Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Teresa Mon 6/6/11 #72 Compromising Situations

Capítulo 72

There’s no 2 minute rerun for tonight’s voyeuristic viewing pleasure.  Uni jumps in right after Mariano tells Teresa that she’ll always be his and he starts putting the moves on her.  In between a couple of awe-inspiring, luscious lip-locks Tere says they’ll always love each other, and maybe somewhere in the future--but Mariano shuts her up with another bed-burner of a kiss and tells her to forget about everyone and everything. He only wants to think about the here and now.  As he runs his hands through her hair, he accidentally knocks loose one of her combs and it falls onto the floor beside the arm of the couch unbeknown to either of them.  

At the hospital, meanwhile, Papa Hector the Director comes by with Juana to the nurses’ station to invite Aurora to join them for a dinner date at the de la Barreras’ with Tere’s parents that evening.  Aurora can’t because she has to finish her shift and then is meeting up with Martin.  Juana explains to Hector that Martin is Arturo’s ex-girlfriend’s (Pathetic Paloma’a) lawyer.   She’s hoping he and Tere can get along…for Aurora’s sake.  Hector agrees.

Mar and Tere are in one mesmerizing major mouth-meld and dangerously close to melting the fabric off that couch when they hear an impatient knock at the door.  Tere thinks it’s Ramon, Mar’s dad. He says nope because he’d have a key.  The aggravating (for me) voice of the person expecting to be let in turns out to be Aeeeda.  She starts pounding on the door.  Mariano teases Tere, saying that it would be perfect if she opens the door so that Aida would realize they’re still an item.  She thinks he’s serious and says of course she can’t. He tells her not to worry, cuz if he didn’t say anything about them before when he had the chance, he certainly won’t do it now.  “--Besides, Aida doesn’t deserve this.”  (Sure she does.) Terrified, Tere runs into his bedroom to hide.  Aeeeda and he flirt and she says that she wants to enjoy herself.  She heads toward the bedroom for some early evening delight under the guise of him changing his shirt.

At the de la Barrera manse, Luisa and Arturo discuss his asking his in-laws to live with them.  Lu says tho’ she doesn’t mind, she does think he should have discussed it with her first.  Either way, Art says he’ll always have room enough for her there even with little de la Barreras running around.   He and Tere are putting that off a bit into the future.  She might be married and gone by then, anyway. FF>>

Aeeeda starts to enter the bedroom as Tere starts praying for miracles; but Mar manages to close the door before she realizes anything. (Exhale; Inhale.  Watching this first five minutes I’ve totally forgotten how!)  They leave and Tere takes a moment to fix her make-up and hair.  Bad mistake, cuz just as she’s about to walk out the door papa Ramon walks in and the jig is up.  While he’s telling her what a slut she is and to leave his son alone, he finds her comb on the floor.  He refuses to return it and says if she ever comes near his son again he’ll use that as proof she’s been unfaithful to her hubby.

Speaking of unfaithful, Aeeeda’s papi has seemingly found the right combination of lies to get back into Mayra’s good graces.  He fakes a few tears and Mayra asks him not to leave.  They kiss and make up, but when El Bigo wants to seal the deal in the bedroom, Mayra pulls the plug and deflates El Bigote’s balloon.  “--Not without a physical and a clean bill of health.  Who knows what you might have caught rolling around with all those women of easy virtue!  AIDS or any other of a number of STD’s.”  He says fine—but then, he’s got no choice, either.

Across town, Esperanza and Juana compare their love-lives. Juana tells her there’s more fish in the sea. Espe admits she’s still in love with El Bigote and would return to him if he ever got divorced. 

Aeeeda and Mar stop in at a fast-food restaurant.  He doesn’t want her to get involved with him while he’s still not over Teresa.  She reminds him that she’s there with no strings attached.

Tere stops to get Juana and says she and her mother argued so her parents aren’t joining them for dinner after all.

Martin and Aurora walk into the fast food joint and see Mar and Aeeeda sucking face.  Martin says it looks like Mariano is finally getting over Tere.  Aurora is major-league-sour-puss impactada.

Juana and Tere get back to the Barrera mansion.  Tere lies that Mama is ill and Daddy stayed to take care of her.  The doorbell rings and when Tere looks over at the door, Art mentions that she’s lost one of the little hair combs she was wearing when she went out.  (Really?  I mean really?  What self-respecting male pays attention to whether his significant other has combs in her hair, let alone how many?)  Tere fakes surprise and says she can’t imagine where she could have lost it. 

Martin, Mariano, Aeeeda, and Aurora share burgers and tepache? together. Mariano thanks Aurora for her support of his project which is now seeing some success.  He appreciates how she was there for him from the start.  Aeeeda says life is funny.  Here they all are: Teresa’s BFF, Teresa’s WEF (worst enemy forever) and her ex-boyfriend, Mariano, with Martin (PatPal’s mouthpiece) enjoying themselves together.  Aurora admits that Aeeeda has changed a lot and for the better.  They’re all such great friends now.  It’s a new beginning.  ¡Salud!  (OMG!! Where’s my insulin.) 

After dinner, Hector asks for a few moments to speak with Art about a legal matter.  They go into his office and Hector explains that he really isn’t a widower; wifey left him a couple of decades ago; and he has never divorced his wife.  Since he’s interested in a serious relationship with Juana it’s time he see about getting that divorce.  Art tells him there’s a new law been passed that makes it easier to get divorced especially since his wife left him so long ago.   No problem.

The following day, Tere comes looking for Mariano and gripes about him going out with Aeeeda.  He says he’s ready to enjoy Tere’s company anytime she wants a replay, oh and BTW, no strings attached.  She calls him shameless.  He was supposed to break it off with her.  Oh?  The same way she was going to with Art, he asks, when she said she would marry him instead.  What’s the problem, anyway? He’s just playing the game with the rules she set.  (Ouch!  10 pts. team Mariano!)  

Pati and Griselda discuss the fact that her abuelo has threatened to fire her now, so she’s sticking to Pati like glue.  FF>>

Mariano tells Tere to face up to the fact that she’s just been toying with him.  He might have suffered over her before, but now he figures he’ll just take what she offers whenever, but now he doesn’t want to marry her.  Tere says that she thought what they had was different. Mariano sneers and walks away. He looks back and gives her an air kiss as a kiss-off and then leaves. (What goes around comes around and Tere’s just felt the first boomerang hit.)  She fights back tears and this time they are genuine.

Meanwhile, Pati is on the phone explaining to Johnnie about their new problem.  She doesn’t want Gris to lose her job over her.  So her plan is to run away, to escape no matter what!  (Like that won’t get Gris fired?)  Johnnie tells her he remembers “what his buddy, Mariano, told him” about her being under age and says that he could go to jail over it.  He asks her not to do something so drastic. 

Guess it’s the weekend and everyone who’s anyone in Tere’s crowd is down at the house in Cuernevaca:  Martin and Aurora, Juana and Hector, and Fernando (minus Luisa who’s doing some last minute work at a site or something).  Martin, we find out, was feeling so generous of heart the night before at the restaurant that he invited Mariano and Aeeeda to come and spend time at the house in Cuernavaca with them that weekend also.  Does Aurora mind?  (She couldn’t exactly say no at that point, now could she? What an obtuse numb-nuts!!)  Oh, she’s gotten over Mariano and sure it’s fine that he took it upon himself to offer the invite, she says sweetly.   While Martin takes a call, Aurora finds out from the gardener that Teresa and Mariano used to come spend the day there together quite a bit in the past.  

Apparently, Art and Tere have been invited also.  When they arrive Tere complains to Art that when he told her they were coming to Cuernevaca she didn’t think it would be Aurora’s house they’d be staying at.  Why, Art says, he thought the trip would be a nice surprise for her.  (Maybe if he would stop treating his wife like a child, she just might not continue to need to act like one.  Just a thought.)  Tere immediately remembers her coming there with Mariano and tells Art she would rather leave.

Back at Mariano’s, Ramon shows the comb of Tere’s to Mariano who immediately tries to cover saying it’s probably Aida’s.  Ramon says no, he saw her when the two of them left together last night.  It’s Teresa’s--and a good thing too, that poor little girl, Aeeeda, never noticed it!  Mariano agrees it’s no use trying to lie to his dad. It was he though, last night, who started things, he admits.  He’s not proud of what he did, but something inside him wanted her to hurt the same way he did when she humiliated him at the wedding.

Meanwhile, Art wonders if Tere is bothered because she and Aurora got into a fight or something.  Tere lies to Art and says no, what’s bugging her is that she’s dating PatPal’s lawyer and the woman irks her.  This shouldn’t bother her says Art, cuz the woman can’t do anything to affect Tere.  Oh, everything that woman does affects her, says Tere. 

Back at Mariano’s place, his daddy continues to raise the riot act, especially when Mar admits that he feels badly about the lousy way he treated her.  He rejected her and realized afterwards that he still can’t forget her.  He also feels badly because of going out with Aida because she wants a relationship.  Ramon says he shouldn’t waste the opportunity with Aida (Ramon, if you only knew!) because Teresa has done nothing but hurt him repeatedly, and it’s driving Mariano crazy!  He’s obsessed with Teresa! Think about what you’re doing, pleads Papa!! 

