Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Zorro, 7/17 - Esme is reunited with her baby, Zorro goes boating and all of the bad guys are still alive (a couple, just barely)

Well folks, this is my last Zorro recap. I will take credit for starting the whole thing when I posted a Report on Zorro on the blog right after the novela started. Our super crew of bloggers took it from there. It's been a lot of fun recapping and sharing all the silliness.

Diego and Esme try to get the information on where Mangle, Montero and the baby [and the Queen of Spain, of course] are from Olmos. Olmos tells them that they are in his secret love-nest house but he doesn't say where it is. Then Olmos appears to die – but these villians are tough. He's probably not dead yet.

At the secret love-nest house, Mangle,who has changed her gown [did Olmos stock the love nest with clothes for her or was she carrying a change of clothes when she ran out of town with Montero?] is arguing with Montero. He wants to kill the baby and get money by ransoming the Queen. Mangle is convinced this is a suicidal idea. She wants to use the baby to get money from Diego so that they can get new identities and live in another country. Montero ends up slapping Mangle and says that he doesn't want to live in hiding. He's a great soldier and he has political aspirations. Mangle laughs and says that Montero is a nobody – a vulgar man whose only talent is that he 's good in bed. Montero says that they are going to do this his way and kill the baby right now. Mangle screams, “No!” They struggle.

Back in the woods, WIB and Zorro stand over Olmos who, sure enough, isn't dead yet. Our masked avengers look pretty silly – especially Esme with that crossbow. Olmos hacks out the fact that he told Mangle about the baby switch. Our heroes don't seem to be too upset about finding out that their guarantee of the baby's safety just went south. Olmos manages to tell them where the secret love nest is – with a roof camouflaged with bushes, no less. The masked avengers go off and leave Olmos who will doubtless stagger onto the scene again at some point.

Montero continues to slap Mangle around. He says that they are going to do things his way. If his baby, his son, died then so will Diego's. He tells Mangle that they will leave with the Queen right away. He will take care of the baby. Mangle tells Montero that he is making a big mistake and she won't allow it but he knocks her down and leaves.

In Tobias' kitchen, Agapito is caring for Pizarro. Pizarro wakes up and is surprised to see Agapito and doesn't know where he is [so I guess it was just good luck that after he was shot, Pizarro stumbled into the very kitchen where Agapito was hiding.] Pizarro is alarmed when he finds out where he is but Agapito tells him to be quiet and not worry about it. Agapito tells Pizarro that he shouldn't have blamed him for saving SK's life – that's his job as a surgeon while Pizarro's job is the opposite. Pizarro tells Agapito that he needs to get to the port to flee the City. Agapito tells him that is impossible – he would certainly die. Pizarro passes out and in comes Tobias [dressed as a man again, too bad] and Catalina. Tobias is ready to finish Pizarro off with his sword but Agapito protects his patient.

FS is striding through the country. MP runs after him and asks why he left. He tells her that he has thought about it and he doesn't deserve to be by her side. He has done so much harm to people that he isn't worthy of her. MP responds that she has forgiven him. FS says what about her brother and her nephew? MP says that she will try to get them to forgive him too but if they don't, she will live with it. Her place is by his side. They profess their love for one another, kiss passionately and their song comes on. MP asks FS to stay with her at least until Diego's baby is found. FS is confused. MP tells him that a lot has happened in the last few hours that he doesn't know about.

Montero comes to get the baby from the wet nurse. Mangle comes after him with a knife. He knocks it out of her hand and hits her so hard that she is unconscious on the floor. He leaves with the baby in a basket.

After the opening credits, Montero, carrying the baby, goes outside [I didn't see any bushes on the roof of the house] and calls his men. Some of them should take the Queen towards the port. He gives the baby to two other men, tells them to take care of it and deliver the body to the de la Vega's. The men don't seem to too happy about killing a baby but they agree to do it. Suddenly, Zorro appears and orders them to let go of the baby. Montero is impactado.

The Queen is saying her prayers [no new gown for her] and telling God that she will accept any punishment for not knowing what was going on behind her back but she implores God not to abandon her town. Montero's henchmen come in and tell her that they are leaving. She tells the men not to touch her. She won't do anything stupid and she expects that they won't either when the royal army captures them. She offers her wrists to be bound with queenly dignity [one thinks of Marie Antoinette on the scaffold.]

As Al and his men ride through the same canyon where MP found FS, who should appear but FS, out of his monks robe, with a big floppy hat and on a horse with his men. [Have his men just been hanging around patiently waiting for him to come back from being a monk?] FS wants to join Al's army. He expresses a fatherly obligation to find Mangle and correct her bad behavior.

Montero orders his men to kill Zorro. Fighting ensues. While Zorro is dealing with a henchman, Montero appears to get hit by something or someone in his most sensitive area. I watched it several times. It wasn't Zorro. Montero was behind him. Esme appears with her crossbow but if she shot him with a crossbow bolt, he wouldn't just be clutching his privates, he'd be bleeding.

Montero's henchmen take the Queen, now gagged and bound, to the incredibly conspicuous royal coach.

Ah, now it's clear. Esme shot Montero in the wrist with her crossbow. The way he was clutching it made me think he had been hit elsewhere. But now Esme should be unarmed. A crossbow only fires one bolt at a time and it's not simple to reload it. Mangle has recovered consciousness and now joins the fray. Montero apparently has not figured out that the WIB is Esme. Our heroes stand around like nitwits allowing Montero to grab the baby and threaten it with a knife. Now Montero has the upper hand. He orders Zorro and Esme to put down their weapons and then to unmask.

The Onion brothers [remember them?] encounter what appears to be an old man leading a mule. They rip off his sombrero and false beard and it's SM. The brothers start to kick him promising a memorable death that will be an example to everyone else.

Back at Olmos' love nest, Zorro reveals himself to be Diego. Mangle and Montero congratulate him on how he fooled everyone with his disguise. Mangle asks how someone with his intelligence and abilities could fall in love with someone as common as Esme. Esme isn't taking that. She pulls down her mask and says that the 'common' woman Mangle is referring to is right here. Mangle is impactada.

Somehow, SM has gotten the upper hand on the Onion brothers. They are tied up and gagged in their cart. SM tells them that they might be bad guys but he is desperate and desperate men do crazy things. He warns them not to follow him and rides off. Unfortunately, he leave the horse harnessed to the cart.

Agapito finally convinces Tobias not to attack Pizarro. Tobias tells Agapito to get Pizarro out of his house as soon as he is any better.

Fortunately for our heroes, Mangle and Montero don't seem to have any desire to personally witness the deaths of their enemies. With Esme and Diego tied up, Montero puts the baby in a cart and spooks the horse sending the baby to an unknown fate. Then Montero sets fire to the straw or whatever flammable thing is in the little alcove where Esme and Diego are tied up. Then Montero and Mangle leave. The flames rise around Diego and Esme.

SM spies the runaway baby cart and leaps aboard it daringly but the Onion brothers are in hot pursuit.

Garcia goes to the hacienda for news. Dolores and Almudena are there. He passes on the information that the missing baby is Esme's, not Mangle's. Almudena and Dolores are happy impactadas.

As the flames crackle around them, Diego uses a piece of glass to cut his bonds.

Montero asks the Queen to do a deal with him that will benefit them both. In a few minutes, Zorro will be dead and no one will protect these lands. The Queen is gagged so she can't actually answer but her look of proud disdain indicates that she rejects Montero's proposition. Montero tells him men that they are going to the port by river. Al will think that they are going by the land route.

Al & FS and their men have found no trace of anyone. FS, who is a little behind in the news, doesn't believe Mangle is with Montero but Al sets him straight. Al is sure that Mangle & Montero are heading for the port but how are they getting there? FS has to remind Al that a branch of the river goes directly to the port. Al decides to split up their forces. He will go to the river and FS will go to the port.

Diego and Esme escape from the fire and go after the baby. [Esme does ride a horse here.]

At one of those big rivers near LA, Montero commandeers a boat. The boatman says that the current is too strong but Montero doesn't care. Once again he offers to release the Queen for a safe conduct and some gold. She refuses.

Zorro spies the overturned cart and hears a baby. He calls, “Alejandro!” He is looking under the cart when SM appears holding the baby. SM has redeemed himself. [What happened to the Onion brothers?]

Agapito tells Catalina and Tobias that Pizarro wants to talk to them. It's his dying wish. Cat and Tobias don't want to do it. Agapito asks Tobias to do it for pity or because of who he is [Zorro]. Tobias tells Agapito that he lied to him about being Zorro to try and catch the real Zorro and get the reward. Agapito is impressed that Tobias went after Pizarro on a suicidal mission. Tobias says that it was his duty to protect the honor of his beloved Catalina.

Zorro demands the baby from SM. SM says that he will only give the baby to its father, Diego. Zorro maintains the fiction that he isn't Diego. SM says that he wouldn't hurt the baby. Zorro says that he doesn't know if that is true. SM says that he made a mistake but he is a good guy. He likes wine, women and gambling but at least he doesn't run around in a disguise like Zorro. He gives Zorro the baby and leaves. Esme comes running up, “My baby!” she cries, “my little Tisha.”

FS and his men encounter SK and the gypsies. SK confronts FS and says that in spite of everything, she is still alive and has returned. SK, Jonas, Hermes and Azucena give FS long defiant looks.

Zorro sends Esme back to the hacienda with the baby. She will be safer there. She makes Zorro promise that he will return.

When Agapito, Catalina and Tobias go to the kitchen, Pizarro and Tobias' horse are gone.

There is chaos in the town. Pizarro stops a soldier. The soldier tells him that he is running away. The town has turned against them and wants Montero's head for all his abuses. Pizarro tries to rally the troops but they won't listen. Pizarro says that a bunch of cowards won't stop him but it looks like his wound might stop him. [I like Pizarro. If I had to rank hunky guys on Zorro, it would be Diego, of course, Renzo and Pizarro. Neither Montero, FS or Al do anything for me.]

Montero, Mangle, the Queen, a couple of henchmen and the boatman are in the boat on the river. Suddenly, we see Zorro, who has fashioned a grapple thingy from a tree trunk [with his sword, maybe? I guess Montero left Zorro's sword, mask and hat lying around for Zorro to find when he escaped from the burning house]. Zorro ties one end of a rope to a tree and the other to the grapple and tosses it into the boat. Nobody notices it land in the boat. The grapple thingy stops the boat. Instead of just tossing the grapple thingy out of the boat, Montero orders his men to shoot Zorro.

Esme is in the fox cave with the baby. Bernardo finds her and is muy impactado to find out that she is alive. Esme asks his help to get into the hacienda without revealing her identity as the WIB.

The henchmen and the boatman jump out of the boat to attack Zorro. One particularly bright lad throws down his gun to fight Zorro with his fists. While Zorro is busy with these guys, Montero throws the grapple thingy out of the boat and poles it back into the river. Montero, the Queen and Mangle are the only ones in the boat now. The Queen makes her move and attacks Mangle.

