Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Eva Luna #95 Mon 3/21/11 Leo Gets Trumped; Deb Turns Sleuth

Cap. #95

We pick up as Leonardo pays his manipulative mama, Marcela, a late night visit. Her premarital motherly advice is not to forget that the objective of this marriage to Eva is the inheritance she “stole” from them. He can enjoy himself with Eva for a while, she says, but then he must kill her or she will kill Eva herself!

In town at the ad agency the next morning, Alicia thinks back to her argument with Leo over his two-timing her with Eva and his (ridiculously obnoxious) response that although he’s marrying Eva, Ali and he will continue to be lovers since it’s to be a sexless marriage and strictly business. Alicia thinks that maybe there’ll be a halt in the plans because of the surprise Eva has in store for him this morning. “--Now it’s Eva’s turn to give Leo a little wedding present!”

At breakfast by the pool, Eva asks Leo to give her a little of his time this morning before he goes off to work.

Back at the agency, Giorgio gets after Ali for taking too much time for her coffee break. He sends her in to take care of the new model. Surpriiiiiiise! It’s Carlos! “--I told you we’d see each other again!” Ali is knock-me-over-with-a-feather impactada. She wonders what Carlos is up to now and how he managed to get this job. He explains that he simply called the agency; Giorgio liked what he saw and hired him. Again he tells her that he means her no harm and only wants to be near her to revive their friendship. Of course--and what Alicia doesn’t think to bring up--  what Carlos doesn’t know is now he has to take into account the “L-factor.”

Back at Eva’s, Renata tells Eva that Lic. Basañez is waiting in the living room for her. She tells Leo she asked the lawyer to come by that morning. Leo asks why. Eva takes him into the living room. He finds out they’re there wanting him to sign a prenuptial agreement [separación de bienes]. Leo refuses and plays for time. He says he feels insulted that she distrusts him that much. She says no, she thought it only made sense since he has his money and she has her money. Besides, it’s so common these days. The attorney agrees and says most families do it that way nowadays. Leo says, uh--not all do! In the end he agrees to sign it or else she’ll think that her money is the only reason he’s marrying her. Once he signs the document, Eva thinks to herself that he really does love her. If not, he’d never have signed the pre-nup.

Marci comes out a bit after and sees them with the lawyer. She gets curious about the lawyer’s being there and what Eva had Leo sign. Leo avoids any direct answers so Marci figures he’s hedging. She asks him to take a couple of minutes before he leaves for work to discuss a couple things on her mind. After they excuse themselves, Eva assures the lawyer she’s convinced now that Leo truly loves her since he signed the agreement. (Sheesh! I want to pull my hair out or bite my arm off!! Eva’s naiveté still seems limitless. Despite all of Julio’s oodles of money spent to prepare her for playing with the big boys, she still doesn’t know when she’s way over her head.)

Across town, Deborah tells her personal secretary that she’s planning to play Detective For A Day. FF>>

At the boarding house, Marisol and Francisco have another fight because she’s off to the recording studio and he’s got to fix his own breakfast again. Ricardo and Justa get an eyeful to go with the earful they heard, and they agree they can lay odds that this marriage is doomed. FF>> (Jackie, call your office!)

Back at Eva’s poolside, Leo lies to Mama Marci and says it was his idea sending for the lawyer and signing the prenup. If he should die, his money and property go to Marci rather than to Eva, then. Now it’s Mama who can’t see the forest for all the green $$ signs on the trees. She thinks it’s not a bad idea. (Excuse me, but the plan was to make sure Eva dies before Leo and NOT the other way around, wasn’t it?) Marci says it actually was a bit of genius on Leo’s part--but if Eva really did initiate the prenup then they would have to get rid of her right away, period!

We beam back to the agency as Giorgio watches the shoot with Carlos. Marisol comes to see Giorgio about a loan and catches part of the shoot with Carlos also.  (She seems mighty taken with Carlos’s new persona and job. Two years in lock-up I guess made for a great “bad boy” look on camera.)

Eva visits Julio and tells him she’s convinced Leo’s sincerely in love with her since he signed the prenup that morning. Julio reminds hers again that she should be wary of his stepson, but doesn’t argue the point. They change topics and he brings up Justa and the birthday party. Eva says yeah, she saw Justa, but no, Justa didn’t mention Don Julio to her (a bit of a white lie if I remember correctly). FF>> 

After the shoot, Marisol explains that she needs Giorgio to lend her money because Damian is blackmailing her. Giorgio warns her not to start paying off Damian because he’ll eventually suck her dry. Everything she makes will continue to go to Damian one way or another. His advice is to tell Gerardo the truth and be done with it. She says he’ll tear up her contract if she does. Giorgio says she’ll lose everything if she doesn’t.

Julio discusses Deb’s investigations and gets her cell phone number from Eva. He suggests she might check with the hotel where Marci supposedly was staying on her trip when Daniel’s parents had their accident.

Eva calls Ali on the way home to tell her that Leo signed the prenup. Ali gets bummed out because it means that Leo really does love Eva.

Leo is thinking to himself, meanwhile, that he really doesn’t care about the prenup if in the end he gets Eva to marry him. Nobody else will get a chance at her after that!

Eva visits Pablito and Tia Matilde before leaving for work. She sees a couple dozen balloons tied around Pablito’s crib and finds out from Matilde that Dan stopped by, practically begging to be allowed to blow them up as a treat for his son. Eva is muy impressed and plans to tell him thanks. She reads the note Dano left for her and Pablito, telling him to believe that he’d never hurt him or his mother, and telling her not only that he adores her, but that he wishes there were some way to show her and prove it to her; and how he dreams of the four of them becoming a real family some day.

At the same time, Dan thinks about that note with a muy nostalgic smile on his face.

Back in Leo’s office at the agency, Alicia, our glittering glutton for punishment, wants it out with Mr. Up-From-The-Deep. However, as usual, she ends up groveling at his feet. Ali starts haranguing him over marrying her sister. He isn’t getting her money so why is he marrying Eva? Alicia tries futilely to convince him that he might love Eva and she’ll be his legally, but she’ll never be his emotionally because Eva is and always will be madly, passionately, in love with Daniel!! A wedding won’t change that fact and he needs to accept it! Leo asks her who told her that he was interested in Eva’s money. Leo tries to calm Ali down by patronizing her. He loves her sister and she will only get to be his lover, take it or leave it. “--I know you want me to leave Eva and to be only yours, but that won’t happen because I love her and we’re getting married.” (Gawd, the slime this guy leaves everywhere!! What a slug!) Leo now gets angry. He shakes her and tells her to shut up, then reminds her that Dan killed their father. Ali says she’s not so sure Leo might not have done it. Ali ignores that dark frown passing across Leo’s face.

Meanwhile, down the hall in his office, Dan’s nostalgia has thrown his mind off work. All he can think about is Eva. (All I can think of is where he got that stupid shirt. All that’s missing are the barrel and the checkers.) Suddenly there’s a knock at the door. It’s the Queen de Roma herself come to thank him for the balloons. Dan breaks into a pitifully hopeful smile.

Back at the boarding house, Ric gets the doorbell. Why, it’s Don Vicente coming with a belated birthday gift for their foster son, Adriancito. Don Ric goes for Adrian while Julio takes advantage of the time to woo Justa. He wants to know if she still loves him or not. Won’t she at least give him some hope? Justa reminds him he’s in her and her husband’s house and should respect that. Julio says he does, but he is certain she still loves him. (Now we know where Icky gets it from!)

Leo angrily grabs Ali’s arm and nearly breaks it in two. He warns her never to mention his killing their father ever again! Dan is the one who killed her dad, he insists, and is merely trying to lay the blame on him! (Ok, Ali. Buy a clue here. Try a V for Violent.) She whines that he’s hurting her arm. Leo now changes tack a third time and plays the wounded lover: her doubting words of accusation hurt him more, he says pitiably. It’s old as the hills, but Ali falls for this ploy immediately and apologizes for her clumsy, unfeeling behavior. (I can’t take much more of this self-flagellation from Nitwit Kid Sis. Sorry. I just can’t!) She says she really does love him. He knows she does, but Eva loves him more since she really does believe him. “--And because she really believes I’m totally innocent, I’m marrying her!” (Pardon me while I bite the other arm and pull out what’s left of my hair. This is grade-school 101 and Ali just eats it up. What a couple of nitwit female incompetents! The ol’ sympathy meter is at -10 and dropping fast.) Ali finally decides she’s had enough browbeating for the time being and leaves Leo’s office. The snake smiles smugly to himself over the way he’s managed to manipulate Alica once again. (Ya know, something tells me that if Carlos got wind of that little scene, Leo might get a lesson on the proper way to treat a woman, courtesy of the M.C. County Ex-Jailbird Association. I volunteer to leave Carlos an anonymous note.)

Back in Dano’s office, Eva thanks him for what he did with Pablito and says she promises to keep the little note and let him read it when he’s older. Dan tells her he hopes he’d be there when that happens. She backs off and tries to leave. Dan stops her and warns her she’s marrying the wrong guy and her father’s killer. “--You should never have accused me, Eva. I am innocent.” Eva looks a bit confused --though I realize that that no longer surprises anyone. She wrings her hands and asks Dan if he doesn’t think that she’s kept that in mind, along with a little bit of hope that Leo might be wrong, ever since he first told her about it. However, Leo’s been really good to her and has no reason to lie to her. He gently insists that Leo’s confused her is all. He says if she marries Leo she’ll be making the worst mistake of her life.

Frustrated by indecision, Eva tries to leave Dan’s office. Dan grabs her arm and begs her to give him some time to prove his innocence to her. She tries resisting, but well, Dan is still irresistible. He tells her he loves her and he knows that she loves him. Thats all that matters. They kiss and time stands still--till Bimbutt Victoria starts to barge in and finds them in mid-lip-lock. This time, though, she knows it’s useless to pitch a fit. She quietly shuts the door and heads for home.

