Friday, June 29, 2007

Juan Querendón - Thursday 6/28 - Oh what a tangled web we weave...Juan racks up the lies.

Nidia is muy impactada to hear that Juan had lunch with her nemeses Ana and Paula Davila.

At Farrel Industries, Juan hops gracefully over a fern toward Paula but then bumps into her, spilling her coffee. Paula wonder's why he's there so late. She's working late but he doesn't have to wait for her. He swears it's no problem, pours her a new cup, gazes at her and thought bubbles "Honey lips, sweet mouth of caramel, I would stay with you until dawn." After she turns he gallantly blows her a kiss goodbye. They are watched by Ivonne who is hiding around the corner.

Meanwhile, Pastor grooms himself in his office and wonders what delightful mysteries will unfold that evening with Juan. Ivonne breezes in and asks where's the party? Who's his date? Pastor says he must fly and rushes out.

Juan and a sullen Fernando are down in the garage. Fernando is bummed because he has to stay late for Cesar. Or maybe there's another reason? He tells Juan that Cesar is always inventing work so that he can stay late with one of the secretaries. His wife travels a lot so Cesar has the opportunity to play around. Juan says "Toma chango tu banano (Monkey, take your banana)" which means, I think, something like if the fruit's available then the monkey's going to grab it.

Pastor runs into the garage, breathless and adjusting his toupee. Juan says he has to work late to wait for the Licenciada. Pastor knows he's lying, Paula said he could go home. Juan silently asks God to forgive him for this little white lie: after he left Paula called him and asked him to wait. It's an order, what can he do? (White lie #1)

Cesar is in his office peeking through the waist-high inch wide horizontal strip of glass in his door towards Paula's office. She calls him to say she has a question. He turns off the lights, rushes back to his desk, and pokes and pinches his eyes so they look tired and watery. When she enters moments later he is the picture of pathetic sadness. She asks if everything is OK, can she help? He fakes being sad and concerned, he owes her an explanation. He is a married man but his marriage is ending. He is a man dedicated to his family, he's a one-woman man, but because of his wife's work they are like strangers. Outside the office Ivonne peeks through the door at them. A custodian peeks at her behind sticking up in the air.

Cesar continues, he dreamed of having children, blah blah blah, fake tears. He's tried talking to his wife but he's always met by a Wall of Indifference. (Oh brother, he's really laying it on thick.) His great frustration compelled him to seek the friendship of other women but it was a disaster. He just didn't have the experience to pull it off. That's why he committed the unpardonable error with Paula, can she forgive him? Paula is speechless and pretty much falling for this load of stink.

Cesar dolefully insists that Paula should go home. They both should. He follows her out of the office, adjusting his tie and leering at her tush. As Paula turns to get her purse he leans over to Ivonne and, smirking, tells her not to work late. As soon as Paula is within earshot Ivonne throws a curve ball, "Excuse me Don Cesar Luis, would you mind taking me home? It's too late to call a taxi." Score one for Ivonne.

Cut to Cesar's wife Monica, all dressed up, drinking champagne, and waiting for him at home.

Cesar and the two ladies enter the garage. As soon as Paula sees Juan she asks him to drive her home, Cesar can take Ivonne and not worry about her. "It looks like your little dove has flown," snickers Ivonne to an impacted Cesar.

On his way taking her home Juan thought bubbles that he has just saved little red riding hood from the ferocious wolfe. He would like to be the guardian of her dreams para siempre.

Still in the garage, Ivonne tells Cesar she doesn't want to be the second course served up at the table. Cesar basically tells her to take it or leave it, he doesn't have all night. Oh, very romantic Cesar! Fernando gives her an unhappy look as she follows Cesar into the car.

The maid Consuela wakes Monica who has fallen asleep waiting for her husband. It's 11:00, does she want to call Cesar? Monica has a better idea for a surprise.

Cesar and Ivonne bask in the afterglow of their boinking. Well, Cesar is glowing but Ivonne is glowering. Guess what? She wants more from the relationship, if that's what you want to call it. Cesar smokes and gloats. He likes things the way they are. Suddenly his cellular rings.

Cut to Consuelo on the phone with Monica prompting her. Consuelo asks, won't Don Cesar come home and eat the yummy meat she prepared for him? It won't be good tomorrow. He agrees. (Que??? This guy is a real pig. He got his rocks off, Ivonne still looks mighty unsatisfied to me, but somehow it's OK for him to split? In his mind he is probably just trading one piece of meat for another.) Ivonne can't believe it either. He would rather have dinner with the maid than stay with her? "I'm hungry," he responds, zipping up his pants.

Juan arrives home exhausted and yawning but Nidia lies in wait in his room. She surprises him and demands, "Who is Juan Dominguez really and what is he looking for in this house?" Juan is impactado.

After the commercial Juan tries to tell Nidia it's imprudent for her to be in his room. But she's on a mission. What was he doing in a restaurant with two women?

In the limo, Cesar tells Fernando to take him home then return for Ivonne. "As you order, sir," Fernando replies sarcastically. Cesar gives him a look.

Juan lies about his lunch date. It was his job to take a couple of clients out to lunch, they plan on opening a store. He didn't even know them. Juan silently prays to the diosito to forgive him another lie. (White lie #2) While he's talking to the diosito Nidia stares at his amazing buns and moves in for the kill. She grabs his hand and places it on HER heart (that is to say left breast), and tells him to swear he's not lying. She does the breast heave and the usual chase ensues.

Nidia wants to spend the night with Juan and then sneak out of the room before her daughters get up. Juan easily lifts her off his bed and deposits her outside his door. Dang that guy is strong! She tries to squeeze back in but he manages to shut the door on her. Whew! Safe for another night!

Cesar gets home and pours himself a drink. Surprise! Monica is home, smiling and sexy, but Cesar doesn't seem happy to see her. They have a very bizarre interchange and I don't fully comprehend the dynamics here.

Paula lays in her bed, smiling and recalling Cesar's bogus lines about what a faithful wonderful husband he is. When she remembers him saying he wants kids she rubs her stomach and smiles. I'm sorry, but only a complete idiot would fall for his lines. Paula, snap out of it!

Fernando drives Ivonne home and he's in a pissy mood. So is she.

The next morning at breakfast Paula tells Ana that Cesar behaved very well last night. She asks Ana what she knows of his personal life. When Paula tells Ana that Cesar confided in her about his disintegrating marriage Ana looks suspicious, as any normal person would. Paula moons about how alone that poor man is.

Nidia and Yadira (and Enrique) are in front of the house making a big deal about Juan's big car. Nidia asks, shouldn't he have a chauffeur with a big car like that? Juan hems and haws, he prefers to drive it himself. Yadira gets all over Enrique's case as to why he doesn't have aspirations like Juan. Instead he drives a heap. Enrique says he has the soul of an owner, not an employee, just like Yadira's father taught him.

Marely the moue-mouth passes them on her way to school and comments that she didn't know he worked as a chauffeur. (Sound of needle scraping across a record.) Juan laughs forcefully, ha ha , the others join him.

Enrique volunteers Juan to drive Marely to school and Juan thought bubbles, "What a
bigmouth!" He hurriedly tells Marely he has an early meeting and can't drive her, some other time maybe. (I'm not sure why Juan can't drive her but OK.) Marely stalks off, frowning in her usual manner.

Cesar tries to slither out of the house but Monica has other plans. They will have a quick breakfast and she'll go to work with him before she has to go to the airport later that day. Cesar does his fake snake smile but he is not pleased with the suggestion.

Juan and "Kike" are enjoying breakfast at the taco stand. Juan tries to hit Enrique up for more money. He prays to the diosito to forgive him for just one more little lie but he has to replace the shoe money that he spent buying lunch yesterday. Juan tells Kike that he needs the money because he has a little filly in his hands and he wants to take her out to the pasture. Allrighty then...he does have some colorful phrases. Kike goes through a list of why he can't afford to loan Juan the money, but at least he'll buy breakfast. Juan wonders what he'll do about Pastor and the shoes. (White lie #3)

No way can Cesar allow his beautiful and attentive wife to go to the office with him. Not after the truckload of manure he dumped at Paula's feet last night. He convinces Monica that they should stay at home where nobody can bother them.

Farrel Industries - Ivonne rushes to Fernando and tells him she needs to see Don Cesar right away. Fernando has bad news for her, Don Cesar's wife arrived home last night and he won't be in the office until much later. He asks Ivonne when she will wise up and stop letting Don Cesar play around with her. She snaps that she likes to play with winners. She prefers to be the lover of the boss than the girlfriend of a penniless schmuck. Donkey, meet ears.

Juan picks Paula up and they are absolutely charming with each other. When she gets into the car he admires her legs and thinks "I would love you, my goddess, until the end of the world, I would unite your voice with my voice and I would shout that I love you." Sigh.

Paula arrives at the office and Ivonne shoves her papers at Paula. They are from the trade office and it's imperative that Don Cesar sign them right away. And by the way, his wife arrived home last night and he is with her.

Paula orders Ivonne to call Cesar but Ivonne refuses, she is never to disturb him at home. Pastor walks up says HE will call Cesar.

Cut to Cesar asleep with Monica. The phone rings but Monica won't let him answer it. They embrace and he unplugs the phone.

Pastor tries Cesar's cellphone. It rings next to the empty, rumpled bed at the love shack he shares with Ivonne.

Juan dances up to Fernando in the garage. Fernando is taking his anger out on the car he's polishing. When Juan comments Fern tells him to butt out, he's mad at all women, they're only interested in themselves. They are interrupted by a dainty cough.

It's Pastor (coughing) with Paula. She tells Fernando that she needs to be taken to Cesar's immediately. Juan inserts himself between them and announces the HE will take her. He tries to get quick directions from Fernando since he doesn't actually know where Cesar lives.

Back at Casa de Nidia, Nidia tells Alirio not to be paranoid, Juan was only out with a couple of clients. Alirio plants seeds of doubt in her brain. She knows nothing of Juan's job. Nidia should take his advice and tread very carefully. She should find out where Juan gets his money. "Is he a drug runner?" she gasps. Alirio doubts this, but he says Juan is probably an accomplice of Paula Davila. Nidia is excited and wants to hire a private detective like in the movies, but Alirio has another plan. He himself will get to the bottom of the mystery that is Juan Dominguez.

As Juan drives Paula to Cesar's house he recalls Fernando saying that Cesar is a womanizer. Juan squirms uncomfortably and asks Paula about Cesar. She replies that Cesar is happily married. "Really?" asks Juan, "He's always alone and he works late." Juan airs his suspicions but Paula scolds him saying the Sr. Farrel's personal life is none of their business. Juan says he completely agrees and then he makes a very funny face. Juan thought bubbles that his little dove is a decent, honorable woman.

Alirio, private eye extraordiNOT, tries to buddy up to Enrique. He wants info on Juan, where does he work, etc. Why? Oh, no particular reason, he just wants to know. Enrique is amused, suspicious and vague. He says one of Nidia's cousins got him a job in sales somewhere.

Paula asks Juan what he did before he became a chauffeur. Juan silently prays to the diosito to forgive him just one more little lie, but this time he's doing it for love. Juan begins his tale...his father raised livestock and Juan wanted to be like him. But suddenly they were hit by a drought, then the cold destroyed everything. They were left with nothing. It was a hard blow for his papa who soon thereafter died of a heart attack. His mother died when he was born and he has no siblings. He's alone in the world. (White lie #4)

Juan's story has the desired affect. Paula feels sorry for him. He says one day he'll return home and try to recoup what is his or his name's not Juan Dominguez. "By the way, Licenciada," he concludes, "do you know where we are?"

