Thursday, July 12, 2007

Zorro Wednesday July 11, 2007: Where Alejandro pulls out the old uniform and the game of Zorro style telephone begins.

Diego catches Montero and Mariangel in a compromising position and seems none too surprised. He states that this has probably been going on for a while. Mangle demands to know what her husband is doing there and Diego says that he’s just trying to find out what type of woman he married. Montero spouts off that he won’t say what Diego saw is not what it seems because he’d be lying. MA tries to get him to shut up by saying Ricardo and Diego has fun commenting on her use of Montero’s given name. Monty tries to defend Mangle and states that the two of them have plans that don’t involve Diego. Diego says he’s not surprised to find the two as allies, they are very similar people. He doesn’t care that they’re together, but he does care that they drag him into whatever plot they’re hatching and ruined his life in the process. Monty takes offense and grabs for his sword and Diego tells him to unsheathe it all the way, he’ll fight him with only his fists. Monty changes his mind, Diego’s day will come and Monty will make sure he pays dearly. Monty tells Diego to give Mangle back her child, then lays a heavy kiss on her, and leaves.

Maria Pia tends to Fernando in the woods. He mutters that she didn’t get married and that when he learned this it gave him strength and he escaped from prison. He tells her he was wounded in his flight. She turns him over and says that his wound isn’t bleeding. Fernando says “then I didn’t dream it.” MP wonders what he didn’t dream and Fernando tells her that he was forgiven, she forgave me.

Santiago wanders around town and it is all abuzz that Fernando escaped from prison. Santiago turns the corner and spots the Cebolla/Onion brothers (he owes them money). SM wonders if they’ve come to LA for him.

Outside the Sanchez home, Monty finds Piza. He demands to know why Diego was allowed to enter the residence. Piza says that if Diego entered the home, he didn’t do it through the front door. Monty takes this as further proof that Diego is Zorro. Piza asks him pretty much the same. Piza tries to point out that proving Diego is Zorro is going to be a hard task because they tried before and it was dismissed because of lack of evidence. Pizarro advises Monty that he’s seeing enemies in every direction, some that aren’t really there (smoke screen to cover his own tracks so he can complete his assassination attempt). Monty says “I’ll kill Diego and then we’ll see that Zorro has disappeared. I swear it will happen.”

While the two men are having this conversation, Esmeralda and Camba are taking a stroll through town. Esme is using the ever-clever fan in front of the face disguise. She spots Monty and his right hand man and swears that she’ll see the end of them (all part of her plan for VENGEANCE!!).

Mangle and Diego banter back and forth about “their” son. Diego basically tells Mangle that he’s unwilling to treat his son as a commodity and he will not pay her in order for him to keep Alejandrito. Diego does say he’ll compensate Mangle for no longer being his wife. Mangle objects to this and demands that she wants her son. Diego laughs and says that she has no real interest in the child and he’s determined to protect his son from finding out just what kind of woman is mother really is. Mangle tells Diego that he won’t succeed in keeping her son from her and that it is going to cost him more than he ever imagined.

The Onion brothers spot Santiago and they start to rough him up. They want their money and SM says that he’s about to come into an inheritance. When the Onions demand. When his aunt dies. The brothers don’t like the sound of this and they rough him up some more. Santiago swears that he’ll be able to get them the money if they let him go. The Onions really want their money, so they agree, but if Santiago fails to get the money to them before their ship is scheduled to leave he’ll become shark food. Santiago mutters that he really needs Diego to lend him the money and says that anything SM is forced to do at this point is Diego’s fault.

Still on her stroll, Esme spots the Queen and rehashes with Camba about her mother being the true heir and all that stuff. Funny thing, Camba cannot understand a word, but the viewing audience is brought up to speed, just in case they’ve missed the last, I don’t know, 50 episodes.

The Queen talks with Padre Tomás. They rehash about how she doesn’t trust the Duke and she suspects that he knows everything that’s going on. TQ is convinced that DJ is planning to do something at the ball. PT offers her protection, because he’s got some powerful friends. TQ isn’t sure that there is enough time for PT’s friends to get there. Therefore, PT tells the Queen she needs to appoint Alejandro governor first thing at the ball. That way, when Sara Kali makes her appearance, Alejandro and his men will be able to protect both her and the Queen and DJ and Monty’s men can’t do a thing.

Alejandro and Almudena are together. Dena has flashes back to her finding Esme in the nursery with Alejandrito. Alej gets her to come back to the present and they talk about how cute the baby is and how much Diego loves him. The two discuss how Alejandrito looks like Diego. Dena smiles and Al questions what the reason is behind it. Dena says he’ll know soon.

Meanwhile, the two soldiers that Mangle asked to get the baby are approaching the hacienda. They are checking out the defense on the perimeter and deciding how they can best penetrate it. One thinks a rifle and a distraction is all they need. The other thinks a cannon might be necessary. This one’s not thinking straight, and his compatriot calls him on it. He says he’s just eager to get the job done because Mangle promised to pay them with money and “special” favors.

Monty and some of his soldiers terrorize the townsfolk. They round up some people and demand that Fernando Sanchez be presented. Monty sets a cart afire.

Diego and Bernardo walk the mean streets of LA. Diego starts to tell Bernie to inform Alej that the baby needs to have more protection because he doesn’t trust Mangle. It isn’t clear if Bernie gets the message, because Diego’s ADD flairs up and he spots the countessa. He decides to follow her.

Padre Tomás meets with Alej and rehashes his conversation with the Queen. Alej tells PT that Sara Kali is alive and will be at the ball. PT tells Alej he already knew this and so does TQ. PT tells Alej that TQ will be appointing him governor and that she’s going to need his help. Alej is pleased to hear of his upcoming promotion.

Maria Pia takes Fernando to the cabin in the woods and along the way runs into the faithful servant, Juan. Juan insists on going with her, but MP talks him out of is. She tells Juan to let Alej know she’s not going to the ball.

Santiago meets with Mangle and tells her that he’ll get the baby from the hacienda. However, he wants to meet her tonight and exchange the baby for the money. Mangle says that she can’t, the ball is tonight. SM is insistent. They will meet tonight for the exchange, at the north gate of the city.

Diego stops Camba and asks about the Countessa. Camba babbles and Diego figures out that Camba doesn’t speak Spanish. So he tries to use hand signs to explain that he wants to meet the Countessa.

Fernando tells Maria Pia that she’s going to be condemned for helping a fugitive. She tells him that she was condemned years ago, when she fell in love with him. MP tells him that when she heard he was arrested she knew she couldn’t marry Fonzie. Fernando says he was only trying to seek forgiveness from all the people he’s hurt. MP says she knows the Alej and Diego will be able to forgive him, just as she has. She can because Fernando is a changed man. FS says that there is a God because I can see that you love me. They kiss.

