Thursday, June 07, 2007

Acorralada #101 Wednesday 6/6/07 Panchi loses his mojo

Today, we are still trying to get Bruno to reveal the baby's whereabouts. I will shorten the suspense for all by summarizing these long and repetitive scenes. Bruno asks to have Diana sent in. She wants to see her suffer. She makes Diana humiliate herself with tears. She blames her for Marfil's unhappiness and Debora's death. Finally, she says she will tell her where the baby is for something in exchange--she wants her to give up Max for the happiness of her daughter Marfil. Diana says she has already given him up--there is nothing between them. But you still love him, says Bruno, and he loves you. I want you not to love him and him not to love you. Diana says she can't control another person, and besides, he needs to work at the factory. But there's nothing between them. Dimwit strikes again! Bruno begins to have another heart attack. Or fake heart attack, I'm not sure.

Diana goes back in the hall, where Marfil and Max and Diego are waiting. Marfil doesn't want her to go back in, because she is intent on protecting her mama! She really wants her mother to die without revealing the truth, but she is not letting on. This is pretty much where we end up.

In another room at the hospital, we see the Mummy getting ready to reveal herself. She takes the bandages off her severely wounded hand and holds it up for us to see. Then she flashes back to when she was getting burned. Then she says "I can't feel my hand!"

Diana goes home at the end and finds her mother drinking and tries to get her to stop.

Larry and Yolanda rehash news on the beach. Yolanda doesn't want to reveal her relationship to Max yet, because he is preoccupied with the kidnapping.

Now for a new development: New characters! We see Camila and Iggy strolling on the beach and lamenting how they have no money. Suddenly Iggy's cell phone rings, and it's his cousin Eduardo, who he hasn't seen in two years. Eduardo is very rich and is coming from California (we see him in his mansion) to work for two years. He is going to rent a place, it seems, and Iggy offers him the run of his homeless shelter. (This part makes no sense, because if the guy is so rich, why would he want to stay in Iggy's little apartment?) Eduardo asks why Iggy isn't at the hospital, and Iggy says, oh, things, you know. After the call, Iggy and Camila figuratively high-five at their sudden good luck. The arrival of cousin Eddie will solve their dinero problems.

Anyway, Eduardo has a wife who he's crazy about. She's out shopping, he says. She just loves shopping. The camera cuts to a scene of wifey in bed with some shirtless hunk. He must be her personal shopper.
Later, she comes home, and they discuss the move to Miami and their upcoming stay with cousin Iggy. She wants to go to the movies, but he is too busy. She's very excited about the move to Miami. She seems to harbor a great desire to get it on with Iggy, I think, and she says that once she's in Miami she will have men who pay attention to her.

Finally, the Orlando vacation comes to a dramatic conclusion!
Puncho is in the pool kissing some strange girl. He pulls away from her just in time for Caramelo to come downstairs in another thong bikini. She starts kissing him. Paco comes out and tells her that Paola was there. Meanwhile, Octy is upstairs telling Paola that Caramelo is there. Paola runs downstairs, and the fun begins. Paola and Caramelo start the usual bitch-slap fest and go into the pool. Then Paco, Emilio and Puncho start exchanging blows and also fall into the pool. The action continues with a five-way free-for-all. Finally it is over, and Puncho is much the worse for wear, with his face bloodied.

Caramelo doesn't want to leave, and she cries that she still loves him. Paco tries to convince her that Pancho is trash, and she should divorce him and take up with a nice working stiff, like Emilio, who respects women. She cries some more.

Meanwhile, Paola is trying to clean Puncho's wounds, and she gets angry because she thinks he had planned the trip knowing Caramelo would be there. For once, he is in the clear, but no matter. Finally, she leaves with Octy. Pancho is left looking in the mirror and lamenting how his fieritas have disobeyed him. He begins to look and sound delusional and mad.

Meanwhile, the others still don't know that Paco is Paola's father!


Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Destilando 6/6: Smarmy Frankie gets lucky. Sofia continues with the Chinese Water Torture approach to ensuring inheritance.

Once again captions have disappeared from local Univision. Tonight was the first time I've ever recapped without reading the screen! So it's going to be vague - feel free to fill in details. Hopefully subtitles will be back by next week.

Gaviota is depressed, she wants to hide away and sleep, she feels bad about bagging her job at Montalvo's but she can't take any more. Italian Bennie has taken the two jimadoras off to Cuernavaca for R&R but Gav just mopes around, tears leaking from her eyes, which can't do much for Bennie and which even de-bounces her mom somewhat.

Smarmy Frankie is lurking around Isa, in the dark, saying her husband should be dedicated to her, he shouldn't abandon such a marvellous woman (pours on the compliments). She cries, cue the sexy saxophone music and they have at it. Afterwards she tells him to get out, she vvvvannts to be alone.

Meanwhile Rod drinks in a bar, listening to a love song, kisses-of-yore-ing. (We need a better term for flashbacks which include nothing but kisses and embraces. And by the way these kisses-of-yore flashbacks are as tired as Rod's wornout cassette, we need some NEW kisses and enough already with the old ones.) Rod is way too drunk to drive so he spends the night in a hotel conveniently near the bar (but he still drives there, shame).

Gav, in Cuernavaca, cries and remembers Christmas Eve, how they kissed and he told her she's the only woman he's able to love.

Next morning Sofia and Grannie are sitting around the mansion doing nothing, as usual. A phone call with Elvira reassures them: Rod is at work and Gav isn't. Sofia gets a greasy obnoxious smile and tells Pilar: This means Rod and Mariana Franco were NOT together last night (Christmas) ...

At the office, Rod is not working; he is making many phone calls, maybe all to the same number, trying to find Gav/Mariana. Oñate pops in with more crooked documents to be signed. Rod actually asks a question about the tequila and the ports in question! [Without captions, I could not capture the details of the business conversations.] Rod signs. Oñate, wearing his yukky Uriah Heep smile, wants Mariana to sign too.

[If somebody peered over a document at ME with that creepy self-satisfied grin - I would not sign. -- Ed.]

Videgaray shows up and tells Rod: "You're being used, by Aaron, to cover up dirty business, and other tequila kingpins are beginning to realize there's something suspicious going on at Montalvo Inc. -- and it's your head plastered on the bullseye." Rod is impactado into - and out of - the commercial break.

Videgaray reiterates: "Aaron is not the man you grew up with." He suggests Rod do some investigating himself in three ports Videgaray suspects to be part of the "irregular" shipments - but insists Rod keep it completely to himself. He says some employees and possibly even family members are probably involved, and he shouldn't tell anybody what he's up to. Rod tells Videgaray he completely trusts Mariana and would like to share this investigation with her - but of course she's not around.

In Cuernavaca Italian Benny pops in with breakfast for the girls and a day of sightseeing is planned. Gav is very lackluster. Benny says she should see a shrink, he happens to know a great one. After some resistance Gav agrees to go.

Pilar and Sofia, since they have nothing else to do, traipse into Rod's office. He's still trying to call Gaviota. They ask if he's serious about leaving Isa. He says yes. Sofia asks nosy questions. He says stay out of my personal business and reiterates: I don't love Isa. Sofia asks, "Where were you last night?" "In a hotel alone - hoping to avoid the very inquisition I'm getting right now. And Mariana is gone on vacation and I don't even know where." He says he'll take care of Isa (oh, I'm sure her lawyer will see to that). Grannie and Sofia want him to move back home.

The travel agent calls Elvira to give Rod his full itinerary for the upcoming super-secret secret spying mission. Elvira helpfully repeats all the details with clarity as Oñate listens around the corner (twirling his moustache and memorizing every word). He gives her candy. [Operant conditioning.]

Rod comes out, snatches his itinerary, asks Elvira if anybody knows about it, she says no, he reminds her it's a super-secret secret and she should be more discreet.

Oñate, who suspects Videgaray has instigated Rod's planned investigation, calls Aaron. Aaron goes ballistic, fearing that his whole scheme will be exposed. He orders Oñate to figure out some way to keep Rod from figuring out what's going on in the three ports. Minerva overhears the furious phone call and comes in asking cheerfully: "Oh, is this about your irregular exports?" "Shut up," Aaron explains as he pinches her lips closed and tells her it's a super-secret secret.

Patricio and Aaron have a very unfriendly conversation - I think Aaron's ordering Pat to help Oñate hide the illegal shipments (if anybody wants to add details, please do). Lluvia comes in - I don't think Patricio's told her about the crooked stuff he's been lured into. Aaron has a kneejerk lascivious reaction to his former lover. Pat sends him packing.

Isa is ripping big pink bows off her Christmas tree, doorbell rings, it's Smarmy Frankie, he wants to pick up where they left off last night, she seems pissed and tells him to go try his "my phone is broken may I please use yours" line someplace else, he says he's nevvvver done anything like this before, he grabs her, she says suéltame (let me go) and then they grab each other and go at it again and the clothes start to come off and - cue the doorbell!

"It's Rodrigo!" she hisses and they both start to put their clothes back on, but no, it's Sofia, who's come to reassure Isa that Rod was NOT with Gav last night and - yes - to urge her for the 1500th time to reconcile with Rod for the good of the family (ie for Sofia's own inheritance). Isa says she's decided never to go back but Sofia doesn't take no for an answer and just nags, nags, nags.

[When we did this, my mother would unsympathetically mock us, saying "drip, drip, drip." She called this kind of nagging "Chinese Water Torture." -- Ed.]