Tere has the feeling that Mariano is there with her.  Nope.  Just imagining.

Ramon reminds Mariano that he nearly lost his funding because of what happened at the wedding and he lost Armando as a friend.  Because he can’t get over Tere he lost a chance to have a relationship with Aurora, even!  Now she has a boyfriend.  Yeah, says Mar, he feels bad about letting that one get by him.  Ramon tells him then don’t let the chance with Aida slip through his fingers too.  (Well, Pops, Aeeeda is like going from the frying pan into the fire.  I can hardly wait till you see what a nasty piece of work she is!)  “--Don’t tell me you’re going to throw away everything because of a woman like Teresa!”

Back in Cuernevaca, Tere runs into Martin and Aurora.  Art has snuck in and is listening to them chat. Teresa is very politic and diplomatic with Martin.  He can’t believe his ears when he hears Tere schmoozing with the two of them that way. (Why?  Because she was behaving like an adult and speaking so politely to PatPal’s attorney?  Why’s he sneaking around doors and eavesdropping, anyway?)

Hector shows Juana around and hints at marriage some day.

Aeeeda tells Mama she’s upset that she gave in to Papi so soon.  She’s still pissed at Papi dearest and hopes that Mayra hasn’t given him back the power of attorney over her business affairs.  That, says Mayra, she did not do.

Gris gives in and goes down to spend time with Cutbertho again. 

Aurora and Tere chat a bit alone.  Aurora says she hopes she and Martin can get along because she’s really into him now.  Tere says she hopes so and wants to erase the bad impression she made in the beginning.  Aurora confirms that she and Mar spent some time alone at the place while Aurora and her dad were living in France.   She also suggests that that’s why Tere refused to come with Art when she invited them before. Aurora has something else she wants to tell Tere about the night before and Mariano, but Tere keeps interrupting and refusing to listen.  Just then Art comes over and tells the two of them that he was able to cancel his appointment and they’ll be able to spend the night there now. 

Aeeeda has stopped in to visit Genoveva who asks how their plan is progressing.  There’s no reason for her to sacrifice herself by hangin’ in the ‘hood and getting in good with the likes of Mariano otherwise, or is there?  Aeeeda seems to lose a beat on that before agreeing with Gen.  Aeeeda says the only problem is that he’s still stuck on Teresa.  Gen reminds her that's great.  Provoke jealousy so they get back together and make sure that Art sees them going at it.  Aida says she thinks of nothing else every time she's there.  The only thing is that Mariano is a decent guy and it seems he's being used by Teresa just like everyone else.  She doesn't really want to screw him over.

Back in Cuernevaca, Tere's in her teeni-kini, telling Art that since Cuernevaca is so close by they should get a place of their own for weekend getaways.  Of course, once she's by herself and putting on sun lotion, out pops Fernando to watch the action.  (I note the 5 in stacks she's wearing instead of sandals by the pool and shake my head.)  "I remember suddenly our first meeting."  She begins flirting.  "--Oh, and what did you think the first time you saw me?" 

At Casa de los Caceres, Mayra confesses she’s gone back with Ruben.  (Not what Gen was hoping to hear?)  He returns home. Gen acts a bit miffed when he kisses her on the cheek methinks, and leaves.  He has the test results of his physical.  It shows he’s healthy as a horse (and still just as full of bull feces).  

Speaking of bull feces, Fer tells Tere that he thought she was the most beautiful woman, but he’s sure she’s heard that a thousand times.  “--Yes.”  He also wondered what she was doing there on the beach alone, but then she mentioned she was waiting for her fiance.....Just then Art yells over to Fer.  Luisa had something work-related to do and may come later if she can.  Tere takes the two of them on her arm. 

Cutbertho continues flirting with Gris.  FF>>

Aurora manages finally to tell Tere that Martin invited Aeeeda and Mariano to Cuernevaca also.  She didn’t think anything about it because she had no idea that her father had invited her and Arturo. 

Aeeeda talks Mariano into going to Aurora’s with her.  No guilt. They’re simply friends with benefits, remember?    

Aurora calls her father over and tells him that she didn’t know that he’d invited Arturo when Martin invited Mariano and Aida.  Even though they might not even come, he needs to tell Arturo about the snafu. 

Hector walks over to Art to explain things. However, Teresa’s got him otherwise occupied in a lip-lock.  Just when the kiss is over and Art looks up--Ruh-rohhh!  He sees Mariano and Aeeeda walking across the lawn towards them.  The two macho’s stare daggers at each other.  


Triunfo del Amor #142 6/6/11 Victoria Grovels, Demente Rants and María Hangs Tough

Now this is a new strategy to build an audience – stealth programming! Here’s the episode Loonyvisión (apparently) didn’t want you to see.

Victoria is at María’s apartment to share her newly granted miracle – María Desamparada is her daughter. But alas, the news isn’t having the desired effect on María. She isn’t quite ready to turn the other cheek when she’s still nursing bruises from the last time she was VicSlapped.

Vic tells her that she’s the one who gave Juan Pablo the magic crucifix. She wants María to know the whole story, how she was a helpless (desvalida) girl who, in her loneliness and sadness, sought love with a man who was forbidden to her, a man who had dedicated himself to God.

Hablando del rey de Roma
PJP prays that MD will forgive Vic and leave her resentment in the past and that the meeting between mother and daughter will be loving and giving. (And what have you been smoking, Padre?)

Padre Jerónimo comes upon PJP and, thinking he’s worrying about his spat with María, reassures him that she’ll come around. It’s more serious than that, JP tells him: Victoria knows the truth and she went to MD’s house to tell her. Jero wonders what Bernie has to say about it. PJP admits she doesn’t know yet but he is hoping she takes the news well, that she repents and leaves her hatred behind. (I ask again. What have you been smoking, Padre?) Jero will pray. Very hard.

Victoria continues: That humble girl, alone in the world, reached out for affection on a night that would end up marking her – And Juan Pablo. And María – forever.

María interrupts her: Please don’t tell me you were a victim!

Yes, says Vic, in a sense she is a victim -- of Bernarda de Iturbide. She’s the one who threatened her, who threw her out of the house. She is the one responsible for all her suffering.

Bernarda de Iturbide is sleeping the sleep of the wicked. She dreams of the flames of hell. She sees the victims of her hideous crimes – Octavio, Tomasa, Mother Superior, the Scorpion guy, Padilla. They remind her of the inferno that awaits her.

Then she dreams of how much she enjoyed holding back the name of Victoria’s daughter. Suddenly she sits up in bed, wide awake, Victoria still in her mind. She resolves that Vic will never know who her daughter is. (Sorry, Demente, that ship has sailed.)

Yeah, Vic knows. But María is no pushover. She knows how to hold a grudge. Victoria tells her that Bernarda hid the fact of her pregnancy from Juan Pablo. And by doing that, she took from them the right to decide what to do with their lives. So she was completely alone when she gave birth to María. She tells the girl: You were born in the street!

You must have despised that infant, says María. No, no, no – Vic hastens to correct her. It was one of the most glorious nights of her life. Once she held her child in her arms, she was no longer alone. She loved that child with all her heart.

María scoffs. You loved me? You abandoned me!

Once again, Vic corrects her and tells how she was run over, was separated from la pequeña María; and from that night never stopped searching for her.

María recalls the nights she spent longing for the love and protection of her mother. Meanwhile Victoria was dreaming of her lost daughter – it was her loss that kept Vic from ever being happy.

Happy, echoes María bitterly as she turns away from Vic. Something you made sure I never was.

But now that Vic knows María is her daughter, she wants her to be happy. María won’t accept what she sees as pity (lastima). Vic is quick to assure her it is love. Yeah, well. Too late, Señora, says María. Now she herself has a child and all her love is for him; he’s not going have a bad mother like she did.

Mala madre! No! Again Vic tries to make her understand: We were victims of circumstance; I was never a bad mother. And I prayed and prayed for a miracle. Your father told me many times that the miracle had been granted but I didn’t see it. You weren’t capable of seeing it, says María. That’s different.

Back at Bernies, PJP comes calling on his ma. With her hair unfettered by the crazy daytime rolls, she looks like a different person. She’s not though.

When JP – ever innocent, ever hopeful – announces that God has finally granted him the miracle he has been praying for, she tries to brush him off: I know you’re a priest and all and miracles are a big deal to you, but can’t it wait until morning?

Afraid not, madre. This miracle has to do with our family:
Gracias a Dios, Victoria ya sabe que María Desamparada es su hija!
(By the grace of God, Vic now knows that MD is her daughter!)

The next scene calls for some audience participation. All together:
No no nooooooooo! The squeamish among you – avert your eyes. Juanjo carries Nati over the threshold and into a balloon-festooned honeymoon bedroom. Ya basta.