At the boarding house again, Adrian opens his gift from Don Vicente. It’s a computer game which Don V./Julio says he’ll teach him to play. Justa doesn’t want him to! She corrects herself and says it’s too much bother. “No bother for me, I assure you,” says Julio slyly. (That’s for darn sure.) Don Ric thinks it’s a great idea, though, since he doesn’t know the first thing about video games. Don V. offers to come over anytime Adrian wants to play it on the new computer he got for his birthday. Adrian wonders how Don V. knows about the computer. Oops! Julio realizes he almost gave himself away. (Seriously, though. Don’t kids, computers and video games generally come forged at the hip from birth anymore? It’s not exactly a big intuitive leap, ya know?) Justa can’t fight the current and storms out of the room, frustrated.

Eva pulls back from Dan and tells him she can’t do this because Leo has been so good to her and doesn’t deserve this --this morning he proved it. “--No! I’m going to marry Leo!” She leaves and slams the door. Dano is left bluer than the blue in that ugly checked shirt he’s wearing.

Rosaura and the receptionist have become fast friends. She convinces the receptionist that she’s broken it off with Bruno and doesn’t want people assuming she was his accomplice. Rose tells the girl she’s going on vacation for a week to try to get over him and is counting on her not to say a word to Marcela. The receptionist says she’ll stay mum. Rose leaves to pack. FF>>

Ick-toria is in tears as she drives back home. She remembers Liliana warning her about Eva. “—Argghhh! Eva!! I’ve got to find some way to free myself of you!”

In another part of town, meanwhile, Deb visits a police station and digs up the old police report about the fiery car crash that killed Dan’s parents. She also manages to speak to the doctor who did the autopsy back then. When she finally checks in with Julio she tells him nothing unusual turned up. Julio suggests going to the hotel where Marcela was supposed to have stayed on her trip and finding out if there was some small fire in that hotel room anytime during the dates she was to have been there. He offers to text her the hotel‘s phone number after searching it on line for her.

Back at Dan’s, Franc starts pumping Jackie about her date to the movies the night before. She insists it was with a girlfriend, not a guy. Her name was Marisela. He asks if she’s rich. “--No! She’s poor! Very poor!” He continues the third degree with Jackie, and she tells him the show was about kids. Franc loves kids and really wants kids, but admits Marisol isn’t in the mood for them right now what with her record contract and all. Jackie empathizes. FF>>

Deb calls the hotel and talks to the manager whose wife apparently uses Deb’s line of cosmetics. He says since it’s Deb he’s dealing with, he’ll do the information search himself. She agrees to bring his wife a gift box full of her latest products when she stops by for the file. As Deb gets ready to drive back home she gets a surprise phone call from a Detective Varela who handled the Villanueva case years ago. He called because he was hoping to share some information that led him to suspect some things which he couldn’t prove. He’s got a court hearing today, he says, but he’ll call her the next morning to set up a meeting with her.

That night, Justa can’t sleep. She takes out the necklace and starts thinking about Julio, There’s no way she can leave Ricardo for him. Their time is over and done with now. She’s got a new life. She remembers Renata telling her how her baby was stillborn. Ric gets up and asks why she can’t sleep. It’s a headache. She’ll be back to bed after some tea. FF>>

At the same time, Ren can’t sleep either and is remembering Marci’s threats should she ever tell anyone the truth about Icky’s adoption. She decides she can’t stay quiet about it any longer and has to tell the truth now.

The next morning, Marci is sitting at the dining room table waiting on Eva to join her for breakfast. (I say don’t touch a thing you haven’t seen Ren serve you herself.) Marci want’s to chat.

Meanwhile, Ali sits on the floor of her room, bawling over Leo marrying Eva. She is tired of crying and says she won’t any longer. She knows what she has to do and the sooner the better, she tells herself.

Marci pretends to be hanging out her white flag of truce; she admits her defeat. Eva has her money, her house, her business and she’s marrying her son, so wouldn’t it make more sense to lower her guard? Eva manages a smirk and says she’d been meaning to mention that she found out it was Marci and not Daniel who’d levied the charges of fraud and who’d signed that $25,000 check she was accused of forging. Marci doesn’t deny it. “--It was Daniel that told you everything, I imagine.” Eva asks if she’s going to accuse him of lying about it. No, says Marci, she’ll admit to it. She reminds her that she dropped the charges against her also. Eva knows why and nearly gives herself away. “--You only did it because.... because something made you change your mind and made you realize you were acting badly.” Marci is quick to note her discomfort but says nothing.

Rose joins Bruno by the hotel pool. El Gallo watches the two of them make out at poolside from behind some palm trees and clucks. “--Tsk, tsk! Bruno!”


Llena de Amor #153 (Mex. 168-169) Mon 3/21/11

Capítulo 168: The Adventures of Nacofetus

We left off at Axel and Delicia’s boda, where Fedra deals out the photos of dead-to-the-world Delicia being smooched on by Alfredo.

Now we’re back to Jose Maria and Bernardo. Friday JM stated that Bernardo had been in love with Juana Felipa since day one. Bernardo now tells him it was stronger than him, he just couldn’t help it, to which JM grouses that not only did Bernardo cost him his freedom, he swiped his lady-love. No such luck, says Bernardo, she never loved him back. He laid the world at her feet, he turned her into Fedra Curiel, and all she did was treat him like a slave.

JM sneers that he pities him, then tells him not to go around saving his life any more, and to get the hell out. As Bernardo turns to do that, JM calls him back and tells him that if he wants his friendship back, he has to go and sin no more, plus rectify all the bad he’s done.

Bernardo begs him not to make him choose between Fedra and him – they are the two most important people in the world to him. He’ll protect them both!

Back to the bombed-out boda. Delicia is shocked and confused, Axel is mad, Fedra is insistent, Vicky is skeptical and so is Emil, who thinks it’s all very fishy. Who would take photos like that, and how did they end up in Fedra’s hands, hmmm? Axel remembers seeing Alfredo in the hallway outside her door, and that she wouldn’t answer when he knocked. Delicia swears she went to sleep, then goes over and grabs Fedra by her curly locks, but doesn’t pull very hard.

Ilitia goes to see her agent Mayela because she has no one to turn to. She tells her she’s pregnant and it’s not Eman’s, and what’s worse, the actual daddy doesn’t look anything like Eman. She’ll get found out. She explains that she’s not Muñeca’s daughter and when she found out, the world caved in on her, so that’s why she doesn’t want this baby to ever see the light of day.

Back at the boda, Delicia tells Axel that he knows what his mother is like. Gretel backs her up, and Oliver asks Gretel why she doesn’t listen to her own advice. Others chime in, including Netty, and Fedra, calmly sipping her wine, scoffs that Netty’s just a naca like everybody else there. Emil is furious with her and demands to know where she got the photos.

Doesn’t matter, says Axel, scooping them up, they’re faked. He rips them up and Delicia clings happily to him.

Mayela says she can help, but she can’t believe Ilitia got into this fix, and she better be sure what she’s doing because she could be sorry later. Ilitia reminds her that she did the same thing, but Mayela says she was on a career track and never wanted to get married, so that was different. Ilitia figures she can say she lost the baby, then the next time she gets pregnant, it’ll be Eman’s. She wants to get on it today.

Fedra tells everyone that one day they’ll be sorry they doubted her. Axel proclaims that he believes in Delicia, making Emil proud. Fedra says that all her kids are in love with the wrong person, and it’s because Emil set such a bad example, taking up with Netty.

She leaves. Jubilation! Time for music! Dancing breaks out, but our best dancer, Oliver, doesn’t join in. He sadly goes over to Gretel who just throws the same accusations at him and won’t let him get a word in edgewise. Jorge and Eman try to get Vicky to dance with them, and Brandon stops that by asking her how it is that the Lirio was able to escape last night.

Ilitia is at the clinic with Mayela, talking to the doctor. She assures him she’s less than 12 weeks along. The doctor tells her that after an exam, they’ll set a date. Nopers, Ilitia wants to do it today.

Brandon accuses MV of being an accomplice of the Lirio. When the Lirio was at the orphanage last night, he was with a woman whose description fit MV, so he’s going to have to take her down to the station. MV says she’ll go, but asks him to make some excuse so they don’t ruin Axel and Delicia’s day.

Jorge and Eman insist on accompanying her, and Netty overhears that Brandon has accused her of something. Eman explains that Brandon thinks she’s connected to the Lirio.

Ilitia is up in the stirrups (near as we can tell) but she has a vision of holding her arms out to a little boy and when he runs to her, he evaporates. She freaks out and tells the doctor that she doesn’t want him murdering her son.

Eman gets a call from Mayela, telling him Ilitia needs him.

Mauricio has appeared, I think at Garduno’s. Ah, the prodigal son, laughs Lorenzo evilly, and sends his guards to the other room. Mauricio knows (or guesses) that Lorenzo has done in Garduno, and now he thinks Lorenzo and he will share leadership. Fat chance, says Lorenzo. Mau protests, but not for long, because here comes Tejeda with his cops who point their guns at Mau. Tejeda thanks Lo for the information leading up to Mau’s capture. Mau swears revenge while Lo has a refreshing sip of wine.

Axel carries Delicia over the threshold of his bedroom. They kiss and say sweet things to one another, then she shyly admits it’ll be her first time. He promises he’ll be good to her. More kisses and a bit of a rock song, then some violins and he’s slowly undoing the laces of her corset-backed dress while she smiles demurely. When he removes the corset, he sees written on the small of her back in marker: “I sampled her first. Alfredo” Axel steps back, stunned.

Let’s think about this. Since nobody saw that writing, it means that Delicia laced and tied the corset top herself. Ladies, could you do this? I thought not.

Brandon isn’t in his office, but Jorge and MV are, and Jorge is telling her off – he knows darned good and well she is connected to the Lirio. Right, says Brandon, coming in. Criminals always trip up, like for instance Mauricio who they just brought in.

