Sunday, August 26, 2007

Amar #28 Friday August 24 - Mo is getting more evil and less nice

The show starts with Diego picking up Diego, Roommate, and Gaspar the fabulous designer from LA, he wants to take them out to get some nice dinner. Roommate is worried about something to wear, Gaspar the fabulous says he’ll fix him up.

Mo interrupts Andres and Leo’s getting busy (BLEAH) to rip Andres a new one, as 5ft detailed yesterday. Mo threatens to put them both out on the street if they don’t get their acts together. Something is up with Leo, I think she may be a victim of a bad facelift or something. She looks like a mannequin come to life. Something is just off there.

GSD talks to Arnaldo. Arnaldo says maybe he and Azul haven’t been very fair with GSD and Ines. GSD talks about leaving Ines, maybe he’d be happier, he still has this great job, etc. Arnaldo tries to dissuade him, not sure why. GSD says he’s not too old to find another woman, right? Well well well. He has shared lusty glances twice with hoochie-clothed Emilia and he’s already planning to dump his 15 year girlfriend for her. Emilia is the hotter of the two and so far Ines is far bitchier, so based on that I see where he’s coming from, but his problems with Ines at the moment are entirely his own fault, so I don’t know what to think here. Arnaldo still tries to tell him that he should stay with Ines. GSD says he’s just soooo tired. Arnaldo says GSD is just tired from keeping everything inside, he’ll be ok. He kept repeating “vas a estar bien” over and over, it reminded me of Robin Williams telling Matt Damon “It’s not your fault.”

Andres is back in his suit now, he’s pulling a suitcase behind him. Leo unfortunately is still in her bedwear. She wants him to stay, now isn’t a good time to take a vacation, he isn’t in the right frame of mind. He says it isn’t a vacation, he’s leaving for good. Mo doesn’t trust him the same way any more. She tries to tell him things will be ok, Diego and Azul will be gone, Andres says no way, they aren’t going anywhere. Leo tries to calm him down, but Andres says Mo told them on the first day, if they fail they are gone, and he failed. Leo starts fussing about what she’s going to do without him. She starts crying and all that, they start to make out but he pulls away and says please don’t make this harder. She wants to be with him, he says they’ll always be together. Whatever that means.

Arnaldo reports to Azul on his discussion with GSD. He tells her that for the first time GSD seemed emotional, Azul asks if GSD was drunk. HA good one Azul. Arnaldo feels like the wall between him and his father is coming down. Azul isn’t ready to forgive just yet, no matter how much Arnaldo says he was nicer and all that.

Abuelo is eating with his roommate and Fabulous Gaspar, Abuelo is worried about Diego. He thinks he’s in over his head, he’s suspicious. DUH. Nobody just walks into that kind of money. Abuelo wants to know what’s up but doesn’t want to ask Diego anything, he doesn’t want to upset him. Gaspar says his boss from back in LA is ready to open his boutique in Mexico, he’s inviting Diego, Mo, Azul, all the people with mucha lana to come to the opening. Then he grins with his cartoonishly huge teeth, I was waiting for him to then take a bite out of the table or something. That grin took me by surprise, it looked like something from a horror movie.

Azul comes to see Mo in his office, Leo follows soon after with coffee, everyone is nervous. Leo says she’s fine and slumps out. Mo says she has been like that for a few days since Andres left. Azul asks if Mo fired Andres, he says he left because he failed in something. When Azul asks how he failed, Mo turns ugly in a hurry and snaps at her that it’s nothing important. What a dick.

Diego’s mom calls Mo looking for Diego. She ends up telling Mo thanks and all that for all his help. He says he’s going to send a car to pick them up so they can all have lunch together. After Mo hangs up, Diego arrives, Mo tells him the news. Then Mo says he’s going to show GSD his new workplace. Azul asks isn’t he going to work in the new lab? Mo says no, he has a new place for him. Mo leaves, Azul and Diego are alone again. For the 100th time. Azul looks good with glasses. They discuss how they don’t understand why Mo invited his parents, she goes off to see what Leo is preparing for the meal. Diego’s cell rings, it’s his woman. She is very suspicious of the whole meal thing, he invites her to come and she loses it. She says he just wants to show her off to Azul (why is she mad about that? Before she was mad that he DIDN’T tell Azul about her) and that she can’t go, Mo killed her son. Diego tries to calm her down, but Morticia says he’s in love with Azul and she can’t put up with it and hangs up on him. Diego looks lost. Well, he got himself into this mess, I’m not feeling tons of pity for him.

Mo and GSD meet in the same room that Paco was discovered in. I’m guessing that Mo is about to show him the super secret virus room. Mo puts a document in front of GSD, some sort of confidentiality agreement. GSD wants to know what’s going on, all he sees is a reception area and a door, what is this business that is going on anyway? Mo says to sign the paper and then he’ll know everything. GSD signs the paper without reading it. Mo opens up his little laptop and dramatically puts in the code to open the door.

Morticia whines to Gloria about Diego and Azul. Then she whines about what she’ll do if she loses him. Gloria just tells her everything she wants to hear.

Mo is trying to get Leo to buck up, she just complains about Andres being replaced. Mo says he isn’t trying to replace him. He tells her to do what she has to do, she says she always does. She talks back a little and Mo snaps back at her to do what he orders. Then he kisses her on the cheek and leaves.

Gloria wants to take Morticia out to Garibaldi (someone explain to me better what that is, my wife says it’s an area of Mexico with lots of Mariachi, but it’s not a nice place) but Miss Gloomy doesn’t want to go. Eventually she agrees to go but only if she doesn’t have to sing. Gloria starts singing, it’s better than Singing Aunt from Duelo, thank God.

Diego’s parents arrive at Casa Malicia. They are impressed with the house. Diego’s mom tells Mo that Diego’s girlfriend was going to come but something came up. Mo says “I didn’t know you had a girlfriend, did you finally work it out with that girl of yoru dreams?” Diego and Azul just “um uh” and they move on. Diego hints that he argued with Morticia but doesn’t want to talk about it. Diego and Azul exchange looks while drinks are poured. Diego finally says that his girlfriend is not the same woman that he was dreaming about before, his mom pipes up to say that his girlfriend is sooo awesome. Yeah right. She’s psycho and she went into this with Diego with her eyes CLOSED. She knows he loves someone else and used sex to snare him. Whatever. Clemencia goes on and on about how great she is. Caty shows up, everyone loves her, kids always melt the ice in a room. Clemencia says she’s a teacher for orphans or something, Caty says “for kids with no mom, like me?” Then she says Azul is going to be her mom, more looks between Diego and Azul. Azul says Diego talks about his mom a lot but when she says “what does he say?” Azul has no answer. Somehow Diego and Azul end up alone in the other room and start bickering, Azul wants to know if he fought with his woman and wants to know how she suffered so much, Diego tells her to butt out. Manuel finally comes in to unwittingly break it up. He tells Azul that he wishes Lidia could have come, but she’s having a bad time now. Everyone else enters the room and they start talking about Lidia and Paco, then about how Paco is missing. Mo and Leo listen intently. Diego’s parents say how it is strange that Paco hasn’t even contacted Diego, they were best friends since they were kids. Diego says yes, he can’t believe he hasn’t heard from him. Manuel says he didn’t like Paco for his daughter anyway. He turns to Mo and says when Caty is older he’ll understand. Mo nervously drops his glass on the ground, it shatters. He looks quite discombobulated. He obviously didn’t realize Paco’s relationship to everyone. Leo calls the maid to clean up. Azul tries to change the subject by saying Paco is sure to turn up and everyone will be happy. Mo asks Clemencia if she would like to live outside the city,, in this nice air, she says yes, Mo says Diego will surely help her with that sooner or later. Leo whispers in Mo’s ear and Mo excuses himself. Manuel turns to Azul and tells some bad joke about her name, I didn’t catch it. Diego asks why they didn’t name him Azulado? His mom tsks him.

Mo goes into his office to find Piero talking on his cell phone, evidently to Lidia. He is telling her that he’s sure she wants to see him again, then he says that Paco won’t ever come back to her after what he saw. Mo moves quietly so he can overhear the conversation. Piero is conveniently facing away from the door to allow this. I guess Lidia hangs up on him, then he discovers Mo standing there. He tells Mo that it was the dumb girl he was telling him about before. Mo asks her name, Piero says “Lidia Moran.” Ominous music. Piero says he wanted to end it, but he can’t stay away from her. Then almost as an afterthought, he says ‘yeah I know I’m an idiot.’ Mo asks him if her family knows what’s going on, Piero tells him about when Manuel threatened him and when Abuelo caught him feeling Lidia up at the house. He disregards them as immaterial people. Mo listens with interest. He reminds me of Bertha from Heridas here, always filing away information for a later date. Piero changes the subject back to their agreement. Mo says he sent him an e-mail, uh oh Piero says he didn’t check his e-mail. They talk business, Piero wants to know if Mo told him what type of business it’s going to be, Mo says it’s private. Mo asks him to leave by the back door, he’ll explain later. Piero accepts this without question, I would have wondered why.

The meal has ended, now it’s dark out and you can hear crickets. Diego’s parents thank everyone, Mo walks them out. Diego and Azul somehow end up alone AGAIN. Diego wants to know if she’s leaving, she says no, she’s staying because she has things to do tomorrow. He actually asks her if she’s going to sleep with Mo. These two need to grow up. Mo returns, Diego leaves. Mo and Azul agree that Diego’s family is great. She immediately says she’s tired and disappears. Mo looks after her suspiciously, then goes to the lobby of the super secret virus room. He gets a phone call. He tells the other person that tonight no, his girlfriend is there and also he wants a peaceful weekend. He hangs up, then looks at GSD through a camera and tells him that’s enough, go home. GSD wants to stay and work, finally Mo orders him to leave. He heaves a sigh and gets up to leave. I wonder – normally GSD can’t go 30 seconds without a smoke, yet somehow he can work in a sterile environment for an entire night without a smoke break? I don’t buy it.