That Bernardo is a wizard. Esme appears in a gown [is it one of Almudena's? Esme doesn't have any stuff at the hacienda. She never lived there] and she's had her hair done too. Garcia, Almudena & Dolores are so happy to see her and the baby that they don't ask any questions like how she got there. MP joins them. Dolores wants to get her hands on the baby so bad she is twitching like a drug addict. Esme and Almudena finally get to embrace.

Back at the river, Mangle and the Queen are still going at it while Montero poles the boat. Suddenly, Zorro appears and jumps into the boat. The Queen manages to push Mangle out of the boat and she jumps into the river after her. Zorro looks completely befuddled by this development and appears to forget about his obligation to protect the Queen when given the opportunity to have an exciting sword fight with Montero in a tippy boat. Mangle screams for Montero from the water. Zorro and Montero are fighting in the boat and Zorro is disarmed when all of a sudden he and Montero see that they are heading for a giant waterfall! [Nobody knew that there was a giant waterfall on the river that leads to the port?]

The credits roll.

From the scenes from tomorrow's episode, it looks like you were so right, Sylvia: the cannibals are back and Mangle's on the menu!!!


Destilando Amor, Tues 7/17: In which Gaviota is covered in honey

Acacia serenely accepts James's marriage proposal, and he is grateful and overjoyed. He suggests that they go out of town for a while, but she insists that they stay. He agrees to stay till Meliton comes back - and then they'll go away. She cuts this uncomfortable conversation short with some kisses. He closes his eyes and raises his eyebrows comically high. Oh Mr. James, you big clueless goofball.

Acacia leads James into the bedroom. He is specifically enchanted by her loose hair. He kisses her... forehead?? Then, in slow motion, he kisses her hair, he unbuttons her dress, and... he sees her back full of (amazingly parallel and evenly-distributed) welts from Meliton's belt. He flips out, but she says it doesn't matter. She promises that Meliton will never put a hand on her again. James says that's right, because he'll kill him first. They embrace. "To me, that man IS dead," she mutters in secret irony.

Dani tells Videgaray that Rodrigo now knows that Vid wasn't the tattletale who betrayed him, and Rod's going to call to ask for some documents. She asks him not to tell Rodrigo what they found out. Sofie whines about Dani's sarcastic attitude; Dani shuts her down and stomps off. Privately, Pilar tells Sofie she agrees with Dani - how much longer can they hide the truth from Rodrigo? When he finally finds out, she's not going to be able to face him.

Meanwhile, at the bar, the waiter tells Frankie it's closing time, and hands him the bill. Frankie says he's got a friend in the bathroom who will be right back. Frankie gets up to "look for" this friend (or better yet, take off without paying), but the waiter insists that there's nobody in the bathroom. Frankie scoffs and says there has to be someone for him - he's La Vega! He gets up to look in that general direction, and sure enough, nobody's there. He good-naturedly giggles to himself that she took off without saying goodbye.

I still think the guy's slime, but I love that he doesn't mind getting beaten at his own game. Sadly, we are deprived of the pleasure of watching him fork over the money.

Isa is taking off her makeup while chatting on the phone with her mom. She tells Nuria that Rodrigo is preparing for the meeting with Montesinos right now to fix up the situation with her dad. (Some weeks ago, I incorrectly said Montesinos was Ricardo's lawyer. I think I was wrong, and he's the creditors' lawyer.) She's worried that playing the pregnancy card won't be enough now that Dani's declared herself an enemy, so she wants them to get back to the hacienta as soon as possible. (Go Dani! See if you can chase those two clean out of North America!) Isa bitterly says that she's not going to let that little sister mess up her plans.

Isa hears Rod at the door and hurriedly dots her face with some water. By the time Rod sees her, she's in full-crocodile mode, a-boohoohoo, bye mommy, waaaah. He tells her that Videgaray will be bringing some documents to the meeting with Montesinos. She makes a pathetic little noise to draw attention to her crying. She's afraid her father's creditors won't agree to negotiate. He promises to help her father. She forces a wan smile. (She is really channeling Joselyn tonight!)

Elsewhere in the DF, Clarita is praying to St. Anthony to protect Gavi. Heh. If you will permit me some mild blasphemy - Gavi kicks ass so hard, she could probably protect St. Anthony. Gavi comes home in the middle of the prayer, and Clarita passes along the good news to her saint. "We'll continue this chat later," she assures him. Gavi complains that it's as if her body is covered in honey.

(I know there are a few Angelica Rivera enthusiasts here, so I'm going to pause for a moment and allow you to contemplate this before it gets icky.)

She says it's because the Montalvos are all over her like flies. (That honey doesn't sound so good now, does it. It reminds me of a scene from Vincent Price's The Abominable Dr. Phibes.) "Don't tell me you ran into them!" Clarita exclaims. Gaviota explains that the "wizard" who had predicted all those things is a close friend of theirs, and especially of Rodrigo!

Later, Gavi and Clarita are in the bedroom, talking about those Montalvos. Actually... Clarita just wants to sleep. Gavi is doing all the talking, animated by vengeance. "What more do those weenies want from me, anyway? All that's left is for them to descend upon us here and squash us like roaches." Clarita is getting irritated by all this talk, but Gavi is getting more wound up. She'd like to see them try. The first person she's going to put down is Rodrigo. She can't wait to see him.

Clarita murmurs grumpily.

James and Acacia are in bed. He's staring at her back and choking back tears of outrage as he strokes her hair helplessly. Meanwhile, she sleeps like a baby. Apparently, she never read "The Tell-Tale Heart." (It's short, and worth reading again.)

Next day

It's morning. Acacia's making corn tortillas so fresh, you can almost see them wiggle. James tells her that from now on, she doesn't have to serve anyone. He dishes up the breakfast that she's already made - beans and eggs. He's especially excited about the beans. Wait - are these THE beans? I think we're meant to think so, for just a moment, or at least be nervous at the sight of them, but it's a false alarm. She laughs as he fumbles with the tortillas. He says they're hot, but I don't think she even put them on the griddle yet. She bites her lip and gazes at him dreamily, as if she can't believe it's really happening. Or as if she's entering a fugue state. (Cuckoo... cuckoo... cuckoo...)

Fedra is visiting at Patricio's office, filling him in on Minerva's unfortunate visit to Miami. Patricio says that if Minnie makes good on her threats, not only will Aaron go to jail, but he and Lluvia will be implicated as well. The whole family will look guilty. Fedra nods queasily. Worse, they can't seem to track Minnie down. He tries to call her.

Minnie comes home to a ringing telephone. She picks it up and turns it off immediately, throwing it on the couch and mumbling vengeful nothings. Fedra and Pat excitedly realize the hang-up means that she's home. They hurry to visit.

Rod meets with Videgaray. Vid expresses doubt about Rodrigo's plan to get Ricardo out of his debt. "We're talking about a very high sum," he hints. Rod reminds him that there's a big bunch of hungry lawyers waiting for them inside, wanting to scrutinize every Montalvo bank statement and balance. He asks Vid to carefully read all of the documents. He also asks him to read a particular document pertaining to Gaviota, and apologizes again for doubting Videgaray. Videgaray says he understands, and again urges Rod to reconsider this transaction. Rod says he promised Isadora - this is important for her health and the health of his child. They go back and forth about this a little more, but Rodrigo wins. He says it's the only way he can make up for all he's done to Isadora.

Gavi's at work, trying to talk herself out of a headache. Her boss complains about her poor sales average - only two encyclopedias a day. (Hey, it's two more than I would have expected!) Gavi's not happy about it either - she's got bills to pay. She goes back to treating her headache. He offers to get her some aspirin (at her expense). She tells him she's using self-hypnosis to convince herself the pain isn't really there - then it will go away. He proposes that she use self-hypnosis to sell at least five encyclopedias. He storms out. Gavi complains when the pain returns as the result of his slamming the door.

Sofie goes to the apartment building and of course runs into Frankie, who is hung over. She asks him to invite her to the club and tell her about last night's dinner meeting. He's already prepared a humdinger of a story: There was a lot of wine, and the alcohol made the guy very aggressive, so the conversation didn't go very far. He offered Frankie only a measly $4,000 (that's dollars, not pesos) a month. (Most Mexicans would consider this quite a princely sum. I'm sure Frankie's mother would die of shame if she heard him talking this way.) Of course he didn't take it, so the guy got offended and left. Worst of all, poor Frankie had to pay the bill! And now he can't afford to invite her out for coffee!

She tells him it's no big deal and suggests they hit the ATM. He acts shocked, as if his pride is wounded. She says he can pay her back when he gets a job.

Fedra and Patricio finally get to Minnie's, where they do not receive a warm welcome. They hammer on her door and she screams at them. Fedra bursts in with "we have to talk." "Get out!" is Minnie's disappointing retort. It wouldn't have sounded so stupid if she hadn't just opened the door herself.

Meanwhile, at the prison or courthouse or wherever, Rod is explaining long-windedly that Montalvania itself isn't part of the deal. It was in his grandfather's will that the property has to stay in the family. Instead, he's offering them all of Montalvania's earnings. Yikes! Videgaray very reluctantly hands over the financial records. Rodrigo explains that they no longer rely just on their own crops, but have alternative crops available to them as well. I'm not sure what he's talking about, exactly, nor the amount of time in which he expects to pay off Ricardo's debt, but Montesinos smiles as he examines the papers.

However, he claims that the deal is very risky. Rodrigo says that if they don't come to an agreement, it'll be counterproductive to both parties. His FIL will be in prison, and they won't get their money back. Montesinos says they want a very meticulous document. Rod refers them to Videgaray. He says they'll sign just about anything as long as his FIL gets out as soon as possible and receives a suspended sentence. Isa and Nuria exchange smug glances.

Back at the penthouse, Minnie tells her guests that if they don't leave, she will. Pat protests that he and Fedra aren't to blame for what happened. "Oh, nobody's responsible," Min answers sarcastically. She says they're both Aaron's representatives. Fedra knew about everything, and Patricio followed all of Aaron's orders without a peep. No doubt Aaron called Fedra last night and asked her to calm Minnie down for him. She tries to leave again, and Fedra orders Pat to guard the door!

Fedra claims that she and Bruno are on Minnie's side, and Patricio never wanted to take Aaron's calls, Aaron was disrespectful of the family, blah blah blah. Minerva is aghast when Fedra refers to Aaron's affairs as "aventurillas ocasionales." She tells Fedra that Aaron's been living with Prunella, er I mean Pamela, like she's his wife. Fedra feigns ignorance of this "Pamela" person. Minerva refreshes her memory - Pamela and Aaron go way back. Fedra tearfully denies knowing anything about it, and says Aaron told her he'd only run into a lady friend. Minerva describes her surprise on finding Pamela flaunting herself around Minnie's house, her bed, her bathroom... and her husband.

