Friday, July 25, 2008

Fuego - Thurs. 7-24-08 - Sofi acts like an old maid, an old debt is paid, the priest is waylaid, and Maracuya confesses Oscar didn't want to get laid

Eva thanks Crabbi for letting the girls go because they were ready to do whatever; including leaving the house and Crabbi would be left alone. Crabbi turns to the camera and tells herself ha, she’s not alone, she has that wonderful hunk of an evil man Feo.

Sofi is sorry to treat Juan this way, but she can’t help it, so forgive her. He says he’s not complaining about it. Juan says he loves Sofi and no one will destroy that. Quinti interrupts that girls are here to see Sofi, she tells him that she thinks they probably want to chat alone. Duh, big guy....that means you, scoot. The girls run in and hug Sof.

Don Auggie is chatting with Aragon about the contract. He’s satisfied and has no reason to distrust him and says he’ll sign with pleasure. Just then Eva barges in and has something delicate to tell him.

Feo is FINALLY handing over the money, with interest no less, to the goons who roughed him up. Goon absolves his conscience for any bad deeds by saying none of this would have happened if he had paid them right away. He thinks to himself that he used Crabbi’s money for this so now he needs to figure out what to do about the hacienda.

Sofi is crying to her sisters, why and woe’s me that this happened again, and now she’s even rejecting Juan, and she doesn’t want to be that person again. Abuelo shows up to make the crying circle complete.

Feo tells himself that he needs to be nicer to Rosi if she is indeed the daughter of Bernardo, because then she too would be an heir to the fortune.

Juan is trashing stuff in his own house when Pad Tad comes in yelling for him. Pad picked a fine time to remind Juan of divine justice. Juan is not being a believer just now and wants to reap justice with his own hands. To prove he’s not misguided we see Pade Tad flashing back to Feo confessing he was the rapist of Sofi. Tad says you get nothing by lowering yourself to his level. You are stronger and more dignified than he is. With that he says he must leave to see the bishop who has asked to talk to him. He doesn’t know why.

Crabbi is bring flowers to Bernardo and rubbing it in his entombed face that she has a new piece of meat, and oh, he’s hotter than you ever were. He loves me and I love him back. Cardinal rule of novelas is that if you say this too many times something doomful comes of it. We're on time two now, folks.

Armando is thrilled that Feo finally paid up but wants to know how he got the money. Feo says none of your business and be careful what you question or someone might cut out your tongue. He also mentions that Rosi is on her way back.

Don Au is consoling his darlings and says his generals will all band together to hunt down the rapists. He tells her not to take him the wrong way; he’s only trying to distract her. He tells her that she needs to fight hard against this feeling that makes her reject Juan because he’s an all around good chap. She knows that but this is stronger than she is and she’s afraid she’ll lose him. Sara, surprisingly encouraging says no; you are united for life and won’t lose him.

Gabi continues telling the stone of Bernardo that Sofi deserved what she got. I would love it if he would pop out of there and scare the caca out of her. That would be so great. But alas....

Pad Tad is getting a tongue lashing from the bishop, our beloved Perafan, for his recent behavior, that Crabbi’s accusations are very serious. Tad says it might sound strange, but I have a very good reason for what I’ve done, and I can’t reveal due to confession. Bishop criticizes him for not counseling and says he is going to have to rob him of his parish and send him elsewhere.

At the Tumbao, Bruno gives Maracuya her final payment. He’s clearly upset, and can’t resist telling her that she has made many hurt by her latest "trick." He asks if she is happy of what she’s done. Just then Oscar shows up and wants to talk to her alone.

The girls are worrying about how sad Sofia is. Abue worries if Juan will give up on her but Eva says no way. He then turns his attention to the girls and asks if they are really going to marry that pair of obnoxious pests. (Mequetrefes) they recite that they have no choice. He suggests they jump a boat for the South Seas and meet some explorers or something. Jime says there’s no way out. Sara surprisingly says she could have a way out if she pardons Oscar. Jime says she’d be a nun first.

Oscar tells Mara he’s not there to complain, but now he’s got nothing to lose so he’ll go with her.

Feo, who now has Crabbi’s money puts it in a safe and does the obligatory smelling of it. Let’s see if he stoups her again, now that he's got it. He also pulls out the gold chain, I think this was Libia’s and he says his life got better they day he got rid of that pipsqueak.

At school Pablito is getting sad because no one came to see him. The nun assures him something must have come up. Just then it becomes "happy" hour and Quinti shows up as a clown banging her drum and blowing her whistle. She makes them march for being bad. She sends them back to their places and announces the nicest dog, Mariachi. Poor thins is also dressed up. Pablo is really happy though. But wait this circus would of course not be complete with the non-emotive clown Franco. He actually can make nice faces when he’s singing. Amazing what he can do with the little tin horn he’s playing. Sounds like a studio mixed full musical group (wink) and he "plays" his famous song "Mi Piquito de Oro:

Yo tengo un amorcito que la quiero mas que a mi vida..
Por ella me muero y sabe bien que es mi consentida...
A ella le digo con cariño mi Piquito de Oro
Le gusta que la bese y que le diga mi lindo tesoro...
Hay viene mi Piquito de Oro
Hay viene mi a darme sus amores
Hay viene mi Piquito de Oro
Hay viene mi lindo tesoro...
Yo tengo un amorcito que la quiero mas que a mi vida..
Por ella me muero y sabe bien que es mi consentida...
A ella le digo con carino mi Piquito de
gusta que la bese y que le diga mi lindo tesoro...
Hay viene mi Piquito de Oro
Hay viene mi a darme sus amores
Hay viene mi Piquito de Oro
Hay viene mi lindo tesoro...

I always liked this song, and Pablo sounds good singing it.

In another lugar, Rosi is saying good bye to her tour and to the galan Bobby who reminds her he will always be there if she needs him. Hmmm..

Back at the orfanato, the clowns have to go sadly, but they promise they’ll be back. Franco, sad at leaving the mini-Reyes, says yeah, clowns make everyone laugh, but who makes them laugh when they cry. He cries and Quinti hugs him. Please, you’ll see the kid tomorrow, and you will bust him out soon, so get a grip man. Besides your clown face is running. Anyway....

The forlorn lovers Bruno and Octavio say their good-byes over pink champagne. Nice touch with the pink. Bruno toasts to this goodbye, but I don’t think Octavio expected that. Bruno says he doesn’t want to be there when he gets married. He thanks him for all these years of happiness, but it’s goodbye, and wants him to be happy. Octavio looks impactado. What, you thought you could have both Octi? I say, good man Bruno.

Jime cries over her dress this time with gigantic green earrings that she’s going to marry Octi and both will be very UNhappy.

Jimena wonders what G-Pa wanted her so badly for. He smirks and points behind him. Guess who comes out of the shadows, but Madame Maracuya complete with scary hair and nails.
Sofi is whining again about how this feeling is greater than she is. He tells her not to sweat it, because she’s the one he loves and he’s not going anywhere. Come one, we all know she will snap out of it one of these days, how could she not with him running around half naked all the time.

Feo shows up at the Panaderia and wants to know if there is anything he can do for Sofi. Face de muy impactado of Juan.

Juan says if it was up to him, he’d say leave, but he’ll let Sofi decide. She tells thanks but no thanks, she’s already with the man she loves, so he can go now. He bids adios.

Sofi confirms that she still loves Juan despite everything. He bumps into her accidentally and she gets unruly. Then she feels bad because she can’t control her feelings like this. He asks her if this affliction is stronger than their love. He promises he knows how to be patient and he’s fine with just looking at her.

Back at the cabana G-Pa rolls away. Jime says you have done enough but Mara wants to be honest with her and tell her something that she can take how she wishes. Jime tries to run off but Mara comes at her with the "don’t be a spoiled brat already and just listen to me for Gosh sakes."

Back at the Bad love bar Feo is quite the manly man whipping the chairs in his frustration over Juan. He can’t believe his plan didn’t work. It was foolproof because Gomez said so. HA!! Good old Gomez, I'll ask him next time I want something to work out.

Armando reminds him things don’t always turn out the way we want. Hey weren’t you warned to watch your mouth? I’m thinking this guy is close to being minus a tongue.

Juan stuffs more pan dulces down Sofi’s face. He says he’ll be outside if she needs anything, however complicated. He goes out but comes back again thinking she called. She didn’t. But she smiles anyway. Yeah, she’ll be jumpin’ his bones again in no time.

Pad Tad is meeting with Crabbi and tells her ok fine, you think you got me by doing this, and I might be going away, but you know what, he will continue to defend her daughters and one day she will appreciate it. She says she not bad, he is, because how could he say that Feo was the rapist of Sofi? Padre is muy impactado of course.

Pad wonders who told her that. She tells him Feo himself. Padre hopes he told her everything. She counters that she trusts Feo completely and Tad is only saying that to upset her.

Rosario returns and Feo tells her how great it is to see her and he hopes things went well and how missed she was by her public and he tells her to rest that he’ll be back later. They are amazed at his change, and indeed upset by it.