Meanwhile smarmy Frankie is fakely pretending to make a phone call (to justify his presence) and Sofia eyes him. He leaves ("Thanks, neighbor!") and Sofia, favorably impressed by his purple shirt and sleazy aura, says she'd like to be introduced to him. Isa looks unenthusiastic, then tells Sofia: "I'm leaving town to get over the pain Rod's caused me, I'll visit friends in Acapulco." Sofia gets teary thinking about the possibility that due to Isa's divorce she, Sofia, may one day have to raise herself up off the sofa and go get a job. They say goodbye. Smarmy Frankie is lurking in the hallway - after Sofia leaves he's right back trying to munch on Isa some more. Isa isn't in the mood because Rod could come home at any moment and she doesn't need more problems.

Rod rehashes to James ("She doesn't believe in my love!") while Gav, simultaneously, rehashes in Cuernavaca to the Virgincita ("When I looked in his eyes, I believed - but afterwards, not so much...")

Italian Bennie takes her to see his friend Dr. Erica the psychologist who is, of course, a babe. Gav recaps her dilemma yet again and asks Dr. Erica if it's possible that a man could really love only one woman as Rod swears is the case...

Tomorrow: at least one brand new never-thought-bubbled-before kiss!


Acorralada #100 Tuesday 6/5/07 A giant rehash festival

Not much happens in this episode, so I will recap quickly. Can you believe we have watched 100 episodes of this doo doo?

Isabel is still taking care of the baby with the help of the neighbor lady in rollers.

Gaby and Silvia bond.

Rene and Larry discuss how bad things are--the baby is missing, Gaby will be on trial for murder, and Kiki and Gaby are engaged!

At the Orlando hotel, Paco and Octavia are trying to get Paola to leave Puncho. Puncho is telling them to MYOB. When Octy tells him that Paola is too good for a delinquent like him, Puncho reminds Octy that she's hasn't exactly been on good behavior herself. Later, Paco and Octy see Puncho and Paola making out by the side of the pool. Octavia once again laments the comedown her high-class daughter has made in taking up with a naco.

At the hospital, they are still trying to get Bruno to divulge the baby's whereabouts. Max shakes her, and she has a heart attack, and might not be able to tell them where she is. There is much consternation. This goes on and on for several scenes, with nothing but repetition. Back at Mansion Manicomio, the nutty assemblage wrings their collective hands over the situation, but Diego thought bubbles that he hopes Bruno dies without revealing his involvement and where the baby is.

We see the following variants:
Marfil visits her mom alone, and she wishes her mother would die without revealing where the baby is. Fedora drinks in the hall while vowing to find the baby.
Diego shows up, obviously needing to take matters into his own hands. He wheels into Bruno's room, over the objections of Fedora. He and Marfil exchange knowing glances about how it would suit both of them if Bruno died without revealing the baby's whereabouts. If the baby never reappeared, this strong link or lasso (lazo) between Diana and Max would be gone and they would return to their respective spouses. Marfil seems to be egging Diego on to kill Bruno.

They leave, and Bruno calls Diana in for a special conference. She vows that she will never reveal where the baby is, and she's going to die, and it is her special revenge for all the bad things that have happened to her.

Max vows that he will find the baby even if Bruno dies. They set about getting the TV stations alerted so someone can report the existence of the baby. I suppose roller lady will see this and reveal location of the baby.

Granny DS cries that it is her fault the baby is gone. Gaby comforts her.

At the end, Bruno calls for the doctor and seems to want to say something, but my recording cut off. I think they have shifted the timing of the show, and I may have to start recording for a few minutes extra at the end of the hour.


Duelo - Tuesday 6/5/07 - In which Malena should be recruited by the Lucha Libre Academy

Stupid Soledad backpedals from almost spilling the beans to Emilio that Alina is alive. She tells him she didn't mean to say what she said, she's just dazed and confused by all that has happened. They talk about Orlando being the one who allegedly raped Alina, but it turns out he was an opportunist who lied about it anyway. Soledad says at least Alina didn't have to suffer That Particular Shame.

Emilio regrets not having been able to help Alina. Soledad assures him that Alina is at peace, she's sure Alina knows the truth. Emilio says since Alina died he has no reason to live. Alina was everything to him.

Singing Auntie sobs in grief for Maxi Pork Kebab even though he was an uncouth boor. Thelma tells her she's pathetic being in love with a dead guy. "Oh yeah..." counters Auntie,"you're married to a guy who has nothing but contempt for you!" Thelma hisses she's glad Max died because he threatened to ruin her plans. Auntie pisses Thelma off by saying she pities Thelma and her unhealthy love.

Emilio tells Soledad that tomorrow he plans to testify against Alvaro. He will also tell the court what a disgrace his uncle was.

Next Morning:

Alina tells Coral that she wants to see Emilio just one more time, even if from afar. She acts all sad and pathetic until Coral agrees to go with her to the jail so they can hide behind a wall or something and spy on Emilio.

Just as there is only one church in town, there also seems to be only one hotel...Hugo leaves his room and Alfonsina starts to break in. Just then Mariana, Malena and Dr. Love come hobbling down the hallway and Alfonsina slithers off to hide. Oops! Silly Dr. Love, he got them on the wrong floor. He loudly announces what their correct room number is and they leave. Alfonsina sees them and thought bubbles that Mariana must be there to tell the patron the truth, that she (Alfonsina) is the one who deliberately started the misunderstanding that turned into this telenovela.

Rodrigo goes to Coral's to "protect" Alina but she's not there. Adela lets the cat out of the bag that Alina went to the courthouse because her father is in prison. He acts impactado and dashes off heroically.

Emilio enters the court and says he wants to testify that not only did DonLoco imprison and torture his wife and daughter, but he also tried to kill Emilio on two occasions. Shady Lawyer tries to discredit Emilio but Emilio says his military word of honor, and the words of honor of other military witnesses, will support what he says. I say lift your shirt and drop your pants and show them the bullet wounds.

Thelma visits Soledad in jail. After insulting all the members of the Montellano family she says she has a friend who happens to be dating an Alina Montellano. Doesn't Soledad find that to be quite the coincidence?

Soledad tries black is Thelma's soul that she mentions the name of Soledad's dead daughter? Boo hoo. Thelma doesn't fall for this tactic that used to work on DonLoco. She says she'll keep snooping until she finds out the truth.

Emilio testifies that Sierra Escondida was a lawless land and DonLoco was used to taking the law into his own hands. Shady Lawyer says Don Maximo said Emilio abused his military rank and power by messing with DonLoco. Emilio answers that DonLoco and Don Max were of the same ilk; they broke the law and protected each other. Emilio goes through the list of bad things that DonLoco and Max did but we all know them so no need to repeat them here.

DonLoco starts going loco against Emilio. Doctora Loca tries to intervene so that her patient can calm down but the judge orders her to backoff and for the trial to proceed. I wonder if the judge and warden are beginning to see through her professionalism?

Emilio concludes his testimony by confirming that Soledad and Elias never had a relationship that was anything but honorable. (How does he know this?) Alina and Coral peek around the corner to spy on the proceedings. They get to hear Emilio spout that Soledad and Alina were always honest, wonderful people and Alina was DonLoco's legitimate daughter. (Again, how does he KNOW this?) He says the word of Alina Montellano was all the proof of this that he ever needed. (Oh, OK.) She was a pure and honorable girl. Alina and Coral giggle and dash across the hallway.

Alina tells Coral that she still loves Emilio but it's better that he thinks she's dead. Of course Rodrigo has heard this because he walked up behind her. Instead of saying "Hi Rodrigo!" very loudly, Coral says nothing and keeps nodding her head in his direction until Alina finally turns around. Oops!

The judge states that after today's VERY CONVINCING testimony by Emilio, the defense will get to start their testimonies tomorrow. Don Loco starts going loco again and they drag him off to his cell.

Alina apologizes to Rodrigo and tells him she wants to go somewhere and explain everything.

Alfonsina hopes that she can get that cripple Mariana alone.

Ricardo and Malena have errands to run and leave Mariana alone. Alonsina creeps toward the room.

Alina fills Rodrigo in on the big mystery. He has been ordered to protect her because a lot of people, including her father and Emilio, believe she is dead. When her father was going to marry her off to Orlando she decided, with Luba's help, to take a potion that made everybody think she was dead. "Then Emilio doesn't love Thelma," asks Rodrigo? Alina tells him no, he only married Thelma for the baby and now she (Alina) doesn't want to destroy the marriage. Rodrigo tells her he understands and he will fight for her love. Now he has something to admit...that friend he had lunch with? That was Thelma. Alina is impactada.

Shady Lawyer visits DonLoco and scolds him for acting up in court. DonLoco says it's everybody's fault but his.

Alina tells Rodrigo that Thelma was the worst to her of anyone. Thelma mustn't know she's alive. Too late. Rodrigo tells Alina to be strong and have faith in him. They WILL have that dinner with Thelma. Alina looks at him like "*Que the hell?????" (*Becksterism)

Alfonsina pretends to be the maid and Mariana shuffles her walker to the door and opens it. "Damn cripple," shouts Alfonsina, "since when can you move?" Mariana tells her she can speak too, and she's going to tell everyone the truth. The letter was for her, not Soledad, also that Hugo and Alfonsina plotted to blackmail DonLoco with the cofre. She calls Alfonsina pure trash. Alfonsina slaps Mariana onto the bed then leaps on top of her and slaps her again.

Emilio tells the warden he will testify in Soledad's behalf. Sadly his tio was a bad person. The warden says in that case Soledad will surely be freed immediately.

Tina the nanny finds a letter in little Gaby's drawer. It says "Dear Mommy, I know you are in heaven watching down on daddy and me. I saw daddy kissing a hot babe and it made me mad. Was I wrong? Is daddy doing a good thing or a bad thing? What should I do?"

