Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Doña Bárbara - Tues., Sept. 16 - Marisela plays dress up; DB does witchcraft with underwear

Another good episode.

Marisela makes a play on words in this scene with Casilda that they tried to translate in the titles but it really didn't work. In the titles, they used the similarity between 'dumb' and 'chum'. In Spanish, Marisela tells Casilda that she will teach her to read so Casilda 'no se aburra,' (meaning to be bored or annoyed). What Casilda hears is that Marisela will teach her to read so Casilda 'no sea burra,' (meaning she won't be dumb (like a donkey, a 'burro'). So Casilda asks Marisela if she is saying that Casilda is dumb and Marisela explains and Casilda laughs.

Mauricio is making a documentary about men in the Llanos and he is going to bring movies to the town of Progresso.

Mauricio gives Antonio a book that he says will help him win Cecilia. Again, the titles got it messed up. The title of the book is, "Esclava de tu amor," ("Slave of your love") by Madame Fabulé. The titles said that the author was Madame Bovary, which is the title of a novel by Gustave Flaubert. Antonio seems a little dubious but he takes the book.

Marisela tries on Luisana's clothes, jewelry, make up and shoes. She thinks she looks pretty good (and she does a great imitation of Luisana's voice) until Luisana comes in and pratically dies laughing. Later Luisana gives Marisela the dress.

DB gets on her knees and begs Santos to forgive her but he tells her that he can't love her. She decides to get revenge on her rival, Luisana and punish those who were to blame (not her, of course) for Santos leaving her.

Santos is still trying to sort out his feelings for DB. He tells Antonio that when he is with DB, he feels weak and stupid and he doesn't like that.

On DB's orders, León brings Gervasia to El Miedo. Gervasia reveals that she is pregnant. DB forces Gervasia and León to get on their knees and beg DB to spare their lives. DB then tells Gervasia that she has to go back to Altamira and steal a bunch of stuff from Luisana's room. She does this, narrowly missing being discovered by Luisana.

Then DB does some sorcery that involves burning up some of Luisana's stuff including her underpants that DB is holding here.

Luisana discovers the missing items, which include the necklace that Marisela wore when she dressed up in Luisana's clothes. She concludes that Marisela stole all the stuff.

Antonio goes to town to break up with Federica. He starts off by having a few drinks though, which we may see Josefa use to get Antonio to believe that he had sex with Federica.


El Cuerpo del Deseo, Sept. 16 - We meet Azur, the dog

Hi folks:
I totally agree with your comment yesterday, Marie Celeste. So far this is a very traditional novela. But at least the dog has made its appearance. I guess this is Mario's dog, Mambo, but in the novela, it's name is Azur. The dog recognizes good and evil people: it doesn't like Isabel and her mother. Good dog!!

Mario is still the campesino. I think it said over on TW that the transmigration, or whatever it is, doesn't happen for two weeks. Since we are running two episodes a day, I guess it will happen early next week. We got to see Salavador running around waving his arms like he was being attacked by a cloud of insects, then he collapses. I'm not sure what that was all about. Later we we see him having sex with his wife.

Antonio and Ángela were childhood friends and they reconnect with the difference in their social positions now being more important. I don't have too much of a problem with the guy who plays Antonio. He was in Zorro, too but I agree that Simón is defintely over the top and rather irritating.

Isabel cheats on her husband with Andrés.

Who wears the ugliest outfits - Nina?

or Gaetana?

Nina gets the money she wanted from Pedro José to pay her debts. If I had been PJ, I would have conditioned the payment on Nina leaving his house for good.

PJ continues to be tormented by his visions/nightmares of Salvador. He seeks Gaetana's help to find out what is going on. Gaetana doesn't want anyone to know why she is at the house so PJ says that she is a music teacher. Nina points out that she never hears them play the piano, however. Now Andrés and Isabel want to find out who she is, too.

I thought I had posted a picture of Abigail's down at heels husband, Rodrigo, who turns up but I guess not. It's funny that in English, the name 'Abigail' is two syllables and is such an ordinary name but it's almost unrecognizable in Spanish with four syllables: ah bee guy EEL. 'Nina' also sounds weird to me in Spanish. I keep thinking they are saying 'niña,' a girl or 'nene,' a baby.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Guapos 09-16-08 The Lord Giveth and the Lord Taketh Away

What a long strange trip it’s been, actually not really actually pretty predictable…but it is pretty to think so.

Will Ros leave before ever knowing, hugging or besoing her beautiful daughter…Oh say isn’t so. Paulo that I actually thought was named Pablo calls his crush Brau and gives him the news that Ros is leavin on a Jet Plane and apparently won’t be back again. “No Puede Ser. So here’s the game plan. Drive Ros over to the soccer fields and meanwhile Brau will gather up the posse.

Brau calls Luci who is there with the kid & Nestor. Brau tells Gloria, Horocio & Socorro (Karla’s Ma) that he is Mili’s Uncle, Ma ain’t dead and we all need to get to the soccer field and stop her from leaving.

Meanwhile, somewhere in traffic, Andrea is in one car with Damien who has a big heaping helping of McSmirk on his face. He wish he could see the face of Consti, when Consti watches the video.
Paulo & Ros are in the next car ; Mili & Al are in a beat-up volkswagon bug taxi right behind them. Alas none see the others.

Consti is being driven home by Chamaco. Consti is yelling to hurry up. Chamaco says he is driving the speed limit. Consti says drive faster. Consti will take responsibility if they are caught. As if…

Over in the Park, Bobby, Lina & Hugo are dressed in their street people garb. Bobby is strumming the guitar and Lina is banging the tambourine, so far they have made 15 pesos. Hugo is pretty nervous.

Karla finally arrives and Lina in her ultra naca stoner voice starts giving Karla some jibes. Karla really is trying to be nice to her, but for Lina it is payback time. Oh Lina, you wouldn’t be so snarky if Karla knew who you were. Hugo talks to Karla for awhile and starts singing. Hugo sings some romantic song and he sound really good. As for the lyrics, well you know me.

As Hugo is singing we see…..

Meanwhile Damien & Andrea are driving off on their new life. They are driving to Toluca. I myself have traveled that road. It goes up through like pine forest, the altitude is really high and I think you are above the leafed tree zone. The altitude is 8793 ft. However, our two fleeing lovers never get to enjoy the lack of oxygen and they start kissing and smack in a totally surprising, not used in a hundred TeleNovelas, the car runs into a huge truck. We see Damian through the windshield, but the windshield is smashed up and there is blood all over the inside.

Consti runs inside and starts racing around the house looking for Damien, up the stairs and down the stairs, no one is home. Finally he is panting so bad I think awesome, he is going to have a heart attack. No such luck.

Hugo finishes singing and he and Karla have a big lip lock as the passerbyers, give him a rousting round of applause. You can tell Karla is really enchanted with Hugo. He wants to kiss her again, but she says she can only be friends with him. He asks questions about Damien & Hugo. Karla is so over them, she has no idea where they are. She is a single mom, no time for romance.

Brau & Horacio see Chamaco and tell him that they have to go to the soccer fields. He says he can’t the Patron told him to wait. Nope they drag him off. Consti is rapidly losing any respect anyone still had for him. Consti is so last century.

Consti slams the doors of the study better known as the rent it by the hour sex studio. He sees an envelope on the desk. There is a DVD and he plays it. Now this was seriously the high-light of the show.
Damien and Andrea are in the bed. They say, “Surprise”.
Andrea---When did it start? When you were in jail, you know I don’t like sleeping alone.
Damien---and we are off to a grand life spending the money I got for 60% of the company.
Andrea---Damien is a better Amante than you.
Damien –Attention.
(jeez I was rolling at that).

Moving right along..Karla asks Hugo to let her buy him dinner. Hugo declines, but they are hawt together.

Ros arrives at the soccer field and everyone stands around staring. She is so bonita…
The poor folks are thinking she is the best thing since Pancho Villa & the redistribution of land…
The rich folks are thinking she is the best thing since the PAN party, and 70 years of rule and getting our riches back..Everyone smiles at each other, unware of the parallel universes.

The Paramedics arrive and get Damien & Andrea out. Damien says save --------- and -----------. I can’t remember their names, but dead wife and dead girlfriend of Hugo. Paramedics drag a blanket over Andrea head, there are no other people here, they tell him. Damien snaps out of his DeJaVu only it really isn’t just the sense of having done something before, Dude has had two fatal accidents. They tell him the chic is dead & by the by can we call someone? Folks I’m stunned I guess it really wasn’t true TeleNovela love…Damien doesn’t break down into the real love gritoing, angsty, Oh Gawd Oh Gawd take me…..normal TeleNovela love speak. Instead he says call my son Hugo, it is a local call.

