Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Destilando Amor 10/16/2007 "Scent of a Woman Redux"

If we got to dance with Al Pacino after suffering through the snorking scenes it would be one thing but, sheesh!
I am here to substitute for "La Ilustre Tash" with pleasure but with fear of more groseras y tontorias, but hey old Rodrigo woke up fresh and handsome and so full of himself he was almost sexy again. To purify and clear my head I was forced to attend to my homework for Literatura Mexicana y dios mio I read with pleasure about Sor Juana Inéz de la Cruz, the 16thC. uber-intellectual, feminista monja (nun). Well to get on with the tonight's story: Enter Gavi in tears leaning against a wall.

Frankie the Francophile descends the stairs (not nude, too bad) saluting the day with 5 cents worth of French and looking for his gourmet breakfast. Since Slave Sofie is in the kitchen he slips into the study to make a quicky clandestine call to Isadora to warn her that her calls in the madrugada are getting on his last nerve and making Sofie mighty suspicious. She appears outside the study door to hear him making sweet murmurings of a call later and sending besos. Sofie scares him by walking quietly into the room, he feigns looking for the paper. Other than reading "The Metrosexual Male" while steaming his face one day at Pilar's there is no other evidence that he can read. On seeing that he's getting bagel and smoked salmon, he graciously takes the tray from his impactada wife and sweeps out of the room. Now look at the clothes she has on today, hair down and feminine without being adolescent, purple shirt with nice cleavage, and a black skirt (not denim for a change). This subtle improvement of wardrobe gives her the sudden electric power in her brain to use redial. When she realizes that Isadora is the voice on the other end she throws the phone down like it was a snake. IMPACTADA hardly describes it. Isa is looking confused on the other end, get a clue girlie, your game isn't working so well this morning. So quick but too short a scene after all our waiting for this show down, mean tease!

Gaviota is mopey in getting ready for Alonso to come, Clarita is jumping around like she has Mexican jumping beans in her pants. Gavi is worried about missing a minute by the phone in case Rodrigo calls, Clarita has another moment of clarity and insists that is exactly what she must not do to herself (and Clarita is ripping for a bit of fun on the town and a long week of sayng, "como asi"). Her clarity comes when she reminds Gavi that after she demanded that Rod not bother her life or work and he complies, she says now look at your face (long and about to be weepy). Saved by the bell, Clarita sprints to the door while making a quick stop at the santos shelf, praying for an eye on the house, asking for love to work out with others and avoiding the tragedies (we are all too used to). Gee, I hope they put those candles out for fire safety before they leave, they always seem to be lit. Alonso sweeps in, well scrubbed in immaculate clothes. All smiles he gets Clarita wound up then side bars to Gavi that he hopes she doesn't feel forced to go out. Duh, buddy boy. Clarita and he arrange to go to a lugar con comida tipica since Clarita prefers it and this place will surely have a Mariachi band. Gavi hisses that she will not be singing so don't even ask.

Slip to the 3rd stage setting back in the country, Erika is looking doubtful at her jolly and very dirty mechanic who is still pulling wires out from the hood and mumbling something about cables. I thought it was carburator trouble a few days ago but this guy is quietly milking the repair opportunity when Rodrigo shows up in his humming white luxury carriage ready to sweep the princess off her feet. Rod avers that it is pure coincidence that he is stopping by. He would like to talk to her and after almost leaving her he leads her over to the restaurant assuring her that he needs her to be friendly to him, talk to him nicely on the ride home and to realize that she is not his therapist. At the table he beams that he is most satisfied with her treatment and feels all fixed up. She does show her professional best by saying perhaps there will be outbursts later and she is ashamed to have compromised her professional ethics by getting all borracha with him. The mechanic repeats that the electric system no va. A more borracho than thou electrician shows up. Rodrigo gets his town mechanic on the phone and arranges for a tow truck to come for Erika's car.

Parallel Universe time, cut to the other table where no-fun Gaviota, Alonso and Clarita are ordering. Gavi is so blue she only wants nopale salad and water with horchata. Of course Clarita wants huge platos of comida and tequila to wash it down with. Alonso is right with her. The Mariachis play some lovely but muy triste songs that bring Gavi to tears as they sing about lost in my abyss, I have nothing left, and I remember being in your arms until your betrayal.....oh gawd, hankies please.

Holy cats, the show is half over and que the hell is going on in the Hacienda?? Go ahead cut to commercial, bastardos.
Sorry but first the Rod/Erika show gets in the luxe car and sweeps toward DF. Universo paralelo time again. We get the same song on Rod's radio as is suddenly played live at Gavi's table. Solo una amiga....sweet memories of my life. Gaviota suddenly offers to take a cab but Alonso doesn't look like he wants to stay with bouncy Clarita. Gee once again it looks like nobody is who they want to be with. Doesn't this remind you of high school dating?? The Alonso date ends with him making blue puppy eyes up at her windows.

Finally Sofie is shown suffering, (I know it's unkind but some of us have been waiting with bated breath for this). She flashes back scenes with Isadora that suddenly make sense, Frankie's hankie from his hankie pankie, etc.

Good old James appears his shirt is almost normal looking if not for the embroidered pocket flaps. He is in tears before Sofie can let out a sob. Acacia was glad to see him today but perhaps he will have to face the fact that she is stuck in that awful nut house (so rude, I should say sanitorium or what is the pc phrase for the place where you get to keep people in straight jackets, I forget). Do they still do shock treatments? Poor Acacia she was such a lovely creature. He cuts himself off politely demuring from depressing Sofie who he thinks momentarily is crying for his story. She sputters out that she's been thinking all day and then we have IMPACT, folks, Frankie has deceived her and with ISABELA. Triple impactada. James goes into immediate denial. There must be some reason this seems wrong but isn't. So have you ever noticed that two of the three Montalvo children barely have time to hear about James really, really tragic story of an abused, fragile wife who couldn't keep it together. You'd think he had described a nasty break in her leg because they jump to their cesspool tragedy to howl in the wind about fracadas of their own making after a minute of two of ceding the stage to him. Franco must have a sense of doom since he hovers at the door then slinks in to hear Sofie insist that she has influenza, what a martyr in the making, no? Franco is so solicitous he even offers to walk her around the pueblo. Remember that last time, you moron?? Every babe within 20 kilometers is purring at him. James finally leaves quickly in disgust. I almost turned off the set but hey it gets more than slimey. He has more aces up his sleeve than a Los Vegas bum. He has the gall to suggest it is time for them to make babies. eeewwwww, yuck gooey kisses and so much falsehood.

Back to Clarita and Gavi where Clarita has another clear moment of saying Gavi could love this doctor who only want to be nice to her, he would die for you. She gives that motherly speech that we have mostly all heard about shop and compare then choose but WISELY. Her TN reference here is "Amores Paralelos" about the mujer who loved 2 men and couldn't choose so she ended up as a NUN. Listen carefully, girls, this could be your sad fate one day!

Gavi talks briefly to Dani who knows nothing of Rodrigo's whereabouts but is surprised Rod didn't call Gavi. They resolve to stay in touch. She got the invitation to Elvis Perez III & Señora (did I miss a wedding here).
One last scene with Rodrigo in Erika's apartment. Here talk turns to French and German literature and the science of smell. I actually had been thinking of Marcel Proust and "Remembrance of Things Past" when this whole smarmy aroma deal invaded the script. Siskind with "Perfume" shows us that Erika is an intellect to be reckoned with. I am not familiar with Bargo's work on the connections of aroma and absence. Supposedly the brain houses olfactory senses near long term memory areas. Let's discuss, I'm not nor have ever been a brain surgeon nor a neurochemist. But I like to talk about these things.

Pilar comes in and I could swear she smiled or her eyes moved a bit when she thinks the psych work on Rod will make him forget Gavi. I would hate to have to lip read her face. Pilar has been out and about with Nestor and reminds Dani that the 4 year anniversary of Amador's death and the Letter is to be read (listen for the sound of the other shoe dropping, stay tuned).

Next time: More sad music, Gaviota does not hear from Rodrigo but Erika does. Alonso and Nancy looked worried at Gaviota's depressing ways.....

Buenas noches amigos and amigas.


Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Amar Sin Limites October 15--Another ugly jacket and sorry Ladies, Andres *is* a really bad guy

Clemencia is at Anibal’s office. She tentatively asks if the job offer that he made to Lidia might also apply to her.

Silvana is in the kitchen mixing some eggs in a bowl while talking to Diego. They commiserate about how little progress either of them have been able to make in the investigations about the death of their loved ones. Next, Silvana tells him about her latest visit to Katy at Mo’s new place. Right off the bat, Diego asks about Azul and Silvana sighs heavily and says that he’s not going to like it but Azul was installed there like the lady of the house. “I realized that Katy already loves her like her own mother.” “I heard that Azul is going to marry Mauricio Duarte.” Diego looks like a popped balloon.

Mo is having a conference with Leo about the poisoned yogurt. He has guessed that Jacinto is the traitor but he’s not going to fire him, he’s going to use the fact that he knows he’s a traitor against Eva. He tells Leo to advise Andres of the development and to be careful around Jacinto.
Diego tells Silvana that Mo is sick from experiments with bad medicines. Silvana says Katy remembers her mom talking to some man about medicines that didn’t work when she got in the accident. Diego says that Mo’s business must be some scam involving fake medicine. Diego worries that Azul is in danger. He swears that that he won’t let her marry Mo.

GSD and Emilia are drinking coffee at her place. GSD reflects that when he found out that Leo wasn’t really infected, how he had wished that Azul wasn’t either. Emilia asks him what he’s going to do. GSD has a plan: once he finds the cure, he’s going to give it to Azul and Mo. Then he’s going to give a fake formula to Eva. Emilia wants to know what will happen when Eva and her gang spread the disease. GSD smiles and takes a drag on his ciggy—HIS formula will be registered and trademarked and he will make sure that the drug is produced by a drug company with a good reputation for the lowest possible price. Emilia nods distractedly.

Eva is on her terrace drinking coffee talking to Ivan. Ivan reports that Mo has fired all his security guards. Eva sighs and says that undoubtedly this means that GSD has told Mo that Leo was being poisoned. Ivan asks if it’s not possible instead that GSD thinks differently about Mo, after she told him that it was Mo and not her that infected Azul. Eva says no. GSD just wants to find the cure for his daughter and then forget everything that happened. “I promised him that once he found the formula, we would leave him alone.” Ivan says “You know that can’t happen!” Eva says, yes, unfortunately, once we have the cure, Toscano and Azul will have to die.”

Silvana and Diego are back in the kitchen, cleaning up after breakfast. Slivana agrees that even if Azul isn’t the woman he thought she was, she doesn’t deserve to be hooked up with a villain like Mo. Diego likes this new information about the scam medicine business. He thinks they have a new line in the investigation.