Diego and parents arrive home, Lidia is there. They explain where they were, at Mo’s house. Lidia says she didn’t find a job, nothing pays enough. Also, Paco hasn’t called. Diego also wonders where the hell Paco is. Clemencia goes on about how wonderful Mo is, Diego walks her off to bed while she chatters on about Leo being so serious, etc. Lidia goes to bed, leaving Diego and his father to drink a couple beers. When they are alone, Manuel says “You’ve got it bad for her, huh?” Diego says “Silvana?” Manuel says “No you idiot, Azul!” He wants to know what’s up with her. Diego says he isn’t saying anything. Manuel prods a bit, Diego finally says there’s something there, but she’s marrying Mo. Manuel says they have to figure out what to do. Diego says Azul can’t decide between them, Manuel says if she marries Mo it will be hard for her to work with Diego. Nothing new here, but it’s strange to hear Manuel suddenly be Diego’s drinking/talking about woman buddy. And Silvana? Diego says he cares about her but doesn’t lover her. Manuel says he better do something now, Silvana is so delicate and he can’t hurt her. Diego says that chasing Azul isn’t really being a traitor to Mo, since Mo hired him for 90,000 pesos per month, minus taxes, minus paying him back, etc. Manuel says this is a good salary, he doesn’t understand. Diego then explains the deal with Burgay, so he doesn’t really work for Mo after all. After explaining that Mo technically can’t fire him, and that the house and everything really belong to Burgay, Manuel says “Damn then take the woman!” Manuel really wants to be a drinking buddy, just listen to him talk. Diego says that he doesn’t want to turn against Mo like that, even if it wouldn’t cost him his job, Mo has been very good to him.

Mo is out at a bar with the same guy who was pressuring him the other day. He’s pressuring him again. Mo says he has certain things that are vital, without them there isn’t any business, kind of issuing a reverse threat. The other guy says “You want me to tell Santoro that? He’ll be here in a couple days.” Mo pales visibly, “Uh when is he coming?” In a couple days, and he wants RESULTS. Mo says he’ll have them and he gets up and leaves.

Gloria brings some bread to Diego’s house early. She kibitzes with Diego’s mom about Diego and Morticia having an argument the day before. Gloria is worried that Silvana will have a regression to her previous extra-gloomy ways. Clemencia says everything will be fine, if they want to be together they’ll be together, if not then no. Gloria says that’s easy for her to say, Diego is sane, but Silvana lost her child and if she loses the love of her life she’ll go nuts again and they’ll all feel guilty. Clemencia says no, and she doesn’t want Gloria coming to her house telling her crap like that. If she is so worried about Morticia, then she should go do something to help her, not come over here and make trouble. Gloria leaves snottily, taking the bread back on her way out.

Azul tells Arnaldo that Diego’s mom was so nice, he laughs and calls her ‘the perfect mother in law.’ (My wife comments that this doesn’t exist, I choose not to take offense. It’s true, nobody is perfect.) Arnaldo teases her some more. The parents are there, and Mo, and nobody suspects anything. She asks him for help, how can she stop feeling what she feels? He doesn’t have any real answer. She says she’s going to talk to Emilia. Arnaldo’s phone rings, he’s getting dramatic news. He says “I didn’t think you would call me again. You’re coming? When? Yes, I think we should talk. Give me your flight number, I’ll pick you up.” This must be the man who broke his heart in Brazil.

Diego arrives at Gloria’s, she testily lets him in. She says Gloria isn’t home, he asks to wait and she says “yes, I’m not going to run you out like your mother did to me.” Diego is surprised to hear this. She tells the story, one-sided of course, leaving out all the fine points. Diego says that the thing with Diego and Silvana is their own problem, Gloria says it’s her problem too. Gloria basically orders him to make nice with Silvana, he says he’ll be with her because he wants to, not because she orders him to. Gloria calls him out on loving Azul. He says he wants to love Silvana but he can’t. Silvana shows up and says he shouldn’t be there. He tries to explain but she won’t listen. He asks what he is supposed to do – she says she knows he can’t quit and she knows that Azul won’t leave. He says yeah, so then what? Silvana says she’ll just have to live in misery. He says he doesn’t want to hurt her. She says she would rather lose him than be close to Mo and his people, they are bad. Diego says he needs her help to not be like them, she says no, he needs Azul, not her. She just needs peace. She asks him to leave and leave her in peace, then says to get out of her life. Well then! He leaves, she cries. I’m sure she’ll be back to gloomy up the place soon enough.

Monday – some blonde woman with drug-addict black eyes shows up (is she Santoro?) at La Casa Malicia and tries to seduce Diego, or something like that. She looks like she doesn’t blink (reminds me of Marcia from La Fea) and tries way too hard to be sexy without really succeeding. We’ll see how that turns out.


August 24, 2007 – Yo Amo a Juan - In which Juan’s heart falls further into the black hole

We open to Paula scolding CL, who is standing just inside her office door with his hands clasped behind his back like the naughty boy he is. No one disappears for a whole day, she tells him, especially not the Prez of a company like this. He flippantly replies that he trusts his execs, and she sternly tells him it’s not funny. CL, ever the MCP (Male Chauvinist Pig), informs her that he knows about women like her and when they get like this, the best thing to do is escape until the waters calm. She sarcastically tells him so now he’s an expert in female behavior. [Ed. Note: He should be by now, trust us.] He corrects her; it’s her behavior that interests him, only hers. She accuses him of hiding when problem come up. He points out that he’s here now. It’s too late, though, she says. For what? To resolve things. He informs her that he’s been looking for a radical solution to their problems, but she wisely isn’t buying it. [Ed. Note: One of the few wise things she’s done so far. It won’t last.] He asks if she wants to live with him. She’s impactada. Live with him? Does he realize what he’s saying? Oh, he realizes, all right. But she tells him no way, José. Impossible. She’s not making eye contact and he’s reading it that he has a great chance of getting his way. He gives his little sly smile.

In the garage, Juan is thought bubbling. In some other world, CL’s disembodied voice is telling his colleagues that he’s going on a long trip and he has decided to entrust Farell industries to Juan. He’s the ideal person to guide the future of the company. And we see a smoke-filled room, with Juan at the desk and his feet up. Behind him, CL is still addressing the throngs. “In difficult moments, trust in him! He’s not just a boss, he’s a leader, and a friend!” Juan looks up at him with agreement written all over his face. CL punctuates with just the right gestures. Juan looks very satisfied with CL’s little speech. We hear ooohs and aaaaahs from the audience of Farell employees, and see their awed faces with “o” expressions. Including Pastor. [Ed. Note: If we didn’t already know this was pure fantasy, this would be a dead giveaway.] Juan holds up his hand for them to stop oohing and aahing. CL tells them until forever. He rolls his little carry-on out as the group stands and waves in slow-mo. Pastor runs to Juan, arms outstretched. He takes Juan’s hand and calls him “big boss” and begins to kiss Juan’s hand, so Juan promptly bats him away with his bandanna until Pastor lets go and backs off. Juan calls him a fawning toady (lambiscón) and tells him not to touch the merchandise. He wipes at the back of his hand with the bandanna and Pastor clouds up to cry. He yells at them to all leave, he has lots to do. They go. [Ed. Note: Some Leader and Friend. Hmph.] He calls Paula back as the others leave. She comes back to him, and puts her hands on his shoulders behind him. At last, we’re alone! She has so much wanted this moment. She asks for a kiss. He’s not with the program. No smile, no snappy response. He stares at the ceiling as she kisses him and says, okay……he gets up, pushes his chair away, and dips her into a boiling kiss.

Back in the garage, Juan’s eyes are glazed over and only the whites show. His lips are poised for a mega-kiss. He looks more like an open-mouthed bass than Emiliooooooo. Kike waves his hands wildly in front of Juan’s face, “Juanito, are you okay?” He slaps Juan a little to bring him out of the coma. Juan comes to with a start, yelling “Enrique, what’s UP with you-are you crazy or what? I’m fine.” (Yeah, right.) He tells Kike he was totally slobbering all over his golden goddess [okay, so I paraphrased it], and gestures that she was just in his arms. And you broke into my dream! Kike looks at him, wary. Kike tells Juan to calm down and describes what it looked like to him, like Juan wasn’t quite all there and nothing but the whites of his eyes showing. Juan rushes him, makes like he’s going to hit Kike, yelling “Drooling? Drooling? I was meditating!” Kike backs off and Juan walks away from him again. “And you broke my concentration when I was floating in the clouds…” Juan bounces around with his arms flapping. Kike mocks. “Meditating? In my town they call it being stupid.” (Tarugear, tarugo means stupid, dolt, blockhead. This could be a Kike-ism). He laughs at Juan. He tells Juan that if only the whites of his eyes are showing, Juan can’t blame him for being worried. He should be calling someone to perform an exorcism. Juan interrupts him, a little embarrassed. Enough with your nonsense! [Ed. Note: Looks who’s talking!]

