Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #152 6/21/11 Dona Victoria and her Three Studs or The Good, The Bad , The Ugly and the Morally Ambiguous

[HIghlights recapped by Dani and NovelaMaven--posted by jardinera654]

The scene with Os, The Voice and PJP was a masterpiece of understated acting. As PJP watched stunned the other two spent time showing their tail feathers like peacocks while Os accused The Voice of being Vic's lover and the Doc ripped into him for destroying Vic with his infidelity. PJP"s double take was priceless and he then had to chide the pair of them to tone it down and act like adults. Meanwhile Leo lolled around in a semi doped up stupor.

Vic finally seemed to be getting her story through to Maria but did snipe at her for not loving Max by getting together with limp Lon. Maria did finally confess that it will be a pity marriage since he is dying., Vic looked suitably shocked (and I suspect sympathetic).

The whole gang gathered in the barrio to fret and do nothing over the double kidnapping although someone did mention bringing in the cops.

Later the same group of do nothings gathered in Sandovalville and apparently had come up with a plan and several sets of people set out on their assigned tasks. Os was left to field phone calls while Leo took him down a short trip to their shared happiness. She was not pleased when Os told her he loved Vic tons more than he had ever loved her. She then planted one on him just in time, wait for it, for pouty Fer to arrive and see Daddy kissing (he wasn't participating) another woman. Guess she is going to have to reject him now which leaves her - alone.


Evil Woman was sprung from the pen and returned to her business and ripped into Xi. Gui arrived mid rant and the two gloated over his having completed his assignment. Burnie gave him a suitcase full of money which Xi's mother caught while peeking through the window. The two twits then went to Gui's house that night to steal the money but got caught by our gun toting actor.

Max, The Voice and Lon were directed to a dump where in the dark of night they somehow found a couple of items of Maria's clothing which Burnie had sprayed with blood. Suitable hysteria ensued.


Burnie crossed the line from murder to sadism when she and her henchmen arrived at Ratsville and took Maria away while the men made sure Vic knew it. Later two shots rang out and Vic had a predictable screaming, sobbing response.


Fausto will be serving a long sentence for Tomasa’s murder. Eva tells him it serves him right for punking out on avenging his mother’s death.


Bernarda gets her kicks:

Bernie’s back in full Doña regalia. On her way out of jail, she kicks a prisoner who says she saved her life; and then she kicks Eva, who was expecting to be thanked for orchestrating her release.

At Casa Bernarda, she lets Xi know she’s on to her attempted double-cross and kicks her out of the throne room.


Napo tells Juanjo he wants to marry Millie.

Won’t Get a Life Alonso is offered a great career opportunity in Buenos Aires. When he runs to tell his ternura about it, he finds out about the kidnapping and grumpily muscles his way in.


Leonela tells Os he was the love of her life. He says he did love her once but he loves Victoria infinitely more.


Teresa Tue 6/21/11 #83 Teresa the Man Eating Tiburoncita.

Rooftop Romance: Teresa kisses Mariano and he resists at first but poor guy just can’t help himself. He begins to kiss her back as their theme song plays. They break long enough for her to tell him she still loves him then hands him a glass of champagne. He hasn’t said anything yet, just takes a drink. I hold my breath.

Juana/Espe’s apt: Espe continues the interrogation. She’s letting them both have it for their lack of judgment. Then Johnny inevitably throws Espe’s transgression in her face: Didn’t she go off with a married man in the name of “love”? (ouch) He immediately apologizes. She agrees she’s not in a position to judge him. She just didn’t want him to have problems. She doesn’t have the right to tell him anything and now she apologizes to him.

Rooftop Romance: Mariano says he’s not sure that what he feels now is love but he yearns for her as much as ever and that will never die. She asks if he now prefers Aida or maybe Aurora. The only thing he can tell her is that he’s confused. After what she did to him she can’t possibly expect everything to be as it was. She reminds him he once told Arturo that if she were his, he wouldn’t live in the past but would live for the future. That’s what she wants – a future with him. She clinks her glass against his saying they can plan for their future, make their dreams come true. She never imagined she’d need him so much. She can’t live without him and asks for another chance to begin again. He tearfully says he doesn’t know if he can ever believe her again. She pleads with him to try. She knows she failed him but she hadn’t realized the intensity of this love. She’ll never be happy without him. “Te amo, Mariano. Te amo, te amo, te amo!” He should never doubt that. He takes this all in for a second then gives in and reaches for her. They embrace in a smoldering kiss, kiss, kiss. (I scream).

Casa Caceres (combined scenes): Ruben tells Aida about taking over the foundation. He’s happy about it, saying this could get him noticed by the right people. She’s amazed at Teresa’s influence over Arturo, convinced she’s responsible for Arturo passing on the responsibility to Ruben. Ruben’s grateful to Teresa and he’s looking forward to working with Martin. She laughs as she tells him he’ll now be working closely with Mariano as the head of the pediatrics division. He refuses to have anything to do with that imbécil! If working with him is one of the conditions of heading the foundation, he’ll refuse Arturo’s offer. Aida reminds him he was going to work on their relationship and now that’s one of her conditions – he needs to get along with Mariano. As soon as Mariano agrees to end his friendship with Espe, she plans to renew her relationship with him. Ruben can’t believe Mariano is still friends with Espe while he’s dating Aida. Mayra walks in, ready for dinner. She wants everyone to see that her husband’s lover wasn’t able to take him away from her. Aida gives her a thumbs up.

Back at the Rooftop: Mariano and Teresa are still sucking face. He asks her to spend the night with him. She agrees – the whole night, and very soon their entire life.

Juana/Espe’s apt: Johnny and Pati continue to apologize to Espe. Pati offers to return to Gramps to avoid further problems for him. He’s willing to risk anything, fearing her Granpa will hide her away from him forever. Juana and Refugio arrive at that moment and both are relieved to find them okay. Espe assures them “nothing” has happened between them. Refugio offers Pati the spare room in their apt after Juana says no way is she spending the night with him. Johnny reminds everyone Pati’s now an adult and they want to get married right away. Refugio joins in the discussion, telling him this isn’t how it’s done. They should have a courtship before marriage. They all leave and Juana is alone but not for long. Cutberto comes by and Juana gives him a WHACK! across the face! She starts yelling at him about being involved in the whole Johnny/Pati escándalo. He tells her he deserves the slap. WHACK! She slaps him again for the fright (susto) he caused her.

Grumpy Gramps: Now he’s Sad Sack Gramps. He pitifully tells Gris he’s looking for something, anything that will lead him to Pati. He’s crying and now she’s crying as they rummage through her room.

Mariano’s room (combo scenes): Teresa and Mariano now on his bed getting to it but they’re still fully dressed….when Ramon walks in!!! Ay Caray! Ramon tells him this is just too much (el colmo). Doesn’t he see that this, this “señora” te esta viendo la cara de idiota?(making you out to be an idiot; literally=seeing your idiot face). He doubts very much she’ll get a divorce. Teresa tries to say something and he interjects asking if she’s even considered what her husband will do to his son. They need to think about what could happen if this gets out. Mariano and Teresa have hurriedly been dressing as he’s trying to talk some sense into them. He says they haven’t considered all the consequences of their actions. Arturo’s likely to kill Mariano if he finds out. He speaks to Mariano directly, saying he can make his own decisions no matter what anyone says, not even his father! He storms out of the room and Mariano follows him telling him Teresa and he love each other. (I scream again)

Genoveva’s home: Aida has come by to give her all the details on the scandal about the Barrera separation. Geno imagines the field day the tabloids will have with the story. She just hopes they don’t reconcile. No way, says Aida. Teresa needs to learn her lesson. Even though she may keep part of Arturo’s money, she’ll never be accepted in their social circle. And she’ll make sure Mariano doesn’t take her back.

Vecindad, AKA Grand Central Station:

Ramon knows Mariano loves her but what Teresa feels for him isn’t love or she wouldn’t continue to hurt him time and again. Teresa pathetically says she loves Mariano and that’s why she’s decided to get a divorce. Ramon is exasperated and says he doesn’t believe her. Mariano tells him this is between Teresa and him. Ramon tells him it’s a pity he doesn’t realize that this woman will ruin his life. Now Teresa speaks up, saying she understands his reluctance to believe her but she loves Mariano. All she asks is for a little time to prove to him that she will make Mariano happy. Mariano does deserve to be happy, Ramon replies, too bad that won’t happen as long as he can’t get her out of his life. He walks out.

EEK! Outside, Arturo and Martin arrive at the vecindad! Arturo assures Martin he’s ok now. He’s no longer drinking and he’s just there to speak with his wife (mi mujer). Martin’s not budging, saying he’s also got a score to settle here.

