Thursday, January 13, 2011

Eva Luna #48 Wed 1/12/11 Where is Don Julio when we need him?

I am going to have to phone this one in and give the pictures a miss. I got home late from work, and think I got Elvira’s bug. Please feel free to add and correct I know I missed a lot.

Dan is thinking to himself that yesterday everything was perfect, how could it all go so wrong. Than he realizes it can’t be Eva. How could she sign the check if she doesn’t know what his signature looks like.

Also we go back to the house where Leo has Eva. When she stirs he quickly gets up and manages to put her clothes back on her somehow with out waking her up.

Marcella and Vicky are telling the police that Eva robbed them and they are denouncing her for fraud and theft. They want her arrested. They need a photo and Vicky is more than happy to supply one. Marcella emphasizes that it is also Daniel that is denouncing her as well. Vicky tells them they have to work fast and find her before she leaves the country.

Eva wakes up and is a bit confused and asks Leo what happened. She is fully clothed. Leo tells her she fainted. She tells him she is still a bit dizzy. Leo feigns concern and tells her he is worried about her and just wants her to get better.

Fran is telling Jacky all about his adventure at the restaurant. He had to leave because Giorgio would have recognized him. I think he also said something to the fact that he couldn’t figure out what she was even doing there with Giorgio. Than he wonders if he should talk to Giorgio. Jacky sarcastically says sure go ahead see how far that will get you then he will tell her he is just a fake.(or something like that). Then they switch subjects and muse about how strange it is that Eva isn’t going to marry Dan.

Victoria has concerns that Eva will tell Daniel she was the one who gave her the check. Marcella assures her this won’t happen. She also wonders what to do if Dan shows up and refuses to say that Eva is a crook.

Back to Leo and Eva. She is still trying to get her witts about her. Leo continues his “role as friend and protector” telling her she needs to stay there and recover. He also tells her that nothing she does right now will change the circumstances of what happened. She tries to leave and he tells her that if she goes home Dan will certainly be at her place looking for her.

Dan shows up at Marcella’s and tells her that Eva could not have robbed them. She doesn’t even know what his signature looks like. Marcella tells him that she had access to his house. She could have found it there. Than Vicky reminds him about the time she was at Laurita’s birthday party. We have a quick flashback when Dan saw Eva go through his things and she appeared to act quite guilty, and the first seed of doubt is planted in Dan’s mind. But he says he still doesn’t believe she is capable of doing such a thing. Marcella tells him she believes she is capable of this and has sicked the police on her.

Eva is talking with Leo and calls him Senor Leo asking him what she should do. He tells her first to stop calling him Senor, after all they are friends. (I want to chop his head off!!!)

Dan continues to tell Marcella that he doesn’t believe that Eva is capable of doing such a thing. Vicky is outraged he would defend such a creature, after all she just a servant in their house. Dan tells her to stop her rich girl attitude. Victoria is getting all heated up and tells Dan he was probably her accomplice. Dan leaves mad. Old Marcella realizes that Vicky isn’t doing their little evil plot any good by getting angry and tells her she needs to tone it down and apologize to him or she will ruin any hopes of getting him back.

Leo is now telling Eva more lies. He tells her she can’t go face Dan because he has a violent side. He has seen it. Eva tells him she can’t believe they are talking about the same person. He tells her that she has no idea how awful Dan will react when she accuses him of killing her father.
Marcella continues her “pep” talk with Victoria and tells her that Eva is with Leo right now working out his part of the plan.

Alicia is talking with Marisol. She tells her she is really worried about Eva. Her and Tony looked all over for her and couldn’t find her. Marisol tells Eva about being stood up by Fran. She is all ticked off. She may not have any money but she has her pride. The phone rings and it is Fran. Fran makes up a bogus excuse saying he had to go to a meeting and there was millions of dollars at stake. Well maybe a girl has to think about money before pride, as Marisol forgives him and the charade continues. Than she is off to get more credit on her cell phone (What?)

Leo is working on his pictures of Eva when Marcella calls. He tells her Eva is with him. She calls Eva a thieve and a whore (golfa). She tells him she wrote a check out in the company’s name and cashed it. Leo doesn’t believe this. Marcella tells him the police are looking for her. He tells her that isn’t necessary and Marcella wants to know where they are so the police can arrest her. Leo tells Marcella that he has to go and hangs up on her. After he hangs up Marcella mumble to herself calling him an imbecile. (So sad neither one of her children are living up to her loathsome despicable standards).

Vicky has gone over to Daniel‘s house. Upon Marcella’s advise she apologizes. Then Dan tells her he is the one who needs to apologize and tells her to sit down. He tells her that he would give his life for Eva. Vicky seems hurt. She asks him how he could say such a cold thing to her. He tells her that he fell in love with Eva the moment he saw her. He tried to control his feelings but wasn’t able to. Vicky protests and tells him he can’t be in love with such a nobody. Daniel curtly tells her to quit insulting Eva. He tells her that he loves Eva more than he has ever loved anyone.

Leo is pacing around and Eva wants to know if something is wrong. (I got a little lost here so this might not be quite what went down.) Leo lies to her and says that Daniel is now accusing her of robbing the company. She say’s she can’t believe this. Leo continues with the lies.

Vicky is furious with Dan and yelling at him for falling in love with a servant in her house. Daniel retorts, he fell in love with someone that works for her.

Back to Eva and Leo. Eva can’t believe that Daniel would accuse her of such a thing. She didn’t rob anyone. Leo tells her Dan wants to hurt her before she accuses him of killing her father. (I might have this all wrong so please correct me) Eva wants to know how Dan knows she found out and he confesses he told her. Eva gets really mad at Leo for telling Dan. She wanted to confront him.

Leo is now trying to back peddle and apologizes for telling Dan. He tells her now that what Dan wants to do is make it look like she is a crook so when she tries to accuse him they won’t believe her. Eva wants to know how much money is he accusing her of stealing. He tells her $25,000. (I think.) He tells her he has the police out looking for her now. Poor Eva looks very scared angry and confused. She can’t believe that this is happening.

Vicky is still going off on Dan. She tells him she can’t believe he actually fell in love with Eva. Now if it was just a tryst she could understand that. Marcella has meandered over to Dan‘s house as well to stir the pot. She is blaming all these woes on that women (Eva). Victoria is all tears and heart broken as she accuses Dan of breaking her heart because of that vile rat. Marcella tells Dan he has to realize who Eva really is. Nothing more than a thief. She begs him once more to denounce her. Than she say’s her goodbyes and reminds him about an important meeting with an important client in the morning.

Brief interlude of no real importance, Justa is off to church and Adrian asks if he can go to the park and play with his friends. She tells him fine but to be home early.

Leo is telling Eva they have to think and think fast. There is no time to feel sorry for herself. The police are looking for her. She tells him she needs to call home. Leo asks her if she is going to call Dan.

Tony starts coming on to Alicia. She tells him to quit bugging her. Tony acts all hurt and wants to know why she is being so nasty to him. He is just trying to help and get her to calm down. Alicia tells him how can she be calm when her sister is missing.

Alicia is now on the phone talking with Eva. Alicia is relieved she called. We don’t hear Eva’s voice but we can tell she is talking to fast as Alicia seems quite confused (that is her natural state). Tony is intently listening in and we hear Alicia saying she knows what place she is talking about and agrees to meet her there.

Eva hangs up the phone and thanks Leo. He asks her if she is certain Alicia won’t tell anyone where she is. She tells him she has every confidence in Alicia that she won’t tell anyone. She than tells him that she needs to go out to the garden to get some air. Leo tells her he will be in his bedroom and if she needs anything to let him know. Once she leaves, he takes her purse from under a counter and places it on the fire place. (I have no idea what that was all about but it was in my notes.)

Fran is washing Dan’s blue convertible. Dan shows up and says he needs to take a drive. Fran tells him he probably needs to go think thinks over. We see him driving around and stopped in the middle of traffic. Then we see he has parked the car and is thinking to himself. He can’t understand why she would do something like this, after all he loves her so much.

Alicia is running around the room packing a bunch of Eva’s stuff. Tony enters and wants to know what is going on. She doesn’t tell him and he gets all ticked at her. He sarcastically apologizes to her for being concerned.

