Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Cuidado Con El Ángel #27, 10-28-08 Though Your Sins Be As Scarlet, They Shall Be As White As Snow…But Probably Not Until a Few Months From Now

Reprise from last night:

Marichuy is lying on the sofa in Juan Miguel’s office as he sits in a chair and asks her why she left the hospicio so young. She says she wanted to find someone to love, who would love her. She tells him how she survived, working as a street performer and cleaning bathrooms, and lived with the other street children. He is looking very empathetic as he listens, with his eyes all red-rimmed and full of tears. When she starts to mention leaving the other kids, she can’t go on and clutches JM’s arm. They sit that way for awhile, JM rubbing her back and looking agitated.

Stef sits in her fancy convertible with a stupid bow in her hair and is annoyed when JM’s maid tells her JM and Mari left together. She drives off.

Marichuy is lying down again, telling JM that she left and headed to the country, still looking for tranquility and a family, but she didn’t find them there either. One night… she freezes up and doesn’t want to talk anymore, and Juan Miguel goes with the classic “tell me tell me tell me” method of therapy. He does reinforce that he really wants to help her. She tells him that she was in the boonies and a man was following her, and she ran, but he caught her, and was kissing her, and hurt her. Juan Miguel has tears in his eyes and a look of Extreme Consternation, and thinks to himself, “¡Dios mio! ¡No puede ser!”

New material:

Mayita sneaks into Marichuy’s room to play with Cuate. Poor kid is learning all kinds of skills to evade her horrible grandmother. She talks to Cuate for awhile, and it’s really cute, and she says she’s going to ask Rocío to buy a ball for them to play with. She goes to Mari’s closet to look for something to play with now.

Marichuy tells Juan Miguel that she came back to the city and wandered around until Candelaria found her on the street, tired and hungry and scared, and she tried to forget the horrible incident, but she couldn’t. They are both gushing tears, and my allergies are acting up a little. JM asks whether she knows who the man was, and she says no. He has a cute picture of Mayita on the end table next to the couch.

Isab!tch lounges on Estafa’s bed and reads bridal magazines. Does she have a room of her own? It would be really funny if she had to sleep in a dog bed in Estafa’s room. Estafa herself enters and is mad as heck that JM went somewhere with Marichuy. She is in no mood to look at wedding dresses. Isab!tch asks where they could be, and, like a good stalker, Estafa calls the office to find out. The secretary whose name I can’t remember answers, and Stef demands to talk to Juan Miguel without saying please. Secretary and Israel require a moment of conspiring to decide to tell her that JM isn’t in, and what they will say if she comes into the office. I see they are new at this game. Stef hangs up on her. Israel says Stef is soberbia (haughty, arrogant, uppity) and comments that she is low-class.

Mari tells JM that that horrible experience is what she keeps reliving in the nightmares; it’s always the same. She hugs him tightly. By now he looks much worse than she does, so we know that he is feeling mighty guilty. She asks him to help her; I think she wants him to hypnotize her so that she can see the face of the man, so that she can find him and hurt him back or maybe kill him. Juan Miguel looks pained and says he can’t help her.

In twinkle-twinkle land, Mayita brings Cuate for a visit with Abuela Mariana. They talk about how mean Ornerylia is for hating animals.

Nelson and Elsa hug and twirl around and repeat many times how happy they are to be married, after all they’ve been through. Call me unromantic, but all they’ve been through is her procrastination over dumping her other fiancé, whom she never much cared for. And, who knows, maybe the intense suffering caused by giving up her allowance until she gets back in Mommy and Daddy’s good graces. Whatever, they’re happy honeymooners.

Marichuy is rather irritated that JM says he can’t help her, after all that asking to hear what happened and finally getting it out of her with the understanding that he would help. She blames her mother forall this, for abandoning her. JM says no, we’re all guilty. Huh? She asks him what happened, what’s wrong, why won’t he look her in the face?

Over at the church, Padre Anselmo cleans the angel statues while telling Adrián that JM asked about Marichuy, and he hopes that she tells the curalocos about her past so he can help her. Adrián is jealous that she’s spending time with JM, but PA tells him this is good for him…maybe if she gets over her fears, she will want to be with him. Adrián wiggles his eyebrows.

Dr. Ed enters JM’s office where there are still tears all around. JM asks him to take Marichuy back to the house. Mari thinks to herself that JM has a low opinion of her now.

Estafa and Isab!tch discuss their failed stalking of JM. Stef wonders if all these material comforts are worth all the effort and torment. Isa looks like she’s wondering whether she could get a good inheritance if she offed her flaky sidekick.

JM goes to the church to talk to Padre Anselmo. He tells him that he thinks Marichuy believes more happened than really did. (did I get that right?) PA wonders why he is so upset by Mari’s story. JM says, “that man was me.” Then he has black-and-white memories of his blissful moments with Marichuy, set to swoopy music.

PA doesn’t believe it, but JM swears it is true, and he can hardly believe it himself. He says he deserves punishment. PA stands up and looks like he may throttle JM then and there.

Estirada Estafa shows up at the office (she has not given up on stalking after all) and she and Israel are rude to each other, and she sees that the doctor is not in. Israel tries to leave, and she blocks his path. Methinks she liked that naco smooching last time and is hoping for seconds. She looks at him intently.

Juan Miguel tells Padre Anselmo that he was very drunk that night, and it is some sort of divine punishment that the woman he is in love with is the same one he hurt.

Marichuy arrives back at the castle with Eduardo. Onelia demands to know where she’s been and when Mari won’t answer she just gets even more rude and grabs her arm. Eduardo just stands there. Eduardo, you disappoint me.

Stef tells Israel she enjoyed the kiss yesterday, then she plants another long, sloppy, face-smushing one on him. Seriously, what’s her game?

Juan Miguel tells Padre Anselmo that he is completely in love with Marichuy.

Eduardo has finally stepped in between fang-baring Onelia and timid Marichuy and told the old hag to leave her alone; she’s very upset. Marichuy goes up to her room.

Stef tells Israel he’s hot; too bad he doesn’t have money. Israel laments that without money he can’t win the love of a classy dame like her. He’s just messing with her, right? Either way it’s funny.

Juan Miguel goes on and on to PA about how he loves Marichuy, but he doesn’t deserve that kind of happiness. It’s rather flowery. He says he was already married when the notorious incident occurred, but he didn’t love Viv much and they didn’t get along; that’s why he drank so much. PA says, aren’t you engaged to the judge’s daughter? He says yes, but that’s just because I don’t deserve real love with Marichuy. JM thinks God has sent Marichuy into his life to punish him, but the padre thinks it is because he has forgiven him. JM looks thoughtful.

Marichuy runs into her room crying, and Rocío follows her and hugs her. Rocío thanks her for introducing her to Vicente, and says they’re in love and she’s so happy. She asks what’s up with her and Juan Miguel, and Mari tells her what happened at his office.

Padre Anselmo tells Juan Miguel that when you have repented sincerely, you are forgiven, and he should go right now and tell Marichuy the truth. JM looks doubtful.

Stalker Stef calls the castle as she drives home in the rain and she and Onelia gossip and speculate about where JM and Mari might have been, and why Ed brought Mari home and she won’t talk. I don’t think it rains at any other time or place in the episode, so I like to think that killjoy Stef has her own personal raincloud.

JM tells PA he is worried because Mari really hates the man who attacked her, and so she will hate him, and he doesn’t want to lose her. PA asks if he thinks Marichuy loves him, and he says in some ways, and yes, maybe she does. PA thinks if she loves him she will forgive him, and it will be like a test of their love, and JM should have faith. JM departs to the dramatic sound of church bells.

Marichuy tells Rocío that she shouldn’t have told Juan Miguel the truth. He just sent her home with Eduardo; he must not think much of her anymore, she is so ashamed and feels like garbage, like a cockroach. Roc hugs her some more.

In Madrid, a butler carries Viv’s bags into shrieky Leticia’s living room. Leti is super excited to have her as a guest. Viv tells her that she and Juan Miguel are having marital problems and she is traveling while she decides whether to divorce him. Letting your spouse think you are dead is certainly a marital problem.

Ornerylia calls JM onto the carpet and demands to know where he went with Marichuy in the afternoon, as though it is any of her business. High time she got thrown in the dungeon. He tells her he took Marichuy to his office, and she asks if she’s mentally ill. Rude. He says she has suffered traumas that influence her current behavior. A civilized person would have taken the hint to back off, but if Onelia was a civilized person they wouldn’t be having this conversation in the first place. She tells Juan Miguel that Stef is waiting for him to call. She probably is, too, next to her pink princess phone.

