Saturday, July 03, 2010

El Clon Friday July 2: Summary for Discussion

Lucas walks in the door of the Casa Ferrer like a yuppy Ward Cleaver, to be greeted not by June, but by Mama Rosa. (Why didn’t Said send his goons after Lucas in Morocco? Did Jade talk to Lucas after she found out Jadiya was sick? We’ll never know…)
Rosa tells him how worried she is about Natalia. She’s up all night, she sleeps during the day..
Está tan triste, anda demacrada…hasta ha perdido peso.
She’s so sad, she looks so haggard... she’s even lost weight. (demacrado is hard to translate – it means you don’t look well, you look thin – and they don’t mean it as a compliment).
Lucas assures Rosa that everything will be fine now that he is back:
Voy a tomar las riendas de esta casa!
I’m going to take the reins (take charge) of this house. (If you are reassured by this declaration, please raise your hand.)

Natalia is in her room doing things with her nose that make us think of very bad drugs, ignoring a ringing phone.

In Fez, Jade has waited until Abdul is asleep. Then she slips out of the house and heads for the airport and her early morning flight to Miami.

In Miami, Latifa is trying to convince Mohamed that Jade should be allowed to see Jadiya. When Amin comes in, they tell him that Abdul called; he signed the prayer you asked for and he’s sending it to you. ¿Cuál oración? (what prayer?) asks Amin.
Uh oh.

Mohamed must have called Abdul for clarification (although really, would you do this? Wouldn’t you just say ‘thank you so much, Uncle A’ and leave it at that?) and now Abdul is all riled up, demanding Jade be brought to him so she can explain why she would make up a story like that. He lets loose his usual stream of florid invective, goes out to look for her himself, and when he’s told she was seen with a suitcase, sends his men to the airport to look for her.

She is there all right, but they pass right by her. She is unrecognizable to them in her blouse and miniskirt, wig and dark shades, and she heads off to board the plane to Miami. (She has learned a thing or two about sneaking out of the country since her sad encounter with Careless Bathroom Woman and her irate husband)

And in Ali’s house, Abdul continues ranting, threatening to accuse Zoraida of conspiracy if they are unable to find Jade.

At the Casa Ferrer, Natalia rejects Lucas’s offer to talk to Alej, to give him a second chance. As Nati leaves the house, Marisa’s newest employee greets her, tells her he is a sus órdenes (at your disposal, at your command). She ignores him.

At school, Andrea informs her that because she didn’t show up and had no excuse, she got a failing grade in math. (reprobaste: you failed, referring to a school subject). Nati’s too depressed to care. She doesn’t believe Andrea when she says Alej still loves her.

Carolina and Enrique seem to be having the usual conversation about his addiction – a mixture of confrontation, encouragement and self-pity.

Dora comes to see Albi in the clinic. Daniel is very sad, she tells him. He thinks you’re hiding him from everyone. In particular,
El no entiende por qué lo está escondiendo de Doña Luisa.
He doesn’t understand why you’re hiding him from Mrs. Luisa.
At this point, Luisa herself comes in and tells Dora how much she would love to see Daniel. That’d be nice, says Albi, but Daniel is in New York for a few days. (Liar, liar, pants on fire!)

Escobar is on the phone arguing with Fernando. That baby is not my brother, insists Fer, because it’s not my mother’s child. Julio can’t help but overhear. Let Clara keep the car, he urges, and get another one for Alicia. I can’t afford more debt right now, says the Chump. Anyhow, Malicia and the baby are my number one priority.

I’ve never been a priority to him, says the somewhat more perceptive Clara to Roberto, as they are finishing up the marital property agreement. Do me a favor, she says, give him the car keys and papers:
No lo quiero ni ver.
I don’t even want to see him.
Fernando looks on sadly.

At their hotel, Escobar gives the car keys to Malicia. And I'm putting it in your name, he promises. They embrace and she rolls her eyes.

In Fez, the men tell Abdul they can’t find Jade. He rants about punishing whoever let her board a plane without his authorization. Then the old neurons start to fire. He remembers signing the prayer for Amin. Was it an authorization? he thunders at Zoraida.
Yo no sé nada, soy inocente, no podía saberlo. ¡Yo no se leer!
I don’t know anything, I’m innocent, I couldn’t know. I can’t read! (That’s a whole lot of denial, but then there was a whole lot of accusation)

A disturbed Mohamed gives Latifa the news: Tu prima huyó! (Your cousin fled/ran away). He’s worried about giving the news to Said. He vows that the next time they are in Morocco, they will arrange marriages for Amin and Samira. (Even Mo agrees they are too young to get married, but he wants the arrangements in place). A horrified Samira overhears the conversation.

A few moments later, Samira tells Latifa that she’s going to her friend’s party.

Said is at home playfully nibbling on Jadiya’s arm. Considering where Said’s mouth has been lately, it’s just as well that Jadiya is still taking antibiotics. Enter the Naz with Zoraida’s special tea. Did you talk to my mommy yet? Jadiya wants to know.

The boys go off to talk. Mo tells Said that Jade escaped.
Arroja esa odalisca al viento antes de que te arrastre por el suelo…
Cast that odalisca to the winds before she drags you through the mud (literally, ground)/drags you down with her. (I don’t really understand what else Said can do. He’s divorcing Jade and vowed to take her daughter away.)
Whatever it is Mo wants him to do, Said says (as Rania eavesdrops) he can’t because he still loves Jade.

Rania is hurt by what she has heard but thinks she will win Said’s love when she gives him a child.

Quiero que te pongas muy bonita, (I want you to make yourself look beautiful) Said says to Rania. We’re going to the opening of the new bar tonight.

Alej finally catches us with Nati, she relents, and they end up in one another’s arms as Marisa’s new spy watches and shakes his head.

At Casa Ferrer, the spy tells Marisa that Nati and Alej went off together.

Lucia and Marisa chat about the bar opening. Lucia marvels that Marisa doesn’t care that Said has two wives. Marisa marvels that Lucia has had only one man in her life, her husband:
El me encanta, me basta y me sobra.
I adore him, he is more than enough for me (literally, for me he is enough and for me he is more than enough) Lucia tells her.
Actually Lucia gets dangerously close to calling Marisa a woman of ill repute here, but doesn’t quite spit it out.

Lucia makes one of her compulsive Roberto calls. He tells her, from the club, that he’s on the way to the office. The sKanK is lying in wait but is arrested in midpounce by Andrea calling “Daddy!” Foiled again!

Samira is picked up for the party leaving behind an extremely nervous Latifa and a nosy Amin. If Mohamed finds out I let her go to this party, he’ll send me back! she frets.

Samira is at the party and she is asked to dance by a nice enough looking kid named Carlos.

Daniel is walking in the street and a poster catches his eye:
Hoy en la noche -- Gran inauguración -- Salamandra
Tonight -- Grand Opening -- Salamandra
[Muchas gracias, Luke, for the text of the poster]

Nati and Alej talk about his plans as a fighter. Nati thinks her mother can’t hurt Alej any more, but he knows better.

Marisa and Nati have one of their mercifully rare encounters at home. Marisa, off to get ready for the bar opening tonight, takes the time to give the “Everything I do is for your own good” speech. This is nicely parried with a “Everything you do is so that you will get your own way” (salir con la suya) retort.

Amalia urges Leo to come to the bar opening with her. (They are really teasing us with this bar opening thing!)

Samira makes it home before the coach turns back into a pumpkin, much to Latifa’s relief.

And Jade arrives in Miami.
¡Lo logré! Que Allah me proteja!
I did it! May Allah protect me!

Previews: we get a glimpse of the mysterious Other Arab.


Friday, July 02, 2010

Dinero #146, 7/2/10: Ale Puts Her Foot in Her Mouth and Vicky Gets a Slap in the Face

Before we get to the show, I have to say muchisimas gracias to Private 057 and to everyone else for filling in the details for last week’s episode. I had an excellent break and I’m ready to jump into another week of recapping.

Ale overhears Jimenez, Nelson, and Pepeto panting over the mamacita Rafa is meeting at El Gran Canyon restaurant. Nelson literally hits the ceiling in surprise when Ale interrupts to ask what they’ve been talking about. The guys are terrible liars and claim they were talking about an amiga of Pepeto’s. They awkwardly offer no answers when Ale asks where Rafa is. She thanks them for nothing and flounces off to her office, Susana hot on her heels.

Ale paces around the office and kicks herself for “seeing something that isn’t there”. She tells Susana that Rafa is at some restaurant having the time of his life with a beautiful, rich woman. Susana is skeptical: couldn’t that be Marian they were talking about? Ale has been completely consumed by the green-eyed monster. “There is no way they meant Marian. Rafa has an appointment with her tomorrow to close the deal! No, he left with the money in his pocket to go out with some skank!”

Rafa scampers into the restaurant with a death grip on the briefcase full of dinero. Marian is pleased to see him, as she was anxious about Rafa carrying around so much cash. Rafa’s cell phone rings but he refuses to answer it so they can talk business. Marian hands Rafa several contracts to go over but his cell phone just keeps ringing. Marian is visibly annoyed by the interruption and Rafa dutifully ignores it.

Ale admits she has no right to meddle in Rafa’s private life but that doesn’t stop her from developing an evil plan after Vicky calls for Rafa. Susana tells Vicky she doesn't know where Rafa is and Vicky seethes as usual. Ale is even more sure Rafa is a two-timing loser since he is out with a woman who is not his novia. “Why don’t you tell her where Rafa is?” Susana is flat out against it. VVV is dangerous and crazy; Rafa would kill her for letting Vicky interfere. Susana wonders how they can find out who Rafa’s mystery woman is but Ale’s jealousy has reached the “I don’t care” stage.

Rafa peruses the contracts and finds he needs to give Marian a postdated check (cheque posfechado). Marian assures Rafa that she trusts him to pay her; it’s just a business formality. Rafa is happy to do it but less enthused when he finds out the check is for 100,000 pesos.

