Thursday, March 10, 2011

Eva Luna #87 Wed 3/9/11 A step closer to the truth

Leo is asking Lilly why Dan would ask Vicky for a divorce. Lily tells him she knows what it is all about but is a bit embarrassing for her. He encourages her to spill the beans. Lily tells him “to make a long story short, Dan walked in on Vicky in bed with someone else.” Leo is quite surprised and calls Vicky stupid. He wants to know who the guy is. Lily hesitates for a moment but tells him he has to be discreet. She says it was Bruno.

A secretary is fielding calls and is telling someone that Daniel hasn’t arrived yet. At that moment Dan’s assistant gets off the elevator and is told that the bank manager needs to talk with him urgently.

Victoria shows up and wants to know where in the devil Bruno is. She is told that he is on a trip. She asks when he will be back

Lily tells Leo that Bruno is Vicky’s lover. He can’t believe this. He is quite angry and starts to leave stating he will kill him. Lily tries to stop him saying she asked him to be discreet. She tells him if he causes a scandal Vicky will find out it was her who told him. Leo is now saying he knew Bruno would cause problems. He can’t understand why Vicky would get involved with Bruno. Then he asks Lily how Daniel found out where they were and he warns her it better not have been her who told him. She lies and tells him of course it wasn’t her. He then says this divorce business doesn’t sit well with any of his plans with Eva.

Eva brings fruit and tea to Tia. She tells her she made a an appointment to see the Dr. for her tomorrow. Tia asks about her day. Eva tells her it was quite original and tells her about the fight Leo and Dan had. Tia wants to know why they were fighting. She tells Tia that Dan told him he was going to divorce Vicky. Tia is surprised. Eva tells her Leo didn’t like that one bit. Then she says “You know how he is so concerned about his sister’s happiness.” Tia tells her she thinks it is for another reason. What he is really worried about is that her Dan will try and get close to Eva again. Eva gives this some thought than dismisses it and tells Tia to finish her fruit.

Renata is on the phone with Carlos. He is still wearing that crazy hat.

He asks her if Alicia is there. She tells him she isn’t there right now. He wants to know when she will be home. Renata doesn’t have a clue and asks who is calling. Carlos tells her he is a friend who was away for awhile and would now like to see her. Renata tells him she never knows when she will be home and in general is always late. He then asks Renata not to tell her he called. He wants to surprise her.

We find out where Alicia is. She has gone to visit Marisol. She whines about all her problems than she tells her that Carlos is out of jail.

Eva is checking in on Pablito when Leo walks in. He tells her she has no idea how emotional it makes him to know that soon he will be his father. Eva tries to look pleased but is having a difficult time.

More Marisol and Alicia banter. Marisol doesn’t understand why Alicia would be so nervous that Carlos is out of jail. Alicia reminds her that he told Alicia when he was out of jail he would get even with her. (desquitar) She tells Marisol that he attacked her and threatened her. Then she says at least Tony was there and nothing happened, but she was really scared.

Leo has now followed Eva into her office and apologizes for the fight with Dan earlier. Eva tells him not to worry about it. Than she says “Did you talk to Vicky? Is it certain about the divorce?” Leo is not pleased with this. He asks her “What are you more interested in? My sister’s divorce or Dan’s divorce?”
Eva calmly says “well they are the same aren’t they? I don’t understand your tone?” Leo gets a bit snaky and tells her she understands his tone perfectly and he doesn’t like her curiosity one bit. She tells Leo it is just curiosity. He tells her he hopes that is all it is and reminds her that she is his fiancé. She looks up at him and tells him he doesn’t have to remind her about that.

Leo than walks over to her and starts pressuring her to get married right away. He wants to move the date up sooner. Even today. Eva looks a bit freaked by this. Leo keeps on begging. Eva asks him why he is in such a hurry and why don’t they just keep the date they already decided on. She has walked away from him and he walks over again to her and tells her he is afraid of loosing her and that things could change. That something could happen. Eva tells him nothing will happen. He continues the pressure and tells her if they got married sooner he could give Pablito his last name sooner in case Dan tries to legally take Pablito away from her. Eva tells Leo Dan would never do that. Leo has not let up on the pressure and tells her he doesn’t want Daniel to be that father of her child. Eva is still not buying any of this.

Then Leo reminds her about the time when Dan accused her of being a thief so she wouldn’t turn him in for killing her father. He is pushing all the right buttons. He tells her that Dan is capable of anything at this point, even at trying to stop their wedding. He tells her that’s why they have to act fast. For her well being as well as Pablitos. He continues to pressure her and finally Eva caves and says “Yes you are right. It is best we get married as soon as possible.” We get one of Leo’s snakey smiles, as he hugs Eva and we see a distressed look on her face.

Marisol and Fran. The honey moon is over. She is off and he is disappointed that she doesn’t have breakfast ready. FF>>>

Vicky shows up to visit Marcella. She asks Renata if Eva has left. Renata tells her she took her aunt to see the Dr. Marcella is having breakfast in her room. Vicky tells Renata not to let anyone interrupt them.
She is pacing and whining to Marcella that she swears she was going to tell her but didn’t want to worry her. Marcella not paying too much attention asks her what she is talking about. Victoria spits it out and tells her Dan asked for a divorce and wants her out of the house. This has caught Marcella’s attention. She is now quite alarmed and tells Vicky that this can’t happen. Vicky tells her she knows and is willing to do what ever to stop him. Marcella sits her down and tells her, first of all don’t even thing about leaving his house. Vicky says “What do I do if he starts throwing my things out?” Now Marcella is pacing about and tells Victoria that they have to think off something fast. They have to put all there cards on the table.

Marcella asks Victoria what caused Dan to ask for a divorce. Vicky now whimpering tells her she rather not talk about it. Marcella is quite angry now and demands she tells her what’s going on. She wants to know what stupid thing she did now. Victoria swallowing hard tells Marcella “Daniel found me with my lover.”

Fran is over at Dan’s house looking for him. Jacky tells him he is out on a shoot. Fran then wants to know if she is going to offer him some coffee or breakfast. FF>>

Marcella is now screaming at Victoria calling her stupid and crazy. She asks how she could possibly think about throwing her marriage away. She tells Mama that she tried to tell Daniel it was just a fling and nothing else. Marcella now pumping her fists and screaming “A fling that is going to cost you a lot!!”
Victoria is still crying and says she knows and begs for her mother to help her, because she knows Daniel will take advantage of this and go running over to Eva. Marcella shouts at her and tells her she has just given him the best reason to go looking for Eva and to leave Victoria. She is now begging again for Marcella’s help so that Dan won’t leave her.

More Fran and Jacky. She asks how is honeymoon went. He lies a bit. He tries to soften Jacky up and she isn’t buying. FF>>>

Alicia is out poolside sun bathing. She has the baby monitor with her. She is surprised by a hatless Carlos. He actually looks quite good.

Next we see Victoria looking like a zombie headed towards Pablito’s room. He is awake and cute as ever playing with a remote control.

Victoria walks over to the baby monitor and turns it off. And quick as a flash the remote control has turned into some green plastic toy.

Little Pablito is smiling at her as crazy Victoria introduces herself to him. She tells him she is his Daddies wife. The man that his mother wants to take from her.

Alicia is now taking the towel and wrapping it around herself all nervous like. Carlos tells her to calm down. She tries to get him to leave. Carlos tells her no way. They need to talk. She tells him they have nothing to say to each other. He tells her yes they do and to sit down and listen to him.

Victoria now crazier than ever reaches into the crib to take Pablito as she says “Do you want to take a little walk with me?” She has lifted him out and tells them they are going on a trip far away where no one will find them. She gets to the door and suddenly stops with a startled look on her face.

Alicia is telling Carlos she doesn’t want to listen to him. She then stands up and starts screaming for Tony. Carlos stands and tells her to calm down. He asks her who she thinks he is, someone that wants to hurt her? He tells her no it is the opposite. He just want to say he was sorry for what he did yesterday. Alicia looks surprised to hear this. Carlos tells her he know he behaved badly and lost is head and is very sorry. Alicia tells him that’s too bad because he grabbed her forcefully and scared her. He tells her he is really sorry for what happened. She rags on him some more and tells him to leave and not bother her any more. He tells her okay he will leave but asks her to give him a chance. (He seems very sincere) He wants to meet her someplace where they can just talk. Alicia tells him no. He asks her to think it over and to call him. Then old Tony walks over and asks Carlos what he is doing there.

