Saturday, April 18, 2009

MEPS 04/17/09: Bad Milk and Bad Mojo

Capítulo 44

As we begin, Eduardo has just woken up covered in sweat from a nightmare in which Fernanda, dressed as The Bride in Black, screams at him for lying to her about his being dead. (Viewerville sighs at the disappointing revelation that Eddie-boy doesn’t sleep in the nude.)

Once morning returns to Villa Madera, Lucio drives Bitch-Barbie, fashionably dressed in black silk and dripping in diamonds, off in her SUV while Santiago commiserates by phone from Pueblo Purificación with Nanda over Eduardo’s untimely death. Nanda says she just needs a little time to get over the blow but she’ll be fine, and no, Santi doesn’t need to come back to hold her hand.

Toady Lucio unctuously asks BOW to put Soledad’s house in his name since otherwise Eduardo might return to claim it for himself. BOW barks that there is no reason to put Sole’s house in his name since Eduardo died; and so no one will be taking it away from him. She smiles to herself then to think that fortunately for her, yep, Eduardo’s good and dead.

Eddie, however, is really back at Las Animas pining away for Fernanda. (Hubby at this point unceremoniously recommends a solid smack on the head with a royal reality stick to put Wreckeduardo out of his macho-less misery. Hmmm. We know who’ll be sleeping on the couch tonight…..) Looking through his bedroom window at the morning sun he tells himself he might have renounced her love, but not the good fortune of having her nearby. He needs to see her again, so much so he can literally taste it and he licks his lips at the thought.

Across the way at the Funhouse, Gonzo comes up to Nanda’s room for a morning father-daughter chat. Nanda is emotionally exhausted and very down. Gonzo says it may be cruel to say so, but after Eduardo’s death they’ve all just got to get past it. She tells her daddy that she feels their family tragedies still haven’t ended and that something terrible is about to happen. At that very moment the alarms go off at the plant and the technicians are realizing the plant’s refrigeration system has broken down and now all the milk is going to spoil.

Across the hall from Nanda’s room, Pris interrupts Anibal’s morning ablutions to tell him he’s got an emergency phone call from the plant. He yells at her that he and she are going to have a heavy duty chat ASAP because he cannot put up with things the way they are. She tells him not to delude himself, that they don’t have anything to discuss. He picks up the phone and gets the word from the plant about the machinery failure there.

In Puebla Purificación, Santi must have put his brain in gear and done a bit of detective work because he has found Dominga’s house. He knocks and Aurora tells him through the bars on the door that she’s been locked in. Through the bars on the window he tells her that if she’d only have listened to him this wouldn’t have happened to her. Rory says she’s got to find out about her mother and only Dominga has the answers. She says he’s got to let her do things her way and asks him to leave before Dominga returns. He refuses to leave her alone.

Back at the plant, Grajales informs Gonzo, Anibal, and the slimy Dam that they’ve lost a million liters of milk, the whole enchilada. Dam pretends to be surprised and yells in feigned incredulity at Grajales and (without a cell to throw instead) nearly breaks his clipboard in half.

Meanwhile, Santiago pensively chugs a bottle of designer spring water and thinks about a way to persuade Dominga to let loose with the 411 about Rory’s mother.

We beam over to San Rafael. It seems that Bitch-Barbie apparently went to see Padre Bosco. (Wait just one milky-moo minute here. Bosco? Now which wise-ass writer’s idea was it to name the priest in this uber-dramatic telenovela, a telenovela about dairy products, Bosco? Anybody else have an unexplained thirst for “leche chocolatada”?) Padre Bosco is pointedly irked and tells her, “This better be important if it’s interrupting my praying.” Babs tells him it’s a matter of life and death for her and apologizes for the interruption.

A bit later, the Elizalde family is gathered in the meeting room at the corporate offices. Any Balls calls Fr/Ed to tell him there’s a glitch with things since Fernanda is about to leave on her honeymoon. Fr/Eddie pressures him about the meeting with Fer that he was expecting AB to set up for him. “Powhere Meelk is waiting for a report (about their community service activities) in order to decide whether to invest in Grupo Lactos.” AB says that’s why he was calling and asks if Fr/Ed can meet with them today at the plant. Freduardo says a bit sternly that he’s not sure he could make it there today because his schedule is so full, but perhaps he might be able to call and see if his company would put off the decision till after she and Dam return. Anibal doesn’t want him to have to do that so Ed pretends to check his day-planner to stall for time. Seems he just got an idea and tells AB he can cancel some other appointment if Fernanda can meet with him at Las Animas in two hours. AB says fine, she’ll be there and hangs up. Fer is suspicious about what Anibal has just committed her to.

Back at the parish church in San Rafael, Barbie pretends to be emotionally pained over Eduardo’s death. Little does she know that Padre Bosco’s already got this bad babe’s number and is ready for her. She lays it on thick about how the family hasn’t been able to recover from the bad news of Eduardo’s death. Bosco is finding it hard not to roll his eyes. “He was held in such high regard,” she laments and goes on about how ever since Ed was knee-high to a grasshopper she and her husband had been helping him make a future for himself [labrar un porvenir, literally, “to carve out a future”]. Padre B comments a bit flatly that yes, he remembers well how they sent him away to boarding school as a young boy.

Babs, fishing for information, says she understood the two of them kept in contact all these years. Padre Bosco confirms it. She answers in signature muted tones of affected melancholy that, well, they on the other hand, never heard a word from him. Padre Bosco remarks that he finds it hard to believe they never heard even a little something through his mother, considering she lived so close by and dealt with them daily. Barb dolefully replies that the woman never returned the same trust they offered up to her. She sighs and gives a proforma, “Well, in the end one does good deeds and does not expect anything in return” for the priest’s benefit. She gets up then and looks pensively off into the distance. Bosco can’t control the major eye roll. “You both worried over Eduardo and Soledad,” he says dryly. Babs is too overcome with her own performance to notice. She looks back at him. “Yes, my husband had a great deal of affection for him, and…well, so did I.” Padre Bosco is stone faced.

Back at Las Animas, Eddie is in a hurry to leave and tries to ditch Denia. He asks her to go to Margarita’s for the day, but Denia objects to loafing around at her sister’s the whole day and asks if she could stay. He says she should leave and come back in the afternoon after his guest has left. She asks him how she’s supposed to know when the guest has left if she doesn’t even know who the guest is. (Eddie has the patience of Job around this girl.) He tells her she does know her, that it’s Fernanda Elizalde and walks off. Denia is knuckles-in-mouth impactada and doesn’t know what to think about that little bit of news.

In the board-room at Grupo Lactos again, AB and Fer fight over why she has to meet with Franco Santoro at Las Animas instead of there at the plant. Gonzo, knowing what’s at stake here, finally supports AB’s decision to have Fer meet with Franco wherever he wants. AB is adamant that she is not to mention the problems they have had at the plant that morning when she meets with Santoro. Fer says she won’t lie or hide anything if that’s what he’s asking. Gonzo reassures her that nobody is asking her to lie, just simply suggesting that she not mention it and then, if the offer comes through, that day’s mishap will seem like only a small glitch in a couple of months.

Jacinto rides up and parks his trusty bike just as Ed is on his way to the car. Eddie asks Cinto to help him ditch Denia by making sure she goes over to visit Margo for the day. He explains that he’s got to check in on the not-so-looney Lili in the meantime and then meet with Fernanda back there later.

Back at Padre Bosco’s office, Barbie tells the padre that she needs to know more of the details about Eduardo’s death to clarify things for herself and the rest of the family because no, Fer didn’t say much, other than there was an accident. Bosco tries to put her off and says he doesn’t see the need. He asks her point blank if she wants to know the reason Eduardo took his own life or if he blamed somebody for it first. The Barbot is unflappable and she replies casually that she wants to know if he mentioned anyone. Padre Bosco tells her that Eddie mentioned there was somebody that had greatly harmed him and his mother. “He referred to the person as “La Hiena. --Do you have any idea who that might be?” he asks her. She lies and replies with an unruffled, “No.” “--Well, this La Hiena showed Soledad and Eduardo no mercy and in a truly appalling way.”

Finally Barbie slips up and falls into the priest’s trap. “Did Eduardo ever say who he thought the woman was?” Padre Bosco looks her straight in the eye. “Truthfully, I don’t remember Eduardo ever saying whether it was a woman or not.” Babs remains cool as a cuke and bats nary an eyelash.

Eddie makes it over to the asylum and enters Lili’s room. Lili ignores him and stares out the window. Martina explains that Lili’s upset over Ciro’s death. Ed says Adolfina just informed him. He walks over to Lili and promises her that his one mission in life will be to always look out for her, and then he adds that she can count on Martina also. Lili smiles to herself. Suddenly she starts in with the chess gibberish again. “The white king must lose his head for her to gain her freedom. The white king (Ciro?) must lose his head for her to gain her freedom! ”

Padre Bosco continues with his little white lie about Eduardo’s reasons for dying: “Eduardo couldn’t handle such an affront against his mother or the excessive cruelty with which she was persecuted, even after her death.” Barbie asks about Soledad’s remains next. Bosco explains that Eduardo didn’t want his mother’s remains transferred to the Elizalde’s crypt and so her ashes were now there in the parish’s crypt. Babs asks to visit the crypt “to say a prayer” for the two of them.