Let’s get back to the money scene. Bernarda’s reaction to JP’s miracle – she whacks herself repeatedly in the forehead and mutters “She didn’t deserve to remember it” isn’t exactly what the good padre was hoping for. He reminds her that she’s the one who told Victoria her daughter’s name and sooner or later, she was bound to recall it. And he himself had nothing to do with it. It was God’s work – everything happened when Vic spotted the magic crucifix in MD’s apartment.

Clearly, there’s still some divine work left to be done because, back in the vecindad, María’s not buying what Victoria’s selling. She isn’t Vic’s daughter, she says, and Vic will just have to get used to the idea that she’s never going to find her.

No no no no no. Don’t say that, rejoins Vic. It’s our destiny, it’s a miracle.

Not only did you refuse to see the miracle, replies MD, but you despised me, you humiliated me, you hounded me almost to the point of death –

No, interrupts Vic, I never never wanted you dead –

But María isn’t finished: You made sure I couldn’t get work. If it hadn’t been for Alonso, I’d have been begging in the street. You lost your daughter the moment you caused me harm:
Tengo gradabos en mi alma cada uno de sus insultos, de sus sarcasmos, de sus bofetadas.
(Every one of your insults, every one of your sarcastic remarks, every one of your slaps is etched in my soul.)
And now, she adds, knowing that you are my mother, they hurt a thousand times more.

And all Victoria can do is answer tearfully:
Mi hija, mi pequeña María, perdóname – no sabía lo que había.
(Daughter, my little María, forgive me – I didn’t know what I was doing.)

I’m not your daughter, answers María. I refuse to be.

Let’s check back in with abuelita. Bernie’s got herself good and wound up. She’s hurling curses at Victoria and asking God why he has abandoned her when he should be punishing Victoria. JP is appalled at her blasphemy in praying for another’s punishment. She doesn’t give a rat’s patooty. And for his impertinence in questioning her, she slaps him hard. How dare you, she says. I’m your mother.

Yes, says PJP, precisely. And just look at all the harm you’ve done – You’re on the road to hell!

That observation earns him another hard slap. And then a third! Don’t threaten me with hellfire, she snarls. If that woman hadn’t seduced you, I wouldn’t have been forced to go down this path.

But finally JP seems to be coming out of his 145 episode stupor because he answers: You were already a sinner before I was born.

Here Bernarda covers her face with her hands. Look at me, insists JP:
I know perfectly well what you did to my father and to that woman who died in the flames!

Bernie shakes her crazy head. They had to pay, she says: Your father betrayed me – he seduced me and abandoned me when I had a child on the way. I had no choice.

A small light bulb goes on over JP’s head. Not a halo, friends. Now he gets it – that’s why Demente condemned Victoria and María. They reminded her of herself!

Well now she is beyond his help, or anyone’s. All that is left for her is prayer. And repentance. Set aside the arrogance and accept that you have sinned, he advises. That’s the only path to God’s forgiveness.

Message not received. Sigh. She runs from the room screaming curses. Poor JP sinks to the floor and weeps. He prays.

Back in the balloon room in Acapulco, Nati is Romancing the Stone. Use your imagination. Or not. Pillow talk: He tells Nati that his boss wants him to take a two-month training course out of the city. Will she go with him? To the end of the earth, answers our girl who should be giving seminars in making silk purses out of sows’ ears.

As for the mother-daughter reunion in the vecindad – well, if Victoria is the Titanic, María ya no D is the iceberg. Vic deserves to be rejected, her daughter tells her. Her apologies have come too late.

Vic, frantically rearranging the deck chairs, tries to make María understand how threatened she was by María’s friend, Linda. That woman was trying to destroy Victoria’s marriage, her very life. What would María have done if another woman had tried to destroy her relationship with Max?

Uh oh. Wrong question to ask. Cuz that’s pretty much what Vic has been hell-bent on doing – destroying María’s relationship with Max.

In Casa Sandoval, Max doesn’t understand how Victoria eluded the search party. Why didn’t the troika of Heri, Leonela and Os catch up with her? Os explains that by the time they realized she was gone, she already had a head start on them. Max decides to follow the trail back to the vecindad. Maybe María knows what’s going on.

Meanwhile María has the exquisitely bitter pleasure of spitting Victoria’s own words back in her face:
Yo la tolero pero no la quiero.
(I can tolerate you but I don’t like you)

Victoria begs her to forget the past hurts.

You think it’s so easy to forget? answers María. Have you forgotten Linda?

Anyway, says María, it’s not just one thing. You say Bernarda didn’t let you and my father decide for yourselves. Well you did the same thing to me when you forced Max to marry Ximena.

Again Victoria cries out: My little María, can you forgive me?

María’s reply: Forgive you? Would you forgive my grandmother, Bernarda de Iturbide?

No, never, says Vic. She’s the cause of all my suffering.

And you, rejoins María, are the cause of all mine.

Vic claims it’s different – María is sangre de su sangre. But Bernarda is also sangre de su sangre, María reminds her. And besides, she’s been much more of a mother to her than Vic has. (Ouch!) In her very strange way, she adds. How does Vic have the nerve to come here and expect to make everything better just by saying “I’m your mother”? After all her cruelty?

Vic tries again. She was wrong, confused, her pride as a woman (dignidad de mujer) was wounded.

María is adamant. She tells Vic to leave. She never had a mother, she says, and now she knows she never will.

Now Vic is kneeling at her feet: Is this what you want? she asks. To see me on my knees, pleading for mercy, defeated?

María kneels down and takes Victoria’s hands. Mother and daughter face one another.

At Bernie’s house, the air is filled with blasphemous rants and threats. She shakes her fist at the crucifix on the wall and vows never to forgive that damned Victoria for coming between her and her son. She’ll never let Vic and her daughter be together. They’ll never be happy.
A bell tolls ominously. For whom? For youm, Demente, for youm.

And in the vecindad it’s clear that María’s not in a forgiving frame of mind. Not just yet. Señora, levántese, she says formally. Throwing yourself at my feet accomplishes nothing. You think I’ll forget every blow, every insult, every humiliation? You think I’ll forget how you kept me and Max apart? If our love hadn’t been strong enough, Max wouldn’t be in my life now.

She rejects Victoria’s supplications. Some things can’t be fixed, she says. She wishes her words had moved her but she feels only hatred and scorn:
I don’t love you. You’re a stranger to me – you’ve caused me more suffering than anyone else in my life. You have only one daughter and her name is Fernanda. Your little María is dead. Now leave!

Victoria, stricken, puts her hand on her heart and walks slowly to the door. María turns away and is wracked with sobs.

Instead of sweet William, we get the Alonso mortuary montage. Bummer.


Monday, June 06, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #33 Monday 6/6/11 Looking for Love (and Truth) In All The Wrong Places

Welcome back, can you believe this is the 33rd episode already. The more lies that are discovered, the more new lies and tricks are made ready.

The Hacienda Bonita won’t be sold and Fina will have her Tumah confirmed for a price. Renata presents the condemning photos of Regina and Gonzo in full dress. Jeronimo tears up the P&S Agreement; Regina defends her innocent relationship to Renata. Renata isn’t embittered for long and explains that Gonzo wants to divorce her mother. Jero hands over a check to cover the penalty of breaking the contract. He respects his hacienda staff too much and Augie will never get La Bonita. Dr. DoLessThanLittle tries to console Augie doggie. Renata says her mother is so upset. Regina tells her that her husband deceived her too 23 years ago so she understands but she would never get in the way of any marriage. She would like to talk to Fina but Renata doesn’t think her mother would be willing.

Outside the lawyers, Jero laughs and tells Lorenzo he will honor the love his brother had for this land and the people.

Gonzo tells Honor and Matias that he is worried about the doctor's report on Fina's tests. So he will wait to see.

Roberta brings tea to Fina and they laugh, Diego interrupts by cell that he has been kicked out by his father so he needs to see her at the club post haste. Fina wants to bathe and will go with Rob to see Diego

Spare Girl says she can see the kind of man Jero is that he will never give in. Augie is irate and sends her to her room with Ezek and swears he will get revenge on Jero.

Lorenzo brings the exciting news to Matilde she now declares that Jeronimo is once again the hermoso. She is going to prepare a mole para chupar los dedos(the most delicious mole ever.)

Carlos and Jero toast, I guess to keeping La Bonita. Might as well enjoy this moment, it won’t come around again soon.

Constanza assures Inez and Regina that Fina is capable of anything and has been a thorn in Gonzo's side and hers too for a long time. Mom enters and wants to know what Gonzo and Regina have to do with anything.

In the garage, Adriana, says to Renata she thinks Regina is an honorable person. Regina is confused by the urge to defend her sainted mother’s honor but still feels so comfortable and useful at the Center but she must honor her mother and her mother’s unholy snit.

Blanca comes for an interview with Honorio. She walks in provocatively with her resume. The camera doesn’t waste much time lingering over her face but goes straight to her more obvious administrative office assets.

Antonio shows up at Regina’s office. Inez and Mama try to say she is off on Centro business. He seems agitated that something is up, Mama knows that sometime or other this Gonzo-Regina combo is going to be trouble.

