Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Guapos: Monday 7/14/08 - "There's a fine line between lust and hate".

This episode starts with an overlap from Friday. I won’t regurgitate it here, just go back and read Friday’s recap.

Mili and Hugo discuss going on a trip for their delayed honeymoon. Mili doesn’t care where they go, she leaves it up to Hugo. Hugo tells her he’s got a late meeting at the office and he leaves the mansion. Mili decides now would be a good time to offer condolences to Florinda. Mili knocks on the door and enters. Flo tells her that Alejandro isn’t there, as she assumes that’s what Mili came for. Mili insists she’s there because she wants to find out if there is anything that Flo needs. Flo says “yeah, for you to leave.” Mili again insists that she’s only there to offer help to Flo, it can’t be easy losing a parent. Flo retorts, “I thought I made myself clear, steer clear of me and of Alejandro……you act all nice, Al falls for it, but I really know how you are--- you are just interested in becoming his lover.” Mili denies, protests, and refuses. Flo isn’t buying it and neither am I (well OK, I’m sure that Mili doesn’t want to be Al’s lover, but she still wants him). Flo tells Mili that she won’t let her have Al, she’s going to take Al very far away from Mili. Al enters the room and asks what’s going on. Mili says nothing and Flo calls her a liar! Flo tells Al that Mili’s there to rub salt in her wounds and mock her pain at losing her dad. Mili wants to defend herself, but I’m sure she remembers how it all went down in the past when Andrea falsely accused her of stuff, so she says it is best that she leave. Al turns to go after her as she exits and Flo implores that he leave Mili alone.

Meanwhile, downstairs, Braulio and the servant staff are gathered and Brau is attempting to get Damian to confess that he is in fact NOT Braulio’s lover. Damian concedes and says that it was all a joke and there is nothing going on between him and Brau, in fact he’s marrying Karla. Why? Well because he’s so in love with her---and I’ve never heard a less convincing declaration of love before in my life. Karla eats this all up---once again proving that people hear only what they want to hear. Damian and Karla skip off and Braulio warns the rest of the staff that he forbids them from saying another word about this whole sordid affair (no pun intended). The staff then launch into complaints about having two mistresses of the house and how between Andrea and Luciana they are being driven crazy and overworked. They ask Braulio to speak up for them and he reluctantly agrees.

Out in the foyer, Andrea and Luci are once again back to bickering. Connie happens on the argument and joins in on Andrea’s side. Nestor wanders in and joins the fray, of course taking Luci’s side. Braulio comes out and tries to break it up, but he’s ignored, as these people obviously like the sound of their own shouting, because no one can possibly make out what any of the others are saying. Seeing that Brau is failing to get their attention, Lina drops an ugly vase and then points the finger at Brau and she hightails it out of there. Connie is incensed. That was an expensive vase. Andrea insists that Brau get canned and Luci launches in on how Andrea has no say in the hirings and firings of the household staff. Braulio demands an audience with Nestor and Connie and the men retreat to the study. Luci and Andrea continue to fling insults and my favorite is when Luci tells Andrea she’s only a concubine. In the study, Brau spells out the unhappiness of the staff and urges Connie to fix the situation. Connie and Nestor agree to work together.

Flo rants to Al about Mili---she knows he still loves her, blah, blah, the same old stuff, blah, blah, nothing new. Marisela interrupts and she and Flo cry on each other’s shoulders----woe is us, what will we do without our mob daddy (sob).

Connie and Nestor have a pow-wow with Luci and Andrea. Nestor tells Luci that she’s got to back off and let Andrea be the woman of the house. Connie tells Andrea that Luci will be retaining all of her privileges as long as she lives under the roof. The two women reluctantly agree to play nice together. Andrea tells Connie they’ll be talking later. Luci tells Nestor that they’ll be having a chat later, as well.

The Mafia princesses ask Al to take over running Daddy’s business. Al is hesitant, but he agrees.

Downstairs, Nestor admires the painting of Mili and her mother. Luci rips on both the women and Nestor doesn’t pay any attention to her vile jealousy. Luci takes off and Mili enters. She and Nestor discuss the painting and some how their conversation leads to Al. Nestor tells her that Al’s still rejecting him as his father and Mili assures him that it will all work out in time.

Damian comes upon the happy foursome and is surprised to find the women not having a cat fight. He mentions that there is some dinner that he’s going to need Connie to attend. Andrea gets excited, but Damian reminds her that Luci will have to be Connie’s escort, since outside the mansion, the world still thinks Luci and Connie are together. This does not sit well with Andrea.

Mateo is at Marisela’s. They have a rehash conversation about Bobby and then it leads into the MPs having asked Al about taking over the family business. Mateo is perturbed and then he asks MP2 if she’s going to have Al managing their money as well. MP2 asks Mateo’s opinion.

Mili’s hanging out with her posse and it comes out that she and Hugo have yet to consummate their marriage. Gloria knew already, but this is brand new info to Lina and she just can’t seem to wrap her mind around it. Mili retells how Hugo’s been such a gentleman and that he’s willing to wait till she’s ready. Lina reminds Mili that Hugo’s got some rights and this puts a fearful look into Mili’s eye.

Connie meets with Luci alone (this will be important by the end of this paragraph) in the study. He asks her to cut Andrea some slack and to lighten up. Luci agrees and says she’ll make no problems for Connie’s mujer. Connie says actually you are still my mujer, since we’ve not gotten a divorce. Connie gets a strange look in his eye and he starts to stumble over his words, as he tries to explain that weird feelings have been stirred up. Luci, feeling a tad awkward in this situation, makes for the door. Connie grabs her, pulls her into his arms and the two begin to make out!!!

In the kitchen, Lina still is trying to figure out what’s happening with Mili and Hugo. She and Gloria discuss it. Al overhears the conversation and he’s elated to realize that Mili’s not slept with Hugo. The girls leave the kitchen when Gloria accidentally spills something on Lina. Al walks into the room and Bobby arrives shortly there after. Al tells Bobby what he’s just heard and that he’s so happy to now know this. Bobby says that this changes nothing, but Al insists that it proves that Mili’s still in love with him (OK, he’s right, but it still sounds really narcissistic). After a commercial break, Lina and Gloria return to the kitchen. Bobby is stunned by Lina’s beauty and Gloria says they are waiting for Chamuco, who then arrives. They tell Al that they are heading out to Rodeo. Al asks if Mili and Hugo will be joining them. He’s told that they might come later, since Hugo had to work. The crowd leaves and Al, now alone in the kitchen, declares that he’s going to make sure that Hugo won’t touch Mili.

Luci mumbles, through kisses, that Connie should let her go…..someone might see. Connie says that danger excites him. Luci says it gets her excited too. She tells Connie that she doesn’t love him and can hardly stand him. They don’t care and they take it upstairs to the upper level of the study. They declare their mutual hatred for each other as they succumb to the passion.

Mateo tells Marisela that Al’s not the right man for the job of running the family business. He adds that the only reason he’s saying this is that he cares about MP2 and hopes to marry her someday, so he wants to look out for her. He says it would be risky to have Al in control of her money. Mari is impactada.

Val and Rocky are working at Taco Naco. He’s showing her how to make stuff and she’s proud she’s a fast learner. Chamuco and Gloria have a conversation across the restaurant. Could someone fill in what they said, because I had an interruption at this time and missed this portion of the show. I know that Mili and Hugo arrived. Any thing else happen here?

Nestor consoles Flo and says that he’s willing to be a fill in dad someday. She asks him about finding out that Al’s his son. He says he’s happy about that and also about the prospect of being a grandpa. He learns that Al’s going to be running the business and he tells Flo that he’s willing to help. Al comes into the room at this point and questions what Nestor’s doing there. Nestor makes his exit and Al presses Flo for info on what they talked about. Flo indicates that Nestor wants only to help and Al tells her that he doesn’t want Nestor’s help.

Andrea rants to Karla about Luci. She asks Karla to be another set of eyes and ears for her. Karla says she’s uncomfortable with that, since she and Luci will soon be family. Andrea says that will happen over Luci’s dead body. Karla says that Luci doesn’t seem to have a problem with her hooking up with Damian. Andrea says yeah, well Luci had an issue with Mili and Al. Are they together? She also had an issue with Val and the chauffer, are they together? So what makes you so special? Why doesn’t Luci have issues with you……oh yeah, that’s right, she probably does.

Luci and Connie rearrange their clothing and their hair. She says that they’ll forget about this come morning. They come up with a plan for leaving the study. She heads out and runs into Brau. He senses she’s up to something, but can’t put his finger on it. She heads upstairs and then Connie exits the study. Brau is putting two and two together, but I don’t think he’s quite added it up to four yet.

Upstairs, Luci tells Nestor “Not tonight honey, I’ve got a headache.” (Cliché I know, but I suppose it beats the alternative---“No need, I was fully serviced downstairs.”) END OF EPISODE


Fuego, Monday 7/14 (#55): The tell-tale hearts

Here's a silly thing I did this weekend. Click to enlarge to full size (sorry the photo's blurry - long story).

Also: Special thanks to commenter PanQue for the heads-up about the FelS musical tour, which will include ¡¡¡20!!! US cities.

Short version:
  • The jealousies of Oscar, Franco, Jimena, Sarita, Benito, Eugenia, and Rigo escalate. Rosario stays true to Franco despite serious competition from Bobby. There is a lot of discussion about what everyone's hearts are telling them.

  • Grandpa and Sofia plan to keep the hacienda out of escrow by selling their corn crop. While touring this piece of property, Grandpa notices "FR" carved into a tree and tries to remember why those initials are familiar.

  • Oscar finds out that Feo has a huge gambling debt that could get him killed.

  • Armando pays some townsfolk for information and/or assistance, but we aren't told why.

  • Crabi shows up at the Reyes home, wanting to whip someone senseless. Juan volunteers his broad shoulders for this purpose, in exchange for which Gabi is not to bother any of them again.

  • Crabi tells Raquel the wedding will take place in a week, or else never, and she locks up Sarita and Jimena until then (after smacking them around).

  • Crabi tells her dead husband that Sofia's dead to her. Meanwhile, Juan tells his brothers that he can forgive, and that the vengeance is over.
Long version:

At the church, Juan and Sofi tell the Virgencita statue that they're going to name their baby "Maria Guadalupe" if it's a girl. If a boy, they will name him "George Foreman."

Sofia's wearing much better clothes today - a plain white dress with a red scarf around the middle. Notice she's been wearing colors ever since she left the hacienda? She asks Juan why he's annoyed with Eva. He is saved by the bell, or should I say the whistle - Grandpa, Quintina, Rosendo, and Luisito have arrived.

Quintina, Rosendo, and Luisito retire to the kitchen, leaving Grandpa alone with Sofia and Juan. Grandpa says the hacienda is doing badly, and they're going to have to mortgage it. Sofia doesn't want this to happen - they could lose it. But Grandpa says he's not going to sign those papers until he's sure that the money will be used to pay the hacienda's debt, and not Feonando's. (Juan looks up, curious.)

Grandpa says that's why he came to see Sofi - he's found someone who's interested in their planned corn crop, and will give them an advance.

Juan jumps up and says no, he doesn't want Sofi to go to the hacienda. It's too dangerous there. Grandpa says he'll look out for her.