Alej fills Dena in on all the goings on with the Queen and PT. He tells her that he’s going to be appointed governor and that the Queen will need his protection because Sara Kali is alive.

Alej, back in uniform, goes out and gathers the workers on his hacienda. He wants any man who knows how to use a gun to join him. Diego finds his father and they rehash everything about the promotion and Sara Kali. Diego offers to join his father in protecting the Queen, but Alej tells him to just go to that ball as a guest.

DJ tells Misael that he’s worried that the Queen will find out the truth about his dirty deeds (ulcer 1). He decides that the only solution will be to make Mercedes/Sara Kali disappear and the make the Queen disappear along with her. Misael does not like this idea because surely the blame will be cast on them. DJ assures Misael that Zorro will take the blame for the Queen’s demise.

Maria Pia feeds FS. He feels uncomfortable being at the cabin because he remembers the last time they were there. MP tells him to forget the past, he’s changed. He says that is all thanks to her and they kiss. Then we are shown a brief image of the two of them are in bed together. WOW, that Fernando must have some stamina---he’s tortured, shot, and still can make it with Maria Pia.

Diego, playing the every popular Zorro version of the telephone game, tells Bernie all the stuff that’s going to happen at the ball (let’s see it went Queen to PT, PT to Alej, Alej to Diego and now Diego to Bernie----since Bernie can’t talk, I think he’s the end of the line). Diego tells Bernie that he thinks he’s missing something and Bernie asks if it is something to do with WIB. Diego says she doesn’t worry him.

SAM and Esme talk about how her son will be waiting for her once she is done with her mission. SAM says and her love, Diego, will also be waiting. Esme muses if it is her love or someone who used to love her that will be waiting.

The gitanos head into town, dressed in their costumes. Just a thought, do you think Sara Kali will be easy to spot, since she wore a mask for so many years. Anyway, I can’t tell who is who, but I think SK is disguised as a soldier in a mask---is that correct?

Tobi is dressed in drag as his costume. He looks like a cross between Phyllis Diller and Tori Spelling. He goes to meet with Agapito, who is impressed with his disguise. They talk over Tobi’s plans to get rid of Pizarro.

The Queen shows DJ her mask and they comment about it being a sad face. DJ wants to escort the Queen, but she tells him she’s going to be escorted by PT.

Zorro, up on a rooftop, overhears Piza talking to one of his men. They talk about their plan and how a gunshot and then a commotion will be their cue for escape. It isn’t clear what their plan is, but Zorro knows something is a foot.

Alej and Dena arrive at the ball. Alej is in uniform, without a mask. He poses in various positions around the ballroom. He gets his men inside.

Monty questions why Alej is wearing the uniform and why he has men positioned inside the ballroom.

Olmos is still imprisoned with Laisha. They talk about how both of them have made foolish choices because of love. Piza shows up and says that they’ll be escaping tonight. Olmos insists that Laisha be able to come with them. Piza says OK, after initially disagreeing, but if Laisha gets in the way, he’ll personally kill her.

Catalina is detained by soldiers, as per Piza’s orders.

The Queen arrives with her entourage.

Zorro sneaks into a room, only to discover that WIB is already there. He says, “You again.” END OF EPISODE/ Ulcer 1


Juan Q 7/11/07 -Juan digs in deeper, Cesar Luis goes in for a kill, well maybe a mame, but Nidia seems surprisingly down to earth

Darn if I didn't miss like the first minute or so again. I was watching the game, then went out to take some photos, came back at 3 min. after and they were on new material already! So I came in when CL was telling Ana something about being careful, and that his life is an open book. Paula runs down the stairs and says she's ready, so they go. CL tells Ana that Paula is in the best of hands, but clearly Ana isn't convinced as she watches with consternation as they depart in his jag.

Back at NN, Yadhira says she's got the plan, Juan escapes at midday, and he and Fer wait for them to come to the office. Yadira assures Marely that today she'll get her job because Fer can't resist giving Yadi anything right about now. Marely looks at Juan and begs that he agree. He tells himself that she shouldn't look at him with that little rose gardener face because he can't say no to that, so he says yes, but then reminds himself he's getting himself into trouble again.

CL and P stop in the hot jag at the Pemex to get some gas. He asks her what kind of music she likes. She says whatever you want. He says he likes tango, but for this trip he thinks jazz is better.

Ok, I must digress now. You'd think he'd have said the doors or Janis Joplin or Pink Floyd based on what follows. I can't decide what happened here. Either the editor spilled his cafe con crema on the editing board, or he let his young nephew come visit who played with the equipment, or maybe they just had an office party and the editor ingested something more than tacos, but the result is a treat to some psychedelic visual effects complete with colors and something that looks like an alien ufo landing on their heads as they are driving. Mexico doesn't use the nozzle fume protectors as often there, so maybe that is supposed to illustrate the after effect of breathing in the gas fumes? :) Who knows. Wacked.

OK we go back to the office where Juan is revealing "the plan" to Fer who wants to know why he would tell the girls such a thing, and anyway, where did he tell them? Juan says at breakfast, and he couldn't resist. Fer wants to know why he was having breakfast with them. Juan finally admits that ok, he lives in that same house, but he didn't say before because he didn't want Fer to think other things. Fer is upset about what other lies there might be and if they are wrapped up together in this problem then he better come clean with him. Juan swears there's nothing else and that now they need to concentrate on the issue at hand, that these ladies are coming today and think that we are both these powerful executives. Fer is really mad about this situation. Juan senses something is there, and asks if he is really intersted in Yadi. Fer says he's not interested, he's in love.

Juan impactado says, well do you really think that she would be interested in a lowly chauffer? Fer replies with this wonderful line: the only thing that matters in love is personality and hygiene. Is that true??? It's that simple? Geez, what have I been after all these years then? Silly me.

Juan continues that he knows this chick well, and all that matters to her is the size of your wallet. Fer asks do you think I'm in danger then? Juan says he doesn't know exactly, you have to ask her, but you can do that later because right now we have to concentrate on playing his game. Fer agrees, but he doesn't want to mess it up with this girl. It occurs to Juan that they are already in luck, because neither of their bosses is in the city right now!!!

Monica pulls another of her surprise visits home. I don't know, I'm thinking that if she does it so often like this it's not quite a surprise, and CL should be used to this possibility by now and wouldn't go say on a seminar/rendevous weekend with hot co-workers, but what do I know. Of course, we'd have no plot then.