Emilio gets home and the phone rings. He picks it up at the same time Thelma does and hears her make plans to meet Rodrigo and his amiga at the club for dinner. She thought bubbles "Now we'll see about this Alina friend." Emilio thought bubbles "Thelma plans to go out without me. What's going on with Thelma and Rodrigo?"

Alfonsina shrieks "I'm going to kill you, you damn cripple!" Suddenly Malena runs in and yanks Alfonsina off by her braid. First she smashes the back of her head against the wall, then she flings Alfonsina across the room and onto the sofa where she jumps on her, pins her with her knees, and proceeds to strangle her. Alfonsina finally breaks free and rushes out, but not before Malena gives her a parting kick for good measure. Wow, rewind! It's even better the second time! Mariana says Malena is just like Superman, she arrived just in time. Malena is completely jacked up from the fight, all hyper, bouncing up and down and grinning.

Elias is happy to see Dr. Love and over a cup of coffee fills him in on what happened after he left Escondidaville.

Hugo returns to his room chuckling that after tomorrow he will return to Veracruz and Alfonsina won't see a centavo of the money. Shady Lawyer stops by for his daily threat and Hugo assures him he knows what to say in court because he wants the rest of his money. After the lawyer leaves Hugo decides to take a bath. He puts his gun on the nightstand.

Thelma lies to Emilio and tells him Rodrigo is no longer interested in meeting them for dinner. "We'll see," thought bubbles Emilio.

Malena and Mariana fill Dr. Love in on the beating that Malena gave to Alfonsina. Mariana is still all hot to tell DonLoco that Soledad never betrayed him and Alina really is his daughter.

Alina, Coral and Adela (with Rodrigo standing guard) get Soledad out of jail. Hugs all around. Soledad warns Alina about Thelma's visit to her in jail. Rodrigo admits to them that Thelma already knows about Alina thanks to him. Soledad tells him that Thelma is a very bad person and shouldn't know anything about Alina. He and Alina blow everyone's minds by saying they're going to have dinner with Thelma that night. Rodrigo looks confident but Alina not so much.

Shady Lawyer's secretary brings him an enevelope of forensic evidence. He looks at it, scowls, and says DonLoco must know immediately.

Thelma leaves her dark house and Emilio follows. "Thelma will get the surprise of her life," he mutters.

Angel, wearing his unibomber duds, has started a new sketch, apparently not Alina. He says "Claudia, could it be possible? Could Claudia be the love?"

Some masked luchadors (a couple of them look kind of like Coco Verde) stroll by Luba. She sees her wanted poster in the gym, "Is it me?" and tears it down, "Just in case!"

You've got to give Alfonsina credit, she's not going to let an ass whoopin' get her down. She knocks a poor chambermaid unconscious and steals her keys. She goes into Hugo's room and steals his gun while he's in the bath.

Shady Lawyer shows DonLoco the forensic evidence...the tomb of Alina Montellano was empty!

Alfonsina is on a roll. She goes down to the front desk, holds the gun to the clerk's head and orders him to open Hugo's safety deposit box. They go into the security closet where, unbeknownst to her, everything is filmed by a hidden camera. Ain't nobody gonna mistake Alfonsina with her getup. We see everything through the eye of the camera. As Alfonsina leaves she turns back around and, perfectly framed in the camera, shoots the clerk.

DonLoco and Shady Lawyer can't figure out why Alina's tumba was empty unless...unless...someone stole the body to prevent them from comparing the DNA! Who would profane a tomb in order to protect Soledad? DonLoco thinks it's Elias of course. Shady Lawyer suspects it's the person who protected the girl...that Luba. "That damn witch," shouts DonLoco, "It must be her!"

Luba shows Gaspar her wanted poster. "How pretty," he gushes. Luba sets him straight. It means people are looking for her. "Are they going to try to kill us, like the Cacique?" asks Gaspar, beginning to panic. Luba says if they're found they'll go to jail forever. Thanks to stupid Vera the police probably think she killed Flor. Luba says they need to beat it before the cops get their hands on them.

Rodrigo waits at the club. Thelma arrives all dolled up; she says she can't wait to meet his date, where is she? The camera pans to where Rodrigo points. We see a pair of legs sauntering toward the table in slow motion.

In the next "critical episode" - Hugo waves bye-bye to a ranting DonLoco. Emilio arrives at the club, does he see who is attached to the mystery legs?

By the way, there is a cool book called "Lucha Loco" by Malcom Venville. It has superb photos and bios of many luchadors. Check out the website to see some fantastic pictures and short on-line interviews with some of the fascinating characters in this sport.

amor malsano = unhealthy love
aturdita = dazed
calaña = ilk, a type
contudente = convincing
paliza = beating
patán = uncouth boor
Por si las moscas = just in case


Destilando Amor 6/5/07: The Morning After the Night Before

(This is spur of the moment, so its bare bones, folks.)

Isadora is fit to be tied when Rod finally saunters in. She tempts fate, continuing to harangue him about leaving her there waiting till all hours. She leads Rod down the path of no return, confronting him and insisting he's been with Mariana Franco. He simply answers that he had to stop and think things over and make a few decisions. She essentially dares him to tell her what decisions he's made and if, in particular, is one of them not to have a
baby now?

Rod starts to explain the baby isn't all he was considering. Maddeningly though, every time he tries to open his mouth she interrupts him, till finally he loses patience, showing a bit of the spine he's now begun to grow. He yells at her to let him get a word in and finish. He wants Isa to wait to discuss things till in the morning when they are both calm and rested. He doesn't want to argue about it now, but Isa's been revving her engines and cooling her jets all evening. She is ready to "RUM-BLE!". He leaves her and goes to the bedroom to get ready for bed. It's like watching a little yip dog of a poodle chasing the next car past the corner. Isa gets so enraged that he should dare leave her in the middle of the conversation --or that patch of back yard she's been guarding all night. Just then, the phone rings and it is Sofia asking if Rod finally got home. Isa says he just arrived, then raises her voice 120 decibels higher to yell into the phone, so that Rod can hear, that she knows he was with Mariana Franco all evening.

Rod is getting ready for bed but Isa, yipping and yapping, decides to follow him to the bedroom and starts barking her harangue again. Isa, our sainted martyr, stretches the truth a wee bit, whimpering that she wasted two years of her life married to him with all his absurd rules, faithfully persevering all in the name of love. Burly Bear turns to face Yip Dog and brutally asks her to look him in the eyes and to tell him just what he had ever done to encourage or to deserve her love. Isa is stunned into momentary silence and admits that she hasn't the faintest idea. She figures she's just one of those women who is unfortunate enough to fall in love with the wrong man.

Becoming defensive then, Isa says if Rods thinking he's going to kick her out, he'll have to look pretty hard to find a good enough reason to force her out. He turns the tables on her though and says then it will be him that's leaving --and for good! She screams to go ahead, traipse after Mariana, since she is no doubt waiting for him anyway. As he leaves the bedroom with his pillow and blanket he emphasizes that unfortunately Mariana isn't waiting for him.

Isa zings him once more before he's out the bedroom door and tells him thanks for her gift. He 's puzzled and she explains how she had hoped he was late because he'd been looking at the last minute for her Christmas gift. Ouch! He tells her he's sorry but it was not to hurt her. Burly Bear is brutishly beyond caring anymore so this bit of emotional blackmail no longer works, and he exits stage right. Isa is left to herself, cursing Mariana Franco.

Later Christmas morning, at breakfast, Dani is left to stick up for her big brother against Grammy P and Sofia. Dani says the guy deserves to be happy, so considering everybody in the family knows his marriage is a sexless sham, why should he continue on like this, physically repressed? In particular, why think that Isa has been such a saint herself in all this time? Grammy P and Sofia take prudish offense at this so Dani puts it into business terms. "Isa stands to take half Rod's fortune for all of the... 21 months she's been living with him. Sounds like a darned good business proposition on Isadora's part, don't you think?"

Minerva wakes up Aaron early Christmas morning telling him her period is late and asks what he plans to do with his lover if she is actually pregnant. She wants to find a lab and he reminds her it's Christmas morning and they'll all be closed, though he could have suggested going to the nearest 24/7 Walgreens equivalent for a pregnancy kit instead.

Isa leaves the apartment and asks Rod to take advantage of her time away to pack his things and to leave. As she walks out the door the phone rings. It's therapist buddy, James, on the line and Rod tells him that it's time the farce of a marriage ends. Rod explains that Gavi told him in no uncertain terms she's not getting back with him because she doesn't want to be blamed for the break up of his marriage. However, he's ready to gamble everything to win her back.

Isa goes to see Grammy P and cry on her shoulder, playing the martyr and assuming that Rod will be leaving her for Mariana. Grammy P wants to talk to her grandson again, but Isa panics. Rod didn't do this on a lark, she admits. She only came to let them know the situation. So Grammy and Sofia ask her to try to call him once more and try discussing it together in the light of day with a cooler head.
Hard-headed Grammy wants to blame it all on Rod's simply having drunk too many glasses of wine or tequila the night before. You've got to wonder what is driving Pilar as Sofia hands Isa the phone. They all brilliantly assume the worst afterward, since Rod doesn't answer either the phone or his cell.

Rod has packed his bags. He drives over to Mariana's apartment to speak with her, but Liliana, the apartment manager, informs him she left earlier that morning with her mother and the Italian on vacation. Mariana never said where she went or when she'd be returning. He wonders to himself why she left so suddenly without a word.

Mariana has taken Beni's advice to think her situation over very carefully before making a decision about taking up with Rod again. She loves Rod, she explains and tells Beni how they'd patched things up at the dance but that her conscience is killing her. She does not want to be the reason Rod walks out on his marriage. So, Beni has apparently taken her and Clarita to Cuernevaca to stay a few days at a resort hotel nearby his restaurant so that Mariana can think things over. Mariana tells him that she is seriously thinking of giving up her job and never going back to face Rodrigo again.