The Uribes are at the hacienda to pick up their hot dates. Jimena is glad - they've been dying of boredom. Sarita wants to tell Mommy they're going. Jimena nixes this - if they tell her, she won't let them go. Instead she leaves a message with Fatima, the maid, to tell Mommy they went out with their fiances. Now they can go visit Sofia! Sarita glances around nervously as Jimena drags her away.

Juan generously gives Sofia permission to go to the hacienda but begs her to be careful. What a guy! She says she'll be careful, and she won't even get on a horse, especially not Mr. Ed. "Know what? Ever since my father died, his horse gets really nervous when it sees Fernando."

"You didn't tell me that," Grandpa interrupts, but says they'll talk about that later. Juan asks Grandpa to look out for Sofi. Rosendo promises too. He says he'll protect her with his own life, if necessary.

Juan kisses her tummy goodbye.

Maracuya is at the market, admiring some pottery (just what every traveling performer needs!) when the sound of an accordion lures her away to investigate.

Franco is singing for the crowd. The Uribes arrive with their fiancees. Franco signals Oscar, who is eating an apple, with a wink. Oscar makes funny faces at Jimena and lip-syncs at her with his mouth full of half-chewed apple. Jimena pretends to be offended; Octavio looks like he might be enjoying this.

Not far away, Quintina and Pablito try to dash past Hortensia without being seen. They fail. Hortensia wants to know when Quintina is going to enroll Pablito in school. Pablito cowers in terror! (Aw please. You just know that he's going to grow up to become the brilliant scientist who rids the town of the nuclear waste that's been rotting their brains.) Quintina says she's been too busy doing stuff for "Johnny" (Juan); they'll talk about it later, but right now they're going to hear Franco sing, and then she's going to do something with Grandpa... something about his windows or his glasses? In any case it's just an excuse. She and Pablito run like the wind before Hortensia can ask any more questions!

Oscar has his back turned to Jimena; he turns around to wave his apple at her but stops short when he sees Maracuya standing behind her, waving back. Jimena notes the weird look on his face and makes a face of her own. He turns his back again. Jimena catches sight of Maracuya and assumes that all of Oscar's flirting was directed at the Passion Fruit. Maracuya grins mischievously at Jimena, who stalks off. Mara joyfully soaks up the anger.

Franco takes a slightly resistant Sarita in his arms and begins to dance with her while still singing. Oscar stuffs the rest of his apple into confused Octavio's hand and chases Jimena. Maracuya leaves too. Benito takes off on a mission of his own.

Oscar is pacing in the kitchen like a madman. His spurs go jingle, jingle, jingle... Fr. Tadeo tells him to calm down; nothing's going to happen to Sofia. Juan regrets having let her go to the hacienda. He wants to go look for her. The padre reminds him of the perils of reckless behavior and assures her that Sofia will come back in one piece.

Juan unhappily says that he and Sofia are very happy right now, in love. But it's hard for him to go on lying, not telling her that they're really Libia's brothers, and that they originally approached Sofia's family to take revenge on Sofia and her sisters. Fr. T tells him that if he thinks it's time to tell her the truth then do it, but carefully consider what he's going to say.

Sarita now seems to be enjoying her dance with Franco. He lets go of her when the song ends. She runs away, but only far enough to encourage him to follow. (Octavio also starts to follow, still clutching that apple, but Franco stops him.) He reminds her that he doesn't want to go on hurting her, but he's confused. He's not speaking as a macho, but as a man who is suffering. With false bravado, she insists that he's wrong, and he cannot love two women at the same time. (Just for that, I hope she falls in love with someone else.) He says everyone tells him that, but how does he tell his heart not to feel what it shouldn't? How does he tell his heart that it's wrong?

Rosario and Bobby are on stage together. He's singing and she's dancing. Afterwards (but with his song still playing magically as he speaks!), he asks her to join up with him, stay with him, and give him the chance to win her heart. She says sorry, but no, she loves someone else. He says that doesn't matter - he'll do whatever he can to get her to forget him. She again says sorry, but in matters of love, the heart is in charge. She loves Franco and will never stop loving him. Never! Bobby is bummed.

Grandpa, Rosendo, Sofia, and Luisito are on their way to the hacienda. Rosendo asks Sofia to be his kids' godmother (I don't think this is a godmother in the sense we usually mean, but more like a sacramental sponsor) at their first Communion. She agrees and says she was thinking of going back to teaching catechism classes anyway. Grandpa is glad, because this means she's gotten better. (She quit after she was raped, because Feo had grabbed her on the way home from teaching class.) She says Juan helped her conquer all of her fears.

Rosendo says he'd love for Juan to be the godfather, too. Grandpa says the kid(s) couldn't have better godparents. Sofia worries that her mother will find out, get angry with Rosendo, maybe even fire him. He says it's worth the risk, and he has to be loyal to his feelings and his conscience.

Gabi is in the process of purging all of Sofia's things from her closet. In addition to the familiar black and white things, there are a few blue blouses that I've never seen her wear.

Frenzied, Gabi says she's going to burn all of Sofia's stuff. Feo grabs her and says it's really hot when she gets all decisive; nothing can stop her. She twists away from him and says it's a good thing he recognizes that, because that goes for him, too - he'd better not be playing with her or she'll make him pay for his betrayal.

He tries to cheer her up by sticking his tongue down her throat. Again with her noises of revulsion, but she also drops Sofia's clothes and clutches at him like he's the last bacon-wrapped scallop at my best friends' Christmas party. Then she pushes him off and says that's enough and she's busy.

Feo says fine, but he needs her to go get her father to sign those papers. She says she'll never give in to his demands - in exchange for signing, he wants her to let her daughters visit Sofia, and she won't permit that. She's the one who gives the orders around here! And Feo can't pressure her!

Stepping all over Sofia's clothes on the floor, Feo says he's just trying to help, but he'll leave it alone. "If what you want is to lose the hacienda, there you go." Gabi is bug-eyed.

The padre is still at the Reyes house, keeping Juan out of trouble. Juan says that according to what Nabor told him (in jail), Bernardo died under strange circumstances. Tadeo coyly says that hopefully they'll find out what really happened.

Rigo tries to talk to Eugenia, but she pays almost no attention to him. She is looking up and down the street and denies being nervous. Benito shows up and wants to talk. Eugenia tells him they have nothing to discuss; she has a boyfriend; he should try to be happy too. Rigo grabs Benito, shoves him, and punches him. This works in Benito's favor; Eugenia is momentarily upset with Rigo and sympathetic to Benito. The minute Benito notices this and suggests that she still loves him, however, Eugenia gets huffy again and goes off in search of Rigo.

Maracuya is telling Oscar she didn't know Franco was such a great singer. Oscar says Franco's as good as the best, and they have a serenading business, and Oscar's his agent. She says that's great - then she wasn't wrong to ask him to work for her. So how about it?

Oscar says he can't go. And what's he gonna do with a babe-a-saurus like her? (Many suggestions flash through my mind.) He's rough and coarse; he's a small-town guy who will just embarrass her. Mara says no, she always does what my heart tells her; she's been interested in him since she first saw him; he's a guy who's not afraid of anything, and she likes that.

Oscar says he's not accustomed to what she's offering and he's not the kind of guy she wants. Mara replies that fate only knocks once; you gotta answer the door!

Juan's almost finished cleaning up the mess in the bakery. He vows that he'll resurrect the bakery, and it'll be the best in the village.

Feo stands in the driveway with his cigar, waiting, as Rosendo drives Grandpa et al up to the house. The men tell Sofia and Luisito to hide, so they duck down in the back seat. Suspecting nothing, Feo greets Grandpa with a request to sign the documents. Grandpa reminds him that Gabi has to agree to let her grown daughters visit their sister. Feo says if they lose the hacienda it will be Grandpa's fault.

Grandpa says the next time Feo wants to see him, to make an appointment a month in advance so as not to waste Grandpa's super-busy time.

Juan goes into the Trunk of Robles-Reyes Past and finds the gown in which his siblings were baptized. He tells himself that his child will be baptized in it too.

The investor likes the looks of the planned corn site and tells Sofia and Grandpa that they have a deal. He says he's surprised and impressed with her knowledge of farming; she says her father taught her.

Just as they are about to leave, Grandpa is unnerved to see a big "FR" carved into a tree. He's seen those initials before, but he's not sure where.

Hilario tells Oscar that he and his brother are still investigating Feonando. They found out that he likes to gamble, but he's not lucky and he always loses. Oscar muses that Feo must not be as wealthy as he appears. Hilario says he owes big bucks to a guy called "El Coyote" who follows him around, and if Feo doesn't pay up, they'll kill him.

Armando is interviewing some people in the pueblo, giving them money to make them talk. The first woman he asks shakes her head regretfully. The second woman tells him something; he hands her another gangsta roll and leaves. Her friends seem impressed. Unfortunately, this is video only, with tense music. We have no idea what's going on!

"It's all ready - let's go" he says, getting into Feo's truck. They speed away.

Juan is doing some carpentry but can't concentrate. He's worried that his girl is taking so long to come back. He prays that she and his child are okay. He is just about to go get her when Rosendo brings her home safe and sound, as promised.

Juan is not happy to see Eva there too. Sofia explains that she brought her to teach her how to knit. Juan scoffs, scowls at Eva, and shows Sofia the baptism gown in which he and his siblings were baptized. Eva lovingly picks up the bonnet, which Juan has dropped. Sofia oohs and ahhs over the gown. Eva offers him the bonnet. He takes it awkwardly.

A little while later, Sarita and Jimena go into the bakery. Feo, lurking outside in his truck, sees them and leaves. The sisters have a happy reunion, but Sofia worries they'll get in trouble for seeing her. They blow this off and she shows them her two rows of knitting.

Eva is trying to get Juan to forgive her. She says she tried to help Libia that night. Juan replies that Eva could have saved his sister's life, but instead she chose to remain silent, and that silence caused her death. He wants to forgive Eva, but he can't. He never will.

Eva flashes back to her meeting with Libia. She told Libia that Bernardo really loved her. Libi asked, if Eva knew it was the truth, why didn't she say so? She begged Eva to stick up for her and cried "you don't know the pain" before staggering away, blind with heartbreak.

Juan has returned to his carpentry, but now he's in an even worse mood. He knocks over the table and his nice new cabinets and some random pieces of wood. Franco and Oscar come home. Oscar is still sore that Franco wouldn't take payment for singing to their pals at the market, and something about not taking meat from the butcher. Juan tells them they need to put up the wall, paint it, and put up some shelves.

Franco and Oscar tell Juan what Hilario (or is it "Eladio" as the captions say about 50% of the time) told them about Fernando's gambling debt. Pay up or die. They tried to kill him, shot at his truck. "So that's why he wants to mortgage the hacienda," Juan realizes. "That jerk wants to sink the Elizondos!"

Feo is doin' Brandy in the study, Gabi comes in and says she just found out about the shooting. He says it's no big deal; he got the window fixed. She tells him it was probably the Reyes and he should turn them in. Tired, he says he doesn't have any proof. She doesn't care - she wants them in jail again, so that she and Feo can make sure "that bastard" doesn't get born. He says her to forget about that and worry about the hacienda. If she can't come up with the cash he needs, he's mortgaging the place. She screams no, but he tells her she only thinks of her own interests instead of those of others. "For your information, Jimena and Sarita are, right now, at the home of those deadbeats, the Reyes."