Luckily, at that moment Juan happens to drive up to the front of Cesar's extremely white house. Did Juan call it meringue? It would fit.

Cut to Cesar's room, he's asleep AGAIN. Monica wakes him to say she has to go to the airport. She goes to bathe and Cesar looks at his watch. Uh oh, it's late. He plugs in the phone and calls work.

At that moment Consuelo opens the door and lets Paula and Juan into the house. I think the stark decor kind of freaks Juan out because he decides he'd better wait outside. He practically runs out the door.

Ivonne tells Cesar about the papers that need signing. Just then Consuela knocks at the door to tell him someone from the office is downstairs. He goes down in his bathrobe and is muy impactado to see Paula.

andar con pies de plomo = tread carefully (lit. go with lead feet)
bocón = bigmouth
un muerto de hambre = penniless schmuck
yegua = mare, filly


Thursday, June 28, 2007

Duelo de Pasiones, Thursday June 28 - A new muñequita for Gaspar?

(Note: I still have house guests so my recap is more rushed than it should be; my apologies for omissions.)

At Raquel's ranch: Raquel confronted Luba and Gaspar with a shotgun. Luba said the local people wrongly thought she had made a pact with the devil.

Raquel immediately offered them jobs, saying, "With me nothing will happen to you, but you'll have to work a lot." Luba happily agreed, "You're going to have four hands that are going to help."

Back at the Valtierra hacienda, Vera told the other servants they would continue hunting for Luba and Gaspar tomorrow. Ifigenio said maybe they should go to the police, but Vera said, "No, they are ours," that they had to avenge Flor's death. (Who knew Vera was so bloodthirsty?)

In Emilio's tent: Karla woke up and and saw Emilio sitting in his chair. He told her to be ready for work in 15 minutes. Outside, he told Frank he hadn't slept all night.

Then Frank and the other soldiers saw Karla emerging half-dressed from Emilio's tent. Frank said, "Now I understand why he didn't sleep."

(Is it just me, or does Karla seem to be the reincarnation of Jose's girlfriend Felicia -- you know, the bandit who pursued him and got pregnant and then died? I hope we're not going to see that same plotline all over again.)

Meanwhile: Rodrigo, Alina, and Tina took the cowering Gaby to school. Gaby spotted a woman and became terrified, exclaiming, "It's her!"

Alina approached the woman. When she turned around, Gaby saw that it wasn't Thelma. She was still scared but she let Tina take her into the school.

At Coral's house: Adela answered the phone and told Soledad it was Mariana. Soledad took the phone and said, "You have good news? You're married? Congratulations!"

(I guess that means Mariana and Dr. Love have joined Santos and Rosita in the Honeymoon Land of No Return. Dr. Love, you turned out to be a real hero and I'll miss you.)

At the jail: Alvaro (better and more accurately known as Don Loco) told his lawyer, Mauro, that he didn't want to spent the rest of his life in a psychiatric hospital. Dr. Vargas arrived to take him away. Don Loco insisted on saying goodbye to his lawyer first.

I was distracted during this scene, so I don't know exactly what happened, but Don Loco was taken away by attendants dressed in white, and then Mauro read a piece of paper where Don Loco had written that he wanted to go to Veracruz when he was free because he had unfinished business there.

At nursing class: Alina's teacher asked for volunteers to do social work, saying it was sometimes dangerous but that was part of a nurse's career of service. Alina volunteered.

Some big barnlike place: Hugo argued with Alfonsina, who was tied up. She told him, "I prefer to die of hunger before I tell you where the money is!"

Raquel's ranch: Luba and Gaspar ate breakfast with Raquel. Gaspar commented that he'd never had so much food before. Luba told Raquel, "You are good people, with a great heart." Raquel said she needed them well fed so they could work hard, since they would be the only workers on the ranch. Luba said she wished all employers were like Raquel.

Bernal arrived and Raquel told him Luba and Gaspar were working for her now. (Good way to get them killed!) After Bernal left, Luba said something about there being a lot of vipers in the area.

At the nursing school: Alina told her nosy teacher that she'd rejected Rodrigo's proposal because she loved someone else. Later she told the teacher that she missed Emilio, saying wistfully, "Destiny always separates us."

At Emilio's army camp: Emilio warned Karla (who was dressed, for once) to be careful because the ground might give way beneath her feet. Karla snapped that he didn't have to treat her as if she were fragile.

Naturally, she immediately fell into the river and had to be rescued by He-Man Emilio. She immediately began kissing him. Emilio didn't react one way or another, just stood there in his usual indecisive way.

(At least he didn't have one of those telenovela delusions, thinking she was Alina. You know where that would lead: Karla would get pregnant, and then he would have to marry her while he was in another coma... and then this show would never end.)

Eventually Emilio asked Karla, "Why did you do that?" (A stupid question, even for him!) Karla pointed out patiently that she'd made no secret of the fact that she liked him. It finally occurred to Emilio to reveal that he was married. Then he told her to get back to work.

Karla asked if he was afraid of her. He said no, but he didn't want to do anything he would regret. After he left, Karla smirked and said, "You won't regret it, I swear."

In Dr. Vargas's office: Another boring argument between Vargas and Aida, aka Dr. Loca. As always, Dr. Loca told Vargas that she was a PROFESSIONAL.

He retorted, "I always thought it was strange that you were so interested in Montellano, and now I know why" -- because she had become Don Loco's lover.

In the ambulance: Don Loco started yelling for the attendants to give him a sedative. Then he grabbed a gun and warned them not to move.

The ambulance stopped near a car containing an armed man and Mauro. Don Loco left the ambulance and got into the car.

After they drove away, he said, "At last, I am free again." Mauro said, "I have an escape route that won't fail us." Don Loco said he wanted to go to Veracruz. Mauro didn't seem happy about it but said he would take Don Loco there.

In Vargas's office: Dr. Loca cried and told Vargas she tried to resist Don Loco's crazy charms but just couldn't help herself. Vargas said he would have to tell his superiors about it because her diagnosis of Alvaro wasn't credible. Dr. Loca insisted that Don Loco really was sick and needed help.

The phone rang. Vargas answered, listened, and then told Dr. Loca that her beloved Loco had escaped.

At Coral's Boutique: Soledad and Coral told Elias about the robbery. They all agreed that Alvaro was probably behind it. Claudia thought, "They are blaming a man who didn't do anything, but if I tell them I'll be fired, and I need this job."

General Ochoa's office: The general told Rodrigo he was being deployed to help Emilio in the flooded zones.

In Sierra Escondida: Orlando told Vera he was sure Luba and Gaspar hadn't left the mountain, and he would turn over every rock until he found them.

Elsewhere: Mauro gave Alvaro a gun and they got into a different car. Alvaro said again that he had business in Veracruz. Hmm, I wonder if he has business in Veracruz?

Back in Vargas's office: Dr. Loca said Alvaro must be very upset, and in that state he would be dangerous. She told Vargas to warn Soledad because she would be his "primer blanco" (I'm not sure what that means --"first goal"?) Dr. Vargas picked up the phone.

At the boutique: Claudia said to Soledad and company, "I have something to tell you." Assuming that she was going to quit her job because of the robbery, Soledad and Coral begged her to stay.

Claudia worried to herself that they would think she was Rosendo's accomplice if she told them the truth. She solved the dilemma by fainting. They picked her up and started to carry her to a taxi. Of course, the phone rang (Vargas's call) after they left.

Vargas told Dr. Loca that Soledad wasn't answering. Dr. Loca said Don Loco was obsessed with his wife and would probably go after her first.

At Raquel's ranch: Luba and Gaspar helped Raquel do something involving moving around bales of hay. Raquel later said something about feeding the lambs, so I guess lambs eat hay? You can tell I'm not a rancher, can't you.

While they worked, Luba chatted with Raquel, asking about her pregnancy and telling her, "You're a real little doll" (muñequita). I was surprised to hear Luba use that word -- you would think she'd be so sick of it by now.

Gaspar mentioned his "little cub" and told Raquel that his muñequita had turned out to be a bad woman.

Luba then pointed out to Raquel that Gaspar was "a strong boy," and handsome too. (Is she trying to fix him up with Raquel??? Wow, Luba, you are nothing if not ambitious.)

Meanwhile, Raquel's enemies Bernal and Fidencio were secretly watching them work and muttering about Raquel giving Luba and Gaspar breakfast. (Not sure but I think they are plotting to poison Luba and Gaspar's food?)

Thelma went to see Mauricio (Emilio's divorce lawyer) and said she knew he was Rodrigo's friend, that Rodrigo loved Alina and Emilio was determined to win Alina back, so Mauricio should help Thelma prevent that.

In Emilio's tent during a rainstorm: Frank told the frustrated Emilio not to blame himself because the river was flooding again. Karla arrived and Frank left. Emilio told Karla, "It's not easy to resist your provocations." Karla said, "Kiss me, kiss me." Frank ran in and told Emilio something, and they left with Karla.

Meanwhile: Rodrigo told Alina he was being sent on a dangerous mission to help Emilio. Alina told him she was going to a rural community that weekend as a volunteer.

At a doctor's office: Soledad told Claudia that the doctor had said she (Claudia) was just nervous. Angel arrived and Claudia said she felt better now. Angel agreed to take Claudia home, so the others left. Claudia told Angel, "I have something to confess. Rosendo was the one who robbed the boutique."

Elsewhere: Emilio and his soldiers rescued people from the flood. Too bad we didn't have them here in the U.S. during Hurricane Katrina. I'm just saying.

Later, Karla told Emilio that one of the flood victims was sick with something highly contagious. (I didn't catch what the disease was, but something tells me Alina will show up in time to catch this illness, whatever it is. Or maybe Emilio will catch it and Alina will nurse him to health -- yes, that's it.)

Vargas went to Coral's house and told Alina that Alvaro had escaped.

Dr. Loca did some research about pathological jealousy. (Good idea, Dr. Loca!) She told herself, "There is no doubt. Alvaro will be looking for Soledad" (or words to that effect). Just then Don Loco himself burst into the house and said that fortunately his lawyer had been able to give him her address, so he was there for a visit. (Dr. Loca is such a lucky girl!)

Words from this episode:
pobladores = residents
insalubres = unhealthy
delicadeza = gentleness
redes = networks
piedra = stone
poblacion = population
borregos = lambs


Zorro, Wed. June 28 - The Amazons have a solution for world peace

Diego tries to chat up the Amazons who have their bows trained on him and Bernardo. They aren't impressed. One of the Amazons shoots an arrow that Diego catches in mid-air. Pretty cool. Finally, Diego tells Bernardo to run at the count of three. They run but Bernardo is hit by an arrow.

SM confirms to Mangle that Diego is an excellent swordsman. He studied with Diego in military school in Spain. Mangle is eager to be off with this juicy bit of news and tells SM that it was nice seeing him but she has to go. He tells her that he came all the way from Spain to see her and she responds that he has seen her and maybe they'll run into each other again. She runs off. SM says that if Mangle won't help her, he'll go to her husband. When she is alone, Mangle says to herself, “Diego, a great swordsman? That's crazy. No, that idiot Diego couldn't be – Zorro.”

Diego is helping the wounded Bernardo to escape from the Amazons. He appears to use something like a sled to get down the hill.

Mangle goes to see Montero but the guards tell her that he is busy interrogating a suspect and they have instructions not to let anyone pass.

Montero is questioning Laisha about the whereabouts of the gypsies and SK. She refuses to give him information and he ties her up apparently with rape in mind.

Diego and Bernardo are not losing the Amazons. Diego realizes that they are following his scent. He smears mud all over himself and Bernardo and the hunters pass them by. Diego leaves Bernardo to get wood to start a fire so he can heal Bernardo's wound.

