Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Amar sin limites Monday October 1—Everybody drinks lots of coffee

We begin with Azul in Inez’s room with Caty saying that Inez was like a surrogate mama like she was for Caty. Ceci comes in with Arnoldo and tells Azul that she filled him in. “what did you tell him?” asks Azul weirdly, “what else, the truth..” says Ceci a little taken aback.

Switch over to Ivan and Eva on the terrace at her hotel. Ivan tells Eva that from the bugs at Mo’s office he’s learned that Mo is in the hospital (I thought he had people on his payroll to tell him stuff like that). Anyway, Eva already knows since Diego told her. Eva is concerned because Mo can’t die at this critical moment in their project. Ivan says that GSSD took a bunch of stuff regarding Mo’s medical history from the mansion and he didn’t or couldn’t stop him…Eva interrupts that it doesn’t matter. Mo must not die before they get more information about the origins and progress of the disease for her father. (Boris, that is. I think it’s the first time that she has referred to him that way since the confession which struck me a little odd.) Ivan says he’ll take advantage of the fact that everybody’s distracted with Mo in the hospital to put more bugs in, including in the lab. Eva says she’s going to the hospital to see how things are going there. Ivan tells his guys via the microphone to get going on the plan.

Back at the hospital, in the waiting room, Caty, Azul and Ceci are sitting around waiting when Leo and Andres (who looks ghoulishly bad now from all his beatings) come in. Leo announces that Chamita (?) the nanny went to eat and dumped Caty and so there’s no one to look after her. Azul gives a puzzled look and says that Ceci and she can watch her. Andres says Ceci’s going to be busy because *they* have to talk. Leo purses her lips but doesn’t flinch much so I am guessing this is planned. Azul is like, whatever, I’ll watch her. Now it’s Ceci’s turn to purse her lips. Azul, Caty and Leo walk off. Andres takes her hands in his.

We get a rehash of the confrontation between Lidia and the Hospital administrator about her wanting to see Mo to get a better lawyer for Piero and the Hospital Lady telling her that since she’s not family to Mo, she can’t see him. Just then, Azul walks up and the lady nastily tells Lidia that Lidia can talk to herbecause she’s Mo’s PROMETIDA (fiancée) emphasizing the word, for the benefit of Diego as well who has just happened by. Azul catches the end of the conversation and looks stricken. Lidia asks if she’s still his fiancée and Azul starts to say no but Caty is there and chimes in that YES she’s his fiancée and that she’s going to marry her Papa and be her mommy….etc. Azul looks stricken some more and tries to shush her and Diego starts to walk away. Azul begs to talk to him but he rushes off dragging Lidia with him. Caty is upset that Azul is upset. Just then Chamita rushes up and Azul dumps Caty on her and runs after Diego and Caty promptly starts crying.

Back at Casa de Diego’s family, the only ones left are Manuel and Clemencia who are fighting. Manuel is ticked that Clemi told Diego where Lidia went. Clemi says she did it because she was angry at Manuel for allowing her to go to the hospital and not relying on Diego. Manuel doesn’t trust Diego’s desire to help. He’s sure that once Diego finds out that Piero is a lying scumbag, he’s going to try to persuade his sister to leave him. (OK, I added the lying scumbag, he actually said, “his past.”) Clemi looks at him like he’s nuts. “Our daughter can’t be married to a criminal!” Manuel pretends that their marriage vow is sacred and it’s a done deal. And he warns her not to tell Diego about what she knows about Piero.

Back at the hospital Diego is chastising Lidia about being there and trying to get help from Mo instead of from him. Lidia complains that the crappy lawyer he sent says that Piero can’t get out of jail for 72 hours. Diego wants to know why but Lidia doesn’t really know, she says they told her it’s the law but she knows that’s not right. She wails that Piero is going to spend the rest of his days in jail with such an incompetent lawyer. Diego tells her that he will find out what the problem is. Lidia bitches some more about Piero having to spend so much time in jail. Diego says he’ll find out and that he’s sure that if he’s innocent, he’ll be out sooner than she thinks. Lidia tells him that she doesn’t want him involved and she wants to know why she can’t ask for Mo for help. “Because Azul left you and ended up back with him?” she demands angrily. Of course who should be lurking around the corner but Azul looking stricken again. She starts to approach and then who should pop in but Eva who runs up and kisses Diego. Azul runs away before anyone sees her.

Alfredo (yes, I’ll call him that now, since right now he’s neither smoking nor a scientist at the moment) runs into Leo in the corridor. He wants to talk to her about Mo’s condition. He’s REALLY REALLY BAD and she has to help provide him with information. Leo tells him that if Mo can just get a blood transfusion, he’ll be OK. She adds that if Mo doesn’t make it, they are all in trouble. Alfredo says the doctors want his medical history before they will do anything and she has to give it to them. She reminds him that his medical file has a lot of secrets that would cause a lot of trouble if they were known. Alfredo says that if she doesn’t, they are going to contact the ministry of health to investigate this “mystery illness.” He goes on to speculate that maybe they’d be better off if they were all known because then they would be able to work on a cure for everybody. Including her. Leo’s eyes widen and she reflects that she’s always hoped for a cure for Mo, but now she really wants a cure for herself. Alfredo pushes her but she goes back—She says “Maybe if I keep quiet, the cure will be found someday. But if I talk, Eva Santoro will kill us all.” Alfredo dismisses this and tells her that they can solve that problem later. The problem now is saving Mo’s life.

The doctor shows up (the same guy with the deep voice who played General Ochoa on Duelo) and Leo hands over a folder. Alfredo tells him that she has all the information. Leo follows the doctor to his office.

Alfredo walks on to find Chamita and Caty. He asks where Azul is and Chamita tells him that she went to the reception desk. Caty chimes in that Azul was VERY SAD!! Alfredo is all like, “so did she look sick?” Caty doesn’t know but she looked VERY SAD! (Chamita, please do your job and take that whiney kid home! No wonder they don’t like kids in hospitals.)

Ceci and Andres are catching up over coffee in the hospital cafeteria. She is just giving him the report of what happened when they discovered Mo on the floor at the apartment. She finishes up by noting that he’s got some rare disease. Andres gets jumpy wanting to know why she would say that. Ceci says, “well, because nobody seems to know what’s wrong with him.” Finally she asks him why his face looks all mashed up. (Frankly he looks so awful, I don’t know how she can stand to look at him and why other folks in the cafeteria aren’t all staring at him. Even in a hospital with sick and injured people he looks really nasty.) Andres claims that they fired a guard at Mo’s mansion and he got all violent about it. Ceci expresses surprise but Andres says nothing. She asks if the guy was one of those ones who treated her like a criminal when she showed up looking for Azul. Andres assures her that it was “one of those new guys.”
Over at Mansion Malicia, Ivan and maybe Jacinto (can’t really tell) are all decked out in the bunny suits in the lab planting the bugs. Ivan is ticked that they can’t find any lab notebooks or any written notes. They see a computer on the desk but they can’t get into the files because they don’t have the password.

We cut back to the cafeteria with Ceci and Andres. Ceci complains that she really doesn’t know Andres at all while Andres is still claiming that he loves her. She tells him that he needs to see her as a friend first, that’s the normal progression of a relationship. Andres is all puppy dog “Yeah, OK!” he moves closer to her. “But when I’m this close to you, I can only think of kissing you.” She moves in for the kiss and “Ouch!” Love hurts when your face is all bruised! This tender (literally!) moment is interrupted by Leo who does her quick dragon-lady glide into the room. She’s not pleased when she sees what the kids are up to. “Andres! I need to talk to you. ALONE!” Ceci gets up with Leo never even looking at her. Ceci rolls her eyes and leaves. ( Is it just me or with the pink shawl and pink scarf does Leo look like she’s kind of swaddled in pink? I guess it fits her barely restrained evil personality). Leo sits down next to Andres who isn’t happy. You wouldn’t know though because his face is all puffy. He and Leo are now a perfect pair of expressionless masks.

We cut to elsewhere in the hospital where Azul and Alfredo finally meet up and Azul is in tears over Diego’s dissing of her and how he now thinks that she’s still engaged to Mo, thanks to the hospital administrator lady and Caty. Alfredo says he’ll talk to Diego. Azul complains that he’s with Eva. Alfredo says no worries. He’ll talk to him.

Back to Leo and Andres. Leo is chastising him about not being more careful. Especially now that Diego knows that he murdered his grandfather and his best friend. Andres says nothing and prefers to fight with his napkin. When she starts picking on Ceci, he pipes up that he’s hanging with Ceci because she’s Azul’s best friend and that she knows a lot of stuff that can help them. Leo isn’t buying it. She makes fun of the kiss.

Eva and Diego are talking over the Mo situation and she asks him what his sister was doing there. Diego explains that she wanted Mo’s help because Piero had been transferred from the lockup to the regular prison and Diego’s lawyer hadn’t been able to stop it. Eva’s eyes widen and she asks if she can help. Diego says no. Eva makes like it’s an affront that she doesn’t want her help. Just then Alfredo comes in to talk to Diego. Eva and he make small talk about how yes, even though he’s not in the lab, he’s always working…she finally leaves when Alfredo mentions that the topic is Azul. Diego of course looks pained.

When she’s gone, Alfredo explains that it wasn’t Azul that caused him to stick around working for Mo. Diego isn’t buying this explanation. He thinks that Azul put him up to trying to make nice with him and he tells him to stop right there before he loses the little bit of respect that he has left for him. Diego takes off and Alfredo looks like he needs a cig.

Meanwhile, Azul and Ceci are catching up. Ceci remarks on how much has happened this afternoon. They compare notes on how both Diego and Andres are beaten up and Azul wonders if they fought eachother. Ceci tells Azul the story that Andres told her, about the fight with the employee. They argue about how much Azul is responsible for the impression that she cares for Mo. Azul expresses worry for him and for Caty. Ceci does a funny Leonarda impression when she suggests that if something happens to Mo, poor Caty will be left alone with Leonarda.

Andres, Leo and Eva are now sitting in the cafeteria drinking coffee. Leo is asking Eva about her concern for Mo and Eva is all business. And she’s worried that Mo’s disease will be investigated by the hospital and the authorities and blow the operation wide open. Leo wants Mo to be moved to Houston. Eva tells her to keep her informed of his progress. The next minute she’s laughing at uglied up Andres and wants to know what happened to his face. Andres is more than a little ticked and complains that she knows very well what happened. He’s sure that she told Diego that he killed abuelo andPaco. Eva gets huffy that he shouldn’t be asking for explanations from her. Leo starts to get a little worried and puts her hand on Andres’ arm. Eva laughs again and says, no biggie. But she’s not happy about having to put up with his stupidity. She leaves, patting him on the head.