The two sourpusses, young and old, decide it's Uncle Bruno's turn to talk to Rod, man to man. He finds the idea distasteful, but says he'll give it a try.

Back at the apartment, Isa wants vengeance and asks her daddy to find the best divorce lawyer he can. She wants to make Rod suffer and to get her 50% of his fortune out of this. Daddy warns her that the Montalvo's are a very powerful family and will have the best lawyers money can buy. This doesn't matter to her. He is also antsy because he is still somewhat honorably indebted to Rod for the loan keeping his textile business afloat. Isa assures him that once she has her half of his property, the debt will be handled and settled, so not to worry. He finally gives in, though Momma is not so happy about the idea and asks her to reconsider.

Gavi feels remorse at destroying Rod's marriage and for breaking her promise to Isadora, though Clarita is at a loss to understand. She reminds Gavi that the marriage was done for spite and was never consummated, so no need to feel burdened. Besides, Montalvo Corporation isn't going to keep that fabulous job open for her forever. They don't even know where she's gone.

Gavi takes this into account and finally tells Clarita if she decides to return to the city it will be to confront the Montalvos as the infamous Gaviota and to risk it all for Rodrigo's love.

Rod, apparently having nothing better to do now, sits outside in his car at Mariana/Gavi's apartment house much of Christmas day and night, uselessly waiting for her to return. He eventually leaves and gets a drink at La Malquerida, the neighborhood bar. It fills him with memories of their cantina-hopping adventures back in Jalisco.

Meddlesome Grammy P begs Bruno to help her keep Rod from divorcing Isadora. He doesn't like the fact that Isa stands to gain half his fortune either, so he considers going along with some plan or other. Bruno arrives at Mariana's apartment a bit after Rod drives off. Liliana tells him the same thing she told Rod, but says she and her mother went with "a male friend", so he assumes it was Rod and returns to Grammy P's with the misinformation. Grammy and Bruno discuss the news about Mariana, but don't figure Isa will go for the jugular. Sofia warns them that they're wrong. Isa plans to take half Rod's fortune if the marriage ends in a divorce.

Dani returns to Grammy's and suggests to Sofia that neither Grammy nor Bruno have the right determining who is useful to the family and who is not. In the end she gives Sofia some much needed advice and tells her to stop playing these stupid games. Her sister is turning into a wrinkled old maid and really needs to get a life. She should look for a good man and forget the intrigues already. Sofia breaks down into tears when she hears this, then wishes Dani the best with her colorful lover and only asks that she not cause a scandal for the family.

Isa goes back to the empty bedroom and drinks herself silly, literally slopping red wine all over her Sak's taupe and creme chi-chi's, while shrieking curses at her husband and his women, La Gaviota and Mariana Franco. "You all rot! Rot! Rot!"

Aaron mentions to Fedra that Minnie thinks she might be pregnant since her period is a bit late and has gone out looking for a lab to give her results from a pregnancy test. Fedra is disappointed that it's Minnie instead of Pamela and asks what he plans to do if Minnie is in fact pregnant again. Bruno arrives and gives them the news about Rod and Isa's break up on account of Mariana Franco. Just then Minnie returns home crying because she isn't pregnant. Aaron embraces his tearful wife, "Cheer up, not all is bad news: Rod and Isa are separated."

Francisco gossips with the manager of his and Rod's apartment building. The manager tells Frankie that Rod left with his bags packed and looked like he didn't have a friend in the world. So Frankie heads upstairs hoping for a little neighborly action...... Isa comes to the door --in her bathrobe. Her eyes are a mess from crying. Frankie persuades her to let him in for just a moment to chat. She gives in and lies that Rod is coming back soon and doesn't want him to find Frankie there.

Right then the phone rings and Isa answers it. It is Minnie who is calling to tell her that Bruno went looking for Rod at Mariana's house, embellishing more than a bit, saying she was gone and he was gone and so it seems they left TOGETHER! Isa screams in a jealous fit and throws the phone against the wall, totally freaking at the news. She pounds the bed over and over and over screaming and crying from her frustration. Minnie, who is thoroughly enjoying digging the knife into her best friend's back and twisting it, laughs to Aaron that Isa hung up on her and he scolds her for creating an even bigger scandal.

Clarita tries to get Gavi to decide for Rod and to return. Gavi is getting cold feet and says she'd rather sleep forever and not have to think at all. She feels she may never return to Rodrigo or her job, ever.


Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Destilando Amor: no recapper tonight - and need new Tuesday recapper

Hi all,
Jody told me that illness in her family means she can't recap Destilando on Tuesdays (not Thursdays as I mistakenly wrote before) anymore. So we have no recap tonight (I'd do it but the captions are down at our local Univision and I'm useless without them) unless somebody steps up.

If you feel like sending in a full recap, great, put it in the comments and I'll post it. Or if you want to just post a few details, that's great too.

And if you'd like a TUESDAY Destilando slot, some Tuesdays or all Tuesdays, let me know.

Sorry for the confusion.


La Fea Más Bella #290 6/5/07 Love stinks

Sorry guys, my cable went out so I had to do this sans subtitles and without my DVR so I couldn't review, rewind or pause. Please feel free to correct my mistakes!

So what will be PM’s answer? For once PM is left speechless. Lety helps her by interrupting. After a weird little exchange with Lety, PM excitedly accepts Saimon’s proposal. Everyone cheers. Yay!!! Saimon spins PM in excitement. He asks her again if she’s going to marry him. When PM says yes a second time, Saimon gracefully passes out. Celso and Fernando rush to aid the ailing Saimon. Lopez thinks that Celso should give mouth-to-mouth. Fortunately, Fernando and Celso are able to pull Saimon to his feet without the need for any first aid. Fernando turns to Lety and says that he would faint too. Lety smiles and says that she would as well. They realize what they’re saying (and that Lety did not pass out when Aldo proposed) and quickly look away from each other. Fernando returns to Lety’s side and everyone applauds the newly engaged couple.

In Puerto Vallarta Aldo continues his re-connection with the sea and his new connection with Carmina. He and Carmina have a waiter take a picture of the two of them. They look awfully cozy! They tell each other what a pleasure it has been to be acquainted with one another. After the toast, Carmina wants to make sure that doesn’t wrongly interpret her reasons for showing up at Puerto Vallarta. She understands that he loves Lety, that he’s going to marry her. Carmina wants to support Aldo because she wants to see him happy. Was one of the writers on vacation that day and they had to recycle some of Fernando’s lines? They toast. They need to hurry so they don’t arrive late to the airport.

Alicia primps herself in the bathroom and mulls over the incident from the night before. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, we get to suffer a mini recap of the Tommy/Alicia affair from the night before. Alicia laughs and snorts. She catches herself snorting and stops short. She tells herself to stop thinking about last night.

Saimon and PM are in full love swing. They kiss in the Vortex. Juana wants to know when the wedding will be. Saimon has PM answer. PM wants to have the wedding as soon as possible. Everyone cheers. Lola thinks they should hurry because time can be short. Saimon assures the cuartel that he and PM will never separate. The phone rings; it’s for PM and it’s her baby daddy. Saimon is impactado!

Jacks sits in Lety’s office and announces that he has good news. Fernando hopes that Jacks means that everything is ready for the show. First, Jacks decides to apologize for Aurora’s disappearance. He claims that it was his idea. Both Lety and Fernando pretend to be surprised by this. Jacks explains his little scheme to create a scandal that would surround the show. Lety and Fernando applaud him. They both tell Jack that they liked the idea. Jacks says that the results were good, especially considering the romance between Aurora and Fernando Mendiola. Lety looks uncomfortable and Fernando sarcastically replies. Jacks points out that they should be familiar with these tricks. Lety still looks uncomfortable. Fernando says that he and Lety are also experts at deceit…no lying. Lety looks even more uncomfortable. She half heartedly agrees. Fernando points out that they do it all the time. Jacks says that what bothers him now is that Aurora was only supposed to disappear for a couple of days. Now it appears that she’s gone for good and can not be found anywhere. Fernando laughs, finding it funny how Jacks plan has backfired. Lety nervously laughs along.

Saimon looks on nervously as PM talks to baby daddy. We can hear PM saying that she needs to think about it. Once she hangs up, PM announces that Jaimito’s father wants her and Jaimito to go to Los Angeles to live with him.

Sara attempts to console Saimon while Juana questions PM. PM says she doesn’t know. Baby daddy has a lot of money and give them a life of luxury. He wants to get to know Jaimito, raise him and give him a good education. Saimon approaches PM, but they both seem a little lost for words. Lola wisely advises PM to ask Jaimito his opinion about this. PM says that she doesn’t know what to do. Saimon somehow manages to tell PM to think about it. If she decides to go, then… Saimon leaves before he can finish his sentence. PM chases after him, but he just repeats that she needs to think. Saimon leaves the vortex and a teary eyed PM. The cuartel surrounds PM to comfort her.

Jacks doesn’t like Lety’s and Fernando’s attitude. Lety assures him that they’re taking it seriously. Fernando goes so far as to say that they’ll fix the problem. Jacks thinks that if Aurora doesn’t reappear, then the program is ruined. Fernando doesn’t think so. He tells Jacks that he is a creative genius. If the campaign is right, the program can be a success with or without Aurora. Lety agrees, but Jacks doesn’t buy it. He needs to find Aurora! Lety passes out. Fernando says this is because of the eardrum. (huh? timpano? anyone?) Fernando agrees with Jacks. They must find Aurora. Lety wakes up to hear Fernando repeating that Jacks is a great creator. Jacks thanks them both and leaves.