Ale is still incensed; she believed Rafa when he said he wanted her to stay at the Siglo but instead he is gallivanting around town with some slut. “Rafa has betrayed me again. He is a cynical womanizer who plays with everyone’s feelings!” (Oh, if only Ale weren’t so insecure. She jumps to conclusions so quickly based on zero evidence.)

Vicky calls the Siglo back to chew Susana out for hanging up on her. “If you work for my novio, then you work for ME!” Ale takes the phone and pushes all the right buttons. “You want to know where your novio is? He is at El Gran Canyon restaurant with one of his floozies.”

VVV loses what little is left of her mind. Her pajarito is out with another woman!! She screams at Felipe at the top of her lungs when he stops her from storming out of the house. Felipse promises to get Pancho so the three of them can go find/dismember Rafa.

Susana is upset Ale would have the nerve to rat Rafa out so carelessly. Ale has no regrets since Rafa has already been equally ruthless. “He deserves it! Rafa went out to get drunk with his future and mine in his hands.” Beltran rudely wanders into the office without knocking. Ale tells him she has decided to stay at the Siglo, which greatly pleases him. When Beltran asks about Rafa, Ale wastes no time in trying to cause more misery for Rafa. “He left, did not say where he was going, and has not called.”

Beltran is confused why Ale wouldn’t know where Rafa went; after all, Rafa told him personally about meeting Marian at a restaurant to discuss a serious business deal for the Siglo. Ale’s eyes widen in surprise. She thought they weren’t meeting until the next day. Beltran explains Marian proposed to meet Rafa at the restaurant to ensure the cash would stay safe. Ale and Susana fake an important phone call to get Beltran out of the office.

Once the coast is clear, Ale panics. Vicky is going to murder Rafa when she finds him! Ale begs Susana to call Vicky and give her any excuse to keep her away from that restaurant. Meanwhile, Ale desperately tears through the office for her cell phone.

Vicky is still wailing like a two year old when Pancho honks the car horn outside. The cavalry has arrived! She and Felipe rush out the door, just missing Susana’s phone call by seconds.

Susana won’t give up and tries to call Marian, despite Ale’s misgivings. They can’t get through to Marian or Rafa. Susana says Rafa is going to kill Ale when he finds out what she did, and for good reason. Since there’s no other way, Ale leaves to find the restaurant and warn Rafa.

Zetina calls to speak to Rafa but, of course, he isn’t available. Our spy is slinking around the gates of a secluded location where Marco and Chavez are seeking the advice of "El Gran Brujo Mololongo". Marco is thoroughly creeped out but Chavez assures him El Brujo has the solution to his little problem with satisfying Carmela.

The Siglo employees all stew about Doña Arcadia calling a meeting. She orders them to stand in a line and scolds them like a drill sergeant. Their sales have been abysmal, they have to do better, etc. Nothing new there.

It’s Marco’s turn to see the Great Oz…er, El Gran Brujo. Marco cautiously walks into a strange room full of candles and is yelled at by a man in a headdress. El Brujo asks Marco’s problem and he explains in a roundabout way. El Brujo chants and says there are many storms in Marco’s brain; they need to get them out to cure him. He tells Marco to take a seat.

Rafa and Marian both sign the contract and toast to their success. Marian snaps her fingers and three sharp-dressed men appear. She orders them to take the briefcase full of money and, por el amor de Dios, be careful with it. Rafa very, very reluctantly hands over the dinero. Now that the business is done, Marian can turn on the charm. She asks how things have been going between Rafa and Ale. “This is the first time you’ve been left alone to attend to your own work!”

Marian spoke too soon! Ale zooms over to their table and says they have to get out of there! Rafa is all too confused until Ale whistles at him, clearly meaning there's a VVV problem. Marian is fed up with Ale and puts her foot down. “You can’t let Rafa go anywhere alone! When are you going to stop harassing him?” Ale swears she only showed up to warn Rafa his girlfriend is on her way.

Marian is shocked. “What girlfriend? What is she talking about?” Ale had no idea Marian didn’t know about Vicky and clamps a hand over her own mouth for spilling the beans. Rafa swears to Marian he will explain but maybe it would be best if she left. “Of course I’m leaving! You are both crazy. I can’t even decide who is crazier than the other! I am out of here!”

(Forgive the translation from here on out because everyone starts talking over each other at a thousand miles a minute.)

Rafa demands to know what’s going on; he met Marian because she called and urgently needed the cash. Now suddenly he has to run away because of Vicky! Ale is truly sorry now and wants to explain but she is cut off by a piercing scream. Ale shields Rafa behind her while Vicky screeches. “I called Susana and someone told me you would be here with another woman and here I find you with Licenciada Alvarez del Castillo!!”

Ale says it was she who said that to Vicky. VVV doesn’t believe Ale, of course, and shrieks at her. Ale shrinks back at Vicky’s wrath but warns her to calm down. VVV is not to be dissuaded from her rage and throws a drink in Ale’s face. Ale counters by swiftly slapping Vicky in the face. Vicky swings at Ale but Ale ducks just in time for Vicky to accidentally hit Rafa.

Complete chaos erupts with people tussling and wrestling everywhere. Felipe jumps on Rafa’s back and Ale jumps on Felipe to pull him off. Pancho holds Vicky back while several waiters jump into the fray in an attempt to stop it. Plates and people are strewn all over the place. Ale yells for everyone to calm down and Vicky calls her a zorra (bitch/slut/other colorfully insulting meanings).

The cops show up but that hasn’t stopped Vicky from screaming insults at Ale. Vicky’s brothers threaten Rafa; he had better repay every cent he owes them because Rafa’s family will pay the price if he doesn’t. The police drag Vicky and her hermanos out of the restaurant.

Ale, with Rafa’s arms still wrapped around her, apologizes for causing such trouble. Once she realizes Rafa is still holding her, Ale yelps and shoves him away. Rafa asks Ale why she would sic Vicky on him. She apologizes again and says she thought Rafa was out drinking with their money. After Ale gets Rafa to sit down and cool off, she admits to thinking Rafa was out with another woman and explains the whole debacle.

Rafa is furious. “I know you have reasons to distrust me. But this is not playing fair! I may have lost the deal with Marian! My house and my family are in jeopardy! I have to fix this right now. Next time, have a little more faith in me.” Rafa speeds out of the restaurant, leaving Ale perplexed and humbled.

Avances: Marco and Carmela get down to business, Marian still has her eye on Rafa, Ale wants to make up for the restaurant mishap, and VVV is on the warpath.

Lots to look forward to. Until then have a great fourth of July, everyone!


Corazón Salvaje THU 2010-07-01 Discussion thread

Hi, this will just be a discussion thread until the recap gets posted.


Thursday, July 01, 2010

Dinero #145- 7-1-10: Rafa Makes Ale An Offer She Really Doesn’t Want To Refuse

We start where we left yesterday. Rafa is chatting with Jaime, as they go over the documents Marco prepared. He’s wondering if it wouldn’t be better to NOT pay off the debt now, since it doesn’t resolve the risk of his mom being thrown in jail AND it would mean that he won’t get to see Ale anymore. He needs more time (just like Scotty in Star Trek). Jaime needs a paper bag to hyperventilate in.

Susana’s also questioning Ale’s logic. She’s leaving without a letter of recommendation. Without job prospects. Without a plan for the money she’s getting. With no experience working on a hacienda. And with no plan. Susana is sure Ale’s fleeing Autos Siglo is more about pride (orgullo and soberbia), and this isn’t the time for pride. Plus, the planets aren’t exactly aligned in her favor at the moment. “Los astros no estan conmigo?” (The stars aren’t with me?) Susana offers to give her a tarot card reading- using a website (even psychics are high tech these days).

As she and Ale eagerly look at the results of Ale’s reading on her computer, Susanna sees that Pluto is in the cards for Ale. Pluto is the planet of DEATH. “You mean I’m going to die?!” Susana explains that it’s just a symbol of bad things to come, if she goes to the hacienda. But, if she stays at Autos Siglo, her life will be better. Ale starts to wonder if the con artist here is really Rafa or is it Susana. “You’re just trying to keep me here.” Susana gives one of her impish smiles and can’t deny she wants Ale to stay, but the cards also don’t lie. “Should I stay here, in torment?” Ale begins to cry, thinking about how hard it is to be so near the man she loves each day, knowing (erroneously) that his love for her was all a lie.

Marco’s also in torment. Although the whiskey he’s downing at the bar with Chavez should be enough to dull the pain. He’s got to find a way to put a stop to Ale going to the hacienda and thinks Rosario is his last hope. He catches Chavez up on the latest gossip about Rosario marrying that rat Quintana. He’s not too worried about that though, since he thinks they’ll go live in a land far, far away. He calls Rosario and cons her once again. Of course the only reason he doesn’t want Ale to go to the hacienda is because he’s worried about her. Of course Rosario is too. And of course she will take on her auntly duties to stop Ale from doing such a crazy thing. (This is the only victory Marco will have tonight.)

Rafa on the other hand, has a few small victories tonight. Marian calls him just as he arrives at Siglo. Well, it is now “tomorrow”, the day he promised to have a buyer for all of Marian’s old trucks- for sale for the low, low price of 4.6 million pesos. Rafa tells her he will have an answer for her in 5 minutes (really???). He comes into Ale’s office and catches her crying. She claims she has a cold and wants to sign the documents, claim the cash, and be on her way. Rafa begins to sign, but then stops to ask if she’s got someone to go to the bank with her. Of course, but she’s not going to deposit it all today. She’s got to pay off some debt on her father’s house. She’s sure that Rafa’s eager to pay off all his debt to her so that he doesn’t have to see her again. Rafa disagrees. In fact, he thinks they should become partners (socios).