The Spanish-speaking Amazon, whose name appears to be Danya, tells Esme that the Amazons are the descendants of the first whites to come to this area and of the indians. For some reason, this makes them nomads. Danya says that the Amazons have the blood of three races in their veins: whites, blacks and indians. That's why the Amazons are everwhere. Esme asks why men are not allowed where the Amazons are camping. Danya tells her that the Amazons don't want men because they only bring suffering and war. [It takes a little away from their philosophy of peace that the Amazons kill even innocent men who wander into their territory.] The Amazons are apparently willing to trade peace for not having love. Danya wants Esme to stay with the Amazons. She tells Danya that she has to see Diego and find out if he loves her and make the people who killed her mother and son pay. Danya warns that vengeance isn't good but Esme doesn't care.

PT is chatting with the Queen about SK and Esme. PT tells the Queen that Diego was in love with Esme and about his pretended identification of Esme's body and that SK's body was never found. The Queen asks if Esme and SK could still be alive. “Anything is possible,” says PT. The Queen then asks if she can trust Diego to discuss this with him. PT assures her that Diego is very trustworthy. The Queen then says that she will put and end to all the conspiracies that have been going on behind her back and discover the fate of SK and Esme. If SK and Esme are still alive, she will repay them for all the harm that has been done to them.

At the gypsy camp, SK tells Honas, Azucena, Hermes, Renzo and NAC that when she gets to see the Queen, she will ask for justice to be done to FS, Montero and their henchman. She will also ask that the gypsies be treated with dignity and respect. She tells them that it will be difficult and dangerous to get into the masquerade ball. Renzo says that the gypsies will give their lives to make it happen. Hermes reports on the project to sew fancy dress for those who will attend the ball. SK says that all they need are the invitations. Azucena says that they have a plan for that too.

Montero tries to get Laisha to tell him where the gypsies are hiding but she refuses. Montero thinks that maybe SK is alive and with the gypsies. He chokes Laisha and she says that SK is alive and she will talk.

Diego tells Bernardo that he is going to cauterize the wound. Some nasty arrow removal and stuff ensues. It doesn't help the drama that Diego and Bernardo are still covered with mud.

Back at the Amazon camp, Esme is aware that something is going on. Danya tells her that two men have been sighted near their camp but they are going to take care of them. All of a sudden, Esme is having weird feelings but she shrugs it off and goes off to practice waving her sword around while "swooshing" sounds are added to the soundtrack.

Diego has made a travois to get Bernardo to town so that Agapito can heal him. [Since the Amazons are supposed to be near San Diego, he will have to drag that thing quite a ways.]

MP is being served breakfast by Dolores when who should come in but Almudena, dressed and hungry for breakfast. She says that she is feeling better and doesn't want to stay in bed anymore. MP and Dolores are happy. MP says that Agapito's treatment for the arsenic poisoning must be working. Almudena agrees but says there is more. She has finally gotten over her death wish from the loss of Esme. [Maybe Agapito put some Prozac in her medicine.] Now she wants to live for her husband.

At the indian camp, Al tells Yumi that the elders of the tribe have agreed to waive their customs and let her stay. Yumi asks Al if he believes in her and hopes that he won't be ashamed when he thinks of her. Al says that he does believe in her and all that happened was his fault because he tried to relive a ghost from his past. Yumi doesn't want to hear that Al is only going to remember her as the image of his dead wife and she asks him to leave. He starts to leave but she runs after him and they embrace.

Laisha tells Montero that SK is going to try and see the Queen. Montero is impactado.

NAC is going to be the one in charge of getting the invitations to the ball.

Diego makes it to LA in record time and carries Bernardo into Agapito's office.

Al returns from the Indian camp. He rehashes with MP that he believes Yumi is innocent of trying to poison Almudena. Almudena comes in and Al asks MP to leave them alone.

Agapito tells Diego that the arrow that struck Bernardo didn't hit any vital organs. Diego stopped the bleeding but Bernardo is burning with fever and has an infection. While he treating Bernardo, Agapito tells Diego that there was arsenic or something similar in the bottle that Diego gave him and he is sure that is what poisoned Almudena.

In her room, Mangle produces yet another little bottle of poison. She tells herself that if she gives the whole thing to Almudena, she will die quickly. Unfortunately, Yumi is gone so there isn't anyone to blame. Montero will kill Diego and that will only leave Al between Mangle and the de la Vega fortune. Mangle wonders impatiently where Montero is. She wants to tell him her news.

Diego comes out of Agapito's office and runs into SM. In their small talk, SM says that he is sure that Diego is well known locally for his swordmanship. Diego says that he doesn't do much swordplay anymore. He helps his father with his hacienda. Diego ask SM what he is doing in LA. SM says that he has come to America to find opportunity and he hopes that his old friends won't forget him.

Pizarro is about to get it on with Catalina when a soldier says that Montero wants to see him right away. Montero tells Pizarro that he has found out SK is alive and with the gypsies. Pizarro says that is impossible. Montero makes Laisha confirm the information to Pizarro. Montero then orders Pizarro to take Laisha to prison. He will finish with her later. Pizarro's face is expressionless but we know that he is muy impactado.

Agapito tells Bernardo that he should recover because the arrows have been removed. Agapito says he has never seen arrows like those before [now he's an anthropologist]. Suddenly some soldiers come in, hit Agapito and tell him that Pizarro has ordered them to bring Agapito to him. Looks like Pizarro figured out that Agapito tricked him about SK's death. Bernardo is asleep or pretends to be asleep and the soldiers leave him alone.

Olmos and Mangle are petting. She says that she wants to satisfy him completely but she can't right now. She has to take Agapito's medicine. Mangle asks Olmos to help her by giving Almudena the poison in whatever medicine she is taking. He agrees.

Al and Almudena discuss Yumi. Almudena says that now she understands the law of her tribe but she doesn't understand why Yumi would try and kill her. Al says that he does not believe that Yumi tried to kill Almudena. Almudena suggests that they put this subject in the past. Al asks Almudena for forgiveness for what he did with Yumi and Almudena forgives him. They vow their great mutual love for one another and then we see Olmos putting the poison in Almudena's medicine.

DJ sends for Montero and tells him that now the masquerade ball will be by invitation only. Montero agrees that this will be better for the Queen's safety. DJ is not so sure. Zorro has been able to get access to the Queen in spite of her being guarded. DJ warns Montero that if Zorro or any other enemy of the Queen gets close to her, Montero will pay.

Prudencio approaches FS who is kneeling at Aaron's grave [Aaron appears to be buried in the woods and not in consecrated ground]. They want FS to return to LA and be the Governor. Without showing his face, FS says that he's not the Governor any more and he has no posessions. He will spend the rest of his life forgiving and seeking forgiveness.

NAC and Renzo, dressed as Spaniards, enter LA. Renzo as these cute little glasses. NAC will contact PT to try and get tickets for the ball. Renzo is concerned that someone will recognize them. NAC says no one would recognize her in this dress. No sooner does she say that than MP recognizes her.

Esme and the Amazons have some kind of sword ceremony.

SM tells Diego that he met his wife and they were friends years ago. Diego asks nervously if he mentioned Diego's activities in Mexico to Mangle. “Nothing much,” says SM, “only that her husband was the best swordsman in Spain.”

Mangle finally gets to see Montero and tells him that she has discovered that her husband is his worst enemy – Zorro.

The credits roll.


6/27 Juan Q - An expensive dinner, some extra turns, and a proposition and El Nino strikes again

Juan thanks his El Santo Niño de Atocha again for giving him happiness when he sees Paula. They meet and give a brothers handshake.

He admires her beautiful eyes, how each look of hers goes straight through my soul and I’m there naked with my feelings and so on…..

She asks if he’s ok and she tells him to call her Paula not licenciada, she doesn’t need a title any more than that.

He thinks she’s democratic, nice, and that he’s known her all his life, or in a former life as if he were her prince and she the queen of his heart.

He asks where he can take her. She says she has to go home to get her Mom. This impresses him too. When they get to the car she decided she’d rather ride in front as she feels weird in back. JD worries that Pastor will get mad but she doesn’t care to let him tell her how to behave. A glance at her legs as she gets in, earns us yet another soliloquy, only more lusty this time, he thanks God and says it makes him want to get an altar and pray every night!

She tells him to take her to Coyoacan, he smiles, but he has no clue where that is.

Pastor is trying to give some business suggestion to CL. CL says I give the orders and offers a drink of whiskey and asks him if he can be discreet. CL then asks him what to do if he has done something wrong to a woman. G says you are the expert though, what could I posibly tell you. CL says that’s why he needs the opinion of someone who isn’t(an expert in women ;0). GAYtan is offended and doesn’t want that kind of comment made because of insinuations about his sexuality. Cl says look, there is no one here who doubts your sexual persuasion. He says everyone here knows which way you swing your bat.

GAYtan thought it was a secret. CL says it’s not a secret but no one cares what he does in private. G eventually figures out CL is talking about Paula. He says what works for some doesn’t work for others so it’s better if I know who. CL says yes, it’s her. G continues that she needs to be coaxed.

Paula picks up her Mom and they discuss that she has a chauffer, and she still thinks maybe that’s another attempt for CL to try to get something “special” but Paula just wants her to be proud. She says she’d be proud either way.

JD congratulates himself for the good impression that he made, and that she told him how to get where he needed to go. He’s dancing and she peeks out the window to see this.

G continues to CL, you have to be in touch with your feminine side. You have to think with the rightside of your brain. GAYtan asks him if she knows that you are married. CL says of course not. He says well you need to fight fire with fire and that’s an error. You need to make her think that you are a devoted and loyal husband and honest. Make her think you would die for your spouse. GAYtan assures him a woman pays attention to someone she thinks is the perfect man, but belongs to someone else. He says you have to beg her pardon for what you did wrong. You will inspire the maternal side in her and the impulse to save you. CL promises G will earn a bonus if this works out.

We see CL’s wife returning home.

Juan is driving Mom and daughter saying they look more like sisters. They ask him for a recommendation of a restaurant. He doesn’t know one so they decide to go to a particular restaurant. Again Juan lets them think he knows where he’s going and they tell him to go to the right, but he goes left and assures them it’s because it’s a better way. He prays to figure this all out.

CL’s amante is talking with GAYtan who tells her that soon she may be without work because Paula is a new piece of candy for CL and taking over her territory. She gets mad and goes to confront him. He seems indignant. He tells her that no one tells him what to do. (Yeah, since when do amante's have any pull in these stories). She threatens to tell his wife about all the things he does when she’s gone. He doesn’t think she will. He reminds her that he has an open marriage anyway. She says it’s one thing to say it, but another to practice. He says he only has to tell his wife. He tells her it’s her word against his anyway and he can convince his wife it’s not a big deal. He warns her if she does this again, he’s done with her.

His wife calls. He asks how Madrid is. She says ok. Some kissy talk. He asks when they will see each other again. She says maybe a couple of months after she goes to New York and Buenos Aires. CL asks Yvon if she wants to speak to Monica. Yvon just smirks. CL comes back on and tells his wife how much he misses her. She hangs up and then her servant asks why she didn’t tell him she was in Mexico. She intends to surprise him. (Can't wait to see this...)

Mama hassles Yadhira about looking at herself in the mirror. Yadi teases her back. She finds out that Alirio called and wonders what Yadi told him. Yadi says the truth, about her being with Juan. Mama gets mad and tells her she shouldn’t have said that because she needs to keep Alirio in the palm of her hands, so have more respect for her Mom. Yadi doesn’t like how she uses Juan though.