Brandon asks Jorge to leave, then Marianela sits down, which must not have been easy, given that her dress would challenge Houdini to get into, let alone back out of. Brandon tells her the Lirio is a baddie, but she says he’s a good baddie, and he wanted her to see the sick kids he was buying medications for. Brandon wonders if they have something going, and tells her she’s going to tell him who the Lirio is – right now.

Ilitia comes tearfully home to her mama, Mayela with her. She confesses that she was going to get rid of the baby, but she just couldn’t. Muñeca is astonished, and mad at Mayela who just says she was trying to help a friend in crisis. Just as Ilitia is swearing she can never get rid of her baby, Eman walks in and overhears. Ilitia rants that everybody is judging her and nobody understands what she’s going through. She just wants to die, and up the stairs she flees.

Muñeca sends Mayela upstairs to be with Ilitia, then tells Eman that he needs to understand Ilitia, because he’s been all taken up with MV and the Lirio. She shows him a newspaper headline about how the police are just about to capture the Lirio. She begs him to give it up, he’s done enough. It’s not enough! he says. She begs him to give it up for the baby. She has a bad feeling that something’s going to happen.

Axel is exploding.. those photos couldn’t have been faked if Alfredo wrote on Delicia’s nekkid back. Reproaches, denials, tears. Axel rages that here she was telling him she was nervous because it was her first time.

Delicia agrees that their boda was a mistake, because she shouldn’t marry anyone who doesn’t believe in her. People like her don’t have the right to dream. Axel says You don’t have the right to anything, servant!

MV swears to Brandon that she has no idea who the Lirio is. Brandon remembers that Jorge found them together and got jealous, probably because he saw the same look in her eyes as Brandon’s seeing now, which tells him she’s in love with the Lirio. Denials. Brandon goes on his radio and tells his men to stand by, then he tells MV he just needs one more piece of proof and he’s got the Lirio. She wonders who he thinks the Lirio is, and he tells her she’ll find out today.

He tells her he’s going to hold her in protective custody. She slams her purse on his desk in a sulk.

A sad, weepy scene in which Delicia says she was set up by Fedra, and Axel thinks the photos are real.

Lo is telling Tejeda that he will be more than happy to give him all the info he needs to nail Mauricio, but it’s Garduno that Tejeda wants to talk about because he’s disappeared. Lo fakes ignorance, then suggests Tejeda talk to Muñeca, since they have something going. Lo’s cell rings and he has the bad manners to answer it. It’s a call about Ilitia, so he quick takes his leave.

Axel asks Delicia how she could shame him like that in front of his family. She retorts that he’s talking about himself, his family, and what about her? Her feelings? He accuses her again, and she gives him a good slap for all of us and tells him that he’ll never know what it means to truly love a woman. He snarls at her and leaves and she falls on the bed and sobs. Poor little tiared thing.

Dandy has stopped by Mau’s cell and tells him that you know, that’s the way things go. One day up, one day down, and it was in Dandy’s best interest to stick with the person who was up. The mafia lawyer (Ordaz) shows up and tells Mau that Lo has said that they can get him out, if he swears loyalty. Never! yells Mau. The lawyer shrugs that he’ll just have to stay there then. Dandy advises him to be pragmatic and to join the ranks.

Mauricio sees the light, and tells the lawyer to assure Lo that he will be his most loyal servant. The lawyer heads off to buy off the judge.

Judge Pantoja is on the phone with the mafia lawyer and tells him to deposit the money in when his account. Fedra walks in. What an disagreeable surprise, he remarks and they exchange a few fun unpleasantries. She flops a folder on his desk and tells him she’s going to give him a new chance. Inside are the fingerprints and, snapping her fingers, she tells him she wants to know whose they really are like now, like yesterday. He wonders why Bernardo isn’t taking care of it. She says she doesn’t trust him completely anymore.

Fedra wants another favor, she wants him to perform a wedding. He laughs that he’s not that kind of judge. She counters that he’s a judge, and she wants it to appear legal, though it’s as fake as his good reputation. It’s for Lorenzo Lopez and yours truly, sez she.

It was Mayela who called Lorenzo so he’s shown up at his former home where Muñeca is none to pleased to see him. Muñeca tells him that Ilitia’s upstairs and Eman’s just went up to talk to her, and well… the child isn’t his.

Eman wants to know why Ilitia was going to get an abortion. She tells him that she couldn’t do it, but she just didn’t feel that she could bring the child up alone.

Lorenzo is furious and wants to know who the father is, because he’s going to kill him with his bare hands. Muñeca says it’s not her information to give out. Mayela, who has come downstairs so Ilitia could talk to Eman, says she can tell him who it is. Muñeca tries to hush her, but Mayela, who must be new to novelas, because she obviously hasn’t read the Telenovela Cliché Handbook, states that the daddy is Brandon.

Capítulo 169 The Ungentlemanly Caller

Lorenzo pitches a fit, but Muñeca assures him that Brandon didn’t do anything by force; they had a relationship going. Lorenzo just knows Brandon is after his money. What money? she laughs. He tells her he’s got more than she does; he’s just done this great business deal, see.

Eman comes down and they all shush, but Lorenzo can’t help himself. He furiously tells Eman that it’s all his fault, if he’d just been taking proper care of Ilitia, this wouldn’t have happened.. Eman, on another brain track, says that she’s okay now, and she won’t abort the baby, and what’s more he’s giving up his happiness to support the baby. Besides, after Lorenzo messed with Kristel, he’s hardly the one to be giving advice on how to walk the road of goodness. Off he goes.

Lorenzo says he can’t talk to Ilitia, what he’s going to do is go fix Brandon’s wagon. Muñeca tells him that Ilitia is the one who seduced Brandon, and that Brandon doesn’t even know the child is his. Lo marches out, swearing Brandon is going to pay for laying eyes (among other things) on his daughter.

Axel runs into his father, who tells him it had to be Fedra. No, he doesn’t know how that writing got on her back, but he’s sure Fedra was behind it. He begs him not to be as blind as he was, but Axel can’t be convinced.

Next Axel runs into Fedra who is just coming home. She begs him not to be so unfair to her, and tells him it’s all for the best because now he can marry someone his own level. She’s so sorry, but she told him so. He needs to listen to her more. He tells her he just wants to be alone.

Paula is sympathizing with Delicia – they did the same thing to her, but she had hoped that Delicia and Axel had overcome the obstacles. Nereida comes in and gloats that Delicia is back to being a servant. Delicia says she’ll be back to work, she’ll never been anything but a stupid servant. I’m not surprised she doesn’t consider just quitting because unlike Mayela, I’ve leafed through the Telenovela Cliché Handbook.

And now, a lively discussion between Netty and Gladiola, who says she’s one of the Lirio’s biggest fans, but she has to be on the side of her son and the law, and the Lirio’s a robber. Netty, gilding the lily, maintains he’s not a criminal, he ought to be up for sainthood, and she wants Gladiola to get her son to change his mind because she won’t put up with MV behind bars so they can trap him.

Angela, the fortune teller, is at Eman’s bar with Fidel and she’s seen the death card for somebody tall, dark, slender, with expressive eyes and a big heart. Fidel thinks that sounds like Emanuel. Jose Maria walks up and wants to know if they’re talking about Eman. Angela, not one to be sidetracked, says that there’s a lot of confusion, a betrayal by someone very close to him. JM is confused – who would want to hurt Eman? Fidel darkly warns that in life there are always hidden enemies.

Fidel wants to warn Eman, but she says he won’t listen. She says something about a danger, but I couldn’t catch it.

At the station, Brandon tells Oliver they’re going to get the Lirio because he’s obsessed with MaryVicky, so he’s going to show up any minute now, guaranteed. Sure enough, Eman blasts in, telling Brandon not to hold MV.

Doris has just left a message on Andre’s phone to call her back when Gladiola comes in and tells her not to bother with that guy. Doris is afraid for him because he just got dumped from a job. Just then Andre staggers in the unlocked door, and, coughing and gasping, falls to the floor begging Doris to help. Who knew AIDS struck so fast?

Eman and Brandon lock horns. Brandon’s approach is to say that MV is under arrest until the Lirio shows up to say she’s wrong that she went along with him willingly, but of course (taunt taunt) the Lirio is too much of a coward to come save her. Eman maintains that Brandon is illegally holding Vicky as bait in a trap. Off he goes.

Eman consults with Fidel, and wonders why Vicky went along willingly with the cops. He’s got to figure out how to remove suspicion that she’s an accomplice. Fidel begs him to be careful, and mentions Angela, but Eman waves it off. Right again, Angela!

Eman calls Brandon on his cell, and dropping his voice into the Lirio register, tells Brandon that he’ll give him what he wants, but first he wants to talk to Vicky. Brandon covers the phone and tells Oliver to run tell MV that the Lirio is on line, hint hint, and to go get Victoria. Behind the bar, JM wonders what Eman’s up to.

Eman, who now has MV on the phone, tells her to say that he had dragged her along by force, but she refuses, saying it’s not true and she wants to help him. Then Brandon gets on, and Eman tells him he has to let her go; she has nothing to do with him. Okay, says Brandon, as Oliver runs in and gives a thumbs-up, I’ll let her go. Vicky is confused. She stomps out, mad, telling him he’s nuts.

Oliver has traced the call – not to the cell number, oddly, but to the location, namely Eman’s bar.

And now for a PSA. Andre is still passed out, and Gladiola nervously tells Doris not to touch him. Doris explains that she’d have to have sex with him, or get a transfusion from him, and that you can’t get AIDS from a kiss, or a cough. He comes to and coughs some more. Doris is going to take him up to a room, but Gladiola protests. Doris takes him up anyway, telling Gladiola to call the doctor.

MV is home now, and wants to have a little party. As she switches her tiny rear down the hall, both Jorge and Eman watch in admiration. Jorge then confidentially tells Eman that MV has a thing for the Lirio and maybe they should make common cause to separate them. Eman, who is pulling all kinds of faces, fakes astonishment when Jorge tells him that MV was actually kissing the Lirio. Count on me! he says.

Jorge is surprised and genuinely pleased to have Eman team up with him. They fist bump.