“Socios de que?!” Ale wants to know. And this is when Rafa explains his crazy but brilliant plan. They will buy Marian’s trucks together with the debt money. Once they sell the trucks, there will be enough to not only pay off the debt, but also to make them both a profit (ganancias). Ale’s obviously intrigued, but she accuses Rafa of just trying to get out of paying her. Rafa points out that if they go their separate ways, they both lose out. Plus, he doesn’t want her to leave. He needs her. (Awwww!) Ale’s about to melt into a big gooey mess and is saved by the bell. Rafa leaves her to answer the phone and to think about his proposal. On the other end of the phone Tia Rosario encounters a very malleable Ale. “Stop this crazy plan of going to the hacienda!” “Ok. Sure.” (Rosario should be suspicious of how easy that was.) Ale informs her that not only is she not going to the hacienda, she’s also not leaving Siglo. Oh, and Rafa didn’t pay her back. But, he’ll continue with his monthly payments. “What are you up to Ale?” “Don’t worry about it Tia.” (click)

Ale puts the sack full of money back in Rafa’s bag, does the sign of the cross over herself and the bag, and heads out to find Rafa. He’s been praying earnestly in the meeting room, and knows his prayers have been answered when he sees Ale approaching him with the bag of money. She tells him that she doesn’t know why she’s trusting him again. He gives her his word, and promises that he will not tell anyone that she’s his partner in the deal. Marco and her family would kill her if they knew. She will leave it all in his hands. “Are you staying at Autos Siglo?” “Yes”. Ale says with a sweet smile we have not seen for a while, and leaves. Rafa is so happy he is grinning from ear to ear, sending up thanks to the big guy upstairs, and doing a mini version of his happy Rafa pose. (Goal!!!!!!)

Ale meanwhile is updating Susana. Susana frets a bit about the money safely making it to Marian (Join the club. All of Caray Caray is worried about that money.). Ale points out that is was her planets that led her down this path. Susana assures her the planets are not wrong and that with Rafa, she’s not in danger. “Ale, are you happy?” Another smiley yes from Ale.

Roario calls Marco back to report the good news (she’s not going to the hacienda), and the bad news (she’s staying at Siglo, with Medina). After he hangs up, Chavez questions why the change in Ale’s plans for the hacienda and Rafa’s plans for the debt repayment. Poor Marco is in shock and can only say, “No se. No se.” (I don’t know.)

He calls Ale and berates her for staying at Siglo with that criminal. Is she crazy? (Crazy in love? Yep.) Ale puts him in his place. He has no right to speak to her this way. Plus, wasn’t he the one who wanted her to listen to that woman Carmela and not go to the hacienda? “Leave me to do things my way.” With his tail between his legs, Marco says he won’t bug her anymore and hangs up. He then whines to Chavez that he’s going to lose her again (La voy a perder.). But then he becomes determined that Rafa is not going to take Ale away from him again. (Too late Marco.)

We next have a series of phone calls (this would be a very different novela if everyone didn’t have a cell phone):

Rafa calls Marian. The deal is on. I have 4.5 million in cash and I’ll find the other 100,000. I’ll deposit it all in my bank account and give you a certified check. (Click)

Marco calls Rafa. I have your mother in my hands. Oh yeah? Well, I have the licenciada (Ale) in my hands. Are you threatening me?! Well, are YOU threatening me?! (Click)

Carmela calls Marco. Time to pay up bonbon. Meet me today, at 3pm, at the motel. Or, you and your buddy Chavez will rot in jail for 20 years. (Click) Chavez has a plan to help Marco out with his performance anxiety. No, it doesn’t involve pills, but it does involve some sort of sessions.

Rafa calls Zepina. Uh…I mean Zetina. He’s followed Marco all day. The only two spots Marco’s been are his apartment, and then the bar (where he headed at 9 am). He’s been with that strange looking guy all day. Oh! Here they are now, leaving the bar and getting into a cab. (Click) Follow that cab!

Rafa calls Jaime. Jaime’s dressed as his best impression of a real lawyer and is waiting for the bus that will take him to Carmela’s office. Rafa updates him on the latest with the money and that he’s now the proud owner of a boatload of used trucks. “Que!!!” And Ale’s my partner and she’s not leaving Siglo. “Que!!!” The bus is here. Gotta go. (Click)

Marian calls Rafa. She’s changed her mind. She’ll accept the money in cash. If she waits for the check, it will just take more time (not sure if she’s eager to seal the deal, or eager to see Rafa again). Rafa must meet her tonight to close the deal at the El Gran Canyon Restaurant. (Click)

Beltran is happy when Rafa tells him the deal is sealed (money, money, money). Since this isn’t Siglo's usual business, he wants Rafa to draw up a contract between himself and Siglo. Rafa lets him know that his silent partner is just the best ever. The only thing he’s worried about is walking around with all that cash. Beltran offers to send along some protection with Rafa to the restaurant.

Dandy and Pepeto are so impressed that Rafa’s meeting with the gorgeous Marian Celeste that they have begun to speak in unison. “Uyy, hermano! Que delicia de mujer!” He begs them to stop such talk. There’s nothing going on between him and Marian. Plus that kind of talk only drives Ale crazy with jealousy. He begs them not to mention anything about Marian to Ale, ‘cause he doesn’t want any trouble. As for Vicky, he’s planning on getting that bank loan so that he can pay her family back as soon as possible.

At Casa Jorge, Asucena has answered the door to a messenger. There’s a letter from the secretariat regarding the house for Jorge. Asucena is sure it’s more bad news (no!), so she decides not to give it to Jorge and will wait to give it to Ale instead. (How many bets on Marco getting his hands on it first?)

Back at Siglo, the boys club is meeting without its leader (Rafa). Pepeto, Dandy and Jimenez are enjoying some guy talk about the mamacita Rafa is meeting at the restaurant. Just then Ale, who is looking for Rafa, has heard this last tidbit. She is impactada and seething with jealousy.

Tomorrow: Ale decides to get a little revenge on that womanizing Rafa by telling Vicky where he is and that he’s with a woman. She heads to the restaurant herself and becomes part of the brawl that ensues with Rafa, Marian, Vicky and the Brothers Grimm. Sounds like a good time to me!


El Clon Thursday July 1: Summary for Discussion

A phantom that is real, a pregnancy that is phantom; two daughters in distress; and once again, Jade risks it all.

As night falls in Fez:
Jade and Lucas snuggle in the ruins as a single candle burns. Fifteen more days…
Zoraida brushes away the dust in the street and crouches down to rest there for the night.

In Miami, Roberto advises Clara to accept Escobar’s offer: she gets full ownership of the house, but he gets both cars. And Malicia is pregnant!

It is morning in the Medina and a smiling Jade picks up Zoraida from her refuge in the streets. Zoraida fills her in on the hospital story. Indeed, Abdul (who seems tonight more like a dotty, affectionate old man than the hater we have known in the past) asks after Jade’s health when she returns.

At the Empresa Ferrer in Miami, Amalia is telling Leo how fascinating she finds Enrique’s story of an encounter with Diego; perhaps it would make a good chapter in my book about you, Leo?

At Casa Ferrer, Rosa and Enrique are looking at a photo of Diego. Enrique confides that he is in treatment because Diego me pidió que me cuidara. (he told me to take care of myself.)

And in her apartment, Dora’s fretting about her belly pain is interrupted by Daniel asking if she remembers him having a childhood friend named Natalia.
Soñe con ella…que estaba en peligro…gritó mi nombre.
I dreamed of her...that she was in danger...she cried out my name. (In Spanish, you dream with – not of – something)

Idiot Karla confides to Hilda, as they pass Mohamed’s store, that she thinks Mo is smitten with her, what with all the gifts Prince Amin is sending to her in his father’s name. The actual Mohamed seems disappointingly indifferent to her, however.

Escobar comes up to Luisa and Anita at the clinic.
Felicítenme! Voy a ser papá!
Congratulate me! I’m going to be a dad!

At Said’s house, Jadiya is burning with fever. Said calls for a doctor. What his daughter wants is her mommy, even though a surprisingly tender Rania tells her that: Estoy aquí para cuidarte. I’m here to take care of you.

Nati and Alej are smooching. Then he tells her it would be good to put their relationship on hold for a while, just until things cool down. She assumes he’s breaking up with her for good. He knows she is hurt but reflects that she would feel even worse if she knew what her mother had actually said and done. She leaves angrily.

As Nati drives up to the Casa Ferrer, Alej calls her on her cell. She ignores the call. She tells Mama Rosa she doesn’t want to see anyone, especially Alej. Rosa follows her up to her room where she finds her in tears.
Mi mamá echó todo a perder!
My mother ruined everything, she wails.

Alej is calling Nati’s friends, trying to reach her or get news of her.

Andrea, at home with Lucia, asks her mother if Marisa’s boyfriend is the same Arab who was at their house... Maybe the same one who owns the bar that fired Alej. Once again, Andrea invites her to examine her conscience: is she, in shielding Marisa, committing an injustice? And once again, Lucia fudges, denies she’s lying to defend Marisa.

Pablo, at the gym with Alej, advises his friend to look out for himself, that Nati has plenty of people looking out for her. Alej keeps trying to contact Nati.

In Said’s house, the doctor has prescribed medicine for Jadiya, but the only medicine she’s interested in is her mommy. The Naz suggests he call Zoraida and get her curative tea recipes.

And while in Miami Jadiya is burning with fever and Natalia is heartsick and spiraling down into depression and drugs, in Fez, Lucas and Jade are embracing:
En 14 días, vamos a estar juntos para siempre.
In 14 days, we’ll be together forever.

Back at Ali’s house, Zoraida tells Jade that Jadiya is sick. On hearing this, Jade starts to pack, vowing that she’ll get to the US, even if she has to swim there. But you need the authorization of a man in the family, Zoraida reminds her.

Dora opens the door to her apartment and is greeted by a giant, talking surfboard. Oh, there’s little Albi, behind it, doing the talking. Aw, you’re the best dad, enthuses Daniel as an exasperated Dora looks on.

At work, Roberto jokingly asks Enrique about his ghost and Enrique stalks out. It's not a subject he's willing to be kidded about. He bumps into Carolina who finds a plastic bag filled with powder in his jacket. It’s not mine…er that is… I just need to have it, not use it….

The Public Service Announcement is continued at the Casa Ferrer, where Nati is on the phone looking for more drugs from Fernando. No, I didn’t use it all, she says; I just feel more secure having it.