Mo and Leo are together. Mo asks her to get a glass from the table. Leo gingerly asks if this command means that he has gotten his sight back. Mo laughs and says yes, it’s come back, although he has some cloudy vision. He says that like Leo wants to keep Andres , he had his doubts that she would be with him if he weren’t sick. Being blind, she’ll have to stay to help him. Leo smiles and nods. Mo tells her not even to tell Andres that he can see again. Leo asks him if he thinks that Andres’ love for Ceci would make him betray Mo? Mo gives her a look like, “Well, duh!”

Back to Dona Clemi and Anibal. Clemi is going over her job skills like writing and computers. She says she had to do a bit of both as a teacher. Anibal is all “aw shucks” and says he’s sure she’s qualified, and they sure could use the help but…The phone rings and Clemi decides to demonstrate her receptionist skills by answering it professional-style.

Meanwhile, Clemi’s skunk of a husband has gone to Isela’s cantina to pester her. Isela is not happy to see him and greets him with “Shouldn’t you be out looking for a job?” Manuel complains that she is hassling that him because she doesn’t think he can pay his tab. (I couldn’t really follow her response, something about the loan, maybe?) Manuel says he’s doing great financially and asks the waiter (Flavio must be off duty) to bring him the finest hooch in the place. He parks himself at a table. Isela is mystified but Manuel won’t tell where his new wealth is coming from.

Silvana and Diego say their chaste goodbyes urging eachother to be in contact when either has more news in their investigations on Mo. As Silvana opens the door, who should be there but Flavio. Flavio gruffly asks Diego “What are you doing here?” Diego has a guilty look.

Piero and Lidia are in the sack, après amour. Piero has sweet talked her into making the apartment their love nest and not selling the furniture. He wants her to keep this hush hugh while he works things out. More kissy face.

Diego has brushed off Flavio’s comment as a joke and the two part without any problem. After Diego leaves however, Flavio asks Silvana gently if the two of them aren’t “creating a little comedy” with him. I guess that is an oblique way to ask if they are CHEATING ON HIM BEHIND HIS BACK. Silvana begs him not to be jealous—Diego came looking for Isela. And if that weren’t enough “Diego is still in love with Azul.” Flavio says, “Well, I hope he ends up happy with her, like I am with you.” Big Smootch seals the deal.

Back to Manuel who is living it up at Isela’s cantina. The waiter hands her the bill and she takes it personally to Manuel. Manuel puts two big bills on the table. Isela complains that it’s too much and Manuel, big spender, tells her to keep the change. Isela tells him that he’s done and when he complains that it’s a public place and he can stay as long as he likes, Isela points out that she’s the owner and she’s going to get the boys to toss him if he doesn’t leave. She turns to go and he grabs her and tries to hold her, yelling for the waiter to bring a bottle of Champagne. Manuel makes more overtures to her as she tries to get away.

Diego arrives at Mo’s digs, to be met by Andres who is not happy to see him. Diego fights his way past him and says that he has to talk to Azul. Andres (who is later joined by Jacinto, who now we know for sure isn’t one of the security people being fired) thanks him sarcastically for telling Ceci that he’s a murder and he says that unless he is coming with a message from Eva to Mo, he has no business at the house.

Azul is in another part of the house looking for Leo. She finds her putting Andres’ clothes into a drawer. Azul looks puzzled but hands Leo a list of medicines that her father gave her to get for Mo. Afterward she asks Leo what the deal is with Andres’ clothes. She didn’t realize that they were going to live together. Leo archly says that she and Andres have always lived together and that Mo wants it that way. If Azul has a problem, she should take it up with him. Azul frowns and leaves. Leo is thinking “score!”

Mo is lying on his bed and we briefly have Mo-vision which is as he said, kind of blurry. A knock on the door, it’s Azul and Mo’s face lights up. He feigns trying to get up and knocking stuff over. Then he feigns desperation about being blind. Azul is all atwitter about Andres and Leo living together which seems wrong to her since her BFF Ceci and Andres now have a thing. Mo doesn’t see a problem. “they are like Mother and son.” He says. He asks if there is something else he should know. She begs off. He insists on making sure that she is happy with the arrangements—whatever she thinks, he will agree since he wants her to feel at home here. Azul looks uncomfortable some more and begs off. Mo is thinking “score!”

Meanwhile, Andres, the guy in line to score is with Ceci at the boutique. Ceci is wearing a fetching wrap dress that shows off her legs. Andres has a hand on her knee. Andres wants to linger awhile longer and after work they will have the famous driving class. And Ceci interjects that she wants to get an ice cream. Gaspar runs in and says no way—it’s her turn to close the boutique. HE gets to leave early. He teases them about being left alone and tells them to behave themselves. After a brief tease about putting stuff away he leaves. Ceci picks up the jacket he was complaining about and has him try it on. It’s a tan suede jacket and it doesn’t flatter him all that much. So next we get a montage of Ceci trying all the mens jackets in the store on him. Then sweaters. Then she messes up his hair. At first he protests that he never wears that kind of thing, but then he gives in and lets her play paper dolls on him. Then they start making out.

Gaspar has used his early release to go home and catch up with Arnoldo who has been waiting since he doesn’t seem to have a key to the apartment. Gaspar gives him his key and he says he’ll get a copy from his Dad. Arnoldo thanks him because he’s got to get a new place still. He’s not getting back with Julio. Gaspar asks if he doesn’t miss him, but Arnoldo says sure, but he wants a stable, committed relationship and Julio wants an open one. Gaspar says he will have a heart attack when Julio finds out…(I guess he means when he finds out that Arnoldo is hiding out at his place) Arnoldo says he’ll kill Gaspar if Julio finds out where he is. Gaspar says either way, he’s a dead man. Julio was asking him about him all day. Arnoldo asks if he told him anything and Gaspar tells him no, no way. Arnoldo has some good news, he got a job in a very nice restaurant. Gaspar says that’s great, he knew he was only helping at the boutique because of Julio. But better still would be for Arnoldo to get a job for Gaspar because Gaspar is having a hard time dealing with Julio knowing that he’s providing Arnoldo’s hideout. He’s got a nervous cough that won’t go away. He’s terrible at keeping secrets. He can’t take it anymore!

Ceci and Azul are at the apartment. Ceci is sooo happy to be in love with Andres. She’s floating on air. Well, there is that little problem of the dying Leonarda and she doesn’t have the heart to make Andres abandon her. Azul is taking all this in with a mixed expression. She tells Ceci that she’s in a similar bind because she wants to leave Mo, but she can’t because he’s sick. Ceci laughs and says this is totally different, because she loves Andres and Azul doesn’t love Mo. Azul agrees. Now she’s in a worse bind…yes, says Ceci, Andres told me that this terrible disease left Mo blind. A tear rolls down Azul’s cheek.

Leo is using a lint roller on one of Andres’ shirts. Andres comes in wearing his new tan suede jacket and hair gel. Leo gives him a look and asks why he’s wearing such “informal clothing.” Andres pushes back and says he sees nothing wrong with it. In fact, from now on, he’s going to be wearing clothing more appropriate to HIS AGE.

Back at Ceci and Azul’s, Azul tips Ceci off to the fact that Andres is going to be living with Leo, “under the same roof.” [It’s pretty clear that they say same roof, same house etc. but the visuals are all that they are going to be in the same ROOM. Not sure if the writers are holding back on the idea of them sleeping together or what. I don’t see what the big whoop is about with them under the same roof, since they were doing that at the mansion and obviously all along. They were always Mo’s live in servants and pretty much still are.] Ceci is upset and runs off to call Andres to complain about this. Just then the doorbell rings—it’s Diego. He rushes in and exclaims that she can’t marry Maurico Duarte. “Why?” she demands. “For a lot of reasons,” he says. “But most of all, because you love me. Because we love eachother.” Big smootchy smootch.
Back to Andres and Leonarda. Leo is backing down from her attack on his clothes. She says that she always encouraged him to dress according to his personality, to his job, more formally. Andres complains that he was never able to dress the way he wanted to. He was never able to have the style of a young person. Now that he’s going out with Ceci, it’s natural that he want s to dress younger, like her. “That brat!” exclaims Leo. Andres, says no, it’s him. He wants it this way. Besides the jacket is only borrowed. “It’s from the boutique where she works.” Says Leo. Leo points out that he is going to have to pay for it anyway since he’s already gotten a stain on it. Andres quickly takes it off. There is a stain on the arm. He is upset. Leo soothes him by telling him she’ll help him get the stain out. Andres is all lovey dovey and grateful for her help (and for understanding him). His cell rings. It’s Ceci. He leaves the room. Leo picks up the jacket and starts scrunching it up in her hand. Good luck getting rid of that stain Andres.

Azul and Diego are making out until Diego drops his wisdom on Azul about Mo’s fake medicine scam. Azul can’t believe it, of course and gets angry. He tries to tell her that Mo is dangerous but she won’t leave Mo for a suspicion without evidence. She knows that he needs her and Katy needs her. Diego throws in that Mo got together with her in the first place because he wanted her father for his plans. This makes her even angrier. He goes on to say that Mo got sick because he was experimenting on HIMSELF with unproven medicines. Azul finally looks impactada.

Finally, we are back at the hospital, where GSD is with Inez, who is still in a coma. GSD, with tears rolling down his cheeks is telling her he’s sorry and he wish that they could talk. He remembers that often he wouldn’t let her talk, wouldn’t let her interrupt him and now he wishes he could hear her voice. He would like to talk to her and if he could touch her eyes and make her open them, he would. He starts howling for her to wake up and bursts into tears. He needs her.
Back to Diego and Azul—Azul gets it out of him that Eva Santoro is the source for all of this information about Mo. He might as well have said he made it up. Azul isn’t buying any of it now. She laughs at the idea that she’s in danger, since Mo is so physically weak. Diego begs her to believe him. They start making out again. Azul accedes and tells him that she will ask her Daddy to confirm what he says and if it’s true, she swears she’ll leave Mo.

Andres is off the phone with Ceci. He’s talking to Mo. He tells him that Ceci mentioned that Diego came to see Azul at the apartment. Mo is concerned and wants to know what they talked about. Andres doesn’t know but relates the info that Diego told Ceci and Azul that he (Andres) was a murderer and they still accept him. Mo is doubtful but Andres tells him that he was right there when Diego made the accusation and later, he confirmed it with Diego. Andres chortles about how Diego must feel about the woman he loves accepting as a friend the guy who killed his Abuelo. Mo is less sanguine. He thinks that Andres needs to be a little more careful because at any given moment, the women might find out that they are talking about two different murders. Abuelo and Andres’ uncle. Andres also confesses to Mo that he told a sugar-coated version of the murder of his uncle, that he killed him in heat of the moment, to save Leo from getting raped by him. From this we are lead to believe that this murder was somewhat more pre-meditated than has been suggested so far. (Something more like the movie To Die For, perhaps? ) Then Mo comments on what it was like to burn the corpse in the cabana. So we have evidence that it was Mo who helped them dispose of the body. They are bound to him, not only because knows their secret but because he was their accomplice!