Luis, Quintina, Pablito, and Grandpa go to the park with Mariachi and some other dog, and play ball. Then they leave.

Mom goes to the Reyes place and yells at her younger daughters for defying her and visiting their sister. It's the usual argument, but this time she's going to teach them to respect her and her orders - by whipping them!

Sofia offers to take the hit for them instead. (It doesn't occur to any of them to not let Gabi hit ANYONE?) Eva says oh no you don't, she's pregnant. But Sofia offers again, as long as Gabi won't punish anyone else.

Sarita and Jimena cower behind Eva, who offers weak verbal resistance while Gabi raises her arm. Fortunately Juan shows up and stops her. She tries to blame everything on him! She gets ready to leave and tells the younger daughters they'll pay when they get home. Sofi gets in the way and insists that her sisters mustn't take the blame for her. Gabi knocks her down. When Juan tries to pick her up, Gabi whips him.

Eva begs Gabi to have pity. "Nobody takes pity on me," Gabi replies with alligator tears. She says it's either Jimena and Sarita, or Sofia and her child.

Juan tells Gabi that if she must take out her anger on someone, to take it out on him. (I still say take her to jail. Or throw her in the river. I'm not picky.) In exchange, she must promise that she won't bother any of them ever again. Gabi agrees.

I'm used to seeing people do dumb things in telenovelas for plot convenience, but this is enragingly stupid. I appreciate that Juan thinks he's making a meaningful sacrifice, but look who he's dealing with. Anyway, you don't have to cooperate with someone who wants to hurt you. Especially when she's outnumbered and breaking the law. Anyway, what was Eva thinking about just a few minutes ago? Was she not feeling guilty that she didn't stick up for Libia? "Ooh, don't do that" is not an acceptable...

Never mind.

But wait! Someone is putting up a fight... Sofia doesn't approve of Juan's deal, and tries to shield him with her little body. Gabi gives her a warning swat. NOW Eva makes herself useful... she pulls Sofia out of the way so that Gabi can get a clear shot at Juan!

Nice work, Eva. Never mind what I think of Jimena and Sarita who are just watching the whole thing and crying and saying things like "no" but not doing anything else.

So Gabi stands about 10 feet behind Juan and whips him with her much shorter riding crop. Nevertheless, Juan makes it look painful.

Gabriela is crying too, but I don't know why. Is she disappointed she didn't get to beat Sofia? Is she happy-crying like Miss America? Is her arm getting sore? Because you can't tell me she feels guilty about this!

Anyway, more whipping, Sofia wanting to intercede, Eva holding Sofi back. Finally this idiocy is finished and Sofia tells her mother to keep her word and leave. Gabi regains her composure and tells Jimena and Sarita to go. They march ahead like obedient little ducklings.

Moments after Gabi leaves, Oscar and Franco are muy impactados to find Sofia crying on the floor with Juan. He's barely conscious.

The Uribes are having drinks with their auntie at home (the mysterious Ruth is not there) when Gabi bursts in and complains that she's not going to allow any more tricks - Raq's nephews have abused her trust. They have to get married now, or they can't see her daughters again.

Raquel is mystified by Gabi's attitude. Gabi insists that she move up the wedding date. Raq says fine, it's all ready. Gabi says one week. They get married in one week, and that's her last word. (Ha, they should be so lucky.) She marches out. Raquel looks questioningly at her nephews. Benito cracks a nervous grin. Octavio looks like he's awaiting root canal surgery.

Sofia cries and begs Juan's forgiveness as she dresses Juan's painful wounds. Oscar and Franco leave in disgust to discuss. They want Crabi to pay, but Franco says they can't do anything to her without hurting Sofia, because she's her mother. They'll wait till Juan gets better, then decide what to do.

Sofia tells Juan that ever since they've met, he's had only bad luck and sadness. He says no, she's only brought faith, hope and light into his life. Her love has made him a happier man.

Sofi says it pains her that her mother has so much hostility in her heart. "Sometimes I think she hates me, that she's never loved me." Juan says that can't be so. Mothers never hate their children. Never! (More fuel for the babyswap theorists!)

Sofi says she hopes his sacrifice wasn't in vain, and that Crabi doesn't hit her sisters.

Crabi smacks Sarita as soon as they get home. Jimena mentions the agreement with Juan. Crabi replies by smacking Jimena and blames her for corrupting Sarita. She's going to lock them up until they get married next week. She locks the balcony, windows, and of course the regular door. They cry and pound gently on the door so as not to break it.

At the cottage, Eva tells Quintina and Grandpa she couldn't believe how furiously Gabi beat Juan, until he passed out. (Quintina says it's a good thing she wasn't there because she would have tossed her around like a wild animal. I say it's too bad she wasn't there.) Grandpa does not know where it will end, but says it's time to rein Gabi in.

Crabi goes to Bernardo's shrine and tells him that he sowed a bad seed in his children, but from now on Sofia's not her child. She's disowning her! She won't look see her as her mother (heh, like she ever did?). She won't go near her. As far as she's concerned, Sofia's as dead as Bernardo. Totally dead.

Still face-down on the bed because of the sores on his back, Juan tells his brothers no more vengeance. Oscar thinks Crabi should pay. Franco helps Juan up. Juan says no more hate, he doesn't want Sofi to suffer. That damned old lady is her mother, and their child's grandmother.

The brothers say okay, they'll do what he wants, but what can they do with all this suffering and rage and pain?

Juan says he knows it hurts them that that woman beat him, but he doesn't care about her, because he's in love and he can forgive! "I love the woman that I once considered my worst enemy. So do you. No more hostility, no more hate, no more vengeance! No more!"

Then he makes an awful owie face.

Next time:
Feo acts like a jerk.


Querida Enemiga Monday 7/14 - A surfeit of mother/daughter bonding as if we didn't get the point.

Ahoy all, I'm subbing for Ferro tonight, and guess what I just discovered, I don't have to recap Thursday night because the telenovelas are preempted by some star-studded thingie. So basically this worked out perfectly.

On with the show...
Sara tries to convince Chalo that he has to get rid of Lorena, make it look like an accident or something. Chalo is enthusiastic about doing the horizontal bop with Sara but the murder thing, not so much.

Jaime and shrill Barbara wait for Vasco at Happy House. Vasco and Diana finally arrive and Barbara shrieks that he must come home now! Vasco explains he can't go home because of dad and granny's lies. Omar arrives and Barbara shrieks with renewed vigor, it's all his fault!! Vasco shushes her and says if dad asks forgiveness from Omar he'll consider returning to Evil Acres. Dad recalls Snorty's words and strides out of the house.

Alonslow sadly tells Lorena that Bruno got promoted over him.

Maruja, Julian and Rosy watch a scary movie together. Julian and Maruja bond by ganging up on Rosy and comparing her face to a little monkey's.

Back home Barbara wails some more at Jaime. Snorty snaps at Jaime and he tells her it was for her sake that he didn't apologize to Omar. Later on Sara comes home and breaks the news to Snorty, Lorena discovered that her employers Zulema and Omar are Sara's parents! Snorty's face freezes into Impactada.

Snorty yells at Sara for opening her big mouth and blabbing to the little potato peeler. Sara says they have just a little bit of time to decide what to say, it's inevitable Omar will find out...unless they make Lorena disappear. Nice try but Snorty doesn't bite, perturbed, she says that's going too far. Sara says fine, maybe her parents will forgive Snorty. Snorty looks equally perturbed by this outcome.

Sara has a great idea for a way for Snorty to prove she's remorseful about separating Sara from her family, Snorty can include Sara in her will! Uh OK, that's not obvious or anything.

Back at Happy House Julian and Vasco play a video game. Diana feeds popcorn to them and Vasco gives her a long, sad puppy dog gaze.

Lorena lies in bed and happily comments that Sara will have the best mom in the world, and Sara will be the best daughter. (Lorena you dope, snap out of it!)

Sara lies in bed and snidely thanks Sara for the favor, now she will be an heir in Lorena's rich granny's will!

Next morning Alonslow questions Bruno's decision to go with a cheaper medical supplier, the quality will be compromised. Bruno smirks nastily, he's the boss and will do whatever he wants.

Lorena bugs Sara with an early morning phone call. She wants to know if Sara intends to meet her real parents today.

Zulema things she's fat with nothing to wear. She goes downstairs and Omar shows her the books, they can put a little aside each month to help Diana. Zulema strokes him strong arms and snuggles. Omar looks a little surprised but definitely interested.

Pesky Lorena arrives at Evil Acres. Dang she is like a terrier with a stinky sock. She calls Sara to let her in. She doesn't understand why Sara is denying her parents! Snorty shows up and yells at Lorena to leave. Lorena tells Snorty that she least of anyone can boss her around and the time will soon come when everyone will know the truth.

Snorty and Lorena argue some more. Finally Lorena snaps that Sara's parents deserve her love, not Snortensia.

Jaime wakes a pale and scary-looking Barbara to tell her what he and his conniving mum did lo those many years ago. Barbara is shocked, if his ma told him to kill someone would he do it? (Uh oh, do we have a premonition here?) Jaime brings her up to speed on the current situation. Babs thinks Sara's attitude is strange, could she be after Snorty's millions?

The answer is here...Sara presses Snorty further about including her in the will. Snorty calls her lawyer and Sara wants to go with.

Zulema calls Lorena and wants to rendezvous back at the house. Lorena is uncomfortable because she knows the big secret, all this is way too weird-trips-incorporated, but she reluctantly agrees to meet Zulema.

The lawyer reminds Snorty of her current will, 80% for Vasco, 10% for Jaime, and 10% for some minor legacy. Snorty adjusts it thusly, Sara will get 30% of Vasco's share. Sara very sweetly asks Snorty does she want 50% of her fortune to be wasted on environmental causes? Snorty reconsiders and announces that Vasco's share will be administered by Jaime. Oh goody, he's putty in Sara's hands so that's just fine with her.

Barbara continues her griping all the way to her tryst with Ickturo. He suggests Sara might have helped convince Vasco to leave so she can get her hands on his share of the pie.

Snorty tells Sara she is a grand manipulator; Snorty looks pretty pleased about it. The only thing she's worried about is the little potato peeler might open her big mouth to Omar.

Zulema shows Lorena her pretty new outfit. It's her anniversary and she wants Omar to see her as a woman, not a mother. Lorena tells Zulema to get prettied up because she'll cook the dinner. Zulema thinks of Lorena as more than a friend, she's like her own daughter.

Lorena calls Sara AGAIN and tells her not to come to her parents' house tonight, tomorrow would be better. Sara gets testy and tells Lorena to butt out, her meddling is making Sara crazy. She regains her composure and apologizes to Lorena, she's nervous and needs time.

Zulema gives Lorena a kiss goodbye, she's off to the salon, probably the only one in Mexico City just like in Juan Querendon. Zulema says she's so lucky to have Lorena by her side. Lorena looks like she might be sick.

Valeria gripes to Alonslow about Bruno being a complete jerk of a boss. Why did Alonslow have to fall asleep that night? Damn their luck!

Silly Betina admires her pictures of the slumber party she wasn't supposed to go to, she doesn't notice her insanely crabby mother peering over her shoulder. Paula blows a gasket and the conversation is so horrible that I don't think I care to repeat it here. Paula SO sucks as a mom, she accuses Betina of using her love as a prize. Horrid Mommy!