Back at the corporate offices, Damian asks Fer why the meeting with Franco Santoro affects her so much and she starts in on a long explanation about Eddie being her best childhood friend. Dam asks if Eduardo was what was bugging her, then why does this servant’s son mean so much to her? She finally confesses that Eduardo was her first love. Dam says, then, out of respect for the dead, they should just leave him dead.

In Lili’s room, Ed confronts squirrelly Dr. D about Ciro’s death. Matamentes tries to blame it on the old codger’s suffering a simple heart attack. Ed says he’s sure that’s what the doc entered on the death certificate, but he’s just as sure it wasn’t a “simple heart attack” and that more likely it had to do with the old man blowing himself up in the attempt to prevent Lili from having her brains fried. Eddie dares him to deny it. Dementoh! looks sheepishly over at Martina and asks Ed if they couldn’t talk about it in his office.

As Nanda is leaving for Las Animas Anibal tells her to make sure she explains everything about all of her various plans for the community and the area artisans to Franco and practically begs her to say yes to anything Freduardo asks her to do. “The survival of Grupo Lactos depends on you!” She snarls and leaves. From the frantic expression on Anibal’s face as the elevator door closes, it is obvious the guy has had better days and could be heading for his own colossal coronary.

Back at Looney Central –-the other madhouse-- Dr. D doesn’t want to accept any blame. Eduardo angrily tells him that in addition to all the other “irregularities” around there, now he can add the death of Ciro Palafox to the list. “Do you realize how dangerous your situation is now?” Obregon gives a wimpy nod just as Ciro’s family barges into the office demanding to know what happened to Ciro. Eddie introduces himself, offers his sympathies and then leaves. First thing out of the woman’s mouth to Obregon once Ed’s gone is a cold, money-grubbing, “Where’s my husband’s things?”

Padre Bosco leaves Barbie next to Soledad’s crypt “to pray.” Bosco catches his breath as he overhears her curse them both: “The Devil burn your remains in the deepest of Hellfire!”

In Puebla Purificación again, Santiago knocks at Aurora’s door again and this time introduces himself to a stupefied Dominga. He tells her he is Rory’s boyfriend. (Kudo’s for not holding his nose.) Dominga snarls accusingly at Rory.

Back at the processing plant, Gonzo, AB and Dam are waiting for information from the two supervisors about the processing machines. Dam starts yelling at Grajales and the other supervisor claiming he wants a rundown on the damages. The two stunned supervisors tell Gonzo and the others that the systems were so severely damaged they will not be able to restart milk processing for at least a week since the replacement parts have to be ordered all the way from Switzerland. Damnian, muy pleased with his handiwork (and no doubt figuring on a much needed congratulatory boff from Barbie) yells at Gonzo in a fake fury that this means bankruptcy for the company because they’ll soon be receiving all sorts of complaints from their distributors about spoiled milk!

Gonzo is distraught to think what that will mean for their reputation and the company’s label and angrily asks who was supervising when the machinery failed. Grajales says he was, but insists there was no negligence involved and nothing to indicate there was a problem. “It was as if somebody got their hands on the control panel somehow,” he adds. “—Sabotage?” asks Gonzo. Damnian immediately accuses Grajales of being that somebody, and the low-life tries to shame Grajales for supposedly pushing the blame onto his co-workers. Grajales defends himself and says this is the first time in all the years he’s headed the department that anything like this has ever occurred. He refuses Damnian’s accusation outright.

A couple of hours later at Las Animas, Denia, who wasn’t supposed to have any contact with the Elizaldes as one of the conditions when she was hired, still hasn’t left and is chattering away at Jacinto. She asks him if she should just hide a while till Fernanda leaves but Cinto warns her that she’d better do what Santoro asked her or she could very well end up losing her job there. Just then Fernanda shows up and sees Denia who stands around stupidly looking for Cinto instead of high-tailing it to the barn or hiding her sorry self behind the nearest bush. “Gardenia?” Too late. She’s been made.

Finally alone, the Barbinator calls Artemio Bravo to confirm that the ashes at the church are Eduardo’s. She says she has proof because the priest was the go-between for Soledad and Eduardo all these years and because he got the scholarship for Eduardo to study in the U.S. This was their parish and they were both very close to him. Artemio tells her to come to his office for a personal meet, and that it’s urgent.

At Las Animas, Fr/Ed walks in on Denia and Nanda just before Denia is able to explain why she’s there. Denia races away and Fer demands an explanation. Eduardo ignores her and opts for another sexilicious display of his pearly whites. (Damn! A woman would have to be made of stone not to melt and go all wobbly-kneed at a smile like that.) He apologizes for the inconvenience of having to wait on him. “I was worried because I knew I was going to be delayed. Would you like to talk in the garden? It’s a sunny day, a rather auspicious beginning for our business negotiations, wouldn’t you say?” He flashes another dazzling dental display and Viewerville swoons as their glass t.v. screens nearly liquefy from the heat. (Yowsa!!!! Make mine a double!)

Back at Domicile Dominga, Santiago lays the flattery on thick as thieves by telling the smelly old hag that she’s really something for having taken in a little girl and taking care of her the way she did. Dominga immediately lites into Rory for telling him their business and demands to know what the devil Rory came back for if she’s got a boyfriend now. He quickly covers for Rory by saying that she came back to ask her permission to get married. This becomes a horse of a different color now for Dominga (or in her case I guess, a horse’s ass of a different color). Santi looks over at Rory with a twinkle in his eye.

Nanda and Freduardo sit down in his living room. (Note: leather sofas, very sexy ambiance and muy appropriate.) She wants to explain what was going on with her at dinner the other evening. Eduardo says, yes, it was a bit awkward for the two of them and he offers his apologies. His eyes are staring directly into hers and she gets a bit fidgety. She explains that she avoided telling her husband about him because after all, she picked him up on the side of the road and she didn’t know how Dam would view it. It might be infantile, but she didn’t want to get “scolded.”

Ed asks if Errika would scold her also, but Nanda says no, because Err already knew about him, only not that he was the same person. She quickly adds that since they’re going out together now there is no reason to mention it, either. “You understand, don’t you?” His eyes are still boring into hers and he lowers his voice almost seductively, “No Fernanda. No I don’t understand. I don’t understand why you don’t want to clear up something… so simple.” She starts to explain further, but Fr/Eddie purposely interrupts and changes the mood to something more businesslike. “—Ok… It’s really none of my business, and since we have more important things to discuss, shall we begin?” She tries to match her tone to his. “--Of course, but before that I’d like to be clear about something.” He gives her another boyish grin. “—Oh, don’t worry! I would never make you look bad in front of Erika. As far as I’m concerned, I never saw you before.”

Fer, somewhat relieved, but still a bit off kilter, says that’s fine but she was referring to Denia and she wants to know why Denia is there and apparently working for him. Fr/Ed replies matter of factly that the way he saw it, having worked for the Elizalde’s was the best and most reliable recommendation a former employee could have. She asks if it didn’t bother him that it would hurt the family to have her leave them to work for him? (Get real, Fernanda. Maybe you, but definitely not The Family.) He says, “Truthfully, no.” He thought since they were going to be business associates they wouldn’t mind since Gardenia wasn’t intending to go back to the Elizalde place to work. Fer says sarcastically that she would have preferred he ask first anyway, “because the association between my family and you still depends on a number of factors, correct?” Fr/Ed moves in much closer now and lowers his voice to a seductive level again. “No, Fernanda. You’re wrong. The association between Grupo Lactos and Powhere Meelk depends…solely…on…you.” Viewerville takes an unexpected gulp as Fernanda, very aware now of the seduction that’s taking place, inwardly fights the urge to succumb.

At the same time, in Mexico City, Artemio Bravo and the Barbinator are meeting in Bravo’s office. He is telling her that there is no alternative. She asks him if what he’s saying isn’t a bit drastic. He says she of all people has to understand that if Eduardo told the priest his reasons for killing himself then it’s definite that the priest knows his secret and the death of Soledad’s son will be the end of his secret. He’s certain the priest knows who he is and he isn’t going to risk it. He orders Barbie to do the same to Father Bosco as she did with Monserrat. (Ruh-Roh! Killing a priest is very bad mojo.) The Barbinator shows just a hint of a robotic smile as she mulls over the best way to carry out her new orders.


Tontas no Van Friday 4/17 Advance the Plot, Not a Lot. But lots of life’s lessons learned

When last we left off, everyone was joining up to investigate Mari’s disappearance, and Paulina had a stalker! Well, we’ll have to wait ‘til Monday to find out more, ‘cause tonight we just concentrate on all our cute characters. What fun!

Santi has just read Mariloca’s evil email, saying she’s going to “get rid of the brat, and do you know what that means?”. Santi is desperate, and complains to his mother he has to do something, but Mari is crazy. We jump to the hotel in Ecuador, where Alicia is now resting on the couch, having set up the laptop for Mari, and Mari’s happy, because she’s connected in chat with Santi! On hearing this, Alicia pops up to see, and here’s (sort of) what they say:

M: Dear Santiago..
S: Don’t think I won’t fight. I’m going to search for you and find you.
M: You’re in no position to threaten me.
S: If you return with the baby, I’ll forget everything and won’t denounce you, but if you don’t…I won’t give up searching, even if it takes my whole life. And I swear, if you call my son a brat again…
(At this point, Alicia takes over, saying Mari types too slowly, and types
M: Oh, I’m really ashamed (she actually types me das lastima, or you give me pity, or shame, but I think she meant it sarcastically)
Alicia slams the computer shut, saying she doesn’t want to be discovered.