Marisa is greeted by a worried Mama Rosa. Nati’s behavior has changed: she’s not eating, her sleep is messed up… Marisa brushes off these concerns as an adolescent crisis, an attention-getting ploy. More importantly, she came to pick up some shoes.

Cris, Vicki and Malicia are reviewing some PR clips that Cris has done. I’m so proud of my work, I’m tempted to send some of these clips to Leoncito, confides Cris. Malicia’s bat ears prick up. (Maybe now we’ll find out what her mysterious connection to Leo actually is).

At Empresa Ferrer, Enrique brings Leo a contract and mentions in passing that Cris has invited him to a new bar. Leo appears uninterested.

Malicia tells Vicki and Cris she has to go, she feels un poco indispuesta (a little out of sorts). Cris immediately guesses she’s pregnant. Malicia denies this firmly, saying the last thing she needs right now is to bring a child into the world. (and the last thing the world needs!)

Clara, however, is breaking the news of this phantom child to Fernando. Not only that, but he’s taking our car for Alicia! Fernando is Not Happy. (It’s the car that really gets to Fernando, isn’t it? Up to now, he’s been willing to play along with Escobar…)

Escobar, it seems, is Very Happy as he tells Anita and Luisa about his anticipated bundle of joy; he’s puzzled by Luisa’s apparent frialdad (coldness) especially when she has been so generous to Malicia, giving her all that money for her new wardrobe and all.

In Fez, Jade continues packing and Zoraida fretting about the punishment that surely awaits both of them.

Anyone who has ever been a patient in a hospital has had a nurse like the Naz, one who in a burst of noisy cheerfulness, wakes the patient from a sound sleep. Poor Jadiya, still feverish, accepts the bracelet her well-meaning Tía offers, but the only thing on her mind is seeing her mommy. Did you call her? she asks Said. No, aún no. Mañana. (no, not yet. Tomorrow). When they leave Jadiya’s room, Said admits that Jade has called several times but he won’t permit any contact. I have to go, he says. This triggers a rant, of course. (This novela depends heavily on the Self Serving Rant -- or SSR, doesn’t it? Personally I think they insert them by number.)

Jade has summoned up her Lucy persona once again. In Fez, she gets Abdul to sign a prayer (a prayer???!!!) to send to Amin. He wants to read it first, but somehow he can’t find his glasses. While Zoraida is dispatched to look for them, Jade charms him into signing the document by telling him that she will read it to him: No hay divinidad más que Allah… (There is no God but Allah…)

Fernando has an angry encounter with his father in the hotel, rejects his lame explanation for his behavior. Escobar stuns Fernando by slapping him, demanding that he show Malicia respect. Don’t ever come to me asking for anything ever again spits out Fernando.

In Fez, Jade tells Zoraida:
Lo conseguí! Voy a jugar mi vida con tal de estar con Jadiya.
I got it! I’m going to risk my life to be with Jadiya.


Corazón Salvaje WED 2010-06-30: "Love Will Show the Way"

Episode 93

At Dr. Pablo's, he exclaims to Rosenda and Marlene that it must be true it was Rodrigo who sent the gypsy to murder them! Marlene is frantic with anxiety, and Rosenda can't fathom why Rodrigo would want that. Marlene can't bring herself to explain; but when Rosenda pleads for an answer, Pablo mans up and lays it out for her: Rodrigo Montes de Oca is the father of your child -- and he'd rather kill you than own up to it!

Rosenda is flumoxed but is sure of only one thing since her amnesia: she's going to be a mother and doesn't want to lose her child. When Marlene embraces Rosenda and vows through tears that she will take her away and let nothing happen to her, Dr. Pablo volunteers that he has relatives in Querétaro who can put them up gladly.

Marlene agrees and insists they must leave today; she'll arrange with the girlz and Phillip to handle business at this end. When Rosenda faces Marlene and asks quizzically why she would want to do such a thing -- for a stranger, Marlene must finally admit that the moment has come that Rosenda should know: Marlene is her mother, she says. Both women weep piteously as the words echo between them.

At the gypsy camp, Salma braces Griselda with what she overheard, that Jimena is not her niece and that Griselda abducted Jimena from her family. When Griselda tries to shut her up, Salma will only do so if they agree to take advantage of the situation.

And for what she has in mind, Salma needs to know Jimena's real name. Griselda reluctantly divulges Angela's name through gritted teeth, and Salma reveals her cunning plan. She herself will make up to the wealthy family as though she were their long-lost daughter -- and the family will grease their palms with cash.

At Jacinta's beach shack, Jimena kneels at the feet of María del Rosario, continuing to read the fortune in her palm. She sees the woman has suffered a lot; but Jimena brightly informs her all this is going to change. Jimena points out she's waited a long time for her son; and María del Rosario gasps to hear that he is going to arrive very soon in his ship.

María del Rosario stares at her two open hands and declares in a whisper that she always knew he would come for her! He's coming for her, she repeats wonderingly. Jimena agrees excitedly and begins reading again, but encounters a problem. Her son has a powerful enemy who will seek him out. Shocked, Jimena refuses to go on and will only grant that the enemy has ill intentions, which worries María del Rosario.

Meanwhile out on the ocean in his cabin on the coast guard ship, Renato lifts out the contents of a long box and stands stalwart, like the last samurai, wearing nothing but trousers and two swords -- and a pair of suspenders hanging around his slender hips. "Juan will pay very dearly for his lies and his betrayal!" he vows. After a few parries, he lops off the head of an unsuspecting candle.

Back at Dr. Pablo's, a furious and inconsolable Rosenda clings to Pablo as she accuses Marlene of being the cause of all the problems in her life. Marlene admits it and declares Rosenda will never know how sorry she is for having left her. She's tried to get close to Rosenda so she can get to know her and gain her forgiveness.

But Rosenda is far too upset and hurt for that; she doesn't remember much of her life, but Rosenda's sure she was very unhappy! Poor Pablo is stuck witnessing this miserable scene, and when even Marlene begging and screeching for forgiveness on bended knees doesn't move Rosenda, he steps in. Rosenda is just screaming for Marlene to leave when Pablo points out the poor woman is on the floor, suffering horribly!

Rosenda grits out that she's going to leave town, but alone -- Marlene's not going with her! When Rosenda says she never wants to see her again, Pablo has had enough. Now he grits out "Why can't you accept that this woman is your mother? Look at her at your feet, begging your forgiveness!" he shouts.

Maybe sincerity doesn't affect you? Maybe you don't know how to forgive? he bites out. A sober look passes over his face, and he says in a lower tone, "If that's so, maybe you aren't the woman I thought you were. Maybe you've fooled me." Pablo kneels to help Marlene up off the floor.

Rosenda doesn't seem to care; perhaps he was indeed fooled, she says -- she's leaving right away. But alone. She begins screeching again; get out! Get out! Get out! Rosenda buries her face in the bed pillow as Pablo leads weeping Marlene to the bedroom door.

Out in the hallway, when Marlene cries that she knew it, she knew Rosenda would not forgive her, Pablo reassures her and tries to calm her, saying Rosenda's reaction is normal; give her a little time. And he will talk to Rosenda; he thinks she will change her mind. He advises Marlene to confer with her people and get things set up to leave town, which she agrees to do.

Back in the bedroom, Pablo listens as Rosenda bitterly complains that her mother was supposed to protect her as a child, and he agrees. He doesn't deny Marlene caused her a lot of hurt. But life has given Rosenda a chance to make amends now when Rosenda needs her mother most, Pablo pleads.

He can't stand it that Rosenda's not thinking about her impending motherhood and horrendous mistakes she might have to make with her child, with things beyond her control. Pablo begs that Rosenda please take his advice and become a little more tolerant. She may have things to explain once she has a child, too. That's why it's so important to forgive.

Little by little, his words are sinking in through Rosenda's hurt and pain, and finally she turns to him and asks where all this is coming from. Why should he care if she forgives her mother? Pablo takes a big breath, casts a look around the room and relents, saying this probably isn't the best time. Rosenda is watching him.

He admits that during the time she was under his care, a feeling he thought he'd never feel again began growing. Moving close to face Rosenda, he rubs his hands nervously and simply says, "Rosenda, I love you." Pablo takes her hands gently, smiles and repeats, "I'm in love with you."

Rosenda looks into his eyes wonderingly, saying haltingly, " love me?" Pablo smiles and admits it; the only thing he hopes is that one day she'll love him in return, he says. Separating a pace or two, they turn. He doesn't want to pressure her; he'd just like to know if he should hold out any hope.

A sobering Rosenda gazes at Pablo, shaking her head. Yes. Yes, Pablo, she says. He's pleased. They move together again and rejoin hands. There is hope, she says. Because she's come to love him, too, Rosenda tells him. As they embrace, we see a look of pained pleasure on Pablo's face. He takes her chin and kisses her softly, first on the lips and then on the hands.

In a short scene at Fulgencio's, once again he threatens to kill Servando if he doesn't show up with Griselda in tow. And later in another short scene, Federico and Servando mull over again connecting with Griselda; neither one of them trust her, but it seems unavoidable. They're going to have to be frank with her, Federico says; everyone has their price, he adds.

At the finca, Noel awaits Aimee outside her apartments with a serious topic in mind. When she appears, he begins, saying since she was a little girl, she was always vivacious and happy; and when she arrived home from Europe and Renato chose her for a wife, he was very happy for both of them. Except now...he's discovered -- the truth. The truth he's found out, that all this is her fault. That it was she who started all of it that will likely end in tragedy. How could she? HOW COULD SHE?

At the casino, Marlene has gathered and told the girlz and Phillip about leaving town; Phillip can hardly believe she wants him to handle the business. But they all giggle a little when Marlene gives him the signature cigarette holder and remarks it looks good on him. They are sad Marlene will be leaving; but she promises never to abandon them, as she is like a mother to them.

At Dr. Pablo's, Rosenda packs her bags in a better mood now; and Pablo fusses at her about her prescriptions. They face each other, and he says he'll be waiting for her -- and what's more, for the birth of their child. Rosenda looks up at him wonderingly -- our child? she asks. Pablo answers that he wants to give the baby his name.