"How dare he play with us this way! I'm going to call him right now!" Fedra declares angrily, reaching for the phone. Minnie stops her and tells her to make that phone call somewhere else. She doesn't want Aaron to think that she's waiting for him to come back to her.

(In Miami, Aaron is on the phone, furious. Looks like his investments are tanking, and he's telling someone they can't sell them off yet.)

Minnie and co. sit down to speak more calmly. Minnie tells them to forget about any compassion. Fed gets up and reminds Minnie of the rest of the family. Rodrigo, along with Mariana, trusted in Oñate, authorizing all of those dirty shipments, and Patricio shipped them. Bruno is innocent. Pilar doesn't need a scandal. It'll bring down the whole company. Fedra can't bear to see her family destroyed. Patricio tells Minnie that there are still more people who would get hurt. For example, Lluvia sent those shipments. (I'm surprised the mention of Lluvia's name doesn't drive Minerva crazy again.) Minnie shouldn't ruin all these people's reputations just to get back at Aaron.

Fedra tearfully takes Minnie's hand. Minnie pulls away. Fedra echoes that it's not fair that all these bystanders should have to pay for what Aaron did. Especially Bruno. He loved Minnie like the daughter they never had! And how about Fedra - her friend, her confidante, who loved her like a mother! How can a person who is loved so much do so much damage?

Minnie tells Fed to put herself in Minnie's place. She can't let Aaron's betrayal go unpunished. The guy's gotta pay. Fed agrees with this. She promises that they'll be with Minnie on the day the judge grants the divorce. Minnie suddenly agrees to let it go and start a new life. She asks Patricio to take her to the courthouse so she can sign the divorce papers, "without lawsuits or recriminations." She wants it all to be over. Pat and Fed say she can count on them, and they'll always be her family. (Fedra is laying it on really thick!)

In Miami, a red-haired woman offers Aaron some coffee, which he refuses. Oh, excuse me - that's Pamela. I didn't recognize her with regular clothes on. I guess we're going to see how long she can survive on dry land. Aaron complains about all that's on his shoulders - his crashing investments, his problem with Minerva - he can't take any more.

Fedra calls. She and Pam make friendly small talk for a moment and Pam invites her out for a visit. Fed says they need to start planning the wedding. To Aaron, Fed laughingly describes the meeting with Minnie. It wasn't easy, but finally she got what she wanted. Aaron wants to know what Minnie's going to want in exchange. Fed snidely says that Minnie thinks that if she signs the papers, they'll be finished forever. She's signing the papers right now. Fedra chuckles heartily at Minnie's gullibility. To Aaron, it sounds too good to be true, but Fedra assures him it's okay. Her threats to turn Aaron in just evaporated into thin air. Aaron's still not sure, but Fedra insists that as long as he leaves Minnie alone, it'll be fine. Fedra reminds Aaron to invite her to his wedding.

Aaron happily calls Pam into the room and gives her the good news. There's not going to be a trip to the courthouse or anything. Pam also reacts with suspicion, but Aaron is convinced.

The smirking maid comes up with his mail. He tells her to clean out the closet, collect Minerva's things, and throw them out. The maid is impactada. He says she can do whatever she wants with the stuff. The maid curtsies and runs off, probably trying to decide which dress she'll try on first and what she's going to tell her friends at the next girls' nite out.

At the divorce courthouse, Patricio tells Minerva to cheer up. She complains that it was dumb of her to just sign those papers without fighting those two adulterers. He assures her that she did it with dignity. She says no, she lost her dignity the day she married Aaron - he just wanted a fertile belly and a kid.

She gets a great idea - she's gonna call all the papers and tell them the truth about Aaron Montalvo, esteemed PhD of Economy and Finance. He's a filthy rat. She has every right to destroy his life the way he destroyed hers. She doesn't care who else gets hurt. Pat reminds her that it's not just the family that will be hurt. She'll also be hurt, because she was in on the plot too. That pretty much takes the wind out of her sails. She lets Patricio lead her out of the courthouse.

At the other courthouse, Rod signs the papers of doom and the meeting adjourns. After the meeting, Videgaray somewhat coldly deflects Isa's thanks, saying he was only following orders. Rod is a bit short with Nuria as well. Oblivious, the women rush off to tell Ricardo he's a free man. Rod asks Vid to do whatever is necessary to get Ricky out of prison. He asks Vid why he's annoyed with him. Vid points out that Rod resolved this situation (putting the hacienda in serious peril) without speaking to his sisters. He urges Rod to talk to Daniela. Rod seems slightly vexed.

In Guadalajara, James tells the padre what he knows - that Meliton beat Acacia again. She didn't turn him in, because she was afraid. But when "that ruffian" comes back from his trip, Acacia will be his wife and she'll be living with him in a little house he's rented for the two of them. The padre says something that I don't get about special cases and reprimands, which makes James very happy. He wants to get married as soon as Rod comes back - he's going to be their godfather. He's also sure that when Meliton comes back, Acacia will decide on her own to turn him in to the authorities so he'll get the punishment he deserves.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Acacia is going through all of Meliton's personal effects, dumping the bureau drawer contents in a pile on the floor. (Gosh, Acacia, don't you want to leave his stuff all nice and neaty for when he comes back?) She finds a small box, inside which is a lot of very fresh-looking currency. She is impactadissima at the sight of so much cash.

Back in the DF, Gavi buys a shake or smoothie of some sort. As the vendor puts some strawberries and sugar into a blender, Gavi notices a shifty-eyed lad watching her. He makes a move for her precious encyclopedias. She throws her drink at him and scares him away. (She and I mutter simultaneously at what a wuss the guy is.) She demands another shake from the confused vendor.

Now Dani is on the phone with Videgaray. She is surprised to hear that Rod didn't give him a good grilling. Instead, he only apologized for doubting him. To avoid complicating things, Vid told Rod to talk to Dani. Dani says that's what she wanted all along, but Sofie and Granny put her under a gag order. Now she's worried that Pilar won't be able to take the pressure, and will get sick, and it'll be Dani's fault.

Dan asks Vid what Rod wanted the papers for. Vid tells her that Rod signed over all of the hacienda's production to Ricardo's creditors. Dani is surprised.

Isa and Nuria tell Ricardo he's a free man. He's grateful to Rod, but wonders what Isa had to do to get Rod to agree. Isa tells him it didn't take much - their relationship is much better now, and he doesn't want her to worry about anything. He did it on his own. Ricardo's sad when Isa says they're going back to the hacienda, because her marriage is in danger while she's in the city, just in case Rod runs into Gavi and they clear up their differences. If that happens, even this child won't keep those two apart.

Now Dani tells Granny what Rodrigo did. Dani is worried about the deal, but Pilar tells her things won't happen that way. Dani is impatient with Abuelita for defending Isa. Just then, Dani's choreographer calls and wants her to fly out for a wingding in Puebla. Dani is relieved that she won't be around when Rod shows up asking questions. She blows right past newly-arrived Sofie and Frankie with steam coming out of her ears.

Frankie immediately excuses himself, but eavesdrops as Pilar tells Sofie about Rod's deal. Sofie is shocked that Isa never mentioned that she was going to solicit that level of help from Rod. Oh, duh, Sofie! Pilar admits that she doesn't like this at all. She reminds Sofie of how Isa had wanted half of everything in the divorce. (Frankie continues listening with interest.) Sofie says she's sure Rodrigo's too smart to make a dumb deal, but with a sour face, she thought-bubbles that Isadora's giving Rod the heir they need to secure the Montalvo legacy. And something about screaming abuse in someone's face.

Exhausted from schlepping her big bag o'books around, Gavi stops outside a restaurant and figures, aw what the heck. She goes in. The manager offers her a table, and she launches directly into her sales pitch. He tells her it says right on the front door that they don't allow door-to-door salesfolk there. She tells him she's not that sort of saleswoman - she's selling culture! "I told you no, now get out." But one of the diners invites her to his table for a drink and to tell "us" about the encyclopedias. He orders a waiter to help her with her bag, and she happily follows him to his table. There's a bunch of guys in suits who seem pleased to see her. She eagerly begins her pitch yet again, and they seem to be all ears. Or at least all eyes.

There's one last bit of business at Montalvo Corp for the day: It's that meeting that Elvira was inviting all the other tequila union guys to. Eduardo is there. One of the guys is saying he hopes Rodrigo will take up that subject that they've all been worried about. Eduardo smugly says yes, he surely will. But he's not able to finish his gloating, because Rodrigo arrives. "Nice to see you," Eduardo greets him. "After the meeting, I want to talk to you. About Mariana Franco!"

In my opinion, that's a last line worthy of a Friday - but we need only wait till Wednesday. Sweet!


  • Frankie's not done with Isa yet. Does Sofie notice?
  • Gavi plays a Yahtzee-like game with the besuited dudes. "The things I have to do to sell encyclopedias," she quips.


Tuesday, July 17, 2007

7/16 Juan Querendon: The one where CL and Paula get busy

[Here is Monday's recap a little late...]

In Taxco, Guerrero, Paula and CL are having dinner together. CL tells Paula that he does not want to take her to bed, but to make love to her. She seems to like the idea... She tells him that to make love, you need love and they lack that in their relationship. He says that he is falling in love with her and that she is much more than a conquest. She tells him that she has spent many a night dreaming/thinking about him. [ed. i can't believe what i'm hearing... Pristine Paula waxing romantic with a married man... just like her momma. wow. but, i digress.]

Yadira and her mom are comparing Enrique and Fernando. Yadira is worried that Enrique will cause problems at the party and try to start an arguement with Fernando. Mama Cachon tells her to relax. Yadira says that if anything happens, it is on her head because it is her party.

Yadira joins Fernando at the party and they are getting lovey dovey and it is bothering Enrique immensely. Juan tells Yadira and Fernando that one of them will have to leave the party. Fernando replies that he is not leaving. Juan tells Fern that he will not ruin Nidia's party.

Juan thinks to himself that he has a duty to protect the house and its contents and does not want things between Fernando and Enrique to erupt. Fernando and Enrique exchange menacing glances across the room.

Back at Taxco, Paula tells CL that he has two little problems, 1. he is married and 2. he does not want to fall in love with her. He babbles some stuff about his marriage not being satisfying or something like that. She tells him what kind of love she is looking for. She says that she doesn't want a small portion of love, she wants the real deal. [um, then maybe you might want to try someone who is not married... um, okay, i will ease up on Paula.]

Back at the party, the revelers are dancing the night away. Juan tells Enrique to buck up. Enrique is getting beligerant with Juan and feeling pretty gosh darn bad.

Paula asks CL if he is trying to get her drunk. He says no. She tells him that when she drinks she loses complete control. The topic then turns back to his marriage. She tells him that she doesn't think he will be getting a divorce. She tells him to get some rest, thanks him, and gives him a good night kiss.