Fernando appears to be pretty pleased with himself. He goes to the other side of the desk and sits in the chair formerly occupied by Jacks. Lety wants to know why Fernando seems so excited. He stumbles a bit but spits out that she knows that Lety and he will solve this problem with or without Aurora. What was even better was Jacks face when Fernando pointed out that the plan had backfired. Fernando gets serious and says that they don’t need to worry about Aurora because they don’t need her. Lety’s worried about Conceptos’ debt. Fernando replies that there are more important things. Lety looks at him whimsically. Fernando excuses himself. Lety not so subtly watches him walk to his office.

Fernando enters the cave and says to himself “important things like your wedding with Aldo.” Fernando knows that Lety is hurting because she thinks Aldo deceived her. Fernando makes a motion like he’s saying that he will zip his lips.

Tomas happily goes over some documents in his office. Alicia enters and feigns beginning upset. Alicia lies and tells Tommy that because they slept together last night, her doctor says they’re going to lose all the benefit from the treatments. Her doctor also said that in order for her to get pregnant, she and Tommy cannot have relations for three months. Alicia asks Tomas if he now understands why she didn’t want to the night before. Tomas can only focus on the fact that they can’t be together for three months.

Luigi’s in Lety’s office looking over an empty folder. My bad, he has one paper in there. It’s something about family. The paper talks about positive family structure. Luigi stands and declares that families need to support the decisions of their children. It’s not worth it to not respect the decisions of the children. Fernando shuffles over to Luigi and asks if he’s okay. Luigi replies that the campaign has personally affected him. He wants to do better than he’s able. Lety says she doesn’t doubt this, but she can tell it’s really affecting Luigi. Luigi bails out and says that it affects him because he’s a professional. He just wants to make sure the day is a success. He hurriedly excuses himself and exits the office.

PM’s still in anguish over the decision she has to make. Sara asks how baby daddy found PM. She explains that he called her parents and they gave him Conceptos’ number. Juana asks if the man really has a lot of money. PM says that he does. This, of course, starts a debate among the cuartel members about PM’s pending decision.

Aldo returns from Puerto Vallarta and heads immediately to the Padilla household. He greets the family and then pardons himself for not announcing earlier that he was coming. Erasmo won’t have it. He’s told Aldo many times that Aldo is a member of the family. Aldo tells the family that he has some surprises. He opens a laptop. Everyone crowds around it. He has photos of all the yachts he saw. Lety doesn’t look excited and the computer isn’t either. It doesn’t want to open the file. Julieta and Erasmo are blown away by the yachts, but Lety looks bored.

At Niza restaurant Saimon, Fernando and Omar toast. Saimon effusively thanks his brothers for being there with him. Fernando, who hasn’t had a drop of alcohol in quite a few months, looks ready to drop after the first shot. Fernando doesn’t think it’s a good idea to get drunk, but Omar and Saimon want a way to pass the time. Saimon orders three double tequilas. Fernando doesn’t want to be included, but Saimon begs. Saimon and Omar point out that they were there when Fernando had problems with Lety. Fernando doesn’t hold out for long and agrees to join the “fun.” Omar and Saimon practically jump on Fernando. The three men toast to the tragedy that’s unfolding and take another shot.

PM tells Jaimito that she has something she needs to discuss with her. He asks if it’s good or bad news. She says that she doesn’t know. She asks him if he would like to get to know his father. PM explains that Baby Daddy called and wants them to go live with him. Jaimito replies that the only thing he wants is to be with PM. They hug.

Fernando appears to be the most lucid of the three despite not having drank for quite some time. He tries to reassure Saimon but Omar interrupts with some unintelligible sentences about Saimon listening to Fernando and being more of a macho. Fernando thinks that if PM decides to leave then Saimon needs to support that decision. The men don’t like this idea. Fernando couldn’t forget about Lety! Fernando sits on his stool and laments the sadness of life. Omar says that he’s falling. He then proceeds to fall of his stool. The only thing that Saimon can say is “Careful”!

Aldo shows the Padillas a particularly large yacht. He asks Lety if she likes it. Then he takes her hand and says that is the location of their wedding. Lety looks less than enthused. Erasmo asks to see more pictures of the yachts. Aldo happily obliges. They see one that that no one likes. Next comes the picture of Carmina and Aldo in the restaurant. This all of a sudden has Lety’s attention. Although, she still seems a little apathetic no? Erasmo demands to know who is the woman in the picture. What does that picture mean? Is Aldo making fun of the Padillas?

Lety tells Erasmo that it’s none of his business. Erasmo says that of course it’s his business. He’s looking at Lety’s fiancée with another woman! Lety unenthusiastically says that she saw it too. Julieta, forever the peacemaker, thinks they should give Aldo an opportunity to explain. Erasmo would like nothing less then a very good explanation. Aldo quickly explains that he’s currently working with Carmina. Her father had a yacht that they could use, but the yacht was too small. She helped him find other options. Finally, Lety reacts and she’s pissed. Erasmo thinks that the explanation was satisfactory. Aldo asks for a moment to speak with Lety. Erasmo thinks this is very important. He seats himself at the head of the table and tells Julieta to serve them all coffee. Julieta pulls Erasmo from the table and says that Aldo wants to talk alone with Lety. Erasmo thinks they should stay because Lety is very angry. Julieta disagrees. Once they leave, Lety stands and gives it to Aldo. She thought he was going alone. He said that Carmina was not going with him. Aldo just looks back at Lety without saying a word.

PM discusses her problem with Lola. PM doesn’t want to go and she doesn’t want to hear anything from Lola about living with Jaimito’s father. He abandoned her when he found out she was pregnant! PM says that Jaimito’s face was so excited when she spoke of his father. Lola points out that to be a mother means sacrifice.

Jaimito and Lola’s children discuss Jaimito’s pending trip to the United States. He’ll be able to buy what he wants, but he’ll have to learn English! Jaimito tells them that he doesn’t want to go. He doesn’t want that father. Jaimito doesn’t know him. He wants Saimon. Lola’s son points out that Saimon is poor, but Jaimito doesn’t care. Lola’s kids think Jaimito should tell his mother that he doesn’t want to go. Jaimito doesn’t want to because he thinks that his mom wants to go to the US so they can have their own house and not suffer for money. Jaimito asks Lola’s kids not to say anything about him not wanting to go.

In the living room, PM asks the same of Lola. Lola agrees, but she worries about Saimon. PM begins to cry and says that she hopes he finds another woman who makes him happy. She will never want anyone else. Lola consoles desolate PM.

Erasmo and Julieta hang out in their bedroom. Erasmo doesn’t want to stay up there with arms crossed. He accuses Julieta of wanting Lety to cancel her engagement with Aldo. Julieta gets in his face and says that she doesn’t want to see Lety and Aldo fight. She wants Lety to be able to solve her own problems without Julieta and Erasmo interfering. Erasmo says he’s going downstairs, but Julieta won’t have it. She demands that he comes to her. Erasmo says that she’s never yelled at him. She says that if he insists in going downstairs, she’s not just going to yell at him. Julieta forces Erasmo to sit on the bed.

Aldo wants to know how many times he needs to say that he didn’t know that Carmina would be in Vallarta. Lety sarcastically replies that he must have been so happy when she magically appeared and they went scuba diving and to dinner. Aldo replies that he was not happy. He was uncomfortable with Carmina there. Aldo says he did nothing from which he needs to repent. Lety says that she won’t marry on that yacht. She would rather marry in a submarine Lety tells Aldo that he, Carmina and their yacht can just leave. Aldo says that he’s going home and he’ll speak with Lety tomorrow when she’s calmed. Aldo quietly says that he loves her. “Sure,” Lety replies.

Fernando, still lucid, leads Omar and Saimon down the steps from the restaurant. He asks Saimon if he will be okay. Saimon launches into a diatribe about losing the love of his life. Fernando corrects himself and says that he meant to ask if Saimon would be okay to get home. Saimon points out that he doesn’t have his moto. Omar says something else unintelligible. The men teeter on the verge of falling down the stairs. Fernando interprets. They don’t have transportation either. Fernando lets go of Omar and tells him not to fall. Fernando reaches into his pocket. Saimon falls. Fernando and Omar have to help him stand. Fernando tries to get the men to stop talking. He tells Saimon to find his equilibrium because Fernando needs to get out the money for the taxi. Saimon drunkenly says that he cannot accept, then he starts to cry about losing PM. Fernando interprets for Omar who says that he completely understands because he too is suffering, for Carolina. Fernando’s attempts to keep the men standing fail. Luckily they fall to the side and not to the front.

****This was cut out of the US version, but I like it so much that I’ll re-cap it anyway and give you guys the video on youbtube.****

Lety sits in her bedroom and watches a commercial for Juan Querendon. She thinks the novela looks like it will be good. Lety falls asleep and has a dream about her and Juan dancing alone in a white room. Aldo and Fernando interrupt the dance. Juan explains that he’s teaching his Lety to dance. The men all greet each other. Juan backs out of the room and gives Lety a kiss on the cheek. Aldo and Fernando lead Juan out of the room and down the hallway.

Julieta wakes Lety from her dream. It’s time for Lety to go to the office. Lety tells her mom that she had a strange dream. She dreamed about Juan Querendon. Lety explains the dream. They talk about how handsome and nice Juan is.


Fernando sits with Marcia in their apartment and reads the letter she was sent. Fernando talks about the writing in the letter, but Marcia wants his opinion about the content. Fernando says that the world is full of crazy people and they have no idea about this guys intentions. This guy should show up in person at Conceptos and invite her out. Marcia defends her mystery man and says that maybe he’s shy. Fernando still thinks that the guy is a crazy. He tells Marcia to have Celso escort her to and from the car. Marcia agrees, sort of.