JM goes upstairs and Onelia calls Stef to report on JM’s movements.

Padre Anselmo reflects on the painful session with Juan Miguel and prays for him.

Juan Miguel enters his bedroom, where Marichuy has been waiting for him in the dark. But just sitting in a chair, not sprawled on the bed in skanky lingerie like slutty Stef would have done if she’d thought of it. Marichuy wants to know what he’s going to do with her.

He wonders why he would need to do anything with her. She repeats her lines about feeling worthless, and now he must despise her. He says of course he doesn’t, and she has nothing to be ashamed of. He asks whether she can forgive the man, and she says no, never, not even if he’s repentant. She still thinks Juan Miguel doesn’t like her anymore, but he says he loves her, and he says it in his best bodice-ripper voice with romantic music accompanying him as he repeats it. Not as a friend, either, as a man. He leans in for a kiss, but she walks away.

She sits out on the steps outside. Juan Miguel comes outside and asks whether she feels the same way about him. She says yes, but she’s afraid, and when Adrián and Amador tried to kiss her she went crazy and hit them. He asks if she wanted to kill him when he kissed her last night, and she says no, so he asks if she wants to try again. It is all very romantic as they lean together until creepy stalker Stef ruins it by appearing there like some ugly demon and clapping rudely and saying it is just what she suspected. Stef and JM stare at each other while Mari snaps out of the swooniness and into eye-rolling.


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

El Cuerpo del Deseo, Tues, Oct. 28 - Back from the honeymoon, Isabel decides to fire PJ/S to protect him from Andrés

Half of this episode had no dialog at all - just smoldering looks for the most part. The natives are dancing around the fire again and PJ/S goes to watch. The healer babe dances for him and obviously would do more than that but PJ/S isn't interested.

Isabel leaves Andrés in her bed and comes out to the beach. She sees PJ/S.
He sees her. Wordlessly, they leave the fire and go...

to PJ/S's bed where the bed hangings make it difficult to get any decent screen shots of the lovemaking (without dialog) that ensues.

The next day Andrés is drunk as usual and he decides to drown himself.

PJ/S and the other employee in the house have to rescue him.

While Andrés is recovering from almost drowning, Isabel is talking to one of the children of the caretaker but she is looking at...

PJ/S who is looking at her.

Back at the Donoso house, Valeria has sufficient self confidence to give a piano recital to Ángela, Abigail and her sons.

After the drowning incident, Andrés decides the honeymoon is over. So no more PJ/S in his beach whites. Isabel has a dream where Andrés kills PJ/S so she decides that for his own safety she has to send him away from her.

PJ/S listens to Isabel telling him that she can't contol her obsession with him. The credits roll.


Fuego, Tues. 10/28 #127 - Cry Me a River Or Let's Row Across Sofia's

According to Greek mythology there are five rivers that separate Hades from the world of the living, they are: Acheron - the river of woe; Cocytus - the river of lamentation; Phlegethon - the river of fire; Lethe - the river of forgetfulness; Styx - the river of hate is said to circle Hades nine times. And Sofia is crying out all of them and you are all going to cross at least one so let's start rowing:

Juan has returned from nowhere with no memory of nobody and no event. Feo and Gabi discuss how scary it is if the idiot has no memory of what was done to him but it may come back. Sofia yells some more at Juan. Gabi and Feo plan to take Juan out of the equation.

Juan looks at Abuelo with confusion and doesn't return his reaching arms with a hug. But tells him that Pablito said he was a general and very wise so he has come to ask for aid. Meanwhile Sofia cries into Acheron, Cocytus and mostly into the Styx. We want to drink from Lethe. She discovers Caprichio is visiting Abuelo and heads down for a new audience.

In the bakery Franco discovers that Pablo has sent Juan to Abuelo's. [I sure wish Quintina wouldn't slap Pablito on the head all the time. It may be authentic but it really bothers me.]

Sofia alerts the sob sisters who head toward Abuelo's bungalow. Abuelo is telling Juan he needs proof that he lost his memory no one believes it. Sofia harps like a true daughter of Gabi that she is sure that Juan is bad and took her daughter and meant her harm and yadayadayada.

Damien sits in his living room with a friend telling him that he saw suffering in Juan's eyes like he suffered when he lost his children and can't help but feel for him. He had wondered how his first meeting with Juan would be and now that it has happened he finds Juan an honest man. He feels sure that Juan isn't responsible of the disappearance of the daughter.

Meanwhile Jimena and Sarita turn on the harpy sniping. Abuelo says Juan isn't a monster. Sure he is! Sofia grates across my nerves like fingernail on blackboard. She tells Juan to leave but wait Gabi shows up just in time to give Juan one of her motherly hard slaps across the face.Wonder if Juan remembers being slapped by her before? Everyone Elizondo looks on with hard set jaws.

Juan organizes a daughter hunt, only a year late but with such fervor, onlooking Gabi calls him poor imbecile, he's never going to find her. Hidden in plain sight seems to work on the stupid. The great search party/posse is no match for the sheriff's SUV trucks. Sheriff Mutton Chops arrives to arrest Juan while, OH Great! Coyote to the rescue lurks in his black SUV, muttering quietly he will be sure that no one does harm to those Reyes boyz. Sheriff insists he can't leave him free, Juan must come with him peacefully and should do it for the sake of his daughter, this threat/plea is punctuated with guns pulled, cocked and aimed at Juan.

A great riot ensues but Juan quiets the crowd with assurance that he will go with the sheriff peacefully, and gets off his horse. Brotherly Oscar tells sheriff there are no proofs of Juan's guilt. The crowd gets restless, but the noble Juan gets off Caprichio, the Sheriff tells his men to cuff him (esposenlo: remember handcuffs are called esposas, yeah, wives, isn't that special). Padre Tadeo shows up and assures the sheriff that Juan is a good man and he is sure he is innocent too.

Sofia gripes venomously at the altar adding depth to the Styx. Paddy Tad shows up to assure her Juan is innocent, honorable and surely saved his daughter from a worse danger. Sofia pours more venom and tears towards Acheron, Cocytus and always more to Styx. Sofia can't imagine who else would do her so much damage as Juan, obviously no one would harm her. [Doesn't explain why I want to strangle her barehanded, but...] But surely the Virgencita is longing for a long cool drink of Lethe water. PadTad remembers all the ugly confessions of Feo but he can't break the confessional secrets so he doesn't name Feo which any idiot would know without PaddyTad's help. So she accuses PaddyTad of condemning Juan with his silence. She leaves in fury to cry some into the river Phlegethon (which sounds suspiciously close to the river of snot but in Greek or Latin)

Oscar and Franco visits Juan behind bars. They want to work on freeing him, he wants them to work on finding his daughter.

Speaking of hidden in plain sight, where's Waldo is continued with the orphans and the lovely nuns beaming about their luck to have the support of the lovely Gabriela and Sofia. If only they knew.

Gabriela demands that the sheriff condemn Juan immediately to a life sentence there is not need of an investigation. Vehemently wanting pain and suffering made visible at her demand, she attacks next the brothers as they exit the cell area. Oscar says all of the village know juan is innocent and they are off to prove it. Gabi make a big fuss of being robbed of her precious granddaughter. Someone new to slap, [hurry boyz, find the trail no matter how cold]

Eva consoles Sofia who cries streams of Cocytus and Styx. Damien shows up to have to hear Sofia condemn Juan for his cruelty to her. Damien tells her that he saw in Juan, the pain that he felt losing his children and surely that she felt losing hers. Sofia cries some Acheron and Cocytus and moves into Styx and tells Damian to go away if he isn't going to join her in condemning Juan she doesn't want his company. More river flow of Phlegethon and Styx.
Why did you do this to me Juan why why why why why Styx, Styx, Styx, Styx. Cocytus, Cocytus, Cocytus...

Well what do you know? Old drunken framed guy is still in the jail for being framed for Bernardo's death. He tells Juan he knows he didn't kidnap his daughter. How do you know this? I worked for Feo. Don't trust them, he says sincerely. [Really now what a grasp of the obvious.] They are your enemies. Everyone knows you. you didn't steal yoru baby . Can you help me with proof of my innocence? Yes, he has plenty of time to work on anti Feo projects so they have a plan.

Quintina discusses Juan's plight with Franco and Oscar while they wrap sandwiches in cloth hobo bags to go off to search for the baby. They discuss that Damien wants to help them clear Juan but also wants to boogie with Sofia. What to do? They need his help and power. The jailer announces a guest to Juan and guess what it is Damian.