The revelers are still having a good time at the party except for Enrique. Nidia thanks her party guests. She gets dramatic and announces her engagement to Alirio. The crowd does a collective gasp. Alirio is over the moon.

Alirio tells her that is the best news he has heard and that if he had wings he would fly. She tells him basta. She tells him that the rules of engagement between them will be specific. She will have control of her money. And he will be in charge of getting her the money. She lays down the law and he agrees.

Paula and CL are in their respective bedrooms thinking about the other. They are having trouble sleeping.

Fernando is bothered by Kike staring at him all night. Yadira tells him to pay him no mind.

Cl knocks on Paula's door...She asks what is her doing there? He says he was having trouble sleeping. He tells her that he is in love with her. She is dubious. She closes the door in his face. And then opens it again and a night of passion ensues.

CL's wifey is also having trouble sleeping so she decides to give him a call at the hotel. Phone rings... no one answers. She leaves a message for him.

Paula is now feeling the pangs of regret as she is laying in bed with CL. She says that he is her boss, he is married, etc., etc., etc. He tells her to give him an opportunity to show her what he feels for her. Her conscious goes out the window as they go for round two...

Enrique and Fernando start arguing. Kike has to stand on a chair to reach Fern...

Marely and Juan are talking about Nidia's upcoming nuptuals. Juan tells Marely that we all have a right to make our own lives. Juan says that Nidia is a vibrant, happy woman and that her and Alirio make a good pair. Marely says that they are still supposed to be in mourning and that her father has not been gone that long. Marely says that she knows that her mother does not love Alirio. Juan then tries to put a move on Marely, touching her hand, stroking her hair and almost confesses his love for her. But, they are interrupted by the fight between Kike and Fernando.

Nidia says that she will not allow fighting in her home. She tells Yadira that its her fault. She says that they are in a civilized home and they will conduct themselves as such.

Juan tells Kike that Yadira is not the only woman in the world and to give her some time and space. "Un clavo saca otro clavo." (i love that saying) Juan tells him to find someone else and have fun. Kike is a big sourpuss and says Y is the only woman for him. (wah, wah...) He tells Juan that he is not like him and that he only needs one woman. Juan tells him that it is better that he found out now rather than later how Yadira is. Enrique tells Juan that he probably does not know what real love is and that true love is having only one person.

Paula flashes back to a conversation she had with her mother about trust. She is having more pangs of regret.

Marely is outside waiting for Juan to return. He looks suprised. She asks how things went with Enrique. He says fine. He asks what happened to the party guests. She says her mother ran everyone off after the fight. Marely thanks him again for all the things he has done for them. Taking care of them after her father died and all his other responsibilites. He feels guilty and decides to tell her the truth. He confesses that he never studied at the university and that he lied to her. He tells her that she was his motivation and that he was trying to impress her. She is visibly upset and tells him that trust is the most important thing and that he is a liar.


Acorralada #128 Monday 7/16/07 - One episode spans an entire year...

The opening scene is Paola's funeral, where Marfil wants to kick Diana and Fiona to the curb, but Paco won't let her. Octavia finally surpises us all by showing some emotion - she even manages to move her face for a truly heartbreaking scene where she cries over Paola's coffin while saying that she won't accept these absurd deaths. Larry and Yolanda pull her away from the coffin and try to comfort her while everyone looks on.

Next, at Lala's place, Lala and Diego discuss how sad it is that Paola is gone, and how upset Pancho will be when he hears the news. Diego mentions how surprises he was to see Octavia fall apart like that, but Lala was not... Octavia lost two children in just a few days.

Meanwhile, at Emilio's place, Diana is telling Maxito about his daddy and his aunt Paola, who are now together in heaven. Her cell phone rings and Max's voice says her name. She asks if it's Max, and if he's alive, but there's a commercial break before we learn whether he responds... After the commercial we hear Diana yelling "bueno" into the phone, but Max says nothing more.

At psycho mansion, Rodrigo mentions to Fedora how odd it was that Gaby didn't attend the funeral, but Fedora dismisses it. She figures Gaby wanted to avoid a fight with Kike, and it's probably better that way. Fedora also mentions how fitting it is that Octavia lost two of her children, considering that it was her fault that Fedora spent most of a lifetime without hers. Now Octavia will feel the same pain.

At the Irazabal rental house, Octavia is pacing around the pool in yet another black halter top sobbing over the death of her children when she suddenly takes her head in hear hands and fall face down into the pool. The scene ends with her floating face down in the pool. When Paco comes to visit Octavia, Yolanda finds her and runs back into the house calling to Paco for help. They both return and Paco pulls her seemingly lifeless body from the pool, then pushes on her chest a few times and she coughs up some water. Octavia's not going down that easily!

Fedora tells Rodrigo that she wants to wait a year before they wed because Diana is depressed over Max's death and she wants to make sure that both of her daughters are present and happy at her wedding. Just as Rodrigo agrees, Caramelo comes to tell Fedora that she and Paco are going on a trip - for a year! Fedora is impactada but tries to hide it from Rodrigo.

Diego shows up at Emilio's place to talk to Diana... he figures that since Max is dead, maybe they can start over. She tells him that will never happen because she'll never forgive him for kidnapping Max, to which he responds that he'll never give her a divorce.

Speaking of divorce, Paco lets Octavia know that he's filed for divorce, and now he's going on a trip with his daughter for a year. He was stupid to marry her, someone who is so worthless. He hates her with all of his heart for hiding his daughter from him.

Emilio is sad to hear that Caramelo's going to Puerto Rico for a year... he admits that since he met her he's been falling in love with her. She tells him that she needs time, and asks him to wait for her.

Diana goes to visit Isabel in jail to see why she poisoned her - was in revenge for the death of Andres? She tells her that it was all for the money. Debora was filled with hate and paid her to do it. Diana tells her that because of it, she will die in jail, but Isabel tells her that someday she will get revenge against both Gaby and Diana for what they've done.

Max tells Paco about his call to Diana, and Paco tells him that it was an unnecessary risk and he shouldn't do it again if he wants his plan to work.

Next we see flashes of life going on... Max lifting weights, Diana working as a nurse, Gaby spies on Larry while his fans surround him on the set of his novela, Pancho is trying to tunnel out of prison, Diana's dating Eduardo and Fiona doesn't look happy to see it, Max lifting weights and daydreaming about Diana, Silvia is dating Jorge (I think), Fedora looks miserable as she daydreams about Paco while Miguelina works on her wedding dress, Kike's beating Gaby, Emilio's missing Caramelo, Ignacio is dating Octavia!!! ICK. Camila is still heartbroken over Max, and finally they celebrate Maxito's first birthday, and talk about Fedora's wedding in just a few days.

Next there's a scene of a tired looking seamstress in Los Angeles receiving a call from her bratty blonde daughter who wants her mom to send more money. The woman promises to send it immediately, then hangs up and talks about how sometimes she feels like her daughter doesn't love her.

Next we see Pedro poolside in Atlanta. Apparently he's recovered his fortune - he's looking quite dapper in his button down shirt and sweater vest. He's reading about the upcoming nuptials of a man who was once his lawyer - Rodrigo Santana. He tells Max - who looks ridiculous with his new facial hair and Elvis sunglasses - that they should go to Miami for the wedding. max asks him who he's marrying and Max is impactado to hear that it's Fedora.

Fedora comes to the hospital to visit Diana and ask her when they're returning to the mansion and to the fabrica. Diana tells her that nursing is her vocation, and that she still needs time before she can move back to the mansion. Fedora tells Diana that although she's tried to forget about Paco, she hasn't, and she doesn't love Rodrigo, which is why she's not excited about the wedding. What's with these women?

In Los Angeles, the mystery woman - Virginia, tells her coworker that her daughter's father is Rodrigo! She never told him that she was pregnant.

Kike catches Gaby watching Larry's telenovela and threatens to beat her with his belt. Max needs to come back and beat the pulp outta Kike!

Speaking of Max's return, he and Pedro are discussing their return to Miami. They plan to attend the wedding - but this time Max will be Alejandro Salvatierra! This should be interesting...


Juan Q 7/17 Right now your low self esteem is just good common sense.

Juan hurt Mareli more than anyone could have guessed, as evidenced by her crying into her pillow. Juan also stays up in his room. He thinks about Mareli calling him a liar and thought bubbles to himself that he’s not a liar; he’s a man in love. Tears almost fall.

The phone rings in Paula’s room. CL tells her not to answer it, but she picks up the handset anyone. It’s Ana, who’s surprised that she was able to reach her daughter. Paula explains that she was up late with a night “exercise.” Ana notices that her daughter is bothered and wants to know why. Paula explains that it’s just that she was sleeping when the phone rang and it woke her up. Like the good mother she is, Ana can tell that’s not the truth. Paula insists that it is the truth. Ana persistently asks if everything is okay. Paula keeps telling her that everything is fine; Paula hangs up the phone without saying good-bye and turns to CL. She doesn’t want him to say a thing.

Ana paces her bedroom, rightfully worried about her conversation with Paula. She apparently saw this coming even though I, faithful novela watchers, was a little blind sided by how quickly CL got his way. Ana picks up her phone and dials the hotel again, but asks for CL’s room this time. Smart woman; I love smart women in novelas! She hangs up before she can find out that there is no answer. Ana thinks to herself that she has to believe in her daughter and that history will not repeat. Okay, smart but a little naïve as well!

Nidia seductively walks a coffee out to Juan who is faithfully cleaning his car. They discuss the party last night. Juan’s a little distant so Nidia asks him about it. Juan talks about how his day of agony has started. Somehow Nidia shifts the conversation and talks about her marrying Alirio. Juan tells Nidia that Alirio is a good man. Nidia replies that Alirio is not, but Juan is a good man. She begins to stroke Juan’s arm. Juan nervously pulls away. Nidia says it’s not a sin to recognize this and that she’s a good looser. Juan once again insists that she’ll be happy with Alirio. Nidia says she didn’t come to talk about this; she came to talk about her and Juan. She wants him to know that he has a very special place in her heart. She takes the coffee cup from Juan’s hands and shimmies back to the house.

The door between the room is now open! CL makes a bad attempt at small talk by telling Paula that women are great liars. Surprisingly, Paula does not agree with his assessment. CL wants Paula to tell her mother about their relationship, but she refuses. Paula tells CL that their relationship began last night and terminated last night. Me wonders, if this is true, why the door between the rooms is still open. CL thinks they need to talk about this more.

Ladies, the gym shorts are back and this time he dances in them while he washes the car! Mareli shouts out the window that he has a phone call.

Paula and CL find out at the front desk that they’re running late. Before the they can leave the lobby, the front desk lady tells CL that he has a message from his wife who called last night.

Paula hastily exits the room so that CL may speak with his wife. He turns and asks the lady if his wife left him a message. The lady replies that his wife did not, she only called. The lady offers to call CL’s wife, but he refuses the offer and chases after Paula.

