Friday, November 19, 2010

La Verdad Oculta EP47 11/18/2010 - The night of the raging bulls

* David tells Mario that Gaby investigated after a tomb her father visited a few months ago. Look what Bertha did to Gaby, she doesn't trust her father anymore! (Fausto anxiously knocks on the table.) At first the two hotheads want to kick Bertha out of the house, but thanks to Abelardo's soothing words they agree that David will put her in her place and tell her to leave Gaby alone. Anyway. David asks his father to visit their employees who suffer under the reign of the Ávilas because they need his presence and advices.

* Gaby confesses to Julieta what Bertha told her about their father and she found the tomb of that Marta. Okay, but who's Marta? Gaby asked their father about her but he denied knowing that woman. However, he became very nervous after their conversation. Oh, and guess who payed the funeral expenses? Yolanda!

* In the Ávila condo Adolfo looks at a black and white picture of a young man and triumphantly says his name: Marcos Rivera Muñoz. He"s the one who sold the first diamonds, and he must be connected to the waitresses somehow. Yolanda objects, come on, they threw the shoes to a dustbin! But Dolphie is unconvincible. By the way, recently Gabriela's sister quit her job, too. He asks Marcos about Julieta but he doesn't know anything about her. Maybe she's also found a rich guy to marry. Dolphie doesn't have time for his son's stupidity and he leaves. Marcos starts to complain about her dad to Yolanda: he's the one who has many problems with the hotels, not Adolfo! By the way, Adolfo. He tries to court to Mario Genovés's niece, who is half his age. Isn't that ridiculous? Yolanda looks worried.

* While Asunción is watching TV, Juan José, the most confused galán of the primetime telenovelas arrives at home and although he had a pleasant date with Alejandra, he's very grumpy. Elsa, who feels very uncomfortable because of their last conversation, calls JJ on phone but he refuses to talk with her. I guess Asunción starts to feel like he was a kindergarten teacher.

* Marcos and Susana discuss what to do next. They'll part for a while because Marcos doesn't want to compromise his onetruelove. Susana doesn't mind it but she insists on guarding the diamonds by herself. He asks her to visit his sister and tell her he wants to talk with Juan José.

* Adolfo visits Mario to annoy him and to talk about the Guillén family but instead of a timid, sick old man he finds a fiery Fausto who puts him in his place. (And poor Abelardo has to listen to their conversation.) Dolphie asks him about the Guilléns: who will support them now that Gabriela doesn't work anymore and Julieta quit her job, too? Fausto explodes: he'll not support anyone, end of story!

* At home Adolfo tells Yolanda that the Guilléns have no income which means they have the diamonds! He orders her to call Gabriela and the two women agree to meet in a restaurant. Great, says Adolfo. The sisters must be very worried because they know the police looks for Marcos. Gain her trust and when she confesses you everything offer her our protection. Yolanda doesn't like the idea. Adolfo tells her she'll have another thing to do: a bunch of valuable archeological goods will be transported to the seaside house and she'll have to take care of them.

* In the headquarters Fausto, who's already a nervous wreck, gives poor Abelardo hard time again: this is madness, people will find out who is he, David, Adolfo, my kids... Abelardo advises him to behave much calmer.

* In a restaurant Gaby and Yolanda talk about her past, what did she do in the eighties? And who was Marta? Boom! Yolanda quickly invents a story about an old friend of hers who died of an illness and didn't have family so she paid for her funeral. Okay, but why did my father visit her tomb? Boom-boom-boom. Yolanda says Bertha must be wrong, her father couldn't know Marta, it's impossible, it's ridiculous... Gaby politely says she's not stupid. Yolanda and Fausto surely don't tell her the truth.

* In the AFI office our favourite cop speculates about the cuff-link, Roberto and his unique ring. That man knows the Ávilas, he mistreated the Guillén girls... What if he was the one who broke in their flat? He is going to talk with Fausto. *Viewerville: You're awesome, man.*

* In Sagitario David practically breaks into the office of Carlos and starts to yell his head off: Gabriela is his wife, leave her alone, understood? Carlos yells back, he insults Gaby and he gets a huge punch in his face. The boys continue their fight outside and turn the restaurant into a wrestling arena. When they finally get separated Adolfo kicks David out of Sagitario and the boy swears he's going to break their association!

* The ladies are ready to have dinner when David shows up in the hall. He's wounded, he's nervous and he has blood on his shirt. He wants to talk with Mario right now but Daddy doesn't answer to his knock on the door. He kicks the door, but there's nobody in the bedroom. Strange. Where the hell is Mario?

* In the Ávila flat while Yolanda is taking care the purple face of Carlitos, father and son are arguing about David. Carlos can't stand Blondie, but Adolfo doesn't care about that. If David manage to break the association it'll be Moustache's fault! Carlos storms out. Dolphie asks Yolanda about her conversation with Gabriela and she insists that they don't have the gems. Then what were you two talking about? Errrrr... about David, lies Yolanda. Love matters. Nothing special.

* David flusteredly looks for the contract in Mario's study. It does exist but he has never seen it! And where is his father?! He calls Abelardo and tells him Daddy has disappeared. Abelardo hurriedly calls Fausto and tells him to go to the Genovés villa ASAP!

* In the hall David and Gaby talk about Mario. He's worried about his dad very much, he changed since his voyage to Veracruz. What if he is sick? A very angry Fausto shows up and when David says it's 5 in the morning and asks where he was he answers in his best Faustiago manner that it's not his job. Okay, but the have to talk about the Ávilas. Tomorrow they're going to break the association! No way, says Fausto. Then David will quit the company. Oh, shut up, he doesn't have time for that. David explodes: fine! Then tomorrow he and his wife are going to leave this house forever!



Llena de Amor #70 Thu 11/18/10 Fedra confirms her reservation in hell

Redux: Uncle Max is all up in the poor abogado’s face because his will is nullified by his crazy behavior. Fedra and Spiderus gloat over the latest fake will that leaves all Max’s money to Eman. Ilitia tells Kristel that Mauricio tried to rape her.
We begin tonight’s episode with the battling suitors rolling around Netty’s Technicolor couch. Benigno shows up and drags Eman away. Brandon struts like a bandy rooster until Dolores smacks him upside the head.

Kristel tells Ilitia just because 1500 nacos buy her magazine to do who knows what kind of filth with it doesn’t make her the most coveted woman in the universe (codiciada). Ilitia gives Kristel details of Mau’s vile behavior but Kristel refuses to believe. Que sorpresa.

Oliver stumbles into Casa Crazy to tell Paula he had no luck in locating Gretel. Spiderus crawls in and Paula is dismissed for the arachnid-to-man talk. He tells Oliver that he (Oli) has all his parts because Fedra is a patient woman, but Spidey not so much. Our brave polis refuses to back down. He gets his hackles up and says he knows Spidey knows where Gretel is and he intends to come every day, every week, every hour and set up a hut in front of the house until he sees her.

Fedra pays a little torture visit to Gretel in the extremely tidy wine cellar. She’s got a sloppily wrapped gift in a box that Gretel will love. She nudges it toward Gretel with her zebra leg. Oh no, say it ain’t so!

Kristel throws Ilitia out of her room and has a meltdown.

Caiman has buddied up with the guys who beat up Mauricio. He tells them orders from La Reina, make Mauricio plead for his death. Tonight. After the guards close down the cells.

Fedra blows nothing off a dustless bottle and continues to bait Gretel. She tells Gretel she did her the favor of bringing her best friend, meow, meow. Horrified, Gretel opens the box to find NOOOOO!!! "My God, Dumas is dead!" Fedra tells her she was thinking about hiring a taxi driver to do that thing where they pull out the intestines and make a stuffed animal out of kitty. (Die beeyatch!)

Spidey pokes his nose in to announce the polis are upstairs. Gretel goes ballistic and hysterically screams for Oliver. Fedra lolls against the rack, opens a bottle, takes a swig and casually observes her daughter.

Doris asks Mari what in the heck happened between her and Eman? Mari asks Doris to take a vow of silence, especially don’t tell Netty. Her night of love with Eman was a lie, a farce, a mockery of love. Doris’s lips are sealed. (We’ll see.)

Spidey tells Gretel nobody can hear her, least of all the police. Gretel begs them to leave her and Oliver alone. As if foul Fedra could be moved by her daughter’s anguished pleas, puhleeze! She tells Gretel that the only way to keep them from killing Oliver is for Gretel to convince him she’s been toying with him all this time.

“What will you do with me afterward?” Gretel asks. Fedra smiles her toothy grin, they’ll put her on a plane to Switzerland, she can hang with the cows and the cuckoo clocks. But if Gretel doesn’t cooperate then the next time she sees her love it will be at his wake.