At the reception, Azul, Ceci and Alfredo talk to the administrator who tells them that blood donors are needed for Mo. Azul starts to volunteer and Alfredo is all NO WAY because she’s too weak, has been fainting, etc. Ceci volunteers and Alfredo. They need 5 volunteers. Azul wants to know how Daddy’s talk went with Diego. Alfredo looks uncomfortable.
Switch over to Manuel and Clemi’s where Silvana and Clemi are drinking tea or coffee and chatting. Manuel is lurking in the shadows. Clemi is reflecting that she wonders where she went wrong that her children are in such problems. Maybe Manuel…Just then Manuel shows up to complain that she’s blaming him again and storms out. Diego arrives and wants to know what Dad’s crabbing about now. Same as always is the reply. There is an update about Mo and Silvana wants to know if it’s possible that Mo will help Piero. Diego doubts it. Mo is too bad off to worry about Piero. Silvana looks pensive.

Meanwhile, Piero’s ex Lucia is getting into her house from the street. Suddenly Lidia flys at her and complains that it’s her fault that Piero is in jail. Lucia challenges her and tells her that if Piero gets out, it will be because she gets him out and then he’ll return to HER. (Why? Why would she want that bottom feeder back?) She grabs Lidia by the neck and marches her out of the house. Lidia looks crazed with anger and grief standing outside the house.

Alfredo tries to explain to Azul that Diego is confused and upset. Ceci walks up and complains that her arm hurts from the blood-drawing. Alfredo tells her to quit complaining and leaves. Ceci points out that it’s *she* who has been the one to help out her fiancée. Caty starts whining that she wants Azul to take her home. Azul turns absently to Ceci and asks her to take Chamita and Caty home since she needs to stick around.

At Diego’s house, Diego is explaining to Silvana that Eva told him that Andres killed Abuelo and Paco. Silvana is distressed. She knew all along that Mo and his henchmen were capable of this and worse.

The doc, Alfredo and Leo are having a conference in a hallway. Azul walks up and wants to know everything. At first Alfredo tries to keep the information from her but she insists. And thus she (and we all) finds out that (1) Mo is suffering from a fatal and mysterious blood disorder (2) it’s progressive in breaking down the bodies defenses (3) he’s suffered from it for years. (4) If a cure isn’t found soon, he’s going to die. Azul is impactada into the commercial break and not in an attractive way.

Azul asks Leo if she knew and Leo responds with a terse, “Yes.” She asks the doctor if there is anything that can be done. The doctor says they are doing all they can and it’s in God’s hands. She starts crying Alfredo comforts her and leads her away. The doctor, Quasimodo, I mean Andres and Leo stand there, looking glum.

Switching back to Silvana and Diego at Diego’s house, Diego is complaining that “Everybody at the hospital thinks Azul is Mo’s fiancée. “ Silvana counters that she thinks he’s exaggerating. Diego says “Caty told everybody that Azul is going to be her mama.” Silvana defends Caty, telling him that it’s not Caty’s fault. She lost her mom and she needs someone to give her that love. Diego agrees that Caty isn’t to blame. Azul is. He repeats that Azul is going to marry Maurico. I thought Azul was going to be the mother of my children. Silvana tells him that she hates to see him like this.

Back to the hospital parking lot where Azul and her Dad have taken their discussion outside. Azul is now in the anger stage about Mo, complaining that she had a right to know and it’s wrong that she had to find out about his illness this way. Alfredo tries to dissuade her and suddenly she turns on him asking him if HE knew about this too. Alfredo, who is an incredibly bad liar says no. Azul doesn’t buy it. She gets angry and walks away. He tries to stop her but she heads for the little toy car Mo gave her where apparently Ceci, Caty and Chonita? Cholita? Have been waiting all this time. She gets in to drive and Arnoldo shows up saying he’s leaving too. Alfredo asks about “your aunt.” Arnoldo says she’s the same. Alfredo sees that Azul is not looking so hot so he persuades her to get out of the car and gets Arnoldo to take Ceci, the nanny and Caty home. As they pull away, Alfredo tries to do damage control. He tells Azul that he only learned about Mo’s illness recently. Azul still doesn’t believe him. He finally tells her that that’s why he went back to work. To find a cure for his disease. At first Azul thinks this is worse, that he knew from the very beginning that he was working on a cure for Mo. But he tells her that he knew he was working on a cure, just not that Mo was infected. Azul finally accepts this, it’s the truth after all. She dissolves in tears saying that Mo can’t die, not this way!

Back to Diego and Silvana. Silvana tells him he should talk to Azul again, clear up what’s going on, if she really is going to marry Mauricio. Diego says no way, to have her spew her lies again? He’s not going to talk to her again. Silvana smiles and says, “Yeah, I’ve heard that line before.” (So have we all…) Diego swears that this time he means it. Silvana gets up from the table, she has a dinner date with Flavio and tells him that as she said at Paco’s wake, she’s serious about helping him get Mo and his henchmen and bring them to justice. Diego doesn’t want her to be put in harms way. She’ll go back to see Caty. Next the subject turns to Lidia. Silvana originally came over to talk to Dona Clemi, who needed to unburden herself to somebody over Lidia’s travails. Piero’s still in jail. Silvana says she’s glad that Diego’s helping out with the lawyer. Diego remarks that his sister is just like his dad and that although he loves her, they couldn’t be more unalike. He wishes she had never married “that guy.” He further speculates that Lidia really loved Paco but let herself get seduced away by Piero’s money. He admits that something similar happened between him and Eva. He was impressed with her power and he didn’t see what he was getting into. Silvana asks why he doesn’t just leave his job. Diego says no, he’s there until he can get justice for Paco.

Leo and Andres are back in the hospital cafeteria drinking some more coffee. Andres is puzzled as to why Eva showed up at the hospital. Leo explains that undoubtedly she wanted to make sure that “we knew we were responsible for not allowing the information about Mauricio’s condition to leave the hospital.” Andres tries to figure out who now knows about Mo’s disease. It instantly comes to him. Azul. Leo says that the only one to blame for that is Alfredo and they will have to be sure to tell Mo, who will not be pleased at all by this development. Andres nods.

Over at Eva’s hotel suite, Eva and Ivan are having one of their little chats. He’s filling her in on operation --steal info from the lab--. It went well. They put the bugs in. Eva asks about the information and Ivan says they saw no paper notes but they were able to crack the password on the computer and download all the info on to a memory stick. He hasn’t looked at it yet, but he’s got it all. Eva smiles and calls him her “right hand man.” Ivan smiles too. He asks about her trip to the hospital. Eva tells him that Mo is very bad and that he’s going to have to stay there. She’s worried about information about his illness leaking out of the hospital. She told Leo and Andres to try to keep a lid on things but you can see from her expression that she lacks confidence that they will be able to do it. She also reports that she saw Diego there with his sister, who needed Mo to get Piero out of jail. At the mention of Piero, Ivan’s smile turns to an expression of grave concern. Piero is definitely one of the weak points of this operation.

Diego is still at home, on the phone. Clemi comes in with some groceries as Diego hangs up. Diego tells her that he’s been on the phone with the lawyer. Piero is “afichita.” Which I believe means “has a record.” Diego tells Clemi that they have to tell Lidia. She nods. Ominous music sounds.

Arnoldo shows up at the boutique to talk to Julio. They exchange hellos and Julio says, “What, you don’t wanna know where I slept last night?” Julio, says, “No, why would I ask that?” “I’d rather ask how your Aunt Inez is doing.” Arnoldo tells him she’s the same. Julio cheerfully says not to worry, it’ll all be fine in the end. (Odd thing to say about a woman in a coma) Arnoldo says, he’s not worried about that. He’s worried about Julio’s attitude. Julio pauses and says that maybe they should talk about this later, at home. Arnoldo stamps his foot a little and with his arms crossed says no, they are going to talk about this right now! Julio says no, it’s not the time or the place. And besides, he has a dinner to go to. This makes Arnoldo even more upset. “A dinner, where? With who?” Julio smiles a little nastily and says “Arnaldo…If I don’t ask you questions (about where he was last night) please don’t ask me questions.” So much for the loving couple I guess.

Over at Casa de Ceci and Azul and probably now, Arnaldo. Caty’s there and she and Ceci made a fort in the living room with chairs and sheets. Azul walks in and Caty runs over to show her the fort. Azul has a series of orange flashbacks about the doctor telling her that Mo is dying. Azul hugs Caty and fusses over her. Caty goes into a little speech about how Azul and Mo will get married and live happily together when her Daddy gets better. This of course tugs at Azul’s heartstrings some more.

Julio’s dinner date turns out to be Burgay. Julio is telling him that marketing and other advertising costs are his biggest problem in expanding his shop. He’s leery of a partnership though, “with someone like you” because he’s worked too hard to open the shop to start sharing the profits with somebody else. Burgay wants to know what he means by “someone like you.” Julio complains that Burgay doesn’t know anything about the fashion business and also, his outfit really sucks. (Tie looks like a flag, his suit is out of date). Burgay suddenly looks self conscious. Julio says NO DEAL, gets up, thanks him for the dinner and leaves. Burgay is left grimacing at the table, nervously fingering his loud tie.

Back at casa Azul and Ceci—Azul is on the phone with Chonita, telling her that Caty’s going to spend the night there. When she gets off the phone, Ceci tells her that if she’s going to have Caty around, she’s never going to be able to reconcile with Diego. Azul protests that Caty needs her. Ceci counters that Caty has Leo and Chonita. Azul says, it’s not the same. She drops the info on Ceci that Mo has an incurable disease. Ceci is impactada. And she immediately jumps to the idea that Mo could have infected Azul via sex like VD or AIDS. Azul is mildly impactada by this idea but shakes her head and says it’s more like cancer. Ceci is surprised that nobody ever guessed. “Maybe he didn’t know?” Azul says “no, he knew.” “And he hid it from you?” asks Ceci. “Yes.” says Azul.

Andres and Leo are getting home. Andres asks why Eva told him to thank Diego for allowing him to live. Leo speculates that because Eva just wanted to scare him. But she is in love with Diego and his feelings matter to her. Andres complains that he’d rather get revenge on Diego. He sits groaning with pain from his fight injuries. Leo tells him to cool it. Besides, it could serve them and Mo, if Diego has so much influence over her. She puts his head carefully on his chest as he grimaces in pain.