He kneels down to cup the unborn child in his hands and press a kiss to Rosenda's abdomen. Our child, he repeats with a smile. He wants to take care of it and give it all of his affection. Rosenda smooths Pablo's hair with her hands; she's amazed he wants to take care of a child that isn't his.

Pablo rises and touches her face. It just shows love can grow when you want it to, he says. Rosenda turns aside, thoughtful; understanding dawning. "You're giving me a good lesson," she says. They face each other as Pablo tells her he hopes his words will touch her heart. He doesn't want her to make a mistake where her mother is concerned.

Whatever she decides, his feelings for Rosenda will never change. Rosenda smiles, and Pablo is just giving her another soft kiss when the door opens, and it's Marlene. She excuses herself for interrupting and will wait outside, she says; but Rosenda catches her up in the hallway. Please don't go, Rosenda asks.

Marlene returns and they enter the bedroom again, where Rosenda with Pablo looking on, tells a tearful Marlene that she needs her. She needs her with all her heart and soul. So, you forgive me? Marlene, asks. Rosenda does, and they make a tearful embrace. Of course she forgives her, Rosenda says.

Pablo looks very happy. And mother and daughter do also. Rosenda tells Marlene she understands she has suffered a lot, too. She doesn't want Marlene to ever leave her again, and Marlene won't, she says. And thus, for those of us who could not imagine how these two would get together again, it turned out the catalyst was Pablo's love that showed the way.

Later when the two women are about to leave, Pablo tells Marlene she's going to have to stop calling him "doctor." Marlene is delighted when Rosenda coyly explains their impending marriage. In a sweet ending to the scene, Pablo asks for Rosenda's hand on bended knee, Marlene gives them both together her blessing. Things couldn't have ended happier for Marlene, and she moves to the little devotional shelf to give a prayer of thanks.

At the casino, the doorbell rings, and it's a message from Rosenda explaining their plans and bidding goodbye. They are happy Rosenda accepted her mother, and Phillip declares there's nothing worse than denying your true self. It turns out, he reveals in a surprise to the girlz, that he is actually not who he seems.

Pulling his wig off to reveal a balding pate, he explains his real name is Filiberto Sánchez, actually a Mexican who went to France to become a dancer and faked a French accent. He wound up living on the streets in a sad state; but Marlene took him in, trusted him, gave him a job -- and most important of all -- befriended him.

Mateo the bartender accosts Griselda at the camp, wanting his money back for Jimena, but tough luck. Griselda tells him a deal is a deal; and if he couldn't keep her, it's his fault. They threaten each other, and the bartender exits in a huff.

Back at the finca, Noel is digging into Aimee in earnest: how could she fool Renato all this time and sacrifice her sister for her own sake? HOW COULD SHE?! he demands. Aimee denies everything ad nauseum, but Noel is not buying it. I don't believe you, Aimee, he says. DON'T...INSULT...MY...INTELLIGENCE, Noel threatens.

Aimee backs off slowly, speechless. "I...don'!" Noel insists. He's getting to know her, he says; and he's feeling very deceived by her -- she who's supposed to be his son's wife. When Aimee objects at how he could speak to her so, Noel simply declares, because he has his rights.

He's sure she's deceived all of them; he'd never have guessed she had so much evil in her soul to fool everybody so thoroughly. When Aimee starts to swear by the memory of her mother, Noel stops her cold, saying not to dare sully her good mother's name. Don't fall even further, trying to save yourself. Aimee rubs her tummy.

Noel continues, saying for the time being don't utter another word so as to not hurt Renato any more. Noel turns away, miserable -- "...nor my grandchild," he adds. Turning back, he says in his menacing whisper that the great affection he had for her is dead -- and not because she loved some other man, but for lies and betrayal. Noel exits with Aimee feigning tears and downcast visage; but out of sight, she snaps her fan and grits her teeth.

At Noel's office, he rushes in to discuss Juan's desperate situation with Gabriel. He couldn't stop Renato, and he hopes Gabriel attempted to warn Juan, which Gabriel did. He trusts the cable he sent will reach Juan in time to prevent him coming ashore anywhere.

But out in the Caribbean, the boyz apparently do not know. Remigio greets Regina, coming on deck after staying below resting all day. Then Juan spies her with a big smile and greets her and asks why she hasn't gone ashore with Remigio. Regina teases him, saying, what -- she doesn't have a husband for that? He promised he would take her, she reminds him.

Juan chuckles and warms to the topic, explaining they're having a big festival on the island at the moment. He asks guardedly if she's ever done any Caribbean dancing; and when Regina hedges, saying she likes to listen to the music, Juan's clearly relieved. He claims he's a rotten dancer, laughing. He invites her to go together, and Regina notes why don't they all go -- so Juan gives the boyz the night off, courtesy of Miss Regina.

At the festival, Regina and Juan toast each other with something strong from pineapple cups and talk, Regina remarking on the nice breeze. He wonders why he had the impression that the sea or sailing would bore her; and she claims the only thing that bores her is phony people. Lies and games annoy her. And people who take advantage.

Juan says what bothers him is excess baggage: he likes to live simple with things that don't cost anything -- like this festival, he gestures. The sky; the earth; the sea. Juan and Regina turn to each other, faces close -- "...and this breeze you mentioned."

She looks him in the eyes, asking him to explain why he's so different than he was this morning, not that she wants to remember, she says. He asks her pardon; he didn't mean to offend her, he says. If she'd like to know, it bothered him a lot to think she sent a letter to Renato. It made him jealous. Regina is amazed -- jealous? she asks incredulously.

Of course, jealous! Juan replies quickly. You're my wife, he answers earnestly. I don't mean to share you with anybody! Juan takes Regina gently by the chin to get her attention. "I want to be very clear: absolutely nobody!" Regina nods in agreement, and they toast each other. Salud!

Meanwhile on the coast guard ship, the last samurai continues practicing to skewer Juan.


Dinero #144 6/30/2010: Sweet dreams and nightmares

Our carry over from last night includes Ale trying to convince Rosario to leave by the front door and not jump out the window. We also have Jorge trying to figure out the difference between the sound of his cell phone and the door bell. It is the doorbell and turns out to be Quintana. Jorge wants to know if he is there for the match. Nope, he came for Rosario. Jorge informs him that she is not going anywhere this late at night, let alone with him. He tells him to go home since they have an early morning “hombre” appointment. He also tells him if he wants, he will give him a wake-up call so he can be on time.

Quintana tells him he came to get Rosario and she will be leaving with him. Jorge is fighting mad and tells Quintana “over my dead body!!” Then he wants to know where his boxing gloves are. Quintana tells Jorge there will be no match. More words are said.

In the meantime Azucena has snuck up to Rosario’s room to tell her and Ale that Quintana is downstairs waiting for her. Ale rushes Rosario downstairs, leaving poor Azucena to struggle with Rosario’s luggage.

Ramiro (bow-tie guy) is chatting with his French buddy, while Marino is fielding a call from Ramiro’s mother. Ramiro takes the call and mama wants to know who loaned him the magazines (revistas). He tells her no one loaned them to him, he purchased them and they are not pornography, rather artistic nudes. Besides, all the men look at these, he assures her. He is after all a big boy, almost fifty, as Marino chimes in “fifty-one”. He continues, he is single and he has needs. Ramiro is now defending his honor to his mother as he tells her he is not a degenerate and definitely not a pig (cerdo). A defeated Ramiro hangs up the phone with an eager Edgar Marino wanting to know what gives.

He tells Marino that mama found his magazines and is none to happy. Marino wants to know what magazines and Ramiro takes one out of his bag, as Marino quickly grabs it from him. He hasn’t seen this one yet. Ramiro grabs it back and tells him to go buy his own. Marino wants to know what the big deal is. Ramiro tells him that she has kicked him out and he doesn’t have any where to stay and doesn’t have money for a hotel. Marino pats him on the shoulder sympathetically. (I wonder where this storyline is going?)

We are back at Jorge’s house. Quintana has managed to scrounge up a pair of boxing gloves and they are going at it. Fortunately (or unfortunately) the only punch that lands is the one where Jorge accidentally decks one of his mates. The women come to the rescue as Ale gets in between Jorge and Quintana. My fear was poor Ale was going to get decked, until she puts an end to the craziness and as she takes Jorge’s gloves off she accidentally decks Quintana instead, who is standing right behind her. Totally oblivious to her great right hook, she scolds Jorge and tells him he has gone to far with this (llegaste demasiado lejos). She tells him they are acting like adolescents.

Rosario grabs Quintana by the arm and tells Jorge that she is leaving with him. (Yo me marcho). Jorge tells her to forget that. She isn’t going anywhere. Ale reminds Jorge that Rosario is a grown woman and can make up her own mind. The only reason she has stayed this long is because she loves them. But she can’t allow Rosario to sacrifice her own happiness for her, let alone Jorge.

Jorge wants to know how she could be happy with Quintana. “look at him he is dangerous”. Ale tells him “if you want my opinion I am happy that Rosario is with Quintana.” She believes in him and his ability to make Rosario happy. (and we all know what a wonderful judge of character Ale is).

Jorge is worried that all Quintana is after is a good time. Quintana assures him that is not the case. (We know all he is after is the money.) He tells Rosario he wants to marry her and wants to ask for her hand in marriage, but since Jorge is not being reasonable he came to take her away.

As they go to leave, Jorge pleads with Quintana not to take her away from them. Then he says “Quintana, ask for my sister’s hand”. Quintana looking as if he has bit off more than he can chew says well of course.

Jorge takes Rosario aside and begs for forgiveness. The last thing he wanted to do was get in the way of her happiness. All he ever wanted to do was take care of her. He tells her she is his life. Then he takes Quintana’s hand and holds it together with Rosario and all is forgiven. Ale overjoyed by the happy reunion, still holding onto Jorge’s boxing glove, flings her arms up with joy and manages to deck Quintana in the face about three more times. Rosario escorts a staggering dazed Quintana downstairs to celebrate. Azucena informs Ale they have nothing to celebrate with and that Marco drank the last bit of wine they had. Ale tells her to call the wine shop (vinateria) for a bottle but make it a cheap (barata) one and send it here. Ale says to no one in particular, “what poverty, and here I am with almost 5 million pesos“.