Honorio says it seems you like a challenge, eh? (retos), Blanca Ocampo loves to learn new languages, is addicted to work and leans over to assure Honorio that he can be familiar (tutear) her anytime too. She wants to work with him but needs to hear soon since she is entertaining other offers. He is pleasured and will tell her by tomorrow needs to consult his associates for a hiring so important.

Conzta and her pretty boy green grocer, Chema, who might be so much more laugh. She asks how went the conquest, he wants to know why she is sounding like his mother, but he doesn’t want to think of her like she is. He is going to make a chocolate cake , which is her favorite. His dream is to one day have his own restaurant perhaps with her. More stakes driven into the heart of this once perfect seeming marriage…

Carlos, thinks even though he was injured he would like to stay on as the administrator of the Hacienda. He thinks that he can bring Renata to romance her and since she will be closer than ever to Rafa, one day she can be persuaded to tell Jero everything that happened between her and Rafa.

The office call to take blood samples Dr. PaidInFull accepts his first check and says he will be sure her husband is totally convinced of her illness.

Diego shows up poolside to demand that Roberta tell him exactly what she wants to assuage his father.

Adriana is accused by Office Goon whose name I can't remember (Daniel, thanks C2 readers) he is so annoying, that he has seen her too close to both Matias and Honorio. He says that Honorio is too enamored of her . She says even so that problem is mine, but he insists it is also his. Presumption thy name is TWIT!

Augie orders Ezek to keep him informed of absolutely everything that happens at La Bonita

The party arrangements are made and Jero answers his phone they talk lovingly and Renata strokes her beautiful stallion (the one in the stall) while she flirts that she misses him he is so handsome. Then she jumps to who is Regina and says that her mother thinks Regina is the cause of her marriage problems.

The troubled husband greets Regina at another restaurant. She wants to clear up she wants no trouble with his family and that they need to declare that they are only friends. He then confesses that actually it is not her fault that he is leaving Fina for separate reasons going way back, but he confesses he is totally in love with her.

She never provoked this he is a married man, she cannot be the cause of his divorce. He starts the cuando me enamor. Besides she defends herself saying she is engaged. While Gonzo soberly asks her if she is truly in love with Antonio. Her big expressive eyes speak volumes.

Regina says the ring she is wearing should be a statement of her intentions. She urges him to clear up all this with his family and assure them she is not trying to break up his marriage. And she also thinks they must not see each other ever again. He wants to help her center and support her. He asks her to have faith in him.

Roberta is patrolling the stairs and tries to sop Renata from going up to see Mama Fina. Renata demands that Roberta give back the R necklace which is the one that is hers, and Oh yes, she slaps her sister silly and demands that she has equal rights to be there and to be concerned about the family.She points out that that the R neclace that is hers has a distinctive chain as she snatches it back.

Honorio tells Matias and Gonzo about the hot job candidate. Gonzo demurs and Matias wonders what is wrong with Papa. Nothing says Gonzo as he replays Regina’s rejection telling him they shouldn’t see each other again in his head, but I just need to be alone.

Roberta screams that Renata has ruined everything and she will take over for Matias, Dad and Renata is going to be left alone loved by no one. You wish nasty sister, you wish. Renata, self assured from how good that slapping felt, stomps up the stairs.

Regina tells Inez that Gonzo confessed his love and she confesses to Inez that she realized at that moment that she feels love for Gonzo too and not Antonio in this same way. It is the first time she has felt like this since Roberto. Oh thank God for girlfriends who let you speak the truth.

Renata knocks and comes into Fina’s room. Fina screeches that Renata is causing trouble by fighting with her sister. She demands that Renata leave the house and leave her in peace she is such a troublemaker in the family. But what happened when you accused Regina of stealing Gonzo? She says she has no responsibility and is not involved with Gonzo like that. Fina is in a fury and when Renata says Jero says she is an honorable woman, Fina is even madder, she doesn’t care a bit what this man said.

Inez and Regina talk about what will she do with Antonio now that she has discovered what she feels with Gonzo.

At La Bonita, Jero hands Carlos an envelope with the letter from la Bonita (Rafa’s misdirected name for Roberta) and puts the R necklace in his hands too. He wants to forget this revenge. He wants to be happy and he is going to go for it.

Augie questions Ezek ‘s wife and learns that all the workers are happy that Jero will keep La Bonita and they will keep their jobs. She asserts sweetly that he is really good people like his brother Rafa, may he rest in peace. Ezek looks worried, Augie looks mad.

He has decided to bet on love (apostar la amor) even though it is difficult, says Jero as he gets in the car with Lorenzo to drive to the airport.

Renata answers the door to get a package, gives the deliveryman a handsome tip and is like a giggling girl even though she has been beaten back by her mother just a short time before. The note says he had the temerity to send this gift and just wait, tonight will be unforgettable. She takes out a lovely slinky evening gown. She thinks it is precious and she loves him so.

Antonio questions Regina about the day, she tells him that she is being blamed by Fina for Gonzo‘s marital problems. He knows well that Gonzo cares too much for her, she wonders what he was feeling about this and why didn’t he tell her of his fears, because he says, he believes in her.

Last licks: Jero visits Rafa’s grave to tell him he loves Renata so much he has decided to leave behind all his resentments (rencores) and He hopes that Rafa will one day forgive her. He loves Rafa so, his little brother.

Fina gets that Dr. PaidWell’s report and reads it with orgasmic glee.

Inez comes home to Andrecito with chocolate and vanilla ice cream. The boys appear with their white hats and shaved heads. How precious and it was a brilliant idea. She is going to do it too. But now the munchkin likes her hair too much and he hands her a white hat to keep them company . She is so proud of them. Don’t cry, remember that around here no one is defeated. . I am not afraid because I have you at my side.

Dinner at the Gonzo house, is interrupted by Diego, whom Mat tries to strangle but all gather to hear why he came. Diego declares that he was the one who acted alone. The Photos were a montage but he alone was responsible. Gonzo calls him a coward which he accepts. He avers he was rejected by Regina and feared he would be by Roberta too, She is worth so much more than her sister, he should have fallen in love with her instead. She sniffs, I gag and Mama Fina gets Gonzo to apologize for doubting the innocent Roberta. Fina declares to Roberta that now she has been cleared of the unjust suspicions and denunciation. Both smile in self love.

Next: Renata and Jero have their lovely and loving date that looks like a proposal. Later Fina digs the knife into Jero that it was Renata who betrayed his brother Rafa. Don’t count on him being smart about who Fina really is.

No me importa un bledo – It doesn’t mean anything at all to me. Fina and Augie both use this a lot.

Chupar los dedos – so delicious it’s finger licking good. (My sometime Ecuadorian Spanish professor finds this image utterly distasteful swearing he never licks his fingers).

Penoso – painful, pitiful, embarrassing (Regina describing to Antonio her encounter with Gonzo)

Se rinde – be overcome, be vanquished

Apostar la amor – to bet on love

Rencores - resentments


Alborada, 6/6/2011. Cap 5.

Today's episode is still in the material covered in Melinama's Recap #1 at this link.

If you don't have access to Telefutura, you can see Cap 5 on YouTube. It starts at this link.

Plot developments in Cap 5.
Juana regrets that she told Diego the secret.
At Martin’s house, Hipo discovers that Luis told her a false name.
Luis attacks Diego and accuses him of trying to kill him (Luis). He tells Cristobal his evidence. Vicente tells Luis that Gasca and Luis left Las Cuencas the same day and both returned the same day.
Isabel tells Luis he should get a mistress. Luis tells Espie he wants an annulment because she’s childless. It’s actually because she’s frigid.
Juana tells Diego that Agustin (father of Espie and Hipo) knows the secret because of a scar from the fire. She says Luis can’t reject Espie; Agustin might turn against them. Diego says “Kill him.” (Luis or Agustin? Not sure.)
Luis wants to break the business partnership with Diego.
Juana accuses Martin and Carmela of telling Luis that Hipo is Asuncion’s illegitimate daughter. Juana claims she’s someone Carlota took in, and she’s delusional.
Luis and Isabel try to figure out who Hipo’s father is. They’re getting warmer.
Hipo goes to see her mother at Las Tunas. Francisco greets her with a hard slap.


Saturday, June 04, 2011

La Pola - May 30-June 3, 2011 - Love Lights up the Night; Curiosity Doesn’t Kill Cat; and Alejo Can’t Get Loose from the Noose

For fans of "La Pola" -- Pasofino has written this terrific recap for us. Enjoy! And let us know you are out there!

La Pola - Alejo and LaPola at Guaduas and Life at Rancho Domingo (Guaduas Vecinity)

Alejo asks God to let him die in battle because he isn’t capable of marrying another woman while he knows she exists. Pola tells him that it might have been better if he had continued to think she was dead. But, Alejo, says no because he was miserable and in pain when thinking that and that in death he would have been reunited with her. Pola tells him that that is the most beautiful thing she has ever heard and then she tells him that if it was left up to her to choose the person with whom she could die, it would be him.