Azul is putting a cover on the sleeping Caty who is camping out in the living room fort. The phone rings. Ceci gets it and hands it to Azul. It’s the hospital.

Cut to Eva and Ivan—Eva is telling Ivan that Diego doesn’t want Andres killed. “So you are changing the orders you’ve given me?” asks Ivan.

Unfortunately my TiVo cut off here.


10/1 Juan Querendon

Hola amigos, I had some late meetings yesterday so I was unable to recap JQ, but I will be going home this evening and watching the episode. Recap is coming...:)


Destilando 10/01/07 "Behind Blue Eyes"

No one knows what its like
To be the bad man,
to be the sad man
Behind blue eyes.

Okay Okay so he really isn't a bad man, for those of you support Dr. Blondie...well take it up with "The Who", cause unlike Barry Manilow, I don't write the songs.

Thomas the Tour Bus brings the Tequila buyers to the big Hacienda, they are impressed and will get another history lesson.

Rod brings Gavi into the “Big House”, Rod & Ofelia are happy to see Gavi. Rod has everyone come in and sign the book, kind of like the ones at funeral homes only not so sad. Anyway this book has been around since 1784 & President’s, Tequila makers so on and so forth have all signed it. I may have my history wrong, but I do believe Pancho Villa was not really enamoured with such people. I think many of the huge haciendas were divided up and land was given to the campesinos. Anyway, the Tequila guys all sign and then Rod makes the Doctor sign. Rod is proud of his heritage, but you can see it is all for Gavi, he wants her to be proud of him. Rod then asks Gavi to sign as “ The future Hostess of this Place”. Everyone kinda does the woo-woo-woo thing, especially James. Dr. Blondie watches with beady blue eyes. Gavi refuses to sign, she doesn’t want to make the family mad. Of course Rod thinks she doesn’t want cause of Dr Blondie.

Dinner is served. During dinner, Dr. Blondie rambles on and on about Tequila. Gawd he is fascinating. The falsification of certifications keeps coming up. I’ll label this the “Anvil of Aaron”. Roman gives Rod the high sign, excuse me Dr. Blondie, but here are the traditional Mariachi singers to sing happy birthday to Gavi. James croons right along with them, Dr blondie is mouthing the words, but his lip-sync, is pretty bad. Actually he is using this downtime to suck down a cup of coffee, thus slying reviving his “Super Power Chick Magnet” skills. Ofelia brings the birthday cake. Then it is time to blow out the candles, Gavi wishes for happiness for she & Rod and good health for Clarita. Personally I think Clarita would prefer the 54in plasma as a fair trade for an occasional sniffle. Rod holds her hand as she makes her wish, then kisses her.

Rod pulls Gavi aside, it is present time. He has a very special present for her just from him. He has her turn around as he fastens a necklace around her neck. Gavi looks down to see the exact same necklace that Blondie gave her. Damn. Rod turns her around to see how it looks on her and alas, he sees the duplicate. Gavi explains that the Dr. gave to her as a birthday present. Rod has a look of disbelief on his normally gullible face, first the flower now the necklace.
I believe this quote covers it “Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine.”
Yep of all crappy silver necklaces in all crappy mercado stands in all the world….

I am creeping myself out here cause it seems that actually Rod & Dr Blondie seem to have some sort of spirtual connection when it comes to shopping, what is next? A cruise to Mantasy Island? I am almost missing that rogue Aaron cause he’d been all over this. Gavi tries to pacify Rod, but Ofelia comes and tells Rod he has a phone call. “Who is it?” Rod queries. “Your wife”, she answers. Rod goes off to answer the phone.

Gavi touches the necklaces and thinks “This can’t have happened”, at least that is what I think she thought. Now I do not know if she means “I can’t believe they both gave me the same present” or “It’s my birthday can’t believe I got the same lame ass silver Agave leaf from two guys who could afford better.” Gavi is a better person than I am so she probably meant the first one. Meanwhile the beady blue eyes take it all in.

Rod is like “what’s up I am busy with my guests, I call you later”. Isa lays it on thick but in a really sarcastic way that I am kind of enjoying in comparison to her earlier, two moods of “I’m pissed” and “I am really pissed”. She passes off the phone to Sofie.

After just a few days at “Bitch Camp”, Sofie puts everything she has learned from the masters in her brothers face. Now Rod has betrayed his wife, his sister and now his cousin. Rod says Aaron was badmouthing his Tequila so Rod & Dr. Blondie kicked Aaron to the curb. Rod wants to know how come Sofie who is his blood is betraying him by aligning herself with his enemies. Her voice reaches a shrillness that has dogs howling throughout the greater DF area. She goes so far as to call Rod an idiot, does he not realize Gavi is boinking the Doctor? Gavi only wants the family money (damn that is gonna be quite a hard cosmic bitch slap when Sofie figures out, there is little or no money, what with Aaron’s bad management, Rod’s stupidity & the loan to Isa’s worthless father, & last but not least Francisco screwing around with the ever persistent Agave plague). I hate Sofie even more cause now I too smirk when Isa literally screws Frankie and figuratively screws Sofie. These women are so annoying that I want them to start lamenting “What a World, What a World”, just like their role model did before she melted.

Rod comes back out and the party winds up.

Off to Mexico City where Hil hooks up with the two girls who SanWanna chased out of the apartment. Hil says he is gonna get rid of her, but he didn’t call the police cause he didn’t want any scandal at the apartment of Cassandra’s cousin, that being Dr. Blondie. Hey I guess Hil didn’t fall off the mountain.
SanWanna is lying on the bed back at the Apartment of Scandels, eating popcorn & watching TV. A girl could get used to this.

Now the group takes the tour over to the Tequila school. We get a lecture from James, all about the fine Tequila. Let’s just leave it at that. Listening to him is like those scenes of Tourette's syndrome. Now everyone is taking pictures and Rod does the arm around Gavi, she must still be pissed cause she is looking none to happy. Everyone congratulates Rod on the fine Tequila, James starts passing out bottles to all the buyers, once again the subject of the lips on the label comes up. Rod explains how his Tequila has the soul & essence of a woman, her scent, her taste. Beady Blue eyes watch as Rod caresses the bottle. The buyers are impressed, Gavi is blushes slightly and meets Rod’s eye, he gives her this awesome smile. Okay Rod I don’t know if Gavi forgives you, but I totally forgive you, hmmm this would be the time for a stroll under the tree and a bottle of that fine Tequila and my new lame ass silver Agave necklace.

The party breaks up. All the different foreign buyers are thrilled and can hardly wait to start marketing the Tequila in their countries. Mr. Wong (the Chinese guy) thanks Rod and I snicker..think reverse engineering & a couple of Agave plants. In eight years you’ll be able to buy the Chinese version at Walmart for pennies on the peso. It is time to get back in “Thomas the Tour Bus”. The buyers go back in the bus and Dr. Blondie tells Rod the day was a great success, the buyers are very satisfied. Rod thanks him for his help.

Gavi stops to talk to Rod. She is very happy and the day is a great success. Rod wants to see her, but no she has to stay with the guests. Rod becomes a little pouty. You have to stay with him, him of the duplicate presents. Gavi says Rod’s presents mean everything to her cause they are from him. She touches his cheek and turns to leave. Gavi is so different from me, if I had to feign vomiting, tie the bed sheets together and climb down the side of the hotel, Dude I’d of been there.

Meanwhile James tells Rod what a swell day it has been. Rod is like not so much, cause Rod knows full well that Dr. Blondie is all hawt to sample “Ardiente pasión”, figuratively not literally cause he would no doubt have a strong cuppa Joe to bring the mood. Rod tells James that Dr. Blondie is smart and good and most likely has a rare blood type and is a regular donor. James tells him to cheer up and our two hero’s “Frank & Joe Hardy” prepare to go to town and celebrate. This may not be the time to bring this up, but Que the Hell ever happened to Acacia? I mean I think I spotted her in the ads for the new Dark Chocolate M&M’s, are those her peanuts in the candy coated shell? Did the body of her uncle (I can’t remember his name) fertilize the crop and we finally got a yield of peanuts after the dismal failure from Meester James? Maybe those ancient Aztecs were right a little bloodletting makes all the difference.

Over in DF, Sofie hangs up the phone from talking with Ofelia, she was getting the 411 on the big fiesta at the hacienda. Sofie tells them that they had food & a birthday party for Gavi with Mariachi singers. That is it. Minnie places a call to Aaron. The hotel tells her he can’t be reached. Minnie screams at the poor person on the other end that he must call his wife it is urgent. Somewhere a telephone just thanked the Virgincita that it’s life was spared for another day. “What a world, What a world”, Sofie & Minnie prepare to leave and the phone rings. Isa asks them to show themselves out as she has take the call from her Papa or as we learn rather her Papi, as she needs to talk to Frankie now. Talk ? so that what the kids are calling it these days.

Rod is back at the hacienda on the phone, yelling at Dani, about how could there be two Agave necklaces. Meanwhile Dr. Blondie is once again yelling at innocent lil Nancy cause he thought Gavi’s necklace was a one of a kind. He tells her to stop crying, but not in a like “hey I’m sorry, really it is not your fault” but more of a “Stop that fricking sniveling, I can’t hear myself berating you”.
Dani tells Rod to calm down, stop acting like kid and stop acting so crazy. Dani then gives him some idea that we can’t hear and Rod is happy. James comes in and off they go to party.

Meanwhile over at the hotel, Gavi has come down from changing into another stunning white outfit. I’ve been to Mexico and white, well not so much. There is endless dust blowing. The buyers load up Thomas again. Two of them are telling Blondie how Rod has the “Gold of all Tequila” and another brings up that Rod is in love with Gavi. Beady eyes. Gavi walks up.
The discussion turns to Aaron who has cancelled his room. Now Blondie questions Gavi about the lips on the label, Gavi tells him that they are hers. See at this point you can see for good or bad she is totally enamored with Rod, this is the “Back Off Dude” time. Beady Blue eyes. Finally the businessmen are bored and want to go hear some Mexican Music. They are unaware that Gaviota the singer is amongst them. “Songs for my Rodriego” available in the lobby. I dunno I’ve heard stories about business trips and so far these guys have only seen Gavi & Ofelia. SanWanna picked the wrong time to go to the city.

Now over to Mexico City, Sofie has taken on a rather aggressive posture with the hired help. She quizzes the maid about Frankie’s whereabouts. The maid of course has no idea. “What a World, What a World”.