Netty is in a tizzy, how embarrassing that Eman knew about her and Emiliano. Embarrassed? Her friends say she should be scared. If that Axel went home and blabbed then Fedra will scratch Netty’s eyes out!

It’s nighty-night time in the big house and the bullies show up and begin pounding Mau. One pulls a knife and tells Mau to get ready for the longest night of his life.

Brandon’s a little pouty because Mari told Doris what’s bugging her and she didn’t tell him. She thanks him for being such a pal and she’ll never let anyone dis her again. He opens her window because she’s feeling a little wheezy. He leaves and suddenly there came a tapping, as of some one gently rapping, rapping at her chamber door. (Take that all you quoters of poetry. I can do it too, ha!!)

Oliver paces while he waits for Fedra. She appears from the cellar and he demands to know where his girlfriend is. Fedra steps aside to reveal a grim Gretel. Will she melt into Oliver’s arms or will she act her little heart out, the one she will break to save her man?

Mari’s surprise visitor crawls through her window and it ain’t the raven. It’s Eman and he wants to know what’s up with her? She holds a pale, wan hand upon her brow and tells him the only thing he wants is to destroy her! He protests he won’t leave until she gives him 10 minutes. Speak, she says, but if Brandon and Netty find you hear they’ll kick you out on the street.

Turns out Mauricio’s not quite the wimp I’d imagined. Instead of crying for mommy he knees his attackers in the nuts, steals their knife and goes on the offensive. He’s even bleeped, shame his dirty mouth!

I’m gonna hate this part. Oliver moves toward Gretel but she recoils, don’t come near me. He tells her she’s being threatened, right? Fedra and Spidey leave Gretel to her egregious task. She tells Oliver she can’t deny she had a good time with him. It was fun the way she used him to make her mom mad but now she’s done with him. Thanks for the great adventure but she’s tired OK? She’s bored with him. I can’t even begin to describe poor Oliver’s face. Anguish doesn’t do it justice.

Speaking of anguish, Emiliano’s at some bar languishing in a snifter of brandy. He stares at it and sees Netty ordering him to leave. An alcoholic ipod of the memory if you will. The funniest part was when he yelps “Netty!” and actually looks inside the glass. Dude, pathetic much? Emi’s imagination is in overdrive tonight, now he sees Fedra the wicked witch of the west in a mirror (or shiny plate) behind the bar. I was waiting for her to cackle “Aunti Em, Auntie Em” but instead Fedra blames Emiliano for all the bad that has happened in their family. He asks for the check and surprise! The barkeep is Eman who orders his dad to let him fight for Mari’s love. Emiliano shakes his head, wipes his face, and pays the real bartender who is looking askance at the crazy man.

Eman and Mari have the exact argument we would expect. He: I love you with all my heart. She: You’re a liar. One thing though, she slaps him and tells him never again in her life will she let him treat her like an idiot, never!

Back at the jail the bullies get the upper hand and stab Mauricio in the leg before hightailing it out of the cell.

Oliver pleads with Gretel, bears his heart to her. He knows her love and tenderness. She completed him. Meanwhile Spiderus stands outside the window providing artistic inspiration to Gretel by pretending to slit his throat. Gretel tells Oliver she’s a crazy schizophrenic and she invents her own reality. It’s not Fedra’s influence, its how she really feels.

Fedra and Spiderus and lurking in the hall just as Emiliano stumbles through the door. He staggers toward them, drunk, and begins hurling insults at Fedra. Spidey rolls his eyes in the background.

Caiman disinfects Mau’s wound with a lit cigarette. I never learned that little trick in first aid. Mauricio yells in pain and vows to get revenge against Fedra Curiel.

The Godfather calls his two lame henchmen, the ones who lost Christian, and tell them to stop looking for the baby for now. (Well actually, they were drinking in a café.) He has another job for them. They’re to make sure a tragedy happens to the poor son of Fedra, and no screwing up this time! Good luck with that one.

Mari and Emanuel argue for another whole scene where nothing happens. Finally at the end Mari tells him she overheard him and Fedra. Can we move this conversation along now?

Oh man, am I stuck with the night of nasty nattering or what? Back to the heartbreak of Gretel and Oliver. She laughs in his face, poor innocent schmuck, of course he wasn’t her first nor was it the first time she escaped from her house. He’s like a hobby actually. He kisses her but she refuses to respond. She’s never loved anyone and she never will, now get out and never come back!

Eman tries to explain his plot to fool Fedra. It was the only way he could think of to protect Mari. He loves her and he only wants to unmask his mother. Mari starts to melt but with great timing Brandon enters with her lunch tray.

Emiliano blathers a few bootless threats and lumbers off to bed. Fedra tells Spidey she’ll deal with him tomorrow, tonight she’s concerned with the little polis.

Right on cue the hapless couple emerges. Oliver tells Gretel it was she who destroyed their love. Gretel is in tears but remains silent. I don’t even know why Gretel wastes her breath asking Fedra if she’s happy. She’s positively beaming as she leads Gretel back down to the cellar.

Ilitia sneaks in through the side door with a bag over her shoulder. Is it her jammy bag I wonder?

Emiliano has wandered down to Uncle Max’s pad. (Oops, that doesn’t sound quite right.) Emiliano tells Max that he’s a failure as a father and husband. He wails that he never knows when Fedra is lying or telling the truth. “That serpent is ALWAYS lying,” advises Max. Emiliano says he has a doubt in his heart. He has a very hard time spitting out what he wants to say but he finally manages to grunt out his question, was there something between Fedra and his brother Luis-Felipe?

Brandon and Emanuel huff and puff at each other. Brandon is incensed when Mari asks him to leave the room. He tells Eman that for every tear he causes Mari, Brandon will collect it back in Eman’s blood.

Max tells Emiliano how dare he soil his brother’s memory with such a question. Luis-Felipe was always deeply in love with Eva. Max says yes, LP was interested in Fedra, but only because he was investigating her to find out who she really is.

Mari and Emanuel make up and he apologizes for causing her such sadness because he was a dumba** for not telling her his plan. She says she wanted to die. Eman tells her that if she dies he’s wants to die right behind her. They gaze at each other.

Manana: Emiliano wants a divorce, Muneca asks Fedra what’s up between her and Lowrenzo, Ilitia gets all sexied up for Eman, he kisses her and calls her Marianela.

Aventura – adventure, also means affair
Taxista – taxi driver
Taxidermista – taxidermist
Velorio – wake
Una burla del amor - a mockery of love
Soy una tumba – my lips are sealed (Lit. I’m a tomb)
Van a sacarte a las patadas – they’ll kick you out.
Te tienen amenazada – you’re threatened.


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Eva Luna #13 Thu 11/18/10

We get a repeat of Leo teasing Danny boy about Eva ‘asking him for’ the earrings to match her necklace and Danny Boy saying it feels like they are talking about two different women. Leo tells Dan Eva even promised him to use them on their date. Danny Boy is in disbelief… Leo ads that Eva was very excited to get the earrings… have told you many times, money wins points with the pretty faces… you have only interacted with her a couple days, I see her daily. She is just like all of them women… just the same.

The secretary comes in to summon both boys to meet with Madame Arizmendi…

At Villanueva’s, Eva is there to get her purse back, but seems Danny Boy took it with him. Even though he told Jackie he would send it back to Eva with Francisco.

Back at the office, Matta-Hari is excited about having a board meeting to present the new business opportunity… she won’t give them any advance tips about what it is all about. However, she asks Danny and Leo for discretion, not to tell anyone else yet.

At Villanueva’s Eva is talking wonders about Laurita… she is lovely. Jackie adds on ot the sweet talk. Jackie tells Eva that the one that hired her was The late wife of Danny Boy, Viviana, who, as Jackie speaks of her, sounds like she was a real sweet angel. Viviana died of a heart attack rather suddenly right after coming from a party at… guess where… at the Arizmendi castle!! She was fine when they arrived, but early next morning had the heart attack.

At Justa’s, they are preparing for the party, Justa says the cake needs a bit more sugar. Adriancito jokes about it being the reason Marisol has not married yet, Schmuck-tony laughs out loud and when Justa walks away he calls Marisol old maid. Suddenly they spot Ricardo coming home and they all hide everything… he comes in and seems to suspect something is going on…

Bruno calls Matta-Hari just as she expects the call. Everything is ready for the ‘show’. She reminds him she is prefectionist and expects everyone to be ready on time.

At Justa’s everyone is still in kitchen having a good time, Tony is actually sweet with Ricky for a change… Justa asks Ricky if he was not going to be at the gym all day, Ricky says his student/mentoree cancelled on him. Tony uses the chance to get Ricky out of there for a while inviting him to a chess game they have been talking about for a long time.