They run back to the house and in the moonlight Cata and Gertrudis see them embrace and kiss. Gertrudis is afraid Pola will lose her virtue (virtud), but Cata tells her that Pola was born without virtue. Those two, mocks Cata, are not strangers because they are part of each other.

Pola tells Gertrudis that she was not with a stranger, but with someone she has known from childhood. When the posse catches up, Dear Cata tells them that Pola was with the soldier (militar). So, Pola, the crowd wants to know, have you lost your virtue? When she realizes that it will get her out of a marriage with an idiot (Don Andrés, the mayor) she says yes. Not only that, she is told she has soiled (manchado) her whole family.

Big Bro, the monk, keeps at Pola and slaps her. Being Pola, she slaps him back. He is going to go to the military camp to get Alejo to save her honor. Gertrudis volunteers the letter in which Alejo asked Pola for her hand in marriage. He sets off. But, alas, alack, that little old letter doesn’t impress the captain. Big Bro is worried that he might not get to be a priest because of La Pola. Pola doesn’t understand what the fuss is all about. He can’t even send her to a convent because that’s only for the “pure”.

Pola tells Cata that she didn’t lose her virtue. She just didn’t want to marry the mayor. She thinks Alejo will accept her as she is. Cata, who can’t keep her mouth shut, tells Gertrudis who decides to call in the midwife to settle the question. Pola, being Pola, will not allow her to lift her skirt and take a peek unless they kill her first. Anyway, my honor wasn’t robbed, it was given as a gift, she says.

Finally, they decide to shun her – send her to the stable to live and not let her use the family name. She says that Alejo is worth whatever punishment she has to suffer. Cata places Juliano the slave in charge of looking after her sister.

Pola moves her belongings out to the stable where she will sleep with the slaves and laborers. Domingo is furious with Pola because the mayor has demanded a contribution from him for the king’s cause all because Pola refused him. The Twisted Sister, Cata, feels some remorse at Pola’s having to sleep with naked men (the slaves), but Domingo shuts her up by telling her it would be a waste of money, it would be like putting clothes on horses.

To add to Domingo’s misery, Cata is holding out, she’ll only have sex with him to reproduce, and considers all other relations with him to be a sin.

On Sunday, Pola must remain in the back of the church with the slaves. She comes forward to receive communion, but the priest refuses and tells her that before he will give her communion she must repent. Later she goes to confession but tells the priest that she has nothing to repent. She will marry Alejo. The priest drags her out of the confessional and tells her that he will never marry her and Alejo because Alejo’s father has to consent and that will never happen.

Life heats up at Rancho Domingo. Pola doesn’t understand why there are slaves and why they are being treated like animals. She reminds Cata that their father told them it was wrong. Meanwhile Nicolasa and Juliano have a rendezvous and kiss and caress with Cata spying on them from them from behind a rock. We are reminded that Nicolasa was a princess and that Juliano is just a common man who wants to by his freedom and help Nicolasa escape.

Pola unfortunately runs into Don Andrés (the mayor) who grabs her on the street. He tells her he doesn’t understand why she refuses him when any other woman would have jumped at the chance to get him. She has made him the joke of the town and somehow this will not bode well for her.

Anyway, Cata thinks she has seen sin incarnate in the form of Juliano and Nicolasa coupling. She confesses to the priest, and he tells her she had an accident and didn’t commit a mortal sin.

Cata also tells Pola about the slaves having sex and appearing to enjoy it, not like her and Domingo. She’s determined to get the devils out of her house to the point of selling Nicolasa which brings on a speech from Domingo about how much slaves cost, how scarce they are. He says if they are fornicating, that is good because their numbers will increase. So, they all hatch a plan to evangelize the slaves and make them marry. Only thing, it costs 150 pesos for the priest and church. So what if that takes up Juliano’s stash that he was saving up to buy his freedom.

As if things aren’t bad enough for Pola, Ciro, el capatáz of the slaves, tries to get his hands on her, but Juliano fights him off.

Nicolasa doesn’t want to get married, but she’ll either marry or be sold. And so, Bernarda takes over as Cata’s new slave.

Later, when Cata finds Nic and Juliano kissing again, that does it. She tells Domingo and the rest of the world and Domingo orders them to be whipped. Nicolasa refuses to marry, but when she sees what they are doing to Juliano, she relents and says she will. We later learn that she had made a vow not to marry until she had found her son who had been taken away from her.

Anyway, Cata’s interest in the slaves is becoming an obsession. At the same time La Pola’s interest in the slaves becomes notable as she becomes aware of how badly they are treated. She tells Nic that she thinks there are new laws that should help the slaves and sets out to find about these laws – first by visiting the priest who reminds her that slaves do not have souls and who also sends her to Don Andrés, the mayor. What is it about men in white wigs that is so unattractive? He tells her nothing. Then he asks her if she still thinks the militar will come back for her. No – she says, I don’t think that, I know it.

We have our first wedding in the novela when the priest marries Nicola and Juliano in a Latin ceremony. Fortunately, this was followed by a fiesta around the campfire when we see La Pola dancing with the slaves and the farm laborers.

La Pola - Alejo and Leandro

Back at the military encampment, Leandro tells the lieutenant that Alejo is engaged to a woman from a very wealthy family and that they should go south and ask these people for money for the king’s campaign.

Capt. LLorente then sends Leandro and Alejo south as in immediately and gives Alejo a lecture about chasing women of questionable origin and to concentrate on a decent girl.

Alejo tells Leandro that he doesn’t see why they have to leave tonight. Leandro rants about Pola and the mayor and that the mayor came to the camp looking for him and Pola. Alejo tells him that no one saw them – but, they have orders. Alejo plans to return to Pola and then gets another Leandro lecture about keeping promises and marrying Doña Ignacia. There are meztisos, he says, because other Spaniards felt like you do and went against God and the King. Alejo can’t imagine a life lived with someone he doesn’t love.

Finally Alejo and Leandro arrive in Popayan. Alejo tells Leandro that he will go into that building, Ignacia’s family manse, and call off the engagement. They enter the mansion and are greeted by their parents, Francisco and María Teresa Sabarain, and Don Gaspar and his wife, Eusebia (Ignacia’s parents). Alejo and Leandro tell them they are in Popayan to ask for donations to help save the king and Spain. Don Gaspar reminds Alejo to ask about Ignacia.

They then find out that their parents are living at Don Gaspar’s mansion for charity. Apparently Dear Daddy squandered money he was supposed to have been collecting for taxes and now he has to make restitution. He wants Alejo to marry Ignacia within a week. The man needs the dowry money to save himself. They note that Alejo is a grown man and every bit a militar. Alejo says no, I’m just an Álfarez. (What is that? Can’t find it anywhere.) Don Gaspar plans a welcome party.

La Pola - The Revolutionaries

At Casa Nariño (Santa Fe, Nueva Granada), Don Antonio and Don Jorge Tadeo have it out with Don Antonio knocking Jorge to the ground. I knew that guy would be eating that ruffled shirt of his. He tells the other revolutionaries that he fell. On his ignominious retreat from Casa Nariño, Don Jorge tries to stir up trouble with the two little girls.

Magdalena is now very grateful to Don Antonio for defending her honor. He recognizes that she has been treated like dirt. Magda questions Antonio about the political situation. Also recognizing that she has a working brain, Don A lets her in on his beliefs about equality and about how unjust the Spaniards have been with the creoles – like him. He’s on fire and ready to revolt. But, not with Don Jorge and his company.

Meanwhile the relationship between Don Antonio and Magdalena begins to improve. He realizes that she has been treated badly and she realizes and admits that she was wrong and that she was seduced by Don Jorge who took advantage of her situation. Don Antonio still cannot remove the thought of her being in Don Jorge’s arms. Later he thanks Iñez (Magda’s sister) for helping his family while he was in jail. Iñez tells him to forgive Magda, and the light slowly begins to dawn in his brain.

Magda tells Iñez that Don Jorge wanted her as a trophy. Iñez tells her that Don Antonio still loves her and that he acknowledged her illegitimate children (the two girls) as his own. What more could a girl want?

Well, she wants love, and for just a moment they are a couple until Don Antonio conjures up visions of Magda doing it with Don Jorge. (Meanwhile, the same thing is happening in the parallel universe of Don Jorge’s bedroom. Blech!)

It seems that Don Antonio comes to the conclusion that the bond between him and Magda is broken and that they should make other living arrangements – like she should go live with her sister.

La Pola - The Big Party in Popayan

Alejo is offended by the pomp and obvious expense laid out for the party. He asks Leandro don’t these people realize that we are at war. While they wait for Ignacia, the governor arrives in white wig and satin knickers. Alejo begins a little speech and the governor winces. Alejo is reminded that the Don Godoy he just mentioned as the man who let France into Spain is married to the governor’s sister.

Anyway, the governor is calling for a big town meeting tomorrow to ask the citizens for financial help for the king. Finally, the beautiful Ignacia enters the room. Alejo takes her in. She says she is ready to be his wife.

She then puts on a piano recital for Alejo. She’s been practicing for years just to get it right for him – he is reminded that many years ago when he told her to do something for herself like learn to play an instrument. This was her big surprise for him.

