Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Doña Bárbara - Friday, Nov. 7 and Monday, Nov.10 - The wedding farce turns to tragedy for DB

Big plot developments in these two episodes.

Chepo curses DB as his friends dig him up. He says that now it is his turn.

Santos debates with himself. He recognizes that he is doing exactly what DB wants. He shouldn't have anything to do with this wedding. He asks what DB has done to him.

At El Miedo, DB waits for Santos to come.

The employees watch DB waiting.

When Josefa says it's time to get dressed for the wedding, Mujiquita says that he refuses to go to the wedding with Josefa. He says that he won't be seen with a hetaira (an ancient greek term for a prostitute) like her.

Finally, Santos decides to go the wedding.

Marisela's driving skills or lack of same terrify the terneras as they follow Santos into town.

Santos and QD get into a fight about DB in front of the church. Antonio tries to stop Santos. Pernalete and the cops arrive and arrest both Santos and Antonio.

Realizing that Santos isn't coming to El Miedo, DB gets ready to go to the church. Eustachia hands her the bouquet and says that she won't come to the wedding. She doesn't want to see DB marry someone she doesn't love.

DB starts up the aisle. Pernalete shows up and tells her that Santos was arrested. She orders Pernalete to set Santos free. DB is dawdling in the back of the church waiting for Santos. Meanwhile, Leon finds that Chepo has escaped. He comes to the church and tells DB.

DB borrows his gun (she wasn't packing heat in her wedding dress) and runs out of the church with her employees following much to the astonishment of everyone in the church. Santos shows up shortly afterward and he and Antonio go after DB.

DB gets to the where she buried Chepo ahead of the rest of her employees. Chepo and his buddies jump her.

They rape and brutilize her and when they hear the searchers approaching, Chepo cuts her wrists and covers her body with leaves. Melquiades kills Chepo's two buddies but Chepo himself escapes.

The alcaraván is singing at Altamira and Casilda suddenly understands why.

Santos finds DB.

Melquiades is devastated.

QD tells Santos that the whole wedding thing was a ploy by DB to get Santos back and that he never slept with her. He begs Santos to get him out of El Miedo. Santos protects QD from the El Miedo employees. QD says that he is leaving this horrible place without any money but at least he is alive.

Dr. Arias says that DB has lost too much blood and is dying.

While Dr. Arias tries to find a blood donor for DB (she has a rare blood type), Eustachia and Melquiades try their own methods of healing that involve smoke, and spitting liquor on DB's feet.

Marisela tells Cecilia that she has an empty place in her heart and doesn't feel anything for her mother. She doesn't want her to die but she isn't upset.


El Cuerpo del Deseo, Thurs. & Fri., Nov. 6 & 7- PJ/S gives Abigail some special birthday gifts and Rebeca spreads poison about PJ/S & Angela

Matilde promises PJ/S not to bring Rebeca to the bar again but Gaetana doesn't trust her.

Andres tells Walter to spy on PJ/S and let him know everything that goes on in the house in his absence. Later, Andres tells Walter to follow PJ/S and Angela when they go out.

Rebeca comes to see Salvador who is intently studying a bottle with a little straw hat (probably hot peppers).

PJ/S drinks a glass of water and Rebeca's hopes rise that she might get one the things Matilde asked her for but he washes the glass and the coffee cup he was drinking out of. Frustrated, Rebeca tells him to leave that for the maids. PJ/S says that he doesn't have maids; he cleans up for himself and then he winks at her as he leaves.

Angela tells PJ/S that she doesn't know much about him such as where he lives and how to contact him in an emergency and she finds that to be mysterious. (Why can't PJ/S get a cell phone?) He says that there isn't much to know.

It's Abigail's birthday (First Antonio had a birthday and now Abigail. I guess we are going to have everyone in the Donoso house have a birthday so that PJ/S can give them something that creates doubt in their minds about who he really is.) In Abigail's case, PJ/S goes for two. He gives Abigail a book of poetry that her husband gave her when they were courting and a brooch that PJ's first wife had promised Abigail before she died but which had never been given.

PJ/S asks Valeria how an old guy like PJ could inspire such love in a young person like herself. Valeria says what a wonderful guy PJ was and PJ/S tears up and says that maybe if PJ had lived longer, he would have fallen in love with her.

Thanks to PJ/S, Angela confounds Andres' plan to prevent various foreign properties of PJ from being included in the estate (it appears that Isabel didn't know about them either).

PJ/S (who looks good in an orange shirt, too) gives Angela documents that prove the existence of the properties and foreign bank accounts that even Andres and Isabel don't know about. Angela can't understand how PJ/S knows all this stuff and all he can do is reassure her that he is doing all this for her benefit.
Isabel gives Valeria a piano.