Back to Azul and Diego who are saying goodbye. Azul is happy. Ceci comes in and she is happy. She couldn’t talk much to Andres but he promised that tomorrow he’ll come by the boutique and they’ll talk about Leonarda. Azul is happy for her. She’s sure that they will clear this living with Leonarda thing right up. Ceci wants the juicy details of what happened with Diego. Azul is so happy about the kissy-kissy. Yes, she thinks they reconciled. Before she says another word, she has to talk to Daddy. She gets Daddy on the cell. Daddy is exhausted from his crying jag at Inez’ bedside and after certifying that the cause of her wanting to talk to him isn’t her health, he begs off until breakfast tomorrow. They have a brief discussion about Inez’ condition, which continues the same. GSD adds that he’s talked the doctors and they’ve been straight with him as a colleague. Her prognosis isn’t good.

Leo did get the stain out of the jacket just as she said and Andres couldn’t be happier. She says she’ll put it in a garment bag. Leo tells him that she still loves him. And her love is so great for him, that she’s content to see him happy with somebody else. Andres looks uncomfortable but thanks her for understanding him and accepting this. They kiss and Leo follows up by saying that if he is going to continue with Ceci or anyone else, that he not “throw her aside” because he is the only family she has. Andres counters this by saying that she’s got Mo, “who loves you in his way.” Leo argues that if Mo marries Azul, she’s going to have to leave because Azul has never like her. (Dicho alert: Nunca he sido santo de su devocion—I’ve never been a saint she’s been devoted to). Andres nods understandingly.

Over at Don Chucho and Diego’s apartment is messing around with scraps of fabric on a table. Diego comes in and thanks him for getting his granddad’s sewing stuff and bringing it to the apartment. Diego gets all teary eyed when he spots Abuelo’s old sewing machine but Chucho says that he shouldn’t feel sad when he thinks about Abuelo, that he was an unforgettable man. Diego says he can’t linger, he’s got to go to bed so that he can get up early for his “training” with Efrain.

Back in Leo’s room, all was smiles a minute ago but now, that Andres has left the room, Leo opens a bottle of bleach and grabs a rag. She’s going to ruin the jacket!

Chucho and Diego are now having a laugh when who should drop by but Silvana. Chucho tells her that she’s just in time to be a live mannequin for trying on their newly sewn creations.
We get some clouds rolling by. I am not sure what the time passing is supposed to indicate, maybe the next morning?

Chucho and Diego are at Julio’s boutique showing him the dress he asked them to make. Julio says he thinks he made a mistake but he says he’ll pay them for their work. Next they show him a dress they made with some of the extra bits of fabric they had on hand. It’s made from dayglo pink and peach fabric with some black sequined patches. Julio is impressed and asked them what famous designer they copied. Chucho says no, way, it’s an original Diego. Julio likes the dress and will take it. He says Diego has talent. They are all smiles, including Gaspar who is lurking in the background, holding up a dress. Julio tells him to bring him any other designs he is thinking about.

Ceci and Andres have a discussion after her driving lesson, in the car. Ceci puts her foot down. No more him and Leo living in the same house. She wants him to be more independent. Andres caves and says that he’ll see if he can get a room at the house next door (?) and if not, some other little place. Ceci is all smiles and kisses him.

Azul is having breakfast with GSD. GSD is putting honey on his plate. She runs by him the possibility that Mo got sick by experimenting on himself with unproven drugs. GSD says no way, Mo has a virus and viruses aren’t transmitted that way. He asks where she got this story and when she says Diego, he blows up and tells her that he lied to her. He gives a speech and tells her that he’s a SCIENTIST and he knows exactly what Mo has. Caray! From everything he knows….it’s absurd. Azul looks sad.

Andres is dropping Ceci off at the boutique. They spy Diego and Chucho leaving. Ceci asks what they could be doing there and Andres is sure it has something to do with him. Ceci lets it slip that when Diego was over the other night; he told Azul that Mo used to sell scam medicines. Andres is impactado.

Diego and Chucho are chatting in front of the boutique. Diego says he has to stick around because he’s meeting Eva there. She needs to buy a dress. Chucho speculates that maybe she’ll buy his dress—it could all turn out perfectly! (dicho alert: quedar redondita) Diego says he tipped off Julio not to say anything since he doesn’t want to mix this job with the other one. Chucho wishes him luck and leaves.

GSD is urging Azul to stay away from Diego, back in her apartment. He tells her he’s untrustworthy and hangs with some bad people. Azul asks him if he knows something and he tells her that Eva’s people poisoned Leonarda and made it look like she had Mo’s illness. He emphasizes that Diego is their accomplice in the attack on “that poor woman.”

Eva is talking to Julio at the boutique. Julio remembers her from the inauguration of the boutique. He asks what kind of dress she’s looking for but she cuts him off---she’s the woman that Burgay told him about. Who has a guy for him to place at his store. Eva says this is they guy—she motions Diego over. Julio looks confused. Diego looks confused.

In the back of the store, Ceci is on the phone with Azul telling her that Eva is there …with Diego. Suddenly, Gaspar runs up with the damaged Jacket wanting to know what happened. Ceci has to cut off her conversation with Azul. She grabs the jacket to hide it from Julio.

Eva and Diego make small talk about Julio’s boutique when who should come racing in but Azul. Diego is all “Azul, mi amor.” Azul is all like beating on him and calling him a liar. She screams that “Eva infected him and that isn’t the worst of it! You are all a pack of murderers who tried to poison Leonarda!”

--tivo cuts off here---


Destilando 10/15/07 "No Puede Ser" Rod, seriously it sucks to be me watching you.

Yes, Rod that title is devoted to you, cause Dude I am so over you. I swear to Gawd that better be a tumor causing that behavior.

Sorry, I am really hit and miss on this one, so feel free to add any fine points of detailed conversation.

We begin with Erika hunting Rod down in the local eatery/bar he has fled, but hey Rod you can’t run away cause AssHat you are your problem.
Gavi meanwhile is breaking bread with Dr. Blondie, but now drop the Dr. part cause he is just Blondie to her. We get a brief diatribe on how the presentation of the food is half the battle. Whatever Dude. Gavi is very thrilled with Blondies hard work, but in a “Good job Boss”, not a “I want to eat Tequila soaked Strawberries off your hairless pale chest kinda way”.

Blondie asks if Gavi can live without Rod. Gavi asks why do you ask me this question. Then he brings up the idea that she can go pedal Tequila in Europe & America. She says she’ll think about it when it is a real opportunity not just passing conversation. Blondie fires back that it is a real question. Gavi plays it off as she’ll have to talk to the amazing Ma. Oh yeah and Rod? counters Blondie.
Gavi says she would need time to make a decision.

Minnie calls Isa, the maid says Isa is out visiting her rents…No way, Minnie isn’t falling for it. She smirks.

Isa arrives at a hotel lounge and greets Eugenio, the guy from the other nite. Minnie your smirk was dead on.

Rod is sitting at the table do what? Okay audience shout out the answer, wait I can’t hear you…What is that? YES DRINKING!!!!! Drinking what? TEQUILA!!!!! Very good audience. Okay I am not sure I am even remembering this right, but sorry I can’t bare to watch it again. Erika worried about Rod’s condition shows up in another low cut perky scarf dress. I’m sure she is just trying to give the despondent Rod a reason to live. Rod tells her she didn’t have to worry & makes a gesture like hanging himself, cause he wasn’t going to kill himself over Gavi. Some flirting starts, Rod gets another glass, soon he & Dr. Erika are doing shooters. Hey if this awesome therapy works, maybe they could send Acacia a case of Tequila & a hawt doctor. It just screams of cutting edge medicine.

Dr Erika says they have to leave, but no way cause the resort is so well not fun, so after some merry bantering and Dr. Erika playing peek a boo with her scarf over her eyes she leaves the table. I believe at this point Dr. Erika wanders off to call the Resorto del Locos, some schizophrenic will have to put the top back on the whip cream & the box of wine back in the fridge cause Dr. Erika has suicide watch tonite. She leaves a scarf on the table. Rod picks it up. He looks around he has a very guilty expression. He stuffs it in his coat.

***I am so totally creeped out by this scene, I have visions of Ofelia missing big white panties from the dirty laundry basket, I’m sorry, some of you may disagree, but my pervdar was totally clanking.***

Then to add insult to injury, he pulls it out and does the deep deep deep sniff. For one brief shining moment I was hoping he was going to stuff it in his coat & later strangle her with her own scarf, but no. This is like something you would see on CSI, where the creepy dead guy has a huge collection of fibers and feathers up his nose.

Back in Merry ol DF, Gavi & Blondie have completed the ninth meal of the day. Gavi tells Blondie, that he should open a restaurant. ***In trying to save the trees, some people just recycle old scripts***
Pears, soaked in Chocolate & Tequila, that just makes me gag thinking about it. Now they wander out into the living room, I believe Gavi looks ready to leave, but wait there is more. It is time for a fine cup of coffee, as well as music to drink coffee by & land o’ goshen, Blondie is gonna read all about something coffee? Or Bach? I don’t have any idea, but whatever it was..Gawd it was dull. All of this to the fine music of Johan Sebastian. Gavi falls asleep. Blondie says she is so beautiful.

Now Rod & Erika in true therapy fashion are continuing the shooters, Rod chooses this point to blurt out “Hey I think Isa has an Amante” Erika looks intrigued.

OMG what a coincidence Isa is having drinks, Isa is toying with her drink & sucking on a maraschino cherry. It is high school again, we had a more experienced girl who used to tell us that guys would think that was sexy. Well looks like Eugenio thought is was sexy, Isa wants another drink, but he is like no. Then she wants to dance & he is like “Look babe we are adults here, lets just down to the dirty”. Believe it or not Isa walks out. This guy was an idiot a few more drinks & he’d nailed her.

Now back at the bar, there is a Banda band. Rod wants to dance, Erika says no, geez cause that wouldn’t be professional. Rod stops the band and makes everyone beg Erika to dance with him cause he won’t let the band play until she does. So of course they dance while having a conversation, right up in front of the band. Yeah that would really happen. I don’t know how many of you have actually heard Banda music, but it is usually ear splitting up close. Rod starts doing this wicked sniffing thing while dancing, even Erika seems a bit creeped out, he keeps insisting it is her Odor, she says no it is her perfume.
Personally I don’t care what it is, he is just way to twisted, with the sniffing & the souvenir stealing. I mean I get it if your beloved is gone and sleep in his shirt cause it smells like him, but please he has known her like three days and it isn’t his lover…or at least not when she is in the room. Maybe later after she leaves.

Every once in while Dr. Erika mentions Gavi only to get a “I’m so over her scowl” from Rod. Rod pours yet more Tequila, lets have toast, others can toast to love, but let us toast to our best buds friendship”.

Blondie wakes up Gavi & takes her home, but not before asking if they can hook up tomorrow. Gavi says Thanks but No Thanks, she & Ma have weekend stuff to do. Really she is just blowing him off.

Now over at the Bar, Rod is trying to hire the band to go back to “Resorto del Locos”, Erika all fun and flirty is telling him they can’t cause everyone is sleeping. Rod is sloppy stupid drunk by this point, he slurs more than when he is just sober stupid. Always the gentleman he gives his coat to Erika.