The crowd toasts the two brothers, and Don Gaspar asks Alejo to say a few words – presumably in admiration of Ignacia. Instead, he tells them about the serious situation with the king and that they need money to help save Spain. He refuses to toast and says he must terminate the engagement because of the gravity of the situation. Ignacia faints.

Alejo continues on that he has to face the biggest army in war and that it is not fair for him to marry Ignacia. The Governor thinks Alejo sets an example for all to follow and permits him to break the engagement, but the dowry must be returned. Uh, oh – me thinks it has been spent.

Ignacia is beside herself with grief, but Don Gaspar tells her someone better will come along, and that is not the right answer since only Alejo will do.

The Governor tells everyone to be generous in their donations. He then tells Alejo that his relationship to Godoy will not stop him from doing his duty.

Of course, Leandro has to whisper into Alejo’s ear that the “mestiza” is behind all this. He also tells Alejo that he (Alejo) doesn’t understand anything.

Later, Ignacia has a spell and cuts her wrists – superficially for heaven’s sake. Alejo asks her to forgive him, but she can’t live without him. Don Gaspar tells her she could go to Hell – but she can’t take life without Alejo, a man she doesn’t even know.

Daddy Francisco asks Leandro where did Alejo got all this patriotic fervor. Leandro, being his usual disloyal brotherly self tells Francisco about La Pola.

Meanwhile back at the manse María Teresa packs up because they have to leave and return the dowry. Francisco vows to fix this mess and tells her the meztisa is behind this. He has no political pull here, but Governor Tacón can prevent Alejo from leaving.

La Pola - The After Party

Ignacia hatches her own plot by offering the governor 1,000 pounds (pesos) of gold if he will pull strings to keep Alejo in Popayan. That is the sound of music that the governor understands. Alejo will stay here and perform his official duties, but he reminds her that she will be marrying a soldier of the king.

When Ignacia leaves the guv’s office, Alejo notices her happy face. I’ve just saved your life she tells Alejo. He thinks why do I feel that nothing good can come of this?

To rub it in, the governor tells Alejo that he is just an álfarez, not someone indispensable to the war. More painful, he wants Alejo to become one of his personal troopers. Governor Tacón also warns him about revolutionaries in the Americas, but Alejo insists that their orders were very clear. With 1,000 pounds of gold in mind, the guv tells him that he will write to Capt. San LLorente and have his orders annulled. When Alejo shoots back that all this is because of Ignacia’s capriciousness, the governor reminds him that her family is being very generous to the war effort. You should be very happy because she saved your life, and she is very beautiful. When Alejo says he will not accept, the guv tells him it’s an order – do it, or you’ll be a prisoner.

When the news breaks that Alejo will not be going anywhere, Don Francisco and Doña Eusebia are very happy and start making wedding plans. But, says Alejo, I am not going to marry María Ignacia.

Alejo tells his parents that it is the war – no, says Francisco, it is the girl. Yes, he says, if I live through this war, I will marry La Pola. There are words on both sides – Francisco asks him how dare he speak to him like that. Alejo retorts with how dare you play with my life and if you make me stay I will look for La Pola. Francisco grabs Alejo and says do you think I’m going to authorize this (marriage to LaPola). Ignacia has many fine qualities, but he loves La Pola. His destiny is to go to Spain. Francisco says he doesn’t respect his parents.

Finally, Francisco tells him that they are broke and that if he doesn’t marry Ignacia, he and his mother will live in misery. He also learns that his mother’s family will no longer support them. Francisco now begs – we will die of hunger if you don’t do this.

Alejo finally resigns himself to the situation he is in and agrees to marry Ignacia. Later he meets up with Leandro who is headed out of town. Leandro gives him the family pep talk, but Alejo admits that what he is about to do makes him feel like a miserable coward.

In the end we see Alejo at a cantina in a drunken state calling a dancer Polita. That’s not her name says another soldier. It’s Aurita. And, they toast to those who break their hearts.

[Written by Pasofino]


Triunfo del Amor #140-141 6/3/11 P. 1. Of Marriages and Murky Miracles; P.2. Cross Victoria's Cross to Bear

Of Marriages and Murky Miracles, P. 1

 capítulo 140   

As Viewerville pops the top off a couple cold ones, guileful Guillermo walks in unexpectedly on “Osvaldo and Leonela.2” and sneers.  Oz immediately attacks Lushous for being the same old slut and trying to seduce him, using Gui to help her screw him over in front of Victoria and his kids again.  “--No wonder you opened the door in your robe!”  (Now dude, you know this is routine telenovela etiquette for beautiful women who receive late night visits from handsome hunks--and just how did you think this pity party was really supposed to end, hmmm?)  He storms out pissed (IMNSHO) at striking out with Leo as well as Vicki and he makes sure to give Gui the evil eye as he goes.  Gui gets guff from Lushous for barging in like that, and he gripes because he is certain she’s falling in love again with the guy he hates most in the world.  

Victoria, meanwhile, is crying buckets and moaning “miiiihiiiiijaaaaa” repeatedly at the thought that her long lost daughter was possibly –and therefore  MUST be—churrasco [BBQ beef] on a stick. It’s “so late at night”, yet Handsome Dr. Heriberto just happens to knock on the door of Victoria’s study in time to lend her a broad, brawny shoulder to bray...er...bawl on.  

The next morning, Alonso flicks pics of Maria for, we assume, the clients of the commercial she’s agreed to do.  Once the shoot’s done, one of the production team gals gets a bit snitty over the way Lonnie and Maria were cooing at each other the whole time.  

Those in Viewerville who are suckers for weddings get another one to attend, and back in the bowels of the barrio in Milagros’ apartment, Don Napo is pacing while waiting for Millie to finish dressing.  Cupido hits his mark when Millie appears and he sees her dressed to the nines.

Downstairs, in Nati and Maria’s apartment, Nat’s dressed in her gown and it really does do her justice.  Max walks in and is giving her away since her family can’t afford to come all this way for the wedding.  He tells her that he and Maria are giving her and Juanjo four days in Acapulco for their honeymoon as a wedding present.  Max and Nat walk out ahead of Maria because she’s forgotten something.  She walks out with Padre Juan Pablo’s crucifix and absent-mindedly leaves it on the table when she realizes that Nat’s left her bouquet and races off to get it to her.

Vicki is Handsome Heri’s date for the wedding.  He explains to Vic that it turns out he’s the bride’s college advisor for her thesis.   Vicki’s happy to be his date even though she is sure she won’t know a soul there.  (Wait! Wait!  Ok.  Like how could you not know all the “little people” from the vecindad, woman?  They all came to your daughter’s wedding!!)  Suddenly Oz and Lushous Leo walk up behind them to say hey.  Of course, Oz is green-eyed surprised impactado to run into Vicki and Handsome Heri at Nat’s wedding--especially, he says, since the bride is Maria Desamparada’s BFF.  Ruh-rooooh.  Vic immediately deflates.  It’s bad enough she has to see Lushous Leo locked and loaded on Ozzie’s arm!  She pointedly ignores Leo’s brain dead compliment about the designer outfit La Sra. Diseñadora (duh!) is wearing.  “--Maria Desamparada’s going to be here?”  Sure, says Oz, along with Max and the rest of the gang from the vecindad.  

Vic and Heri walk on and Oz takes a moment to thank Lushous for explaining the situation the night before re: Gui and she.  No, she had no intention of doing him wrong considering how decent he’d been with her in helping with AA and such.

Inside the church enclosure, Millie finds Juanjo (with a face only a mother or a natty Nathi could love) and begins nervously adjusting her little boy’s tux for the last time while waiting for the bride to arrive.  (I’m rather admiring the retro fashion statement those white clod-kicker boots of his are making--NOT.)  ¡Ay! Two ugly ducklings but only one has turned into the beautiful swan in this cuento de hadas [fairytale].  

Padre Juan Pablo greets Nathi and the ceremony begins.  Cruz sings Ave Maria, accompanied by his merry band of Mariachis to ensure our listening pleasure as Maxamillionario walks the beaming bride down the aisle.  (Viewerville gives a shout out to the FELS aficionados who, this time at least, don’t have suffer through Pablo’s a cappella rendition, tho’ IMNSHO this is not that much better!  Vicente Fernandez, Jr. even with laryngitis could have croaked out a better version, but Dios didn’t bless him with looks to match the voice and more’s the pity.)  When the ceremony eventually ends, our white swan princess kisses her frog prince, but alas (as Viewerville predicted) JJ’s still a frog and Nat’s so hoppin’ happy just to have a husband, we’ll cut her some slack and figure it’s due to her weak eyesight and those coke-bottle blue contacts.   

Alonso jovially greets Max and Maria after the ceremony and the two of them set their plan in motion.  Max is polite but then pretends to jealously blow up at Lon and Maria over the same ol’ same ol’.  As Oz, Heri and Nati look on, Max hands JPito over to Maria and tells Lonnie that Maria and the kid are all his.  Have at it, he says!   