Zulema is dressed to the nines and her three kids (including Lorena) admire her effusively. Meanwhile Vasco detains Omar by blathering on about global warming, the polar icecaps and polar bears.

Lorena sets the table like an Italian cafe. The menu is Ensalada Caprese, Canneloni in Pomodoro Sauce, Escallop of Veal with mushrooms, and Tira Mi Su. She admits she got the recipes from a TV show. What a coincidence, Zulema saw the same show! More bonding.

The lead-in from the commercial is my favorite, stuffed roasted Poblano in a creamy walnut sauce sprinkled with pomegranite seeds, yum!! You can find the recipe in the book Como Agua Para Chocolate (Like Water for Chocolate).

Zulema tries to give Lorena a little money but Lorena refuses. They're friends, right? Family does this sort of thing to help out, not for money.

Shrill Harpy Paula bitches at Betina some more for wanting to spend the evening with her Papi instead of with her.

Julian, Diana and Vasco show up at Rosy's with sandwiches. They will spend the evening playing cards and staying out of the house. Rosy pairs up Vasco and Diana for the game. Diana says she's awful at cards. "Unlucky at cards lucky at love" titters Rosy, echoing her mother.

Lorena and Alonslow have some of the canneloni for dinner. Could they be a more boring pair? Are they as bad as Duhlina and Duhmilio? I can't decide. Alonslow is in a funk because Bruno is an ass. Lorena is down because she's heard nada from the nuns about her family. Alonslow presses her to marry him, they can have their own family. She thinks it's too soon but she loves him for his one track mind. Yawn.

The dinner at Evil Acres is a little more exciting. Barbara confronts Snorty about stealing Sara and giving her to the nuns. She tells Sara it's abnormal for her to choose Snorty over her own parents. The next thing they know Snorty will include Sara in her will. "I already did it," announces Snorty. Babs blows a fuse, accuses Sara of vile manipulation, and stomps off.

Zulema waits for Omar. He's late, has something happened to him?

Chalo calls Sara. She tells him the good news, Snorty put her in her will! Chalo thinks this deserves a celebration boink. Sara blows him off just as Barbara storms in. She accuses Sara of manipulating her way into Snorty's will, she's a deceiver! "The only deceiver here is you," Sara smirks, "should I tell your husband, mother-in-law and son that you have a lover?" For once Barbara has nothing to say, but she is muy, pero muy impactada.


Monday, July 14, 2008

Pasión de Gavilanes, Mon., July 14 - A wedding reception to remember

Rosario entertains the wedding guests

Abuelo listens to Benito and Belinda in Grabi's bedroom

Belinda and Benito caught 'in flagrante delicto' by the Rosales

Franco and Sarita at Santa Clara

Juan David looks on while Juan and Norma kiss

Rosario's performance at the reception was amusing. The gents sure liked it. The straight-laced ladies - not so much.

Who would have thought the wedding would get even more grotesque after the bride and groom left!

I nearly died laughing at Abuelo's intrepretation of what he overhead Belinda and Benito saying when they were trying to sew up Benito's pants ("it came out..." "the hole is too small.."). And then again when Raquel came to Melissa's house and Leandro said that the only way Benito could abuse Belinda was to try and steal her plate of food.

Belinda and Benito - what a perfect couple. It would be funny except that Belinda is accessory after the fact in Juan's kidnapping. She knew about it and I think she hired the matones.

You were right, Marie Celeste. It was very obvious that Mario wasn't really there for part of the episode.


Saturday, July 12, 2008

Querida Enemiga – July 11, 2008 – For Crying Out Loud…. An Ugly Crying Scale is Developed for Ferro’s Sake

Always chipper Zulema is downright bouncy as she describes shopping for pans to Lorena. [Well, that’d certainly be my preferred way to spend the day, of course.] She went to the tanda, got an advance, and bought what she needed. They both admire the baby clothes that Vasco brought and which are conveniently lying around on the sofa. It gives Zulema fond recollections. Of her own two babies, Lorena wants to know. Yes, and the third one, the only little daughter she ever could give Omar. She lost that baby. He loved her children like they were his, but it’s a terrible sadness to lose a baby. [Amen, sister.] Everyone told her that child was stillborn. However, Zulema muses, she is positive she heard the baby cry (not eligible for Ferro’s Ugly Crying Scale). Omar thought it was the drugs they gave her making her hear things. Zulema couldn’t hold her, hug her. The little angel went directly to heaven, surely. Every day she’s in Zulema’s prayers; she couldn’t ever get pregnant again. Imagine how it would have been with Diana and Julián, how they would have cared for her! Lorena wistfully replies that’s how life is; Zulema lost a baby and she lost her parents. A single tear slides down her cheek (not enough to register on Ferro’s Ugly Crying Scale – hereafter referred to as Ferro’s UCS). But, Zulema has the blessing of her husband and two children. Zulema studies Lorena’s wistful face. Yes, he and the children are marvelous. But this loss has left her with a void she’s never been able to fill. Zulema smiles and tells Lorena she’s never told anyone this and Lorena is touched and pleased to have her trust. Zulema says that Lorena inspires the trust—so much trust.

Jacqui, in her fetching evening-on-the-town off-the-shoulder top, mini-falda and Hiiiigh Heels, shuffles around the office to run smack into Sara. What a grin. Sara’s, that is. Jacqui wants to Talk With Sara. Sure, what can I do for you? Jacqui lights into Sara about the proposal for the German embassy food-since when do you do the work that belongs to me??? And Sara notes that Jacqui wasn’t available so she just tried to help. [Think unassuming, innocent, sweet smile and soft little wispy voice here.] Jacqui mocks her little charade and tells Sara not to think for second she’s buying that white dove routine. Then she hits the real point—where did you get the info? You broke into my computer! Sara roundly denies it and since Jacqui doesn’t believe in password protection, she’s got no proof. Sara tries to tell Jacqui that Jaime told her as much as she needed to put together the proposal. Jacqui thinks that to get in good with Snortensia, Sara would do just about anything. [Okay, don’t let the dumb redhead routine fool you folks.] Sara bats her eyelashes—she only wanted to help her auntie, nothing more. Jacqui tells her to watch out, ‘cause she’ll defend her job with her nails. [Personally, I’d be more afraid of the stilettos.] She shuffle-stalks off and Sara watches with a snotty little laugh. D***, her teeth are whiter than Aldo’s [(La Fea Más Bella)].

Lorena thumbs through magazines and tells Zulema that she’s going to think of lots more dishes they can prepare so they have a big repertoire. Zulema reminds her they need to keep the cost low (barato – cheap). Lorena knows that above everything- they had to feed lots of hungry little mouths on almost nothing at the orphanage. They had to practically do miracles. Zulema jokes that they’ll have to do a few miracles to enhance their profits. The door slams and Julián comes in, with the spectacular new bloody bruise on his cheek. Zulema wants to know qué the heck happened to him. He looks very somber as he tells her he gave Bruno what he deserved. Zulema thinks he should have left it alone; this could make it worse. Julián disagrees; this idiot needed to know Diana has folks who would go to the mat for her. Lorena, all Madonna-like in her white blouse buttoned up to the neck, thinks she ought to leave and let them hash it out alone. Zulema tells her to hang on and talk to him; he might listen; she leaves them to talk. Julián tells her that idiot works with Alonslow, but he’s not why you came, right—it’s your little girlfriend? She’s the one who sent you, right? Nope. Lorena came on her own because it’s just not right they end it all because of some nonsense. Nonsense??? You think what she did to me is nonsense? Julián makes a gesture at his head—Rossy has a screw loose and who knows what else. Lorena bypasses that, forces him to admit he cares about Rossy, and smiles a little smugly when he does.

Sara is in full suck-up mode with papers for Snortensia. Vasco must have done them before he split because Snortensia says he did the papers perfectly. Sara, in Total Innocence, asks if she’s done something wrong here? No. Snortensia wants to know if Sara’s talked to him and Sara assures her that she Couldn’t talk to him. Sara knows how he got the address for his uncle, though. How?? At his work there’s this Diana who is Omar’s stepdaughter—imagine, Sara’s half-sister. How Sara would love to hug the girl! She hugs herself for emphasis. Can Snortensia imagine what this means for Sara? She has a SISTER! Snortensia reminds her they have a Deal. Sara plays her for about three minutes. Yep, we have a deal and I’ll never mess up here, but then on the other hand there’s this family I’ve found, but I’ll never break our deal, and there’s this family…..I spent my whole life with no family. But, I’ll never go back on my word to you, Granny. They’re a miserable family. Whatever, they’re My Family. But I promise I’m never going near them and I’ll follow through with my deal. [Seeds of doubt planted all over this office.] Sara Hopes that whatever love she can’t get from Them, she’ll get from Snortensia. [The gauntlet is thrown down.] Snortensia gives her a beady snake-eye stare.

Lorena says she knows that Julián loves Rossy. Sure, he admits, but she does strange things. Julián found some ice for his face, but every time he talks he has to use his hands, so the swelling is never going to go down here. She acknowledges that Rossy is unique. Lorena urges him to make the first move and he wonders why it has to be him since he’s the offended party here. She left him out there like God brought him into the world. What’s more important—his affection or his pride? Julián is holding out for Rossy to ask his forgiveness. Lorena urges him again to make the first move because they care about each other, and talk with Maruja. Whoa, with her jefa? No way, she hates me! Okay, fine, show that you’re a gentleman, who assumes responsibility for his actions. What would she think of you. Julián mutters that he’s a coward. He’ll think about it, though. Lorena coerces Julián to say he’ll do it. Then they change the subject to the flyers he’s got for Zulema’s home business. He’ll pick them up the next day and Lorena will help him pass the flyers out. They high five and smile fondly-and Julián moans because a smile stretches his bobo out of shape. Pobrecito. [Ed. Note: She’s the baby of the bunch, but she’s already taking care of them all.]

Alonslow (a nod to whomever of the recappers devised this gem) moans about how he could have fallen asleep. He just can’t understand it at all. Toribio notes it’s never happened. They hash over all the reasons why it happened. But the bottom line, Alonslow points out, is that it might cost him the promotion. [Ed. Note: MIGHT????] Toribio points out all the reasons why it SHOULDN’T cost him the promotions—great work, years without falling asleep at the switch, etc. Alonslow tells his Papi he better get to work and not miss his shift this time. Toribio uses his spare time to think about this puzzlement.

Lorena buys some lovely blue paper for ten pesos [10.00 MXN=0.972053 USD] at a little neighborhood store, or it could even be the Post Office. She borrows a pen, and muses to herself that she hopes she’ll find the right words. Apparently it works, and she writes.

Soon, we find Lorena at the gate in front of the Armendáriz enterprises. Señor Caballero is pleased to see her; he wonders if she’s coming back to work. Lorena tells him no with some regret, and she hands him two letters; one is for Rossy and the other for Maruja. On your behalf? No. Lorena looks at him apologetically. She wants him to tell Rossy that her mother sent this letter, and vice versa. He wonders if she’s thinking of pulling off some mischief (diablura – prank, mischief, deviltry). Nope, it’s nothing more than a little nudge (empujoncito) to help them reconciliate (contentarse con alguien - to become reconciled with someone). He excuses himself quickly to get on it and Lorena heaves a sigh.