It is Leo that has surprised Victoria. She tells him to get out of the way. Leo asks her if she is crazy and wants to know where she is going with the kid. Victoria tells him he was a lone and bored and she was just taking him for a little walk. Leo isn’t buying this and tries to take Pablito away from her. (This is one great baby. He isn’t fuzzed a bit by two crazies tugging at him.)

The struggle continues and Victoria snarls that this kid is the cause of all her problems. She isn’t handing him over. Dan knows it is his child. He wants to leave her now and go back to Eva. Leo is shushing her and Victoria tells him she is leaving with the kid. Now old Mama bear walks in and tells Victoria to stop all this stupid stuff.

Carlos is telling Tony to calm down. He just came to make peace. Tony tells him he knows he tried to harm her yesterday (or something like that) and he isn’t going to let that happen. He tells Tony he knows he did a bad thing, he lost his head and that is why he is there to ask for forgiveness. All flusterhead Alicia grabs her things and says she has to leave and check on Pablito. She tells them not to fight.

Tony is chewing him out. He doesn’t believe that is why he came. Carlos tells him that is all he wanted to do was say he was sorry and just be friends. Tony wants to know what friendship. He tells him they will never be friends. Then he tells him he wants him to stay away from “his” Alicia. He tells him if he finds out he has been back looking for her he will send him to his grave. Carlos tells him not to worry he won’t have that pleasure and leaves.

Leo has finally managed to take Pablito away from Victoria and puts him back in the crib. Marcella is now dragging Victoria away. Victoria has all but lost it as she asks Marcella why she took the child from her. Marcella shrieks at her “Because you would be making a serious mistake.” Victoria tells her no way, because with this child out of the picture Dan won’t have any more reason to come over to the house and nothing to tie him to Eva. Marcella tells her she thought the same way and if things had turned out the way she planned the little brat (not her word) would be dead by now. Victoria looks shocked and asks her if she had planned to kill him. Marcella tells her yes but this isn’t the best moment to finish the kid off. Leo has now joined them and tells her that if something bad happened to the child it could mess up his plans with Eva and would be disastrous. . Victoria points out the only disaster that could occur would be for him to be left at the altar and in the meantime Eva and Dan would take the child and go far away. She then huffs off. Marcella tells her to stop and Victoria turns back and screams “Don‘t you get it. I hate this child and as far as Eva is concerned I am capable of anything.” She walks off just as Alicia shows up and practically runs her over. Marcella now takes over and starts screaming at Alicia and tells her it is a good thing she finally showed up because her nephew has been screaming for the last hour. Alicia looking very confused at her monitor runs into the room to comfort Pablito. She is quite surprised to find the monitor was turned off.

Leo asks Marcella if Victoria has told her about her latest act of stupidity that could cost her her marriage.
Marcella tells him yes and she is really mad at her. Renata has showed up with Marcella’s tea. Leo asks if Eva is back. She tells him yes but left again for the commercial. Leo chews her out and says he was waiting for her so he could take her.

Tia and Eva are at the Drs. It turns out she is fine. The Dr wants to know if she is worried about something. Something that would make her nervous. Tia reluctantly admits that she does have something to worry about it has to do with her nieces and the memory of her brother. The dr. recommends that if it is something personal they should try and resolve it as soon as possible. This problem could affect her health, and if she had another anxiety attack it could cause more serious problems. Eva looks on and tells the dr. not to worry, they will resolve their problem.

Marisol is having lunch with Giorgio. She tells him she had her first fight with Fran. They talk about her music contract. He tells her not to worry. The guy likes her. It is a done deal. Or something like that.

Marcella is now ragging to Leo about Renata. She tells him she is becoming more useless day by day and sometimes she feels she likes Eva and her family more then them. Leo tells her that he doesn’t believe Renata likes anyone. Besides she is faithful to Marcella, and has always been. Marcella looks up and says “And for her well being she better continue to be.” Leo tells her that at least something good has come out of all this bad stuff. Marcella wants to know what he is talking about. Leo tells her that with all of Victoria’s craziness today he has thought of a good plan, and as he kisses mama goodbye, he tells her he will explain it to her later. Before he leaves Marcella asks him if he knows who Victoria’s lover is.

Some guy walks into an office where another guy is playing a guitar. I think it has to do with Marisol and her music contract. The one guy is accusing the other guy of being more interested in Marisol than her musical attributes. He tells him he agrees and he really likes every thing about Marisol.

Marcella demands to know who Vicky’s lover is. Leo tells her it is Bruno. Marcella stands up and looks as if she is going to puke.

Marcella wants to know what kind of barbarity is he talking about. Leo tells her that Bruno trashed the friendship he had with him and took advantage of his sister. And she fell for his ways. Marcella is trying to take in all Leo’s words and turns and asks him if he is sure and wants to know how he found out. He tells her Lily told him. She saw them kissing the other day in the office. Then he tells her that Victoria told him that Dan walked in on them together in a hotel. Marcella now hysterical grabs at Leo and tells him this can’t be happening. Leo tells Marcella that he knows she confided in him as well. Leo tells Marcella not to let Vicky know it was Lilly who told him. Marcella turns and screams at him “That’s not important to me.” Then she screams at him to leave!! Leo seems confused at Marcella’s reaction. Leo turns to her and says “I hope you throw this guy out in the street. Because if you don’t I am capable of killing him.” She screams at him to get out and let her be alone!!!!! After Leo leaves she says in a very scary manner “The one who will kill him will be me!”

Leo finds Matilda in the living room with Pablito. He makes nice with her and asks for a favor.

We are now at a photo shoot with Lilly in a pink dress. Daniel walks by and Lily flirts with him and tells him thanks for being there for her. He tells her she doesn’t have to thank him it is his job. She tells him she knows than latches on to his hands and tells him it makes her less nervous having him close by. Daniel looks uncomfortable at this gesture.

This does not go unnoticed by Eva who seems to have turned three shades of jealousy green.

Marcella is beyond disbelief as she wonders how Bruno could ever do something like this to her. (He is actually my hero right now) How could he do this with her daughter. Then she has a little trip down memory lane remembering the first time they met, all his flirting , Leo’s warnings, the time he had her sign papers for money “for the business”

Back to the photo shoot. It is a wrap. Daniel and Eva both walk over to Lily and Daniel tells her she was great. Eva tells her the clients are very happy with her work. She thanks them both and tells them she has to go change. As she leaves she touches Daniels hand. Eva looks a bit fussed and turns to Dan and tells him she would appreciate it if he would be a little more discreet. Dan looks confused and asks her what she is talking about. She tells him about his being so flirty with Lily. She tells him it isn’t appropriate and that one of the clients asked her if he had anything going on with Lily. Dan smiles and calls her a liar. The one with the question is her.

Eva denies this. Dan then says “Do you know why? Because you are jealous.” Eva snotts back “Says you.” Then Daniel tells her that her eyes betray her (delatan.) They stare at each other for a moment when Leo walks in with Pablito in his arms. He walks over to her and says “Look at the surprise I brought you.” Eva seems pleased. Dan not so much.

Leo pretends to be the best step daddy in the world. Eva happily tells him he is hired as her new nanny. Eva is pulled away to talk with clients. Leo is left holding the baby as Dan walks over and warns him that he knows him very well and that he his pretending to be the perfect father. Then he tells him “This is my child and not you or nobody will take him from me!!” Leo looking as if he has the deal all sewed up tells Dan “Eva will soon be my wife. Pablito will soon be living with me and I will make sure they all know I love them lots. So much so that they won’t need you.”

Marcella has stormed into Vicky’s room at Dan’s house, like an angry wasp looking for a good spot to land. She demands to know who her lover is. Vicky goes to close the door and wants to know why it is so important for her to know. Vicky now whining (Which she has done throughout much of tonight’s show) tells her the affair is over and it wasn’t even much to start with. Marcella still mad wants an answer and she wants to hear it from her. Now Victoria seems a little scared as she demurely tells her that Bruno was her lover. Marcella turns for one second and we see an evil smile cross her face as she turns back and knocks poor Vicky one vicious slap across the face. Vicky is terror stricken as she holds her face.