We go to the hotel in Taxco where Cl and Paula are checking in after the drive on the long and winding road da da da da da da..... Paula asks when the seminar begins and the clerk doesn't know but she'll find out and she asks them if they have any room preference. Paula asks if the honeymoon suite is available and CL looks hopefully impactado. The clerk says that they had been booked for two separate rooms but if she wants it can be changed. Cl is foaming at the mouth and says it's not a problem for him but Paula cuts him down that it's just a joke. They get dropped off at their rooms. They both seem to look around very mysteriously at all corners of the room, especially the adjoining door. Cl looks toward the adjoining inner door and the bell man asks if he would like him to connect those, and Cl says no, maybe later....

The editor plays with his toys again and shows us a splitscreen of them both looking at the adjoining doors.

Juan and Fer are continuing hatching their grand scheme. Juan is reciting how it's going to go down, that they are going to say they are having a meeting or something, and Fer says ok, great. but what if someone sees us, and Juan says we'll just ask some secretaries to cover us, and he mentions Yvonne. Fer says, no better not ask her. We had a relationship and there is some bitterness. Juan says don't tell me that you treated that bon bon of a woman poorly. Fer says no it's more like she treated me badly but nevermind that we don't have much time. Juan says right ok, so I'll take care of the secretaries. Fer says ok, just a minute. Your plan is perfect but what do you think of when I say this name PASTOR GAYTAN! Whoops Juan forgot about him and notes to him self that he's fired up about that loan and he's impactado.

Of course we go to Gaytan who is telling Yvonne how well Juan behaved with his mother who he loves but he knows can be the woman most intolerable on the planet. He continues how patient he was with her. GAYtan goes off into a daydream. Yvonne brings him back to earth and asks him if he doesn't think it a bit suspicious that there has been this sudden change and asks how he can be so sure that Juan is in to him. She asks if he's spoken to him about this. Pastor says no because he agreed to go out again with me this weekend!

Back at the steelhouse, Moni asks Chelo if she knows where the seminar is, and she says yes, but she forgot. So MOni calls Yvonne, who is more than happy to foil CL's plan, to get the information. Yvonne tells her everything and asks if she would like her to let CL know that she's back in town. Moni says no, she'll catch up with him in Taxco. This news makes Yvonne beam like a lighthouse, and she says that CL will be so happy to see her.

Moni wants to leave tonight to drive there, but Chelo is worried about her safety and says it's better to drive in the morning. Moni says she really wants to see her husband though, and Chelo responds what if something happens to you and you never see him again! She finally agrees that she'll wait and go tomorrow.

Back at the office Juan asks Yvonne if Pastor is occupied to which Yvonne replies he's always available for you, take advantage of your influence on him. Juan launches into a soliloquy about how he doesn't like her comments, especially since they are coming from a woman that nature has blessed so well but he can't worry about that right now he has to go straight into the wolf's den to resolve this problem of Pastor's presence when the Cachon sisters arrive. He begs Yvonne not to move. He goes in and kisses ome Pastor butt, saying how much he enjoyed the Mom. Going on about how frank she is, but if you don't take things personally you can just laugh at some of the things she says.

Pastor of course is relieved to hear all this, but now wants to know why he is here. Juan tells him, well actually, since his boss isn't here, he thought he would invite him to lunch. He tells himself even he can't believe that he is saying this. Pastor thinks that is a great idea. Juan tells him though that he would like it to be a private place, without too many people around because he doesn't want people talking, as you know how much of a rumor mill this place can be. He wants them to leave at separate times so the people don't see them leaving together. Pastor agrees that he's right that there should be some discretion, that it's not likely there would be any repercussions but you can never be too careful. Juan tells himself he will leave Pastor waiting for him in that private place to avoid the (noises) problem with the girls showing up, so the danger of him ruining it is over, but he knows this will cost him dearly in the future. He says he already sees his way around that too though.

Nidia comes into Yadi's room and notes that she is dressing herself up. yadi says because they are going to Juan's office to meet up with Fer and she thinks for sure Juan will get Marely a job today. Nidia says that' good. She sits down and looks sadly around. Yadi asks her what's wrong. She sobs, I've lost Juan forever, haven't I. yadi reponds well, pardon me for saying so, but you never really had him. Since he came to this house, he never had eyes for anyone other than Marely and it's best if you forget about him. Nidia says she knows that, and that she's right but it's hard for her to realize that the train has passed her by, and each time they pass further away. yadi tells her not to cry and that no man deserves her tears. Nidia says well you are too young to understand, but these are tears of frustration. She says the only man who took her seriously was Yadi's Dad. Just then Marely shows up at the door conveniently to hear the following. Nidia says that your father was a great man, but he took a lover and ever since then all he ever did was criticize that I wasn't well educated that I shouldn't be dressed a certain way, complaints, and yelling and everything else and now that's the only memory I have of him. Life shouldn't be like that. I'm no saint but I'm a woman in flesh and bones and still young, and I need to live a little more before the years get the best of me. I waited my whole life for love and the man who never came. I don't ask for much, just a little attention, a little passion, patience, company, that's not so much is it? She says maybe this man doesn't exist and maybe I should change my dream and look for a train that stops at this station.

Juan firms up the plan with Fer as they are walking. We go to Pastor who is asking Yvonne to borrow the apartment that she and CL use for their trysts and Yvonne says no way because Cl would be super mad if he found out that I let you go there with another man he'll fire me and send me on my way. Pastor reminds her that her days with him are numbered anyway and he keeps on begging. Finally she lets him have the keys.

The hermanas Cachon come downstairs and the mom compliments her princesses to which they are surprised at her sentimentality because they aren't moving to Japan or anything., only going out for the afternoon. Yadi asks why her mom doesn't get dressed up a little more today too. Marely tells her not to pay attention to that, she looks great even without having done anything to herself. they go and when Yadi opens the door, who's standing there but none other than Enrique!

When then go to the hotel where CL is watching a nature show in his room and the narrator tells of the lion mating ritual and how the male has to wait for the female's signal that she's willing to accept a mate. Once he's entered her territory he must proceed with caution because if the female is warned of his presence she might react violently, but once he's gotten the signal he can attack without pity or thinking about it one second more. During this narration CL notices Paula floating in the pool in her bikini (amazing how a courtyard pool just magically appeared outside of his room, when it had been greenery and a garden when they first checked in.) He lusts after Paula.

We then go to Enrique busting Yadira for her outings with Fer saying he saw it all. She makes up stories at first when he asks where she is going, but finally ends up saying yeah so, I like him and we kissed and guess what, you and I are over. Then Enrique starts saying but wait my queen I love you. She says well that's a shame because I don't care for you and she picks up the letter opener that looks like a dagger.