G-Pa listens in on a horn (yes, like a bull horn, a real one) as Maracuya tells Jime that Oscar fell into the trick that she set for him, and Jime has to forgive him. Jime says he could have resisted. Mara says ha, you really don’t know men, do you, how this is stuff is a game to them to make themselves feel manly. She tells her to stop being a capricious young girl. Mara insists Oscar is not to blame.

Oscar is pacing and remembers that he told Mara he would go with her.

Mara says if she doesn’t forgive Oscar, he will come with her when she leaves town and Jime will lose him. Mara’s pretty sure of her ability to hold onto this guy, isn’t she?

Oscar tells Franco of his departure plans.

Jime says she’ll think about it but doubts she can forgive. Mara tells Jime not to be stubborn and forgive him if she wants to be happy.

G-Pa rolls in and congratulates Mara for her speech and tells her she has earned his respect. He awards her with the medal of the woman judicial and clearheaded. Oh please, if she was so valiant she wouldn’t have tricked him in the first place. She tells him she’s not a bad chick, just maybe capricious like Jime.

G-Pa says that one easy solution is for her to take him with her instead. She would love to, he’s been wonderful with her. There is a knock on the door. Mara gets it for him. It’s Rosario and it looks like a battle of the boobs may be nearing.

Sofi remembers her horror in the woods both times.

Juan in the other room remembers when Sofi first told him about what happened to her and that she feels he is the one to touch her again after all this time.

Oscar tells Juan he’s leaving the pueblo for good tomorrow. And that’s where we end.


Thursday, July 24, 2008

Querida Enemiga Thursday July 24, '08 There's A New Chef on the Scene and He's Hot!!!

I was going to put Alonso and Lorena's engagement in the title but ye gods...those kisses were so tepid, I can't imagine this romance ever being consummated. On the other hand, the Mexican cooking prof/chef looks yummy and has that smoulder thing going on that we all like...right? Maybe HE can find Lorena's pilot light.

Anyway, back to the business at hand. Sara's naco family (her view) is there to take pictures. And how come Julian can afford a digital camera?! Those things are super expensive, believe me! Zully is nostalgic, thinking how she would have loved to go to a school like this if only her parents had had the money. Together she and Omar vow to pay for anything Sara needs here, to make up for all she...and they...have missed.

And" missing" is the theme of the day at Paula's house. Greta is laughing about their excellent adventure sneaking into the apartment and evading detection; but Paula is weeping, remembering how she loved and supported Dario unconditionally and then he threw her away like an old rag (viejo trapo).

We have that nice scene where Lorena discovers the HUGE floral arrangement (complete with teddy bear) that Alonso sent her and then...lo and behold, there he is at the window, emoting like mad. She's ready to run out and thank him but nasty Sara grabs her arm and says "no time, class is about to start". (By the way, for you Botox watchers, I scrutinized his forehead carefully all throughout the show...nothing moved. It's either Botox or he's developed the rest of his muscles to such an extent that the forehead is just plain exhausted.)

The first order of business is to elect a group representative to handle communications between staff and student. Who wants to apply.?..both Lorena and Sara. Surprise! Sara gives her smarmy little speech about caring about relationships etc. Then Lorena speaks about growing up in an orphanage with so many children, working in the kitchen and discovering her love of cooking, adding that she's patient, she knows how to listen and she'd love to work with them. Smiling faces all around. Then she adds sweetly, but if you elect Sara, that's great too 'cause she's my best friend. Sara looks like she's about to hurl, and of course, votes for herself.

Things aren't going well for Ickturo...turns out the Chinese company to which he gave all his money for the toy orders is a phantom operation and he's been had big-time. He's yelling at his secretary and saying "Are you telling me I'm an imbecile!?" She stutters that of course, no, she would never insult him like that. But hey, if the shoe fits!.....

Sara and Lorena leave the first class after Lorena is elected class representative, and even our dense little Lorena can tell Sara is pissed. Sara protests that she's not mad, she used to losing to Lorena. I've never been able to beat you, even the nuns loved you better. Lorena doesn't believe it....and besides, Sara is SO LUCKY....She has her family while Lorena has nobody. (Sorry Alonso). No sermons, snaps Sara. Besides I can't even enjoy them, they're forever fighting with my grandmother.

Said family is pretty happy at the moment. Omar has gotten his bank loan and after paying off the shop and the cars he intends to leave auto mechanics and seek work more in line with his profession. (And I've forgotten what that is.....anybody?) He wants to make his kids proud. Zully is all for that.

And our sweet Lorena is already making friends with the student who noticed her bouquet. She's a second-year student but she flunked Mexican Cooking so she'll be taking it again with Lorena. The teacher is a neurotic ogre...good-looking but mean as the devil. And if you come to class without your supply of knives you're done for!

Brief scene with Hortensia and Jaime but I'll merge two of them. She's noting that she suspended Jacqueline for a week; he's moaning about the past, wondering how his mother could do anything as awful as making off with Omar's baby. She's totally unrepentant and says she'd do the same today after seeing that revolting woman (Zulema). Jaime pleads that he only went along with it to try and gain her approval. He gets more sneers and the announcement that she can't stand his weakness.

Now to our gruesome twosome, Barbara and Arturo. She's shrieking at him for losing all that money. He doesn't like her attitude. Well, how can she be sympathetic with all that SHE'S going through. This woman is such a flaming, totally useless narcissist, she almost makes Sara look lovable. At least Sara has a job and can handle a computer.

Jaime storms out of the office after the scene with his mother and runs into Maruja who looks worried about him.

Back to happier people. Zulema is busily writing up catering orders and is so intent at first she doesn't notice that Vasco is there looking oh-so-fine. The suit and the ponytail are excellent in my opinion. Diana emerges from the bedroom looking equally hot and they both admire each other. Zulema notes that Vasco has a gleam in his eye in addition to the smooth outfit...Could it be love? scene, not so happy. Valeria has come across her newspaper of house ads in her folder at work and is morosely ripping it to shreds. Dr. Alonso comes in and tries to pump her up. Never throw your dreams in the trash! Valeria sighs and says maybe later. Then Lorena arrives clutching her huge teddy bear floral arrangement. They do the googly-eyed bit. She looks sweet. He looks dazed and confused. (Very smooth forehead though).

Sara shows up at Chalo's, throws some magazines on the bed for his entertainment and gets chided for leaving him all alone. Hey, she's busy! He should get Lorena over here doing her Good Samaritain thing.

Back to our googly-eyed couple. Now they're murmuring sweet nothings...You're beautiful. You're handsome. I'll never doubt you again. (ANVIL ALERT)

A brief scene of Paula quietly crying (definitely preferable to her louder carrying on). Bettina wants to know if she found her keys...she did. Thank goodness, Dad would kill her if she lost them.

And for Dad, hey, things aren't going well in the Love Nest. We have a nice ceiling shot of his tatooed arm and muscular back (preferable to that jiggling chest of last night) but what's happened to his passionate lover? She's gone cold, worrying about the wedding plans, the honeymoon and whether or not Hortensia will use her time off as an excuse to fire her. And besides, that Thailand honeymoon!!...what's that about?! That's where he was going to go with that crazy ex-wife of his.

Well, he's always wanted to go there. And even though Paula was frugal and careful, they could never get enough money together to go. Frugal and careful!!!! and what am I?!!! a spendthrift!?
Dario does his manly usual...leaves the room saying he'll be back when she's over her snit.

Our next loving couple, Rossy and Julian, are having that what's-wrong-with-my-life talk. Julian is blaming himself for everything, the shop burning down, the ruined mayonnaise, the loss of clients. He's more "salado que un bacalao" (literally more salty than codfish, but meaning "totally jinxed") So what am I, chopped liver, snaps Rossy. No, no, you're the only good thing in my life, Julian quickly amends.

Sara's still working on Chalo, giving him a little peck..he wants a better kiss and gets it, wants more and doesn't get it...and she sets him up to call Lorena. Tell her you're doing badly and need her, she wheedles, stroking his thigh. (Don't you think that's pretty darn distracting?) But Chalo dutifully calls Lorena. Alas, her cell phone is out of network. Darn! She must be with Alonso!

And she is. They're in the car and she wants to go back to the park where they first kissed. More googly eyes and so-in-love-nonsense talk. C'mon, you're heard it all, you've said it yourself. I don't need to go into it do I? And then, playful child at heart that she is, Lorena wants to go on the slides. (Actually there's some Freudian symbolism here but I don't think I'll press the issue). They play happily and then he just can't wait any longer. He whips out.....(what did you think I was going to say?) the engagement ring, silly! " Don't tell me I'm going too fast, I want to start a family with you," he gasps. She accepts, the ring fits perfectly, the music swells to a crescendo but the kisses....honest to God, they're duds....tepid, tepid, tepid.

Okay, maybe those kisses are tepid 'cause Lorena's really scared. It's so important to be a wife and mother...but scary. She's lacked so much in her life, but hey...there are blessings too...and you Alonso are the greatest of these. More lovey-dovey nonsense and then Alonso's big scene...he gets to yell "Te amo te amo TE AMO" in full Gaviota style. There could have been some more tepid kisses after this, but honestly, I don't remember. Let's just say that all their kisses were forgettable.