Oh look there is Frankie having a snack with Stefano (I still think Stefano is kinda hawt). Frankie confesses that he is intrigued with Isa. With Sofie not so much. He will wait to see how things play out with Isa’s husband. Now I am thinking would that be like your freaking brother-in-law AssHat?

James & Rod are having a Tequila in town when they spot the local guy who is buying up all the sulfate. Rod is like that would be awful if we had a disloyal worker selling off our sulfate. Rod turns his head thus once again his life is spared by the Anvil that just crashed. They leave and walk back to the truck. Two giggling girls (as in female, but plenty old enough to know what they are looking for), come running up to the truck. They think Frankie and his version of the traveling “Trucka de Amor”, is back in Tequila. They asked where Frankie is and when he will be back. Rod says he will be back tomorrow. Rod grills James on what Frankie has been doing in the truck. James says Frankie has lots of Amigas, but James didn’t want to say anything cause he didn’t want sweet little Sofie to suffer. Now Rod spots Thomas the Tour Bus. Can Gavi be far off?

The Tequila buyers & Dr Blondie are all sitting around a table. There is a Norteno band playing. Rod & James pull up down the street. One of the men asks Gavi to dance. So she gets up and dances with him, then another cuts in. It is all good clean fun. Then Blondie asks to dance. Rod spots this from the truck and the God envy/jealousy; PHTHONOS smites him in his heart. Rod jumps out of the truck and tries to walk down the street. James stops him. He is like look there is nothing going on, it is a folk dance. You are getting carried away with your jealousy. Rod agrees and they walk back to the truck. The truck drives off. The dance ends.

Gavi gives the run down of the evening to come, of dinner and so on. The guests toast Gavi on her birthday & Dr. Blondie cause he is such a fine dude. Dr Blondie stands up and starts this speech about who he went six months with out a secretary how he need no one. Then Gavi came into his life and now he is totally dependent upon her, how she has become the most important companion in his life. Gavi looks up at him and smiles. (You know in real life those business guys would be “Is she doing both of them?”)

And we end with that rather disturbing scene. What a World What a World.

Now on to tomorrow….

Looks like Rod tops Dr Blondie by having Clarita come to town as a special birthday gift…we see uber beady eyes.

Dr. Blondie has Marachi singers under Gavi window as Rod walks up with his own band.
(My husband called BS on this one, cause this is like Blondie totally declaring his love..you can’t play that friend card if you have the singers, it only means one thing)…..Remember when Tomas has the singers for Lety’s birthday, even Tomas made it a point that he only did it as a friend cause he knew no one else would ever do it for Lety.

Oh yeah & Aaron & Rod get in a fight and end up in the swimming pool…think Crystal & Alexis Dynasty circa the 80’s…yeah maybe they will rip each others clothes off.


Sunday, September 30, 2007

Amar Sep 28 - Lidia gets to act dramatic a lot

After a very unbelievable beating of Andres by Diego, Leo runs to Frick and Frack for help, they pull a psych on her and laugh about it, then she runs back in, gets a gun, and shoots. Frick and Frack run in, look at who is on the floor, and look at who is still standing. We don’t get to see who is who.

Flava connects an answering machine at Morticia’s house, Isela is there too. He tries to get them to record the outgoing message while he’s still there, but they “uh uh no it’s ok” – I guess they didn’t tell him it was for the sex hotline. They have some idea that this will save her mom’s business or something. Flava clowns around and doesn’t leave.

We see that Diego is still standing. Frick yells at Diego for making trouble. Diego’s phone rings, he looks at it and puts it back in his pocket. He tells Andres that this isn’t over! Then we see Andres pick himself up off the floor. Leo must have just fired over their heads to break up the fight or something. I thought maybe she killed Andres out of jealousy. That would have been a big disappointment to you ladies I realize but it would have been interesting. Andres looks like crap. He tells Leo why Diego was beating him up, they discuss whether or not it is possible that anyone has proof that Andres killed Abuelo and Paco, whether or not all is lost. As Leo tries to clean him up, he complains that everything changed when Azul and Diego entered Mo’s life (Edit - originally this said 'entered Mo's wife' which is funny on a whole other level. Typo.). Leo says yes, those two, and then Cecilia. Andres says to leave her out of it, she pokes him in one of his wounds to let him know who’s boss. He tells her to call Mo.

Everyone watches the paramedics take Mo away from where he collapsed. His phone rings and Azul answers it, she tells Leo what’s going on. Leo freaks out when Azul mentions the hospital, Leo says he can’t go there, only to Houston. That is of course ridiculous and Azul tells her so. Azul and crew head off to the hospital.

Leo tells Andres what is going on, they worry about it.

Ivan talks on the phone, he’s getting a report from Frick. He tells Eva about the fight. She says Diego isn’t capable of killing anyone, Ivan says anyone is if they are pushed enough. She says no, not Diego. Whatever. He says Leonarda interrupted the fight with a gun, Eva freaks out and wants to know if Diego is ok. Ivan doesn’t answer, he looks like he’s trying to think of some angle here.

Azul is at the hospital worrying, Ceci shows up, there is no news. Ceci tells her to be patient. Ceci says Katy is downstairs crying her eyes out.

Leo is cleaning up Andres some more, she starts trying to kiss up on him. Andres looks disgusted, he tells her now isn’t the time. He’s worried if Diego really has proof. Leo says whatever happens she’ll always be with him. She says he can’t be with any other woman, or does he think Cecilia will be understanding about him being a killer?

GSD shows up to see Azul, I’m sure they are right outside Ines’s room. In fact GSD thinks that is why Azul is there, Azul fills him in. He’s freaked of course, since he knows the truth. He wants info.

Diego shows up at his mom’s house looking all beat up, she wants to know what’s up. Manuel also wants to know what’s up, Diego doesn’t want to get into it. Lidia is angry at him for taking so long to show up, Diego turns to show his bloody face, Lidia just finishes by saying she has the phone numbers that she needs. Diego forbids her to contact Mo.

Azul has no real news to give GSD, the doctors don’t know what’s up with Mo yet. He thought bubbles that he doesn’t want the same thing to happen to Azul. Azul wants to know why GSD told Diego that he went to work with Mo again for Azul. GSD says he’ll clear it up. GSD asks if Diego really dumped her, she says yes. He asks if she’s sure that Diego loves her, she says yes and begs him to clear things up with Diego. He says he will.

Diego says Mo is a bum. Manuel says before he liked him fine, Diego says that was before. He won’t explain why, he just tells them all they can’t contact Mo, period. Lidia says it’s just because he loves Azul and she used to be with Mo. Everyone whines and argues. Manuel yells at Clemencia, Diego yells at him for that. Diego finally says he’ll find a lawyer. Lidia tells him to ask Eva, Diego says no, he’ll find a lawyer that he can pay for.

Katy finds Azul at the hospital and wants to know how Mo is. Azul has no answer. She gives Katy a wad of money and tells her to go buy all the candy in the store. Somebody asks if Azul is there for Mo, Katy says yes, she is his “prometiva.” They all laugh and correct her to say “Prometida.” Katy says “whatever, that.” They don’t correct her that Azul ISN’T Mo’s prometida. Finally a doctor comes out and says that he doesn’t know what’s wrong but his situation is very grave. Azul wants to know if Mo might…. The doctor says yes, at any moment it is possible. Azul says no, he can’t die! She doesn’t understand how they don’t know what’s wrong with him. She tells the doctor that he sees some doctor in Houston, maybe they can get the file from there. The doctor wants as much info as they can provide about allergies, etc. They blather on about this type of thing for a while. She comments that since Mo said he was never sick, it is strange that Leonarda said that Mo regularly got treatment in Houston. GSD says he’ll go to Mo’s house and see if he ate something strange or something. The doctor asks him to bring anything that looks remotely medical. Azul says she’ll go with him, GSD says “no no no no no no.” Of course. He asks the doctor to speak in private for a moment. After they walk away, Azul whines and cries while Ceci tries to comfort her.

GSD says to the doctor that he didn’t want to say in front of his daughter, but… He tells him something about a transfusion that I didn’t understand. GSD says Mo needs a transfusion and tells the doctor to trust him. If the doctor trusts some guy who reeks like an ashtray, he is a poor doctor.

Flava wants to know why the ladies are pushing him out. Morticia says they want to talk about girl stuff. Finally she tells Flav to give her a little space and get out for a few minutes. They are all kissy about it, barf. Morticia begs Isela to help with the recording.

GSD tells Azul that he told Leo not to come, to stay and look for any documents that might help. Azul says things about Mo’s illness, GSD keeps saying “no no no.” Shouldn’t he be off somewhere working on a cure? This guy is a joke. He is going to lose his daughter and he’s here dicking around at the hospital with his ‘ex’ girlfriend that he is supposedly over and now messing around with Mo’s doctor. Go find a cure already. He leaves Azul at the hospital, I hope he’s going back to work.

Leo tells Andres that they are waiting for GSD to show up. They hope GSD can save Mo.

Katy wants to see Mo, Azul says that they can’t right now. She explains that he needs complete peace and quiet. The maid takes Katy off to buy candy or something. Ceci asks Azul if it’s a good idea to make Katy think that Mo will get better when he probably won’t. Ceci says that she hopes Mo didn’t have something weird and infected Azul with it. Dum dum Dum!

Morticia leaves a very basic message on the machine, Isela doesn’t like it. She wants her to sound more sensual, more sexy. Morticia tries again and it’s better, but Isela wants more. Morticia goes over the top and does a real phone sex style voice, we even get porno music in the background. I can’t figure out what the point of this storyline is. Days and days that amount to “they put an answering machine on the phone sex line because mom disappeared.” That’s it. What a waste of time. I guess it’s to keep these characters active until we need them again later.

Ivan asks Eva if she’s worried that Diego won’t want to work for her anymore, she just gives him a look. Burgay shows up. He says the lawyer is with Piero and Burgay told the lawyer to tell Piero that Mo sent him, not Burgay and Eva. She says they need to know why Piero is in jail and if it is Mo’s fault. Burgay says something about her wanting to help Diego’s brother in law, at which Eva rolls her eyes and turns away. Burgay says maybe he should go. Yes, maybe you should. Eva rolls her eyes again.

The lawyer tells Piero that if the accuser doesn’t present any evidence in 72 hours why Piero did what she says, he is free and they’ll go after her for filing a false report. Piero is distressed that it takes 72 hours. I agree, that’s a long time. The lawyer goes over Piero’s history of cheating with Lidia, he was in the country illegally or something, Piero says that isn’t motive for killing anyone. He also doesn’t have any idea who could have killed Paco. The lawyer wants to know his business with Mo, Piero is evasive. The lawyer says to tell him everything or find another lawyer.