Victoria is crying and wants to know what is going on. Why did she hit her. Marcela tells her because she deserved it. Then she says “And Bruno is going to get much worse.!!” She storms out of the room leaving Victoria very frightened.

Fran is begging Jacky to tell him all the gossip. She tells him he doesn’t need to know he isn’t living their any more (or something like that.) Then we see Marcella sneaking out of the house with Victoria running down the stairs after her telling her not to leave. Both Jacky and Fran stop their little squabble to stare at her.

Victoria screams at them and tells them to both get to work. Now Fran is pleading with Jacky to fill him in on what has been going on. Jacky tells him she can’t. Well any way about what they just saw. She doesn’t know any thing about that.

Julio has called Justa.

Marcella has made it home and Renata tells him the bank manager is waiting in the living room to talk with her. (I think the two tone color is from a poorly fitted wig and the guy should ask for his money back)

He asks her if Bruno works with her at the agency. She tells him yes. He tells her that yesterday he came to see him with a paper that she had signed authorizing him to make all sorts of transactions. Marcella tells bad wig guy that she never signed anything that would give him such authority. He then hands Marcella a copy of the paper. Marcella is now paging through the document as she has another trip down memory lane remembering her last night with Bruno telling him after he satisfies her she will sign the papers that will be the beginning of their new association.

Marcella tells the Bank manager that this is not the document that she signed. He tells her that her signature is on the last page. Marcella now ticked says yes it is her signature, but this is not the document that she signed. Then she asks him why he didn’t call before to see if she had signed it or not. He tells her that it all looked fine yesterday but now today all kinds of transactions have taken place and now she has no funds. Marcella asks what do you mean there are no funds? He tells there is no money in the modeling agency fund as well as no money in her personal account. (Way to go Bruno!!!!) Marcella has that sick look again. Renata has taken all this in and quietly makes an exit.

Dan is giving Lily a ride to the hotel. She wants to know why he is so serious. She asks if it is because Leo is trying to steal Pablitos affection from him. Dan tells her it is something like that. Lily asks him what bothers him most. To see Leo with his child or Leo with Eva. He tells her he doesn’t want to see him near neither of them. She reminds him they are about to get married soon. Dan tells her that is yet to happen and he tells her it is best to change the subject.

Renata is giving a bottle of booze to Marcella. She grabs it from her in a snit. Renata wants to know what’s going on? Marcella yells at her and tells her she probably heard everything that went on. Then she tells Renata that soon everyone will find out that Bruno bankrupted her. And the humiliation will be horrible for her as she cries in her drink. Renata has a great look of satisfaction on her face as she thought bubbles. “You are paying for all the damage that you have done.”

Leo is driving the baby bugging with Eva at his side and telling her what a great little family they will be once she is his wife. Eva leaves to go to her room. Renata is walking by with another bottle of booze. Leo asks her where she is going. She tells him to Marcella’s room and it is the second bottle that she has brought. Leo asks her why she is drinking so much. Renata suggests it is probably to drown out all the pain. Leo wants to know what she is talking about. Renata leans close and tells him it is probably best she didn’t tell him but he is going to find out any way and tells him that Marcella just found out a while ago that Bruno just got away with all her money. Leo shakes his head and says this can’t be and tells her he will go talk to her.

Dan has arrived home and his phone rings. His secretary is telling him the bank has been calling all day but couldn’t locate him. She tells him that there are serious problems with one of the accounts and they can’t find Marcella.

Eva is taking Pablito for a little stroll to Julio’s house. She stops to smells the flowers and then she has a trip down memory lane remembering fondly when Dan sent all those flowers to her.

Leo and Marcella are discussing their options. There is no way they can permit Bruno to leave her in the ruins. She starts screaming for Renata to bring her the other bottle she asked for. Leo tells her he told Renata not to bring it. Marcella is drunk and out of control as she starts screaming at Leo. He tries to take her drink out of her hand.

Dan is now at the Marcella’s old mansion and is asking Renata where she is. Renata tells him it isn’t a good idea that he see her now. She isn’t feeling good. She is a bit upset and Leo is with her trying to calm her down. Dan tells her it is urgent that he talks with both of them and goes off to find them leaving Renata in the dust.

Now Marcella drunk as a skunk is whining that everyone is laughing at her. From his stupid stepson to Eva who has stolen all her inheritance. Then she says She should have finished Eva off from the beginning. But she was so stupid and didn’t do it. Leo is trying to calm her down and tells her that any body could be listening in. She screams even louder that she doesn’t care who hears her. Then she starts screaming about Julio and how if it wasn’t for him Eva would be in Jail. Leo looks confused and asks her what she is talking about. She tells him that Julio left a letter with his lawyer saying that if she withdrew the charges against Eva her accounts would be unfrozen. Leo realizes that is why she dropped the charges.
She tells him of course she had to.

Daniel walks up to Marcella’s door. We see him stop for a second as he hears Marcella’s screams. He hears her talking about how she had it all planned out perfectly. She explains how she had Eva go to the bank with the check she forged and how she had her charged as a thief. But she had to withdraw it. Marcella continues on and Dan listens intently at the door. She is saying she is going to the police and will charge her again. Leo stops her and tells her she isn’t going anywhere. He tells her she needs to lower her voice. Dan leans in closer to the door as he gets closer to the truth.

Marcella is now saying nobody can ever find out that Eva never robbed the $25000. Especially Dan. Dan has now cracked the door open a bit as he continues to listen. Marcella is saying he was so easy to deceive.
Than rants on that both Eva and Dan are so stupid. And that is where we end. A step closer to the truth.


Triunfo del Amor #51-52 3/9/11 One Wedding and a Funeral

There may not be as much snark and brimstone for this recap. In the interest of fast turn around I'm  being Joe Friday. Just the facts, ma'am. I'm also going to try to make some sense of  all the story lines, so the order may not match the episode. Hope that is ok.