Walter and Rebeca lose no time in telling Isabel and Antonio that they believe that PJ/S is seducing Angela. Isabel has PJ/S (who looks good in his red shirt) come to her room after work and confronts him about it. PJ/S says that he made no commitment to Isabel and is free to see whomever he wants. Scornfully, Isabel asks if PJ/S thinks that Angela would be interested in a simple chauffeur. PJ/S says that Isabel is the lady of the house and she noticed the stupid chauffeur. At least Angela isn't married. She isn't doing anything wrong by liking him. Isabel says that he is right and tells him to get out of her room.

Cantalicia and Moncho are on the bus on the way to Rio Claro.


Fuego en la Sangre 11-10 Mon.- and we are less one virgin...producers take their shot at mitten makers and boots belong in bed

Juan rescues the screaming loca. She tells him she never lets anyone touch her, but she feels safe around him. We get a nice ass shot as he puts her back on the horse. I think that’s her best view frankly. Her face makes me puke (it’s her personality, folks...).

Mama Crabby tells the Haci dwellers that Root Uribe has arrived and Snowfie asks if Eva knows that her daughter is here. Crabby manages to talk these dimwits into not telling Eva because she has already suffered so much for losing Rosi, and Ruth will just hate her for abandoning her, blah, blah, blah. They have learned nothing after living with this evil wench for almost 40 years and for some reason agree to this .

Oscar looks for Jime at Eva’s store she’s not there but he can’t contain himself and Eva learns he and Jime are still married.

Feo blows off Crabby who wants to tell him something. He has to go for a few days they can talk later. Crabby notes that he’s never around when she needs him, oh but he will pay, she says. Me thinks that is a true statement.

The caucus adjourns to the other room. I can’t believe these people are even going to seriously debate whether or not to follow one of Crabby’s loony ideas, they discuss if they should be stupid or should not be quite as stupid. Abue tells that Ruth was favored and the papa gave her everything despite her mother protesting. They all agree Ruth was a pill and maybe she has changed since then. Not from what I’ve seen.

Split screen Reyes bros are sneaking around the hacienda, I think they are torn between punishing themselves or just walking away. They decide to punish them selves and seek out their chicas.

The caucus ends and they agree they won’t say anything for now. Crabby decides it doesn’t suit her for anyone else to know about Ruth’s special status. The boys hear this, and the tidbit that Ruth is Eva’s spawn. Just then Juan rides in on his girl, I mean the girl rides in on Juan. Weird looks abound –most notably from Sofi.

I am Ruth, hear me roar. She is more than happy to have the escort. Crabby is incensed that this guy is in her house and wants to point out who he is to Ruth, uh, your enemy. Darn, she’s now conflicted about boffing him someday. She introduces herself and wants him to carry her up to her room. He says go your self, I did my duty by bringing you home.

Eva thinks it’s weird that no one has come to the shop all day.

Ruth is introduced to everyone else but doesn’t want any one to touch her. She is warm on the general, so so on the girls, but really cold on Sofi. She always remembered Sofi despite not being that nice to her.

Ruth is upstairs with her boots on the bed. She admits it was a lie that she was hurt, she’s really fine. Crabby wants to know why she did it to get near Juan when he’s the enemy and she admits she didn’t know it before, and well he’s still hot. She asks Crabby if she’s never lied....if you only knew, ugh!

Oscar and Franco retire to their secret hiding places to discuss what they heard. The boys also agree that Eva shouldn’t know, they are all drinking from the same fountain now.

All tell off their exploits at the hacienda; that Oscar didn’t get to talk to Jime, and Franco to Sara, Juan of his meeting up at the orfanato with the three babies ,and this was the magic that they needed to kiss.

Ruth spills the beans at dinner that Snowfie was kissing someone, this wasn’t her husband though. Sofi says uh, yeah, I have no husband. Ruth refers to the picture but Snow reminds that she has no hubby he’s Ma’s now. Good enough for the gander, good enough for the goose. Ruth is surprised, but now Crabby wants into the act and asks who Snowf was kissing. Juan Reyes she confesses. This freaks Crab out and she goes to slap one her one silly until Abue appears out of nowhere and screams. Ruth goes for a bottle of wine because she can’t deal with these family problems just then, Eva shows up.

Crabby berates her for coming to the house, after all, you slept with my husband you slut. And so on until Eva is on the outside of the door. Kicked out. Root serves Gabi more wine while trying to find out who that woman was. Astute Abue notes how similar Root and Gabi are in their mannerisms.

Pablito takes an opportunity to remind Juan about his Sofi cakes that he makes. Pablo remembers the recipe and so they work on them to gether. I still don’t think that Juan remembers, but he likes them anyway. Sooo cute making the pan de Sofia together.

Sofi smells the bread cooking across town and looks out her window.

Root pleasures herself with her lip gloss and utters some things about maybe still liking this guy yet wondering why Crabby hates him and wondering what the other brothers are like. I’ll tell you, they are window climbing marvels.

Oscar sneaks into Jime’s room and finally gets to tell her they are still married. She’s happy but not. She fights but eventually gives in, again. They both still have their boots in the bed...yuck.