Gavi arrives home and Clarita is sleeping on the couch. Clarita questions her about her evening. Gavi tells her about the job offer. Clarita asks if Blondie declared his love yet? Gavi says well not openly. Clarita says she knows he will, he is just shy. Gavi looks very nervous.

Isa wanders in her apartment. Hey this would be a fine time to prank call your babyDaddy. Isa calls & Frankie reaches over Sofie for phone, he asks who it is and Isa says it is Moi, Frankie plays it off like it is a wrong number. Isa says he better call, muy pronto.

Gavi is pacing the floor, what is a girl to do? Blondie is really nice, but boring and would read to you about boring things while playing boring music and eventually your face would freeze much like Pillars. This makes me wonder if perhaps there is truth to the saying “Bored to Death”? Maybe that is what happened to the late Mrs. Blondie. Maybe she was dead like six years, but it took him two years to stop reading and notice she wasn’t just resting her eyes as he read. I think I need to google this. Anyway Gavi is having a Rod Flashback…Girlfriend you are so wasting your time, Rod so does not deserve you. Gavi says to herself, Rod is the only man she will ever love. She looks out the window and has RodVision, she imagines he is lying on his car mouthing Te Amo, up to her. Then she blinks and he is gone. Gavi cries.

Say what is Rod doing? Why driving down the totally not lit Mexican roads. Good call Dr. DumbAssa.
***I know, but I am so over these people, they are just sad***
They get out of the car & Rod still has a big ol grande size bottle of Tequila, Dr. Erika tries to get him to give it to her. Rod is what I really hate, a loud, stupid, sloppy drunk. They flirt, they giggle, they slur..Rod gives her the bottle, she takes a swig, & runs off, you know slow, like catch me, catch me…Rod catches her, he picks up her scent…He starts well..groping her. She is trying to push him away, I don’t know why she had to know this was gonna happen. He is like really creeping me out here cause he is just all sniffing all over her. Erika pulls away and sends “Rin Tin Tin” off to his kennel.

Gavi is now sitting and drinking a shot of Tequila thinking of the love of her life, too bad she can’t see him at this point, cause she’d probably rethink that only one hombre thing.

Meanwhile Blondie is over at his house having deep thoughts. He thought bubble that he will declare his love to Gavi. I guess this is supposed to be a break through or a happy moment, but his expression looks like someone that has just gotten the news it is time for a colonoscopy.

Now Erika is in her rooms smelling Rod’s jacket.
Rod is in his room lying on the bed smelling the scarf. Seriously and this isn’t on pay for view. He is all giggly remembering their dance. Then suddenly he remembers Gavi. Oh no bad scarf he pushes it way. We are one scene away from cat-o-nine tales and flagellation.

Another point, both of these bloodhound de ultra sensitive noses live in Mexico City and I am telling you the truth, the air in Mexico City is so dirty you can taste it. How do the uber sniffers survive?

Finally….Finally it is another day.

Erika comes out and gives Rod his jacket, she is sober (literally & figuratively), she tells him, he must find another doctor. Rod makes it like it is a joke. This is like the bestest time evah…he wants to spend each and every moment obsessing over her. There are some people in the background who are doing Yoga. Rod gets louder and louder. He wants to spend the whole day with her. She says no. Like the crazed man-child he is Rod pouts. Erika walks off from him. His yelling disrupts yoga class and clearly whatever stress the yoga class had removed, returned. See the dude is a freak you can not take him anywhere.

Gavi is lying in bed and Clarita comes in all bouncy and wakes her up. Clarita is like having a seven year old with a really bad case of ADHD. She forces Gavi to get up. Gavi doesn’t want to do anything but sit around and wait for Rod to call. Clarita is yelling at her. The phone rings and in a typical identical cousin “Patty/Kathy” scene they both run for it. It is the Blondster. He invites them to dinner, Gavi signals Clarita NO, not NO but Hell No. Clarita says fine, pick us up in an hour. Gavi is furious, but Clarita yells at her and says get over Rod.

Meanwhile the best is yet to come. Frankie comes downstairs and asks Ofelia where Sofie has runoff to. Well Sofie is out catching a salmon from the local stream, clubbing it over the head, de boning it and preparing it for Frankies breakfast.

**I do have to stick up for Frankie here, Listen Ofelia, no matter what a rat bastard Frankie is in his personal life, he is not the one nicking your undies, so stop giving him the stink eye.***

Frankie sneaks off to the study to call Isa. Isa coming straight from the shower, with her robe and hair in a towel answers. She puts the squeeze on Frankie to come see her, but he can’t cause Sofie is on him like white on rice. Sofie, breakfast tray in hand is standing outside the door listening. She creeps up behind him as he tells Isa he is sending her a kiss. He hangs up. Sofie speaks and Frankie jumps, he says he was looking for the newspaper. She gives him his fine breakfast of Salmon & Bacon. Sofie now light years ahead of her brother in intelligence presses call back…
Isa snaps that phone right up. Sofie hangs up on her. She is Muy Muy Maximo Impacted….

Well at least they ended on a light note.

Unless they can attribute Rod’s behavior to a tumor the size of grapefruit in his big ass head…well I am sad to say, I am giving up my position as a Rod supporter.

Stay tuned tomorrow when Sofie tells steadfast James of Frankie & Isa betrayal. James can’t believe it. I’m sure he can’t believe Frankie is shagging Isa when he has all the hawt young locals.


Monday, October 15, 2007

Need Destilando Recapper Tuesday October 16

Dear Destilando fans,

I have a family issue going on and won't be able to recap destilando tomorrow Tuesday. Could someone please fill in?


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Sunday, October 14, 2007

Amar October 12 - The yogurt mystery is solved.

Diego and Chuch visit Julio, who doesn’t seem to remember offering them jobs before. They talk to him and he agrees to hire them. Gaspar has a fit of nervous coughing as he coordinates the whole meeting, finishing off with a real rat-tooth grin. Gaspar is getting gayer by the second, he started the show acting quite normally, now he is about 90% of the way towards being the fabulous Granillo from Duelo.

Burgay leaves Eva’s room and is accosted by GSD. He blames Burgay for infecting Azul, Eva comes out and tells GSD that it was Mauricio, not Burgay. She and GSD go inside to talk some more.

Azul brings Mo to his new house, Mo is dressed up in a jogging suit like he was just out for a run. Five minutes ago, he was stumbling around the hospital screaming “I want to liiiiive” now he’s out jogging and acting like nothing is wrong. Katy shows him his new bedroom and then shows him a photo, Mo suddenly announces that he can’t see. That’s how I feel whenever we see Andres kissing Leo.

Andres and Ceci kissy face goodbye as he drop her at Julio’s place. Diego is still there he launches into a tirade about how Andres is a killer. Ceci says she has forgiven him and for Diego to not mention it again, because she and Andres are couple now. Diego can’t believe it. They are about to rumble but Julio shows up, Chucho rushes Diego off.

Mo rubs his face and sits down, Katy says “what’s wrong, you can’t see?” Duh. That’s what he said. He lies to her and pretends he can see, so she doesn’t freak out. He obviously can’t see anything. They talk about him marrying Azul, Azul waits until Katy leaves to start freaking out for real. He begs her for help.

Diego moans and groans to Chucho on the street about Andres, Chucho says forget about it. It turns into a conversation about Azul, with the predictable crap, Diego says she loves him but prefers the comfort of Mo’s money. Yawn. We’ve been through this. He says he loves Azul but won’t forget her.

Eva says again that it was Mo that infected Azul. She explains that it was to get GSD back to work. GSD also says he checked Leo’s blood and she isn’t infected. Eva congratulates him for doing his job so well. She tells him that she can fix what’s wrong with Leo so he can get back to work on the cure. He is irritated but seems to agree.

Leo rags on Andres about Ceci. She says he just wants her to die so he can be with Ceci. He tells her that he told Ceci about killing his uncle and everything is fine. Leo says fine, but how would she feel about the other people he killed? He looks very uncomfortable. He pretends that he told Ceci about that already.

GSD doesn’t like Eva deciding who lives and dies, but he has no choice but to try and save Azul. He asks that after that, they be left in peace. Outside, he asks Diego how he can be in this dirty world. Diego says they are both in it. He tells Diego that he thought he was a good kid, but now he’s glad that Azul isn’t with him. Ivan tells Diego to wait, Eva wants to talk to him.

Eva tells Ivan that GSD figured out that Leo isn’t infected. She says to stop poisoning the yogurt. She is mad that Ivan’s operation held up GSD’s investigations.

Lidia and Manuel come back home and stomp into the house. Clemencia wants to know what’s up, they tell her about Piero going back with his sort of wife after getting out of jail. Lidia is upset that Piero left her for money. She says she’ll never forgive him. Manuel says well at least he’s free now, you can make up with him later. The women are appalled, they say of course not. I agree. Manuel is such an idiot. Lidia swears vengeance and storms off. Manuel yells at his wife for provoking Lidia, Clemencia says that as her parents they can’t allow Piero to humiliate her that way.

Piero and his sort of previous wife are back at their house. She tells him that she sprung him from jail first to take him away from Lidia, second is for the daughter. He needs to be her father.

Diego starts ranting, Eva tells him to knock it off. He wants her to defend her dirty world. He wants to know how Mo got sick, she says it is because he was experimenting with some medicines. What a lame excuse.

Leo and Andres are visiting Mo, they discuss his blindness. Leo whimpers, Mo tells her to leave. Andres says he got all the microphones out of this house. Mo says he only wants Eva to hear what he wants her to hear.

Manuel goes to Lidia’s room, she tells him to leave, “you cheating men are all alike.” Manuel tries to justify his cheating or something ridiculous like that. She says she has the money from selling his car and will sell everything else.

Sort of wife thanks the lawyer on the phone for his help. She tells him that she loves Piero still. The lawyer says Piero needs to be married to a Mexican to stay legally. Sort of wife is impactada that Lidia is the key to Piero not getting deported.

GSD, who was previously so upset about all the time he lost in working on the cure because of Leo, is now smoking and wasting time talking to Azul. What a hypocrite. I complained long and loud last week about how much time he wastes, then he goes and yells at Eva for wasting his time. Whatever. They discuss Mo’s blindness. She begs him to find the cure. He agrees that the sickness is horrible. He asks her to go rest. She says she can’t, she promised to stay with Mo and help, especially with Katy. GSD continues to smoke and not work on a cure.

Leo complains to Mo about Andres and his new girlfriend. I think Mo has bigger problems you whiner. Mo tells her to shut up, Azul is there and might hear her. He says he wants Andres to return to Leo. Leo figures that Mo is using the relationship between Andres and Ceci. She is pleased. GSD comes in.

Lidia and Clemencia argue about Piero, Lidia wants to recover him, Clemencia says to divorce him and move on. She finally asks why she would want a guy like that anyway. Lidia says fine, then why did you want to stay with Manuel when he did the same thing? Ah, good question Lidia.

