter,” Regina admits. “¿Cómo?” demands Roberta, purple eyelids ablaze in anger. She recounts the proof, the DNA test, her heart condition, the birth certificate, what about all that? Regina firmly insists it was all a dreadful mistake (equivocacion). They lob this multisyllabic word back and forth until Regina cuts the game short, Berta’s fingerprints did NOT match those on Regina’s birth certificate. You’ve got to give Berta props, she plays this match like a pro. She looks truly stricken and tells Regina she really saw her as her own true mother and was beginning to love her as such. Regina admits she was shocked too but without a doubt Renata is her real daughter.
Roberta cries that she doesn’t want to give Regina up as her mama. She doesn’t want to be the daughter of a murderess. “No quiero, no quiero!” Renata jumps in and tells her sister they no longer have to be under Fina’s dirty cloud. This is the perfect time for Berta to reinvent herself, change, and start Telling The Truth (hint hint). Berta weeps that Fina has already destroyed her and she has nothing else to tell. Renata puts Berta on the spot, did she really know all this time that she was Fina’s daughter?  Was Roberta aware of the identity switch?
Over at the fiesta site Fina, in disguise but still completely identifiable as Josefina Monterrubio, chats with the other neon-wigged singers while Jero and Matias, mere steps away, take no notice of the pink-hued help. Jero pensively talks to Matias about the first time he was in this garden at Mat’s welcome, about all that has happened since then and about letting go of all his feelings of vengeance. Matias says “life is full of surprises, Profe”. (Well he would be surprised if only he’d check out the wacko on the stage!) Jero is delighted that Matias has decided to call him “teacher” again and Matias, quickly becoming the master of the love fest, admits that Jero will always be the best example of a teacher to him. (Certainly he is the best example of how to look hot in a suit.)
Jero says speaking of examples he and Renata decided that there would be no better example of Godparents than Matias and Adri. Matias ratchets up the love and sheds a sentimental tear before embracing his Profe in a macho man-hug. Fina can’t resist skulking close to them, peeking at their happiness and leaving a wake of creepified, howling background music. Boys, are you deaf?!?!
There is howling inside too. Regina and Renata press Berta to tell them where Fina is , they are sure she knows, but Berta continues to loudly insist of course she doesn’t know! (Por supuesto que no!) She doesn’t have the least idea (la menor idea) where that woman is! She promises! Their body language says it all, real mother and daughter side by side, hanging their heads in disbelief, Renata’s arms crossed in defense against the lies. Roberta rushes out (as usual) and Nata comforts her weeping mother.
We’re back in the wine country and for the first time there are no giant block letters advising us of the location. I guess they figure that after 180 episodes we finally know where we are. Manuela is saying goodbye to Tony and Padre S as our favorite young couple excitedly enters the scene. They have good news and proudly show her their university registrations. Ali will study nutrition to help girls who share her problem and Anibal will of course study oenology and come back to dedicate himself to wine production. 
Fina is in the washroom arranging her lurid locks and cackling that her vengeance is nigh. Heh, she checks under the stalls to make sure she’s alone before channeling the witch queen, “Mirror Mirror on the wall”. Nothing gives her greater pleasure than exerting control over the lives of others. “Fina you are marvelous! You are one of a kind. You are brilliant my queen, brilliant!” she giggles. Her telephone interrupts her autolovefest and she cheerfully wishes her daughter Feliz Cumpleaños. 
“We’ve been found out,” blurts Berta. She says the estupido bank compared fingerprints and discovered that Berta was the Cuckoo chick imposter placed in another bird’s nest. Now she won’t get a worm or a peso because the whole world knows Renata is the true inheritor and daughter of estupida Regina Soberon. (Hey, Roberta’s got some scar on her forearm. It looks like one I have on the same spot from where I once got slashed by a wineglass; it took 156 stitches to close that pumper.) After they take turns blaming each other Roberta immerses herself in loathing and whines that now Renata will have everything, the money, the house, Jero’s love, while Berta once again is stuck with nada. “You don’t know how much I hate her. Why couldn’t she have drowned in the sea along with Jeronimo?” 
Fina tries to calm her down and get the 411 on where Roberta stands with Regina and Renata.  Berta says she played the victim and vowed she had no idea that she wasn’t Regi’s girl. Fina’s glad and instructs Berta to go back and enjoy the party and pretend to be happy for being part of La Familia Monterrubio in spite of everything (a pesar de todo). Fina assures her they will still carry out their plan and head to Switzerland, happy to once again be mother and daughter. Berta whines about no money and Fina divulges that she does have money (pero yo sí) and she’ll share it with Berta when they escape. “Now go party down because tomorrow we start a new life.”
Manuela and Kari are in an echo-y construction which is the house that Laz is building for Kari. Wow, that Super Laz is some hombre, works full time, chases bad guys, saves people, seeks out the truth, and now he’s building a house too. They talk ad nauseum about how much Laz loves and has loved Kari (OK, I admit I’m jealous that she got MI Lazaro!) and then they waste more valuable viewing time checking out the kitchen. 
Over at Casa M Jero is holding a pow wow with Gonzo, Regi and Nata. He says once again he does not trust or believe Roberta. Renata and Regina comment that Berta seemed truly sad and she swore she knew nothing about Fina, although they know it wasn’t true. Gonzo reminds them that Fina was seen leaving Germy’s apartment and Regina tells him they gave her a chance to tell the the truth but she didn’t. “That’s because she’s a professional liar,” advises Jero, “just like her mother.”  Gonzo cuts Berta some slack by pointing out that Fina’s horrendous child-rearing left its mark on Roberta.
The Garish Grupo warms up as the Familia Monterrubio (sans Berta) arrives at the party. Fina, looking like Fearless Fly in drag, thought bubbles that she didn’t wait 24 years for nothing, she and her daughter are going to reign supreme, bwahahaha!
Ines and Regina say that every year they had a birthday cake for Renata, never losing hope. Now Regina can finally be happy...a pesar de todo. Regi meets the questioning looks by admitting that Roberta already knows she is not Regina’s daughter.
As for Berta, she sulks up in her ivory tower, damning Renata for stealing everything that Roberta ever wanted. Gonzo taps on the door and tells her Regi told him everything. The sweet daddy music plays and he wants her to listen. She came into his life when she was only 12 years old with her innocent smile. From that moment he thought of her as his daughter. She tries to interrupt, saying “but not like Renata...” He shushes her and continues, yes each child is different but a father’s love is equal for both. For him she is his daughter and always will be. He adds that her mother filled her heart with hate and envy but Roberta is responsible for her own life. He urges her to fight to have her own life. Believe it or not her sister loves her and so does Regina.  