Ivan tells Eva to be careful what she does, they have some conversation about knowledge being power, she loves Diego, she has no secrets from Ivan. She wants to avenge Diego’s pain and control Mo. Ivan gets a secret message in his ear and nods when he gets the message. Why is he nodding? Can somebody on the other end of the secret service earpiece see him nodding? He says Diego is outside, should he let him in? Eva says yes, and leave them alone. Diego enters and follows Eva out onto the balcony.

GSD says to himself that the password Mo gave him worked, he is looking at some medical papers of Mo. Frick wants an explanation, Leo comes in and supports GSD’s story and gets Frick to back off. GSD thanks her. Outside, Leo begs him to find a cure and save Mo. GSD says he doesn’t have the antidote yet, she says she doesn’t want to die this way. I guess the poison yogurt is making her feel sufficiently sick.

Diego tells Eva that he found a lawyer for Piero and that Piero is accused of killing Paco. He explains the story and why Piero’s ex would have accused him. Eva offers her lawyers, Diego declines.

Manuel tells Lidia what’s going on, she is getting all freaked out that Piero isn’t out already. She badmouths Diego for finding that lawyer and says nobody cares. Very 15 year old behavior. Manuel says he’s going to find Mo and get a better lawyer, he suddenly thinks Piero and Mo are the cooooolest guys ever and can do no wrong. Clemencia thinks it’s a bad idea. Manuel says he’s going to tell her a couple things that will explain how the situation is much more complicated than she thinks, why they need a very very smart lawyer.

Arnaldo hears Ceci’s voice behind him in the café, he joins her. He asks why she is there, for Ines? She doesn’t answer to create some forced drama.

Lidia comes back downstairs and says she’s going to go find Mo to ask for help. Clemencia has already heard Manuel’s story, apparently, and stops her so Manuel can tell Lidia what’s up too. Piero came into the country as a student to study architecture but didn’t complete the program, he stayed in the country after that without permission. Clemencia asks how Lidia couldn’t know this stuff, or did she know? Lidia says it doesn’t matter and she storms out. Manuel says to let her go, they have to look out for their interests and the interests of Piero’s business! Clemencia says he is too concerned with that business, I guess she doesn’t care if Manuel pulls down a salary and puts food on the table? Clemencia says he should be more worried about Lidia, he doesn’t know what kind of man she’s tied up with! Lots of !!!! Oh my!!!

Eva asks Diego if he still wants to leave the company, he says no. He says he’s staying because he wants justice against the killer of his Abuelo and Paco. She offers to have Andres offed, Diego says no, he doesn’t want blood on his hands. What kind of vengeance is he after then? Diego says death is too good, he wants him to suffer for a long time. His phone rings, it’s his mom. He tells Eva that Lidia went to look for Mo at the hospital.

Azul sneaks Katy into Ines’s room. Katy looks at a picture of the family that Arnaldo brought, she asks if that’s Azul’s mama, Azul explains that no, her mom died, that is her aunt Ines in the picture. Katy asks if Ines was her second mom, like Azul is to Katy? Azul says sort of, then she starts crying. Ceci and Arnaldo enter the room, Arnaldo says Ceci told him everything.

Ivan serves Eva coffee and says that he listened to the recordings from Mo’s house and Mo is in the hospital. She very bitchily (is that a word?) that she knows, Diego told her. Well la dee da good for Diego. My wife wants to know what Eva does. She doesn’t exercise, she doesn’t even eat, she just drinks a lot. She tells Ivan that Mo is important to the business, he is the only one that knows certain things about the illness. Ivan says he’s going to sneak into Mo’s house and copy information and get into the lab to copy stuff about the virus. Eva says fine, she’s going to the hospital. Ivan gets on the secret service earpiece and says they are going to commence project whatever.

Andres and Leo show up at the hospital, Andres asks to speak to Ceci alone, if she will. She doesn’t look like she wants to. Andres looks horrible. It’s almost a joke now, how messed up can they make him look. And through it all, he keeps wearing a suit. One of his eyes is completely swollen shut. Ceci says she’ll talk to him, the others leave them alone.

Some lady is telling Lidia that she isn’t family so she can’t see Mo. Diego asks what she’s doing there, Lidia gets all bitchy and says she’s doing what Diego isn’t. The lady says if she wants to know anything about Mo, talk to that lady (she points at Azul), she is Senor Duarte’s prometida. Diego turns around and sees her smiling at him, he gets the clenched jaw look going. GREAT. We get more Three’s Company misunderstanding plot device combined with break up every day plot device again. Argh.

Monday – more stuff about who is sleeping with who and who thinks who is sleeping with who and maybe who is actually sleeping with who, and everyone acting like teenagers about it.


September 28, 2007 Yo Amo a Juan – In which Pastor has a Mimisqui* and Ivonne has an Admirer


I just realized as I re-read a little of this that I use quotes sometimes and don’t other times when I probably should. Thanks in advance for bearing with that. As always, help and corrections are welcome. I take total responsibility for typos and grammatical errors. ☺

Also, I’ll need subs a couple of times in October for travel. The first is next Friday, October 6. Thanks for considering this, anyone who is able to. If no one can, I’ll get a header posted before I leave for the weekend trip.

And now to our feature film…

As morning breaks over the D. F., we revisit Juan and Ana talking outside the Casa Dávila where Juan has come to get Paula for work and Ana is leaving, too. They greet each other warmly; she turns to go, and almost immediately turns back. Can she ask him a question? Sure, even two. She chuckles, but wants to know what’s up with Juan and Paula. He thought bubbles that’s the question he’s asking himself. He doesn’t want to get mixed up between the two of them.

And we revisit Pastor’s chat with CL, who barges in while Pastor is grooming his toupee. Pastor makes a nice save with his mirror and comb stowed in the fake company file faster than the speed of light, though he’s impactado because CL is known not to be a lark and it’s awfully early for him to be up and meddling in office stuff. CL needs his help Pastor tries to offer him coffee, or Lucy’s word (which I love), whatnot. CL cuts him off, nope, he just needs Pastor to prepare separation papers and pay for Paula and Juan.

Ana doesn’t think this is such a difficult question. Juan babbles until she asks him even more directly what’s up. He honestly answers he has no idea, really. She isn’t buying it. He thought bubbles about what he should do. Just as we think Ana might get an answer, Paula pops out and greets Juan rapidly, reminding him they need to hurry. And you, Mamá, aren’t you going to be late? Ana sighs. She’s not getting the 411 today, obviously. She rushes Juan to the car, and he rushes after her. Isn’t it a lovely day? Yep, a lovely day. Doña Ana, YOU have a lovely day. They’re off and running (as opposed to running off….. at the mouth).

¡¡¿¿¿Qué???!!! Pastor chuckles nervously. What’s so funny, CL asks him? Pastor’s sure he misunderstood. Nope. There’s nothing to understand, just do it. He repeats his request; as soon as possible! Pastor wants to know if there’s a specific reason for this. Because I said so. Ya got a problem wid dat? Pastor assures him there’s no problem. But, he pushes for reasons why…..CL cuts him off. Just do what I tell you. Don’t be questioning me or you’ll be preparing your separation papers. Pastor stutters around that he’s not questioning the boss’s decision. CL tells him that’s better. He wants it by noon. Pastor assures him it’s crystal clear (no canta un gallo, a rooster couldn’t sing clearer) and we hear the rooster crow in the lobby. CL stalks out while Pastor mutters to himself and writes. He stares at the door, dejected and impactado.

Queen Nidia has her orange juice [Ed. Note: geez, does Delirio do this every morning? Maybe he does have some socially redeeming value] in bed, and is whining about Yadi’s noncompliance and ingratitude. It was only when Juan arrived that they finally knew where Yadi was, or she doesn’t know where they’d still be hunting the wretched child down [okay, I added that wretched child stuff]. He dresses himself for work as he tells her that the thing worrying him the most is that she’s ended up with Enrique, in whom he’s never had any faith. [Ed. Note: ¡MENTIROSO! He was your best friend a few episodes ago, especially when you were broke and hungry!] What’s more, Nidia tells him, it’s his fault she’s ignoring me (no me hace caso) and she doesn’t give a d*** (qué la importa un comino, a grain of cumin isn’t important to her) about the punishment I gave her. Delirio tells her “excuse me, but I’ve told you” and proceeds to castigate her for spoiling the little girls as long as he’s known her and she goes with any whim they have, etc., etc. She tells him not to question how she’s raised her children. He jumps on it to point out her kids need a paternal figure. That’d be a masculine role model with authority, maturity, serenity, economic stability…..Nidia tries to interrupt and he cuts her right off. Yadi needs someone serious, responsible….um….someone like Gutis! It’d be for her own good! “Listen to me! Listen to me!” Nidia actually looks like she’s thinking about Gutis here. Delirio approaches her and she thrusts out her palm to hold him off. Wait. She’s going with him to work and talk to Enrique. She gets out of bed to get ready. She’s going to put things very clear with him. Delirio thinks that’s a VERY good idea, he’ll wait for her. He smugly finishes fixing his tie, which has taken him about five minutes to knot so far.

Paula asks Juan what her Mami wanted as they drive to the office. Well, she wanted to know what was up with us. So, what did you tell her? Well, nothing since you came out of the house right then. But, Licenciada, your mother asked me a question and I honestly didn’t know what to say. Juan doesn’t know what she has said to her mother. She tells him she’s said nothing, but he knows her mother, she suspects there’s more than a simple friendship between them. Juan thought bubbles that it’s now or never, it’s going to drive him nuts. He’s still left with a doubt himself, so he decided to play it out with her. He stops the car and nails her. Okay, Licenciada, I’m asking myself the same question, what IS between you and me? She looks a little disturbed at having her cage rattled.

Ivonne is impactada. She sits down in Pastor’s office, “So, he’s going to fire them both at the same time?” Pastor affirms the news she’s been waiting to hear, her nemesis will be GONE! He mutters that it’s really strange, no? She agrees. They’re both puzzled. She wants to know more, and Pastor tells her CL’s lips were sealed (el hombre estuvo hermético, like hermetically sealed ala Carnac the Magnificent, aka Johnny Carson). She says she thinks she shouldn’t have been surprised—something strange was happening between CL and Paula. Pastor agrees. Ivonne says she hadn’t told Pastor, but there was so much coming and going from his office to hers and back again—something was going on.…..Pastor points out that from the beginning they had their messes. It’s logical CL would end up firing her. Pastor’s real question is what does Juan have to do with this [Ed. Note: that’s the only relevant question, right, Pastor?]