At the same time back at Casa Scandal-val, a witchy, wise-ass social worker who’s been beguiled by Gui and the wigged-out Jimena, under a court-order mentioning something about Max’s falsely claiming Osguito as his, snatches up the little one.  The Babe Maid, who’s been in cahoots with Jimeana for a while now, exchanges a knowing glance with Ji as all Hell breaks loose and the social worker heads with the baby for the nearest juvey hall.

As Max storms off, Oz catches up to him.  He wants to know what kind of loco weed Max has been smokin’ to pull a stunt like this!  Max ends up having to let his dad in on the ruse and swears him to total secrecy.  Oz tells him how much he admires Max and Maria’s selfless and noble gesture.   A couple of minutes later, Michaela frantically calls Max to let him know about what’s happened with Osguito.  He races off to get his lawyer and straighten things out.

Outside, meanwhile, Nat, JJ, Millie, Pepi, Don Joel and a few others party down on the wedding float as it makes its way through the streets of the barrio to the reception.  As the band plays on, Viewerville gets to enjoy supposedly live renditions of a number of groovy grabaciones de disco [record/CD recordings] that Meh-jia has interspersed with various and sundry scenes of the ensuing maudlin family feuding between Papa Padre JP, viscerally vindictive Victoria, and La Madonna Maria.  

Vicki tells Heri she’s going to go into the church for a minute or two to pray.  Heri agrees to wait outside for her.  

Padre JP prays for a miracle so that Maria and Vic will finally learn the truth. Inside, Maria’s about to pray.  PJP tries to get Maria to talk to him but she refuses.   Lon wants her to join him outside, but she says she wants to pray first.  Lon asks Padre JP if he’s coming to the reception, but he says no.  “--Family matters.”  

The float makes it to the vecindad’s party room where the parranda [block party, or in this case, the tenement party] really begins!    

Back inside the chapel, Maria prays that she and Max are doing the right thing concerning Alonso.  Afterwards, she watches in the distance as Vicki prays for the virgencita to grant her that miracle.  Suddenly there’s a golden glow over the picture of the virgencita, then the room and finally over La Madonna Maria and child.  Vic looks up and sees Maria and her baby; but while she’s loving to JPito,  Vic is pointedly rude to Maria.   Vic leers at her and then struts out the door without a word.

Outside, Lonnie’s waiting for Maria.  She finally returns and tells him she’s thought about wanting someday soon to get married.  Lon tells her say the word and he’s there for her cuz he still loves her and would marry her in a N.Y. minute. Maria says she’s actually been thinking about his proposal, tho’ honestly, after the way Max has treated her, the last thing she wants to talk about is “love” right now.   No matter.  Lon’s floating on cloud nine, ten, and eleven at this point.  

Padilla shows up at the place where he dumped El Alacran’s body and wonders where the thing went.

At Juvy Hall, Gui’s lawyer tells him that he’d be better off forgetting the lawsuit against Max, in particular because it would wreck his acting career once the story got out about how he’d traded his kid for a theater; and he might even be charged with child abandonment before it’s all over.  Say no more!  Gui   waves bye-bye to his kid and walks out after his lawyer.

Lushous and Ozzie arrive at the reception.  She, though, has problems mixing with the hoi polloi.  Heri, Vic and Ozzie, though, don’t mind rubbing elbows with either the rif or the raf.  So, she sucks it up and gives in.   Vicki asks Ozzie where Max went to.  Oz tells her that he left after arguing with Maria.  Vic rolls her eyes, turns around, and sees Maria chatting it up with Lon.  She sneers and turns back to the others.  “--Hrrmph!  The girl didn’t take long to find her a little bit of consolation, now did she!  Look at the way she’s enjoying herself with the photographer!”  Oz insists Lonnie and Maria are only good friends and says that she’s making way too much of it.  Vicki snaps back at Oz.  Leave it to him to see only the face of an innocent when it comes to Maria!
End, P.1.

Cross Victoria's Cross to Bear  -- P.2.

Welllll, Victoria first thing starts harping and carping to Handsome Dr. Heriberto the same way she’s done to Osvaldo the past 20+ years--and we all know how that turned out.  Heri, who Viewerville knows is in on The Alonso Plan, tells her not to be so quick to jump to conclusions.  “--Oh, it’s clear as water that she’s not suitable for Max!  And, this time she’s going to get a piece of my mind!”  Heri begs her not to do something she’ll regret afterwards.  (Sorry, Heri, but it’s obvious your well’s been dry a bit too long not to have the alarm bells go off by now from hangin’ with this harpy!!)  He reminds her this is not the time nor the place to have it out with somebody, but she politely (which makes it acceptable, I guess) tells him to stick his nose out of it and does a double wheelie on her broomstick before flying it over to the other side of the grounds and smoking those wheels while landing it right in front of Maria and Lonesum Lon. 

“--You are shameless!  You really are a tart [ofrecida = slang for slut, trollop] aren’t you? No sooner do you have an argument with my son than you set your sights on the first guy that comes around!!”  Lon tries to explain that she’s got the wrong idea, but Vic ignores him.  Maria reminds her she wasn’t going to let her insult her like this again.  “--If you want you can come to my place and we can clear this up there.”  Vic is definitely game for that.  (Viewerville hopes, though, that if the broad tries to slap her this time that Maria will at least have some red wine strategically placed to throw on those designer duds of B!tchtoria’s!)  

Meanwhile, Max has made it home and tries to get some answers out of Michaela and Babe Maid who is mentally counting her 30 pieces of silver.  He tells them that that baby is legally his and nobody else’s, period! 

Vicki follows Maria into her apartment and is out for bear.  Maria asks why she’s constantly got to make her life miserable.  Vic tells her not to play the victim around her;  it’s because ever since she showed up, Maria’s dedicated herself to making Victoria and all those around her miserable. (Excuse me???? Who’s made whose life miserable?  This woman needs a huge humble-pie stuffed down her gullet after a main course of crow.)  Now, tho’, Vic says, it seems that Maria’s fling with Max is over and so she couldn’t be happier!  Maria corrects her and says it’s not and never will be a “fling thng” with him..  Max is the love of her life and will be so forever and always.  Vic says it didn’t appear that way when she was flirting with Lonnie.  Maria explains that  they’re very good friends is all.  She insists Vicki has no idea her reasons for hanging out with Lonesum.  “--Oh, riiiiight!  And just what would those reasons be?”  “--A sacrifice for love.”  “Yeahhhh.  Why not, eh?  Je, je, je!” 

Suddenly Vic spies the crucifix she gave to Padre JP all those years ago on Maria’s table and she stops in her tracks.  She gets a bit twitchy around the mouth.  “--W-w-why do you have this crucifix?  Who gave it to you?”  “--My father gave it to me.” Ruh-rohhh! “--Come again?” “--My father...Padre Juan Pablo is my father.” Bitchtoria is suddenly saucer-eyed-impactada.  (Viewerville is suddenly all eyes and ears.  Hand to mouth delivery of snacks and assorted beverages stop in mid-air as residents are now completely glued to their screens.)  Maria explains a bit more. “--You always wondered why Padre Juan Pablo was so attentive and affectionate with me.  He’s my biological father.  That’s why.”

Vindictive Vic is drop-jawed-’n-say-it-aint-so-impactada!   Tears roll down her cheeks.  She looks around and notices the photo of PPJP and his all-growed-up Maria together over on some book shelf  or other.  She is horrified at the implications.   Vic yells at Maria, demanding she repeat what she just told her.  Maria gets on her high horse and tells her to cool her jets.  “--What’s your problem, lady? Does it bug you that he’s a priest and has a kid?  Is that it?”  Vic manages to grunt out a negative.  “--Max invited him there for dinner the night he asked for my hand...that was the reason why.”   Vicki (and Viewerville) now has to remember to breathe.
At the same time, the police have been waiting for Padilla at the body dump site, thanks to Eva and Bernarda’s anonymous heads up phone call.  Rudy pulls out his gun and the shooting starts.  He’s fatally wounded.  With his last few breaths he tells the cops that he didn’t kill the guy.  Bernarda de Iturbide did it when she found out El Alacrán had robbed her blind.  Just before he dies, he curses her and swears that he’ll see her again, in Hell, where the two of them will endure crispy critterdom together for all eternity.

Burnie and Eva are praying together at the time all this is going down.  FF>>

Back at Maria’s, Vic continues to cry and moan to her about her being “the miracle”.  As for Maria, she figures the woman’s had a couple of screws loose all along anyway.  Vicki refuses to tell her what the problem is.  She just keeps blathering on that it’s just too absurd to be true; and then she remembers what Burnie whispered in her ear while she was still half unconscious after her surgery. She mumbles things about it being a nightmare and runs out, hysterical, into the partying crowd of guests.  Every face in the crowd seems to be laughing at her cuz, after all, this sick joke’s on her.  Oz, Leo and Heri see how disoriented she is and follow after her, out into the rainy night, trying to catch up to her.  