Back at the office, Victoria arrived since Matta-Hari also invited her to the meeting. Vicky lies to Danny Boy saying she called his house to ask about Laurita’s health. Dan is pleased she remembered (AARRGGGHHH!!!).

Board meeting has begun!!

Ricky beats Tony, apparently very fast ‘Jaque Mate!’… Ricky is leaving, but Tony manages to get him to say about what time he should be back at the house. Around 8pm. Again, Tony seems to be on his best behavior mood planning the surprise with Marisol.

Damian is outside the house and sots Ricky walking out. Follows him.

At Board meeting, Matta-Hari calls in the surprise, about a dozen models, more men than women (LOL!) waltz into the board room… of course the top model would be Victoria… and all under the command of a new associate… Bruno Lombardi! This totally surprises everyone at the table, the only one that seems happy is Victoria… Dany asks Matta-Hari what is the meaning of all this. Marcela says its about the glamorous world of modeling. Leo is confused. Is Bruno your associate? No, OUR associate. Our ad agency can expand its services by having its own modeling agency, which would translate into savings in production and lowering our costs to our client. Bruno has prepared proposal folders… When he is about to give a copy to Dan, Dan won’t even lift his hands, obviously not pleased at all with the ‘surprise’.

Outside elsewhere in city, Damian and one of his thugs are still following Ricky into gym…

Back at Villanueva estate, Laurita is home from school. She tells Jackie that she remembered she always gets a gift from her dad when she is sick. Since she remembers her dad was also sick, she wants to buy something very special for him. Jackie offers to take her to a place that would have everything she could think of.

Back at Board meeting, Bruno is done with his presentation. Vicky is elated to be the top model in the new agency. Dan says he has some comments but would rather talk to Matta-Hari about them in private. V-icky tries to pitch to Dan in favor of the deal. Leo pulls Bruno into his office and is irate with him about not giving him any advance notice. Bruno bails himself saying Matta-Hari told him not to tell anyone. Leo says he smells something odd… Bruno says I know… I brought more men than women… Leo says don’t be stupid, know what the problem is? I know you very well… too well.

Danny is doing same with Matta-Hari, he does not want to take the main focus/selling point of the company away from what they are known for, to come up with creative and original campaign themes. He also is totally honest with Matta-Hari and says he is not pleased with her bringing that whole proposal without consulting them first in private. We know nothing about this guy, how can you make him our associate overnight without getting to know him? Not only your interest but Don Julio’s are at stake here. Matta-Hari says trust me, your future mother in law, in her ability to determine what is best for us. Dan says he wants to review the contract they sign with this guy very thoroughly. Once he leaves Matta-Hari calls him stupid and says if he insists in getting in her way, she will eliminate him just like she did with his wife, his parents… idiot… (boy this woman has some large baggage in her closet/conscience!!

(we have a preview of ‘Triunfo del amor’ with Maite P and William Levy.. very soon)

Ricky is at gym training some young boxers…

Back at the office, Bruno and Matta-Hari, he asks if she liked the presentation, she loved it. She loved the figures he presented. And the idea of bringing the models along was great. Bruno says that was the goal, but the only one that seemed to buy into the deal was Victoria. Leo was not so happy and her future son in law was not happy at all. She says she took care of him. Bruno is ready for next step. Matta-Hari says there is one more hurdle.. her husband. We need his money and signature to count on the capital for the deal. Bruno leaves after kissing her hand. She caresses her face with it (EEEEWW!!)

Ricky is leaving the gym… Damian and his guys raid him. At first Ricky is defending himself but it is too many for him and they give him a beating… apparently no one in the gym heard anything even though it happened just outside the door. Ricky is conscious but fairly beaten up.

Eva gets to the house. They tell her it is Ricky’s b-day. They tell her to hurry and shower so she will be out by the time Ricky gets home.

Adriancito asks Tony to help him blow more balloons… Tony is in a good mood tonight.

Laurita and Danny are having dinner, Jackie is kidding around with Laurita telling her Eva was complaining about her… No, just kidding. On the contrary, Eva said Laurita was a very cute girl and loved taking care of her. Laurita tells Danny that maybe Eva was also getting sick. Tells him the night she took care of her, she was crying, as if she was hurting. Danny stays pensive.

Alicia finds the earrings, and tells Eva is getting all the guys crazy, one kisses her and gives her flowers and the other one gives her expensive jewelry. Could he also be falling for Eva? Eva reprieves her. Alicia puts the earrings on. And insists that both men are in love with Eva. Eva keeps brushing her off.

Still at Villanueva home… Dan asks Jackie about Eva’s visit today. Jackie says she came by to get her purse. Did you send it with Francisco? No, sorry I forgot. (LOL!)

Eva is putting a very modest but pretty dress on. Alicia keeps insisting in Eva telling her all her adventures with the two guys… how is the man that kissed you?

Alicia: How is that man that gave you the best kiss of your life?

Eva: Look. At first Daniel was very irritating. It seemed like he was there all the time just to bother me. But then after that he changed gradually and… he is a very sweet man. He is very loving with his daughter… he has a beautiful glance… his eyes… yes, he looks at me in a way… he makes me nervous… and when he comes close… I get scared…

Ali: And you dare say that you are not falling in love with him?? Just look at yourself!!

Eva: (brushes her off yet again…) I am not in love with him… Let’s go to the darn party…

Seems Ricky is late coming back home. Marisol asks what Ricky is thinking of not getting home. Justa jumps on her back to ask isn’t that something we should be asking you? Marisol puts two and two together and asks Justa if she is not jealous… Justa says no, by the way you owe me this month’s rent… don’t forget… Marisol says to Adriancito ‘she is jealous.. VERY’.

When Eva and Alicia come out Tony compliments both of them on their outfit but Eva is clearly not in the mood to jump for joy… They all hear noises at the door, gather up and begin to shout ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!’ But Ricky comes in and drops on the floor in front of them.. they all come running to him scared…

(we have a macy’s commercial with Jackie and Laurita walking out LOL!!! Never seen that!! Them merging a commercial with the characters in the novela just after that scene)

At Justa’s they are all giving Ricky first aid (biggest first aid kit I have seen in a private home!!) Marisol is not dumb and tries to get Ricky to confirm that it was Damian and his thugs who did this to him. Marisol wants to run out to confront them but Ricky grabs her hand and does not let her go… Everyone else helps him convince Marisol to stay. They tell Ricky it was Adriancito who came up with the idea of celebrating Ricky’s birthday. Ricky gets real smoochy with Adriancito and tells him he would take that beating again because he feels very fortunate… to have him. Adriancito is his best birthday present ever!
A while later they are still caring for Ricky… everyone is spreading around, some are going back to their rooms… Ricky says in a little while we will all party hardy… Francisco calls Marisol’s cel…. She says she is in middle of a rehearsal of a very tough scene… Francisco on his own side says his dumb secretary had arranged an appointment for him too. Dan calls for Francisco and he gets really nervous and almost screws his plan.

Dan asks Francisco for ‘a favor’.

We see Bruno talk to the mystery person again… he says the plan is almost in place, he could care less if some innocent heads fall right along with his target… all he wants is to ruin her (my guess is he is referring to Matta-Hari… wonder what relative of his does she have in her victim list LOL!! Could this guy be blood-related to other characters in the show? LOL)

Don Julio is playing video games LOL!!!... in comes Matta-Hari. He guesses she came to talk about THEM again… she says nope, I came to talk about a business deal you will love. He puts two and two together… ‘for which you need my approval and my money’. She responds ‘you are right, and I expect you not to deny either to me…

Back at Justa’s the music is on, Eva, Adriancito and Marisol are dancing very happily… in comes Danny Boy and Eva almost jumps right up through the roof… if she was just a bit taller she would have broken through it… Danny also looks scared… are these two supposed to be teenagers??

Justa and all her tenants jump on Danny to ‘make him feel at home’, esp Marisol. Ricky greets Danny nicely and then makes a funny remark to Danny about the purse under his shoulder (LOL!!) Danny says it is Eva’s, she left it at his house and he came to bring it back to her. Eva predictably says ‘you shouldn’t have bothered’. Everyone is still right within 4 feet of Eva and Danny as if they were all ‘alcahuetes’ (escorts?)

Marisol says we just have one more guest… they won’t let Danny leave… he is more than easily convinced to stick around for a while longer.