Juan wants to know why he’s one of the protagonists of this story and is clueless. Paula tries to protest a little….she is clueless, too. Puh-leeze, Licenciada. He tells her if she wants him to be honest with her, he’s half nuts with this situation, one day it’s a thousand marvels, she’s warm, all smiles, and another she’s distant, like she can’t stand him (que le cayera gordo, fell fat for you). He tells her a few more unpleasant things she does like hide from him—he doesn’t understand, and she tells him she’s just trying to put her thoughts in order. He thinks if they define it for themselves, it’ll make it easier and they’ll know how to behave. She agrees, he’s totally right. She’s a little taken aback, though. It’s happening so fast, so pressured. She doesn’t understand how to interpret all these things. Okay, he tells her, before anything else you need to clarify if you still have feelings for CL. Juan, she tells him, you know it’s just recently I’ve been enamored of him. Suddenly when what happened between us happened, the floor (or apartment, flat) moved (I was shaken up, [my best guess]), and it made me doubt my feelings. He tells her there are certain feelings that don’t bear analysis and one knows perfectly what they are. She agrees and feels like a fool for not knowing exactly what it is she’s feeling. [Ed. Note: Could she be placating Juan, still playing with him to buy time?] He’s going to ask her one question, just one. Does he please her or not? (What does she feel for him?) As they say in my town, do I trip your trigger? (le muevo la aguja- do I move the switch?) She runs her fingers through her hair and looks away --she doesn’t want to go there.

Pastor looks at his watch. He wants to know what’s going on, and would you look at the time? Juan’s late! Ivonne tells him she is sure that Juan is clueless, he has no idea what’s happening here. “He’s as lost as you, or more.” Pastor gets up; he’s going down to wait for Juan and kidnap him as fast as Juan gets there. He’s going to force Juan to tell him every little detail, all of it! ‘Scuse, please. Ivonne is left in the office, puzzling over this new twist.

Paula gives Juan the ol’ “you’re very special to me” song and dance. She takes his hand and folds both of hers around his. The time they had that night was magical. Hablablablabla…..He asks if there was love? She can’t say that word yet. She’s still recovering from her war wounds. She is sure, though, they’re going on a good road. That’s all he wanted to hear. She asks for a favor, that they go slowly, give one another space, that they don’t have pressure, and don’t have to say a word, not have to explain every gesture and not put themselves in a strait jacket (camisa de fuerza). She needs time to sort out what’s in her head and heart. He tells her to take all the time she needs. His love for her isn’t going anyplace. He has no doubt what he feels for her. “Because, I love you. I love you with all my heart.” He doesn’t need to say more, with this it’s all been said. He kisses her hand. She’s serious, but smiling. He’s serious, and intense. They caress each other’s hands and gaze at each other while “Ay, amor” plays in the background…..

Kike is in the garage, where Fern is fiddling with what looks like a mini-television. He asks Fern what he was supposed to do? Put her out in the street? Look grudging and inconsiderate? What could he do? He could have her in the house, and hold her off. Well, did she come in? What do you think? You know what, though? She’s still there, sleeping like a queen until dinner. He chuckles about Yadi’s ways. Fern wants to know where this leaves him. He loves this woman. Enrique suddenly gets suspicious. What did Fern have with her? Nothing, Fern swears with his hand up. Kike says anyway, she betrayed him, and since then he’s not so sure she’s a good woman. She doesn’t make him feel the passion she used to. They chitchat a little and Pastor comes looking for Juan. He’s not here yet, they tell him. Where could he be? Look at the time! Pastor asks God for patience. Fern wants to know if he plans to wait there, and Pastor wants to know if there’s some problem with that. No, of course not. Just curious. Pastor waves them back to their conversation. Kike stutters something about food, and Fern plays along….

Ivonne, her fetching tube-type top leading the procession out front, storms into CL’s office and throws a file down on his desk. For a paper file, it sure makes some noise. He looks up, muy irritado. “What do you want?” She has to talk to him. He’s busy. Well, she has something to say and it’s now or never [déjà vu, didn’t Juan have this line earlier? I guess it saves writers fees if they can repeat the lines.] “What do you want, and please make it quick.” Ivonne makes a caustic remark about her majesty, the star of the office, Paula. CL snidely notes that if the office folk devoted as much time to work as they do to gossip, Farell Industries would be the most productive company in the world. It wasn’t gossip. Pastor is very upset that not is Paula leaving, but Juan, too. [Ed. Note: Aha. The file has the separation paperwork, anyone want to make book on it?] Let’s say it wasn’t too secret. CL smirks and tells her he’s so pleased to see her genuine caring for Juan, she’s making progress here. Ivonne says Juan can go to the devil. But then what? This caring is for Paula? Nope. I want her position. I want you to appoint me Veep for commercial transactions. He gets a big grin. Then he’s ROTFLLL. And LLLLLLL. And LLLLLLL. While he laughs his nasty head off, Ivonne plots eternal revenge with a humongous stink eye.

Pastor is patting his toupee and pacing a little. Kike and Fern lean in to whisper behind him. “What do you think is going on?” “Could he have lice on his head?” Fern chuckles and tells him not on the head, in the toupee. They grin at each other. They speculate about why he’s waiting for Juan. Is Juan going to get a death sentence? Kike thinks he looks like he’s on the verge of tears. Fern points out that’s his normal face. Whew, here comes the limo. Juan lets Paula out and tells her goodbye before Pastor grabs him and rushes him off—Juan had him at the point of an attack of nerves! [Ed. Note: it’s not likely this guilt trip will work, Pastor, so give it up.] Pastor has something urgent to communicate with him….Juan tries to tell him that he has stuff to do. The only thing he has to do, Pastor tells him, is go with Pastor. Trust me for once in your life, Juan! They’re going out for coffee. They won’t be long, and they won’t be overheard. He looks meaningfully back at the muchachos. Juan calls back for Fern to look after the car as Pastor shoves him off. Fern salutes: “sure, boss.” Kike waves, too and taps Fern, what’s up with that? “I don’t know what to think. The only thing I now is that every day it’s tougher to find a normal Christian who’s right in the head.” [Ed. Note: Must be a dicho, folks, and I likely screwed up that interpretation.]

CL is still ROTFLLLLLL. He’s nearly in tears, it’s so funny. That’s a good one, he tells her. (Qué buena onda). That’s the most absurd thing I’ve heard in my life. Ivonne takes issue with that. She doesn’t see how it’s funny. He tells her, look, forget it, I’m not discussing this with you. You’re not taking Paula’s place, period. For this assignment, you would have to be trained, self-assured, and able to think on your feet (make decisions on the wing, al vuelo). Able to have a minimal sense of how to analyze and make commercial transactions….with experience. He shakes his finger at her to emphasize. [Ed. Note: don’t you just want to do something rude with that shaking finger, gentle readers?] She tells him she can meet all those conditions. He smirks and chuckles again. [Ed. Note: don’t you just want to do something rude with that smirking face, gentle readers?] “I doubt it.” “Let me show you!” “Are you for real?” “Well, you see I am. I just want to be heard out. This doesn’t have anything to do with….our past.” He tells her okay, let’s talk to the point (clearly). You want a promotion, right, don’t worry. Yep, but not just anything. I’ve thought about it, and that’s exactly what I’m going to do. Ivonne smiles in triumph. Okay, I’m promoting you to Licenciado Perafán’s assistant. How does that sound? She practically comes across the desk at him. Feet first. “Are you mocking me? Do you think I’m stupid? That’s what you think of me?” “I had the same questions? How could you think to come through my office door and ask for the Commercial Veep position?” “Like the Licenciada Paula, or have you forgotten how she obtained her meteoric ascension?” “Why don’t you refresh my memory, Ivonne?” “By spending time in your bed.” She points out he didn’t have to ask about experience, training, nothing. He retorts that her qualifications are excellent, her résumé is excellent, and wonders if she wants to see it. She scoffs. She’s sure Paula showed it to him lots of times. He uses what is apparently a trump card for her qualifications, though who knows why, because she could have graduated from Podunk U: Paula studied at a university in the United States! And you, meanwhile, studied at a technical school for secretaries. That’s just to begin with. What do you want? That you’ll end up humiliated? She says it doesn’t matter. He agrees with that, and tells her that at least is a more sensible attitude. But, he lets her know the Veep position already has a new occupant. “What? You’ve found another victim?” He reluctantly tells her that the new Veep is MB. Ivonne is a little impactada. He tells her to excuse him, because he has a lot of work and little patience. She storms out in a huff. When he’s done looking disgusted and irritated, he laughs and points at the door she just exited.

Chelo and Monica are cutting up veggies together in the kitchen. [Ed. Note: No wonder Moni doesn’t think it’s a mortal sin for Paula to hang out with a chauffeur.} Chelo is congratulating Moni on getting to do the work she wants, and to work together with CL. For some unfathomable reason, Chelo thinks this is a Good Thing. Chelo wonders if she’s happy, and Moni confirms it makes her very content. [Ed. Note: Chelo is almost always smiling. She’d be a good person to have around.] Moni says there’s still something she doesn’t like about it. Chelo wants to know what, if Moni doesn’t mind her meddling (si no le importa que meta mi cuchara, if it’s not important to you that I’m mixing my spoon in it). Moni tells her she’s still not sure what’s up with Paula. Something has her unconvinced. It’s strange, when she and Juan were here, we talked about work and she seemed quite content, enthusiastic. Chelo asks what Don CL says. Well, he’s told me his version, Moni tells Chelo, but I’d like to hear hers. She has been very special with me; she made a good impression on me. Chelo tells her she has a big heart. Moni says it’s just fair, nothing more. Moni says she’s going to talk with Paula, but not one word to CL, he’ll kill me. Chelo promises to zip her lip. (yo pico de cera, I mind my own business).

