Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Dinero #176- 8/18/10: She’s Mine, All Mine! Bwahahaha!

Doña Arcadia and Beltran breathe a sigh of relief that it seems Dandy is with Rafa, as they were worried about him coming back alone with all that cash. Beltran wonders where Rafa finds these weird (exóticos) clients that do strange things like pay for fleets of trucks with cash. But he then decides he doesn’t care as long as Rafa brings in the money, money, money.

Said money-maker is taking a call from his ex-almost-father-in-law, who also wants him to deliver the cash. They agree that tomorrow Rafa will pay back Don Gaston’s loan. When he hangs up, Rafa admits to Dandy that he still doesn’t know who he will pay since he owes both Don Gaston and his Licenciada. Dandy reminds him that Ale is probably not HIS licenciada anymore, and Susana arrives right on cue to confirm that this indeed is the case. She made it to the wedding ceremony too late, and the horrible deed was already done. Susana is in tears, Dandy looks on with concern, and Rafa is distraught and destroyed. “No!!!! No, no, y no!” (We feel the same way Rafa.)

Back at the Matrimony of Misfortune, Marco is eager to get the noche de bodas (wedding night) started. Tia Rosario wishes Ale to be happy and to not suffer (too late). Ale promises to try. Quintana whispers in Marco’s ear that the game is not yet won. Ale tries to stall the inevitable start to the noche de bodas as long as possible by bidding everyone and their mama farewell. Marco manages to drag her away, as Quintana and Rosario look on. He waxes poetic about how lovely marriage is (hint, hint). Rosario seems to actually have some insight, and observes Ale’s departure with concern, noting that marriage is lovely, WHEN the couple is in love.
Outside of the Reception of Regret, Rafa is still in a state of shock. Dandy and Susana remind him that he still has other disasters to avoid and a truck sale to wrap up. Susana asks Dandy to go with him, since he’s in no state to drive by himself and close the deal. Just to rub a bit more salt into Rafa’s wounds (thanks writers), Ale and Marco drive by our Three Musketeers. Rafa sees Ale first, but then their eyes lock and communicate shared pain and regret. Marco drives off and Rafa’s head falls between his knees in defeat.

Marino is also receiving some hard to accept news. Beltran has confirmed that not only is Marino NOT the new sales team boss, but Ale and Rafa are NOT leaving. Marino throws a massive tantrum. Beltran reminds him that Rafa and Ale bring in the money, money, money, and for that he’ll forgive them for a silly thing like a doctored resume. Plus, he does not believe that they have an amorous (amorosa) relationship. And he forgives Marino too. He forgives him for his insolence (insolencia) and his arrogance (soberbia). Lol! He then placates Marino by telling him that his opportunity will come and sends him on his way. Beltran then twirls his imaginary villainous moustache, cackles and says that opportunity will NEVER come. Bwahahaha!

Marco has pulled over by the side of the road and asks Ale if it was just his imagination or did he see Medina outside of the club. She lies that it was just his imagination and quickly switches topics. She wants to be honest with him (obviously about some things, but not others). She admits that the reasons she had for breaking up with him way back when in the hospital haven’t changed. She’s still is not in love with him. “Then why did you marry me?” She tells him she married him because of how good he’s been to her and her family and because he’s a good man. She’ll do all she can to fall in love with him again and be happy at his side. He does not take his eyes from hers, he kisses her hands lovingly throughout, and calls her a queen. He tells her, “From this day on, no one and nothing will be more important than you in my life.” (The man is good.) He then suggests a romantic dinner at a fancy restaurant to precede their noche de bodas. “Y después, volveré ser tuya.” (And afterwards, I will be yours once more.) Don’t do it Ale!!!!

Rafa and Dandy have arrived at Don Romulo’s safely, and Dandy’s crazy eyes are quickly counting up the cash. Romulo is full of questions. Why was Rafa late? Did he get married? Is Lic. Alvarez del Castillo still getting married today? Rafa dodges the questions, but can’t get out of Romulo’s invitation to share a birthday drink with him. After a bit of tequila, Dandy and Rafa beg off as they still have that long, dangerous, winding road to drive, and want to get back with the cash before dark.

Marino’s tantrum has turned to shocked silence at his desk. When Ramirez asks him what’s up, his shocked silence turns to rage and then to weeping. The promotion and improved salary was part of his master plan for beginning his new life with Sandra. Ramirez takes this to mean that Sandra has fallen into Marino’s clutches…er, is now his mujer. Marino confirms that this is the case. Ramirez wonders if she knows about all his kids and how she reacted. Marino admits she was furious, but shares his philosophy that the worse you treat women, the more they want you. (Blech!) Arcadia watches and listens to this conversation with her secret cameras and calls them immature niños. (Amen)

At the bar of the fancy restaurant, Ale’s downing flute after flute of champagne so that she can feel as SUPER! as she claims. Marco is licking his lips and rubbing his hands thinking about the night to come. “Vas a ser mia, todo mia!” (You’re going to be mine, all mine! Bwahahaha!) Ale tries her best to not look like she’s going to vomit. That becomes more difficult when Marco attacks her with a major lip lock. She fights the urge to push him away.

On the road back to Mexico, Rafa and Dandy are strangely in a good mood and singing an off key (Dandy) duet to Amarte a la Antigua. Rafa thinks maybe they should just turn on the radio instead. Dandy calls Siglo to inform Beltran that they are on their way back with the money. Rafa is in the midst of wondering when he’ll be able to forget Ale, when the other love of his life, the Pantera, also decides to make his life difficult. He gets a flat tire and pulls over by the side of the dangerous, winding road. Dandy may be a great friend, and amusing company, but he is useless at changing a flat tire. As he contemplates just exactly how a jack works and its purpose, two solemn fellows suddenly appear near the open trunk of the car, where the cash-filled bag is in plain sight.

Luckily for them, these two fellows turn out to be real sweethearts who change the tire and warn our two hapless heroes that the road is dangerous. Once they’re back on the road, Dandy wonders how Rafa manages to stay in such good spirits, despite how crappy his life is. Rafa admits that his sis Julieta says that his life is like a telenovela. Anyway, he thinks nothing else can happen, as it’s all happened already to him today! (Famous last words Rafa.)

It’s the last day of the month, and we all know what that means…Marino’s women and children are beating down the doors of Siglo for their monthly maintenance payments. Ramirez refuses to appease them on behalf of Marino, unless Marino liberates them and allows them to find happiness somewhere else and with someone else. Marino is not on board with this plan. “No! Ellas son mias!”

Marco, another man staking his claim, has carried Ale over the threshold of their honeymoon suite. The room is filled with roses and Ale says it’s lovely. Marco thinks it will be even better when they move to Brazil. Ale stalls on the Brazil idea and says they still need to talk to her papa and tia about it. In the meantime, she can begin working at the hacienda each day! Now it’s Marco’s time to stall, and he tries to distract Ale with thoughts of their upcoming night together. Ale takes a deep breath and tries to think of England. She gives herself a pep talk, and plants a huge kiss on Marco. Don’t do it Ale!