Julian is still lamenting his lack of luck. He's so bad he scares black cats! When Rossy realizes she can't persuade him out of his funk with words, she whacks him a good one upside the head. Gotta love this girl.

Cranky old Sara is getting ready for bed in her naco house when naco mom comes bursting in and startles her. She wants to give her the raggedy old cooking book Omar gave her when they got married. Sara sniffs that she can tell it's been well-used, it's full of oil stains. Zulema, oblivious to the sneer, says it will come in handy for her courses. Not so. Sara is studying administration and finance. Well, then, it will be good for when you cook for your husband. This goes over like a lead balloon.

Things are going better at Alonso's house. He tells Dad he and Lorena are getting married. Dad proposes a toast with tequila, says all kind of nice things about his son, and then discreetly gets out of the way, saying he's going to visit a friend. Love's labor lost 'cause Lorena's not about to let things get out of hand with Alonso....that ring isn't a marriage license buddy! She pulls back after a few more tepid kisses, saying things are going too fast. Showing remarkable restraint, Alonso puts on some music and starts to dance with her. Even then, she pulls back a little.

We switch to Sara who's grumpily getting into bed, wondering how much longer she'll have to live in this pigsty.

Hmmm....back to our loving couple. Now they're at the window, staring at the rain streaming down the window, oh so symbolic of the first day they met and the instant and forever love they felt for each other. Alonso is getting steamed up again. Your gaze, your smile, your fragrance, he murmurs....I want to love you every night, I desire you so much.

No, no, no....we can't, Lorena gulps. Your dad might come back. My friend Rossy and Julian were caught by her mom. Whew...she sure knows how to make a guy feel loved, doesn't she?

Back at Mama Maruja's, it's just Rossy and mom now, settling down to watch a game snow called Night of Geniuses. One of the next categories is going to be soccer. And who knows more about soccer but our Julian? If only they could build up his self-esteem, maybe he could go on the show and win a lot of money.

From low self-esteem to more of same. Arturo is in his jammies, drinking and wondering how to get out of his latest disaster. Valeria comes out and makes the mistake of asking how business is going. Snarls. Bleachedblondeharlotmom emerges, chides Valeria for not giving hubby a moment's peace and then sits down, pours him another drink and says "poor baby, you're probably missing your honey, right?"

And Paula is missing the happy days of her past. But discreetly. She's really not annoying in this episode. She's looking at her wedding pictures and Bettina notices how pretty mom was, and Dad, handsome in the suit bought with the money Paula got at her bachelorette party. We didn't have a penny, Mama confides, but we were happy because we had each other.

Lorena and Alonso are now chastely looking at family pictures as well. (This guy has the patience of a saint!) She's admiring one of him at age 4 and that leads to dreams of having children together. She wants a little boy like him. He wants a little Lorena like, not one, thousands!

And now another couple, Vasco and Diana are returning from the office party. Exchange of compliments. You were the prettiest one there...and who would have thought you'd be the life of the party. She counters with And you were such a great dancer! Mmmm...we can hear the hormones humming as he hesitantly moves in for a kiss. It's one-sided. He kisses her. Her lips just lie there. She steps back, looking worried and dashes in the house. He looks worried too...and sighs. Man, that was a baaaad kiss!

And yet another couple. Jaime and the unbearably screechy Barbara are going at is...word-wise. I just want to cut this woman's vocal cords! Seriously! He's not getting out of bed, not going to work. She's tries to flog him out of it. He tells her to leave him in peace.

At Casa Pobre, Diana HAS gotten out of bed, and very early too. She's left for work before Vasco is up. Not looking good, dude. Omar and Julian are off on errands and then Julian plans to come back to help Zulema with her food deliveries. Not to worry, chaste Lorena is coming over to help her.

Hortensia is shuffling papers at the office, musing that she thought she'd miss Jacqui but she doesn't. Sara is all over being helpful and turning in graphs on client orders, how often a year the orders come, profits, etc. Still, Hortensia, no fool, muses that Jacqui is faithful and loyal. Sara, on the other hand, is wildly ambitious and who knows how far she would go to get what she wants.

Lorena and Zulema has finished the deliveries and now, happily, Lorena has enough money to buy the knives she needs for cooking class. When Zulema hears of this, she wants to make sure they can get them for Sara also if she needs them.

Screechy Barbara, not content with reaming out Jaime, is still harping at Arturo, wondering how in the world he could invest all his money in a scam operation. When she finally whines that she would help him "if she could", he suggests finding him a spot in his mother-in-law's operation. But goodness...what post could he fill?...maybe that of her husband? Well, since he's doing it in other ways, why not?

Okay, back at cooking school, Lorena's being offered a "calm your nerves snack" from her new second year buddy before the cooking class with the ogre. Friend is rushing off to the bathroom and Lorena, terrorized, is in such a hurry to get to class, she barges through the crowd, knocking into a fellow who asks her "what's the hurry". She explains about the class she's going to and the demon who teaches it is unforgiving of lateness. Really? He's going there too. Well hurry for heaven's sake!..... the teacher is a real crank!

Hey, we know where this is going but they tease us a little bit by switching back to the clinic where Alonso and Valeria are talking in the office.

Bruno comes in, learns that Lorena and Alonso have made up and sneers, Well at least something is going well for you. Then he tells him he has to take another doctor's patients (who's on vacation) as well as handling his own. But hey, Alonso can do the work of ten! And what will YOU be doing?, snaps Valeria. I'll be meeting with the engineers about some medical equipment, frowns Bruno. After he stomps out, Valeria confides that she can bear him less every day. He has delusions of grandeur just like her husband.

And now our final scene. Lorena sits down, looks up and realizes that the fellow she bumped into is....yikes...actually the professor himself. And hot, hot, hot! Things are looking up, ladies.

And he's also "hot "as in mad, annoyed, cranky. He docks Lorena's friend two points for being late, and gives a tough little talk about how he's not here to teach them to be cooks, he's here to teach them to be exceptional chefs. And some of you aren't up to the task, he adds, looking meaningfully at little Lorena.

The End. Well, not really, we've got months to go. And frankly, now I'm getting interested. This potential romance has a lot more interest for me than the lukewarm relationship going on with poor ,dazed, overworked Alonso. So hey! on with el show.


dar el ancho en cualquier puesto = to be able to handle any job (what grandiose Arturo says to Barbara)

más salado que un bacalao = literally "more salty than a codfish" but meaning "really jinxed"

devoluciones = returns, or meaning "no going back". What happy Don Toribio said when Alonso and Lorena reconciled and got engaged

resbaladilla = playground slide

el alma de la fiesta = life of the party


Pasión de Gavilanes, Thurs., July 24,

Leandro gets fed up with Benito and tells him to shut up and eat

Benito gets closer to his food than he likes

Dínora in disguise

Now that's weird looking!

It looked for a while like Juan wasn't going to be in this episode at all but he finally showed up

Olegario gets caught out in this two timing ways with the help of the fruit sons. I'm glad it was Dominga that discovered him and Quintina and not the other way around. Dominga is young and pretty. She can find someone else (like Miguel or Manolo).

After what happened before, did Carmela really think she was going to get away with throwing out Martin's stuff? Didn't Fernando tell her and Malcom not to provoke the sisters?

Dínora's disguise didn't seem to fool anyone. She reminded me of Antonia in LT in her 'George' disguise.

Why on earth did Norma, Jimena and Sarita think that it was a good idea to tell Grabi about Feonando gambling with his buddies? Grabi knew that they came to the house. What was she going to do - admit that her husband is a lowlife? All it did was p*ss Grabi off.

It looks like Feonando sinks even lower tomorrow.


Guapos Wednesday 7/23/08 Guapos really goes to the Diablo tonight

It's just not appropriate to use a funny title for this episode.

Rehash: Mili asks Hugo to come to bed. He gets a gleam in his eye, and she sets him straight--no not what you think, honey . . . He throws his painting aside.

Karla is seen with Fernando.

Mili sees Al on the stairs. She tells him he was right about their bad marriages. She tells him she trusts him.

Lobo is relishing the dessert Marisela prepared. Mari goes to the bathroom, leaving Mat and Lobo alone. Lobo tells how he got rid of Domingo so Mat could have smooth sailing; Mat has his loyalty, so he shouldn't abuse it. Mari comes back, and Lobo prepares to leave, offering congratulations on their upcoming marriage.

The big meeting is assembled. Luci bears her newly returned shares. Damian looks at them incredulously, as he is expecting invisible ink, but no such luck for him. Mili reveals the shocking news that she has fired Mat and Al is her new rep.

When everyone leaves, Connie tells Luci that her game was well played--now they should go home and do it under the table.

Hugo and Mili have another argument, which I could not get all the details.

Soco, Lina, and Gloria joke in the kitchen about how hard they work. There's no servants' day--er, domestic workers, if you please--the way they have secretaries' day and bosses' day. They imagine what fun they'd have if the bosses and servants traded places. Karla comes in, and I'm not sure, but it seems like they play a trick on her and tell her that the next day is official servants' day. No time for jokes, as Karla is off to rehearse her wedding at the church--the wedding is the next day.