OK, is it just me, or is this chat not really that earthshaking? I think the music and sound effects make us think everything is super important.

Santi’s phone rings, and it’s Candy. He tells her he was chatting with Mari on the computer. Candy the Wise says “Great, at least you’re communicating. Maybe she’ll come back.” (Hah!) Santi’s not quite as optimistic.

Chava comes home from school with lots of homework. Charly (who doesn’t attend school these days) tells him studying is a waste of time (estudiar no sirve para nada). You just end up working anyway, why study? Chava considers this pearl of wisdom.

Candy is walking Rocío home from school. She teaches Rocío how to give sad people smiles. You smile yourself, grab the smile with your hand, and throw it onto the sadsacks. Simple! They’re going to do this to Santi, and Candy has another idea, too, for which she needs Rocío’s help, and they rush off to plan.

We finally get to find out who Aracely is. She’s Ceci’s sister! Soledad had thought she was Ceci’s gay lover. Soledad gets a sheepish look on her face. Ba-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-d Sole!

Chava, having learned his lesson from Charly, tells Candy he’s not going to school anymore, since studying “don’t make him more smarter” (he didn’t really say that, I’m just in a mood today). Candy points out that Pat studied and is a professional, Santi studied and is a doctor, and she studied and is a journalist (oh THAT’s what she is). Chava’s not convinced and runs to his room saying Candy is mala.

Ed carries two young boys out of his office, saying he’ll teach them everything. Chayo, in headscarf and apron, brings 6 other boys to greet their “Daddy”, and recites their names, beginning with Lalito. She now wants to start having some girls, beginning with Chayito. Oh, it’s a dream. Ed wakes up to a watching Hortensia, who asks how Santi’s doing. Not well. The phone rings, and Candy has called to ask when Santi will be finished with patients today.

With the “lessons learned” music playing in the background, Ceci says bye to her sis (who hadn’t known she was gay, but is fine with it), asking her to help with the parents. Aracely wants to know if Ceci wants her parents to forgive her. Of course not, would someone want to be forgiven for being blond (güera), for being light-skinned (blanca), or for the nose I have? (looking at her nose, I’m not so sure about the last one). Being gay is just part of her. Okay, Ara will see what she can do with the parents. After she leaves, Soledad is contrite, but Ceci is gracious, and the two gals are pals again, ready for a little coffee and gossip.

No one’s home at Candy’s except Gregoria and Arturo, sittin’ on the sofa. She’s conflicted. She wants him, she wants him not, she wants him, and so on. Her daughter Candy says when you have true love, you know it for sure. Why can’t this be easier? Arturo offers to flip a coin to help her. He does, it comes out sunny side up (el sol), he won, but Greg just tells him to drink his coffee.

A smiling Candy asks Horti if Santi’s alone in his office. He sure is. Perfecto! Santi looks up from his desk to the sound of the Shark in the Bay song, being sung by a band of mariachis! Enter Zamora, Toño and the other guys from the restaurant, Horti’s dancing, and we even have two new members, dressed head to toe in beautiful mariachi outfits, black with white piping and big red mariachi ties, it’s Candy and Rocío! So this is the secret plan Candy was explaining to Rocío earlier. The music stops (with some non-existent trumpets), and Rocío proceeds to show Santi the magic smile transfer trick she learned from Candy. She smiles, grabs the smile, tosses it to Candy, then teaches Santi, throwing him a big smile, which he shares with the band. Mission accomplished, the band leaves (more non-existent trumpets), Horti takes Rocío to get a milkshake or treat, leaving Candy with Santi. At first she’s a little sad, thinking of Paulina, but Santi assures her he has nothing to do (nada que ver) with Pau, and gives her a magic smile. Candy then adds that the music was not all she has planned to cheer him up. She shyly invites him out to dinner! (Yes!) Of course, it’s a dinner of amigos, nothing more, but they both look quite happy as they shake on it.

In Lucía’s room, we see a large floppy green stuffed doll with wings. Donato asks Lucía what it is, and it’s a mysterious angel (angel misterioso). When she and Charly were novios, they invented it to take care of bad things in life. It’s mysterious, because love is like that, you never know when it’ll arrive. She stuffs it in her large blue purse and she’s off.

She arrives in the restaurant, where Meño begs her to help with Charly, who’s very depressed, and won’t get out of bed. She tells him not to worry, Charly’s going to get out of bed on his own, and they’re going to give a talk at the Institute. Meño is pessimistic. But Lucía shows him the angel misterioso, and explains that she and Charly have a pact that if Charly wants to see the angel, Lucía has to meet him and give him the angel. And it can go back and forth like that. Meño is still doubtful, but Luc isn’t, and Meño says if she gets Charly out of bed and out of his funk, Meño will treat Lucía and her friends to a free dinner in the restaurant. He calls the house, and Greg tells him that Charly already got up, jumped out of bed, looked happy, and has already left. You see? says Lucía. Meño tells her that Charly doesn’t have just one angel, he has two.

We have a short scene in which Arturo is having lunch in a restaurant with Margarita. She’s surprised, because his lawyer said he has now agreed to give her half of his assets. Why the change? Well, first of all, he’s getting old, he wants to live in peace, and for her to live in peace. Also, Gregoria asked him to do it. Really? probes Margarita. Tell me, are you two lovers? Arturo tells her not to ask.

Charly is sitting on a park bench on a sunny day. As a couple walks by hand in hand, he hears a whisper from behind a telephone pole. It’s Lucía, angel in hand. Charly’s happy to see them. He tells Lucía he feels alone, and Lucía responds that although they’re no longer novios, he isn’t alone. She asks him to close his eyes. When he does, she takes off the sweater she was wearing over her t-shirt, turns away from him, and moves her long curly hair to the side. Okay, open your eyes! He does, and sees the back of her t-shirt says “Charly, I’m with you”. (Charly, Estoy Contigo). He’s happy and says it’s really pretty. Lucía assures him that she and the angel will always be there for him. They hug.

It’s nightime, and Candy and Santi are dining in a fine restaurant. She’s wearing a stunning blue sleeveless dress, and her hair is nicely styled, without her trademark hairband. He’s wearing a dark suit, white shirt and pink tie, looking very sharp. She tells how Pat had shown up at her door with his suitcase, she was caught in the middle, took him in mainly for Chava. But it didn’t work, and Pat left. And now, “I’m free”, she says in English (pretty strong Spanish accent). Santi says What a coincidence, “I’m free” (also in English, almost no Spanish accent). Candy thinks he’s free, but sad. Well, he’s doing a little better, his daughters are cheering him up. Candy adds some more of her patented advice. First she says don’t think. Then she says think positively, and before you know it, you’ll get back your baby boy! (Okay….) As they clasp hands, Santi is grateful, but really wishes they could be a couple.

Fafy Cuenca sighting! For those of you who didn’t see Querida Enemiga, there was a charming older rich guy, named Fafy Cuenca, who was world famous (except no one could really place where they heard of him!) Anyway, this same actor, but without the toupee, enters Meño’s restaurant with his wife. They’re regulars, and Meño offers them a tequila on the house. They’re arguing, though. The wife wants to give a party in the restaurant, and the guy (whose name is Ricardo in this show) doesn’t want anything to do with it.

Back to the romantic restaurant, where it’s time for a game of Dueling Guapos. Santi thinks Candy is afraid to admit it, but she digs him. She’s not admitting this, but he thinks as a scientific person, he’s just making a cool analysis. After all, how could anyone resist his dapper hotness. He’ll even prove it. He turns to two girls at a neighboring table, introduces himself, gives out his card, and it’s obvious the ladies are gushing over him. Not to be outdone, Candy rises, struts sexily over to two guys at another table, and just as she starts to turn on the charm, Santi get majorly jealous, jumps up, pulls Candy back to the table, she’s made her point. They toast to their combined sex appeal, as we viewers need a cold shower!

After the commercial (hopefully, we viewers have calmed down by now), we’re at the Institute, it’s the next morning, and a lot of young people are milling around. Bárbara calls Candy on the phone, why isn’t she there for Charly and Lucía’s class? Candy had a problem with Chava at school (Chava hit a kid). Okay, Bárbara says, we’ll videotape the class. The kids gather in a circle, and Charly, Lucía at his side, tells his story. He’s HIV positive. When asked how he got the disease, he tells the group they all know about beer, about tequila, right? Well, he was drunk, had sex and forgot to use a condom. The condom is the difference between life and death. Several of the couples look at each other to show they’ve learned the lesson. (I’m not so sure. These are teenagers. More on this later).

At the kiddie school, we learn (from the very pretty teacher) that Chava was telling everyone studying is a waste of time, and he got into a fight. With Beto. They’re both punished, and the teacher wants Candy to take Chava home. She walks Chava out. Chava says Beto lied, said Pat was going to live with Beto, because Candy kicked him out. Candy tells him not to fight, and that Pat isn’t going to live with Beto, he’s living in a hotel. Okay, says Chava, can I sleep over at the hotel? Candy says if he studies first, then he can sleep over with his Dad.