Marian has recounted all the telenovela details of Rafa’s life to Chespis. Chespis is impactada and says that Rafa is in debt up to his eyeballs (“hasta las orejas”- up to his ears). Marian is sure that even if he sells those trucks today, he won’t be able to pay off all his debt to both Vicky’s father and Alejandra. She wants to help him pay the debt. She’s sure he’ll pay her back as he’s a hard working man of his word. Chespis reminds her that he is still in love with another woman. But Marian is sure that will soon not be a problem as Ale is getting married that day.

Back at Siglo, the horde of Marino’s women have made it to the doors of the show room. Edgar Jr. steps up to receive some adoration from his papa. But, what’s this? He’s morphed into a polite, bow-tie wearing, intellectual. When Ramirez walks up to address the crowd, Marino looks back and forth between the new version of the apple of his eye, and his best friend. They both seem to be sporting the same green bow-tie. Edgar Jr. and his redhead mama also seem to be all smiles while listening to Ramirez. The smiles of all the ladies fade, however, when Ramirez informs them that their monthly allocations will be cut by 2%. Marino has a new lady love, Sandra, and she will now be included in the division of Marino’s salary (and she hasn’t even given him a child yet!). Who is this Sandra, they all want to know.

Beltran starts to worry that Rafa and Dandy haven’t returned yet, and so does Susana when she arrives at Siglo and finds out from the sales team that they have not yet arrived. At Arcadia’s suggestion, Beltran decides to call Rafa to find out what’s up, but he requires his secretary to do so for him. Arcadia marvels at his inability to do something so simple for himself. She then orders Chato to make her a coffee the way she likes it.

We finally see where Rafa and Dandy are, and it seems they are in the city. Yay! Unfortunately, our two incompetent cops are pulling them over. Boo! Our two boys step out of the car and the cops smell the tequila. Dandy claims they drank those tequilas a LONG time ago. This doesn’t go over well with the cops, and the silent half makes his usual commentary of “ooooh!” Dandy wants to know if Cop Oooooh is a ghost. This ticks them off even more. Rafa leaves Dandy on his own to deal with the situation while he accepts Beltran’s call. He assures Beltran that “la lana esta segura” (the cash is safe). This perks up the ears of our cops. They’re suspicious and want to know what “cash” Rafa is talking about. He tries to talk his way out of it, but they throw him and Dandy up against the Pantera and frisk them. Our two boys are as jumpy as Tickle-Me Elmo and giggle and wriggle at the roaming hands of the cops.

Tomorrow: A very ‘nekid’ looking Ale and Marco make out under the sheets, until an equally ‘nekid’ fantasy (Marco’s not Ale’s) Rafa appears grinning next to Ale. Vicky pulls a Miss Havisham and puts on her wedding veil while obsessing about Rafa.


El Clon, Wed., August 18 - Summary for Discussion

Jade gets a divorce ring; the Chump gets a nasty surprise and Albieri finally wakes up to reality.

Jade repeats to Zoraida that she is going to go back to Said. At least then she will be able to be with Jadiya and see her grow. She will forget all the crazy things she did for Lucas. 'Lo voy a borrar de mi memoria,' I will erase him from my memory,

When Dora comes home from work, Estela tells her about Dr. Silvia's visit and how strangely she reacted to Daniel.

Silvia lays out to Julio how she concluded that Albieri made a clone. Albieri had told Julio that two embryos were switched. Silvia says that there weren't two embyros and even if there had been, no embryo was another twin of Diego and Lucas, nor was Leo a sperm donor. Julio concludes that she is right.

Albieri wakes up and Luisa tells him that the secret of the cloning is slowly unraveling. Albieri is suddenly worried that he might be arrested since human cloning is a federal crime. Luisa reiterates that she will help him. She is worried that Dora or Leonardo might denounce him. [Albieri apparently is unconcerned about what might happen to poor Daniel.] Albieri asks Luisa to send for Julio right away.

The Chump tells Anita that he is all confused about how his sweet Malicia suddenly turned ugly on him. Of course, he believes that the cause of the problem (putting the apartment in Fer's name) is Clara's fault. Anita won't let that pass but the Chump doesn't want to hear. However, Anita agrees that he should go to the apartment and work things out with his ratoncita. 'Don't forget the flowers,' says Anita. Julio asks who is getting flowers. Anita answers, '¿Pues quién recibe flores? Las vividoras. Las tontas no,' So who is getting flowers? The social climbers, not the stupid ones.'

Meanwhile, Malicia is telling Pablo that she ended her relationship with her old boyfriend because he became envious, competitive and selfish. Pablo says that he first noticed her when she told him that Cristina was cheating on him [I had forgotten about that]. That showed that Malicia cared about him and that she is sincere, pretty and transparent. She goes on to say that she never wanted to hurt Cristina. Dumb old Pablo buys this tripe, hook, line and sinker.

The Chump arrives at the apartment to find that Alicia has changed the locks. 'No puede ser,' he says, it can't be.
Of course, Tío Abdul arrives at Mohamed's during a street fair where there is a lot of flesh on display. Abdul gives his usual diatribe against Westerners.
Pablo is at Alej's. Alej is worried that he doesn't know where Nati is. He also tells Pablo about the missing stereo. Pablo asks, why Alej continues to carry this burden. He cares about Nati but she doesn't care about him. '¿Hasta cuándo vas a hacer el papel de idiota, Alejandro? asks Pablo, How long are you going to play the role of an idiot? Alej decides to go to Gloria's and leave Nati a note.

Nati is with her druggie friends, Fernando and Paula. She says that she wants to leave but is easily talked into staying. Diana sees them so that she can report this to Alej.
Carolina tells Clara that she keeps an eye on Enrique and periodically checks his stuff but she is giving him another chance. They are getting married. In a thought bubble, Clara wonders if she should be checking Fer's stuff.

Lucas flashes back to when he overheard Lucia telling Marisa about how Jade was crying when they ran into each other at the mall. He calls Jade.

Jade doesn't answer. She tells Zein that she wants a divorce so that she can go back to Said. Zein asks if she wants to be happy. Jade replies that is what she has been looking for all her life. Zein assures her that he can make her happy. Jade replies that she has concluded that there are people in the world who are born for love and there are those who are not. She says that she keeps chasing love like a mirage in the desert but never gets it.

Once again, Zein tells her that he can make her happy. Jade is sure that if she loved Zein, he wouldn't care about her anymore. She asks Zein to divorce her. Zein says that he needs Ali as a witness and anyway Said doesn't want her back. Jade is sure that Said only said that in anger and will change his mind. Zein tells Jade that he will give her until the evening to think better of her request.
Alej is at Gloria's. She asks why Nati isn't there and Alej lies and says that Nati wants to be with her family.