Suddenly, Maruja is reading a letter from her “daughter.” Gentle readers, we are all astonished to realize she’s never helped her daughter with homework because she doesn’t have a clue this is not her daughter’s handwriting. The letter describes how sad Rossy is that they’re not getting along. Rossy is aware how much alike they are and she’s Real Proud to be like her Mami., her Best Example. Rossy is asking her Mami’s pardon for the foolishness. Tears come for the second time in this episode, but keep the faith, these tears are only about a 4 on Ferro’s UCS, so no big deal.

Rossy reads a letter from her “Mami.” Apparently, Rossy also has never seen her mother’s handwriting before. Or, both of these chicas live in an alternate world where handwriting morphs to be what you want it to be. Or, Whatever. This letter tells Rossy that Maruja feels so sad that Rossy thinks she’s so hard. But, if she let Rossy do whatever she wanted, Rossy would never learn responsibility. When Rossy becomes a mother, she’ll understand what it’s like and understand that Maruja does what she does because she cares. No one is more important than Rossy, and puh-leeze come home. Tears come again, and they’re up to a 5 on Ferro’s UCS. This is really sloppy and someone should hand this chick a Kleenex.

Rossy and Maruja clutch their letters and their eyes meet across the kitchen as Maruja comes to Rossy. Inquiring minds and ear check today’s action out—it beats chopping onions. What’s more, you can actually keep chopping onions while listening and you won’t probably cut off a finger. Mami and hija collapse in mutual tears and greeting. We’re up to a 6 on Ferro’s UCS—mostly due to sheer volume with two at it. They hug and exchange phrases of love. Maruja wants her back home; and is she really proud of being so much like Mami? Yes! You’re the best, but told you? It’s in your letter. What, you got a letter, too? They grin at each other, cry a little more and they’re both going to kill Lorena through their tears and chuckles. For sure it was her. Yep, who else could it be? They reaffirm their love for each other and decide they better not get so angry with each other again because Lorena won’t always be there to referee. Mami and hija hug. There is loud applause throughout the kitchen and it returns to normal—now the only bitchiness in the kitchen will be at tasting time again. Whew.

Sara tells Vasco on the phone she can’t come to his uncle’s house. His Granny misses him, too. He imagines so—who’s she got to manipulate? [Ed. Note: Not Sara. She’s got the old gal’s number, and she’s now officially in charge of manipulation.] They chat about Snortensia’s inflexibility with Omar et al. Sara sets Vasco up a little more. She won’t insist on him coming around. She snaps the phone shut and tells herself it’s better for her.

The People’s Clinic #23 is settling down for the night, but Alonslow still has one more meeting with the Jefa. First, he wants to offer an apology for what happened the night before. Too late. Nothing like that has ever happened in all his years of service. She points out how serious it is, but she’s not going to discipline him. He finds out that his little faux pas of passing out cold on his desk has cost him the promotion. He says he understands. He’s supposed to call Dr. Panda so he goes off to find Dr. Panda for her [HUH? A black and white bear works at the clinic? Oh, it’s Bruno! Wait! A Panda is CUDDLY! Bruno is NOT cuddly. Who assigned these names anyway? Ah, we get it—Bruno. Bruin. Bear, sort of. He’s a Panda Bear. Still not cuddly. More like a grizzly. That’s just me going on about Bruno since as a watcher I am powerless to do anything about this creep other than make scathing comments.] Alonslow congratulates a “surprised” Bruno about his promotion—he’s now Alonslow’s boss. Bruno smiles slyly to himself. We are encouraged to see that the bruises will be there a while, go Julián!

Hooray, Rossy is HOME! She announces her return and Lorena jumps up for a hug and welcome. Rossy thanks Lorena for what she did and Lorena plays dumb. Maruja joins them and tells her not to do that, she knows full well she sent two letters. Lorena fesses up, noting their stubbornness. She doesn’t want to see them angry. She knows they love each other, though. She’ll mix up some Agua de Horchata http://www.geocities.com/agcronicas/horchata.htm to celebrate. [Ed. Note: This drink is a nice little cultural tradition.]

Agua De Horchata (drink)
1 cup rice
1 stick cinnamon
2 tsp vanilla extract
Sugar (to taste)
2 tbsp powder cinnamon
1 can condensed milk
1. Boil water with rice for 5min
2. In a 2L container add evaporate milk and strain the previously boiled water without the rice
3. Mix rice in blender with cinnamon sticks and vanilla extract
4. Strain rice and add sugar to taste
(Note: one Spanish website says that just about any fruit can be put into the Agua de Horchata mix, whatever’s available, also)

Maruja, looking really svelte and spiffy in a magenta v-neck sweater and white pencil skirt, sits with Rossy [who always looks her age] sits down to chat with Rossy while Lorena runs off to the kitchen. Rossy couldn’t stand one more night in the pantry—the sacks were really hard. Maruja is glad she’s returned but she has to have her say. Rossy did bad. Rossy doesn’t want to go there again. Maruja doesn’t want to find a boy in her room again. Rossy tries to convince her Mami this is the 21st century and Maruja is too antiquated to buy it. [Ed. Note: Me, too.] Rossy points out no one waits to get married these days. She admits it’s important to prevent pregnancy [PSA for pregnancy prevention, listen up here, everyone.] Rossy realizes this is not making points from Maruja’s expression and the sound effects of something skidding to a halt. She doesn’t want to be disrespectful. She didn’t think Maruja would come home so soon. Maruja spits out that it was a rather unpleasant surprise. Rossy asks her forgiveness. The last thing she wants is to make her Mami feel bad. Maruja doesn’t want it to happen again; even though she may be antiquated, she wants Rossy to respect the rules of the house. Rossy agrees. It won’t happen again. What’s more, she and Julián had a falling out (estamos peleados – we’ve fallen out). Maruja makes an empathetic noise and expression. [Huh??] Rossy nods sadly.

Vasco thinks Bruno’s not worth the trouble. Diana chastises herself for being a fool. She can’t get him out of her head. He understands, though, especially since she’s expecting Bruno’s child. Diana spouts off about Bruno being with that chick—what chick? Sara. Sara??? He’s interested in her? Yep, her. Vasco thinks about this while Diana stalks into the house. He starts to follow her, but speaking of the King of Rome, he’s here to see her folks. Vasco confronts Bruno. “Does Diana live here?” “You must be Bruno.” “Yes.” Vasco lights into Bruno about responsibility, and other vocabulary concepts Bruno missed during Spanish classes in middle school. Bruno has nothing to discuss with Vasco, but Vasco retorts that he DOES. Bruno trots out his litany that she’s to blame and Vasco points out he’s some kind of doc if he doesn’t know about pregnancy prevention and it takes two to tango; he’s known that since he was a teenybopper [PSA #2 for tonight on the subject]. Bruno tells him enough already with the little sermons. He’s willing to give this kid his last name. Vasco says it ain’t enough—a baby needs his father’s affection. He tells Bruno that fortunately Diana lives with folks who will give the baby all the affection that Bruno’s not willing to give. Diana magically appears. She greets Bruno coldly and wonders to what they owe this visit. Bruno wants to talk to her folks. Like she asked him to. Alone. He glares at Vasco, who meets his measure. Diana nods to Vasco.

The girls celebrate Rossy’s return to the fold with the Agua de Horchata. Maruja toasts to the return of peace, serenity, and above all, maturity reigning in the house. She directs a firm gaze at Rossy. Rossy thinks it sounds like a Christmas card. Rossy proposes that she’d like to toast with something that has some booze. They laugh and clink glasses. Maruja remembers her private tequila stash and runs off to bring it for the toast. [Almost everything can be improved with a shot of tequila. Especially if it’s Don Julio Añejo.] Rossy is scandalized that Mami has a stash. Well, it’s hidden away so Rossy won’t share with her buds. [Ed. Note: Maruja cleans up good when she lets her hair down. And did I mention the nice outfit? Oh, yeah, I did. Well, some things are noteworthy.] Lorena interrupts so no new fights will break out with her roommates. Rossy admits she missed Maruja, even when she’s grumpy, while Maruja goes for the treat. Lorena changes the subject—what about Julián? He’s not interested now, Rosy wistfully tells her. You think? Why don’t you ask him when he gets here? Rossy gets all excited. Then she worries about how she looks. And squeals with joy at the prospect of seeing Julián. Lorena can only grin back.

Bruno has adopted his most sincere and serious face to Meet the Parents. He wants them to know he’s not going to abandon (desamparar) his child. Omar glares at him, hands in pockets; Zulema gives him a stony stare, hands supporting Diana’s shoulders, and Diana clasps her hands in front of her, not making any eye contact. Bruno at least has the good sense to be nervous. In addition to his last name, he’s prepared to give the child a very generous monthly support (pensíon). Diana looks up sharply—“Why, when he’s a bastard?” He says material things are very important, and since he’s gotten a promotion, the child won’t lack anything. Zulema points out that her daughter is referring to the affection a father normally gives a child, which he seemed to leave out of his nice little speech there. Diana spits at him that’s the thing that worries him least. Omar turns to her and gently tells her to calm down; the family will give the child all the love in the world. So much that he’ll never feel the lack of a father. Bruno hangs his head and sighs as Omar turns back and tells him “thank God we are people to whom it’s not important how a child was born in order to give him the love he deserves.” [Ed. Note: Does this have a deeper meaning, for example, did Snortensia conceive him before she married his Papi and got rich, did she trap his Papi, or did Omar and Zulema get pregnant before they married and then marry, or both of those? Is this a portent of a story we’ll hear later?] Bruno stares, deep in thought, while Diana’s lip trembles with sadness.

A knock comes and Rossy jumps out of her skin. Lorena tells her it must be Julián. Does Rossy look okay? Maruja and Lorena run out of the room so Rossy can greet Julián, with Maruja turning to assure Rossy she looks fine. Rossy gets to the door in a nanosecond. Julián looks very serious as they greet each other. Rossy launches right into her apology. She knows she went overboard. Good that she noticed, Julián tells her. Rossy assures him it’ll never happen again—if and when he quits flirting with other chicks. She shakes a finger and he crosses his arms. Is she going to bring that up again? No, this. She grabs him and kisses him hard. She was beginning to believe she didn’t matter to him even a little. How could she think that? He comes back for more kissing. Rossy notices his face and asks Julián what’s up. Long story. She accuses him of being nosy or something. No, but he didn’t come for that. He came to talk to Maruja. Speaking of the Queen of Rome, the ears have walls and out pops Maruja. With me? How nice, because I want to talk with you, too. Rossy shakes her finger at Mami and accuses her of spying. Julián holds Rossy back. Rossy says she’ll leave them, but Julián wants her there. Rossy looks at Julián, then Maruja, who sighs and looks away from them both with resignation.