Marely, standing in front of Paula’s desk, has her notepad and is reciting the to do list for Paula. They have responses to send, calls to make. Paula says she’s going to make calls personally, and Marely agrees. Also, there’s my letter of resignation, Paula says. Marely looks up, a little alarmed, and then smiles and tells Paula of course, the letter of resignation is routine around here. Nope, this time it’s for real, Paula tells her, she’s also tired of this game. She’s going to save CL the trouble of letting her go. Of course, Marely tells her. Paula wants to know why she’s so mad. Marely denies she’s mad, and she won’t meddle in something that’s not important to her. Well, excuse me, Paula tells her, but you look like you’d gladly choke me. Paula, I’ve told you it’s your life and you know what to do with it. Paula tells her she’s talked with Juan and he asked what’s their situation, are they a couple? Oh? “I said I didn’t know.” I should say I didn’t know what to say. I tried to tell him the truth, or what I believe to be the truth. Well, Marely replies, this seems like it wasn’t a very clear conversation. [Ed. Note: Could her tongue be in her cheek?] Paula gets impassioned as she tells Marely that the one thing she wants to do now is get away from CL. Marely retorts that Paula wants to see him suffer as much as possible. Paula confirms that’d make her happy. Paula reminds Marely what he did to her, betrayed her, humiliated her, what woman wouldn’t want to get revenge on a guy like that? You know what I’ve suffered at his hands! Marely knows, but she tells Paula Juan shouldn’t have to pay for the damage (the broken plates). The half-sisters glare at each other.

Pastor has Juan cornered at the coffee shop. He wants Juan to explain a couple of little things. He wants Juan to explain like God wills it, with his hand on his heart, and the truth on his lips. Juan swears to tell the truth, the whole truth, so help him Diosito. He thought bubbles that he’s wondering what’s happening. Pastor’s gonna overheat like a turbine. Pastor tells him this morning he was working in his office very early when suddenly CL showed up, which was odd because he’s no lark, but what was really strange was what he asked me to do. What was that? To prepare your separation paperwork, and the Licenciada Paula’s, nothing less. That? What don’t you understand about how important this is? Pastor wants to know. He’s going to FIRE you, Juanito! Both of you! Sure, Juan assures him, I understand, I’m not a blockhead. Pastor remarks that he must be the blockhead because doesn’t understand (why Juan isn’t more upset). Could Juan please explain que the h*** is happening? Juan sits back with a sour look.

Paula finally stands up and comes around her desk. She tells Marely that her worry about Juan only says that she hasn’t been honest. Does Juan interest her? Paula walks behind Marely, who is looking guilty, but Paula can’t see it. She squares her jaw and turns around. Yes, as a friend, a brother. “Marely, I promise you I’ll do everything possible….” Saved by the bell. Marely answers the phone and finds it’s Monica. She passes the phone to a reluctant and sighing Paula. Paula answers with pretty manners, but a grimace. Moni invites her out to eat lunch. How would that be? Paula can’t think of a graceful way to decline, and accepts. They’ll have lunch at three. Moni asks her not to say a word to CL; Paula agrees that she’ll say nothing. As she hangs up the phone, she tells an impactada Marely that Moni wants to talk with her.

Kike tells Fern he’s got to get going, and Fern bids him goodbye, but there’s a hitch in Kike’s plans. Delirio is right behind him. With Nidia. Nidia tells Delirio thanks for coming with me, but I’ll go it alone now. She looks meaningfully as a worried Kike. She tells Delirio she knows he has lots of work and she doesn’t want to take more of his time. [Ed. Note: Looks like a firm dismissal, folks.] He bids her goodbye with an endearment (my little sunflower bud? Capullito de girasol).

Nidia forcefully tells Kike she has to talk to him. He faces off with her hesitantly and submissively; he’s at her orders. Fern watches from his seat at the desk behind Kike. Nidia excuses herself to Fernandito, and tells Kike to get going. He walks off quickly. She and Fern eye each other….is it electricity? Is it disgust and annoyance? Is it about half and half? She turns and follows Kike. With a swing like that, she needs a porch. He watches…..but what the heck is that look?

Juan is trying to explain to Pastor. He wants Pastor to promise to take it calmly. Pastor tells him that Juan knows he’s the calmest person on the planet. Juan starts to stammer through it and decides to spit it out: “the Licenciada Paula and I are in love.” Juan beams at Pastor. Pastor, on the other hand, is impactado and desolate. He stands and begins to shake his head, close to tears. “No, no Juan, it can’t be!” His voice hits the Threshold of Discomfort at about 110 decibels Sound Pressure Level. Everyone in the restaurant looks. Juan tells him it is. Pastor seats himself, putting his head onto his hands and crying loudly. Juan looks over his shoulder at all the people looking at them.

Nidia has revved up to full speed ahead with Kike. She reams him a new one. She wonders what on earth possessed him to kidnap her daughter. He tries to interrupt. She wonders how he could do this to her! She’s been like a second mother to him! He tries to interrupt. She reminds him that he knows how much her deceased husband esteemed him. He would have given anything to see Kike and Yadi married. He tries to interrupt. She chastises him for thinking about living together, and gives him a list of reasons why it’s a Bad Thing. Kike makes the “time out” sign and tells her to listen to him. It wasn’t HIS idea! He agrees with her and he didn’t TAKE Yadira. No??? No!!!! He tells Nidia she’ll have to pardon him, but Yadi tricked him into coming to her room, and provoked him when she started to undress….Nidia doesn’t want to hear that part! Then he tells Nidia that Yadi came looking for him at school and practically forced him to take her in. If she wants to verify it she can ask Juan.

Juan asks Pastor to please do him a favor and shut up. Pastor keeps yelling. All the while that he was giving Juan a hand, and it was impossible to be happy, and he kept on defending Juan from those who would do him dirt. Juan tells him he appreciates all that Pastor has done for him, but really, he’s always been a friend. Juan notices all the onlookers and yells that Pastor is a great friend. “He’s my compa!” (Compadre, pal).

Kike assures Nidia that if it’d been up to him, he would have brought Yadi home last night. He doesn’t understand, but she’s obsessed with him. He’s desperate. Nidia wonders if he’s telling her the truth. She clearly wants to believe him. He swears he is, he’s not playing her, that’s God’s will. You know how much I loved your daughter. You know I would have died for her, but it’s all different now. I care nothing for her. Nidia says she’s working hard to believe this. He tells her it’s true, and she can go by his house and talk to Yadi. She’ll be doing them both a favor. Nope, she says, you’d better go with me. Kike wants to draw her a map and give her the address—he has a lot of work at the moment. They go back to the desk and Fern looks up, wary. Nidia looks triumphantly at him. She strokes herself and he starts to say something, but can’t. Could there really be something here? Nah. Kike gives her the map and address, and tells her to let him know if she needs anything, because she can count on him. She thanks him. She tells him that she hopes he’ll find love again, and calls him “my son.” Kike thanks her, takes his leave, and runs off to get his transporting done. Fern and Nidia are left staring at each other. They’re not alone, though….this is still Grand Central and the world passes through here each day. Does it matter to Nidia? Nope. She sits on the corner of the desk and looks dejected, so Fern, gentleman that he is, gets up and pats her on the shoulder. “Is anything wrong?” She throws herself into his arms. He reluctantly holds her and strokes her hair, then hears something that makes him look down to see if she’s crying or purring.

Pastor is still on a roll. He wants Juan to tell him one thing, the truth, and nothing but the truth. Do you love HER? Or is what’s happening with her simply a whim? Tell me the truth, I demand it. Juan tells him if he wants the truth, then yes, he loves her more than he has ever loved before and more than he will ever love again. He says Pastor should believe it, there are no more lies, no matter how much it hurts him, hurts CL, whoever. He adores this woman, and no human will ever change that. Pastor stands up, and Juan asks why? They’re not done talking. Juan tries to talk him back, but Pastor turns around and immediately falls into the arms of the guy behind him who stood up just in time to catch Pastor….in dead faint. It’s a mimisqui that would make Luigi Lombardi sit up and take notice. Juan lowers him to the floor gently and calls for water.

Delirio is still talking with Gutis, upset because he hasn’t got the information he wants yet and that they’re pressuring him and he doesn’t know what he can tell them about not finding the info. Gutis, totally nonchalant about all this, and playing with his shades while he talks on the phone, wonders that’s the mystery. They exchange barbs about the info, and Delirio tells Gutis he can’t keep making excuses. Gutis gets frustrated and tells him enough, already, don’t be crying here. Last night I left it for you on the desk top. Delirio turns over some papers and sputters.

Nidia still has Fern detained. She tells him it sucks to be her. How come children pay their parents like this with tears of blood? After all this dedication! Why? Why? She scans the area for warm bodies, and detecting none but Fern’s at the moment, slinks up to give him a full-body press (not noticing the person passing behind them several feet). He reluctantly tolerates her throwing herself at him, while she tells him her life is so unfair! Here she is, more alone than ever, she’s just realized…..alone, abandoned, without a firm little chest to give her support. All this is, of course, punctuated with stroking down her sides and a hoist. She continues that there are no arms to pamper her, as she strokes his long arms and gazes up into his face two feet above her.

Delirio is delirious! He tells Gutis that it’s marvelous what he’s found! Of course, Delirio has barely opened the document he just picked up, but it’s marvelous. Gutis says they can make a few little calls, get organized, and then…blackmail hovers in the air, unspoken but tangible. Delirio realizes he’s brilliant, though it pains him to say it. But Gutis is not happy; he reminds Delirio that they have a pact for which Delirio as of yet has done nothing at all. “But what are you talking about, my king? What?” It’s Yadira, of course. Delirio assures Gutis that he’s working on this child on Gutis’ behalf. He can be very sure of that. Gutis certainly hopes so, for Delirio’s own good.

Nidia pushes Fern almost back to the wall as he sits on a desk against it, and she suggests that they save this discussion for another day in another place. Fern finally gets his bearings and takes charge. He eases her up and away from him, flips her around a little and pushes himself farther from her, holding her arms. “Doña Nidia, you know what I think about that.” She flips him back to sit on the desk, holding him by the arms, and sits him down, flirting some more [ni que te estuviera pidiendo algo del otro mundo, it wasn’t like I was asking for something to write home about? I looked this one up and found it could be very racy, judging from the websites the phrase brought up. Yikes! Help here is welcome]. She only wants a few quick seconds of his time. He’ll be able to help her “clarify” her life. She strokes and rubs. “That’s all.” He tries again to stand up.

We find ourselves looking up at Juan’s concerned face, people standing behind him. “Are you feeling better?” The view shifts and we see a man holding Pastor up slightly from his position on the floor, with Juan holding a cup to his lips. “Drink a little water.” Juan dabs a napkin lightly at Pastor’s face after helping him with the drink. “Are you feeling better, better, better, better?” We hear the echo fades in Pastor’s ears. “Give me your little hand.” Juan and the guy help Pastor to his feet and Juan pulls a chair out for him. Juan thought bubbles that this hit the poor guy like a mule kick. Pastor weeps that this has to be a nightmare, a punishment. He shakes his head and blubbers. Juan encourages him to calm himself; they’re bringing him a little cup of tea. The drama continues.