Andrea finds Nati sitting alone. Nati tells her that she is having a lot of fun. Andrea tries to take her home but Nati refuses. Andrea tells Nati that she is trying to help her as a friend. She mentions the rehabilitation center where Roberto took her. The unlovely Paula joins them. Nati and Paula claim that they aren't drug addicts. They could stop anytime. Andrea says that if drugs were so great, rehab centers wouldn't be so full of people. Paula and Nati call Andrea a party pooper and leave.

Clara is worried. She tells Enrique that Fer didn't come home the previous night and won't answer his cell. Enrique says that Fer is in denial that he is an addict and if he doesn't want help, Clara can't help him. He also tells Clara that Fer isn't in his band anymore because he stopped showing up a rehearsals. He also tells her that what Fer does isn't her fault.

Leo thinks that Cristina is hiding Daniel from him to get revenge on him for having an affair with Daniel's mother. He wants to find Daniel.

A hangdog looking Chump comes to the club and asks Malicia why she changed the locks of the apartment.

Leo goes to see Cristina and demands to know where his son is.

Zein goes back to the hotel. Jade is packed up and ready to go. He begs her to think about what she is doing. Jade reminds him that he promised he would not hold her against her will. He repudiates her 3 times. She thanks him and says that she won't forget him. He gives her a goodbye ring saying that the end of a relationship should be as a nice as when it starts. Jade says that it is too bad that they met too late. Zein says that they met when they were destined to meet. Jade replies that in that case, they are destined to say goodbye now.
A clone and his true love pass in the night.

Cristina refuses to tell Leo where Daniel is and accuses him of betraying her and breaking her heart. Leo calls Amalia. She blows him off.

At first. Malicia is really nasty to the Chump, telling him that she already told him that she needs time to think. When people start noticing in the club, she gets all nice and kissy and tells him that he is very understanding and she'll talk to him at the clinic. The Chump buys it and leaves without making a scene.

Alej calls Rosa looking for Nati.

Diana tells Pablo about how she saw Nati doing drugs with two people she didn't know. Pablo tells her that he has told Alej to get out of that relationship 1000 times. Diana says that Pablo isn't doing much better ('tú no te quedas atrás', literally, you aren't remaining behind) by hooking up with Malicia.

Jade shows up at Said's house. [What is this? The third or fourth time she's done this?] He comes outside.

The credits roll.


Corazon Salvaje, Tuesday, August 17: Ep 126--Reunited, and it feels so good….

There's not a dry eye in the house as Jimena and Mariela are officially reunited as mother and daughter. Even Salma's getting a little misty-eyed.

At Casa Fully, he threatens Eloisa with the bloody knife as she screams "forgive me" through her gag. Fully gives her a shalow cut on the neck and un-gags her. She keeps begging forgiveness and admits she did plot to kill him, but, umm….it was all Fed's fault! Fully says if she really loved him, nothing would have convinced her to turn against him. She had it all, but now she's lost it. Eloisa swears she'll make it up to him. She'll be the bestest wife ever if he just forgives her!

At Captain Breton's office, Phillipe and Lulu confront Leonarda and Rod. Breton wanted a private hearing so that there won't be any further scandal. Rod says it's all a waste of time, since neither he nor Leo did anything. They begin with the accusation that Rod unfairly had Juan DD Sr. locked up. The old Aguacil says Rod had him accused of stealing the family jewels. Breton points out that it's his understanding that Rod did this to keep Juan from marrying Maria del Rosario. He lays into Rod and Leo for objecting to MdR and Juan getting married just because Juan was a fisherman. Despite the claims of the old Aguacil and his assistant, Rod insists that he only wanted Juan locked up, not tortured, and certainly not locked up for life. Oh, well, when you put it that way. *roll eyes*

Fully wants Eloisa to suffer a painful death. Eloisa offers eternal slavery. Fully will give her one more chance, because he "loves" her. She can only leave the house with him. Eloisa is so grateful, she agrees. Servando comes in and Fully gives the order to release Eloisa. She shivers with fear. Serves her right! Fully tells her to go take a nap and they'll talk later. Eloisa can't get gone fast enough. Servando shuts the door and asks if he thinks Eloisa has learned her lesson. Fully says only time will tell. He tells Servando to clean up Fed's blood, then leaves his study. Servando finally breathes.

Breton tells Rod to sit down. He asks the old Aguacil what the truth is. "Mr. Montes de Oca is the one who's lying. Don Rodrigo wanted him locked up and dead…and a painful death, too." It's a case of he said/he said. Breton has to tell Rod to sit down again. Rod did bribe an officer of the law, which is bad enough in itself. Breton has the secretary put that in the record.

Dr. Miranda now accuses them of killing his uncle. Leo says it's all too much, they're going to blame them for every death! Doc Miranda says the night his uncle died, they commited several crimes: leaving MdR for dead; abandoning JDD Jr. to his fate. He's sure his uncle tried to stop it and/or was coming to town to turn them in. He figures they did him in to keep that for happening. Rod says the old Aguacil investigated and found nothing to implicate him. The old Aguacil says there was no investigation and he always suspected Rod and Leo did it. Miranda asks if it isn't a crime to leave a newborn out to die. Leo says she was sending the kid to an orphanage, but the coachman, Celestino, left him out there and never told anyone. Breton now asks if Leo never realized that MdR wasn't dead. Leo says Arcadio told her that MdR was dead and she believed him. How could she have imagined that Arca kept her locked up at the finca? "Do you really think I could do something like that to my own sister?" Oh, lady, we're not even going to dignify that with an answer. "Who do you think I am?" Rod tells her to calm down.

Renato is looking for Reggie at her house, but she's not there. He has no intention of getting in the way of her and Juan. He just wants to apologize for kissing her by force. Clemencia is shocked that he dared. She tells him to leave Reggie alone. "You're acting just like Aimee! She always wanted what wasn't hers and look what happened to her!" Renato says he really does love Regina. Clem reminds him that Reggie doesn't love him back. She loves Juan and that's what counts. Renato claims he'll leave her alone when he's sure that Reggie doesn't love him anymore. He's convinced there's a part of her that still does and he won't rest until she realizes that he can make her happy. Pobre de Clemencia. You just can't argue with those Montes de Locas. Regina may be the only one who's never lost touch with reality.

The fishermen play around at catching Santos with their nets. They tell Juan that Regina was there looking for him, and she said she had a big surprise for him. Juan doesn't want to see her right now and says he'll stay and help them. He tells them that he got a letter from Aimee saying that Regina asked for an anulment. Pedro has just about had it with him. No, on second though, he has had it! Juan is whining that at first Regina thought he was "poca cosa". "Then you know what? You're absolutely right. If you think you're not good enough, then you're not. She needs someone who loves her, trusts her, supports her…and if you're not that guy, then you don't deserve her!" Pedro goes off, angry.