In Paula’s office, CL is coming around the desk to her. He would think the idea of them living together would charm her. He twirls her chair around so he is facing her and puts his hands on the arms of the chair. The camera pans up her leg beyond the high slit, up to cleavage that defies description as contemporary office wear, and to her face as he puts his hand on her cheek. How touching. (So to speak.) What was it K said Wednesday? Blech. He thought it was something she hoped for. She is caught off guard and it wasn’t what she expected. Why not? Because we were fighting recently? She stammers. He continues, because I haven’t given you your rightful place? Because of that? Or because you think I’m still hiding things and you keep hiding? She stammers again. CL nuzzles her and says he is very serious and wants to convince her of it.

In the garage, Juan want to know why Kike is here, and Kike tells him to greet Fernando, what do you think? Well, what then? Kike tells Juan many things. They haven’t had time to talk since Alirio’s thing. Kike wants to know how it’s going for Juan with his boss, what a gal! He noted that Juan was very attentive to her last night. Juan’s eyes get big and he begins to blow steam out of his ears as Kike waxes eloquent about Paula’s curvaceous beauty. “Look out! Be careful!” Juan tells Kike and slaps him with the towel (abusado, although the captioner said abuzado). Kike rubs his arm. Juan informs Kike he’s talking about Juan’s woman! Kike points out he wasn’t imagining it. Juan agrees. He tells Kike he put a spin on yesterday. Kike talks about the dancing (the cachi cachi bombon). He demonstrates how they’d dance up so closely, rapture on his face. Juan tells him everything in its time, he’s laying groundwork and then he’ll pounce like a tiger. Kike tells him that’s a lot of talk for this. With the ring, with cutting the hair, why? Juan repeats it’ll all happen in its time. He wants to know why so many questions? Kike comments about him trying to impress and Juan asks “moi?” They chuckle.

CL is seriously putting the make on Paula in her office, and Paula, naïve chick that she is, is still trying to get straight answers. Why this decision? Because she was furious with him? He gives her more of the line. She just hadn’t imagined this and he threw her a curve. Between kisses she tries to talk. He pulls her up out of her chair and gives her a full body press. He thinks it’s perfectly natural, but she thinks they haven’t had enough time to get to know each other. He doesn’t need more time to know that she is the love of his life. [Sheesh.] He’s known that since the first day. [Double sheesh, and keep in mind that the kissing is still interfering with Paula getting answers, but it’s disgusting so there’s no need to elaborate.]

In the garage, Juan is telling Kike to respect his betters. He’s fooling with his engine so he doesn’t have to face Kike. Kike tells him to calm down, there’s no need for him to be like that, especially about some old woman. [Ed. Note: Kike, caution. Them’s fightin’ words.] He tells Kike the woman’s never been born who will resist him. He informs Kike that these boots (he puts up onto the car) have been under the beds of many women: artists, beauty queens, you know, etc.., etc. He gestures expansively about his many conquests, Europeans, Asians, Africans, and the rest. So there. Kike says there’s always a first time. Juan denies this is possible. He wants the topic changed. Kike obliges, and tells Juan not to get offended.

CL is STILL working Paula over. If they’re going to get to know each other better, they should be spending the majority of their time together. Paula is doubtful; their relationship is fragile. He plays dumb. Fragile? You’re not sure what you feel for me? [Good ploy, it’s working]. She touches his face. Yes, I am sure, but living with someone is very serious. He tells her if she’s not sure, they should just live together for a time and decide if they suit or don’t suit, like a prematrimonial course. They’ll marry or break up then. He turns at strategic points and there’s no eye contact. [Did he rehearse this or does he just think fast on his feet from lots of years dodging exposure?] She jumps up; she’s not sure what to say. She puts her arms around his waist from behind. Tell me yes, please, he says. She protests. He throws her doubts back in her face. Ugh.

As Juan continues fiddling with his engine [Ed. Note: we all remember what happened the LAST time he fiddled with an engine.} Kike gets to the real reason he’s here. He wants Juan to make good on his promise to help get assistance from CL to start his business. Juan pops up from the car and is still talking about Paula. Kike tells him yeah, we got that all clear. He’s onto another topic, the transportation business he wants to start. He’s already paid Juan his “commission.” Juan is talking about Paula not being the first or the last executive gal he’s conquered. Kike is disgusted. He wants Juan to pay attention to him. They need to make something concrete with Juan’s big boss! Finally, Juan thought-bubbles to himself that Kike is right. He’s behaved so well with Juan, and helped him out of scrapes that were really Juan’s own fault (Juan puts his hand over his mouth in shock as he realizes this) and he’ll help Kike with the big boss to get this in concrete today. He turns back around to face Kike.

Paula says this is a lot of pressure for today. CL tells her he doesn’t have 20 years for a long engagement. He strings out a really long line about having discovered things he never knew existed, and each day is a gift now…..she responds it’s the same for her, too. He’s offering a commitment, his entire life, not just part of it. [That’s a compromise??] She tries to speak, and he interrupts, don’t say a thing. Take your time, think, and I hope you come to the same conclusion as me. More slobbery kisses and endearments. He tells her this is the only thing that is important to him and dramatically exits. Paula is commercial impactado.

Yadira is remembering herself and Nidia are having the heart-to-heart about marrying someone who loves you and not someone you love. She runs to the phone and starts to dial. She throws the phone down and thinks a moment, then picks it up and calls….Enrique’s mother. Yadi greets Doña Guillermina warmly. They chat. Yadi asks a favor, can she call Enrique? He’s out. Well, can you do me a favor and let him know I called when he arrives home? [Ed. Note: We have a new data point on Kike. He lives with Mami.] Yadi and Kike’s mother say warm farewells. Yadi hangs up, but holds the phone pensively.

In the elevator, Juan is leaning against the back thought bubbling about doing this favor for Kike and how it will all play out with Paula being CL’s amante. He realizes he and Kike had talked about being business associates, and he’s been busy thinking about Paula so he hasn’t thought beyond being a chauffeur much. Suddenly he’s in a room with money all over the place, in a variety of designs and arrangements, and thinking about how women like this. Paula is walking to him and lights his “cigar” which is made of rolled-up money. He’s borrowed Fernando Mendiola’s gel for this thought-bubble and is using it liberally. Could it be that Paula isn’t still setting her eyes on CL, he wonders as she sits on his lap? He thinks it’ll be better with his very own business. Kike stands in his doorway (with dark glasses in this very dark smoke-filled room, looking very executive in a suit). He talks on a cell phone, then strolls across toward Juan. We see Paula standing behind Juan and Kike across the desk from him as he keeps telling himself what a good idea this would be, and what a good couple they’d be. The boys throw money around. Kike fusses for him to get off the elevator as it stops and pushes him out, the elevator’s not going clear to heaven. Juan fondly fusses back at him. As they come into the lobby, the secretary Kike has been looking over runs into them, and Kike and she have a visual love-fest for a moment. Juan greets her while Kike stands mute a second. Juan lets it slip in her hearing that they are going to see the patron (big boss) if is available to receive them. Kike pats him on the back and assures him he’s ready (also in her hearing). She turns and smiles at Kike over her shoulder while he smiles, gives her his best guess for what a sultry smile looks like, and postures. She and Kike stare and smile at each other while Juan goes off and leaves Kike, who turns the wrong way while he’s still looking over his shoulder at her. He bumps the wall and re-groups, smiling again and waving at her, and going to wait for Juan. Juan meanwhile greets Ivonne “bombon” and takes her hand to kiss it. She greets him with a wary smile. He wants to know if CL is busy, and she tells him CL’s with Pastor. They told her for nothing in the world should she interrupt. He wants to know how long they’ll be and she has no idea, but if he likes, he can wait. He picks up her hand again, kisses it, says he’ll be glad to wait and please tell CL he’d like to speak to him. Ivonne quickly extracts her hand, leaving him holding his own up at his mouth. She says “fine, Licenciado,” and he muses to himself over that title. The secretary, Julita, calls him. What’s up? She wants to know who his friend is. Is he going to work here? Juan says that’s his soul brother and why do you want to know? She stumbles a little and says pure curiosity. Nothing more. She says he has such a tender face. Juan asks “who?” “Him!” Juan is impactado. “Enrique?” “His name is Enrique?” Julita is totally stoked to know her new Adonis’ name. Juan jokes that he swallowed a drum (more like a watermelon, if you ask me, but have it your way, Juan). She is NOT amused. He is very handsome. Juan is impactado again. He thought bubbles about this surprise. She tells him to not say anything. He promises and gestures to zip his lips. They go on their ways.

Juan returns to Kike, excited to tell Kike he has a female admirer in Farell Industries. Kike is surprised and pleased. Who? The Licenciada? [Ed. Note: DUH]. He’s joking and laughs at Juan, pointing. He falls back on the sofa laughing. Juan points, it’s her. “What the plump little gal from reception?” Exactly. Julita looks back over her shoulder at Kike from Ivonne’s desk and Kike returns the favor. Juan thinks she’s a little near-sighted (cegatona, from ciego, blind). We see Julita excitedly talking to Ivonne in the foreground, but we can hear Juan talking about her. He says it doesn’t matter much since Kike could take advantage of that. [Ed. Note: that’s kind of mean of Juan, if you ask me!]. Kike admits she fascinates him. Juan gives Kike advice on how to approach her, alone, alone. Don’t be so obvious. Kike waves at her, but quits when Juan says that, and pretends he was going to scratch the back of his head. Juan gives him a steady stream of good advice. [ Juan IS an expert with women, after all.] Kike makes a series of jerky gestures, trying to wave and not wave at the same time. Julita does a little of the same. The beam at each other.