Saimon nervously enters PM’s home. He asks for news. PM says that she made an important decision yesterday. Saimon says that she did. She decided to marry him, to be like Romeo and Juliet. PM impatiently stomps her foot and says that they ended up dead. Saimon points out that they were very happy before they died. PM begins to cry. She says that the best thing for Jaimito is for him to be with his father. Saimon begs PM not to do this to him. He loves Jaimito! PM begs Saimon to understand; she’s doing it for her son. Saimon says that he loves Jaimito like a son. PM asks Saimon to not make it harder and to accept it. She and Jaimito are going to Los Angeles.

Lety sits in her office and cries. Fernando enters and asks how she’s doing. He can immediately tell that something is wrong and that it has to do with Aldo. Lety tries to pretend that she didn’t fight with Aldo, but Fernando says that she can’t lie to him. She’s made at Aldo because of a woman. Lety turns to Fernando and says “Don Fernando.” Fernando figures out that he was right. Aldo deceived Lety and went to Vallarta with Carmina. He asks Lety if that’s the truth. Lety says that it is. Fernando stands and quickly leaves. Lety says to herself that she’s very unhappy.

Aldo stands in his office and looks out his window. He wonders if Lety has calmed. He debates going to see her or calling her. Fernando enters the office, leaps onto Aldo’s desk and begins to choke Aldo. Aldo flings Fernando off the desk. Fernando runs over to the boat and picks it up. This prevents Aldo from charging. Fernando tosses the boat to Aldo. He tells Aldo that Lety found out that Aldo went to Vallarta with Carmina. Fernando again begins to choke Aldo. Aldo shakes Fernando off and the fight comes to blows. The men push each other back and forth around the office.

In the Vortex, Lola announces to the cuartel that PM has told Saimon that she’s going to Los Angeles. The cuartel discuss this for a moment, but they overhear the fight going on in Aldo’s office. Sara comes running into the Vortex and announces that Fernando and Aldo are killing each other. The cuartel rushes.

Fernando and Aldo finally get to act out their wishes that the other would choke to death. They’ve fallen to the floor, but they’re still trying to suffocate one another. Fernando accuses Aldo of being like all men. “Like you, idiot?” Aldo replies. Fernando looks p-i-s-s-e-d!

Lety is working in her office. The cuartel comes charging in and tells her about the fight in Aldo’s office. After some mindless discussion, Lety and the cuartel rush to Aldo’s office.

It’s back to a fistfight. Aldo kicks at Fernando and says that he loves Lety like no one ever has, even Fernando. Fernando grabs Aldo’s neck and says that he loves Lety a lot more than Aldo. This debate continues when the cuartel enters. The men start to kick at each other. Lety’s had it; she steps between the men and tells them to calm. Fernando explains that he was defending Lety. Aldo accuses Fernando of wanting to use this situation to get back together with Lety. Fernando says that he doesn’t want to be with Lety. He takes it back when the cuartel reacts. Fernando says that Aldo should respect Lety’s decisions. Aldo says he’s the best thing for Lety. The men surround Lety and try to fight. Lety breaks them apart again and yells at them for wanting to solve everything by fighting. Martha interjects her opinion that she can’t believe Lety’s scolding two men who are fighting over her. Both men beg forgiveness from Lety. She pulls them away and says that if they want to, the two men can kill each other. The men begin to fight again, but this time Irmita interrupts. They break apart. Fernando announces that Aldo deceived Lety. Sara confronts Aldo. Aldo says that he didn’t deceive Lety. Fernando wants to know why she was crying in her office. Aldo asks the cuartel to leave the office so that he may talk to Fernando. Juana shouts that there is a God. Aldo replies that he knows Him personally. The cuartel leaves and the men go on there arm. Fernando distracts Aldo by pretending that Aldo’s about to knock over his boat.

Lety paces in her office and tries to calm herself. The cuartel comes in again. They want to know if Aldo really did deceived her. They ask her what she’s going to do. Lety replies that she’s going to suspend her wedding with Aldo.

For Wednesday:

Is the wedding really off?
Will Fernando win back his Lety?
Is PM really going to leave Saimon?


La Fea Más Bella #289 6/4/07 Please Don't Shoot the Messenger…Don't Fire Him Either!

If you recall, on Friday, Aldo re-bonded with the sea. Who missed who more, we may never know. StalkerDaddy didn't show up to show him the yacht so Carmina obliged, surprising Aldo.

Fernando comes out of the Bat Cave to wish Lety a good morning. Lety is in a snit and Fernando wants to talk about it, but Lety doesn't. Fernando declares that he's the best "defender" of Lety's wedding and of Lety's love for Aldo. Lety says she's confused because sometimes Fernando supports her relationship with Aldo and other times he puts up obstacles--she doesn't know what to think. Fernando says it's simple, what he wants most in the world is her happiness and her happiness is being at Aldo's side. He retreats to the Bat Cave. Lety says nothing, but her eyes say she's doubting whether that's where her happiness truly lies. Or that could just be my wishful thinking. Who knows.

Out in the Admin Area, it would appear that an empty elevator has arrived, but Saimón comes out with much fanfare, waving a framed certificate, announcing that he is now a Tecnico en Informatica ("technician in information"; per my husband, basically it means "I'm an IT guy!"). The ladies cheer and Irma jokingly thanks him for repeating his name so much, since they wouldn't have known it was him otherwise. PM wants to know why he's making such a triumphant entrance. Saimón goes down on his knee to kiss PM's hand and call her his Tropical Rainforest, his Beautiful Nymph, and his Little Porcelain Doll. He says that from today on, she's talking officially to a Tecnico de Informatica "titulation" (again, IT guy with the paper to prove it). PM looks adoringly at his framed certificate as Saimón says it's all for her, his Sun, his Comet, his Solar Eclipse. He says he'll be able to get a better position now. He intends to go from messenger to Systems Specialist and earn a higher salary to give her everything. PM says she adores him, and calls him her Grillito adorado (adored little cricket).

Omar and a bouquet of pink roses: "Caro, Caro, *snort* Caro, like I said, I know that I don't deserve you, I know, but if you give me a chance, I…I…I…I what? Carvajal, don't get intimidated, echale ganas (go for it) you can do it *snort, snort*." He whistles as he tries to stand the roses up in the gate outside her door and ring the bell. He overhears the following conversation:
Man's voice: Last night was incredible.
Caro: It was like an explosion. It was a sensation that I've never felt.
M: That's what happens when there's a sobrecarga (overload) of energy.
Caro: But the important thing is that after the whole night, ay!, you gave me back the light.
Omar is stricken to find that Caro spent the whole night with another man. He runs away from the front door to hide in front of her garage doors, but realizes he's left the roses and runs back to get them just as the door is opening. He runs to the other side of the front door and hides behind a very green-trunked tree. Caro comes out of her house with a not-bad-looking guy in a plain white t-shirt. He says if she needs him again, she shouldn't hesitate to call. Caro replies that with the great work he did last night, she doesn't think she'll need him for a while. Explosion Man takes his leave and Caro goes back inside the house. Omar comes out from behind his tree of skulking, grouching that on top of everything else, Explosion Man left Caro more than content. He says he feels bad and starts biting the heads off some of the roses in a sort of floral homage to Ozzy. He spits out the petals.

Fernando is standing at the door to the Bat Cave, watching Lety. He's good looking and all, but so's my husband and I still find it disconcerting when he watches me like that. Lety obviously agrees, as she looks up and asks what Fernando is doing and why he's watching her like that. He says he was just seeing that she's so beautiful. Lety says he shouldn't say those things because they're not true. Fernando says she's much more beautiful than she wants to appear, which alarms Lety. He hedges that he meant more beautiful than she wants to believe. Lety looks either doubtful, suspicious, or just plain confused.

Marcia and Luigi are out shopping at the mall. Marcia thanks him for coming with her as she needed to get out and distract herself a bit. Luigi says he loves doing it and he feels "super extreme" with her. He says he can't understand why people are looking at him so much: "Do I have monitos on my face, or what?" (tengo monos en la cara means "what are you looking at?") Marcia laughs. Luigi asks why Marcia is living with that pair of cavemen, although he admits that they're hotties. He gets excited and asks if she's seen them naked. Well, given than she was going to marry Fernando I would guess she's seen him naked, but I don't think that's what Luigi had in mind. No, I'm pretty sure Luigi had something different in mind, but I'm sure I'm not thinking what Luigi is thinking, hm, no. Where were we? Ah, Marcia gives him an "ay, Luigi" for asking the question. Luigi points out a hot outfit that we don't get to see (hey! No fair!) while the camera tracks a pair of legs in black pants and black wingtips going just inside the doorway of an adjacent store. Luigi says it's sad that Marcia had to sell off her stuff to help pay Conceptos' debt, but Marcia says it was worth it and she doesn't miss it. She turns around, but the mystery feet retreat farther into the adjacent store. Luigi asks what's up and Marcia says she had the feeling someone was looking at her. Luigi says he doesn't see anyone (ah, but the feet see you Luigi). Luigi wants to go, but Marcia wants to look at electrodomesticos (appliances) because the apartment is very austera (austere, bare). Luigi says maybe he'll give her one as a gift. Wait, what appliances are they lacking at Casa Compañia de Tres? Is Marcia having to do the dishes or the laundry by hand? No, es el colmo!