Quintina and Oscar discuss amid the dismal crops the overdue mortgage and how 1000 haciendas are not worth having Juan found again. She offers plans to go back to the old place and adds that she is a fast packer if needed, when a messenger suddenly brings a letter for the Reyes with the news in it that the mortgage back payments have been paid in full.

Gabi and Feo fight over the fear that they will be discovered for stealing the baby. She reminds him again that not only will he have the law to deal with but he also killed Libia and the Reyes will never forgive that. She does great threatening with no tears. Stones don't have water in them. She should be careful, Feo has neither tears nor a heart.

Damian explains to Juan who he is and how he wants to help, tells Juan his story of his losing his children. Juan says that is regretable but it isn't enough reason to go so far to help him so there must be something else. Juan tells him he doesn't know who to trust or not to trust or which group to put Damian in. He only trusts his brothers. [Or at least he thinks they must be his brothers.]

Quintina shows up at the bungalow, accuses Abuelo of paying the mortgage, he claims he has nothing to say to her still, but he did not pay it and doesn't know who did pay it. He promises to investigate and makes some obscure notes in his big detective book. She tries to look over his shoulder but they are still not quite warm with each other.

Damian goes to Doctor Cardiology and hears the story of Juan being lost in the jungle with his daughter Doctora Hotlips. He learned part of the story when he showed up to find his daughter. Why are you interested? asks Doc. Damian answers, because Juan is now in the jail accused of kidnapping his own daughter.

Juan, Franco and Oscar chat in the jail as they tell him about Damian and his offer to help find the baby. Juan waxes bullish, Are you friends with him or no? They hem and haw, Yea! But why? Juan pushes. Well they finally admit that he doesn't want Sofia to suffer any more. He is in love with her. Juan with no memory apparently can remember to be jealous.
Damian explains to Doctor Cardi his need to help Sofia so she can regain her daughter regain her calm and happiness and then maybe she will want to boogie with him.

Juan throws a proper fit that Damian wants to rob Sofia even if he can't remember just whose she is or even who she is. The boys try to calm him. He agrees that no one is to blame for what has happened in his absence. He calms down.

Rosario comes to hug Sofia, she wants to help, Rosario cheerily tells Sofia that she has been more than a friend, a true sister. Sofia protected and supported her and returned her dignity. Sofia quickly turns the tears on saying Rosario is lucky, she has her son but Sofia has lost her daughter, for fault of that worst of all ratbastards (canalla) Juan. Sofia swears she will never believe in love or love another man again. She cries some Styx tears, some Cocytus, some Acheron and moves toward a bucket or two of Phlegethon. Rosi thinks out loud for just us that Feo has something central to do with this but why doesn't she tell Sofia of her suspicions. At least Rosario has a brain, maybe she knows it won't help Sofia to stop crying.

Armando is yelling at Feo about the snatching of the baby and letting Juan rot in jail for the crime. and Rosi overhears. Rosi tries to creep away but knocks over a broom and alerts Feo. He opens the door to see her tiptoeing away so grabs her and strangles and hurts her with plenty rancor about what she was doing spying on him, when Armando finally talks him into taking his hands off her throat and tells Rosi to get out of the room. Feo then accuses Armando of protecting Rosi which Armando smartly denies. Feo warns him to be very careful, very careful. no tears.

Sofia shows up at the jail and pours a few buckets of River Acheron into the cell. [Me? I am going to look for that bottle of chilled Lethe water I left in the fridge.]

Next: Well, Doctora Hotlips will help Juan, she tells Sofia that Juan arrived in the village injured with no memory and no baby. He is not lying about any of it.


Querida Enemiga Tuesday Oct. 29,'08 Can We Just Fast Forward Through The Next Two Weeks?

Alternate title: Alonso, Julian and Omar star in Asshats 'R Us
Alternate title 2: Team Ernesto rapidly overtaking Team Alonso

I'm a little woozy tonight. My husband's been in the hospital since Sunday night so this telenovela is way too much like reality. Well, maybe not. He immediately had a lot more tubes and gizmos inserted than poor Zulema, even though he was just experiencing some chest discomfort. The good news is that he'll be coming home tomorrow, albeit with another stent in one of his arteries. Zulema, on the other hand, is shaping up to be in a coma for forever (or maybe it will just seem that way).

So let's get on to the riotous fun, shall we? Gabriel Soto is doing a great job of looking depressed. He was born to play this role, unshaven, dopey and unable to make eye contact. He's dealing with his depression by rejecting Lorena when she needs him most. Here's a sample of the dialogue. Alonso: I'm guilty. I'm the only one responsible. My conscience won't let me continue on with you. Lorena: Don't reject me when I need you most. My mother will wake up, we'll be happy. Alonso: She will NEVER wake up!

At this point Lorena hits him. Hit me more! he replies. Our love is cursed. Lorena hangs in there, asks him to stay by her. Tells him she forgives was just a mistake. But Alonso can't accept her forgiveness because he can't forgive himself. So you prefer feeling sorry for yourself rather than struggling through this with me? she concludes. However, Lorena gives it one last try, hugging him tightly and telling him she wants him there beside her when her mother wakes up. His reply is to tell her to leave. It's over. And so she does, crying quietly as she walks outside.

The writers interwove this painful exchange with a dopey meeting of Clara, Don Toribio, Paula and Bettina. Clara's coming on strong, telling Paula and Bettina that she and Don Toribio are "intimate friends" but she'd like it to be even more intimate by moving in together. After all, she's be a lovely stepmother and a wonderful granny. Bettina and Paula roll their eyes and say "sure". Don Toribio's doing a little eye rolling too.

Julian is lurching home after a prolonged drunk and Rossy is doing the typical enabler routine (which I'm sure we would all do with confronted with this problem). She makes him take a shower, doses him with hot strong (cargado) coffee, rubs cologne on him to try and cover up the stench of booze, literally puts on his socks while he complains that she's treating him like a little kid. She snaps back that he's acting like one. Indeed.

Maruja (a word that means "homebody" by the way) and Jaime arrive back from their honeymoon, all aglow, and land smack dab in the middle of the Rossy/Julian scene and the news that Zulema is in a coma. They go to the clinic to see Zulema, find Diana by her side and Diana tells them that her mother could stay this way for years. No hope unless God does a miracle. (Again, not good procedure, given that patients in comas can hear what people are saying. Lorena is much better at this later in the episode...telling Zulema what's going on and reassuring her that they are "holding her place" in the business they're planning).

While this is happening, Rossy has managed to rassle Julian all the way to work (or at least to the escalator) and is now pushing him to go up. He calls her "terrible". No, I'm not "terrible"...I'm your wife. But you are "terrible", she answers sadly.

Okay, this is all so grim, I'm actually glad to see the next scene is in Bruno and Sara's cheesy bedroom. She's printed out a lot of articles on Fafy (or whatever his name is) from the internet and is planning her seduction campaign. Man, I'm actually rooting for her! This scenario actually beats all the sucky self-pity and drunkeness going on elsewhere. Our vixen notes that Fafy will be "un hueso dificil de roer" (tough nut to crack) but we don't doubt for a minute she'll be up to the job. Go Sara!

Okay...more downbeat stuff...but not awful, really. Hortensia is taking a farewell tour of the huge company kitchen, reminiscing that they had the capacity to serve 6,00 meals and had hosted banquets for embassies, Secretaries of State, the dinner celebrating Independance at the Palacio National in '86, desserts for the King of Spain. This was HER space, HER place and no one dared to contradict her. (well those of you who watched from the beginning sure know that is true!) Augusta asks if she doesn't feel like starting over but she says it was a one-time thing for her. What she did wish was that her children and grandchildren could have reaped the benefits of her industry. Very pensive now, she asks Augusta to leave her alone with her thoughts for a moment.

Now we have Greta in one of her going-for-a-mammogram outfits (thanks Julie). Jaime tells her he never imagined that she was Maruja's friend. She has the grace to apologize for hitting him and then they get into a Zulema discussion. Jaime admits Zulema is probably better off dead. Greta agrees (and how!) and suggests he try to get Omar to snap out of his funk and get on with life.

At the lesser house, Maruja is talking with Lorena and learns that Alonso has dumped her. Diana adds that Julian wants to put Alonso in jail. And what do you do with your pain, Lorena? she asks. I try not to think about it, I concentrate on the catering business and going ahead with the business plans that mom and I talked about, she replies. Not quite so perky these days, but still plucky, our Lorena.