Burnie and Crew
  • Burnie has a face to face with Sor. Clementina about Los Dos Marias. Burnie tells Sor Clementina that JP was seduced by Vic. So now Sor. Clementina knows about JP's paternity. We know what that means. Even though Clemintina has sworn never to tell that JP has a daughter...her death is imminent. When Burnie asks about María Desamparada's mother, Sor C gets a hinky feeling and it is eventually revealed that María Desamparada is JP and Vic's daughter. Burnie is she removes a hypodermic needle from her purse.
  • Meanwhile back at the Burnie Cave, Eva has found hypodermic needles...and one is missing! She calls Fausto who let's her know he's at the huerfanato with Bernie. Eva warns him someone is gonna die! Either Padre Hair-ónimo or one of the nuns.
  • As Sor Clementina goes to call JP (despite Burnie's insistence he not know), Burnie raises high the needle of untraceable poison and we get a close up of gloved hand, habit and hypo. Descanse en paz, Sor Clementina.
En la Casa de Modas
  • Pip and Vic talk Ji/Xi and Max. Vic talks about how hard it is to be a single mom and for this reason she wants Ji/Xi not to have to suffer.
  • Pip asks why she's guaranteeing the happiness of Ji/Xi by forcing a life of misery on Max. (Don't we all wish we knew the answer to that!)
  • Vic thinks all the problems are María Desamparada's fault, but she's sure once Max and Jimena are living together their love will be re-ignited.
  • At a business meeting, there is much discussion about Os's shares in the company. Max supports dad, Oscar says no. 
  • Later, while talking to Toni, Vic admits that she knows people think she is hard but she had to make it on her own blah blah blah...a lot of dialogue that should make her realize what a jerk she's been to María but apparently she doesn't even hear herself when she talks, either (kinda explains why she doesn't listen to anyone.) Toni tells her that it's sad that no matter how high she's climbed, Vic is still alone. Success doesn't bring happiness.
  • While they talk, a rival boutique calls. María has used Vic as a reference. Toni takes the call and recommends María highly. (And reminds Vic that no matter what she thinks of María, she was a great model.)
  • Not much, except he's making plans with a lawyer (I think) and I think I understood enough of his scenes to figure out that in reality this "buy a theatre" scheme is just to screw Os over.
Fausto and Eva
  • After Burnie's nun-killing stunt they realize they need to stop the crazy as soon as possible.
Fabián and Nati
  • Max asks Fab who he's bringing to the wedding. Fab says his girlfriend (I panic for a moment.) Max calls his bluff and says call her now. Fab calls Nati (whew) and makes a date for later that afternoon.
  • Later at the restaurant they both bemoan the misery of their friends and somehow the conversation turns to Linda and her affair with a married man. Being such a good friend, Nati knows she can trust Fab not to tell anyone that the married man is...Osvaldo Sandoval! (You may remember him from such roles as Pimp Daddy, Hypocritical Advisor of Son and Douchebag.)
  • Fabián gets around to asking Nati if she will come to the wedding and act as his girlfriend. She is  unsure. First off, she's not pretty or elegant enough. Fab (*sigh*) assures her she is beautiful inside and out (eventually he will figure it out about Fer's fetid soul.)
Sra Dingy Dientes and Daughter (MamaRox and Ji/Xi)
  • Heeeey, can anyone help with this convo? About all I caught was that Dingy Dientes really doesn't think that much of Vic. (Neither do we, hon.)
Nati, Linda, María Trio
  • Linda tries to convince Maria to tell Max about the baby. (You know she made financial arguments.)
  • Nati comes in as asks María for permission to go to wedding. María cries, but concedes. My heart breaks.
  • Nati again confesses her insecurities and Linda offers her services. (NO! NO! NO! I scream... not Linda!)
  • That night Maria Desamparada puts on her María Desinformada costume and sneaks out to see Burnie...and tells her everything. Max better watch out. Really...and I quote Burnie "Por ti soy capaz de lo que sea" (For you I am capable of anything.)
  • Nati is being made over by Linda. 
  • Fabian is waiting in the living room and tries to make nice with María. She is keeping it together. 
  • Linda comes in and introduces the new Nati. Our first indication is Fabian's face....he looks very a good way.
  • Nati enters and LOOKS LIKE A DREAM! Just beautiful!
  • As the two not-quite-lovebirds-yet leave they run into JuanJo (hah! Take that you shallow fútbol playing naco!) He too is amazed and dazed. Nati is so classy through it all.
  • María cries (and we do, too.)
  • Fer is being a twit with Maya the Beak and Gabi the Mole. Fab arrives and you can tell he's still trying to make Fer jealous. He plants a big kiss on Nati.
  • Jimena looks Ji-deous.
  • It's a civil ceremony. (In TN world it's the church wedding that really seals the deal, right?) MamaRox can't sign the paper fast enough. Os looks like he knows he's just signed his son's life away.
  • Maria and Linda crash the wedding and hide. (Can someone fill me in? Linda made a crack.."Are you gonna..." something something " in the telenovelas?")  Max says "I do" and Maria really gets upset. Now it's real. She was hoping for a miracle.
  • Really not much happens. Gui, Pedro and Ofelia comment on how few guests, how unhappy Max looks. Gui makes an uneventful toast to Max and Ji/Xi. Pip and Toni also comment on Max's misery.
  • Apparently, after crashing the boda, María went to the church. She stumbles upon Son Clementina's funeral and is impactada. I cannot believe *no one* called her to tell her. She cries and monologues. (I FF>> sorry, I can only take so much heartache in one night.)
  • At the reception, JP lurks. Eventually he and Max are alone and he goes off on Max. Max assures him that he loves Maria completely but had to marry BSC Jimena. JP asks Max to stay away from María so she can find happiness away from him.
Post Boda
  • Burnie swears vengance on Vic. And she'll start with a Max appetizer.
  • BSC Jimeana is lingere-ed up (complete with fishnet) and actually thinks she and Max are gonna do the dirty. It's their wedding night! A special night! Max utters my fave quote of the night: "una noche especial es suficiente." (One special night is enough.) Max lets Jimena know he's here for the baby. Jimena asks about her, as a woman? Max utters my second fave quote "Nada." He goes to bed. Jimena fondles a bottle of pills and champagne.
The Next Day and Beyond
  • Max can't wake Jimena. Wait. Damn. He manages to get her into the shower and later we see her drinking coffee and feeling better. Max tells her not to take pills. She has the baby to take care of. (Let's see, we've seen her drinking alcohol, coffee and she took a bunch of pills last night....she's going to be a great mom.) She slimes all over Max and tells him she loves him. She needs his love..blah blah blah. puh-leeze. BSC Be-yotch.
  • María does a great job modeling at her new employer's place (did anyone catch her name?) Although Maya comes to torment her about not belonging to Max and Jimena's world. Jimena calls her, too...using the name Mrs. Sandoval. I hope those two break out with acne.
  • Linda leaves the apartment to stalk Os. JuanJo sees her and tries to get her attention, but she doesn't see him. He follows in his car and sees her with Osvaldo. They don't really *do* anything, but their conversation makes it clear they got a little whoopie going on. Os agrees to take Linda to the theater he's buying. JuanJo continues to follow.
  • Burnie arrives at the church to confess. She makes a big show of deciding who to confess to JP or PJ? (de tín marín....) Finally she settles on JP. Padre Hair-ónimo visibly relaxes (or maybe I just saw that.) Being the confessional abusin' pro that she is, she confesses to JP that María Desamparada is his true daughter.
  • Night. María and Nati talk. The door bell rings. It's Max. Bastard.
Cue the Kayak.


Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Llena de Amor #145 (Mex. 152-153) Wed 3/9/11 A Gaggle Of Odd Couples And A Slew Of Unholy Alliances

All the wrong people are getting together tonight. And even the right folks who hook up soon split apart again. Just another hurtin' night in Telenovelaland. Muñeca appears to sell her body, if not her soul, to Garduño in return for getting Christian back. Jorge teams up with Fedra (they both have incriminating info about the other) in order to win Mari/Vicky and her fortune. (See! Manzanita told you he was a bad guy!) Brandon and Ilitia make love (it wasn't just sex, he proclaims) but fall out in the morning when she admits she could never live a life of “poverty” with him. Kristel decides to drop both Lorenzo and his little package Christian in the hopes of furthering her Top Model Career. And Captain José is still trying to figure out how old buddies Juana Felipe and Bernardo could have turned to a life of crime. Evidently the obvious answer “Because it pays” didn't occur to him.And since Univision is still making casseroles by combining two different episodes, we also have a great scene of Emiliano trying to beat the bejesus out of Lorenzo, when our aging slimeball comes to ask Emi for the hand of his daughter. Suffice it to say the request didn't go well. But it sure was fun to watch!

As the show begins, for one heart-stopping moment, we think that Muñeca is willing to be Garduño's woman in return for offing Lorenzo. Whew. What a relief to know she only wants Low to pay by losing custody of Christian. And what she really really really wants? Why a night of candlelight, wine and a game of Maratón with her favortite adversary. Garduño (“Call me León”) is only too happy to oblige...on all counts.

We have our obligatory clichés: “Esto no puede ser” after Ilitia and Brandon's first go-round in the sheets. We swore it wouldn't happen again, he laments. “It was bigger than both of us”, she replies. (not touching that one). This is the third time we've made love and twice you were drunk, muses Brandon. He's clearly experiencing post-coital depression. A common ailment. Ilitia allows as how she's messed up, stressed about being adopted and what not. But what really torments her is what she feels for Brandon. She really desires him (me gustas mucho) So c'mere big guy. And he does. Presumably for Round Four.

The Maratón game seems to be going swimmingly but is interrupted by a call. It's Magela (the model agency head) letting Muñeca know her daughter is drunk (muy pasada de copas) and if she's not straight by morning and ready to work, no agency will ever hire her again. (This part was left out in tonight's casserole.)

That ends the Maratón game, but a new one begins. Garduño, now on a first-name basis, wants to know how he can help his worried woman friend. What can he do to lift her spirits? he wants to know, while tenderly covering her hand with his. He counsels that nothing can be done for Ilitia until the next day. But as for problem. Lorenzo is his slave, he sold his soul to me (as he says this, he slides behind Muñeca chair and caresses her hair (yuck!) so I can promise that tomorrow you'll hold and kiss your little Christian again.

But wait! In the next scene, we see Kristel at Magela's apartment to pick up Christian? Will this mess up the rescue attempt? Stay tuned.