Adrian comes running back into the house and tells them the police are out front. They come in and ask for Eva. Alicia and Tony play dumb (which isn’t a far stretch for either of them) and tell them they have no idea where she is. Then they ask what they are looking for her for. The police tell them fraud and theft. Alicia says she can’t believe that. This has to be a mistake. Eva wouldn’t hurt an insect. One of the policemen tell her maybe she wouldn’t hurt an insect but she could still rob a bank (Or something like that)
Alicia asks to look at the arrest report and they hand it over to her.

Victoria and Marcella are having a little poolside chat. Victoria asks her why she came over to Dan’s house. She tells her she had to make sure that she was apologizing and not arguing with him. She tells her she apologized but was surprised when Dan confessed he was in love with Eva. Marcella seems surprised that he had the nerve to confess it. Victoria tells her it was hard to pretend that she didn’t already know, but when he told her face to face it that he was never in love with her the way he loves Eva, she was about to fly off the handle (punto de perder los estribos).

Alicia is looking over the papers and wants to know who is accusing Eva of theft. She can’t believe it is Daniel. The police ask Alicia and Tony if they know who he is. Alicia says that Eva works for the Arismendis and has seen Daniel a few times and that’s it. Then they say they have a warrant to search the place and Tony tells them to have at it.

Marcella continues to tell Vicky that when she had been gone so long at Daniel’s it occurred to her that she had to do something and that is why she went over to his house. It is better to prevent than to be sorry. Victoria thanks her for being so clever and having her back. She tells her she is incredible. Marcella smiles back and tells her it is from years of experience. To keep control you always have to be one step ahead. You avoid things that aren’t convenient. Victoria smiles in adoration.

The police have finished their search and leave and we quickly jump back poolside with Victoria pacing about nervously. Marcella asks her why she is so nervous. Victoria says what if Daniel doesn’t fall in their trap. Marcella tells her to stop worrying. Everything will turn out fine. Victoria tells her it is because she loves him and wants to be with him. But she is sure he is probably with Eva. Marcella tells her that is not the case. Eva is with Leo right now. Than Victoria wants to know why he wont call the police. Marcella tells her it is because Leo doesn’t want to send her to jail (Or press charges or something to that nature).

Victoria says she knew he wouldn’t agree with their plan. Marcella tells her that doesn’t matter. The thing that matters is that Daniel doesn’t find Eva.

Back at the pension Alicia is twitting about saying she can’t believe Eva is messed up in this. Tony tries to comfort her and tells her he would never have imagined she could be a thief. Alicia snaps at him and tells him Eva is not a thief. Tony acts offended and says that isn’t what he was saying. Than he says what other explanation is there for her running away like that. Alicia tells him she doesn’t know but hopefully Eva will tell her when they meet up.

She starts packing Eva’s things and Tony offers to help her and take her there. Alicia tells him no, because she promised Eva she would come alone. He says he just wants to drive her there. Alicia snaps at him and says what part of no don’t you understand. He acts all hurt and tells her all he wants to do is help her and all she does is chew him out. He says he will never learn. Alicia stops for a moment and apologizes and tells him she has to do this for Eva and can’t let her down. Tony turns “soft hearted” and says okay, but you know I am always here for you if you need anything. All he wants to do his help her. Alicia thanks him and he tells her to tell Eva Hi and that all the differences between them are behind them. He tells her he is really worried about Eva as well. Alicia graciously thanks him and leaves. After she leaves creepy Tony thought bubbles “ Oh Evita I hope they catch you and throw you in jail and you get at least ten years. In the meantime I will be busy consoling your little sister Alicia.”

Victoria is all worried that Daniel won’t return to her. That he will continue to be in love with Eva. Marcella assures her that in a few days the love he has for Eva will be history. She tells her that soon Daniel will come to their door and beg her forgiveness. Victoria asks her if she really thinks so. Marcella tells her not only does she think this but is convinced. Pretty soon he will realize that he has encountered a thief. He will return to her. The only certain and sure relationship he has left is Victoria. Victoria smiles hopefully.

We have some flashbacks from Eva . The first kiss, the hospital visit, etc. etc. Then Eva promptly says out loud it was all a lie.

Then she remembers the car accident and the red car fleeing. Her being in the car with Leo and seeing Dan coming out of the red convertible. She yells “You took something from me that I loved.”. We see Leo lurking in the shadows.

Dan has showed up at the pension and is pounding on Eva’s door. Tony comes out from under a slimy rock and tells Daniel she isn’t there. He wants to know where she is. Tony acting all sympathetic tells him he is sorry to have to tell him this but Eva left. Dan wants to know where. Tony tells him he doesn’t know but she is far away and the worse part is she will be gone for good. Dan shakes his head in disbelief.

Dan asks Tony why he is saying that. Tony tells him she packed up all her stuff and she isn’t returning. Tony tells him he is really sorry because he knows he really loved her. He tells him it is probably like the police said. The delinquent just left with what she wanted. Dan asks him what he is referring to. Tony tells him “Eva robbed you Right?” “That’s what the police said. Her intention was to swindle you.”
Daniel asks him how he would know that. Tony looks around than says, the police were here just a bit ago and he saw the warrant with Daniels name on it accusing Eva. He says he knows there is proof that Eva cashed the check. He tells Daniel this wasn’t the first time Eva has done something like this and probably won’t be the last time. Daniel shakes his head in disbelief and demands to see Alicia. Tony tells her Alicia isn’t there. He just saw her leave a bit ago with her suitcases and is sure she is probably going to meet up with Eva.

He tells Daniel that he doesn’t believe Alicia will return either. He tells Daniel that Alicia confessed everything to him. They go from city to city looking for work as domestic help for the rich like Daniel. Than they seduce them and get the men to fall in love with them and rob a large amount of money and then disappear. That is after the relationship is formalized. And Daniels seed of doubt has just been fertilized with Tony’s "bull spit" as we see him listening with a devastated face.


Triunfo del Amor #8 1/12/11 A triumph of Max's stupidity.

I know, they're kissing and it's all romantic and stuff…but I'm partly distracted by the acne along her jaw line. Yes, yes, I'm horrible! But all the holiday sugaring up I did has my poor jaw line in a similar state. I guess I assumed the show's makeup people would have done a better job of hiding it than I can manage with a cover stick. Upon replay and review with my personal advisor, AKA, Mr. 5ft, he also was distracted by the acne. What a disaster! Maybe they'll do some product placement later that will explain how this got past the dailies? Anyway…Maria breaks it off and says Max has made a mistake. That's it. Period. End of story. A mistake! He just met her and he's sneaking her off to a pal's apartment to mack on her…who the hell does he think she is? "Ummm…a modern girl?" Well what the hell do you mean by that? One with no dignity or decorum? Maria says even though she's no "mojigata" (prude) she cares enough about herself not to be some pretty boy's sex object. Max looks gratified by the answer, but then seems to realize that he has seriously fucked up.

Oscar(?) the accountant tells Antonieta that it's just as possible to live without love as it is to live without caviar at breakfast and champagne at dinner. Well, in that case. Pfft! He says it's a consolation that he doesn't have to live with the roller coaster of emotions. Toni isn't sure she agrees. Or that he's really ok with living without love. He says he's not going to turn being alone in to some kind of tragedy. Antonieta takes it upon herself to turn it into a tragedy for him…by saying that he won't feel the same way when he's old. "Think about it." Well, thanks, Debbie Downer!

Milagros is using the same logic to try to hook Don Napo. Stick to your guns, Don Napo! You be a solterón (confirmed bachelor) if you want to! Milagros says a man always needs a woman around to fill his belly and warm up his bed! Heh…in our house it's the other way around! Juanjo tells her to back off already. Napo says he's not alone…he has a daughter living in the US. Milagros says it's not the same as the love of a fiery woman…"A mí si me urge un bombero que apague la llama de esta pasión que me consume!" (I sho'nuf do need a fireman to put out the flame of passion that consumes me!) Poor Juanjo, having to listen to his mom throw herself at his best friend like that. Here's a thought…maybe Milagros should write trashy romance novels! With prose like that, they're sure to be a hit. Don Napo tries to run off and Juanjo begs his mom to quit coming on to Don Napo like that or he won't come back. Behind her back. Napo thanks Juanjo from saving him from the clutches of his fiery mother! Once he leaves, Milagros says he needs to be her wingman instead of cock-blocking her all the time!