Gretel is in Axel’s room, trying to convince him that everything Fedra does is false, that Delicia must be innocent, but he can’t be persuaded. Nereida comes in and tells them MV wants everybody to come downstairs.

Downstairs, Paula has a tray of champagne, and Delicia, in uniform, is with her. MV tells her to change out of her uniform, but Delicia tells her there was a big fight and it’s over, that Axel believes his mother over her. Eman offers his support.

Gretel brings Axel down and says maybe it’s not such a good day to celebrate. MV takes her champagne and proposes a toast to Delicia, the newest Ruiz y de Teresa, who is to assume her proper position in the house. Axel is furious. Queen (Mari)Victoria says it’s her decision and they have to abide by it. Delicia is to change out of her uniform, and sleep from now on with her husband.

Axel angrily says that the servant’s place is in the servant’s quarters. Emil tells him to knock if off, and to settle his marital problems. Axel says that Delicia can help herself to his room, but he’s not staying there. He stomps off.

Jose Maria has brought Fedra to Eman’s bar, which she proclaims a dump. He reminds her that they’ve been in worse places, and she reminds him not to call her Juana Felipa. He pours her a rum, but she says she doesn’t touch that junk, only champagne. He laughs that she’s changed, and she agrees she has, 26 years is a whole life, and he can’t blame her for changing to make a better life for herself and her children. She’s a society lady now, and nobody’s gonna take it away from her.

He takes her hand and asks what she would say if he asked her to leave it all and come away with him.

MV is in Axel’s room with Delicia and tells her she’s to stay put, not to run away and hide in the servants’ quarters and let Fedra win. She wants her to stay there until they figure out what Fedra did. Delicia doesn’t want to, but MariVicky, Sovereign of the Bedrooms and All She Surveys, hath spoken, and Delicia can do naught but obey.

She asks Delicia what happened, but Delicia has no idea, she just ended up with the writing on her back. MV tells her how Fedra chloroformed her and took her fingerprints, and she’s sure Fedra’s the one who wrote on Delicia’s back. Delicia remembers that Axel saw Alfredo in the house, and now she’s afraid she’s been raped. MV says she’ll take her to the doctor, and if she’s been raped, Alfredo’s gonna pay.

Fedra laughs in Jose Maria’s face. Why she would leave the good life, what would they live off if? JM says he’s talking about starting a new life together. Look what she’s turned into, the life she’s leading. A life you could never give me, she snarls. He remembers that they were in love, were happy. Were, she says, until she realized that he would never share a cent of his money with her. She wants to leave, but he holds her back, saying they loved each other and still do. We do? she purrs and leans in for a kiss, then pulls back and says look around -something here doesn’t quite fit, and that something c’est moi. You were made to sit around with losers and drunks, but I wasn’t. I am La Reina. I’m not the stupid 15 –year-old in a cabaret who fell for you. I have a real man by my side now, a man worthy of me, ambitious, dangerous. JM wonders if she means Emil and she sneers certainly not, that he’s a wimp just like JM. Actually, JM is worse. He has nothing – he went from ship captain to waiter captain. She pities him.

Back to our PSA. Doris tells Gladiola, who still wants Andre out of there, that he got depressed, which is normal as he lives for his body and his image, and he didn’t eat for a number of days. Gladiola thinks that Andre is doomed, whereas Doris is healthy. Doris says the rejection is what kills AIDS sufferers. Mother Africa will be relieved to hear about this breakthrough.

Mauricio, who is out now, goes into some thumping disco bar and has a few slugs, when he spots Kristel who is doing an impromptu strip. She dancing on a table, and already has her shirt off, revealing a modest pink bra and a nice flat stomach. Appreciative guys are in a circle around her. Mau goes over and grabs her arm and tells her she tried to set him, and tried to kill him, but look, here he is. She just stares at him.

I didn’t get all this, but Fedra tells JM that she’s a hustler who has taken advantage of all the opportunities that came her way. He tries to moralize with her, but she scoffs at him and says that people with principles like him end up losers. He reminds of when they made love in jail, and she remembers it lustfully and it looks like she’ll kiss him, but once again she pulls back, saying it was a big mistake. He comes closer, asking how she could have forgotten how he smells, and again it looks like she’s going to cave, but she sits up and readjusts herself and tells him she has a man who makes her tremble a thousand times more than he did.

JM wants to know who that man is, but she won’t tell, then she adds that JM has been dead for her since his boat sank. She takes a final slug of rum, slams her glass on the table and unsteadily exits.

At the disco bar, Mau has Kristel by the arm and tells her they have some unfinished business. A few of the watching guys tell him to back off, but he slugs one and they think better of it and step back. What looks like the owner and a bouncer come over and tell him to knock it off. Mauricio pulls out his gun and fires a few shots in the air. Everybody ducks, and he grabs Kristel by the arm and drags her out.

Coughing Andre tells Doris to call a taxi. He’s sure he’s dying and he doesn’t want to do it in her house. She scoffs that he still has a lot of miles on him, and urges him to eat. For what, he wants to know. He’s lost his job, people pity him, and now he’s a nobody, like her. Maybe she doesn’t mind, but everybody in Mexico knows who he is. Even though he’s weepy and scared, he still manages to be a jerk. Doris doesn’t seem to mind. He throws his food tray. What a prince. If rejection really killed, Doris would have been a goner months ago.

Brandon shows up with his guys in riot gear in the big house. The inhabitants stream out of the woodwork saying what the ….? Brandon announces that today’s the day he’s going to nab the Lirio.

Benigno quick runs upstairs to warn Eman, who has just gotten out the shower. Benigno starts pulling clothes from the dresser and tossing them to him, but too late, Brandon and his guys burst into the bedroom. Brandon holds up handcuffs.

Netty and Gladiola have heard the crash in Doris’s bedroom and come charging in. Doris tries to excuse Andre, but the two ladies tell him off, saying they don’t want him here if he’s going to make messes and be unappreciative and disrespectful. I hear cheering – who is that? Oh, it’s me. Netty tells him to get out.

Judge Pantoja reads the results of the fingerprint match and gloats that Fedra will be surprised when she finds out that Vicky and Marianela are one in the same. He has a giant ashtray (with no butts in it) on his desk, and a handy lighter with which he sets fire to the report. Next he burns the prints themselves, happily reflecting that the information is worth way more money than she has given him in the past.

In the backseat of a car, Fedra is telling off her hit man. He explains that Bernardo jumped up to save JM. She’s furious until he tells her that she shot Bernardo, and then she gets scared that he’s killed him. The hit man doesn’t know. He shot him the arm, but he had to run out then.

She tells him that next time, if Bernardo tries to save JM, he’s to kill JM. As an afterthought, she says that he should kill Bernardo too.

Andre is getting dressed while the two ladies rail away at him. Doris begs him to stay, but he’s going, asking her how she can live in such a rotten place. Doris turns to Netty and Gladiola and begs them to have some compassion, Andre’s all alone. Speaking for all of us, they note that he’s alone because he’s earned it. Off he goes, and Doris does some hand-wringing.

Mauricio has brought Kristel back to his lair where he lists his grievances: She betrayed him, she tried to kill him in the hospital, she wanted to set the police on him, she took up with Lorenzo, and who knows what else. You’re mine, all mine! He starts kissing her on the neck while she struggles. She breaks away and tells him he treated her like dirt and he never loved her.

She turns him on, he tells her. When he saw her dancing, a demon rose up in him and she knows there only one way to get that demon out. More forceful kissing while she tries to fight him off.

Brandon brings Eman down in handcuffs to the protests of the family. Eman assures them that he’s innocent and he’ll be let go soon. Gretel asks Oliver how he can be going along with this. Just following orders, says Oliver, plus they have their reasons to think Eman’s the Lirio. MV is stunned to hear that he might be the Lirio. Jorge is shocked. Was Eman the one in the room with MV? MV wants to know if it’s true.

Avances on the web: Axel has collared Andre at a party and demands to know the truth. Brandon tells Eman to confess.

Avances on TV: Ilitia is hiding the identity of the father, but it looks like Lorenzo, who is yelling at Brandon, is about to spill the beans. Looks like Fedra has strangled the judge with his tie (too bad it wasn’t casual Friday) and Bernardo has taken a photo with his cell and is threatening her with it.

Ultímos Capitulos, they say. How can this be if there are 30 more?

And a final note: The bits that were cut out tonight were taken from the web, which has no captions. Additions and corrections are always welcome.


Triunfo del Amor #67-68 3/21/11 Un Triunfo de Milagros

In which one soul shuffles off this mortal coil while another stumbles back on; and there’s a Whole Lot of Crazy Goin’ On.

Parte 1
A reprise of the Ambush by Jacuzzi. This time we see Max is along for the ride. Now he holds Victoria back -- but not before she gets off a good couple of smacks and hair-pulls. And Os is left pathetically wailing “It’s not what you think!”

Over a bowl of caldo de pollo (chicken soup), Milagros admits she knew that Nathy was in love with her JuanJo.

Linda shows up at Guillermo’s place in a bathrobe (probably the defunct Ofelia’s – ugh.) She tells Gui about the Jacuzzi Ambush Interruptus.

Back at Pedro’s place, Vic still can’t believe Os would do this to her. Again! He insists that she is the only one he loves. Her answer. SLAAAP!

Meanwhile Linda figures somebody must have tipped off Victoria. Gui agrees that there are plenty of folks who enjoy the pain of others (And he should know -- his picture's in the dictionary next to Schadenfreude.) Linda vows to destroy the Sandoval family – for the pleasure of it!

Nathy assures Milagros that Fabián is just a friend; the only man she ever loved was JuanJo. And once again, Milagros insists:
Digan lo que digan, mi corazón me lo grita, mi JuanJo está vivo.(Whatever they say, her heart cries out to me, my JJ is alive.)

Gleefully feeding into Linda’s thirst for vengeance and deflecting blame from himself, Gui casually mentions that Ximena may have told Victoria that Os was in the apartment.