Fedra and Jorge (whom she delights in calling “Mi George”) are playing an extended cat and mouse game. She tweaks him for being the lame husband of Marianela while wanting Vicky. Who's been in her son Eman's bed. But now she ups the ante by affirming that she knows the Meatball and the Spaghetti are one and the same. No way says Jorge, whipping out his wedding photo. “Que mal foto-shop” snaps Fedra. And my friend Bernardo is in jail for forging documents. Do you want to go to jail for forging photos? Sum total of this go-round. Jorge and Fedra have interests in common. But since she's trying to bring down" the woman he loves", he can't be her ally. Clearly only a temporary setback.

Oh my. Kristel's still at the apartment and having plunked Christian down on the floor, she struts her stuff for Magela. Top Model right? D'ya think you could make me an even bigger name than Ilitia? Sure. With your body and attitude (a delighted Christian seems to agree) you could be hot stuff. But not if your “big dream” is to get married. Nopis. Kristel is ready to do whatevah to be famous. Good-bye Lorenzo. Good-bye Christian.

Now the 411 on Jorge. He's walking down Memory Lane, remembering his rushed proposal and also Tia Carlota's suspicions. She told him right off that if Marianela accepted his proposal (even though Tia thought she was still in love with Eman), he would have to renounce all rights to the fortune she would inherit from her dear departed dad. You offend me Doña Carlota, huffs Jorge. No matter. This is a huge amount of money. One people would kill for.

And yes indeed, muses Jorge. Fedra did kill for it....and did me a favor in the process. (Oh he's bad bad bad!) His memories then take him further to a day when Marianela, in her fat suit, is holding the doll that Doris saved for her. The doll that held the important papers concerning Fedra's past. (Okay, the previous two paragraphs weren't in tonight's viewing either. But I think they're important. They already show that Jorge may be in this for the money.)

Oh dear. Round Four (or was it three?) isn't ending well. Ilitia appears to be having regrets. Brandon's chapped that for her, he's only a policeman, a “muerto de hambre” (poor devil) incapable of giving her the life of luxury she wants. Well, yeah. She's never known “poverty” and doesn't want to. Now that you're 'satisfied', and you know what I mean, he snarls, I'm going down to have breakfast. And off he stomps, in spite of her plaintive “no se vayas”.

More games. Eman and Mama Fedra. He wants to know if she had anything to do with Vicky's upset last night. And what about this José whom she introduced as her lawyer the other day? Our Eman, though not nearly as dim as Emiliano, is still no match for Mom. She evades all his queries with an “I don't want to talk about the Past” and a pointed reminder that what he'd better do is work on saving his marriage. Drop this Vicky dame.

A somewhat pointless discussion in Vicky's office at the agency. (probably will be cut if they're merging episodes). Doris is gushing at how romantic the idea of dinner in a puente peotonal was. Jorge thinks it was a lousy idea and wants these shenanigans to stop. Eman's in love with a fantasy. No, sez Doris. She exists. The sweet Marianela is deep inside you, Vicky, and that's whom Eman loves. Vicky recalls her pain when Eman burned his letters to Marianela. Doris whips out her own cliché. You must “luchar por su amor”, for “el hombre de tu vida”. (Surely no translation needed. Even if you've only been watching telenovelas for a week.) From there they segue into worries about Fedra knocking out Vicky to get her fingerprints. They decide Marianela from come back immediately and Doris gets busy on the fat suit. The scene ends with Jorge, reminiscent of Garduño, kissing Vicky's head and vowing to do whatever he can to protect her. (This scene was truncated also. But who needed those clichés anyway?)

In another deleted scene, Fedra's hitting the bottle while musing that she has to get rid of Captain Chema or else that bruja's predictions will come true. No Love and Compassion for you, old amante. I'll get rid of you just like I did Lorenzo.

Shazam! In storms Muñeca. Fedra actually looks scared for a moment and then jumps up to fake hug and fake console her for her loss. What loss!? He's not dead!" Que bueno"Fedra weakly replies. What I want is to see Kristel, continues Muñeca. And presto, she appears. Only to to hand over Christian. Muñeca hugs him fiercely and little Chris smiles like the little Lorenzo he is. Quite content to nestle against any and all attractive bosoms.

Papa Lorenzo isn't doing as well. Comes home, not to an amante, but several armed men, plus Garduño and his lawyer. With papers. Sign these. A divorce. Without a penny from Muñeca. And no custody of Christian either. Impassioned protests. Cool reply: I'm going to have your woman. She's close to el Lirio de Plata and therefore a good investment. Which you didn't take care of. So she's mine. Either as a divorcée or a widow. You decide.

He signs. And weeps. “Que tengas un bonito dia” is Garduño's final thrust as he and his posse clear out.

A little tension back at the Mansion de Terror. Kristel smarmily apologizes to both Fedra and Muñeca for taking their husband or lover as the case applies. Fedra and Kristel both have “whoopsies” looks on their faces as Muñeca storms out in disgust. Now it's time for a little mother-daughter reconciliation. Heck, Kristel is so like Fedra, she's a mirror. And bless you darlin' you scare me to death! And you terrify me, mami, chortles Kristel. Fake hugs. Fake peace. But they're fun to watch, aren't they?

Jorge and Fedra are fun too. They're continuing cat and mouse, now in her office. She's threatening to bring him down along with Vicky now that she has proof that Meatball and Spaghetti are from the same Skillet (sartén). He then vows to tell everyone about her “amorios”. Big deal. Muñeca already knows and Emiliano had an affair with Netty. So what else ya got?

Well, he's got copies of those papers his father-in-law Luis Felipe kept about her origins “Juanta Felipe Pereth” he lisps. Checkmate.

Back to jail. Chema's hanging on the bars wanting to know more about how Bernardo and Juana Felipe wound up living happily ever after, thieving and killing, in the Ruiz y de Teresa mansion. Seems the Ruiz y de Teresa son (cue a younger version of Emiliano, muy guapo!) is strolling on the rocks, just as Juana Felipe, emerges from the waters like a modern day Venus. She smiles and he's a goner. (Too bad this scene was cut. The younger Emiliano is worth a view.)

But what about her son? Where is he? Bernardo turns away.

And we're suddenly back with Marianela. Chunky, cheery and in her fat suit. Eman knocks at the door of Vicky's office. Doris panics but not our Mari. Let him in, let him see me, she says confidently.

But they decide caution is the better part of valor. Instead Mari/Vicky whisks into the bathroom, pleading a case of the trots due to her intolerance of spicy Mexican food. That pretty well ensures that Eman won't bust into the bathroom. Whew!

Jorge and Fedra are still negotiating. He accuses her of knocking out Vicky to get her fingerprints and she's chortling that thank God the whale lost some weight. Otherwise it would have taken three gallons of chloroform to make her lose consciousness. As far as she's concerned, she's holding all the castanets but he threatens to reveal her sordid love affairs to one and all. Pish tush! Muñeca already knows and Emiliano rumpled the sheets with that cheap actress Netty. So you got nuthin' mi George. Not so fast. Good ol' George pulls out some copies of the papers that Gretel burned. Thus he has proof that Eman is probably not Emiliano's son. If so, he won't get a dime of the Ruiz y de Teresa fortune. And we're talking a lot of money (lana) smiles Jorge, his eyes lighting up. And what will your son think when he learns you were a port of call prostitute, selling your body to all and sundry. Sooooo....shall we be allies, or enemies to the death?

Now we're into the next episode. Emanuel's been dispatched to the pharmacy to get the Mexican version of Kaopectate. And back at the Mansion de Terror, Lorenzo has stormed in demanding to see "Her". Whom? sniffs Delicia. Kristel's not here. And neither is Fedra, she snickers. Emil appears, in high dudgeon, wanting to know why Lorenzo is yelling for his daughter. And the fun begins. Well...okay. Not yet. We've suddenly back with Brandon and Ilitia.

She's in a fetching but skimpy bathing suit and he's hyperventilating. Lordy, she's not going out like that, half-nude is she!? Indeed she is. This is a bathing suit fashion show. Not maternity dresses. And besides, I haven't got any cellulite or stretch marks as you very well know. Brandon breathes a little harder and appears to change color. Well, I'm really going to have to watch the guys if you're parading around like that. (Poor guy. He's clearly a goner. But Ilitia...not so sure...) As he turns to go, though, she admires his manly backside and murmurs sweet nothings to herself about his savage gorilla appeal. (Okay, she's a half-gonner. But the Ruiz y de Terese fortune still holds as much appeal for her as it seems to do for Jorge.)