Juan drives the ladies to someplace nice but nowhere near where they wanted to go. She finally bust him and asks if he really knows the city. He admits he doesn’t and just came here, and promises that he only faked because he needs the job but if she wants he’ll resign now. She says no, she values the honesty and that’s great. She invites him to eat with them.

CL asks the worker what he knows about Paula’s new chauffer. He wonders who hired him. Worker tells him GAYtan did and that he thinks he’s a bit macho, but that is a farce and he’s really a “buddy” of GAYtan’s. CL of course likes to hear this because then Juan is no competition with him for Paula.

At the restaurant Juan shows us the finer art of a campesino eating in the big city fine restaurant. He is not quite familiar with the napkin placing and “swilling’ space left in a wine glass. Paula amusingly enjoys his antics. At the end he takes the check but can’t believe the cost. Paula insists on paying, but he won’t let her. He’s sorry afterward, but happy at being with them.

Mama bugs Marely in her room. They discuss what she’s doing with Juan. Marely tells her she knows exactly what’s happening between them. Mama says they are doing nothing. She doesn’t believe her and accuses her whole life of being a lie and that if she had been more honest maybe Papa wouldn’t be dead. She agrees but it’s too late for her to regret things.

CL wants some papers from Pastor, who is trying to explain something about the business.

Mama tells her she has the right to resume her life, everyone handles pain differently. She says you can do that, but with Juan? You barely know him. She says no one should tell her what to do. M-You should choose your partner more wisely. Mama says you don’t choose love, you live it, even though she might be wrong. MArely thinks she shouldn’t repeat her errors from the first unhappy marriage. Mama says since the time of Eve women have repeated these mistakes. She agrees her way of thinking is different than her Mama’s. She thinks it’s a shame that her daughter doesn’t believe her and thinks the worst of her mother. (I got the sense that there is at least a little love here)

Yadhira comes in and asks what is wrong with her. She says she has a headache and she runs upstairs.

CL has summoned Paula to tell her that since she discovered errors in Gomez’s work, that he’d like her to revise them. He’s very sorry but it’s a lot of papers, and she’s the only one he trusts, but he doesn’t want them out of her office because they are highly confidential. She says then she’ll stay here all night until she gets them done and don’t worry because he’ll have them on his desk in the morning. He watches her a** as she sashays out.

Perfan shows up at the house and tries to convince Yadi that he needs to see her Mom for something important. She is suspicious but finally tells him that her mom isn't feeling well, but she’ll see if mama will come.

Ivon goes in to the office of Paula and throws another stack of documents on her desk. She thinks that she is staying in the office late as a trick to be with CL all night. Paula is not interested in office gossip. They cat hiss at each other a little bit. Before she leaves she tells Paula that CL is a happily married man. Paula makes a slightly surprised face but recovers, though not fast enough for Yvon not to get the hint that she didn’t know. P tells her, though, that of course she knew. There are no secrets.

Monica returns from lunch and notes that her hubby hasn’t returned, so she decides to gussy up for him.

Nidia is talking with Perfan. He tells her he’s heard some things about her involvement with Juan. She denies it. He tells her to be careful with him. She defends him. I’m only doing this to protect you Nidia. Nidia assures him she doesn’t have an interest in him. She reminds Alirio that he has taken charge of taking care of them. He tells her that JD is a vulgar spy.

JD is bonding with that other guy. (Name anyone? I forget) He describes how wonderful his boss is, she’s a jewel. The other guy says she’ll eventually be mean like the rest of the executives. Juan insists that no, she is different. Pastor then comes out and tells Juan he wanted to take him shopping today to get his new shoes. JD tells him that he has to wait for Paula, so can't go. Pastor says that he also has VIP passes to the cine so they could have drinks. JD apologizes but he has to wait for his boss. Pastor says he’s going to try to find someone to take Juan's place with Paula because he is going shopping and to the cine with him. The other guy laughs and says oh well to each his own, obviously confirming to himself that Juan swings GAYtan's way.

Nidia starts laughing that Juan is no spy, but Alirio assures her that he’s dangerous to her. He thinks it’s too much of a coincidence that he shows up exactly the day her husband takes his own life. He finally tells her he saw JD in a restaurant with Ana and Paula.

Back at the office, JD gives another soliloquy that they are both together alone and that he thinks he wants to take her in his arms and confess his love to her and that it’s now or never and we see him walking up to her and Cualquier…. appears.


Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Acorralada #115 Tuesday 6/27/07 Diana's a nurse again

Opening scene is where Paola learns that Max is in an asylum and wants to go see him, and tells Octavia that all of her children are having problems because of her. Needless to say, this doesn't sit well with Queen Octavia.

Next, at Gaby & Kike's ill-fated reception, Santana agrees to take Pancho's case.

Meanwhile, when Fedora comes looking for Gaby, she finds Diana in her bedroom all dressed for her job interview at the asylum. She forbids Diana from going, but Diana is going to stand by her man!

And the real treat of the episode, we get to see a repeat of Monday's closing scene, where Larry runs towards Gaby. YUM!

Diana goes to the asylum, and aces the interview with all of her impressive references. She tells the doc that she's there because she has a history with a patient who was just admitted - they have a child together. The doc doesn't think this is strange at all, but does seem concerned because he doesn't expect Max to recover.

Back to the good stuff: Gaby tells Larry that she married Kike, she couldn't get out of it. But then her heart told her that she needed to be with Larry, and so there she is. She's worried because she knows that her mom will be upset with her, but Larry assures her that it will all work out - at least they're together. And what beautiful babies they'll make!

Fedora and Kike have realized that Gaby is gone and they're trying to save face with the guests. Fedora tells Lala to dismiss everyone quietly and not to let them know that anything's amiss. Kike's throwing back the champagne as Fedora gulps whiskey.

Gaby and Larry are running and splashing in the ocean, and end up rollign around and kissing on the beach. Finally she gets a little action!

At the manicomio, Diana asks the doc if she can see Max, and is told that she should get into her uniform first.

Back at the mansion, Fedora is freaking out over Gaby's "escape" and is drinking herself into a stupor.

Diana gets into her retro nurse outfit, complete with the silly hat, and enters Max's room. He doesn't recognize her -- have the writer confused insanity with amnesia?

A quick glimpse of Gaby & Larry making out flashes on the screen. No dialog, but then I like Larry better when he's quiet. :)

Back to Max/Diana, where he says that she can't be Diana, because Diana didn't come to visit him. She assures him that she will be there everyday to care for him....

At Ignacio's house of fun, Ignacio is thrilled that his evil plan is working out so well.

Marfil visits Diego at naco house, and tells him that she doesn't know why she's there, she just lost so many friends during the years she was in a coma. He tells her that he know why she's there - she's come in search of his kisses! And then he lays one on her. *This scene made me throw up a little*

Iggy returns to the manicomio to give Max another injection...

Fedora has stumbled into Diana's room - she's drunk and furious!

Iggy talks to Max and tells him how much he loves seeing him there surrounded by lunatics. He also says something silly about coming in the middle of the night because it makes him feel like spiderman. I may be messing this up a little, but I hate any scene that involved Ignacio!

Meanwhile, Diego and Marfil are really getting hot 'n heavy...

Iggy's taunting Max, and I'm beginning to wonder where Max's roommate is. Why doesn't he wake up while all of this is going on?

Fedora's still in Diana's room, talking about how bad her daughters are for falling for evil Irazabals. Diana tells her that she's quitting the fabrica to take a job at the manicomio taking care of Max. Fedora slaps her across the face! Commercial break.

Back from commercial, Fedora's really losing it. She's throwing stuff and screaming like a fiera.

Kike apparently has already been set up with a bedroom at the mansion (or is that Gaby's room). Doesn't matter - he's alone and he's telling himself about how Gaby will pay for humiliating him this way!

Miguelina comes to Diana's room and learns that Fedora slapped her. She's very calm about this as she tells Diana that she should try to understand where Fedora is coming from, and besides, she's had a lot to drink. Diana says that Fedora is an alcoholic and needs help. Miguelina acts like this is an absurd idea.

Iggy is struggling to inject Max when my question is answered -- Pedro pops up from the other bed and screams for help!

Back to casa naco, where Lala has returned and calls out to Diego - who's in bed WITH MARFIL!

Pedro's cries for help cause Ignacio to leave the room without injecting Max. Does this mean that Max will come to his senses? I wonder what the half-life is of these mysterious injections...

Lala wants to know why Diego was in Pancho's bed. Good question! There's no telling what kind of creepy crawlies would be living in those sheets! Diego makes some excuse and says that he'll start sleeping in his own room tomorrow. Lala wants to go change the sheets in Pancho's room and straighten up a little, but Diego stops her. I'm sure that he's afraid that if she sees Marfil in there, she'll come running in with a big bucket o' water or something! He also mentions that he's going to start looking for students to teach piano again so that he can pay for Pancho's legal fees. Then he excuses himself and returns to the bedroom where he tries to tempt Marfil into staying until morning. EEEWWWW!

Pedro's cries bring the manicomio staff to the room, but they don't believe that anyone was there.

Iggy returns home and tells Camila that he was unable to give Max the injection. Without the drug Max will feel confused and lost but will recover his sens of reason and be released from the asylum! Their plans will be foiled! Commercial break.

Diana reports for her first day at the asylum and Samanta is asked to show her around...

Gaby and Larry are a couple of crazy kids in love, except that he's a little worried about what her mom and Kike are going to say. Larry tells her not to think about anyone or anything. Hey - he wouldn't have to ask me twice! More smooches.

At the mental hospital, Diana is surprised to see the patients who are outside pretending to drive imaginary cars, making noises like a cat, and laying on the ground with their feet up in the air. (My boyfriend was watching this scene with me and couldn't believe how non-PC it was!) I hardly took notice of the conversation between Samanta and Diana, although Diana mentioned something about how important it is to give these people love.

Pedro returns to his and Max's room cupping his hands like he's holding something - when Max asks him what it is he opens his hand and is upset to see that he's lost his bird! Max tells him that there was never anything in his hands. We bring the episode to a close with Max asking himself why he feels so lost and confused???? Credits roll.


La Fea Más Bella withdrawal

So far, there's been ONE night with no La Fea, and I'm already experiencing withdrawal symptoms.

If you're having withdrawal symptoms too, try this new chat room. It's unique in that you don't need a login or password or anything special to use it.

I announced it yesterday in the recap comments; so far it's been a dud. A couple of people poked their heads in, but so far there hasn't been much chatting.

If no one's there when you show up, you can still post a remark or an URL (like a favorite YouTube video, for example) and then come back later and see if anyone responded.


Zorro, Tues. June 26 - Esme, Warrior Princess, gets training; Aaron does his last exorcism and an old friend visits Mangle

Diego finds Esme's discarded clothes on the riverbank. He is sure Esme is close by. Bernardo thinks he is crazy.

Esme is in a super sexy warrior outfit learning to use a sword while the Amazons, Garcia and Camba look on appreciatively. Good hair care is important in warfare and Esme's mane is has lost its feminine curls but is perfectly combed and shiny.

At the gypsy camp, NAC is marrying Renzo. [I thought they were in a hurry to get to LA to see the Queen.] Renzo looks nice with his hair down. We have the sacred sesame bread breaking scene.

Almudena is feeling better. [It seems to be true that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Almudena seems to have forgotten that she decided she couldn't livewithout Esme once she found out about Yumi and Al.] Apparently Al has taken Yumi to Bufala Blanca (BB). Dolores tells Almudena that since her sister's husband has rejected her, Yumi will be looked down on by the rest of the tribe and may starve to death.