Omar, on the other hand, in deep in his own pity party. The guy actually has the nerve to complain about Zulema leaving him "so alone"!!! Jaime points out that Omar is not alone, he has Jaime, Diana, Julian and Lorena (not to mention Greta...if he only knew). Omar recognizes that the girls are handling the crisis more maturely than Julian (or you yourself good buddy!) and congratulates Jaime on his new found happiness. Big brother admits he never thought he could love again at this late date. Omar's eyes light up...evidently he's thinking of possibilities if Zulema dies. Gee, gotta love this guy. NOT.

But we do love Ernesto and Chef Hawt is making headway on his TV program while Lorena apportions the orders to Matilde and Diana. He's talking about cornmeal muffins made with love. Something he learned from a special friend. An ingredient which he now puts into every recipe he makes. He's a better chef and a better man for having known her. Lorena gets all googly-eyed (as do we) and Diana points out that Ernesto still really really loves her.

Okay, got a phone call from the hospital (no problem all is well) but I missed a little of the next scene. But evidently Alonso's family is taking Bettina to a 15th birthday party where she's meeting Ivan. They've dragged Alonso along because they don't want to leave him alone in the apartment. Bettina asks him to walk her up to the door so everyone can see her handsome uncle. Ernesto is walking Ivan up to the door. The two galans meet in High Noon style. Alonso starts to turn away but Ernesto calls him back. He asks about Lorena. The conversation goes something like this.
A: I broke up with her.
E: Don't do that. She needs you now more than ever.
A: I love her with all my heart but I don't deserve her.
E: Don't give up. Everyone makes mistakes but you can fight your way through this. Start over.
A: I don't deserve another opportunity.
E: Do it for Lorena. Do it for you!

When Alonso lumbers back to the car, Dad wants to know if Ernesto said something insolent. No, he was supportive, answers Alonso. Who'd have ever thought Ernesto would be so mature, Toribio notes later. We need to find you a specialist who can help you. A psychiatrist...I'll look for a recommendation tomorrow.

Plans are afoot for a family cooperative..Lorena is seeking advice on permits and location for the business she and Zulema were planning but Jaime and Maruja propose a cooperative with Lorena, Rossy, Jaime, Maruja (possibly Diana and then Patty, a non-family but good friend) where all would have an equal share and while profits would be small at first, eventually it should be a big success. And of course Lorena would be in charge of the kitchen.

Then a rather odd scene, later that day, when Maruja goes jogging in the park and crosses paths with a perky Barbara pushing Saulito in his carriage. Miss Babs wants to know if Jaime lived up to his billing on the honeymoon. Ha ha just kidding. (Barbara, not me) Then they coo over the baby, and Maruja confides that she'd love for Rossy and Julian to give her a grandchild. They start to discuss the Zulema situation but since Barbara doesn't want Saulito to see or hear anything negative, they nix it.

A dumb comedy scene with Jaime nearly electrocuting himself while messing with one of Rossy and Julian's blenders. This hardly makes up for all the deadly drama of the past few episodes. Rossy also confides that she can't do a thing with Julian. He's drunk all the time.

Omar and Greta continue with their dreary exchanges. She tells him she's quitting. She can't go on working beside him, pretending she didn't fall in love with him. He's upset. But his guilt prevents him from enjoying her favors. She points out that he had no problem when Zulema was viable. Why quit now when she's in a coma? No can do. He's just too guilty. Lovely. I think I prefer an up-front villain like Sara to a half-assed sinner like Omar. But hey, just personal taste.

And another breakup...this time with Vasco and Diana. He can't understand why she isn't ready to take the relationship to the next stage and concludes she doesn't love him....slamming out the door before she can explain what her problem is. And Rossy and Julian are still fighting. He's been out all night, drunk. Comes home and collapses on the couch. She wails that he can't go to work like this. They'll fire him! He tells her once again to stop treating him like a kid.

We have a little melange of scenes....first with Lorena teaching her old folks cooking class and telling her group the secrets of making a vegetarian posole that tastes "meaty" (I'll include a couple of recipes down below but neither uses Zulema's secret ingredients...mushrooms and pumpkin blossoms). Then she's visiting her mother, gently brushing her hair and telling her what's going on with the family and Alonso. We have a creepy scene with Omar looking distant and dopey while Lorena hugs him and another with an unshaven Alonso swallowing a few pills the psychiatrist prescribed while Toribio begs him to at least take a shower and make an effort!

More fighting with Rossy and Julian. He's going out for another night of drinking "with friends". She begs him to stay home with her. Nuthin' doin'.

A better scene (much better!) at the institute. Lorena is talking to Patty about joining the family business she's starting with Maruja, Jaime and Rossy. She has Zulema's recipe book in her hand, drops it and who should appear and pick it up but our galan. (He even has nice hands. Think about that for a moment, gals).

She laughs. He says he was just trying to help. Patty scoots off. He sits down. There's some flirting and some teasing going on about whether or not Lorena will let him look at the book. He ends by suggesting it should be published as a Bible of Home Cooking and an homage to Zulema. And he has just the editor for it.

Several other brief scenes. Maruja comes home from shopping and Jaime, good husband that he is, carries all the bags. She's getting used to this great treatment. Diana's moping around the house now that Vasco has disappeared, admitting to Lorena that she's afraid to be intimate with a man after what happened with Bruno.

Bruno and Sara meanwhile are hatching the Fafy seduction plan. She's modeling a great dress (Bruno complains that it cost him "un ojo de la cara" but she reminds him it's an investment). He quizzes her on what she knows about our elderly playboy and she's letter perfect. His favorite sport is golf. He likes Paris in the Autumn, Venice in the Winter, Vienna in the Spring and Rio de Janeiro any time of year! An apartment in New York and Paris, a ranch in Argentina, houses and haciendas all over Mexico (I'm sure I've left out some stuff but you get the idea). She's ready to really play it cool and achieve what all those other women in his life haven't....marriage! Hey...I'm all for it. A wedding right now would be a real relief!

They set up the sting. Bruno's meeting Fafy and his syncophant sidekick in a restaurant. Playboy admits he paid for ignoring Bruno's medical advice at first and felt rotten. But then he followed it to the letter and felt great. And what's more, he was so impressed with Bruno's morality and ethics. When he offered the fat check for the clinic, Bruno didn't even ask for a cut ("tajada"). What a guy! Bruno modestly admits that he lives to serve.

At that point Sara walks in, looking classy in her new white dress. Fafy notices and is interested.
And here we end. Another phone call so I didn't really get the previews....but let's hope something positive happens!
* * * *
Ill give you the ingredients for a couple of posoles. If you're really interesting in making one, just google one of the 7,000 plus recipes on the internet!

Vegetarian Posole.
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 onion, diced
1/2 cup water
3 carrots, sliced or grated
3 cups vegetable broth
1 15 ounce can hominy
1 15 oz can crushed tomatoes
1 red bell pepper, chopped
1/2 tsp. cumin
salt to taste
pepper to taste
1 tsp. chili powder
fresh cilantro for garnish

Rachel Ray's Posole
2 pounds pork shoulder, cut into 1 inch cubes
1 tsp. salt, pepper
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp. oregano, plus more for garnish
1 to 2 tablespoons canned chipotles chiles in adobe sauce pureed with 4 tablespoons water
1 30 oz. cans hominy
1 bay leaf
2 medium onions, chopped
2 large garlic cloves, chopped
For garnish, in addition to cilantro....
6 radishes, thinly sliced
1 large avocado, diced
2 limes cut into wedges
corn tortillas, warmed in oven

Hey now, I've gotten you started. Gather those ingredients, head for the kitchen and make something happen!


El Cuerpo del Deseo, Mon., Oct. 27 - Walter and Rebeca find the secret room and PJ/S and Isabel find each other on the beach

The native healer babe treats PJ/S with a white powder and wet leaves.

Andrés spies on Isabel.

Antonio and Simón find the button in the study that opens the door to the secret room but they don't push it.

Isabel takes over for the native healer babe in applying something to PJ/S's back.

This presumbably is Mario's dog, Mambo.

Andrés tries to slake his desire with one of the locals (is the the healer or the maid? I can't tell.) But it's not the same as Isabel and he tells her to get out.

Rebeca and Walter finally get into the secret room and find the safe.

Andrés asks PJ/S to go out on the yacht again with him and Isabel - unless he's afraid of having another 'accident.' PJ/S just gives him the look.

On the boat, Isabel looks hungrily at PJ/S...

And he looks hungrily back. Andrés looks into the bottle.

Native healer babe should market her leaves. PJ/S isn't even peeling!

While Andrés has an alcohol-induced doze, PJ/S and Isabel get together in the water.