At Arizmendi castle, Matta-Hari is making her pitch to one-foot-under… he correctly guesses Daniel is not very happy with the idea… Matta-Hari whines saying he seems to care more about Danny’s opinion than his own son. HE reminds her Leo is not his son but he loves him as such. Leo just is a numbers boy, but does not have business vision (as Danny). Julio insists in learning what Daniel thought, or should he call Dan personally to find out? Matta-Hari keeps pitching the idea as ‘expansion for business matters’…

Eva introduces Alicia to Daniel…

Ali: You ar the ‘famous’ Daniel.
Dan: What?...
Eva: Alicia, please…
Ali: Nah, its just that Eva has told me much about you. (realizes she screwed up and offers to serve him some food).
Eva: He is leaving…
Dan: No, really I am in no hurry, I can stay a while.
(Alicia leaves them alone)
Dan: Then you did tell your sister about me?
Eva: Well, I think I mentioned you when I met you.. you would not think I talk about you all day long, right?
Dan: No, of course not.. (LOL!! He would remember he does that very thing)
Eva: And.. how did you know where I live?
Dan: You forgot that once my driver brought you?
Eva: Ah yeah, Francisco…
(Marisol brings him another drink)
Dan: I am so well cared for that I don’t want to leave.
(Marisol leaves again)
Eva: Why did you bring my purse yourself?
Dan: I don’t think I could lie… I was dying to see you again.

Julio: My answer, Marcelita… is… NO!
Matta-Hari: But Julio, you cannot deny me this!!
Julio: I have just done it, Marcela…
Matta-Hari: I want to do it!!
Julio: Perfect! Do it with your own money then! But don’t count on one penny of mine for it. Nuff said!! Final answer!
(Matta Hari leaves in a huff)

(Marisol spots Francisco outside, runs back in so she won’t break her fake persona, tells Alicia to go get the ice herself. Tells Alicia she is supposed to be living in a mansion in Beverly Hills… Alicia comes out and runs into Francisco… but nothing else happens there)

(Matta Hari in her bedroom is cursing loudly at the picture of her with Julio on her dresser. She swears every day his end is coming closer and closer.. she will finish him off and then she will do with his money as she pleases…)

Vicky arrives at Daniel’s … Jackie invites her to look for him even behind the window treatments… (Vicky is not Jackie’s ideal boss either lol!)… nope, don’t know where he went or when he will get back. Vicky says she will wait for him… Jackie asks what if he does not come back home until 4am? Vicky says for his own good, hope not.

Jackie goes up to Laurita’s room to admire the expensive gifts Laurita got for her dad and to warn her that maybe she won’t get to give them to him, Vicky is downstairs waiting for him too…

Back at the lovebirds…

Dan: Your housemates are very nice, very warm.
Eva: jaja Yes, they are very good people. Know something? I was very surprised by your visit. I would never have imagined you would come here.
Dan: Well, then we are even… because… I never imagined that you existed.
Eva: Why do you tell me things like that? You are playing with me, right?
Dan: Noo! I am not playing with you and I am not trying to make fun of you! I simply… (always) say what I feel.

Alicia comes back to the house, tells Marisol seems Francisco left already…

Back to lovebirds…

Eva: Maybe you should go and not tell me anything else.
Dan: That is impossible. There are so many things I want to tell you… Starting with the kiss the other night. It was an impulse we both felt! (she looks at him as if she is hanging on his every word) Something that came from inside like… like a voice that told us… go ahead and kiss already, you are both dying to.
Eva: you are a liar.. how can you tell me things like that?
Dan: I am asking myself the same thing, Eva! I am also surprised to feel the things I am feeling!
Eva: (upset) Please be quiet, I beg you…
Dan: (smiling like only Guy can) You are very pretty (tonight)
Eva: (can’t help but like the compliment but thinks it better) Know what? You better leave already! … thanks for bringing me my purse…. And good night…
(Marisol brings him another drink)
Dan: Ay… I thank you so much but… I really need to leave now… I had a great time but… sorry… excuse me, good night.
(as Dan leaves, both Marisol and Alicia charge Eva)
Ali: Things between you and Daniel are more serious than I thought, Eva!
Mar: He is seriously hooked.
Ali: Yeah…
(Dan gets home to an unexpected ‘welcome greeting’)
Vic: Good evening, my love… Now it turns out that you sneak out on me at night? Where were you? (Vicky!!! Are you a teenager spoiled bratt?? Did you never grow over 15??)

Dan: Are you smelling me?? (ROFLOL!!!)

(Recapped by Martaivett)


La Fea Más Bella #95-96 11/18/10 Lety, stay...

Capitulo 95.
Read Amanda’s original recap which covers Cap’s 95 to 96. Then come back here to discuss it.

Paula's back!! Read on...
Paula's Cap 95 Summary.
Coming into today’s show, Lety is convinced she’s just another fling for
Fernando, based on how he treated Paty M. She wants to get out and cut her
losses before he hurts her even more. Fernando is driven to complete his
“assignment” tonight, to make sure Lety is firmly in his corner before he
leaves for Germany, so he doesn’t return to a disaster.

In the car, Lety tells Fernando to use the trip to fix his relationship
with Marcia. See the
. Watch how he moves between manipulative and honestly
sincere. She finally agrees to go to Omar’s apartment. The doorman asks
Fernando if this will be a short visit like all the other times. Lety and
Fernando cover too much ground for me to summarize. See the transcript.

When Lety calls home, she says they’re working at Omar’s apartment, and
Pop warns her that she’s heading for another tragedy. Alicia spies at
Lety’s house to see if Fernando took her home. Roman’s gang follows her to
Conceptos where she continues looking for Fern.

Sara and the cuartel convince Saimon and Paula to stop playing this stupid
game, and Saimon takes her to a bar where her latest squeeze is supposed
to meet her. But Paula confesses that there is nobody else. Saimon admits
there are no women waiting for him either. “There’s never been anyone,
Paula. Only you.” She says she was just seeing if he’d really stay. He
says that’s the only thing he’s ever wanted.

In the car, Fernando tries to use Marcia’s hot button on Lety – when he threatens to withdraw, Marcia always surrenders and grovels. But Lety’s not needy, so he can’t lead her around by the nose. He keeps conniving and manipulating her, but she’s not an easy mark like Marcia. I don’t see any love from him in the car, only a man completing a crucial assignment. The car scene is a good demonstration of the nature of their interaction, especially Lety’s side.

In Omar’s apartment, Lety feels inferior because Fern brings all his other women there. When Lety is vulnerable, it brings out Fern’s compassion for her. From that point on, it’s not homework. It’s love.

In the apartment, she doesn’t doubt that he likes her (you look at me with different eyes), but she’s sure the real world will come between them and she’ll lose him.

As she describes the contrast to all the beautiful women in the archives, he is reminded again of the world Lety must cope with. By now he’s hanging on her every word and gazing at her with love.

I just posted the transcript for Cap 96, since I had it in my files.

Capitulo 96.
Read Amanda’s original recap which covers Cap’s 95 to 96. Then come back here to discuss it.

Paula just posted the transcript for Cap 96 since she had it in her files.

Here are some great screen shots courtesy of Pata. Wow! I can't wait to see this episode.

Approaching her with an understanding touch:

More convincing:

He says "Lety stay."

Lety is weakening:

Lety isn't going anywhere:


Eva Luna #12 Wed 11/17/10 Any one know a good hit man to take out Tony?

Vicky is on the phone to Eva, asking her what in the dickens is she doing in Daniel’s bedroom and wants to talk to him. Eva informs her that he is sleeping. She inquires if she knew that Daniel was Sick. Vicky smarts back that no one told her. Vicky is approached by one of the photographers to come back to work and then tells Eva she is very busy right now but snaps at her and says when he wakes up tell him to call me. Eva hangs up and is seems disgusted that his girlfriend would not be more concerned for him.

In the meantime Daniel is having a bad dream. Something about his parents being dead and that somebody killed them. Eva looks on with concern.

Marcia is pleased to find out that the surprise waiting in her office is none other than Bruno. He greets her and kissers the black gloved hand

Eva is wiping the forehead a feverish Daniel who pleads with her not to leave. Eva wants to call the doctor and Daniel tells her not to leave. She agrees to stay and continues sponging his forehead.

Back to Marcia and Bruno, but I am going to make this quick. She was surprised he actually showed up at her office. She wants to know if Leo knows he is there. There is some gross flirting going on and guess who shows up. Leo. He is surprised to see Bruno there. Marcy inform Leo that Bruno was just leaving. After he leaves Leo wants to know what he was doing there. She tells some lie about the fashion show and that’s all I am saying about that. Oh he also gives her and invoice to sign and from Leo’s shifty look as she signs it you wonder what he is up to.

Carlos the waiter is putting something in the trunk of his car when he is attacked by a bunch of thugs and forced into a van.