I can't help thinking when I see scenes in that office that that is where the Dad shot himself to death. Surely there must have been a clean up job necessary inlcuding new carpet etc, which they apparently had no money for. I just can't get past that with these scenes. I, for one, would never want to go back in that room.....but we must suspend reality....

Back in the office Juan and Fer are awaiting the beginning of their scheme when Pastor shows up and announces that something bores the bear and that they need to find something to do. He asks Juan if he's ready to go. Juan said yes but you and I agreed that you would go first and I would follow. Pastor says that everyone is gone already and they won't see us anyway. Juan reminds him they agreed and that G needs to respect their agreement, besides there is Fer what is he chopped liver? G just smiles and says yeah, he'll probably get jealous. Juan thinks to himself Fer has maybe hidden something too. G says fine, and gives him the address but says for him to hurry up because he can't wait that long. Juan says he can't believ that maybe Fer has a double life too. He said this would explain a few things, including why he's so snide with Juan.

Back at the pool Cesar Luis moves into his lionesses territory and asks if he can join her. She tells him she was counting on this time to relax on her own. He says of course the pool is big and he can go to another side. She tells him again it's a joke and he can't tell the difference? He says not with herbut ok so he can come in. He asks her about the water and then jumps in but realizes it's not that deep. They chat about when the seminar is really supposed to begin and she says that she thinks he's known all along that it wasn't starting until tomorrow, but he made up an excuse to stow away for some relaxing time with some company. He jokes about that and she jokes that his life is so difficult, and he says you know that it really is.

Back at the house Nidia hugs Marely who is only happy to love up her mom some more.She says she's sorry for acting like a fool. Nidia takes advantage of this opportunity to warn her about Juan that she should just be careful because really we don't know that much about him etc. OK deja vue? Isn't this the conversation Marely had with Nid a few weeks back? Well anyway. Marely says don't worry I'll be careful. Mom says so you are interesetd? Marely says wel, I like him and he's doing all these great things for me, but appreciation isn't love. She says well be careful but don't let love pass you by either. Yadi comes in and says they need to go before Enrique slashes his wrists. Nid feels bad for him, but Yadi says he's impossible.

Nid goes in and comforts Kike and tells him this isn't the end of the world.

Paula and Cesar Luis are chatting out of the pool now about how she got where she is, and she bugs him to know more about him and how he got where he is. The gist is that he wanted to see the world and he went around with his backpack and he was cold and hungry but he felt free and that ended because of love. He fell in love with his wife and had to prove himself to her father essentially and that's how he ende up so competitive.

Moni is at home still, finally having some doubts and wondering why Cesar never told her about this trip, but she talks herself out of worrying about it.

The boys are awaiting their ladies, fearing that they are late, when, boom, they show up. Juan begs Yvonne to help him out with this because she wonders what they are doing here. She reluctantly says fine.

Back to the pool where Cesar continues to explain that he and Moni got married too young and both got absorbed in their careers and forgot about themselves. Paula is falling for all this hook, line, and sinker. She tells him, well, if they recognize where they went wrong then they can fix it, no? He says no love is something very fragile, too mysterious, and if you let it die you can't get it back ever. She doesn't agree with that.

He says something else and she asks if they tried, and he says he thought maybe a child would help it, but thankfully Monica had no time for a family. She wonders why that is fortunate. He said because then three of us would suffer.

Nidia and Kike are bonding over Cazadores. Ah, the complete painkiller, tequila! She tells him he should give her space, and he says he can't get her out of his mind.

In the office Juan and Fer are dramatizing in front of the girls when the phone rings. Marely tells Juan he should answer it. He doesn't want to be bothered, but Yvonne comes in and says Gaytan is looking for him. He takes the call and manhandles him that they had an agreement, yelling into the phone. The girls are impactado. We see Pastor setting out shrimp and being the submissive one.

Back at the pool CL lays it on super thick now and he lets a tear slide, but apologizes. She says something about if all men could realize and express their feelings this way then we'd all understand each other. He tells her she knows him better than he knows himself. He takes her hand and kisses it and leans in for the lips and they cut.


Acorralada Tuesday 7/10/07 - Is Max Alive?

I'm going to keep Tuesday's recap short and sweet...

We begin with a scene where Octavia receives a phone call saying that the manicomio is burning! She tells Larry, Yolanda, and Marfil and they all run off to see if Max is alive.

Gaviota wants Diana to move back to the mansion, but Diana says no because Gav won't accept that Max is the love of her life. Gaviota drowns her sorrows at Paco's bar where she cries on Rodrigo's shoulder about how her daughters don't love her.

Camila finally realized that by burning the manicomio, they've killed Max! She comes totally unglued when this hits her.

Of course Max is not dead... he not only escaped the fire, but he took loco Pedro with him. Pedro plans to repay him when he recovers the millions of dollars that his brother stole from him. When he does that, they can get a lawyer who will give them new ID's that show Max's new name: Alejandro Salvatierra. They sleep on a beach where they're found the next morning by a humble fisherman and his daughter. The fisherman reminds me of "El Grillo" who rescued Diana. It's probably the same guy, they just left off the straw hat and overalls. The fisherman gives them food and clean clothes.

Max now remembers who Diana is, and he also remembers that she betrayed him by sleeping with Diego, so he hates her.

Octavia and the rest of the Irazabals are searching the rubble for Max. Diana, Emilio, Gaviota, and Rodrigo are all there too - the place is still burning but the firemen don't seem to mind all of these civilians gettting in their way. The director finally tells them that they've rounded up all of the surviving patients, and Max isn't one of them. He's dead.

Yolanda tells Rene that they must postpone the wedding because Max died last night. Rene is impactado.

Octavia goes to the hospital to tell Paola the news - against Paco's wishes. He doesn't think she's strong enough to handle it. He must be right - the news shocks her into a screeching fit and then we hear a beep. I was sure that she was dead, but it turns out that she's just in a coma.

Isabel has started working as Maxito's nanny, and prepares Diana a cup of poison tea and chats with her while Diana drinks it. She mentions to Diana that Gaby's trial starts today, which Diana didn't know or couldn't remember. Isabel is thinking to herself that Diana needs to drink the tea, which will "dry her up?" and soon the pain will be unbearable. Diana only takes a few sips and puts the cup down, but when she gets up to check on Maxito, she doubles over with stomach pain and falls to the floor. Credits roll.


Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Need a new Destilando Amor recapper for Thursdays, starting 7/26

Hey Destilando fans,

We need a new Thursday recapper! My day job is going to be ending soon, so I need to give up my recapping duties to focus more time on my job search. I'll cover recaps for Thurs. 7/12 and Thurs. 7/19. We'll need someone new starting Thurs. 7/26. Now's your opportunity to shine and have some fun, too!