Rooftop: Oh, spare me! Now Johnny and Pati are looking for a little romance on the rooftop. Too bad all signs of Tere’s and Mariano’s romantic setting have totally disappeared. Anyway Pati says she doesn’t care that she’s so young. He’s concerned he doesn’t have much money. She doesn’t care. All she’s dreamed about these past months is waking up in his arms and making him breakfast, etc. etc. He wants her to be sure she doesn’t want to wait a little longer. She loves him. They kiss. I cringe.

Refugio returns to her apt and tells Armando about all the Johnny/Pati scandal and that she offered to have Pati stay with them. No way, says Armando. They’re going to return her to her granpa ASAP! A knock on the door – it’s Arturo wondering where, oh where, can his little tiburoncita be?

Martin’s walking around the vecindad and looks up to see said Tiburoncita talking in Mariano’s doorway.

Juana is scolding Cutberto for getting Johnny in so much trouble. She goes on talking about how she was so worried thinking of all the trouble he was in and angry that he would use Gris in order for Johnny to get close to Pati. They continue like this, ending with Cutberto pulling her on to the couch with him and kissing her. She comes up for air and tells him to let her go or he’ll never win her back! He thought he’d already won her back! She criticizes him again for using Gris and for being immature. She wonders how he plans to have children when he behaves in this manner. He tells her he wants to have children but only with her. Tere walks in and wonders how he plans to support those children when he can’t even support himself. In contrast, Juana’s in a position where she’ll be given everything, not supporting a ne’er-do-well . She’s dating someone who deserves her, someone who is refined, educated, and can give her everything. He needs to stop wasting her time and leave…now! Cutberto says he won’t leave until Juana kicks him out. Juana thought she had already kicked him out or does he want her to threaten him (she picks up a measuring thing-a-ma-jig) He leaves as Teresa continues to snap her fingers at him, saying he deserves to be put in jail for all the stupid things (tonterías) he’s done. Juana looks like she’s regretting her move.

Refugio’s trying to get Arturo to calm down and tell them what’s going on. (she’s still calling him licenciado) She knows something’s wrong. How can it be he doesn’t know where Teresa is unless something is wrong? Armando tells her to butt out and then tells Arturo Tere’s not there. He also reminds him of his promise to make Teresa happy and she’s not. Arturo assures them he loves Teresa and is sure he can mend things but first he needs to find her. Armando hopes that’s true cuz he doesn’t care if he’s his boss, his daughter’s happiness comes first. Refugio asks him again to tell them what’s going on. If Teresa’s done something wrong, it’s her duty to correct her. (wait….what?! How old is Teresa?) Arturo tells them politely that this is between Teresa and him and that this problem will most assuredly be resolved.

Martin enters Mariano’s apt and wastes no time in asking what Teresa was doing there. Ruh-Roh!

Teresa is talking to Juana and Espe about Johnny/Pati. Knock, knock, knock – it’s Arturo! She told him she wouldn’t be joining him for dinner and now he’s here. Is he checking up on her? Juana asks him to enter. She and Juana support Teresa’s cover story that she’s there to help with the Johnny/Pati incident. Arturo offers his help and in turn is invited to join them for dinner. Arturo is trying to get the story out of Teresa who asks if he doubts her reason for being here. In come Johnny/Pati, telling Espe they’ve decided to get married right away. While everyone is distracted, Teresa reaches into her purse and hurriedly puts on her wedding rings. Someone mentions jail, and now Arturo’s really confused. Pati assures him Johnny did nothing wrong, he’s her hero. Ugh

Mariano tells Martin that he and Teresa had some pending business to discuss and that’s that. Martin wants to know what’s going on between him and Aurora. Mariano explains Aurora told him she cared for him at one time, that’s all. He doesn’t know why she told him but there’s no need for Martin to get in his face about it. Martin’s always known she was hot for Mariano but still he decided to go all-out for her love. Everything was going along great until today. Mariano assures him neither he nor Aurora have done anything to betray his trust. Martin doesn’t know what to think and that’s why he broke up with Aurora until she is clear as to what she wants. If she’s still in love with Mariano, she doesn’t want her to feel obligated to him because of what they’ve had together. Mariano assures him what Aurora felt for him is in the past, that’s what she told him. Martin is certain she still cares for Mariano and is willing to step aside if being with Mariano will make her happy. However, he warns Mariano that if he wins her back, it will be forever.

Casa de Chavez: Refugio is laying into Armando as usual, complaining that he knew of the problems Teresa was having with Arturo and he didn’t tell her about it. She prays to la Virgincita that Teresa resolves all her problems. Armando says no matter what happens, he won’t allow el licenciado to hurt his daughter.

Juana/Espe’s apt: Teresa is giving her legal advice on the Johnny/Pati incident. Pati left of her own will (voluntad), therefore they shouldn’t have any problems. That’s not privación a la libertdad (deprivation of freedom). Besides, Pati clarifies, she had told the old codger she’d be leaving on her birthday. Arturo agrees that Johnny can’t be charged with kidnapping (secuestro). Teresa also tells us that in México, the police wait 72 hours before the police will take a missing person report. Johnny repeats their decision to marry immediately. Teresa asks if they’re sure, because everything changes once you’re married. Freudian slip perhaps, but her hand is hovering over a disconsolate Arturo as she says this. Johnny & Pati say they’re sure because they’re in lurrrve. Johnny worries the only thing left is to find a place for the four of them to live. Arturo asks, “¿los cuatro?” Johnny says “sure. Me, my betrothed, my sister, and my little nephew.” Arturo didn’t know! “¿estas embarazada?” Everyone looks uncomfortable and Teresa shoots Johnny a menacing look.

Casa Caceres: Ruben and Mayra have returned from dinner as he recounts that Aida has told him she’ll forgive him so long as he doesn’t pressure her to stop seeing Mariano. He repeats that Geno wisely advised that forbidding the relationship would only serve to have Aida cling to Mariano. Ruben gets to the point of suggesting to Mayra that she consider protecting her inheritance. He wouldn’t want Mariano to take advantage of Aida in order to get to Mayra’s fortune and therefore thinks she should relieve Aida of control over her finances. Mayra snidely remarks he just wants that control for himself. No, he says, he likes the thought of Mayra taking control of her money and working side by side with him. He jokingly suggests he should stop working altogether so she can have him all to herself. Kissy, kissy, smooch. Mayra’s as giddy as a schoolgirl. Poor sap.

Juana/Espe’s apt: At the dinner table, Espe fills in Arturo on all things bebé: Mayra and Aida know but think the babydaddy is someone else, Ruben knows he’s the babydaddy and wants to support her and the child. Arturo’s stunned.

Casa Chavez: Refugio sighs heavily saying Pati reminds her of her dead Rosita. Armando and Refugio agree to support the Johnny/Pati cause in the name of Rosita. Pati and Johnny arrive and explain the legal advice they were given by Arturo and Teresa. Arturo’s there? The lights go out, leaving everyone in the dark.

Casa de la Barrera: Teresa says she is safe and sound (sano y salvo) and therefore, Arturo can leave. He wants to talk and tells her he took the first steps in removing himself from Paloma’s foundation. She is not happy to hear he’s handed over the reins to Ruben. She has plenty (plenamente) reason to distrust him. Arturo explains he’s doing everything possible to distance himself from all things Paloma and he’s doing this to show his love for Teresa. She responds by telling him it’s no use. She’s made up her mind. She wants a divorce. He refuses, asking that she give him a chance. Then he asks if it’s because of Mariano, she plans to go back to him, doesn’t she? She replies, “and if that’s the case, so what?” Arturo is taken aback as though he’s been slapped.

Mariano’s apt in candlelight: Mariano’s sad to hear Ramon wants to get a job elsewhere and asks him to reconsider. Ramon feels he could get better pay and besides Mariano is starting his life and doesn’t need him anymore. He only hopes Mariano doesn’t make a mistake. Mariano knows he’s referring to Teresa and all he can say is that he’s very confused. Ramon advises him not to make any decisions until he’s thought it all over very carefully or he could live to regret it. He suggests he talk to Aurora. Mariano is pensativo.

Casa de la Barrera: Teresa says it doesn’t matter if she ends up with Mariano or anyone else. It’s ironic that he exhibits such jealousy when he’s the unfaithful one. He’s trying to understand. He feels that if she truly loves him, he should be able to win her back despite his mistake. He asks if she truly loves him, if that’s why she married him. Of course, she says. She just can’t forgive him. In the name of their love, he asks that she forgive him. Nah, she says. If she were someone else she might have easily forgiven him. She wants him to love her as much as she loves him. She’s not willing to settle for anything less. He pleads with her, begs her to reconsider and give their marriage a chance. She unflinchingly doesn’t think he’ll succeed. She again asks him to leave. Cold as ice, that one.