Antonieta cries in the showroom and gets busted by Pipino, who won't take "nothing" for an answer. And he's not buying her "headache" excuse either. He invites her to his place for drinks and talking and promises he won't repeat what she says.

Max remembers Maria talking about wanting to have a family and people who love her and wanting to be joined with the man she loves with God's blessing, because she's not a prude, but she's not going to give it up to him just cause he's hot.

Linda tries to drag the trash out, but Juanjo sees her in the hallway and does it for her, since she's just too darn pretty to do it herself. He pretty much offers his services as boyfriend, but she shoots him down cold. She goes back into the apartment and laughs about it to Nathy. This Linda is bad news. I predict she'll cause more trouble than Fer in the end. We'll see. Nathy doesn't hint broadly enough that she has a thing for Juanjo and so has to listen to Linda talk about how terrible it would be to be married to him and have to work for a living, and then have to come home with aching feet and cook him dinner, and then have to be all sexified for him in bed. Ugh! Poor Nathy. Linda says a man like that is only handsome if he's got money. Just then Maria comes running in, crying. She can't quit crying long enough to tell them what's wrong.

Victoria and Ossy have dinner. Vic is tickling his leg with her foot under the table. She says just because she's a workaholic doesn't mean she doesn't love him. Os says he wishes she were more involved and took more of an interest in what he's doing and that gets lonely and sometimes wants to…"What? Get another woman?!" No answer.

Linda tells Maria "I told you so," but she thought Max was different. And he was such a good kisser she thought she'd found the love of her life and maybe they could really have something. "Why can't things be like you dream just sometimes?" Maria cries that he's the only guy, even though Linda says the world is full of guys.

Max contemplates his stupidity as Pipino comes in. He wants to hear how it went, but Max won't tell him. "Come on, I'm like a tomb!" "Right, more like an open grave!" Pipino can't wrap his head around Max having failed to make a conquest and declares Casanova dead. Max counters that he may have lost the battle, but not the war! He thinks Maria is either "muy lista" (very smart) or "muy buena" (very good). Cut! Can we have a substitution of galán, please? I don't think this one's getting the point. Max announces he's going to go find out right now. So help me, if this involves more deception or some stupid test, I will no longer care how cute he is! Pipino takes a whiff of Max's drink and raises an eyebrow.

Vic admits it was a stupid question. Os says she knows him better than anyone, so she should know that he would never disrespect her like that. He says he's never so much as thought of another woman the whole time they've been together. Vic knows it, that's why she wants him to forgive her. Os agrees, but says there must be something behind the question. He asks if she wants him to cheat on her so she'll be able to be a workaholic in peace. Vic shakes her head.

Bernie is looking at old pictures and Tomasa asks if she can see. There's a picture of Bern and Octavio on their wedding day. She looks pissed off and not youthful at all. Tomasa says that Don Octavio looks really young, and Bernie…came out looking very "guapa" (beautiful)…in that photo. Listen to it again, I am only slightly exaggerating those pauses. There are some other pictures where Vic really does look young and hot, and then one where's she's with some guy… Bernie says he's no one. Tomasa takes the tray and leaves. Bernie remembers Octavio confronting her about not being JP's biodad. Bernie looks at the pictures again and tells "no one" that he's JP's real dad, but JP will never know. I don't know if they used the exact same actor or not, but I can see the resemblance to this guy, with the facial scruff and the floppy hair. "The dead don't speak."

JP prays to God to protect his mom from all evil and also for his father's eternal rest. 1. There is no way in heaven or hell to protect her from herself and 2. Would you like a 2-for-1 special on prayers for the eternal rest of dads known and unknown?

Max goes out to a club with Fabian, who thinks he deserved what he got. Max can't stop thinking she's just screwing with him and is smarter than the other girls he knows, that's all. Yes, exactly. She's smart enough not to let you get into her pants just because you're hot! That doesn't mean she's screwing with you, doofus! Some bimbo comes up to Max and invites him for a drink with some girlfriends at a nearby table. He says he'll meet her there later. Fabian just laughs at him. Max starts to take off and Fabian asks if he'll be at "canotaje" (kayaking?). Max says it depends on how he feels when he wakes up in the morning, heh, heh, heh. Dumb. Ass.

Maria, on the other hand, rather than drowning her sorrows in the beefy pecs of another hottie, is lying in bed crying like the respectable girl she is. She also remembers the afternoon with Max and telling him she's not the kind of girl to be taken to a bachelor pad and macked on. She says she doesn't know how she'll be able to believe in him again.

Out in the living room Linda is glad Maria has finally gone to sleep. Not that she really cares. She figures Maria will get over it once she realizes the awful truth…that all men are alike. Nathy asks how Linda knows so much about men. "Because I have the wisdom of life, of the street. That's what matters most. And I graduated with honors." She promises when she finally shares all her wisdom with Nathy, Nathy's "chones" (slang for "calzones", panties) will fall right off from the shock!

Victoria tells Osvaldo that she doesn't just love him, but she also admires him as a man and an artist. And thanks to his understanding, she's been successful. Os says he's sometimes afraid they'll end up like other couples, like two strangers who end up repeating the same arguments, the same habits, the same routines, and all without love. Vic reminds him they love each other. Os is appeased, but he asks when was the last time they just sat and talked about them, talked about their feelings and thoughts and desires. They always end up talking about the kids or work, but never about their relationship.

Linda asks Nathy if she's ever made love andNathy is shocked at the question. She laughs at the very idea. She gets a little sad and says she's never even kissed anyone on the mouth! Linda says she doesn't know what she's missing!

The waiter hands over the bill and when Osvaldo goes into his wallet for his credit card, and incriminating slip of paper falls out…Linda's phone number. Vic confronts him about it. Os says he can't remember whose number it is. "Oh, please…I get 3 or 4 of those a day, wanting me to call them." He signs the receipt as Victoria thought bubbles that she's not going to forget that name. Ok, how long have they been married? And how long has she been suspicious that he's maybe cheating on her? And how many times in all those years has she been right? And why does she keep wasting her energy being suspicious? And if she's really that suspicious then why doesn't she just do the sensible thing and put a PI on retainer to keep tabs on him at all times?

Pipino serves Toni some tea and cookies. Toni wonders why all men aren't like him…friendly, genteel, gentlemanly. Pipino has noticed she's been sad, but Toni can't explain it. Well…he can! "It's the evil of this age…loneliness." Toni says she knew it was all an act. "Máscaras vemos, sufrimientos no sabemos." (We see the masks, but we don't know the sufferings. It's a paraphrasing of "Caras vemos, corazones no sabemos" meaning we see faces, but we don't know what's in people's hearts) Pip asks her who is the man she's all torn up over, cause he knows it must be something to do with love.

The three musketeerettes slumber on…or at least, 2 of them do. Linda sneaks out of bed and into the living room to make a phone call.

Milagros tells Juanjo that he can stop denying it…she knows he's into Linda. He admits he is, but says she doesn't take him seriously. Milagros says he hasn't learned the art of seducing a woman. That could have gone in a very bad direction, but she just tells him he needs to heap compliments on her, buy her flowers, surprise her every day with some "detalle" (a little gift, a gesture, something nice), say romantic things in her ear. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach, but women are won over with words…with boleros, presents…. Juanjo says he's going to win her over or his name isn't Juanjo! Time to pick a new name then. Unless we get the usual plot devices and she gets pregnant by someone else, decides she needs a baby daddy, seduces Juanjo to make him think it's his and gets him to marry her. Short of that, there is no way she's ending up with him.

Linda calls the production offices and says she's calling from Pedro Segovia's office and he needs to speak to Osvaldo immediately. She gets the numbnuts on the other end of the line to give her all of Osvaldo's phone numbers. Even Linda is shocked by her good fortune.

Os and Vic get home and Os asks her to quit busting his balls over something so unimportant. Vic says she agrees and asks forgiveness. Os asks for a kiss. The phone rings and he convinces Vic to ignore it, but the maid answers it and tells Osvaldo he has a call from Linda Sortini and she says it's urgent. Os refuses the call and says to tell her he's not in. Vic is upset that he denied knowing her, but here she is calling on the private line. Osvaldo figures it must be someone from production that he's forgotten about meeting (does her really think that or does he know damn well who Linda is and he's covering his ass?). Vic says they've never called the house before and he tries to convince her not to get upset. Vic says she's tired and sleepy. Os can't get her to stop going upstairs and repeats that it must just be someone from production. He takes Linda's number out of his pocket and thought bubbles that Linda is very "atrevida" (daring) but he doesn't look like that's a good thing and he crumples the phone number.