Another ass shot in the camera, and in your face. Did the mitten making doll collector get to Televisa too? Nah, couldn't be.... This time it’s Oscar’s whites. And they are off to more Franco singing. I think we need a tally of how many times this guy has appeared in his underoos.

Sarita remembers the kiss Franco was going to give her but didn’t. She ends up going over to smooch Franco. And what da ya know! They end up in bed or well on bread sacks!!!! FINALLY SHE’S A VIRGIN NO MORE. JUST LIKE THAT!! Thank heavens he finally takes her glasses off.

There’s some post coital loving crap between both couples. Macho Franco claims his prize that Sara is completely his now. Sara swears they belong to each other now. O and J cheer their marriage.

Snowfi is the only sis not presently getting boffed by a Reyes, but wait, a worker tells her someone is here to see her in the kitchen.

Turns out it’s Pablo and he brought the Sofi cake. She sexily eats it and leaves some cream on her face. At the end she licks it off her lips. That skeeved me actually, it’s just weird to see her being sexy.

Afterward Juan bugs the little boy for the details about what she said. Pablito describes how she ate the cake. Really, should a little boy be involved in this nonsense? Not so sure....

At the end of the story telling, Juan kicks him out to school..

More man love as the Roosters come home to their hom. They sing together. Juan wonders why they are acting "happy" duh, it’s the "I just got laid happy dance." I’m tellin’ you, the gay men must love this show there is just so much hunks lovin’ on hunks. Forget that they are brothers.....

The girls tell all to each other as well...even Sara who says she may die a martyr, but not a virgin. She updated her hairstyle for the occasion. Now we just need to deal with Sofi....well she kissed Juan at least. Baby Steps.....

Ruth goes to visit the babbling English Quinti who gives her hell for giving her orders and doesn’t want to solicit her bosses when then Juan rides up and wants to know what’s going on. Root gives him a scary look.


Monday, November 10, 2008

Querida Enemiga Monday Nov 10 - Bruno and Ern, sitting in a tree?

Fafy Cuenca, El Gran Idiota del Jet Set, changes his will to give Sara everything. What a fool. But he has been a fool from the start. Sara fake cries then gloats over Fafy’s shoulder.

Julian brings the Forger to meet Lorena. Lorena has to tell him that Chalo died. Forger doesn’t believe that Chalo killed himself. At Sara’s name being mentioned, Forger gets real suspicious. I think he’s going to go look for Sara.

Hottie Valeria (oh how I missed you while you were gone) tries to pump up Alonso’s confidence in preparation for his next attempt at a gastric bypass. Ah Valeria, if only the novela writers were going to be nicer to you. I’m sure some completely random yet model-perfect doctor who just flew in from Timbuktu will arrive just in time to save you from a broken heart in the five minutes between the Gran Final wedding and closing credits. So you have that going for you. You will be instantly in love and the viewers won’t have to feel sorry for you. Only sorry that we don’t get video of you frolicking on the beach in your bikini when you and Dr. Ken Doll go on vacation. Oh well.

Lorena figures out that the Forger is who messed up the adoption forms.

Rosy looks at Julian’s modeling pictures in the sportswear catalog and cries. Maruja tries to comfort her, but Rosy smartly insists that she did the right thing telling Julian to grow up. If he doesn’t shape up, she’d rather be alone. I won’t give her more than a 6 on the UCS due to how totally justified she is in giving Julian the boot. The crying is ugly, but completely fitting to the situation.

Bettina plays with Ivan’s little brother and sister while Ivan and his boyfriend sit on the couch realllly close together. Ivan is so wrapped up in his PSP (a familiar sight for my wife as well, yes me not my son, I confess) that he doesn’t see Bettina trying to take a picture of him. His friend makes a total douchebag kissy sound at her and lifts his eyebrows, etc. All he needs is an Armani Exchange shirt and a Yankees cap tilted to the side and he’d have the look down. Bettina is very taken aback by this. Bettina save yourself please, just get away. Otherwise it’s the fast lane to Hoochietown.

Ern makes a pizza for Fafy, traitor Jimena is there with him. We could pretend that her turning out to be an evil bitch increases the odds that he’ll get Lorena and not Alonso, right? He fills her in on the whole deal with Sara.

Alonso and Valeria bask in the afterglow of…. No not that, successful surgery. He says she’s a great assistant, she says if it were up to her she’d be…. Uh his assistant all the time. He manages to make a comment about what a great friend she is, which doesn’t encourage her. Welcome to Man hell, Valeria. I’d feel bad except for the fact that I (and I assume most men) have had this done to us by some girl we liked many times over. Welcome to the Friend Zone. There is no escape.

Ern and family are having dinner when the bell rings, it’s Toribio come to get Bettina. She thought Alonso was coming, uh uh no he couldn’t. Pissing contest, with Toribio pissing on Alonso’s behalf. Ivan manages to almost not notice when she leaves. Ivan tells Ern that he will surely win with Lorena. The younger kids exchange sad looks with Jimena, who evil witch smiles at them.