Gabe thanks his bro, Branko for getting Salma to tell the truth. Aw, shucks, it was nothing. And now he knows his love for Jimena was impossible, because she's not a gypsy. Gabe asks if blood is really the most important thing. Branko says no, love is more important, but he made an oath to his parents and he can't break it. So, what about Salma? Branko doesn't answer.

Salma apologizes to Jimena for making up crap and hurting her. She swears she's sorry and Branko made her understand that greed would drive her to "perdicion." Jimena wants to know why Salma did it. She says she thought she didn't have another way of getting Branko's attention. She tried to tell the truth once, but she was tempted by fake grandpa's wanting to make her his sole heir. Jimena says she did a lot of harm to Señora…"No, to MY MOTHER!" Salma can't be at peace unless Jimena forgives her. Jimena's lips say "te perdono" but her tone of voice says "pudrete en el infierno!" Salma asks for a hug and Jimena obliges. She tells Salma she forgives her for giving back her mother. Jimena remembers her mother singing the nursery rhyme to her. The grandparents come in and now they have no more doubt that Jimena is their granddaughter. Grandma taught the song to Mariela, and Mariela taught it to her. Grandpa joins in on the love-fest. Grandpa asks forgiveness, which Jimena gives much more convincingly than she did to Salma.

Branko says he and Salma need to get going. Grandpa tells Salma they don't hold anything against her. She says she's grateful for everything they did for her. They really made her feel like part of the family. Salma isn't sure if the gypsies will take her back. She looks to Branko. Grandma offers to take her to Puebla if she doesn't have anywhere else to go. Branko says Salma will come back with him and explain her bad behavior and how everyone has forgiven her. He doesn't think they'll reject her. He's been thinking, and he realizes she was influenced by Grizelda, who's disappeared. After seeing her repentance, he realizes she's a decent person and he could maybe learn to love her. She asks him to forgive her for all the stupid crap she pulled to try to get his attention. Dude, make an honest woman out of her and keep her out of trouble. Branko says when they get back to the camp, they'll get married. Salma is thrilled and finally gets to plant a big ol kiss on his scruffy face.

Eloisa looks in the mirror at her scratch and curses Fed for intending to betray her. She looks around her bedroom, paranoid, and says she has to be careful from now on. He might be intending to kill her after all and she'll need to escape as soon as possible.

Breton moves on to the next accusation of bribing the old Aguacil to capture and torture Juan del Diablo. Rod says he didn't know who Juan was and he only wanted Juan locked up for interrupting his daughter's wedding reception, as was proper. What happened after that wasn't his fault. The artist formerly known as the Aguacil says his orders were to apprehend and kill Juan. Rod says "Well, you didn't have any obligation to obey me." Breton is sick of hearing Rod's crap. He's tired of hearing about what respectable people they are.

Remigio tries to talk to Juan about how his fears will drive him to make dumbass mistakes. "Be careful and don't get carried away by your impulses." Juan finally says Pedro's right, but that letter is getting to him. He's afraid of losing Reggie, of course. He begs God for help. He tells Remi he promises he'll go tell Reggie how much he loves her, but they've all taken off. Santos, still stuck in the net ignores him. Juan walks off.

Breton now brings up Brigitte's murder. Lulu explains they had financial troubles at the casino and went to offer Rod a partnership, but she never returned. Rod says he never saw her and his staff can confirm that he was with Leo at the finca until late. Lulu demands they reopen the case. They're convinced Rod had something to do with her death. Leo is incensed that Rod's being accused of killing that slut. Breton tells her to quit making comments like that. Rod looks around at his accusers, but he has nothing more to say.

While the older generations have sherry, Gabe and Jimena suck face. He mentions getting married. Mariela is thrilled! Love shouldn't wait! Jimena wants to go thank the Virgen right away. Noel comes over and Mariela gives him the good news that Jimena is Angela. Mariela is shocked to hear that Gabe and Noel had suspicions. Noel hugs Mariela in congratulations and the grandparents realize something is up. Oh, I didn't mean that in a dirty way, but hey, Noel's still a fairly young guy.

Juan and Remi stand looking at the ocean. Remi tells him to go find Reggi already and find out what the surprise is. I thought we did this already? Juan says he's going. Again.

Breton asks Doc Miranda about the attempt on Rosenda's life. Rod says he had nothing to do with that slut. Miranda loses his temper and gets chastised by Breton. Breton says he's heard it all, and they're all dismissed, but they can't leave town. He'll be calling them back to hear his verdict. The guards take the old Aguacil and his buddy back to jail. Before leaving, Leo and Rod stop to give everyone dirty looks.

Renato finds Reggie in the woods and apologizes for kissing her. Reggie tells him to leave her alone. He refuses. Just as Juan rides up, Renato hugs her. Juan sees her and tells Renato to let her go. He grabs Reggie up on the back of his horse and tells Renato to leave his wife alone. How many times do we have to tell you, Renato?

Poca cosa=a small thing; not good enough
perdicion=perdition, ruin, hell
Te perdono=I forgive you
Pudrete en el infierno=rot in hell


Llena de Amor #7 Tue 8/17/10 Sometimes too much to drink is barely enough.