Meanwhile, Hugo is talking love talk to Karla and telling her he is going to come and see her later.

Mili finally arrives the field of dreams and orphans. It is your Ma, it is your daughter, Al tells her to hug her, go…finally they run and embrace each other. Yadda Yadda Yadda, a moment worthy of the LifeTime channel. Actually don’t hate me, but I do think they kinda of look alike and seem to share a penchant for bad fashion and stringy hair. I wonder if they made Mili start wearing that nasty hair cause Ma was coming? Anyway there is not a dry eye on the field.

Consti sits at home sucks to be him. Not as bad as it sucks to be Andrea, but bad still in all.

Back at the field. Everyone is happy. Everyone gets introduced. Nestor introduces himself and Al says he is my Pa. Ya think? As the eyes glace across the uber-Anglo grouping, like yeah and if I was Consti, I’d get Val DNA tested too. Good times, good times. This calls for a party later in the real house, the comfortable house, not the Mansion of lies and bad times.

Everyone leaves and Al, Mili, Ma & baby stay behind to chat.

Hugo is in his room putting on his “The Real Hugo” disguise. He spots a card on the bed. It is from Pa.

Dear Hugo,
I’ve run off with a hawt chick. I sold 60% of the company. By the by, this would be a great time to re-hook up with Mili. Al is doing Ros Dillando (or whatever). Swoop in and she can be yours. Forget about Karla.
Have a great life…
Damien (dude doesn’t even say Dad).

Perleta has arrived to tell Consti, he is a shoe in for the Party President. So it’s not all bad news.

During the sit-down at Soccer world. Mili & Ma lament, each tells their personal story of bad times. Mili does not want Ma to get revenge on Consti. Personally Al hates him and wouldn’t mind kicking his Ass. Me too Al. Mili wants to talk to him, she sees goodness in him. Whatever. Mili does talk about growning up without the love of parents and how she had to watch him lavish love on Val, while treating her as the hire help. They stand up and Al has his arms around both women and the baby is there. Al says they are the three women he loves most in the world. I think I saw something like that once or twice on Springer---okay just kidding, Al is sincere.

The happy group get in the car and as they drive off they are followed by a dark SUV.

Over at the pole dancing palace…hey did you all know, they want to introduce pole dancing to the Olympics? Oh and you thought the ribbon dancing was festive.

Karla is telling Chunky Twin & Cuban guy about “Street Hugo” she wants them to give him a job singing. Chunky is not too down with this. I think she likes her girls, tough and money-making. Karla wants to change her life, it all isn’t money anymore.

Hugo comes downstairs and he has the card. Consti has a bad ass case of the crazy eyes. They discuss Damien. He sold the company to Ros Dillano. Hugo is like the one that Al is boinking? Consti is so desperate for his old lauding it over someone, that he says, yes…you can kill Al and get Mili back. Hugo knows crazy when he sees it. He backs off, he says he has been miserable at the house and wants to leave. Fine…Fine leave and don’t come back.

At the good house. Baby is on the sidewalk in the stroller. Someone comes up and starts messing with the blanket, it is Flor. Ros sees her and takes the baby. Flor just says she is such a pretty baby. Ros says she is the grandma. Grandma? Flor gets the CliffNotes version. You are Mili’s Ma? I thought she was an orphan. Not now. Poor Flor is left standing on the street.

The End

As for my assetment of Consti...He is was and will continue to be a RatBastard...we all know he is going to have some huge epiphany. I don't think it counts when you see the error of your ways cause no one can stand to be in the same house with you. He just is scared to be alone. He really is a very small man.
Thanks for reading these...I am going to Fuegodoom - Thurs. except I don't think it is on this Thurs.


Querida Enemiga Tuesday Sept. 16, '08 Episode 61 Barbara's Ready to be an Equal Opportunity "Employer"

Relationships are ending in this one; others are beginning, including an especially icky one with Barbara and Chalo. They haven't done the deed yet, but let's just say the groundwork has been laid (no pun intended).

But "paso a paso". Let's start with the rehash. Ernesto is worried about Ivan's whereabouts. Bruno, in a moment alone with Hortensia, calls her a damned vegetable and threatens to dump Diana in Vasco's arms if Horty doesn't come through with the money. His bedside manner is somewhat lacking, I'd say...although it does get a strong response from Hortensia. Her eyes open way wide when he leaves. Actually he probably did her a lot of good. She's determined to get better now!

Meanwhile, Chalo is still laying it on thick with Barbara and she's lapping it up. First he praises her fighting ability, taking on those thugs who were following her jogging venture. Sure hope you have that same fire in other endeavors...hint hint. In addition, he proposes taking her to a little restaurant called Doña Paula's as a way of thanking her for all her sartorial advice. Reading her hesitation accurately, he assures her that none of her friends would frequent such a place, but the food IS delicious ("a chuparse los dedos"...finger-lickin' good).

Ernesto's trying to figure out where to find Ivan, and Lorena accompanies him to Bettina's but unfortunately Bettina knows even less than they do. She still hasn't even heard that Ivan's parents have died.

At work, Vasco's called a meeting of the troops. Sara's got a cocktail dress on , from the looks of the neckline, but he's not distracted. Ditto for Jacqui who's in a strapless dress. Is this office attire in the DF? Sara sneers at him not to act like the boss but he persists...he wants the records and he wants to go over every one of them. Oily Ickturo tries to gain his confidence but Vasco replies that he doesn't trust anybody at this point. Clearly he's inherited Hortensia's brains if not her rapaciousness. We need to cut back on personnel and cut back on costs, he tells them. How can I support you if you don't trust me? snaps Sara.

Don Toribio and Bettina run into Ivan's friend ,Tony, who tells them how he learned of Ivan's parents' the papers. He hasn't seen Ivan at all and while he's tried to call him, he's gotten no answer. Bettina cries, thinking about how much Ivan must be hurting, and Toribio tries to console her with a grandfatherly hug. And adds that if Ivan hasn't contacted her, he needs to be allowed to grieve in his own way.

Meanwhile, back at the firm, Sara and Arturo are making fun of Vasco. Arturo does a pretty good imitation of his solemn speech and Sara adds that he needs to go back to "saving the dolphins and get out of their way. Arturo smiles and makes his pitch: If I support you and don't tell Vasco you've been diverting funds, then I want a share. Forty per cent of your take. Sara does the "how dare you, I'm the one with power" bit but he's not swayed. All right. I'll take thirty-five per cent...I hate to haggle with a "lady". She's furious but he's got her where he wants her. For now anyway.

At the billiards hall, Ivan is shooting pool, taking a swig of someone's beer, and being confronted by one of his schoolmates who lets him know his uncle has learned of his absences and he'd better get home. Ivan is rude, as usual, and says he's sick of this kid's sermons. At least Ivan is consistent. He's rude and nasty to everyone, and I must point out, that he was plenty rude to Ernesto even before his parents died. So we can't blame it all on angry grief.

Now we switch to the clinic where Bruno and Alonso are talking about Hortensia's condition. Alonso asks Bruno to call Sara since he's avoiding her. Bruno's game, especially since he figures if he can't get any money out of the old bat, he'll extract it from Sara. Hey, I'm almost feeling sorry for our villaness!

Of course Sara is outraged when Bruno calls and wonders how he got her number. Bruno happily rubs salt in the wound, telling her Alonso gave it to him because he doesn't want anything more to do with her. What a charmer, this one!

Now a great scene with Chalo and Barbara at the restaurant. He's chewing with his mouth open, spewing food while talking at the same time, yelling for more salsa....the whole naco bit though I've known a few guys like that myself. Especially the chowing down hastily like it's their last meal. But I digress. She corrects his manners and we see she's got plans for making him the next acceptable bedmate. He schmoozes some more, calling her the queen of France. She simpers that there have been no queens in that country for at least 200 years. Hey, so what...he's got a queen right there at his table. More simpering and gooey looks. Aaaarrgggh.