Bruno wants to celebrate (I’m sure I know how) but Sara says Fafy is right here! She rants about Lorena some more. It’s getting boring. She tells Bruno that he has to do something to get rid of her! Fafy enters, apparently he was listening. He wants to know WHAT Bruno needs to do, and HOW does she feel so well all of a sudden to be giving orders? OOPS. She makes a Lucy Ricardo face. She tries to say it’s woman/doctor stuff. She says that Bruno is in love with a married man, she was telling him he has to tell the guy to make a choice! Bruno gays it up and plays along. Fafy advises against married lovers, ‘Like that cowboy movie, remember? With the mountains. Never works out.” I’m guessing he’s talking about Brokeback Mountain. Te imagines? FAFY CUENCA going to see that movie? Maybe he even farted while he was there. I can’t picture him sitting through that movie. Anyway. Bruno quickly agrees to move on. Fafy says he has a friend who is, how you say ‘asi’, he decides to introduce him to Bruno. Bruno looks panicked, Sara jumps alllll over it. Bruno looks like he might puke. I imagine Sara will suffer for this. Bruno now might cry.

Paula is in line at the movies, Raimundo happens to be there and they catch up a bit. He finds out quickly that she’s single again. He smiles at this, and surely at her tight sweater.

Alonso and Toribio discuss Alonso’s surgical success. Bettina wants to talk to Alonso about Lorena. She wants to know why he loves her. Ah – the little trickster has hidden a video camera to catch his confession.

Rosy, Maruja, and Jaime prepare to watch a movie. The popcorn smell grosses her out, and she loves popcorn normally……… you know what that means! In true novela fashion, the realization of being pregnant is instant. At least they make plans to go to the clinic in the morning rather than just ‘knowing’. Well Julian really better shape up now.

Paula and Raimundo enjoyed the movie. Conversation of the movie leads to conversation of their own past. They make plans to talk soon. They both look very pleased with their chance meeting.

Greta is fuming on the phone to someone, saying “if he leaves me, I’ll kill myself!” If you hear any grunts of pain, that’s from me and my eyes rolling farther back than ever before. Spare me Greta. Omar overhears this last part and she hangs up quickly. They argue. He says she needs a shrink, she says no just his love! She has turned into a horrible person, telling him that he doesn’t need his own kids! She rants on, he leaves. She’s a mess.

Ivan is taking a picture of kids and Ern. He says it’s for a project or something He sets the timer and runs over to get in the picture.

Lorena goes with Rosy and Maruja to the clinic. She’s pregnant. The other ladies have the nerve to be sooo excited OMG! Rosy is the only one who seems to remember that the baby has a loser deadbeat father.

Julian runs in to tell his mom that Televisa gave him his job back!

Rosy is warming to the idea of being a mom. Now she’s happy. Good thing Julian found work. She doesn’t want to tell Julian just yet, he’ll twist it to just come back to her right away. She says if either of them tell anybody they are in sooo much trouble. Valeria lights up the room by walking in and smiling, Maruja tells her the good news. Rosy asks her what she doesn’t understand about “don’t say anything?”

Diana is telling Bruno again over the phone to take a hike, he can’t come see the kid.

Sara and Fafy are hiring staff for the mansion. He keeps telling her how she is in charge of everything. Santiago is hanging around being useless as usual. “You used to be such a stud, now you’re so whipped.”

Diana is at work in the kitchen, Bruno calls again, he’s outside and wants to talk. Diana walks out to meet him. Paty and a guy named Felipe were also in the kitchen, Paty calls out Felipe for having a crush on Diana. He thought he was playing it cool, but she figured it out. He wishes she would notice him, Paty says to come on a little stronger. Diana meets Bruno outside and tells him again to shove off. He gets all riled up, I’m expecting him to hit her. He insults the new company, Diana says they are doing fine! He is rich he says, she doesn’t care. He grabs her and shakes her, she pushes him off. He raises his hand, but Vasco shows up just in time and beats the crap out of him. Boy I bet he has been wanting to do that for a looong time. Diana screams at him to stop. Vasco twists his arm and tells him to never come around here again. Bruno leaves. Diana cries and thanks him. Of course just then Paty comes out to see them comforting each other. Big fight, Vasco says he’d help anyone, Paty says no way, and here poor Felipe is such a nice guy but Diana keeps pulling Vasco into her problems, etc etc. Paty accuses them of still being in love and storms off. Vasco apologizes to Diana and follows Paty inside.

The ladies tell Rosy to relax, she has to keep cool to not hurt the baby. Alonso sees them there and Rosy tries to make some lame excuse about why they are there. Alonso asks for a minute of Lorena’s time. He tells her that he had the successful operation, she is happy for him. They discuss Zulema. She tells him that he doesn’t have to worry about her any more.