Casa Chavez: Morning has arrived. Armando, Refugio, and Pati are enjoying breakfast as Johnny arrives with all the paperwork needed for their marriage. Armando and Refugio both give them advice, suggesting a courtship before marriage.

Casa Grumpy Granpa: Gris finds the old codger despondent and curled up on Pati’s bed. She tries to talk him into having breakfast. He has no need for food and only has thoughts for Pati. Then he turns on her, blaming her for her part in Pati’s abduction (rapto). At first he tells her to leave, then changes his mind, saying he’ll turn her into the police. They start to struggle.

Casa Chavez: Refugio continues to advise Johnny/Pati to go through a courtship before marriage. They talk in stereotypical gender roles: Johnny has a job, but can he support a household? Can Pati cook and clean, can she maintain a household budget? They go on like this as the accordion plays on.

Hospital: Mariano has asked Aurora to his office to talk. Sidenote: she’s wearing her lab coat with high heeled boots – not a good look in my opinion. Besides, how can you wear heels while making rounds? Just sayin’. Anyhoo, Mariano brings up the topic of discussion: She told him she loved him. She’s embarrassed and thinks she shouldn’t have said anything. On the contrary, he apologizes for being such an imbécil and not having noticed. He wonders why she decided to tell him now. Does she still love him? She tells him they’ve always been good friends and wonders if what she said made a difference to him. Well, she definitely made him realize how stupid he was for such a long time. She philosophizes that when one is in love, one notices no one else. That’s what she thinks happened to him with Teresa and what’s happening to her now with Martin. When she first started dating Martin, he knew she still loved Mariano but decided to take the risk to win her over. He’s winning her over by being so thoughtful. Mariano asks if she loves Martin. She says Martin has helped her appreciate herself and enjoy life. She wants to make it very clear that she loves Martin and that there can be nothing between her and Mariano.

Casa de la Barrera: Refugio and Armando have come to see if there’s anything they can do during this trying time in the Barrera marriage. Teresa tells them is between Arturo and her. Teresa knows Arturo isn’t perfect but she’s not the type of person who will conform because “el que poco pide, nada merece.” (he that asks for little, deserves nothing) She has the right to decide what she does and who she does it with. Refugio tells her to think very carefully what she’s looking for in a man. She was once so in love with Mariano yet along came Arturo and it was over. Now she’s doing the same with Arturo. She was so in love with him but suddenly wants nothing to do with him. She just wants her to think very seriously about what she wants to do. She needs to fight for her marriage. Does she plan to go on like this? Marriage upon marriage upon marriage and each time suffering through this loss? Teresa tells her she will get a divorce if she wants to. Refugio reminds her she’s married by the church and that’s for-e-ver. She can’t allow Teresa to be ok if she’s hurting others. Teresa leans in close and says, “that’s life! Only the strong survive.”

Back at the hospital, Mariano tells Aurora of his discussion with Martin. She knows Martin is angry by what she’s done but she doesn’t regret it. She had to close that chapter in her life. Mariano tells her Martin does love her and told him he would step aside if she wanted to be with him (Mariano). Mariano thinks that’s a sign of true love, wanting the best for the one you love. She’s got a good man. Now that he hears that she loves him, he advises her not to let him go. He tells her she’s an incredible woman and he’ll always be there for her as a friend. They embrace. I guess the TN gods didn’t hear my plea. Drat!

Casa de la Barrera: Now it’s Armando’s turn, telling Teresa that as a divorced woman, men won’t notice her as they did before. No matter, she says, she’s not planning on leaving empty-handed. That shouldn’t be her chief concern, Refugio says. She should be worried about losing the man she loves. Refugio wonders if Teresa loves Arturo. Teresa tells her not to talk about things if she doesn’t know the details. Refugio asks that she enlighten them. Teresa refuses, preferring to make the decision whether or not to divorce without the opinions of others and when she wants their opinion, she’ll ask for it, although she doesn’t think that day will ever come. She picks up her purse and leaves, whispering, “entre ser y no ser, yo soy.” So there!

Hospital: Aurora pulls back and wishes happiness for Mariano. But in order to get there, he needs to close the chapter with Teresa. He lets on that he knows Teresa and Arturo are having problems. Aurora assumes he knows about Arturo’s infidelity. He didn’t and now Mariano is furious at the thought of that imbécil being unfaithful to Teresa.


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Alborada, 6/21/2011. Cap. 16. She who sows the wind shall reap the whirlwind.

Today's episode is covered in Melinama's Recap #4 at this link.

On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 16 start at this link.

Everyone thank Carlos for today's picture. He chose one with more "bipartisan appeal."


Teresa Mon 6/20/11 #82 Blood In The Water; Teresa Starts Circling

Cap 82

As Viewerville returns to the battling de la Barrera’s, Aida’s come a-callin’ at the manse.  Reina makes the mistake of not announcing her to Teresa first and nearly gets her head handed to her for it.  Aeeeeda smirks and says no reason to take it out on the help just because she and Arturo are splitsville.   Yeah, she stopped by to rub Teresa’s nose in the fact that she’d just heard the two of them were having marital problems.   Come to think of it, she adds, the press will have a field day with the news: “‘the shortest marriage between attorneys de la Barrera –the attorney and his social-climbing wife!’ ” (And we’re certain she’d be the first to twitter them!)   Luisa walks downstairs and warns Aeeeda about giving Tere grief.  Aeeeda wonders why Lu’s defending her.  “—if you’d known her as long and as well as I have, Luisa!”  Lu offers to stay but Tere says after all these years she finds Aeeeda’s obnoxious behavior actually entertaining, so no reason to stay on her account.  Once Luisa’s out the door, Tere says she’s got Art wrapped around her little finger and can return to him at any time, unlike Aeeeda who can’t with Mariano.  That was totally her choice, replies Aida.  If it were up to him we’d still be together!  Tere looks as if she might half-way believe it, too.

Across the tracks, in mama Rufugio’s uber-humble walk-up de vecindad, Juana races in to complain that she learned now that Cutberto has run off with a teeny-bopper, the cradle-robber!  Refusio clears that up explaining that he was only helping Johnny get Pati, his GF, out from her grandpa’s clutches so they could live together now that she’s turned 18 and is of age.  

Back on the Barrera Battlefield,  Aeeeda continues taunting Tere.    This was to be expected when there’s no love in a marriage. “—you’re paying for marrying for money!”  Tere quips back that she must be speaking from years of experience with her own parents.  Aeeeda says hey, don’t waste time [no tener caso= pointless] bringing them up!   She’s a newlywed and look at her!  Already lost him!   Is that losing out or latching on, queries Tere.  Look at what she’s grabbed onto for herself in so little time:  half a fortune, a partnership in Luna Torquesa, partner in the top law practice in the D.F., and a mansion!  So, as dueña of the mansion she’s kicking her buttinsky outta there!  Get the effin’ lost!  ¡Largate!  Papa Armando walks in at that point and Aeeeda leaves.  Tere tells her papi not to worry cuz it’s obvious just how envious Aeeeda is of her now.

Pati and Johnny are still having their kicks at the amusement park.  She tells him she still doesn’t know where he’s got her staying, especially now that he can’t reach his buddy (Fito- rhymes with "me-slow" which is definitely Johnny’s problem) to make the arrangements.  “--Oh, what the heck?  Let’s play some more!  It’s a birthday celebration!  She’s of age!  FF>>

We travel to Aurora’s house where cheery Martin is ready to pick her up and take her out or somewhere.  Aurora, he notes, is down in the mouth.  Why?  Aurora proceeds to tell him about her discussion with Mariano earlier and “what she felt for him.”  Ruh-roh!!  Aurora learns that principles come with a price.  Sometimes there’s such a thing as too much honesty!  

At the same time, Tere shows up at Mariano’s office.  He wonders if she’s come to gloat over the way she got her hubby to reinstate him at the Foundation.  No, she says, he did admit it was unfair and wanted to correct it.  She’s there to say he was right about her rushing into marriage with Arturo and she’s since asked him for a divorce.  Mariano is suddenly “Get-real!”-impactado. 

Back at Aurora’s, Martin is in the middle of blowing another gasket…and another…and another!   “—You told him that you loved him?  Or you told him that you are in love with him now?  What reason did you have to even bring it up?  What happened?”  Aurora tries to explain how she and Teresa were chatting about closing the circle—.  “—Oh, wow!  TERESA!”  “—and I simply wanted to get that kind of impediment out of our relationship so that we could be completely happy.”   She was doing it for the two of them and their future, to avoid what happened between Paloma and Arturo.  (This kind of female logic is no logic at all.)  No, he says, it sounds more like she was trying to see if there was still any “there” there for Mariano, if she might ever have a chance!  (Crap!  Take it like a man, you jerk.  You knew what you were getting into.)  He’s the third wheel around there, he figures.   They’re finito!  He walks out.