Meanwhile, her soon-to-be-ex is contemplating his freedom with good pal Maruja. Jaime can't believe he stayed so long with such a superficial woman. Maruja points out that one can get so used to living badly that it seems normal. But does he ever think of marrying again? Not now, he assures her. He needs to find a job, and find himself. Until then he has nothing to offer a woman. And with his age and his paltry curriculum, it won't be easy to find a job, but he'll manage somehow. As he changes the subject by offering her coffee, she muses sadly, ah, he only thinks of me as a friend.

Bettina is still crying. Not "ugly crying" don't qualify for that category. But she's a persistent crier, that's for sure. Dad Dario tries to console her but she argues that when one loves somebody, one wants to be there for them "en las buenas y en las malas". He needs me! She also realizes she would just die if something happened to her own parents. She never realized life could be so tough.

And now we see our suffering Ivan, standing by the spot where his parents met their death. He's so preoccupied, he steps out in front of a car but is snatched back by a pedestrian. They talk about the accident because this fellow saw it and called the ambulance. He tells Ivan that the couple died instantly. Did you know them? he adds. Ivan says no, rejecting another opportunity to vent, and goes on his way.

Back at Ernesto's apartment the subject, of course, is Ivan. When is he coming home? What do I say to him? Lorena advises Ernesto not to chew him out (regañar). But things go from bad to worse. Ernesto finds chewing gum on his dining room table (Lord, this is bringing back memories!) Alex claims to know nothing about it (more memories!) but Ernesto points out that it had to be him, Gina doesn't chew gum. Alex fires back in're an hysterical ogre...Ivan was don't love us!. Lorena has to leave for class. She and Ernesto exchange a perfunctory peck (I guess I missed all the good kissing when I was down in Charlotte and then back in Columbus but without power). After she goes, the maid enters with the news that Gina has wet the bed again during her nap (oh my, more memories). Clearly Ernesto is deciding that parenthood is not for him....and who could blame him?

Meanwhile, at Paula's apartment, Bettina is also sleeping, having cried her eyes out. Dario is ready to jump back into the relationship and Paula is understandably cautious. (Victimizers want to get the past behind them and move on....but victims have long memories. That's just how it is, folks.) Dario is all confidence and "let's get it on"...his love is so strong it will heal all wounds. He moves in for the kiss but Paula pushes him gently away. " Qué?" he asks. It's just that I can't believe you're kissing me again, she replies. But then they do...a longer one...but she still looks thoughtful (as well she might!) She points out that if their reconciliation fails, it will be even more painful for the three of them than before. Of course he's sure that it's all gravy from here on.

Now Ivan arrives home and he and Ernesto lock horns. Where have you been!? And smelling of alcohol! (more parental memories...damn this is a difficult episode to recap!) What would your father think!? Don't bring him up...and quit playing papa! Get your own kids...any of those prostitutes you hang around with would be happy to give you kids, replies Ivan.

Ernesto grabs him and shakes him by the shoulders, telling him to respect him. (Frankly I thought Ernesto showed great restraint, considering....) But Ivan continues to act outraged, claiming his parents never laid a finger on him. (I'm tempted to say something here but I won't...I won't!)

Happier family times with Paula, Dario and Bettina...the latter so pleased her parents are getting back together.

Now how about Arturo and Jacqui getting together?....well, that's not going so well. She's griping about the hotel and wants to move it with her oily new lover. He reminds her that he lives with his mom. Well get me an apartment then. With what? he asks. She thinks he's making plenty of money with all his "investments" but he counters that he's not making enough to get her the digs she deserves. Wily fellow.

And now, back to Chalo's calculated seduction. Barbara's looking pensive, holding the divorce proceeding papers and they discuss her marriage. Jaime wed her because his mother liked her. And she...she was in love with love...or maybe just the routine of marriage (read, financial support here) but she grew disillusioned. Well so did Chalo. A bad woman betrayed him. The two disappointed lovers look each other over. Yep, something is definitely brewing here.

But not at Alonso's apartment. His relational skills really suck, I gotta say. Sara arrives. What are you doing here? I don't want to see you. You're crazy. He literally shoves her out the door. Good grief, I don't like the broad either, but buddy, use your listening skills for a minute. Really! Anyway, she whines at the door that she luuuuuves him and he mutters to himself, damn the moment that I ever got involved with her!

Ernesto's relational skills have hit bottom also. He's yelling at everyone in the kitchen. The chicken is disgusting, the tamarind sauce is awful. You made it Lorena?! What do they teach you in school!? She does her "poor me" look and he apologizes while Maruja calmly instructs everyone to do the chicken and sauce over.

He pulls Lorena aside for a little chat (again, an impossibility in a normally busy restaurant kitchen) and tells Lorena that he can't deal with the kids, especially Ivan who's impossible and arrived home smelling of alcohol. Lorena advises him not to take a decision that he'll regret. He's firm....he'll miss them but he just can't do it.

Decisions, decisions...Paula's not sure about hers either. And Papa Toribio is lukewarm at best about her reconciling with Dario. She asks him about Amalia. Amalia who? He's not going there so they return to discussing her situation. Bettina wants her dad to move back in right away, but Paula admits that she's still resentful. At this point, Bettina pops in, doesn't want breakfast, dad's waiting to take her to school and of course, once outside, she softsoaps him into taking her by Ivan's school.

Meanwhile, Paula's still mulling over her decision. She thought once she beat out Jacqui she'd be happy. But now she's remembering things that make her how much more Dario spent on Jacqui than he ever did on her and Bettina. Toribio advises her to confront her angry feelings but then move on and forgive. (easier said than done Papa Toribio, sez I)

Angry feelings are also the topic in Ernesto's car as he drives the kids to school. I want to talk to you after school, he says. What have we done? wails little Gina. Ivan points out that he's the one to blame so don't take it out on his brother and sister. Clearly you're fed up with us,he adds. Ernesto refuses to take the bait but repeats that they will talk after school.

Lorena's going over the same ground with Maruja and Rossy, telling them how Ernesto can't cope. Maruja, as a parent, easily understands how Ernesto feels overwhelmed. Rossy unfortunately adds, he's used to a mountain of women, not a bunch of kids. That rekindles Lorena's fear of falling in love and then being dumped like all his other novias. Maruja and Rossy backtrack and advise her to slow down with the future forward anxiety already! They've just started the relationship after all. They decide to go cheer up Zulema who's been down in the dumps ever since Sara left home. (of course we know that's not all that's bothering her)

Anyway, the scene switches to Zully lurking outside the mansion with Julian beside her, trying to talk her out of trying to see Sara. He finally succeeds just as Chalo drives up with Barbara in tow. What's that idiot doing here, Julian wonders.

Well, one thing the idiot is doing is continuing his calculated seduction of Barbara (not that she's offering much resistance). You'll feel better once the divorce is over, he assures her. You're so attractive, you'll be beating off the guys with a club! "Solterita la vida es más bonita" he adds.

Sara has managed to sneak into Hortensia's room while Augusta is absent and is whispering sweet nothings like I'm going to send you to the other world! Why don't you hurry up and die so I can have all your money and take over completely! Augusta rushes to the rescue and shoos Sara out, reassuring Hortensia that she'll never leave her alone again. (you have to wonder when Augusta sleeps or even goes to the bathroom, for God's sakes...but again, I digress).

Bettina has finally found Ivan outside of his school and he rebuffs her with the same rudeness as everyone else. She wants to "share his pain". He assures her this is an illusion. No one can. She loves him. He doesn't love her. In fact he doesn't love anybody. When you love people you can lose them. He's going to protect himself from now on. Little brother and sister watch this sad scene from Ernesto's car and then they drive off. Dario tries to console Bettina with a fatherly hug.

Meanwhile, we see that Augusta and Hortensia have worked out a way to communicate. Eyes wide open means "yes". Eyes shut means "no". Hortensia confirms that yes, Sara did threaten her, but no, she doesn't want Vasco to know yet that she can communicate. (love how all these telenovela plots thrive on keeping pointless secrets).

Well, no secret that Barbara wants to get this divorce business over with pronto. Clearly our underemployed redhead is poised to move on. But not without playing the "victim card" a bit longer. When Vasco asks her if there's any chance of reconciliation, she apart?... clearly your father doesn't care about me. Jaime takes a gentler approach, saying he understands Vasco's wish for his parents to stay together, but both he and Barbara have decided a divorce is for the best. We end this scene with a long shot of Vasco looking sad.

Omar, on the other hand is looking happy. He's just gotten his hands on Victor's prescription for Viagra and Omar's sure this is going to solve all his problems.