Over at the church, we see Padre M, Damian, Connie, and Karla. Connie makes a few remarks that raise Padre M's eyebrows. Karla simply exults in her good fortune that is finally just within her grasp. Finally, as Karla and Damian leave, Connie says, poor idiot, if he only knew what she was doing. I don't get this, but I guess Connie somehow learned about Fernando, but he doesn't know that Damian was paying Fernando off himself.

Hugo tells Flo about Mili made Al her rep.

Peralta is meeting with Connie in his office and warning Connie not to let his wife get drunk at some upcoming political event--we can't have a repeat of what happened at the wedding. Connie waxes pompously about his new position as party president. As if that wasn't enough hot air, Peralta passes gas.

Luci is trying on a very tight blue dress for the affair while Braulio praises her effusively. Just in time to burst her bubble comes Andrea, who says Luci shouldn't get too comfy in the wifey role. Luci says that everything's perfect in her marriage. Oh, yeah? Andrea grabs the dress and rips it. Braulio accuses her of ruining a work of art.

Socorro gets Gloria alone in the kitchen and questions her some more about the likely pregnancy. Gloria swears nothing happened and nothing is wrong and tells Socorro to butt out. Gloria protests too much, methinks.

Al comes in to see Flor, who is angry about his helping Mili. He asks who told her--his shrew of a mother or his jerk of a cousin? They fight some more, and he defends Mili, who at least trusts him and think he is honest and capable--unlike his own wife.
What's more, don't bother asking me to manage your business, he says. It's too late--I want a divorce!

Flo begs him not to leave her. He says he doesn't have to be married to take care of the child. Connie comes in, and Flo turns to him for hehlp. He begs him to tell Al not to leave her. Connie drags Al into the back office for a tune-up.

Mat and Fern are getting on their motorcycles with a few last jokes about Karla. Fern drives away, and a huge black SUV drives up with Lobo. Mat gets in the back seat looking rather tentative. It must be he knows that he should not have raided the Acorralada wardrobe closet again for that blinding orange sweater.

Damian comes in to see Hugo, who is paining. Is that Leonor? he asks. Hugo says something about the terrible pain of children who lose their mothers. Damian reminds him that he's getting married tomorrow--to Karla. Hugo says she is ligera de cascos, or flighty. (she's more than that--remember when she was sleeping with amnesiac Hugo? Maybe he doesn't remember . . .)

Damian doesn't understand why Hugo is letting Al take over. Well, what does he expect him to do about it? Damian himself was fool enough to lose Hugo's shares.

Al and Connie are now having a big shouting match in the library about the usual. What kind of father are you going to be, Connie asks. The same as you! Take that. Al warns Connie not to provoke him further. But Connie says he has Mili's best interests at heart.

Back to Lobo and Mat. Lobo hands Mat an envelope that looks like the one Connie handed the mysterious black-coated figure a couple of weeks ago. Probably not the same, though. Mat asks if this is what he thinks it is. Lobo warns him not to ask dumb questions.

Now for the money scene: We see Mili sulking on her bed when Florencia comes in. I hate you, she says to Mili. You did it. You took my husband. Flo brandishes a knife, but she is not there to stab Mili. No, she slowly slits her own wrists and falls to the ground as Mili, and we, look on in horror. Mili shouts for help, and Val comes in, followed quickly by Luci, who immediately accuses Mili of killing Flor. Val defends Mili, and Luci yells at Val. Andrea suddenly appears and tells Luci to stop yelling at her daughter. Val defends Andrea. Luci tells her to stop defending the slut who goes with her father. Mili says stop, somebody call a doctor! I really couldn't believe how long they let this colloquy go on without calling a doctor. I know there's a telenovela rule about dragging these scenes out, but this stretched even the usual rule. Braulio comes in and faints at the sight of the blood.

Mat and Lobo are still negotiating, although Mat is now in the front seat? Lobo wants Mat to go over to the Belmonte castle with Mari on the pretense of seeing Flor. He will leave the evidence there and let him know when it's ready. Then they will go to the next step. Mat looks pretty scared now, as he knows that he is in over his head. Lobo says the police know the plane crash was sabotage, so they must take care to avoid having the evidence point to them and have it point at Connie. Mat says that he had thought it would be great if Connie was guilty of the plane crash, because he would have him out of the way and not have to worry about the money Connie gave him to help. But this seems like too much. He thought it was an accident.

Lobo warns him again. Everything is arranged, and Mat better do his part. He tells Mat to leave the car.

Al is still arguing with Connie and now accuses him of killing Domingo. Connie is enraged and holds Al's tie like a noose. Just then, Nestor comes in out of nowhere and tells him to let go--of his son. Al is relieved but rejects Nestor's help, as he still doesn't accept him as father.

Mili and Hugo are now rehashing the Flor story. She's going to be okay, but Mili had a bad experience, seeing Flor cut herself right in front of her eyes. What made her do it? Hugo reminds her that he told Flor about the shares. They don't know that Al asked for a divorce, I think. Hugo then seems to be telling Mili not to go with Al, because she setting up Flor's child for a repeat of Mili's own story: a mother who dies in pain and leaves an orphan.

The doctor tells Al that Flor will be okay, but he has to keep watch on her. I'm amazed they're treating her at home, but I guess they don't want her to be in the hospital with a suicide history.
Al approaches a sleeping Flo and asks why she did it and begs her forgiveness.

Cut to comic relief, of all things. Karla is sitting on Damian's back, sort of giving him a massage and complaining about Flor. Couldn't she have waited waited till after Karla's wedding to slit her wrists? The nerve! Damian says she shouldn't worry--nothing will darken her big day. Karla asks if he is having a bachelor party, and he is not, as I understand. He wants her to have a bachelorette party, but she only wants to be with her chicken pimp. He ushers her out on the pretense of fending off seven years' bad luck.

Down in the hallway, Flo's doctor is violating HIPAA by telling Connie, Luci, Andrea, and Nestor all about Flo's condition. Marisela and Mat come in, and she wants to see her sister immediately. Mat looks like he would be pulling his collar if he weren't still wearing that orange sweater. Connie asks if he's all right.

Upstairs, Al exits Flo's room to find Mili in the hall. She asks him how Flor is--she was worried. It was all her fault and she's sorry. They hug, and Mari comes up just in time to catch them. You are the worst, Mari tells Al, warning him to watch out. Cut

Tomorrow: Al tells Mili of his suspicions regarding the plane crash. We still don't know who slashed the painting.


Enemiga - 7-23-08 - Sara gets back IN the job, Diana gets INtuition, Rossy gets INsensed, and Al gets IN good graces again

We start with the Pas still telling Sara they can’t take any of Abue Rica’s (Horty) money, especially because then Horty will think all is forgiven. Sara responds: It’s my right to use the money that will one day be mine to help you if I want. Pas don’t want her to tell abue about their bad fortune either. They apologize for raising voice .

Di complains about how everything went wrong and here is her Dad’s Ma being rich. Pa hears this and runs in saying that’s right...she is the millionaire not us. Besides I’ve got money because I mortgaged the house. He believes it’s right to pay for the cars and rebuild the shop.

Chalo is bugging Sara for his nookie because you know, he could have been dead now, but Sara says no time I have to keep on scheming. He whines.

Sara is packing to go to abue she doesn’t want to participate in revenge. Everything would be so easy if they would just forgive Abue. Zully runs upset to Omar.

Lore is still sitting by the stormy window.

Sara whines that Abue doesn’t even have Vasco to support her. Abue is so alone. Ma is disgusted. She is also upset that she could leave so soon after just finding them. Di listens in. Sara says she doesn’t want to have to choose between them either and this is sooooo difficult for her. Finally Pa gives in and says working with her fine, but you don’t live with her in her house. Sara smiles.

Di is getting the picture and complains to Vasco how Sara is manipulating her Pas. Vasco is kinder. Yeah, men are more clueless about female manipulation than women are. Vasco thinks it’s weird that she has such an affinity for his G-ma too, but he thinks well, she’s been void of family for so long and Snorty was the first one to fill the post, so Sara must feel some special allegiance to her.

Ma tells Di that Sara has agreed to stay and Pa has agreed to let her work with Abue.

Paula find keys in Betti’s jacket and takes the keys and chimes that she is going to sneak in and see exactly how ex-hubby lives.

Al & Tori chat about the news reporting an irresponsible driver, and then the story about Chalo getting hit by an older driver. Tori gets the hint.

Di calls Sara on her berrinche. Sara says it wasn’t but Di thinks at least emotional blackmail and she doesn’t want to fight either but she would like Sara to have more consideration for her parents.

Al tells Pa why Lore isn’t here and they are eating dirt again. He tells the story about Chalo. Pa says the guy should make the first move if he doesn’t want to keep fighting because she’s a woman. Pa doesn’t think Lore would trade him. He encourages sonny to go after her if she really matters. Say good bye to the problems.

Zully and Omar are discussing how weird it is that Sara defends the evil witch. They agree that money has colored her and that she is very materialistic. OK, they get the picture now. We know though that for the sake of plot line they are going to forget this little observation over and over again.

Lore wonders with Julian how it could be that everyone got sick from their food. She also talks about probably never getting back with Al. He cheers her that she can lean on them like family. Sara comes out and announces she’s going back to work with Snorty, oh, and Lore you better not be late for class. I notice she is getting Ferro’s hint and has a very low cut dress on this time and it’s actually different than before.