Back at Mar’s office, Tere informs him that Art’s not living at the house any longer (the putz).   So?  Why should he care?    She insists she’s trying to be serious and he should believe her!   Oh, he sneers back, like he believed her the night before her wedding when she told him she’d marry him instead?  She says because what they’ve shared just doesn’t die.  He reminds her of the way she humiliated him at the church.  Well, she says, circumstances demanded it.   No biggy.  He was the first man in her life and the only one that’s ever mattered to her.   He says he’s wise to her ways now and with every word he looks for the escape hatch.  (“Back” tras something I didn’t totally catch—essentially, the double-meaning cuz he doesn’t trust her).   She diverts.  “—You broke up with Aida today.”  Yeah, he admits, but she was also back to tell him how much she loves him still.  (Fine.  Looks like Tere’s up for the challenge.  Aida’s not getting the better of her!)

At Ruben’s law office, meanwhile, Amadeo refuses to sign for a check that pays him for his silence.  He wants cash [effectivo] of course.  No signatures and no receipts.  Ruben thought he had a rube.  The only rube in this turns out to be him.

In Mariano’s office, Tere fishes for Mariano’s intentions with Aurora.  Yeah, she’s sweet, beautiful, and totally trustworthy!  “—And happy with Martin.”  No need to fish with him.  She knows he wants her still and so, tonight she’ll meet Mariano at their old meeting place, and there’ll be a big surprise waiting for him.  Tere kisses him sensually on the cheek and strolls out the door.  (Mariano, you’re a chump!  That is chum minus the p, which is what Tere has just done all over you.)   Yep, he’s so much chum in the water.

Aeeeda and Maira now show up at Ruben’s office to continue their examination of the books with Amadeo.  (I got lost in the financial weeds in their discussion.)  He manages to stall a bit and divert them somehow.  

Refusio still can’t get hold of Johnny.  She tells Juana that although Johnny had talked a good game, she never thought he’d actually go through with things.   Now she’s learned that Grumps is reporting him to the police!  They have to warn him before Espe finds out and it harms her pregnancy!!

Johnny and Pati are still at the amusement park.  She hints she wants to go all the way with Johnny now that she’s an adult.  Johnny, though, is still a bit slow on the uptake.  He is still happy just playing kissy-face.  (The guy is such a …social retard!  Definitely not Mensa material, either.)  >>

Grumps is bawling out Pati’s father for not showing up, either.  Forget her!  Forget it!  He hangs up and remembers how her bio-daddy got her mama pregnant and then dumped her when Grumps said they weren’t getting a centavo from him.  He was forced to marry her off to somebody she didn’t love just to keep it all legit.  He bemoans the way history is repeating itself.

Tere stops by Aurora’s next for a quick chat.   Aurora tells her about the kerfuffle with Martin earlier.  Art calls to ask Tere to meet him for lunch so they can talk things over.  She tells him she’ll think about it.  Click.  Aurora asks if she and Art get divorced would she run back to Mariano.  Tere avoids answering by suggesting she’s still not divorced, but then says she’s not sure.

Ramon stops into visit with Mar and ask him to lunch.  He sees the picture of Mar and Aurora and says what a shame he’s not dating her.  Mar says well, too late.  He didn’t see the handwriting on the wall.  Anyway, Teresa tells him she’s getting divorced.  Ramon is knock-me-over-with-a-feather-impactado.  He immediately screams at Mar to forget ever getting back with Teres again.  How could he even consider it after what she’s done to him?

Martin runs into Art at the restaurant.  He’s pissed when Art tells him he’s giving control of the Foundation over to Ruben to avoid problems with Teresa.  Marty says Art should be running things and he again blames this mess on Teresa.

Buttberto and Refusio find Espe at the hospital to tell her about the legal fix that Johnny’s in.  Buttberto looks at his shirt and plays with his buttons.  It wasn’t his doing.  He was just there to help out a buddy.  How’d he know the kind of trouble his friend was getting’ into???  (Viewerville takes one look at Butt-bo and wants to pull its hair out thinking “Juana wants to marry this?”  Teresa’s brilliant, beautiful, talented, and classy madrina wants to bag ‘n shag this?)   Of course, Espe faints dead away.  Mariano is called in to bring her back.  They go into his office where he tells Buttberto what an ass he was for getting involved, not to mention not trying to stop him. 

Aurora finds a little consolation from Papa Hector over the Martin problem.   

Mart and Art, meanwhile, commiserate over Mariano and the giant pain in the patoot he is.  He talks Art into looking for Tere and insisting on making up.  Marty calls up Aurora.  He’s trying to locate Teresa he says, for Art--who is three sheets to the wind all ready and in the process of tying on three more.  She thinks he’ll also want to discuss their problem.  No such luck.  Click. 

Juana shows up back at the manse to tell Tere what’s up with Johnny.  Espe calls and Tere says sure she’ll help advise her.  (Heck, a little pro-bono is always good for the tax situation.)  She suggests that somebody go back to the vecindad and stay with Espe.  Juana figures she’ll wait till the next day.  Tere goes later to give Espe legal advice. 

Johnny checks his cell for phone calls and messages.  Hmmm.  Seems tons of people have tried calling him.  Gema also.  She won’t need his services for a while.  Johnny calls Espe who tells him to rush home cuz there’s a problem with Pati and everyone’s looking for him.  When he gets back to the vecindad, Espe hauls off and slaps the stupid jerk.  She tells him he’s in trouble with the law now, and even if he married Pati immediately, their lives are all ruined!

Art and Mart head for the vecindad where Art’s sure he’ll find Teresa, and probably that sumb!tch, Mariano, together!!  He’s not far off the mark, either.  

Teresa gets Mariano to help her with mama’s overload of laundry supposedly.  Then, up on the roof top, she says it was just an excuse.  He sees the table set up and says it reminds him of the night he first proposed to her.  Tere says she’d love to go back in time.  Mar says that’s impossible and too much has happened.  Things change.  She knows now that he was right and that she rushed into marriage with Arturo.  (Five years getting to know the man is rushing things?  Puh-leese!)   He can’t get the way she humiliated him out of his craw.  As many times as he begged her too!  He admits that he gave up when he realized he couldn’t compete with her ambition.  He can’t imagine, either, why she’d bother coming back to him since now she has everything she ever wanted –-wealth, social position, a partner in the best law firm.   She bats her eyes up at him.  “—I don’t have you!”  She moves in for the kiss.  He doesn’t pull back cuz, in the lingo of the Borg, resistance is futile.  He’s into the kiss in nothing flat.  Hot sizzle and damned.    



Cuando Me Enamoro #43 Monday 6/20/11 Hey, Let’s take a Winery Tour! and, Roberta Must Rest - And So Must the Wine!

Good evening folks, I am posting this on behalf of Audrey so all praise belongs to her, I am merely the messenger. Feel free to shoot me anyway! :) Enjoy!!!


Some scenes repeat from last time where Jero thinks to himself about how difficult it is to have Renata close. Matías accidentally drops a big hint to Gonzo that he is not Roberta’s baby-daddy. “Did Roberta tell you the father was an infeliz?” If so, Gonzo is ready to kill him (the infeliz, that is).

Roberta appears to be having a fine time lounging about plugged into her computer and wearing her favorite pink sweats. Diego video-chats with Roberta - if that executive position isn’t available yet, he wants more money! Or else he’ll play Gonzo the recording! Oh, Roberta doesn’t like this and calls him “Estupido”. [Funny how Roberta calls someone “estupido” when they get the best of her - doesn’t work that way! LOL! Doesn’t that actually mean they’re more clever than she is?]

At the Hacienda La Bonita - dinner. Renata loves the meal and asks Manuela for cooking lessons for all these wonderful regional dishes since she doesn’t have much to do around there. Renata then excuses herself to go to bed sending meaningful looks at Jero. “I’ll catch you later” she tells him as she leaves.

Carlos drags Jero into an after dinner discussion. Carlos tells Jero that Alfonsina told Renata that his brother, Rafael, was the previous owner and that he named the hacienda “La Bonita” after a girlfriend. Carlos explains that Renata reacted as if it meant nothing at all to her. Jerko is perplexed yet again.

Matías checks in on the resting Roberta. “Oh poor old me! I’m expecting a baby by my sister’s husband - how do you think I feel?” she whines. Matías wants her parents to learn the truth of the baby’s father - and that it’s not his! Roberta swears she is going to tell her parents - but she has to find the right way. But oh how she wishes she had a boyfriend who could “help her out with her situation” like Gonzo did with their mother - hint, hint!

Honorio and Constanza are at dinner. [Orange juice at dinnertime?] They talk about Adriana. Honoria would like Adriana to stay with them for a while - at least try it. Wow - Constanza tells him that she loves him and agrees to give it a try! Honorio is very grateful.