Back at Casa Sandoval, Max tells Fer: Something serious happened. We have to prepare ourselves…

Osvaldo swears to Victoria he was alone in the apartment and Linda's arrival was unexpected and unwelcome. But he’s tired of begging. You mean tired of loving me, she says. No, never that, says Os.
And if their positions were reversed, would he forgive her an infidelity? Hah. She thought not. And she sends him away.

Bernie has asked María D to come and visit her. Fausto and Eva escort her in but Fausto lingers a bit too long at her side. Bernie has to ask him to leave. Twice. Then Bernie starts to kvetch – she’s so lonely, no one comes to visit, her son the priest neglects her. [And if she starts telling María she looks as skinny as a herring, she better eat something – well I’m gonna think the whole Catholic thing is a ruse.]

Bernarda isn’t the only gimlet-eyed observer in the house. Not much gets by Eva. And now she sees how longingly Fausto looks at María D. She tells him (rather cruelly) that no one would be interested in him; and more importantly, he’s not there for romance: he’s there to exact justice for his parents.

While María is soothing Bernie, Fausto is recalling the time he caught María in his arms when she stumbled. She’s so beautiful, so good. He’s never known anyone like her.

María and Bernie share a laugh (That’s one joke I’d have liked to hear. So a priest and his daughter walk into a bar…). When Bernie learns that Victoria keeps getting María fired, she offers to help. María repeats what she has said to her friends: Yo me basto. I’m enough. I can rely on my own resources. And Bernie, in spite of herself, feels a little thrill of pleasure that María Desamparada is as proud as Bernie herself:
No cabe duda que es mi nieta.(There’s no doubt she’s my granddaughter.)

Osvaldo winces with shame as he thinks of the Jacuzzi Ambush Interruptus.

Max tells Victoria that Linda doesn’t live with María any more. The girls kicked her out. Now she’s staying with Guillermo. ¿Qué?
Max comes to the apartment looking for María and they go outside to talk. He’s worried about his mother and not sure she’ll be able to get over the pain of this latest humiliation. María is his only solace. But María is afraid he’ll hurt her again. And she’s afraid of Ximena -- she’s a bad person and she’s not going to let Max get away from her that easily.

Toni tries in vain to raise Vic’s spirits. But Vic is so depressed she just wants to lock herself in her room.

Even though Max swears he’ll divorce Ximena as soon as the baby is born, María doubts he’ll be able to walk away from his child. He insists that María is the only woman he has ever loved – although sometimes he feels she doesn’t love him like she used to. If that were true, says María, she wouldn’t be there with him right now.

She loves him, she misses him, she lives in the hope that one day they will form a loving family together:
Eso es lo que más me une a ti – la promesa del triunfo del amor.(That’s what keeps me close to you – the promise of love’s triumph.)
Tears. Smoochies. Awwwww.

Ximena is in the bedroom at Casa Sandoval gulping down a handful of pills (and I’m pretty sure they’re not prenatal vitamins). She pounces on Max as soon as he walks into the room and accuses him of having been with HER, with his LOVER. Why? Losing his cool, he shoots back: Because I love her. Now shut up!

Their loud argument brings Victoria and Osvaldo running. [Well, at least it got Vic out of her room. Although even an air-raid drill would have been a more pleasant motivation.]

Ximena, who seems emotionally tone-deaf, annoys both Victoria and Osvaldo by whining that she won’t let Max treat her the way Os has treated his wife.

You have to make him leave that woman, Xi tells her suegra. But Max has had enough. He says emphatically: He doesn’t love Ximena – once the kid is born, he’s history!

Fer is standing in the background, as usual, and observes the scene silently.

And Ximena’s parting shot to Victoria: Why do men cheat on us? Victoria glares at Osvaldo’s back.

Back in the barrio, Maria takes a glittery heart pendant from her tchotchke box and remembers the promises of love she exchanged with Max.

The day after the Ambush by Jacuzzi:
Victoria is getting flashbacks of the scene [Yikes! So am I!] and is understandably still feeling a tad cranky. So when Os tells her he’s going to Televisa but will be back later, she says: Don’t bother. The lawyers are already working on our divorce. And then she takes off her ring.

LindaHo is mad. She’s fuming. Her ringlets are steaming and for a moment I fear her silicone will overheat and melt. She rifles furiously through Guillermo’s drawers [Get your minds out of the gutter. I’m talking furniture] and finds a wad of bills. Not enough. She keeps looking. And her persistence is rewarded! She finds the assessment of the theatre Os and Gui are buying and realizes that Guillermo is cheating Osvaldo. [Although it takes a good tug on the beanie to believe that LindaHo can tell that just by glancing at a legal report.]

At Casa Sandoval, Fer comforts her mother and begs her to forgive Osvaldo. She doesn’t want to lose her father.

Linda understands she has some pretty potent ammunition in her hands. [What she doesn’t get is that she’s just signed on as a suicide bomber. Just ask Ofelia. Oh, right, she’ll have to wait until she gets to hell for that conversation.] She mutters darkly:
¡Me vas a pagar todas mis humillaciones, Guillermo!(You’re gonna pay for all the ways you humiliated me, Guillermo!)

Just then Guillermo comes in with Ximena. Linda quickly ducks out of sight. Xi is kvetching our favorite kvetch: No lo soporto, no lo soporto! (I can’t bear it!) [Too bad she’s not wearing her “No lo soporto” embroidered angora beret. Then she could simply point to the words on her head and we wouldn’t have to hear her whiny voice.]

She goes on: She can’t stand Max, she can’t stand living in that house, if Gui had taken responsibility for the pregnancy… As usual the angry words devolve into nasty groping that not even LindaHo can stand watching. She clears her throat loudly.

Victoria announces to Max:
Le acabo de pedir un divorcio a tu padre.(I just asked your father for a divorce.)

Linda’s employment worries are over! She can live comfortably on the money Gui and Xi will give her for her silence. But guess what, LindaHo? Guillermo doesn’t care if Max knows that Ximena is a lying skank. But I bet you’d care if Osvaldo heard you were cheating him on the theatre deal, retorts Linda.

She continues to recite her list of grievances: You wouldn’t let me sleep in your bed, you just wanted to use me, and then you wouldn’t give me any money. Well now you’ll pay me and plenty!

Guillermo pretends to give in to her demands. He agrees to meet with her the following day to pay her off. Linda says she’ll meet him at 10 in the cafeteria next to hotel with a snooty name. (maybe Maison D’Or?)

What now? asks XimenaHo now that LindaHo has gone. Guillermo reminds her that money isn’t the only way to shut people up. Hmmm… what kind of accident might befall that stupid woman?

At Casa Sandoval, Victoria’s bitter solitude is interrupted when Micaela informs her that a very insistent woman is on the phone. It’s Crazy Bernie full of her usual ominous threats and abuse, maybe ramped up a level or two. She warns Victoria that she is about to suffer the very same torment she suffered years ago.

It looks like Linda has been stood up. She stalks out of the cafeteria angrily and mutters what are going to be her last words on this earth:
¡Me las van a pagar!(They’ll pay for this!)

We spot Ximena lurking outside in the shadow of the building, disguised in a black wig, shades and a red coat. Linda walks up to the curb. Just as a dark red SUV approaches, Ximena steps forward and pushes Linda right into its path. Linda is struck, her body is flipped up on the hood of the vehicle and then settles face down on the ground. The red SUV backs up and then speeds away. [Damn. Haven’t we seen this before?]

Parte 2
Ximena, who up until now has not impressed us as the sharpest tack in the box, shows an unexpected aptitude for murder. She deftly ducks back into the hotel bathroom, doffs her wig and shades, dons her beret, and turns her reversible red coat to its black side. Then she joins Guillermo (who has been sitting quietly at a table in the restaurant enjoying the show through the window). The police are looking for a woman with short, dark hair. A witness comes forward – she saw the dark-haired woman push Linda into the path of the SUV. Man, there sure are some crazies loose out there, remarks Gui. Did she survive? No, the policeman informs them, the impact was brutal and she died instantly.

Ximena has a sudden attack of the vapors, what with the shock of the accident and all, and Guillermo leads her out solicitously.

Now safely back in the car, Guillermo gloats merrily:
¡Loquita, loquita, eres tan predecible!(Crazy girl, crazy girl, you’re so predictable!)
He saw the gleam in her eye when he talked about an accident. Well she deserved it! says Xi. Guillermo assures her: You did good, kid!

Then he grabs her bag [which has the incriminating black wig and shades] and tells her he’ll hold on to it so he can control her. If she dares to disobey him, Max will find out who her baby’s father really is; and she’ll go to jail for murder. In that case, says Xi, you’ll go to jail for defrauding Osvaldo. Maybe, acknowledges Gui. But I’ll get out on bail. You won’t. The conversation gets them all hot and bothered. Thankfully they have no fruit in the car.

Speaking of matters holy and un-
The Padres are having a heartfelt conversation -- Juan Pablo is telling Jerónimo that he feels responsible and he doesn’t want to abandon his daughter when she needs him most – when Bernarda bursts in, freak flag flying:
Un sacerdote no tiene derecho a los afectos humanos. Un sacerdote queda clavado a la cruz de Cristo, a la pasión y el dolor del Redentor desde el día de su ordinación. Los sentimientos y los pensamientos de un sacerdote tienen que estar puestos en Dios! ¡Sólo en Dios!
(A priest has no right to human feelings. A priest is nailed to the crucifix of Christ, to the passion and pain of our Saviour from the day of his ordination. The feelings and thoughts of a priest must be focused on God! And on God alone!)

Er… excuse me Doña Demente, interjects Padre Jero – who, having been a priest for the past 50 or 60 years or so, may know a thing or two on the subject –

-- Priests have an obligation to help everyone and they have a special obligation to offer help to those who need it most.

Bernie is dismissive. If Jero, who is more worldly than her JP, feels that is his duty, so be it. But her son is different, evermore closer to God; and she will make sure he continues in that path.

The padres look at one another – JP with despair and Jero with horror.