Toribio and Bettina visit Zulema. Bettina asks Zulema for a favor, to deliver her a gift. She says she filmed it, and the person in the movie didn’t know he was being filmed. Toribio tries to fish for a little help from Zulema to push Lorena towards Alonso, but she doesn’t get or refuses to get what he’s hinting at.

Bruno comes back to the mansion and tells Sara what happened. He’s also angry about the gay date, Sara laughs at him. He gives her some info on Diana’s new company that I guess she’ll find useful. Is that why he went over there in the first place?

Ivan’s younger siblings and the maid make cookies. They tell her that they think Lorena won’t marry Ern because she wants her own kids, not them. The maid tries to change their minds. She asks where they got that idea! They don’t say. That little girl smiles her wonderful toothless smile.

As usual, whatever one galan’s family does, the other does, so Ivan too shows up with a gift for Lorena. He and Bettina have a mini-argument, of course they each think their own uncle is perfect and the other is a complete loser, rather than admit that they aren’t really that far apart. Kind of like when people choose sides in an election. Really, the two sides are going to agree like 95% of the time, it’s just that other 5% that is in such contention.

Ern arrives at work – I was going to call it Banquetes Armendariz, but did Sara keep that name? I’ll call it that anyway. And what is the new company called, that whole family is called Armendariz too, except for Lorena? I don’t know if it has come up. Anyway Sara tells Ern that she wants to compete for a particular event that has already agreed with Lorena’s company. Ern continues his “pffssshh Lorena what a loser” front and says no problem. Ern leaves and Fafy enters, followed by the increasingly annoying Santiago. He started as a 7 out of 10 on the annoying scale (what is it with me and scales) but is now up to 9, moving up fast. Sara tells Fafy she wants to get in to see this place that already contracted Lorena, Fafy needs to use his contacts to get her in. Can he do it? Before he can answer Santiago unhelpfully pipes up that for Fafy there is no impossible! He can do anything! He can climb Mount Everest in just a sweater and shorts (I think he said shorts, it’s ridiculous either way)! Fafy shushes him and tells Sara he’ll take care of it. Santiago reminds me of someone that I can’t place – a little bit like Salacious Crumb, the annoying runt thing that hung out with Jabba the Hutt in Return of the Jedi, but that’s not quite it. His entire reason for living is to sing the praises of Fafy Cuenca and he’s driving me crazy.

Lorena opens Ivan’s present, it’s the photo he took and a card from the kids saying how much they miss her and want her back in their family.

Paula tells Valeria (the gathering of hotties has reconvened) about meeting up with Raimundo. Talk turns to Lorena, Paula of course wants her to choose Al. Val gives her a “heh heh oh yeah sure me too” smile.

Lorena, Zulema, Diana, and Hortensia all watch Alonso’s DVD, he really goes on and on about Lorena. Diana chokes up. Zulema casts her vote for Alonso, Diana still prefers Ern because he’s so hawt. Maybe that’s what is holding her back with Vasco, he isn’t quite dreamy enough. Lorena doesn’t say anything.

Later on Zulema is crying about Omar, Lorena says “I have to tell you something….” Is she finally going to spill the beans, and why isn’t she consulting her partner in crime Diana?

Ern is at the mansion with Sara, Fafy, and Fafy’s parasite Santiago. Bruno arrives and Fafy steps over to say he wants him to meet someone. Bruno recognizes Ern and starts sweating it, thinking this is his gay fixup date. Fafy says he’s the new chef for their company, Bruno lets out a huge breath of relief. The gay fixup is a son of Fafy’s friend, I guess we’ll meet him later. Bruno and Ern shake hands and pretend they don’t know each other. Bruno explains that he got attacked or something, about his bruises, Santiago jumps up and says too bad Fafy wasn’t there! He once fought off three guys in Beirut! Fafy rolls his eyes waaay back and then covers his face, telling Santiago to shut up. Why does he keep this guy around?

Zulema is excited because Rosy is pregnant – Lorena spilled the beans to throw her off the Omar trail. I don’t know, I think my spouse continuing to not come home after I got out of a year long coma would not leave my mind. I think the airline would understand and help him switch the ticket. In the style of Seth Meyers and Amy Poehler from SNL Weekend Update, “REALLY, Lorena? The whole ‘traveling for work thing’? That’s the story you’re going with ? Really? REALLY?” Anyway, to guarantee that the beans will get spilled at the wrong time again later, Lorena swears Zulema to silence on the topic.

Over drinks at the mansion, Santiago is dying to tell Ern that Bruno is gay and manages to get that across. Fafy asks him why he has to be such a gossip.

Sara teases Bruno about him thinking Ern was his gay fixup, she says why not him, he’s sooo guapo! Bruno thinks Ern is there as a spy for Lorena. Sara says she is hiring a detective and a ‘systems expert’ to check up on Ern and his e-mail to find out. Ern happened to be standing directly behind Bruno, where any normal person would hear him breathing and Sara should totally see him, and overhears that conversation. Of course Sara and Bruno had no idea he was RIGHT THERE. He was practically casting a shadow over them. Sheesh.