Back in the kitchen Di is telling Vasco that she knows Sara is her sis but something just ain’t right, she feels like Sara is a bad person. Vasco has that sense too. Oddly, he’s FINALLY changed his shirt!! But, ironically it doesn’t make sense to do this now, because he was sitting at the table earlier in the other shirt and it doesn’t really look like he would have left it, yet he has on the other shirt. Whatever. Guess I’m becoming an Anon#1 noticing everyone's clothes. Funny.

Lore comes in and muses more with Vasco and Di about the food issues. She and Julian go into the kitchen to start cooking. Di remarks that the opposite is happening with Lore as with Sara, instead, she is liking Lore more and more each day.

Lore tries to cheer Zully up, and tells of her idea to sell grilled tacos and pass out menus to each buyer. She has to go out and won’t help.

Pau shares her key discovery with Greta and she is more than happy to go with and even suggests that they duplicate the keys for future use.

Sara shows back up at work, oddly, she has pinned up her dress and is now hiding her cleavage. This is like the third time I’ve seen this. Odd. Jaqui gives her a job that she usually does every year for the San Jorge golf club saying Sara should learn more. Sara is pleased that she would do this for her.

Lore attracts a man to her taco stand who orders tacos de chicharrones for like 40 cents and gets a flyer for him and his sister. Another man walks up.

Jaqui is showing Sara stuff when Jaime comes in surprised to see her and hints at Jaqui to disappear. Sara tells that she convinced her Pa. Jaime is glad and wishes her Pa would take his help.

Zully shows up at the mansion to demand that Snorty not to buy off Sara. Snorty says people change and Zully says yeah, people, but you aren’t human. This boils her blood finally and it begins spilling out as she yells at Zully and calls her a measly house cleaner (afanadora).
Zully says there's that loving witch Horty that I knew, she wishes Sara saw this side. Smirk. Snorty te;;s her too, ha, your daughter is just like me or worse, why do you think she's working for me. Snorty asks Zully if when her daughter dreamt about her mother if she saw a good for nothing onion and garlic chopper. This earns Snorty a bofetada (slap).

Snorty throws her out and Zully says her daughter will remain with them because she cares about them and all your millions can't do anything because you'll end up in jail..

Lore and Juli are still in the park. All of a sudden they are attracting customers like flies. You know what else attracts flies. How funny. Anyway, she has raja con crema, tinga, mole, (super great site by the way) & chicharron en salsa verde.

Sara is kissing Jaqui's behind that she doesn't have the tasting experience that Jacqui does and Jac suggests they taste the dishes today and surprise Snorty. Sara suspects a trick, but agrees.

In the kitchen, Rossy and Maru are thanking their lucky stars that the witch and witchlet haven't shown up yet, when the mere utterance has summoned them, well part of them noticeably absent is Snorty and we know this signals trouble. Sara and Jacqui taste the food and all agree it's good. Rossy mocks them.

Omar is begging the guy to get the house deal in order as soon as possible because he really needs the money. Just then the "sorry" brother shows up. Jaime goes to try and give charity to Omar who of course pulls macho and won’t take any help. He thinks the help is only being offered so they wouldn't send him to jail, but Jaime says he's blood, yeah even though a little late on that.

Lore and Julian are just sending tacos off on the fly but they have to stop around 2:30 so she can go to school. Julian is already worn out.

More musing about the bad food. Vasco asks Di to the anniv party that she is already invited too. It's the org's 20th birthday. Cute.

Zully comes home and Jaime begs on bended knee for forgiveness but she says it's better if he leaves.

Jaqui tells Snorty they tasted the dishes already and she rips Jaqui a new one, not wanting to see her for a week. We knew this was coming.

Pau and Greta check out the love nest of the ex and remark at it’s luxury. Pau thinks everything is in her style and thinks this should have been her life.

Sara wants to help Jaqui who runs into the bathroom upset that she was sent home for a week.

Snorty chews out Maruja for letting the girls taste instead of her royal highness. They pull out the dishes again. Now if they were the same ones, of course they would be icky by now. Of course she likes none of them and expects them to be redone.

Rossy calls her a maniac. She suggests that everyone just leaves work in order to annoy that woman.

After the break Rossy channels Che Guevara and wants to start a revolution, that everyone has worked hard and doesn’t deserve to be mistreated. Maru tries to talk her out of it. Chef tells her too, he needs the work to feed his family and can't be a part of the "movement." Finally Maru threatens her impliedly with being fired, and she relents and Head chef Guy tells her it's not really better in other businesses than here, so relax.

Snorty chews out Sara for tasting the plates and Sara kisses her behind bad and says it will never happen again if she knew it would upset her she wouldn't have done it. Snorty bad mouths Jacqui, but also tells Sara that her Ma came to smack her down. Sara is sorry and ashamed, but says they let her back to work here, and slowly she is able to convince them to give her whatever she asks. Snorty says each day she cares less if they forgive her. Sara says well forgive you maybe not, but at least not press charges. She says they are now so saddled with debt they don't have a cent to pay an attorney. This spikes suspicion in the old witch and she wonders if Sara had something to do with the fire. Sara doesn't deny this, but procures an interesting quirky face and smiles saying for her Abuela to trust her. Snorty still unsure but suspecting, smirks back.

At the lesser house, Lore hands over a good bit of money to Zully and they thank her for helping them - Julian says Lore was a pro and not ashamed at all. Lore says she has to get ready to go to school now. Zully and Omar remark that it's Sara's first day too. She invites Lore to eat wth them and then they will all go over to the school together. She made chiles rellenos! Lore agrees.

The secret mission continues over at the lux apartment. Greta actually makes Pau a tea in their cups to calm Pau. Pau continues to complain about how all this stuff was her idea, and she can't believe that woman is living the life she should have, blah blah blah...just then they hear some key shaking and realizr someone is coming in. They leave the tea cup on the table, and all the pillows in disarray and run to hide behind the sofa. Jacqui comes in sits down moving the pillows and relaxes. Pau pops up to look at her and Greta grabs her head back down and reminds her to be quiet.

At the clinic Bruno goes in to see Al and asks if he has seen Sara. He says she's probably fine, why? Bruno says he would have liked to see her again. Al says well go look for her then. Bruno says he was thinking of that, to go and see her at work, but Al says well she's probably not there because today she and Lore start school. Bruno smiles and must get an idea...

Behind the sofa, Pau can barely contain her anger, when ex-hubby shows up. Jacqui thanks him for his support because she feels really bad and hates Snorty. He tells her she doesn't need to work, that's what he's for. this of course earns another wince from Paula. But luckily jacqui says she wants to work. Dario has something to take her mind off of it all, choose their honeymoon destination. Jacqui says no, you pick, she doesn't care. Of course he says he's always wanted to go to Thailand and Jacqui says that sounds great, then that's where we'll go. Another wince from Pau who is almost ready to body slam these two.

Attention finally turns to the cup on the table. He didn't put it there and she swears she didn't forget it from last night either. She thinks there are ghosts in the aparttment. Dario cracks up and says no way and knows how to relax her. They start going at it. Finally moving to the bedroom. At this point Greta and Pau make their circus exit. After the door closes, Jac runs back in swearing she heard noises. Jiggly tits follows her (sorry, he's still in pretty good shape for a guy his age, but it's best if he stands still and doesn't run. I'm used to Alejandro in Guapos and those Reyes guys with their shirts off, so in comparison.....)

Down on the street the gals muse about how they were almost caught. Pau muses about how Jacqui has Pau's life. I tell ya, this is the worst, but there is nothing you can do except suck it up and move on. Greta agrees with me because she thinks that Pau should never have heard all that stuff.

On the street in front of work Bruno catches up to Sara and brings her a smallish bouquet of flowers for luck. He offers to take her to school, but she says he Tia's chauffeur will take her and besides his patients need him more than she does and he should not have troubled himself with as busy as he is. She rolls down the window and takes off smirking at him. He smirks back.

At the institute we see Lore with her true family getting off the micro. Oh the irony them on the bus and Sara with the driver. Ha Ha. They go inside and Zully wants to make sure they have the camera. Julian says that's the fifth time they asked. They go inside and start taking pictures everywhere of all combinations. Sara shows up. Then someone asks who is Lorena. Turns out Alonzo has sent her a giant basket of flowers and stuff with a bear. Sara can only look on in envy. We then see that Alonzo is outside of the window waving and making goofy faces. Lore motions she thanks him.

Thanks for your patience....


Fuego, Wed., July 24: If I had a dollar for every brain Juan doesn't have, I'd have one dollar.

Buenas noches a todos. I got a late start tonight, sorry. I will edit tomorrow morning.

Horse-back Juan comes galloping along and finds a violated Sofia lying under a tree. Some one tried to rape her; I wonder who it was?

After the little bar brawl at the Tumbao Gabi gives a little speech about her daughter’s being engaged and how they embarrass her. Might I say that this scene is enhanced by the strategically-covered, or uncovered, Niurka. Gabi makes it clear that she is never a fun thing for anyone. That’s funny because practically everyone I know laughs at her five days a week.