PJ/S must have brought the swim trunks along since they would have been clearly visible under those white pants he was wearing. I guess there was no way they could film an underwater scene with Mario bottomless. Too bad.


Fuego - Mon. 10-27 For a wanted man, he sure is pretty unwanted...

We start with Juan showing up and his brothers assaulting him. He says he doesn’t remember them. Yeah, it would be hard even with a brain, but without one, well....his bros think he’s foolin...

For some reason Rosario is begging Ofelia to take care of her little one if something happens to her. Ofi doesn’t want to talk about these things, but yes, she promises in front of the virgin. Ok, this simply can not bode well in front of the telenovela Gods...

Back at the field Juan says he knows there ‘s a Sofi and an hija, but doesn’t know what happened. Oscar’s idea of reminding him is to throw dirt in his face and show him they did all this for him, this is their land. Predictably, this doesn’t help much as it reduces our incredible hulk to tears; like a big baby, that he recalls nothing.

Gabi whines to Feo that they are done, because Juan Reyes is back and is not dead. We get it repeated in triplicate and with funky echo sounds so we the audience can be impactado right along with them.

We return from commercial to Juan at least still eating like the hulk, devouring his food and slopping it all over his face, like the good brute that he is. He confirms his bros forgive him. He recites how upset he is that he’s lost his daughter and upset Sof.

The bros promise to show him everything he’s forgotten, Juan thinks he remembers the grip of death they do three musketeers style. They go to the Disneyland Indiana Jones set that is the site of the ever lit torches and Libia’s grave, his sister. She sparkles her Lily to show them she is there with the unending grave tour, they next go to visit his padres. He cries and there are man hugs all around.

OK, it seems we are done with the morbid and on to brighter and better things, the making of pan...the boys show him how to do it. He really has forgotten this because he’s actually doing it with his shirt on. Hmmmm, poor Juan, he cries again.

Sara and Jime and the padre are at the Abuelo’s zoo telling of Juan’s return. The crowd is mixed on whether Juan is guilty as charged or not. Sara reminds them that they need to worry about Sofi’s baby above all. Padre yells for them to believe and Abue says well, duh, where is that Sofi. We find out she is denouncing Juan at the commisario. Some set guy had a blast drawing the wanted poster in there.

Feo and Crabi are still fretting over this development. Crabbi is venting the possible horribles and Feo silently reaches his limit and tells her to shut up that they have to carefully calculate what they are going to do. Crabbi just can’t calm herself very well, she’s scared, scared, scared. Feo wants to go to the pueblo, Crabbi doesn’t want him to, but then a maid comes up to tell them of the news that they already know. Oh and one detail they don’t. The chisme is that Juan has returned without any memory. Evil sick smirks all around on the villain front.

Juan continues to profess that he only remembers the time he was in the jungle. The boys thought he was dead, but never gave up hope. They admire how Capricho brought him back safe and sound, but Juan says well I’m not safe or sound, he needs to find the daughter. He damns creation that he doesn’t know where to find his baby.

He then recounts his stop at the church and how he met Sofi for the first time, but was as impressed as ever at this angel, until she turned around and accused him of robbing their spawn. He screams for the 103rd time that he doesn’t remember anything.

The boys will recount their history from the very beginning. Oh great I know what this means, I don’t have to type. We are treated to flashbacks of the story of their sister and the revenge pact, his great scream, their blood oath at the grave, the first sighting of the sisters Elizonde, the subsequent falling in love, Vicente, the romp in the hay (literally), the fessing up, and then his supposed eventual leaving with the daughter in his arms. Juan says if he did that then where would the babe be?

Sofi shows up at the zoo and proclaims how she just denounced Juan. They all tell her there is no proof and she's a nut for jumping to conclusions. (We all know that.)

Feo and Crabbi muse over their fortune to have an amnesiac Juan. Feo says before everything, they have to pretend to be surprised and swear that that stupido pays for what he did to Sofi, they have to be more united than ever. Eww...

Oscar is still telling the tale of who hates them when the rest of the crew show up and note the lost son behind the bread racks. They welcome the returned Juan, after the happy party, Eva who is always good at ruining parties says that surely he must have the baby. Uh no, he doesn’t know anything. Yep, happy party is definitely over now.

Juan runs off and is crying in the other room, Pablito goes in to find him and hands him his hat. Pablo tells who he is and why he’s there, and how Juan is like a papi to him. He very astutely says you have to go look for someone who really can help you, the most knowledgeable person Pablito knows, and that person is none other than the town loon, General Augustin Acevedo. Juan does just that. He asks for help from our General.

Sofi wonders to herself if all this is really true, if Juan really can’t remember, she begs for virginal help until she hears Capricho whinny below at the zoo and knows that Juan is with the general.

The bakers two think Juan went straight to the mouth of the wolf by going there because Feo and Crabbi are also there, they go after him.

Sofi also runs down and goes after him. The girls won’t leave her to go by herself so the sises follow, and then that pesky maid tells Feo and Crabby the scoop.

Don Auggie is essentially telling Juan he better come up with a better story than the weak one that he has no memory, because there is no way he can prove innocence and defend himself with that farce. Juan says he doesn’t care about defending himself, he just wants his love and his daughter back. Just then, said love, hothead Sof, runs in and yells at Abue for allowing this robanino into his home.

Abue is miffed. Why not? She repeats her song and dance again. Juan finally loses his patience, he says "Fine then kill me," because he can’t stand the suffering anymore. You tell her Juan, man, she’s annoying!!!

Feliz dia de los Muertos!!!


Monday, October 27, 2008

Cuidado con el Angel Oct. 27, 2008 - JM and Chuy share a kiss; Steffie has a temper tantrum; Viv and Lety reunite

(personal note: I'm back and suffering from serious jetlag. I hopefully caught most of the errors, but if there are still some remaining, I apologize.)

EPISODE 21 - Oct. 27, 2008:
*Highlights from previous episode: JM tells Steffie and Pat that he wants Chuy and will be with her "cuesta lo que cuesta"(no matter what). Steffie gets angry and has a temper tantrum. Later in Steffie's room, Steffie vents her anger and Isa warns her that they could lose everything.

Tonight's episode:
* JM and Rocio are arguing outside the castle by the car. Chuy listens; JM asks her to leave; Chuy doesn't leave. Rocio vents her frustration over her brother's decisions and stomps inside. JM follows her.

* In the front hall near the stairs, Rocio tells JM off and stomps to her room.

* JM and Chuy are standing on the walking bridge in the garden. She asks him why he is being so nice to her. He says because she deserves it. He asks if she loves him; she says yes. They kiss.

* Ed corners Nelson outside Nelson's apartment building. (Ed isn't happy.)

* Chuy comes to her senses and breaks away from the kiss. JM leaves her alone. She cries.

* Ceci lays in her bed, clutching the little bouquet of flowers and thinking about Chuy. Mirtirio enters; Ceci explains her depression over Chuy leaving the house.

* JM and Mayita meet at the stairs. She is worried about him. He explains without any details. They hug and share a secret (something about the soul, I think.)

* Ed grabs Nelson's t-shirt and holds him against the column, and forces Nelson to take him to see Elsa. Nelson has no choice but to agree.

* In the living room, with lots of windows, Nelson brings Ed in to visit Elsa. Ed confronts her about her feelings for him and Nelson. Nelson reasons with her to tell Ed the truth. Elsa thanks him and agrees.

* Chuy sleeps in her bed - she tosses and turns as she has her nightmare again (where she's chased through the woods). She wakes up shrieking through the entire castle.

* JM, Rocio and Granny Onelia wake up and run to the hallway. They talk with JM about the Chuy's nightmares; JM says he will handle it and runs into Chuy's room (the hero to the rescue).

* JM finds Chuy in her bedroom and gives her a big consoling hug.

* Ed asks Elsa for the truth. Elsa doesn't deny it, she wants to be with Nelson and her feelings for him are real. Ed sighs and accepts it.

* JM watches Chuy lay in her bed. He strokes her hair as she falls asleep. He remembers their kiss earlier that night.

* Viviana is desperate, apparently all her credit cards are maxed out and she's running out of cash. She thinks her old friend Lety (Maite Embil, "Rita" in Pasion) will help her out.

* Chuy is washing windows and dancing and singing to the grupero music on the radio. Cuate sits and watches. As Chuy starts to play with Cuate, guess who shows up to ruin the moment - STEFFIE. Steffie begins to insult Chuy by saying she's not a real princess but a lowly subservient 'naca'. Chuy takes great offense to it and defends herself. Steffie thinks Chuy is really interested in JM and thinks Chuy should just admit it.