GSD says Eva told him that Mo infected Azul, Mo says it was a lie. GSD says he knows, Eva always lies. One point for Mo here, I guess. GSD says he thinks that Eva is horrible and explains how she slowly poisoned Leo, who is actually not sick. Mo realizes that this means that Eva has infiltrated his staff. GSD says maybe, but this is proof that they need to accuse Eva of attempted murder. Yeah I’m sure that will work out well.

Azul, who is making sure her sweater is unzipped low enough and pulled to the side to show off her cleavage (thank you Azul we appreciate it), is playing in the yard with Katy. Azul goes to hide while Katy counts, but then the doorbell rings. Azul answers and it’s Silvana. She thinks she’s at the wrong house, but Azul says it’s the right place. Silvana says Diego gave her the address last night, “we were together.” Azul glares at her. Azul says “yeah I know he likes to go out with lots of women.” They bicker and spat. Azul says that she herself is the one that Diego truly loves. Katy shows up and is happy to see Silvana. She says how great it is that Azul and Silvana are friends. Ha. She says she hopes they’ll all be friends forever. She manages to throw in that Azul will be her mama.

GSD argues with Leo and Mo about who could have infiltrated the house. Mo wants to find out, GSD says he doesn’t have time for that. GSD wants Mo’s help to formally accuse Eva of some crimes. Mo makes excuses to not do that just yet.

Clemencia makes excuses for why she forgave Manuel for cheating. Basically because they had been together longer than Lidia and Piero. Lidia thinks it’s crap. Which it is. Clemencia finally says she didn’t think Lidia wasn’t in love with Piero anyway, she married for comfort. Clemencia wants her to just forget Piero and start over. I agree. Clemencia finally says that Anibal wants Lidia to work for him, she says she can’t think about a job right now. How very practical. She leaves, saying that she’s going to HER house where she lives with HER husband. Whatever.

Leo wants to know what is going to happen to her, but she’ll be fine. They all decide to get all new staff, she only eats what she prepares for herself, etc. GSD finally says he’s going to work and leaves. Leo wants to kill Eva, Mo says no, it will guarantee his and Azul’s deaths. Mo says now she’s not sick, does she want to share the good news with Andres, or can they stay here and talk some more? This is a big thing Mo has on Leo, Leo certainly doesn’t want Andres to know she’s well, he’ll bolt and be gone forever.

Silvana listens to Katy prattle on about her ‘new mama.’ She steers the conversation to Katy’s real mom. Katy says she remembers something…. and the scene changes. Forced drama.

GSD sees Azul looking all anguished, so of course he decides saving her life can wait and he stops to talk to her. She is staring out the window at Silvana and Katy, Azul tells GSD who Silvana is. Azul is upset at Silvana talking about Diego. GSD says to forget about Diego. Azul says why, is there something you aren’t telling me? GSD mumbles something. Finally he just says that he was at Eva’s and Diego was there. That counts as proof? He makes it sound like he walked in on them having sex, when of course he saw absolutely nothing.

Manuel and Clemencia argue in the dining room about Lidia not wanting a job. Clemencia says if he doesn’t want Lidia to work, then HE needs to find a job. Burn!

Mo tells Andres to fire all the staff, he says nothing about Leo being well, he says it’s for security. The phone rings, Mo is pissed and wants to know who has his new number. Turns out to be Frick, his new security guy. Frick says the yogurt looks like it was tampered with. Jacinto, that’s his name. Jacinto says he hit the guy who delivers the yogurt. Mo says something that has a hidden meaning to Leo, she makes a look. Jacinto gets off the phone and it turns out that Ivan is right there next to him, nodding in approval. Lots of double crossing here. Andres wants to know what’s up with the yogurt problem. Mo makes something up, Leo is worried that Mo will spill the beans. He doesn’t.

Lidia is on the phone trying to return the furniture for money. Piero comes in and wants to know what she’s doing.

Manuel shows up at Piero’s old house. Piero isn’t there, his sort of wife is rude to him. Manuel tells her that he wants to help get Lidia and Piero divorced. She says to tell Lidia to just leave Piero alone. Manuel says fine, but what about all the stuff Piero promised? The apartment, car, job for Manuel? What about that?

Piero says that even if Lidia tried to get him out, she didn’t do it. He says his sort of wife can help him, Lidia can’t. That’s the long and short of it. She tries to talk sexy and say that she can help him. He says she can’t, she finally says she’ll leave him to Lucia. He grabs her and they talk all up close and start kissing. He says he’s crazy without her. He’s getting everything back to the old way, he’s back with the woman with money and boinking Lidia on the side. And she is letting him do it.

Clemencia shows up at Anibal’s office, I think she is going to try and take the job herself. Anibal gets a phone call and Clemencia sits and waits. He gets off and wants to know what brings her in. She says about the job, he says did you tell your daughter? She says she wants the job. Some romantic music plays, just in case anyone out there can’t see what’s coming.

Silvana beats the hell out of some eggs while talking to Diego, she fills him in on her visit to Katy. She says Azul was there like the woman of the house, and mother to Katy. She says it looks like Azul is going to marry Mo.

Mo seems to know that it is Jacinto that is the traitor, he isn’t going to fire him, he’s going to use him against Eva.

Diego tells Silvana that Mo is sick from experiments with medicines. Silvana says Katy remembers her mom talking to some man about medicines that didn’t work when she got in the accident. Diego says that Mo’s business must be medicine substitutes or something evil like that. They decide Mo is evil. Diego immediately worries that Azul is in danger.

Monday – GSD says after he cures Azul and Mo, he is going to give the wrong formula to Eva. Eva tells Ivan that Mo and Azul have to die. Piero and Lidia decide to use the apartment as a sex shack. Manuel wants to be with Isela. Diego tells Azul to stay away from Mo because she loves him. More of the same I think.


October 12, 2007 Yo Amo a Juan Q – In which Juan Has a Day at the Park and Yadi’s No Cargadora

We open to find ourselves in the Dávila living room, and Juan is talking earnestly with Paula. Since I didn’t see last night’s episode, thank you, Sylvia, for preparing me for Juan’s outfit. It wasn’t entirely real until I was confronted with it, but I was ready.

Juan and Paula discuss her mother’s departure for Monterey. He tries to give her a piece of advice, and thought bubbles that he feels like he’s 20 again, he’s so awkward. Juan has a brainstorm—he’ll speed things up a bit; he tells Paula he’ll ask her mother for her hand in marriage. Paula, looking both touched by his naïveté and dismayed by it, points out her mother isn’t going forever, this is a bit of a rush. He declares that he knows his feelings; he’s totally committed. He wants her mother to know it. She wants to think about this with more deliberation. Juan wants to know what there is to think about. He knew the first time he saw her, and he wants her to be the mother of his children. He wants her to be his support, when he gets old, and everything [Ed. Note: Huy, there’s a phrase guaranteed to send a woman off into hibernation. Juan, listen up. YOU’re supposed to be the one taking care of her when SHE gets old.] He describes the scene he imagines; looking at the family albums (with 50 grandchildren, all as lovely as she is). Juan wants to know what’s her dream of their future? Is it like his? [Ed. Note: Juan is no judge of facial expression and body language. He’d be sunk in the deaf community. Paula’s sent him every possible nonverbal signal of aversion here.] She’s just speechless with dismay.

Yadi has Kike cornered on a sofa in the Casa Cachón living room. He’s actually dressed up, with a lovely black leather jacket that looks ultra soft. Nice. Yadi, of course, is dressed to the nines in a provocative hot pink spangled thing. Kike tells Yadi he’ll just wait for Juanito outside and stands up. He gets unceremoniously dragged back down to the sofa. Is he so upset to see her, Yadi wants to know. Kike can’t look her in the eye. Probably because he’s looking at her hemline. He tells her they should just let it go. She wants to explain about that Gutierrez. He holds up his hands and frowns—that’s your stuff, he tells her. She whines masterfully. She tells him that she did it because she wanted to make him jealous. The person she has a big beef with is Alirio.

Speaking of the king of Rome, he’s in his striped jammies sitting up in bed, while Nidia, dressed to the nines (must run in the family) is fussing at him. Is he going to stay in bed and sulk all night? He peers around her and tries to work the remote at the television on the dresser behind her. We hear the actors….Nidia runs to grab the remote and turn down the sound. She tells him he has to come down to dinner with them. [Ed. Note: we all sincerely hope he doesn’t go down in his jammies. The shorts were bad enough.] He tells her to do him a favor and turn up the sound. She wants an answer: is he coming or not? [Ed. Note: apparently, this is not a simple yes/no question.] He tells her in the first place, differently from all y’all, who appear to be a group of party (farras) animals, I have nothing to celebrate. In the second place, I would get no pleasure in sitting at a table in your company, much less party with that degenerate Juan Dominguez. That’d be the last straw! What would that degenerate tell me? That jerk (conchudo) would proclaim himself king of the house, and I? I would be the one to pay for his ascension to the throne. [Ed. Note: not to put too fine a point on it, but since when have you brought home a salary, Alirio? It’s only your first week of work. Ever.] He tells her it’d be the last straw (sería el colmo, it would be the last straw). Nidia tells him then it seems he won’t be with them. She’s clearly upset. NOT.

Yadi is still working on Kike in the living room. She tells him she is a freeeeee woman, leaning far over at him while he attempts to draw back. He tells her it’s just a matter of time before she finds a new beau. She whines some more and wants to know if he’s so enamored of that Julia chick. He looks at her somberly and informs her that’s over. For real? She scoots closer to Kike, “then, you and I…..” He scoots further away and laughs nervously. “I pass,” Kike scoffs. He’s not interested. He scoots again. Yadi matches him one for one. “Well, we’ll see if you laugh like that when I give you the little surprise I have for you.” “What surprise?” Kike’s getting nervous. She tells him he’ll know it when the time is right. He wants a heads up, but moves over some more and Yadi follows suit. [Ed. Note: this sofa must be 12 feet at least.] She tells him if what she thinks is true, they’ll see who gets the last laugh---and shakes her finger at him provocatively. She past him on the knee and informs him she’ll just leave him to wait for his friend. Yadi gets up and sashays off to the stairs. Kike stares, impactado, at her departing derriere. His eyes track and his head swivels all the way around behind him while she swishes up the stairs, strategically hold the fabric of her dress taut across her okole. [Ed. Note: I hope that didn’t cost her much. They really shorted her on fabric. She’d be kicked right off of Southwest Airlines.] Kike’s tongue has found its way out of his mouth as he contemplates this scene. One hopes the sofa is stain resistant, because he’s drooling.