Lorenzo and his flavor of the day are in bed in a hotel, working up a sweat with their snoozling. An angry man knocks on the door. ‘Tis the hot-sheets-hoochie’s husband. Horrors!
In the foyer at Malice Manor, Ilitia tells the dramatic tale of her airport hostage excitement. Emanuel boredly asks who the guy was, and she tells him not to worry; she’ll take care of him herself (I just bet she will). Then she says she has gifts for everyone except Marianela, and is somehow surprised that Mari can actually speak, even though they spoke outside. This sets Kristel off yet again, but she quickly redirects herself and tells them all that she and Mauricio have planned a welcome party for Marianela that very night at the club. Mari and Emanuel share a wary look, knowing this can’t be good.
Back at the Inn of Sin, Lorenzo is panicking and Ms. Hoochie is sobbing, worried that the hellbent husband will kill them both. Lorenzo frantically calls Lucas. The husband bursts into the room and sticks a gun in Lorenzo’s shiny face.
Ilitia and Kristel escort Marianela out of the house by the pumpkin stems as she protests that she does not want to go to a party, especially dressed like this. Emanuel and Axel trail behind, arguing that Mari doesn’t have to go if she doesn’t want to. Kristel whines about all the effort she’s put into planning this party; it would be so rude for Mari to waste all that! Axel says Kristel plans parties for any old thing, so it’s no big deal for a person to skip one. Mari says besides, she is still in mourning. Ilitia tells her that’s why she needs to get out and do something fun. Emanuel agrees that might be true. Her mother would want her to be happy. “But in this costume?” He says he’s in costume, too, so it’s all good {but he’s a dashing pirate, whereas she looks ridiculous and can hardly move. Can’t they stop at a store on the way? Of course not}.
Fedra slinks in to see Emiliano in bed and make sure he’s down for the count. He is. “And now, to kill these fancy clothes!” (a matar esas galas…is this sort of a twelve dancing princesses thing?) Anyhoo, she’s heading out to live it up.
Benigno watches from behind a tree as Bernardo gets the car ready and Fedra comes out. He reports to the General on his radio. The General tells himself that ever since Fedra arrived in this house, she has only brought disgrace and shame. His only purpose in life is to make her pay and see her consumed in the fires of hell.
Lorenzo is on his knees, begging the cuckolded husband not to send him to hell with the pistol. Besides, hell is where the guy will go if he shoots, because that is what the prisons are. “Shut up!” says the mad marido. His wife, still in bed, begs him not to do it. She promises this will never happen again! “Of course it won’t happen again, because I will kill you along with this bastard!” He raises a hand and goes toward his wife, and Lorenzo jumps up and tells him, “Do what you want with me, but leave her alone!” He hops into bed next to her, like that will help, and the guy actually shoots. A spot of blood appears through the sheet. Finally the security guy arrives and wrestles the gun away. Lorenzo howls and clutches his…leg? Can’t tell, it’s off-screen.
At Netty’s Pension, Brandon is giving everyone the gifts his has brought from his foreign adventure. He tells Netty that he’ll give Eva’s gift to Marianela instead. A guy named Jairo arrives and wants to take Doris out to a party. Gladiola says no way; she is not going out this late at night. Jairo says they aren’t going to some trashy club. It’s a club of fine upstanding citizens! (I suspect not. I suspect the membership includes Kristel and her skeezy boytoy.) Oliver sides with Gladiola. Doris tells him to stay out of it. She begs to go, because she never gets to go out and have fun. Brandon says he’ll go as a chaperone! Jairo just shakes his head. Oliver says he’ll go, too! What could be safer than two policemen to accompany her?
Fedra is about to get out of the car, but Bernardo thinks she should wait while he makes sure there are no mirones (onlookers). She’s too wound up to wait, and she prances into some club.
Mauricio is in some club with a pink drink in his hand. He tells his buddy he’s bored with the motorcycle he bought two months ago. The friend wants to buy it from him, but he says he doesn’t want money. However, if the friend manages to kiss the piñata who just walked in with Kristel, the bike is his. It’s a deal.
Kristel rushes over and sits on Mauricio’s lap, claiming she’s dying and needs mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Axel gags. Marianela has managed to sit down in her giant pumpkin. Ilitia drags Emanuel off to dance, leaving Mari undefended. Mauricio’s friend Alfredo snuggles up as close as he can get (not very close) and asks her if she wants to dance. She doesn’t, but Kristel bullies her into it. Marianela gamely gives it a go. With the moves Alfredo is sliming all over her, she’s probably now glad she’s in a giant pumpkin bubble. Kristel laughs. Emanuel gets concerned.
Over to Fedra’s club, La Mala Noche. An announcer introduces the surprise they’ve all been waiting for! And of course it is Fedra, in a skimpy wench outfit and mask. She slinks and slithers around the stage, brandishing a whip, writhing and wiggling. The besuited businessmen golf-clap their appreciation.
Alfredo is getting rather fresh with our gordita gourd, and she’s had enough. She tells him to stop mocking her and walks away. He chases her and says he’s not mocking; he’s really attracted to sexy plump things like her. He plants a big kiss on her. Emanuel watches all this while absentmindedly twirling Ilitia. “Oooh, baby, your cousin is a fast one!” trills Ilitia. Emanuel drops her mid-twirl as he goes to Mari’s rescue, and Ili falls right into the arms of Brandon. She pulls away and sticks her nose into the air.
Emanuel hauls Alfredo off Mari and throws him against the wall. None of that, young man, you hear?! Alfredo says it’s not a big deal. It was just a bet. Mari says Kristel and her pondscum boyfriend must be behind this.
Ilitia tells Brandon this is an exclusive club, so what is he doing here? He says he was invited. (Yeah, by himself.) She thinks he is stalking her, of course, and calls him a nopal (prickly pear cactus). He calls her a wax doll. She calls for her Baby to come save her. Baby seems to have disappeared. Brandon says Baby was smart to escape while he had the chance.
Marianela and Emanuel are out on the roof deck. Mari says she really doesn’t want to be here. Em says after this, people will leave her alone. Sure. Besides, she has a swashbuckling pirate here to protect her. She thanks him and says she’s a terrible dancer. He says that’s no big deal; Axel also has two left feet {yes, and look at how much fun he has at these shindigs}. Emiliano gets her to agree to try to have some fun.
Kristel giggles to Ilitia that she’s entered Marianela in the beauty contest. Ilitia thinks that’s awesome but wonders if Mari will go along with it. Mauricio is wondering the same thing. Kristel says “zero stress!” She knows how to convince Mari.
Oliver tries to get Brandon interested in checking out the ladies, but Brandon says he doesn’t like these snooty types. Doris heads out to the dance floor and Jairo tries to follow, but Brandon pushes him back and swizzles out onto the floor with Doris himself.
Emanuel and Marianela rejoin their group at the bar, minus Axel, who is nowhere to be seen. Kristel pretends to declare peace with Mari and even shakes on it. Em drags Mauricio away for a little chat. Kristel orders drinks for all the girls, against Mari’s protests. They insist it’s super light and she should drink it.
In the hall, Emanuel shakes Mauricio by the lapels and demands an explanation for the pants theft. Mauricio spins his tall tale again. See, it was just an accident! “And the bet with Alfredo, was that also an accident?” He tells Mau to leave Mari alone, or else! Emanuel’s friend André comes along and asks if everything is okay. Blabbidy blah catching up; it seems André is looking for work, and Emanuel says he’ll see if the publicity agency has anything. André also says he’s announcing the beauty contest. André’s novia Rebeca joins them and is also introduced to Mauricio. Rebeca will be competing in the beauty contest. André and Rebeca for some reason seem to feel the need to prove how hot ‘n’ heavy they are by making out right then and there. Mauricio and Emanuel both raise their eyebrows.
Ilitia and Kristel have done their best to get Mari drunk, and now Mari is feeling mighty fine and ordering more drinks on her own. Axel finds them and is annoyed by this scene. Kristel teases that Mari will turn out to be a drunk like her mother. The witches abandon Axel and Mari, and he tries to get her to stop drinking. Lorena swoops in to throw herself at him. “Just what I needed,” he thinks. “How can I get rid of her?”
Fedra is still working it onstage. Bernardo comes in, is greeted by name by the bartender, and asks for his usual. He grins in appreciation of Fedra’s performance.
André is introduced to Ilitia and wonders why she hasn’t entered the contest. She says it wouldn’t be fair to the others, as she would certainly win. André wonders about Emanuel’s other sister entering, because there are two Ruiz y de Teresa ladies on the list. Emanuel says no, Gretel certainly won’t be in the beauty contest.
She is, however, getting plenty of beauty sleep. The cat lounges next to her, looking bored. Gretel wakes up.
Axel is still trying to get Marianela to stop drinking, and Lorena is still groping him and trying to get him to abandon the drunk and have some fun. He says he needs to take care of his cousin. “This is your cousin? Where did you find her, in an aquarium of whales?” Axel ignores her and tells Mari he’s going to take her home. Marianela agrees. She now has all the drink umbrellas stuck in her headband and is cradling the fishbowl of popcorn. She seems on the verge of vomiting into it.
André starts off the beauty contest. Kristel is the first contestant. She struts the stage, trying to subtly communicate with Ilitia at the same time. Rebeca is next. She is also appreciated by the crowd. Doris, however, is more interested in André. She tells Brandon that he is a famous model and she recognizes him from magazines and advertisements, but he looks even better in person! And his voice! So divine! Brandon isn’t impressed, and Jairo is looking utterly bored and fed up.
Some club guy tries to drag Marianela to the stage. He gets her there, against her will, and she staggers across the stage as the crowd hoots and throws popcorn. André tries to settle them down. Marianela has come to the conclusion that this is a singing festival, and she wrestles the microphone away from André, saying she has a special number for her special cousin. Emanuel and Axel are horrified. Marianela, thoroughly anesthetized, thinks this is all great fun.
Brandon is incensed that they’re all making fun of this poor girl, and says he should put them all in jail. Doris figures out that Marianela Ruiz y de Teresa must be Netty’s niece. She fits the description exactly!
Gretel sits up in bed. She asks out loud what happened and says “Marianela has returned!”
Marianela is calling for her music and Emanuel is trying to convince her to go home. Everyone else is yelling. Mari starts singing unaccompanied, and dances, too. Kristel gloats. Suddenly, Mari feels really sick. Netty’s gang decides to rescue Mari from this situation. However, Emanuel gets there first, and Mari gratefully throws herself at him, knocking him over and landing on top of him. She can’t move in her giant pumpkin suit. Oliver and Brandon help them up, and Emanuel says he’ll take Mari home. Brandon says she isn’t going anywhere with them. “Who the heck are you?” Em asks. They get into a big fight over Mari. Brandon gains some ground by flashing his police badge.
Kristel, Mauricio, and Ilitia reconnoiter. Kristel and Mau think their plan worked even better than they hoped for. Ilitia doesn’t like the chaos the whole place has turned into, and thinks Emanuel may suspect that they are behind it. Gee, ya think? Kristel teases her that her novio certainly seems interested in Marianela, hee hee. Ilitia thinks that is ridiculous; no way could he prefer that caloriefest. Mauricio wonders who Emanuel is fighting with. Ilitia says he’s a disgusting rude policeman. Kristel thinks he’s mighty attractive. Axel comes over to yell at her for setting Marianela up for humiliation.
He-manuel says he’s not intimidated by Brandon. After all, he pays the salaries of the police. Doris says they are not leaving Mari in the hands of these snotty brats. Mari says she wants to leave with Emanuel. Brandon says he’ll use force if he has to.
Ilitia beckons Brandon over and orders him out of the club.
Axel is still yelling at Kristel. Mauricio comes to her defense. Kristel again tells Axel he’d better find a novia.
The others are also still fighting. This is getting very tiresome. Jairo shows his invitation to Ilitia and the guard to prove he was invited. She wonders why the others don’t have invitations. Brandon says of course they had to come along, to chaperone! {Frankly, Doris’s dress is sitting so low on her chest, I can see why her mother didn’t want her going out. It’s on the verge of a major malfunction.} Anyway, Brandon et al decide to leave. Everyone in the club is just standing around staring.
Gretel walks around the house, wondering where everyone is. She finds her father asleep in bed, notices that her mother isn’t there, and says, “She went again. She did it again.” She asks her sleeping dad when he’s going to open his eyes and realize that it’s all a lie.
Fedra gets up close and personal with a club patron. Bernardo doesn’t like this. He decks the guy and drags Fedra away as she lashes out with her whip.
André and Emanuel haul Marianela to the car. She wants dessert. They have some trouble getting her into the seat. Emanuel’s leg gets crushed in the process.
Mañana: Emanuel drags Marianela to her bed. She falls into it on top of him, so naturally the easiest thing for him to do is just stay there with a smile on his face until she wakes up. Kissy kissy.


