Saturday, November 17, 2007

La Fea Más Bella #57-60 Missing Recaps 39-42, by Kim P.

Waaaaah! This is it - the very last batch of LFMB recaps. Kim P. put a LOT of time into these 42 recaps that close the gap between Chris's recaps and mine, but now they are done, and there are no more.

But remember, you can still go back and read ALL of the recaps again and again. You can also join in the conversation at Telenovela-World.

Missing Recap 39: Paradise lost
Alicia gets the bad news from Lopez again and calls Celso again. Fernando gives his speech and introduces Ricky again and Saimon tells Fern about the cuartel again. Fernando pretends his bladder's full again and leaves. Alicia and Marcia talk more and Alicia begs Marcia not to let the cuartel in.

Saimon goes down and tells the cuartel he did manage to get hold of Fernando, but that Marcia heard him and isn't happy. Fernando comes down and they all start talking at once. He shuts them up and lets them all in (BIG mistake buddy!). They all sneak backstage and again they all talk at once and again he shuts them all up. Marta asks for Omar and Fernando leaves. Lety gives his back her patented dreamy look and Lola has to drag her off. Paco and the two kidlets show up and he just happens to know the doorman, so they get in as well.

Fernando goes and sits back down and Marcia asks about the cuartel, and gives him hell when he tells her he let them in. Humberto asks them to be quiet, so Omar calls Fern on the phone again to see if he let Lety in, which of course he did. Marcia tells Alicia that the cuartel managed to worm their way into the event. Isabella comes out and introduces the commercial as the cuartel sneak (very obviously) behind the screen. The commercial plays and everyone claps when it's over.

Paco and kids running around, I don't care. The cuartel spot Omar but can't get to him. Alicia tries to leave to find the cuartel and Marcia tells her to not cause a scandal there at the show.

The dancers come out and Lola freaks when she sees that Jazmin's one of them. The rest of the cuartel try to calm her down as Paco is at another part of the stage taking pictures. Lola continues to freak and Jazmin sees her, but then Lety drags her off, as Saimon dances in the background. Lety leaves to call her 'rents so PM and Lola go back to do more damage because, let's face it, Lola's revenge is far more important than the success of the company they both work at and depend on for their paychecks.

At Casa Padilla, the oldsters are wondering where Lety is when the phone call comes in. Pop tells her he wants her home in an hour and hands the phone to Tomas. She wants him to talk to her dad for her and he agrees.

The dancing is still going on (Bob Fosse and Twila Tharp had nothing to fear from this choreographer) and Paco is still taking pictures. Lola and PM have somehow found the items necessary to make signs and begin to flash them at Jazmin - one says Zorra (vixen) and the other says Quita Maridos (literally "acquittal husbands" per Bablefish, take it however you like). (Julie says: Google Translate says "husband remover" and we used to just say "homewrecker").Though Jaz gets mad when she sees them, it doesn't make her mess up her steps. Jaimito sees his mom across the stage and starts to yell out to her but Marta's daughter, in an incredibly rare moment of intelligence, tells him it's not a good idea. Instead he picks up one of Paco's plastic film containers and tries to throw it to his mom to get her attention (oh yeah, that's a much better idea... NOT). Naturally, instead it hits Jazmin right in the head. She falls to the floor, tripping all the other dancers as well. Luigi has a heart attack while Paco and the monsters run off. Saimon and the choreographer get up on stage and start dancing, trying to pass the whole thing off as an intentional part of the show while Luigi cries and Fernando covers his face (told you, you shouldn't have let them in buddy). The audience all laugh so Fernando also acts like it was all planned and goes up and hugs the choreographer and Saimon.

Irma is feeding Luigi a whole lotta valerian when Jaz comes up crying. She tries to explain what happened but Luigi just tells Irma to get her out of his sight. The cuartel all laugh and I'm thinking how so NOT funny that was, but what do I know? Once again the little brats don't get punished for destroying everything and everyone just thinks they're adorable.

Back at the Padilla fortress, mom and Tomas are sharing a friendly little moment. Robopop the good time destroyer tells them he's going to get Lety, and Tomas decides to come along.

Back at Bella Life, PM is still talking to the brats and I can't take it and fast forward as fast as I can press my finger to that little button. Meanwhile, everyone's congratulating Luigi and he gets up and gives a nice speech. Omar tells Fern that was a good recovery from Jazmin's disaster, then they talk about Lety and Tomas some more because that topic just never gets old. Humberto comes up and congratulates the two of them on the success of the evening and Marcia gives them an evil face.

Backstage Jazmin is explaining to Luigi that what happened was Lola's fault, but Irma's sticking up for her friend and denies everything (ooh, Irma, you're gonna burn in hell for lying). Luigi sides with Irma and tells Jaz to stick a fork in herself, she's DONE!

The cuartel are trying to get Omar's attention but he's flirting with Isabella and doesn't see them. Lola's gloating about ruining Jazmin, as always not caring what it might have done to the company. Alicia pulls Marta aside and demands that she give her the results of her pregnancy test, and also demands that the cuartel keep their mouths shut about it. Marta wants to tell Omar and starts to head toward Omar to show it to him, but Alicia tells her she'll have her fired for getting into her confidential paperwork and showing it around. Marta continues and Alicia starts to call Marcia over to tattle, and they start arguing. Meanwhile, we see Ariel talking to someone setting up Alicia's apartment in Miami.

The cuartel should have kept their mouths shut, they could have been rid of Alicia forever. Oh well, hindsight... Omar walks by and asks Sara why they're there. The cuartel discuss what to do and Alicia tells him they have some CONFIDENTIAL information from the office. He asks if there's a problem and they decide they don't want to get in trouble, so they deny any problems. Carolina comes up and takes Omar away and more crap flies between the cuartel and Alicia. Eventually they give her the test results.

The Bella Life people are telling the Conceptos people how happy they are. Fernando and Omar leave and Omar teases him about Lety.

Alicia goes into the bathroom and cries over the loss of the comfortable life she was going to have thanks to Ariel. She tosses the test results on the floor and stomps on them. She tells herself goodbye apartment in Miami, goodbye wedding to Omar, cusses out the cuartel, and prepares to go talk to the two men.

Speaking of cussing out the cuartel, Marcia's giving them thorough reamings for interrupting the show. Lety tries to explain but Marcia doesn't want to hear it and tells her she's SO VERY overstepping her bounds as Fernando's assistant. Fernando comes up and makes things worse by telling her she needs to respect Conceptos' secretaries. Before she can blow like Vesuvius Alicia comes up and drags her away. The cuartel all thank Fernando and he tells Lety that he needs to talk to her.

Alicia shows the test results to Marcia and pretends to be happy about it. Marcia asks her about the earlier positive test and Alicia tells her it must have been wrong. Marcia tells her she's glad she's not pregnant and she needs to tell Omar. Marcia leaves and Alicia again starts cussing out the brujas.

Caro comes up and congratulates Omar but he's in a bad mood. He tells her what Alicia told him about marriage or Miami. Just then Alicia comes up and says she needs to speak to him and they leave. She tells him she's not pregnant and he's comically relieved.

Fernando tells Lety it's ok that she intruded and she's integral to the company and a bunch of other crap. Caro comes and takes him away and she gives his back another Tan Divino. The cuartel talk amongst themselves and I'm so beyond caring it's unreal. Lety continues to worry about Marcia.

Omar's very happy and wants to know about the first test. As with Marcia, she tells him it must have been wrong. She starts flirting with him, wanting to pick up where they left off and telling him she loves him. Omar, however, is thinking Oh Hell to the NO and he can't get away fast enough. He tells her he doesn't want to ruin her chance to go to Miami, it's a good opportunity for her. She moves in for a kiss but he just kisses her forehead and leaves. Fernando's talking to prospective clients and Omar comes up and tells him he's not going to be a papa. Fernando's happy for him.

Alicia now goes to talk to Ariel. He thinks she's there to ask for more money but instead she shows him the test results. He's pretty sure she did it all on purpose and yells and treats her terribly, as always, and keeps the test results. She tells him she'd still like to go to Miami (is she that clueless?) and he tells her he still expects her to quit Conceptos, as a punishment I guess, but he's the one who needs a vacation.

Fernando and Omar are still talking about Alicia, not seeing her standing behind them. She hears his relief, and hears him say how glad he is he can now say goodbye to her. She's very sad.

The Robomobile pulls up in front of Bella Life and Tomas gets out. He goes to the door and sees the dancers all milling around there. He starts talking into his cell phone like some bigwig honcho, trying to impress them, but they aren't impressed and look disgusted. He's talking finance, dropping big dollar amounts, hoping they'll come around. As he reaches for some of his cards to hand out to them, they make their escapes. He goes in and tells the doorman he doesn't have an invitation but he's there with Lety. The guy isn't impressed so Tomas hands him one of his F.I. cards and brags that he's important to Conceptos and is Lety's NOVIO.

Missing Recap 40: In which everyone forgot their chill pillOnce again Omar's glad he's not a papa, and Fernando's glad with him. Ariel is mean to Alicia again and, god figuring she hasn't had enough crap heaped on her yet, she again overhears how joyful Omar is to be rid of her. The Robomobile pulls up again, Tomas tanks with the models again, and tries to impress the doorman again with who he knows and is dating. The doorman's not impressed and won't let him in, but says he'll go get Lety when he gets the chance. Tomas sits on the steps to wait.

The cuartel all attack the food and chat about stuff I don't care about. Marcia comes up and pretends to be nice while still giving them hell so they decide to leave. They discuss getting a taxi, and Lety tells them Tomas is coming for her.

Jazmin runs by, crying, and Saimon is calling after her. Lola sees her and does her usual garbage and Sara convinces everyone it's time to leave. Saimon tells Jaz she was good (she wasn't, she was way too cheesecakey in her movements). She cusses at Lola, Saimon calms her down, and she thanks him for believing in her. They almost kiss but Irma hits him on the head and orders Jaz to leave as Luigi asked. Saimon offers to give her a ride home and she accepts.

Omar's flirting with a woman and Alicia sees him and calls him desgraciado under her breath. Marcia comes up and complains to her about Lety.

Saimon is still flattering Jazmin while she calls Flaquito and the cuartel discuss the situation. Jazmin tells Cheque she'll be late and Saimon's excited as they decide where to go. Lola's still freaking (someone please shoot me and put me out of my misery here, I can't take much more). Lety tells the cuartel she needs to speak to Fernando and tells them goodnight. Tomas spots Jazmin and starts to stalk her even though she's right there with Saimon. PM sees them leaving and makes a jealous scene and Saimon goes off to talk to her. They're gone a while so Jaz goes to look for him and sees him getting lovey with PM. She calls to him, so does PM, and he's torn between the two (thank god that horrible song Torn Between Two Lovers didn't start playing or I'd have had to hurt someone). While the whole cuartel watches, he chooses PM over Jazmin.