Juan is still trying to convince Paula it’s a good time to talk to her mother. She stands and paces a little. She reminds him she’s told him this is all too new for her. He reminds her that when they talked in the afternoon, she was very sure. (Well, of course she was, with CL standing there listening.) She protests that this is such an important decision…. Juan smiles and kisses the back of her hand lovingly. [Ed. Note: even his brilliant smile can’t dull the impact of the coat, tie, and shirt. The total picture is truly….how should we say…..indescribable?] He thought bubbles to himself and puts his hand up to stroke Paula’s cheek. She deftly removes his hand. He doesn’t register that this might not be a Good Thing, and thought bubbles that each day gives new reasons for joy. Paula, frowning, tells him he has to take this seriously. She tells him to give her time, and let them take it little by little. Not everyone operates on impulse [Ed. Note: except where César Luís is concerned, right, Paula?] Juan, totally oblivious to her impulse comment, leans over and grabs her in a hug. He lets go and tells her she’s totally right. He wants to know when her mother will go. Paula tells him that Ana will leave at 9:00 the next morning. He wants to go with them to the airport. She agrees, her mother will probably be delighted that he’s going with them. Well, Juan tells her, then he’ll see her in the morning. Paula’s smiling again and agreeing now that she has what she wants. He kisses her cheek and tells her goodbye until tomorrow. She responds. Juan walks toward the door but turns back, faces her as she looks at him, puzzled, and he grabs her for a deep kiss. “Ay, Amor” plays for us. The kiss goes on. And on. He breaks away and does the happy dance all the way to the door while Paula smiles and runs her fingers in her hair. The smile fades as he’s out the door.

Queen Nidia, complete with her in-home dining tiara, presides at the table. Kike regales the ladies Cachón with the tale of their new transport work. Marely wants to know if Juan is a really great worker, or is he the PR guy for the partnership? Kike assures her Juan is a pack mule getting the goods into and out of the truck. They worked like slaves, but the results they saw! Yadi praises Kike, how wonderful it’s going well, because he deserves it! Kike clears his throat and tells them this is only the beginning. They’re going to ride the wave (okay, I loosely translated using the Hawaii concept of success—get on that wave and surf a long way, because Kike did say they’d be “arriba la espuma” above the foam). Nidia is pleased. When he talks this way, he looks like Samuel to her. She reminisces about those days—Samuel had so many dreams, so many accomplishments. “What times those were!” She sighs with pleasure at the memory.

The door slams and they look at each other. Juan is back, without Paula. Yadi is, of course, the only one nosy enough to ask. Oh, Juan says, my girlfriend wasn’t able to come. [Duh.] Marely looks at him worriedly. He’s putting a good face on it, but clearly disappointed. They all look around again and Nidia looks toward Marely, nodding. She told them so.

Ana is lying in her bed telling Paula that Paula knows how much Ana loves her. But she’s concerned about Paula’s relationship with Juan. Paula had the opportunity to resolve things with Juan, what happened? Well, Juan didn’t give her a chance, Paula counters. Ana isn’t buying it. She overheard Juan, and knows he plans to ask for Paula’s hand. Paula shakes her head, smiling a little at Juan’s naïveté. Ana thinks she should have just done it. Paula says she was tempted at that moment, but….the flesh was weak (me falto valor, I lack the courage). Paula says she doesn’t want to hurt him; Ana thinks she’ll hurt him more by her silence now. What’s she waiting for, Ana wants to know? Until they have children and then she’ll tell him she never felt anything for him? Paula laughs and tells her about Juan’s dream of 50 grandchildren, but no! She just wants the night to make a decision. Ana looks doubtful. Paula assures Ana that after they take her to the airport she’ll explain to him with calm. “Are you sure?” “Yes.”

Dinner is an uncomfortable affair at the Cachón villa. He tells the family and Kike that his mother-in-law has to spend a few days in Monterrey for work, and Paula is home with her tonight. But she begged him to go with them to the airport. He smiles broadly and the silence is so deafening we can hear the crickets again. He starts again; what a shame that they prepared such a tasty dinner and went to so much trouble….he thanks Nidia. She says she did it gladly, for him. Juan just can’t let the awkward silence interfere; he proposes a toast. It’s to his dear mother-in-law, her trip, and that we here will be well. They tap glasses and toast. Marely is as silent as a stone, but Nidia babbles on. What’s this? Kike is actually making eye contact with Yadi while they toast!

Juan has that religious card in his hand as he prepares to go to sleep. He looks so cute in his yellow jammie shorts and sleeveless t-shirt—and white socks. He thought bubbles as he gets onto his knees, putting the card under his pillow. He’s worried about his beloved Palomita without her Mami for so many days. But, he’s going to resolve to take care of her - it’s in those moments of sadness that true love is shown. Apparently, his prayers can be said on the fly, and he swings back up into bed.

Pastor is fussing at his Mami, because he always goes with her to Mass but she wants to go alone. What if she begins to feel bad? The saints are at the church, and she can get a cure. He tells her if he didn’t know what a big joker she was, he’d be really upset. He tells her he could leave her at the church and then go get what they need for dinner. She wants to say a complete Rosary, and he should take his time, she tells him, as they leave together.

Juan is going by taxi to Paula’s and telling Kike why he can’t go right to work with Kike at this moment. He’ll meet Kike at the market where they’ll load the cargo. Kike wants to know if he’ll show up for sure. Juan is irritated. The same refrain again! Kike is worried, but Juan takes off in the taxi. Yadi trots up in her mini-falda (another one where they cheated her on the fabric) that has ruffles on the derriere. The tank top, at least, covers the territory and is actually quite fetching. Her dangly earrings match the lime green top, and the big white-framed dark glasses complete the look. Whoops, no, there’s more. She’s got botitas, too—or heels and flowered knee socks. Hard to tell with the captions on. Kike can’t believe she’s up this early, and on a Sunday, too, fully dressed! What’s up with that? Nope, she tells him, I’m going to work with you. She simpers a little. Kike is appalled—“what?? You work?” “Well sure, I didn’t have anything planned for today, so I decided to help you.” Kike is seriously doubtful. “Doing what?” “I dunno, whatever. Don’t tell me you don’t need an assistant!” (Yadi’s word was “chalana,” which according to my new Barron’s “Dictionary of Spanish Slang” is a bricklayer’s assistant). She postures with her hands on her hips, pouting. They fuss a little. He says she can’t do that, and much less like she is. Well, she’ll change if he wants her to, she says. [Ed. Note: Kike, be careful what you ask for.] He tells her that there is NO way he is going to take her. She pouts and cajoles and tries to give him a kiss—“why not?” She just wants to help him, so why is he so upset? Because in her whole life she’s never helped him with anything, and lately she has given up chasing him for some good amount of time. He tells her “see ya later” and gets into his truck. She whines, pouts and protests that he’ll see; he’s going to be sorry. She might even have stomped her little booted foot. Kike just tells her “Adios” and goes.

Marely and her mother are still at the breakfast table; it’s the weekend, after all. Marely accuses her mother of knowing something she hasn’t shared. Nidia denies it—nothing special. Only that she knows more about Juan’s relationship with Paula than they imagine. Marely wants to know how Nidia knows so much. Nidia makes her swear not to tell anyone. Marely points out that Nidia will tell her in the long run, so out with it, already. It comes out that Ana told Nidia some things….Paula is involved with CL, and he told her pure lies about his relationship. Marely is suspicious—Doña Ana told you all that? Yep, and what’s more, to get back at him Paula is using Juan. Marely looks disgusted; she tells her mother that he’s the only one who doesn’t know. Nidia is impactada; she knew it already? Marely’s pained look tells it all.

Juan kisses Ana’s hand and wishes her a good trip. Ana smiles and reminds him she’s only going for a short time, he’s exaggerating. Paula protests that they’ll miss her as if it’s a thousand. Juan assures Ana that he’ll take care of Paula, protect her [Ed. Note: you’ll protect her from CL? We think not.] He strokes her hair. They seem to have gotten the same memo and both wore orange tops today. They both have considerable cleavage, too. Juan’s, oddly enough, is not annoying. Ana tells him that more than taking care of Paula he ought to look out for himself. He thought bubbles that he didn’t understand it. But, he grabs Ana and hugs her. As he breaks away, Paula hugs her mother and Juan strokes them a little, looking anxious.

Marely confesses that Paula has told her all, about her relationship with Farell, his deceptions, the sadness, her “engagement” with Juan. She looks terribly sad. Her Mami, showing a rare moment of parenting skill, asks if Paula couldn’t see her suffering? Marely replies that Paula doesn’t know how she feels about Juan. Really, she shouldn’t be feeling anything. Paula just thinks she’s asking about Juan because she worries for him, nothing more. Nidia wants to know what they’re saying in the office. [Ed. Note: how did she know they’d be saying stuff?] Marely tells her it’s a hotbed (hervidero). They’re all craving the info about Juan and Paula, and then about this unfinished business with CL. Nidia exclaims about what a rogue Paula is. Marely says it’s not true, she’s really a good person. Nidia doesn’t think so, because what’s she doing with Juanito? This boy doesn’t’ deserve to be treated in this manner. Marely is close to tears, but keeps her composure. She doesn’t dare tell him. Nidia wants to know if she loves him or not. “What difference does it make now?” Nidia scoffs. It’s important. She’s always been a fighter, and in love, there is no such thing as giving up. She gives Marely a piece of advice. When Paula is through with him, Marely will be there for him. She’ll comfort him, and he’ll fall crazy in love with her—it never fails. Marely is incensed. She’s not going to take someone else’s leftovers. She’s not second best. If he loves her, fine. She’s not going to beg and offer herself as a consolation prize. She’s not going to pick up the pieces of a man who loves someone else.

Paula and Juan are back at her home, and she wants to have a serious discussion with him. He helps her be seated, gentleman that he is. He thought bubbles—is it just him, or does it seem like this could be really serious? He puts his jacket on the back of his chair and makes himself comfortable. She wants to tell him something she’s not sure how he’ll take. He tells her to go ahead in good faith because he’s all ears. She stutters around while he smiles encouragingly. It’s much more difficult than she thought. She thinks she’d like to put it off to another time when they have longer to give the subject.

Pastora is at the loading dock where Juan and Kike were working the day before. She gets into a taxi that is conveniently waiting for her at the cargo loading dock. What a charmed life she leads! Always a taxi there for her… to the taxi, Kike gets out of his truck. He rushes around toward the loading dock and notices Pastora leaving in the cab. He rubs his eyes---no, it can’t be Doña Pastora, can it? He’s seeing things!

Meanwhile, back at the ranch….er, the church, Pastor is watching the people leave, but no Mami among them. He asks a couple if they have seen Doña Pastora—do they know her? Apparently, they haven’t, and don’t. He looks muy worried and peers into the church.