In Lety's office, Lety is remembering that last night Fernando said she could reclamar (complain) as much as she liked because she has a clear conscience. Lety wonders why Fernando would have said that to her. There's a knock on her office door. Lety answers with "I'm fine! I have a clear conscience! Who is it? Come in." Saimón comes into the office and Fernando enters from the Bat Cave. It seems Saimón has come to show off his certificate to Mommy and Daddy. Saimón tells them he's taken his first step toward success and shows them his certificate, which he calls his Titulo de Licenciado en Computation (certificate of licensure in computers). He hands the framed certificate over, but nudges Fernando's hand off of it, saying he'll smudge it. Lety congratulates him and Fernando impatiently asks if there was anything else. Saimón tells them that it might look like a small step to them, but it's very big for him and he thought that…."That what?," asks Lety. Saimón says he's made this sacrifice because he wants a big family with PM and this…. Fernando and Lety impatiently motion that he should go on. Saimon blurts out that he wants to ask them for a promotion. Lety and Fernando look at each other as Saimon says that he deserves it and he's studied a lot…Lety and Fernando cut him off by simultaneously saying "no."

Marcia and Luigi are coming back to Conceptos and the Feet have followed them. Okay, I don't want to keep referring to him as Feet, but we've already had a Mystery Woman, so I don't want to call him Mystery Man…likewise, we already have Stalker Chick, so he can't be Stalker Guy…I think in honor of the wingtips, I'll call him Sharp Dressed Man. Anyway, Luigi tells Marcia not to turn around, he has the feeling someone's looking at them. They walk away quickly without turning around, speculating that SDM might be a rapist, a ratero (a petty thief) or a kidnapper.

Saimón exits Presidencia and has to tells the gals, through his sad, sad, tears, (and a little bit of snot,) that he asked Lety for a better job and she and Fernando told him no. As PM comforts Saimón, the Moras arrive, with Tomás making a big fuss. He does, in fact, go so far as to tell them why this is a day of great celebration. Tacky, tacky, tacky! And the ladies cheer. Tacky. Sara asks how it was, but she is not answered. Taaaaaacky! Tomás finally notices that Saimón is down and asks why. Marcia and Luigi exit the elevator and Marcia breezes by Saimón before he can show off his certificate. Saimón is as sad now as he was happy earlier. Tomás tries to cheer him up, without even knowing what's wrong, and Saimón gives him kind of a "yeah, right, that's rich coming from you."

More tackiness, in the form of a ginormous hickey on Alicia's neck, which Marcia comments on. Alicia brushes it off saying it came from a cat. (I've been scratched, bitten, and used as a launch pad by my cats and it's NEVER looked like that!) Alicia continues telling Marcia that she had no other choice, etc. Marcia wants to know how long Alicia was planning on leaving Tomás "in abstinence," to which Alicia replies "Eternally, and longer!" She reminds Marcia that this is the second time they've…and Marcia reminds her that last time he left her hanging instead of handing over the check. Ah, memories. Alicia calls Marcia a bad friend for reminding her of that. Marcia wants to know why Alicia "made love" to Tomás now. Alicia says Tomás had been begging for like, ever, and Marcia says it was logical and that one assumes that when one marries one must "make love". Alicia says yeah, but that wasn't exactly "love"…she stops to think about this and "no, no, no"-s. Marcia says that Alicia just finished saying she didn't have any other choice and wants to know why Alicia said that. Alicia says that Marcia should forget it because Marcia wouldn't understand. Marcia says that the way Alicia's living her life it could turn into a big problem.

The Cuartel have come to Lety's office to plead Saimón's case. They're all talking over each other with variations of "it's not fair!" Lety asks them to sit down. PM points out that Saimón's been the bestest messenger Conceptos ever had: "In rain, truena (thunder), or lightning, Saimón Contreras always delivers messages on time!" The ladies agree and Irma adds that Saimón is a pan de dios (literally, "bread of God"; there are many figurative translations--where I'm from, we'd translate that as "he's good people"). Lety twiddles her thumbs and looks snooty. The arguments from the ladies are that it's not fair, Saimón worked hard on his computer classes, he did it all for PM, and variations thereof. Lety tells PM to put an ad in the paper for a new messenger. The ladies are impactadas! Lety has to hide her smile behind her hand. PM asks "le vas a correr?" ("Are you going to fire him?"; I can't find the literal translation, but this is what it means…"run him off" maybe?). The ladies blast Lety for being unfair and in chorus say "How cruel you've become!" Lety tells PM she wants to talk to Lopez immediately. PM very angrily tells Madam President that she'll tell Lopez to come.

In Puerto Vallarta, there are pigeons, one assumes, unless they hired pigeons just for that shot. Aldo's looking over the yacht (which, as far as yachts go, is about as small as my first apartment…if you ran out of tp in the bathroom, the person in the living room could hand you another roll without getting up) which we now see is named "Reel Ease" (whatever that means). He says it's lovely and the dream of all who love the sea. Ok, I love the sea, but Aldo's really got to quit that or he'll give us all a bad name. Carmina says the sea vincula (links) them. Aldo unthinkingly puts his arm around Carmina and says the sea links us all in a very special way. He then gets up and says he thinks he's going to need a bigger boat. No, seriously, he says he's going to need a yacht that holds many more people, you know, for the wedding with Lety. Carmina says there's still time to decide that and why don't they take advantage of the sea, the sun, and the company. She asks if Aldo would rather fish or bucear (dive). Aldo just grins, but his grin fades as he looks away from her. Give in, Aldo, give in, for the sake of my sanity! Sail away in the little yacht built for two and let the sea swallow you both!

Saimón is still weeping, wondering what all his hard work was good for and comes to the conclusion that it was good for nothing. The ladies gather round and Lola declares she can't take it anymore, especially with what Lety said about putting an ad in the paper…she gets shushed, but not before Saimón picks up on it. Sara tells him they're going to fire him.

Caro is in Lety's office asking who understands men. Lety doesn't think they understand themselves, but what would we do without him? Lety attempts to deconstruct Omar's behavior. She thinks that if Omar gave Caro a necklace (woo hoo, she's wearing it!), isn't it because he feels something for her? Caro doesn't know. She says Omar hasn't said a word to her about it and Lety is shocked that he hasn't said anything. Caro then shocks me by saying the following: "I think that if he loved me then he already would have talked to me about his feelings, and he would have told me 'Carolina, I love you.'" Woman's been married how many times? On what planet? Lety, of all people, says Caro's moving too fast and men aren't like that, they're weird. Hm, usually I prefer to say "boys are stoopid," but weird works too. Caro wonders if Lety's saying that because of Aldo, but Lety says that in their relationship, she's the weird one, having dressed up as a diva and all. Caro asks if things are going better with Aldo and Lety says yes, except for that whole thing with her Mama, which Lety fills Caro in on. Lety says they've made up and that she's told her mom that she's Aurora.

In Omar's office, Omar smacks Fernando on the arm, telling him that Carolina has a boyfriend. Fernando wants to know what that has to do with him and asks how he found out. Omar says he went to her house early and he heard a man's voice. Fernando says Omar sounds like a character from a radio novela, but he should go on.
Omar: At that time, I heard a voice...
Fernando: *makes dramatic music noises*
Omar: It was a fulano (some so-and-so; jerk; the feminine can mean "prostitute" in some countries so I wonder if Omar thinks the guy was a gigolo?) talking about an explosion…
Fernando: *makes explosion noise*
Omar tells him to stop making fun, that he's serious, Caro received a descarga (discharge) of energy from a bruto (brute). Fernando says he can imagine how Omar's feeling.

A few more pretty shots of water to remind us that Aldo is with Carmina in Puerto Vallarta. There appear to be a couple of other people on the boat with them. We hear Lety's voice saying she's going to call Aldo and see how it's going. Besides, she says, even though she talked to him yesterday, she misses him lots. She hopes he's not feeling so sad. What he's probably feeling is wet, seeing as how he's surfacing from having gone scuba-ing with Carmina. I have to say, those scuba masks are not the most attractive look. Maybe Carmina should have rethought her plan. Aldo and Carmina head back to the boat. Carmina asks him if he saw that enormous mantarraya (manta ray; it's in the stingray family, it's a filter feeder rather than a bottom feeder, and it's really really big) that swam near them and Aldo says of course, but he liked the arrecifes (reefs) more and the corals are incredible. Carmina asks what he thinks about her taking him to see some even more beautiful reefs that are about an hour away. Aldo thinks he'd love to, but he has to go back to DF today, so he's going to go change. Carmina pulls him back, reminding him that they're in the sea, like, hello Aldo, the sea! "Doesn't it seduce you?" Aldo says of course it does, but he has to go back to Mexico and he's going to go change. Carmina notices Aldo's ringing cell phone and notices that it's Lety calling, so she answers and tells Lety Aldo went to change because they'd just finished diving and can she give Aldo a message? Lety says she can tell Aldo that Lety called. She hangs up her phone angrily. Carmina hangs up Aldo's phone and smiles. Aldo comes back on deck saying they've got to get him to the airport. Carmina agrees, but says that first he has to let her take him to the most delicious restaurant in the area.

Lety is upset that "that woman" answered Aldo's phone and her muttering attracts Fernando. She tries to deny that anything's up, but Fernando says he heard her saying "that woman" and he wants to know if Aldo is making her angry, if Aldo made her jealous. Lety laughs and says no and wonders where he got that idea. She claims she got angry with "a woman." Fernando says Lety doesn't know how to lie, that he knows her well and always busts her right away. Mhm, whatevs, Fernie. Lety says he failed this time because she's not lying. Ferando points at her twitchy eyelid and says "You know I don't like to see you suffer." Lety says nothing's going on and she's content. She asks if they should go over the latest projections. Fernando repeats, "the latest projections," points at her twitchy eyelid again and heads for the Bat Cave. After he leaves, Lety holds down her eyelid with both hands and begs it to stop moving. She tells the empty office that she can't stand that Carmina answered the phone and wonders why Aldo is with her.