Jaz walks away pissed and he follows, trying to explain, while Tomas watches the whole thing. He claims he doesn't want to cause her any problems with Cheque, but she just ignores him and gets on the phone. Lola really wants to tell Efren about Saimon and Jaz, but PM doesn't want her to, worried that Efren will kick Jazmin out and she'll wind up with Saimon. Jazmin continues to ignore Saimon and gives him back his raincoat. He goes on over to PM and the cuartel all decide to leave, with Saimon and PM dancing out. They have to pass by Jaz and Lola once again freaks, they all give her crap, and I hate them more than ever. Tomas then moves in for the kill but she's not impressed by his phony phone crap either and ignores him. Erasmo comes up asking where Lety is and, seeing that Tomas isn't doing what he was supposed to do, reminds him to hurry up and go get her, but when Robo leaves Tomas just goes back to trying to impress Jaz. Meanwhile the doorman's as sick of Tomas as Jazmin is and finally decides to go get Lety so Tomas will leave. He tells a bouncer to watch him and leaves to find Lety.

Saimon and PM are at a bar dancing and all of a sudden PM gets pissed about something. I swear I think this bimbo is manic/depressive or something! She hits a depressive down spiral and gives him crap about Jazmin but before I can press the fast forward button, Ms. Thing hits her manic high and decides to give Saimon a kiss, and they leave.

Fernando's parents tell him they're leaving for London in the morning and won't be back to Mexico until the wedding. Humberto tells Fern he's happy with how things have turned out. They start to leave, but Teresita wants Fern and Marcia to reconcile before they go (everyone could tell they've been fighting all night). They pretend to kiss and make up and Ariel tries to start something but Marcia puts him down. Everyone leaves except Fernando and Omar. Lety waives at Fernando and he calls her over to talk. She thanks him again for letting the cuartel in and the doorman comes up and tells her that her boyfriend Tomas, the manager of Filmo Imagen, is there for her and hands her the card Tomas gave him. Fern and Omar are very unhappily impactados, and Fern takes the card from her. She laughs and tries to make it a joke that Tomas called himself her boyfriend. Fern tells Lety how nice Tomas' card is, and you can tell there's a whole lotta hidden meaning in his tone.

Lety goes down and gives Tomas hell for calling himself her boyfriend and telling the doorman about Filmo Imagen. He explains why he had to do it and she warns him that Fern's pissed at him for mentioning the secret company that no one's supposed to know about. He tries to laugh it off but she's pissed too. Pop pulls up in the Robomobile and they leave.

Fern and Omar continue to discuss Lety and Tomas. Omar reminds Fern that the embargo is perfectly legal, but Fern's still worried. Omar then once again states that their only option is for Fernando to seduce Lety to take her away from Tomas. Fern tells him he's not sure he can, he doesn't have any experience in seducing ugly women. He's fixating on her mustache. Omar tells him if Tomas hadn't appeared he could have sworn Lety was in love with Fern. They continue to discuss, worried about Tomas.

Lety gets home and pop is giving her hell for being late. She's whining (literally) that it was work. He lays down the law, all that fancy stuff isn't for her. She argues. Mom talks to dad and tells him to go to bed, then she tells Lety she'll talk to him and calm him down.

Marcia and Fernando get to Marcia's and she's complaining the whole time, giving him hell about Lety. He tells her Lety's important to the company, just as important as Marcia. Not smart, Fernie boy, now she's really full-on pissed. They continue to fight with Fern telling Marcia that a beautiful and intelligent woman like herself shouldn't see someone like Lety as a rival. He's also drinking like a fish during this whole exchange. Finally he's tired of it and threatens to leave, and Marcia stops him and gets all mushy. She tells him she still loves him and wants him to stay, giving him kisses and caresses.

Lety's writing in her diary about Fernando and the trouble Tomas caused. While she talks we see that Fernando still can't sleep. He remembers Omar saying he has to make Lety love him, and what he said about Tomas maybe influencing her. Lety falls asleep and we get a montage of different times Lety had with Fern, both good and bad. This segues into a dream where she's with Fernando on a couch while Omar stands behind them looking happy. Alicia, Marcia and Ariel are outside a window peeking in. A little girl comes in looking like Lety and calls them mom and dad, and Fern thanks god for his good life and beautiful woman. Then it's Erasmo and Julieta on the couch with Tomas looking happily on, and a little boy in a suit and slicked-back hair ala Fernando comes in and asks where his mom is. Lety jumps up from behind the couch and says "here". The boy runs to her and they hug while Tomas cries with happiness.

Meanwhile Fern's also asleep and dreaming. He and Lety are on a couch with his parents standing behind chanting "beso, beso". Omar's outside holding a sign that says something along the lines of I didn't tell you to marry her (Di NO al matrimonio). Lety puckers up hideously and Fern tries to get away. He screams, waking both himself and Marcia. He tells her he had a horrible nightmare, then they both go back to sleep.

Next day Julieta tries to wake Lety up, but she just whines that she was having a good dream and wants 5 more minutes. Mom eventually gets her up. Meanwhile, over at Marcia's crib, she and Fern are rehashing about how they made up and are happy now and how things went well with the commercial and etc.

Missing Recap 41: The one where two guapos fight over LetyFernando's remembering Omar's words again and still can't sleep. Lety dreams again and Fernando nightmares again. Mom wakes her up, he and Marcia talk, and we're all caught up. Fernando leaves.

At work, Lola's on the phone when Lety comes in. They discuss how PM's late and so is Saimon. Marcia and Fernando come in so they cover for PM. While he and Marcia get on the elevator, Fern can't stop looking at Lety (in a horrified way). He's imitating her pursed lips. Once they're in the lobby, Fernando points out that Alicia's late again and Marcia tries to cover for her. She mentions that Alicia may not be going to Miami after all. They discuss and Marcia leaves.

Still in reception, Lety and Lola are trying to find PM. Alicia comes in just then, and PM and Saimon arrive together as well. Alicia sniffs them and says they smell like the same soap. She points out that they're late and PM tells her it's none of her business. She replies that it's the company's business and PM tells her she's just bitter because she couldn't snag Omar. Jaz comes in and overhears the conversation. Alicia leaves and Jaz comes up crying and says hi to Saimon, then leaves. PM's mom calls, all worried about her for not coming home.

Ariel calls Alicia and she tells him she's not going to quit, she needs the work. He still wants her to leave, but she says she can't. He continues to insist that she resign and she hangs up as Omar walks by. She calls him "amor" and he doesn't like it. He totally blows her off, and I don't mean sexually. He's practically hitting her over the head with how much he doesn't want to be around her but she's choosing to remain clueless, especially after what she overheard last night. He goes and hides in Fernando's office.

Lety tries to explain about Tomas, that he likes to feel important and that's why he had the cards made and talked about the company. I don't know, that sure wouldn't make me feel any better knowing he does that with a company that's supposed to be secret. However Fern just tells her "ok". She leaves to get Saimon and Omar and Fern talk about it more, Fern telling Omar he's the one who should seduce Lety because he's the Great Seducer, doesn't have any mercy, and has no commitments. Fern points out that he's Lety's boss and that could cause even more problems. Omar points out that Lety already likes Fernando more than Omar, so Fern's the one who should do it. Fern tries to disagree, but Omar says he can prove it, they'll both ask Lety for a favor and see how she reacts to each one. Lety comes back and Omar asks her for some information. She goes to her office and brings it to him gracelessly. Fern then asks for some info and she flirts with him, smiling and cheerful when she goes to get the info for him. Omar says see the difference? Fern did see it and is not at all happy.

Marcia asks Alicia if she still plans on quitting and Alicia says no, why, do you want me to? Marcia tells her no.

Lety brings the info to Fernando and asks if he wants anything else. He says no and she leaves and Omar teases him. Fern says he doesn't think Lety will allow herself to be seduced by him because he's engaged to Marcia and Lety is a woman of principles. Omar scoffs and says Lety will be more than happy to give in to someone handsome like Fernando. Marcia comes in and starts talking about Luigi and the storyboards for the next few commercials. Omar asks for a meeting and Marcia agrees and leaves to get ready. Fern calls Lety in and tells her there'll be a meeting in five minutes.

Alicia is typing a resignation letter, putting in all the dirt about Ariel. Meanwhile, in the conference room, Omar and Fernando are still talking about Lety. Fern says he can't possibly romance Lety with Marcia right there and Omar reminds him that he does it all the time with women like Fatima. Fern continues to say no and they continue to discuss at length but it's just the same ol' same ol'. Lety comes in and smiles grotesquely at Fernando and he asides to Omar that he just can't do it. Marcia comes in and smiles and he says "yes". Lety smiles at him again and he says "no".

Ariel calls Alicia and asks if she's resigned yet and she tells him she just finished typing up her letter. He tells her to take it to Lopez right away and she tells him she's sending copies to Fernando and Marcia and Teresita and Humberto...He wants to know why so many copies and she tells him she wants to explain to everyone. He tells her she doesn't need to explain, just leave. She starts to read him the letter, but Saimon dances in and interrupts her. He dances off again and Alicia continues.

During the meeting, Fern is really nervous and keeps looking at Lety the way some people look at gory accidents, they don't want to but can't help it. Meanwhile, Alicia is just getting to the good part of her letter when Saimon dances by again. She boots him out and keeps reading to Ariel. Fern's still looking at Lety and walks behind her and bends down and sniffs her hair. Lety's very confused.

In her letter, Alicia states that Ariel sexually blackmailed her because she broke Lety's computer at his direction, and that she's been spying on Fernando and the company in order to buy his silence. He tells her not to send the letter out and is pissed that she actually got one up on him. She asks him if he thought she was really so stupid as to resign from the company and not come clean? She then hangs up on him. He immediately calls back and tells her she doesn't have to quit and she hangs up on him again, happy.

Back at Lety's house, Tomas is working when the lawyer Sanchez calls. He wants to have dinner with them to discuss the embargo and Tomas isn't happy about it. Meanwhile everyone's in the meeting discussing the upcoming commercials, Lety talks budget, and Marcia goes to leave to talk to Luigi. Fernando ostentatiously kisses her and calls her guapa. She leaves and Lety tells Fernando she needs to talk to him. They go into his office and discuss money and F.I. and banks. She then goes to her office and Tomas calls to tell her about having dinner with the lawyer, while Fern and Omar listen in. She hangs up and goes out and tells Fernando what's going on. Omar leaves and Fernando's giving her weird looks and she's wondering why. She starts to think hey... maybe... and she gets a hopeful look, but then she thinks no, that's impossible! But maybe...