On a break on their journey to see BB, Al and Yumi rehash their situation. Yumi denies poisoning Almudena. Al says that he believes her. Yumi says that she gave Almudena a worse poison – she fell in love with Al. Al says that he has feelings for her too, but... Yumi accepts the situation and says that she wants to return to the lands of her people.

Agapito, who has been transformed from incompetent drunk to analytical chemist, is testing the little bottle that Diego gave him. He determines that the bottle contains arsenic and also something else that might be an aphrodisiac. While his barbering client waits impatiently, Agapito concludes that the potion is an aphrodisiac in small quantities but a lot of it is a fatal poison. [Presumably, this is what Mangle bought way back when to trap Diego. It didn't work as an aphrodisiac on Diego, he just fell asleep.]

When they are camped for the night, Diego rehashes to Bernardo that Esme's and his fates are intertwined and he is sure that she is alive. He believes that she is leaving signs to help him find her. He swears that he will find her no matter what.

Garcia warns Esme about the Amazons – the legends say that they capture men to conceive children and then kill them. Esme doesn't believe it. The Amazons have been nice to her. She asks Garcia what happens if an Amazon gives birth to a baby boy. Garcia says he doesn't know. That page of the book was missing. Cut to two Amazon babes leading Camba to the river where it looks like some child conceiving action is going to go on.

Garcia tries to convince Esme to give up her plan of vengeance. She is young, beautiful and rich. She can start a new life. Esme isn't convinced. She also isn't convinced Diego really loves her. Garcia realizes that he can't change her mind and asks Esme to take his advice since he is the oldest and wisest person. Esme agrees.

Some more gypsy marriage customs that involve sprinkling things on people's heads and breaking a jar. NAC and Renzo swear they will be happy forever. [Usually this means something bad is going to happen right away.] SK explains to Hermes that the jar represents happiness and abundance and everyone wants a piece of it as a talisman. Hermes thanks SK for saving his life.

Laisha has made good time and enters LA where she is spotted by Montero. She tries to hide from him but it is clear that he recognizes her.

Catalina is getting dressed up and Tobias asks her why. She says that she has been summoned to make a dress for the Queen for the masquerade ball. Tobias doesn't believe her. As usual between them, the conversation turns to Pizarro. Catalina says that she is trying to get rid of Pizarro but it isn't easy. She is afraid that he will hurt Tobias. Tobias asks how she ever got involved with that murderer. Catalina says that at first she was flattered by his attention but then she was trapped. There is a knock at the door. It's Pizarro calling Catalina to go see the Queen. Tobias is disgusted.

The Queen is reviewing decorations for the masquerade ball that DJ has made. She approves them but notices that DJ is rather glum. DJ expresses his fear for her safety since the bandit Zorro has gotten into her room twice and escaped. The Queen accuses DJ of trying to separate her from her subjects. The Queen asks DJ, “What should I do, cancel the ball?” “No,” says DJ, “but don't open it to the public. Let me make a list of invited persons.” The Queen agrees.

Diego and Bernardo have come to a big cliff. Diego wants to climb it. Bernardo prefers going around. Diego prevails. Diego send Bernardo to tie up their horses with food and starts to climb. Meanwhile, Esme is having archery practice. She aims at Garcia and he hides behind the ridiculous halberd that the Amazons must have gotten from the Indians.

While climbing, Bernardo starts to fall and Diego grabs him and pulls him to safety. Meanwhile, we cut to scenes of Esme being put through her paces in warrior training. On a break, she thinks about Diego and says that she needs to know if there is any hope for them. She needs to know.

Mangle is reading FS's papers. She is incensed when she discovers that her inheritance is two houses in Madrid and some land in Barcelona. Cursing her father, Mangle has abdominal pain and had a hemorrhage earlier. Olmos and Agapito come in. Agapito scolds her for getting up too early. Mangle asks for pain killers. Olmos asks if he should notify Diego about Mangle's illness. Mangle responds that Diego is out of town. “Too bad,” says Mr. I'm-so-discrete Agapito, “ I need to tell him about the poison.” Mangle is all ears. Having let the cat out of the bag, Agapito now says that Diego has asked that he not mention this to anyone.” “I'm not anyone,” says Mangle, “I'm Diego's wife.” Agapito agrees and tells her that Almudena was being poisoned slowly with arsenic and that he believes that his treatment saved her. Mangle says that she will visit Almudena as soon as Agapito finishes examining her.

MP is with Almudena. Almudena asks MP if, when she marries, she will take Yumi and protect her. [So Almudena wants to put a beautiful, young uninhibited woman in MP's household?] MP says that she will do what she can.

At the Indian camp, Al tells Yumi that he will try and get permission for her to live in Bufala Blanca's tent. [Now we find out that BB is dead.] Yumi doesn't care. Her only concern is that she lost the respect of Almudena.

Aaron and FS are doing an exorcism of a young girl. Suddenly, the girl gets demonic strength and attacks Aaron. Nobody moves too fast to get her off him. Whatever she did to him, it was mortal and Aaron dies encouraging FS to get rid of what's evil in his heart or the Devil will take him again.

MP and Fonzie have come to see PT. MP wants to get married in the mission chapel. PT is surprised that she doesn't want to have the ceremony in the Cathedral in town. MP is sure. She spent a lot of happy times in the convent and she wants her former sisters to be at the ceremony. PT agrees. MP then ask Fonzie to leave her alone with PT. She wants to confess. When PT congratulates MP on her future husband, MP tells him that FS is still missing and she is worried that something happened to him. PT realizes that MP still holds FS in her heart and she admits it.

Prudencio and another servant of the Governor are searching for FS where he was seen recently dressed a monk. All of sudden, FS scurries by carrying Aaron's body. They call to him but he doesn't acknowledge their presence. [I wonder if Arturo Peniche wasn't available for some days of shooting. In none of the scenes since FS tried to hang himself have we seen his face. Even his voice was different when he was begging Aaron not to die. It was a hoarse whisper.]

Mangle comes to see Almudena. She lays it on thick about Yumi being guilty of the poisoning and says that she is sure Yumi will try again.

Olmos goes to see Selenia but she has left town [sorry folks]. Olmos is disappointed. He wanted to pay her for making him the happiest man in the world.

Mangle is returning to her father's house when her carriage is stopped by someone we only see from the back. Mangle is impactada. “You!” she says unhelpfully.

Garcia is packing up the treasure chest. He and Camba are going to take it to San Diego and get a house and some clothes for Esme.

Meanwhile, Diego has found the place where Esme found the treasure. He feels Esme's presence in the place but where is she now? Ever practical, Bernardo suggest that they follow the tracks.

While the newlyweds and the other young people in the tribe celebrate, Honas, Azucena, SK and Hermes get more news on the masquerade ball. To get in you have have an invitation signed by the Queen. SK asks what they should do. Honas tells her that with money anything is possible. They will find a corrupt government official willing to sell them an invitation and then they'll use that one to forge others. SK looks forward to seeing her cousin and astonishing FS and Montero by returning from the dead. She says that several traitors will be unmasked at the masquerade ball.

Laisha literally runs into Montero in the street. He recognizes her as Miguel's wife who gave herself to him to try and protect Miguel. Montero wants to know why she is following him around.

The guy who accosted Mangle turns out to be none other than the supposedly dead, Santiago Michelena (SM). He's poor and he's come looking for her to pick up where they left off. Mangle tells him that his sister wrote to her that he was dead but it turns out the sister is dead. The whole point of this scene is for Mangle to tell SM that she's married to a rich idiot named Diego de la Vega and for SM to say that he doesn't want to mess with the wife of a great swordsman like Diego. “Qué?” says Mangle. So the whole plot of Tobias to find someone who would recognize Zorro's swordsmanship has come to fruition in a roundabout way.

The Amazon warrior who speaks Spanish tells Esme about the tribes' reproductive strategy – no love, just procreation visits twice a year to the rest of the tribe. Esme is sorry that the Amazons have not experienced love for a man [No one is suggesting that two women could love each other.] The Amazon asks Esme if she has experienced love and in response Esme tells the warrior some of the complicated story of her relationship with Diego. Esme wants to go back to LA and have Diego tell her to her face that he doesn't love her any more. She also wants vengeance on those who killed her mother and her child. The Amazon tells Esme that she believes the leader of the tribe wants in on the vengeance part. They will fight with Esme.

Diego and Bernardo are following Esme's tracks when they are surprised by a group of Amazons.

The credits roll.


Duelo Tuesday 6/26 - The Cofre: back home after vacationing in Disney and Lego lands.

Dear readers and bloggers: Here is Tuesday's recap after the earlier technical difficulties. Thanks for your patience...

Friday: Alina drops the bomb on Rodrigo...she cannot marry him. Thelma rips up the divorce papers that Emilio served her. Naked Karla shows Emilio her wet chi-chis.

And now, on with the show!

Alina tells Rodrigo that he is not the man she wants to look at first thing in the morning for the rest of her life. Or something like that. His eyes get watery, he actually looks like he might cry (sniff sniff). He says he understands, it has to do with Emilio, right? She can't deny it. Rodrigo tells her it will be hard, but agrees to be 'just friends.' May I say that this guy handles bad news a whole hell of a lot better than Emilio?

Emilio doesn't succumb to Karla's invitation to bathe with her. After he walks out of her steamy tent she smirks. This piece of work is used to getting her way.

As Soledad and Coral cluck over the beaten Angel, Claudia tells them she believes the bad guys weren't regular robbers but were acting under orders from someone else. Soledad assumes that the 'someone else' is Alvaro.

Rodrigo and Alina worry about the impact her refusal of marriage will have on Gaby.

Emilio's lawyer Mauricio tells Thelma he doesn't remember ever meeting her. Moving right along, Captain Valtierra has serious reasons for filing divorce. She is an unfit mother. She endangered the life of her child by dangling him over the river Michael Jackson style and using it to blackmail Emilio. Thelma sneers that Emilio won't get rid of her so easily.

Amidst the flurry of the rescue operation Emilio scowls, smokes his cigar, and tells Frank that it won't be easy for him to work in this place.

Vargas or Vasquez the prosecutor/administrator/whatever (I'll say Vargas and y'all will know who I mean, OK?) visits DonLoco in jail. DonLoco tells him to go to hell, he doesn't believe he tried to kill Dra. Loca. Vargas tells Loco that the Doctora recommended sending him to the nut house. "You're loco, Montellano, loco with no cure."

DonLoco says he's NOT loco, Vargas doesn't know what went on between the Doctora and him. In fact, Aida is in love with him and they had something going on.

Break for a rather hot commercial for Amar Sin Limites. The cute galan has his head buried in some babe's breasts and they are about to get it on. Wow.

Back at the jailhouse, smarmy lawyer Mauro shows up and tells DonLoco that everything is going according to plan. "What's this about me being loco?" DonLoco demands. Mauro says he knows DonLoco is NOT loco, but they want everyone else to think he is so that he will be able to escape from there.

Alina gently breaks the news to Gaby that she won't be marrying her papa and leaving town with them. "Save me Alina, save me," begs Gaby. Alina wants to know from whom Gaby needs to be saved. Gaby can't tell, she's too afraid they will steal her from school. Her daddy's always working and Tina can't run fast enough to save her. Also, she's bummed that Tonqui (back to the -qui) won't be her doggie and who can blame her? Alina tells Gaby that she can run fast and she will take her to school everyday, OK? They hug.

Montellano Cane Fields/Veracruz: The distrustful pair of Hugo and Alfonsina make their booty trade under the threat of Alfonsina's gun...Hugo's fake cofre for her attache case, probably empty. "At last," she smirks, just before he clocks her with the case. She's down for the count and he gives the classically evil Gasca chuckle.