Matías comes to visit Adriana. He’s still a couple of weeks away from moving into his own apartment. He’s come to tell her that he is worried - he thinks he got ahead of himself when he kissed her, and he is not ready for a new relationship yet. Adriana is willing to run the risk.

Renata is getting all dolled up in a slinky negligee set. [In bright orange? Well - it looks good on her.] She knocks on Jerko’s door. He won’t even turn around to look at her as she comes in. “I came to tell you good night” she says seductively as she slinks up behind him and starts caressing him. Ooops! Jerko is so tense - he won’t give in. I would say he has turned into a block of ice, but he is obviously really struggling with not giving in as Renata puts on some major seduction moves. But - ni modo - Jerko pulls Renata’s robe back up over her shoulders. She must be just as tired as he is - “Please go to your room to rest.” Then he walks out of his room, shutting the door right in her face! She just can’t believe it - wow!

Dr. Freaky gets home to Karina who has been waiting up till really late for his return. Guess who is wasted yet again? She scolds him for being drunk and not meeting the commitment he has to the community as a doctor. She complains about him being wasted all the time. He gets rough with her and decides this is a great time for Karina to comply with her wifely duties. [On the dining room table? What?!? This is NOT pleasant!]

OMG!, is Jerko hiding in his bathroom? Really?!? Because Renata is talking through the door to him: “Jeronimo, why do you want me to go to my room? Is this really what you want?” No answer at all - so Renata leaves, slamming the bedroom door. Then Jerko sneaks out of his bathroom - wow! - and looks at the closed bedroom door. He runs his fingers through his hair - in frustration? [I sure would like to know what the he** he is thinking. Writers? Can you explain this? What are you trying to portray here?]

Back in her room Renata remembers some of their early moments, especially when Jerko first tells her he loves her and the wonderful romantic evening with music and fire. She is crying, distraught. “What changed? Why are you acting like this? What did I do to you?” She ends up kneeling on the floor, crying.

Next morning at the Hacienda Renata is up early for a ride and Lazaro fetches her a horse - also called La Bonita! Carlos asks if there is anything wrong, but Renata denies any problems. Lazaro asks Carlos whether Renata is sad, or is it his imagination. Carlos says he doesn’t know.

Jerko comes into the kitchen looking have breakfast with his wife. Matilde is delighted to announce his wife already had breakfast and left. Jerko calls Laz and Carlos to find out that she went out riding - by herself! Carlos quizzes Jerko on it being rather obvious that that there is something going on between him and his wife. They are not acting like newlyweds and Renata seems sad and as if she feels alone. He hopes Jerko did not marry Renata for revenge, because if so Carlos would be really disappointed in him. Jerko gives Carlos that deadened face look we are all coming to hate as he watches him leave the room - not saying a word! Then he just paces, looking tense.

Renata is out riding. Oh - guess what! She runs right into Agustín who is also horse riding, imagine that! He asks after her obviously absent bridegroom. She loves the views around here, the vineyards. She hasn’t seen nothing yet, offers Aggie. Would she like to see how wine is made? Well - come to his hacienda, “Cruz de Amor”, he’d love to show her. “Why not?” she responds, and off they go. [I hope Jerko feels like someone is walking across his grave. You go Aggie! I’ve decided to name him Aggie since he is a serious agriculturalist and it’s a tip of the hat to an old rival alma mater]

Poor Karina is on a bed curled up looking hurt. Dr. Freaky comes and she screams at him to get out. He asks what the matter is, and why is she like that, still dressed, sleeping in this other room with no breakfast made for him. “Don’t you remember what happened last night?” He apparently doesn’t. She screams at him that he raped her last night, he defiled her. Dr. Freaky is freaked - it seems like he really doesn’t remember anything - but Karina thinks he’s pretending not to remember and says she’ll never forget it, nunca! [OK - so we have another Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde thing going on here!]

At Empresas Monterrubio, Honorio tells Adriana that Constanza would like to have her come stay with them for a while - at least try it out. Adriana can think about it, but Honorio would love to make up for lost time.

Renata is having a blast with Auggie, getting a tour of his hacienda [wish that were me! - I’m a serious wine buff]. Lots of gorgeous scenery. Hmmm - Alfonsina spots them strolling the vineyards together and watches. After the vineyards we get into the fermentation room with big shiny stainless steel tanks while Auggie explains the process. Wow - sounds like Auggie is giving a real winery tour. He explains that red and white wines are made by essentially the same process, except that white wine doesn’t have the grape skins.

Then they go to the aging room where the wine is aging in casks. He explains that the casks are made from American and French oak [yep - that’s what most West Coast wineries use] and the aging wine picks up flavors from the oak.

Renata is thinking that Jero doesn’t do this wine processing, right? Aggie explains that Jero just has his vineyards and sells his grape harvest, and Aggie himself has already bought Jero’s grape harvest for the next 3 years. Even though Aggie has his own vineyards, Jero’s brother was able to grow a type of grape that no one else in their region was able to cultivate, and Aggie thinks this will be his best investment, the grapes are of a great quality. Renata is surprised by this arrangement. “Did Jero not tell you this?” asks Aggie. Renata explains that she is sure he did, but she probably wasn’t paying attention to the details.

Then Aggie goes into the art of wine tasting. You have to observe the color, the transparency, the smell, and finally, the taste. Renata thinks the wine is awesome! She sees some drawings on the table and asks who does the label design. Auggie has to confess that another of his passions is drawing and design. Renata playfully confesses that she also loves design and drawing, and in fact she did the last logo for Empresas Monterrubios. “Well then you could help me,” says Aggie. Renata teases yes. Areli appears and introduces herself as Aggie’s novia. She gets a big hug for that. Renata is delighted to meet her.

Jerko is in a huff. Carlos hasn’t seen Renata. Jerko wants them to go look for her as she’s been gone too long. “And if she doesn’t want to return?” chides Carlos. Jerko says she doesn’t know the area, she could be lost (in spite of having a mare who knows how to return home). Carlos is glad Jero’s so worried - it means he does care about Renata after all.

Renata thinks the female figure outline on the label must be Areli. Areli thinks it must be some other beautiful lady. Well - obviously it’s you! says Renata - laying on the charm for everybody. Renata says she’d better return home as she has been gone a long time. Aggie goes with her to make sure she doesn’t get lost. Areli picks up the label and says “It’s you, Renata, the woman on this label is you”. [how she can figure that out from a side view female outline - I can’t imagine]

Back at the offices, Blanca declares to Adriana that she will give her all her support since she lost her mother. Adriana admits it’s been tough to concentrate at work and she would be grateful to have a friend like her.

Renata arrives back at the Hacienda. “Wow - you finally return!” says Jerko. He wants to know where she has been. Why was she so delayed? Time got away from her, and as she doesn’t have anything to do.... “At least you could have let us know. Something could have happened to you, or you could have gotten lost.” complains Jerko. “You care about what happens to me?” asks Renata. “Of course I care what happens to you!“ answers Jerko. “Well, that was what I thought before I married you, but since then it seem you don’t pay any attention to my needs or my feelings, therefore I supposed that you wouldn’t notice that I wasn’t here.” Renata pointedly replies. “Well you supposed wrong, When you’re going to go out, let me know, and don’t be gone so long. Agreed?” demands Jerko.

“Look,” says Renata, “I wouldn’t have any problem letting my husband know if he were someone who worried about me and paid attention to me. Agreed?” “Yes I was worried about you.” says Jerko, “I was just about to go out looking for you.” “You know what?” counters Renata “The things you say are very different from the things you do. If you really were my loving husband, you would be living with me, looking after our honeymoon, sharing a bed in this wonderful place. Then you would know where I was and what was happening with me!” and Renata excuses herself. Jerko just stands there frustrated. [OK - so Jerko, it’s not really working out like what you imagined, no? What were you thinking would happen anyway - you idiot!]

Matilde comes in the kitchen so excited because she saw Renata and Jero fighting. “Oh quit with the gossiping!” says Manuela, the cook, but Matilde wants know where Renata was gone for so long. Renata comes in the kitchen. “Good afternoon, is it time to eat yet! “ Manuela lists all the goodies for lunch. Wow, including a specialty of the area, lobster tacos! Renata again asks again for cooking lessons, charming Manuela.

[OK - me, me! I’m ready to hop right over there. I want my own Aggie wine tour and then cooking lessons with Manuela in regional cuisine in that lovely traditional looking kitchen. Did I mention I love Mexican food? - the real kind, that is (as opposed to Tex-mex)]

Renata is going to help out with lunch! Renata ignores Matilde’s snide comments (including a nasty one about cooking ruining one’s manicure). Matilde finally leaves and Renata asks Manuela why Matilde doesn’t like her. Manuela explains Matilde’s bad attitude. That she used to be the one running the house, so she feels strange - what else could it be? They get going with the cooking lessons.