Our spy has come in from the cold. He is looking for Rafa and has very important things to tell him. He tells Susana he needs to talk with Rafa and enters his office. In the meantime Rafa is on the phone trying to make a deal for just a miserable 4.5 million pesos. That is not happening. Pepito and Dandy are close behind Zetina and sneak into his office as well. However Dandy is stopped first by a curious Susana. She wants to know if Zetina was contracted to work there. Dandy smiling infectiously informs her that he was “contratadisimo” and scurries off for the latest Zetina intel.

Zetina is being debriefed by the three amigos. He informs them that after Carmela left, Ale stayed behind with Marco. Rafa concludes that if anything is going on between Marco and Carmela, Ale is not aware of it. Zetina says Carmela is much older than Marco and vulgar , crafty, cunning (canija). She doesn’t seem to be the type of women Marco would go for. She is nothing like Ale, Zetina tells Rafa.

Rafa wants to know where she works. Our astute little spy lets Rafa know where her office is. Rafa wonders why Marco would be kissing someone like that. Someone that works in the court house, and behaves normally in front of Ale. Rafa asks them “what do you think is up with that?” Dandy doesn’t have a clue but he is sure Marco is up to something. Pepito tells Rafa that if they catch Marco in the act Rafa would have Marco in his hands. He could get Lenora out of all her trouble and he could get Ale back. Rafa agrees but says “how?” He needs time before Ale leaves. He has to act now.

Back to our engagement celebration, Ale is asking Rosario what the hurry to leave is all about. Jorge wants to know if she is pregnant. Everyone is offended by this question. Quintana says the hurry is partly Jorge’s fault. Jorge doesn’t want Rosario to rush off. After all there are preparations to take care of. Then he tells Quintana that he will allow visits. This is met with applause as Jorge continues “with conditions” and Ale nixes this and assures our happy couple that they can do as they please.

The celebration is not complete without Marco as he wanders in. We have a little macho stare down between him and Quintana. Marco thinks to himself that this guy is just complicating things and wanders what he is up to. He asks what they are all celebrating. “don’t tell me you are celebrating Ale’s resignation from Siglo?” Ale tells him no it is something better. “Tia and Quintana are getting married.” Marco gives us one of his best “oh crud” looks, then does a great job covering his true feelings as he congratulates the happy couple.

Ale and Marco go into the study to talk about the documents Marco brought over. Ale tells Marco that Rafa will not sign them without her being present. Marco wants to know what’s up with that jerk telling them what to do. Ale tells him if they don’t do it that way he won’t give them the money. Marco can’t believe this. Ale tells him that Rafa doesn’t trust Marco. Marco does some great indignant huffing and Ale tells him “look I need the money.” Marco tells her he doesn’t like the idea of that crook making all the rules. Ale tells him to make an appointment early in the morning to see Rafa if he wants, but after she signs the paper she is off to the hacienda.

Marco does his sham man best to talk Ale out of this. “What about what Carmella said?” Ale tells him that doesn’t change her mind one bit. She continues “I don’t like this woman for nothing!! She can’t order me around and tell me what I can do”. In the meantime she is not going to violate the rules, she knows she can’t stick her nose (meta las narices ) into the business of the administration, but she just wants to go see the cattle (ganada) the crops or just simply ride horses in the country side (cabalgar en el campo).
“Who is going to stop me?”

Marco realizing he is not going to change Ale’s mind at this moment quickly changes the subject and says “Here’s the document just give it to Rafa and have him sign it”. Ale says “okay I will have him sign it and take my money” . Ale obviously thinking this out better than Rafa did adds she will get security to escort her to the bank to deposit it. Then she says she is off to the hacienda. Not what Marco wanted to hear. We have more labored breathing as his phone rings and Ale sarcastically suggests it is Urdiales. Marco still breathing funny, taps the phone and concurs, “it is Urdiales“. She tells him he can talk in peace and leaves.

Carmela breathing fire screams at Marco “I have waited hours for you to call me!!” Marco tries to calm her down telling her he has been busy with Ale, trying to talk her out of going to the hacienda. Carmela retorts “Look bon bon. I am getting tired of this. I have helped you out a lot already and I am putting my own skin (pellejo) at risk here and I‘ve got nothing in return. No money!! No nothing!!!” Marco assures her he is not playing games with her. He is going to come through for her. She tells him tomorrow is his last chance, or the game is over. (se acabo el juego). And this time she means it, and hangs up on him. Marco’s night is just not going very well for him.

Rafa and “the posse” are still back at the corral. He tells them he needs to have Jaimie review the documents before he signs them. He tells them they need to figure out what Marco is up to with this women. Zetina is worried about being out of a job. Rafa tells him he will need him so they don’t loose Marco’s trail (no le pierdas la pista). Rafa continues he will still need him to follow Marco like a dog after his prey (como perro de pressa) ). If he goes to his house, follow him. Zetina wants to know where he lives. “well that’s a good question” says Rafa and calls Susana. He makes up a story about needing Marco’s address just in case he has to mail him some documents. Susana tells him she will look it up for him. The boys are all a buzz with chatter when a puzzled Susana enters Rafa’s office to give him the directions. Dandy throws Susana a goofy smile as she leaves.

Rafa gives the directions to Zetina who apologetically asks for more money. After all he doesn’t have a car and taxis aren’t cheap. He will also need to eat. Rafa hands him a few bills. Zetina pitifully says he hopes this will be enough and Rafa hands over a few more bills. He tells him not to loose sight of Marco. The meeting is over and Rafa is left alone, telling himself that tomorrow has to be his day. He walks away from his desk repeating his little mantra, but quickly returns to grab his brief case. Now he is worried about how he will get home with the money. Of course he could get Pepito or Dandy to go with him.

He runs out looking for them with briefcase in hand, but is told by Don Eusibo that everyone has gone. Rafa has flashbacks from his harrowing taxi ride just getting to Siglo. That would be too risking to take a taxi at night as he clutches his briefcase tightly. He tells himself he can’t leave Siglo. He will just have to spend the night there.

He calls Lenora to tell her he won’t be home tonight. Ale wouldn’t take the money in cash and he can’t risk going out with all that money. He will just have to wait until tomorrow. Vicki is not quite so understanding. She tells Rafa the only reason Ale wouldn’t take the money is because she wants to stay (permanacer junto ) with him. Rafa tells her she doesn’t know what she is talking about. Ale is coming back first thing in the morning with the documents to sign. Vicky asks him if he wants her to come and stay with him. Rafa is able to talk her out of this but Vicky assures him she will be calling!! Rafa tells her to call as much as she wants. He is not going anywhere.

We have a spilt screen visual of Rafa in the office and Ale in her bedroom. Rafa has walked over to Ale’s side of the office and accidentally knocks her coat on the floor. He carefully picks it up holding it close to his face. Ale has taken Rafa’s yellow jersey from her dresser and is doing the same thing. We now hear Amarte la Antigua in the background as they both settle in for the night. Each of them clutching onto the symbolic memory of one another. Ooops, Rafa is up, he just remembered the obscene amount of money he has been carry around all day. He grabs it and puts it on his lap and tries to settle back in. Well that isn’t going to work so he takes his belt off and straps it to the briefcase as a handle and tucks himself back in using Ale‘s overcoat as a blanket holding it close to his face as he says “Mi licenciada” and falls asleep. He suddenly startles awake, then stands and the weight of the briefcase knocks him to the floor. He is quite disoriented and wonders what happened. He chalks it up to probably just being Don Eusebio and tucks himself back in.

Rafa has a sweet little dream. Complete with a luxurious garden and cute little pony tailed girl named Alejandrita. Ale is also in the dream, congratulating him on their fifth wedding anniversary and congratulating herself for putting up with him all this time smiling as she says this. We have lots of Te amos and bessos. Despite all the difficulties they are finally together and happy. We have visions of the happy threesome double spooning spaghetti, more hugs and more kisses: even sweet little butterfly kisses. Ale tells him “It is no longer until the money separates us , now it is till death do us part ( hasta que la muerte nos separe). Then we are treated to an attack of kisses. (What a sweet dream).

Ale is in bed holding the picture of her and Rafa crying “this is where we have gotten to Medina” (hasta aqui llegamos). As she kisses the picture she says she will miss him (Voy a extranar) as she cries herself to sleep.

We have another dream, only this time it is a nightmare. Ale is sitting outside and approached by a little boy. His name is Marquito. Marco swaggers up and Ale tells him she has breakfast ready. He tells her he will eat at the club. He has to meet with (you guessed it) Urdiales. Little Marquito says how happy he is to see mommy and daddy so content together. Ale tells Marco to do as he wants, and Marco goes over to Ale and discreetly and cruelly says “of course I will do what I want” possessively touching her chin and leaves. Ale looks broken. Azucena runs up with Marquito’s back pack and chides Ale. She says “Marco is off again?” Ale says “again just like always.” She tells Azucena she doesn’t know why she married Marco. Azucena again chides her for not marring her true love Medina. It is too late now. She is stuck with the consequences. Ale is left alone and pulls out the picture of her and Rafa and is crying at what a coward she was. (What a nightmare.)

It is finally the next day as Ale shows up to work. She shares the happy news of Rosario’s engagement with Susana. And to think she is going to get married before Ale. Then she asks if Rafa has shown up yet. Susana tells her no. Ale admits to Susana that she did not sleep very well last night. Susana inquires as to why and Ale brushes this off and says it was nothing “I just want to leave this place as soon as possible”.