We next see them at Pat’s office, and Candy points out to Chava that his Dad has all this (expensive office furnishings, artworks) due to studying. Okay, Chava wants to be just like his Dad. Pat tells him that his Mom is the real hero, she works, takes care of him and keeps up her house. Okay, he wants to be like her, too. Chava asks Pat if he can sleep over, and Pat thinks it’s “super”, and let’s call Beto. Problem is, the boys are mad at each other.

The teen therapy session is still going, and amazingly, most of the kids are still awake. Lucía explains that safe sex is the responsibility of both partners, not just the guy. Sometimes people don’t tell you they’re having sex with someone else, too (as with Charly), and one girl says her boyfriend said if she wanted him to use a condom, she didn’t trust him or love him. At this point the male doctor whom we didn’t even notice adds that you should all enjoy yourselves, but with responsibility. And the condom is the difference between life and death. Lucía adds that if someone gets HIV, you should still treat them with affection. She then leans towards Charly as if to kiss him, but stops. Hmmm. They give out little pamphlets, and everything went well, but I think a few of the kids might have picked up on the doctor’s saying enjoy yourselves, and tuned the rest out. First of all, Charly doesn’t look unhealthy. And these kids are supposed to be about 15 or 16. Couldn’t someone say maybe your should wait to have sex? That you can go out, have fun, but not go all the way? Or maybe drinking beer and tequila is NOT a given at that age? Or, if they’re just sticking with the condom thing, I guess give some out, or tell where they can get them, or show them how to use it? Of course, our audience doesn’t want to see that part, so we’re left with the quick and easy message. Again.

We still have another pending lesson. Charly is now home, telling Candy how well it went, and Candy is happy, but reams him out for his comment to Chava about studying. What was he thinking? Charly says, well we all end up in the same place, the graveyard. Candy gives him one sentence about studying making you happier, you live a full life, and Charly instantly changes and learns this. Chava walks in, Charly tells him he lied. Studying is actually good. He’s going to return to school. They’ll go together, and they’ll both go to college. Problem solved. Super!

A little later, Pat arrives to pick up Chava for the sleepover, and Beto’s with him. Okay boys, make up and hug. Chava says no. (I guess we’ll have to wait another 2-3 minutes to instantly solve this one).

And just to make sure we don’t get too happy with all the joy, teaching, lessons and problem solving, we're suddenly in Ecuador, where Alicia is frantically calling for an ambulance on the phone! Mariloca is about to give birth! In the middle of her labor pains, she’s also screaming at Alicia to get her passport ready, they need to give the baby Alicia’s name, and Alicia is afraid, it’s not going to work, as the two of them scream together, and this cacophony of female angst brings our little tale to a conclusion. Until Monday, of course!

Monday: A baby, money, and a passport. Also a big box arrives in Santi’s office!


Doña Bárbara - Fri., Apr. 17- For Santos, it's one lie and you're outta here for Marisela

Don Encarcnación calls Cecilia a slut. She tells him that she knows he is hurting but he had better treat her with respect. DE says that he knows that Cecilia and Antonio are scheming to get Lucía's inheritance. Antonio comes up behind DE and tells him that neither he nor Cecilia have any interest in Lucía's money.

Santos ties the furious DB up to a chair and Dr. Árias takes a blood sample.

Marisela tells Gonzalo that it is over between them. She says that she tried to love him but she couldn't. She gives Gonzalo his ring back and leaves.

DB threatens to kill Dr. Árias if he does the test. The doctor tells Santos the results of the test: DB is not pregnant. DB says that it's a lie. Santos calls her the most despicable person he has ever met and walks out of the doctor's office leaving her tied to a chair.

Celeste's not very vigilant brothers and cousins finally notice that she didn't come to dinner and isn't in her room. They go to find out where she is.

In a great scene, a furious Santos returns to Altamira, dumps all of DB's stuff into a bedspread and throws it off the balcony. He is even mean to Eustaquia. DB arrives and tries to explain but Santos won't listen. He says that both she and Eustaquia lied and deceived him. [I love the camera angle of this shot.]

Marisela gives Genoveva her job and says that she is going to be with Santos.

María Nieves, Carmelito and Cósme find fault with the way Pajarote has handled the situation with Genoveva. When MN tells Pajarote that he has been like a 'dog without a master' ('perro sin dueño') about Geno, Pajarote denies that he is in love. He says that he had a good time with Geno and he would think about her for hours or days afterwards but he isn't in love. Gervasia arrives with lunch for the workers.

The Mondragons find Celeste at the hotel being given advice about men from Federica and Josefa. They demand to know who she was with.

Cecilia advises Antonio to consult with his lawyer about the DE situation. They run into Marisela who says that she is going back to Altamira.

DB tells Santos that Marisela knew that DB lost her baby. Santos says that it is impossible that Marisela would lie to him. Having found a weak point, she presses it and says that she gave birth to Marisela so they are the same and they both lied to him. She, Eustaquia, Melquíades and Juan Primito leave Altamira.

Marisela explains to Antonio and Cecilia why she didn't tell the truth about DB to Santos. Antonio tells Marisela that Santos is going to be furious that she lied to him.

Gervasia and Carmelito have a conversation about how wonderful their future will be. [I hope I'm wrong but this suggests to me that Carmelito is going to get killed.]

Los Mondragon come for Pajarote. Carmelito and the other vaqueros drive them off. MN tells Pajarote to keep his zipper closed ('mantén la bragueta cerrada') and not to push his luck ('no le busques la quinta pata al gato,' literally, 'don't look for the fifth leg on the cat'). He asks if there aren't enough women in town that he has to shack up with Celeste.

Gonzalo yells at Genoveva for transferring a call to him when he had told her not to. He calls her a stupid peasant ('campesina bruta'). Antonio overhears. He tells Gonzalo not to insult Marisela or his friend Santos.

DB et al return to El Miedo. Melquíades tells DB that she should have let him kill Santos. DB says that she doesn't want Santos dead; she wants him by her side. Eustaquia says that she can't believe it's the same old song again. DB says that if Santos won't come back of his own free will, she' ll get him back the hard way. She says that everything that has happened has been Sapo's fault. If she hadn't lost her baby, Santos would be with her now. Melquíades asks what the plan is. DB says that before anything else, she wants vengeance. She wants Sapo's head at her feet.

Gonzalo asks if Santos deserves respect after what happened at the Governor's conference. Antonio says that he doesn't care about Gonzalo's personal problems but he should not insult Santos or Marisela when Antonio is present. If he continues, Antonio will resign his position.

DB has changed into her black lace up corset thingy so we know that she back to her old evil self. I don't think we'll see her knitting again. She and Melquíades go in search of her employees who are missing from the hacienda.

Marisela returns to Altamira and Altagracia tells her that Santos threw DB out and that he found out that both DB and Marisela had lied to him about DB's pregnancy. Marisela finds Santos and explains why she didn't tell him the truth. "You," says Santos, "the person that I trusted the most, the woman that I love. You lied." Marisela asks him to forgive her.

Facundo finds Los Mondragon in the bar. He asks them to choose between 'the old witch' (la vieja bruja') or the 'Don' in the war that is coming. Mujica overhears and scurries off.

Gonzalo says that he won't talk about Santos or Marisela any more. Antonio says that he is ready to go back to work. Gonzalo gives him a payment order. Antonio says that he can't sign it. He has already signed one for the same thing.

Mujica comes to where Pernalete is sitting with Federica's 'chocolatito'. He tells him about Facundo's appearance in Progresso and that Sapo has declared war on DB and they had all better find somewhere to hide.

Facundo tells Los Mondragon that only those who are with Sapo will survive the coming war. DB appears and holds Facundo at gunpoint. She says that Facundo is one of the men who sent the hacienda on fire. She has has been loyal to Los Mondragon and protected them from those who were persecuting them. Now they have to decide if they are with her or with El Sapo. If they betray her, she will find them wherever they hide. You can see the tiny Mondgragon brains trying to figure out which will be the winning side.

Marisela tries to get Santos to say something. She tells him that he was right. She has broken up with Gonzalo. Santos tells her that she did wrong. She should go back to Gonzalo. As a pair of traitors, they make a great couple. He says that Marisela has broken his heart. He can never trust her again. He tells her to leave. Poor Marisela is impactada.


Friday, April 17, 2009

MEPS, Thursday, April 16, 2009, Cap. 43 - One Step Forward, Two Steps Backward

Please, somebody, post this to the sidebar. Thanks.

We see Damian doing what he does best – mocking Vlad. You did it in your apartment? Dam tells Vlad that he is truly stupid. Vlad says no, I’m ready to do anything for her and people get divorced. But not in this case, stupid. Get back to earth. Pris will never get divorced and get that through your head. Vlad, truly crazy and stupid, accuses Dam of being jealous. Dam tells Vlad she’ll never divorce Anibal because she’s pregnant. That makes Vlad smile or smirk. Take your pick.

At the manicomio Lili checks out the chess set and then lays down next to Ciro’s dead body while angels sing in the background.