At the social worker’s office, Max tells his side of the story about how Osguito was given to him because Jimena was found mentally incompetent.  Ji says she’s been discharged from the doctor’s care.  The social worker gets miffed because none of that was in the report.   He also tells the social worker that the bio-daddy didn’t want the kid and exchanged him for a theater.  The social worker wants to see what proof he has of that.  Max gives her the papers he took from Guillermo.  She takes them and the file over to the Family Services Administrator.

Victoria wanders in the rain while she gets flashbacks of her whole tragic story.  Leo, Oz and Heri continue looking for her.  FF>>

Nat, Juanjo and their guests celebrate the wedding reception.  (Nat definitely knows how to party on!  Good girl!) 

Cruz tells Fer to leave her parents figure out their own problems.

Alonso comes in to check on Maria.  She tells him about the scene Max’s mother pulled and then the confused, crazy stuff that happened afterwards.  Maria wipes away a couple of tears and says she’s decided not to see Max again; that she really wants no part of his family since they’ve done nothing but try to make her life miserable.  He’s the only guy who knows how to make her happy.  We don’t know how much of this is true, but it helps make the plan she and Max have more plausible.  Maria says that in fact, she’s decided to give Lonnie the green light for a real relationship. She wants to forget Max whatever way she can.  Lon can’t believe what he’s hearing!   

Back at Family Services, the administrator tells Jimena that Max’s paperwork is all in order.  Ji starts threatening and screaming again.  The administrator yells at her to back off and shut up or he’ll have her charged with filing a false report. (Viewerville stands up and cheers for a man who actually knows how to get Jimeana to stick a sock in it and is ready and willing to force the issue!!)  She turns to Max and tells him in no uncertain terms that she’s going to get even, and then exits (TGFSF) stage right. 

Nat throws her bouquet and Milagros catches it and it doesn’t miss Napo’s notice.  FF>>

Sometime that evening, the detective visits Bernarda and tells her that Rodolfo Padilla accused her as  El Alacran’s murderer because he’d robbed her.  Burnie gets a bit nervous and tries to cover. “--Poor man, he wouldn’t turn to God.  He tried to blame everyone for the premature death of his son.”  Then she learns he died and he accused her right before.  The detective wonders why a guy would lie to them right before he went to meet his maker. 

More parranda.  FF>>

Maria tells Lonnie that she’s decided to give him his chance at romance, though to be honest, she still loves Max.  Lonnie tells her it hurts to hear, but he’s sure he can make her forget all about Max in no time.  He has enough love for the both of them until then.  FF>> 

Burnie says she never told Padilla that she was robbed.  How did he know unless he was the other man’s accomplice?  Eva steps in and covers for Ste. Burnarda, saying this saintly woman wouldn’t harm a fly. (Viewerville snickers and chokes.)  

Lon leaves and Maria worries about him discovering that it’s all been a big lie, a compassionate [misericordioso/a = merciful] lie. 

Vic finally makes her way to JP’s church and enters the chapel.  She tells the virgencita that she has her miracle and doesn’t know how to accept it or what to do with it.  JP is praying.  He hears Vicki enter and sees her crying.  She tells him that finally she’s gotten her miracle and shows him the cross she’d given him all those years ago.

Burnie hams it up with the holier than thou act.  She even hands out little prayer cards to all the officers as protection before retiring and having Eva send them on their way. 

Vicki tells JP about the argument with Maria, how she saw the cross, and then how the truth struck her like a lightening bolt [rayo].  “--How can it be?  It can’t be!  Noooo!”  JP asks her why after all these years, she gets her miracle, and then she reacts like this!  Well, she wants the truth.  Tell her!  Yes, says JP.  She’s your daughter.  Vic doesn’t want to believe it.  It has to be some scheme of his mother’s to mortify her again!  He realizes she’s hysterical and prays for strength.  He explains how Mama had a DNA test done that confirmed he was Maria’s bio-daddy.   “--Look at me!  She’s my daughter.  She’s our daughter.”  “--NOOOOOOO!!!!!”  (¡Ay yai yai!)

At the same time, Maria thinks back to the crazy hysteria that came over Sra. Victoria earlier and wonders what miracle she was jabbering on about.

Back at the chapel, Vicki explains the problem to JP: yeah, all this time Maria, the girl who’s life she's made a living hell, turns out to be her missing daughter.  Fate's played with them.  How could this be?  No!  It's got to be a punishment!  You didn't know, says JP.  "--You've dreamed for years of finding her and you should be happy!  There's a tie that binds.  And, after all the harm you've caused, at least there's still time to think of how you might turn it into something beneficial."  No, cries Vic, she never thought it would be like this!  "--Ask her pardon, her respect, her love."  "--Nooo!  Maria Desamparada hates me!  I've destroyed her life!"  (Bitchtoria, it would seem, has finally admitted to being extract-foot-from-mouth-impactada.  Bully for her.  I want to see her grovel for quite a LOOOOOONG time in front of Maria.)  She’ll understand you, JP councils. Maria is very kind hearted.  Hah, no!  Many times, counters Vicki, she heard her talk about her parents with resentment. She simply can’t handle the thought of Maria Desamparada’s rejection. 

Meanwhile, Maria wonders about what’s happening with her papa after the argument they had.  She decides to ask Abue Burnie to help with reconciliation.

Burnie thanks Eva for covering for her with the police.  She’s proven her loyalty and will reward her for it.  Eva smiles and leaves the room.  She stops out in the hall a moment and thinks to herself that of course she saved her sorry backside, cuz she’s the one getting first dibs on revenge with this bruja!

Back in the chapel with JP again, Vic tells him that despite all, a great weight’s been lifted off her shoulders.  It’s just that she’s so confused about everything still.  JP says now that she’s seen Dios never abandoned her, she ought to let things take their natural course.  Vic says she will and plans to tell the family the next morning that Maria is her daughter.  JP asks to be there when she does.  He’s ready to face the music when people learn the whole truth.   He wants to be her support and to be there if she needs consoling.  Vic says thanks but no thanks.  She’ll do it alone.  She’ll face them and she’ll face up to Maria on her own as well. 

A calmer Vicki makes it back to Maria’s and hands her back the crucifix.  It belongs to her by right, she says.  Maria says thanks, now leave.  Vicki asks her not to treat her this way.  “--Well how should I treat you do you think?  Should I get down on my knees and ask your forgiveness for appearing in your life, or beg  you to accept me?”  Vic sniffs and lamely tells her talking to her like that hurts.  “--Hija!”  “-- Sra.  I’m not your daughter.  You have no right to call me that.”  “--Yes, I do have.  Because...because...I am your mother!”  “--What did you say?”  Maria is blow-me-over-with-a-feather-impactada.  “--It’s the truth.  I am your mother.”  “--No!  You’re lying!”  “--No, I am...I am...the woman who gave that crucifix to your father.”  Maria is certain it’s a lie and that the crazy broad’s doing it on purpose for some strange reason.  Vicki tearfully tries to tell her she isn’t lying. Maria screams back at her, angry as all get out.  “--Why are you trying to do this to me?  Why are you being so cruel?  Are you trying to humiliate me by mocking me?  You CANNOT be my mother!  No!!!”  Vicki starts to try to explain how she’s been looking all her life for her daughter.  “-- Do you really think I’d play around with something that important?  It’s time for the truth to come out.  Maria Desamparada I am your mother!  I am!  …Maria! …My little Maria.”  Maria, who’s not been able to enjoy her BFF’s reception because of this nasty, nutty piece of work sees that her day has just gone from bad to the very, very worst! 


El Mundo de Telemundo - Discuss among yourselves, Week of June 7

Hóla a todos from Minneapolis where I went to my niece's high school graduation last night.

REINA- My final thought is that I wish they would do an interview with the writers because the actors were good but without the great writing, this would not have been the fantastic novela it was and there is no better example of that than...

HEREDEROS through Thurs.- Things are picking up slightly here as we go into últimas semanas. Pablo/Emilio was about to tell Juan that Paula wasn't his biological child when he had a stroke and was rendered mute. Even though he doesn't work there anymore, Modesto appeared when Juan whistled, presumably so that he could overhear Paula say that she is pregnant with Juan's baby. Since he doesn't know about Sofía's scheme, he thinks that Paula and Juan have committed incest.

Sofía tells Jose about Paula's pregnancy and he threatens to harm her unborn child if she doesn't go through with the scheme to get his brothers' inheritance.

As Novelera mentioned in her comment on Thurs., Gaspar has the hots big time for Adela. I agree that his character makes no sense. He seems to be nice guy most of the time but there is no explanation for his lapses into evil.

Julieta finally tells her parents about her cancer. Rosa is in denial.

The big record deal for the Gavilanes trio turned out to be a set up for some pretty inept criminals. Hey Efrain, If you want to impress Beatriz with your smarts, check out folks who offer you deals too good to be true. There is such a thing as the Internet.

I totally agree with you, Novelera about the Rosario rape storyline. There was zero suggestion that this had happened earlier in the novela when Rosario was portrayed as the more conventional but normal sister.

Julieta tells Paula that she and Juan are going to adopt a baby.

That was about it.

Over to you.

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