Ernesto, picking up the kids' toys and books in the bedroom (more parental memories although the mess was much greater in my kids' rooms) he tells himself that "it's for the best". I'm just going to hurt them. They're better off with Gladys. He calls her, tells her she's right and he's ready to turn them over.

We switch now to Zulema, Maruja and Lorena at the market where she's picking out food to prepare for tonight's dinner with Diana and Bruno. Zully and Lorena both marvel at how they both react the same way to food, being "cocineras de corazon". At the same time, Julian is with Rossy and giving her the 411 about seeing Chalo driving a car at the mansion. How did he get that work!? Well, your "hermanita" is capable of anything, quips Rossy. She's not my sister! he protests. (how right you are, Julian)

Rossy passes on the news to Lorena later, who muses that Sara is a "porqueria" of a human being and that she and Chalo are "tal para cual" (two of a kind).

Another porqueria of a human being is our Bruno who's trying to get out of having dinner with his in-laws. Diana is upset. He's fed up with the whole marriage thing. Promises he'll "try and get out of work" but we know he's fibbing.

At the same time, Alonso is talking with Florencia. Inappropriately, I might add. He tells her he broke up with his girlfriend so now nothing stands in the way of their getting married. Sure, he's kidding. But still....Knowing how patients transfer their emotions to their doctors (remember how you fell in love with your ob/gyn when you were pregnant, gals?) this is an odd tack to take. Florencia replies she'll never marry anybody because she's going to die. Not so, says Alonso. We've found a donor match and will proceed with a bone marrow transplant. She's thrilled that her prayers have been answered. I'm appalled that he's making promises he might not be able to keep. Still, as Bernie Siegel says, there's no "false hope"...certainly not in
telenovelas anyway.

Jaime and Barbara are having an amicable post-divorce chat on the steps of the courthouse. She tells him she's learning to approach life from another vantage point (under Chalo). He hopes she'll find the love she deserves (under Chalo). Off she trots, and Jaime is left there looking thoughtful. He slowly removes his wedding ring and puts it in his pocket.

Vasco is having a serious talk with Arturo about the financial problems of the business and the danger of bankruptcy. Arturo does a little fast talking about getting new accounts and purveyors and making up the losses by year's end. At the same time, Sara is reaming out Jacqui about arranging a buffet dinner for only 50 and doing it without Sara's approval. The discussion quickly escalates and Sara fires her. Jacqui demands compensation. Sara refuses. Stop by personnel, don't come back and get out of my office. It's not YOUR office, replies Jacqui. It's Hortensia's and no matter how long you're here, you'll never be able to fill her shoes.

We end this episode with Ernesto helping Alex and Gina play with some toys on the floor and telling them that they'll be going to their Aunt Gladys' home to live. Alex, quick on the draw as usual, says that Ivan is right. You're an egotist. You never liked us. You promised you'd take care of us but we're just a bother to you.

The scene ends with Ernesto looking disturbed..but I hate to say this...his disturbed look is a lot like Alonso's...more reminiscent of emotional constipation. And on that note we end.

* * *

Vocabulary, such as it is, is embedded. It's good to be back, folks. I missed the shows, the recaps and the comments. It was great to be with the grandkids, not so great to be dealing with severe storm damage and power outages on our return to Columbus. But hopefully, things will get my life... if not in this telenovela!


Guapos: Monday 9/15/08- The end is near....

Mili had words with Rosela (Rosario) and decides she’s had enough. Mili heads home and comes upon Luci with the baby. She takes notice of the necklace little Rosario is wearing and reflects back on what Rosela told her about giving a gift to her daughter and giving the same gift to Mili’s daughter. Mili just can’t grasp the idea that this woman could be her mother…..even though Luci asks her if she’s sure her mother died. Mili can’t believe the people at the convent would lie to her. Luci, following the adage, you can lead a horse to water, doesn’t tell all to Mili. She’s leaving it to her to process it out. (Oh yeah, earlier, right when the show started, Luci tells Nestor that Rosela is really Mili’s mother---and yet another person knows the truth before Mili).

Rocky is upset that he and Val broke up and he bemoans to Horacio that there is no way Connie will let him in the mansion. Horacio says he’ll help.

Hugo goes to visit Bobby and asks for use of Bobby’s guitar playing ability in his ever complicated plot to find out if Karla will fall in love when money isn’t involved (I’m betting for a yes, because we only have so much time left in this novela).
Al talks to Padre Manuel, who encourages him to make amends with Nestor. PM tells Al that Nestor’s his brother, so Al’s his nephew.

Damian and Andrea scheme and plan to take flight the next day.

Val talks to Ramses II and finds out that he had a hand in getting Rocky and the girls together. Val is angry and tells Ramses that even though he’s good looking, she wouldn’t fall for him, even if he were the last man on earth---she loves Rocky and he’s the only one for her.

Mili goes to Padre Manuel and asks for the truth about what happened with her mother. PM doesn’t tell her, but in his not telling, he tells her. Mili goes to the chapel to pray. She doesn’t want this woman to be her mother, because if her mother didn’t die when she was born, then she abandoned her for many years. Al finds Mili in the chapel and alls well between the two of them.

Horacio sneaks Rocky into the mansion, but Connie catches them. Rocky tries to plead his case to Val. She’s willing to listen, but Connie insists on being privy to whatever conversation they have. Rocky doesn’t mind. He tells Val that he was drunk and she says that’s no excuse. He reminds her that after he’s had a few copas, what happens. Val remembers that he passes out, and she flings her arms around him---all is forgiven. Connie is incensed. He threatens Val, he’s going to take her credit cards away and disinherit her. She doesn’t care, she has all she needs in Rocky. They leave and Connie is once again steaming that his daughter is with the chauffer. He goes up to his room to pout. Andrea comes in and tries to play the proper part of a concerned lover, but her heart’s not into it….oh, that would be because she doesn’t have a heart. Connie goes on about how he’s still got Mili and he’ll tell her the truth, that he’s her dad. That’ll make everything better.

Rosela decides that she’s got to leave town. Paolo scolds her for fleeing from her problems once again, but she’s not listening. She decides to go take a gander at the soccer field prior to leaving….that’s where she saw Mili happy.

Mili tells Al that she thinks Rosela is her mother. Al says they need to talk and they head out to Rosela’s hotel. When they get there they find out, unlike the Hotel California, she’s checked out and left. Mili is distraught, she’s been abandoned all over again.

Connie finds out from the lawyer with the icky grandson (can’t remember his name, is it something like Robledo?---well you know who I’m talking about)….where was I, oh yeah, Connie finds out that Damian took Mili’s shares of the company, using that document he had Mili sign. AND, Damian has sold those, along with another 40% of the company shares (I think Luci’s and Al’s/ Hugo’s? can’t remember) to Rosela. Connie is incensed again----this woman has a majority share in his company all to the likes of Damian. He calls home and finds out from Andrea that Damian is home, he tells Andrea not to forewarn Damian, but Connie’s coming home to kick some butt. Unbeknownst to Connie, Andrea and Damian were in the middle of packing when the call came in, they throw the rest of the things in bags and head out…..leaving behind some 100 odd pair of Andrea’s shoes.

Bobby and Lina are disguised as hippies and they meet Hugo (in his bum clothes) in the park. They are waiting for Karla. Lina says she wishes that she could tell Socorrito that Karla is okay, but Hugo says that Karla has her pride (or something along those lines, as I truly doubt that Karla has pride, but this is after all the new kinder gentler Karla, so perhaps she does have some pride now….. I still doubt it, but I’ll just go along for the sake of it). Bobby and Lina compliment Hugo on looking out for Karla every night at the club.

Al suggests to Mili that Braulio might know where Rosela’s gone to. Mili shows some shock that Braulio knew her mom was back in town and not dead. Al tells Mili that not only did he know, but so did Al and Luci, oh yeah and Padre Manuel. They didn’t tell her because they thought it should come from Rosela and PM was sworn to secrecy under the rules of Confession.

Paolo calls Braulio and tells him that Rosela’s about to fly the coop, leave DF. Braulio is impactado. END OF EPISODE


Guapos Monday 9/15/08 Discussions?

Is anyone doing a recap today? I recall there may have been confusion over whether Cathy was able to do it. If not, here is a place for discussions.


Monday September 15, Episode # 60, Querida: It’s a naco!... no! it’s a gandalla! ! It’s Super Chalo to the rescue!!!