At Casa Sandoval, Guillermo brings the news:
Linda murió esta mañana. Sufrió un percance, la atropellaron y se murió instantaneamente.(Linda died this morning. She was in an accident, she was run over and she died instantly.)

Osvaldo is impactado. At least he has the good grace not to look too relieved. Victoria asks bitterly if he’s going to say goodbye to his lover. He’s sorry she’s dead, he says, but he’s not going anywhere. Vic makes it clear that he can go wherever he wants – she’s getting a divorce and she wants him out of the house.

Fer, once again, is left to take it all in without fully understanding what is happening. She asks her father if it’s true that Linda was his lover. Answer her, says Victoria.

Linda’s death, or rather, Linda’s murder flashes before Ximena’s eyes. She seems to lose her already tenuous hold on reality and spirals downward into madness as we watch.

Guillermo knows too many things, she thinks. He’s going to do me harm.

The next speech she addresses to her reversible red and black coat which seems to be a stand-in for Linda [And I can’t suppress the thought that the novela would have been improved if the coat had played the role of Linda from the beginning]:
Te dije que te callaras, te dije que no te íbamos a pagar nada, te lo dije...(I told you to be quiet, I told you we weren’t going to pay you anything, I told you…)
She throws the coat down and thinks: Someone, someone has to help me; someone has to protect me in this house because I can’t… Her gaze falls on a framed photo of Victoria. She picks it up.

Downstairs, Os still has no good answer for Fer when she asks him why he betrayed her mother. When he leaves, Fer rejects Victoria’s attempt to comfort her. Don’t touch me, she says. If my father leaves forever, I’ll never forgive you.

Guillermo slithers over to Victoria and puts himself at her disposal, telling her she can count on his help, on his friendship.

Ximena feels sure Victoria will help her. She’ll take care of her and nothing bad will happen. Then she addresses the LindaCoat:
Yo te lo dije que iba a costar muy caro!(I told you you’d pay dearly!)

Back in the church, Jero tells Bernarda that he prays for her every day. Pray for someone who needs it, scoffs Bernie. Evil may lodge in the heart of even a pious woman like you, says Jero. Or in a priest like you, she shoots back, who advises another priest to abandon his religious duties. Wisely, Jero takes his leave.

When they are alone, Juan Pablo reproaches his mother for speaking to Padre Jero like that. He insists that it is his obligation – and maybe his cross – to help his daughter. God works in mysterious ways. Perhaps these obligations are punishment for my sin.

A police officer arrives at María’s doorstep looking for Linda’s next of kin. He tells her what happened earlier.

Bernarda complains to JP that he is indifferent to the shame he brings to her and the pain he is causing by his preoccupation for María Desamparada. This is all too much crazy to deal with at the moment and he asks her to leave him alone right now.

María D, Nathy and Milagros are all bummed out by the news of Linda’s death. [Although they’re not exactly rending their garments or beating their breasts. So far no one, not one single person says “I’ll miss her”. All you bad women out there – are you paying attention?]

Are you kicking me out? asks Doña Demente with genuine surprise. No, says JP, I just don’t want to talk about this anymore. If I change my mind about helping María D, you’ll be the first to know.

Bernarda can’t leave without one final warning:
Más vale que no lo hagas por el bien de muchos.(You better not (acknowledge María as your child) – for the sake of a lot of people.)

The news of the newly Late and Unlamented Linda has spread to the design studio of the Casa de Modas. And now Victoria is going to divorce Osvaldo, adds Fabián sadly. Oscar reports what the newspaper says: It wasn’t an accident! Some woman pushed her!
Roxana has been listening in silence but she looks up in alarm when she hears about the as yet unidentified woman. She thinks:
¡Esa mujer pudo haber sido mi hija Ximena!(That woman could have been my daughter Ximena!)
[Rox is nasty and dishonest. But not stupid.]

At Casa Sandoval, Ximena does her best to fan the flames of Victoria’s hatred for María D. She whines that Max is still seeing that zorra, MD, that same vibora that abused Vic’s trust.

Rox will be off to see Victoria [and whatever you think of Victoria, you have to be thinking: Poor Vicky!] as soon as she’s done putting her own touch on some of Pip’s frightfully dressed models. What are you going to use? asks Pip. The stuff that’s gone missing? Toni is puzzled so Pip explains: Since Rox’s arrival, expensive fabrics, purses, shoes, accessories have all been disappearing.

Rox acts offended: You’re not insinuating that I stole them?
And Pip faces her down: I’m not insinuating; I’m stating a fact!
And here Rox starts blathering about defamation and how Pip is in charge so if anything is missing, it’s on him – he’s a ridiculous puppet – careless and shameless. And she marches out, hips swiveling, head held high. [And just for a moment, Toni has to struggle to keep a straight face.]

Ximena keeps working on Victoria, trying to keep her hatred of MD alive: She can’t understand how Osvaldo could betray Victoria when she gave him everything. And now Ximena says she’s suffering the same fate. In her case, MD is to blame. Vic admits quite freely that she hates MD too – she was Linda’s accomplice – but now Linda is dead.

Ximena pretends she is Shocked! Shocked! Still, though she doesn’t want anyone to think she’s unkind, Linda had it coming. Women like that – like María Desamparada and Linda -- deserve what they get. Victoria nods.

And let's be honest. Milagros agrees with them – even if she expresses the thought a little differently. What happened to Linda was karma. Millie warned her many times that all the harm she was doing would come back to her. Nathy tells María she shouldn’t feel bad about telling Linda to leave:
Nosotros no tuvimos la culpa de nada.(We’re not to blame for anything.)
They warned her to stop hurting others but she never listened – she even seemed to enjoy it! And she’d do anything for money.

At Casa Sandoval, Max has no explanation to offer Fernanda when she asks why Osvaldo cheated on their mother. All he can say is he’ll always be there for his sister.

Osvaldo brings the news of Linda’s death to Juan Pablo. Victoria thinks I betrayed her again, he tells JP tearfully, but I swear to you I fell into a trap. Now that Victoria is unwilling to forgive him, he wants to go far away, he says. JP discourages him from doing so: If your life is in ruins, right here is where you have to rebuild it:
Adondequiera te vayas, los remordimientos te perseguirán y jamás encontrarás la paz.(Wherever you go, your remorse will follow you and you’ll never find peace.)

Reflecting on Linda’s death, Max tells María D that there are some people that you just can’t help. But it’s been one tragedy after another, she says, first JuanJo and now Linda.

Doña Demente remembers with pleasure María Desamparada’s declaration that she can get by on her own. [Anyone else getting Mary Tyler Moore flashbacks?] But then her thoughts turn to darker memories: she sees the flames that consumed Gonzalo and Rosalía, she sees Octavio tumbling down the stairs, a victim of poisoning; she sees herself beating Tomasa to death and slamming the fatal injection through Sor Clementina’s habit.

Then the ghost of Sor Clementina herself appears to her in a terrifying vision:
Bernarda, Bernarda, estás condenada. Tu destino es el fuego eterno, te consumirás en las llamas del infierno. Estás condenada!(B, B, you are doomed! Your destiny is eternal fire, you will be consumed by the flames of hell. You are doomed!)

Okay, I think we all need a little air. Let’s take a walk outside and clear our heads. Wait – what’s going on over there? Isn’t that one of Millie’s neighbors?

Yes it is! And she’s all excited because she has just caught a glimpse of a drunken guy across the road who looks a lot like JuanJo. And it's him! It’s JuanJo! Yes, it’s him!

A truck goes by and obscures her view. When it has passed:
¡Ya no está! Estoy segura que era JuanJo.(He’s not there now. I’m sure it was JuanJo.)
She has to tell Doña Milagros
Cruz and Napo walk down the street with Millie after Linda’s funeral. Cruz says it's terrible (gacho) that no one else was there. [Milagros says she was there because there’s no point in holding on to rancor – she wanted to say a prayer for Linda’s soul. Well maybe. But I think she just wanted to be sure she’s good and dead.]

On the way, Millie tells the guys she feels bad about María D’s predicament. Napo thinks it’s María’s own fault for not telling Max about the baby. Cruz says it’s a delicate subject – but all agree that pretty soon María will start showing and her pregnancy won’t be a secret any more.

In the apartment, María and Nathy are dressed in black so it is likely they were at Linda’s funeral (thanks, Vivi, for pointing that out!). María remarks to Max that it must be terribly hard for a mother to accept the loss of a child. Speaking of lost children, Max wants to share something he found out only recently: Before she married Osvaldo, Victoria had a daughter, a daughter she was separated from. And despite years and years of searching, she has never been able to find her.

Max looks closely at María. You don’t look surprised, he says. It seems as if you already knew the story. Yes, says María, except your mother didn’t “lose” her daughter – she abandoned her! What are you talking about? asks Max, taken aback by her reaction. But before she can answer, María has a bout of nausea and runs to the bathroom and pukes. Nathy tries to cover for her and says María ate something in the street that didn’t agree with her. Max wants to take her to a doctor but both girls assure him that it’s nothing. He finally agrees to go to the pharmacy with Nathy to get something for her upset stomach. He’ll come back later to check on her.

Nathy and Max are continuing their conversation out on the sidewalk when the neighbor lady approaches them excitedly. She saw JuanJo! Remembering how sure Milagros was that JuanJo was alive, Nathy and Max take her words seriously. The three will go to look for him – they won’t say anything to Milagros until they find him.

Victoria has taken to drink. And to sarcasm. And neither of them becomes her.

She is tormented by thoughts of the Jacuzzi Ambush. Os asks her if she wants to go out. Go out? she asks with a smile of misery. Great idea! The happy, loving Sandovals on the town – showing all the world how well they are getting along! How moving!

You’ve been drinking, says Os, and you don’t drink. Well I don’t take pills either, but right now, whatever it takes to escape from this reality.

Then have their same bitter fight. Ya basta, Victoria shouts Os at last. Enough already! But not quite. Vic hurls her glass and it shatters. [Yeah, I get it, like their marriage. But it’s not like she’s the one who has to pick up all those shards and splinters.]