Juan speaks on the phone with Pastor. Juan tells Pastor that he’s very busy this Sunday morning doing maintenance on the car. Pastor calls his bluff and says that at most Juan is washing the car. Pastor then makes an odd little aside about liking this because it means that Juan is a neat person and then tells Juan that they will be taking a walk this afternoon. Juan tries to make excuses, but Pastor reminds Juan of his promise. Juan gives in and they make plans to go out at one.

CL chases Paula and they argue. He doesn’t like her attitude; she’s just in a hurry to catch up with the rest of the group.

Nidia makes an announcement that Alirio wants to take the whole family, including Juan, out to eat. Juan begs off saying that at the last minute he was called into the office. Mareli’s laser eyes bore holes into his face. Juan obviously doesn’t want to lie again, but he also doesn’t want to give up his double life. Nidia makes comments about how this is life for an important executive like Juan.

Paula and CL participate in an exercise where they’re placed held together by rope. They are to form a hexagon and whoever is not in the correct alignment is eliminated. Paula and CL immediately argue about how to form the shape.

Jun tries to talk to Mareli, but she doesn’t want any of it. Juan tells her that if she asked, he would explain everything to her mother, but at the same time he doesn’t want to destroy the illusion that Nidia has of him. Mareli makes it perfectly clear that she wants nothing to do with Juan’s life. He takes his leave of her and asks if she’s going out that day. Mareli shows him that she’s looking at the newspaper for a job.

Nidia discovers Juan leaving Mareli’s room. She wants to know what he was doing in there. He tells Nidia that he was getting directions. Nidia warns Juan that there are certain rules that must be followed. He insists that he knows and respects that.

Paula and CL have another battle; this time they do it in front of the entire group. The leader wants them to share about what they learned this weekend. CL thinks that he learned that stupidity is not the only thing without limits. Paula gives a speech about the little man having value and then goes into a tirade about egotistical people. Yawn.

Consuela asks if Monica spoke with CL the night before. Monica explains that she did not; seminars usually keep its participants very busy. The phone rings. Consuela excitedly thinks that it could be CL. He comments that he didn’t know that she was in Mexico. He asks what she’s doing in the house. M – “Making decisions.” This confuses CL, so he repeats the phrase to himself. Monica whips out the kiss of death phrase “We need to talk.” This worries CL. She explains that something happened that will forever change their marriage.

CL wants to have this talk in person. Monica agrees and makes an aside that this is something for which they never waited. She states that she was a little upset that she couldn’t get a hold of him last night. He lies twice to her. First, he says that there was a late night exercise. Second, he tells her that he’s there with Pastor. She wants him to come home, but he begs off by claiming that he doesn’t want to miss the end of the seminar.

Juan greets Pastor and Pastora. Pastor comments that Juan was very punctual. Pastora cuts this compliment in half by saying in her day people ate lunch at eleven, not at one. She, as usual, is dying of hunger. Pastor says that they have to go somewhere first, to a salon for a haircut. Pastora doesn’t understand why Pastor needs a haircut because he’s bald. Pastor explains that the haircut is for Juan. Queue the surprised impactado face!

CL joins Paula for lunch. She wants to know if he called his wife. CL says that he has and that his wife is in Mexico. Queue the pissed off impactado face!

Juan sits in the chair of a hairstylist and thought bubbles to himself that he cannot believe he got to this point. A caveman in a silk shirt approaches Pastor. Pastor shows the caveman Juan. The caveman comments that Juan’s look is very 80’s and out. He approaches the chair, wets down Juan’s already dripping hair and goes in for the cut. Juan leans back in the chair and screams out “Nooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!” I think he doesn’t want the haircut.

CL and Paula have another fight. He still doesn’t like her attitude; he has to return to Mexico to talk to his wife about his “separation.” Paula gets sick of the conversation and stalks off to somewhere.

Juan refuses to have his haircut; he hasn’t cut it since he was fifteen years old and he’s not about to do it now. The men try to explain that they just want to make him look more modern, but Juan won’t buy it. Pastora finally steps in and says that if Juan wants to keep his ugly hair then let him. Pastor interrupts her and says that this is a discussion between men. Pastora, pointing to Pastor and caveman asks, “if that’s so what are you two doing here?” Pastor eventually begins to leave.

Paula runs into her room and cries about her stupidity. Did she honestly think that sleeping with her boss would encourage good feelings?

Monica asks Consuelo to accompany her to the beauty salon. She wants to make herself pretty for CL. Tonight they may be celebrating the arrival of their first son. Yeah, um, that comes nine months and about forty pounds later, Monica!

CL pulls Paula from a team building exercise. She wants him to leave because she thinks that people are figuring out what happened between them. She’s worried because these people know him and know that he’s married. CL says that he doesn’t care and that he couldn’t leave things the way that they were. He couldn’t because he’s in love, in love to the bones. Queue the confused impactado look!

Pastor, Pastora and Juan walk through the mall. Pastor shows Pastora the shoes he bought Juan. Pastor notes that Juan stubbornly wears his boots. Pastor can’t believe that her son was surprised at this. In her opinion, trash will always be trash.

Paula doesn’t believe that CL is really in love. She thinks that it is impossible to fall in love on a whim. CL promises that he is and that he’s going directly to Mexico to ask for a divorce.

Pastora plays a video game with a very large gun. Pastor tells Juan that video games has always been her thing, especially the violent ones. [She excitedly shouts when she kills someone.] Juan says to let her be; when you try to change a person that person is no longer authentic. Pastor explains that he only wanted to change Juan’s exterior. Juan thinks that Pastor has an image of Juan in his head that is not really Juan.

Paula makes it clear that she doesn’t want to be the reason that CL’s marriage ends. CL tells her that she’s not; it ended years ago and this is the first time he had the courage to actually end it. He leans in to kiss her good-bye. She refuses to kiss him, but cries when he leaves.

Ana opens the front door to find Nidia on the other side. Nidia says that she only wants two things. She wants to enter the house and to talk business. Here’s another impactado look, but I’m too tired to think of an adjective for it.

Nidia asks Ana how much money it would take for Ana to leave the country; being close to her husband’s lover makes her uncomfortable. Ana says that she’s not leaving. Ana notes that it appears that Nidia is afraid of something. Nidia denies this. Ana demands that Nidia leave. Nidia repeats that she can offer Ana a lot of money. Ana stands her ground. Nidia walks over to Ana’s painting. Nidia says that she realizes that Ana needs time for her painting, so she’ll leave. Nidia turns to leave and tells Ana to think about it. Ana spins Nidia around and says she will not. Nidia tells Ana that she’ll will be sending Ana a surprise. Ana rolls her eyes.

Nidia complains to Alirio about Ana. Nidia acknowledges that Nidia is no fool and that Ana makes Ana nervous. Alirio tries to reassure Nidia.

Monica greets the caveman. He comments that she’s glowing. She asks him to make her look spectacular. He guesses that she’s meeting with CL. He agrees to make her look super super!

CL drives home and all of his thoughts are on his time with Paula. Meanwhile, Paula sits at the seminar and looks ready to cry. Monica sits at the salon and gets dolled up for her man.

CL walks into his home. Monica comes down the stairs with a new sexy look. She asks about his trip. He quietly says that it was good. She asks for a kiss. He hurriedly gives her a weak kiss. She’s unimpressed so she goes in for the hug. A confused look crosses his face.

We’re treated to a weird shot of the chandelier. CL comments that Monica looks nice. She replies that she did it all for him. The bad pregnant lady takes a sip of her champagne. CL says that all of this is making him nervous. Monica tells him to relax. He says that he also needs her to relax because he has something to tell her. She insists that she go first. CL agrees. Monica tells him that she will not be traveling anymore. He doesn’t understand why, but she explains that she’s bored of that life. Monica makes the announcement that she is pregnant.


Zorro Monday July 16, 2007: Where Olmos has 9 lives and loose lips.

Outside Montero’s cabin hidden in the woods, Santiago faces off with Diego/Zorro and Esmeralda/WIB, both in their respective disguises. SM wants to know the name of the woman with Zorro. Before she can reply, Zorro knocks Santiago down. Meanwhile, a grossly burnt Olmos hops out from the bushes and pulls a gun on WIB. He starts spouting about how Mariangel ruined his life and how he is going to make sure that she pays for what she did to him. Esme asks about her baby and Olmos replies that he should have never given the baby to Mangle. Diego asks SM why he took the child and SM’s only answer is that he thought Mangle wanted to be reunited with her child. He now thinks differently. Olmos is insistent that he’ll be the one to get Mangle, so he takes off to the cabin. Unluckily, Olmos opens the cabin door and the building explodes!!

In the area, close enough to hear the explosion, Monty speculates that Zorro has been blown to bits. Mangle is just ticked; she complains about Monty taking the Queen hostage. She doesn’t like being a fugitive and she tells Monty that he’ll need to get some money for her, she can’t be poor.

Tobias and Pizarro face off. Tobi’s at a disadvantage because he can’t handle a sword and he’s wearing a dress. Piza taunts Tobi, while Cat begs him to not hurt her husband. Tobias tells Cat to let him handle it, because he’d die for her.

After the explosion, Santiago tells Zorro and WIB that Mangle lied to him and that he found out that the baby is really Diego de la Vega and Esmeralda Sanchez’s child. Diego is convinced that no one was inside the cabin, it was a trap.

Tobi and Piza fight. Piza’s about to kill Tobi and Cat shoots him. Piza asks her “why?” Cat doesn’t answer, instead she begs Tobi to forgive her because she never meant to hurt him. Tobi looks upset because his wife has emasculated him again.

Mangle and Monty talk about the baby and how strangely it looks like Diego. Mangle wants to know what they are going to do after this. She wants to use the baby to get money from Diego, but Monty doesn’t seem to like this idea. MA says that Diego would pay a handsome ransom for the child (Note, didn’t they just think that they blew up Zorro and hasn’t Monty been suspecting that Diego is Zorro, so wouldn’t this throw a monkey wrench into their plans?). Meanwhile, the Queen is tied up nearby and overhears their whole plotting. She looks disgusted (as well as you can look disgusted with a rag stuffed in your mouth).

Diego and Esme are out tracking Monty and the kid. Diego says that the river is rising right now (is there a tidal river in LA?). They find a cave and Esme worries that Monty and Mangle will do something to harm the child (ulcer 1). Diego assures her that they think the kid is theirs, so they won’t do anything as long as they think that. The two talk/rehash about how they coped being separated from each other.

Monty proposes that he use the Queen to get a ransom. Mangle says that’s all fine and good except that Sara Kali is the real queen. Monty says he can still demand money for TQ and win or lose it all---if they lose they’ll see each other in Hell. Mangle says that won’t happen because she’s going to take care of him and he can take care of her. Monty thinks this is almost like a wedding ceremony, but Mangle points out that there isn’t love between them, just lust. She says that as long as they are together, the lust will continue. She adds that nothing, not even death, will keep them apart. The Queen is still forced to listen to this and seems way too interested in watching them paw at each other.