Down at the fiesta Renata is excited that Mat and Adri will be padrinos to little Regina or Rafael. Matias negotiates a similar deal for them when his child is born. The foursome couldn’t be happier but the camera pans to...Fina, hidden in full view, who observes while serenaded by the evil, groaning voices in her head.   
Back in Berta’s room it appears as if papa’s words might be melting the iceberg that is her heart. His assurance that the power of love transcends everything brings her to tears. He knows she can reinvent herself and start fresh. He invites her tell him everything she knows about Fina who, although she is Berta’s mother, has not been a good mother. Fina only thinks of herself and puts herself in front of everyone including Berta. He begs his daughter not to be an accomplice to a murderer and he gently reminds her that Fina killed the love of Berta’s life. This really sets Berta off and she’s wracked in sobs thinking about her profound loss. Gonzo assures her she still has her family, and he tells her several times how much he loves her. “I love you too Papa” she sobs after he has departed, and she clings to her pillow as she weeps. Wow, what a powerful scene. It brought tears to my eyes. How about a standing ovation for these two?
Gonzo joins Regina, he’s not sure if his words affected Roberta. “Now is the time on Sprockets when we dance!” commands Regina, and the table obeys. (Sorry, I couldn’t resist. Here is one of the old SNL Sprockets Skits) What a great party; and they really know how to dance! I sure wish that poor family could have just one party where shooting and grave bodily harm are not the guests of honor.

In the midst of much toasting and familial bonding up strolls Roberta wondering if they should cut the cake like they do every year. Regina takes the microphone and all eyes are on her WITH FINA RIGHT BEHIND HER but nobody nobody seems to notice her. Regina says this is a special day for her and she begins to tell the story about an evil woman stealing her daughter so many years ago. Well she finally found her after all these year, but guess what, life was generous and she found two daughters! Berta looks surprised to be included in the happiness. Regina announces that now she has two daughters and her heart is overflowing with love for both of them. Happy Birthday hijas!

Fina, looking like she wants to hurl, claps politely in the background while Regina leads a rousing version of Las Mañanitas. The two sisters close their eyes and make a wish then together blow out the candles. Renata drags her sis to the microphone and blathers her happiness and thanks to everyone in the crowd, calling out her family one by one. Fina’s scowling then smirking head keeps popping up between the sisters like a bobble-head from hell.

Berta takes the mic, says she’s made a lot of mistakes and today she wants to ask their forgiveness. “What are you doing?” Fina angrily thought-bobbles behind her. Berta continues by saying she told lies to many of them. She tells Jero she knows he rarely believes her, but she swears she loved Rafael with all her heart and soul. And now her punishment is that she has neither his love nor his child. She tells Gonzo from the moment she arrived in his life he was always a great papa to her. She asks Renata to forgive her for always trying to be like Renata but also for hating everything that Renata tried to be. She was always envious of Renata’s capacity to love and be loved. Berta says today they have all given her the opportunity to reinvent herself and she’s going to try. Gonzo beams and Jero looks skeptical. It would take him at least another 130 episodes to start believing her.

Roberta says to prove herself she admits she does know where Josefina Alvarez is and she and her real mother were planning to leave the country tomorrow. From the bottom of her heart she begs their forgiveness. “Forgive me sister,” she cries to Renata and hugs her sister.

Renata leads Berta away from the microphone as Fina turns and pulls something out of her bag of tricks. Berta asks her sis to forgive her and as she hugs Renata she sees a wackily wigged out version of her mama glare at them, shake her head and assume the shooting stance.

She aims. She fires.

Roberta makes a movement. ¿Qué sucederá?

a pesar de todo = in spite of everything
Cómo = how (not to be confused with como = like)
equivocacion = big honkin’ mistake
la menor idea = the least idea
pero yo sí = but I do
Por supuesto que no = Of course not
¿Qué sucederá? = What will happen?

Dicho of the Day, dedicated to Fina:
Ella que sembró su maíz, que se coma su pinole = You looked for trouble? Now pay the consequences , You reap what you sow. (lit. She who planted her corn must eat her pinole/corn flour)

Dear Friends, as this is my last CME recap I just wanted to tell you all what a fun and rewarding experience it has been to laugh, cry and poke fun with all of you at our beloved telenovela. I regard CME as one of my favorite telenovelas for many reasons, this community absolutely being one of them. For those in our study group who might have chosen to remain silent, I sincerely hope you learned some Spanish along with the rest of us and I hope you feel compelled to speak up in the future. Every one has a voice and every one has something to say. Say it here! The more the merrier.


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