Max goes kayaking. But wait, there's more!

Juan Pablo is downstairs when Bernie calls to him. She's wearing a veil over her face and says this is a painful day from her. Another year since his father's death. JP says he loved his father and it's very painful for him too, but if that's what God wanted, they need to accept God's will. Bernie claims she just can't get over the sorrow. She says "let's go."

Max's kayaking coach is not happy with his time and asks what's up with him. Max says he was up too late last night. The coach yells at him that maybe he needs to quit doing that the night before training or he's not going to qualify. Max puts his sunglasses on and gets back to his training.

Bernie weeps at Octavio's plaque. "Why did you leave me? Why did you abandon me? I no longer have anyone by my side? No one." JP asks her not to say that, since she still has him. Bernie lifts her veil and asks if she really does…"Then swear to me that you'll always be by my side and that no matter what happens, you'll never abandon me…swear it to me!" JP hugs her and says of course he swears it. Bernie thanks him.

Maria has brought some gifts to the sisters at the orphanage. She's been working on some doilies to sell at the upcoming church bazaar. She'd also like to make confession and luckily for her, the priest will be visiting today. And a young'un at that!

Maria asks the Virgen, as a mother, to protect her. She puts herself in the Virgen's hands, since she doesn't have parents. Padre JP covers her hands and says "hija mia" (my daughter) and he and Maria smile at each other.

Sweet William Levy in a kayak!

Tomorrow: Tomasa keeps insisting the JP needs to know the truth; Max le lleva serenata! And how will Maria respond?


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Llena de Amor #106 (Mex. 111) Wed 1/12/11 Another Busy Night In Llena Land

Jeesh. Hard to keep up with all the action tonight. And there seemed to be some odd slips between last night's episode and today's. How did the doc get smuggled out and Emanuel remain in the room undiscovered? And how did Mauricio recover miraculously from that massive conker Ilitia gave him? Inquiring minds want to know but I doubt if we'll get answers. What DID happen was Fedra came up with a lot of sniveling motherly reasons why she kept Gretel in the wine cellar for two years. Vicky had a number of visits, complete with take-out food to her jail cell. Benigno teases the General about how loco he was on the SOUP. Oliver staggered out of the hospital and arrived at the police station just in time for Emiliano to try and beat him up again. Manolo gets both teary-eyed and starry-eyed over seeing her dad and her brother Axel , and Oliver gets jealous!? Ilitia and Brandon bond over a turned ankle and some snowcones and Mauricio pitches a fit when he sees Kristel up close and personal with Lorenzo. Our brain-cell defecit fresa is thrilled of course. And since Mama Fedra got cosy with Garduño and brokered a deal to get him out in return for Mauricio marrying Kristel, we may have a Beastly Boda in the offing.

So let's break it down scene by scene. (Whew! Taking a break to check on the basketball game. OSU DID beat Michigan tonight. How sweet it is.) Now back to Llena. Netty's trying to sneak up to her room with a tray and nosy Gladiola is trying to get in on the act to no avail. Fortunately Brandon is there to divert Mom by reading the article Manolo wrote stating that Mauricio Fonseca engineered the Lirio robbery at the agency to make off with money he owed his associates. Glad recognizes that even though Manolo's a little light on his feet he "tiene pantalones" (has guts). But Lordy! what about Netty? The doctor spent all night in her room. It's one thing to throw "una canita al aire" (have a little fling) but to "echarse la peluca entera" (but to have a bodacious fling, my word!)

Back to Fedra and Emiliano. Last night it looked like he was going to kill her.
But already, our pathological liar is wheedling her way out of trouble. In a nutshell, here's her explanation. She's a devoted mother and couldn't bear to send Gretel away to a loony bin in Switzerland or anywhere else. Better to keep her close to home where she could be well cared for. The wine cellar!!!!???? Emiliano interjects. Yes, well, the doctors said she needed to be away from the family. For her own protection. Go ahead. Just ask Dr. Peralta. He'll confirm what I'm saying. But my children are sacred to me. My own flesh and blood. How could you believe such ugly things about me, whimpers Fedra.

Emiliano looks bamboozled again but he remains on task. WHERE IS SHE NOW? Well, unfortunately, Devoted Madre doesn't have that particular information.

So let's switch to some other recent crazies. Benigno and the General are having a chat about the loco soup they both ate while Paula bustles off to do the dishes. The General wants to know what he said and did. Well, you talked to people who weren't there and you told me Gretel was actually your and Paula's daughter. The General sniffs and allows as how they lost a battle but not the war. Revenge on Fedra is just around the corner.

Poor Oliver continues to receive the worst of care from GretelMan. If she's not all over him cutting off his oxygen supply, she's winding him up with tales of Gretel's sequestration. He's bound and determined to haul himself out of bed and confront Fedra and find his woman. This would be a great time for her to let him know who she really is, but instead she fights with him while he bleeds some more and tries to get dressed. Ugh. I know it's for purposes of plot but it's maddening, no?

Has Netty been any better? Well, somewhat. After a lot of arguing, she did finally call the doctor. And now Emanuel, dressed in Doc's shirt, says he'd be dead without her help. I didn't help YOU, she snaps. I helped el Lirio de Plata. So how come she hates him so?What did he ever do to her. Not me! To my niece. She found you making love to Ilitia in the very bed where she gave you her Love for the first time.

Emanuel is shocked. Why he hasn't touched a woman since he made love to Marianela.
But....hmmmm....he sees a mental flashback of his drunken bachelor party scene. It's all coming back now. He was soused out of his mind. Ilitia said she had another surprise for him. She dimmed the lights and started unfastening her dress. Uh oh.

Hold that thought while we zip over to Vicky's cell. It's been outfitted with a cot and a light sheet , and Vicky has managed to sleep without mussing her hair, rubbing off her make-up or wrinkling her skimpy dress. Telenovela magic! And here's Prince Charming Brandon with breakfast, flowers and some freshly minted documents proving she's really Victoria de la Garza. Cool no? (By the way, I have read that friends and family are responsible for providing food and drink for prisoners while incarcerated, so Brandon's breakfast is indeed welcome.)

Oliver and GretelMan continue to tussle in the hospital room. This cannot be good. Manolo finally threatens that if he doesn't behave, GretelMan will give him a spanking. "Brincos diera" (you wish!) snaps Oliver. Back down on his bed for now, Manolo hovers so close, a kiss seems imminent.
Oliver closes his eyes and hope's the guy will go away. He doesn't. Oliver begins to have doubts about his masculinity. (Oh for Pete's sakes Gretel. TELL HIM!)

Well, secrets are still being kept at the boarding house as well. Emanuel's trying to sneak out, with Netty close behind. Consuelo and Gladiola want to welcome Dr. Arnoldo into the family. And by the way Netty, your romance is fine with us. Why not? You're a good-looking woman. Free. Go for it! Gladiola adds.

Consuelo sticks her oar in and sniffs that she's been called a loose woman(cascos ligeros) but look at Netty. All night long with the doctor if you please. Not the same, snaps Glad. Because....because...well because Netty is the owner of this place. Emanuel keeps his back turned to the ladies, shrugging and waving good-naturedly while Netty gradually pushes him out. He makes his exit grabbing for her shapely derriere (gotta play the part y'know) and does escape without being detected.

Well, Brandon didn't waste much time in Vicky's cell. He's now out at the police station canteen discussing Emanuel's dondeabouts with Ilitia. After a few digs--you know your husband could be el Lirio de Plata but nah...he has nowhere near the guts and the stature of that guy--the conversation switches to the marital relationship. Leaning closer and closer, Brandon opines the Manny isn't giving Ilitia what she needs. Hubster isn't making her feel like a woman. Undeterred by her token insults (patan, gorila) he gets nose to nose and reminds her that they're so much alike. If she doesn't like him, it's because she doesn't like what she sees in the mirror. They are the same.