María sits with Milagros and tries to distract her from her grief by getting her to talk about her consultorio sentimental (lonelyhearts or matchmaking service).

The JJ search has been fruitless so far. The neighbor lady has to go home but Max and Nathy keep looking.

Milagros tells María that love is sometimes sweet, sometimes cruel, sometimes bitter, but nothing is more beautiful than love. Soulmates wander about the world looking for one another – although sometimes they encounter problems. Like Milagros and Corazon Solitario, her mysterious correspondent – he may be her soulmate, but they never connected.

Max and Nathy are in a scary part of town checking out the street people sleeping on the ground, peeking under blankets and newspapers. No JJ.

Does your consultorio sentimental make people happier? Does it bring them together? MD asks Milagros. Yes, she answers. Well then, follow your own advice, says María. If Corazon Solitario is your soulmate… But Milagros is not ready to think about romance -- all the joy left her life when she lost JuanJo.

A hero is found!
Just when they are about to give up and go back home, Max sees one more figure sleeping under a pile of newspapers. He removes the papers carefully from the man’s face and uncovers -- JuanJo!!! He excitedly calls Nathy over. JuanJo, she cries, you’re alive! Milagros was right!

They help him to his feet. JuanJo, filthy and disheveled, stares blankly at Max and Nathy: Who are you? I don’t know you. They tell him they are his friends, that his mother, Milagros, is suffering: She thinks you’re dead! I don’t know any Milagros, he mutters.

Then the fog in JuanJo’s alcohol and misery-besotted brain begins to clear:
Mi mamacita Milagros…¿Dónde está mi mama? ¡Quiero ver a mi mama!(My mama Milagros... Where’s my ma? I want to see my ma!)
And JuanJo weeps on Nathy’s shoulder.

Sweet William Levy in a kayak.


Monday, March 21, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #261-262 3/21/11 Marcia is Supportive, Fernando is Supportive, Aldo is Jealous.

Capitulo 261.
Read k-Fuego's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Fernando stands crying and says, “In reality, Lety, my story with you was always a dream.”

2. Aldo says having Fern in the cave bothers him because it makes it hard for Lety. She answers that she can’t take that from him; he needs to earn his family’s respect. GSNAK.

3. Fern tells Omar that he’s finished (lamenting?). It’s time to take action. To win Lety back, first he has to pay off Aldo and get the company back.

4. The cuartel tells Omar where to find Aurora. They watch him look for her in a park. He sees her and tries to kiss her, but it’s Luigi in a wig, and he wants a kiss.

5. Fernando writes in his diary that Aldo took the love of his life today. Fern decides to write his memoirs.

6. Lety tells Caro she won’t be Aurora anymore. (3 times). Caro says she should stop disguising herself as a fea. Lety says she likes being fea better.

7. Lola discovers that Aurora lives on the same street as Lety. Sara says they live on the same street and both are friends of Sara, so Aurora must be Lety. Caro tells Omar to stop bugging her about Aurora, and if he can’t, then she doesn’t want to see him.

8. Omar boasts that Aurora is his lover, and no woman has ever been able to resist him. Lety laughs scornfully. He says Aurora’s nothing like Lety who is a gargoyle, bat, monster, and beyond ugly. Aldo hears it and orders Omar to stop talking like that and apologize publicly.

9. Tom proposes to Alicia. She refuses.

10. Fern tells the shareholders he’s selling his assets to pay toward the debt, and he asks for their support. At least it will make a big dent. It would help if they joined him. Ariel flatly refuses. His parents don’t answer. Omar is unwilling.

Capitulo 262.
Read Alma's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Fern thanks Marcia for her support. See the transcript. They share a sweet, warm companionship.

2. Aurora meets Omar while PhG takes pictures. Omar says his idiot friend wants him to sell his assets to pay the debt – no way! Aurora is disappointed that Omar’s a coward and won’t take risks for his friend. To make her happy, Omar will sell all he has.

3. Tom cries to Aldo that Ali rejected his proposal. Aldo says he should serenade her.

4. Fern looks for an apartment. He’s confused when Marcia laughs – she’s not criticizing him or yelling at him. She wants to recover her “luminous” self, and she toasts to the new poor. She falls asleep on the couch. He tucks her in and kisses Lety’s picture goodnight.

5. PhG grabs Aurora outside her house. Sara comes out to check the ruckus. Aurora slips away.

6. Lety tells MamaJ she chose Aldo. Mama’s disappointed it wasn’t Fernando, and she’s worried for his suffering, but she supports her daughter.

7. Fern asks Lety to stop avoiding him. They need to work together, and he promises not to push her. He moves in close to prove that he’s safe. Just then Aldo walks in. Fern ducks into the cave but warns Aldo, “If you don’t make her happy, you’ll have me to answer to!”

8. Aldo does his Marcia impression, upset because Lety didn’t answer his calls last night. Aldo says he doesn’t know how to deal with jealousy. He wants to take Lety back to the beach. Aldo gets all GSNAK, but Lety doesn’t!

9. Interesting meeting. Marcia will sell her assets. Ariel won’t. Omar will; a wonderful woman convinced him. Fern’s parents won’t sell any of their four (or five?) houses. Fern says Aldo sold all his assets to save Conceptos from the auction block, and that inspired Fern. He’s making this move out of love and respect for his parents. Aldo says he was worried for people’s jobs. Ariel takes it as an insult. Aldo says he thought their family was more united. They’re turning their back on Fernando who’s trying to save the company, but Aldo’s impressed by what he’s doing.

10. In the vortex, Aldo makes Omar apologize to Lety, and Fern helps. Lety hugs Aldo and tries to shake Fern’s hand but Aldo drags her back.

11. Aurora’s phone rings. Lety decides to not answer it. Son-of-Marcia decides to answer it for her. Remind you of anyone?

Spanish Lesson. Marcia supports Fernando.
F: Honestly, I never imagined.. you have no idea how much I appreciate that you supported me.
M: All this time I’ve been thinking. I’ve realized that some things are more important (than possessions) and one of them is, well, (matter-of-factly) te quiero.
F: (worried) I thought everything was clear between us.
M: No, don’t misunderstand me. I’ve already accepted my place in your life as your friend, your compañera. It’s very important for me, for all the good memories. I don’t want to lose you. I am willing to support you as long as you’re going to recover the company.
F: You don’t know how good it is to hear that. Because now more than ever, I need.. ..
M: (finishes for him) People that love (querer) you.
F: Yes. Now I am convinced that I’m doing the right thing. We need to recover our company.
M: Yes, and that it will belong to the families like it did before. Um, before everything happened.
F: Forgive me, Marcia.
M: Why? (For what?)
F: I’m sorry that.. I didn’t think.. I never dreamed that you’d be willing to sell everything to support me.
M: Nobody is happy to lose their luxury assets. It’s painful. But entertaining. I guess I’m getting used to losing things. (She laughs. Fern feels guilty.) In bad times, put on a good face. Like Irma says.


Eva Luna #94 Fri 3/18/11

My DVR was acting up and didn't record the first 15 minutes of the novela. So please fill in any part that I missed. Thanks.

What did record:

Marcella and Victoria talk about Deborah overhearing Marcella talking in her sleep about Daniel’s parents. Victoria says she thinks that you were reliving the accident, but I told her you were on vacation. Marcella says she’ll pay Deborah a visit to clarify things. El Gallo texts Marcella an image of Bruno’s cousin/lover, Rosaura. Marcella is shocked.

Eva comes home and Alicia rushes in. She wants to talk to her about Leo.

Deborah is driving and spots Julio. She can’t believe it.

Eva thinks that Alicia is worried about her impending marriage with Leo because she doesn’t love him. She tries to reassure her. Alicia says she can no longer keep this secret, it’s eating her up inside.

Julio in on the phone. Deborah runs up and says she can’t believe he’s alive.

Eva is worried and asks Alicia what’s wrong. Alicia says it’s difficult and finally is going to say something when Leo appears. He has a surprise for Eva. Plane tickets for their honeymoon.

Victoria brings Marcella some alcohol and asks her what’s wrong? Why is she so pale all of a sudden? Marcella wants to be alone. Victoria says she’s not done telling her about her problems yet. Eva sent her another letter. Marcella tells her that today she doesn’t have the time to wrap her mind around Victoria’s problem. Leave it for another day. Fine says Victoria. Then don’t complain later about my crazy ideas. Marcella looks at the text again and says she’s going to find out what relationship Rosaura had with Bruno and then from there find out what to do with her.

Leo tells Eva about their honeymoon destination. Alicia gets jealous and starts to leave. Eva stops her and Leo asks Alicia what she thinks. Alicia says it doesn’t matter, its Eva thinks. Leo agrees and Alicia leaves in a huff.

Julio tells Deborah that she’s mistaken. Deborah keeps insisting she’s right. He leaves. Deborah is not fooled.

Adrian and Laurita are playing with the dog. Adrian asks Laurita why she’s so mad at Eva. Laurita says that her dad was in jail and it’s because of Eva. Adrian thinks it’s all a big misunderstanding. He likes Eva. Laurita doesn’t. They go back and forth with this. It’s kind of cute.

Alicia is in her room and Eva comes up to finish the conversation that Alicia started. She finally tells Eva that she’s jealous of her and Leo.

Geraldo and Samuel talk about Marisol. Samuel thinks Geraldo only signed her because he’s interested. Geraldo thinks she has talent and asks Samuel to come by the studio today to listen. Geraldo asks Samuel if he thinks that Marisol is happy in her marriage. Samuel just shakes his head.

Eva asks Alicia what exactly she is saying. Are you in love with Leo? Alicia tells Eva that she was gone for a year. In that year Leo took care of her. He found her a job and protected her from Daniel when he wanted to fire her. She fell in love with him.

Marcella pays Rosaura a visit. Do you want a drink? No thanks replies Rosaura. Are you sure asks Rosaura. She just shakes her head and smiles.