Alejandro and his merry men are hot on Monty’s trail and discover the exploded cabin. Alej splits the men into three groups and tells them if anyone spots Monty they’re to send someone to gather the other two groups of men before they attack. Alej tells one of the men to search the building for survivors. Once Alej rides away the soldier says why bother, no one could have survived that fire. He walks away and we, the audience, can see Olmos stumbling out of the building.

Sara Kali is hiding with the gypsies and she’s worried about her prima, the Queen (ulcer 2). They decide to break camp.

Ana Camila/NAC tells Renzo that she intends to leave the gypsies. He’s confused because they promised to remain together always as part of their wedding vows. NAC says that with Esme’s return things have changed. Renzo swears to his wife that he loves her and only thinks fondly of Esme. NAC says prove you love me by leaving with me.

Diego and Esme, still in the cave, rehash a whole bunch of stuff: Santiago taking the baby, Esme thinking that Santiago was dead because that’s what Mangle told her, Santiago asking Diego for money. Diego says if anything were to happen, he’d blame himself. However, he assures his love that nothing will most likely happen to the baby because Mangle and Monty think it is their child.

The river is down, so Esme and Diego start up their search (there was a shot of them running out of the cave together that just made me laugh—reminiscent of Batman and Robin). In their search, they find arrows and a note from the Amazons; the women warriors are helping lead them to Monty and the kid. What good fortune!!

Padre Tomás meets with the cloaked men. He tells them the time is now to help Zorro. They agree.

Mangle takes Monty and the crew to Olmos’s house. She tells Monty how Olmos stole money from her dad to get the place and most likely planned on taking her there when he drugged her. Monty is concerned that Olmos will find them, but Mangle assures her lover that she most likely killed Olmos when she set him on fire and stabbed him with a jagged piece of glass.

Olmos, a little more charred than before-- but still wearing clothing that shows no signs of going through not only one, but two fires-- finds Gerardo. They rehash about Piza and Tobi (Gerardo was there trying to get them out of town). Gerry tells Olmos that Piza’s body is missing (this means he’s not dead, I’ve watched enough Zorro to know this is the case, and really no one seems able to die on this show---well except for Miguel, Leroy, Auggie and several other minor characters that Piza or Monty had killed), so they better get to the boat and get out of town. Olmos says he’s got work to finish here and wants Gerry to drop him off at some place (could it be his mystery house out in the middle of nowhere, currently the hide out for Mangle and Monty?).

Monty tries to entertain the Queen with a little piano music and some food. He wants to make a deal: money for her freedom and also a free passage to a safe country. TQ says there is no way she’ll agree to this. Monty threatens her and she tells him that she’s been trained since she was little to expect threats on her life. Monty muses that perhaps Sara Kali might be interested in making an agreement to free her cousin. TQ tells him that the only way out of this mess is for him to take some responsibility and accept the consequences for his actions (not going to happen).

Gerardo gets Olmos to his house. Olmos tells his underling to take off and try to make it to the boat before it sails. Olmos spots Mangle and Monty getting all kissy face on the veranda of the home. Once Mangle is alone, Olmos sneaks up behind her and starts to choke her.

Dolores, Almudena, and Maria Pia rehash about the following subjects: Esme is alive, Monty kidnapped the Queen, Santiago took the baby, and Alej and Diego have gone off in search of Monty and the baby. Dena asks MP about Fernando. MP offers up her own rehash and fills Dena in on the happenings with her brother—escaping from prison, getting injured, hiding in the cabin (she fails to mention that she and the monk had a roll in the hay, but good for her to not kiss and tell). Dena is worried about her brother (ulcer 3), but MP assures her that he’s healing. (Have to mention that Maria Pia has some awful roots showing in her hair, it reminds me that I need a touch up).

Olmos chokes Mangle and tells her that he gave her everything and all she did was laugh and make fun of him. He tells MA that her baby died and he switched it with Esme’s baby—that Monty was going to have the baby killed, but he save it. Therefore, he can die in peace, he says, because he helped save an innocent child. Now I know that he’s not going to kill Mangle because armed with this knowledge she’ll be able to wreck more havoc.

Diego and Esme reach the point where the Amazons are no longer able to help them. He tells Esme that they need to hurry; just in case Monty or Mangle figures out that the baby is not theirs (too late on that one, Olmos just spilled the beans to Mangle).

Some of Monty’s goons come out on the veranda and see Olmos choking Mangle. They shoot him in the back and he releases his hold and stumbles away. Just for good measure, another goon shoots Olmos again. Now with two bullets in him, he falls to the ground and has flashbacks to when he and Mangle got together thanks to the vial of love potion.

Maria Pia returns to the cabin and finds Fernando gone. He left a note stating that he is going to fix things.

Mangle tells Monty what happened with Olmos and that the baby isn’t theirs. Monty seems upset and mutters that Pizarro betrayed him (has he forgotten that Esmeralda is still alive, and Piza supposedly brought Monty her heart, I guess so). Monty tells Mangle that he never wants to see the child again. She tells him to slow down, that baby is worth beaucoup. She’s sure that Diego would give up his entire fortune for the child (except, if Diego is Zorro then he should have died in the cabin explosion---little details, little details).

Pizarro staggers into Agapito’s shop (?). Immediately Pito wants the chisme and asks if Zorro did this to him. Piza passes out or dies---but knowing how people never seem to die on this show, I’m going out on a limb and saying he passed out (for the time being).

Diego and Esme discuss hearing shots fired, but they can’t figure out from where they came. Just then, Olmos crawls out of the bushes (not dead yet, has he made a pact with the devil, this guy's got to have 9 lives--he's been stabbed, burnt twice, and now shot twice) and tells them that he can tell them where to find Monty and the kid.


Duelo-Monday 7/16 - El Gran Finale-The sun'll come out tomorrow but I will hate Thelma forever and ever amen!

OK folks, it's been a long bumpy road from the night our dopey protagonists fell in love in Cancun, Quintana Roo lo so many years ago until tonight, el gran finale. I'll tell you right now that Tonki the wonder dog does NOT make an apppearance tonight, lending credence to the theory that he has most likely already moved on to bigger and better things. Either that or he so overshadowed the other characters they forced him to be written out of the script. But enough whining about missing the Tonkster...on with the show!!!

Thelma tells Emilio that it's all his fault she prowled the Devil's Cave looking like a skank, got drunk, passed out, boinked the hunky busboy, got pregnant, lied about the baby's father, and tricked Emilio into marrying her. She promises she will kill somebody.

In the cabaña Luba tells Alina "...and that is the secret of The Cofre." Well hell, we didn't get to hear the damn secret! But since Alina is still in the cabin sitting upright I guess it's not lutefisk like I predicted. Luba says she was a coward for never telling DonLoco. Alina vows to deliver The Cofre to her father even though it's going to hurt him to know its secret.

Singing Auntie Rebecca is on her knees wailing to God to forgive her for not reporting Thelma. She's got the volume turned up to 11 if you know what I mean. She cries that it's her fault so many people have suffered and now jail awaits Thelma in Puebla. She turns her attention to the baby and asks him to forgive her for renouncing his mama but his papa has a right to know his son. She turns on the waterworks full blast before rushing out of the room.

Back in the cabaña Luba tells a sulking Gaspar not to cry. He weeps that Capitan Valtierra doesn't believe his cachorrito (little cub) is his. Luba tells him to believe her, tomorrow is another day and things will be more clear. She promises. She puts him to bed, boots and all, and gives him a kiss. What is it with everybody going to bed with their shoes on in this show?

Next morning, Sierra Escondida - Elias the Human Piñata asks Emilio if he has any idea where Alvaro might be hiding. "Montellano knows the caves well," Emilio astutely observes. Emilio, Vargas, Elias and a couple of other agents decide to search for DonLoco in the zone of caves. Alina tries to go with them but Emilio informs her that the capture of DonLoco will be too dangerous for her to attend. "I want to go!" "You can't go!" Naturally she aquiesces because she's a mindless turnip. "Find my mama," she begs before kissing him goodby.

Thelma tells Singing Auntie that Emilio knows the entire truth. SA tells Thelma the he left early with some guys because DonLoco kidnapped Soledad. That information doesn't interest Thelma, all she cares about is her son. She swears that nobody will take him from her. SA nods her head hopefully, "I'll bring the baby so you can be with it." Maybe she figures this will be Thelma's last chance to hold the baby before they haul her butt off to jail.

Soledad sleeps on the floor of the cave. The camera goes to a closeup of her hand clutching a fistful of dirt and rocks. When DonLoco tries to wake her she throws it in his face and escapes. He grabs his gun, pauses, then drops it on the ground. He follows her outside calling her name.

Back at La Rinconada Vera is sucking up big time to Alina, trying to explain exactly why she almost burned Luba alive. It wasn't against Luba personally, it was because of what Vera thought she did. Yes folks, Vera really said that, she's working hard to keep her job. Alina, preoccupied, tells Vera to forget it, she's more worried about her mom right now. The padre (the new one) shows up because he has something to tell Alina. Last night her dad came to the church dragging Soledad along and forced the padre to renew their vows. "No puede ser!" exclaims Alina, "my father keeps getting crazier." The padre tells her they headed for the highlands. Alina runs out leaving the padre and Vera behind.

SA goes into the bedroom to check on the baby. She is impacted to see an empty spot where the baby should be.

Alina is on horseback and gallops full speed through the countryside. She screams for her mama at the top of her lungs. I guess she's not in stealth mode.

SA runs into Thelma's room to tell her the baby is gone, somebody took him! Thelma is muy impactada. She and SA head toward the baby's room when whom should they meet in the hallway but Luba. Thelma demands to know where Gaspar is. Luba screams she doesn't know. They have a mini shriek-and-slap fest before Thelma runs on. SA tells Luba the baby is missing and that Thelma thinks Gaspar stole him. "Gaspar, what have you done?" asks Luba.

Orlando comes downstairs and tells Vera he's on his way out of town. He did what he came to do, to tell Emilio his big news. He says this all important-like, somehow forgetting he was far from the first person to break the news to Emilio. Vera's still on the apology rounds and covering all the bases. She asks Orlando to forgive her for threatening him. He tells her to ask God for forgiveness, and hey, here's the padre! (Heh, heh, one last good wisecrack from the sarcastic Orlando.)

The padre asks Orlando if he's on his way to help in the search. Orlando tells him no, all the guys headed off to the zone of caves to capture DonLoco. Uh oh, says the padre, DonLoco's in the highlands, not the cave zone and he just gave Alina the same information. "Que the hell?!?!" asks Orlando, "Alina's alive?" Vera smiles broadly, just like when she lit the twigs under Luba's feet. They should watch out for that one, she's scary. She confirms that Alina is alive. The padre tells Orlando that Alina is searching for her mom alone and is in danger.