Ilitia: Don't you dare equate us! And don't get any closer either.
Brandon: How long are you going to keep up this role of the faithful wife? Do you like being the difficult woman that men fight over?
I: MY HUSBAND is the only man who interests me!
B: You're not my type either. But something about you....gets into my heartand into my head...and drives me nuts. We had a beautiful time together in Los Angeles, don't you remember?

Ilitia's face softens for a moment and she smiles, indeed remembering. Brandon moves in then to kiss her and suddenly the face of Mauricio appears. She screams, jumps backwards and dashes from the place.

Whew. Now there was a scene with some juice to it. Lots of tom-toms beating in the background. These two can certainly heat up the screen. But I suppose they'll take their own sweet time getting there.

Like Oliver and GretelMan. Our gut-shot policeman drags himself into the police station just in time to be confronted (again!) by an enraged Emiliano. Papa wants to talk to the Comisario, but he's more than happy to start pounding on Oliver in the meantime.

So back to our lovers. We see Ilitia, lost in thought, vowing never to be touched again as she walks into the street right in front of a car. Brandon dashes in and saves her. (Ah, our favorite teenaged fantasy, right, gals? Strong, broad-shouldered, big-chested man swoops in and rescues us from danger. Fade to black.) Well, all right, fade to a park bench. Brandon carries her there and then sets about ministering some sexy first-aid. He can't do much for the twisted ankle, but that cut on her knee..... well now, he's ready to put some spit on a clean hanky and wipe it off. Seriously, I understand that saliva can be an antibiotic for cuts. And Moms do this all the time. But naturally Ilitia is all oooheeeyuck about having Naco Drool on her skin.

Still, Brandon prevails, being the manly man that he is, and then decides that her pallor and cold hands indicate she needs hydration. Off he pops to get them both a snow cone (raspados), and hey, a third one for the other guy on the bench. Now the die is really cast. This is always a pivotal scene in telenovelas. When the snobby hero or heroine, settles in to enjoy poor folks food with the naco hero, well, can coitus and true love be far behind? Not likely. Even though Ilitia natters a bit about it being "fattening" , she's soon sticking her elegant tongue into the delicious concoction while Brandon encourages her to dig even deeper and suck it up!

Oh my! Junk food foreplay. I love it.

Things are heating up at the police station also. Emiliano wants to find Gretel. So does Oliver. How dare he say that after kidnapping his daughter and torturing her!? GretelMan jumps in to defend Oliver as having had nothing to do with that.
Emiliano looks at him/her like what would YOU know about it.

G: I know Oliver DEEPLY.
O: Not that deeply! Jeez!
G: Well, I know he'd die rather than let something happen to Gretel.

The Comisario shoos them out and then has to deal with Emiliano on his own. He wants to know why Comi hasn't fired that beastly policeman. Take it down a notch, threatens the chief. Oliver is an excellent officer. Well, my daughter's disappeared and we must find her!

Okay. A somewhat quiet moment at the boarding house. Delicia is busy sweeping because golly gee whiz, she's not used to just sitting around. When Glad wants to gossip about Netty's new romance, De proves once again she's the sharpest pencil in the box. She doesn't believe for one moment that Netty's got something going with that paunchy doc. Just then Nereida arrives with a false peace offering and a request for Delicia to return to Misery Manor. Delicia suggests that Nereida take the broom and fly off 'cause no way is she ever going back to that madhouse. Not even if she begs her on bended knee (a rodillas).

And we zoom back to Benigno and the General who's getting the 411 about Marianela naming Victoria as her representative. The General's dthat his niece is sharp enough to do that and even more pleased to think how the news will affect Fedra. Now it's time that he pull himself into shape, get spiffed up and presentable. Emanuel arrives later, shrugs off his tendertsender shoulder as an exercise injury, and lets General know he's going to put all his wealth in Marianela's hands.

Now here's my favorite scene (well, after the hawt goings on with Brandon and Ilitia). Running a close second is the juicy encounter of Fedra with Garduño in the prison visiting lounge. Fedra opines as how they don't run in the same social circles but by golly, he's just her kind of guy. You'd better believe it. And she has an offer he can't refuse. She knows powerful people who can spring him out of here in a minute. All she needs to do is make a phone call (telefonazo). And the deal? Make Mauricio Fonseca marry her daughter. Weeellll, Garduño could do that. 'Cause if Mau doesn't follow orders, he ends up in the trunk of trailer headed for the Great Beyond. Fedra looks conflicted for a moment. Gee, which would she rather have, Mauricio six feet under or Mauricio as a son-in-law? Motherly Love plus Kristel's blackmail pressure put her on the side of the wedding. It's a done deal. She licks her lips and burbles that she just knows she and Garduño are going to be great friends.

Now while Emiliano is emoting over finding his daughter, Oliver is taking concrete steps. He hands a photo of Gretel to another officer, tells him to memorize that face and look for her! Enter Axel, who's come, belatedly, to join the hunt for Gretel as well. GretelMan is stunned to see him and give him a look of delight and adoration that leaves Oliver a bit miffed. And it goes from bad to worse. She hugs, she gushes, she hugs again (because Marianela was sending extra hugs, doncha know?)and Oliver finally has to point out that Manolo's being very forward (lanzado) and just eating Axel up with his eyes for gawdsakes! A jealous scene already, laughs the Comisario, as he steps into the office. (Oh please Gretel! Tell them now!)

Well, that was a cute scene anyway. Rather touching. Not so the leering lewd scene with Lorenzo and our shapely little Kristel. She's engaging in all kinds of sexy poses for the camera, while Lo thought bubbles than taking his revenge on Fedra will be no trouble at all. This sexy little dish is quite to his liking.
Kristel is happy to go along with it to a point. But no "mochi-mochi" like I saw you up to with Mom. Our little fresa draws the line somewhere, I'm happy to see. And besides, Mauricio is her true love. And arrives right on cue to thunder and protest Lo's hands all over his woman.

L: Didn't know you owned her, bub.
M: Well, I do. So run along to the park with you little kid, granddad, and leave her alone.
L: I'm just concerned about her. You don't seem to be treating her well.
M: You'd better be concerned about your own wife Muñeca. And I'll kill you if you ever lay hands on Kristel again.

Good Lord, Kristel is in seventh heaven. She's practically dancing she's so stoked. This is as close to a declaration of love as she's ever going to get from her skanky beau and she's thrilled. Even though Mau is brusque as usual and informs her he's not there to see her at all. It's Victoria he wants to meet. Well too bad. That Spanish wannabe is in a jail cell, accused of theft and complicity with el Lirio de Plata. Close-up of Mauricio looking impactado. ( And rather handsome when you come right down to it. Sorry, I know you all hate him. But the guy has nice bone structure underneath that mantan skin.)

Well, okay. What about Vicky? Seems she has another gentleman caller. It's Emanuel. She's still not playing nice. "Qué haces aqui?" Manny thinks that's a little cold. How about a "Hello. How are you"After all, he came "en son de paz" (in the name of peace) and toting both a cup of coffee and a sandwich. Well, our beeyatch will take the coffee but forget the sandwich. She loses her appetite when she sees him. Harsh Vicky! Harsh!

Well, I came to get you out of jail, is his mild reply. And there we end.

Ilitia finally tells Brandon the horror that happened on her wedding day.
Brandon goes to kill Mauricio.
Emanuel tells Vicky he hasn't made love to another woman since he loved Marianela. She snaps that she doesn't believe him. She's not the fool she was before. QUÉ!? he stammers.

echarse una canita al aire....echarse la peluca entera = to have a have a bodacious fling!
tener pantalones = to have guts
estar en sus cabales = to be in one's right mind
brincos diera = lit. to give jumps fig. you wish!
y si mi abuelita tenia ruedas, serias bicicleta = if my grandmother had wheels, she'd be a bicycle, in other words...yeah, right, sure fella, like I believe you...not!
o te comportas o te da un par de nalgadas = either you behave or I'm going to give you a spanking
de muy buen ver = attractive
soy de cascos ligeros = I'm an easy woman
eres un lanzado = you're very forward
brote de celos = an outbreak of jealousy

Dicho of the Day

poner los ojos como platos = to have your eyes get big as plates, to become very surprised or overwhelmed with amazement (Mauricio when he heard Victoria was in jail for complicity in theft)


La Fea Más Bella #165-166 1/12/11 The end of the world as we know it.