Lorena goes to Paula’s to give a gift of muffins, and to tell Bettina and Paula to please back off. She doesn’t know who she’s going to hook up with and needs to decide in peace without all the pressure. They understand and agree.

Al is making a house call, checking up on Zulema. He must know the truth about Omar, because while Zulema is going on and on Alonso fake smiles like he has no idea.

Omar tells Greta that he wants to go tell Zulema the truth. She says the truth about how you love me and we are together now? Ok go right now and tell her! Then she says to him that he knows what she’s capable of if he leaves her. That is blatant emotional blackmail. If anyone told me that I’d be gone so fast I’d leave a little puff of smoke. Omar just looks conflicted. He obviously wants to throw himself at Zulema’s feet and beg her to take him back.

Lorena shows up at the basketball court to see Ivan. His friends tease him that he likes older girls too. He says it’s his aunt, I think he’s jumping the gun by calling her that. She brings him muffins too and tells him the same thing she told Bettina. He also says he understands and agrees. Ivan is a little in love with Lorena too, I think, he watches her leave and his friends have to throw the basketball at him to wake him up.

Jimena arrives at Ern’s, he has asked her to come over. He explains about Sara and the detective and wants Jimena to be his courier to talk to Lorena. Of course Jimena agrees, now we know why the sneaky truth about her was revealed yesterday. She will surely make sure to foul things up for Ern. And of course whatever goofy ridiculous thing she tells Lorena, Lorena will believe it regardless of all common sense and whatever explanation Ern tries to give. At least it can’t carry on very long, today was episode 98 of 110. Just over 2 weeks to go!

Preview – Jimena recruits the other wicked witch, Greta (who she conveniently ran into yesterday after we conveniently found out she is a lying bitch) to help her make trouble for Lorena.

There was also a quick commercial for Tontas, with Jaime Camil and Jackie Bracamontes, and Jaime was with what’s her name from Amar Sin Limites, the spooky lady that the main galan was involved with for so long. She still looks like some kind of phantom, with whatever fake color contact lenses she wears. Creepy.


Cuidado con el Angel- November 10, 2008

Filling in just for today.

JM finds Marichuy and Adrian walking down the stairs. JM wants to speak with her either today or they never will. Adrian pleads with Marichuy to send JM away and JM yells at Adrian to desist. Marichuy agrees to speak with JM alone but on the stairwell. She tells him to say what he needs to say and then leave.

Ceci is at home making treat bags for the orphans. Patricio asks her what is wrong. She says that she is thinking of Marichuy and Estephania.

Back at the stairwell he tells Marichuy that he never meant to deceive her, he wanted her to get to know the real JM and to get her forgiveness. He has never forgotten what he has done and believes god put her in his path to have her forgive him. She says something which I cannot understand. She then sarcastically asks JM that didn't he tell Padre that she needed to now behave like a woman? Yes, but a woman that learns to love responds JM. Well you have taught me to love, but first you taught me to hate. That hatred is deep in my heart and you cannot take it away. It is in my head and in my blood. It flows throughtout my body. This body that you attacked that night responds Marichuy. The same body that was full of emotion in my arms asks JM. You love me yesterday and you love me today. Do you not Marichuy?

Mayita is in fantasyland with Abuela and informs her that she asked her dad not to bring Marichuy to live at the house because her mother will be back.

Marichuy confesses to JM that she loves him, but that was the other JM. He no longer exists. JM says no, I am still here. Marichuy responds that she cannot see that anymore. JM cries.

Ceci is hurt that Estephania threw in her face that she gave her up when she was a baby. The veil has been lifted and Ceci now sees an uglier side to Estephania.

Marichuy is yelling at JM to go. She runs up the stairs to Cande's apartment crying and starts to remember JM crying and asking for her forgiveness when they were on the beach.

Eduardo and Estephania are dining out. She brings up JM and Marichuy and tries to get Ed to give up the goods. He changes the subject and starts to talk about her.

The witch Onelia is sprouting ugly and mean things about Marichuy to Mayita and that if she were to come live at the house they will have to leave. JM overhears this. (finally! maybe he'll throw the witch out)

Estephania returns to the house after having dinner with Eduardo. Ceci asks if she went to visit Rocio and how is she doing? Estephania responds by saying horrible. Isa scolds her about the manner in which she responded. Oh, well reponds Estephania. She deserves it for listening to the good for nothing Marichuy. Ceci looks at her with disgust. Also they have separated she informs the group at the table.

Onelia has the nerve to ask JM why he is trying to make her look bad in front of Mayita. JM (finally he has grown a pair) says no it is you who are making me look bad in front of my daughter. Making her dislike me and hate Marichuy. Onelia says she never wanted him to marry that welfana and he should have listened to her. JM says that he runs his own life. Onelia responds by saying that the wedding should never have taken place. JM comes back with my mistakes are mine and are no business of anyones. He then tells her that Marichuy will not be living at the house because she left him. Are you happy?