Omar addresses Bruno—if Bruno has nothing more to say, please leave, because Bruno is not welcome here. Omar takes a few masterful steps in Bruno’s direction to punctuate. Bruno knows that and doesn’t expect to be seeing the baby much. Zulema retorts that he shouldn’t look for excuses, because this baby doesn’t make a bit of difference to him anyway and he didn’t plan to see it for that reason. Omar shushes her and Diana steps forward to angrily confront Bruno. She had a hope he’d come with some other agenda, not for her but for the baby. Now she’s left without a doubt about what kind of person he really is. Bruno looks around for what? Support? You’re not going to find it in this room, pal. He’s leaving, good night. Diana looks for her mother for a hug, and Zulema murmurs loving words and holds her. Diana hates him and wonders how she could have been so stupid. Omar tells Diana that from now on, it doesn’t matter if this guy follows through with his word or not—that’s up to him—she must think of her baby. And her family will be there to help. Zulema nods and Vasco comes in, telling her that Omar is right. A guy like that won’t be a good father or spouse. Diana realizes he heard Bruno and thanks him. Vasco says he couldn’t stay silent. That’s why Julián hit the guy, too. Omar jumps on it—Julián hit him? Zulema wonders how Julián knew where the guy worked? Omar expresses his concerns, and Diana says this guy deserved it. They get back to the baby. The family needs to think of the joy that this baby will bring. What’s more, Omar is sure it’s a boy. Zulema thinks it’s a girl. Diana cries (Ferro’s UCS 3) while her parents smile and hug her.

Julián is busy accepting his blame for what happened the other night, which will never happen again. Maruja is impactada at the apology, apparently. Rossy wants to take the blame for ending up in her bedroom. It’s not fair for just him to get the blame. Julián tells her it doesn’t matter who gets the blame. It doesn’t change anything. He apologizes to Maruja again, tells her it’ll never happen again, and asks Maruja’s permission for Rossy to be his girlfriend. Rossy protests, but Julián’s mind is made up. He tells Maruja, who is actually smiling at him some, that he would understand if Maruja thinks he doesn’t deserve her daughter. It would be tough to accept someone with no visible means of support (sin oficio ni beneficio, without a penny to his name, from a previous episode). The truth is that while he doesn’t exactly know what he’s going to do with his life, he’s no slug. He’s working with his Mami while she established her own home business. The one thing he can assure Maruja is that he’s a man of principles, and from the day he met Rossy, he’s been making an effort to be a better man every day. He holds Rossy’s hand and glances at her, then back to Maruja. Rossy beams with joy. A single tear courses down Maruja’s cheek. (Ferro’s UCS .25). She smiles at them. Rossy kisses Julián and they look fondly at each other. A single tear courses down Rossy’s cheek (Ferro’s UCS .5).

Alonslow tells Toribio he has to bounce back from this. He had such high hopes that they’d give him this leadership position. Toribio encourage him—after this bad experience, things will get better. Yeah. Does Lorena know? No, Alonslow hasn’t told her, so as to not worry her. He just doesn’t know how he lost the promotion, that’s bothering him so much!

Zulema is excited to see Lorena arriving—has she eaten breakfast? Yep. They walk in with Zulema’s arm around Lorena’s shoulders. Julián wonders if she’s ready to go to the thing with the flyers. More than ready! Has he checked them? No, he’ll do that on the way. Vasco comes in and he’s as surprised to see Lorena as she is to see him. Lorena is muy impactada when she finds out that Vasco is living here now in his uncle’s house. Yep, my uncle Omar and my dad are the only children of my Abuela Snortensia. Lorena freezes, commercial impactada.

Vasco wonders what’s happened with Lorena that’s turned her so pale. She can barely respond. If Omar is the son of Doña Snortensia then he’s…..Vasco interrupts. How is it that my uncle is poor and my grandmother is rich, right? It’s a story that’s a bit complicated. Zulema assures her that some day they’ll tell her. Julián tells Vasco that Lorena’s going to help with the food prep and Zulema chimes in it’s great food! Vasco offers to lend a hand and gets stares of disbelief. Not in the kitchen, with the business end. He’s done some of that with his granny’s company. Looks and gestures of approval all around. Zulema says they’ll keep that in mind, thanks! Diana comes so she and Vasco can go to work. Zulema introduces her to Lorena. Lorena’s frozen again…or still. Diana’s glad to meet her and Lorena mutters a muted “yes, glad to know you, too.” She stares at Diana, who looks enough like Sara to throw Lorena into a trance, I guess. Diana jokes that her mother’s spoken so much of Lorena she was getting jealous. Lorena looks around, still glazed over.

Snortensia and her new shadow descend the stairs [in a house like that, with a staircase like that, you don’t walk down you descend, folks]. Snortensia tells Sara to go see if her breakfast is ready—toast and coffee. What, no juice? No. Jaime joins them in the hall. He wants her to know that he appreciated her looking for Vasco the day before. Sara says there’s nothing to thank her for. Too bad she didn’t succeed. He doesn’t want to come back. Snortensia laments that every day that goes by his absence weighs on her more. Jaime’s pretty sure that when Barb returns, she’ll convince Vasco to return. Vasco always pays attention to his Mami.

Diana thinks it’s amusing that after Lorena has worked in Vasco’s granny’s company, she ends up working with Vasco’s aunt. Lorena is still in a daze, which is getting on my last nerve. “Yeah, right.” Zulema tells Diana no comparisons, there’s a world of difference here—Julián chimes in a world of difference. After all, that’s a huge company and this is just a home-based start-up. Julián tells Vasco that Rossy says his granny is a real tyrant, a witch. Vasco shrugs—she’s earned that name. They exchange a little more chitchat and Julián tells Lorena, who is standing a little apart from the others, still in shock, that it’s time for them to go. Yes, let’s go, she replies softly. [Ed. Note: For a second there, the four dark-haired folks were standing in a line and Lorena apart with her back to us; it struck me that she’s the single link between all these folks. They are all related to her although Vasco is not related to Julián and Diana by blood, nor even Zulema. Everyone in that group is related to Lorena by blood.] Lorena briefly continues to stare at Diana, Vasco and Zulema as Julián heads for the door, but finally says goodbye and goes. Vasco, Diana and Zulema are puzzled. Diana remarks that she didn’t think Lorena would be so shy—is she always so reserved? Zulema looks a bit disconcerted; no, she’s very talkative. Vasco agrees, no way is Lorena shy. He thinks she’s just surprised that they’re relatives. You could say that, Vasco. Diana theorizes that Lorena was so traumatized by working with Snortensia that she doesn’t want to hear a word about the old bat. [Okay, my translation]. Zulema thinks they ought to explain to her that they (she and Diana) have no family ties (vínculo-link, bond, family ties, of blood) to Snortensia. Vasco is pensive.

Julián and Lorena walk down the street. Lorena thinks back to scenes with Zulema talking about the baby she lost; but she was sure she heard the baby cry. Lorena thinks back to realizing that Zulema’s husband is Vasco’s uncle Omar. She stops cold. Julián wonders what’s wrong. Nothing. Are you feeling sick? No, I’m fine. Julián points out she’s kind of strange. [Good call.] Lorena’s face is a blank mask. Can he get her something? No, no. She thinks to herself that she has to call Sara. Lorena tells Julián she better run by her house; does he mind? No, fine. He’s going with her; she’s not looking too well to him. Lorena just stares, still blank.

Zulema dusts a framed picture. I dunno about you all, but if and when I dust a framed picture, I don’t take it down and put it on the table to dust it. I’m just saying. Omar comes into the kitchen—he’s on the way to the shop. Zulema tells him she loves him with fervor, and a hug. He’s mystified what this is about. Zulema was so proud of what he said to Bruno! He declares he said what was fair. She looks lovingly at him and tells him he’s an exemplary father and a true man.

Alonslow has made it in to work, still fuming at himself about losing the promotion and wondering what the heck happened. Valeria comes in and asks if it’s true that Bruno got the leadership position for the clinic. Yeah. How could that be! Sure, he’s got his pluses, but you’re better than him. Alonslow says he committed a mistake. She’s incensed and Alonslow tells her the position is Bruno’s and they should waste more time on this. On the contrary, it’ll make Alonslow work harder. Bruno pops in, cheerful. Has she heard? Yeah. What, no congrats for me? Congratulations. Then Bruno’s in charge and giving orders now—not that he wants to abuse his rank or anything. Alonslow, take my patients and I’m out of here. Once Bruno’s gone, Valeria complains that as soon as he’s promoted – “Fearless Leader”-- he hands off his patients and takes off. Alonslow looks resigned.

Barb packs to go home now that her….uh….procedure has healed up. Ickturo comes for One Last Kiss. Ickturo wonders why good things can’t last forever. That’s life, that’s why. How’s the new biz going? Well, he’s hired a sexretary and she can’t imagine how it is. She hopes the gal is ugly. Well, you know, appearances matter. She warns him about not going looking for affairs with the secretaries. How could she think he would go for shrimp when he’s got lobster? [Ed. Note: Well, folks, isn’t THAT a romantic metaphor? We think Ickturo likes older women anyway—look at how he and his Mami get along.] More giggling and kissing.

Lorena will wait for Julián outside the shop where they ordered the flyers. He goes in to get them and she quickly drags out her phone. It rings, and rings, and rings. Jacqui picks it up and sees it’s Lorena calling Sara. This imbecile. Why should Jacqui answer, she’s not Sara’s secretary. The phone stops ringing and Jacqui puts it back on the desk. Lorena begs Sara to answer. No luck.

Speaking of the Queen of Rome, she’s with Bruno. He wants to celebrate his promotion. How does that sound to her, he’s the new chief of the clinic. She unenthusiastically congratulates him. But she doesn’t want problems with his ex. He scowls at her. What does Diana have to do with this? She’s the stepdaughter of my Aunt Snortensia’s son Omar. For real? Bruno is impactado. She tells him she is sure he’ll understand that she doesn’t want problems with her family. Bruno assures her that he talked with Diana’s folks the night before, he left them clear that he’s going to do the right thing, but Diana is nothing to him.

Lorena’s trying another tack to get to Sara. She calls the main switchboard and asks. They transfer her to Jacqui, who slam-dunks Lorena and then hangs up. Lorena sighs and tells herself she must tell Sara she’s found Sara’s family. Julián comes with the flyers. Is she ready to go by her house? No, she’s feeling better now. She’ll help with the flyers. Julián looks at her, a little worried.

Barb charges in the door with her little suitcase. She tells the maid to put her suitcase in the bedroom; the maid tells her she’s glad Barb is back, because they missed her. [Ed. Note: Are you kidding us? Why?] Barb tells her again to take the suitcase up to her room already. Where’s Matilde? Doña Snortensia fired her. Ah, well, she must have had her reasons. [Ed. Note: Sheesh.] And my husband? At work. And my son? Sra., he doesn’t live here any more. What??? He left the house. The maid nods sadly at Barb, who is muy impactada.

What do you MEAN my son’s not living here any more? Where has he gone? We don’t know for sure, but I overheard him talk about some guy named Omar. With OMAR?

Speaking of the King of Rome, here’s Vasco arriving at work with a strawberry ice cream for Diana. He stands outside and points at it through the glass, mouthing the words and grinning. An equally grinning Diana chuckles and answers the phone. She transfers the call and tells Vasco he’s going to Heaven –she was dying from the craving. Has anyone been looking for him? No. He tells her he’s gotta go back and buy one for himself in that case. He turns back—how strange, he doesn’t even like strawberry. But watching her eat with such pleasure, he might begin to crave it. She teases him that she’ll give him hers. Nah. He wants to know about those cravings. She tells him people say that sometimes the papas have the same cravings as the mamis. But, he’s not the Papá. Could it be hitting him because he’s hanging out so closely with her? She laughs. She doesn’t know, but she’d be embarrassed if it did on account of her. He tells her it wouldn’t matter to him. Diana gets serious and tells him he’s such a giving person. He can’t be so serious. If the cravings hit him, fine. But not the revulsion with some stuff and the vomiting. He shakes his finger at her. He won’t stand for that. Vasco goes off to work and Diana chuckles, then shuts her eyes with bliss as she eats the strawberry ice cream.