FS is on the lam, Esme tips off Diego about Mangle & Montero and the Ball must go on

Almudena demands to know who Esme is and what is she doing with the baby. Esme puts the baby back in the cradle, turns around and says, “Aunt, it is I, Esmeralda.” She pulls down her ridiculous bandanna mask. Almudena is impactada. This is a red-letter day for Almudena – not only does she have sex with her husband for the first time in at least 6 months, she finds out that Esme isn't dead after all.

SM asks Diego what's going on with Esme. If he believes she is alive in the mountains, why hasn't he gone to look for her? Diego says that he has to wait until Bernardo recovers from his wound and then there's the masquerade ball. He'll go look for Esme after that. [It's a good thing Esme doesn't need rescuing. She seems to be pretty low on Diego's priority list.] SM then tells Diego that he has serious money problems. He had debts in Spain and has come to America to get the money to pay them. Diego asks how he plans to do that and SM hems and haws and finally says that he wants Diego to loan the money to him.

At first Almudena can't believe that Esme is real but she finally realizes that her 'niñita' is alive. Both women shed tears.

Mangle tries to convince the two soldiers to snatch little Al from the de al Vega's hacienda. She tells them that Montero knows about this but can't order it himself. The soldiers are concerned about what will happen after they take the baby since the de la Vegas are a powerful family. “Not to worry,” says Mangle, “at the Masquerade Ball, all the de la Vegas will be arrested for treason.” The soldiers decline her request saying that they don't take orders from civilians – even those backed up by Commander Montero. Mangle doesn't give up. She appears to be about to exercise her feminine wiles on the soldiers.

MP and Dolores [this is second time I've noticed that the director has used a mirror to show one of the participants in a conversation.] rehash the good old days when FS was courting MP. Dolores asks what happened to the jolly prankster. MP says that it was ambition and vengeance. He corrupted his heart by killing so many Indians, including Regina and then he went crazy when MP shut herself up in the convent and didn't tell him why she wouldn't marry him.

In the prison, FS finds out that MP did not marry Alfonso and that Alfonso left town. “This changes everything,” he says.

Esme only tells Almudena that Montero kept her a prisoner for a long time and told everyone that she was dead. Almudena wants her to stay at the hacienda but Esme tells her that she has things to do. Al comes looking for Almudena and Esme begs her not to reveal that she is alive to anyone. Esme runs off. Al asks why it took so long for Almudena to come back. She spins a story about the baby waking up. Al says that seems upset about something but she hugs Al saying that she is the happiest woman on earth.

Montero is torturing Pizarro's confederate to find out who is behind the plot against him. The guy refuses to talk and Pizarro walks in. Montero asks where he has been and Pizarro tells him that he has been working on the security for the Masquerade Ball. Montero accepts this excuse and curses the ball as another of his growing problems. He rehashes for Pizarro what happened with Leroy and the attempt on his life. “Not to worry,” says Pizarro, “I'll make this guy talk.” Montero tells him to get on with it and leaves. The guy on the rack is looking hopefully at Pizarro.

DJ has woken up the Queen and insists that she leave LA as soon as possible. He describes a city falling into chaos and Montero is not able to keep things under control. The Queen says that if she leaves LA, the terrorists will win. Besides, conspiracies in a hick town like LA can't be as bad as those in Spain – isn't that right, Duke? DJ squirms but agrees. DJ reiterates that Montero has been unable to keep Zorro from getting access to the Queen and urges her not to put her life in danger for a whim. The Queen says that she'll sleep on it.

The gypsies discuss whether Laisha betrayed them on purpose. SK says that now that they have lost the element of surprise, only a few gypsies should be involved. SK agrees and says that they should take advantage of the cover of darkness and move towards the city.

Montero comes to see FS in his cell. He still believes that FS was behind the plot to kill him. FS doesn't know what he's talking about, of course. Montero hits FS a couple of times and tells him that one of this confederates is on the rack now. If he doesn't confess, it will be FS's turn. Olmos and Laisha witness this exchange.

SM tells Diego about how he got into debt. A few seconds of the scene were not broadcast but some of SM's problems came from being involved with the “Hermanos Cebollos” - the Onion brothers. Anyway, Diego refuses to lend Santiago money. He offers him a job on the hacienda but SM is insulted at the thought of being a 'farmer.' He says that he will find a way to return to Spain with the money he needs.

Esme returns to her house and tells Garcia that she went to the hacienda and recognized little Al as her baby. She is sure that Montero engineered the switch when Mangle's baby died to fool Diego. Esme says that Montero wants to take Diego's money and land but it won't be so easy. She is waiting [as are we all] for the Masquerade Ball. Many lives will change there, including hers.

Diego, Almudena and Dolores are all wandering the halls of the hacienda in the middle of the night but nobody is with the baby. Almudena is sure that the baby is well protected. She tells Diego that he doesn't know the blessing that the child is and what happiness he will bring. [Esme did not tell Almudena that the baby was hers. Has she guessed?] Diego says that the baby is what keeps him going.

Pizarro “accidentally” kills his confederate while torturing him. Montero is annoyed. After he leaves, Pizarro apologizes to the dead guy. He says that there will be other opportunities to kill Montero. [You should take care of it yourself, Pizarro and not send incompetent subordinates.]

The gypsies are traveling and for the 1000th time Renzo says that he is worried something will happen to NAC and he wishes she had stayed behind. Once again, she says that she married him for better or worse and they are a team. They will be able to enjoy their marriage after the Masquerade Ball.

Esme and Garcia are dining. She tells him that she had to tell Almudena that she was alive because her eyes were so sad. Garcia asks if she saw Diego. Esme says no. She didn't tell Almudena about her plan. She is waiting for the Masquerade Ball. There her life will begin or end.

Diego finds Esme's rose and note in his closet. The note says, “Do you know who your wife's lover is?” Bernardo comes in. Diego says that they need to find out who the WIB is and what she wants.

MP comes to see Montero and demands to see FS. Montero refuses and is insulting to MP. “Fine,” she says, “I'll go to the Queen.” Montero warns her to be careful about what she does or FS will pay the price. He makes a vague promise that she can see FS in the future.

The soldiers come to take FS to the torture chamber. Olmos is convinced that they are going to kill him. The soldiers put FS on the rack. He has a flashback to the mutual assertions of love between him and MP when she was about to marry him in San Diego. This memory apparently gives him superhuman strength because he overpowers the two guards. [It appears that FS's second conversion into a poor man of God hasn't taken any more than the first one did.] Somehow, FS gets himself out of the prison and hides in a cart.

The Queen refuses to cancel the Masquerade Ball. She has information that the plots going on have nothing to do with her. She tells DJ that he doesn't seem like the loyal servant he once was an if he doesn't shape up, she is going to take firm action against him.