Viv in the hotel room getting drunk and talking to herself. She doesn't care who JM married just the fact that he did. Wait til he finds out that I am alive.

Cande comes back from delivering the clean clothes and asks Marichuy what is up. Marichuy says that JM came to see her, but will not be returning.

Adrian goes to see the Padre and asks him to help him anul the marriage. (he is really annoying me) Padre cannot help him since the marriage was consumated. Adrian refuses to believe it.

Onelia is scolding Rocio saying that if she has listened to her she would not be in this predicament. And that JM and Marichuy are no longer together.

Back in the hotel room Viv is talking about going back to Madrid. Speaking of which Leti and Gutavo are talking. Leti is sad that Viv has not called and wonders if she will return. Gustavo says forget it. You have the kids, my brother and me. Leti says that you are always working and the kids are at school or playing with there friends. If Viv does not call me, I will be calling her to come back.

Marichuy is outside washing clothes with Purita's mother. She tells Marichuy to forgive him and not to forget that she is his wife.

Ceci is visiting Rocio in the hospital. Ceci tells Rocio that if she needs anything to call her. And if not she will come to visit anyway. As she is leaving she comes face to face with JM.

At Cande's apartment another Padre comes in and wishes to speak with Marichuy. He wants her to forgive JM and to return to him.

Gustavo does not want Viv to come back and tells this to Leti.

Ceci says she came to visit Rocio and that she was just leaving. Rocio comments to JM that Ceci is such a nice woman. Rocio changes the subject and says that she notices that JM looks sad. Then point blank asks if Marichuy left him. JM does not want to talk about it.

Viv is outside Mayita's school again. This time she lets Mayita see her. She runs up to her mom and is so happy to see her. Viv lies to Mayita and tells her that her dad tried to kill her.

Padre is telling Marichuy to go back to JM. Marichuy refuses. She cannot forgive.

Estephania spots JM and says that she heard that he is separated. She feels sorry for him.

Cande goes to the castle to retrieve the dog. Cande and Onelia are arguing and Cande tells her how JM attacked Marichuy years ago.

Viv plants lies in Mayita's head that Marichuy and her dad were together when she was there living in the house.

JM walks up as Onelia is hearing the truth about what he did to Marichuy. Onelia asks if it is true and leaves in disgust.

Vicente's mother gives him a letter that Rocio wrote. She breaks up with him.

JM tells Cande to inform Marichuy that whatever she wants to do he will comply.

Tomorrow: The witch Onelia tells Estephania what Cande told her about JM and Marichuy.


Doña Bárbara - Thurs., Nov. 6 - The alcaraván sings for Cecilia; both DB and QD hope that there's no wedding today

Santos asks Marisela and Lorenzo what he has to do to get them to come back to Altamira. Marisela says that he has to swear the DB will never come to live at Altamira.

QD begs DB to let him go. She says that he only has to stay for the wedding - one more day and then he can get his money and go. DB ask Melquiades if QD suspects anything about what happened to Chepo. Melquiades says that he doesn't think so. QD hasn't asked about his friend.

Chepo's partners in his religious healing scam come looking for him. Josefa asks which of the two names are correct for this guy.

Team Carmelito (aka the Altamira vaqueros) ambush BP and force him to tell them what he did with Gervasia. He tells them that he sold Gervasia to a brothel in Pilar, a neigboring town.

During the school session, Genoveva hears the alcaraván (the bird that announces unwed pregnancies) sing again and the terneras and Marisela accuse each other.

But it's Cecilia who thinks the bird might be singing for her.

At the brothel, Gervasia is about to get her first client. Team Carmelito bursts in just in time and gets Gervasia out of there.

DB forces Chepo to give her information about the other two rapists. He doesn't know what became of one of them but he saw the other one in the capital and he is obviously something important in the military.

Federica goes shopping and gives her father, Pernalete, the shopping bag. Rumaging through it, he finds a box of sanitary napkins. He wonders why Federica is buying sanitary napkins if she's pregnant.

The Altamira vaqueros promise Gervasia that they won't say a word about what happened to her and tell her that her family wants her back. She thanks each of them, especially Carmelito for helping her.

Melesio is overjoyed to have Gervasia back. He asks her to forgive him and she asks him to forgive her.

DB lets QD go to town. He sees Chepo's buddies and manages to escape Melquiades vigilence long enough to tell them that Chepo is in trouble and more or less where he is.

DB is in her wedding dress. She says that if Santos doesn't come to stop the wedding, she won't care about anything: love hate, life or death and she will demolish everything and convert the Arauca into a big river of blood to drown herself in.

Chepo's buddies find him and dig him up. He vows vengeance on DB.