Capitulo 165.
Read Julie’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Lety cries as she reads the letter, but by the end her emotion is cold wrath. Just then Marcia, stoked with fury, charges into her office. Lety says the folders will be ready in ten minutes. Marcia gets snotty so Lety gets defiant. Marcia tries to verbally smack her down and calls her an idiot, so Lety yells, “I’m in no mood to tolerate your arrogance either.”

2. Lety says that after the meeting Marcia won’t see her anymore. Marcia thinks it’s a plot to make her look like the villain, and she says, “Today I’m prepared for anything!” (Don’t count on it, Tutz.) If Lety doesn’t resign, Marcia is ready to kick her out, and if Lety doesn’t go, Marcia will.

3. Marcia listens as Alicia tries to push the witches around and tells them Marcia is just a foolish producer. Marcia pulls her up short and orders her to serve the coffee.

4. Fern asks how he can write a card today. What can he say? “I love you and I’m getting married”? (This indicates that Omar has convinced him that he has to go through with the wedding.) He says that when Marcia is next to him, he feels repugnance.

5. Fern and Omar enter the meeting. Fern tells Marcia, “Don’t worry, I’ll marry you just like I promised.”

6. Screenshot 42:19 – 42:45. Lety pulls papers out of the folders and tells the cuartel that there is an error she needs to fix. Lety distributes the folders to the board. Fernando opens his folder and reads, “Mi estimado presidente..” And his world turns upside-down.

Capitulo 166.
Read k-Fuego’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it. It would be impossible to briefly summarize this episode. Every sentence carries too much weight and I could not bear to leave out anything. Read the complete recap. But I leave you a few of Pata's wonderful screenshots.

Omar's initial reaction.



Even now, Lety is still focused on Fernando's pain.



Fernando is a broken man.



Torn between two lovers, and he made the wrong choice.


Eva Luna #47 Tue 1/11/11 Hiding behind pastry carts seems like a good idea.

Eva Luna Episode #47—Hiding behind pastry carts seems like a good idea.

I apologize again, I am not feeling up to snuff (nothing bad, just one of those things) and hope to finish this recap in the morning, but this time I did make video clips, so I'm posting a bulleted list of what happened, plus the clips. Discuss amongst yourselves and I'll finish the recap in the morning (I hope!). Edit: I think the summary gets most of the points so maybe I'll just elaborate on that in the morning.

Bulleted list of what happened on Eva Luna (based on memory, I hope I get this right):

  • Idiot Eva goes with Leo up to his mountain hideaway (or wherever it is) where he plies her with a drugged beverage. When she is passed out he places her in his bed, undresses her, takes off his own shirt, and photographs her and him in a "compromising position" on the bed. (Shades of Llena de Amor, where Ilitia and Kristel did that with a zonked-out Emanuel.) When she starts to wake up, he quickly dresses her so she's not aware of what happened.
  • While up at the mountain hideaway (but before passing out) Eva talks about pressing charges against Daniel for the hit-and-run of her dad, but Leo doesn't think that's a good idea (wonder why?) and tells her he'll be "with her" in helping her get revenge on Daniel. Eva also wants to confront Daniel herself, but of course we know Leo won't allow that either!
  • Evil Marcela takes Daniel to the bank in order to convince him that Eva stole money from the company by forging Daniel's signature. The bank guy helpfully shows closed circuit camera photos of Eva cashing the check. Daniel almost buys this but even so, does not want formal charges pressed against Eva until he can talk to her and get clarification. Then later he starts thinking about it and starts suspecting that something is not right, as it is all too perfect. In particular, he wonders how could Eva forge his signature when she's never seen Daniel's signature?
  • Icky spews delusional garbage to her dad about how she is going to marry Daniel. He tries to reason with her. Then Icky tells her dad that his "angel" Eva is actually the woman that Daniel was two-timing her with. Don Julio doesn't want to believe this until Icky shows the photos. Then Don Julio remembers how both Eva and Daniel hinted around that something was going on, and (I think) Don Julio connects the dots and does not think ill of them for it. He also reminds her that her relationship with Daniel was never quite genuine either, but rather was pushed on them by Marcela. Icky is infuriated by this, as expected. When Icky demands that Don Julio fire Eva, Don Julio refuses.
  • Renata visits Doña Justa at the pension and tells her that yes, her baby died. That Don Julio is "muy feliz" (very happy) with Marcela, and that he's forgotten all about Justa. (This is of course the exact opposite of the truth, because 1) Justa's baby is alive in the form of Icky, and 2) Don Julio JUST TOLD RENATA himself how much he wished he'd stuck with Justa.) Justa is devastated by the news that she's old history to Don Julio. 
  • Also, Renata tells Justa that everyone thought she (Justa) was dead because there was a woman's dead body at her house when the earthquake hit. It turns out it was Justa's roommate, but everyone thought it was Justa. (What I want to know is, which earthquake, and where? The Northridge one in '94? The one up in S. Francisco in '89? There really weren't any other earthquakes of sufficient strength to cause that much havoc in that time frame. I'm very confused about this. And while I'm here, I'm very confused about Justa going up to "Santa Rosa" to see about her baby's grave. The only "Santa Rosa" in California is an hour north of San Francisco. That's quite a drive from L.A.)
  • Don Ricardo comes in and is introduced. Renata asks Justa if he's her husband, Justa says no, Don Julio was the love of her life and Don Ricardo is a resident of the pension. 
  • Marisol for some reason wants her new buddy Giorgio to meet her galán, Francisco. (She wants Giorgio to "approve" of him, using his "male intuition.") Giorgio goes along with this after she keeps begging him. They are supposed to meet Francisco at a restaurant. Francisco comes to meet them, sees Giorgio, knows that his goose is cooked if Giorgio sees him (since Giorgio knows him as Daniel's chofer) and so HIDES BEHIND A PASTRY CART in order to evade them. I'm not really sure why. My eyes were glazing over at this point. (By the way, is it just me, or is Giorgio starting to look rather attractive?)
  • Tony and Alicia go on a search for Eva, go to the cemetery and see that fresh flowers have been put at their dad's grave. But they don't find Eva.
  • Evil Marcy reports Eva's "theft" to the police.
Video clip from around the middle of the episode, starting with Evil Icky showing the "proof" of Daniel and Eva's involvement. Don Julio remembers that both Eva and Daniel hinted around about their involvement, and it looks like Don Julio isn't angry about it. Then we go to Daniel at the bank, where Marcela and the bank guy are trying to convince him that Eva's a thief.

Video clip of the end of the episode, where slimy Leo does his creepy "compromising photos" thing, and also we have poor Daniel wondering if Eva was playing him all along, and then thinking that maybe something else is going on . . .

Video clip of avances.

(Right-click on links to open to new window.) Remember, these are streaming video clips (like what's on YouTube). It's very high quality so if playback stalls at first, just wait a while for the rest of the clip to load and it should be fine.

Oh, and I couldn't leave you without at least one photo of Daniel! LOL.

Poor rejected Daniel doesn't know the evil that Marcela has in store for him.  (Click on image to see much larger version.)


Llena de Amor #105 (Mex. 110) Tue 1/11/11 It’s the SOUP!