Fernando follows Omar out and tells him again that he can't do it, and Omar continues to push him, telling him he should start that night with trying to win her over. Then they start discussing Alicia and whether or not she's still going to quit.

Speaking of, Alicia's in Marcia's office telling her she's not going to Miami after all. They discuss it a bit, then she tries to bring up her bills. Marcia tries to get rid of her, but instead Alicia whips the bills out and tries to show them to her. Fernando and Omar come in and Fern wants to know why she's not in Miami. She gives him some excuse and he and Omar just laugh at her. She tries to love up to Omar but he trades places with Fernando, who immediately trades places back. Omar says they have to go talk to Luigi, and Marcia leaves with them. Outside Marcia's office Fern and Omar make fun of Alicia, then turn to see her standing right there behind them. They get guilty looks and leave.

Speaking of looks, Lety's sitting in her office giving dreamy ones. Juana and Sara come in to get her for lunch, and Juana tells her she can tell Lety's tense by her aura. Juana whips out the shells and offers to read them again at lunch. Irma shows up ready for lunch as well and Lola complains that she can't afford to go. Marta tells them she's not hungry and they question her about it, and she tells them it's just mind over matter. They're impressed and offer to join her in her fast, but she tells them it's not necessary. Marta agrees to go with them but says to go ahead, she'll catch up, she has to make a call first. She says goodbye to taquitos, enchiladas, etc. The others leave, congratulating her on her willpower. As soon as they leave, though, Marta whips a crapload of food out of her desk and starts pigging out.

Downstairs the cuartel tells PM about Marta's excellent willpower. She eventually joins them, as does Saimon, and they all chat.

Missing Recap 42: Prelude to a kiss
Omar and Fernando embarrass Alicia again. Lety's dreamy again and Juana goes native reading her aura again and says it's about a galan. Marta lies about food again and Saimon flirts with the cuartel again. He's hugging Lety as he talks and you know he's just so happy that he finally got together with PM, then they all leave.

At a bar, Fernando's drinking a LOT of whiskey because he can't accept the idea that he has to seduce Lety. He complains why didn't he hire a pretty secretary, and they continue to rehash. Omar tells Fern maybe Lety will look pretty after a couple of drinks so Fern asks him to pretend to be Lety so he can practice. Omar pretends to be her and Fern flirts with him as other patrons watch, amused. Fern tells him never mind, it didn't help and continues to freak out at the thought of what he has to do. Clients join them but Fern just keeps drinking.

The cuartel are at lunch talking and I skip a lot of it. Mostly they're teasing PM about Saimon, who's at another table and sends a drink over to her. PM tells them that though Saimon is good looking, he's only a friend because he's poor. The cuartel tell her she shouldn't be playing with his feelings like that. Next Juana tells Lety she's preoccupied with thought of love and offers to read her shells.

Back to Fernando, he's not paying any attention to the meeting with the clients, he's still freaking about Lety.

Back to Lety, she says Fernando's name in her mind as she rolls the shells. Juana again mentions a galan and Lety asks if he likes her. Juana tells her she sees Lety with a lot of money and a handsome man and a bunch of other stuff and Lety remembers back to Fernando punching out her bad date and dancing with her. It's weird because she's remembering it like it actually happened but it was actually one of her fantasies. The cuartel bring her back to the real world and discuss it further.

Fernando and Omar get back to work and see that all the secretaries are still gone except Alicia. She tells them she didn't have any money to go out and they tease her. Luigi comes in looking for Irma and Fern and Omar stare at his cowboy-inspired outfit (it really is outlandish, even for Luigi, though no dead animals appear to be involved except maybe some leather). They discuss the commercials as the cuartel finally decide to show up and Luigi takes Irma away. Fernando yells at Lety for being late and she apologizes. Omar asks Sara to get Ricky Armstrong on the phone for him, while Marta tells Fern they're late because Juana read the shells again and saw Lety's future with Tomas Mora, and told Lety her dream would come true, and that she saw Lety "in the middle of great wealth".

Fern goes in and tells Omar what he just learned, and once again they work themselves into a paranoid lather over it. They go into the conference room so they can talk without Lety hearing, and become convinced that she's going to keep Conceptos for herself. Omar insists that Fernando has to take her out tonight and if necessary, to keep drinking until he's able to do it. Fern tells him he can't take her anywhere he usually goes because everyone knows Marcia and it will cause a scandal, so Omar gives him the name of a place to go. Lety pops in long enough to make a comment, then leaves again and Fernando, after looking at her again, is more upset than ever.

Alicia is working (wow!) and Marcia asks her about Fernando, and Alicia tells her he's in the conference room with Lety. Marcia goes in and chats with him, and they discuss that they can't make payroll because Bella Life hasn't paid them yet while a payment to the bank is due. She asks if he's coming over tonight and Fern tells her he can't because he has something he has to do. She says ok, kisses him, and leaves. Fern keeps saying "no" while Omar keeps saying "yes". He looks Lety over again and she asks if she can leave early to meet with Tomas and the lawyer. Fern asks her to cancel the meeting because he needs to meet with her to discuss ways to come up with payroll. She leaves and Fernando watches her go while chanting "I can't, I can't, I can't" and continues to drink.

Julieta calls Tomas and Erasmo down to eat. Lety calls and tells mom she has to work late on some projections, and mom describes to her what food she made. Lety talks to Tomas and asks him to meet with the lawyers without her and what to discuss with them and how delicate this stage is, then she hangs up. Pop finally comes downstairs and asks about Lety. Mom tells him she's going to be working late and Pop goes into his usual rant.

Lety goes back into the conference room and tells Fernando that Tomas will meet with the lawyers and she's free to stay with him. He's still drinking heavily and she leaves. He goes on about how much influence Tomas has over Lety while Omar encourages him to take her out. Fern cries.

Marcia stops by Alicia's desk and Alicia hits her up for some buckage. At first Marcia says no, but then gives in and digs in her wallet. She starts to pull out a couple of bills but Alicia reaches over and grabs the whole wad from her, then actually has the nerve to ask Marcia to buy her dinner. Whew, no wonder Marcia wasn't treating her so nicely in later episodes!

PM gets a phone call from someone as Alicia and Marcia come downstairs. She wishes them good night, then keeps talking into the phone after they leave, and you can tell she's setting up a date with someone. Saimon comes in and they start chatting, then she asks him to take an envelope upstairs for her. As he does so, she sneaks out. The cuartel are talking in the lobby while Marta eats forbidden food in the bathroom. Sara yells at her to hurry up, so she hides it all. Saimon dances off the elevator and gives Lola the letter PM gave him, saying she should get it because it's addressed to her ex-boss Olarte. They all chat and Saimon seems to think he's going to be with PM. Marta finally comes out, they chat more, and get on the elevator. Downstairs, he sees that PM's not at her desk. He calls out her name, but she doesn't answer and the cuartel tell him she must be gone. He says that's not possible but they point out that her purse isn't there. He's mondo sad and they feel sorry for him, then leave.

Lety's trying to get Fernando to stop drinking while Omar is encouraging it. They're discussing the commercials and finances as she keeps taking the bottle away but he and Omar keeping managing to get it back. Omar tells them they've all been working very hard and deserve a rest and they should all three go out for dinner and drinks. They discuss where they're going to go while Lety goes to her office to get her purse. Fern tells Omar he's had enough to drink, and Omar asks him if Lety looks pretty to him yet. Fern replies that he'll have to be passing out drunk before he'll see Lety as pretty. She walks back in and tells them she's ready to go. As she stands by the door with a particularly ugly look on her face Omar and Fernando stand there just looking at her, then Omar again encourages Fernando and they leave.

They go to a bar, and Lety's very nervous. A waiter comes for their order and there's chat but the music is REALLY loud so it's hard to hear. Omar flirts with a woman while they discuss work. The waiter comes back and he's very rude. Lety leaves to call her p-units while Fern is getting drunker. It's not helping and he tries to leave but Omar pulls him back. The crowd jokingly chant "beso, beso" because it does look like they're having a lover's quarrel. Omar gets him to sit and tries to get him to imagine beautiful women, but that's not helping either.

Lety's on the phone to her 'rents and pop tells her he can hear that she's not at Conceptos. She tells him she's at a restaurant with Fernando and Omar but they're still working. Pop wants to come get her but she tells him Fernando will drive her home. He insists that she be home in one hour and she whines at him. Mom sticks up for her and he finally agrees.

She goes back to the table to find that Omar has moved, so she now has to sit between the two of them. Me, I wouldn't mind so much 'cause you know I loves my F/O sandwiches, but she doesn't look so happy. Fernando cries while Omar stands up and tells them he has to leave, he has another appointment he forgot about. They both try to stop him from leaving but he manages to escape while Fern makes a total ass of himself. The DJ comes up and calls them lovers and both are impactado.

End of missing recaps, we now return you to your regularly scheduled programming. It's been fun!


Friday, November 16, 2007

I Love Juan -Thursday, 11/15 - Paula takes a fall, Kike eats a ball and Yadi hits the wall

Ahoy all, I've decided to leave town next week for the long holiday weekend. Unfortunately I won't be able to recap Juan Querendón on Thursday because where I'll be (Ensenada) the show is several months ahead of us. In fact last time I was there imagine my surprise when I saw Yadi giving birth! Anyway, I know it's a long shot, Thursday being Thanksgiving and all, but if anyone can sub-recap for me it would be great, otherwise no worries, we'll catch up somehow.

Thank you, and now on with tonight's show...

We have a quick review of Drunk Paula, Crying Paula, and Passing-out Paula. OK, the show starts and we get one more round of Paula except this time we have the long, slow version of her passing out in the bathroom. Juan busts the door down while Ana calls the ambulance. However Juan can't wait so he carries Paula out to the car while Ana follows behind in her bathrobe.

In the hospital - Juan paces while Ana frets. The doctor comes out with the news that Paula is stabilized but they had to pump her stomach. He asks if perhaps she might have taken something along with the alcohol? Ana thinks not but of course she hasn't been privy to the pill-popping Paula.

Juan calls a sleeping Mari to tell her that Paula's in the hospital and it's very serious. Mari says she'll be there right away.