At Pueblo San Rafael, padre Bosco continues his lecture with Fer. Only love can create such pain. He continues the lie about Ed and that she has to face reality. He says that her life and Ed’s were completely different. He’s good at this. Ed isn’t here and you’re a married woman and that’s your reality. She asks if it’s a sin to feel the way she feels. Fr. Bosco says, It’s a sin to violate the holy sacrament of matrimony. Her husband is her present reality and she has to respect that. Yuck.

Ed sits on a rock in front of a beautiful waterfall and is in agony. He almost bites his nails.

Fer says it is difficult to confront reality because of what she has felt all these years – but she doesn’t know. Her soul is crying out. Padre says she’s learning the hardest lesson in life. She has to accept what she can’t change and for which she is not responsible. (This must be the first of her twelve steps.)

She insists that what happened is her fault for pure pride (egoism). She says she was a coward. He says he understands but guilt destroys. So, she says I am not going to feel anything. She doesn’t understand. She loved Ed – Ed loved her. The priest appears to be exasperated.

Martina enters Ciro’s room (from the bathroom) and sees Lili in the bed with him. Lili says death isn’t anything more than a new adventure. Martina looks shocked. Dr. O comes out, too, somewhat disheveled. Martina must have roughed him up a bit. He checks Ciro’s pulse and uses another modern way of telling someone is dead – puts his fingers under Ciro’s nose.

Fer says goodbye to the priest. She gets down on her knees and begs forgiveness and thanks him for opening her eyes. She will understand the truth about Ed and Soledad. Now she has to keep up appearances. That is her penance. She says that 15 years ago a boy was separated from his parents and sent to get an education. She said she wasn’t going to repeat the story.

The priest cries –he begs God forgiveness for what he has just done for not revealing the truth about Soledad.

At Pueblo Purification the bus stops and Santiago and Aurora get off. She says he can’t go with her because she has to talk to Dominga alone. She tells him to go for a walk. She asks him to respect her decision or he can’t go on with her. He says ok, he’ll rent a hotel room and they’ll meet at 7:00. She says she doesn’t know what Dominga will say to her. Oh, come on, do you think that old witch has had an “ah, hah” moment in the last few days.

Driving back home Fernanda flashes back to the time she chased the bus that took Eduardo away. She missed the bus and never got to say a final goodbye to him. Eduardo, she says, I adore you. Just like now. The phone rings but, we have to hear Alejandro Fernandez sing the theme song. She looks at the phone and throws it down.

The padre goes to the crypt to talk to Soledad and says that Ed has to finsish his mission. He again asks for forgiveness. “Miseracordia, Senor, Miseracordia, Senor.”

Dr. O asks Adolfina what she has. She hands him a folder with a paper to sign. He says they have to call the family. He reads it, and he gets mad about what she wrote. He’s the doctor, and the doctor says Ciro died of a heart attack.

Aurora goes to visit Dominga who is fighting mad and pulls her in the door. Dominga calls her a vaquetona (?). Aurora tries to explain, but Dominga calls her names. She’s been drinking. Dominga tells her she’ll never find her mother. Dominga laughs at her – “que bruta es.” Aurora keeps at her. Dominga says you’ll never knows this and raises her hand to her. I knew this was coming. Dominga locks Aurora in the house. Aurora runs into another room while Dominga keeps at her little brown jug.

Fer goes to the barn where she and Ed used to meet. We once again are blessed with the theme song and another flashback of The Day of The Kiss. Fernanda cries and looks at the posts and finds the one where Ed engraved a heart with their initials. She flashes back again. He says she looks like an angel the best thing that ever happened to him, etc. She tells him that they’ll get married when they grow up. She kisses the carving and cries and hugs the post. More theme song.

At Las Animas, Gardenia, still wearing the same dress, tells Ed that somebody called him but didn’t leave a name. She also tells him what Camilo did to Jacinto and the horse. She tells him she made beans and cheese – he doesn’t have an appetite, but she doesn’t get the message until he tells her he wants to be alone. Just by the look, we know she’d like to comfort him. Finally he says, good night Gardenia. Ed is still feeling the pain.

At the Elizaldes they’re all waiting for Fernanda. Daddy says maybe she’s with Ed. Damian says he tried to all her several times, but she did not answer. Damian also says Fer left in such a hurry he didn’t have time to ask her a question.

Camilo says don’t worry. If Fernanda has shut her phone off, they (Fer and Ed) are reminiscing about old times. Of course, he means in the carnal sense. What a beast.

Pris just can’t contain her happiness. Anibal gets up away from her. He must suspect something. Finally she says she’s expecting a baby, and everyone is very happy except Anibal who sends daggers her way. Damian has that s**t eating grin on his face. Flashback to Damian telling Vlad he’s stupid.

Vlad, at his apartment, can’t sleep. So, he gets the phone book out and starts looking up laboratories. Vlad has had a moment, and he’s trying to remember the name of the lab on the envelope he gave Pris.

The Elizaldes are happy. Anibal has nothing to say about this good notice. In fact, he’s more pissed off than ever. He’s tired and asks to be excused. Anibal tells Camilo, the Big Mouth, that he shouldn’t waste his time with horses.

Fernanda enters. Damian approaches her. Barb wants to know what happened. Gonzo invites her to sit. She says she wanted to talk to Eduardo but she couldn’t because he died. Everyone is muy impactada.

Ed starts burning pictures and papers and credit cards in the fireplace. He puts what looks like a passport in his breast pocket. Looks like he’s trying to erase his former life. He kisses a picture of him and Soledad before he burns it. He opens the letter that Soledad left. He reads it, sobs and all. She did what she did to protect him. (Protect him from una pecada ajena, or somebody else’s sin.) He was completely innocent. But, we’ve heard this already. But, we have to listen to it again before it, too, goes in the fire. Look, he could have stashed this stuff somewhere, but Gardenia would have found it and blabbed everything to everyone. Finally, the box is empty.

Martina is talking to Lili. Lili misses Ciro. Martina tells Lili that Ciro is resting in peace and Lili asks her if Ciro’s in heaven. Yes, she says, good people go to heaven. But Lili says I need him here with me.

Fernanda continues talking about Eduardo and asks where his ashes are being kept. Gonzo tells Barb that Father Bosco helped Ed go to the United States to study. Gonzo wants to know how she knew to go to Father Bosco. She says it was the phone number. Damian tries to comfort her.

Camilo talks to the group and says something like that’s what you get for messing with the Elizaldes. And Anibal adds that Ed’s now keeping company with the Devil.

Fernanda continues arguing with Anibal. She’s very angry –hysterical. She says this is what is wrong with Grupo Lactos. They think they deserve everything. Eduardo was punished without justification.

Camilo says so what do want us to do. He violated you.

She says Eduardo never did what you said he did. She demands that Barbara admit she made a mistake.

Fer tells Barb she made a mistake and turned something beautiful into something dirty. Pris tries to comfort her. Barb thought bubbles that Fernanda your troubles (calvario) are just beginning.

Camilo rails on about the mountain peasant (Ed) and Gonzo shuts him up.

Barb tries to comfort Fernanda with more lies. Barb looks at Damian and gives him a signal to go to Fernanda. Fernanda leaves with Damian. Will tonight be the night? Barb thought bubbles that this is the best thing that has happened in my life. I don’t have to dirty my hands with his damned blood.

Meanwhile Ed has what looks like a passport in his hands and locks it in a cabinet.

Barb calls Deep Throat and tells him that Ed is dead. He tells her to go to the tomb and make sure Ed, and not somebody else, is dead and to find out how he died.

Santiago is waiting and waiting for Aurora and is getting cold. I thought he was going to rent a hotel room. It’s eleven o’clock and says to himself that Dominga probably wouldn’t let her go. He then realizes Aurora never told him exactly where she lived. Poor thing has forgotten how to use his brain. Aurora is thinking about Santiago from her prison and thinks he got tired of waiting and that he’s returned to his house. Dominga rubs in that she’s got the key locked around her neck and goes to sleep.

Damian looks at Fernanda in the bed, turns out the light and leaves the room, and he is fully dressed. Fernanda dreams about Ed and Ed dreams about the crypt with his name on it. Look at that striped scarf he’s wearing. This must be a nightmare. He sees the ghost of Fernanda dressed like a bride wearing black. She lashes out at him, and says, you’re not dead. You lied to me. Why, why. I’ll never understand. I hate you, I hate you, and he wakes up.


Barb checks out the crypt and the good padre listens as she says she hopes Ed is in the hottest part of Hell. She later has a conversation with Barb and tells her the guilty party was the hyena.


Doña Bárbara - Thurs., Apr. 17 - Santos suspects that DB isn't pregnant anymore; Pajarote lets the bottle and his litle birdie make a stupid decison

[The online NBC/Telemundo calendar indicates that DB is not going to end before the end of May.]

Deceitfully delusional DB tells Marisela that she thinks Santos has another woman and she can't live without her man.

Genoveva tells Pajarote that until he changes his tomcatting ways (escoba con falda) she doesn't want anything to do with him. He says that he won't change on her orders.

Cecilia tells Antonio that he has to leave. It doesn't look good that they are together so soon after Lucía's death. They musn't give Don Encarnación any ammunition.

It looks like Melesio's visit to DE didn't do the trick. He has hired the shady lawyer who represented DB in the case of the transfer of the hacienda. He says that they have to ruin Antonio's reputation.