Back to our boys, Emi and Low. Lorenzo is nervously explaining that he and Muñeca are now divorced. Good, rumbles Emil. She's been sick of you for a long time. And I of her, cheerily replies Lo. And I've met someone new. Love her with all my heart body and soul! Your daughter.

E- Whaaaaat!? My daughter!? What kind of man are you? A pervert? A degenerate!? First you steal millions from my agency, then after Mau dumps her at the altar, you move in and seduce her!?

This tirade is delivered as Emi chases Lo round and round the dining room table and then the chase and fight moves out to the pool.

Oh shucks. Just when it was getting good, we're back in the office. Vicky's back in her Vicky body; Doris has packed Marianela in a big sack and Eman's returned wondering what that huge bag is for. Er, um, it's a giant chicken. We've got a new client for instant soup and that's one of the props.

Well, hey, he's not that interested anyway. He wants to nibble on Vicky's neck and tell her how he couldn't sleep all night thinking about her. She's in her NoNoNo routine. People might come in. Square things with Ilitia first. The usual. He's like "It's just a piece of paper." (Wow, I can remember hearing that argument in my youth.) And I can't live without you. Grab grab. Kiss kiss kiss kiss. Borrrrring.

So back to Emi and Low. Pausing to catch his breath, Emi gasps "Did you lay a hand on her?" Low looks at all ten fingers, shrugs and indicates "Sure did Pops" On to the pool. Lo is now near collapse and wheezes that they're both too old for this. And he's about to have a heart attack. YOU'RE TOO OLD FOR MY DAUGHTER, THAT'S WHAT! AND YOU'RE A COWARD. Nope, you're the coward sneers Lo. You never had the guts to divorce Fedra and marry your Netty. At least I'm taking steps.

Lots more fighting. Lo seems to be having a ball leaping in and out of the water in mock battle. Emi's definitely tiring. And now they have a shocked audience. First Benigno and the maids. Then Kristel arrives, horrified, and shrieks in English for them to STOP. Axel and Gretel join the scene. Nereida informs them that Lorenzo has had a fling with that "facilonga" (easy bit) of a sister. Gretel wants to know if Kristel is planning to bed every man she knows. (well, pretty much, yes.)

Oh well. Back to the office. Eman caves and promises to wait for Ilitia to return and sign divorce papers. A few kisses and a nibble on the knuckle will have to hold him until that day.

Now we see Vicky, in need of fresh air after all that nuzzling, sitting in the park outside the agency with Jorge. She's telling him she can offer him nothing but friendship. And he's not liking it. So he leaves, but not without telling her that she needs him and that Fedra is determined to get her at all costs.

But evidently not before Mauricio does. Right after his exit, Mau comes up from behind, grabs her around the throat and warns her not to scream. He's armed and dangerous.

Ilitia, Fedra and Jorge are having a pow-wow on separating Vicky and Emanuel forever! Fedra's advice is for Ilitia to get pregnant as soon as possible. Ilitia perks up at the idea.
Doris sees Mau pushing Vicky into a car and sounds the alarm.
Mau leers at Vicky and vows that she's going to be "his".
Netty and Glad are hysterical and tell Emanuel he must do something to rescue Vicky.

desvelarme = to reveal myself, to let myself be known. (Muñeca to Garduño. And he's all for it.)
te comen las ansias = you're nervous, anxious, worried (Fedra to Jorge)
ponernos las pilas = get a move on (Doris, talking about the need to bring back Marianela, in order to fool Fedra)
no me dejaste otra salida = you left me no other choice (Garduño to Lorenzo)
sonando las castañuelas = lit. playing the castanets fig. "I hold all the cards". Fedra to Jorge.
rest of the vocabulary is embedded

Dicho of the Day

Dios los cria y ellos se juntan. Bird of a feather flock together. (Choose which characters you think this applies to.)


La Fea Más Bella #245-246 3/9/11 The Diary.

Capitulo 245.
Read Amanda's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Fern follows the cuartel into the bathroom. They chatter away and tell him Lety and Aldo will soon get married, and Aldo wrote a romantic inscription to her in his book. Fernando storms out. Irma suggests that Fern is jealous over Lety.

2. Fernando searches Lety’s office for the cookbook but instead finds her diary and starts reading. Lety and Aldo enter. Lety asks, “What are you doing in my office?” Aldo corrects her, “Our office.” (Since when??) Fern ducks out to his office.

3. This is not a transcript. I’ve extracted the key points from the exchange between Lety and Aldo.
Lety: It’s my fault. I should’ve supervised the project better.
Aldo: Stop thinking about it. Tomorrow we’ll find an answer. It’s everyone else’s fault.
L: No, it was my responsibility.
A: Thinking like that will destroy you. Your only obligation is to be happy. Come live with me in Acapulco.
L: I have obligations to Conceptos.
A: That’s only because of Fernando. You trembled when he was near. You should move in with me to prove that Fernando doesn’t interest you.
L: I have a commitment to Humberto. It’s about my promises and my honor.
A: You work too hard. Do you want to keep working hard?
L: If that’s necessary.
A: I’m offering you a paradise in Acapulco. Be free! Make yourself the most important thing in your life.
She asks for time to think about it.

4. Fernando reads Lety’s diary: She will devote her life to serving him, he needs her, he overlooks her ugliness, she’s the right woman for him, he’s given up on finding the right woman and she can’t show him it’s her. Fernando goes to the cave and continues reading. He wishes he could turn back time so none of this would’ve happened. Her entries tell of the first kiss, their first night together and Omar’s apartment, her fear of another tragedy, and her belief in him. Every sentence tortures him more as he cries, “My God, my God, what have I done?” He reads her pain in finding the letter.

5. Lety tells Mama what Aldo wants her to do. She loves Fernando. Aldo is wonderful but she can’t love him. But working next to Fern will make her suffer.

6. Tom takes Ali to breakfast and says he can take her to restaurants every day. She likes that. At work, Tom encourages Lety to take Aldo’s offer. He says he’ll take care of Conceptos.

Fernando spends the night crying in the cave. The first picture is from Episode 35, when Lety spent the night crying in the cave, trapped when Fernando was "entertaining" Fatima Bosch.

7. Fern says he should not have been born and he belongs in Hell. He starts throwing things. Omar asks what’s up. Irma asserts again that Fern is jealous of Aldo.

8. Aldo calls his manager, Gerardo, about the restaurant. He says he coming back to Aca with someone special.

Capitulo 246.
Read k-Fuego's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Fern tells Omar, “I never knew how much that woman loved me. I knew I hurt her, but I never imagined how much. I fell in love with an angel who lived only for me. She deserves that I love her for the rest of my life.”

2. Lety accepts Aldo’s work offer, but not the shacking up part. She needs to tell the board about the shortfall. He says that until Tom finishes the numbers, it would be an incomplete report.

3. The cuartel tells Fern that Lety left with Aldo, and that she’s soon moving to Acapulco with him. He’s too late to catch them, so he tells Paula to call her for him.

4. Fern finds Omar laughing derisively at Lety’s diary. He says, “Hey! The battle’s not lost yet,” just before Fernando pummels him because he has desecrated the sacred. Omar thinks it’s fair game because they’be both been in on the romance from the beginning. Omar says the guilt is Fernando’s because he’s the one who acted on it. Omar says that Fern himself was disgusted at the thought of sleeping with Lety. That one pushes Fern too far. He shifts into total rage and the fight spills into the vortex. Omar screams, “You’re a worse pig than me because you carried out the plan. You punch me to [purge?] from yourself what you always knew was a crime.”

5. Fern answers, “Yes, but I regret it and I’m paying for it. Not like you, who can still laugh at what we did to destroy a woman.” Omar explains to Marcia that Fernando is trying to wash his hands of it (a reference to Pontius Pilate). He tells Fern, “I hope it works, so that you purify your soul and you redeem yourself.”

6. Marcia assures Fern that Lety is a lost cause and when he comes running back to her she’ll be waiting. She plans to make Fernando president to show she’s the only one who will love and support him.