Frank tells Emilio that he's awfully quiet, what's up? Emilio fondles the heart necklace. He admits that Karla is interested in him. She's beautiful and intelligent but he's not in the mood for affairs right now. He kisses the heart as the Emilio/Alina song crescendos.

Hugo ties up Alfonsina. She calls him a traitorous pest. They argue back and forth as to which of them is the biggest traitor. Hugo finally decides to open the case and of course it's empty. "You didn't think I'd be stupid enough to trust you, did you?" she taunts. He tells her she won't be the winner.

At Rancho Viejo (the newly introduced plot line) the faithful but rather dense farmhand Lauro runs and yells for Fidencio, whoever that is. He's met by a group of nasty-looking men wielding machetes. He tells them he meant nothing against them, he was just trying to help Doña Raquel. The evil administrator Hernan rides up. Lauro asks him for help convincing the machete men that they should come back to work for Doña Raquel. Mean administrator guy tells poor Lauro that the employees are saving themselves for when the ranch belongs to him, bwahahaha. The men attack Lauro with machetes and hayforks.

Thelma is telling Singing Auntie about her meeting with the lawyer when she suddenly remembers where she met him. It was at Rodrigo's house. "Mauricio doesn't know the pain he is causing his friend Rodrigo by helping Emilio. When Emilio gets home he'll find he has no lawyer for the divorce." I don't quite see the logic in this but undoubtedly Thelma will work an angle.

Orlando buys a bus ticket in Puebla and says he'll look for Gaspar at the AAA wrestling match. He walks off to reveal Luba and Gaspar standing behind him waiting for a bus to Escondidaville. They don't see each other.

Coral, Soledad, Claudia and Angel are picking up the pieces of the boutique. Alina arrives and is impacted by the news of the robbery. However it is all about Alina as usual and she changes the subject to her news: there will be no wedding. Coral gives Soledad an "I toldya" smile.

Vargas gives Mauro the release papers for DonLoco who will be transferred via ambulance to the local snake pit. Vargas isn't happy about DonLoco going to the psych ward but he says at least he'll fit in perfectly. Mauro smirks unctuously and tells Vargas it was a brilliant move to transfer him ha ha.

Luba and Gaspar are back in Escondidaville making their way to the cave in the darkness. They tiptoe through the woods hoping that nobody from La Rinconada will see them. Luba wants to get The Cofre and take it back to Don Loco. The camera pans up the hillside to a local who just happens to be clinging to the steep hillside and who has spied them. If he manages to survive the climb I'm sure he will rat them out to Vera.

Coral and Soledad want the chisme on why Alina refused Rodrigo's proposal. Alina tells them her heart is still with Emiliooooo and when he returns she'll tell him she loves him. Yawn.

Cut to Emilio sleeping on his cot. Somebody must have called 1-800-I'm-A-Skanky-Ho because Karla creeps into his tent just as he mutters "I miss you my love." She kisses him and he sleep-kisses her in return.

After the commercial he sighs "Alina my love." She answers, "I'm not Alina, my name is Karla, Alina left you, loooong ago..." (Just kidding. Remember that stupid song?) Emilio finally wakes up. She tells him she wanted to jump his bones from the first day they met. (Which I believe is still today in telenovela time even though we haven't seen them since Friday.)

Orlando goes to the wrestling match and approaches, of all people, the announcer who is in the middle of excitedly narrating the match. "Hey buddy, yeah you, the busiest guy here except for the luchadors. Where can I find Pepe Tropicasas?" The announcer finally points to Pepe. Orlando tells Pepe he is looking for the luchador named Gaspar. Pepe is impactado.

The evil administrator Hernan reports to Raquel that evening after a hard day at work engineering the slaughter of honest employees. Raquel's pissed because she really could have used his help that day. He reminds her that his arthritis prohibits him from doing actual work. "Of course," she retorts, "It's no problem for ME to work, being pregnant and all." He has more bad news, he happened to run across Lauro who is dead. She is muy impactada.

Luba has a bad feeling. She tells Gaspar she feels the icy coldness of the dead walking by.

Skanky Ho Karla refuses to leave Emilio's bed. She's in it. He's not. She tells him she's not after anything serious, (ya think???), just a little whoopee. She refuses to go back to her own bed because she's cold, then she hunkers down in his cot.

Alina, in her bedroom, prays to the Virgencita to protect Emilio from all dangers that come his way.

As the luchadors thump and tumble Orlando continues to press Pepe for info on Gaspar. He finally tells Pepe that he knows the police are looking for Luba and Gaspar and if Pepe doesn't tell him what he knows he will be an accomplice. Pepe tells him they went somewhere called Sierra Escondido. "Again with the damn Sierra Escondido," Orlando mutters.

Luba and Gaspar finally make it to the cave. In the torchlight they see it is trashed. "They were looking for The Cofre," she growls, "Let's get The Cofre and get out." Then without warning "se pone un energúmeno" (she goes ape-shit). She curses those who trashed her cave and says they'll all pay.

*Warning - Idiot Alert: Dra. Loca drinks tea and weeps. She was wrong to think she could love DonLoco and cure him at the same time. She didn't think he would try to kill her. She actually calls Mauricio. (Dude, do not fall for that crap.) She tells him she can't sleep due to problems at work. She needs him. We don't hear what he says but he really made her brown eyes blue because she says, "Oh, OK, I understand, you're tired. See you tomorrow then." She's pathetic. "Dear God, why did I fall in love with an impossible man?"

Duhmilio tries to sleep in a chair in his tent but he's uncomfortable. He tries to wake Karla and kick her out but she ignores him. He goes back to his uncomfortable chair. He's clueless about how to handle this. He should bunk up with Frank. I know I would.

Cut to Claudia's house. Her mom is thrilled because her fabulous husband the pedophile and rapist is showering her with an array of "hot" dresses. She asks where he got the money but she doesn't really want to know. She can't wait to show Claudia what Rosendo procured for them.

Claudia looks at the dresses, "No puede ser! These are all from the Boutique!" Mom looks at Rosendo and seems impactada.

Back in the cave, now lit, Luba yells at Gaspar to hurry up, they have to leave. He comes out from behind the curtains showing off his new clothes (a skinny tank top, thank-you Virgencita!) and his incredible triceps. "Do you think my little cub will call me daddy?" he asks.

As they try to leave they are accosted by torch-bearing villagers led by Vera the stupid. Luba goes into Bruja mode, hissing and stalking. She frightens Vera then whips around and glares at Ifigenia, calling him pimply (I think). She knows why they're there but she has news for them. Flor is alive!!

The villagers don't believe Luba. They saw with their own eyes that Flor was dead and buried. Gaspar pipes up that he dug her up and his Ma revived her! Oops, too much info. Vera calls Luba a demon from hell. Luba calls them blockheads. Vera calls her blasphemous and riles up the others. They shout all the way into the commercial.

Stupid Denial Mom tells Claudia that she refuses to hear such awful accusations against her perfect Rosendo. Claudia fills mom in on the boutique burglary. Rosendo whispers into mom's ear not to believe Claudia, she has been after his hot chinless bod for some time now, always chasing him, always touching him. Mom calls Claudia a cynic/shameless hussy and slaps her face. Rosendo grins at his victory.

Alina asks Soledad, "Will I ever be happy?" Bah.

Luba tells Vera not to do something she'll regret. Luba whips out her big old knife. Will she finally stab something besides the trees and her table? Vera says before they kill her they want Flor's body so they can rebury it in hallowed ground. "Very well," answers Luba, "Flor's body is back there on the cot."

The group runs into the back of the cave, Luba graps Vera's torch and sets the curtain on fire, snatches The Cofre, and splits. Iffy puts up his dukes in an attempt to stop Gaspar. Ha! Gaspar gives him a quick pop in the kisser and Iffy drops like a noodle.

Pandemonium ensues in the cave. Vera yells "Fuego! Fuego!" as if she is the only one around who notices the fire. Sheesh Vera, everybody is trapped in flames except you and all you can do is yell "Fire!" I think they know they're burning up.

Luba and Gaspar make their way through the forest with The Cofre and a bag of their stuff. Luba points into the distance, "Let's go that way. No one ever goes toward Rancho Viejo." Luba, followed by the stud Gaspar, make their way toward the rancho." Good call to whoever it was suggested they would end up at Rancho Viejo!

Claudia begs her dysfunctional mom, "How could you believe Rosendo over me? I hate him. He's always hitting on me and I would NEVER go for a guy as revolting as he!" Mom calls her a brat and kicks her out. Rosendo comforts the stupid mom.

Luba and Gaspar arrive at Rancho Viejo. Raquel greets them with a glare and a shotgun, "Who are you and what are you doing on my land?!?"

Advance for tomorrow: DonLoco escapes from the transport ambulance (shouldn't he be transported in a paddy wagon instead of an ambulance???) and Alina is impactada to hear the news of daddy's escape.

alimaña = pest
catre = cot
cínico = shameless person, a cynic in the sense of being motivated purely by self-interest
tlaconete = pimply one


Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Destilando Amor 06/26/07 "oh you die a little bit (hurts to be in love)"

I am the stand-in recapper tonite...
My DVR did not record tonite…so this is strictly from memory..(due to the unending thunderstorms in Oklahoma…hey St. Aldo see if you can do something about that…anyway if I get the slightest pause in power my player loses the time)

We open with a rehash of Rod telling Roman to run an ad in the paper…Rod is dead…he has been killed by Gaviota. Roman tries to brush this off with a "Oh Patron", Rod begins crying and repeating Gaviota has killed him and poor Roman is forced to get that really uncomfortable look; when the boss is making a complete ass of himself. Though I must insert here, Rod was quite justified in his is just that it makes we servant types a bit uncomfortable. Then Thank You Televista for the rehash of James in the distillery telling Gavi that the bad Tequila was only a rumour. Normally I would not even bother with that..but that shirt James had on with the really giant "Little Lord Fauntleroy Tie" was just flaming..seriously flaming.

Now over at Evil Aaron’s, Aaron is getting ready for his trip to Miami, Minnie will remain in Mexico DF, to work with Fedra doing everything possible to keep Rod’s & Gavi’s DNA from joining together and creating "A baby..A bastard baby that will steal the family fortune", well that is great as long as they have Rod’s best interest at heart. Minnie has some serious ice water in those veins. Aaron once again reassures Minnie of his undying love for her, she is his first, his last…his everything. Minnie looks uneasy, Aaron questions her, but I believe she is thinking of her unproductive womb.

Gavi doing her best "Young Abe Lincoln ciphering act", tells Ma do not be dismayed everything will work out. Clarita seems unsure…of course in between putting on a good face and a stiff upper lip, Gavi to is dying from Rod’s betrayal. All the sudden Gavi is feeling sick, Clarita is worried could it be that Gavi is once again pregnant from Rod’s most stellar sperm? She remarks Gavi has not been sick since the last time she was the proud barer of the Heir to the Tequila Empire. My husband was LOL at this, he says she is just sick from drinking a fifth of Tequila the night before. Clarita leaves to go get some soup for Gavi and Gavi puts her time to good use, by once again calling upon the Virgencita to help her out…like if you want me to be pregnant well so be it. I am waiting for the day the statue answers "I want you to pull your head out and start thinking ahead."