A serious business meeting at Empresas Monterrubios. Fina bursts right in screaming her distress at everyone in the room. “Roberta has run away from home - and she left a note! She’d rather run away than reveal the father of her child! Her pregnancy is at risk! Please get her back!” This is the first Adriana has heard of Roberta’s pregnancy. Gonzo calls the immediate family to his office. Adriana suggests to Matías that Roberta likes to hang out at the country club. Maybe people there can help find her.

Back at the hacienda Matilde is arranging flowers when Jerko comes in. She makes a few disparaging remarks about his wife, finishing with does he want her to keep an eye on Renata? “Who knows where she was all morning!” Jerko scolds her for being disrespectful towards his wife.

Renata is learning how to cook the rice in the kitchen. Matilde comes in with the monogramed sheets she found in the trash. They were a brand new gift for the newlyweds. The initials are torn. The patron must be trying to say something with this! Wow - el patron must have gotten mad since Renata decided to stay with her friend instead of returning with Jero. Manuela says not to worry, Karina can fix the sheets and she shoos Matilde out of the kitchen. Renata asks if that is why Jerko is mad with her - is it because she put her friend first? The only thing Manuela can say is that el patron is a good person, if he is mad, it will pass, just be patient and things will work out. These things happen with newlyweds. “Are you sure?” asks Renata. Manuela tells her she can see she loves him and all the good efforts she is making as his wife. “I see love between both of you” Manuela assures Renata.

In his office Gonzo is reading the note with Fina, Honorio and Matías present. Roberta writes “Don’t go looking for me. I don’t what to tell you who the father is. Silence will do less damage than revealing the truth.” Gonzo swears he is going to go find her. Matías flatly states that he is not the father of Roberta’s child. Fina claims it was an act of love on Roberta’s part not to name Matías since Roberta knows Matías doesn’t love her [gag!]. Honorio wants to know why she doesn’t want to reveal the baby’s father. Matías wants to go to the club to find her. Fina wants to organize a group of friends find her.

Roberta calls Fina. She’s just arrived at Selene’s house. Fina calls her Selene on the phone and says that everyone here in Gonzo’s office is so distraught about Roberta, did she find out anything? Roberta is tickled pink that everyone is upset on her behalf - what faces are they making? Fina has Matías check Twitter for a note from Roberta. “Please! Don’t worry - I’m not alone - a little angel is with me.” [Oh please!]
Roberta, lounging in the back garden, is pleased as punch to be at Selene’s house where no one will find her. She can rest, do nothing, sunbathe. Selene makes a rude remark about wearing a bikini while pregnant, and tells Roberta she’s not going to stay shut in with her - she’s got a whole world to tend to.

Gonzo leaves Roberta a phone message asking her to return and that they will find a solution as a family. Gonzo will take Fina home [oh she’s in need of total support at such a stressful time! Those high voices in the background music when Fina is practicing her evil manipulations are really starting to get to me!] But Fina can’t leave the office without another dig at Matías about young men taking responsibility for the consequences of their actions. Poor Gonzo - he now feels that he needs to find Roberta as soon as possible since it will affect poor little Fina’s health. He leaves.

Alone together, Honorio asks Matías is he really not the father? If not, he needs to clarify this for everyone - including Adriana.

But poor Gonzo - he can’t even leave the building without getting a message from Dr. Money that he needs to talk to him urgently.

Back at the vineyards (finally!) Carlos is giving Jero grape cultivation lessons. He explains about grape growing depends on the microclimate and about transplanting strains of grapes. Alfonsina shows up holding up a couple of vine shoots Carlos explains how the vines grow. Jero thinks he could really get into this whole grape growing thing. Carlos tells Jero that Rafa was always dreaming big about the Hacienda. Alfonsina comes again to say there are some people that want to see Jero about working the grape harvest again. Jero tells Alfonsina to teach him all about the grape harvest.

Poor Gonzo is at Dr. Suinaga’s (i.e. Dr. Money’s) office getting the bad news. In spite of the treatment, the tumor has grown 10% in less than a month! What are the options? Can Gonzo take her somewhere for advanced treatment? Fina mustn't travel, she can’t fly, can’t experience altitude changes without severe consequences. Sorry, Gonzo, you’re wife’s a goner, the doctor tells him. [Me? - I’d be jumping for joy! But poor Gonzo - his hands are really full with the dirty tricks of his evil wife and her devil spawn]

Our station always stomps on the previews, so if people want to add them in the comments, please do so.


Wine terminology:
las barricas - the casks
roble - oak
cosecha - harvest
reposar - to rest - important for a woman with a high risk pregnancy. For wine - to age.
vendimia - grape harvest
el sarmiento - vine shoot
las etiquetas - the labels

Other vocab:
infeliz - officially translates as wretch, but in TN contexts it usually means bastard
decepcionado - disappointed (This is one of those false cognates - remember!)
lograr - to achieve, to accomplish
tanto así de plano? - just like that? (this is best I can discern for this phrase Renata used)
Qué bárbaro! - How awesome! (Not to be confused with “Qué barbaridad” which means how awful)
No me digas! - Don’t tell me!
cuanto antes - as soon as possible
ultrajar - defile, outrage
recién hechos - freshly made
Se le vaya a estropear el manicure - You might ruin your manicure
delantal - apron
sábanas - sheets
desahuciado - hopeless, far gone
estar desahuciado. - to be a goner


Monday, June 20, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #151 6/20/11 Sweet has Turned Sour; Team Evil Gains Power; Max’s Darkest Hour. Rats!

Come. Come inside the tent, my friends, and partake of the bizarre, the brilliant, the bathetic that is MejíaWorld. ¡Ultimas semanas! You’ll miss it when it’s gone!

Reprise: While Victoria is waiting in the sacristy for Juan Pablo, she gets the fateful call: María has been kidnapped! She must do exactly as she is told or she’ll never see her daughter again.

The Padres – Juan Pablo and Jerónimo – are strolling through the park, Jero doing his best to encourage and console JP. His life trials have made him a more effective and sensitive pastor, he tells him. Small comfort, says JP, if he can’t save his own mother’s soul. He fears she will never repent and the fires of hell await her. Jero is sure that God has heard JP’s prayers and will enlighten him ; he’ll find a way...

They laughed when she sat down to pray...
The other prisoners mock Bernarda when she walks by, collar and nose turned up. One woman takes her aside and warns her to watch out; the prisoner Siniestra is planning to get even (desquitar) with Bernie for making a fool of her. But Bernie’s not afraid of anyone.

The trick is on Vic...
Victoria hurries to keep her rendezvous with the kidnappers, never thinking to ask for help or call the police, natch. She sees a black pick-up truck and then... oh no! It’s María Desamparada and they are forcing her inside. Vic rushes to her defense. She pushes María’s captor aside and leans in to pull her daughter out. The thug then gives Vic a deft push and in she tumbles, like the witch falling into the oven in Hansel and Gretel. And now we see that the girl is a decoy. The María Desamparada impostor steps out and the truck drives away with Vic inside, the second victim.

I don’t do windows
Bernarda is disdainful when ordered to mop the floors. She’s a lady, not a vulgar criminal like the others. Translation: she’s prepared to pay for what she wants. The gnarled little guard pricks up an ear: Why didn’t you say so before? What would you like? Bernie’s reply:
Quiero que esa haga mi trabajo
(I want that woman to do my work.)
And she indicates her latest enemy, Siniestra. The guard, now happy to oblige, orders Sinestra to do la Señora’s cleaning chores (fajina) – unless she wants to miss out on conjugal visiting day.

Max has two mommies...
Sitting at his desk at the Nueva Casa Victoria, Max broods over catching Dr. Voice and Vic smooching. He’s on his way out of the office to look for his father when Osvaldo himself walks in looking for Max. Os needs to talk to him about his mother. Victoria... begins Max. No, Os corrects him. He means Max’s biological mother, Leonela. She got drunk and made a spectacle of herself at Televisa and she’s probably lost her job.

That dress is radioactive – Danger of fallout!
Leonela, still wearing the purple dress bomb, weaves through a liquor store and thought-bubbles to herself that she’s a coward and doesn’t deserve anyone’s love. She picks up a bottle.

Fer rolls into Millie’s place looking for María. Millie sees she’s upset and invites her to stay with her until Cruz gets back. She can help look after little Juan Pablo. Millie’s a little concerned that María isn’t back yet but Fer tells her not to worry – she probably had to stay late at the Casa de Modas.

Something has to be done about Leonela, agree Max and Os. Os has done all he can. What now? Max knows exactly what to do, he says, but right now he just needs to find her. He is almost out the door when Osvaldo stops him to ask if Vic is in her office. Max’s answering expression gives him away and Osvaldo knows something is wrong. Max needs little encouragement to spill the frijoles: He saw Vic and Dr. Ríos smooching.