Sunday, November 09, 2008

Doña Bárbara - Wed., Nov. 5 - Chepo digs himself into a hole with DB; Toño and Cecilia have problems

Things are going badly at Altamira- Marisela lies to Santos and says that DB is sleeping with QD. When Santos tells her to butt out of his business, she threatens to leave Altamira if Santos brings DB there.

Meanwhile, the Marisela/Santos fight causes Cecilia to delay telling Santos about her relationship with Antonio. Antonio is frustrated and says that they don't need Santos' approval. Cecilia says that Santos is her only relative and she wants his blessing.

QD comes to see Chepo at the bar and addresses him by his real name. Josefa is confused since he gave her a different name. Melquiades forces QD to invite Chepo to El Miedo without telling him DB's name.

Chepo comes to El Miedo and gets a nasty shock when he sees DB. QD doesn't understand what is going on. DB orders him to go to his room.

Santos tells Antonio that he is jealous of QD and that he can't get DB out of his mind. Antonio tells DB that he has been bewitched by DB. He says that Santos' obsession with DB is blinding him to what else is going on around him. There are other people who need him and he isn't there for them.

Lorenzo thanks Cecilia for putting up with him and for helping Marisela. Cecilia asks what she should do with him and he replies, "Be in love with me again?" Cecilia says that she has discovered that there are different kinds of love.There is the love of friendship. She says that Lorenzo is her best friend. They embrace and, of course, Antonio walks by and sees them.

Gervasia fights BP and bites him. He hits her and knocks her out. He decides that if she doesn't want him, he'll see how she does with others.

At breakfast at Altamira, Santos is in a bad mood. When Cecilia comes down and she is in a bad mood too, Santos asks if she is upset by the conversation he had last night with Marisela. Cecilia says no. Santos isn't the center of her universe. She has her own problems and they don't matter to him at all.

While the El Miedo vaqueros dig a hole, DB toys with her victim. She also wants information on the other two rapists.

QD wants to know what is going on with DB and Chepo. He knocks Melquiades out and escapes from his room. QD sneaks up and witnesses what is going on with DB and Chepo.

Marisela has convinced herself that Santos will bring DB to Altamira so she has decided to leave. Lorenzo comes in and says that they can go together.

Antonio and Cecilia have a spat about the fact that Cecilia was embracing Lorenzo. Antonio says that Cecilia is using Santos as an excuse not to marry him because she is in love with Lorenzo. Cecilia is furious that Antonio spied on her and says he is behaving like a child. Clueless Santos comes and asks what they are arguing about.

The Altamira vaqueros grab Juan Primito to find out what is going on with Gervasia. Juan Primito tells them that BP won Gervasia in a card game and then tied her up.

DB has Chepo buried up to the neck and then leaves him there to cook during the day.

Marisela and Lorenzo return to La Chusmita. Santos goes after them.

QD abandons his friend and makes a run for it but Melquiades finds him and returns him to El Miedo.


El Cuerpo del Deseo, Wed., Nov. 5 - Antonio gets help from PJ/S in buying a gift for his mother; Rebeca seeks psychic help to get PJ/S

Simón gives Valeria a ride on his motorcycle (note that they aren't wearing helmets) to register at a music academy. Isabel comes out and Abigail lies to her about where Valeria and Simón have gone because Valeria wants to do this on her own.

Consulted about what color dress to buy Abigail for her birthday, PJ/S knows that green is Abigail's favorite color (apparently her son doesn't know this). PJ/S goes on to say that PJ gave the same color dress to Abigail years ago and she loved it. PJ/S tells Antonio not to hesitate to consult him with any questions and he'll get a detailed answer just as he would have from PJ.

When Antonio gives Abigail the dress and she says the exact same thing the PJ/S told Antonio, he is upset.

Antonio goes outside and sees PJ/S holding Angela's hands and is jealous. Isabel sees this too and is jealous. She tells PJ/S to meet her in the woods. (PJ/S looks good in blue shirts, too.)

In the woods, Isabel lashes out at PJ/S for paying attention to Angela. PJ/S says that Isabel seems to be jealous. He asks how she could be jealous of him when she is married and sleeps with another guy every night. Isabel tells him that since she had sex with PJ/S, she hasn't slept with any other man, including her husband. She asks if PJ/S believes her. In answer, he kisses her. They admit that they are crazy about each other.

Valeria comes back from the Music Academy all discouraged about her chances of getting in especially since PJ's old piano is locked up. Isabel quizzes Simon about his relationship with Valeria. He tells her about Valeria's plan to enter the academy.

A friend of Rebeca's brings her to Gaetana's bar to consult with Matilde, the singer and card reader. Gaetana scoots out so that Rebeca doesn't see her and gets Camilo to keep PJ/S out of the bar as well. Rebeca seeks Matilde's help in getting a handsome, althletic, chauffeur to be interested in her. Matilde tells Rebeca to get a lock of PJ/S's hair, nail clippings, a glass he has drunk out of and a photo of him.

Isabels tells Valeria that she will get her a piano. She says PJ's piano in the study is a relic and must never be touched.


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