CL is spinning his chair, quietly yelling “yee-ha!” Pastor waits quietly for him to stop spinning. CL declares to Pastor that it’s as if destiny has agreed to give him a hand. Pastor agrees he’s a lucky man, no doubt about it. It wouldn’t have gone better if he’d planned it all out. CL tells Pastor that all he needs now is for Pastor to take charge of keeping Monica as entertained and far away as possible. Pastor says it’s good to go; all that remains is for Monica to recover totally and take possession of the office they’ve found for her. He sits back, satisfied. CL tells Pastor what’s important now is to keep her very, very busy (full of work). Pastor is to speak with everyone they know, and make sure they give Monica lots of orders. CL is jubilant with this plan. Pastor leans over and tells him it’ll be way more effective if HE himself speaks with them all. CL agrees, but it’d be more dangerous, too. “I don’t want to risk myself. You take care of it!” He doesn’t want Monica to have a single second free in the next month. Pastor assures him he’ll see what he can do. CL scowls and leans at him. He yells “we’ll see NOTHING, Gaitán!” Pastor jerks back in his seat to escape the sudden rage. That’s an express order CL is giving him, and with a concrete objective. He expects that Pastor will have tangible results. He shakes a finger at Pastor, glaring. “Let me repeat. I am trusting completely in you. You are NOT going to fail me.” His voice gets very soft as he says this. Pastor looks resigned and a bit worried. “No, sir. Count on it.”

Consuelo wants to know what she can prepare for Monica to eat. Monica isn’t going to eat. She wants to recover fast because it’s driving her crazy to stay home all the time. Consuelo asks if she’s going to check out her new office. Monica tells her no, the new office isn’t going to be. Consuelo is confused. Monica tells her that the whole idea of the delicatessen was nothing more than a desperate idea to make her feel useful. She doesn’t know why she needs a new business when she has one that is working well and belongs to her (Farell Industries, as we learned earlier, is half hers). Consuelo wants to know if she plans to go work with CL. Monica informs her, with a calculating look, that an office like this is a perfect place for her to plan a seduction. He’ll work near her and be able to see but not touch. She looks very satisfies with herself for this plan. She asks Chelo what she thinks. Consuelo thinks she’s a really great manipulator. Admiration fills her face. She likes the trap Monica will set for CL. Monica tells her the tables have been turned, and she’ll have him falling into her web. (Los papeles se han cambiado-the parts/roles have been reversed, or the tables are turned).

CL is jubilant again. [Ed. Note: Is this what manic depression looks like? Euphoric one second and screaming the next?] He has to thank Pastor for his part in this. If not for his good advice and assistance, CL wouldn’t be getting what he wants. Pastor acts surprised. Pastor is pleased to have been able to help. But, he wants CL to know that in his humble opinion, there are still a couple of unsettling things. How is CL so sure Paula will accept his proposal? CL confidently responds to him as if he were a preschooler. She’s in love, of course. Totally enamored. A woman who has the typical fear of taking the first step of the most important thing in her whole life. She’s gonna end up accepting, of this he has not even the slightest doubt. Okay, Pastor tells him, and the second unsettling item is even more important, if she accepts, doesn’t CL think he’ll end up in the wolf’s mouth? [Ed. Note: Pastor, I think you have it backwards. Paula’s going to end up in the wolf’s mouth.] What Pastor means is maybe Monica will find she’s sorry and try to get CL back, then he’ll get busted. CL is unconcerned. He gives his chair another viewer-nauseating spin. Ah, this is just a first step. Now the time is coming for him to use this period with Paula to prepare the way for the future, for the time when everything is going to come to light. CL spins and spins, grinning wildly. Pastor is sure he’s going to come out smelling like a rose, he has the talent for these kind of things. [Ed. Note: we had no doubt, did we?] CL spins and grins. Really?

Paula calls Ana at her new office. Ana is glad to hear from her, though she has so many things to do. As they talk, she puts things on her shelves. We see her family photos on the credenza behind her. Paula wants to eat lunch with Ana. Ana wants to know what’s the rush? Paula tells her she must talk to Ana urgently. About what? Paula wants to tell her face to face. Ana wants to know if something has happened. Paula tells her nothing yet, but it will. Ana scolds her for playing guessing games. She wants to know what Paula’s talking about! Paula says she wants to talk to her personally. Ana agrees, somewhat reluctantly, and they plan to meet for lunch. Paula smiles and shakes her head fondly in the direction of CL’s office. She goes out to the lobby toward CL’s office, thinks better of it and turns back to Marely’s desk. She asks Marely if CL is in his office; Marely says she didn’t see him leave. Paula notices Juan and wants to know why he is up here. Kike greets Paula, too. Juan says he needs to talk with the patron a second. It’s a business matter, with his associate—he indicates Kike. Paula says she needs to talk to CL a minute, too, but won’t take long. Juan tells her to take the time she needs. Paula tells him about lunch, and goes to ask Ivonne about CL. He’s with Pastor—who is conveniently coming out of the office. Pastor insincerely greets her. She asks if CL is busy, and Pastor thinks he never is busy for her. She thanks him and goes in. Ivonne fusses about Paula, this stupid one who thinks she owns this business, but her days are numbered. Pastor tells her he’s not so sure about that. Ivonne wants to know what’s happened now. She is not a happy camper. Pastor tells her there is bad news. She wants to know, but he tells her not here, to come to his office in a little while. He tells her this thing is going to worry her. He leaves and she worries. She rolls to CL’s door and peers through the small strip of glass that is clear. She thinks better of it, and rolls back with Juan and Marely watching her watch CL’s glass door. She glares defiantly at Marely, who glares back judgmentally.

Paula informs CL she has a response for him. We note that he has his jubilation well under control. She accepts to live with him and hopes to the depths of her heart that it’s not a mistake. Now he’s jubilant. Really? It’s the most serious thing she’s done in her life, and she thinks the most risky. He runs around the desk to grab her. Now he’s spinning HER chair. He gets on his knees and puts arms around her. They kiss wildly. Well, at least HE is kissing wildly. She wants him to settle down. He tells her she won’t be sorry. [Hah.] She hopes so. He waxes eloquent about how happy they’ll be. He tells her she’s just made the decision that has changed the course of their lives. She agrees, then tells him the most important is yet to be said. There are some things…. What, he asks? For example, where will we live? He tells her the apartment is fine, though she wants to start new with another place that is just theirs, neutral, to begin. He says it’s not important where they live, but that they live together. Everything else is secondary. He assures her they are both aware of the risks and the compromises. Let’s not look for things that don’t exist. [Ed. Note: Lame, CL, lame.] All right, all right. She smiles and kisses him. [Ed. Note: Paula, you’re lost.] And the second thing. Another? Yes, when will you come over? Today? (he gives her a soulful little boy look and gestures). She’s mildly impactada—so fast? He says not really, can I confess something? Don’t be mad with me…..I had so much faith that I could convince you that….well….I packed a little suitcase and put it in the car today. He gives her the “aw, shucks” face and accompanying body language. (Ugh). She smiles at his cuteness and they kiss. “Today?” He asks her. He gives her the boyish grin and looks her in the eye finally to get a yes from her. She smiles and nods. And by the way, the blinds aren’t closed any better today than usual. The whole world just saw the big boss from behind, on his knees in front of his VP, kissing her for the last five minutes. Work should be fun, right?

Ivonne stands in front of Pastor, who is seated at his desk. She is scolding him for leaving her with these doubts, even if he is a boss. He tells her that such hunger for gossip will kill her. She scolds again and tells him she knows he’s dying to tell her. He grins and chuckles. Okay, but sit down and hold on, this information wouldn’t be good for heart patients. She looks a little impactada and sits. She sighs, well, tell me. He tells her he’s sad to bring the sad news. But, it seems that Don CL and the Licenciada Paula are going to live together. What?? Sorry. She curses. This damned infidel! How dares he? He promised ME that! He informs her that Don CL is obnubilado (over the clouds, my guess, from obnubilo-cloud) with Paula. Because of it, the balance is in her favor. It includes dealing with Monica, because he’s planned it out in minute detail. Ivonne asserts there’s one thing he’s forgotten, her. Do they think they’ll be happy forever? No, because she won’t permit it. She scowls in anger and hurt. Pastor looks at her quizzically.

Yadira is still trying to get ahold of Kike. In her best telephone voice, she says, “yes, it’s me again,” and asks his mother if he’s returned yet. Oh, not yet? She’ll call again. Bye bye… comes Nidia. They exchange greetings and chitchat. Traffic was awful. She asks Yadi what’s been happening here? Yadi says “nothing” and fiddles with her nails. Nidia says she’s just dead and is going to rest a while. Yadi says “Mami, I want to talk about one little thing.” She excitedly asks if her Mami wouldn’t like a bachelorette party? She’ll take care of organizing it. She bounces up and down on her chair. Nidia tells her that’s so lovely. Yadi wants to know if she likes the idea. Nidia does, but not with just women friends, how boring. She knows what will work better. Yadi says that’s the custom, but it doesn’t excite Nidia. “Huy.” Yadi gives her a wary wide-eyed look. Nidia smiles and wiggles her eyebrows once.

Paula leaves CL’s office with a glazed and dazed smile on her face and a happy sigh. We hear Juan still talking with Kike outside. Paula walks directly to her office, totally oblivious to everyone, including Juan approaching her rapidly and saying “Licenciada?” Finally, she turns around and says, “tell me, Juan.” He remarks on how well it must have gone for her with the big boss. [Ed. Note: You don’t want to know, Juan.] She smiles and agrees. She asks if it is so noticeable. He says, of course, with that smile that seems to be purely joyful. She grins from ear to ear, she can’t deny it. Well, then, if it was so good, could one know what it was? She evades any implication and tells him life can be so good some times. She points him to the office, CL is available now; she excuses herself quickly and leaves him standing there wondering. He thought bubbles about the face of this little lamb, which suggest to him she had a party and for him it’s just another thorn that’s going to go into the depths of his heart. Kike comes from behind to tug on his arm; Kike has an objective that won’t be delayed. C’mon, let’s go talk to the honcho, man. Juan jumps, and tells him not to shake him up. He composes himself and says “wait for me.” Kike mutters “good luck, brother.” Juan knocks on CL’s door. [Ed. Note: if he asked CL for a vice presidency right now, he’d get it.]