Towering tacones and all...
Leo makes her way carefully down a steep stairway and staggers over to a park bench. I’m the great Leonela Montenegro! A great actress! she announces to no one in particular. Then she kicks off her shoes and steps up on the bench. Holding the liquor bottle high in one hand she declaims: No one understands me but I am the great Leonela Montenegro!

Two scuzzballs have been watching and now they applaud her. Bravo! We understand you! One of them puts an arm around her. Let go, howls Leo. And she slams him hard, knocking him to the ground. The other scuzz grabs her and she screams for help. Two cops come running. The scuzzballs say she’s a crazy drunk who tried to assault (agredir) them. The cops – ignoring the fact that it was a woman’s screams for help that brought them there in the first place -- get ready to haul Leo into the police station for public use of alcohol.

He saw him hit on Vic at CRIT...
Os isn’t too surprised by Max’s revelation. Vic and Dr. Voice looked pretty cozy at CRIT. Well. If Victoria has found someone to love, he’ll have to accept it. They’re divorced, after all.

Max can’t understand his father’s attitude. Doesn’t he love Victoria anymore? Of course he does, says Os. That’s why he’d sacrifice his own happiness if she found hers with the Voice. But right now they need to focus on finding Leo.

A good walk spoiled.
Jero and Juan Pablo are interrupted in their moral ruminations by the spectacle of Drunk as a Skunk Leonela struggling with the cops. Padre Jero reminds the officers that public drinking isn’t a crime (un delito); it’s just a misdemeanor (falta administrativa). And JP tells them he knows the lady and he’ll take care of the problem. But she has to come in and pay a fine, insist the cops. Jero tries again, this time using the big guns: Allow us to help the lady, he says. And pointing skyward he adds: Heaven will reward you. Here one cop takes off his cap and his partner says: Well only because you are padrecitos.

PJP takes the bottle, Jero takes the purse and along with Leonela, they set off for the parish.

Nati and Juanjo. Oh no.
Yup. They’re back. And Nati is pregnant! Fer touches her own flat belly and tries to look happy about the news while the others – Napo, Chente, Alma and Millie jump up to congratulate the feh-cund couple.

Luci walks down the street, looking a little wistful, cardboard box under her arm. When Fabián calls out her name and runs to catch up to her, she gives him back his keys and thanks him for helping her when she needed it. He tries to convince her to come back to the apartment to talk things over. He’s so... confused. But Luci has had it with words. Love lives in the heart, she tells him, not the mind. You feel it or you don’t. Forgive me, says Fabián. On one condition, answers Luci: That you forget that this foolish woman was ever hopelessly in love with you.

More tsuris for Max...
Juan Pablo has called Max to tell him about Leonela and now the three are back at her suite at Casa Vieja. Leonela has a blanket draped over the purple dress. (It covers her shoulders and frames her impressive cleavage.) She makes for the door and when her protectors hold her back she tells them she feels ashamed and she doesn’t want anyone to see her like this. She just wants to disappear.

Then suddenly she starts to shake uncontrollably and pulls the blanket tightly around her. JP and Max are alarmed. Max steps out to call Dr. Voice. But before he can do so, he gets a call on his cell. An anonymous voice – we can see one of the kidnappers talking on a public phone while Gui stands silently by, arms folded – tells Max: We have your mother and your woman. If you want to see them again, you’ll have to come up with $10 million pesos – and soon!

Fer nurses her hurt feelings...
She tells Millie and Nati she’s not going to have the second operation – the one she hoped would permit her to get pregnant. Even little Juan Pablo looks open-mouthed impactado at this announcement. Then Millie guesses that she and Cruz are quarreling. Fer explains why she’s unhappy with him:
Lo vi besándose con su productora musical.
(I saw him kissing his music producer.)
Millie is indignant. Cruz is gonna get it!

Cruz’s comeuppance will have to wait because right now he is making a training film on sexual harassment in the workplace:
(You have a better explanation for this scene?) Cruz, the picture of domestic innocence, a market bag in each hand, is on his way back home when he hears someone calling his name. It’s his producer, Diana, and she runs up to him. She comes on strong and ignores him when he tells her very clearly that he’s not interested; he’s a married man. Tú me gustas (you turn me on), she tells him. And I always get what I want!

She touches his chest and bends down -- for a moment I wonder if I am watching a different kind of channel – but then she’s back up and biting into an apple that she took from his shopping bag and saying:
Los hombres prohibidos son los más sabrosos.
(Forbidden men are the most delicious.)
Cruz sighs disgustedly and continues on his way home, oblivious to the troubles awaiting him there.

Fer continues to pour her heart out to Nati and Millie. She felt so bad when she saw Cruz and Diana. Then she realized she was standing in the way of his success. That’s why she doesn’t want the operation. But there’s another reason, too. She hates – hates! – Dr. Ríos!

Back at the Casa Vieja, sweet William is like... acting
Max comes back inside and, his face now a mask of anguish, tells Juan Pablo:
María y mi madre están secuestradas.
(María and my mother were kidnapped.)

Leonela is confused. I’m your mother, she protests. I’m your mother and I’m right here. She grabs at Max’s arm and sobs.

JP says they have to verify the story.

Max calls Os and tells him to come at once – it’s an emergency. Then he calls Dr. Voice and asks him to come to Leo’s suite right away – she’s in very bad shape.

And she is. But when she starts crying for a drink, something in Max snaps. No more alcohol, he screams. All you do is drink and drink! You’re destroying yourself! She looks bewildered and just cowers and sobs. Max sits down next to her and puts an arm around her. But he can’t control his desperation. ¿Por qué? ¿Por qué? his voice increasingly ragged. Why?

Televisa rat wranglers gear up for their big scenes
The thugs drag a blindfolded and gagged Vic through the warehouse where María is being held. They tie her to a square pillar. María is bound to the other side. Their hands are tied so they can reach one another. Their hands touch and come together. The thug takes off Vic’s blindfold and gag and leaves mother and daughter alone together.

Victoria hasn’t seen her but she knows it’s María on the other side of the pillar. She knows she is touching her daughter’s hands. Then something scurries close to them. María recoils in horror and tells Vic there are rats in the place and she’s so afraid of them. Vic reassures her. Now that her mother is there, nothing bad will happen. She’ll take care of her. María is silent but thinks: I’m with my mother and nothing is going to happen to me.

This you call merciful?
Max asks again, his voice cracking: Why? Why is God doing this? He paces frantically and dismisses Juan Pablo’s assurances that God is merciful. Now Dr. Voice rushes in, black bag in hand and takes in the scene. He tells Max to calm down and starts to examine Leo. Max tells him how Leo went on a drunk and then got really sick. (Se puso muy mal.)

And then Max drops the bomb: María and Victoria have been kidnapped.

Dr. Voice looks up, shocked, and asks if they called the police. I'm going to, says Max. But right now Leonela needs attention. And he’s going to the vecindad to make sure the story is true.

Bernie gets spooned. And not in a good way.
The prisoners mock Siniestra. Bernie stands idly by, hands steepled. The furious Siniestra confronts her. Bernie tells her smugly that money can buy anything (con dinero, baila el perro) so she can just carry on with her cleaning and leave her in peace. I’ll leave you in peace, says Siniestra, but first I have a little gift for you. She pulls out a prison-made knife – a sharpened spoon. Te voy a matar, infeliz! (I’m going to kill you, sucker!) Bernie struggles but Siniestra manages to drive the weapon home. Bernarda’s face contorts with pain and she sinks to the floor. She holds a bloody hand over a wound in her chest.

This is why no one calls the police...
CSI – DF has completed its investigation. They checked Bernie’s fireplace for fingerprints and the only ones found were Fausto Candela’s. This means he -- and not Bernarda de Iturbide – murdered Tomasa Hernández. Morons.

Back in Rat City...
María rejects all of Victoria’s overtures although most of the time, she lets her hold on to her hand. Vic explains how she tried to come to María’s rescue, got tricked and ended up captive. She wants to tell María their whole story – maybe that will affect how she feels. María is uninterested. In fact, she’d prefer if Vic didn’t talk at all. If she can’t talk, then she’ll sing, says Vic. María’s reaction: Sing? That’s absurd! Sing what?

We hear the tinkling notes of “Rockabye Baby”. And Vic replies:
La canción de cuna con la que yo te dormía. Quizá la recuerdes, quizá no, pero en este momento me va a dar mucho paz.
(It’s a lullaby -- I used to sing you to sleep with it. Maybe you remember it, maybe not, but right now it will give me a great deal of peace.)