The ineffective search party wanders around the countryside looking for DonLoco and Soledad but to no avail. They can't find any tracks and decide to search elsewhere. Emilio surmises that they might be in the highlands. Elias suggests they split up to cover more territory. Just then Orlando rides up with the news that Alina is searching for Soledad on her own...alone!

After the search party leaves Gaspar wanders onto the scene cradling his cachorrito. He holds the baby up, "see, this is Escondidaville. This will be your home and you'll live here with me, your papa." It's a very sweet scene as Gaspar explains to him why the country is superior to the city. He puts his face next to the baby's, "Ay cachorrito, I love you! Mama Luba says you look like me (He does!) but I don't think so; you're too handsome." He gently swings the baby around and plays airplane. I almost cried at this scene, I can be such a sap.

Cut to the ugly viper Thelma angrily saddling her horse. Luba and SA try to stop her but she grabs a knife out of the woodpile and shoves it into her boot. Luba brandishes her own knife but as usual doesn't do anything with it. Thelma gets on the horse and rides off, looking rather stupid on the big horse if you ask me.

Soledad, on the run, hears Alina calling her. She is amazing, still perfectly coiffed and put together after her night in the cave.

Soledad trips for no apparent reason. Alina jumps off her horse and, ever observant, asks her, "you escaped from my papa?" Soledad suggests they beat feet out of there fast.

The commercial break informs us that tonight's Cristina show is about "coming out of the closet". No Duelo cast? What gives?

Back to the action, Alina whips out the huge cofre and starts looking around. Soledad freaks, "What are you doing? We have to get out of here!" Alina tells her she has to give this thing to her father, Luba gave it to her. Soledad is dying to know what's inside but she's even more eager to split from the area; they are in danger. Alina, whose stupidity is limitless, asks "Do you really think he would hurt me?" Soledad finally convinces Alina to put the damn cofre on a nearby rock. DonLoco is in a bad mental way and they need to get the hell outta there! Alina perches it on the rock.

Angel comforts Claudia at what is obviously her mother's funeral; the Coral clan is standing around in black. Claudia asks Angel to never leave her. Angel answers it may not be the best time but he wants to assure her that they can always be together. He takes her hand, "Claudia, will you marry me?" Angel's making up for lost time.

DonLoco walks from behind a tree and sees Soledad on the horse. Alina peeps out from behind her mother, "Papa?" DonLoco is muy impactado, "Alina, you're alive!"

Gaspar sits by the river singing a lullaby to his son. The baby gurgles contentedly, so far he's having a great day in the big outdoors. Baby cries a little and papa promises to take care of him.

Poor DonLoco thinks he's hallucinating for sure. This is obviously going to be Sergio Goyri's big scene. Alina tells him it's really her. He approaches her, "you're so beautiful, so alive," but then he pulls back, refusing to believe his eyes. His head must be playing tricks on him. He drops to his knees and weeps "daughter, daughter" as he holds out his arms to her. Alina drops down next to him and sobs "It's I, Alina, your daughter." She gives a quickie explanation, she pretended to be dead to escape his clutches. He thanks God and they embrace.

Soledad, watching, gasps, "you're all better!" "Better than ever," he responds, "God has pardoned me by returning my daughter to me." He admits that he was sick and unable to think clearly. Now he is determined to find a cure for his madness. Soledad is still anxious to get him to the authorities for "necessary medical help". I don't blame her for being nervous.

Suddenly DonLoco spies The Cofre on the rock. Alina has second thoughts; maybe now is not such a good time after all. He knows something lies within...something he should know. He opens The Cofre as the background chorus reaches a crescendo.

Claudia starts to cry and Angel gets worried. Maybe her ma's funeral wasn't the best place to propose. "No stupid," she laughs, "I'm crying because at last my future is looking good. Yes I'll marry you." They kiss. Good, that's one plot line wrapped up.

Alvaro pulls an old letter out of The Cofre. It's from his dead mother. Her voice reads the letter to him..."Son, you must know the truth. You are not the son of Alvaro, your true father is Justin, the foreman who worked for us. Here is a photo so you can know him and one day look for him and tell him who you are. Please understand that I had to keep this quiet so you wouldn't have the shame of being a BASTARDO!"

Alvaro commences with much angst and gnashing of teeth. How could he have been such a jerk to Alina, calling her an illegitimate bastard when in reality HE was the true bastard? "I am the son of a nobody, not a Montellano, I'm worse than a nobody, I'm a damn bastard!" Yes, I know this whole cofre crapola is a bit of a letdown, but surely we knew it wasn't going to better than this, right? Where's the cocolbosh when you need it?

Luba and SA are in Ifigenio's carriage headed out after Thelma. Luba has one of her premonitions and it's a really bad one.

Evil Thelma sees Gaspar down by the river holding his son. She screams his name. He screams back at her, "Muñequita, go away!" She starts to climb down the hillside, choosing to climb down inside the waterfall instead of the embankment, the silly cow.

DonLoco starts to lose it, he accuses God of playing a dirty trick on him. Soledad's like a terrier with a sock, she still wants to get the authorities so they can "help" DonLoco.

DonLoco sees his decomposing father, or the guy he thought was dad. "You're not my son, not my blood, you're a bastard," the gory hallucination yells. DonLoco begs his father not to deny him, he loves him. Basically he says all the crap that Alina used to say to him so this is supposed to be divine retribution. "He's going to have a crisis," warns Soledad. She and Alina start to run away for real this time but are stopped in their tracks by a large jaguar.

Emilio and Vargas have returned to La Rinconada for some reason. Vera tells them that the baby went missing, Thelma left like a crazy woman to hunt down Gaspar, and Luba and SA followed in Ifigenio's carriage.

Gaspar yells at his muñequita to not come down via the waterfall, it's too dangerous. She slips and plunges into the river. The baby cries and Gaspar yells "no, no!" He puts the baby down on the rock (Really, not the best place to put a baby!) and jumps in after Thelma who is face down in the river.

Luckily, SA, Luba and Iffy run onto the rock and retrieve the baby. Meanwhile Gaspar has gotten ahold of the odious Thelma to the great relief of her Singing Auntie who thanks God. The ungrateful Thelma thanks Gaspar by pulling the knife from her boot and plunging it deep into Gaspar's heart. His eyes grow wide in disbelief but his grip tightens on Thelma. He rolls back into the water, bleeding, dead.

As the water turns red Gaspar and Thelma float away. Luba hears her son's voice as if in a dream, "Mama, take care of my cachorrito...Mama..!" SA hands Luba her little grandson. Luba, holding the baby, begs Gaspar not to go, not to leave her. "I'd go with you but you left me your heart," she wails, looking down at the baby. She lets out a few world-class yells until she is drowned out by the chorus.

Gaspar floats down the river holding his muñequita tightly to his chest. They are both face up, eyes closed and serene, together at last for all eternity. Or at least until they part at the crossroads where Gaspar will go up to heaven and Thelma will most assuredly burn in hell. Die bitch die!!! Sorry, I needed to get that off my chest.

The vicious jaguar threatens Soledad and Alina. DonLoco leaps between the women and this feline danger and shouts to attract the cat's attention. "Me, me," he yells, then starts to run, the jaguar loping after him. I think he meant for Soledad and Alina to run away but they seem to be following the cat. They're both pretty stupid.

DonLoco climbs up a tree while the jaguar patiently waits for him to get out of reach before pawing at the air. But whoops! DonLoco's branch breaks and he falls to the ground. Kitty licks his lips and goes in for the kill. Its jaws are clamped on DonLoco's throat, suddenly a knife flashes held by DonLoco's bloody hand and stabs the cat again and again.

Next we see Soledad and Alina running toward DonLoco. He's bleeding out from his jugular and doesn't have much time. Alina screams "papa" as he keels over. "Forgive me my love, forgive me," he begs as the life oozes out of him. Soledad and Alina are in hysterics at this point but it's too late, DonLoco's lifeless eyes stare up at the sky as the omnipresent chorus sings it's final "Amen..."

Enough of the blood and gore. This telenovela will end as they all should (and most do), with a lavish wedding!

Puebla - The wedding march plays, all our characters wait expectantly in the pews, Luba coos to her grandson, Elias the Human Piñata has finally snagged Soledad, Doctora Loca sits snugly between Rodrigo and Gaby (blech!), Angel proudly sits next to his babe wife Claudia, and Alina and Emilio kneel before the altar. Alina, who has been looking kind of gross lately looks fabulous right now. Emilio looks great in his dress whites and even his single expression becomes him. They exchange rings, a not-too-sloppy kiss, then turn to smile at us.

After the wedding Luba, holding the baby, pays a private visit to the Virgencita. She asks the Virgencita to tell Gaspar that her soul is with him. She'll take care of his cachorrito until she comes to join him. Tell Gaspar that she misses him mucho mucho mucho but he is still here in her Gaspar chiquito, her cachorrito. (Looks like she changed his name from Emilio and who can blame her?) We hear Gaspar singing his lullaby.

But wait there's more! Why end now when they can drag this thing out for another ten minutes or so?
Alina is in a hospital bed. She's in labor and Emilio tries to calm her. In the midst of a contraction they profess their love for each other and kiss. "Thanks for making me a dad," he says. Soledad and her gal pals pace outside the room.

The camera shows the clock which means a long time has passed. I guess it's a difficult delivery. The doctor comes out to the waiting room looking very serious. He needs to talk to Emilio and Soledad. Suspenseful music plays.

Cripes, they've gotta be kidding...the doctor says Emilio must choose between the life of his wife or the life of his child. "No puede ser!" moans Soledad. Emilio can't decide. He gets a look of consternation on his face. The doctor tells him that Alina wants to see him.

Alina is about to go into surgery. Emilio is by her side. He tells her he cannot accept their rotten luck. Alina says she already made the decision so he won't have to. She can't sacrifice the life of their daughter for her own. She tells Emilio that when she sees her daughter's smile it will make him think of her. She'll never forget how noble he is. (She's got a short memory!) Emilio looks well and truly constipated now, he's pulling out all the stops. More sobbing and violins. The OR staff wheels Alina away.

Emilio sobs in the waiting room. He hears the cry of a newborn. "Alina, goodbye my love," he whispers.

Cancun, Quintana Roo - A little girl and little boyfrolic in the water. They run up to Emilio in a hammock, "papa, papa, where's ma?" The three of them run to a chaise on the beach. It's Alina and she's busting out of her bikini top just like old times! What happened..?
Cut back to the operating room where Alina apparently had another visitor, the Virgencita. Alina's pregnant belly gets kind of glowy and the Virgencita tells her that she'll see the sun rise at dawn. OK, so I guess the Virgencita handed out another miracle. She saved Alina but she couldn't save Gaspar? I don't mean to be a sourpuss but that kind of pisses me off, it's really unfair. But I digress...