Rod is sitting in the library at the Hacienda, putting away Tequila, whining, "Por Que", "Por Que", now flash to Gavi who is also whining "Por Que", "Por Que"

Aaron arrives in Miami, the house maid takes his suitcase and tells Aaron that Pam is out by the pool…See I think she just wears a bikini and stands by the pool day in and day out waiting for Aaron, the maid walks up the steps and Aaron uses this time to check out her ass…

Meanwhile…Pamela…My lover stands on burning concrete
"Pam"?, oh please like you don’t know she is frozen in place until you release her. Anyway she comes out and looks all shy "Viche"? (yeah my captions changed Biche to Viche, whatever), she holds back, before throwing her arms around his neck…(I hear strains of Gigi, "When did your sparkle turn to fire And your warmth become desire?") Except it has been a long time since Pam saw fifteen and an even longer time since she saw innocent.
She coyly questions Aaron about his divorce…well babe it seems there is a slight delay with that due to problems at work; giggling Lil Miss Next Montalvo tells Aaron he will have to ask her father for her hand. Of course, Aaron will.

Minnie is meeting with Fedra, Once again Minnie is certain she is pregnant and she talks about how Gavi can’t have a bastard kid with Rod, what with the family fortune and all. Fredra kind of gets this damn you are BSC look before she joins forces with crazy Minnie. Now then you would think they were the "Health Dept of Merry Old England", trying to flush out the plague carrying rats. They will do everything to make sure Gavi never works again and she must never be allowed to get near Rod. It would do Gavi wonders if she only knew how scared these people are of her.

Isa/TWB, is coming down the hall of her apartment building, talking on her cell phone. She is arranging for tickets to an island, one for her and one for swarmy Frankie. He comes out and she tells him of her plans to get away, Francisco congratulates her on her choice and basically blows her off. I guess he has his eye on a bigger fish.

Pilar, Sofie and Dani have a conversation about Rod..they are aware he is in the hacienda, but he will take calls from no one….Elvis comes over and after a lot of hugging and kissing on Dani, he proceeds to give Pilar her usual kiss, she is less than thrilled. Dani decides that Elvis and she will go to the hacienda and lend support to Rod. Pillar is not pleased…they must stay in separate bedrooms. Notice Sofie can’t be bothered to go cause she is all involved with Frankie…

Videgaray is meeting with Bruno; Bruno is telling him of the betrayal of Gaviota. Videgaray is stunned, MariAnna Franco was always a good hard worker and helped the company a lot. Bruno who is completely stupid to his side of the family’s manipulations refuses to believe anything good about the deceitful little tramp. In comes the two sisters of charity, Minnie and Fedra, they look at Videgaray with suspicion, but he graciously greets them and takes his leave. Videgaray stops by to question Margarita about the where abouts of Gavi, but she has no information, other than Gavi told her the business was hell.

Clarita returns with some chicken soup which Gavi promptly runs to the bathroom and pukes up…she is very mal and can’t forget the betrayal of Rod. Clarita rubs her head and comforts her until she drifts off to sleep.

Videgaray has Margarita call the hacienda, but Rod will not take his call. He is dead, he will talk to no one.

Fedra & Minnie get the book of Tequila Companies from Bruno and proceed to spread lies about Gavi, they call that one guy (I don’t remember his name…the one Ma & Gavi went out with on Christmas nite) and tell him that she is a fraud and to never have anything to do with her again.

Sofie goes over to see Isa, which I think is just a ruse so she can hope to see Frankie, you know like I’ll drive past his house ninety five times. Isa is in the apartment, getting ready to go on her trip, she can’t find her keys and opens the hall door. There is Frankie who ran into Sofie (Sofie is wearing a suitable length full dark skirt..suitable for a proper young lady with a frilly see-thru blouse, but lest you get the wrong idea, Sofie is wearing the proper camisole beneath it..). Frankie calls Sofie; his little flower in French, then he proceeds to bump and grind her until she tells him he must control himself. Alas when around her Frankie can’t. I really think the Union of United Gigolos needs seriously smack this guy around, he is giving man whores everywhere a bad name.

Sofie goes in to tell Isa that Rod is at the hacienda all by his lonesome and hey wouldn’t this be a great time for reconciliation? Isa tells her no way, no how and she is going on a trip and does not know when she will be back.

Dani and Elvis arrive at La Hacienda, Elvis glad hands Roman and then proceeds to help Roman with the luggage, Roman no doubt thinks it must be the end of days, actually getting help.
Dani knocks at the door and goes in to see Rod, Rod clutches her and begins to cry..rather to sob. Okay Okay I did feel pretty bad for him at this point. He brought the pain, I believed him. Dani just holds him.
Rod tells Dani that Gavi has killed him, nonsense she replies, if you were dead you wouldn’t feel this bad..
Rod offers Dani a drink and when she declines he proceeds to pour more Tequila down. Dani tells Rod she does not believe the stories about Gavi, that Minnie and Aaron are evil and care only about the family fortune, they try to figure out how anyone found out that MariAnna is Gavi, they can come up with no ideas…Dani continues to defend Gavi and finally Rod blurts out that Gavi screwed around with Aaron, still Dani is unsure. By now Rod is drinking out of the bottle, I hope he doesn’t think he is pregnant tomorrow.

Elvis is in the kitchen meeting Roman’s wife he gives her the big hug & she is taken aback, yeah I too kinda wish he’d tone that down a bit. I’m not a big hugger. When offered coffee, Elvis makes a joke about wanting it black…

SanWannnnnaaaa is creeping up on Hilario & telling him how Rod is in the house with no Mrs. Rod and how Dani and her novio have can see SanWannnnnnna really creeps Hilario out and he is totally sorry he ever started that.

Back to Gavi, she finally wakes up and Ma gives her some pills to help lower her fever, meanwhile it is off to the hospital tomorrow if she isn’t better..Gavi says she will be fine tomorrow and it is all the fault of Rod.

Sofie and Swarmy Frankie are off to dinner.
Sorry but this was actually a kinda boring episode…
No Destilando tomorrow..but looks like Thursday Rod will torch the cabana where Clarita & Gavi stayed when they were Jimadors,…


Juan Querendon 6/26 Nidia loses again, Mareli declares war and Juan finds his girl

It’s an exciting day! It’s our first full hour of Juan Q! I have some more good news. According to, Juan has been extended to last for a full year! This means we’ve got plenty of time for Juan to whip out those hot orange shorts.

On to the show…

Never mind, don’t need the orange shorts. The turquoise boxers will do.

Paula sits in her room and CL lays in his. They both go over the argument from earlier in the day. Paula half smiles to herself.

The Cachon family moves out to their front porch. Alirio silences the mariachis and rushes over to Nidia. He drunkenly greets her with a kiss on the hand. She asks him if he’s lost a screw. He replies that he is crazy – crazy for her! Nidia points out that her husband has just recently passed away. She demands that he and his music remove themselves from her lawn. She tells him never to return, especially in a drunken state. Alirio protests. Nidia comes back just to tell him that the one who liked mariachis was her husband, may he rest in peace, not her. The family go backs into the house, minus Juan. Alirio dismisses the mariachis.

Juan pulls Alirio over to the bushes and decides its time for some advice about women. Oh boy! Alirio tells Juan that he has lived his life for Nidia. And for what? Juan says he doesn’t know what Alirio wants him to say. He’s lived the same thing. Alirio stands and yells at the house that she (Nidia) will agree with him. Juan tries to quiet him and for a thank you gets pulled back over the bush where they were just sitting. He pulls Alirio back to a sitting position. Alirio stands on his own again and screams about how he won’t be rejected like that. He pulls Juan to his side and “whispers” that he knows things about Nidia that she would not want the public to hear. Juan says that gentlemen shouldn’t say such things about a lady. Juan encourages Alirio to leave and to go rest. Alirio cries that he just wanted to have a moment with Nidia. Mareli peers from her windows to watch the desperate scene. Juan continues to encourage Alirio to leave. He catches Mareli watching, but she quickly pulls back into her room once she’s discovered.

It’s morning and Enrique is ready for the futbol game. Enrique wants Juan to go, but he can’t. Yadira enters the room in an interesting little outfit. Enrique wants to know if she thinks she’s going to the stadium. Yadira wants to know why he said that. Is there a problem! Enrique thinks she looks like a centerfold. He wants her to change her clothes. Yadira replies that she’s going dressed like or she’s going alone. I don’t think I’m supposed to like her character, but I can’t help that a “you go girl” ran through my head. Enrique takes his leave of Juan.

Mareli enters the room next. Juan asks if she’s going with her sister because he wants to talk about what happened last night. Mareli ignores Juan and walks right past him without saying a word. Juan talks to a statue instead. All he wanted to say was that he like football and that he likes her. The statue gets some lip action.

Nidia watches from the window while Yadira and Enrique board the bus for the game. Mareli passes on the sidewalk on top of the case. Nidia smiles and goes back into the house. She calls to Juan to have him do her a favor. Juan tells the statue that its boss is calling. He begrudgingly walks up the stairs.

Ha! I just noticed that Nidia has in her room a picture of herself in a sexy pose. What a narcissist! I love it! Juan knocks and Nidia tells him to enter. The room is empty, so he looks for Nidia under the bed. She calls him to the bathroom and he opens the door to see a very naked Nidia taking a very sexy bubble bath.

Ana leaves the house, but not before Paula can ask where she’s going. Ana says she’s taking flowers to Paula’s father’s grave. Ana asks if Paula’s planning on going out. Paula says that she’s not because she wants to have Saturday for rest. Ana says she won’t be long and they can eat together afterward. Paula asks if Ana would like some company. Ana asks if Paula wants to go. Paula replies that it will take her ten minutes to clean up. She rushes up the stairs to her room.

Juan joyously notes that there’s a pool in the bathroom. He asks Nidia for what she wants. She throws the sponge at him and asks him to scrub her back and to um, close the door. Juan closes the door with his foot. He turns his head away and holds out a back brush. Nidia grabs the brush part from him and tells him not to be silly; he knows what she wants. This time he holds out the stick with a loofah attached to the end. He tells Nidia that he’ll be late to the market. Nidia gets straight to the point and asks Juan to make love to her. She stands while he turns away and holds her bathrobe towards her. He asks what about her daughters. She thinks he’s too worried; the girls are away. Juan backs out of the room while Nidia prowls after him and tells him that they’re alone all day to do their thing. Juan clutches the dresser in resistance. Nidia throws her bathrobe over Juan’s face.

Oops, Mareli must have forgot something. She’s walking outside back toward the house. Inside, Juan pulls the bathrobe off of his head and quickly gives it back to Nidia. She asks him why he’s being so difficult. Juan says that it’s no good. Nidia crawls onto the bed and points out that it’s been a long time since she’s had a passionate moment. Years, really! There was no intimacy with her husband. She needs more; a man with imagination. A man like Juan! Nidia says that she’s now free to love and be loved. She stalks Juan like prey and tells him to give it to her. He rushes away and says that they’re going to fast. She’s a new widow. She grabs his face and asks him if he wants her. Juan scrunches his face.

Mareli’s in the house now, and she’s walking up the stairs. Juan pulls away from Nidia again and tells her that he has much respect for her, with all she’s done for him. Nidia says that she’s not talking about respect. She’s talking about respect. Nidia pulls Juan to the bed. She talks about her daughters, and how much she’s given them. Nidia rubs Juan’s belly and says that it’s now her turn.

Mareli approaches her bedroom door and overhears Juan telling Nidia that they should wait a while. Nidia asks if he’s saying this because of Mareli. J – “Among other thins!” Mareli listens at the door. Nidia tells Juan not to pay attention to Mareli. Juan continues to protest while Nidia goes to town. Mareli bursts into the door. She looks with disgust at her mother and with I’m-not-sure-what-that-look-means at Juan. Seriously, would your first instinct after hearing that conversation through your mothers door be to burst into the room? Me either!