Marisela reassures DB that there is no other woman in Santos' life.

Marisela tells Santos that they can't be together. DB is the obstacle between them since she is threatening to kill herself if she loses Santos. She leaves and tells him not to follow her. Marisela goes back to San Fernando with Gonzalo.

Melquiades is in the bushes with his blowpipe to kill Marisela and Santos if they try to leave. [It seems like pretty long range for the blowpipe.]

Marisela tells Genoveva that things at the beach were marvelous and a disaster. She doesn't know what to think or what to do.

Gonzalo tells Sapo that he can kill Santos (and DB) after he marries Marisela in two weeks.

DB tells Eustaquia that she is sure that Santos will realize sooner or later that he loves her. Eustaquia is doubtful. Santos comes and asks to speak to DB.

Santos angrily tells DB to stop pretending to be crazy. He knows that she is lying. DB says that Santos is the father of her baby. Her baby that is still there in spite of what happened with her enemy. Santos is instantly suspicious. DB covers up as best as she can but when she is gone Santos wonders if the baby is just one of DB's tricks.

Pajarote is telling the other Altamira vaqueros and Cósme about his troubles with Genoveva when Celeste comes into the bar. The guys warn Pajarote against getting involved with her but he won't listen.

When Geno tells Marisela that Cecilia is going to rent a house in San Fernando to continue taking care of Lucía's baby, Marisela says that she wants to stay there, too. Gonzalo comes to say that he wants to talk to Marisela.

Juan Primito comes to where Santos is eating in the kitchen at Altamira. He says that he is afraid of dark, empty houses. He tells Santos the list of other things that else he is afraid of, which includes blood. He tells Santos his understanding of what happened to DB after the fire at El Miedo.

Marisela tells Gonzalo that she slept with Santos when they spent the night on the beach. When he asks why she says that he knows perfectly well that she is in love with Santos. She tells Gonzalo that she thinks it is better if she stops working for Gonzalo and ends their relationship.

Pajarote is horrified when he wakes up in bed with Celeste. He curses himself for being the idiot he truly is.

DE demands that Cecilia not have access to his granddaughter any more.

Marisela tells Gonzalo that she is confused about a lot of things but she has decided that she has to tell Santos that DB lost the baby.

Santos reviews in his mind all the hints and suggestions that indicate that DB isn't pregnant any more. The next morning Santos pretends to have a severe headache and gets DB to take him to the doctor...

where he grabs DB and demands that Dr. Arias do a blood test on her to see if she really is pregnant.


Las Tontas Thurs 4/16 - Big boys DO cry and guess what, Mari is Loca

Reminders from yesterday: Lalo interrupts Santi and Horty's discussion of CARLOOOO to tell him he need to take him home right away. Alicia and Mariloca get on the plane.

Santi is at home and Marissa calls him. She gleefully and evilly tells him to watch her video. Raul turns on the TV and the wicked witch of the west appears in the crystal ball. Lamentably, Santi will never see his son, Bwahahaha. Bye my love and kisses to candy. Caras impactadas from Raul, Santi, Isabel and Lalo.

Santi says she's not just crazy she's psychotic. Raul swears he's allied with Santi in this but Santi continues to blame Raul for always defending his hermana loca. Santi tries to call Mariloca but no luck.

Meanwhile the brujas make themselves comfortable on the plane and cackle at Santi's photo on Mari's ringing phone. (The closed captions say carcajada = guffaw or loud laughter) Alicia says he is pouting. (Cara de puchero - pouty face) Mari laughs that she's not sure what she'll do but certainly she'll not return home for a while. She giggles that she'll tell Santi the baby died because if she says she put it up for adoption he'll look and look and look for it. They laugh hysterically when she says maybe she'll tell him it died and she put it in a bag and threw it in the garbage. Holy Toledo, did I hear that right? What a couple of lunatics!

Rocio, mouth agape, hides behind John Lennon's picture and eavesdrops while Lalo tells Donato what Mariloca threatened.

Pato comes home to find a big "Welcome!" and balloons waiting for him. Al left a note, she's thrilled he's returned, dinner's in the oven, she loves him and will see him soon. "She's crazy," he mutters, "no no no I can't stay here."

Over at the House of Miracles Chayo tells Candy about Mariloca's insane message. Lalo told her that Mari said Santi will be the victim of the worst humiliation of his life. Candy grabs her purse and rushes out.

Santi and Isa talk some more about how crazy Mari is and what they should do, hire a PI, call the police? Santi is completely spun out at the idea of never seeing his bebe. Rocio listens at the door and becomes increasingly upset. She finally comes in sobbing that it's all her fault because she once told Mari she didn't want a baby brother. Santi tries to comfort the poor little tyke.

Pat calls his dad to tell him he's moving back into his house and there's room for both of them. He decides to eat the dinner and talk to himself, woe is he about Candy. His phone rings and its...Candy! She asks him to look after Chava while she helps Santi out, she fills him in on Mariloca's diabolical activities.

Santi and Paulina AKA mommy dearest try to console Rocio. MD rolls her eyes while Santi kisses his sweet daughter.

Lalo tries to console Santi with a man hug and a cup of tea.

Over at the restaurant Sven pushes Ole toward Lulu and a mild flirtation ensues. Toño asks to be her novio and she rushes off. Zamora comments it's the shortest romance in history.

Santi tells Isa he wants to be alone but she has a surprise, Candy is there. Santi has really lost his bravado and he doesn't know what to do. Candy kindly comforts him. She says all she wants to do is help him find his son. Santi suggests they watch the video together in case any clues reveal themselves. He suspects La Loca might have an accomplice.

Raul shows up at Santi's door. Donato tries to refuse entry but Raul pushes. Isa interrupts and crosses her arms. Raul swears he had no idea what his twisted sis was up to and he's a victim in all this too. Isa agrees to let him enter.

Candy and Santi watch the witch in the crystal ball again and Raul shows up. Raul swears allegiance to Santi and Candy says she belives him. He gives Mari's apartment keys to Santi so he can search for clues. The friends shake hands and make up.

Mommy Dearest assures Rocio that her Papi will find her brother. Somebody silently rolls by in a car and takes pictures of MD hugging Rocio. We only see the back of head so this must be Pau's mystery man stalking her.

Santi and Candy search Mariloca's apartment but find nothing. Santi tries to think like a loca, she wouldn't stay in Guadalajara, but where? They search some more and Candy finds a red paper bag with baby clothes and a note. "Don't look for me cuz you won't find me, if Candy is with you tell her hello and it's all her fault."

Amidst the family's problems Tina has her test results and is crying over them. Isa tells Tina she's lived it and knows what Tina feels. The news is bad but not necessarily a death sentence. As Isa provides words that prepare Tina to win her personal battle Donato looks on with love and affection in his eyes. He gives Tina a thumbs up.

The stalker in a striped tailored shirt continues to take pics of MD and Rocio. Creepy.

Santi calls airlines but can't get information. He's totally frustrated. Candy suggests maybe calling Mari again and leaving a message on her phone. Big hug from Candy which he appreciates mucho.

Pat relaxes on a lime green couch and watches the news. The news team is at the airport and who should stroll in front of the camera but Marissa! (No sign of Alicia, darn.)

Rocio cries to her two novios that Mariloca stole her brother. Beto reminds them that Chava told them she had a bad heart. "The worst of all," cries Rocio. Chava proclaims he'll cry with Rocio. Beto tells him men don't cry. Chava educates Beto that men DO cry, he's not some macho recalcitrant and he'll cry with Rocio. Beto decides to cry with her too and the boys hug their little pal.

Later the kids come in and are greeting by a loving Candy and a surprise visit from Pat. He must speak to Santi ASAP cuz he saw Mariloca at the Guadalajara airport.

Santi goes nuts, if she was at the airport Mariloca could be anywhere! Candy and Pat take him outside to calm down. Santi thanks Pat and it seems like these two really could be friends. Maybe. Someday. Poor Santi stares at the starry sky in paternal anquish as his beautiful eyes pool up with tears.

Santi and Candy go back into the house and Pato is alone once again. He gets tears in his eyes and says to nobody in particular, or maybe God, "I'm sorry, it hurts." I'm beginning to quite like Patricio.

The witches arrive at their hotel in Quito Ecuador and Al thanks the guy in English (with a very good accent I might add). They rate the varietals of South American men with Argentinos deemed to be the most handsome. Al puts her feet up but Mariloca wants to get connected so she can send hate emails to Santi. (Conectame la compu.)

Back in sanity land Candy gives Santi some of her miracle advice blah blah blah feel with your heart and everything will resolve itself that will be five cents please.

Mommy Dearest arrives and Candy kisses Santi and Rocio goodbye under MD's sneer. Rocio giggles to her daddy that he should have given Candy a kiss. MD scowls her disapproval.

Next morning Isa prays to the virgin asking her help to ensure her grandson will be born healthy and that Santi will be able to hold his son in his arms.

Barb has a therapy session with Marta and her jackass of a husband Lucio. Barb tells him that he needs to, ahem, warm up Marta's engine before he can put her into gear so to speak. He gets pissed off at Marta because they are sharing their intimacies with a stranger. He yells and storms out of the office. Barb advises Marta to go to a neutral place and try to talk calmly to Lucio.