August 17, 2010 Dinero #174 A Failed Quest

First thing first. Can someone tag this for me? I can't stand too much more torture after I post this.
Sorry for the great delay but since this was one of the most difficult ones to recap I couldn't get myself up to do it. So grab a Tequila or your drink of choice and help me trudge along this most sobering recap.

So let's prepare ourselves and dive into this recap styled after a Greek Tragedy.
We start off this recap with the last scene from last night. We have the lovely Susana and Dandy arguing over Rafa and the failed wedding. Susana calls Ale just as she's out the door. Guess what? No answer! Is it too late? Susana thinks so.

We arrive at the Medina residence. Seems like both Rafa and Julieta couldn't sleep. Leonora tells them that Jaime went to look for her and Rafa recounts his own encounter with Jaime. Rafa confesses that he could not forgive Jaime for what he did to Julieta. BUT our Hero is appreciative of his wedding cancellation. No breakfast for our hero he has to do like Hermes and deliver some trucks.

Julieta and Leonora stay behind and Julieta says she prefers to not tell our hero about her appointment with the lovely Marian.

Speaking of Aphrodite... We see Marian very early at her office. She's very happy this morning. Chepis tells her about the wedding between Ale and Marco that came in the newspaper. So Rafa loses his beloved Ale... how sad and convenient too.

Rafa is now at Siglo and is talking to the crew. He's not going to Ale's wedding. Rafa tells the crew about the deal of the three for three. Marino comes in and talks about the romance between Ale and Rafa only to be shut up by the rest of the crew. Marino is also a little on the happy side and the Siglo crew wants to know why. Again its Rosaura who hits the nail on the head it must have something to do with Sandra.

Back to Susana's place she is having some doubts about telling Ale about the wedding. Dandy talks and talks until finally she finally cracks. Dandy calls Rafa, he's on the road so he stops at the edge of the road and answers. Susana talks to Rafa. Rafa tells her about how all three of them can return to Siglo. They move on to the wedding. Susana tells him that Ale only accepted to get married because of Rafa's own wedding. Susana tells him he has to deliver those trucks, but Rafa decides to go stop the wedding. The quest begins!