* Lety is in bed having tea when Viviana calls. The old friends are excited to talk with each other, and are especially excited when Viviana reveals she's in Spain.

* Steffie point blank tells Chuy to leave JM alone, he's hers and not Chuy's. Cuate starts barking as Chuy yells back at Steffie. Chuy picks up Cuate and leaves. Steffie glares and grits her teeth.

* Lety invites Viviana to stay with her in Madrid - for two weeks they can be together in Madrid. Viviana wonders about Lety's husband, Gus. Lety says no problem, he's apparently out of town on a trip. Viviana hangs up and is excited by the prospective plan.

* Pat calls JM - looks serious.

* Steffie and Onelia sit down on the patio. Steffie spreads the gossip to Onelia about Chuy's stay and untimely quick departure from Pat and Ceci's house.

* Pat and JM discuss their differences about Chuy - they forgive and forget. Pat also puts in a plug to remind JM about marrying Steffie and becoming a part of his family. JM agrees that it will be a new life, clean slate.

* Chuy finds JM alone and asks him about the kiss last night.

* Steffie and Israel (her boy toy) in JM's office. She flirts about her interest in JM; he knows her better and thinks she's only interested in herself. She doesn't deny it.

* JM explains to Chuy about his intentions with the kiss. She tells him she's thinking about 'naranjas' (slang meaning 'nothing'). He asks if she liked the kiss. She turns shy and quiet. He then asks her to tell him about her nightmare last night. She doesn't respond. He explains how he can help her get passed it. She's wonders if he thinks she's crazy. He explains how talking it over with him will help. Chuy has her reasons and doesn't think anyone can help. Chuy picks up Cuate and leaves.

* Steffie slaps Israel, who in turn grabs her arm and refuses to let her use him.

* Chuy talks with Cuate in the front garden. They talk about Chuy and JM's kiss last night. They continue on their walk.

* Mayita is talking with Granny in Fantasyland about her papa's illness in his soul. Granny does her best to explain about JM's guilty conscious and his need to pray for G-d's forgiveness. Granny assures Mayita not to worry. Mayita happily gives Granny 2,001,500 besos.

* Chuy is talking with Balbina and another maid in the kitchen. Chuy is demonstrating her own torta recipe. Onelia enters and orders Chuy to get back to her own work. A butler enters and says Padre Anselmo is outside to see Chuy. Chuy gladly leaves the room. Onelia throws out Chuy's torta sample.

* Chuy and Padre meet on the garden bridge. They argue over the secret he kept from her (about her mother).

* Ceci and Isa discussion Ceci's depression. Isabel tries to cheer her up by discussing Steffie and JM's wedding plans. Ceci still misses Chuy.

* Chuy is upset with Padre Anselmo. Padre tries to reason with her. Chuy is still upset over being mistreated, abandoned and disillusioned. Padre continues to try and calm her down. Chuy is still upset, and Padre consoles her with a hug.

* Isa explains again why Chuy had to leave the house. Ceci knows the reasons but still wants Chuy there; she thinks of Chuy as her second daughter.

* Padre prays at the church for Chuy to be protected. JM enters and wants to speak with him about Chuy's nightmare. He wants Padre to tell him the truth.

* Nelson and Elsa get married in a small civic ceremony underneath a big white tent. The artist friends are the witnesses and guests. At the end, the newlyweds kiss and everyone starts to dance.

* Padre and Jm discuss how the nightmare has really effected Chuy's life, and how to help her and get her to talk with JM about it.

* Chuy is in the bedroom as JM enters. He wants her to go with him to his office. She asks 'about what?' He grins and stares at her.

* JM brings Chuy to the office; she recognizes her friend, Israel, sitting at the desk and says hello before JM takes her into his office.

* In the office, JM has Chuy lay down on the sofa. JM has her relax and close her eyes (to hypnotize her).

* Steffie and Balbina are outside of the castle. Balbina tells her that JM and Chuy just left.

* JM gets Chuy to talk to him little by little about her nightmare. She says the person has big hands. He asks about the location. She starts to get scared and wants to stop. JM hugs her.

* Steffie can't believe JM and Chuy together. Balbino says it's true.

* Chuy tells him how she wants to find her family, but last night, something happened. She closes up again and won't answer JM's questions.

ADVANCE: Chuy continues her therapy session about her nightmare, as JM starts to deal with his own guilty conscious.


Querida Enemiga Monday Oct 27 - Julian reprises his amazing 10.0 on the UCS

Wondering how much longer we have to suffer through “ER – Clinic #23” I looked at it appears that there are 110 episodes and tonight’s is number 89. 21 more to go after tonight. I hope to God that Zulema isn’t in her coma for 20 of them.

Alonso is told that he has been found guilty of negligence and is fired. The same lady who just fired him tells him how great he is and that he should work somewhere else. Lady, you just FIRED him.

Julian won’t shut the hell up about Alonso being ‘el desgraciado’. I’m not going to be able to stand repeating all the details, Julian is deserving of a punch in the face about now. He and Lorena argue.

Alonso packs up his stuff and gets what for him passes as emotional.

More B.S. from Julian and Lorena. Diana comes in and agrees with Lorena. Rosy too. He is an idiot and won’t listen to reason. He doesn’t care about his mom, he only cares about VENGEANCE!

Bruno the snake comes in and tries to be nice to Alonso. He tells Alonso to just leave this incident off his resume and he’ll find a new job.

The girls complain about Julian. Boooooooring. I hope the Zulema thing gets wrapped up quickly, whatever the outcome. This current thing is just plain painful. Lorena says she’s staying with Alonso no matter what, it wasn’t his fault.

Bruno gives the news of Alonso being fired to Sara, who isn’t quite so happy. Bruno says it’s the best day of his life.

Barbara shows up at the lesser house to see the baby. Diana still isn’t used to the new Barbara. Lorena starts talking a bit funny, like she’s delusional. “Yes, when my mom returns…” Diana has a look that says ‘yeah right, I think you are losing it.’

Bruno is at the bank, some guy passes out and they call for a doctor. Bruno says, “Why, I’m a doctor!” Maybe he’s going to save a life and have a change of heart. Which is ridiculous but hey look at what we’re watching here. Bruno gives CPR, then starts crabbing about the ambulance taking too long when his extremely weak CPR doesn’t work. Sara rides in a cab and thought bubbles some stuff. Bruno’s lame CPR finally works, the guy starts breathing and the ambulance shows up. The ambulance leaves and Sara’s cab arrives. Sara actually gives him crap for helping the guy, I guess she forgot she isn’t upper class any more. He gives her money to pay the rent (I think) since he has to go the hospital. He actually has to stand there and defend his life-saving (though lame) actions to Sara. What a bitch.

Lorena talks to Zulema, she tells her she gave the help a raise. I’m sure Zulema cares about that right now. She goes to Alonso’s office and it’s empty. She finds his ‘doctor of the year’ or whatever award in the garbage. A nurse comes in and tells Lorena that Alonso was fired.

Alonso gets home and Toribio tries to comfort him.

Lorena tries to call Alonso but his cell phone is off. Nobody answers at his house either.

Alonso and Toribio discuss the Zulema case. Al swears he did everything right. He tells Toribio that he got fired and doubts himself. Toribio yells at him for doubting himself. Etc etc. Zulema I’m begging you, just wake up so we can move on. We need some fun back in this show, or at least some ridiculousness instead of just dread all the time.

Julian is having trouble at work, since he’s so preoccupied with VENGEANCE and talks back to his boss, I think he’s cruising for trouble.

Victor tells Omar he’ll help him however he can in this difficult time. Omar the wuss then tries to make up with Greta. He somehow let her get the upper hand even though she was the one that was totally in the wrong when this fight started yesterday. He’s such a loser these days. WHO CARES if Greta isn’t talking to you? If you believe all the crap you told Zulema at the hospital, Greta can take a hike anyway, right?

Bruno tells the friend of the guy he saved that the guy is doing fine now. Did he say the guy had a heart attack? I guess it can be resolved that fast. The friend goes on and on and on about how different ‘Fabi’ is. He’s a living legend. Maybe he’s that “most interesting man in the world” from those Dos Equis commercials?

Lorena’s friend whose name I can’t remember, from school, offers condolences. Lorena continues to say that maybe Zulema will wake up. Ern’s music plays and Ern arrives. He tries to comfort Lorena. I keep expecting Alonso to show up and start a fight.