Vicky shows up at Daniel’s house and Eva answers the door. Vicky wants to know why she looks so worried. Eva tells her Daniel has a fever and has been saying some strange things all night long. Vicky wants to know how she would know that. Eva tells her she had to monitor his temperature and wipe down his feverish brow with cold towels. Eva tells her she couldn’t find her phone number and knew she was busy with the photo shoot. Vicky seems understanding (yeah right) and tells Eva not to worry the important thing is that she is finally there.

Our concerned Vicky goes up to check on Daniel. She goes over to sit on the bed and a feverish Daniel grabs a hold of her and tells her not to leave. Vicky seems confused and asks him who he thought was staying with him. Daniel opens his eyes and realizes it is Vicky. She lies and tells him she has been with him all night taking care of him. Eva over hears this and shakes her head as she leaves.

Alicia see’s Tony’s door open and enters his room. It is a pigsty. Unfortunately Tony arrives and wants to know what she is doing there. He even tries to talk her into to cleaning the mess up. Alicia has a little bit of backbone and wits about her and gets the heck out of there. Tony is left alone when his phone rings. It is his thug friends who inform him they have Carlos. In the meantime we see Alicia talking with Justa. She tells her she is waiting for said Carlos so they can study.

We go back to Marcia who is talking with her assistant. He inquires about the visitor. She tells him he was there on business. The assistant seems quite impressed with Bruno and thinks he is perfect. (This assistant seems a bit suspicious) Our “perfect” Bruno is shirtless and studying some tabloid that just happens to have all sorts of useful information about Marcia.

Vicky is leaving and tells Eva that Daniel is better now and doesn’t have a temperature and she doesn‘t have to call the Dr. She also tells her not to go bother him unless it is absolutely necessary. Eva is surprised that she is leaving and Vicky tells her was called for a casting of a commercial. She tells Eva she left her number. As she leaves she tells Eva to wish her luck.

Warning!! Icky scene. The thugs have Carlos sitting at a table with a gunny sack over his head. Creepy Tony is telling him he warned him to stay away from Alicia. Carlos wants to fight man to man. Tony is certainly no man and has the goons beat him up.

We have gone to commercial and back and in that time Tony has arrived at the pension on his motorcycle.
He encounters Alicia who is studying in the patio. She seems surprised to see him. She tells Tony she was expecting Carlos. He was suppose to be there hours ago. Tony uses his “charm” and this time talks Alicia into going out with him. (Where did that back bone and wit go?)

We have a very sweet little scene now. It is with Adrian and Ricky. Adrian tells Ricky he misses his father but is happy that Justa and him are looking after him. His father never took as good care of him as they do. Adrian asks Ricky if he likes Justa and it looks like we have another little matchmaker here. Ricky admits he does and tells Adrian he will fight for her affections. Adrian his happy to hear this and we get a high five.

We change scenes to an angry Justa who is throwing away the flowers Ricky gave her and muttering about his supposed relationship with Marisol and that she doesn‘t want to see him any more .

Alicia and Tony have taken off on the bike and end up in some bar doing shots of tequila. She is having some second thoughts and worries that Eva will get upset and that she should be studying. Tony gives her some bull and next thing you know more shots are being drunk as they toast to Eva.

Francisco and Jacky have both returned home. Eva fills Jacky in on what went on while she was gone. She tells her Laurita is better but now Daniel is sick. He was up all night long with a fever and was saying really strange things. She tells her she watched over him all night until Vicky showed up. Jacky seems concerned and wants to know if Vicky is still there. Eva tells her she left she had things to do. Jacky things that is really strange, after all she is his girlfriend and can’t even cancel a few things to take care of him. Eva tells her she agrees with her. She also tells her that she doesn’t believe Vicky is as sincere as she seems to be.
Jacky tells Eva she can leave and thanks her for everything she has done.

More lost time spent with Tony and Alicia. Alicia is way beyond the point of making any good decisions and Tony is going to take full advantage of this, as Alicia tells him she has to go to the ladies room. We see him calling a buddy and asking if he can barrow the apartment for the night. Alicia has been gone a long time and Tony seems a bit concerned but he is still manages to slosh two shots of tequila into waiting glasses.

We have a kitchen scene with Jacky and Daniel. She is making him some supper and they are talking about how much better Laurita is. She tells him that Eva told her he had a fever all night long and was delirious. He tells her that was the same thing Vicky told him when he woke up this morning in her arms. He tells her he was very pleased that she took care of him all day long. Jacky corrects him and tells him “Yes she was here for a while but it was Eva that took care of you.” This news has taken Daniel by surprise.

Now Tony is quite concerned that Alicia has not returned and checks out the ladies room calling out her name.

A tired Eva makes her way back to the pension. Justa seems worried and tells her she looks tired. Eva tells her that she forgot her purse at Daniels house. She asks about Alicia and Justa tells her she is studying.

Not exactly studying, as we see Tony more concerned now and chewing on his cell phone. Looking around for her.

Eva has gotten ready for bed and is chewing herself out for leaving her purse at Daniels. Now she has to go back tomorrow and get it. She tells her self that she has to forget about Daniel.

Daniel is questioning Jacky about how she could be so sure that it was Eva that took care of him and not Vicky. She tells him that Eva had informed him about what went on all day. Daniel notices the purse on the table and asks Jacky about it. She tells him it is Eva’s and that she must have forgotten it. Daniel tells her he will have Francisco take it to her tomorrow.

Tony has now gone outside the bar to continue his search for Alicia. He is asking the bouncers if they have seen a girl come outside. The next thing we see are car lights speeding down the road and Tony screaming out Alicia’s name as the car comes to a screeching halt. Tony walks over and we see a panic look cross his face.

Tony is yelling out for help and to call 911 as he is saying Alicia’s name with grave concern. We see him kneel down in front of the car as the driver also gets out. She is laying on the ground and he is holding her.
So was this weird or was it me? Alicia wakes up and starts holding on to her head wondering what the heck just happened. (I am wondering the same thing?) Did she get hit or just pass out in front of the car?

Eva is standing in front of the mirror holding on the jewelry box Leo gave her. She wonders why he would give her such a gift. She chides herself for accepting the ear rings. She now thinks it is pretty late and wonders where Alicia is.

Alicia is being helped into the pension garden by Tony wondering why her head hurt’s so bad. Could it be the tequilas? Or perhaps she did get hit by the car. He sits her down and Alicia can’t believe she almost got killed just like her father was. He gives her a little comfort and then cautiously wants to know if she is going to tell Eva what happened. Now she gets a bit ticked and tells him off. She tells him all he wanted to do was get her drunk. Tony can’t believe she would say such things. (Okay I want gangster Damien to take this punk out now!!!) He can’t believe that she thinks it is his fault that this happened. He starts showing his true colors and tells her if she gets in Trouble with Eva it is her fault.

Another weird scene. We have Claudia and Leo in bed and we here Claudia’s little inner thoughts. She is not going to leave him until she gets pregnant. (thank goodness that was only 15 seconds.)

Eva is chewing out Alicia. She can’t believe she was out with Tony. Alicia promises her it will never happen again. Eva tells her she has heard this many times before and asks her when she is going to stop seeing him. Alicia pitifully tells her when she falls in love with someone else.

We have a morning breakfast scene with Justa Adrian and Ricky. She is kind and tender with Adrian but not so much with Ricky. She makes him get up and get his own toast. (or some such thing). Adrian tells her she should be nicer to him. After all it is his birthday today.

We have another little breakfast scene with Vicky and Daniel. Things are going fine until Daniel wants to know why she led him to believe she was with him all day if she was at the photo shoot. He tells her Jacky told her it was Eva who took care of him.

Leo is at the house and runs into Eva. He asks her if she like the ear rings. She tells him they are quite beautiful but not necessary. She only took them because he insisted. He asks about the folders she is holding and tells him his step father gave them to her to read. He tells her that he is impressed with her enthusiasm. She says she is very happy with her job. Leo has one final question for her and asks how things went with Daniel. He wants to know if he got fresh with her. She asks him why he would ask such a thing and Leo tells her it is because he is concerned about her. He tells her that Daniel likes to collect women as if they were trophies. (I want to take out another hit on this creep as well.) Poor Eva is left alone thinking she has to be careful with Daniel he is just playing with her.

Vicky is telling Daniel that what he just said makes her feel bad. How could he think she could lie to him. He tells her he just wants her to explain things a little clearer for him. After all with the fever he doesn’t remember very well how things really happened. She assures him things happened just like she told him. After she finished the shoot she went right over to the house to take care of him. Sure Eva was there and was a big help but it was her that was there the entire time taking care of him. “Don’t you remember you woke up with me in your arms?” Daniel reluctantly believes her. Vicky is still playing the wounded soul card and tells him it hurt that he would doubt her. He begs her forgiveness and she says that’s okay Everything is cleared up and now it can be forgotten.