FS escapes from the area where the prison is located in the cart. As he tries to leave the cart, the two soldiers driving it see him. They fight and one soldier appears to shoot FS as he hobbles away.

Al tells Dolores that Almudena was acting strangely last night when she came out of the baby's room. Almudena comes in radiant and Al is impactado. She says that she is a new woman. [Why doesn't Al attribute her happiness to his lovemaking?]

Garcia is concerned that someone will recognize Esme is she goes walking around town. She dismisses his fears. Montero has done such a good job in convincing everyone that she is dead that no one will recognize her. Esme says that she needs to out to get information on the security arrangements being made for the ball. So out she goes concealing her face with a fan. [Why doesn't she wear a veil both in town and as WIB? A woman in a veil is not as noticeable as a woman with a bandanna tied across her face.] Anyway, who should be striding across the square while Esme is out there but Diego.

FS is staggering around the woods. He seems to have lost the soldiers. He collapses by a tree when who should appear but Yumalai! She tells him that she is Regina's sister and she swore to avenge her death with blood but now she's here to help him. Out comes her miracle flask. She tells him that she is going to save him for the same reason that he forgave her tribe. She has completed her mission and now he has to complete his, which is to change his life and repair all the bad things he has done to people. Yumalai does some healing which appears to be painful and then Regina is there. FS asks for her forgiveness. The next thing we know, MP sees FS from her carriage.

Montero goes to see Mangle and asks where her father is. “You have him in prison,” she says and then realizes that he has escaped. She demands that Montero find FS or he can mess up their plans. Montero says that he will find FS. Montero wants to fool around. He is annoyed that Mangle has not been herself. They kiss and Diego walks into the room. Mangle and Montero are impactados and the credits roll.


Destilando: Tuesday, 7/10: where everyone is impactado, even dona Pilar!

I couldn't catch the very beginning of the episode, but I believe it started with the following (please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong):

Gavi is talking to Videgaray on the phone, and tells him to tell Rod she never wants to know anything of him or the Montalvo's ever again, and that Rod is a coward and played with her emotions. She mentions she never got her liquidation check, etc. She weeps as she tells mom: what does rod want from meeee!!

Meanwhile, at the Montalvo ranch, a depressed Rod thinks to himself: Gavi, I wanted to have a child with you, But the woman that's going to give me this child is Isa. Sofie walks in and tells Rod that they need to get going to the Airport... they leave.

Back at their hideout, Gavi and mom are wondering, who could have given away they address? Gavi: aha!! Margarita was the only one who knew. She gave me away maaa it was her! Clarita: el que se junta con lobos, a aullar se ensena...? Didnt understand this part too well, but I think basically it means that its Gavi's own fault for mingling with traitors. Phone rings, Gavi doesn't want to answer. On the other line, we got Videgaray, Margarita and Dani waiting for Gav to pick up. Margarita is worried about what Gavi might be thinking of her for giving away her secret. Vide and Dani talk about how they got Margarita in trouble and how Gavi is upset that she never got her liquidation check. They conclude that Aron separated them with lies. Dani is determined to fix this problem.

Montalvo corp: Aron and Onarte are talking about dirty work. Bruno interrupts, Onarte leaves. Bruno's basically upset about the divorce, because Minnie 'deserves respect'. Aron feels like he's treated like a little boy. Maybe he should stop acting like one?? Anyhoo... Aron would rather think about how Minnie will never give him a child and how Isa and Rod are expecting...[sniff sniff... I'm not gonna get my money dad!!! And I'm NOT being a baby!! sniff sniff...]

Meanwhile, Fedra the snake is feeding Minnie some hope. F: Aron needs time to reflect and is just bored of you for now Minnie. Minnie pouts.. Fedra tells worries, this is normal dear! I had that too with Bruno...smiley smiley. Aron will come back. Maybe he'll change his mind later. Minnie: Really??? Do you think there's a chance??? F: No worries, there is another chance, that is, IF you love him...

We then see a shot of Dani and Videgaray, who are talking to Roman and looking for Rod. Vide wants to look for Gavi to clarify everything. Dani asks him to tell her that Rods love is strong and he'll see her in the evening to fix things up.

Back at Il Madrina hacienda, Granny is talking to Slimy Frankie about the De La Vega's fine last name. Frankie lies his way around to charm Pilar. As he finds himself increasingly uncomfortable with his nonsese, he wants to run away with the excuse of getting home before Sofie arrives. Pillie comments on how adorable he is. Ah, I love Pillie. She has such a fine, accurate eye for recognizing wonderful people. Hmm, this is the advantage that the years of experience provide us.

On the phone, Isa is talking to someone (Sofie?)...she's ready for Rod to beg her back!

Back at hacienda Montalvo: Dani comes home and talks to Pillie about THE SURPRISE. She tells Grannie "you''ll find out when my bro gets back". Just imagine Grannie's expression.

Frankie is driving Sofie and Rod back from the airport. Sofie: my lovey, did you miss me, or did you cheat on me?? (in spanish it rhymes, so it makes a cute teaser which is, of course, inappropriate to Fran). Fran charms his way around by saying how granny is so adorable. Fran comments on how granny wants to talk to them. Rod knows what its about... he's not looking forward to it.

Meanwhile, with creepy background music, Videgaray is at Gavi's building. He asks for her room. He finds out Gavi left this afternoon...hmmm...our seagull can fly pretty fast! Meanwhile, we see Gavi and mom unpacking boxes in their new apartment. Clarita: at least here its cheaper for us to live. Gavi cries; clarita tells her not to worry, but Gavi feels like all their efforts were worthless. Gavi: mom, I have such a sad feeling in my womb! And this is how the producers convince us that something bad is about to happen.

At Isa's place, Rodrigo walks in to talk to her. She...has her hair up...?? Ladies, you know when you were little and gave your barbie a bad haircut, and once you noticed it won't grow again, you decided to wrap it up so no one could notice? Now picture Isa. But even so, wow, thats refereshing for once. AND she's not wearing taupe... but she IS wearing an animal print dress. I guess we couldn't expect too much of a change at once. As Rod walks in, they zoom in the camera all at once on Rod's face like only Televisa can, and I marvel, they kind of do a lot of zooming in this telenovela, no? Anyhoo, this is also to warn us that something big is about to happen. Something worthy of a large popcorn with extra butter, and a soda. Hmmm...we know this is REALLY worthed when we see a commertial break. Ok maybe I'll get a pint of Ice Cream too.