The doc is having a serious discussion with Ana in his office. How he manages to keep a straight face while she sits there in her bathrobe while wearing Juan's bright two-toned green jacket is beyond me. I've heard they see it all in the emergency room but I'll bet this is a first. The doc asks Ana if she's aware that Paula was taking strong anti-anxiety medicine. They detected a powerful substance normally prescribed for depression and emotional disorders. He asks has Paula been down or depressed? Ana is impactada and asks is he suggesting suicide?

Juan prays to his favorite boy saint. He makes promises.

Juan sees a nurse and asks about Paula. Oddly, an older woman walks by, stops, sees Juan, looks shocked and dashes off. Was this a mistake by some extra or part of the plot? I'm confused. The nurse gives the standard non-answer and Juan looks anguished.

Break to the commercial and a big buildup for El Gran Noche de Televisión. It looks like La Fea's gonna take the whole darn thing.

Back at Casa Cachón, Mari runs downstairs amidst the wedding decorations which now look sad and spooky in the dark aftermath of the wedding that was a bit of a bust. Nidia thinks Mari is a burglar and almost bonks her on the head. Mari squeaks that she's in too much of a rush to explain and out she runs.

In the honeymoon suite Yadi is busy packing the hotel's towels and linens into her suitcase. How do you say "trailer trash" en español? Kike wonders what in the heck they'll use to dry themselves if Yadi's packing up the goods.

Kike moons over their fab digs and says Nidia planned it well. I guess she's probably footing the bill too. "Yep," Yadi says, "the Cachones really know the good life."

Speaking of which, Nidia is hysterical at Mari's departure and goes to Juan's room. Uh oh, no Juan. Nidia is impactada...has Juan run off with Marely???

Kike tells Yadi he's feeling muy cachondo. Hmmm...cachón means to have large horns, thus Kike is feeling very horny? Or a play on words that he wants a bit of Cachón? Works for me. Yadi retorts that "me voy dar una manito a gato", going to go to give a little hand to a cat? Que?? I'm not going to touch that one. Whatever, they're both feeling sexy and she goes off to get into something more comfortable. (UPDATE: Marycelis notes that "give a hand to the cat" means "to freshen up".)

Kike, feeling a bit peckish, sees the "ro-om sah-veees" menu (as he calls it, cutely reading in English). He decides to call in an order...he'll have the classic tortilla soup, an order of crab, another of lobster tail, comes with rice? OK, fine. Four beers to help wash it down, some stuffed tortillas, nice and soft, and a side of black beans. Thus his magnificent belly is explained.

Ana asks Juan if he knew Paula was taking anti-depressants. Juan is impactado. He swears he had no idea but he admits that Paula told him she wanted to disappear. They go back and forth, "it's my fault," "no it's my fault." Ana wins the I'm-a-bigger-asshat-than-you-are argument by pulling rank. She's the mom and when Paula was seeking help all she offered were reproaches. She loses it completely and says if anything happens to Paula then she'll have no reason to live. The boring Ana manages to make even this shared scene with Juan a sleeper.

Nidia, desperate because nobody else is home, tries to wake Delirio who snoozes happily and noisily on the couch. No luck though, because he's another one who's sleeping off his drunk. She calls him a useless old fart.

Wow, Kike's food has arrived and it's a feast...tackily decorated pineapples, gigantic prawns, coconut drinks and much more. He stuffs his face but unfortunately the smell of seafood makes Yadi nauseous. She holds her mouth and dashes out while Kike asks his taco "what's up with her?"

Gawd, back at the hospital with bawling boring Ana. May I FF? Oh wait, Mari shows up and Juan fills her in, it's the last thing she would ever imagine, it seems Paula tried to take her own life. Mari is going-into-commercial impactada.

And what a commercial! We go right into Pasión with Fernando kissing Susanna. Man I cannot wait for that show to start.

Back at the hospital we finally get to see Paula all sickly and hooked up to machines. She's wasting her coma-time by having flashbacks of CL, bleck. OK, now she's dreaming of Juan which is much better, mostly cuz he's nekkid. Huy, she's remembering when they made love. She remembers some more. Back in the hospital room her heart is racing. Oh wait, that's my heart. Heh, just kidding, it's Paula's.

Mari and Juan discuss the situation and Mari blames CL for Pau's state of mind. Juan tells Mari about Paula seeing Monica go into CL's apartment. Mari insists Paula is a fighter and would never take the easy way out. By fighter I imagine she means constant whiner. Suddenly the doctor strides up and he looks Very Serious.

Ana, in scrubs, stands staring at Paula until Paula opens her eyes. Ana tells her not to speak, that way Ana can blab nonstop about what a rotten moms she is. Ana's scintillating monologue soon puts Paula back to sleep.

I guess the doc had good news because Juan is in the chapel thanking the Virgencita. Gosh he's cute when he prays. He says he's ready to fulfill his promise and all he needs is a sign. Mari walks in and kneels next to him.

Kike's postprandial panza is even more gargantuan than normal. He and Yadi try to get romantic but are interrupted by a scary noise. Yadi squeals, is it some great beast growling? A horrible animal? No, it's Kike's stomach; he doubles over in pain. She asks how could he do this on their honeymoon? "How sexy!" she sneers at him as she leaves the room, "let me know when you've digested the beach ball!"

Back at the hospital Juan is enraged and tells Mari that he's going to call CL and sing the three truths to him; his betrayals have almost killed his palomita. Mari stops him, it's Paula business and she's the one who should confront CL. Ana arrives and tells them Paula opened her eyes. Juan dashes out like a cartoon character. When Ana thanks Mari for being there Mari responds that Paula is 50% sister but 100% friend.

Juan peeks in at Paula. She actually looks really good without makeup. Paula is worried about who knows that she's in the hospital. "Only I, Marely and your mama of course," answers Juan. She makes him promise that nobody else will know of this. He agrees only if she promises to close her eyes and rest. When she smiles sweetly at him he goes off on a long thought bubble about his silver goddess recognizing the wisdom of following Dr. Juan Dominguez's orders, blah blah blah. He smiles idiotically.

Another ad for Noche de Estrellas, this time for the best villainess. Looks like it's Edith Gonzales from Mundo, Fabiola Campomano from Duelo and some other chick I don't know. They pan the audience and is that Eduardo Santamarina with a moustache? He shouldn't hide that face of his with hair.

Yadi sulks while Kike snores and sleeps off his gorging. We are treated to a very long scene of Yadi trying to wake him and/or sleep through the snores, she tries putting a ridiculous pillow over her head, sleeping in the bath, putting her fingers in her ears, throwing water on him, rolling him out of the bed, calling the room phone...nada. Yadi whines that she wants her mommy.

Mari visits Paula and another pointless conversation ensues. Basically Paula admits her stupidity, takes Mari's hand and says she's thankful she's not alone. Mari's the best sis in the world.

Once Paula goes back to sleep Juan convinces Ana to go home and get some rest. He'll stand by. Marely tells Juan that he doesn't seem of this world, he's not at all like other men, she thinks that's why it's so difficult for her not to love him. She kisses him on the cheek and he looks at her maybe? But what kind?

The sun rises as Juan sits at Paula's bedside. He thought bubbles profusely that they began to talk like it was the first time, like two souls who'd known each other always, they laughed and Juan amused her with his stories.

When Mari gets home Nidia is waiting for her. As Delirio snores loudly in the background Nidia asks Mari where did she leave Juan, in some hotel room?

"Que? What are you talking about?" asks a bewildered Mari. Nidia rants how ugly it is for Mari and Juan to sneak out and keep the truth from her. Mari refuses to play along or explain. She runs upstairs to get dressed for work.

Back at the hospital Juan regales Paula with his description of the beautiful sunrise. She smiles and thanks him. I'm sure her gratitude will last about as long as it takes CL to show his face.

At Casa Cachón Nidia is shocked to see Yadi walk in the door. Yadi announces that she just abandoned her husband. Nidia clutches her heart.

Cut to the honeymoon suite where we are treated to a camera angle right up Kike's nose. Luckily for us he wakes up and yells for his amorcita. He looks around, sees a goodbye note and wails that she left him.

Nidia demands to know how Yadi could leave Kike on their wedding night. Yadi has answers: 1) instead of going out to dinner he ordered room service, (eek, exclaims Nidia, that wasn't part of the package!); 2) his intestines put a stop to all romance; 3) he went to sleep and nothing could wake him, absolutely NADA; 4) his snoring kept her eyes open the whole damned night. Therefore this marriage is over.

"Why Me???" bawls Nidia, "why am I stuck with two such daughters? One abandoned her husband on her wedding night and the other snuck off to a hotel with Juan!" Yadi does a double-take, que????

Juan phones Pastor to ask for the whole day off. He already cleared it with the Licenciada. Pastor, observed by the naked portrait of Juan, grants him the day off but asks Juan if he's telling him the truth. Juan assures him he is, however he looks at the phone distastefully.

Mari arrives home and is shocked to see Yadi. Yadi gives her sis a hard time for spending the night with Juan. On the flip side, she wants to hear all the details. Nidia joins them and she's all ears too. Mari gets huffy. "Yes I was with Juan," she gloats, "and we spent the entire night together making love like wild animals! Are you happy now???" Yadi and Nidia are gaping-in-stereo impactadas.

Tomorrow: Premios TV Y Novelas 2007!!!

a esta que mosca le pico = what's up with her?
ansiolito = anti-anxiety, anti-depressant?
cachondo = randy, horny
carcacha inservible = useless old fart, useless bag of bones
chelas = beers
UPDATE: me voy dar una manito a gato = go freshen up (Lit. give a hand to the cat)


Thursday, November 15, 2007

Destilando Amor - Nov. 15, 2007 while Rod and Gavi are away, all heck breaks loose at Montalvo corp.

EPISODE - Nov. 15, 2007:
* Rod teases Gavi for being late, Gavi sweetly bats her eyelashes and apologizes. They kiss in the palaba cafe.

* Dani hangs up the phone - she has a serious and sad look on her face. Elvis walks Grammy out of the room. Dani tells Nestor how worried she is about Pilar's health. Bruno calls Dani about where Rod is, she tells him that Rod has reunited with Gavi - they are together again. After she hangs up, she asks Nestor why Bruno is looking for Rod. Nestor says it's a grave problem and they could lose the farm.

* Bruno tells Fedra, Aaron and Minnie that Rod and Gavi are back together again.

* Rod and Gavi are together having a private lunch on their little rowboat on the lake. (looks more like a table and chairs on a canoe to me)

* Patricio and Fedra have an argument in the office about the fraudulent signed documents - she tells him that they are to blame it all on Gavi.