Darth Lirio calls Brandon from his near-death bed and tells him to let Victoria go. Pure coincidence that she’s been on the scene of three of his lootings, explainable since she’s involved with the same family he’s out to get. Brandon declines to follow instructions from Public Frenemy #1, but says to himself that of course Vicky is not in cahoots with that masked man of mystery. Who could he be?
In the holding cell, MariVicky wonders why she keeps running into the dashing, daring divesting dude. But focus! Got to get out of here! She also wonders why Brandon seems willing to help her. Does he maybe suspect that she is the one and only Marianela Ruiz y de Teresa?
Comisario Tejeda reams Brandon for not tracing the call from El Lirio. {If this police crew knew how to trace calls, or demonstrated any other competence, this telenovela would have been a lot shorter.} Brandon says he didn’t have time. El Lirio is just toying with him, like a cat batting about a helpless mouse! Brandon will not rest until the masked menace is rotting in a dank cell. Tejeda thinks he’s taking this case a bit too personally. Brandon tries to claim that it’s clear Vicky is not involved, but Tejeda thinks her lack of papers is just a bit too suspicious. He tells Brandon to settle down (dejar las rabietas) and get to work.
After Tejeda leaves, Jairo arrives and Brandon asks him to get the chuecos (twisted, underhanded, i.e. fake) passport and birth certificate. Jairo says he’s got the contacts, but he’s reluctant and is surprised Snow-White Brandon is even asking. Brandon says it’s an important favor for someone really special to him, and gives Jairo the info. He declines to say who this is for, but won’t Jairo need a photo for the passport?
Brandon tells Vicky her documents are on the way. She asks why he’s helping her. He tells her to just be happy and not ask so many questions. MariVicky tries to cagily ask whether it’s because he knows something about her. “All I know is that you’re the most beautiful woman in the world,” says our smooth charmer. She doesn’t like that he’s risking his career, and for nothing in return, even. “Who says I expect nothing in return? You’re going to pay.” She looks mildly alarmed, but all he’s asking is that she go to dinner with him once she’s out of custody. She doesn’t think looking at her over tacos and beer is much of a reward for what he could lose forging documents, but he’s says there’s no forging. It’s all legal. He’s got her data, so it’s no problem to get legal documents from the Civil Registry, RIGHT? She tries to discourage him from doing this. “Because Victoria de la Garza doesn’t exist?” asks our suddenly clever poli. {Really, Marianela. You should have gotten false documents before you started this whole scheme, and I can’t believe you haven’t been asked for identification before this.}
Meanwhile, back at the rattlesnake ranch, Fedra and Spiderus are coming to the same conclusion. It’s just too much of a coincidence that records show Marianela entered Mexico the same day that Victoria crashed Emanuel’s wedding. Emiliano interrupts to tell Fedra that Vicky has been detained, and he’s got to help her. I don’t know why he hasn’t learned yet not to inform Fedra of anything that’s going on. Fedra is predictably snarly at the idea of his helping, but Emil says she’s a friend of Marianela’s and that gives him a moral obligation to help her, especially since there’s no proof against her. “A FRIEND of Marianela? No, much more than that,” Fedra croaks when she’s alone again.
Doris visits MV, and MV tells her that Brandon is on the verge of unraveling her tangle of lies.
Delirio is still lying in bed, bleeding through a towel that Netty is not even applying pressure to. Gladiola is still hollering at Netty through the house. Netty is still somehow not telling Gladiola to shut the heck up. Eman begs Netty not to let anyone know he’s there.
MariVicky frets to Doris that no one can know she is really Marianela, at least not until Fedra and Emanuel are behind bars. Doris says she can throw them off the trail if Mari is willing to take on any level of risk. Mari is. Doris is on the case.
Doctor Arnaldo has arrived, and Gladiola has escorted him to Netty’s bedroom door and bellows her demands to know what’s going on. {Here’s where Netty should claim some super embarrassing and private medical problem and demand that Gladiola go away and leave her alone.} Netty starts coughing violently and claims she’s contagious. Gladiola stills wants to be let in and is offended that Netty is keeping her out. She finally goes away pouting and Doc Arnie steps in and makes much less fuss, even when confronted with a bullet wound and told it’s hush-hush.
Ilitia and Manzanita return to Casa Crazy, Ilitia nattering to not-there Malicio that he will never put a finger on her again. Manza tells her she sounds nuts. Also, the little apple is hungry; they never fed her. Ilitia tells her to keep quiet about it. “Why did you kill him? Killing is bad,” Manzanita remarks, without much concern. “Shut up, little plum or whoever you are! I did not kill him! Don’t mention this to anyone, understand? I was just defending us from a bad man who wanted to hurt us.” “They’re going to throw you in jail!” Ilitia claps her hand over Manzanita’s mouth once again. “I SAID, he’s not dead! I didn’t kill him! Unfortunately. Quiet, OKAY?” Kristel strolls down the stairs and wonders what they’re talking about.
Benigno skulks into the kitchen, not remotely blending into the furniture in his camo-and-houseplants disguise. Paula tells him he doesn’t have to hide, “no hay moros en la costa.” (no one is watching). He’s glad, because he’s so hungry he could eat a whole cow. Paula thinks he’s got enough of a gut as it is and should eat something lighter, so she gives him some of the vegetable soup she made (with a poison assist from the MurderMasters) for Max. Benigno slurps it up. Paula mentions that Max doesn’t eat like that. In fact, he hardly does anything at all; just lies in bed and spouts crazy talk. She’s really worried. Benigno agrees. Max is a tough old soldier, but lately he looks muy dado al catre (idiotic, simpleminded). And to make things worse, he has to eat this soup, which doesn’t taste very good. Paula indignantly says that’s just because it’s low in salt and fat.
Ilitia claims to Kristel that they were just talking about a scary movie they saw. “RIGHT, Ciruelita?” “No, you’re a liar.” {How did the little apple make it on the street so long, with this lack of survival skills?} “What movie did you see?” Kristel asks Manzanita ingratiatingly. “We didn’t see a movie. We were at the home of…” Ilitia’s hand swiftly clamps over Manza’s mouth once more. She tries to convince Manzanita it’s time for bed. Kristel sucks up some more, and Manzanita tells her they went for ice cream with a man, and then Ilitia killed him. Kristel just doesn’t even know what to make of that. “No, it was just a rat. Byeee, rat!” Ilitia says flippantly, as Manzanita shakes her head. Kristel is still stunned. “You? A rat? Aplastado, and everything?” Aplastado, apachurrado, y fuero de esta mundo.” Kristel is impressed.
Back in the kitchen, Paula is still worrying, now about Gretel. She rambles on about Gretel’s chances for happiness as Benigno quickly goes loco. He starts making friends with the refrigerator light as Paula babbles obliviously. She’s hoping Gretel reconnects with Oliver; love is such a beautiful thing. “Is love like the light, Paulita?” “Yes, love illuminates everything.” “Where does it go when it turns off?” Benigno asks, closing the refrigerator door. “True love never turns off,” Paula says dreamily. “Hello, light! Goodbye, light!” Benigno says over and over, opening and closing the fridge door. Finally Paula notices something is amiss. “You’ve gone crazy!” … “The SOUP!”
Oliver is awake. He asks Manolo if he was really on the verge of death. Manolo sniffles that he gave him a few gray hairs, flatlining for two whole minutes. Oliver says he imagined that his beloved Gretel was here praying for him. Manolo says he must really love Gretel. “Here’s something that will help you recover…I know what happened to Gretel!”
Emiliano bravely sits through another of Axel’s little guitar-and-singing recitals. He even applauds when it’s over. Maybe because it’s over. “You have a lot of talent, son,” he says. “Uh…you’ve applied to the conservatory, right?” What a kind way to tell the kid he needs lessons. Axel says yes, and the auditions are in two months. Emiliano is super proud and happy. He tells Axel that he’s told Fedra he’s taking a business trip to the U.S., and he wants Axel to come along. Axel would love to go. Emiliano confides that the trip is really to Switzerland, to bring Gretel home. Axel tells him traveling to Switzerland will do no good because she isn’t there; he and Emanuel discovered that she had been locked in the wine cellar for two years.
In the blechelor pad, Lowrenzo is trying to get Fedra out of her clothes, but she can’t get Victoria out of her head. That woman is like a hydra, her head popping up everywhere! In the agency, in the house, everywhere, and she’s out to get Fedra! Lowrenzo, frustrated and wanting to get down to business, finally says if Victoria gets out of jail, he’ll take care of the rest. What’s a little murder when you’re horny?
Emiliano is in denial. Axel tells him how they went down to the cellar and found the food and syringes and Gretel’s name scratched into a barrel. Emiliano breaks down crying and punches things.