Our next few conversations were between Eva and Vicky and Daniel and Leo. They flipped back and forth so much that I decided to just condense them. They were really hard to follow, so I might have messed them up.

In between these two conversations we also have a little birthday party planning going on over at the pension.

Vicky as entered Eva’s quarters at the mansion with an envelope in hand. She tells her she just finished talking with Daniel. Eva inquires if he is feeling better. Vicky tells her she is so pleased that she was so kind to little Laura. Eva tells her she has nothing to thank her for. It was a pleasure. Vicky hands an envelope to Eva and tells her the least she can do is pay her for helping out.

Leo is following Daniel into his office telling him what a coincidence it is that the minute Jacky shows up and Eva leaves he gets better. Daniel brushes him off and Leo tells him He knows him very well. He is doing what ever he can to keep Eva as far from him as possible. Daniel asks him if he isn’t being a little obsessive with this topic as well as being childish. He tells Leo he is nuts and he would never do anything like that. He tells him to change the subject. Leo asks if something went on between him and Eva at his house. Daniel tells him nothing happened. Leo sarcastically tells him he forgot what a gentlemen he was and those things never happen. Daniel suggests he forget about Eva. There’s lots of other women in the city that would fall for his incredible capacity of seduction.

Now Leo tells Daniel that he just spent a fortune on something. Daniel asks him what he is taking about. He tells him that (I am not sure if he said Eva’s name) she asked him to buy her some very expensive ear rings and of course he had to do it. Daniel looks on with a disturbed look. He can’t believe this and says “Eva asked you to buy her the ear rings?” Leo tells him he heard right. He goes on talking about how women are and I truly got a little lost but I think he is trying to get Daniel to think Eva is a gold digger. He tells him that money is more important than love. Daniel tells him he thinks they are talking about two different women. Leo tells him to listen to him. She is the same as all the rest of them. This is where we end.



La Verdad Oculta #46: Bertha pushin' David's buttons -- and more importantly, Santiago's

Bertha won't divulge her source about Carlos's diamond ring and protests David can easily determine if she's lying, whereupon David speeds off to do so. At Santiago's, he makes one excuse after another why Gabriela can't contact him at work. Her next question is even worse.

Santiago's unnerved when Gabriela reveals she learned from Bertha he visited a grave supposedly their mother's, marked "Marta;" and when he denies it, she flatly calls him a liar and begs him to talk about this possible relative. When Santiago desperately claims the mother is buried in San Luis Potosí, she points out they've never even visited.

Saved by the door, Julieta enters with Leonardo and explains he put Carlos in his place about the returned ring. Then David arrives, cold and distant to Gabriela. At the hotel suite, Caramelo mystifies Asunción and Juan José, agitating to procure electronic toys like Angela's, about which they are clueless.

At the bedbug hotel, Marcos admits his heightened fear of discovery and outrages Susana by even considering ditching the diamonds. She suggests hiding them and himself in the tunnel house; but he wants to check with Elsa first. Susana insists he should take care of hiding and leave the rest to her.

Back at Juan José's, his main focus is preventing Caramelo from calling Mauricio her uncle; but he agrees to buy whatever new toys she wants. Caramelo exits, and when Asunción notes to Juan José that his jealousy indicates Juan José's in love with Elsa, Asunción warns he'd better tell her.

At Mario's, when David angrily accuses Gabriela about the ring and other doubts sown by Bertha, Gabriela can only weakly explain she thought he'd be angry and that he shouldn't think badly of her. Tearfully she asks why he distrusts her so.

Susana pays a furtive visit to Elsa and assures her Marcos is fine, learning the police are watching and that neither she nor Juan José revealed anything -- but that they both think Marcos should turn himself him. Elsa is mystified by Susana's story of "Juan José" feigning ignorance of the jail break over coffee; and Susana will contact her tomorrow.

At Mario's upstairs in their suite, Gabriela entreats David to believe nothing occurred with Carlos; he gave her the ring to cause trouble, and she didn't even know what was in the box. She took it to not offend her then-employer; David has no right to doubt her like this!

It's not everyone's opinion: Bertha invents stories, because she hates her! Gabriela implores. He has to believe her; she'd never do anything to hurt him. She loves him: he's her everything! Look into her eyes, she begs, taking his chin. David does and can't resist holding Gabriela and kissing her again. Making up is so very easy to do.

At the hotel suite, Juan José happily informs Asunción he's inviting Elsa to dinner; and when Asunción assumes Juan José and Alejandra have broken off, Juan José blankly stares and denies it. Why should they? Exasperated Asunción needles Juan José by prompting Caramelo about her "Auntie" Alejandra, friend of her "Uncle" Mauricio.

At the AFI, Ramón brings Leonardo a file showing Marcos's picture and finger prints with his truck license under a false name, and they're sending the information to all the jewelers. They exit to make a little visit to the hotel address given.

Across town Gabriela wanders the cemetery, seeking the grave with Marta's name and dates on it; and she notes the location information. Meanwhile, in Mario's chambers, Abelardo is just telling "Mario" he had Mario interred in the family plot, when David enters and is astonished to hear "Mario" was at the movies, which he never attends -- a gaff on Santiago's part.

After nervously weathering a business conversation on a new advertising campaign, "Mario" is relieved to see David exit and pleads with Abelardo to know how long this is supposed to go on before he's discovered! Abelardo insists Santiago should relax -- he is almost exactly like Mario, he assures him.

At the cemetery office, when Gabriela requests information about the grave, she's surprised to hear the woman's name is Márta Saldívar de Guzman -- and that the burial was paid for by Yolanda Rey! At Mauricio's office, he invites her to help host a welcome dinner for some U.S. business visitors and will pay her extra.

Marcos phones Susana to tell her the tunnel house was locked and to change hotels, not using her name. He'll meet up with her later, he says. She reports that Elsa wants to see him and hangs up to phone the hotel office for their checkout bill.

Elsa has a nice scene, trying on prospective outfits for her upcoming hostess duties. Presently, a smiling Juan José knocks and invites her to dinner and dancing -- turning into a stormy frown and snide remark upon learning she has work plans with Medina. At his departing back, disappointed Elsa calls after him to no avail.

Leonardo and Ramón visit Susana's hotel room too late, learning she just left and that the "husband" was already gone the night before. They plan to look him up via the truck at the DMV. Meanwhile, a resentful Juan José boots Asunción and Caramelo out of the SUV with toy money and cab fare, in a rush to get to Alejandra's.

Roberto considers investing his $5 million pesos in BMW's for himself and two mini-skirted friends during a frolic at the dealership. At the welcome dinner, Mauricio is so ecstatic at Elsa's beauty and intelligence that he offers to make her head of public relations, which includes a company car. When she objects she doesn't deserve it, Mauricio searches her face closely and is tempted to convince her with a kiss.

Marcos ambushes Susana at a public park, and she tells him their new hotel -- and her idea of returning the diamonds to the shoes they originally came in to hide them. When things cool off they can sell them again. He still has some money from leasing the truck to Roberto; he wants to work, but is afraid -- and doesn't even want to visit Elsa now. He just wants them to go to ground for a while.

Juan José sneaks up on Alejandra at the studio, eliciting a giggle and setting a fun tone; he wants her to take him to a really good restaurant. A while later in a sharp looking location, Juan José is suddenly very self conscious; but insists he wants her to put a restaurant like that in the Mirador. When she agrees to use a Minimalist style, he objects he wants a great, big one -- making her laugh.

Then rather wishing to talk about something that he does understand, Juan José brings up the subject of luck. When Alejandra points out few have had luck like his, Juan José protests that for the preceding eleven years he had the absolute worst luck. And then Alejandra wants him to explain everything to her.

Back at Mario's, Bertha stirs David's pot by inferring Gabriela took off the moment David left that morning for who knows where. David heads straight for the phone and can't find Gabriela at Santiago's; but Dora's following behind and diffuses the situation, revealing Gabriela told her she was going to the cemetery.

This simple explanation throws David into a rage at Bertha, figuring she sent Gabriela off on some nasty gossip again. She strenuously objects, but he's past tired of her meddling with one or the other of Gabriela's family; and when threatened with ejection from the house, Bertha heads for "Mario's" office for backup.

Santiago and Abelardo, jollied by a classic mariachi concert on TV, are suddenly thrown into disarray by a pounding on the office door. With Santiago finally getting his wig on straight, the two cousins boil in through the office door yelling their positions.