At school Rocio and Chayo converse morosely about the difficulties of parents not loving each other and hence not getting to live together as one happy family.

Mommy Dearest eats lunch and the mystery stalker calls her and then hangs up. He's in the same restaurant but she doesn't see him. She calls her friend Yennifer but it sounds like Yennifer hasn't seen hide nor hair of "him". We finally get to see the frontside of the stalker but he's obscured by horizontal slats so we still don't know who he is, but he's close, very close. At least we get a half-assed cell phone toss out of the deal courtesy of Pau.

Marta and Lucio talk. Seems he can't say "I love you" or maybe can't get his soldier to salute or something. She says Candy says the solution is simple, they have to accept professional psychological help from Barb. He manages to squeeze out a half-hearted "Te amo" and Marta seems thrilled.

Paula is at Santi's office showing showing some leg and spreading herself across his desk. She admits she's a bit jealous of Candy because she loves him. He stutters "yo yo yo yo yo" about a million times, blathers on nervously that he and Pau have no future. She says she's got it all but as Serrat said, "without you my bed is wide". (She means Joan Manuel Serrat.) Jaime sings "Sin Ti" a la Serrat and she embraces him "I love you". He tries to pry himself from her tentacles.

He tries to talk her into going back to New York and the life she loves. She's got disquieting news, she intends to launch her collection in Guadalajara. Sure seems to be a lot of Guadalajara promo going on. So far it's the jewelry hub, the plastic surgery hub, the female self-help, modern international airport, and now it will be the center of high fashion.

The miracle workers hold court in the women's room where Chayo tells the ladies it took Lalo two hours deposit his specimen in the cup. Lulu seems to not completely grasp the content of the discussion.

Lalo tells Santi about his experience at the clinic. They talk REALLY fast. Lalo recalls fantasizing about the sexy nurse in garters while sultry brazilian music plays. Ayyy, Lalo's memory screeches to a halt and he jumps up, realizing the sexy Brazilian nurse was Santi in drag; he asks does Santi have brazilian heritage? Lalo is horrified while Santi makes the "come to papa" gestures. Wouldn't it be fun to see these guys acting with each other in a live production?

Sole comes home and is cranky to find Ceci with a pretty young blonde (who bears a striking resemblance to Ceci, could Ceci have a daughter?). Ceci introduces Aracely to Sole. Aracely gives Sole a friendly kiss on the cheek and Sole coolly asks to see Ceci alone. Sole immediately bitches to Ceci about bringing her lesbo friends into her house. The pure house that is inhabited by she who boinked a guy on a one night stand, bore a son by said guy, and would have stolen the guy from her supposed best friend if she'd had an inkling she could have succeeded. Ceci excuses herself and Solier than thou mutters to herself about Candy.

Santi gets home, checks his email and yells "Loca" because Her Nastiness sent him an email. "I've already gotten rid of the brat. You understand what that means, don't you?" He rants that he doesn't believe she aborted but she could mean anything, given it away, put it up for adoption, nobody knows for sure. He swears that if she's done anything to his child..."Hijole! For the love of God that Marisa is loca!!"

Tomorrow: Santi emails Mariloca and swears he's going to find her.


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Doña Bárbara - Wed., Apr. 15: Santos & Marisela are happy for now; Antonio & Cecilia say they'll be happy later;Geno & Pajarote are not happy

[Sorry I didn't have time for any pictures. I might be able to do some later. ]

The lovers:
Marisela tells Santos that even though it might be wrong. She wants to be his forever. We have more gritty beach sex.

The searchers:
Chasing after Santos in their plane, DB says that Melquíades looks nervous. He says that he was born to be in the woods (monte) not to fly like a bird.

Gonzalo runs around the hotel looking for Santos and Marisela.

Melesio tries to talk some sense into Don Encarnación.

Antonio exhibits some uncle-like rage at Pajarote and Genoveva.

Melesio asks DE if what he really wants is to take Lucía's baby away from Antonio and have her raised alone by an old man.

DB gives a cab driver a bunch of money to find the hotel where the Governors are staying.

Marisela and Santos say that their love will just grow and grow.

Gonzalo finds out that Santos rented a boat. The boat guy says that he doesn't think they will be back soon because a storm is coming.

DB has to have Melquíades threaten the cab driver at knife point to take them to the hotel where the Governors are staying.

Santos and Marisela take shelter from the storm in a little hut. Marisela tells Santos that she tried to get him out of her heart but she couldn't. She says that she loves him more than ever.

Pajarote tells Antonio that he shouldn't have gotten involved with Genoveva but he will do the right thing and marry her. He says that if it were any other woman, he would run away but since it is Antonio's niece and Melesio's granddaughter and she is a decent girl, then of course he will marry her.

DB finds Gonzalo. He tells her than Santos and Marisela went out in a boat and haven't returned. DB wants to start a big official search for the missing lovers. Gonzalo doesn't want a start a scandal by looking for his fiancée who has gone off with another guy. DB says that if won't do it, she will.

Antonio brings Pajorote to see Melesio. Antonio says that Pajarote wants to marry Genoveva. Melesio laughs and says that life is full of surprises. "You got her pregnant and everything!" and then he hits Pajarote. Antonio looks like he is trying not to laugh.

In the hotel, Geno hears the alcaraván singing again and confesses to Cecilia that it is singing for her and that Pajarote is the father.

Pajarote tells Melesio that he just found out that Geno is pregnant and came to San Fernando to see her. He says that their temperaments are very different and they fight all the time but he is willing to do the right thing to restore Geno's honor ('taparle la mancha', literally, 'cover up her stain'). Melesio asks if Pajarote loves Geno. Antonio says that Pajarote is willing to do the right thing by Geno and that's the same thing. Melesio say that it isn't the same thing. "One is to swear allegiance to the flag and go to war out of obligation. The other is to swear undying love to a woman. You do one thing for fear but also for obligation. The other you do happily and it makes you content. Where are you going, Pajarote? To war or to happiness?"

The boat guy says that because of the storm no search can be made for Santos and Marisela. DB tells Melquíades that she can't let Santos and Marisela spend the night together.

Santos and Marisela are by a fire in their cozy little hut. Marisela almost tells Santos that DB lost her baby but she doesn't and we know that is going to bring them more problems.

DB has calmed down. She tells Gonzalo that her tantrums haven't gotten her anywhere. She says that they have to outsmart their anger. She tells Gonzalo that she will give Marisela to Gonzalo on a silver platter for the third time but he'd better not lose her again. She also warns him against trying to harm Santos.

Melesio comes to see Genoveva. He says that he has known she was pregnant since the alcaraván started singing but was waiting for her to confirm it. He tells her that Pajarote is willing to do the right thing and clean the stain on her honor. Geno is outraged that Pajarote is talking about a stain (mancha) as if he were a bar of soap. She says that she will kill him.

Gonzalo says that he will win in the end. He calls Sapo and says that he has changed his mind. He wants Santos killed but cleanly and in a way that doesn't involve him.

Melquíades is impressed by the ocean. He calls it a 'plain of water' ('llanura de agua'). DB tells him to go to bed. Pressed against the rainy window, DB says that Marisela and Santos are together alone and nothing is preventing their love.

Marisela says that she loves their pirate adventure but the most important thing is their love.

Antonio, Genoveva, Cecilia, Melesio and Pajarote have an intervention about Geno's pregnancy. Pajarote says that he made the child so he will take responsibility. It bothered him that Geno didn't tell him about the baby herself but he is sure that she was ashamed. He says that he might have thought she was setting a trap for him but he knows she isn't like that so he forgives her.

Geno is furious. She says that there is nothing to forgive. The only thing she did was fall in love with him and spread her legs like one of his sluts. But that is over. He neither cares for her or respects her and in that case she will continue with her child and her life alone. She asks for Cecilia's approbation. Geno says that she will not marry Pajarote. "Do you hear me?" she asks Pajarotre, "You can go and clean the stains from Federica, the Mondragon slut or from your grandmother. I will not marry you even at gunpoint!"

Pajarote protests that he came to San Fernando willling to do right by Geno and her baby. Unfortunately, he adds that he is giving up his freedom, too. Geno asks those present if they have ever heard a more disgusting propsal. She says that she isn't willing to marry him and watch him go out cheating. She says that he will have a perfect excuse to cheat on her since he is being forced to marry. She repeats that she won't marry Pajarote and her relatives had better get used to seeing her single and with a baby. She will be alone but she will be happy. She leaves.

Antonio unwisely asks Cecilia to try and convince Geno that it isn't good for a woman to raise a child... "Alone?" Cecilia asks as Antonio realizes his boo boo. She tells him that she won't give Geno any such advice. She is raising her child alone because the father married someone else when they could have been happy together. She tells Pajarote that in case he didn't know it, she will make it clear that he isn't the last man on earth (''no eres la última limonada en el desierto," literally, "you aren't the last lemonade in the desert"). She leaves. Melesio says that he hadn't realized it before but Cecilia and Geno are right. It's better to be alone than to be with a pair of imbeciles like Antonio and Pajarote.

Marisela tells Santos that she wished they could stay in this hut forever. Santos says that he knows what she means but they have to go back to their lives.

Andrés and Néstor recap all the strange things that have happened in Progresso (including the kidnapping of the 12-year old). They think the bad things are related to an effort to destroy the Cattlemens' Association and Santos' work.