Bruno is still talking to the friend of Mr. Heart Attack. I’m watching Youtube so I don’t have the captions to help, my apologies. I guess Mr. Heart Attack is a real playboy. Bruno thinks this is funny. The guy continues to tell of the living legend that is Mr. Heart Attack. The guy is rich, this gets Bruno’s attention.

Toribio tells Paula what happened to Alonso.

Bruno and guy continue to talk. He tells Bruno this is his lucky day, I guess saying that he’ll get paid well for saving the guy.

Greta tells Omar good night, leaning over so 90% of her boobs are exposed. So far that has been the lone bright spot of this otherwise horrible episode. This might be the most low-cut sweater I’ve seen someone wear in an office. I think you can see her navel through the deep cleavage. In other words, it’s awesome. Anyway Omar complains about her being ‘indifferent’ to him, when he really shouldn’t care. She’s playing him like a fiddle. He then has the nerve to get jealous when she says he’s the one who ended it so she should be free to whatever. Never mind, I can’t make myself care. He’s acting like a teenager. Loser.

Rosy tries to talk some sense into Julian, who is so F’ing stupid he thinks it makes perfect sense to ruin his job, family, and marriage as long as he gets to denounce Alonso. My God I don’t think I can take another scene with Julian at this point.

Lorena whines to Diana that she can’t track down Alonso. She wants to assure him that she is with him. The doorbell rings, but it’s not Al, it’s Hortensia.

Julian and Rosy fight. He leaves and she cries.

Hortensia came to give them some money to help out with Zulema’s care. Lorena resists but finally seems ready to accept.

Mr. Heart Attack is up and about, he comes in to see Bruno. Maybe it wasn’t a heart attack. They talk about playing golf. Mr. HA gets out his checkbook to donate some money to the clinic, which I’m sure Bruno will steal. 50,000 Euros is his first offer, at Bruno’s stunned silence he raises it to 75,000. Bruno tries to hide his erection at all this money talk. I hope that doesn’t sound crude, but the way he shifted around in his chair and the look on his face, I truly believe he was getting aroused. Bruno actually tells the guy he has to see boss lady, guy says he’ll see her when he gets back from Cancun. Anyway, the guy thinks destiny has brought them together, he wants to talk more when he gets back from his trip.

Sara complains about her cheap food, worse than at the orphanage. She says it’s inedible. She talks to the empty room about her grand plans. She has become a caricature at this point, multiple scenes a day where she explains her nefarious scheme to an empty room while trying to look menacing.

Oh GREAT another scene with Julian, just what I wanted. He has broken out his UCS 10.0 form again, full red face and everything. He’s getting drunk at a bar. Rules must be different in Mexico, the bartender gives him the bottle.

Lorena reaches Paula, looking for Alonso. Alonso is there but waves at Paula to say he’s not there. Paula hangs up and gives Alonso a look.

Diana tells Lorena that it was ok to take Hort’s money. Lorena continues to be delusional and get mad that people won’t accept that Zulema is going to wake up. I guess since it’s on TV it’s possible.

Alonso whines that he can’t face Lorena. Paula tries to be supportive.

Diana actually calls out Lorena, saying that being delusional might make things worse. Lorena tries to say she’s just being hopeful. I don’t agree. Anyway this goes on for a bit.

Paula tells Alonso to buck up.

Ern has dinner with Jimena and discuss the whole situation. She is actually pushing him to take advantage of the situation, Ern wants to take the high road.

Bruno looks up some info on Mr. Playboy while Sara bitches. Bruno wants to try and get some of his money. Sara finally stops being a pain, realizing she has to be nice to Bruno to get some of the cash. Bruno starts cooking up a plan.

Julian comes home and Rosy lays into him with a vengeance. He wanted vengeance, he got it, just not how he wanted. She is beside herself, wanting Julian to get up and go to work. Zulema and Jaime arrive home, Rosy runs out crying and tells Zulema everything that has been going on. I guess she didn’t even know about the coma.

Lorena comes over to Alonso’s house and finds Toribio there. Toribio starts crying because he can’t make Alonso feel better. Alonso emerges from the back room, Paula and Bettina are with him. Everyone leaves the couple alone. Alonso won’t look her in the eye. She wants to be together, he is feeling too sorry for himself to agree. He tries to sort of break up with her, but isn’t very convincing. He says them being together is impossible. Lorena looks end of episode impactada. So I guess we have 20 episodes of them being broken up and then getting back together at the end, or something.

I discovered that youtube even has TV commercials for each episode, so I can get some previews, but nothing interesting – Al tries to dump Lorena, Sara has delusions of grandeur. Same old same old. I have to say that this last week has been just wretched. My wife says it’s time for her to start watching with me so she can see the good part of the show, the last few weeks are always best, but I told her to wait, this show really stinks at the moment. Here’s hoping things shape up.


Doña Bárbara - Friday, Oct., 24 - No one but Marisela believes that DB could show her affection without an ulterior motive

In doing the LT recaps, I noticed that the actress who plays Federica in DB, had a small role as Doña Gladis' maid in LT.

Santos tells Mujiquita that he needs proof of the accusations he's made against Pernalete. Santos asks why Mujiquita hates Pernalete so much all of a sudden. Mujiquita won't say. Santos suggests that M continue to work for Pernalete to get evidence.

DB says that she is pleased that Marisela wants to be a teacher. She suggests that Marisela might go to the University and asks how "Doctora Marisela Barquera Guaimarán" sounds. It sounds wonderful to Marisela.

DB actually kisses her daughter and Marisela is over the moon.

The Altamira vaqueros rhapsodize about seeing Las Terneras bathing.

Eustaquia sees DB crying after she comes back from seeing Marisela. DB denies that she cries.
DB then tells Eustaquia that Marisela is stupid. She believed DB and agreed to forgive her.

Alone, Marisela asks God why she isn't laughing and happy that she has her mother. She feels something piercing her chest.

In a great scene Eustaquia scolds DB for saying that Marisela stupid and weak. She says that it was she, Eustaquia, who was there for DB in all her travais but Marisela grew up abandoned by her mother and with a drunk father and turned into a beautiful woman capable of forgiving DB.
E says that she will be watching. She won't let DB destory the heart of that child. If you do something, I'll leave with her.

First Santos and then everyone except Cecilia tells Marisela that she is crazy to believe that DB loves her. Marisela protests that God says forgiveness is good and that people can change.

Santos goes to see Marisela to get her to change her mind about DB. He makes a bad start by criticizing her choice of reading matter - the novels of Madame Fabulé. Marisela struggeles to get the book back and ends up on top of Santos. There is an awkward pause. Santos then tries to convince Marisela that DB is pretending to be nice her to hurt him. She cannot understand how that would hurt Santos and he can't think of a reason either but he is sure it is so.

DB's lovey dovey act with QD convinces Nestor that they are in love. He doesn't believe the things that Santos and Lorenzo have told him about DB.

Josefa and Federica argue about who gets to go after Nestor. Federica says her need of sperm donors is more important but Josefa says that she is talking about money because neither Federica's father or Josefa's husband can do anything right ["ni tu papa ni mi marido dan pie con bola," literally "can't hit the ball with their foot."] Mujiquita is listening to this.

Marisela is invited to have dinner at El Miedo but Santos and Lorenzo don't want her go. She is sent to her room. Cecilia tells Santos and Lorenzo that they are acting stupidly in telling her what to believe. Believing that her mother cares for her is very important to Marisela. If it is a lie, she has to find out for herself. Of course, Marisela sneaks out to to El Miedo.

DB insists that Marisela drink at at dinner.

Antonio is arrested for raping another woman.

Marisela gets tipsy. Santos bursts in and says he has come to take her home.


Sunday, October 26, 2008

Cuidado: Friday 10/24/08- "Juan Miguel and Marichuy kissing on a bridge....K-I-S-S-I-N-G"

Marichuy finds the Stefania’s “stolen” emerald necklace hidden in a mask hanging on the wall in Stef’s room. Just as she makes the discovery, Stef walks into the room. MC puts one and one together and gets two. She tells Stef that it is obvious that she set her up and now MC is going to fill Pat and Cece in on all the details. Stef, unfortunately, is one step ahead of MC. She grabs Mari and starts hollering to her “parents” to come. Cece and Pat come a-running and Pat is ever so quick to jump to the wrong conclusion, much to Stef’s pleasure.

Nelson and Elsa are together and she informs him that she’s left everything behind just to be with him. Ever confident, Nelson says he knew she’d come back to him and not marry Eduardo.