We're back in Cancun and the present. Emilio sends the kids off to play. The little boy tells his sister that he loves her, she looks just like a muñequita. (Eh? That kind of creeps me out.) The little boy chirps, "Sing papa Emilio, sing."
Emilio and Alina engage in some boring sweet talk. He says her eyes are more beautiful than the sea yada yada, then he serenades her throughout the remainder of their vacation, " and forever I want to forget your past pain, to share only the serene hours of your heart...and wake up sweetly in the dawn of a new life, full of love."


Even though Duelo was a silly telenovela I must admit I enjoyed it. The hero and heroines were boring and stupid but the supporting cast had some absolutely unforgettable performances. I really enjoyed being a part of the Duelo recapping team and I want to thank the many readers and commenters who shared their insights and opinions with us and who took the time to read our recaps. I hope to see some of you over at Juan Querendon (my current recapping gig) or perhaps at some of the other telenovelas.
I'll post the last Duelo vocabulary list in the next day or so.

OUR BELOVED GASPAR, R.I.P. You were my favorite.


Destilando Amor 07/16/07 "Excuseme por el Jacuzzime"

We begin with Rod telling Isa how he has to run back to DF to help out her Padre, with a get out of jail free card and also go to the Tequila meeting. Isa whines a bit and easily manipulates "Mi Amor" to let her tag along on the trip. She convinces Rod by telling him, her Doctor said she should live her life as normal. Hmmm, like did he specify, keep having sex your BabyDaddy oh yes and keep lying to your NotBabyDaddy Husband? When he agrees she actually calls him BonBon and yes I am forced to go pour myself a glass of Tequila. Heads up, Rod says there is a problem with the Tequila and it has something to do with the United States…For the love of Gawd, I certainly hope this doesn’t mean they are going to cut off my personal supply!!!! Rod calls that stellar example of a 1950’s single gal secretary Elvira to make their travel arrangements.

Meanwhile over in DF, that Scarlet Woman, Gavi is having a sit down in a Restaurant with her ole buddy Eduardo Zaldívar. He is telling her the gossip from Montvalo…They say Gavi stole funds from the company. Gavi is muy impacted!!! How dare they say I stole! He tries to calm her down. Zaldívar says this is Minnie because of Gavi’s involvement with Aaron, Gavi denies involvement with Aaron, but does admit a history with Rod, dating back before he was married. Things did not work out well. Gavi gets up and leaves with her lil suitcase of Encyclopedias. Zaldívar gets a phone call from Elvira inviting him to a meeting with Rod. Eduardo says he will attend.

Over at Dry Gulch Acres, Acacia is wandering around with her dirty bloody hands; wiping them on her white clothes. She says you’ll never hit me again and God may forgive your sins, but I never will. She is totally channeling Wednesday Addams.

Now over to Montvalo; Rod is telling Isa (by phone that they are invited to dinner at Granny’s)…Rod runs into Bruno, who is thrilled to see him…Poor Bruno has so much work. He is so happy Rod & Isa are back together. Rod takes a stroll down memory lane and creeps into Gavi’s old office, we get some Gavi flashbacks via Rod’s mental GaviVision…Rod is forced to do his "contract every episode required" obligatory crying scene…this time in her old office.

Commercial: Oh good another Amor Sin Limites….Awesome looks like some chick tries to shoot Rene Strickler, bring it on…

It is now evening in DF and we are taken to Granny Pilar’s Museum of Manners. Sofie is telling Granny everything is cool with the "House of Lies", everyone has told regarding Gavi as long as she stays MIA. Sofie is wearing a fine "Tammy Tell Me True", lovely dress. Gawd, Sofie is just such a tool. Granny says was Frankie invited to dinner? He would, but he is out investigating jobs. Granny says what a fine young man Frankie is and Sofie agrees.
Gavi arrives home in one of the famous Mexico DF, Green & White VW Taxi’s…Frankie is right there. Okay I get it, he is now renting the Stalker Parking Place…He is all "No Puede Ser" Jennifer. He asks her to dinner. She declines, oh no he pulls the magician hands & looks like she is gonna run up and change & he says he’ll wait….

Long shot of Miami
Aaron is on the phone discussing the closing of the New York Stock Exchange, he is buying and selling and Aaron is very, very tense. Oh here comes Pam in her normal attire, a bathrobe…they cross the room and she starts stripping off Aaron’s clothes, there are clothes all over the floor.

We hear the voice of Minnie, "Aaron, Aaron", downstairs the maid is carrying freshly folded towels, she has that "Que the Hell" look as she tells Minnie, Aaron is upstairs. Damn you know the maid is thinking, "Oh No, were am I gonna get another gig, that all I do is wash & fold towels for a water addicted crazy lady?"

Like all evil witches, Minnie sees the trail, lil Hansel & Gretal left to the Jacuzzi. Damn now I feel sorry for Minnie, cause the door is closed and she does this kind of scared kid, backs into a corner thing, before she actually opens the door. The door slowly opens and well there is no getting out of this one. They are all over each other in the Jacuzzi, while holding champagne glasses. ****That drives me crazy when they show people frolicking in tubs or pools while holding glass, Hello have we learned nothing?****

Anyway Aaron sees Minnie and kinda does this Muy Impacted mini seizure thing (like she tossed the blow dryer in)…Pam looks up and for all the world she looks like a twenty dollar hooker who just got caught with the Senator. Minnie is pissed and she runs out. The maid is standing up there taking it all in. Which I don’t want to lie to you people, I’d seriously be doing the same thing. That is one of those stories that only gets better with the retelling. Pam is running after Aaron yelling "Where are you going?"

I gotta say, I tried to like Pam, but now I am sure she only calls Aaron, Bichi cause when she says Aaron, it probably comes out like Airwon, in a cute baby lisp.

Aaron chases Minnie, wearing only a big freshly clean fluffy white towel…She is pissed and tells AssHat Aaron, she is sending his happy ass to jail, for cheating the company and Rod and just being a RatBastard in General. Aaron is trying to do one of those, honey…baby…are you gonna believe me or your lyin eyes, SMACK…SMACK, she smacks him across the face with one hand then the other. It is truly a work of art, cause he is using his hands to hold up the towel and can’t even try to deflect. I must say Pilar did instill manners. Minnie runs off again. I want her to run into Horatio (David "I never go out in the sun" Curaso), screw him and talk Horatio into planting some coke on Pam, but hey that’s just me.

Frankie is still hanging around waiting for Gavi, she is spewing venom against the Montalvos. She wants to go with Frankie cause she is kinda interested in the whole future fortune telling thing.

Aaron is like one blood vessel from a serious stoke, find the keys, this guy is quite the charmer, Pammy looks all, oh how could this happen? Gee who knows, that Minnie must be like telepathic.

Minnie is standing in what looks to be some rich persons backyard against a pillar (probably left from some old plantation home) and sobbing, "Por Que Aaron?" I hope she knows Florida is "a right to pack heat state" and the owner is gonna shoot her if she doesn’t shut up and move on. Now IMO the answer to your question Minnie, would be because you are all terribly flawed human beings, but that is just my opinion.

Sofie and Isa are sitting on Grannies couch. Isa is telling Sofie, "Rod is wonderful, so attentive." I am waiting for Gigdet to say "Swell".
Dani comes in with Elvis and gives the big congrats to Sofie. Isa unlike Rod is not so easily fooled and questions Sofie. Sofie tells the whole story of how young Nancy Drew broke the case of "Singing Amante". Oooppps oh no is this gonna make trouble for me and my little bast..I mean Varon? No Sofie says as long as Gavi remains in hiding; everything is cool. (This is a very loose translation as Sofie is not even aware there is such a word as cool)

Finally Gavi comes down and she and Frankie take off in his red borrowed car. Frankie tries to impress her with Opera Music, but no a coal miner’s daughter at heart, Gavi opts for Norteno. Frankie has some & he and Ellie Mae ride happily.

Granny comes in and asks again about Frankie, the demure Sofie giggles and says he can’t come. Isa looks peeved at Frankie’s name, it is probably cause that kid is doing flip-flops thing it’s Pater is gonna appear, cause it ain’t feeling no connection to Rod. Sofie giggles yet again and tells Isa that Frankie has Grannies heart. Isa has a "I can one up that" look.

Rod finally shows up and has good news about Isa’s dad. He goes off to talk to Dani and Sofie asks about Isa’s dad. Once again Isa says how freeking awesome Rod is. I wondered if Sofie asked cause Isa had hit her up for money to help out dad, but of course Sofie declined.

Rod tries to question Dani about the weird phone a couple of days earlier, but Pilar calls them for dinner. Dani tells him it was nothing. Rod has a look like "Que?", but false alarm it was another misfiring synapses.

Aaron is on the phone and saying Minnie came to Miami and was BSC, (I am guessing that must be Mommy on the phone) Pam tries to comfort Aaron. He says he needs peace, Pammy who is now wearing a different robe (cause god knows a girl has to keep a guy guessing so he won’t get bored). Pam wisely tells him it is not going to be easy.

Over in DF Frankie & Gavi are in the restaurant drinking wine and he is doing the "70’s show", what’s your sign? Next will be "Cause you are one bitchin babe with a groovy personality". Gavi finally tells him she is a Scorpio and he says all the traits. In conversation he tells her that he can hook her up with a job at Montalvo. Gavi takes off for the bano, really to make a quick exit as Frankie, sits and thinks how much he likes her and how interesting she is compared to that simple minded Sofie, yep Frankie knows what a dullard Sofie is.

Isa excuses herself from the dinner table and Rod tells Granny he needs her to get his papers from Videgaray the traitor. Dani just sits there stone-faced. Granny fesses up that Videgaray did not betray Rod. She tells the story of the singing Amante & how Aaron investigated. Once again Rod is muy impacted or as muy impacted as Rod can be. He leaves and Dani gives them the evil eye. They still say there is no reason to tell the rest of the story (like Gavi isn’t really a whore and didn’t take the check). After all they need to watch out for Frankie’s Mom’s lil grandson.

Now then at Dry Gulch Acres, James pulls up and goes up to knock on the door, when he hears Acacia, he turns around and she is standing there in a long white dress…yep she was bringing the creep factor, I so expected a dog to howl. James asked her to marry, she said yes, but she has crazy eyes. She told him Meliton was on a trip and would be back in 15 days. James cause he too is a dumb ass, bought it. Yes indeed that is the first thing I thought when I saw Meliton, now there is a man who likes to travel.

And in conclusion to an evening of sex and lies, Dani was on the phone with Videgaray, while Sofie and Granny listened. She told him not to reveal to Rod all the info they uncovered. She then gave the look of disgust to her family members.


7/16 Juan Querendon

Hi Juan Querendon fans... I will be posting Monday's recap tomorrow. I am a little behind on some things but I promise, a full recap is coming!


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