Nidia guiltily asks Mareli if she’s not at the movies. Mareli accuses her mother of having no shame for trying to get it on in the same bed Nidia shared with Mareli’s father. Juan tries to say that it wasn’t how it appeared, but Mareli yells at him to shut up. Mareli tells her mother that she can do what she wants with her life, but to please have a little respect for Samuel’s memory. Juan starts to protest again, but Nidia pulls out the ace. She and Juan are in love. Juan’s reaction is not a happy one. Mareli says that at times she doesn’t know what to think about her mother. Nidia doesn’t really care what Mareli thinks. Mareli says she knows, looks at Juan with disgust and exits the room.

Nidia coyly looks at Juan and says that they’ve been caught. Now they have to get married.

Mareli goes to Samuel’s office and looks at a photo of Samuel and Nidia. She cries and affectionately says “father.”

Juan’s mad and he lets Nidia have it. This is what he was talking about! Who knows what Nidia’s daughter is thinking! Nidia doesn’t think that’s important. Besides, Mareli acts more like Nidia’s daughter. Juan says that Mareli needs Nidia and that she speaks with reason. Nidia replies that that is all pretext. What’s important is that now Juan doesn’t want her. Juan thinks that Nidia needs to go to her daughter and fix things. Nidia wants to fix things with Juan first. Juan practically begs her to understand that there is nothing between them. Nidia says she won’t give up on them so easily. Nidia says that they can leave things as they are for now and she will go speak with her daughter. Juan backs himself out of the room.

Juan knocks on the office door and enters to speak with Mareli. Mareli says she doesn’t want details. Juan tries to explain that Nidia called to him to do a favor, but Mareli cuts him off. She tells Juan that she doesn’t believe anything he says. Even if she’s wrong, he’s an opportunist. He’s using a desperate woman, Mareli’s mother. Mareli asks if Juan wants to be in her bed as well. Juan protests. Mareli says that Juan needs to come down from his cloud and understand that they will never be anything but enemies. She gets up and leaves him alone in the office. Juan thinks to himself that Mareli is like this because she’s jealous.

Ana and Paula place flowers on Samuel’s grave. Ana points out that nobody has been to visit the gravesite. Paula replies that the only important thing to that family is there inheritance. Ana says that she’s happy that Paula is there and that Paula and Samuel resolved their differences. P – “Too late.” The ladies continue to fix the grave with new flowers.

Yadira and Enrique are at the stadium watching the game. Some men behind Yadira have been insulting her for the last half hour. She’s upset because Enrique has done nothing about it. Enrique thinks that she should expect it, dressed like that. Yadira calls Enrique a coward. The men tell her to shut up so they can watch; she turns and defends herself. Enrique continues to watch the game. They insult some more and she smacks Enrique’s arm. He stands to defend her and gets pushed around by the men. The group starts to fist fight. Some woman starts to fight with Yadira.

Juan comes down the stairs just as Enrique and Yadira enter the house. Yadira yells at Enrique that the whole thing is his fault. Juan looks at Enrique’s eye. Mareli enters and asks what happened. Yadira explains that Enrique defended her. Mareli tells Yadira that they need to speak. Yadira doesn’t want to do it right now, but she leaves the room with Mareli anyway.

They go to Samuel’s office. Mareli announces that she wants to talk about Juan. Yadira replies that she thinks Juan likes Mareli. That’s not what Mareli wants to discuss. She tells Yadira that Juan was in bed with their mother. Yadira doesn’t seem to care. This throws Mareli into a tizzy. As a matter of fact, Yadira thinks it’s perfectly fine and natural. Mareli thinks he’s taking advantage of their mother. Yadira wants to know how, considering they’re broke. She tells Mareli to get accustomed to seeing Juan around. Her mother won’t easily let him go.

Just so you know, today is Sunday!

Juan walks into the kitchen and sees Mareli washing dishes. He stomps his foot on the floor. She jumps, sets down the dish and charges out of the room. He stomps his foot again and follows her.

There’s a strange cut and now Juan is in the bar area with Enrique. They’re walking toward the back of the house when Nidia calls to Juan. She gestures for him to come to her. Instead, he and Enrique go to the bus.

Juan’s driving and he’s doing it fairly well.

Next, we see him in his “pajamas” in his room. He hears footsteps and covers himself. Nidia enters and does a sexy dance. Juan pretends to be snoring. Nidia leaves, frustrated.

Now it’s Monday!

The women eat breakfast. Juan comes into the dining room wearing a new suit. The ladies, minus Mareli, love it. Juan notices the effect it has on the women and that it doesn’t seem to get any type of reaction out of Mareli.

Paula walks into her office at Farrell Industries. She’s zipped up the jacket, but pulled up the skirt. CL waits greets her. He knew she would return. He says that he won’t bother her anymore and then he leaves. Paula looks a little unconfident.

Yadira and Nidia escort Juan out of the mansion. This makes Juan feel like a real man of the house. Yadira watches from her window, but pulls away when Juan waives. Enrique sees Juan and is impressed by the suit as well. The women do their best Miss Universe waive good-bye.

Pastor sits in his office and looks at his grooming kit. He prepares himself for Juan’s arrival. Someone knocks on the door. It’s Paula and she wants to know who authorized a certain purchase that she finds strange. Pastor doesn’t seem concerned. Yes, it was expensive and there was some concern but the commercial vice president decided to go this direction. CL should be signing it right now.

Paula bursts into CL’s office and says that she really needs to speak with him. Paula shows CL the estimates for the packing machine and that the company will purchase the most expensive. CL reviews the document and scoffs. He can’t believe that he almost signed the authorization. Paula tells CL that the vice president made this decision. CL picks up the phone and calls Pastor to his office.

Juan walks around the lobby of Farrell Industries. He sees how people look at him in that suit, especially Pastor. Pastor effusively compliments Juan’s look. Juan thinks to himself that Pastor is just like Nidia. He’s only seen Juan once and has already decided that Juan is the man of his (Pastor’s) life. Pastor says that Juan needs to wait in the lobby. Pastor leans over to Yvonne and tells her to get Juan some coffee. Juan sees everyone looking and knows that they all think he’s Pastors new “friend”. He walks to Yvonne and tells her that he doesn’t like coffee. Juan also tells her that he dreamed about her last night. I – “Good dreams or bad ones.” Juan gives her the whatever you prefer answer. She smiles and asks if he wants some tea. He says he would.

Back at the house, Yadira opens the front door to find Alirio and a whole lot of roses. He wants to speak with Nidia. Yadira says that Nidia’s not there; she went to a beauty salon. She allows Alirio to come into the house so that she can explain some things. They sit and Yadira tells Alirio that Nidia is in love. Alirio is impactado. He wants the details. Yadira tells Alirio that the man is Juan. Alirio proceeds to kill the roses and the coffee table.

CL gives it to Pastor. These things are supposed by looked at by the accounting. Pastor replies that they were in a rush. CL doesn’t like this answer and tells Pastor to bring Gomez immediately. Pastor rushes from the office. Paula tells CL that she doesn’t want to get anyone in trouble. CL replies that this man gets himself into his own trouble. Paula gets up to leave. CL says that it’s lucky he has her to count on. Paula asks if she can continue working with him. He says of course; everything is forgotten. She agrees.

Pastor stands in the lobby and explains to Juan that there’s been a problem. He asks Juan to go find Fernando who Juan is replacing. Pastor slightly describes Fernando but then remembers that Juan has already met the man. Juan leaves to find Fernando. Pastor goes to Yvonne and tells her to find Gomez.

Juan quickly finds Fernando. He tells Fernando that Pastor wants Fernando to explain the job. Fernando asks if Pastor was going to explain the job. Juan says that he was, but Fernando has more time. Fernando responds that the only responsibility is to take the boss wherever he wants. Juan notices that Fernando is a little frigid and decides to warm things up. He pats Fernando on the back. Fernando doesn’t like this. He doesn’t want to make Pastor jealous. Juan says that he doesn’t understand, but Fernando thinks that Juan does understand. Once Fernando leaves, Juan thinks to himself that this has gone from bad to worse. Everyone thinks that he’s Pastor’s new “friend”.

CL stands in his office and let’s Gomez have it. Gomez says that he’s offended. CL replies that Gomez is not offended; he’s fired. Gomez threatens CL but CL points out that this paper allows him to accuse Gomez of fraud. Gomez leaves the office.

Gomez goes to Paula’s office and sarcastically thanks her. He accuses her of taking care of her own “interests”. She orders him out of the office, but he won’t leave without giving a piece of advice. He tells her to be careful of CL. He’s always the same with women like her. Pastor enters the office and tells Paula to go to CL. Gomez sarcastically tells Paula to go get her prize. She stomps out of the office.

Pastor and Paula enter CL’s office. CL says that Gomez’s error almost cost them a fortune. Paula says that maybe it was unintentional. CL doesn’t care; Gomez is fired. CL says that he needs to quickly fill this position. He’s putting someone there who has his utmost confidence. Pastor thinks this means him. He gives his best acceptance speech. CL corrects Pastor and says that he’s talking about Paula. He congratulates Paula with a kiss on the cheek. She looks a little unsure.

Juan sits in the Mercedes and familiarizes himself with all the gadgets. Juan brushes a button and sets off the car alarm. Fernando rushes over and tells Juan to be careful. The alarm system is connected directly with the police. Fernando asks if Juan has ever driven a car like that. J – “Yes, of course!” F – “It doesn’t appear that way.” Juan replies that all the cars he’s driven had the alarm on the other side. Fernando says that all of these cars have the alarm in the same spot. Juan shrugs.

CL tells Pastor that now that Paula is Vice President, she should have Gomez’s car. Pastor says that car doesn’t have a chauffer. He inserts that he hired Juan as a temporary driver. CL says that Pastor should look for another driver. CL turns to Paula and says that he’ll explain the job to her tomorrow. He does not want her to deceive him. She assures him that she won’t. They all go their separate days.

Pastor complains to Paula that he’s worked in the company twenty years and this is how they pay him. Paula asks if her promotion bothers Pastor. He says yes. She thanks him for his frankness. He tells her that in Mexico a pair of legs can do more than years of experience. He wants to know what he’s implying. He retorts that everyone knows about CL. Paula says that it’s different with her. Pastor will never again doubt her integrity! The whole office watches the confrontation.

Fernando asks Pastor why he can’t go on vacation. Pastor explains that Fernando doesn’t have a replacement. Fernando wants to know about Juan. Pastor says that Juan will be the vice president’s chauffer. Fernando replies that Gomez never had a chauffer. Pastor tells Fernando that Gomez was fired. Fernando asks who is the new vice president.

Paula sits in her office, talking on the phone. She tells her mother that Paula’s the new vice president. This will bring the family a lot of money. Ana’s more worried about CL. Paula says that she’ll tell her mom the details later. Ana congratulates her daughter, but seems pensive.

Juan and Pastor exit the elevator. Pastor tells Juan to get more appropriate shoes to go with suit. Juan says he doesn’t have the money. Pastor replies that the new shoes will be a gift. Pastor rushes Juan to meet his new boss. They need to hurry because the old lady is unbearable.

Juan walks through the office and seductively looks at Yvonne. Pastor enters Paula’s office and asks for orders for the chauffer. Paula tells him to have the driver wait for her; she’s going to her house to eat.

Juan waits for a long time in the lobby. He’s sure that his boss will be fat and quarrelsome. He sees his beautiful angel, the love of his loves. He admires Paula from across the office.
The name of the little ditty they play is called "Palomita" by Eduardo Antonio.

Just so you know, any resemblance to real events is pure coincidence.

Tomorrow: A lot of Juan staring at Paula


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