As Juan goes into the office, Kike turns around to see Julita bringing him a cup of coffee, smiling prettily. [Ed. Note: Kike’s shirt is a marvel today. It’s bright red, with a big white square in the middle, with words and numbers on it. It’s tight as always, a knit polo, that hangs over his belt when tucked in. Big time.] He remarks that he likes coming to this office. She hopes the coffee suits him, she put in one sugar. He assures her if she made it for him, he’ll like it. He takes a swig. Huy, it’s hot! He nearly falls over forward trying not to spit it at her. Did it burn? No, he denies. They both stammer. He smiles as she worriedly offers to put some water in it. No, it’s super all right. She smiles apologetically and he smiles happily.

Pastor is counseling Ivonne in his office, offering her tissue and telling her to calm herself. She grabs one. He says he told her it was going to be difficult, but it’s better than she thought. [Ed. Note: where the heck did he get that idea?] She wants to know why this vile man had to do something so bad? Pastor knows her history, this is something he should have done for her! He tells her that’s life. [Wrong answer, Pastor.] She complains that she gave her body and soul entirely to this man for two years, putting up with all that. He never, never thought to go with her (permanently, implied). He reminds her that at the time he warned her. She replies that he humiliated her, hid the relationship with her. He stayed with Monica. He’ll never change. And here comes this vile woman playing the good girl, and for her he tells his wife to get lost (mandar a la goma- tell someone to get lost). Pastor holds a finger up. Hold on here. I never for a minutes said he’s going to leave his wife, and even less now that she’s pregnant. Ivonne is impactada. She mouths “pregnant?” Her eyes widen and mouth drops. He nods.

Juan apologizes for bothering CL, since he’s always so busy. CL impatiently tells Juan he’s listening. Juan wonders if he remembers mentioning a friend, who wants to start a transport business. He knew Samuel Cachón well (Juan crosses himself, may he rest in peace). Ah, yes, that…..Ernesto! No, Enrique. Oh, I remember. Juan beats around the bush about Kike needing to work, etc., and he needs a little contract with you. Juan wanted to see CL before he went on his little trip. CL smiles….who told him CL was going on a trip? Oh, I can imagine, CL says. It was Fernando, right? Juan tells him yes, but it wasn’t gossip, it was merely a comment, he’s very discreet….CL assures him Fern won’t be in trouble. It’s just a misunderstanding. He left with a suitcase this morning. But not for a trip. He’s moving. Juan smiles, ay. His house was so far, that’s why, Juan says. No, CL informs him, smiling, that he’s going to live with Paula. Juan’s smile freezes. We hear Ivonne’s voice in the background.

She tells Pastor she still can’t believe it. Pastor has been so close-mouthed about it. He tells her he couldn’t continue that way, he has to let her know that the relationship she had doesn’t have a future. And, CL isn’t going to end his marriage. He’s an old wolf. She protests. He’s a wretch! Pastor agrees—he’s a wretch and a half. He’s going to keep living with his wife and is going to live with Paula. She laments that the fiasco of it is that he’s going to win. This little dead fly deserves what she gets. He points out that he’s seen high towers fall. Ivonne declares that she’s going to take care of bringing that cretin down from the cloud she’s sitting on. He cautions her; no, how can you think of it? As soon as you open your mouth, I’m going to be the one out on the street. Ivonne says no matter what CL does to her, she’s not thinking she’ll miss the pleasure of telling this old woman the truth! She shakes her finger to punctuate.

CL tells Juan he’s not going to waste time with a long engagement. With a woman like Paula? From today, they’re living together. Juan congratulates him through gritted teeth on a well-thought out plan. CL says he’s counting on Juan for more than a chauffeur, he’s a friend for Paula. He’s counting on Juan’s discretion, and Juan knows how things are in this company—CL doesn’t want commentaries. Juan grimaces, bites his tongue and barely holds it through this. Are we clear? Juan affirms, very clear. CL goes back to Ernesto, Juan’s friend. Enrique, sir. Whatever. CL’s going to see Paula immediately about contracts for Kike. Teeth still gritted, Juan thanks him. Good thing CL’s not looking at him. Juan’s stink eye is every bit as good as Nidia’s. CL picks up the phone to call Paula, his “amor.” Juan thought bubbles about getting crucified, with “INRI” on the front. He is bitter while he listens to endearments, telling himself that he can’t fool himself any more, no more fantasies. The truth is sitting right there in front of him, and the hardest part is that this guy, so good-looking (bien pintado), rich and elegant, he can’t hate because he owes the guy favors for what he’s done for Juan and Kike. CL wraps up his call to Paula about getting vendors to ship with Kike by kissing the phone and thanking her. Juan rubs his eye, still thought bubbling that for all he aches in his soul, he can’t hate this guy and that’s the hardest thing. Juan grimaces again as we go to commercial.

Pastor tells Ivonne that she’s half confused, right? Doesn’t she realize that what he just gave her is the appetizer so she can wait for the main course (plato fuerte- strong plate, my best guess). What? Are you going to eat it all in one mouthful? She nods defiantly. He tells her it’s elementary. The Licenciada is going to get all inflated, and when she bursts like a toad, the blow is going to be part of an anthology (she’s just one more chapter in the book). And who do you think will be the first in line? Us, of course! He smiles triumphantly. [Ed. Note: Is this meant to be comforting?] Ivonne is worried that she might get what she wants, that she might end up married to CL. Pastor tells her no, that’s not how things work in real life. He assures Ivonne that Licenciado Farell sooner or later will tire of her, and probably sooner if they live together. She’ll probably end up killing herself. Ivonne hopes God’s listening. He says all they have to do is be patient and wait, and help out the spectacular romance between the two. She sighs at him doubtfully.

Paula is talking to CL on the phone. She’s at his command. If he’ll send Juan to her office, she’ll handle it all. They exchange the endearments. She hangs up and tells a quizzical Marely (who is standing in front of Paula’s desk, chewing her pencil) that she knows Marely is dying to know. Marely says “pardon?” Don’t lie, you let me tell you. I’m dying to tell you, too. You’ll never guess. What? Marely wants to know as she sits down. “I’m going to live with Cesár Luis!” Marely is impactada. So fast? Well, yes, it seemed fast to Paula, but he was insistent. And, she decided he was right, why wait? What do you think? Marely just looks at her, in shock. “Aren’t you going to congratulate me?” Oh, yes! Marely wishes her much luck. [Ed. Note: In this case, that’s better than congratulating her.] And, Paula continues, you know what the one thing that worries me is? How my Mamá will take it. [Ed. Note: And for a very good reason!] She probably won’t agree with it. Marely agrees, but it’s Paula’s decision. Paula wants to know about Marely. Marely wants to know what about me? Well, what’s up with Juan? Paula mentions the ring. Marely hesitates….they left it at that. Why, Paula wants to know? Well, Marely tells her, it seems that Juan is enamored of another woman. Paula can’t believe it. What’s up with Juan? He behaved so divinely with Marely, he gave her the ring, how can he care about another woman? Marely smiles anxiously. Paula wants to know who the other woman is, does Marely know her? Marely can’t answer…..

Juan comes out of CL’s office into the lobby. Nobody’s having fun at work today except CL and Paula. Juan’s a thundercloud. Kike tells Julita to give him a moment, precious. She tells him not to leave without saying goodbye. He says he won’t and runs to Juan. What happened with the boss? (Sad Palomita music is playing in the background). Juan tells him they’ve done well, and need to talk with Licenciada Paula. Kike grabs him and hugs him, with Julita smiling broadly in the background. Kike thanks Juan, he knew Juan wouldn’t fail him. He’ll never forget this, never. Better said, Juan will get his place in heaven with this. Juan hopes so. Kike realizes he’s very down and asks why. Life is nasty, rubbish. He frowns and looks ready to cry as Kike looks him over, also worried and frowning. “Ay amor, Ay amor” plays slowly and sadly in the background.

Paula is insistent that if Marely knows who the woman is, she should tell Paula and not be this way. Marely says no, it’s that she doesn’t really know and Juan wouldn’t want her to say. Paula points out that he couldn’t really know too many women; he goes from work to home and home to work. Marely evades it by saying men are weird and Paula insists that Juan is a liar, and that told her that he likes Marely. Paula says she’s going to find out the truth. Marely begs her not to ask him anything. Why? You don’t have much confidence in me, Paula says. Well, it’s delicate for him. Paula is puzzled, why? Marely looks panicky as Juan comes in quickly after knocking. He excuses himself for coming in on them, and Paula says “speaking of the king of Rome…” and chuckles. “You came on behalf of your friend, right?” He tells her yes, and he is sorry to have entered like this but there was no one at the desk outside. Marely gets up and leaves; he greets her on the way out, awkward. He closes the door and faces Paula with the music in the background, “Ay amor.”

Monday: Paula tells Juan she’s going to live with CL, Monica tells CL she’s going to work with him, and Juan has an opportunity to say it like it is.