Back at their appartment, Isa pretends to not want to talk. Isa: i'm the one intruding. Rod: I know you hate me. Isa: No...why hate you?? Because you didnt care for me all this time?? Or because you ilusioned me for no reason?? Sniff sniff... or because I was an idiot?? Noooo, I ADMIRE YOU... I never met someone with such cold blood to play such a dirty game. Rod: You are talking too much, let me say something. Isa: yeah yeah, I know you'll say you never lied to me, that I knew the rules of "no Hammana Hammana"...!! But you forgot ONE thing, that you married a woman with HOPE!!!! I thought you'd someday love me. And I fought for your love, way more than Gavi. WHYYYY porque PORQUEEE didnt you tell me about Gavi. Poor me poor me poor me...cry cry cry!!! She hits him, and screams hysterically... porque porqueeeee.... then realizes she shouldn't act too hysterically cuz she does need $$, I mean, Rod, more that anything else, so she composes herself. Rod with squinted guilty face: anything you do is little compared to what I have done. This love is costing me a lot!!

Meanwhile, at Il Padrina headquarters, Dani is impactada at how Gavi is gone, while Sofie and Slimy Frankie break the news that Rod is with Isa. Frankie says he has to go for some "business meeting". Dani is mad at how they're siding with Isa. She accuses them of crime, because they support Aron. Granny is, well, of course, impactada :)

Rod tells Isa how all he has left is sadness, resentment, and guilt. Isa plays victim, while rod yaps and yaps about how she's always been loyal (drama music playing). He tells her he has Gavi in his blood. That she's an obsession, and that's why he wanted her to come back with him and she rejected him because of his marriage. Isa: you cynic; you played a dirty game with me. Rod talks about how difficult it was for him to leave Isa with her patience and ehm, ehm, honesty. Ok, I'm getting mad... I cant see Isa playing the victim anymore... blah blah blah. Rod feels bad, Isa is mad. Rod wants to resolve everything and leave the bad stuff behind. He wants to retry their marriage for the baby's sake. Isa thinking: yeah Rod, thanks to my baby you came back to meeee....MUAHAHAHAAAA....

Back at Montalvena, Dani, Pillie and Sofie are STILL arguing about Rod and Gavi. Dani roots for the love between them and says she's ashamed to be part of this family. Sofie does the pout and says she's not an accomplice because theyre just accepting Aron's truth. Dani accuses them of inducing Aron to lie. She talks about the falsified signature, no liquidation money, no car. Why is it so hard for these people to believe Aron but not Dani? They must have the "Miranda Syndrome" from Heridas. But seems like after all Dani kind of convinces them a bit, cuz Granny says: if I knew this, I woulnd't have rooted for Aron.... I feel guilty... !

At the apartment, Isa says to Rod: my pregnancy was an accident....I I I didn't mean to.... Rod: no worries, I know. Rod wants to face the problem. Isa: what do you suggest? Rod: look at your pregnancy like a good thing!! Your dream will come true! The spanish guitar in the background actually makes me feel sad for both of them. But then, Isa: too BAD you didnt want him. Whats gonna happen when the baby is born?? I mean, the baby, you, us, [the $$]!! Rod wants to come visit. Isa wants more more MORE!! Isa conveniently suggest Rod forget about the baby and just send him money and pay his school if he doesnt want to come see him. Rod is upset. Isa tells him he's selfish...hihihi!!! She wants a stable home. Isa: You dont know how I felt about you coming here. I cannot take this anymore I ..I you... I love you...!! Oh, just forget about us!! (dude, what is wrong with this woman). She kisses Rod, and runs vomit?? I was shaking my head at the dreadful sight of the uttermost dry kiss between them, so I missed this part.

Meanwhile, at "Il Madrina" headquarters, Granny madrina breaks the news about Isa being pregnant. Dani, shocked, suggests Isa did it on purpose. Granny says nooo, Isa is IN-CA-PAZ (Incapable) of getting pregnant on purpose. Dani dishes Isa, Sofie defends her. Dani predicts what we already know: Rod will walk out of that apartment with a "soga atada al cuello" (= rope tied up to his neck).

Gavi and Clarita are setting up their house. Gavi fears that Aron will find her at the hotel colonial where he always goes with his...ehm, friends. Clarita suggests that Gavi go take a walk to calm down. Of course, we know this is an indication that something is about to happen.

Slimy Fran is in his car spying on someone. It's ...his mom dona Jose going: Panchito!! Panchita: Maaa! You're going to ruin my shirt darn it!! Dona JOse: Panchito you just havent written me!! Pancho: ma, I need money I just got back from Monaco and have none. Dona Jose gives him the money she has, happy just with the fact that she saw her beloved son, he takes it and leaves.

Meanwhile, at the apartment, Isa walks out of the restroom where she pretended to vomit, saying she wants Rod to forget about the baby. She ONLY wants him if Rod lives with them like husband and wife. Rod wants to try this again if she forgives him. Rod: I promise with your help and love I will forget about her...give me another chance. Isa: swear to me I can trust you again!! Rod swears, and they hug. Behind his back, Isa does the evil grin......

Slimy Frankie is driving his car and looks...sad?? He stops at the cantina and asks for a guy to fix his car while he goes in the cantina for a drink. He asks for Champagne.... the bartender says they dont serve champagne there and gives him tequila while Slimy cathes a view of his next victim in the cantina: Gavi...

At a restaurant, Aron and Fedra are talking about Minnie's hopes for their marriage. Aron whines and says he's "Harto!! Harto!!". He cant understand how he could've been with Minnie for so long. Pamela on the other hand is sweet and doesnt whine. She calms all the pains he's had with Minnie. Fedra: watch out what you're doing. I see you obsessed with having a child. Aron doubts that Isa's child is Rod's. Fedra is impactada.