When Bertha arrives at the part where she saw Gabriela's old man standing in front of his little girlfriend's grave at the cemetery, "Mario" disappears, and the real Santiago jumps to his feet, yelling in defense of his family -- astonishing the cousins and dismaying Abelardo.


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Llena de Amor #69 Wed 11/17/10 There's Light At The End Of The Tunnel.....But It's A Looooong Tunnel

Lots of action tonight. Most of it dreadful. But a few good things happened. Let's start with the good: Marianela isn't pregnant. Just anemic. And Ilitia finally...finally! tells Kristel that Orangey Mauricio tried to take advantage of her.

The rest?....pretty much all bad. Oliver tracks Gretel down to the looneybin but Bernardo sneaks her out just in time and stashes her in the wine cellar of the house. And only he and Fedra have the key. Mauricio hooks up with the Godfather in jail and plans vengeance on taking out a contract on her favorite son Emanuel. And Bernardo has come up with a fake will leaving all the General's money to Emanuel. Oh wait!...that's good news since we know he's actually going to end up with Marianela. But our bad guys don't know that. And neither does poor Mari. She's suffering a major depression and believes the worst of Eman. And maybe she should. He's a complete doofus, is he not?

So that's the short version. Here's the expanded scenario. We begin the evening with Mari being very Greta Garbo. She just vants to be alone in her misery over Emanuel's purported betrayal. Can't say I blame her.

Elsewhere, Paula's confiding to Oliver (who seems to be fully and miraculously recovered from his bullet wound) that she's very worried about Gretel. But he really loves her, doesn't he? This brings forth a real feast of reason and flow of soul from our cop. " Before I met Gretel, my only desire was to become a top police officer. But my heart was empty. Then she came. She completed me. Even with all the craziness and all her problems, I just want to be with her. Protect her. Give her the strength she needs. Because she gives so much to me. Hopefully I can find her." And so forth. Paula's reassured and gets ready to leave. I'm screaming at her to give him the friggin' note already. She turns, starts out the door and.....says, "Oh, pardon me, some very nervous woman gave me this note to give to you." Aha. Gretel's at the Sagrado Corazón psychiatric hospital. So Oliver heads right over there..

All by himself.

Okay, put him in the same Dunce's Corner with Emanuel.

And speaking of Dunces....We're now at the prison where Kristel is draped all over Mauricio, vowing to get him out so they can live happily ever after....without kids. Fedra arrives and isn't buying this sweet tale. I'll help you all right she sneers. I'll help you rot in prison, you creep! Next she rips Kristel out of his arms, grabs her face and says Take a good look. This is the last time you'll see her!

Mommy Dearest now has her daughter at home and informs the staff that she's to stay in her room until she learns to behave decently. Paula is concerned with her pallor and suggests maybe she should remain in the hospital. Nuthin' doing. That's what she gets for being immoral, snaps Fedra, and if any of you even try to pass a message to her from Mauricio, you'll be out of her so fast your head will spin.

Our Lone Ranger has arrived at the psychiatric hospital. Bad Doc spots him and phones Bernardo. Other Doc stalls him and says there's nobody by name of Gretel Ruiz y de Teresa in the joint. Good Nurse tries to intervene. Drops a bunch of folders. Including the Red Folder. Asks Oliver to pick it up and aha! it's the list of in-patients and Gretel's name is in it. HAHAHAHAH.

Mientras tanto, Mauricio is working on Plan B. Since Kristel wasn't able to get him out, he's trying to hook up with the Marlon Brando impersonator/Mafia Boss. If you want to work for me, when you're on the outside, you'll be my slave, croaks the big boss. Mauricio's down with that. But he also wants to send a message to Fedra Curel.

She humiliated me. Tried to take me down.

Great. I like that attitude. Ya want her murdered?

Nope. Too easy. I want her to SUFFER. So let's kill her favorite son, Emanuel.

Fine with me. But remember son....Fedra's put a price on your head. So be careful....even with your own shadow.

Our Fedra is lounging around the office at home when Ilitia blows in. In high dudgeon. How could Fedra countenance her precious son hooking up with that asquerosa gordita!? Sorry, sighs Fedra. I don't intend to move a finger to help you. And don't disturb my son. Ilitia is impactada.

But when we come back from the ads, we see she and Fedra are cozy and like old times. Sharing a cognac and chuckling with evil glee. Yup, you guessed it. Ilitia's in on the plan and is so happy to think she'll one day soon be marrying a multimillionaire widower. A young hunky one to boot.

Back to Miserable Marianela. Her desire to be alone has been roundly ignored. Brandon is all over her, kissing and stroking and sympathizing. Netty comes striding in with chicken veggie soup and orders to eat it. Mari clutches her rag doll and doesn't want to. Doc arrives, grim-faced and informs them he has news. Bad news.

And we switch back to Fedra and Ilitia. Don't you love how they do that?

Emanuel enters and knows something is very wrong. Indeed. Mom fesses up that she just couldn't hold it in a minute longer and confided Manny's wicked delicious plan to Ilitia. Fedra then makes a discreet exit. Or it would be discreet if she weren't wearing horrid thigh high zebra striped boots.

Our little model, while not wishing death on anybody, mind you, is thrilled at the thought of consoling a rich widower. In fact let's get busy right now she suggests and do a little preemptive consolation. Eman's moving around the room, crawling under the desk, stalling, punting and weaving, while Yo Soy Sexy plays in the background. He finally fobs her off with "this is neither the time nor the place but how about a little honeymoon at the beach this weekend." Ilitia thinks it's a grand idea. Phew. He's bought a little more time.

Back at the nuthouse, Other Doc's still stalling Oliver. Oh...that Gretel. Well, she responded so well to treatment she was in and out, just like that. Zip.

Alright. Enough with the suspense. Is Marianela pregnant? Nooooooo. She's anemic. At least that's what the basic exam says. But Doc Arnoldo wants to do more tests. Meanwhile, now hear this. Her Life Is In Danger if she doesn't rest and eat well. That's a little overstated. I was anemic one year in college (tea and white rice don't constitute a healthy diet) and I was tired as hell but otherwise in no danger of expiring. But you know how telenovelas go....And.... Guess what? Our Miss Marianela just wants to die anyway. She's tired of suffering. Life has been so cruel. If she could only join mommy and daddy up in heaven. That's all. Really.

Oh no! Now we see Bernardo hauling Gretel over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. He dumps her down in some little alcove of the wine cellar, chortling Welcome to Switzerland. Hope you enjoy your little "caso de reposo". You'll serve out your sentence here my lovely. Gretel whimpers that she's going to tell her Dad. No way. Fedra and I are the only ones who have the keys to this place. Curses! Foiled again. Sorry Oliver.

Fedra, meanwhile, is doing damage control. She's assembled the house staff and accused them of stealing some bottles of red wine. Bernardo skulks out and admits he was the guilty one. Aha! I'll take it out of your salary then you swine. But hear this, the rest of you! If I find any of you hanging around the wine cellar you're fired!

Well, with that out of the way, we can return to the drama at the pension. Netty's all aflutter because Marianela is dying. Gladiola vows to bring her back with her irresistible picadillo, beans and rice plus fried plantains. The Mexican wonder drug.

Enter Emanuel. To hateful looks.

Upstairs: Marianela is still moaning to Brandon that she wishes she had gone up in that helicopter with her mom. Then all this would be over.

Take Home Message. From Brandon. We've all come to this world to struggle and to be happy.

Next question: What did Emanuel do to you to make you feel this way? Wanna know the answer? Tough. We've got more ads. Hang in there. Oh yeah. You already know anyhow.

Downstairs: Netty has upped the ante, screaming at Emanuel to GET OUT!!!! YOU'LL HAVE TO KILL ME BEFORE I LET YOU SEE MARI. YOU'VE HURT HER ENOUGH!

Eman's his usual low key self. He notes that sometimes you fall in love with folks you shouldn't. Like she fell in love with his dad.

Don't talk to me about that night! It's over! I'm never seeing your father again!

Upstairs: The dirge continues.

Mari: Don't ask me what happened that night. It's too painful.

Brandon: Well, Just know that I'll always be here for you.

Mari: He fooled me, misled me. He made me believe he loved me, when all he really wanted was my inheritance, my money.

Brandon: I'm gonna kill him!

Mari: Noooooo. Don't hurt him!

Brandon: Sorry. Can't promise anything.

Downstairs: The fracas has escalated. Doris, Glad and Netty are shrieking. Eman's persisting. Brandon descends and bars his way. Dogfight coming' up.