* Rod and Gavi are on their little rowboat in the middle of the lake near the waterfall. They toast their love with some tequila. They kiss.

* James, Roman and Crispin discuss a plan to save the agave crops and the farm. Sofia runs in with some valuable information she just received. Roman and Crispin leave to start their end of the plan. James and Sofia commisserate their losses due to the incompetency of Pancho de la Vega. James is depressed - Sofia is positive and says they will work hard together to overcome this and save Montalveno.

* Pancho meets with Priscilla (Laura Flores) in a restaurant. He works hard at sweet talking her. (not sure if she's buying it or not - she has a definite poker face right now). Lunch comes. Priscilla hands Pancho her card and leaves. He's proud of his new catch. As she leaves with the attendant, he hands her the phone. She calls Sharon to get her to call for a chauffeur for her - she so hates to take taxis. {thanks jardinera for the correction on the name}

* Jose is talking with Clarita about her conversation with Sofia. No sign of Pancho, only word about Rod.

* Isa mutters to her mirror.

* Jose and Clara continue talking. Clara talks Jose into staying at the apartment with her. Jose asks where Mariana is. Clara drops a few hints and makes Jose guess. Jose has no clue - and isn't very good with guessing games. Clara has to come out and say in San Luis Potosi with Rod! They celebrate.

* At night, Rod and Gavi are in the middle of a circle of tiki torches. She says it's perfect (so romantic). Rod says not just yet. He snaps his fingers and three mariachi come over to softly serenade them to the song "Por Amarte".

*** PASION PROMO #1 for tonight - "live the story that will enchant and steal your heart night after night - Pasion ... se acerca" - video of Ricardo, Santiago, Mario, and Camila. ***

* Isa asks Pancho where they are going to live - Japan or somewhere in Mexico. Pancho is shocked by the suggestion of leaving right now. Isa and Pancho argue over Pancho's new job and lady boss. He's confident. She's a bit jealous and upset. He leaves.

* In their romantic love tent, with rose petals spread all over the bed, Rod and Gavi make love.

* At the corporate offices, Nestor and Bruno have a heated discussion about who is to blame for the fraudulent exports. Nestor accuses Aaron and Larry the Snake - it would be just like them to do this. Bruno is so aghast that he continues to hold onto the thought that Gavi is at fault. Nestor asks him if he has any proof to substantiate blaming Gavi for this. Bruno doesn't have any and sits down in silence. Nestor then tells Bruno that Dani knows about this, but they haven't told Pilar anything. Aaron calls in. Bruno is angry that Aaron decided to travel to Miami instead of meeting at the office in Mexico. They argue. Aaron hangs up and tosses the phone on the table. He and Larry the snake laugh over their success. Bruno and Nestor are frustrated and upset over the diseased fields and damage it will have to the crops and the corporation's products.

*** PASION PROMO #2 -- cast list, starting with Fernando, and video clips ***

* At the Cascade de Tumul, Rod and Gavi are standing on the overlook over the waterfalls. They kiss.

* Video of the agave fields at sunset, twilight, dusk.

* Sofia, James, Roman, and fieldworkers are in the fields at night throwing grains of stuff on the plants to try to save the crops. Sofia stops, looks up to the sky and cries to her father for forgiveness. James sees her drop to her knees and wonders what's wrong. Sofia cries her guilt to him - over everything she's done to her brother and the family business - she thinks this is her penace for it. This time, it's James who has to give Sofia positive advice and support. They get back to saving the crops; with cheers and shouts of encouragement.

* Gavi and Rod in their romantic bed. Rod is half asleep. Gavi tries to wake him up to leave the bed. He doesn't want to, kisses her and pulls her back under the covers.

* Patricio and Lluvia are alone together discussing the fraudulent exports. Lluvia is scared that she will be implicated in the scandal also. Patricio has to work to calm her fears.

* Rod and Gavi together in the wooded area talking. They discuss where to have their wedding - they decide to have it in Mexico, with family, friends, and in agave fields.

* Crispin, James, Sofia and Roman are eating their breakfast in earnest after a hard night's work. James and Sofia wonder if they did enough. Ofelia gives them her positive prayers. SJ speaks up with her opinions about family. Ofelia asks how does she know. SJ says she is pregnant with her own child. Ofelia and Roman gives their opinions about parenthood.

* Meanwhile back in Mexico City, Clara is talking with Hilario. She is trying her best to convince Hilario to visit SJ. He hates the idea - and won't get together with that woman to raise someone else's child. She asks if he's sure about that. He looks stunned. She says he has to go, if only to find out the truth about the paternity. Hilario agrees to go to Montalveno and convince SJ to agree to a paternity test on the baby.

* Aaron finally arrives at the corporate offices and storms into his father's office. Aaron is still hot and determined to shout his accusations of fraud on Rod and Gavi. Bruno tells him that the authorities are now involved. Aaron continues with his ranting about Rod and Gavi being to blame for all this. Patricio and Bruno want to see some proof from Aaron to back up his accusations. Aaron starts to shout his proof in detail to back up his statements. Bruno and Patricio are stunned.

*** PASION PROMO #3 -- the storybook fairy of Pasion ... se acerca (the video showed a kiss between Ricardo and Camila) ***

* Aaron storms out of the office and down the hallway. Patricio stops him and starts to scold him about accusing his own cousin of fraud. Aaron says it may be hard to hear, but he is saving himself now and advises Patricio to do the same. Patricio asks about Lluvia being implicated. Aaron says that he is only interested in blaming the ultimate one responsible -- ROD!

* Pancho is on the phone with Priscilla, making a date to meet (the dirty two-timing dog). Pancho switches his tone to a more work-related professional one when Isa walks into the room with Ricky. Isa is suspicious. He tells her about his work-related dinner meeting. Isa says great, after she feeds Ricky, she will go with him. Pancho denies the request. She says fine, she will stay there, but tomorrow they will be moving. Pancho is shocked by the idea, and sweet talks her into doing exactly what he decides.

* Aaron meets with the authorities in a transcribed official session. Aaron lays out all the proof he has on the fraud and how it implicates Rod and Gavi. Aaron gives his statement about all the documents.

ADVANCE: Pancho is playing the enchanting schmuck; Gavi is enchanted to be with Rod again; Rod slugs Aaron in front of his aunt and uncle - motive, Aaron wants to put him in jail.

PROGRAM NOTES: Monday, December 3 at 7 p.m. Destilando Amor Grand Finale - two and a half hours! (beckster, do you think you can handle it?)

*** PASION PROMO #4 - Fernando Colunga in a passionate story in Pasion ... se acerca. ***

*** UNIVISION SELF-PROMO - Ernesto Laguardia and his lucky Univision pinball machine ***

Tomorrow night - TVyNovelas Awards on Univision - watch for Cesar Evora, Edith Gonzalez, Helena Rojo, Eduardo Yanez and Angelica Vale.


Amar Sin Limites #86, Wednesday 11-14: People lie about stuff and kiss in inappropriate places. You know, the usual.

Last night's leftovers: Boris thought Ivan was dead, but he's willing to make him the "for realz" head of Latin American operations and have him report on Mauricio. Mauricio tells GSD and Emilia that they can't go public because there's a new head of Latin American operations. GSD may finally be getting suspicious. Azul and Diego make out in the sewing room (am I a bad person if I hope someone gets stuck by a stray pin?) and Diego tells Azul he's going to keep the half of the boutique bequeathed to him by Eva.

Room of Sewing Porn: Azul can't believe Diego would go this far in respecting someone's final wishes. She hates that Eva gave him this gift. Diego tells her not to be jealous and he needs to keep working there so that they'll have a love nest. He intends to "pay back" all the money Eva invested in getting him the shop. "Who are you going to pay back?" Azul wonders (as do I). He says he doesn't know yet, but maybe some family member or someone Eva cared about, or he'll give it to a charity. He tells her he's working undercover so Mauricio won't suspect. Azul thinks he can become a great designer, especially since she's seen his Project Beach Runway entries. I find Azul's hairstyle change refreshing. She doesn't have Emilia's level of curl, but I guess she got over her daily straightening addiction at the Love Shack. And really, when you're married to a murderer and having an affair, do you really have time for all that blow frying?

Casa Moron: Awwww, Gustavo (Efrain's mechanic buddy who's looking for the car Diego borrowed) has brought over food to Lidia because "las penas con pan son menos" ("sorrows are lessened with bread"; come on, you know how a little ice cream or chocolate or tequila make you feel better after a bad day--or all three if it's a really, really bad day). He says they can share their sorrows and some food. Lidia's upset that he did this without asking and says they're sooo different, they live in different worlds, he's a mechanic, she's married to an important executive (uh, not if you signed the papers, you're not). He says he's not like her rich exec, but he would never have left a girl as pretty as her. Wow, pretty words AND food? Lidia's an idiot if she doesn't realize this guy's a keeper. She bites her lip after he leaves and then starts digging into the food.

Boris and Mauricio teleconference: Boris is pissed that Mauricio lied and didn't tell him Ivan was still alive. Mauricio says he'll go ahead and kill Ivan now, but Boris says now Ivan is on alert, so they're going to have to keep him working with them.

Room of Sewing Porn: much kissing and discussing how this is such a great place to meet. At least until Gaspar comes in to tell Diego Silvana's looking for him. His response is to tell her to come in. Uh, why? You're not getting a threesome out of this, I don't care how handy you are with a needle and thread. Silvana is likewise surprised to find Diego making out with Azul. Azul leaves to go get on with the rest of her day as Silvana smiles uncomfortably.

Mansion Malicia v 2.0, Dining Room of Doom: Mauricio starts spinning his tales and tells Emilia and GSD that he just got off the phone with Ivan, who is the new head of Latin American operations, and that Ivan called to threaten Mauricio that "you can't do anything you'll be sorry for later." I swear, that's what Mauricio said, although, it doesn’t make a lot of sense to say it that way.

Ceci and Andres pedeconference: Andres wants to know what's up with Ceci, she's been acting strange. Ceci says there's nothing, but she plays with her hair to keep from holding his hand. Oh, like that's not suspicious. Sorry, Ceci, but you may just have to sleep with Andres to throw him off track. I know, it's going to be a tough sacrifice, but we're all counting on you. Andres says she was really serious at lunch. Ceci says she's started thinking about the future, assuming they have one. Andres says Ceci's the love of his life and if it were up to him, he'd say that tomorrow they'll be married, happy, loving each other. Ceci backs away from his kiss and says she'd like to believe him. Andres says soon they'll be married and have an even better wedding than Azul and Mauricio, because he and Ceci will be married in the church. Ceci backs away from another kiss and says that will have to wait because she's decided to be a model. What, models don't get married?