Licenciado Perafán is in CL’s office. He has brought the incriminating book from the catacombs for CL’s review. CL thanks him; that’s what they were needing. Delirio tells him how much work it was to find this info for him. And, as you see, when I commit to something, it’s until death! He snaps his fingers. [Ed. Note: what an irritating habit! I have a colleague who does that often, and sometimes want to shake that colleague. I keep myself in check, though. With Alirio I probably would cut loose, however.] Delirio is beaming ear to ear, and making his usual expansive gestures to punctuate his grand success. “Ah, but CL, buddy, you and I still have a bit of unfinished business, right?” CL wants to know what. “Sure, you remember that about my assistant?” CL informs him sure, but I have bad news, Ivonne didn’t accept it. Delirio foolishly tells CL that he had thought for sure that CL was the one who made the decisions in Farell Industries, (and implies that now he sees that’s not the case, tsk). CL squares his jaw and tells Delirio through gritted teeth that sometimes he takes the well-being of his people into account. Delirio pushes more buttons by telling CL that he understands perfectly; if he were in CL’s shoes he’d do exactly the same thing and not let Ivonne out of his sight [okay, I interpreted very loosely here. Also, I’d like to make an observation that I’m not sure, but I think Delirio made a really risqué comment here, instead of saying “I’d do exactly the same (mismo), the word “mismo” Alirio pronounced “misma” which could have been a reference to doing Ivonne, her. But a schoolmarm wouldn’t actually know about that, so I could be way off base]. CL remarks that Delirio can’t know how much that reassures him to know that. Delirio asks if it would be too much for him to ask that CL let him talk with this little girl and see if he can convince her.

The next thing we know, Delirio is panting over Ivonne’s desk. He asks her how she is, what can she tell him? Nothing! He doesn’t take the hint, but continues that he’s noticed how alone she is when it’s time to eat, and he wonders if she’d go with him to a cozy little Mexican place, with tacos and tepache to die for. “Are you inviting me to EAT??” “Well, yeah, how does that seem to you, precious?” “BAD! Many thanks but NO thanks!” Ivonne is yelling. The office gossip-mongers should have fun with this old boy hitting up on Ivonne [Ed. Note: I tried to find Roberto d’Amico’s birth date on the web and it’s not given. Anyplace!] “Little queen, don’t be so surly with me! Accept my invitation. It’ll be worthwhile for you, because I have a business offer for you….” Ivonne gives him a fake smile and says that it doesn’t interest her, no thanks. Delirio presses on, because he’s just sure this is something she’d find worthwhile, if she’d only listen to him (he calls her precious, doll). If she doesn’t think it worthwhile, he won’t insist. [Ed. Note: Hah. We already have plenty of evidence to the contrary.] “You know what, Licenciado Perafán?” “What?” He asks and leans far over her desk. Ivonne shakes her finger in his face and yells “Leave me in PEACE!” Marely sits up and looks over at them, startled and possibly wondering que the h*** her stepfather is doing over there.

Back in Ivonne’s corner, Delirio says, “Look, doll, don’t get like that. It’ll be worth your while; I want what’s best for you.” Ivonne’s fuse is about burned out. She tells him that he keeps bothering her and she’s not responding. She wants to know in what language she can tell him that he’ll understand she’s not interested in ANYTHING to do with him. She’s not interested to be his assistant, doesn’t want his invitations to drink tepache, and she isn’t interested in anything at ALL.” She gives him her very best stink eye and storms off. Delirio, like the Bobo doll that never falls over, bobs upright again and says, “this doll’s an original.” [Okay, I interpreted loosely again.] He sidles over to Marely’s desk and complains that all he wanted was some info he needed, with the most cordiality he would muster up, you know me, and look at how she treated him, like a crazy woman. What’s up with that child? She has no class! Marely just stares at him. One can hope she’s as disgusted as we feel.

The lowbrow in question is in CL’s office, bellyaching about Delirio to the big boss. CL makes a wisecrack and Ivonne fusses at him about not starting with his stupid smile that unnerves her (wears her down). CL says that instead of wasting energy fighting uselessly, don’t you think it’d be better if you studied? She could soon begin a new career, with a promising future, a productive one. Ivonne’s annoyed. She doesn’t want him talking nonsense. He tells her whatever; if you want to be this guy’s assistant, perfect. If you DON’T want to be this guy’s assistant, perfect. The only thing he wants is that she won’t bother him with her stuff, because he is sure that he has things much more important to think about. She thinks a second, and walks toward the desk. In a questioning voice, she says “I want to go out tonight...” He tells her that’s a great idea, she needs a distraction and needs to reduce her neurosis a bit. Oh, that’s not exactly what she had in mind, it seems. “I want to go out with you!” He looks mildly impactado. “What a shame. I can’t.” “Sure, you can.” He murmurs dissent, and puffs on one of his infernal cigarettes; he’s clearly bored. She tells him he’d best be thinking about where he’s taking her and it’d best be someplace elegant; that’ll really give him something important to think about. She flounces out of the office.

Juan and Pastor are coming down the escalator to the garage at Farell Industries, and Pastor tells Juan, “Hasta aquí nos trajo el río” Well, it all comes down to this or here we are (my interpretation, it’s a Columbian dicho). Juan remarks that it looks like it. Pastor tells Juan he appreciates that Juan’s been honest with him. Juan remarks that Pastor knows better than anyone that Juan doesn’t like lies, and Pastor chuckles and reminds him that there were times before that Juan doesn’t want to make Pastor recall, which contradict his assertion. Juan replies okay, okay, but I’m a reformed man—by love. Pastor wants Juan to know that he’s going to do everything he can to help Juan. Juan thinks that battle is more than lost. Pastor tells Juan if he only knew how expertly Pastor can manipulate the big boss—he wouldn’t believe it. Modesty aside, Pastor continues, he can do with the boss what he feels like. From here, Juan will not be leaving. [Ed. Note: Pastor just got mega points with me. He can be a really solid guy, and right now is one of those times.] He tells Juan to have a good day, and Juan tells him to have one, too. He calls Pastor as Pastor goes to leave. Pastor turns again, Fern in the background. Juan thanks him for his understanding and makes guy-type gestures. Pastor sighs, “Juanito, what am I to do with you?” He goes. Juan smiles fondly after him, thought bubbling that there’s really a lot of nobility in this little bald guy, and if he hadn’t been fairly sure it could be misunderstood, he’d have given the guy a hug.

A smiling Ana is asking Paula by phone if Paula wants to have lunch. Paula has to turn her down for Monica. Can’t Paula cancel? Nope, impossible. Ana is disappointed, because she wants to tell Paula something that has the potential to be life-changing. Paula wants to know why Mamá can’t just tell her, already. Ana smiles broadly—this will be best told face to face, personally, and it’s a surprise for her. Paula just cannot go. Ana sighs and says she’ll see her in the evening and they’ll talk. Paula wants a little head up right NOW. Ana smiles again and tells her all she can say now is it’s something that could change their lives for the better. “Really?” “Yes, Paula.”

Ivonne gives Pastor an earful about Perafán. The nerve of that guy, trying to make her his assistant! She babbles on about CL being no help at all, all you men are the same, present company excepted, and notices Pastor is in some other world. She claps her hands at him and he comes out of his trance. “Are you listening to me?” “It’s over, Ivonne.” She wants to know what’s over. His relationship with Juan is over forever. She points out that nothing really happened. He sadly tells her that deep down he always had a secret hope that if nothing was said to the contrary, there was always a possibility of them ending up with something, a connection between the two of them. So now, why’s it all over, she wonders. He tells her that Juan is the lover of someone she knows, and detests. “Don’t tell me, Marely?” “No, Paula Dávila.” Ivonne is impactada and speculative at the same time.

Chelo is dusting as Moni comes to tell Chelo she’s leaving. “And what shall I tell him if the Mr. calls?” “Mmm, tell him that I’ve gone to see the Doctor.” “Ay, Sra. Mónica, I’ve never heard you tell lies!” Chelo is scandalized. Moni tells her there’s always a first time, and besides, it’s a righteous lie (white lie). She won’t make it a habit. It’s for a good reason. Chelo lectures Moni that she sure hopes so, since this could turn her into a liar fast. Chelo wouldn’t like that to happen to her. Moni says it won’t. She smiles and waves to Chelo, who wishes her luck as she leaves.

Paula is bracing herself to go to lunch with Moni. She tells Marely if anyone calls, tell them she’ll return about 4:00, 4:30 p.m. Now to go see if she can save Juan’s hide (pellejo, hide/skin) in this company. Marely wants to know what Sra. Mónica has to do with Juan and his situation. Paula thinks a lot, and she’s going to take advantage of the opportunity to get her to intercede for Juan with CL. She has a lot of power, Paula tells Marely, so Paula can kill two birds with one stone. The last thing Paula wants to do is prolong her exposure to CL. Paula leaves and strides across the lobby, while the camera takes us to CL’s office where he’s fingering the phone, clearly wanting to pick it up and call….Paula gets to the elevator, waits a second until it comes, and gets on it as CL finally calls and Marely answers. “Paula?” “No, it’s Marely.” CL is embarrassed, but asks if she’ll hand the phone to Paula. Marely informs him she’s gone to eat. CL wants to know if she left long ago, and Marely tells CL she just left moments ago. CL wonders if she knows, by chance, with whom Paula went to eat. Marely is panicked as we are reminded that any similarity to real life is purely a coincidence.

Monday: Will the gossip mill have a meltdown as Paula and Juan walk out arm in arm? Will CL get vengeance because he's been thrown over for a lowly CHAUFFEUR?

Vocabulary-note there are some in the recap I didn’t put in the list because the translation I guessed at and it might not be correct

no canta un gallo – it’s clear (a rooster couldn’t sing clearer)
que la importa un comino – she doesn’t give a d*** (a grain of cumin isn’t important to her)
que le cayera gordo – you can’t stand me (I fell fat for you!)
¿le muevo la aguja? – do I move the switch? (do I trip your trigger, do you care about me?)
camisa de fuerza - strait jacket
tomar decisions al vuelo – make decisions on the wing/on the fly, think on your feet
si no le importa que meta mi cuchara – if you don’t mind me meddling (if it’s not important to you that I’m mixing my spoon in it)
yo pico de cera - I mind my own business

*Mimisqui – a very unique infirmity suffered by Luigi Lombardi, the flamboyant television production guru of La Fea Más Bella, usually occurring when he perceived himself under extreme duress, for example, when he REALLY didn’t like something or someone



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