But first. Fedra. She's doing a righteous number on Emiliano and his trashy affair with that equally trashy actress. While SHE, the Injured Wife! has always been faithful to him. But Emiliano's had enough. He can't breathe the same air as Fedra. She's suffocating him. He's out of there!

Waaaay Downstairs: Now we're in the General's lair and he's fussing that he just wants that nasty Fedra in front of him so he could deal with her. Paula tartly reminds him that if he'd stayed upstairs where he belonged, he could have protected his family. Delicia arrives to tell General the licenciado Pacheco wants to see him. Turns out there are problems with the will. Seems the word is out that the General is not of sound mind. Therefore the will he just drafted to give Marianela all his worldly goods won't be accepted. General flies into a rage. Licenciado looks frightened. Stammers and stutters that he'll try and sort things out but it will be tough.

Upstairs: Fedra and Bernardo are chortling over his latest fake will. This one gives all the General's money to Emanuel. Fantastic!

Back to the pension: Doris zips upstairs to plead with Marianela to come down before Brandon and Emanuel come to blows. Mari refuses. Doris descends and blurts out: She never wants to see you again. Brandon juts his chin out. Eman punches it. Now you're gonna get it yells our naco policia.

Back to the Manor: Kristel's room: Ilitia's making a True Friend visit. Kris wants to talk about visiting her babe in jail and Ilitia wants her to understand how stupid she is to have anything to do with that scum. You deserve better. No I don't. I'm not even a "whole woman" anymore. And what did he ever do to you that you should talk about him this way?

Want to know? Well here it is. He tried to take advantage of me...abuse me, admits Ilitia.

And there we end.

Brandon vows that for every tear Mari shed, he's going to collect in blood.... Emanuel's.
And Emanuel somehow gets to Marianela and tells her about his secret plan to mislead his very own mother and protect her. Will she believe him?


empinando el codo = drinking a lot, propping up the bar (what Bernardo supposedly did)
las patitas en la calle = your little feet in the street....getting thrown out (Fedra's threat to staff)
te saco a patadas = I'll throw you out (Brandon to Emanuel)
te tapaste con una pared = you ran up against a (stone) wall
casa de reposo = rest home
perro sarnoso = mangy dog (Bernardo)
revolcando con esa basura = rolling in the hay with that trash (Fedra to Emiliano)
te daré tu merecido = I'll give you what you deserve (Brandon to Emanuel)

Dicho of the Day

El comal le dijo a la olla. El burro hablando de orejas. Both in English mean The pot calling the kettle black. Think of Fedra's chutspah taking Emiliano to task for a roll in the hay with Netty.


La Verdad Oculta EP45 11/16/2010 - The curious case of the Preciousss Cuffffff-link

* After the kiss the embarrassed JJ starts to giggle and murmurs if Ale's uncle really thinks he's innocent then they have much to talk about, and please tell him he'll visit him next day. Alejandra, who's completely speechless and perplexed, quietly nods and after JJ leaves she tries to reboot her steaming brain cells.

* In the morning David and Gaby visit the new, gruffy Mario/Fausto/Santiago in his bedroom, however, he's not in the mood to appreciate the genuine love the young couple shows for him. No, thanks, bye. After the young couple leaves he has a minor panic attack and whines about being unmasked soon. Abelardo first tries to encourage him, but after losing his patience he threatens him with Mario's favourite weapons: calling the police and telling everything to Gaby. A few minutes later Bertha storms into the bedroom (as usual) to poke her nose into his business (as usual), but the frightened man scolds her for intruding so rudely. *Viewerville: Yeah!* Abe advises him to be more amable with the family members.

* Marcos pays a visit at a jewelry and shows his precious diamonds to the jeweler. The man examines the diamonds and apparently realizes they have been stolen, so he asks to be excused for a minute and gives someone a call. Marcos gets frightened and he leaved the shop hurriedly, leaving the gems behind.

* In the Genovés villa the Guillén sisters have a girlie afternoon. Julieta enthusiastically tells Gaby she'll go to cinema with Leonardo, and they are both happy that finally Fausto lets her to date someone. Gaby asks her sister a favor: there's a ring on her dressing table that Carlos gave to her, would she be so kind to take it back to him? Julieta definitely doesn't want to return to Sagitario anymore but Gaby manages to convince her. Gaby misses her father much and plans to visit him with David. A very bad idea comes to her mind: she asks Mario if he would like to accompany them. Whaaat? No way, no, no, no, I can't. No. No... And he runs away.

* While the niece of Medina and Caramelo have fun together in his pretty Sims3 condo, Elsa and Mauricio enjoy each other's company. However, he gets a call from Alejandra who asks him about JJ's fortune, gold bars and other fairy tales. He proposes to visit her next day to talk about the situation.

* In the garden the sisters are also talking about the mysterious Sr. Ocampo who used to be a poor man whose name was JJ Victoria, but now he has a tons of money that he found under his kitchen... Strange, isn't it? But she thinks he's a good man. And handsome, giggles Julieta. As usual, Dora accidentally eavesdrops some elements of their conversation, but fortunately the tray and the two glasses of orange juices survive the moment.

* Leonardo is interrogating the jeweler when Robertogollum shows up in the shop. The One Cuff-link became the One Ring and he can't hide his enthusiasm when he puts is on his finger. Leonardo notices his anxiety and also the amount of cash he has. Ha asks the jeweler about Rob's ring and he learns it used to be a unique cuff-link.

* The sisters enjoy the sun in the garden... Until Bertha shows up and starts to ask about their mom. Was her name Marta? No. Do you have any relative who's called Marta? No! Then she must have been a lover of your dad. Julieta explodes: don't dare insult our father! Bertha laughs at the enraged girls and she tells them she saw Fausto visiting a tomb of a Marta who died 20 years ago.

* Fausto is about to leave the house through the tunnel when Bertha knocks the door. She complains about the rudeness of Julieta but Fausto puts her in her place. *Although Fausto is jeopardizing the mission, Viewerville thoroughly enjoys the humiliation of Bertha.*

* JJ nervously tells Asunción that Alejandra knows everything! The situation is worrying, but he is honestly interested in her. Oh man, you're an emotional shipwreck. Doorbell. JJ orders Limón to open the door, and Caramelo happily tells him that she and auntie Elsa had lunch in the flat of uncle Mauricio. Oh-oh.

* At the seaside house Adolfo, who's completely losing his cool, elegant goodfather manner, tells Félix what happened and how much money he lost recently. He gave 5 million pesos to Roberto Zárate, but that idiot didn't succeed to kill Mario and then he disappeared. They must find that bastard! He doesn't accept any excuses from Félix, he'll do the job, like it or not!

* Ramón reports to Leo that Marcos Rivera Munoz was the man who tried to sell the diamonds in the jewelery. Wow, Elsa Rivera's brother? By the way, jewels. Do you remember the burglary at the Guillén flat? Fausto told him that a cuff-link was stolen and he just saw the exact copy of that jewel... On the hand of Carlos Ávila's friend. Oh, and Fausto is such a strange guy. He's a good man but he acts like he has something to hide.

* Alejandra tells her anxious uncle that Juan José Victoria Ocampo would like to talk with him. Juan who? Abelardo saves the day: you know, the man you met on the wedding party. Ale wants to talk with Mario in private and after Abe leaves she starts again the story of JJ who's so innocent. Sorry, my dear, please refresh my memory. Innocent of what? *Viewerville: ...* Later Abelardo tries to tell him JJ's story but he's fed up with the Genovés household and leaves immediately through the tunnel.

* Gaby asks Abelardo about the Balmori sisters, how long do they live there? For a few months. And where is their mother buried? In the crypt of the Genovés family.

* Juli gives the ring to Carlos who rudely sends her away, just when Leonardo arrives at the office. Sir Leo orders Carlos to excuse himself for his behaviour, and when Carlos objects and tries to have an alpha male dispute, he forces him to his knee. Poor Carlos, you're an omega male.

* JJ visits Elsa to talk about her visit at Medina and to act like a jealous jerk again. JJ's lines, Elsa's lines.

* In Sagitario Bertha looks for Roberto because she needs to talk with him. By the way, she liked the way Carlos behave on the wedding, and our omega male tells him the story of the ring he gave to Gaby. He's very amused when he finds out that Berthita and the newlyweds live together in Mario's house, and they agree to team up. Dolphie shows up but Bertha doesn't have time to chat, she quickly leaves. Adolfo prohibits Carlos to hit on her and when he laughs at him (Why, do you like her? Come on, she's much younger than you!) he slaps him hard. I told you, omega.

* In the Genovés villa Bertha sadly tells David that Gabriela makes fool of him. Did she tell you that Carlos had given her a ring?



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