Eva asks Alicia why she didn’t tell her before. I never thought you would actually marry him replies Alicia. So that’s why you were crying at the engagement party says Eva. Yes and … And what asks Eva. Alicia tells herself she can’t tell Eva that she is also Leo’s lover, but doesn’t want to keep this from her sister. Eva asks Alicia to tell her. Alicia thinks that Leo not only cares for her, but also the money that Julio left her. Tia knocks on the door. Julio is calling on the phone for her. He tells her that Deborah saw him. He worries that she might tell Marcella. Deborah is actually downstairs at the moment to pay a visit to Leo.

Marcella says that Leo has praised her work. Rosaura is glad to hear it. Marcella asks how long has she worked for the company. Almost 2 years replies Rosaura. That’s a lot says Marcella. I promise that I will talk to my son to give you a raise. Do you live alone? Yes says Rosaura. You must have a lot of expenses replies Marcella. Rosaura nods her head and smiles. Marcella apologizes for being nosy but wonders why a pretty girl like her hasn’t gotten married yet. Perhaps you can say I haven’t found the love of my life yet replies Rosaura. But I was under the impression that for awhile you were going with Bruno says Marcella.

Leo asks Deborah what’s wrong. He senses that she’s nervous. Deborah says she’s not nervous. Today she had some errands to run and when I was in the center of the city I saw… She gets interrupted by Eva who says Renata told her she was there. Great timing says Eva. I want to show you the itinerary that Leo set up for our honeymoon. And a beautiful wedding dress in a magazine that I saw. Will you join me? Yes replies Deborah. In a moment. I just want to talk to Leo. Eva asks Leo if it’s okay if they can have their talk later. Leo of course has no problem, but wonders what Deborah wanted. I’ll find out later though. I’m just glad that Eva is finally interested with the wedding details.

Eva and Deborah go up to her room. Eva says she knows that Deborah saw Julio. She wonders how if she hasn’t told anyone. Eva tells her that Julio called her and told her. Julio is alive and is hiding under another name. She cannot tell anyone that she saw him. He found out that Marcella was killing him.

Rosaura tells Marcella that she and Bruno have never gone out. Well that’s good replies Marcella. Otherwise he probably would have robbed you too. Rosaura nods and smiles and asks to be excused. She has a lot of work to do. But before she leaves Marcella thanks her for her loyalty to the family Arismendi. They appreciate and know how to pay that back. Rosaura thanks her. Marcella vows to make her pay.

Deborah can’t believe what Eva’s telling her and what’s to hear more. Eva tells her everything about the poisoning.

Marcella tells El Gallo that the girl in the photo works for her. Her name is Rosaura. She wants her watched 24/7. She’s sure she’ll lead her to Bruno.

Bruno is in the hot tub and gets a call from Rosaura. She tells him about her “little meeting” with Marcella. Rosaura is freaking out. Bruno tells her not to worry. Do you have everything ready? Yes replies Rosaura. Names of your next victims.

Deborah can’t believe that she’s been friends with Marcella for so many years. How did you find out that Julio was alive? Ever since he came and got me from Tia Matilde’s. He has helped me so much. He was the creator of Eva Luna. Deborah tells Eva that she can never repay him for all that he has done for her. Neither can I says Eva. I love him like a second father and can’t believe all the hurt Marcella has caused him. I may be wrong, but I don’t think he is her first victim. What are you saying asks Eva? Yesterday morning when I came to see my grandson I heard Marcella talking in her sleep about the death of 2 others. And she said that she killed them. Did she mention their names asks Eva? Yes, Pedro and Monica Villanueva replies Deborah. Daniel’s parents.

Rosaura is surprised in the bathroom by her co-worker, Clara. I didn’t hear you come in. I think I scared you replies Clara. Yes, a little says Rosaura. I heard you were on the phone and didn’t want to interrupt. Rosaura asks if she heard any of the conversation. No, of course not replies Clara. Okay. Great. Well I was leaving says Rosaura. Clara finally fesses up that she heard her saying goodbye to Bruno. And how secretive she was with that romance. I would never have guessed that you guys were a couple. Rosaura face says “Oh crap! How do I get out of this?” (I just want to say this. If you are a side kick/associate/partner whatever in a con game/business whatever. Wouldn’t it make sense to use a code name instead of the person’s actual name? Like for an example Bob. That’s a pretty generic name. It even starts with the letter B. Just in case someone overhears your conversation. Or taps in using spy equipment. Or if using a land line picks up the other end. Just sounds like common sense. Also when talking. Close the door. Keep your eye on it to see if someone might actually come in quietly. So many ways for you to keep that secret longer and perhaps keep your life. Just saying.)

Eva who is emotionally shook up asks Deborah if she’s positive at what she’s saying. No, not positive says Deborah. Remember she was talking in her sleep but was mentioning concrete information regarding the accident they had. But sounds so horrible. If she did that…. says Eva. I didn’t hear her say that she did just that she would do it again replies Deborah. I’m not sure, but I’m going to find out more. We have to tell Julio says Eva. Your right. He may have information that will solve this mystery replies Deborah.

Rosaura tells Clara to swear to her that will not tell anyone that you heard me talking with Bruno. Fine, don’t worry says Clara. But as a friend, I’m telling you to break it off with him now. The police are looking for him after stealing all that money from Marcella. And you can get mixed up in all this. Rosaura swears that she has tried to leave him, but when we woman fall in love…help me forget about that delinquent. I will help you says Clara. And I will never betray your trust. Rosaura says you have no idea how much of a friend I need right now. They hug, but Rosaura quits smiling. Is this another con? Will she use Clara as a fall guy (girl)? Will Rosaura escape Marcella’s clutches and run to be with her cousin/lover? Or will she be discovered by Marcella, who will then ask not so nicely where Bruno is and go after him? And if that happens, what will become of poor, sweet, innocent and brainwashed Rosaura? Will she be tossed in the streets, tossing in the sheets or tossed in the ocean? Stay tuned to find out.

Leo comes across Eva and Deborah leaving. He asks Deborah how he found the dress. Beautiful, but we’re leaving now to look at more. So what did you want to talk to be about Leo asks Deborah. Oh, I thought I saw Bruno in town, but I must have been mistaken. Have you found him? No, not yet says Leo. But when we do, he’s going to pay. The ladies take their leave.

Liliana pays Daniel a visit. She wants to apologize for her behavior at the hotel the other night. She wonders how Victoria is. Things are a bit better. Liliana asks if he still plans on divorcing her. Yes that is still in the works. Liliana thinks that the best thing to do. She leaves.

Marisol is excited to be recording her first song that will be on her album. She can’t wait for JoJo to get here. Geraldo thought that it would be her husband that would be coming. No she wants to wait until it’s all done to surprise him. Lately she hasn’t been giving him much attention and thinks this will make up for it. Are you having problems asks Geraldo. Of course not replies Marisol. He just doesn’t get that my music is my first priority, but its nothing. Really.

Jackie has taken care of cleaning his jacket for him. Francisco is thankful and says he adores her. Then he asks her why she’s looking so nice. Is she going anywhere? I’m going out later with a guy. With how asks Francisco. Jackie tells him to quit being nosy. I’m not being nosy replies Francisco. I’m just asking with whom. Is it that guy “cara de papa?” Is it him? No, I’m going with a girlfriend. But if I was, so what? Well I just wanted to remind you that guys went out and he dropped you like a sack of potatoes. Didn’t care about your feelings. Well things didn’t happen like that says Jackie. He never tried to kiss me and then acted like it never existed afterwards. Laurita’s in the house so you can’t leave until Daniel returns. See you later. Francisco recalls the moment where he kissed Jackie.

Deborah meets with Julio. He explains why he did what he did when she saw him. Deborah understands especially after Eva told her everything. Eva tells Julio that Deborah thinks that Marcella killed Daniel’s parents.

Marisol recording in the studio. Getting direction from Geraldo.

Julio says after what Deborah told him and knowing Marcella he believes she could have done it. She was on vacation when it happened. She came back with the ugly glove because she had burned her hand.

Marisol is outside celebrating by doing a victory dance which Damien is watching. He asks her what would everyone think when they find out what she did before she became famous?

When asked about her hand, she told Julio that she told a sedative and fell asleep holding a cigarette. It started a small fire and she tired to distinguish it with her arm and that is how she got burned. And never again she smoked. Deborah asks Julio if he has idea why she wanted them dead. No replies Julio. But I will go back and start remembering around that time to see if there is anything that might explain why. If I come across anything I will let you know. Deborah says she will start looking into the accident.

Marcella wants to talk to Daniel. Are you still planning on divorcing my daughter? Yes replies Daniel. Well with what I am about to tell you I hope you will change your mind.

Damien comes to threaten Marisol. What if the press were to find out what you did before you became famous. Marisol tells him that she’s willing to pay him for his silence. Just name the price and I’ll leave you alone. I want an advance or say goodbye to your career.

Marcella tells Daniel to stay married to Victoria or she’ll lie under oath and make sure that he rots in jail for killing Eva’s father. Marcella goes back to her office and tells herself that Daniel has to stay married to Victoria. It cost her to much to make sure that he married her in the first place. First making sure she killed his parents. They wanted to sell their stock to strangers. That’s why she had to kill them. And now she’ll have to do the same with him and his daughter.

Eva seeks out Alicia and says if she had known that about her feelings for Leo then she would never have accepted his feelings for her. Thankfully nothing ever happened between you two. Eva hugs Alicia and tells her she has a plan.

Renata brings Marcella tea and she asks Renata if Deborah was in the house yesterday. Yes, she came to visit her grandson replies Renata. She reconciled with her daughters. Marcella says now she is my enemy. Renata makes a snide remark and says it seems you know have few friends. This upset Marcella, but she tells Renata that soon she will have everything again. She guarantees it.

Leo comes to visit Marcella. He tells her that his wedding everyday comes closer. Marcella worries that his main reason for marrying Eva is getting fuzzy everyday. Don’t forget you either kill her after you marry her or I will.

Monday: Eva gives Leo a prenup. Daniel and Eva kiss and Victoria walks in on them.


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