Octavio asks Niurka if she is happy when she hurts others.

Oscar has come to the wonderful conclusion that he has lost Jimena forever. His overly-supportive brother tells him that’s what he gets for being an interested SOB. Franco handles the situation by serenading Oscar. Sometimes he just doesn’t know when to quit…

Gabi demands that Jimena give her an explanation. Everyone wants to know why Jimena caused that little scandle back at the club. Sarita warns her mother that she shouldn’t become antsy because she is sick. “Yeah, sick of you!” says Gabi. Afterall, Sunday is the wedding and Gabi is more than happy to finally get rid of Dumb and Dumber.

Juan kicks in the gate to his house with Sofia in his arms. He tells them that someone tried to rape Sofia. This is the signal for the back-up bros. to arm themselves immediately. As you know, the best way to solve any problem is by taking the situation into your own hands. Juan, a law-abiding tax-payer convinces the bros. to put the plastic gunnies away, and to consider the situation with calmness. Oscar doesn’t comprehend this idea, and wants to know how long they are going to put up with these attacks.

Gramps has asked the one ranch hand to help him with the planning of the corn fields. Since this man has lived on the hacienda all of his life, he is the perfect consultant and knows full well that them there corn fields didn’t use to belong to no Elizondo family. As fate may have it, the tree with the initials ‘FR’ marks this usurped land. That’s funny. It seems that that tree is the same tree that Juan recalls from his childhood. Gramps acknowledges that the land was never theirs, but it is now. How did that happen?

Juan is on his soap box-again. I love how he has to remind his family of their last name. “We are the Reyes family. I would spell that for you, but I don’t know how, and you wouldn’t understand. Anyway, we must stick together.” Juan, how does this have anything to do with Sofia’s attempted rape? Apparently Juan has boiling blood from Sofia’s incident. However, he makes it quite clear that he doesn’t give a cucumber for her, but instead his, dare I say bastard, child. It’s all about getting your priorities straight…

The ranch hand tells Gramps that the land adjacent to the Uribe’s used to belong to the Robles family.

Juan has now given the family a hyphenated name: Robles-Reyes. The conversation has yet again changed. Now he tells them that the Reyes family never loses and always comes out ahead. If I had a dollar for every brain Juan doesn’t have, I’d have $1.00.

Jimena is crying to Eva that she will never talk to Oscar again. She has decided that the best thing to do is to marry the Uribe boy. Sarita tells her that the Reyes are selfish pigs. I hate to say this, but I haven’t watched FELS in a week, and practically nothing has changed.

As it turns out, Sofia had a nervous break-down. Juan doesn’t have enough money to pay the doctor. But not to worry, that’s the doctor’s job to take care of people. Why should he get paid for that? Oscar is thinking about visiting Jimena. He can’t lose the love of his life, but then again, did he ever have her? Frankie reminds him that the wedding is this Sunday. Time’s a tickin’…

Apparently Juan watched Sofia sleep all night. I bet he actually fell asleep as soon as they turned the camera off…

So the local authorities summoned Fernie to the equivalent of a police station for questioning. They say that he is a suspect because Mapache whispered his name as he died. Now I know that Fernie did it, but I wouldn’t call the evidence solid. My neighbor died with a Madonna t-shirt on; does that mean that Madonna killed her? It happened in that one movie…

It is so obvious that Jimena is sucking-in her stomach. Anyway, she’s begging Octavio to marry her immediately. It’s okay that they don’t love each other because over time they will learn to do so. Obviously, she has not learned anything from Bernie and Gabi, or any other novella character in the past fifty years. Octavio tells her that that will never happen because he doesn’t like women; he is in love with Bruno. They have been a couple for many years. Boy, that shut her up.

Fernie is up to his old tricks and has asked for one of his workers to turn himself over to the authorities for killing Mapache. His right-hand man asks him how he will pay for it, and as always, “that is none of your business.” Some people never learn…

Despite everything that happened, Oscar has asked Jimena to forgive him for his treason. “I swear it was a trap.” Jimena, they all say that. But then again, she’s just stupid enough to believe him. He is on his knees begging her, but she would rather marry a gay man. Given the choice between the two, I think she is actually making a wise choice.

Mid-day-snack time for Gabi. Her friends have brought her some Sofia bread. Gabi rolls her eyes but plays around. Then, she throws the bread down when she hears that they call the bread Sofia. Gabi is convinced that Padre Tadeo is leading a conspiracy against her. This really doesn’t make any sense.

Fernie’s atonement has signed the papers that condemn him, but the officer isn’t convinced at all. Actually, I’d say the guy’s performance was quite convincing when compared to actors such as EY and AN. Ouch!

As Sofia wakes up to Juan’s presence she freaks out and tells him to never touch her again. Okay, this chick is messed up and obviously never received the necessary treatment for her condition. At this point she would need years of rehabilitation. She has crawled up in the corner of her bed like a small rodent. She doesn’t want him to come close. She looks like a lost boy crossed with some sort of wild chimpanzee.

In Puebla, Puebla Gabi has met with the local bishop. Her accusations are alarming, but she is convinced that he is a menace to her family and society. He has promoted rebel attitudes in her children, and even convinced her daughter to marry a baker! The bishop is scared, but since Gabi is telling the truth, he must take immediate action.

Oscar refuses the help of a stranger, a stranger who can help him.

The Uribe boys are trying to push-back the wedding date, but auntie won’t budge. And oh yeah, if you don’t get married on Sunday, forget about the inheritance.

Oscar has decided to make friends with this stranger and confess his relationship with Niurka. Bruno, the stranger, admits that Octavio is more than an associate, but a very good friend/lover.

Gabi now has it in her head that the bishop should take away the Padre’s title. Fernie agrees and starts to kiss Gabi all over. She doesn’t know why he likes her because she is a dry woman without feelings. I ask the same question, but they kiss regardless. Fernie tells Gabi that if Gramps doesn’t sign those documents, he will have to leave town. Gabi freaks out, and tells Fernie that she has a private fortune, and therefore can lend him some dough. Fernie wants to know why she never told him about it. She explains that she had to make sure no one would take advantage of her. He makes sure to kiss her a lot before she rights the check. Doing so usually allows for a few zeros to be added.

Juan tries to feed the wild animal, but she throws the tray in his face and tells him to go away. She hits him as he reaches for her. Ah, I may have mis-diagnosed this animal; she needs solitary confinement for at least the rest of her life-if not longer.

Oscar finally understands that one must respect others if one wishes to be respected. He becomes sentimental when he tells Bruno how much he loves Jimena, and how he lost her.

Eva tells Dumb and Dumber that Sofia was almost raped. They cry. Nothing new.

Gabi has given Fernie the money he wanted. He promises to pay the debts of the hacienda.

As the girls are going to visit their animal of a sister, Gabi stops them and prohibits them from seeing that trashy girl. Fernie offers to drive them to see her. How generous and understanding. Who would ever suspect him as a rapist chauvinist? Gabi is under the impression that Fernie is her boyfriend.

Oh my God, the animal has miraculously, and I mean miraculously, come to her senses and apologizes. How the hell do you go from crazy animal to hopeless romantic between scene changes? Nevertheless, Juan is unaffected and promises to love Sofia forever.

Tomorrow: Oscar couldn’t get Jimena to forgive him, so he has decided to take-up Niurka on her offer. Juan is just about to know who raped Sofia. Yeah right.


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Pasión de Gavilanes, Wed., July 22- Concha goes bananas; Dínora takes a bath

Martin tries to strangle Carmela

Concha packs a water pistol

Juan tries to convince Norma to leave the Hacienda

Franco tries to convince Sarita to leave the Hacienda

Óscar tries to convince Jimena to leave the Hacienda

Malcom and Carmela aren't very smart o provoke the girls and abuelo the way they have. Since when does a servant decide to throw out the possessions of her employer?

Very funny scene with Concha at the club but it doesn't seem to have advanced the story very much.

And more scenes of the girls refusing to come and live with the muchachos.

At least Gabriela was worried when the horses were mistreated.

What the heck is Dínora doing lurking around the Elizondo hacienda and taking a bath there?


Fuego #60, July 22, Tuesday - Who All Gets Caught With His Pants or Guard Down

So let's see where the game left off: The local village government thinks Pablo needs an orphanage rather than a family relationship that would wrap him in love, just the law, folks.
Gabriela savors memories of her first night of passion, perhaps ever or at the least in decades, and thinks she is better with Feonando as a lover than a son-in-law, just the facts, folks.
Maracuya thinks passionate relations with a drunken Oscar are better than no passion or no relations. Did something happen or not? Oscar pulls a way-beyond-JimmyCarter guilt trip because he can't remember the true evening through his drunken fog. He can't even remember whether he wanted it or not.

We start back with Oscar's pants not only down but OFF. HIs tighty whities are wrapped in a satin cloth. Did she slip him a loaded drink or is he that bad of a drinker? He stumbles into his clothes while Maracuya clings and caresses., He isn't having it, at least not this morning. While he isn't sure what he isn't having this morning, she is luxuriating with sensuous glee. The part that is hard to accept is how those pearl-clad nails stayed on her fingers and didn't appear to be swallowed by either of them. The poke in the eye at least didn't draw blood. We have these small things to be grateful for while we brace ourselves to linger amidst the memories and rerun's of a night of putrid passion in various beds.