Lambiscón – fawning toady
¡Abusado! - Look out! Be careful!
Mandar a la goma – tell someone to get lost (literally send them to the rubber)
Plato fuerte – main course (strong plate, my best guess since it came after the appetizer)
Los papeles se han cambiado - the parts/roles have been reversed, or the tables are turned
Obnubilado - over the clouds, my guess, from obnubilo-cloud
Compromiso - commitment (also engagement sometimes), added thanks to Judy B.'s catch



Saturday, August 25, 2007

Destilando Amor, 08/24/07: "The Bruhaha Over the Bruja"

Isadora and Gaviota are finally face to face and so now it's two she-cats staring warily, hissing, positioning and circling, their backs up, tails down, fur fluffed, marking out their respective territories. They sit and try the small talk. Isa asks Gavi if they gave her the office today. Gavi says no, actually yesterday. Isa says "oh, then when you decided to stay?"

Ok. Small talk over. Gave says Isa is pretty well informed and Isa replies, " Wouldn't you be in my place?" Gav/Mariana answers,"Yes, I probably would but only out of curiosity, not for the sole reason of tormenting me for life." Isa asks if it isn't a torment knowing that the same woman has been going after her husband for the past 3 years and is still doing it. Gavi replies that then their chat should put her at ease since she certainly doesn't want to upset her in her condition. Isa asks the big question: "What could you possibly tell me that will allow me to leave here and live happily ever after with my husband and to get through this pregnancy worry-free?"

In the middle of this heart-to-heart between the two women in his life, Rod has a "Chachi loves Joanie" moment. He decides to write up a romantically worded and somewhat suggestive fax under the pretext of requesting more organic agave information, and confirms what we have suspected all along about Burly Bear's still suffering through his delayed puberty --not to mention, he just really has one hell of a retarded sense of sexual expression.

The fax is loaded with enough sexual innuendo to give any self-respecting H.R. executive worth their salt a major heart attack, let alone send them running in panic to schedule a whole obnoxious slew of sexual harassment and sensitivity classes.

Isa continues playing the victim, hamming it up and trying to make Gavi feel guilty. She tells her that she, his loving wife, is in constant hellish torment over the fear that her husband will abandon her at any time, leaving her to make love in the arms of another woman; that she wonders if she'll go to bed next to him one night only to wake up the next morning and find he's gone for good with La Gaviota, leaving her and "his" child unprotected.

Gavi/Mariana admits to Isa how tired she is of this whole situation of loving Rod in secret. She admits she's carried the torch for Rod the entire time. She had a couple of opportunities to marry him and would have but fate played a role in taking him away from her. The first time she left, she came back only to find he'd already married Isa and she tried to stay away. "Well you must have regretted it because you ended up at the corporate offices." Mariana says, true enough but adds it was constant torment for her and filled her with guilt. She just didn't know how to get out of that tight spot soon enough.

Isa presses her advantage. "I suppose my husband told you he didn't love me, that we only married for convenience sake, that he had no sexual interest in me?" Gavi sits up. "It would be improper for me to tell you what he said to me. What's important is that he's back with you, you're expecting a child together. Even though you might not believe it, that is sacrosanct for me."

Suddenly the fax machine starts up. "How long can I be sure you'll leave us alone?" "--Forever, ma'am." Some crazy picture is beginning to print out now and Mariana glances over at it. "--But, if my husband keeps after you and tells you you're the only woman he's ever loved and been with? And if you continue to believe it?" "--Your husband can do whatever the heck he wants! I'm keeping my word!" The picture is a huge heart with an arrow stuck through it, pure junior high.

Isa keeps talking and stands up as the heart picture drops to the floor, and she shoves her stomach, belly-bling and all, in Mariana's face. "This body was his once also and is the result of the love we shared together." She rubs her naked bulge to emphasize the point. (Lovely.) "We had a normal a sex life before and we still do." A picture of a heart and arrow with "Gaviota + Rod" shoots through then.

Gavi, trying to keep from getting distracted by all this stands up too. "I don't want to argue that with you!" "--Neither do I. I don't want to discuss our sex life with you, either!" (I'm thinking what sex life?) Another picture shoots through with "I LOVE YOU" plastered big as life on it. It drops to the floor.

Page after page after page is printing out. Gaviota realizes what is being sent through the fax machine as it all starts falling face up onto the floor. Her heart jumps into her throat, but the sheets just won't stop. She is worried that Isadora will notice them or will see the pictures and recognize Rod's handwriting, cuz then she is gonna really be toast!!

Isa is so full of herself and, like the pink engergizer bunny, she just keeps going and going and going. Isa claims it's not her style to get jealous and to go around plotting. No-o-o-o-o-o! She just wants to be up front about it all with Mariana. (This scene was so prime it had the hubby and me both on the edge of our couch cushions yelling at the screen and having one hell of an OMG! moment.) Mariana manages a serious "Of course, ma'am."

Isa drones on and on: Mariana must respect their marriage; and she doesn't want to threaten her; and Mariana must promise to leave the two of them in peace!

Trying to keep her composure and to save her professional rear end, Gavi lays all her cards on the table for Isadora. She and his family are the ones who have been dogging after her everywhere she goes, and not the other way around. They've harassed her and even pushed her down to the point of poverty and starvation. She has simply been trying to keep her job at the CRT but they have caused her tremendous harm. Isa says that it was no more than what Gavi had done to her.

Gavi loses her patience. "Just leave me in peace and neither you, nor your family, nor your husband will ever hear from me again." Oodles of pages now start spitting onto the floor as Isa continues standing there ironically declaring that her husband's love for her is real and demanding respect.

Gavi realizes any moment now Rod's wife could see those printouts from the fax, but luckily Isa turns her back this time. "When my husband first took over the corporation you intended to respect my marriage, but within a few months you had your bags packed and were ready to run off with him."

Gavi thinks fast and moves in front of the fax machine. She hides the crazy stuff behind her back that she's been hurriedly picking up off the floor and attempts to listen attentively to Isa's unending claptrap. She explains that she and Rod made a pact not to ever see each other again, and they've been sticking to it. Avellaneda is aware of it as well.

"Words! Words! Words!" Isa screams at her. "I'm not threatening you, BUT as long as you keep your pact and Rod knows enough to keep his distance, then you won't have anymore problems from the Montalvo's." Isa turns and starts towards the fax machine, but then pauses and turns towards the door. Finally she exits.

Gaviota by now is angry and hurt and she is fit to be tied. She picks up the rest of the pages, rolls them into little balls and throws them into the trash can cursing Rod the whole time for deceiving her again. "I hate you, Rodrigo Montalvo! I hate you! I hate you!"

Rod calls Gavi just then to see if the fax went through and to flirt a bit. She takes the call all right. "You idiot! How could you think to send me something like this?" Rod is impactado. "What? What's the matter?" She lets him have it with both barrels and right between the eyes. She yells at him about breaking their pact and sending those pages of crazy love notes and adolescent drawings. The only thing missing would be a letter addressed directly to the director!

Rod denies it, making you wonder if he has any clue at all. (In fact, about now I was feeling so embarrassed for the stupid jerk that this whole thing just left me feeling like I'd walked in on something way too embarrassingly personal to describe. You know how it is, how your face gets all red-hot and all you can think of is looking for the nearest exit and getting the hell out of whatever pig pile, so to speak, you just stepped into?)

Gavi screams through the receiver, "Stop bothering me and don't ever do this kind of thing again!" Rod is still impactado, "What the heck is the matter with you?" "--Like it's important to you!" Rod screams back at her, "Then do what you want with them! Throw them away or burn them for all I care!" "--I already did!" From now on, she tells him, her secretary, Nancy, will be handling any of his needs from the CRT 'cause she's done with him.

Rod resorts back to type here and the Montalvo in him demands she be careful to speak respectfully to him. "--So write a letter and get me fired!" Click! Gavi has fallen for Isa's sad little sob story about little Rodrigo Jr. really being conceived as God intended and not through some crazy artificial insemination after all. She collapses into a chair and cries tears of frustration. "You liar! You liar! And to think I was falling for it all over again!"

Now we all know that Nim-Rod is a bit slow on the uptake, but eventually it does dawn on him what he's done and he realizes what a careless jackass he's been. He suspects then that Avellaneda may have been in with Gavi at the time and saw the silly thing. At the same time Gavi prays for the virgencita to get Rod's mind right and to keep him occupied with his wife and family, so she can finally just live in peace! God forbid she has to face him and he piles it on.

Nancy runs in with a cup of tea to calm Gavi's nerves and Gavi shows her the crazy fax and tells Nancy never ever again to pass another call from Rodrigo Montalvo to her. Nancy is the one who's going to handle his requests from the CRT from now on. She's had it with Hotstuff.

Alonso walks in then and looks around at the mess in her office. He smiles and it is a complete 180 from what has just taken place in there! In the most soothing voice ever Alonso tells her, "Count to ten, calm down and then come to my office." While Rod's like red-hot chili peppers or a too-hot-to-handle-tamale, Alonso is anything but. Think refreshing, think cool, think blue-eyed and blonde Adonis as the hot iron hits icy water. S-s-s-s-s-s-s!

A minute later Mariana, mostly composed, enters Alonso's office and he asks her in that sure, soothingly calm voice of his, how it went with "Mrs. Montalvo." Gavi lies and says it went just fine. He asks if she's able to continue working and she says of course. So he has her sit down at his desk while he dictates something to her, and even his leather executive's chair is a cool mint green!

As Gavi begins to type Alonso looks over admiringly at her and smiles. This smile is not exactly a disinterested one either. (Note to Rod: Hon, that's the operator saying "Yo' time is uh-h-h-p!" and you're about to lose what you and your family have only abused.)