7. Fern continues reading and discovers that Lety is still rejecting Aldo, and she’s suffering because he might have a new girlfriend. He asks himself, with hope, “Does she still feel something for me?” He reads, “Fernando is not yours. He never was and never will be.” He says, “Yes, she does still love me. I won’t lose her, God I swear it. I’m going to get her back.”

8. Paula calls Lety, who orders her to tell Fernando she couldn’t reach her. Fern knows Paula is lying, and he’s disappointed that his cuartel has turned against him and wants Lety with Aldo. MamaJ hopes Aldo will crowd Fern out of Lety’s heart. Lety wants her parents to move to Aca with her and she won’t go without them.

9. Fern says to himself, “Lety, I’m going to show you that I wrote the truth because I love you.” He removes Omar’s trash from the black bag, and he takes the rest. Irma tells Fern that Lety’s at home. She says, “I know you love Lety; go get her,” and she blesses him.

10. Pop tells MamaJ that Lety can’t leave until she has fulfilled her commitment to Humberto.


Eva Luna #86 Tue 3/8/11 Boys misbehaving

Eva Luna March 8, 2011, Episode 86, Boys misbehaving.
Recap is UP! Be sure to scroll all the way down the page to see many screencaps from this episode.

We have some quick reviewing of what has happened before, ending with the scene Daniel kicks Icky out of the house and says they're getting a divorce and that's it.

I'm going to do the same thing where I try to consolidate some of these scenes so we don't all go crazy with the quick cuts!

Don Julio is putting on the smooth moves on Justa as Don Ricardo looks on, not really comprehending. They're having a nice visit at the pension with Marisol and Don Ricardo and then Don Julio is left alone to chat with Justa.

Bruno's come to the bank to steal Marcela's money. Two-toned-hair bank guy looks at the paperwork that Bruno provides which apparently gives Bruno permission to get into the accounts. It all looks in order. Then suddenly Leo appears out of nowhere, alarming an already jumpy Bruno. Leo chats a little, asks Bruno if he is there for personal reasons or business. Bruno says personal. Leo takes off, seemingly unalarmed.

Justa gives Don Julio the fisheye with those big eyes of hers. She told him she tried to see him at his house but he wasn't there. Now (in the pension) is not the time to talk, she says. Don Julio is like a Senior Don Juan here, soooo smooth, and says that he wants to see her "When? When?" Just a little eager there. He gives her his private card with his real name (I foresee some problems coming from this) and his private phone number. The info on that card is very confidential, he says. She's still giving him the fisheye.

Alicia approaches Eva and shows her the envelope with all the receipts proving that Deborah hired a lot of detectives over the years to search for the girls. Both Eva and Alicia are starting to wonder if maybe Deborah was telling the truth after all. Then Tia comes in the room. She looks at the documents and says that they are falsified. Liar, liar, pants on fire, Tia. Later in private, Tia asks forgiveness from her brother for the lies, but then self-righteously says that Deborah does not deserve her daughters back, after cheating with another man!

Nice little scene between Laurita and Daniel. It's nighttime, there's a fire in the fireplace, and they're comfy on the couch. He's trying to explain to her that he doesn't love Icky and that's why he's getting a divorce. Laurita is worried that maybe she was the cause of it (this due to Icky playing mindgames with Laurita earlier and trying to make her think that she was the cause of any marital unhappiness). Daniel assures Laurita that she had nothing to do with this, that it he never should have married Icky in the first place.

Icky comes in, looking contrite, says she is "destroyed" and wants to talk to Daniel. He gives her the stinkeye. Laurita leaves the room and Icky starts in again, asking for forgiveness. Daniel says no way. The old brain cells are still working because he reminds her of the B.S. that she pulled (fake suicide and he doesn't even know half of what else!) before they got married. She then says she won't divorce him.

Then she goes on about what will people say, what will people think? Daniel is quite sarcastic about this—of course that's all she thinks about, he says. She begs him not to tell anyone about the infidelity. He says he won't, he just wants the divorce.

Carlos is finally getting out of jail.

Lileach calls Daniel. He warns her that Icky suspects that she's the one that outed Icky and Bruno. Daniel didn't admit that Lileach was the source of the info, but Icky believes that. "Watch out for her" he says. Lately he's noticed that Icky is capable of anything. (Lately? Just lately you started to notice this, Daniel?)

The next scene is of Icky getting a gun from its hiding place and whispering threats against Lileach.

Renata has come to talk to Don Julio. She reports that the plan to gaslight Marcela is working well. They both laugh about that. Then she says that the doll and note he sent really freaked Marcela out. But he didn't send any doll and note! Strangely, Don Julio doesn't seem all that curious about who did.

More nauseating cr@p with Tony and Alicia. He still loves her, blah blah blah. She is not receptive, still is hung up on Leo. He works on her more, reminds her how she used to be so happy, but now not so much. She replies that he's a "nobody" but he says he's a nobody who loves her and respects her.

Later Alicia is thinking about what Tony said to her and wondering if maybe he's got a point. What is she now? As she is contemplating this, Carlos jumps from the bushes and snatches her. He says he told her he'd be looking for her when he got out of jail!

Lileach is taking a shower and remembering the warning Daniel gave her about looking out for Icky. She is thinking she'll change hotels soon. Meanwhile, Icky is bribing a maid to let her into Lileach's room. When Lileach comes out of the shower, there is Icky, all a-froth with wild anger, pointing a gun at her and threatening her. When someone knocks on the door, Icky is distracted and Lileach is able to wrestle with her. A catfight ensues, with both brujas pulling at each others' long hair. The maid comes in and breaks it up.

Lileach gets the gun, but is able to convince Icky that it was all Eva's doing. That Eva's had private detectives watching Icky and that's how Eva knew where Bruno and Icky were. That Eva tipped off Daniel. Icky's little pea brain digests this and decides that it must be so. Off she goes, threatening Eva instead. Lileach leaves the gun for Icky, hoping that she'll take it and use it on Eva.

Daniel comes by Eva's place to visit little Pablito. Quality time with the kid at breakfast. The new theme song for Daniel and Eva swells in the background. Daniel picks up Pablito and talks to him as Eva looks on, smiling.

She asks him what he's doing there so early. He wants to talk to her about something, and also to tell her that he loves her. She starts in with the schtick that she's going to marry Leo. Lather, rinse, repeat, as they go over old ground again. She doesn't love Leonardo, he says. She balks at admitting anything.

He then persists and says that she's marrying Leo for the same reason he married Icky—for revenge or spite, but not out of love. Eva still refuses to admit anything. Then Leo rushes in to tell them that Tia Tilde is ill.

Carlos is grabbing ahold of Alicia. He says he spent all that time in jail because of her. How nice of her to visit so often, he says sarcastically. She squirms and cries as he lists his grievances. He asks her how is it that she lives in this grand house? Who is paying for it? And what is Tony to her now? We hear Tony calling her name. Carlos finally lets her go, telling her that they have "unfinished business." Don't like the sound of that. And I hate how they've made Carlos a thug and Tony the "hero." Nauseating!

Leo called the paramedics for Tia Tilde, who is stretched out on the couch looking wan. They come and give their diagnosis. She had an anxiety attack, she's okay now, but get her in to see a doctor soon. They leave.

Eva and Alicia want to know why Tia had the anxiety attack. Tia flashbacks to the big whopping stinking lie she told about Deborah. But she lies again and tells the girls she has no idea what brought on the attack.

Icky goes "home" (Daniel's place—not her home anymore!) and Jacky tells her that a lawyer is waiting for her. The lawyer wants to talk about divorce proceedings. She gets all huffy and self-righteous with him. Lawyer says that Daniel has claimed that infidelity is the cause for the divorce. He then goes on to say that Daniel is claiming to have caught her in the hotel room with the other man. Icky looks shifty-eyed at this and kicks the lawyer out. In the background we see that Jacky has walked in and has heard all of this. LOL!

Outside of the house, Alicia is telling a concerned Tony that she's still freaked about Carlos. Leo comes up and wants to know what's going on. Later we cut back and see that Alicia has told Leo about the Carlos threat. Leo says that it'll be fine, but commands Tony to look after Alicia all the time. Oh yeah, Tony is quite eager to do that! He winks at her and she rolls her eyes.