Valeria meets Bruno in the hall—was he looking for her? Yep, he wants a list of the labs that supply medicines to the clinic. Why? Since when does he have to give her explanations. Zap! Valeria smarts at the invisible slap. Fine, she’ll get it for him right away. Hurry up, Bruno tells her. She nods. He turns and watches her go over his shoulder with a scowl.

Barb busts into Jaime’s office demanding to know why he let Vasco is at Omar’s. Jaime tells her if she’d called he would have picked her up at the airport. How is she? She remembers to grab her gut and be in pain. She’s okay, but what’s bothering her is her son. She moves using a gingerly movement for effect. Jaime tells her to calm down. How can he ask her to calm down, she yells. She wants to see her son RIGHT NOW. [Ed. Note: Gentle Readers, this may be an insight for us into why she hangs out with Ickturo. She has the same Jocasta complex that Ickturo’s Mami does.] How did she find this out, Jaime wonders? Joaquina told her, and what did Jaime do to Vasco to make him run to Jaime’s brother? Jaime tells her to sit down first, he supposes she’s not supposed to overdo anything. Barb remembers the gut pain again and sits. She grabs her gut. Jaime sits and looks a little irritated.

Julián and Lorena pass out flyers on some local street corner. She tries to pass another to three ladies he just gave them to. Julián comes over to her. He appreciates her helping pass them out but he’s still worried she isn’t feeling so well. She’s just nervous. Why?? Stuff. Should they keep on passing out the flyers? Julián thinks it’s better for her to go. She’s going to stay and pass them out, while Julián goes to the market. As soon as he’s out of sight, she tries to call Sara again.

Speaking of the Queen of Rome, Sara and Jacqui are discussing some ingredients. Shouldn’t they be imported? Jacqui says the domestic one are very good quality and way cheaper. The phone rings and Sara answers it. Lorena needs to talk to her RIGHT NOW! Sara has lots of work. Lorena persuades her they have to meet. It’s IMPORTANT! Sara wants her to tell now. No, not by phone. Jacqui gives a frustrated sigh and Sara gives Jacqui a disgusted look.

Barb is having a full-scale meltdown. She doesn’t give a rip if Jaime has to beg Omar’s pardon on his knees but Vasco HAS to come home. But my mother….Don’t mention her!!! She’s the primary one guilty of this whole mess. Speaking of the Queen of Rome, here is Snortensia, wondering what all the screaming is about. Who is Barb blaming? Because of you and Jaime, Vasco is GONE! Don’t be coming to me with this stuff, Snortensia spits back. When you yourself called Zulema an upstart! And you’ve never been a saint, you’ve gotten plenty of advantage out of my distancing myself from Omar! Barb whimpers—how could Snorty talk to her like that? Snortensia asks how she could want to be talking like that herself. Barb cries that she only wants Vasco to come back. Well, instead of screaming like a crazy, go look for him. Use that energy to convince him to come home! Barb puts her hand on her face and gives a dry sob.

Lorena waits in Maruja’s living room and paces. There’s a knock at the door and she opens for Sara. They hug and Sara asks why the urgency, what’s so important? Lorena wants her to sit, but Sara scolds her to just get it out, she’s got lots of unfinished stuff to do. Lorena urges her that it’s realllly important. So they sit and Sara wonders about all the mystery. Lorena announces she’s found Sara’s parents. What? Lorena beams. She knows Sara’s mother and father. Sara says she doesn’t understand. Did Lorena go looking for them herself? No, it was a coincidence. Or fate. Something put them in her path. Does Sara remember Julián, Rossy’s boyfriend? What’s he got to do with it? He’s Sara’s half-brother. Sara is not happy, but Lorena isn’t registering it. Lorena says they’re a marvelous family and Sara’s mother is the most wonderful woman on earth. Sara thinks it’s impossible. Lorena insists it’s possible. She has a heart of gold, and Lorena knows her well because she works with her. Her name is Zulema. Lorena goes on that Sara doesn’t have to look any farther—God has given her marvelous parents. Sara wants to know how she found this out. Lorena proudly reports that it was through Vasco; his uncle Omar is the son of Snortensia. Your Papá! Sara asks if she’s sure of what she’s saying—does she have proof? Lorena insists there’s no doubt; Zulema told her about losing a baby. Tears stream down Lorena’s face (Ferro’s UCS 5, there are way too many of them and we’re tired of it already tonight). The baby daughter supposedly was born dead, but she’s you, Sara! Sara asks how they could have assumed she was dead? Lorena doesn’t know, but Zulema was sure she heard a cry. Your cry! Lorena doesn’t know how Snortensia could have done something so low, but she jerked the baby away from Sara’s parents and then said they left Mexico. Lorena is indignant that Snortensia could be so bad and keep lying to Sara. Sara’s face falls –My God. [Ed. Note: Clearly a reflection that she’s got to find a way to get Lorena off the scent.] Lorena tells her yes, it’s monstrous, but listen—your parents are incredible. Sara is impactada with fear. No doubt wondering how to cover up and stay with Snortensia.

Jaime waits by the car, sighing as Barb comes out of the company where Vasco and Diana work. Has she been able to speak with Vasco? Nope, he’s left with some Diana. Jaime knows that Diana is Omar’s wife’s daughter. Barb screeches-- let’s go, I have the address.

Lorena “comforts” Sara. She imagines what Sara must be feeling. Isn’t is amazing that Lorena has been working with Sara’s Mamá? Sara nods, still looking impactada. Wow, what an act. Lorena wants to take Sara to her folks right away and Sara jumps down her throat. No! What, you don’t want to meet your Mamá? Sara backpedals, of course she wants to meet her Mami. It’s what she’s hoped for all her life. She digs up a smile. What they’ve both hoped for. Lorena points out that’s right but now she has the opportunity, so let’s go. No, no, no! Sara has to talk with her granny and find out what’s her story. She’s going to have to explain everything! She knew my parents were in Mexico! Lorena volunteers to go see Snortensia with her. No, no, no—Sara has to absorb all of this. It’s too much. Lorena has to understand, this is all very hard for Sara. Lorena says more comforting stuff. She understands. Sara swears Lorena to total secrecy [yeah, right, so she won’t spill the beans with Omar and Zulema, Sheesh]. She lets Lorena hug her and curses Lorena. Why’d she have to go stick her nose in all of this? 1001 times damn!

Banshee Barb gets out the car and rails at Jaime—how could Vasco even think of living HERE? Let’s go, Jaime, get a move on! Jaime follows in resignation. Barb bangs on the door impatiently. Zulema finally gets there, shouting she’s coming and they’re going to knock the door down. She opens the door and Banshee Barb sails in screaming at her. Where’s she hiding Vasco?? Zulema says he’s not there. Jaime tries to get Barb stopped, but she keeps on screaming stupid stuff at Zulema. In my house, I’d be on the phone to 911 and she’d be out. Zulema just asks her if she speaks Spanish. What part of he’s not here didn’t she understand? Barb accuses her of lying. Why should she, Zulema wants to know. He came there on his own. Barb wonders who would know what kind of ideas they’ve put into his head that he might not want to go home. Zulema retorts that the only thing they’ve given him in this house is their hospitality and affection. She looks at Jaime and notes that she overlooked him leaving home but he surely had his reasons. Don’t play the fool, Barb screeches again, you’ve been turning him against us. Zulema tells her they haven’t messed in Vasco’s stuff nor anyone else’s. Barb says she’ll see when they talk to him. Zulema points to the sofa and tells her to have a seat because he probably won’t be long. Barb just glares at her.

Sara has gone to see Chalo about this new twist on her plan. They’re in the same boarding house room Lorena had for a night, then Sara had, and now Chalo has. How nice that the director has a few less sets to worry about. Chalo marvels that Lorena should have been a detective. How could she have found all this out? He tells Sara it’s all going to collapse on her. She retorts that’ll never happen, this idiot will never ruin her plans. He asks what she thinks she can do about it—Lorena will never rest until she gets Sara together with her Mami, if he knows Lorena. Sara huffs. She hates Lorena with all her strength. If Omar finds out what the old bat did, he’ll denounce Snortensia. Chalo gets up from the bed. “And you’ll have to give up the mansion and go live with them.” Nope, Sara’s not going back to poverty. No way is she losing everything she’s gained. You think not? Chalo tells her she’s got the hangman’s rope around her neck now. He kisses her neck in emphasis and she pushes him back and falls onto the bed. No, Lorena hasn’t opened her mouth yet, Sara asserts. I begged her not to say anything and she won’t. Chalo tells her it’s just a matter of time. You can’t shut her up forever. Sara fumes and thinks. Chalo tells her he can’t think of anything. Apparently Sara has thought of something, though. She slinks over to the foot of the bed, lowers herself on top of Chalo, and tells him their future depends on him. On me? Mm-hmm. She kisses him and pushes his head onto the pillow. She plants kisses around his face. Why? How? He just has to eliminate Lorena. Chalo is impactado. Did he hear right? What? She keeps kissing him, and talks in between kisses. Yes, yes, if you love me for real, and you want to enjoy this fortune as much as I do, do it. We have to get rid of her. She whispers seductively into his ear while she keeps kissing it. Chalo is slimy, sleazy and generally creepy, but maybe he’s no murderer. His face tells us the story. He’s muy, pero muy, impactado at this suggestion. “You have to kill her, Chalo.” Sara has very effectively guaranteed that Chalo can’t possibly get all hot and bothered even though she’s slurping around his ear. There is no reminder on this scene that any similarity to real life is purely coincidental, so we can assume Lorena better watch her back.

Vocabulary is embedded.

Monday: Sara begins to plan Lorena’s demise. Chalo’s going to be the fall guy.



Al Diablo Con Los Guapos #120, Friday 7-12: You want the happy happy? You can't handle the happy happy!

First of all, ever since Mili and Hugo got married last week, I can't quit thinking about the non-branching Belmonte Family tree, especially as it applies to Mili. Mili is now Alejandro's aunt by adoption and cousin by marriage; she's Luciana's sister-in-law by adoption, stepdaughter through Constancio, and niece by marriage to Hugo; Constancio is her dad, her stepbrother, and her uncle. I could go on, but it's just too weird!

Speaking of weird, tonight's episode starts with a reprise of Alejandro singing "Hoy Tengo Ganas de Ti" over a bizarre sequence of flashback scenes and voiceovers (that often don't match the scene): Alejandro asking about Mili being able to leave the house; Mili deciding to give up her inheritance; Constancio staging his breakup with Andrea; Andrea sneaking into the house to mack on Consancio and the two of them getting busted by Luciana; Alejandro begging Mili not to leave the house; Mili and Hugo's wedding; Rocky and Valeria getting back together; Luciana getting stinking drunk and spilling the beans at the wedding reception; Mili and Alejandro making out on the bleachers at the soccer field; and getting busted by Padre Manuel; and getting lectured by Padre Manuel to go back to their respective spouses; Mili going back to Hugo; Alejandro lamenting that he won't be her "first"; Hugo promising to wait until Mili is ready; Florencia being jealous; Andrea and Luci having a catfight; Constancio threatening Domingo; Domingo's funeral; Marisela saying the police suspect sabotage; Damian wondering if Constancio had something to do with Domingo's death….