Rod calls back to apologize again, and to find out for sure if Gaviota is now in trouble with the director. Nancy, that doll, proves to be a gatekeeper of the highest magnitude and she holds Rod off with a definite skill that would be the envy of most doctors' offices. She explains she'll be handling any business at the CRT for him from now on. These are Mariana's instructions and she doesn't dare disobey her, and anyway, she's out of the office till late in the afternoon. So, Rod hangs up in frustration and mumbles to himself.


In the kitchen at the hacienda, San Juana, Sofia and Ofelia are discussing Frankie's peculiar city ways and Sofia is making excuses for him. SJ says it's certain his parents spoiled the heck out of him when he was little. Sofia giggles, "They certainly did!" (Gag me)

Meanwhile, Frankie is in town, calling up old girlfriends on his cell. They all remind him he's married and he gives them the old saw, "I got married but I am not dead!" Click.

Back at Montalveña, James is distraught over his bad visit with Acacia. Sofia sees him in the living room and asks if he knows where her husband might be. He says no. She sees he's upset and asks what's wrong. He says he's got problems and needs to talk with Rod. He goes into the office to call him.

Rod is still having a brain freeze over Gavi when Elvira walks in to give him a report. He asks Elvira if she's seen his wife or heard from her. Elvira says she told her she went shopping for the day with her mother and her cell is turned off. Rod's phone rings right then and it's James.

James tells him he's quitting so he can move to Guadalajara while Acacia is being treated. Her therapy could take a long time and he wants to be close to her. Rod talks him out of it and tells him to leave Acacia with the doctors and to keep working for him there at the hacienda because it's the best way for him to keep his mind off her while she's being treated. Besides he needs James' expertise to help launch his father's organic agave project. So, James, duded-out bow tie, rooster appliques and all, decides to give it the old college try once more for his best bud.

Sofia finds James about then in the office and asks him for a lift into town so she can get the things she needs for Frankie's meals. James says fine, but first they'll have to stop at the distillery for him to check on the chemicals.

Isadora shows up at Rod's office and checks in with Elvira for anything out of the ordinary in Rod's activities. They check his schedule for the month together and she tells Elvira to keep her informed.

Rod comes out. She missed their lunch date and she tells him in the most gratingly and irritatingly sweet and honeyed voice that she's been shopping with Mommy Dearest all day. The time just flew by. Rod suggests she wait in his office while he sees Quintaro about something. In the teensiest of sweet voices Isa agrees (while I'm fighting hitting the mute and the FF here) then thinks to herself she's going to stick to him like white on rice. She's going to be the shadow he's never had. She spends much of the afternoon in his office while he works on reports.

Back in Alonso's office, Susana gets another attack of the green eyed envy monster when she hears Alonso tell Gavi he's having her do the presentation this afternoon of the reports that she's been putting together for his VIP's meeting. He wants all their important guests to meet her. After he leaves Susy and Nancy convince Mariana to doll herself up a bit in the ladies lounge before the meeting.

Nancy goes in to the ladies' lounge with Gavi to help. Susy pretends to leave then but she comes right back and takes the stack of notebooks for the meeting and dumps them in a trash bin somewhere else in the building.

Gavi asks Nancy how Rod took the news when he called back. Nancy says he acted stupid and will still act silly until she finally takes his calls. Gavi says he'll be waiting til the cows come home. They finish and Gavi and she come back out of the lounge. Gavi has only a couple of minutes to get into the meeting room for the presentation but she sees the notebooks are missing.

They call Susy, but Susy denies having seen them and Nancy says she did leave before they went into the restroom, so she couldn't have them. So Gavi orders security and maintenance and anybody else there to start tearing the place apart to find those notebooks no matter how long it takes.

Susy informs Gavi a couple minutes later that they're all waiting for her in the meeting and then she pretends to help look for the missing notebooks she dumped. Nancy is blaming herself and panicking and crying. Gavi is fit to be tied and warns everyone that if she finds out somebody hid them on purpose there will be hell to pay. Susy is very happy with herself and secretly smirks at her threats.

Avellaneda gives the meeting over to Alonso and whispers that he wants to know what's the delay. Where is Mariana with the reports? Alonso says he is as puzzled as Avellaneda is and stalls for more time. The Tourism Secretary and the president of the hotel owners' association are getting antsy to see the CRT's written proposals. Alonso says he's got them for them and they'll see them shortly. He finally leaves to look for Mariana.

Just as Alonso comes looking to ask about the delay one of the janitorial people finds the notebooks and runs them in to her. He yells for her and she grabs the notebooks and tells Alonso that somebody hid them from her. They both head into the meeting and she passes out the notebooks. Avellaneda whispers to her that afterward he wants to know what took so long. She and Alonso give their presentations and the meeting is successful.


Isa calls Minnie on the phone in Miami and tells her what happened with Gavi at the CRT and also about the pact Rod and Gavi have with each other and with Avellaneda. Minnie says pact or not, the floosie cannot be trusted and needs to be watched like a hawk. She reminds her that Isa agreed to leave her alone once before and Isa almost lost Rod because of it. Minnie also asks if Rod suspects she went to talk with Mariana. Isa says that she could care less if he finds out. He can complain all he wants.


After the VIP's leave, Avellaneda wants to know why there was such a delay. Gavi tells him and Alonso that the notebooks were hidden from her and she feels the Montalvo's had a hand in it somehow. Avellaneda thinks she's acting paranoid and warns her not to let it happen again. The two men then agree that Mariana is extremely talented and will soon go far. They put her in charge of an expanded promotional.

Susy is eagerly hanging onto every word near the open door by her desk. When Gavi leaves Avellaneda's office she lets Susy know she suspects the CRT has a spy working for the Montalvo's there. She says Susy is going to have to help her discover who it is and when she does find out who it is, she can't begin to tell her what all she'll do to that person.


Meanwhile, back in Tequila, Panama Jack-ass, aka, Frankie, is all out of names to call and talks Crispin into finding him a few local beauties to join them for an afternoon of food and frolic. Old habits die hard and Gigolo Jack looks around and points out three that he sees enter the restaurant. Crispin, brown noser that he is, hurries over and invites these three girls to join them.

Frankie flirtatiously twirls the girls around, suggestively kissing them on their cheeks. Sofia and James are driving through town about then and she asks her ex if he's jealous. James replies that he only wants the best for her. He is not the jealous type (not to mention he's too wimpy to be). Just then the two of them drive down the street near the restaurant and James catches a glimpse of Frankie just as he's kissing up these pretty young things.

James immediately slams his breaks on and stops the truck. He has Sofia bend down to see what fell onto the floor and quickly drives past in order to keep her from seeing Frankie flirting with his female townies.

Frankie makes the mistake of formally introducing himself to them all. Once the girls hear who he is they excuse themselves and leave. Poor Frankie doesn't understand. Women never drop him flat like that. Why he's a de la Vega, Francisco de la Vega!

Crispin explains that all the Tequila folk know he's married to Sofia. He's not Francisco de la Vega, but de la Vega de Montalvo around there. Nobody will dare get involved with him because it would be the kiss of death. He suggests Frankie, frankly, is better off having his little amorous adventures away from there, in one of the other little towns in the area.


Meanwhile, Aaron gets Oñate's back up copy of the Agave Turquesa files and is thrilled; but he worries that Pam or Gaspar might be able to break the code and figure out the dicey stuff he's got in them. Oñate says the likelihood of that happening is next to none.


Back at corporate, Rod tells Quintano he's personally handling the port business for the Tequila that's made from the organic agave. Oñate will have nothing to do with it he says, and then he has Quintano go look for certain patent information. Rod takes advantage of Quintano's absence to sneak another call on his cell to the CRT.

Nancy answers his phone call and admits that she's long time best buds with Ms. Franco, from hotel days when she was still "Teresa Hernandez", so she knows that Gavi says what she means and will not be taking his calls again. She begs him not to insist and get her in trouble with Mariana.

Rod asks if Nancy has any idea why Mariana is acting this way and if it's possible she might be in trouble with Avellaneda. Nancy says she's not at all and in fact she's in a VIP meeting with him and Dr. Santoveña at that very moment, in fact. Either way, he should know that when a woman gets into it with her man, there's no talking to her.

Rod tells Nancy then just to let Gavi know he's traveling to Tequila and when he returns he hopes she'll have thought it through and will take his call. He hangs up and cannot understand why she's turned on him like this. (I bet The Shadow knows......)

Across town, Barbara Torreblanca tells her daughter that she has to make a business trip to Rome and she invites Pammy along. Pammy doesn't really want to, but in the end figures it will be a way to get over the hurtful way Aaron treated her.

When their workday is finally over Nancy tells Mariana that Rod called back uh-gain. She asks what did the bungling doofus want this time. Nancy says the same as before, to talk with her and thinking she was in trouble. She says it isn't going to happen but if he keeps acting like such an idiot, otherwise she will be.


Friday, August 24, 2007

Acorralada #156 8-24-07 Friday – The Brawl of the Century!

Caramel shields Emili-Oh's body with her own. Puncho can't shoot her so she tearfully leaves with Emili-Oh, telling Puncho he's now on his own; she has no intention of returning. Puncho sheds glycerin tears of true dolor. "I love you Caramel! I love you!"

Mucks tells Marcela that since he can't have Dimwit, he'll settle for second best – Marcela. He gives Marcela a dopey gift to prove his sincerity. Talk about a back-handed compliment. Marcela, who obviously suffers from no self-esteem, is happy to be the runner-up.