Juan is encouraging Paula to talk to him. She looks tired, and probably just cannot find the words she wants to say. [Ed. Note: gee, what a teddy bear he is.] Nope, she tells him, it’s something else. He’s going to get her a cup of tea. She stops him. He tells her he’s going to propose something else. He’s inviting her to the fair. There’s one nearby and it’s enormous. It’s very amusing, so let’s go. She looks doubtful. [Ed. Note: it’s her second-best look, right after the fake smile when she’s using Juan to make CL jealous.] She thanks him but she’s not in the mood, especially for a fair. He wants to tell her a story about when he was a child. Every year, he waited eagerly for the fair to come to town. It was the National Fiesta, and you can imagine, my love, when it arrived those enormous mechanical games (rides?) were impressive! And a voice rang out in the town, “the fair has come! The fair is here! And we ran from our homes, and sat ourselves down, like this, out in the open field (portrero), and we watched how they put together ever one of those rides. It was impressive discipline, watching on the little grassy field. And after they were done, we got onto the games, under the games, on top, to the sides, they shook us up (nos zangloteaban). My love, the question was, I swear to you that when we got off of those rides, we forgot the world existed. The most serious problem in the world- was gone. That’s why it’s called an amusement park.” Juan’s enthusiasm is infectious; Paula is smiling in spite of herself. “You can forget all your sadness, all the problems, all the grief you have in your soul.” He takes her chin and strokes it, then her hand. “Surely Juan, but in this case it’s different. If I don’t talk with you, I’ll never be calm.” He thinks she would be diverted for at least a little while, and it would clear up her mind. Those words will leave like they have little wings. He’s not taking no for an answer, and stands, taking her hand. Let’s go! He’s going to get her a cotton candy (algodón de azúcar), a little ear of corn (elotito?). She finally gives in, and they’ll go “for as long as you want,” he tells her, and they won’t fight about it. He kisses her, grabs his coat and they get ready to go.

Kike is hanging out at the loading dock when Don Angarita comes out of his warehouse. “And your partner?” Kike makes excuses for Juan. He’s been detained….problems with…he almost says “faldas” – skirts, or woman problems. Instead he catches himself and stutters, then says “familiares,” family problems. Anything serious? No. Nothing that can’t be resolved. Kike nervously smiles—Juan will be along soon. Don A hopes so, because there’s a lot of work to be done. He doesn’t’ think Kike can do it alone. Kike tells him Don A doesn’t know him, look at the muscles (fiber). He pounds his triceps and grins. Don A recommends that Kike find a couple of dockworkers to help (cargadores). Kike says he’ll get right on it, and not to worry. This will be all cleaned up in two loads (patadas, another definition). Don A says in that case, he’ll leave Kike to it. Kike thanks him cheerfully and goes to unlock the truck. The thugs from their last visit to the bodega (warehouse, storeroom) move into a menacing circle around the dock in front of Kike. He eyes them warily.

Nidia bursts into Marely’s room. She can’t find Yadi. She’s worried; Marely suggests several places, including maybe Yadi’s gone to the store to buy something. Nidia says Yadi never told her, so she doesn’t think so. She’s been looking for Yadi a while and she hasn’t come back. Nidia goes into histrionics, her stock in trade. Where is that girl?? Marely just shrugs.

At the loading dock, we find out where Yadi has gone—there’s a chorus of wolf whistles. Kike isn’t whistling. She changed her clothes, and is wearing the mini-est bright red jump suit, sleeveless, with a long zipper, that was ever designed. She has a pink bandana over her hair, and high-top black and white sneakers with bright laces. They might even be high-heeled sneakers. She’s carrying a cute little purse. [Ed. Note: if you’ve ever been to Waikiki, she looks like the gals who come out after 9:00 p.m. when most families have taken the kiddies back to the hotel to bed. Especially the purse is reminiscent of those ladies….that’s the trademark style]. Yadi minces up to Kike, looking a little askance at the thugs. Kike was lifting a heavy bag of rice or beans, which drops abruptly on the ground. He flings his arms out, but if he thinks it’s going to save Yadi, he’s got another think coming. He stares at her and runs toward her. She jumps toward his arms while the leader jeers out harassing comments at her. (How much is that kilo of fruit?) Kike gets her a little way off from the tipos, and she fusses at him that she’s been looking for him and almost didn’t find him. He wants to know qué the heck she’s doing here? She wants to help. “How can you help me?” He yells at her and she fusses at him not to yell at her. [Ed. Note: the pink scarf just doesn’t cut it with the red jump suit. Or maybe it’s orange. Anyway, she needs to ditch the scarf.] She pouts and flirts and kisses him. Great, that’s guaranteed to make him look real macho in front of the gang here. “The only thing you need to do is go home RIGHT NOW,” he stage whispers at her. He tries to close up some of her cleavage. The tipos are really enjoying this show. It’s the best entertainment they’ve had in weeks. She pouts again and whines for him to let her help. He should take advantage that she’s there. He fusses some more at her and tells her to take it or leave it (didn’t catch it all). The tipos hop down from where they’ve been sitting on the dock, and join the leader to walk toward Kike and Yadi. The leader so you’ve brought reinforcements, our dear friend. Yadi cowers behind Kike, grasping him around the waist. “Whew, what reinforcements,” another one comments. “Just a moment, just a moment,” Kike tells them. “Respect this lady!” The leader grabs him and calls him a fool, and threatens him since Juan isn’t here. They look like they’re going to go for Yadi while the leader chuckles evilly and the tipos smile. Yadi stays glued to Kike’s back while we cut to commercial.

“Palomita” plays cheerfully at the fair. Oh, what a lovely sight it is! Juan is an overgrown puppy, bouncing around and yelling with joy at the fun. He points at a roller coaster, “it’s going up my love, and it’s going to come down, whoa!” Our eyes follow the roller coaster and our stomachs lurch. Thank goodness it’s only digital television and not IMAX. “The monumental Russian Mountain!” He puts his hands over his mouth and stares in shock and awe. Paula murmurs an agreement. He tells her he feels like he’s in a buffet and grabs her hand to drag her to a ride. Like Pacman, they’re off the screen. Like Pacman, they’re suddenly back on, going the other direction, “you know what, my love, we’re going to the toboggan.” Paula is laughing now at his excitement. She wants a plan. He apologizes for being a little barmy (chiflado – nutcase, crazy, barmy). He is so excited! She tells him to calm down and they’ll enjoy it all. He agrees, but he’s still bouncing up and down as he talks, hands askew as he gestures. He lists all the rides they’ll go on, ending up on the Russian Mountain. Paula tells him okay, let’s go. He kisses her hand before he drags her on again. [Ed. Note: She’s more covered up than usual, with jeans and boots. But, the jeans are so tight I’d have a backache trying to move in them.] Off they go to the rides, Juan spinning her around on the way.

The thug tells Kike and Yadi he’ll count to three, and they better take themselves far away. Kike tells him to calm down, folks understand discussion. Yadi is still clinging to Kike, her arms wrapped around his belly. Both she and Kike watch the group warily. They are surrounded. Kike wonders if they couldn’t come to some resolution (arreglo). The leader says the only thing he wants is to rearrange Kike’s face (arreglar la cara). Kike chuckles nervously and touches his face in horror. Yadi mirrors his horror behind his shoulder. She tries to talk, and Kike tries to shush her. “Oh, what fear! Kike knows karate and judo!” He makes chops in the air to punctuate her defiant words thrown at the leader---still from behind Kike. “This little porker is going to hit me? Oh, what fear, boys!” The leader clasps his hands, points at Kike, looks around at his buddies and laughs scoffingly. They all laugh. Kike is impactado as the guy reaches for his collar and threatens him insultingly again. Kike tells him the one thing he asks is that the guy calms down. Yadi yells behind him. “Leave him in peace, leave him!” The tipo tells his buddies that at least this guy with the face of a prickly pear (nopal) has her to defend him. He threatens both Kike and Yadi and acts like he’s coming behind Kike to grab Yadi. She makes an attempt to hide. [Ed. Note: the head thug was the pageant director guy in La Fea Más Bella. I liked him way better there.] Don A comes out of the warehouse door and intervenes. For as mild mannered as he looks, he sure does get their attention. A dockworker is with him. “You’re not giving any lessons to anyone,” he advises the tipos. The head tipo is annoyed but stops dead in his tracks; Yadi and Kike are impactados.

On a street somewhere in the D. F., some feds are pushing Gutis out of a blue shack. There’s a broken down 1970s VW bug (or thereabouts, I had one, the bumper is the same), it’s that kind of neighborhood. Gutis is yelling that he doesn’t know that guy. The feds yell back at him that he’s the guy’s lawyer, right? Anything you want to say, you can say to the public minister.” They keep yelling at each other and the feds wrestle a resisting Gutis to a police car. Agent Alirio, complete with dark glasses and fancy suit and tie on a Sunday morning, peers from behind a bushy area. The car takes off. Alirio is impactado!

Don A tells the thug leader and his tipos that Kike and his partner are working for Don A. “Is that a problem?” “No, Don Angarita. We didn’t know.” Don A tells him to listen up: leave these folks in peace or you’ll deal with me. “Understood?” Chaflán, the tipo, tells him it’s understood. Yadi looks smug behind Kike as Don Angarita speaks. Don A tells him to do the favor of leaving and let it be the last time. Chaflán nods tersely, agrees, and whistles to his wolf pack. They go, leaving a stunned Kike and Yadi there. “Is all well?” Don A asks Kike, who stutters around in affirmation and thanks him, apologizing for the trouble. He introduces Yadira, who flirts a little with Don A (who is much older). Kike calls her his “friend.” She bats at him as he pushes her to greet Don Angarita. Don A leans over and kneels on the dock to greet Yadi. He’s Angarita Calvo to serve her. She pleasantly greets him. Don A thinks he’s met her, but she says she doesn’t think so. He’s sure of it. She’s not. He’s seen her somewhere else, before. She doesn’t think so. For all the guys watching, we get a shot of her okole from below, looking up at him on the dock from behind her. Where is Ferro when we need him? Don A tells Kike there is much to do, and Kike says he’s on it and thanks Don A a thousand times. Don A gives Yadi one last long look and excuses himself.

Pastora has found her way back to the church, where Pastor has actually found his way inside to pray. She scolds him for not waiting outside. He tells her he looked all over for her and couldn’t find her, and that worried him. He was afraid something had happened to her like the other day. She scolds him that he’s always exaggerating and she was in the sacristy. He says that’s the one place he failed to think about looking. She fusses at him and calls him foolish. She wonders about him seeming very nervous through this weekend. He tells her there are problems at work. “That you will be able to resolve, I suppose.” He assures her he can, sadly. He takes her arm to walk out.

Juan and Paula enjoy ride after ride; she watches him with amusement while he savors each one. “Ay, Amor” plays for us in the background as we watch them enjoy life. Paula actually looks like she’s having fun. However, I am reminded that any similarity to real life is pure coincidence. Ooops, not time for that yet. They go on the carousel, the bumper cars, everything. Paula actually throws back her head and laughs. Finally, we see Juan coming off a ride with his arm draped over Paula’s shoulder. He thought bubbles that he learned that day that the youth from Chichipico shouldn’t be climbing onto rides that were made for astronauts. He’s green, but Paula’s doing well. Juan holds his hand over his mouth; we expect him to go running for the baño any second. Paula asks if he’s all right. He says he’s just fine. He thought bubbles that Juan Dominguez Coral may be dying of fear, but not in front of the woman he loves. Juan stretches to show his strength and fortitude, and smiles at Paula.