HI everybody this is your substitute recapper. I missed the beginning of the show I’m sorry, but I’m sure it wasn’t much (I hope!). Here is for your enjoyment … Querida Enemiga episode # 60. Enjoy!

We now have the opening scene thanks to Julie.

Ivan is telling Gladys what a lousy dad Ernesto is, and what a womanizer he is. As if to prove his point, Monica shows up and Ivan identifies her as another girlfriend. He says there's that one, and then there's the "Guerita pesada" petulant blondie. There is more bickering and Gladys says she'll fight for custody and she leaves. Ivan says he wants to live with Gladys and also leaves.Monica asks Ern if Lorena is the "other one," the blonde Ivan mentioned. Ernie says Lorena's not the OTHER one, she's the ONLY one, and he and Monica are NOTHING, not even friends. Ouch!

Paula has called to an emergency meeting of the club of divorcees. She tells them that she wants to plan a good bye party for Valeria, she is moving to Cabo. They wonder about the kids, they are going to miss their father, and their father is going to miss them. Maruja says that Ickturo brought it on himself.

Alonslow is saying good bye to Valeria. He tells her that he is going to miss her. Valeria tells him that she is going to miss him and all of her friends too. Alonslow tells her not to be sad maybe she’ll find a good man over there. She smiles and tells him that she wishes he can also find a good woman. They promise to each other that they will e-mail and chat.

Paula tells the girls that their party will be a happy one. Greta wonders if maybe Valeria made it easy for Ickturo to go out with women. Paula points out that he did it when he was married. Greta changes the conversation and asks about Dario, she tells her not to take long in deciding or else she is going to lose him again. Maruja tells Greta that Paula doesn’t have to worry about being alone, she still has Raymundo.
Speaking of the devil, Raymundo and Ernesto are talking. Ernesto tells him that he is ready to come back. Raymundo wants to make sure he is really ready to come back and asks him who is staying with the kids. Ernesto tells him that he has made arrangements; however he is worried about his sister in law, Gladis. She told him that she wants the kids and will fight for them. Ray tells him not to worry, the kids are happy with him. Ernesto also tells him that Lorena is his girlfriend now, and that this relationship won’t interfere with his job. Ray tells him that he knows he can trust him because he is a pro.

Monica finds Ivan in the street. He asks her if she was following him. She tells him that she followed him that whole day and now she knows that he is not going to school. Monica tells him that she’ll keep his secret, but she needs to talk to him in private. She asks him to get in the car, but Ivan is not interested, whatever she wants to say, she can say it right there. In short Monica wants Ivan to help makes Lorena and Ernesto’s life a living hell. Ivan is not interested, and tells her not to bother trying to black mail him, if she wants to go and tell his uncle, he doesn’t care.

Amelia aka black widow is on the phone talking to a friend. She asks for money, but it seems that the friend knows her very well because she refuses to lend her the money. She is sad because she wants to return the money to Toribio. She thinks audibly that she’ll have to take drastic measures to get the money. We are left to wonder what she would regard as a “drastic measure”.

Toribio is still at Paula’s and he is calling his old patients to see if they need help or maybe they’ll know somebody that needs help. He wants to work because he doesn’t like to live out of her daughter charity and he needs to distract himself to forget Amalia because she broke his heart.

Valeria the kids the mother in law from hell (MLFH for short), are at a park to say their final good byes. Valeria tells Ickturo that they will be waiting for him in December. He tells her that he’ll be there. MLH tries to make her feel bad for the last time, but Valeria has the last word when she tells Ickturo that she hopes he can find somebody to love him, but he is going to have to ditch his mother if he wants to be happy.

Vasco talks to Jacky. He tells her that he doesn’t trust Sara and need her help. He needs her to observe and find out everything that she can of Sara.

Chalo asks barb if he looks better now. She smells him and looks at him appreciatively and tells him that he looks much better but he needs to change also his language. Chalo asks for a permit to go visit a pretend girlfriend. Barb acts right away and tells him that he can’t do personal things during work hours. She has something else in mind for him. She tells him to have the car ready because she is going out.

Greta is talking to the crazy lady (sorry guys I don’t know her name), the one that rented Jaime a room. She is reading her the cards, and tells her that she sees a rich man in her future. Jaime enters. The lady tells her that Maruja brought him. She also wonders if maybe this is the guy that the cards are talking about. She tries to convince Greta to go for it, but after the Ray debacle, she is a little more careful picking up her targets. She is nervous and tells crazy Lady to stop giving her ideas.

Barbara idea was to have Chalo follow her in the car while she runs. Chalo laughs because his plan worked.

Lorena is leaving and forgot her umbrella. She is about to go back when ALonslow shows up. He wants an explanation about Chalo (Ed comment; what the @#$%$#@%^& is he thinking?!!). Lorena, along with all of us that are convinced that Ernesto is a better choice, points out that it is too late. Alonslow pleads; He wants her to tell him what was between her and Chalo. Lorena tells him that when she wanted to tell him he didn’t give her a chance. She asks him if Sara knows that he is there. He tells her that they broke up, because Alonslow always loved Lorena and it was a waste effort to try to forget her. Lorena tells him that it is a wasted effort to try and go back to their relationship –You are not the right man for me. Alonslow asks her if Ernesto is the man for her. Lorena tells him that yes, Ernesto is more mature and he would have let Lorena explain. Alonslo pleads some more, we hear thunder in the background

Sara arrives to the hospital looking for Alonslow, but finds Bruno. She is sarcastic and mean when asking for ALonslow. She tells him that he needs him because he is her grandma’s Doctor, and is time for her check up. Bruno offers his services as a Doctor to do the check up, but Sara refuses and tells him to tell Alonslow that she came.

In the mean time Alonslow is still with Lorena. The rain is now pouring and he tells her that it is just like the first day they met. He hugs her, but Lorena pushes him back and tells him to let her go. She is really mad and lets him have it. ALonslow recognizes that he failed her. She tells him that he failed both of them, but the worst part was to get tangled with Sara, why did he had to that?. She tells him good bye and goes back inside the house. Once inside, she tells to herself that Alonslow is not going to make her doubt her feelings for Ernesto, she is really over Alonslow.

Maruja is talking to Zulema. She is eating like there is no tomorrow. She adds a lot of syrup to her pancakes, and tells Maruja that there is no need for her to diet if nobody cares. Maruja can just stare.

Omar is at his desk thinking about his little problem, when a delivery arrives. It is for his boss and it is conveniently wrapped in a see thru bag. Invading his boss’s privacy he reads the label and realizes that it is medication for erectile dysfunction. He is surprised to find out that (to borrow Ferro’s expression) his boss’s little soldier can’t salute. His boss walks in and he gives him the pills, but we can see that the power balance has been switched. Omar is happy but his boss looks embarrassed.

Lorena leaves the house after changing. Alonsow is in full stalker mode, he is sitting in his car waiting for her. He sees her leave and thinks out loud how stupid he was for letting her go.

Betina is at her computer. Toribio tells her to stop thinking on Ivan, Betina tells him that it is not that simple, and asks him to stop thinking on Amanda. Toribio tells her that he wasn’t in love with her ant to stop bothering him.
Bruno is reading some papers (I think that it is Hortencia’s medical record) he is very mad and can believe Hortensia had the bad taste of falling from the stairs. He is wondering who is going to give him the rest of his money, when Diana enters. She tells him that she came by to show him the stroller she wants to buy for the baby. He explodes when he sees the price and yells at her that they can’t afford it, Diana tells him that they can buy it in payments. (?) (Me wonders what kind of stroller is this that is so expensive, that you have to make payments, maybe is this one. ) He gets really out of shape and yells at her that what part of they can’t afford it she didn’t understand. She yells back at him that she’ll buy it with her own money. Bruno tells her to stop yelling, she tells him that he started it.

Lorena and Maruja are at the kitchen of great food when Ernesto and Ray arrive. Ernesto tells everybody that he is ready to come back and thanks them for maintaining the kitchen running when he was indispoused. Lorena hugs him and calls him my love. The other cooks look impactados. Ernesto tells them that he and Lorena are an item now, but that won’t interfere with work.

Amalia comes to Alonslow’ and gives him some of the money. She tries to spin a sob story on how she had to take her things to a pawn shop, but Alonslow being the cold hearted guy that we know him to be, is not interested. Amalia tells him that she understand that he is still upset at her, but she wants to show him that she really loves Toribio, and doesn’t want to harm him. Alonslow tells her that it is too late for that.