She begins a heart-breaking recitativo --
Cuántas estrellitas en el cielo están
(How many little stars there are in heaven)
Son cual perlas finas que te da mi amor
(They are the fine pearls my love gives to you)
Mira como brillan
(Look how they shine)
Cuan hermosas son
(How beautiful they are)
Son cual perlas finas que te da mi amor.
(They are the fine pearls my love gives to you.)

María joins very softly, almost inaudibly and a tear rolls down her cheek. The camera pulls back and we see the two women back to back separated by the pillar, their hands tied to the same cord; a fat rat sits in the foreground. Then María’s face tightens and she forms a fist with the hand Vic was holding and tries to pull it away.

Back to the two-legged rats in prison...
Bernie sits on the floor and swears that Siniestra will pay for what she did – she’ll burn in hell! The other prisoners mob Siniestra – the hated cellblock bully -- and attack her. The now bloodied spoon drops to the floor. And when the mob backs away, we see Siniestra is dead. Gnarly guard comes running...

A red electronic eye blinks in the rat-infested warehouse.
María denies remembering the song. [Here Mr. Maven elbows me: What the...? She totally remembers the song!]

Cut the sentimental blather (cursilería), lady, and try to figure out who could have kidnapped us, she says. Vic doesn’t know but she blesses whoever it was for giving her a chance to be with María. Even if she can’t see her, at least she can touch her hand.
[Seriously, ladies. You don’t know who’s to blame? You don’t see the cloven hoof prints all over this? Okay, I get it. You’re both right-brain, creative types. Or morons.]

Not here Not there Not Anywhere
You can’t forgive me... even in circumstances like these? asks Vic. And María replies stonily (although her words have an oddly Seussical lilt):
Ni aquí ni en algún lado.
(Not here nor anywhere.)
And she pulls her hand away.

This time Bernie really didn’t do it...
but the circumstances point to her guilt. The gnarled little guard orders the others to take her to the infirmary and then the Hell Cell. It’s not my fault, protests Bernie, who seems to have escaped almost unscathed by her spooning.

Close-up of a disgusting bug -- in case you were tired of rats...
Don’t call me ‘daughter’ says María. And Vic answers: Deny it all you want, but you carry my blood – and so does your son. And so will all your descendants.

Over María’s protests, Vic tells her about the night she was born; how she gave birth outside, behind a tree in a garden; she reminds her of the indescribable pain of childbirth – she’s a mother now and can understand; she describes how she cut the umbilical cord by biting it (whoa! Very. Disturbing. Detail.) and then put the newborn María on her chest and caressed her little head; she was so fragile; they were so vulnerable (desprotegida).

--Here again we see the red blinking electronic eye.

Victoria continues: She raised her eyes to heaven to thank the Virgin for protecting them; that’s why she named her María – in gratitude to the Virgin.

María interrupts her again: I don’t want you to talk any more. Would you please just shut up? (Cállese por favor)

[Now that is harsh. Maybe we should call you María Desalmada.]

But Victoria goes on with the story: They spent the whole night there -- she lay on the grass, her baby at her breast. Her little girl. Her little María, whose eyes were bigger and more luminous than all the stars. She became a mother with only nature to protect her – a miracle! María was a miracle. A miracle that later she was blind to.

Again María tells her to stop talking about her memories. At this point I’m ready to smack María upside the head but Vic takes her daughter’s downright churlishness with good grace. She intends to keep telling her how much she loves her, how grateful she feels being close to her daughter even under these conditions.

Bernarda is about to be left stewing in the Hell Cell when another guard comes running up with a judge’s order: Bernarda de Iturbide va a quedar en libertad. (Bernarda is going to be released.) Cue the Gregorian chant. Bernarda looks upward, does a quick brow sweep. Her face is bathed in light.

Cruz is back.
Milagros – still holding baby Juan Pablo -- and Nati get up to leave so the couple can have some privacy but Fer stops them. What she has to say isn’t a secret:
Cruz, quiero que nos separemos.
(Cruz, I want us to separate.)
Millie and Nati shake their heads.

Vic remembers
You were such a well-behaved little girl, so calm. You loved your doll and you played with her for hours. And María remembers: Fer gave that doll back to me... my little sister Fer.

Cruz’s heart is broken
He is stung by Fer’s words. And after everything he has done for her -- she never appreciated his love! He has been holding her hands tightly but he drops them abruptly and runs out. Now Millie turns to Fer and tells her: Cruz is right. He does really love you and you don’t appreciate his love. You’re not being fair to him!

We don’t get to hear Fer’s answer because just then there is a knock at the door. Millie is happy to see it’s Max. She hands over little Juan Pablo and tells him his sister needs her ears pulled back. Then she notices the look on his face...

The ear-pulling will have to wait.
Max gives them the terrible news: Victoria and María have been kidnapped!

Kayakless credits roll. Lástima.


Alborada, 6/20/2011. Cap. 15. Knowing a secret can be hazardous to your health.

Today's episode is covered in Melinama's new Recap #3 at this link.

On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 15 start at this link.

Thank you, Carlos, for today's fun picture!


Sunday, June 19, 2011

La Pola - June 16-17, 2011

Readers: This is a very abbreviated recap of Thursday and Friday.


Cata has dreams of Juliano, but when she wakes, Domingo is beside her in unending confusion and conflict. Gertrudis keeps trying to get her to drink the fertility tea and to do her duty. When she realizes that Pola is leaving for sure, Cata tries to get Vivianito to live in the house with her, but even he prefers to live with the slaves in the barn.

Meanwhile, Domingo goes to see the mayor about getting rid of the complaint brought against him by Juliano and Pola. After some discussion, the mayor convinces him to free a slave to make amends. Domingo will allow the firstborn of Juliano and Nicolasa to be born free.

Domingo meets with Juliano and tells him that if he withdraws the complaint, he will allow his first child to be born free. Nicolas, as we know, is taking ruda (rue) to bring on a miscarriage. The slaves are looking for remedies to save Nicolasa. It is as this point that Domingo notices Cata’s interest in Juliano and wonders aloud why this slave is so important to her.

Pola tells Cata that she doesn’t know how she puts up with that beast Domingo. Pola takes a parting shot at Domingo by calling him a coward who hits indefensible women.


Alejo can’t sleep. He wakes Leandro, whom he assumes has more experience that he has with women, and asks Leandro if this can be. Maybe, says Leandro. The thought of Pola is driving him crazy, and he just can’t fathom what is happening to himself.

Iggy continues her crying jag and now claims that she is pregnant, but no one must know. She later tells Francisco that she feels terrible, but Francisco assures her that it is all for a good cause. Fran tells that to Alejo who is shocked, but who, of course will keep the Secret. Francisco is desperate because the dowry is to be delivered this afternoon.

Alejo is very suspicious of Ignacia’s accusation and tries to pin Acacia down as to how much time she left then alone. Alejo sees Ig talking to Fran.

After Fran loses the gold (see below) he returns to the manse and starts drinking. He tells his wife what happened and says that he is celebrating the marriage of my miserable son. He is now mad as he**.


Well muses the gov, it looks like Francisco owes a big debt. The gov knows that Fran is about to receive the dowry and think that maybe he can pay up now.

The receiving of the dowry proceeds. The governor announces that Ignacia and Alejo will be married, and he reads out the dowry – gold, jewelry, clothing, furniture, etc. Francisco receives a bag of gold. There is no turning back now, and Francisco and Gaspar sign the marriage contract.

The governor- when everyone has departed -later tells Francisco that he has real problems and orders the guard to relieve him of the bag of gold.


The priest is caught with too many groceries and the soldiers follow him home. They grab Tonito, but Nariño comes out of the shadows and tells them to set Tonito free. They are headed to Cartagena thinks Nariño. He pleads for his son. Then they are told that they are going to the Castillo de San José in Boca Chica where he will be kept in solitary confinement. Tonito loses it and calls the man an assassin whereupon he is told that they will never leave there alive.


Don Jorge reads a document that is a demand for equal rights. He still thinks that they will prevail before the King of Spain (royalists). The others do not agree with him. For some reason Baraya wants to find a way to persuade the vireina to support them. He can threaten to expose her dalliances to her husband.


Pola decides to stop at the monastery to see her brother, and a good man whom she had accompanied, shows her the way. The long and short of this visit is that her brother is reminded that he cannot be a priest if he is of mixed blood. Although he talks to Pola, he denies that he is her brother.

When Pola arrives in Santa Fé, she has to resort to begging to survive. She tries the house of Doña María Matea, but the maid tells her the doña is not in and later lies to the doña about it, too. She ends up sleeping in the street. She goes to the cemetery where her parents are buried. She tells her father that he was the only person who saw good in her. She promises to fight his fight and she swears to do what he could not do.


Alejo tells Francisco that he doesn’t believe what you have done. You are not my father. He lies and says that María Ignacia told me everything. María is an idiot says Francisco.

No, says Alejo finally, she didn’t tell me anything – I knew it had to be your idea.


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