Feonando once again at the confessional swears it isn't his fault that he had a hand in Don Bernardo's fall from the horse and subsequent death. To further enwrap the Padre, he tells all the sordid details of the confrontation about Bernardo's affair the young LIbia. He repeats how he set up poor drunken Nabor and we have to watch the sickening scene again of the drunken high guys thinking they hit and killed the already dead Don Bernardo. Paddy Tadeo looks like he is about to hurl lunch all over the confessional. Feo assures him it is to demonstrate this is what he is capable of if someone gets in his way (estorbar).
Padre can't absolve him because he obviously isn't one bit sorry or repentant. You will not be absolved you won't have salvation you will be condemned. But Feo assures him that he knows his confessional secrets are safe. Paddy snears that isn't afraid as he has Jesus Christ with him and together they will conquer Feo. Just then the helpful Rigo has entered the church looks across from his devotions in front of the Virgen. He is concerned at the snaky tones (not to mention the threatening rain stick rattles) he hears and ask if Padre needs help. Feo leaves by the side aisle after squeezing the Padres' hands on the confessional posts.

Sofia comforts Juan sitting on the floor in a funk stroking Mariachi's head, because he has let Pablito down and not kept his promise to take care of him forever. They plan how they will do everything to spring Pablito and adopt him right under the noses of the village officials who dragged the little nipper away.

Pablitio cries alone under a tree at the orphanage still in his darling little Mariachi suit. Juan thinks perhaps Reyes are predestined to lose everything and everyone. If he lost Sofia he would die himself. She repeats this isn't going to happen. He has her and his child, you aren't ever going to lose us my love. (Oops those fatal telenovela words: ever and never)

The Tweedles discuss their marriage dilemma with plans to end the farce or maybe not so fast. T-dum has to tell T-dee that Jimena may not marry Oscar and save him because guess what what he saw in Maracuya's room. Marriages to the poor servant or the poor gay partner seem farther away than ever as they consider the indiscretions of the silly Oscar.

Oscar still reeling with his dizzy hangover tries to talk with Jimena. She warns that her mother is coming down at any moment and Jimena must accompany her to the doctor.

Rigo approaches Paddy Tad and says he saw what looked like an argument with Don Feo and he would like to help. He came to pray a little. He prays that Eugenia will be happy with Benito. Her happiness is more important to him than his own. Make note of this kindness there aren't many unselfish people in this story and we need to treasure the few we see.

In the bakery. Juan decides they can't open the bakery without Pablito. They decide to pack up all the bread they just made for the orphans.

Oscar drags his sorry burro into the bakery to confess to Juan since Jimena wouldn't listen to him.

Feo acts executive-like in the office while he reruns the brain movie of his passion with Gabi. He seems pleased with himself as he carves a notch in his, (just kidding) the grin of a man well satisfied with himself.
The dreamy eyed Gabi descends the stairs (man, that was better than a month of aroma therapy) while he thanks her for the marvelous night of love. She wants to organize and regain control of her feelings and the impending wedding, he wants to take his pants down again.

Juan sits waiting for Franco to come in so the sorry Oscar can sputter his words out as he flicks cigarette ashes like sprinkles on the new bread. He did something really bad, and you can see I am really sorry. I betrayed Jimena...

Back in the den of iniquity, Maracuya realizes that if it is true that Jimena won't forgive his betrayal, she could end up with Oscar. Now how to be sure that Jimena learns of the tryst...

Oscar has to listen to Franco get his words in of how he was condemned for loving two women and maybe now Oscar sees his plight. Oscar assures both but especially Juan that he loves only Jimena. Juan is ashamed of the way Oscar acted like someone who wasn't brought up to have morals and respect, but he is not his father. And Oscar has to act not like a child but a man, further act like a REYES. You have to do the right thing. Juan asks that tough question: if JImena was the unfaithful one would you forgive her. Oscar's head still hurts from both the hangover and all this heavy thinking.

Gabi and Feo talk with Matasanos there really is something wrong with your heart. So it seems the paper Don Augustin stole of the faked heart problem isn't a threat. She really does have an arrhythmia that wasn't there before.

Padre Tadeo prays for help in gathering all the proofs he needs for these dastardly deeds and for guidance on how to handle this heavy charge he has having heard the felonies and capital offenses confessed by Feo.

Matasanos explains that she could have another and worse episode in the future. Feo looks hopeful as he kneads her shoulders not hiding anything from Matasanos, perhaps this is a new tool. (for him it seems so,... opportune on the eve of his ultimatum from the BOSS)

At the orphanage, Pablito is refusing food and the solicitous kindness of the nuns. Nothing is important to him, but Juan strides in as if he were wearing seven league boots, assuring him that it is important. They carry bread to all the children and promise that he will have to be strong because he is a Reyes and Reyes are strong. Meanwhile they will get official papers to bring him home. Sofia promises that they will adopt him. Sofia kisses the nuns.

Feo admires his evil face in the mirror than chats with the picture of Sofia assuring her that she is his property and will never get away from him. Then he remembers how the doctor told of the illness and how it could be more severe next time Feo in his mind asks again if the episode could be repeated..... Then he gently tears the picture of him and Sofia apart savoring and fondling the Sofia side until he rips it into tiny shreds carefully saving his own side of the photo with tender regard.

The Mother superior tries to explain to Juan that the authorities have the child's welfare to concern themselves with. and Juan and Sofia are not qualified to adopt Pablito nor any other orphan.

Quintiana tells her sister and the nephews about the brutal scene in the orphanage. She tells nephew Rigo that it was his mothers' fault for telling the school officials . They descend into a n argument about orfanatorio vs huerfanatorio. Hortensia swears she had good intentions. Quintina has a tantrum swearing to never see Hortensia again not even a picture. the boys console the sobbing Hortensia.

Gabi tells Tweedle Auntie Raquel that although she no longer can abide nor receive Padre Tadeo in her house to avoid gossip and scandal, they will use PaddyTad. Raquel wants a lovely (read hot and fun) party at the Salon Tumbao.

Paddy Tad and Momsuperior discuss that Juan and Sofia are pure of heart. God loves those that love. She reminds him that it is not she who can decide these things. But all the children put on kerchiefs and make bread with Juan and Franco teaches Pablito how to play the guitar as he sings to the children and Sofia teaches the girls how to sew. They start building projects in the courtyard. The children certainly don't feel like forgotten orphans in this ideal afternoon basking in Reyes love.

Oscar is still in a stew about what to tell Jimena and can't seem to get out of his tiny bedroom. Franco comes in to teach him a pardon me song that may just do the trick.

Next thing we know Eva is telling Oscar at the hacienda that even though she isn't the person good enough to talk to him, she looks hard for twenty seconds, and then she relents telling him that Jimena is on her way to the Salon Tumbao...

She went WHERE?? Perhaps she went to the bachelor party. We switch to the hoochie coochie scene with the prim (comparatively) Jimena watching the hoochie dance of Maracuya.

Nuns around the corner congratulate Juan and Sofia on their day of perfect parenting when little munchkin Victor gets an asthma attack off stage so Juan rescues him with Paddy Tad as they rush off in search of proper medical care.

At the Tumbao everyone at the pre-wedding party table looks hot and bothered. Jimena gets up to go to the bathroom with Sarita, Oscar intercedes and insists they must talk it is so important. Sarita actually covers for her (she is changing her cold tune). Oscar finally blurts out his infidelity. Oh no!

Sofia can't wait to see if little Victor gets worse so she leave the nuns to hurry off to the dispensary but oh no the ugly FEO is in the dark, soaking a rag with something nasty while he awaits to give Sofia the surprise she so deserves. How well he knows his girl. Sofia walks in the dark off the path as usual (she has done this in other telenovelas so you would think she would be more careful by now especially being pregnant). But NOOOOOO, and she doesn't see behind her in time to have Feo get her mouth covered with the nasty cotton with knockout drops, until she loses consciousness. And once again Feo gets to take off his clothes. Clearly he has enjoyed finally drop his pants so is looking for a repeat scene, as he begins to kiss the half conscious Sofia who feebly tries to fight him off he looks around and WE SEE it : THE SNAKE TATOO, proof positive!!

What a tender rapist! Feo takes time to kiss and use his so called charms . Some shouting in the dark begins like, let her go!, Leave her alone! Let me go!! Well, it scares him off and he leaves her in the leaves under a tree alone in the dark with only the other violence happening nearby out of sight.

Oscar has made his confession that he slept with another woman, JImena can't believe how he could do this when Maracuya in bright orange hat and gold eye goggles makeup approaches to reprove her reproach.... A cat fight par excellence ensues for all to see including the would be in-laws , screaming men are taking bets and Oscar tries to pull them apart. finally the numb Gabi sees the commotion and arrives at the end of the scene only to worry about the scandal.

Juan shows up at the orphanage to find Sofia whom the nuns tell him went off alone (I know dumb, dumb, stupid) Juan rides into the woods screaming he find the half-conscious Sofia and covers her with his cape. She shakes in his arms.