Party time! They club of divorcees goes to Marujas house Valeria tells them that she is going to miss them all, they tell her not to be sad because tonight they celebrate!

Zulema keeps on eating she thinks that she is going to get fatter but she doesn’t care because her life is a total disaster; her husband is having an affair, her daughter is married and gone and her little one will get married any day now.

The club is celebrating they are cheering and drinking. Maruja says she drinks to Valeria and wishes that valeria has a good life. Greta drinks to Valeria too and wishes that she finds a good man and enjoys him. Paula drinks to Valeria’s happiness. Valeria drinks to her children and their happiness. After the drinks they dance and Paula says that she should have celebrated her divorce the same way. Greta tells Valeria that she should open a clinic to help women recover their self esteem after a divorce. They all drink to that.

Bruno arrives to his house. He looks repented, and asks Diana to please forgive him because he is very tense. He brought them (Diana and Baby a gift) Diana opens the bag and it is a book of baby names. Bruno is very sweet and tells her that he is always thinking on his baby. They start looking at names.

Zulema’s participation in this whole episode can be resumed in one word EATING, because that ‘s what she did during the whole hour. Rosi arrives and wants to go to Julian’s room, but Zulema doesn’t let her because Julian has a surprise. Julian comes out and takes her to his room.

This is a very funny segment. Omar arrives to a pharmacy and asks for the blue pills that help with men problems. The pharmacist tells him that medications are bought by name not by color, and tells him that as far as she knows there are no pills that help with alcoholism, laziness and poverty (you know men’s problems?) Omar is very nervous and tells her that he is not talking about those problems, he wants those pills that help a man when he wants to have relations with a women but can’t. The pharmacist then yells –ahhhh, you want pills to help you with an erectile dysfunction. If that’s what you want, you have to say it with its entire letters ERECTILE DYSFUCTION. By now a bunch of people is waiting in line and are listening to the whole conversation. She then asks for his prescription. Omar doesn’t have one and the Lady tells him that he needs a prescription –What if because you are self-medicating you have a heart attack in the middle of having sex? These are no vitamins you know? Poor Omar, by now he is redder than a tomato.

Julian blindfolded Rosi and took her to his room. He shows her two big pictures of herself. She looks very nice. Rosi can hardly recognize herself. Julian tells her that he wants to see her every day but not in a photo, he wants her with him forever… would she marry him? Rosi squeals and jumps to his arms saying yes.

Diana goes to work and sees Vasco. He asks her how her trip was. She tells him that fine. To make the story short, he is still in love with her.

Bruno brought a report to Alonslow. He tells him that Sara came by because of the check up for Grandma. Alonslow tells him that he knows but he is very busy. Bruno offers to go in his stead. Alonslow thanks him for his help. As Bruno is leaving, he turns and apologizes to Alonslow about his behavior when he found out that he had been demoted. He leaves

Barbara has been running all this time and Chalo has been following. A couple of nacos try to bother barb. Chalo goes to her defense and between Barb and him kick the nacos’ butts.

Ernesto is sitting at a coffee shop. Lorena arrives and asks if he has been waiting for a long time. He tells her that he woke up early and was waiting for her. He is happy because everything is working out better. He woke up on time and made breakfast and lunch for the kids, he took them to school and since he didn’t have to hurry he is in a good mood. His phone rings and it is the principal from Ivan’s school. She wants to talk to him. Bye, bye happy mood. Lorena wants to go with him. They leave.

The club of divorcees is saying its final good bye to Valera. Greta is crying, and Maruja scolds her, because she is going to make Valeria cry. They do a group hug and promise Valeria that they’ll go to visit her. Valeria hops in a taxi and leaves.

Betina is at her computer. She is frustrated and she doesn’t know what else to do. She has an idea; she asks Toribio to go out and help her find out what happened to Ivan.

Ernesto is very mad, he has been informed that Ivan hasn’t been showing at school. Lorena tries to calm him down, but he is at his wit’s end, he doesn’t know how to handle him. He wonders where is Ivan.

We see a shot of Ivan playing pool.

Bruno went to do Hortensia’s check up. He sends the nurse away and insults Hortensia. –Stupid old lady who is going to pay me? You better find a way to pay or I’ll send Diana straight to Vasco’s arms if only to know that you’ll be churning in your grave, but why do I tell you this things? You can’t even hear me, you are a vegetable. Right in cue, Hortensia opens up her eyes, but Bruno can’t see it because he turned away.
The End


Doña Bárbara - Mon., Sept 15: Everybody tells DB she is a monster

Another excellent episode.

Eustaquia is shocked to find out that DB almost killed her daughter. DB asks Eustaquia to be honest and tell her if she is a monster. Eustaquia points out that most women want to love and protect their daughters so, yes, DB is a monster. DB says in justification that Marisela hit her. Eustaquia tells DB that Marisela isn't afraid of DB anymore. She shouldn't be surprised, "La hija de tigre nace pintada," literally, "the daughter of a tiger (meaning a jaguar here) is born painted." It was translated in the captions as, "An apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

Luisana overhears Marisela telling one of the terneras that DB almost killed her in front of Santos. Luisana is overjoyed, "Se fregó la bruja!" "The witch is washed up!" Luisana makes Marisela understand that this is a good thing because Santos won't continue to see DB after what she did.

It looks like Federica, on Josefa's advice, is going to try the pregnancy trap to get Antonio.

Santos sits and thinks and finally comes to the realization that he was completely wrong about DB.

Antonio tells Cecilia to feel his heart and that he loves her but she says that their love is impossible.

Mauricio overhears this and gives Antonio advice. He tells him that Cecilia is madly in love with him but she is a romantic and wants to suffer for love. He advises Antonio to win Cecilia over by using romantic things like poetry.

It's the first day of school and Cecilia finds that Antonio has left her a message on the blackboard.

Luisana goes to the 'well of sighs' where DB and Santos meet for sex. DB has already left but she finds traces of DB's withcraft paraphenalia including the picture of Santos that DB cut from the newspaper. Santos shows up and Luisana makes her move to get Santos back and they kiss but DB is watching. Mauricio has already warned Luisana that DB is dangerous to cross but Lusisana doesn't believe she is any danger.


El Cuerpo del Deseo - 9-15 Let's meet the characters

In the first episodes yesterday, we met most of the main characters. This is Isabel, the young (hot) woman who is getting ready to get married to...

Don Pedro José (PJ) Donoso, an 70-year old wealthy factory owner. The other guy is his servant, Walter.

This is Abigail, his housekeeper

Abigail's two sons, L-R, Antonio, who is hardworking and studies at the University and Simon, who works in PJ's factory but seems frivolous and hits on the maids. Antonio is smitten with Ángela right away.

PJ and the GIGANTIC portrait of his first wife in his library.
Gayétana, a fortuneteller or witch. The spirits haven't been giving her very good advice on what to wear. She comes to warn PJ not to marry Isabel but he isn't interested in her advice and tells her to leave and not bother him again.

Valeria, Isabel's mousy cousin, who seems to have health problems.

Andrés, PJ's right hand man in the factory. He is also Isabel's secret lover and obvious bad guy.

Ángela, PJ's daughter by his first marriage. She seems to have had her soul transmigrated from the 1960's. With that hair and raccoon eyes, I wouldn't be shocked to see her in go go boots. She believes her father has neglected her and she doesn't like the idea of his marrying Isabel.

PJ keeps having these dreams about a peasant. It was hard to get a decent shot since the camera lens was smeared with vaseline or something. What we can say is that Salvador, the peasant, has extremely bad clothes but when he takes his shirt off, it's a different matter.

PJ has health problems and collapses with a sort of heart attack during the wedding reception so he doesn't get to see Isabel's fancy underwear unless she wears that kind of thing every day. I think PJ's doctor tells him not to have sex with her. So we're just waiting for Mario to exchange bodies with PJ or whatever it is that happens.


Fuego, Monday 9/15 (#99): Some Enchanted Evening

So. Benito is very curious as to what kind of a deal Raquel made with Gabi that could be worth that much money, but we are spared the unnecessary stress and excitement of finding out. The moment is saved with the sudden appearance of a piece of paper with a very fancy watermark (I can see it through the paper) AND the fancy multicolored background image. Yikes! When you see that kind of paper, you know they mean business. It's a summons to appear in court tomorrow to decide the ownership of the hacienda!