MM v 2.0, DRoD: Mauricio claims to have thrown Ivan off by saying they don't have a lab to work in. Julio arrives, having been invited by Mauricio, who apparently wants him to confirm that he really did fire Diego. Julio says he had to, with Azul visiting the boutique so often. GSD thanks him for the support and Julio says he simply won't have a delinquent working for him. Mauricio looks pleased. I must say, Mauricio may think he's a badass, but Julio is a much better liar. We could eventually find out that Julio is actually Boris' boss and I wouldn't be a bit surprised.

Boutique: Azul is helping Gaspar hang some clothes on a rack when Tía Inés and Arnaldo walk in. Azul oohs and aahs over Inés' makeover, but we don't get to see the results yet.

Diego tells Silvana that Ivan's no white dove, but he's ready to leave the past behind. Silvana wonders why he'd do this "de buenas a primeras" (suddenly, all at once). Diego says he wants to get revenge for Eva's death. Diego offers Silvana an alliance again, and this time it looks like she accepts.

Now Gaspar and Arnaldo are fawning over Inés and holding up outfits. Silvana is on her way out of the boutique when Inés stops her to say hi. Silvana says she didn't recognize her, excuses herself, and leaves. Looks like Inés got some bangs, highlights, and is wearing a little more makeup than usual. I think what helps most is not having her hair pulled back the way she used to. Azul asks Silvana to wait while she asks Inés how she knows Silvana. Inés tells her about Silvana coming to visit Caty and getting in a fight with Emilia because she didn't know Emilia and Azul were friends. Azul tells Silvana she wants to talk.

Casa E&G: Gustavo is still looking for the car and tells Efrain he got fired. Apparently he was working on the car Diego borrowed on the side from his regular job and somehow that got him in even more trouble, which is why he got fired. Efrain offers him a job.

Boutique: Silvana tells Azul the same story about being mad that Emilia didn't tell her she was friends with Azul. Azul says they should go see Emilia, but Silvana refuses.

Arnaldo goes to check on Silvana and Azul, which Gaspar thinks is a good idea, lest they end up fighting. Azul says everything is fine, but she and Silvana have "something to do". Silvana agrees this time, and they're off.

Casa J&A: Julio invites Burgay in to talk about their deal. Since Burgay doesn't have a copy of the contract, Julio won't hand over any money. He tells Burgay he'd rather honor the contract with Diego than have to deal with bad publicity over legal issues. Since Burgay's got nothing, the meeting is over. Julio says something after he leaves to the effect that the business is getting away from Burgay.

Sewing Room: Gaspar comes in with some pink and blue sparkly fabric that would probably only be suitable for making another princess dress for Caty. Diego asks if Azul is still out there and Gaspar says she left with Silvana and he couldn't come tell Diego because Arnaldo was out there. Diego looks worried at the thought of Azul and Silvana going anywhere together. Or maybe he just doesn't want to miss the potential cat fight.

Street: Azul and Silvana are walking along when Azul's phone rings. It's Diego. Azul tells him everything's fine, she's with Silvana, and she's sorry she didn't tell him she was leaving. I guess they had arrived at Emilia's because she comes out to greet them and to assure them she didn't ever violate ethics (tomato/tomahto). Azul's like "yeah, we already know you didn't blab about us behind our backs, but we're here to talk about Caty."

Casa DC&D: Gloria comes over (run, Don Chucho, run…no man is safe!) to ask after Ivan. Don Chucho says Ivan's not there, but he is. Oh, please tell me Don Chucho's not flirting with Gloria. We need to find Don Chucho a girlfriend. Gloria says it's like when you're looking for wine and you find one that's "añejado" (mature). Don Chucho replies that older wines are better and now that they've gotten past "todo el parte médico" ("all the medical part"; what does he mean? ) she should sit and they'll have some of that wine she mentioned. Oh, please no, not Don Chucho! He can do so much better! We need more classy older babes on this show.

Casa E&G: Ivan tells Diego that Boris used Mauricio to ensure Eva's death and that Mauricio has now taken Eva's place.

Emilia's: The ladies have decided to work the Caty angle. Emilia will use her psych skills to help Caty remember the accident. Silvana can help because she's Nico's mother. And Azul gets to lie to Mauricio and/or sneak the kid out of the house. This is legally and ethically wrong in so many ways I can't even begin to parse it.

Casa E&G: Ivan tells Diego that he called a guy back in Prague who didn't know about Eva's death and had him denounce Boris to the cops on Eva's behalf. We see Boris handcuffed and taken away by two guys, after a third guy gives him "a message from his daughter" and kisses Boris on the cheek. Diego says this may have brought down the organization and Ivan agrees. Now, however they have lost access to the info that Boris had on Mauricio, so they're back at zero and are going to have to dig up the information themselves. Diego says he won't rest until Mauricio, like Boris, is behind bars.

MM v 2.0, Mauricio's Sinister Study: Mauricio wants Andres to get Ceci out of MM v 2.0 and back into her apartment. Andres mentions Ceci's sudden desire for a modeling career and says he's not going to let that happen. He'll start spending more and more time at the apartment until he ends up living with Ceci. Mauricio's like, whatever, just get her out of the house TODAY so I can have some alone time with my WIFE. I know it's just a language thing, but every time he calls her "mi mujer" all I can hear is "my woman" like he's going to drag her, caveman-style, into the bedroom. Which, to be fair, is probably his plan.

Efrain's Garage: Diego has returned the car, but Gustavo says the client doesn't want it anymore and he's now working for Efrain. Diego's got to pay for all the mileage he put on it, but the car's owner was hoping to get it back quickly so he could sell it. Efrain says all used cars end up needing money and work invested in them and the car may be slow, but it will get you where you're going and back. Diego says he has money from the boutique now and he probably can't afford to pay for it all at once, but if the owner will take it in payments, he'll buy the car. Quite a come down from the 'Stang.

Night falls in the DF.

Chez Swanky: Tía Inés v 2.0 sits nervously at a table with half her cleavage out and GSD gets shown to (or rather, pointed towards) her table. Sounds like Arnaldo called GSD to pick up Inés after their dinner together because he had to pull sommelier duty. GSD compliments Inés' new look. At length. Then he invites her to dance. She rests her forehead on his cheek. Well, at least GSD doesn't have a pet bunny, but he sure is sending some mixed signals there.

MM v 2.0, SS: Mauricio smarmily rubs Azul's shoulder while telling her they're not acting like newlyweds. Mauricio complains about Ceci running him out of Azul's room that morning "as if I didn't have rights over you." Okay, the caveman meter's definitely going up now. Now that Eva's dead, Ceci's not in danger, so Mauricio wants her to go back to the apartment. Azul begs him not to do this and he begs her not to do "this" to him (meaning sleeping in her old bedroom instead of with him). He wants her to move into his bedroom and she agrees to "sleep" together. He hugs her enthusiastically, but gets that flat, dead, serious face behind her back.

Back from commercials. Mauricio wants Azul's word that she'll tell him next time she's out of the house all day. Mauricio calls her on Emilia's lie that Azul was out looking for books. Azul says she didn't find the books she was looking for, but she does have some stuff that Emilia gave her out in the car. She goes to get it because she likes to read before bed. She leaves and Mauricio takes his frustrations out on the poor innocent chair. He crazies, "No, Azul, there's no way out when you have to be with your husband." Hm, I wonder what he means by that.

Casa S&I&G: Silvana tells Isela that, for the sake of Caty, she's united with Azul. Isela agrees that Caty needs help. Oh, I hadn't realized Isela had ever met Mauricio (snerk). Silvana says finally justice will come.

MM v 2.0, Azul's bedroom: Azul calls Diego. Bad move. Lots of blah, blah, blah that doesn't warrant translation "This sucks, I miss you," etc. Diego says it will take longer than they thought to unmask Mauricio. Azul is disappointed. And pouty.

Casa DC&D: My eyes! My eyes! Don Chucho and Gloria are sharing a brandy. They joke about the good wine and Don Chucho compliments her on her beauty. Gloria shares her 2 secrets to keeping a youthful appearance: pleasure and laughter. Don Chucho says she certainly doesn't deprive herself…of the laughter. He laments that Silvana only got Gloria's looks and not her happiness. Gloria blames it on Isela, but Don Chucho says it's because of losing Nico and not being able to have Diego. This gives Gloria an idea. Gloria, idea--two words that should never be in the same sentence! Diego comes in and Don Chucho remembers he was supposed to bring over some fabric, but he got distracted. Diego tells Don Chucho not to worry about it, he sees that Chucho had company--and a good thing too, because Diego was starting to worry about that. Don Chucho is confused. Gloria tells Diego he could have called, which gives Diego the opportunity to scold Don Chucho for never charging his cell phone battery. He also discovers the apartment phone was off the hook. Gloria winks at Don Chucho that maybe they didn't want to be interrupted, which confuses Don Chucho even further.

MM v 2.0, Azul's bedroom: Azul is packing while Ceci watches. Ceci is amazed that Azul agreed to move in with Mauricio. She's also worried about how to keep from having to marry Andres (don't fight it, Ceci, take one for the team!). Azul says it's a good thing Ceci hasn't accepted yet. Ceci agrees and says she couldn't accept until she knows for sure whether Andres is really the kind of guy Diego says he is.

Chez Swanky: GSD and Inés talk about how much better life is when you're doing what you love for a living. GSD wants to toast, but they've already drunk the whole bottle of wine at the table. Arnaldo comes over with another bottle, on the house. GSD accuses Arnaldo of trying to get them drunk, but Arnaldo says he just wants to add some "happiness" since it's been so long since he's seen either one of them so happy--he wants them to keep having a good time.

MM v 2.0, Azul's bedroom: Azul is telling Ceci she just had to call Diego, she couldn't take it anymore. Ceci says she needed strength before she had to go sleep with Mauricio. Andres walks up to the door and starts listening. Here's a little tip for the residents of MM v 2.0--check the damn doors before you start gossiping! He hears Azul say she doesn't know if she can stay with Mauricio, especially since she's starting to find out that what Diego said is true. Ceci says it's hard enough to be with a sick person, but especially one you don't love. Azul cries that she doesn't know what to do, if she'll be strong enough. Andres has heard enough now, and leaves. Azul swears that she was going to stay with Mauricio, but then everything changed. Ceci's like "yeah, cause he's a murderer." Azul says that's it. And also that she can't stop thinking of Diego for even an instant.