They both enter Ale’s office to a strange noise. Ale asks “Do you hear what I hear?” Susana thinks it might be a cat, but how did it get in here? Ale goes to investigate Rafa’s side of the office. She encounters Rafa sound asleep. She tip toes gently up to him and quietly calls out his name. (Rafa is snoring so loudly that Ale is going to have to pump up the volume a bit). There is no response. She gets closer and starts tugging at her overcoat (abrigo) She wants to know what Rafa is doing with her coat. She continues tugging and a still sleeping Rafa reaches up to Ale’s hand and caresses it next to his face dreamingly calling out her name. Ale shoots Susana a very surprised look, as Rafa continues sweetly saying Ale’s name, kissing her hand. After a few seconds Ale jerks her hand away shouting “Medina”. Rafa finally wakens and falls off his chair.

Ale wants to know what he is doing there. He tells her he stayed there last night because it was to dangerous to leave with all that money. Then she wants to know what he was doing with her coat. He stammers an apology telling her it was cold and he noticed the coat and is going on about how embarrassed he is.

She takes the coat back exchanging “what the que” looks with Susana. She tells Rafa she brought the documents in for him to sign. She hands them to him and tells him to review them. Rafa tells her he has to have his lawyer look them over. Ale is ticked off and just wants him to sign it. He asks her if she made up the documents by herself, because if she did he would sign them with his eyes closed not needing to read a thing. If Marco was involved, well that is another story. Ale admits that Marco made them up. Rafa says “No way, if that’s the case I have to review it very carefully. It could have a lot of traps (enredo/tangle, mischievous lies). Susana quietly shakes her head in agreement with Rafa. (I love Susana’s quiet presence at moments like this).

Rafa asks Susana to get him a taxi, then rethinks this and asks if there is anyone that could go with him to the house. Susana tells him not at this hour. Rafa resigns himself to the idea of risking his life one more time. Ale tells him he can just leave the money with her. She then adds sarcastically that she can’t risk letting him loose the money. Rafa thanks her and takes out the back pack for her to guard. He stumbles around looking for his cell phone and Susana does a cute little hand to her heart gesture giving Ale a little smile as they watch Rafa klutz about. And if you looked away for a second you would have missed Ale briefly savoring Rafa’s aroma left on her coat as she held it close to her face. But this was only for a second. As he leaves talking with Jaimie on the phone, Ale gives Susana a look and says “how strange“.

Rafa has arrived home. He tells Jaimie to look over the documents very closely and if he has any doubts to take it to one of his professors to look at. Jaimie tells him not to worry. When has he ever let him down. (Ah there is this little Vicky thing).

Marco and Chavez are at their usual meeting place. Chavez wants to know why Ale is still headed off to the hacienda. Marco tells him there was no way he could stop her. She is obsessed with this subject. They order breakfast for champions, double whiskies, and continue to sort out their problems.

Zetina is doing a great job spying because I didn’t even notice him till now as he listens in. Chavez warns Marco that sooner or later Ale is going to find out about everything unless they come up with a plan. Chavez inquires as to when Ale is heading to the hacienda. Marco tells him first she has to wait for Rafa to finish reviewing the documents. And of course he didn’t make that an easy chore, so they have a little time.

Rafa asks Jaimie if he has finished reviewing the papers. He has but he will need his professor to take a look at them. He says “with this document you are absolutely free of debt from this women, and the house is free of embargo”. However he can’t have anything to do with Ale and they can’t use the document to get the fraud case dropped against Lenora. Marco has that protected. Rafa thinks about this for a second and asks Jaimie if he believes it is really worth it to pay off the debt. This brings Jaimie to his feet yelling “This again brother!!” He asks Rafa if he is thinking about giving the money back to Don Gaston. Rafa tells him “No it’s just if I pay this I still have not gotten rid of the problem with the house fraud, and I can’t see Ale. So why should I pay? On the other hand I need more time before Ale leaves.” Jaimie freaks out on Rafa and Rafa tells him to chill and sit down.

Rafa tells Jaimie that Marco has a lover (amante) that works in the court house and gives him the office number. Jaimie starts muttering out numbers as if he were picturing where this could be and Rafa finally becomes impatient and says “Do you know or not?” Jaimie says yes and wants to know what this is all about. Rafa tells him there is something very strange about this woman and Marco and Ale, and he needs to find out what is going on. (You go Rafa!!!!)


Wednesday, June 30, 2010

El Clon, Wed., June 30 - Summary for Discussion

Alej asks Marisa, 'Por favor pare de perseguirme, o que al menos pretenda ignorarme,' Please stop persecuting me or at least pretend to ignore me. Of course, she says that she can't because he won't stay away from Nati. She says that she knows what he is waiting for, '¿Cuánto quiere? Dígame cuánto quiere para desaparacerse de la vida de Natalia,' I know what you are waiting for,' says Marisa, 'tell me how much you want to disappear from my daughter's life.' Alej tells Marisa that unfortunately for her (muy a su pesar), he loves Nati.

Nati gets a call from Alej and goes to meet him without eating any of the food Rosa brings her. Rosa can't understand how Nati can be functioning without eating anything since yesterday.

Latifa asks why Mohamed doesn't defend her from the Naz's accusations.

Amin and Zamira blackmail each other to preserve their secrets: Zamira has had her period and Amin is reading dirty magazines.

Roberto tells Clara that she is SOL in making a claim for the Euros that the Chump used to buy the apartment for Malicia. Apparently, they had actual Euro currency in a safe deposit box, not in a bank account and there is no way to prove it was an asset of the marriage.

Malicia keeps on exploiting the Chump's jealousy by saying that Clara is going to spend her half of the marital property on her boyfriend.

Marisa and Said are making out in the public area of a mall. [How romantic!]

The first to see them are Andrea and Lucia. Andrea wonders if Nati knows while Lucia drags her off. [A smart girl would have taken a picture with her phone.]
Rania, the Naz, Zamira and Jadiya are also in the mall. The Naz is airing her usual list of complaints about her brothers when Rania sees Said and Marisa. No one else sees and Rania pretends to be ill and asks to go home.
Marisa tells Said that Lucas has gone to Morocco.

Amina tells Rania to pretend that she never saw Said with the Westerner. 'La mujer inteligente es la que no ve ni oye nada,' The intelligent woman is the one who doesn't see or hear anything, advises Amina.

A cheery Nati meets Alej who wastes no time in telling her how unhappy he is that she was doing drugs. Nati makes excuses about her family situation and says that she won't do it again. Alej asks her to swear that she won't take drugs again. Nati says how much she loves Alej but she doesn't swear.

Albieri comes to see Daniel and brings him photos of the desert. Dora has a bad feeling about Daniel going to Morocco with Albi. She thinks that she might not see him again. Then she has her abdominal pain again. She can't afford to go to a doctor. Estela says that a friend of hers had pains like that and it was cancer. [Uh oh, poor Dora.]

In Fez, Lucas is wandering around the medina. Jade dupes Tío Abdul and goes out with Zoraida. They find Lucas. Jade tells him to meet her in the ruins. Jade tells Zoraida to make an excuse to Abdul and goes to the ruins.

'Me traicionaste, Lucas,' You betrayed me, Lucas, says Jade. She accuses him of not keeping his promise not to let her be separated from her daughter. Lucas acknowledges the promise but says that he couldn't kidnap Jadiya or both he and Jade would go to jail. 'Yo puedo correr todos los riesgos for ti pero tú no puedes correr un riesgo por mí,' I can take all the risks for you but you can't take one risk for me, complains Jade. [She takes risks - stupid ones.] 'Si yo hubiera sabido que no ibas a cumplir tus promesas, nunca hubiera abandonado a mi marido' If I had known that you weren't going to fulfill your promises, I never would have left my husband, says Jade. She says that she did many crazy things for him and now Allah is punishing her by taking her daughter. Lucas promises that Jade will be reunited with her daughter. 'Si lo último que tengo que hacer es robármela, me la robo,' If the only thing I can do is steal her, I will steal her, says Lucas but he begs her to let him try other means first. He swears that he will get Jadiya and tells Jade to trust him, (Confía en mí).

Daniel plays with a jade stone and says that there is a jade waiting for him in the desert.

Zoraida returns to the house without Jade and tells Abdul that she had to stay at the hospital. Abdul sends her back to the hospital so that Jade doesn't have to return home on her own. Zoraida hopes she can find Jade so that she doesn't have to sleep in the street.

Andrea gives Nati the anti drug lecture. You take drugs to avoid your problems and you feel better for a while but the next morning you wake up and you have a terrible headache and the problems are still there. She tells Nati to confront her problems and not end up like Enrique.

Pablo advises Alej to stay away from Nati or pretend to stay away in order to avoid problems with Marisa. Alej thinks that is a good idea. Once he has some money, he can move in with Nati again.

Clara brings the evidence of the marital property to Roberto. Roberto says that the property distribution needs to be carefully written down so that there are no surprises like if the Chump had a child with Malicia. Clara doesn't think that could happen.

And whaddya know, Malicia is telling the Chump right now that she has bun in the oven. She has conveniently lost the blood test results and doesn't want to have tests done at Albieri's lab because Luisa is mean to her. She says that Cristina gave her the name of a doctor. But then Malicia says that it so hard for her to take the bus when she gets morning sickness. The Chump buys it all and after a few minutes of shock, professes great happiness and says that she definitely needs her own car.

Lucia tells Marisa that Andrea saw her with Said. Lucia is sure that Andrea will tell Nati and she advises Marisa to talk to Nati first.

Zamira has some friends, who are dressed like normal Floridian teenagers, come to the house. Mohamed sees them and goes batsh*t. He tells Latifa that he was being a nice guy by letting Zamira go to school but she can't hang around with Westerners. 'Sólo estoy tratando de salvar a Zamira del fuego del infierno pero no entiende,' I'm just trying to save Zamira from the fires of hell but she doesn't understand, says Mohamed. Latifa tries to protest but Mohamed tells the girls to leave his house saying that he and Zamira have to go visit a sick relative.

Once again, Amin is stealing stuff from the shop and giving it to the skank saying that it is from his father. Karla is pleased. Amin hopes for a kiss but gets a pat on the cheek.

Zoraida is wandering around the medina looking for Jade. [Doesn't she know that Jade and Lucas always go to the ruins?]

Lucas tells Jade that everything will be ok and gives her the keys of their house. He says that he loves her and that the house is waiting for her. [Is this the love nest? If not, is there an address on the keys?]