At the other hacienda, Fern tells Sofi that if she takes up with him, he'll leave Gabi alone. He grabs her and tries to kiss her. Gabi sees. Sofi VERY STUPIDLY begins climbing the Stairs Of Sorrow to tell her mother everything. Fern comes up too. Gabi comes down. So now they're all standing there in the middle of the staircase, Sofía is telling her mother what just happened and why she can't marry this guy, Feo is bleating some weak protest, and I'm expecting someone to get pitched down the stairs. Well, I'm no good at predicting stuff. Instead, Gabi bitch-slaps FEO! Oh no she didn't! Oh yes she DID!!! And she calls him a damn swine!

Yes, I know this happened three days ago, but it was every bit as sweet to see it again tonight.

It must be tomorrow now, because we're in the City of Puebla. With very little preamble, the judge declares that the hacienda belongs to Juan, Oscar, and Franco Robles-Reyes. Juan thanks his uncle. Uncle Vicente tells Juan to thank his father. Juan says he'll visit his tomb later.

Raquel tells Juan he's won one segment of what he petitioned for, but he still has to go up against Gabi for the rest. She hints that it won't be so easy. "I want to see if she can manage to keep the lands that I gave her." Duh, Raq, they weren't yours to give away. Juan says he'll get it all back, justice is on his side, and he's enemies with Gabriela Elizondo anyway. (Does Uncle Vicente's eyebrow twitch at the mention of her name?)

Gabi sulks in bed, reliving the sight of Sofía trying to push Feo off of her, and telling Gabi that he only wants to marry her for her money. Then the slap. Then a knock. What? It's Feo, wanting to explain. "Make it snappy," she tells him. He says he was just trying to get on Sofía's good side like they talked about. (By grabbing her and slobbering on her?) Gabi says she knows Sofía, and she doesn't lie. (That's how she knows she's not her daughter! Ha ha! No, no, joking...)

Feo reminds her that Sofi fooled them. She was getting knocked up by that creep and they didn't even know. She's been fooling Gabi for a long time, manipulating everyone with that little angel face. Gabi asks him to swear that what Sofi said wasn't true. Feo eagerly complies. "I don't believe you." He asks, after all the humiliation Sofi put him through, why would he keep after her? (How does he explain the groping Gabi saw, huh?) "The only woman I love is you."

Gabi replies, "Huh. If only I could believe you." He is indignant that she doesn't. She says she'll make the effort to believe him one more time, but it will be the last. He kisses her hand and thanks her. "But I warn you, if you betray me, I won't have to kill you with my own hands like I said..." (Feo chuckles, amused) "...because I'll tell the Reyes that you killed their sister, and they'll take it upon themselves to finish you off."

An imaginary snake rattles. Feo presses his thumb against Gabi's throat, which is evidently one of her turn-ons.

Juan visits his parents' tomb. He dusts off the gravestone and takes his hat off. He says today he didn't come to cry, but to speak to them alone. (Stop rolling your eyes! They could get stuck!) He thanks them for helping them get their hacienda back. They spilled their blood, they worked so hard, etc. - he doesn't care if he has to confront the mother of the woman he loves, the grandmother of his child, "but what's ours is ours; and for my brothers, and for you, if it's necessary, and if I have to take that woman to the... well, destroy her*, I'll do it, come what may."
*one of those idiomatic things that makes more sense in Spanish:
"llevar esa señora por..." (I think he was going to say "el diablo") = "take that woman to..." (the devil)
"llevar por delante" = demolish, wipe out, destroy (literally, "take her to the front")

Rosendo drops Sofía off somplace in "downtown" Serdán where she's going to see a man about renting a place. Uncle Vicente happens by in his dress whites, looking as if he got separated from a wedding party, and somehow recognizes her instantly.

Meanwhile, Juan is visiting the padre to catch him up on things. The padre's glad they found their parents' resting place and have begun to get their stuff back. Juan says he came by to thank him for all the support he's given them, not just as a priest, but also as a good friend. But what the padre REALLY wants to know is what's going on at Elizondo Place: namely, how's it going with the ladies? Juan tells him how he went to see Grandpa, and Sofía was there and she didn't want to talk.

Juan jumps up quickly and puts on his hat. He says he didn't come here to talk about her! He also came to say that Don Agustín is sure that Feo is the one who killed Bernardo. Now the padre gets up too and asks why he thinks that. Juan says who knows, that family is full of secrets. Padre says it's also the family of the women the Reyes love. Juan says they're going to have to fight them for their land, and he's scared, because they're not going to take this lying down (literally "arms crossed"), and especially not Gabriela.

The padre warns Juan they'd better be ready for everything. The Elizondos don't forgive anything. (Technically, if we're talking about Gabi's side of the family, it's the Acevedos.)

Sofía shows Uncle V around the empty store. He approves. And he says if she ever needs some artists from Guadalajara, he can hook her up.

He says he's known the Reyes since they were little. When he reunited with them, he was surprised to find them so sad over their lost loves. He tells Sofía that Juan is consumed with love for her.

Juan mopes in dread, thinking of the padre's words: "The Elizondos don't forgive anything."

Sofía explains to Uncle V that she understands that Juan protects his siblings, is upset that her father didn't tell them the truth, etc. but she can't accept that he blamed the sisters for the betrayal. Uncle V. says it's a shame about this misunderstanding between them. Sofi says it was no misunderstanding; they swore vengeance on Libia's grave, and showed up at the hacienda with guns ready to kill them.

"Later, they changed their minds," she says with a rueful smile. They decided that their revenge would be to make the sisters fall in love, seduce them, and them dump them.

Uncle V tells her that with love, you can do anything. (Just a week or two ago, Sofi was saying the same thing to convince Jimena that housework is fun.) Sofi says she used to believe that. She incurred the wrath of her mother, risked being shunned as an adulteress (which actually didn't happen), etc. all for him, got pregnant, and withstood all the tests and trials they lived through together.

"Look, Don Vicente, I can forgive anything... if only Juan had been honest with me."

Uncle V says Juan's suffering a lot over this separation. Sofi says she's suffering too, she still loves him, and she misses him; there's no peace at home with Mom. That's why she wants to work and become independent, so that she can make her way alone with her child.

Uncle V says he's moved by her words and her bravery. "I don't know if you and Juan will reconcile, but I wish you the best, because you deserve it. May I give you a hug?"

(I just realized who this guy is. He is the Anti-Gabriela. If the two of them ever meet, the universe will implode!)

Coyote shows up at the bakery in a different jacket (with a coyote on it) and no hat. These seem to be his "casual" clothes. It seems the Jefe wants to see Juan... but if Juan doesn't want to go, Jefe will understand.

(Alejandro "Jeff" Reyes is going to be the laughingstock of all the other jefes if they find out what a mushball he is...)

Juan is in Jefe-Jeff's study. "My son is all I have," he pleads. Juan says he can't give him any advice, but his father said the first thing when you want to be forgiven is to acknowledge your errors and clean them up. Only when you are pure and remorseful can your eyes... dammit, I am sorry, but the captions are disappearing very quickly tonight, and my ears are very slow, so I'm not getting all the words. But the point is that you gotta be sorry and make things right, or else you're screwed.

Ofelia catches Rosario on her way out. "I'm on my way to see Margarita, the Goddess of the Cumbia!" Ofelia stops her and asks her not to. She vaguely says she's not a decent person to socialize with, and begs "believe me, take heed, don't go see her."

Uncle Vicente reports back to Juan about his chat with Sofi. "That girl loves you, Juan. She loves you and suffers for you." (I'm wondering if there isn't a better way to translate "suffrir por tí" since we never say that in English?)

Sofi meets with the renting guy, signs the contract, gets the keys, and he wishes her luck. (Heh! She's gonna need it. To quote Han Solo: "Never tell me the odds!") She tells herself yet again that she's going to work hard to make a life for herself and her child.

Now Pedro is in Jefe-Jeff-Daddy-Unibrow's study. He doesn't look delighted to be in this gloomy place again, and he hasn't changed his mind. He's going to leave town; "there's nothing keeping me here." (Stay for me, Pedro! Stay for me!).

And then Jefe says "Antes de que te vayas" and I half expect them to start singing the Mundo de Fieras theme... sort of the producer's homage to himself... but no, he says he has something to tell Pedro before he goes. Pedro says there's nothing he can say that will change his mind. "What if I said that I'm willing to make any sacrifice? To regain your love and respect, I've decided to clear my name. And to earn your respect, I'll turn myself in."