Speaking of Ed, he cannot understand why he was left at the altar. He asks Juan Miguel for some input. JM says that Elsa changed once she started to hang around this bohemian crowd. Ed says, there’s got to be a reason she stood me up at the church. He asks JM if there is another man and JM tells him yes, it is some writer who’s part of that group. Ed demands to know why JM didn’t tell him before. JM says he didn’t dare (no other explanation). Ed asks if JM knows where he would be able to find Elsa, he’s got to find her.
When Mari tries to tell what really happened, Pat says she just got caught trying to return the necklace. Mari asks why they won’t believe her. Isa calls her a thief. MC calls Stef a hypocrite, saying that she wanted to be like sisters, but all the while plotting to set MC up. Mari asks why Stef hates her so and Pat gets all puffed up and yells some more at Mari, this time for insulting his “daughter”. Mari calls Stef a liar. Isa says we caught you red handed. Mari, realizing no one is really listening to her, says that one day they’ll learn how unfair they’ve been to her and that they’ll find out that people get what they deserve. Mari walks out of the room and Cece can’t make eye contact with her.

Pat asserts that no doubt Marichuy is a thief. Isa says for certain they’ll have to kick her out of the house. Pat adds the sooner the better and Cece is upset to think they’ll be throwing Mari out on the street. Pat asserts that isn’t their problem and he’s going to call JM because he’s the one who brought her into the house, he’s the one who can deal with the problem.

JM receives the call from Pat. He makes a beeline for Pat and Cece’s home. When he gets there he is shown to Pat’s office and inquires into what Mari did. Pat starts running on with a list of every perceived offense….breaking a valuable dish, being jealous of Stef, stealing a necklace and money out of his wallet, keeping them up all night with her screaming nightmares….JM is shocked to hear of her being accused of theft. Stef comes into the office to add her two cents, but JM still isn’t convinced and says he’ll go talk to her. Pat says don’t bother talking, just get her out of here. Cece insists that JM speak to Mari and she takes him to Mari’s room. On the way there, Cece admits to JM that she can hardly believe that Mari is capable of stealing, but all the evidence points to her. When JM arrives at her room, Mari runs straight into his arms and begs him to remove her from this house. JM says they need to talk.

Waiting outside the room, Cece has flashbacks on some of the more maternal moments she’s spent with Mari.

JM asks Mari to tell him the truth and she questions if he’ll believe her over Pat and Cece. JM assures her that he’ll believe her. She fills him in on what’s happened and he affirms his belief in her version of the events. She starts to cry and he asks her to look him in the eye. He gently wipes away her tears and asks her not to cry any more. He says he only wanted to hear from her lips that she was innocent, but he questions why she didn’t defend herself. She asks him to whom? Cece, who is her biggest defender in the house believes that MC is guilty of what the others are accusing her of doing. JM leaves the room and tells Cece that he believes MC took nothing and Cece says again she didn’t think MC was capable, but then there is the proof…..JM says, “Yeah, that’s what Marichuy said.” Cece looks even more depressed as she realizes she’s let MC down.

Juan Miguel returns to Pat’s office and declares that he believes Marichuy, she didn’t take the necklace. Isa states that apparently Marichuy has mastered the art of deceiving people. Stef is irate to think that JM would believe MC over her and says that if that is the case, then he must believe she, Stef, invented these things about MC. JM says he doesn’t believe that about Stef, he just has no doubt that Marichuy isn’t a thief. Pat questions what underlying motive would JM have in believing MC. JM says there is no underlying motive, but as a psychoanalyst he’s trained in reading people. Pat says the faith JM has in her is strange, but he, himself, isn’t believing it and he wants MC out of his house. JM asks Cece if she agrees. She’s conflicted and struggles to give him a definitive answer. Pat says there are two ways MC can go---to jail or out on the street. JM says neither, she’s going to come back and live with me. We can see the steam coming from Stef at this comment. Again, Pat questions why JM is going out on a limb for this ladrona. JM says he’s got a moral obligation to protect Marichuy--- she’s good, pure, and innocent.

Ed goes to the bohemian part of town and searches for Nelson and Elsa. He gets a little info out of some woman who is one of the artsy group, but not enough to track down the couple.

Pat and JM discuss the ideologies the nature of “fixing” the criminal element. JM thinks that with guidance you can lead someone in a new direction. Pat is old school and thinks that only punishment can turn someone around. JM says he’s willing to help Mari at any cost and Stef has more steam coming out of her ears. She warns JM to be careful, because MC will end up causing him a lot of problems. Hinting, I’m sure, about their relationship, however JM doesn’t pick up on this because it is obvious their relationship is pretty much at the bottom of his list of priorities. Pat adds that JM needs to be careful because he thinks MC is predestine to commit crimes, “after all, we have no idea who her parents were and they could be lowlifes, people without scruples.” JM ends the conversation by saying that MC will be leaving with him and he’ll go tell her to pack her things.

JM and Mari leave the house with her few meager belongings and Cece looks sad as they go.

Onelia is there to greet them at the castle door when they get to JM’s house. She starts harping right away and declares that she will not live under the same roof as this person and her mongrel. She also insults Cuate some more, calling him flea infested. Her final threat is that either Mari goes or she’ll go. JM says that he’s decided that MC will be staying. Onelia, sensing she’s losing, rallies for a final stand. She agrees to let MC stay, as long as she works for them. JM says nope, MC will be getting an education, not working as a domestic. MC assures them that she’s got no problem working at the house. Onelia says that the dog won’t be allowed into the house, he’ll have to sleep in the yard. Once Onelia leaves, JM tells MC that Cuate doesn’t have to sleep outside, he can remain in her room (he’s good-looking and kind to animals!!). He tells Mari that even though Onelia’s being nasty, there are plenty of people at the house who are happy to have her living there-- like Rocio, Malvina, Mayita and JM, himself. This makes Mari smile.

Stef is angry that JM has Mari moving into his house. She and Isa end up having words. Isa tells Stef it is better to lose JM than to risk losing the gravy train of Pat and Cece. Losing JM is worth it, if they’ve been successful in getting Pat and Cece’s real daughter away from them. Stef rants about how she hates Marichuy.

Viviana calls the castle and Mayita answers the phone. Viv identifies herself as Maya’s mom. Mayita tells her mother that her Abuelita Mariana said that Viv was alive. Viv doesn’t have time for this, she wants to talk to Onelia. Mayita says she’s not around and Viv ends the call. Mayita runs to her secret place and asks Abuelita Mariana about Viv and if she should tell her dad about the phone call. AM says to keep it quiet, for now.

Adrian comes to visit Mari. Pat informs him that she no longer lives there, and doesn’t tell him where she’s gone. Adrian looks seriously upset at this news.

Nelson and Elsa discuss how happy they are together. Nelson questions if she misses Ed. She says nope, she just feels bad about leaving him at the altar. She mentions a wedding in the future for her and Nelson. She’s assuming it will happen, but the look of bemused terror on his face indicates he’s not in complete agreement with that plan.

Ed calls to tell JM about his search for Elsa and Nelson. JM tells him about Marichuy moving into the castle.

Vicente invites Mari and Rocio to a party at this studio. Rocio’s not sure she should go, but Mari gets ready and on her way out gets stopped by Juan Miguel. She tells him where she’s headed and he tells her she’s mistaken if she thinks she’s going. He’s on his way out, so he tells her they’ll talk about it later, but he advises her not to leave.

Rocio decides she wants to go and she tells MC they need to get out of the house undetected by Onelia. Too bad the witch is eavesdropping on the whole conversation.

At the party……Mari talks to Nelson and Elsa. Amador makes another move on Mari, and she rejects him, once again. Rocio and Vicente dance. She learns how to smoke (ick) and they kiss. Mari dances and looks like she’s having a great time. Too bad, JM arrives and drags both women out of the party (but not in a caveman way, most likely due to the fact neither one of the women put up too much resistance). Amador leads the crowd in laughing at the women’s hasty exit.

When they arrive back at the castle, Rocio tries to convince her brother that Vicente cares for her. It falls on deaf ears, as JM thinks that group is nothing but trouble. Rocio stomps off into the house. Mari refuses to go inside. Juan Miguel follows Mari out to the bridge over the pond. He ends up apologizing for the manner in which he forced them to leave the party. Mari apologizes for not listening and questions why JM is being so nice to her. He says it is because she deserves it. He adds, that whether she believes it or not, he’s not such a bad guy. She says she knows and that’s why she cares for him. He sounds surprised and tries to get her to reaffirm that comment, “You care for me?” Mari says that she cares for him, a lot. He says “Marichuy” and they both lean in for a kiss. Their lips meet and the camera turns around them as we are treated to the first kiss in slo-mo. END OF THE EPISODE.


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