Delirio is home again, and Nidia is doing her quasi pushups against the bedroom wall in her honeybee workout suit. He slams the door and she asks him what’s up with coming into a room like that; does he want to give her a heart attack? He tells her to listen up, he has something huge to tell her (Agárrate, listen to this!). She turns around – “Okay, so what is it?” “They’ve arrested Ramón Gutierrez!” Nidia is muy impactada. “They arrested him? Who?” He plops onto the bed and tells her the police, of course. They took him off to the tank. “And that, why?” Well, some deal (implied drug deal – transa, also written tranza in Mexico) he got mixed up in. But to get to this extreme! Nidia notes that at least they’re rid of his bore’s harassment. She goes back to her pushups and he notices her okole, getting up with his hands outstretched to touch, but thinks better of it and backs off. “He’s going to have the canary syndrome, we’re fried!” Nidia wants to know what that is. He condescendingly informs her they sing when they’re locked up. With all this man knows about me…..he sits back on the bed, his head on his hand. “He could sing a complete Verdi opera!” We hear Verdi in the background as Nidia laughs. “You are always so optimistic,” she rolls her eyes. She scolds him and tells him he’s neurotic. He protests that he’s just letting her know the situation. She thanks him sarcastically and asks if she is permitted to continue her routine. Without waiting for a response she turns around and he gets a good shot of her okole, drooling over it anxiously. Her yellow waist gizmo says “Follow the Beast” in English. We see the okole moving back and forth toward the wall and hear Delirio panting.

Paula is chuckling at Juan and trying to get him to admit to dying of fear. He denies it. They play the game, her touching his chin and him turning so he doesn’t have to make eye contact, then facing her and thought bubbling about being ready to keep up that lie, but looking into her eyes, they penetrated his soul, and it was impossible. “Okay, okay, I accept it! Only a little, though.” She laughs and asks why he didn’t tell her the truth and they could have gone to a movie. He gives her a long explanation, points out that she’s laughing and at least he’s seeing her with color in her cheeks (his goal). She laughs again and shouts as if to the world, Juan Dominguez admitted he’s afraid! He shushes her. Okay, a little nothing more, he asserts. They flirt and tease. She thanks him and tells him the outing was a very good idea. She asks what she’s going to do with him. He says nothing more, Licenciada, than to care for him as he cares for her. They kiss tenderly as “Ay, Amor” plays.

Back at her house, she’s still smiling and lighthearted. He’s smiling at her joy. What did he tell her? She agrees, he was right. She asks if they’ll see each other the next day, a rhetorical question since it will be Monday and he’ll need to pick her up for work. He asks what she had been going to tell him before they left. She hedges; it wasn’t so important. He runs off to the kitchen, telling her she hasn’t eaten a thing. She laughs and protests. He’s going to serve whatever it is that was conveniently cooking on the stove. She says she hopes he won’t take this wrong, she needs to be alone for a while. He takes the pan back, tells her to eat something, please, and she thanks him as he kisses her. He leaves and she gets a very contemplative look, touched by a little smile.

Ana and Paula touch bases by phone. Paula assures her mother she took down all the information, and Ana says she needs to go. Paula thanks her for calling. Ana wants to know if she spoke with Juan. Paula hesitates a split second and tells her mother she did speak a long time. [Ed. Note: technically, she spoke with him for hours. It just wasn’t the subject Ana thinks was covered.] Ana is pleased and sends her a kiss; they’ll talk by phone later again. Paula tells her Mami to take care of herself. She hangs up and contemplates…..

A dockworker pushes Juan on a loading cart “right to my entrance!” Juan, now without his orange shirt but still wearing his good slacks and a tank t-shirt, jumps off, all smiles. Kike and Yadi are hanging out waiting. Kike is rubbing his aching back and Yadi is sitting on the dock reading a magazine and looking fresh as a daisy, which she probably is. Another dockworker takes something Juan throws into the truck at him. There’s not a lot of cargo in the truck; one hopes that Kike is on the second load. Kike looks at his watch “a lovely time to arrive!” Juan protests that something unforeseen popped up (I had an unexpected, tuve un imprevisto). Kike gives him a hard time about the Virgin appearing to him. [Ed. Note: the Virgin? No chance, it was Paula, and that wouldn’t be her, given the circumstances.] Kike notes his wide smile. Juan tells him this was his day. Kike throws him an apron, and tells him that happened to him while Kike was being a pack mule. Juan tells him not to get sour. He puts on his lifting belt. His heart is going several hundred miles an hour. Kike chuckles at him. Juan wants to know what happened there? Only a tropical hurricane, Kike tells him. Hurricane Yadira, Category 20. Juan wants to know the forecast? What’s the damage? They wave at Yadi, who waves back with a sarcastic look. They continue to exchange chitchat; Kike says he’s the tired one.

Hours later….back at Juan’s room in Casa Cachón, Kike regales Juan with the story of the thugs. If not for Don Angarita arriving when he did, Kike would have been smashed to bits, and Yadira, we’d best not say. Juan wants to know what’s up with her, she seemed to half sun struck. (?? Asoleadon). He confesses to Juan that deep down, he could….he talks about his feelings about Yadira. (But it was really full of Kike-isms, I think. I didn’t get it. Maybe I was just tired). Juan tells him to be patient, and wait and see what might happen. Kike asks what happened with Juan’s girlfriend. Juan tells him it was like a movie. Kike thinks it must have been heaven. Juan tells him about the Russian Mountain; Kike wonders if he was afraid. Juan denies that he was afraid. He brags about his bravery like the macho he wants Kike to think he is, and Kike obligingly admires.

The next morning…..CL, still in bed in his PJs, wants to know why Monica is up so early. She’s had a shower and washed her hair, and is still drying it. She informs him she’s going to the office. From today, the excuses are done and she’s going to work at Farell Industries. He tells her qué good, but his face says “qué the heck??” She says the idea is to work on Paula’s team. Paula will be in the national market, and Moni will be in the international market. “For better penetration.” CL gets a bemused and muy impactado look. “Better penetration?” One can only imagine what he’s really thinking. “Sure, a marketing policy that’s very aggressive, and coordinated on all fronts” CL rubs his face. He’s not used to thinking in innuendos with Moni, apparently. Both fronts? Yep. She’s not planning to invade Paula’s space, though. CL murmurs. Mmm. [Ed. Note: Ah, Moni, if only you knew.] She asks what he thinks. He tells her that if they’re going to go for a more aggressive commercial policy, it seems perfect. He sighs and gets up. She looks at him, puzzled.

The doorbell rings at the Dávila casa and Paula runs down to open it wide – in her bathrobe. Juan has come with pastries for breakfast. He is cheerful; the day has dawned better than ever. She wants to know what’s up here. He’s confused. She points out it’s pretty early and she’s not ready. He tells her he knew his Licenciada was alone and he’s gone to the bakery (Sylvia taught me that word, panadería). He’s offering some humble rolls. He puts the bag to her nose for her to smell them. Just out of the oven. He wants to know if he’s okay, or should go. She smiles, slightly at a loss for words.

Moni and CL walk out to the waiting car and Fernando. She tells CL she wants to talk to Paula first, if that’s okay with him. CL is hesitant, but tells her it’s all right. [Ed. Note: not like he has too many choices here.] She says that because he’s the big boss, if he wants to talk about her presence in the company before she does, that’s okay. He tells her it’s a special case (well, there’s an understatement). He tells her to do what she considers best. She says she prefers that because she doesn’t want it to seem imposed on his part. He tells her to go ahead. He looks over her shoulder at Fern, knowing full well that Fern is taking it all in. CL tells Moni to do whatever suits her. She’s his partner. He smiles. She smiles and touches his cheek and thanks him, getting into the car. [Ed. Note: she’s really a doll, what the heck is wrong with CL???] Fern looks at him, with disapproval. CL smiles awkwardly and gets into the car.

Paula has changed into a slightly longer dress than usual, with a pattern that would make any deaf person cross-eyed if she was the interpreter. Juan is singing loudly in the kitchen as he cooks. He gives her an expansive compliment, and she thanks him awkwardly. He tells her breakfast is ready, and she thanks him, but no. The bread and a bit of coffee will be fine. He insists on pouring chocolate for her. She worries he’s going to burn himself as they sit down and he pours. She tells him to stop, because she wants to talk. He tells her he’s listening, but he’s not. He just keeps pouring. She thanks him for all he’s done for her. She wants to repay him for all these nice little things he’s done for her. He says no, it’s all my pleasure and touches her chin. Yes, but it makes me uncomfortable, she tells him. Uncomfortable? She points out she lived many years alone in the U.S., she is used to doing things alone, talking to herself, and not depending on anyone. It’s not as bad as people paint it, on the contrary, at times it can be healthy and one can enjoy it. He asks if that would mean, in other words, that he’s making a pest of himself? She rubs her forehead and tries to regroup. His intentions are the best, she knows, but he shouldn’t be worried for her. He realizes that she needs her personal space. He’s looking very awkward and like she just slapped him. Well, she replies, a little, yes. She’s feeling very pressured and hasn’t had a moment alone. She takes his hand and looks into his eyes earnestly. He begs her pardon. He only wanted her to be all right. He understands…..He’ll wait outside. Juan gets up from the table and goes out, a little sad. Paula sighs and sits back at the table.

Moni and CL get out of the car in the garage at Farell Industries. Kike rises to greet them and Fernando. Fernando wants to know if Juan has arrived yet. No, Kike tells him. Why? Oh, nothing, Fern says. Kike wants to know what the wife of the big boss is doing here. Fern just laughs. Whooo! If I could tell you! Kike wants him to tell it, if nothing else, to kill time before he gets his orders for the day. Fern sits on the desk and tells Kike that from what he heard, after today, Sra. Monica will be working here. That’s going to complicate our friend Juan’s life. Kike is impactado. But, why? Well, Fern tells him, because she’s going to work in the same department as the Licenciada Paula. For real? Fern nods. “Tell me, Kike, how are things between the Licenciada and Juan, ultimately?” Kike tells Fern it’s going super and elaborates with a smile. Fern tells him that the worst is on the way, though. “Don’t tell me!” Fern tells him that the harsh reality is that Juan is in for it. [Ed. Note: I am incensed that the writers left me with a difficult dicho for the last line of the show! ¡No es justo!] Here it is, folks; I hope someone can translate this one: “Le están haciendo del chivo los tamales al Juan.” They will make Juan the scapegoat? It must be pretty bad, because Kike is max impactado.

We are reminded that any similarity to real life is pure coincidence.

Monday: Is Juan going to deck César Luis?


Farras – party-goers (which I loosely translated as party animals)
Conchudo – jerk
Sería el colmo - it would be the last straw
Me falto valor - I lack the courage
Chalana – assistant, bricklayer’s assistant – also chalán
Hervidero – hotbed (of gossip, in this case)
Portrero – open field, grassland
Zangloteaban - shook
Algodón de azúcar – cotton candy
Cargadores – dockworkers
Chiflado – nutcase, crazy, barmy
¡Agárrate! - listen to this!



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