Susana hangs up and tells Dandy its time to stop a wedding. Guess they have to go to the club and talk to Ale. But maybe Susana doesn't want to get involved... Dandy talks some sense into her. The difference between the two is that Dandy will do anything to help Rafa (remember his encounter with Carmela) while Susana only puts morals and rules before everything else. Stop thinking and just do! That did the trick. Susana will be ready in three minutes... better make that two. Well this part of the quest is done.

Meanwhile it seems like Marian is celebrating Ale's wedding. She wants to find out why Rafa owes money to Vicky's family. Chepis tells her that it could be an obstacle for her. Ahhh but what if Marian loans him the money? Then Rafa will be hers from all sides and on all fronts. The phone rings and its Julieta who's outside.

We are introduced to the scene where the quest, fail or succeed, must end. Rosario is making sure everything is going well. Suddenly we have Marco (Hades) come into the picture. All he wants is make sure he has everything going as planned. Rosario only wants one thing. A promise from Marco to make her happy and always be faithful. Well part of that is certainly true: he has been faithful for quite some time now. Marco tells her that he loves Ale he would never do that.
Marco's phone rings and its Chavez. What could he possibly want now? Well he ordered the workers at the Hacienda to multiply the production, for lots and lots of money. And Mololongo was also there too. We dive into the memory bank of Chavez. Nothing of great importance happens here. Its funny but we'll leave it out and continue on our quest. Seems like the ghost is real. Marco wants to talk later and Chavez is very worried.
We have Rafa driving like a madman. Vicky has her veil on Rafa's picture. Her friend is trying to talk some sense into her. She's talking nothing but truth but Vicky's wrath is too great. She shatters through the senseful talk of her friend and declares her hate for Ale!

Ale is at the club thinking that she is about to get married and Rafa didn't do anything to stop her. Why is she so sad if he's such a bad person? Well its pretty simple really: she loves him. Her thoughts finally arrive to Marco she comforts herself and thinks what a good man Marco is. Ale thinks she was one more on Rafa's list to cross off.

Susana and Dandy have arrived at the Club. For a moment it seems like the quest might be feasible. All they have to do is make it through the security checkpoint. But of course neither Susana nor Dandy are on the guest list so they have to keep the line moving and leave.
Back at Siglo Beltran receives a call from Romulo telling him that the trucks have arrived but that Rafa hasn't. Beltran becomes concerned but assures Romulo Rafa is about to arrive. He asks to call Rafa. He's still on the road and his phone rings once more. All care is thrown out the window and he answers the phone and keeps driving. Its Susana and she has the bad news that she and Dandy can't get in. Rafa tells them that they have to get by any means necessary. Just stop the wedding! There is no more time. And Rafa keeps driving down the road like a madman.
We are now at Vicky's house and Don Gaston and his son are talking at the table. They will act a little more civilly and call him on his cell.

Back at the club the judge has arrived and the ceremony will begin.
Dandy and Susana are outside trying to figure out how to penetrate the great fortress that is the club. Rafa has finally arrived and he begins to convene with his two friends. His phone rings and its Marian. Well she can wait now for the problem at hand: stopping that wedding. One minute won't make a difference right? He answers and promises to call back in ten minutes. The security guard comes in and checks Rafa against the guest list. Rafa knows he isn't on there so he just bolts into the club. There goes our hero into the great unknown willing to face anything in order to fulfill his quest.

The ceremony continues on and all the small things come in making some time.
We are back at Marian's office and we have Julieta in an interview. Marian is asking her what problems Rafa has because she called him and he told her of a problem. Julieta is willling to talk about Rafa with Marian. So what part of what Jaime did to her does she not deserve? I'm having trouble remembering.

Rafa is trying to penetrate the premises and the ceremony but he is being chased by security from all angles. Meanwhile inside Marco and Ale's wedding is marching along pretty fast.
Marian finally knows all of Rafa's story... how is this a job interview?! Well she gets the job.
Rafa is finally caught and subdued. He is kicked out of the club left to tell Susana that she is a witness to this failed quest. The phone rings and its Beltran Rafa better close that truck deal or be ready for the consequences. The security guard comes by to pressure them into leaving. Everyone is annoyed.

Back inside the club Ale is about to give her yes. She peeks at the window and with one final look at Rosario she gives her fateful yes. It is done the quest has failed Marco and Ale are married and it is all over... for now.

Ale and Marco sign on the dotted line as we get screenshots of Rafa. Split screen of Rafa and Ale.
Susana tries to reason with the guard. The guard looks at Rafa and lets her in for 5 minutes. She runs in to test her luck.

Ale and Marco are toasting as Ale cries her little eyes out. Marco goes in for a kiss and just then Susana arrives. She asks the judge if its all over and he tells her that it is. She laments herself over her failure. Ale spots Susana and goes to her. Susana how great that you did come! Susana begins to tell her how much she loves her and everything and couldn't pass up the chance to wish her the best. Susana seems to gain the courage to tell Ale of the failed Rafa wedding only to chicken out at the last moment for the rest of the conversation. She leaves without saying a word.

Beltran and Arcadia are at Siglo in her office. They talk about the truck deal and are comforted by the fact that Dandy is supposedly with Rafa trying to close out the deal. In the end of course its about money, money, money.

Outside Rafa is trying to keep the ope. His phone rings and its from Vicky's house. He answers and tells Don Gaston he will have the money tomorrow. Susana comes in and tells Rafa that his quest has ended and in typical Greek tragedy ending we end with an echoing NOOO!
Guess we have to tell Rafa about how the phoenix rises again from the ashes?


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

El Clon, Tues., August 17 - Summary for Discussion

We open with Cristina looking on in sadness as Malicia and Pablo suck face. No confrontation. She leaves.

Ratoncita comes home to the rat's nest. She is all happy about her job until the Chump asks for the papers. She says that she forgot them again. When the Chump asks her to try and remember, she bares her little rat fangs and has at him. She says that she is all stressed out from her job and he is being selfish in thinking only about his problems. The poor Chump doesn't know what hit him.

Vicki can't resist the opportunity to say to Cristina, 'Te lo dije desde un principio. Esa mujer es una arpía,' I've told you this from the beginning. That woman is a witch. Cristina tells her that since she went to Morocco all her friends have betrayed her. 'Not me,' protests Vicki.

Rogelio tells Clara that he has been thinking of her in the morning, the afternoon and the night. Clara says that she feels the same. If Fernando weren't there, Rogelio says that he would ask to spend the night with her.

Leo tells Lucas that he can't sleep for thinking about the kid. Lucas says that Leo can't adopt everyone who looks like Diego. Leo says, 'no es que se parezca, es el, es Diego,' he doesn't look like him, it's him, it's Diego. Lucas is skeptical but Leo replies that Lucas hasn't seen the kid. Lucas protests that since Leo doesn't know the mother and never donated sperm, the kid can't be his son. Leo replies that he can't explain it but when he hugged the kid, he felt that Daniel was his son.