Next time:

Franco and Oscar take up arms to the horror of Paddy Tad. The Bishop arrives. the Reyes - Robles secret is coming out with Rosendo's help with Augustin. Butter wouldn't melt in Feo's mouth as the investigations ensue.


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Guapos 07-22-08 "You and me baby ain't nothin' but mammals,So let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel"

This is a shameless and rather tasteless shoutout to the song "The Bad Touch" by the BloodHound Gang...Yes Const and Luci, this is for you two kids. Consti and Luci, they really don't get it, they are so self-centered they are totally unaware of the misery they have wroth.

Okay we start off with a quickie rehash of Val & Rocky, so young so in love…okay I really do like these too and ol Val is so cute. Mili looks on with shaded eyes. Oh the pain.
Anyhow, Al goes & threatens Matt the Ratt, which really isn’t hard, I am pretty sure I could take him, and I am rather old and tired, yet without airbrushing Mateo seems old and tired also.

So now back to the show, Blonde sister is visiting Flor (yes, after all this time I still don’t her name).
She and Flor are talking about how Al can’t be trusted with the company. Al comes in and basically kicks the sisters out as he starts changing his clothes right then and there.

Mili is down stairs in the kitchen with Val and Rocky and Sorrocito. Sorrocito has given them a quenching beverage to quench the thirst they worked up during the vicious soccer game. Val is all nasty and sweaty, yeah like she could ever look bad.

Chaumaco now comes into the kitchen hobbling on his crutches. Sorrocito picks up a small skillet and says she wants to talk to him. Mili leaves. Sorrocito is giving Chaumaco the stink eye and trying to get the 411 from him. The boy is rather clueless, but finally figures out that Sorrocito thinks there may be a kid on the way.

Some guy (I call all these guys like him just TeleNovela Guy, I never know their names but they repeatedly show up in these things), anyway he starts telling Matt that he will guide Matt with the company. He says you better marry blonde babe like yesterday. Matt asks what is his name. “Lobo, VillaLobo”, really he said Villalobo, but I like to add the air of mystery to this guy.

Now Mili and Val are having a girl chatfest, Lina comes in and says she is going to meet Bobby, and that Bobby has some big declaration to make. Val says play it cool.

Now Val and Mili are soul sisters as well as half-sisters, they hug, Luci walks in and has a little hissy. “Why are hugging that nasty fly?” Val, no longer the lil Luci Clone, “Tells her STFU and Mili and I are like sisters, plus a couple of digs about cutting up the picture”. The whole “Like Sisters thing”, makes Luci swallow the small amount of bile that just rose up in her throat. Mili, rubs it in with a “Yeah, we are just like sisters”. Luci turns to run upstairs, nothing gets the taste of barfy bile out of your mouth like a couple of quarts of Capn Morgan. Before Luci, can vamoose Al comes down the steps and gives her the accusing stink-eye. Luci is like “How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is
To have a thankless child!” Thank you Wm Shakespeare. She runs up the steps.

Now Al turns his face of angst upon his might have been sister and his real half sister. Val wants to know what is wrong. But Al just marches out of the house with his little tin soldier stiff leg walk, we have all come to know and love. Val then laments to Mili how unhappy Al is in his marriage to Flor. Yes we get to see the glittering tear sheen of Mili’s eyes.

Al goes out to the garden where Flor and Blonde sis are gulping down big heaping helpings of Kool-Aide.
Al tells Blondie to hit it and he wants to talk to Flor. Flor says Sis wants Matt to handle the money and company. She wants Al to stay away from Mili. Al won’t play and tells her do what ever you want with the company.

Chaumaco is in talking to Gloria, he is beating around the bush…or rather trying to find our if he needs to be worried. Gloria says she is fine. He finally asks her if she is (regular as in monthly) at least that is the way I took it. She says yes, why are you asking, Soccorito comes in. Gloria is not thrilled with the implication and walks out.
Well that is all of that…we will be left to wonder if there is a pan in the oven.

Now Bobby & Lina are having a very stilted snack time. The dessert looks good all chocolatey and nice. However things are tense as they thought bubble, he is unsure what to say. He finally blurts out, “Do you want to be novios?” Lina plays hard to get. ------Correct me I am wrong, I missed part of this-----
Leaving them both looking kind of sad, say if you lost your appetite I could finish that little snack off for you.

Damien is in the study on the phone. He is talking to Fernando (I think that is the Tool friend of Matt), anyway it seems Tool needs to buy some expensive gift for Karlita, as if she wouldn’t do it for a bag of bitesize snickers.

Luci wanders in drink in hand. Capn Morgan always makes it right. Now, this is the same day that Luci already told Nestor that she would drink and she was swiggin straight out of the bottle. Well she seems to have remembered her upperclass status and is now chugging out of a glass. Luci doesn’t drink because she needs to, it is only to keep her thankless children from ever getting her liver.

Damien puts the squeeze on Luci for more dinero to pay off Fernando. Luci says no way. Damien betrayed her for the 431st time when he acted like she destroyed the picture. Damien says well, you tend to due things when you drink. He finally agrees to give her his 20% in the company.

Mili has followed, “Al of the Stiff Legs” outside where he is posed pensively deep in thought on the outside staircase in the garden. Mili asks him what is wrong. His wife has no confidence in him.
---Geez Al, ya think---
He will divorce her. This causes Mili all kinds of tortured grief, no you must stay for the baby. You can’t abandon your baby. Al says he is not “Her Father or in other words” RatBastard Consti. Al says no matter you divorce Hugo or not, I will not stay married to Flor. He has mucho inner resentment against Flor marrying him, knowing he loved his sister who really wasn’t his sister. He also adds he will never abandon his kid, but the continues that he will never stay married to Flor. For added emphasis he walks off again with very stiff legs. Mili is left again to wring her hands over her fate as a poor motherless child.

Mili is now looking at the picture of Ma & Pa, back in happier days…that would be before Pa sold Ma and Mili down the road.. Knock, Knock, Knock….she hides the picture…Why lookie lookie, it is RatBastard child abandoning Pa. He tries to play nice, but alas Mili is in no mood for his crap. He tries to tell her that he is concerned with her shares in the company and he would very much like to represent her. Mili says he must have a lot on his mind, like his political career, his company. Mili asks him how he could abandon his child and marry someone he didn’t love, raise her Bastard and treat said Bastard like crap. She adds she would rather have a dog represent her than have him. OH SNAP. Consti gets that constipated look on his face, but no deal, no words flow out. He leaves, Mili laments.

Meanwhile, Blondie sister is talking to Matt the Rat…He promises to take care of their business. Then he pulls out a ring box with a hefty, I am crazy in love with your money, I mean with you honey, and pulls out a stellar ring. She looks pensive for about 3 seconds then agrees. Matt says he only has the best of intentions towards her and her dinero. Later she shows him a picture of Flor, Blondie and Lobo, that is VillaLobo to you. She says he was a good friend of Ma’s, but not so much Pa’s.
---I am getting a faint alarm on my Bastarddar…Hmmm more secrets?

Now Mili and the Chiclet Posse, Gloria & Lina are talking. Lina is giving them the 411 on her date with Bobby. He wants Novios, but I think they are still just Amigos with a nice chocolate dessert. I dunno, maybe Lina doesn’t want to rush it, but girlfriend has been in love with Bobby for mucho anos.

Now Bobby is forced to look at the pouty face of Al over pizza. Bobby tries to talk a little about Lina, but soon realizes nothing he could say would ever be nearly as interesting as Al’s diatribe about Flor.

Meanwhile, Karla goes to see hawt Tool boy, he gives her a present. (I missed what happened next…I feel confident in saying I am sure it was skanky)

Now we see Mili go in and say something to Hugo who is in his Van Gogh phase and can’t stop painting…awkward moments…Mili goes to bed by herself. Hugo tossed his latest “Mother and Child” paint by number.

Alas so much misery…but wait not everyone is unhappy…
Say audience let’s stroll into the “Musky Smelling Study”, Why it is Consti and Luci yep doing hawt monkey hate sex. See I don’t get this at all. I mean these two hate each other, I have known people who break up and then just keep having hate sex. I don’t get it. I mean is there no bar in this neighborhood? I mean you have already taken a ride on that bus. Jeez there is always another bus coming in 15 minutes.
I really can’t feel sorry for Andrea and Nestor, here is an idea, while you are waiting not to have sex with you mysteriously exhausted better half, why don’t you try reading a book? Huh just get up off your lazy Ass and take a stroll to the study.

Now Mili is standing and looking forlorn and here comes Stiff Al.

The end…

Tomorrow looks like a big board meeting, which before everyone else comes in…Consti & Luci talk about how they could do the Hawt Monkey right there on the table…

Al strolls in, he is Mili rep in the company…much to Hugo fury as the veins pop out on his forehead…

I apologize to all the readers of these recaps…perhaps I have been a bit harsh with Miss Camacho’s eight grade writing class…As I was typing this during “Fuego de Sangre” I was forced to realize that the “Guapos” characters are a freakin brain trust compared to Fuego. At least Al always remember every chick he nailed and the many abandoned children were dropped off at St. Deceptions.


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