And finally, Alejandro alleging that Constancio had something to do with Domingo's death. Constancio gets offended and goes upstairs. Alejandro asks what Damian thinks. Damian thinks it's a shame. Alejandro gets the idea that he and Damian both suspect Constancio, though Damian won't say it.

Horacio turns on the light in their bedroom and confronts Socorro about her alleged affair. Well, no, he doesn't confront her, he just acts like it's true. Poor Socorro doesn't know what the heck is up. Horacio tells her he's going to go sleep with Rocky. No, not like that. Valeria's got that covered.

Mili and Braulio run into each other at the refrigerator, getting milk. Braulio's got his avocado face mask on. Mili whines about the funeral and Braulio says "I told you so!" Braulio tells her she's as considerate as her mom. Braulio mentions that Alejandro's sleeping on the couch and he doesn't know what to do, wake him up or…? Mili says she'll take care of it. There's a cute moment when she goes to kiss him on the cheek, but he pushes her away because of the avocado. Braulio pours himself a glass of water and then goes back to his room.

He has a moment with his dummy and his monkey. And I mean the actual dummy and the stuffed monkey, not Damian, aka Chicken Pimp, who just walked in. The two of them would make a cute couple if Damian were less self-interested. Damian wants Karla to find him and Braulio together. Braulio begs him to keep his robe on. Damian is desperate to get rid of Karla and climbs into Braulio's bed. The two of them raise eyebrows at each other. Braulio resists getting into bed with Damian and instead suggests that Karla should find Damian coming out of the bathroom. Braulio is worried about his reputation if Karla finds them together.

Karla, as expected, goes looking for her Chicken Pimp and doesn't find him in his room.

Mili gets busted by Alejandro touching his face. He grabs her roughly and they breathe into each other's faces as we go to commercial.

She breaks away and they have a moment up against the wall. She tries to deny that she wanted to touch him as Karla watches. Mili says she was just going to wake him up so he could go get in bed. Alejandro turns that into something it wasn't meant to be. He keeps up with his jealous, lovesick ranting. Mili gives him a good slap and says she won't be his lover. She accuses him of having no shame, coming on to her while his pregnant wife is mourning her dead father. Well, when you put it that way….

Rocky's been doing some redecorating in his room. His wall is plastered with pictures of Valeria--who I actually didn't recognize until I saw Rocky sleeping in his bed. He holds a picture of her and mumbles in his sleep. "Call me cowboy…call me cowboy." Oh, I'm going to have a hard time getting that image out of my head! Horacio is tossing and turning. He dreams of Socorro in a red robe and camisole being fed grapes by Damian in a smoke-filled kitchen. Damian says, "Aren't you tired? You've been running around in my head all day," as he feeds her grapes. Dream Socorro complains that Horacio used to say that kind of stupid stuff to her. Damian caresses her with parsley. Horacio wakes up screaming "No! Not with my parsley!" That's an even harder image to get out of my head! Horacio's screaming wakes up Rocky and Rocky wonders qué the hell is going on between them. I'm not sure if Horacio is fully awake yet. He says that Socorro and Damian are together and Damian feeds her grapes.

Socorro and Mili are now both in the kitchen. Socorro cries that something's up with Horacio, but she doesn't know what. He's being rude and he's not flirting with her. Socorro cries that Horacio went to go sleep in Rocky's room.

Continuing our game of musical bedrooms, Karla goes looking for Damian in Braulio's room. Braulio is just leaving and asks what's up with Karla. She wonders if he knows whether Damian left the house. Braulio evades the question and he says Karla would know better than he would. Karla is suspicous of him blocking his bedroom door and suspects that Braulio's with someone. She insists he let her in to see who he's with. This brings Lina and Gloria running. Karla makes another rush the screaming brings Rocky and Horacio out to see what's going on. Then Socorro and Mili arrive and Karla says that Braulio's got a man in his room. Mili calls Braulio naughty and teases him about it. She asks if it's Pedro. Horacio accuses Socorro of coming from Damian's bedroom. She wonders where he got that idea and Horacio calls her an adulteress. Karla tries to get into the room again, but Braulio pulls her away. Finally, Damian comes out of the room asking what all the noise is about. There goes Braulio's reputation.

Alejandro sits up in bed in his jammie bottoms. Shirtless. Thanks, writers, for throwing us a bone since it doesn't look like the heavily hinted Mili-Al happy happy scene is going to happen. He remembers singing "Un Mundo Raro" with Mili onstage at the Rodeo.

Braulio tries to deny that he's with Damian, but Damian plays it up like he's with Braulio. Horacio gets upset that Damian is both with Socorro and Braulio. Socorro finally gets to explain what happened with the flowers, that Pedro brought them for Braulio and they were trying to cover in front of Luciana. Rocky tries to say "oh, so she doesn't know you're homosexual?" but somehow it comes out "heteroflexible" instead. I was thoroughly enchanted by this turn of phrase until I Googled it and found out it's been around for ages. I'm so out of the loop. Anyway, Mili tells Braulio she doesn't like Damian for Braulio's boyfriend. Braulio insists that Damian tell the truth, so of course Damian says he and Braulio are in love. Karla smacks him and calls him nasty names. Then Socorro yells at Horacio for not telling her what he was upset about, grabs him by the ear, and drags him off to their bedroom. Mili berates Braulio for his bad taste in men and Lina, Gloria, and Rocky all chime in. Poor Braulio. Mr. 5ft suggested that Braulio should have told Damian to kiss him if he wanted to prove he was in love with Braulio. I think Damian would have done it, he's that scared of marrying Karla. Mr. 5ft disagrees. What say you?

The next day, Luciana, Nestor, Alejandro, and Florencia come home from the funeral. Luciana tries to be sympathetic and says it was hard to bury her father and she was just as sad when Regina died. Alejandro doubts she cared when Regina died. Nestor encourages Alejandro to support his wife rather than berate his mother. Alejandro still needs to throw it in her face again that she ruined his life. Luciana and Florencia go upstairs. Nestor points out to Alejandro that he needs to take the reins of the Echavarria business interests since neither of the girls is in any shape to do it. He offers to help, but just gets rejected again.

Valeria is visiting Rocky's room and is surprised that he keeps the room so neat. She says she feels like a star seeing all her pictures up on his wall. They kiss. Rocky insists he needs to talk to her dad, but Valeria doesn't want to. She can't forgive him for what he did either to her or to Alejandro. Rocky accidentally spreads the gossip that Braulio and Damian are together, which throws Valeria for a loop.

Alejandro runs into Luciana outside his bedroom. She tells him his wife needs him. He tells her to leave him alone and tell Nestor to do the same. He complains that no one cared about him and that she ruined his life. Luciana says they're not having this conversation, this can't be happening. She runs off and Alejandro tells her not to call him "son" because he doesn't have a mother.

Braulio tries to beg Damian to tell the truth to the servants. Damian refuses until Karla gets off his back. Braulio refuses to help him keep up the charade. Damian threatens him. Valeria catches him holding on to Braulio by the lapels. She berates him for being all over Braulio, right there, in the middle of the study. Valeria wonders if everyone is going crazy. Braulio tries to deny that there's anything going on, but Valeria says that Rocky already told her the truth. Braulio is overcome and runs out of the room. Damian lets Valeria in on his scheme to turn Karla off. Valeria calls "Morgan" into the room and tells him she needs his help dressing up her uncle.

Florencia cries over her dead Mafia daddy. Alejandro encourages her to sleep, but she insists she can't. She wants him to promise to help her find the guilty parties. There's a knock on the door. Please don't let it be Mili! It's Constancio coming to excuse himself for not being at the funeral, since funerals have upset him ever since his mother died. Rat. Bastard. He blah blah blahs more condolences and says he thinks of Florencia as a daughter. Alejandro gets a good one in: "Go ahead, Florencia, accept, this man loves claiming kids who aren't his."

Valeria summons Karla into…is this Damian's room?...to confess to her that Damian is gay and that she noticed ever since she was a little girl that her uncle is different. Karla says no way. Valeria says there are lots of men who live double lives. Karla's on to his scheme, though. Rocky comes in to tell Valeria that the "aerobics instructor" is waiting for her in the garden. Valeria knocks on the bathroom door to pass the news on to Damian. Damian comes out of the bathroom dressed like Richard Simmons' long-lost twin. Actually, I think even Richard Simmons would tell him to tone the outfit down. Very Chicken Pimpy, indeed. He and Valeria chit chat about needing to firm and tone and lift. As they walk out, Damian suggests that Karla should do some aerobics with them, as she could use a little lifting herself. Ouch.

Socorro's got Horacio spouting pick-up lines, but she doesn't like any of them. Horacio finally just says he's suffering and she's finally satisfied. She forgives him and they make up. Unfortunately since she mentioned being completely honest and not keeping secrets he now thanks her for helping Lina through that tough time she was having a few days ago and letting him know that there was nothing serious going on.

Karla runs into the study weeping and whining. She interrupts Constancio serving himself a drink. She tells him that Damian is gay. It takes Constancio a minute to hear what she said.

Out in the garden, Damian is struggling to keep up with Valeria and the aerobics instructor. Possibly this has something to do with, as Mr. 5ft suggests, the tennis ball he's stuffed down with his pants. I'm having flashbacks to David Bowie in Labyrinth, and not in a good way. He complains about getting a cramp and tries to get the aerobics instructor to massage it out. Valeria warns her off as Damian gets handsy. Constancio and Karla come over. Constancio confronts Damian and says that Damian is either getting married or he's going down to the jobsite in that outfit. Damian struts off after Karla as Valeria and the aerobics instructor laugh.

Mili and Hugo sit on the couch. Hugo says he wants to start planning the honeymoon. Constancio and Damian walk in…oh, I hadn't noticed the earring before! Hugo's bemused. Constancio complains that one day Damian will give him a heart attack. Finally, FINALLY, Hugo points out the new painting. Constancio is muy impactado. Hugo twists the knife, talking about how beautiful Mili's mom was. Mili says it's like a family photo. Except for the dad…Constancio says. Mili says he forgot them and Hugo adds that he doesn't deserve to be in it. Constancio finally says it's beautiful and he's glad they hung it there. He says he's glad they're both staying in the house, but Hugo says he thinks there's too many people, especially with Andrea and Nestor there. Mili says it's a little too modern for her. Constancio tells them it's just until he gets named party president. He has to stop and look at the picture again before he leaves. Mili tells Hugo that Constancio's never going to admit she's his daughter, but Hugo thinks he will, someday.

Constancio goes into the study to talk to his picture of Rosario and tell her that if Mili ever finds out, she'll leave him forever and he doesn't want that. He says he's got to stay focused on becoming party president. Oh, Constancio, you're already party president in our hearts…president of the Rat Bastard party, that is. Damian walks in, thankfully not wearing his ridiculous outfit. Constancio gripes about Damian's fashion sense. Damian refuses to marry Karla and says if he's forced to do it, he'll go to the cops and accuse Constancio of killing Domingo. Dun dun dun!

Monday: Alejandro finds out that Mili and Hugo didn't sleep together. Swinging gets Luciana and Constancio going again. Florencia threatens to take Alejandro away from Mili, in the geographical sense.


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