Lucas- '¡Ay, Jade! Si tú supieras cuánto te necesito,' Oh Jade, if only you know how much I need you.
Jade - 'No te imaginas cuánto daño me has hecho, Lucas,' You have no idea how much you hurt me, Lucas.

Jadiya launches a guerrilla war against Rania. Shades of Jade and the lamb, she puts salt on the 'gazelle horn' pastries that Rania made for Said. Said declares the pastries inedible and angrily leaves. Butter wouldn't melt in little Jadiya's mouth as she tells Rania, ¿No te dije que sabián mal, Rania? Mucha sal, ¡Qué lástima!' Didn't I tell you that they tasted bad, Rania? . Too much salt. What a pity.

Zoraida tells Mohamed, Latifa and Ali about Jadiya's war on Rania. Mohamed defends Said but Ali says that Said let vengeance get the better of him. He pushed Jade and Lucas together to prove that he had won the battle for Jade. 'La presa más fácil para el genio del mal es un hombre con rabia,' The easiest prey for an evil genie is an angry man,' says Ali. 0:15

It's the next morning. The Chump is ready to put their first fight behind them but the ratoncita is getting ready to abandon the sinking Chump ship. She tells him that she needs a break to think about their relationship.

Dora wakes Daniel up. He tells her that he won't rest until he finds out everything about himself. Dora replies that all he needs to know is that she is his mother. Daniel tells her that Albieri took him to see Leo and Leo said that he was his son. Dora insists that she had artificial insemination and gave birth to him. Daniel suggests that she ask Leo and Albieri for a DNA test. Dora tells him to ask for it himself since they won't deny him anything.

Dora tells Estela that she doesn't know what Albieri did to make her son look so much like his dead godson.

Daniel tells Estela about meeting Jade in Morocco. He says that he will find her again.

Jade drags Zoraida off to a mall where the Naz is going to bring Jadiya.

Dr. Silvia comes to see Estela. She starts to tell Estela that Dora sent her the wrong picture but is impactada when she sees Daniel in the flesh. She flees in a panic.

Nati calls Marisa to ask for money. Marisa asks what she needs money for and Nati invents some stuff that she needs. Marisa calmly and rationally and most un-Marisa like offers to buy the stuff for Nati or they can go together and buy it. Nati rejects these offers, of course. Then Marisa tells Nati that she is cutting off her allowance. 'Hasta nunca' See you never, says Nati and hangs up. Then Nati starts disconnecting the stereo Alej bought for her.

Our other druggie teen, Fernando, has stolen money from his mother's purse.

Silvia comes to the clinic looking for Albieri.

The Chump has told Julio about his fight with Malicia. He doesn't understand what is the big problem about bringing the papers. He says that he is going to move his stuff into the apartment so that they can work out their problems together. He thinks that she might be stressed out from her job. 'Ojalá sea eso, Escobar, ojalá,' Let's hope that's it,' replies Julio.

Every time Anita calls for Albieri, Luisa tells her that he is asleep. She says that he must really be in crisis. Dr. Silvia replies that he has reason to be after what he did.

In the Only Mall in Miami are Lucia and Andrea. Andrea tells her mother that Nati has stopped going to school again. Also there are Rania and her shadow, Amina, the Naz and Jadiya. Up comes Jade and Zoraida but Jadiya shrinks away from her mother and clings to the Naz. The Naz keeps repeating that she didn't tell Jadiya anything and she didn't have anything to do with Jadiya's reaction to her seeing her mother.

When Rania wonders if Zoraida told Jade that they would be coming to the Mall, the Naz protects Zoraida by saying that Jade always shops here. Even gold can't tempt Jadiya. She just wants to go home.

Jade is destrozada.

Silvia tells Anita that Daniel is a clone and that he was created in this lab. When Anita asks how she knows, Silvia says that she knows the matrix (conozco la matriz), whatever that means.

Marisa tells Lucas how she handled Nati's request for money. Rosa tells them that Lucia is on her way over. Lucas urges her to keep what has happened to themselves (en casa) and Marisa agrees. Marisa tells Lucas that she feels like her life is changing. She has no energy and just thinks about Nati all the time. Lucas tells her that Nati is strong and will get through this. Marisa replies that she thinks something broke inside Natalia and she doesn't know what it is, when it happened or how to fix it.

[Maybe Lucas needs a little 'manscaping' on his brows]

Alej brings lunch home for Nati but she isn't home. Then he notices that the stereo is missing.

Just what we were missing - Enrique and his shrink. He says that addicts will do anything to get drugs.

Rania, Amina and the Naz tell Said about Jadiya's encounter with Jade at the Mall. The Naz says that seeing the ingratitude of a child is very hard, as she knows personally. This provides an opportunity for the Naz to launch into her usual diatribe (which I would prefer to Enrique's anti drug PSA's) about how she is nothing but a decorated camel to her two brothers.

Jadiya asks Said how her mother could fall in love with a Westerner. Said replies that someday she will understand.

Jade returns home and tells Zoraida that she blames everything that has happened on Lucas.

Lucia tells Marisa that she saw Jade at the mall. Lucas overhears and Marisa starts to look like her old self. Nothing like a little jealousy to get your mind off your drug addicted daughter.

Daniel tells Estela that he will marry Jade.

Jade tells Zoraida that she will go back to Said to be with Jadiya.

The credits roll.


Tue 8/17/10 Club Gancho... Even Dogs Don't Deserve This Heat

Welcome to Club Gancho. Sorry I didn't get this posted yesterday. Lots of stuff going on. Schools about to start here in Texas so lots of preschool things: sports physicals, vaccinations, check ups...

This past weekend was challenging. Our well conked out on Sunday, fortunately it was up and running by late Sunday evening... just in time for the AC to die. The AC guy came out yesterday afternoon and officially pronounced it... muerto. Fortunately the storms and rain rescued us from the stifling heat last night. If our luck holds out we should come home to a new AC this afternoon. Hard to remember how we survived before air conditioning.

The feature drink this week is Shiner Bock. Simple, tasty, and thirst busting. Iced Luzianne tea and fresh lemonade are available for those who would prefer a non-alcoholic beverage. As a snack we have today marinated Gulf shrimp with peppers, olives, cauliflower, pearl onions, carrots and probably other veggies. The only oil is a little olive oil in the marinade.

Since you guys haven't complained (yet) about the pet pictures let me share one of my favorites of Bonnie Belle and Jack sharing a lazy moment together as they enjoy the AC (when it was still alive) and contemplate the heat outdoors.

Summer Dreamin'

In the quest for pictures of our Gancho beauties, we return to the archives to retrieve photos of two faves, one young and the other a bit more senior. Credit to Hombre for the pic of our favorite bruja. Enjoy.








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