Antonio comes to apologize to Cecilia. He says that the can't be happy if she hates him. He offers to make it up to her with a kiss.

Gonzalo and DB find out that Santos and Marisela have returned. Gonzalo demands an explanation from Santos. Santos says that Gonzalo will not end up with Marisela and that he doesn't owe Gonzalo any explanations for what he did.

Cecilia tells Antonio that it isn't their time yet. He says that he has always loved her and she says that she loves him so much that she would wait forever for him. They say that have to wait until his daughter gets out of the hospital and DE calms down.

DB asks Marisela 20 questions about what she and Santos did together during the night. Marisela is evasive. Then DB manages to produce a tear and says that Santos isn't interested in her anymore. If he leaves her, she will kill herself. [And you know that Marisela is going to buy this twaddle.]


Tontas no van Wed Apr. 15 - A bucket for your, er, thoughts, and some ice all around

We open with Pau trying to get nookie from Santi. No go.

Pau gets dressed. She notes this is the first time he’s rejected her and well he's really in love with Candy. She could always get him to give in. He says yes, because she's beautiful and she’s the mother of his daughter etc. He calls her flirty when she keeps trying, and eventually pushes her out.

He thinks he needs to tell a buddy about this advance maybe that he was able to reject it; not Lalo though, I guess that’s not such a good topic for him, so he settles on Carlos.

At breakfast, the crew at Meno’s house discusses the day’s plans and picking up Chava. Meno is helping himself to THREE spoons of sugar in his coffee, and he’s eating a sweet coffee cake kind of thing. Greg slaps his hand and tells him to leave it. His response is that he is not her husband. She says he’s getting fat, and has to watch sugars and fats. He continues he‘s not fat, he’s only retaining water and stop playing wife in his house. She says she’s just a woman who cares for her in-law. He is surprised she cares about him after all her rejection and she says well now she’s lying again as she did for two minutes but not now. Candy tells him he needs a check up and that she leaves him to her Mom’s care. He grabs the cake anyway after they all leave and proclaims it doesn't raise his triglycerides.

Carlos is begging again for Horty to go out with him. When she rejects him he smacks a big one on her and tells her if she changes her mind to look him up. She gets into it…and is impactada as he walks away. The boys Santi and Lalo watch from behind amazed at what they saw. When they try to get Horty’s attention, she replies that his appointments are in the agenda but she can’t work today…and walks out just like that.

Santi I think is shocked because she never leaves. The boys hug and reflect how beautiful is love…er no futbol, time to watch football they chant as they separate.

Marta is on the phone to Candi that she can’t talk to her hubby about something, so Candi tells her to bring him in and they’ll work it out together. Just then Horty shows up still dazed. Candi is about to tell her to bug off if she’s got something on behalf of her boss but Hort stops her short that she needs her and came for herself.

Meno and Greg are at the docs. I’m trying to figure out what the heck is behind them, either a huge blow up of blood platelets, a lung cat scan or some really funky Italian marble. Modern art? Med folks any help? Meno yells at Greg for forcing him into this and she says she can leave but he says no stay because he’s getting some flushed cheeks (Bochornos) and he’s not going through menopause or something like that.
Horty confesses to Candi that she’s not been with a man in so long and isn‘t sure what to do. She thinks she’s big. her body is awful, and he’s too young for her and a whole host of things. Candi thinks she can fix this and that there is nothing wrong with Horty that it’s all just fear of commitment.

Lalo and Santi have a talk about Lalo’s upcoming “Spermogram“ what a great word. I love it. Santi tells Lalo it’s nothing and he will get a little bottle that he just needs to fill y ya. Plus they have mags and videos to help you. Lalo guesses the jar will be small but Santi educates him it’s bigger and he just should think of it as the size of a soup plate. I swear the actor Lalo is trying not to crack up at the idea of Spermogram. He seems to covers his mouth to hide this. I think Camil actually does. This looks like a face trying to quell a laugh if there ever was one.

After the girls go through a round table of what they each are scared of, boring, I’m not going through that, they welcome Horty to the institute and manage to persuade Horty that she should call Carlos.

The boys Lalo and Santi are washing up for surgery while doing line dances and chatting about their women problems.

Horty calls Carlos and will make him dinner. Her fan club cheers and takes her shopping. I’ll bet the guys loved this scene where she is trying to select some lingerie that goes from clown boy shorts to thong. They then move on to a dress, and the first one is kind of sixtiesish and they aren’t so fond of it. When she dances away, her microphone on her leg shows. She does a pole dance when she finds the right dress. I guess I have to put this in for Carlos...

Horty appreciates all this, she’ll even tell Candi gossip about her jefe, but Candi says not right to gossip so that‘s ok. Horty thanks her and tells her Jefe has never hit the sex bell with her because he really cares for her, she‘s the most important and hopefully they can figure out their stuff, because, say it with me, Tontas no van al cielo. Ha ha!

Ali and Mari spar about getting ready to go to the airport and how he will die when he learns he’ll never see his kid again.

Carlos is now at Horty’s who really looks super HOT!!!!! He tells her as much and she wants to know if he’ll kiss her. He throws the chair out of the way and jumps her live a ravenous beast.

Santi shows up at Pau’s, and she was only expecting a club sandwich.

Santi wants her to go back to NY and she wants to stay with them so gave up everything. She paid a high price for her money and prestige, she lost both of them. She says he’s not that great he had his “Ranking” of priorities, and he didn’t give up his friends etc. She continues that he did something to her when she came back last time and says Santi, SANTI, kiss me! He falls off the bed and moans in distress.

Horty now tells Carlos to get out. Apparently she’s not ready. He promises to help her be ready, but that doesn’t work and he says if he goes then he’s gone, she says so you are gone. Goodbye, and they both resign to taking cold showers.
Santi turns off Pau’s spout too. He’s appalled that the “Mom of my kid“ would be willing to see him in secret and now be his lover….e leaves. She then makes a call to “Jennifer” to see if Jorge tried to call her. Apparently, she won’t go back to NY because she doesn’t want this guy to find her. Aha……

Chayo bugs Lalo to make sure he will go for his sperm count, and offers to go with, but he doesn’t want that so she primes him, almost too much and so she puts the brakes on him and says to think of her while filling his little bottle. He says little bottle, ha, barrel!

Tina and Issy talk about cancer and that they should talk about it. Otro PSA. She says many cancers are curable if detected early so it's not an automatic death sentence. Try telling that to my cat. Issy will go with Tina to her appointment. Santi comes down and Issy notes he’s in the same clothes he wore yesterday. She takes him outside to chat.

She doesn’t want to butt in, but thinks he stayed with Pau. He says just because he’s in the same clothes his meat doesn’t smell, that or he doesn‘t smell like meat. He went to Chapala, in the middle of the night? Yeah, he had to think, and the flies (mosquitos?) kill by the way. This scene made little sense.

This was hysterical. Lalo enters the fertility clinic to make his deposit and doesn’t want anyone to know his purpose. He wants a bag to cover his "sample". Of course there are beautiful women all over and the nurse reminds him everyone is there for the same thing. He sits in the private room rocking out to Iron maiden or such thing and can’t “make it” so calls Chayo. She tells him to use his imagination. Ruh roh. He imagines a bevy of women in sexy nurse outfits, that no one wears anymore, and then suddenly Lulu is there and he snaps out of it. Another make out session with Barb and then some hairy legs. It’s Santi in drag with a bucket for the sample!!!

Candi has spent too much time looking at the flowers says Chayo. The card from Santi says he’s free. In English. Chayo astutely notes that if he is in English, he’s free in Spanish too. Candi agrees she loves him but worries that things won’t work out with him either.

Turns out he plants a tree for Candi and after checking his appts for the day takes his Mom to see it in the yard.

Meanwhile in the underworld, Mariloca Maternity Bruja from Hell is wrapping herself with bandages, I think to make her belly look smaller. She says something about wanting to look like she’s only seven months and something about peoples mouths dropping maybe. She asks Ali for help, but Ali gives up when she learns the wrap has to go under the dress and remarks she's not Mari's servant. Mari confirms her bro will come over later and the gals sit down and begin to make a video.
Issy shows Candy her tree and tells her she wants her son to be happy and blah blah.

Lalo gives up the goods asking for another jar. The nurse says it took him 2 hours for this one! He slinks away.

Issy tells Candi all the trees names, so Santi considers her part of the family and she should know but don’t tell him she does. He’s happy only with her. She says she too, but she just got rid of Pat, and has to deal with her son etc. Issy understands.

Raul arrives…. He finds the note and video camera.

Santi is chatting with Horty and lays some John Lennon on her, that life is what happens when we are making plans. He tells her she’s putting her life to one side. He pushes for his buddy… that Carlos likes her and is a good guy and it‘s normal to be afraid, and she should tell him all this.
Just then Lalo shows up visibly disturbed to collect Santi for Raul. Since he was snuggle facing with Horty he is startled and throws around the flowers. Lalo tells him everyone is waiting at his house for something very serious.

Mari and Ali get on the plane. I love how Ali throws her purse up into the bin.

They get to the house and Mari is on the phone telling him bye bye and to watch the video.

They do and in it she tells him here is his last look at his son. You’ll never see her again, or your kid…ouch.


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