Omar is in his office doing the Cutest! Thing! Ever! He's typing Carolina's name over and over using different fonts and colors. It's like the high-tech version of writing someone's name all over your notebook! He ditches the file when Caro walks in. She asks if he's busy and says she wanted to thank him for the pretty necklace. Omar remembers Explosion Man and Caro's conversation that morning. He tells her she shouldn't bother thanking him because for him that present meant nothing. Caro asks if he's serious and Omar says he is. Caro says that if that's the way it is, here, thanks. She takes off the necklace and leaves it on his desk. Oh Omar! As she gets to the door Omar says, "Carolina! It did mean something." (I held my breath here!) "What?" she asks. And Omar replies, "nothing." $#%@#$%@$# Omar! Just tell her you like her, dude! Caro leaves the office. Omar picks up the necklace and says "Of course, I'm sure the guy with the sobrecargo (overload) of energy gave her something better, and more expensive." Oh, Omar! Caro storms into the elevator blaming herself for being naïve for thinking Omar could feel something for her.

Lety and Fernando are going over the projections. Lety says she's worried because they depend on the regalias (royalties) from the TV program. Fernando says that now JR has disappeared, just like Aurora. Lety deflects by saying that she asked to see Lopez and he still hasn't gotten there. Aurora's cell starts ringing and Fernando says it's ringing. Lety denies it, but Fernando asks if she's sure because a continually ringing cell phone can bother your ears. He asks her to answer the phone. Lety pulls out Aurora's phone and notices that it's JR calling. Fernando asks about the cell Lety's holding. He asks if hers isn't white and Lety says it changes colors with sunlight and since there's no sun….He says it looks a lot like Aurora's phone. Oh, Don Fernando, you're having fun with this, aren't you? Lopez finally shows up and Lety tells him it's about something very important having to do with Saimón. We cut away before we get to hear what Lety tells Lopez.

Saimón is bidding a sad farewell to his moped. The Cuartel, plus Celso, come out to tell Saimón they've got to talk to Lety and Fernando again and Saimón has to go with him. They drag him away from his moped.

Lopez and Fernando are getting off the elevator. Lopez is complaining that this thing with Saimón bugs him. Fernando tells him to get over it. Fernando calls Omar over. He wants to know if Omar still thinks Lety is ugly? Yep. And Aurora? Nope, she's beautiful. Lety? Ugly. Aurora? Beautiful. Fernando cracks up and says they're done and sends Omar on his way. He says that Omar doesn't have the eyes to see the essence of beauty, but that now Fernando has learned. He gleefully states that Omar will go nuts when he realizes Lety is Aurora. Oh, Don Fernando, you're having too much fun with this!

Alicia is still in Marcia's office explaining…something: "I wanted to be a good wife and fulfill my marital duties, that's why I had to see to my husband's needs and…you understand me, right, Marcia?" Marcia, as a stand-in for much of the viewing public, has fallen asleep. Alicia screams her name to wake her up. Marcia tries to pretend she'd been listening, but realizes she's been asleep for an hour. Alicia says she's going to start from the beginning: "When I was born my parents really loved each other…" Marcia cuts her off and asks her not to start over. Marcia says she's only worried about one thing, did Alicia protect herself? Protect myself from who? What? Why? Alicia asks. Marcia reminds her about basic biology. Alicia says no, she doesn't want kids with him and babbles about making up the lie about the "treatment," etc. Marcia cuts her off again and asks if she took precautions last night or not. Alicia looks horrified.

Alicia laughs at Marcia, but then says she didn't. But hey, it was only once and very little (I don't know what she's referring to when she says "very little" and I don't want to know!). She says nothing's happening, forget it. Alicia gets up to leave Marcia's office (finally!) and asks if Marcia doesn't have a craving for some strawberries with cream. At Marcia's look, Alicia calls Marcia dirty and perverted for putting things in Alicia's head.

Tomás is in Lety's office crowing about how his "treatment" is going to work so much better than Dr. Kamasutra's. For the love of all that is holy, did they have to put him right in front of the giant shell painting while he's saying this?! Lety says she's glad because she'd like to have sobrinitos (little nieces and nephews). Tomás wants to know what's up with Lety. Lety says she's worried about something to do with the company. Tomás says she should tell him, "ugly to ugly" what's going on. Lety tells him she's jealous because Aldo went to PV with la dichosa (that damn) Carmina.

Carmina and Aldo are having lunch. Carmina tells Aldo her dad will email her pictures of yachts so Aldo can choose the one he likes. Because Aldo is marrying Lety. So of course, Carmina's dad would be interested in letting Aldo…what? Borrow one of his other yachts? I'm confused. Ni modo. Aldo thanks her and apologizes for there being tanta lata (so much trouble). Carmina tells him not to worry, it's a pleasure and his wedding will be beautiful. She says she'd love to get married like that, you know, in the middle of the sea. Wow, that didn't come off as desperate at all. Aldo says they should ask for the check because he needs to get to the airport so he doesn't miss his flight. Carmina tells him to chill, they're only five minutes from the airport. Aldo nervously drinks more of his wine. If Aldo ends up tied up in Carmina's dad's alleged yacht while Carmina sails off to parts unknown and tells Aldo he'll come to love her, in time, remember I called it!

Back at Conceptos, Tomás wonders what's up with Lety since Aldo is the most faithful guy he knows. Fernando comes in and tells Lety everything's ready if she wants to citar (arrange to meet, summon) Saimón in the office "down there."

Saimón comes into Marcia's office to give her the last package he will ever deliver to her office. Aw. Sad. Marcia wonders what's up. Saimón starts to tell her it's a long story, but Marcia's phone rings. She tells Saimón Lety wants to talk to him. He cries and leaves her office. Marcia opens the envelope Saimón gave her and finds a letter, which she reads aloud: "Enchanting Marcia, it wasn't very difficult for me to ascertain your information because I followed you to Conceptos. I'm going to tell you something about me. I'm a good man, I'm honest, and I have a very successful business. After this somera presentacion (brief introduction) let me say that to me, you are a fascinating woman, and very beautiful. I'm interested in you. I'm giving you my email address. Can we exchange some letters before we meet in person? Forgive me for not telling you my name, but I want to keep some mystery." We switch over to Luigi re-reading the last line of the letter. He does it much more dramatically, though. He asks Marcia if she's going to write to the crazy. Marcia doesn't know, but she wants to know what Luigi thinks. Luigi thinks he could be the man of her life…or he could be some pervert who wants to dissect her alive! He proposes that they had felt someone watching them, the implication being that the letter came from Sharp Dressed Man. I concur with Luigi. Luigi says he recommends that she step lightly, because there's another possibility. It could be someone she knows who's trying to play a joke. Marcia picks up the letter with two fingers and makes a face like it smells, then she walks out of Luigi's office. Luigi mutters about mysterious romantics and goes back to work.

We see the full letter and it reads thusly: "Enchanting Marcia. It wasn't very difficult for me to ascertain your information because I followed you to Conceptos. I'm going to tell you something about me. I'm an 'interesting' forty-something to say it one way. I'm 'happily' divorced and I have a very successful business…." the rest is the same as she read, but the "forty-something" and "divorced" parts were different.

It's Alicia holding the letter and Marcia is accusing Alicia of this being her idea. Alicia doesn't know what she's talking about…because she can't read the letter for having her sunglasses on. Alicia says she doesn't know what it's about, but praises Marcia for having an admirer. Marcia wants to know why Alicia wants to make fun of her, as she does it a lot lately. Alicia says they're friends and Marcia shouldn't be rencorosa (resentful). She asks who sent the letter. Marcia says she doesn't know. Alicia says she thinks it's Lopez and laughs, but she shuts up quickly. She says she doesn't think it's a good idea to accept a blind invitation. It could be some degenerate, a rapist, a murderer! Alicia says lots of cases start with an innocent date and end in the morgue. She mimes being choked to death. Marcia is shocked, but Alicia says that if Marcia meets this guy, she'll never see the light of day again…never! And Alicia mimes choking to death again. Is it horrid of me to suggest you turn the sound off and watch Alicia pretending to choke again repeatedly? Okay, then, I won't.

The Union of Administrative Assistants Local #287 (and Celso) is marching on behalf of Saimón. They chant that they want justice and not to fire Saimon. Their signs read: "Saimón You are not alone," "We Will Go Too!," "Don't fire Saimón," "We support you Saimón," and "You have our support Saimón." Saimón is afraid to open the door of the office where Lety has asked to meet him, but he opens the door and the Cuartel march in. Lety and Fernando are waiting, sitting on a desk, and Lopez is standing off to one side. Saimón still thinks he's getting fired and Fernando tells him not to cry, to be happy, but how can Saimón be happy, Celso wonders, if he's being fired? Lopez wants to know why they think someone's being fired. Saimón tells them not to toy with him. Lety stage-whispers to Fernando that she thinks they've made him suffer enough. On the count of three, they get up from the desk to reveal a nameplate: "Saimon Joseph Contreras COORDINADOR DE COMPUTO" ("computer coordinator", no idea what this would mean in a practical sense). Everyone is impactadas! Saimón is still confused and Fernando makes him read the nameplate out loud. Saimón hugs PM, kisses Lety's hands, and hangs off of Fernando's neck. He says he really didn't think badly about Fer and Lety. He says this was the last thing he was missing before he asks--and here he gets PM in front of him and Lety and Fernando realize they've been looking at each other for too long and that darn springy noise comes back again--"before I ask you to marry me, my beautiful Paula Marie." PM is impactada!

Tomorrow: Saimón gets an answer and Aldo finds out why you should always edit your travel photos before you show them off.


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