Pedro is shocked.

Jefe continues, "I want you to know that for you - for earning your respect - I'm capable of anything. Even giving up my life."

Pedro is still shocked.

"You want us to go now? Let's go, son! Come on!"

They share a long, fuzzy hug.

Rosario has defied the mom who raised her to visit the mom who gave her life. Margarita asks why Rosa came to see her. Rosa can't explain it, but she likes being with her. She just has this great fondness and trust for her that came from out of nowhere. She wanted to come sooner, but stuff has been going on.

Margarita wants to know if she's in some kind of trouble. (She's taken to calling her "mi'ja." Whoa, take a number, lady.) It's Eva - her mom - her sisters won't forgive her, and she's all upset, it's awful. Marg counsels her not to get too mixed up in Eva's problems. Of course Rosa is shocked by this cold-blooded advice. Anything that hurts her mommy hurts her too! She doesn't want to see her hurt. She picks up her bag to leave in a huff. Marg says "Rosario! Rosario!" and wiggles her hands slightly in protest, but that's all.

Eva is at Grandpa's, thanking him for letting her speak with Pablito and Luisito. She says she deserves to be punished for everything that's happened. "What will you do now?" he asks. She may leave town. She's got nothing here. Grandpa asks, what about Rosario? Eva says excuse me, I have to leave.

Rosario does a show. (There's a pretty man, front and center, among her dancers. I wonder if he can talk?) Ofelia worries that she's going to have to tell Rosario the whole truth.

Meanwhile, at the Tumbao, Eva sadly watches Margarita's show.

Uncle Vicente asks Quintina where Franco and Oscar are. She doesn't know. He thinks they must be moping. She says Reyes are never defeated. They'll fight for their love. He says he'll help! "What are you thinking?" she asks. "You'll find out," and he kisses her on the cheek and leaves.

Sofi shows off the shop keys to Sarita and talks about her meeting with Uncle V, and the Reyes will be back in the Uribe hacienda very soon. Sarita is at least happy for them, she thinks it's only fair.

Meanwhile, Feo and Raquel are seething over the loss. And Raq is worried about when Gabi finds out she'll have to give up her part of their land, including the spring ("ojo de agua," "eye of water"). Enraged, Feo screams that the spring is what makes that land so valuable and they can't let it happen. She doesn't know how to prevent it, and for now she has only a few days to vacate.

Feo suggests burning the house down, so the Reyes will come home to ruins. But suddenly - and I mean in less than one second - Raquel has a fully-formed diabolical plan that's much better and will leave the Reyes in misery.

Uncle Vicente serenades Sarita and Jimena on behalf of Oscar and Franco. Gabriela is awakened by the ruckus and is immediately Not Amused. She doesn't even wonder for a split-second if, perhaps, her own sweetie arranged this... not that he would, but wouldn't it be nice? Couldn't a girl hope? Okay, couldn't a bitter twisted mean crab hope?

Gabriela runs outside to complain. Uncle V begins to explain his mission. When he sees Gabi, he breaks into a big grin and says, "Gabriela! Is it you, Gabriela?"

Meanwhile, Sofi opens up her balcony and Juan hops right in. They kiss, then she says no, "why do you deny our love, you just kissed me, I felt you tremble in my arms," more kissing.

Gabriela is squinting at Uncle V and saying she has no idea who he is. She orders him off her property, or she'll have him thrown out. Vicente is hurt and puzzled by her reaction, but replies, "I don't know why you deny that you recognize me, but okay, I won't insist," and leaves with the whole band of musicians.

I don't think Sarita or Jimena heard any of the serenade.

Gabriela is still standing outside in her pajamas, super-muy impactada. "Vicente... Vicente Robles. That man is Vicente Robles."

Juan tries to make up with Sofía, he pleads for the sake of their child, but she tells him she's going to be the baby's mother and father. He does not think much of this idea; it's his and nobody can take it away from him. She doesn't see how he'll be able to be a father, since they're separated. "With your understanding, your help, your support, your FORGIVENESS. Forgive me, Sofía! Don't condemn our child to live this way just because you're upset. I ask you, I beg you, we'll live together again, like a family."

But she feels that it is impossible. It will NEVER happen. He says this is because of her pride. She says it's about much more than being hurt. He rehashes the Libia's story from their point of view. It was completely, wholly Bernardo's fault, and totally not Juan's and his brothers'. Just Bernardo's.

After Margarita's show, Eva tells Marg of her plan to leave town. She doesn't want to get in the way when Marg breaks the news to Rosario. Ofelia shows up and says to Margarita, "you and I have to talk." She wants Eva to stay and hear what she has to say to "this heartless mother" too.

Marg: You speak of me with such contempt, without acknowledging that Eva is just like me. She too abandoned her child.

Ofelia: She didn't abandon her; she was taken away.

Marg: Whatever...

(Rosario wanders in behind them)

Marg: ...Eva is not the mother of Rosario. The mother of Rosario is ME!

Margarita's True Daughter: What are you saying?

Rosario goes straight to Eva, and there is a long pause while Margarita puts on her most earnest face. Eva braces herself to hear it again. Margarita says "Child, at last you'll learn the truth, though I wish it had been some other way... it's true, Rosario, I am your mother. I am your TRUE mother."

(I don't know if I'm supposed to feel sorry for her or not, but I can't because she's done nothing but manipulate people ever since she showed up. I wouldn't be surprised if she did know Rosario was in Serdán when she agreed to sing at the Tumbao.)

Gabi is still repeating "Vicente Robles, Vicente Robles" in her bedroom. "Where'd he come from? I'm going to tell Fernando right now!" But he's not in his room! Where is he??

He's still with his special gal Raquel. Evidently, having sex with Feo is a crucial link in her plan to ruin the Robles-Reyes. She gets up for some wine to celebrate. Feo immediately starts snooping through her things and finds Ricardo's snake belt. "This belt? I like it. I'll take it!"

Interesting. He's never seen it before.

Uh, what I mean is, Oh my gosh! Is he going to steal it? What kind of a person would do such a thing? I'll tell you what kind of person - a real jerk!

Sofi and Juan are still fighting. She admits her father failed to tell them the truth at that time, but he was going to tell them everything! Really! "And how do you know that?" "Feo told us! Daddy told him before he died!" "And you're going to believe that JERK?" Juan tells her that Grandpa thinks Feo caused Bernardo's death. Sofía says sometimes her grandfather doesn't know what he's saying!

I can't believe she just said that! Juan tells her Grandpa's wise and smart, sometimes he seems to know things before anyone else. It'd be a good idea for her to pay more attention to him.

Feo stashes the belt away in his pants pocket (note, he's not wearing the pants) before Raq comes back with the wine. They toast to a pleasure-filled future and the surprise they've prepared for the Reyes.

Sofi and Juan are still bickering. I would think it was cute if my wrists weren't on fire and it wasn't after 2 in the morning. Something about who changed whom, or who made who change, or... oh so sleepy... before he met her, he was a gloomy gus, but then he met her and everything changed. And now his life's gonna suck again. They can't forget the happy times they've had together. This breakup would be so much easier without those good times.

"I will love you forever, Juan, and nobody will change that. I dumped you for your deception and lies."

"I didn't betray you. You say you can love me, but you can't forgive me? You're selfish and unfair like your mother. I'm going to say just one thing to you, this child you carry here, that you say is no longer mine, you're not going to make me renounce him. I'll see him when I want, whenever I feel like it, nobody can stop me!"

Mexico airdate: 5 de Junio

Word of the day: "Ser señalada" = Something like "wearing the scarlet letter." Can also refer to branding livestock. Good luck working that into a conversation.

History lesson of the day: Grito de Dolores - "The Cry of Dolores." Dolores was not a woman, as I once imagined, but a town in Mexico. On September 16, 1810, the Cry of Dolores marked the beginning of the Mexican War for Independence. Read the story here in English, with links to Spanish, German, and French.)

Next time:
Feo acts like a jerk.


Ayyyyyy Yyyyyyyayyyyyyyy yyaaaaa Ayyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Que Viiiiiivvvvvvaaaaa Meeeexxxxxxicccccoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

El Grito Vive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (last year's)

Felicidades MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tambien felicidades a Costa Rica, a Nicaragua, a El Salvador, a Honduras, y a Guatamala!!!!


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