ChewKey has some snotty conversation with Fidiota. When Fidiota leaves to take a call, she pours Fidiota's tea into the plant Roddy gave Fidiota. ChewKey gloats, the hotter the tea, the better!

Puncho asks "Doctor Dimwit" if she's going to stop seeing him the way Caramel has. Caramel left with Emili-Oh. Pobre de Puncho. The scene ends with Dimwit promising to treat his wound and Puncho sitting their sniveling.

Marcela seems to have grown a spine. I think now she's realizing that she's being used as a tool to "forget Dimwit." She tells Mucks (in his ugly brown suit and white shoes) that she and Godmum plan to leave soon. Does that mean the show is going to end soon? We'd be so lucky!

ChewKey over-hears a call between Fidiota and Puncho. Puncho is demanding money for a private plane, I think.

Dimwit puts a dozen yellow roses on an altar at the hospital chapel. She begs the Virgin to help her forget Mucks.

Mucks tries to get Marcela to stay. Maybe one day he'll find a way to love her. Yup, that's about as convincing as he sounds. He throws Marcela's words back in her face, "You said that there would be another woman for me. Perhaps it will be you." That's not good enough for Marcela. She feels it's useless. Mucks will never love her. Mucks begs for more time.

Luv-luv for the match between Chew-Key and Fidiota.

Diego lets himself into the library where Marfil is standing. "Diego!" Orchestra of Doom.

More pathetic conversation between Mucks and Marcela. The most pathetic of all is Mucks' too-tight ugly cream-colored sweater vest over his purple shirt and tie. I'm sure he's wearing his white shoes to go with his white pants.

Diablo is trying to strangle Marfil until she knees him in the groin. Diablo is furious that Marfil is granting Mucks the divorce. Now Diablo wants his mask back. She runs out the door, but Diablo gathers it together and runs after her. The struggle continues poolside until they both fall in. Mucks keeps pushing Marfil's head under water. Commercial

Yolanda runs out and sees what's going on. She starts yelling at them to stop and then runs for Octopus' help.

More of Mucks and Marcela until Godmum walks in. Mucks leaves and Godmum can't see, but she can tell Marcela is tense. "What's going on?" "Nothing," replies Marcela. She then thought bubbles, "I love Mucks more and more each day."

Still luv-luv for Chewkey v. Fidiota. ChewKey knows the call she overheard wasn't a 'wrong number.' She knows it was a man, "but don't worry, I won't say a word to daddy!" Lots of dripping sarcasm. After everything Fidiota has doled out since we started watching this show, it's fun to see someone stand up to her manipulations.

Emili-Oh asks Caramel if she still loves Puncho. Orchestra of Doom.

What an awesome fight between Marfil and Diablo. The fight leaves the pool with Octopus and Yolanda in hot pursuit. It works its way down to the beach with lots of shouting, punching, sand throwing, etc. Diablo is covered in sand from head to toe now. He looks like he's been tarred and feathered. Meanwhile, Marfil's white top still seems to look pretty clean and white, although she was in the pool and rolling around on the sand with Diablo. I guess she signed a better contract than Diablo; she's definitely less sandy than her adversary. Diablo will probably be washing sand off for days on end.

Mutual blackmailing between ChewKey and Fidiota until naïve Roddy appears and wants to know why they aren't coming to breakfast. ChewKey says they're discussing business. Roddy thinks that's wonderful his angel is developing a head for business. ChewKey says she wants to name the new fragrance "Liar" since all women lie. Roddy looks perplexed but says that sounds good to him. ChewKey heads off for breakfast with Roddy and Fidiota in tow.

The fight between Marfil and Diablo continues. Marfil looks even cleaner now, despite all the rolling in the sand and sand throwing. Yolanda and Octopus call for Lunkhead to intervene.

Fidiota tells Roddy she has a headache and won't be eating after all. "Don't worry, I'll be good as new tomorrow!" Roddy wants to call the doctor but Fidiota says she'll be fine. She just needs to rest.

Now Diablo and Marfil are bone dry, but they continue to roll around in the sand. Lunkhead rushes to the scene like Mighty Mouse and saves the day. Diablo finds an oar but Lunkhead fends him off. Diablo says he and Lunkhead aren't finished. "You know where to find me!" replies Lunkhead. Octopus wants Marfil to call the police but Marfil refuses. Everyone wants to know what the heck is going on between Marfil and Diablo. Aahhh, if only they knew!

Fidiota is grousing about ChewKey being the Spawn of Satan, when Granny M wants to know why Fidiota isn't eating breakfast She tells Granny M how awful ChewKey is. Granny M suggests she evict ChewKey. "I can't. It will ruin things with Roddy." At this point Lala comes running in, "Nick, Heath, Jared! There's a fire in the living room!" Actually, what she wants them to do is follow her to the living room. Something crazy has happened. They all go running downstairs to see that the plant Roddy gave Fidiota has died overnight. It was fine the night before; now it's dead!

Emili-Oh is upset. He accuses Caramel of still loving Puncho. "No, I just want to help him. I don't love him any more; I love YOU!" She then kisses him to prove her point.

Doc V approaches Dimwit and wants to know how her heart is doing. His sucks. She tells him hers is the same. He reaches out and creepily starts massaging her shoulder. I swear they then stare at each other – him with a goofy look and her with her trademarked glassy-eyed head tilt. This screams totally inappropriate behavior between doc and nurse, but hey, the laws of physics fail to apply in telenovelaland. After what seems like five minutes of staring at each other, Mucks walks in and sees them. He is impactado. Good!

Now Roddy, ChewKey, and Gaby join the discussion about the plant. Roddy promises to buy Fidiota a new one. He then leaves with ChewKey to take her to work. Gaby, Lala, and Granny M all tell Fidiota to throw ChewKey out. Fidiota says she can't because of Roddy.

Mucks wants to talk to Dimwit alone but Dimwit wants Doc V to stay. Mucks gets mad and leaves. Doc V tells Dimwit that Mucks appears to be jealous.

Fidiota comes to see Puncho and warn him to quit calling her. It's causing problems with the family. When she has information regarding the plane, she'll let him know. She struts out and ChewKey pops up from inside a barrel laughing, like a jack-in-the-box! ChewKey then makes some snotty comment about Fidiota.

Doc V wants to know if Dimwit really thinks Mucks has come to talk to a specialist regarding Godmum, or is just checking up on Dimwit. Dimwit says it's all the same to her. She just wants to forget he exists!

Marfil faces the inquisition regarding her reluctance to call the police. Even Lunkhead doesn't believe her lame excuse that Diego is mad about Marfil's divorce from Mucks. Marfil leaves and the rest try to figure out what's going on between Marfil and Diablo. They think it's very strange indeed!

ChewKey and Puncho gloat. ChewKey swears she's not going to rest until she destroys the marriage between Roddy and Fidiota.

Iggy shows up at the hospital after Dimwit's call. He's intrigued she called him. She fondles his face and seductively says she's jealous about his marriage to Octopus. Commercial.

Diego, who now has four red lines drawn on his face – presumably scratches – calls to threaten Marfil. She's not afraid and tells him to quit calling. She hangs up and says she's going to have to kill him like Princess Fi.

Godmum says she walked by the library and heard Marcela crying. She wants to know why.

Iggy is suspicious of Dimwit's seductive motives. She starts laying it on thick and heavy. Now that Mucks is dead she's a free woman. She keeps touching his face. Iggy is now breathing heavy as Dimwit sashays off. Oh, he just can't stand it. It's like when we make our dog sit and stay then put a dog treat in front of her that she can't reach. Iggy seems to be losing the battle between the top half of his body and the lower half.

Mucks tells Lunkhead and Yolanda that he plans to marry another woman as soon as the divorce is final. Lunkhead and Yolanda are incredulous. "Who?"

Marcela denies she was crying. Godmum doesn't believe her.

Mucks says he's marrying Marcela. Lunkhead and Yolanda think that's a very bad idea. He doesn't love her. "That's OK, Marcela loves me enough for the both of us and it's my best option since Dimwit won't forgive me for raping her."

Dimwit calls Fidiota to say Iggy has fallen into the trap. Fidiota is thrilled. These two are disgusting. I'm really starting to enjoy the misery ChewKey is inflicting on that conniving Fidiota!

Pasta goes to the police station to report Princess Fi missing.

Alejandro goes to see Iggy. Iggy invites his best bud to the wedding.

Doc V calls Marcela to tell her Mucks came to the hospital to see Dimwit.

Iggy tells Alejandro he doesn’t love Octopus. She's beautiful and elegant, but it's simply a marriage of convenience. He laughs. "Looks like we're both foxes!"

Pasta tells the Police Chief that Princess Fi has been gone for four days and all her clothes and passport are still in the apartment. The Chief asks if Princess Fi has enemies. Pasta says, "Well, she got in a fight with Marfil, but I can't imagine Marfil would do anything bad." The Chief asks Pasta if he thinks Princess Fi could be dead. Pasta says he hopes not.

Doc V continues to stalk Marcela. She tells him whoever Mucks visits is Mucks' business, not hers. She then tells him to quit calling her; she's not supposed to get personal calls. Doc V hangs up and says to himself, "Marcela open your eyes! Mucks doesn't love you!"

Lunkhead and Yolanda think it's a shame that Dimwit and Mucks are apart.

The attorney calls Marfil and says she'll have to meet with Mucks to discuss the divorce. She agrees to meet at 10am.

Mucks has the unmitigated gall to ask Godmum for Marcela's hand in marriage. Part of his explanation to her is that only Marcela can help him forget Dimwit. Godmum says there is absolutely no way she'll agree to a marriage between him and her Godhija.

Credits roll.


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