Bruno is having a near-orgasmic moment with all the money he swiped from Marcela. He is sniffing it and caressing it and counting it as he puts it in a briefcase. With this money he can hide his identity and keep out of sight for a long time, he says to himself. He laughs to himself that how will Marcela feel when she finds out that he slept with her for money and slept with her daughter for pleasure.

At work, Daniel is wearing a fetching blue shirt and is talking to some guy about that ad that Lileach was in. It turned out well and the customer approved it. Icky busts in and yells about the divorce again. Daniel just looks weary. He tells her that she doesn't have to approve the divorce, he will claim that the reason for the breakup is her (her infidelity). Icky repeats her vow to refuse to divorce him and then walks out. Leo walks in and asks about this.

Leo wants to know why Daniel's getting a divorce. I don't know why Daniel just doesn't blurt it out, but I guess that the earlier scene (where Icky asked him not to talk about the infidelity) is the reason why.

Speaking of Bruno, he's heading out the door with his briefcase full of cash and who is there but Marcela, offering him a drink and all friendly. He has a deer in the headlights look when he sees her. She asks him where he's going. He didn't answer her calls so she thought she'd come over and visit. He says he was going to call her from the airport; that he has to go on a trip. He explains that a friend's wife died overseas, and he has to help out with the Visa and bringing home the body, blah blah, he'll be back in two days, blah blah, she seems to buy this and gives him a hug.

Leo accuses Daniel of leaving Icky for Eva. Leo is obviously feeling insecure about keeping Eva. You can tell that Daniel knows this. He reminds Leo that she doesn't love him. Daniel's going to fight to get Eva back. Blah blah blah. A fight ensues. (Scroll down the page to see the screenshots I took of the fight.) The guys jump on each other, fists flying. They carefully navigate over to the couch, however, so no one falls on the floor and hurts themselves during the fight. They continue their tussle comfortably on the couch. Then Eva comes in and has the whole thing broken up and castigates the two bad boys for behaving badly.

Eva wants to know why they were fighting. Daniel is eager for her to know. Leo . . . not so much. He gives one of his trademark Leo fishy-eyes.

It comes out that Daniel is getting the divorce. Eva looks impactada at this. Leo calls Daniel a "coward" for divorcing Icky. Daniel says defiantly and with great triumph, oh, go ask your sister what the reasons are for the divorce, maybe she'll dare to tell you! And then you come back to me and tell me that I have no reason to ask for a divorce!

Eva has had enough and leaves. Our bad boys face off again and Leo says that Daniel will never have Eva.

Icky is in her car, ranting to herself that she's gonna get Eva. FF>>>

Eva is chewing out Leo. She doesn't like work to turn into a boxing ring, she says. After he's left her office, she marvels to herself that Daniel really going to get divorced. She sighs heavily.

Daniel goes to Giorgio and asks where Bruno is. "He no longer works here," Daniel announces to Giorgio.

Icky is still in her car, mid-rant, when Leo calls. She yells at him to leave her alone, but tells him make sure that he marries Eva as soon as possible.

Lileach is wearing a revealing dress and visiting Daniel in his office. They're talking about the modeling job she did. She asks him about Icky. You can see on his face that he is weary with her. She says she wishes she could have told him about Icky's faithlessness earlier, because it would have saved him heartache. Then she says that neither Eva nor Icky are women in his life. She leans and kisses him on the cheek. You can almost see him flinch as she does it. She leaves and he wipes the lipstick off his cheek.

Outside the office Lileach gets a text message to see Leo. She goes to his office and he grills her for info on Daniel's and Icky's divorce. She spills all—Icky was found in bed with Bruno. Leo thinks Icky is an idiot. Well, no shit Sherlock!

End of episode!

Here is a bulleted list of the highlights of the episode.
  • Daniel is determined to get a divorce. Of course Icky is vowing to refuse to divorce him. There's a touching scene where Daniel goes over to visit little Pablito as Eva looks on, smiling.
  • Daniel and Leo get into a big fight at the office. Daniel is going to divorce Icky and fight for Eva. Leo is not liking the sound of that. Eva has to get Giorgio and another guy from work to break it up.
  • Icky decides to take out her frustration and anger on Lileach. (Like that name!) Icky bribes the maid to let her into Lileach's hotel room, and threatens Lileach. Lileach convinces Icky that it was EVA who outed Icky's and Bruno's love nest, and it was EVA who was to blame for all this. Icky vows to go after Eva.
  • Tia is still lying about Deborah. She has a fainting spell and the paramedics have to be called, but they don't take her to the hospital.
  • Bruno wants to get outta Dodge quickly with his money, but as he is out the door with a briefcase full of cash, Marcela stops him and seems to want to chat. Bruno is sweating bullets.
  • Don Julio wants to persist with Justa, even though he knows she's married. He won't let up unless she convinces him that she doesn't love him anymore. Don Julio's friend the good doctor doesn't approve. (Neither do I.)
  • We have our long-awaited return of Carlos. He's let out of jail and the next thing we see, he's wearing a very unflattering knit cap and has jumped on Alicia in the bushes. He has to let her go when Tony comes by.
  • Tony is now being painted as the hero, I guess. He keeps on telling Alicia how he loves her (blah blah blah) and he comforts her after her scare with Carlos. I really do not like this development. They threw Carlos under the bus here. 
PHOTOS! Right-click on images to see a larger (HD) version. (Images may not be displayed in order according to the episode.)
A nice scene near the beginning of the episode where Daniel is explaining how he's going to divorce the bruja.

Bruno goes to the bank to set up getting all his ill-gotten gains. I only include this screenshot because I want to know—what's up with the banker's two-toned hair! Very distracting.

We are supposed to believe he's a good guy now, I suppose: Tony still tries to convince Alicia that he loves her and wants her back.

Gratuitous Guy Ecker shot: Daniel pensively thinks of what he's going to do about divorcing the big-butted bruja.

Some quality time with his son—Daniel visits little Pablito as Eva looks on, smiling.

The big-butted bruja bribes the maid at Lileach's hotel.

Watch out! It's an unhinged bruja with a gun!

Carlos reappears . . . in the bushes.

Carlos is not happy with Alicia.

Tony is now supposed to be the hero and protector. Am I the only one here who is feeling a little nauseated?

An abogado comes to see Icky about starting divorce proceedings. She kicks him out of the house. Of course it's not even her house. Didn't Daniel kick her out?

The boys fight, part one:

The boys fight, part two: You'll notice that they navigate themselves over to the couch, so they can fight in relative comfort.

The boys fight, part 3: Comfy couch fighting.

The boys fight, part 4: Restraining Daniel. (I'm sorry, but I couldn't help myself. When I saw this scene, I thought: "Daniel, is this the way a 52-year-old man behaves?" Now, don't get me wrong, he's beautiful and sure doesn't look 52. Well, we don't even know if Daniel is 52, but Guy Ecker is. Sorry, it's just me thinking aloud. Moving on . . .) 

Eva chews out our misbehaving boys.

And then I have to take time and complain about a specific pet peeve, and something I consider to be one of the signs of the breakdown of society: SQUISHING video images deliberately, so they'll "fit" into the frame. I cannot stand looking at people's faces all narrow and stringbean-like, or all squashed down and fat like an Oompa Loompa. It's bizarre-looking. Sometimes it happens by accident or because someone doesn't know how to fix the aspect ratio (proportions) on their wide-screen TV. But there is NO EXCUSE for professional editors to do THIS to an image, just so it'll "fit." See exhibit 1 below of this atrocity (from last night's avances):
WHISKEY TANGO FOXTROT. Their faces are all skinny like stringbeans. More than 50% as skinny as they should be. I know it was to "fit" the images in for those with 4:3 (the old-fashioned boxier framed TVs) but come on. There's other ways to make it fit that don't create this hideous look. See below, where I've tried to fix the squishing. Do you see the difference in how the faces look?

And even when I "unsquished" the image, I still am not sure I got it right. AND, the frame is now really wide, and I had to crop out part of Marcela's and Icky's faces! So they REAAALLLY squished in the images. This is so unprofessional. I am a non-professional and I can see it and know how to fix it (wouldn't have squished it in the first place! UGH!) but it astounds me that professional editors at Univision did this ON PURPOSE!

End of rant. Sorry about that! It just so happened that I was the recapper to have the episode where the editors performed an aspect ratio atrocity, and I could not remain silent! LOL.


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