Casa S&I&G: Diego and Don Chucho brought Gloria home. Diego and Gloria fight over custody of Don Chucho. Gloria invites the guys to dinner and adds that "Isela's a great cook". She ain't your personal chef, woman!

MM v 2.0, SS: Andres comes to tell Mauricio that Diego already knows about Mauricio's illness and that the illness is the reason Azul married him. He says he overheard Ceci telling Azul it's difficult to be married to a sick person who you don't love. Mauricio says if GSD doesn't find the cure he and Azul will both die. Andres looks kind of worried about that.

MM v 2.0, Caty's bedroom: Azul asks why Caty didn't pray for her Mami when she said her prayers. Caty says it's because Azul is her only mommy. Azul asks who told Caty she couldn't talk about her other Mami and Caty's response is to put her hands over her ears and start chanting "I don't hear anyone. I only have fish ears. I don't hear anyone. I only have fish ears." Te lo juro, that's exactly what she says. Because fish don't have ears, I guess? Has anyone heard this one before?

GSD's apartment: Drunk!GSD and Drunk!Inés stumble in, laughing. Inés' dress is more sparkly and shorter than it looked at the restaurant. Emilia comes in and wishes them both good evening. Very loudly. And quite unexpectedly, I would imagine. It scared the hell out of me and Mr. 5ft, so I would imagine that GSD and Inés are ready to run. GSD realizes he's busted.

MM v 2.0: Azul sees a table set for 2 in some part of the house. With roses and a candle. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

GSD's apartment: GSD sounds like he's about to explain. Oh, no, never mind, he's scolding her for being at his house. Emilia says she just came over to give him some news and bring him dinner. Now Inés starts trying to explain, but Emilia will have none of it. She tries to give GSD back his keys. GSD says they have to talk and Inés says she's leaving. GSD tries to keep her from leaving alone and he complains that they weren't doing anything wrong, so she should stay. Emilia leaves. Inés can't manage to keep from smiling, although she only does it for a second.

MM v 2.0: I think the table is set near her bedroom. Azul stands in front of it with the scrap that remains of her wedding dress and inhales it. I SO don't want to know what it smells like. We get orange flashbacks, first to her and Diego kissing topless on the beach (did that actually happen?), then to Diego making Azul's beachwear. She packs the dress in her bag as Mauricio comes into the room and says "We're finally alone, my love." Oh, no, that wasn't creepy.

Tomorrow: Lots of ugly pajamas as Mauricio tells Ceci to get the hell out of his house. Azul defends her and Diego's affair to Clemencia. Piero compares Gustavo to Paco and gets told off for it by Lidia. Caty sees a picture of Paco and tells Azul she found his ID at her old house.


Juan Q - Wed 11-14 Some people just shouldn't drink....

Before we get to the recap, I have to share with you something I found today. Amanda clued us in to Mayrin's likely Bond Girl appointment and well, I discovered these which might help to explain why. I realized her daily canteloupe show pales in comparison and is rather PG compared to what she's capable of, and oh we've been living quite a sheltered life at Farell. After all, as a straight woman I don't routinely search for such delights, so who knew. I thought about not even posting these because they are almost over the top, (and I hope they don't violate a blog rule), but they were just so impressive I had to share, plus I figured I'd give an eye tac[a] to the guys... so enjoy. HOLY COW! That's all I can say.

Juan continues snapping fotos and Kike runs over to him asking why he's not been using the flash, you know that little light that comes out to take a foto. Juan laughs at him and says but the camera is automatic and that he's offended, he and photography are one and the same and of course he knows what he doing. Kike reminds him this is his night and to please not leave him without any fotos. After he walks away to go kick up his heels on the dance floor (dar le al taconazo), Juan discovers the flash when he opens it up in his own face.

Drunk Alirio smahes into Juan and gets all offended as if Juan did it on purpose. Juan tries to calm him and Ali says he's as calm as a water tank and because he's a good guy he'll forgives Juan for his offense. He does tell Juan that he he would still like to take on that guy over there with the little wig and spectacles. Juan can't imagine why he wants to punch out Pastor. Alirio continues that guy has him seeing red at the office and besides he has to practice all that Juan has shown him. Juan is impactado as says not with Pastor you can't practice! He notes to the Santo that this wasn't told to him, and he walks off with Alirio in a headlock.

Nid is chatting with some ladies remarking she only has one left now to get rid of and Nid wonders how long it will take to get rid of the bitter cucumber. She gets up to dance the Cachi bombon and Anga sees his opportunity and asks her to dance.

Marely pulls Yadi aside and remarks that Nid is being really rude and that Alirio is going to lose it from watching her dance with some stranger. Yadi isn't concerned and runs back to the dance floor.

Juan is chasing Alirio but CL stops him and asks where he's going that he's the soul of the party and he's missing it. Juan says he just doesn't feel like dancing right now. Cl says with Nid and Anga dancing out there, he thinks maybe instead Juan is afraid of looking small time. Juan says only the devil causes him fear and he tolerates that. He decides to go dance because it's the Cachibombon and he rivals no one at that and leaves the camera with CL. We are treated to a bunch of people watching Juan, Pau watching Cl and Cl sliding a smug look her way. Everyone else admires Juans dancing.

Ivonne and Pastor are watching and commenting how drunk Perafan is. Next we see a very tipsy Pau, and her Mom is after her to slow down on the vino. Pau says she's just happy and celebrating. Ana doesn't get it because she hardly knows Kike and Yadi isn't exactly her favorite either, if it was MArely's wedding maybe she'd buy it. Pau says it's love in the air so she is celebrating that. her Mom tries to tell her not to let CL bug her but she gets up and goes over to Cl and Moni.

Pau asks why they don't dance. CL says he doesn't feel like dancing. Mon goes to the powder room and Pau begins to mock how happy CL looks with his wife. Cl says "ex-wife" and she arrived at the last minute, and anyway he has no obligations, so what? Pau continues on a drunken rant and CL suggests that they should talk about this elsewhere. Pau says they have nothing to talk about here or anywhere else. He reminds her that she came up to him. He thinks she should leave the wine and yelling alone, and not cause a scandal in front of everyone. She tells him again to leave her alone, and he reminds her again that she came to him.

Juan and Marely are dancing in the background but both barely moving as they watch what is going on with Pau. They were really funny. Juan remarks to himself that he was thinking he was the center of the world out there dancing, in reality he was there because of CL, while CL is romancing his palomita. Just as Pau starts to yell louder about CL and Moni coming together, and they should dance together, like very civilized people, and that is quite an excuse for showing up with her, and moni has snuck up behind them observing, Ana comes over to retrieve Pau because they are serving the chilaquiles.

Juan tells himself that's how the party was going when he realized Pastor and Alirio were about to come to blows, so he decided he was going to intervene. He stops Pastor and tells him to please stop, that he's going to have to leave the party, Juan knows Perafan and that he's just going around really happy (andarse muy pipa) ready to dance flamenco and Pastor says well let him dance I'll give him the castenets. Juan tells him to please go, and Pastor says he's the drunk one, why do I have to leave? Juan reminds him that Alirio lives here so how is he going to leave? Pastor protests, and Juan begs him to do it for him because things are going to get worse, but Pastor still refuses to leave because of that Mammaracho (combo of borracho and mamarse - both meaning to be or get drunk).

Inside we see Pau fighting with her Mom again, who begs her to leave, and Pau shouts back that she's not 15 and can't be told when to leave parties. Ana tells her she's not 15 but she's acting like she's two. Ana's pleas aren't working and Pau runs off into the party again.

Nid is eating chilaquiles and Anga comes up behind her noting she still loves chilaquiles. She says he startled her and he says very suggestively that he used to give her another feeling. She tells him she is always in panic from him and was startled to see him unexpectedly show up como conejito de mango (I think this means with attractive little biceps) after 20 some years as if it were nothing. She wonders how he came to be there. He says he was invited, and asks her to speak in private. Just then Fer also comes up and says he has something he wants to discuss in private. Nid asks Fer if it has to be right now, and he says yes.

Luckily Nid is saved by the ring of the boxing bell as Pastor and Alirio decide to resolve their differences the old fashioned way and Alirio yells he's going to pull a flower from Pastor's garden. Nid remarks it's her husband and a pan through the crowd reveals that everyone is impactado.

Juan runs up and demands everyone calm down. Pastor keeps mocking that he's trembling from fear at Alirio. Eventually Pastor gets within reach around Juan and slugs Alirion one right in the kisser! Go Gaytan!!! Rocky music plays and the crowd claps.

Ana finally suceeds in getting Pau to leave after watching the fight so she doesn't end up the same.

Anga and Nid are in the study discussing why she married that Mammaracho. Anga knows her well enough that it wasn't becuase of love. She confirms it was because of life. He tells her he's never forgotten her and he knows she hasn't either and he wonders if they still have a chance together. She reminds him that he wouldn't respect her if she was capable of cheating on her husband, he says he doesn't know, and she says but they can be really good friends for now. And he says essentially whatever it takes to spend time with her, maybe even tomorrow. She says she has to think if she can, but, well where would it be?

Juan attempts to retire Perafan who protests and continues to insult Pastor.

Downstairs Yadi is upset that all the guests left because of Perafan and why he has to do this tonight and that it's just not fair. She yells at her Mom. Fer says they should put on music and keep dancing. Juan comes strolling in and says ok let's resume the party. He gets the sad news that everyone left because Per put the fly in the cake, and Marely chides that he really only cares about one guest in particular and yes, she's gone too.

CL pulls up in front of the apartment with Moni and she asks if she should pull out so he can have her space. As she gets out she notes Pau's car behind them and asks Cl about it. Cl denies it's her. OK, now it's a little scary how lax the drinking and driving enforcement is in Mexico, but I would have thought more of wet blanket Ana than to drive with her daughter in that condition without so much as a comment!

Ana yells at Pau that she's going to take a cab if Pau does something stupid such as see if Moni stays the night. Finally after a yelling match, Pau agrees to leave.

Moni watches her pull away at the window and says "Bye Bye Licenciada!" Cl wonders what she said as he comes up behind her and gives her a kiss on her neck. She tells him the view is what she likes about this apt., thanks for the drink, but I'm going and he lost any privileges with her when he signed the divorce, so "Bye Bye Licenciado."

Juan drives Yadi and Kike to the airport and asks if he is happy. Kike says he is and he's had a day, everything happened today, screams, happiness, partying, deception, annoyances, cries, faints, everything. He asks about Juan and if he got to talk to Pau, Juan says he's bitter about that subject so let's not talk about it.