The credits roll.


Corazon Salvaje, Tuesday, June 29: Ep 92--No smoochies tonight.

Renato is packing for his trip to go after Juan and "rescue" Regina. Clemencia gives him Reggie's letter as a surprise. Renato reads it and deflates. Clem happily says Juan treats her well. Renato crumples the letter and says obviously Juan made her write it. Clem reminds him he was blind before, not realizing Reggie loved him, and he's being blind again now. She won't come back to him, since he's the one who made her leave. Renato says that's why he needs to correct his mistake. Clem asks if he isn't still in love with Aimee and if he thinks he can get Regina's love back. She demands an answer. Does he think he can swap out one twin for the other? He doesn't answer and leaves. Clemencia retrieves the letter and wonders if he really does want to rescue Reggie or get her love back.

Aimee comes to see Daddy Dearest in the office. He refuses to talk to her and says she's no longer his daughter. Aimee begs him to hear what actually happened. He agrees. Aimee says they never had a mother's guidance and grew up in a strict school where they never got to see the world. So when she met Juan, she felt trapped because he's very seductive. He snuck up on her like a snake. Rod asks why she never told him. Well, she didn't think things would turn out this way, but she's been a victim of Juan and his hate. Rodrigo can't disagree with her. That "canalla" wanted to destroy them, repeating his father's history--that man who took away the woman Rod loved! He dishonored Rod's "favorite" daughter…and now he's got his hands on Reggie. They need revenge. And Renato's the one to get it. He doesn't care what Leo thinks. Leo comes shrieking for Rod…"Are you happy now! Renato went after Juan del Diablo! If anything happens to him, I'll destroy you! This is all your fault, the two of you!" She refuses Aimee's attempt at consolation. Rod asks Aimee to leave them alone. Leo weeps piteously. Rod tells her to chill. He's always wanted what's best for her, that's why he came back to the finca. He offers to serve her a drink and then they can talk.

At the gypsy encampment, Griselda works on her Tarot skills. Branko wants to talk. He doesn't believe that she doesn't know where Jimena is. The sooner she fesses up, the better. Branko has a feeling she needs his protection, so Grizzy needs to hurry up and talk. She denies knowing anything. Branko grabs her and demands to know where she's hiding Jimena. Grizzy says she wishes she knew where that "rapazuela" was. Doesn't Branko realize Jime was her only family? And her sustenance? How's she gonna live now? Branko says Servando was right. Griselda only saw Jimena as a "talega de monedas." He doesn’t even believe that Jimena is really her neice. She probably just stole her from somewhere. Grizzy says she's offended and orders him out of her sight. Branko says he'll find Jimena "a como de lugar" and Grizzy better not have had anything to do with her disappearance. He leaves and Griselda calls him stupid and says of course Jimena's nothing of hers. She did steal her as a kid, but no one will ever know. Oh, except for Salma, who heard her talking to herself.

At the bar, Jimena serves drinks and fends off drunks. A guy in a hat asks the bartender how much for Jimena for a few hours. Matias takes the bag of money and tells Jimena to go to town with the man and buy some "viveres."

Mariela and her family pray to the Virgen to find Angela soon.

The guy leads Jimena into the woods and starts going the wrong way. He laughs at her for being so innocent as to think they're actually going to town. Doesn't she realize that her aunt sold her to Matias? He's her owner now, and he lent her to hat guy. She throws dirt in his face and runs away from him.

Gabe and Branko, both on horseback, meet up during their endless search for Jimena. They remark that they will put their differences aside until they find her. Branko proposes something "sagrado." Words are taken by the wind, but he proposes they gypsy swear--if they break it, they'll both have bad luck. Each guy cuts his wrist and they press them together. Branko says now they're blood brothers and no one can break their union. Gabe says he's cool with that, but what happens if she picks him? Branko says there's no way of knowing what hasn't happened, so they have to wait and see what fate decides. Gabe says they'll search separately; they can cover more ground that way.

Jimena cries in the woods. Grizzy, out for a walk, contemplating how to turn a profit as usual, thought bubbles that she could probably make a lot of money selling "Angela" back to her family. She hears Jimena crying. Jimena hears her and runs away. Griselda accuses her of having run away and demands she come back. Jimena keeps running. Good girl. Grizzy barely even tries to catch her.

Rod thinks it's silly for Leo to think something bad will happen to Renato. He's a big boy and she ought to trust him. It's not him; it's that she's afraid of what Juan del Diablo will do to him. Rod, with his usual hubris, says Renato's got the sheriff's men and Juan just has some hungry sailors--no problem! He offers to go to the sheriff immediately and get an update if it will put her mind at ease. Leo doesn't know what she'd do without him. Rod reminds her he agreed not to marry again, and now he'll make her another promise--that he'll love only her and never go looking for another woman. Yeah. Right.

Jacinta takes Maria del Rosario to town again. This time with a red "rebozo" to disguise her.

Rod says this promise is proof of the love he has for her. They kiss. Grossness. He goes off to see the sheriff and says he'll come back when he has news. Leo tells him in the middle of this tragedy, she's the happiest woman in the world. Sucker!

MdR picks up a watermelon in the market and starts eating it. Clemencia comes up and starts her shopping. She bumps into MdR and knocks her shawl off. They get a look at each other before Jacinta hustles MdR off. Clemencia thinks she knows her.

Rehearsals at the casino aren't going well. Madame is worried. Everybody gathers around. Madame is worried about Rosenda and what Rod will do now that he's got his money back.

At the café, Rod enjoys a coffee and restored social standing. He thought bubbles that the guys greeting him are hypocrites who deserve his "desprecio." The doctor finds him and says they need to talk about his attitude. "You've behaved like a coward!" Rod says he'll make him eat his words. Doc says he has every right to say it and demands that Rod do right by Rosenda. Rod says she's a slut who slept with everyone, including Arcadio. Doc warns him not to insult Rosenda again. Rod threatens him with "you don't know what I'm capable of" but Doc's got his number. He says not everyone can be bought and he's not scared of Rod. Also, there's some pending business between their two families. And when it comes to crime, there's no difference in social status. He wonders about the strange death of his uncle. But for now, he just wants Rod to do right by Rosenda or he'll rat him out to the town and they'll all find out what a bastard Rod is. Nah, I'm pretty sure they already got that memo.

Noel meets with the detective who's looking for Angela. He asks the guy to review everything he's found so far. Well, there were some other events that happened around the same time of her disappearance. There was a fire at a hospital where several children died. Also there was a circus in town…. They're interrupted by a knock on the door. It's Mariela and her parents. They're already anxious to hear that Angela's been found. Mariela wants Noel's opinion on whether Angela is alive. He asks them to give him more time. Mariela gets upset about how much time it's already been. Her parents calm her down.

Rod tells Leo what happened with Doc Miranda. Leo is shocked to hear that he's curious about the death of his uncle. She suggests they try to get rid of Rosenda again. And the doctor, if it's necessary. Rod says it's too bad Arcadio's not around anymore. Leo says she's heard that Servando will do anything for money, including killing without guilt.

Rod goes to interview Servando. He asks for a special favor, for which he'll be well paid.

Jimena makes it to one of the shacks on the beach. Maybe Jacinta's. She hears MdR muttering about the sea and hides behind a table that's way too small. They're all frightened to see each other. Jimena reminds her she's seen her before, with Gabriel. Jimena says she's looking for work. Jacinta "hires" her to watch over MdR in exchange for room and board. Jimena is grateful. Jacinta says she's got to go to work. Jimena sits MdR down. She calls her beautiful and asks if she can read her hand. Jimena sees a strong sailor. MdR says Juan de Dios said he'd come back to her. She says her son died after he was born. Jimena says her son isn't dead. He's alive and soon he'll come for her.

Renato, on the boat, thought bubbles about what a dumbass he was, not realizing Reggie was in love with him. He knows the medal was proof of her love for him. He assumes she must be suffering even now.

Doc Miranda and Rosenda take a walk. They both like spending time together. Servando comes up on a horse, riding straight for them, but Gabriel sees him and tries to intercept. He grabs the horse's reins, and then grabs the horse around the neck. Servando insists the horse got out of his control and he's grateful to Gabe for helping. He says he's got somewhere to be and rides off in the opposite direction. Doc Miranda is also grateful to Gabe. Gabe tells him to watch out for Servando. He doesn't think it was an accident. Rosenda is a little shook up, but otherwise fine. Servando curses Gabriel. He's disappointed he won't get paid now.

Noel paces the downstairs. He sees Celia on her way upstairs and stops her. He insists she must know the whole truth and asks her to tell him. "You know what I'm talking about! Please, I want to know the truth." Celia says everyone wants to know, but the only one who can tell him is Aimee. Noel says he doesn't think she told the whole truth to Renato, the truth he's guessing Celia is hiding now. He wants to know if Aimee has been honest with Renato. Celia says that she hasn't been. She's only lied and has never told him the truth. Just lies to save her self and "enlodar" her sister Regina.

Aimee sits in her room playing with her fan. She remembers what Clemencia told her about Reggie's letter. She can’t' understand how Juan can be friendly to her when he hated her so much. She fantasizes about Juan carrying Regina into his cabin on the boat in her wedding dress. Reggie laughs happily as Juan says he loves her like he's never loved any other woman, not even Aimee. Regina says she loves him too, with her whole heart. They play under her veil. He takes off her dress and says tonight will be unforgettable. Reggie tells him she loves him with her whole heart and soul. Aimee says it can't be true. It's not true! Because Juan will never find the same passion in her that she gave him. He'll never find other lips like hers. Regina isn't as much of a woman as she is and Juan must be mistreating her in revenge, because he hates her. Yes, he hates her as much as "you" do…"You, Aimee, you're the best! Don't forget it! The best." She adjusts her wig. Girl, I think you've got that thing on too tight! Delusional!

Rapazuela=greedy girl
Talega de monedas=sack of coins
A como de lugar=one way or another
Viveres=provisions, supplies
Rebozo=shawl, wrap
Enlodar=sully her reputation


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