Lowrenzo clarifies that he is not willing to go all the way, Vicky-riddence-wise. Fedra says when someone’s in your way, you have to get rid of them COMPLETELY, for good. He says he is not a murderer (ha). “Then what happened to the mother of your latest spawn? You had nothing to do with that?” “Totally innocent.” “I know what you’re capable of. We’re lagartos del mismo pantano (two of a kind).” She suggests that Victoria’s demise would be a great benefit to both of them. Then she minces out, leaving Low high and dry.
Emiliano is in crushing emotional pain, imagining his little Gretel locked up like a lab rat. Axel assures him that this is true.
Meanwhile, GretelMan is telling Oliver s/he got information from a super-reliable source in the RydT household. “Spill it, then.” “Gretel never left. She never went to Switzerland. She was locked in the wine cellar for two years!” Oliver’s ready to head out and throttle Fedra, but for the fact that he can’t even sit up. GretelMan gets him to hold still and rest. “Yes, it was Fedra. She threatened to kill you if Gretel didn’t leave you.” “You aren’t just lying to me because I’m on my deathbed, are you?” “No! Gretel had to tell you she hated you in order to save you! She never stopped loving you!”
Axel says they don’t know where Gretel is now. But, after stalling for weeks on telling anyone about this, there isn’t a second more to lose! They’ve got to look for her! Emiliano is too distraught to function. How could Fedra be so inhumane?! Axel tries to comfort him, but he continues to blame himself and rage that he will never forgive Fedra. He wants to kill Fedra immediately, but skinny little Axel holds him back.
Oliver’s in a similar state. “Where is Gretel now? Is she still locked up? I have to find her!” He tries to get up and skinny little GretelMan holds him back. Not very well, though. He sits up, making his bullet hole bleed again, and GretelMan just yells for the nurse. No-Nonsense Nurse doesn’t bother to reason with him, opting instead to inject a little liquid loosey-goosey sauce into his IV line.
Brandon is home from a long day of work, but can he relax? No. Gladiola hops in his face, frantically sharing the gossip that Doc Arnaldo is holed up in Netty’s room, AND THEY WON’T LET HER IN!
Upstairs, the doc has saved Emanuel. Eman weakly thanks Arnaldo and Netty. Brandon knocks on the door and demands to know what’s going on. Gladiola hovers behind him. Can’t a grown woman have a little privacy? Metiches. Netty frets instead of telling them to mind their own freaking business.
Benigno has taking his raving lunatic act out into the garden, where Paula is trying to rein him in. Manzanita seems to think it’s a game. Emiliano comes outside bellowing for Fedra, followed by Axel, and they wonder what’s wrong with Benigno. “It’s the SOUP!” says Paula, not really making things any clearer. Kristel and Ilitia swish out the door next, telling Emiliano that Fedra went to the super. Then they too notice the crazy gardener. “What the heck?!” “It’s the SOUP!” says Axel, seeming to think this is all a joke. Ilitia doesn’t have time for this. Her baby hasn’t come home and he isn’t answering his phone. Where is he? “The champion is always training! The dogs are coming out!!!” Benigno shouts with glee, approaching the dog kennel. “No! No no no!!!” Kristel and Ilitia yell. Benigno releases the dogs, and the fresas scream and run, the dogs in hot pursuit. {Man. Just when you think nothing funnier can happen on this show…} Everyone else stands there laughing, unattacked. “Benigno!” Emiliano chastises. “You can’t blame him. It’s the SOUP!” Paula insists. Axel sagely nods, shaking with laughter. Humorless Nereida comes outside. “What is going on?” “It’s the SOUP!” Axel, Paula, and Manzanita yell, laughing hysterically.
Max watches all this on his monitors down in the foxhole. “And they say I’M crazy,” he mutters. Then he realizes… “The soup?”
The doc tells Brandon through the door that Netty is super contagious. Brandon insists he’s super tough. Netty coughs some more, begging them to leave her alone so she can rest. Nothing doing, the nosy nellies won’t go away without seeing her. Emanuel silently rages, wishing he had an invisibility cloak, and thinking he’d maybe take the opportunity to strangle Brandon while he had it on.
Fedra slinks into the holding cell area for a social call. And then we return to the simple old days of weight-related insults. “I’ve come to say hi, Victoria…or should I say, three point fourteen sixteen (?), tinaco sin fondo, homenaje al cholesterol. Or should I just call you by your real name, Marianela Ruiz y de Teresa?”
Brandon breaks into the bedroom, where Netty is now lying in the bed coughing and Doc Arnie sits by looking concerned. “That is no way to enter a lady’s bedroom! Such disrespect!” Netty chastises through her hacking. Doc repeats that they need to leave and let her recover. Gladiola is now all apologies and ready to leave, but Brandon says “wait!” and opens the closet. {Brandon! You do not open a lady’s closet! Especially when she’s your landlady.}
Fedra wants to know Mari’s weight-loss secret. Stomach stapling, liposuction, jaw wired shut, pills, what? MariVicky isn’t conceding and she tells Fedra she seems delirious. “You’re as bad an actress as your aunt Netty,” Fedra says. Mari slings back some insults about Fedra drying up in old age and that’s why she’s losing her mind. “I have proof that you’re deceiving all of us, Marianela,” Fedra snarls. “You arrived in Mexico the same day you turned up at Emanuel’s wedding!”
Brandon’s still searching Netty’s room, and she’s annoyed. She acts all insulted that he would suspect his beloved auntie Netty of harboring a delinquent. No, she will not excuse him for thinking so! How dare he! She gets all worked up, then collapses and sobs that she’s going to die.
“Yep, that much is true, my friend Marianela is in Mexico to do battle with you,” MariVicky agrees. “YOU are Marianela! Stop pretending! I will not let you ruin my family!” Fedra is nearly foaming at the mouth. “The only one ruining your family is you. You’d do anything for money, even destroy your own children. The only person here with a double life is you, and I’m going to unmask you in front of everyone, Juana Felipa Pérez.” Well, that stops the rabid witch in her tracks.
Axel plays with Manzanita. Kristel and Ilitia stagger back into the house, muddy and with hair even worse than our buddy Blenderhead’s. Axel chuckles about this going on the internet. “Zero cool, you flea! Don’t you dare take a single picture!” Kristel yells. “And you, little plum! No smiles, and straight to bed!” Ilitia adds. Axel races Manzanita up to the bedroom. Emiliano asks Ilitia if she knows what Paula means by the soup. Ilitia thinks the servants are just dimwitted and nuts, but who cares? The real concern is that her baby is missing. Emiliano thinks Emanuel is probably just at the police station, dealing with the aftermath of the robbery at the agency. Seems it was that Lirio de Plata. “What? Why is that guy obsessed with us?” Ilitia asks, pretending this is the first she’s heard of it. {Good thing that bigmouth Manzanita has gone to bed.} Emiliano hopes they trap him. At least there was a witness, Victoria. “WHAT?! Emanuel is with HER?!” Emiliano shrugs.
Next morning, Fedra is in a baaaaad mood. Spiderus thinks it’s because Emiliano slept in the guest room instead of with her, but she tells him THAT WOMAN called her by her REAL name! “Seems you finally found la horma de tu zapato (you met your match),” Spidey comments, getting his own zapato stomped on in response. Fedra has now decided that Victoria can’t be Marianela, because Mari is too stupid to have figured such a thing out. Then brain trust Fedra comes up with the fifty-peso word pusilánime (timid) to describe her. Way to go, Fedra. Eventually you’ll have the vocabulary of a fifth grader. Spidey seems surprised that she got the word right.
Emiliano kicks Bernardo out and tells Fedra they have to talk. “Yes, we do. Why didn’t you sleep with me last night?” “So I wouldn’t murder you! You evil, evil woman! You kept your own daughter locked up for two years!”
Avances: Kristel demands an explanation from Rapey-Snake. Brandon says to Ilitia her husband is missing and El Lirio is injured…might they be the same person? Netty tells Emanuel that Marianela ditched him because she found him in bed with Ilitia at the agency. Emanuel is going to demand an explanation. Explanations will be demanded all around! Big stuff!
Dejar las rabietas – quit with the tantrums
Chueco – twisted, dirty, underhanded. One of my favorite words; it has so many applications.
Hay moros en la costa – we’re being watched, or eavesdropped on (lit. there are Moors on the coast). This is another of my favorite expressions!
Muy dado al catre – catre means, like, a folding camp bed. But dado al catre means gullible. Maybe because catre also means a tub for bathing babies? Like, “born yesterday.”
Aplastado, apachurrado, y fuero de esta mundo – flattened, squashed, and gone from this world (if only!)
Mi cielito en Pekín – another of Oliver’s bizarre terms of endearment
Lagartos del mismo pantano – lizards of the same swamp; two of a kind
Pues, desembuche, no te atragantes – well, spit it out; don’t choke on it
Tinaco sin fondo – bottomless tank
Encontraste la horma de tu zapato – you’ve met your match (lit., you found the shoe tree for your shoe)
Pusilánime -- fainthearted


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