Ana and Pau get home and Ana lets her have it that she's sunk the lowest of ever. She continues that Pau's acting crazy starting with the drinking and ending up with the stalking at the apt. Pau protests that her feelings aren't being considered and Ana doesn't bite and tells her enough and goes up to bed.

At the airport Juan bonds with Kike and sends them off on their honeymoon to Acapulco. He tells himself he is envious of their happiness and that a crazy idea has now occured to him. As he's driving he tells himself that sometimes it's better not to think about great ideas too much, because when you do, then you tend to put them somewhere where they never come to fruition. He says sometimes this is for the good of people, but othertimes it's bad. He says as they say in his town, if you don't risk an egg, you'll never get a chicken!

Fer is still at Nid's house. She wonders why he's still here, he is drunk too and wants her to explain why she's been so indifferent. He starts yelling for her to tell him the truth and tries to kiss her. He tells her he's dying for what she can do and she insists on talking to him tomorrow. Marely surprises them and wonders what's up. Fer says, ok fine, he'll go, but he'll be back. Nid tries to tell Marely it's nothing.

At Pau's we see her downing more vodka and she's still blasted. Juan rings the bell and she's happy to see him and asks him why he's here. When he says he didn't get to say good bye she laughs that he couldn't make up a better story than that. He says he came to talk to her about something. She's glad because she was as bored as a turtle in an aquarium.

Marely badgers Nid for the truth about Fer. She denies it at first but when Mar says she's not a fool, Nid says it's just their version of the story that something is up with Fer, and says she can't be blamed for being such a sensual figure etc. Mar is simply gagging.

Juan says something is in his head that he wants to tells her. Pau yells at Juan "who doesn't have something in their head like a pain and sadness from a loss of love, or has felt a betrayal. " Juan asks what her pain is, that CL has taken advantage of her? She says yes that he's found the perfect excuse to make my life hell. She admits maybe it's her fault, but he's going to move to Spain and didn't even ask how I felt about it. Juan tells himself that he came here supposedly to be comforted, and instead he's doing the comforting and really he doesn't know if he should hug or kiss her, or choke her!!

Nid chews out Alirio for being such a goof. Perafan tries to make amends, but then decides nevermind and asks her where she's trying to go with her complaints. Turns out he's going back on the couch!

Pau is crying about how he's at his apartment with his wife. Juan tells her that this is not how a man who loves her behaves and that she needs to get rid of him. Sure CL looks right, has money and power but in the end he's only a cage of gold (empty). He's sick of seeing her upset by this man and she needs to do something about it. She's not seeing the person who really does care about her.

She tells him to leave her alone, that he's right, but she wishes that both he and CL disappear and that she disappears too and stops feeling etc. Juan worries about that statement. We see Pau in the bathroom seeing things blurry. The next thing we know glass breaks and she collapses on the floor. Ana runs downstairs and Juan breaks down the door to find her knocked out.

TV y Novelas awards on Friday!! Yeah!!!


Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Destilando 11/14, in which we are reminded: "Sometimes you're the windshield and sometimes you're the bug."

  • In the Presidential Suite the meter's running, the pesos are dwindling at an alarming rate; Frankie is spending what remains of Isa's stash in bars, while telling her he is taking business meetings.

    Isa moans, "Everything is turning out rotten, my life is a castle of diapers and misery." She's still getting the pro forma "Ma cherie," but behind her back Francisco tells us, "She's become very tiresome, I'm losing my patience here."

    Isa coos to li'l Ricky: "If Rod really loves you, he won't let you starve - and your Real daddy will get work, we'll have a nice big house and all three of us will be happy." [Saying it don't make it so, sister. --Ed.]

    A slice of life at the Presidential Suite: Frankie is asleep, it's past noon, Isa wakes him by pulling off his black silk sleep mask and says his meeting with the VIP must have been an invention; he denies it. She says she doesn't believe him and leaves.

    He calls the front desk: "There's some problem with our phone, I've been expecting important calls but it doesn't ring, will you try it for me?" In a moment the phone rings, Isa rushes into the room, and Frankie invents a conversation with the VIP, Milton Fontanet. "Oh, we should take a meeting? Where and when? OK, you know how punctual I am."

    Then: "Isa, he and I are meeting at La Normandie, you know how expensive it is, I need more money." "I gave you so much yesterday!" "My dear, it's an investment." "OK, li'l Rickie and I will come with you." "Oh, no, I told you yesterday, big important business meetings are no place for a wife and child, and he might cry. You wait here. Please prepare my blue suit and the matching shirt."

  • Av* is setting the wheels of justice in motion. Convinced by Pammie's father's documents that the Montalvo Corporation has been making illegal exports, he suspends their certificate: they can't produce any more tequila. Since Aaron and Rod are both absent, the anvil is being applied directly to Bruno's head.

    Somewhere, Aaron and Oñate are celebrating a contract to supply turquoise tequila to a carnival in Nubatu, no, make that Lubatu; back home Bruno is saying no puede ser! more often than Clarita says como asi! and he's heading for another heart attack.

    Bruno thinks there must be a mistake, Av* says there's no mistake and scolds: "You should have paid more attention to what was going on around there."

    Videgaray comes in. He admits he's been hearing rumors about Aaron and dastardly deeds. Bruno's heard the rumors too but at least is pretending not to believe them. They realize if Aaron has transferred his own, private, money to the Corporation it, too, may be lost (since the accounts are frozen).

    Aaron calls. He denies all. Patricio arrives, he's shocked, simply shocked: "I'm as surprised as Aaron" is his careful contribution. He's charged with studying the documents. He gives up not only Rod and Mariana Franco as the people who signed the illegal shipments, he gives up his own girlfriend Lluvia!!! He looks like there is a NEST of cockroaches inside his mouth as he betrays these people he knows to be innocent.

    Minerva and Fedra, indignant that Aaron has fallen under suspicion of fraud, jump all over the idea that Mariana Franco is to blame for this mess.

  • On the rural front, Mr. James is also doing the no puede ser! thing. There are three kinds of agave crud going on, and the third fungus is fatal. He's told he must burn all the six-year old agaves and the organic ones are a total loss, too, because there is no organic remedy for these cruds.

    "Where's Basilio?" James shrieks. "Well, he's gone -- his, uh, wife is, uh, indisposed, but really - you're barking up the wrong tree." James figures out instantly: it's not Basilio's fault! Francisco must have sold the copper sulfite instead of putting it on the agaves!

    Not wanting to watch the way James' horrible moustache is quivering during his queasy fit, one sorry batch of extras slinks out stage right. Instantly a second batch of extras, escorted by Roman, enter stage left. They are? The bank's goons. Oh dear.

    James calls Sophie at Pilar's place and shouts the whole story to her: "We have to burn the agave because Frankie stole the chemical, the bankers' dogs are here, there won't be any loan! It's my fault, I should never have trusted him!"

    Sofia sobs and tells him she'll be there on the next flight, they can figure it out together. Dani comes in and gets the Cliff Notes version (i.e. "We'll lose the hacienda!"). The sisters are hugging desperately when Elvis enters and says the sisters make a pretty picture. He has just noticed they're crying when Pilar enters asking, "who's going to the airport? what's all this?"

    Pilar forces the truth out of Dani and almost faints when she hears how bad the situation is. She is comforted by sweet Elvis. They agree Rod must hear what's going on, but they can't reach him. They also need to talk to Videgaray - but he's busy with Bruno.

  • Gaviota and Rodrigo, in their elysian hideaway, are blissfully unaware of the disasters at home. They do a lot of kissin' and huggin' and have sex, we presume, for the third time in four years. Enjoy yourselves while you can, I say.

    Rod is worried about going to London and closing his Mexico offices, the difficulty of running the hacienda from across the ocean, etc. and he's also worrying for little Ricky, trying to figure out a way to keep him securely in Zwieback and diapers without Francisco filching the money for his aventurillas...

    At least he's not worried about the hacienda - he tells Gaviota there are some minor problems with the agave crop but James is handling them (see above). The bank has agreed to give him the loan with the current crop as collateral - the money is guaranteed subject to their inspection (see above). Gaviota muses, "I should have kept Las Mirasoles, we could have sold the place to get you out of debt. But I really wanted to stick it to Aaron -- and you were with that psychologist ... oh well, it will benefit a lot of worthy people..."

    "Heh, it will give Aaron a heart attack to find out we're back together." "Do you think the new baby will change him?" "Only death will change him."

    Gaviota wants to go back to the city early, Rod says no. The many things which must be worked out can wait a bit longer.

    They find a lovely waterfall and Rod says "This would be the perfect place to get married." **As a wedding musician I instantly objected: It's so noisy! Not a word will be heard! The wedding musicians will be wasting their lovely music! We played a wedding last year in a park right next to a highway; the preacher's mouth opened and closed pointlessly as cars whizzed by.**

    Oh, it's a private ceremony for two. Rod holds out the shell necklace and makes Gaviota swear to love, obey, and respect him blindly and docilely, and be very faithful in mind, deeds, and thoughts. "Now say, 'If I don't, may Tlascualtitli curse me.' " He explains Tlas* is goddess of the earth and eats women who don't keep their promises. Gav agrees to all the conditions, so it's "Good girl, you get your necklace."

    He's about to just put his necklace around his own neck but she stops him and makes him promise to love and dote upon her 24 hours a day, not to be jealous or make scandals in the street, not to be proud ("or a clown," he adds). "Now say, 'If I don't may I be trampled by elephants and be cursed by the goddess Gaviota.' " She hasn't decided what the curse will be, yet, but it will be worse than his, she promises.

    Eventually there's a minor glitch: Rod finds his precious trophy in Gav's purse and is surprised to hear it was a regift from Erika. There ensues a stupid conversation about whether (a) Gav kissed Blandie ("He kissed me, ok on the mouth, but I didn't kiss back, and then I set him straight and he transferred to Madrid"); (b) Rod kissed Dr. Erika ("Yes, but it was the night Isa left me and nothing happened...").

    Gav scratches the scab: "Was the kiss passionate, did she kiss you or did you kiss her?" His answers to both questions being wrong, she runs off to the bar and sucks down booze... Rod comes and finds her (gee, I wonder how he figured out where she was?). Sweet and calm, he gently reproaches her: "You shouldn't have done that, you promised to be with me 24 hours a day." She apologizes, they kiss and make up.

Tomorrow: kneeling among the agaves Sofia screams to the sky: "Forgive me, daddy, for not realizing in time!"; Aaron outlines what a disastrous mess they're in and blames it all on Rod; Rod and Gav have at least a few more minutes of happiness.


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