Stay tuned!! This wednesday:
  • Acacia desperately asks James to kill Meliton-
  • Dani faces Aron
  • Frankie charms Gavi as he sings reggeaton.
  • Isa and Rod announce their baby at the montalvo ranch. Hilario is painfully shocked.

~~~~ Have a wonderful day! 8-) ~~~~


Duelo Tuesday 7/10 - Is Soledad real, or merely a figment of his imagination?

DonLoco startles Coral at the boutique. He demands that she tell him where Soledad is. She begs him to let her go but he ties her up instead. DonLoco doesn't like to be told what to do.

At La Rinconada Thelma accuses Orlando of looking for Gaspar instead of working on the highway. She's wearing what looks like a pair of charro pants in keeping with her role of head cowgirl of the manor. She tells Orlando she's not returning to Puebla until she sees him leave WITHOUT Gaspar. Orlando pours himself a drink.

Luba and Gaspar play with their handheld radios. Standing right next to each other they take turns..."Gaspar, Gaspar." "Mama, mama." "Gaspar, Gaspar, it's mama Luba." "Mama, mama, it's Gaspar here."

Orlando taunts Thelma, wouldn't it be amusing if Gaspar showed up in Puebla and told Emilio about his cachorrito? Thelma retorts that since the cops are after them they are probably hidden far away. Orlando taunts her some more, lies about why he is still there, tells her to be tranquil, chugs his drink, and splits. "I would be tranquil if Luba and Gaspar were dead," she mutters.

Claudia lays on her bed and thinks of Angel. Rosendo enters, smothers her face with chloroform, throws her unconscious body on the bed, and vows he will "make her his."

**Commercial reminder - there will be no Duelo tomorrow due to the Mexico vs. Argentina futbol match.

Rosendo lies on Claudia and kisses her face. This reminds me of when Orlando was trying to make Alina "his." Remember what a flop he was? Oops, did I say flop? Heh heh. Oh right, we're with Rosendo now. Rosendo is interrupted by a knock at the door. He closes the bedroom curtains.

Angel is at the door relentlessly knocking. Rosendo finally answers and claims Claudia isn't at home. Angel weakly tries to force his way in but Rosendo easily blocks him and shuts the door in his face. Angel yells for Claudia at her window but cannot see in because the curtains are closed.

Emilio, accompanied by his own singing, lamely tells Alina that she will get better. Their love is stronger than all obstacles and if they are together then nobody and nothing will separate them. This is news to us of course and apparently it's news to Alina too, she dreams that her casket is being lowered into the ground. Soledad, Adela, Angel and Coral sob at the grave. Alina wakes up in the casket and hears the sobs. "They think I'm dead. Let me out," she screams over and over! Nobody hears her and the casket is covered with dirt. Suddenly a light shines on her. It's DonLoco, "you're not dead? You will be!"

Soledad tells Elias she's having a bad premonition about DonLoco and Alina. She's going to call Coral at the boutique and find out if Alina called her.

Feverish, delirious Alina tells Emilio she's worried about her mother. She must get well for her mother.

Coral tells DonLoco that she doesn't know where Soledad and Elias are. He tells her that patience isn't one of his virtues. He threatens her until she gets on her knees and begs for her life. Coral, have a little pride! He points his gun at her and this seems to piss her off. She tells DonLoco that Soledad will never be happy by his side. Coral, have a little sense! Suddenly someone enters the boutique and yells for Coral. DonLoco points his gun at her head and says he'd like a reason to send her to the other world.

DonLoco peeks around the door. It's Dra. Loca! What's she doing there? He unties Coral and tells her to get rid of the doctora.

Head nurse Valentina is in the middle of complimenting her charges and giving them instructions for administering the new and improved antibiotic when one of the nurses discovers that Alina's sheets are the same ones used by the rotovirus patients. Somebody must have put them there to deliberately infect Alina!

Coral tries to hint to Dra. Loca that DonLoco is in the vicinity. Unfortunately Dra. Estupida doesn't get the hints. She spouts off that one of her theories is that DonLoco might show up at the boutique to lie in wait for Soledad. Coral is making crazy eye movements and thinking "No duh, sombrera de culo, follow my eyes!" Meanwhile DonLoco thought bubbles that Dra. Loca has also betrayed him. Coral gives up trying to give clues to the clueless so she just tries to get the doctora to leave. Dra. Loca asks Coral why she's so nervous.

Emilio gives water to a grateful Alina. Personally I would be suspicious about drinking water if I lived in Escondidaville. So far water has killed one man and given the rotovirus to Alina. Rodrigo enters to update Emilio on the bridge project. Emilio says he's responsible for the project and should go back to it. Rodrigo tells him that as a military officer he also has a moral responsibility...he should remain at Alina's side. Blech.

Rodrigo (sans mask) sits next to Alina. As Margaret noted, these folks play fast and loose with the rotovirus. Some wear masks, some don't, I'm confused. Emilio assigns Rodrigo to be in charge of the bridge project in his place.

Head Nurse Valentina enters with odd news to report. It seems that somebody put contaminated sheets on Alina's bed. Emilio is impactado. Alina sits up, she's impactada too.

Emilio the astute says "are you trying to tell me that someone deliberately infected Alina?" "That's right dumbass," retorts nurse Valentina. Not really, but she should have. Emilio says he can only imagine who might have done the deed. He rushes out with a mystery expression on his face, anger probably.

Angel has managed to accost Claudia's mother. He tries to convince her that her husband is up to no good. If he weren't then why is he locked in the house with Claudia and with all the curtains closed?

Coral hems and haws, she's got a lot of work, but she still keeps flitting her eyes over to the area of DonLoco in the hopes that Dra. Estupida will get it. OMG, Dra. Estupida concludes her visit by stating "at least Alvaro Montellano will never suspect that Soledad and Elias are hidden in San Mateo." She suggests that Coral close her boutique for a while just in case. Then she leaves. Finally!!

Coral begs DonLoco not to look for Soledad. He slaps her unconscious. "Before I leave I have to decide what to do with you," he mutters ominously. Uh oh, things aren't looking good for Coral.

Rosendo caresses Claudia's lifeless body when suddenly his wife and Angel burst into the room. At last she sees him for the infeliz maldito that he is. He's disgusting, revolting, she says. She chases him out of the house.

Emilio shows the infected sheets to Karla and asks who put them on Alina's bed. He should wrap her head in them but he doesn't.

In San Mateo Elias and Soledad return to their hotel and get their keys from the desk clerk. A man in black leans against the wall. He turns around. It's Don Loco! How did he get there so fast? What did he do with Coral? He strolls over to the clerk and asks for a room.

Thelma pays a visit to Ingeniero Nunez of the highway project. She's on a fact-finding mission to see if Orlando has told her the truth. Surprise! His work for the highway finished days ago. Thelma thought bubbles that she was right, Orlando is there to find Gaspar, he must know Gaspar's location.

It's night and a big moon hangs over the land. Soledad calls Coral's house but Adela reports that she hasn't seen a sign of Coral all day nor has Alina called.

Karla asks Emilio why does he think SHE is the one who infected Alina with rotovirus? Emilio asks, "how did you know they were infected? I only asked who put them on Alina's bed." Busted! She tries to weasel her way out but Emilio continues to accuse her. In fact he's going to write her up and report her.

In the kitchen of La Rinconada Vera the bloodthirsty tries to convince Orlando that Luba and Gaspar's fate should be left to the village idiots. Orlando points out to her that her way could make them murderers. Does she want to be a criminal? This query seems to confuse her, but I doubt it will dissuade her.

DonLoco, standing outside the hotel, calls the local police. He's posing as a police officer from Puebla. He asks the local sheriff to form a perimeter around the hotel. He is after a dangerous fugitive. After he hangs up he vows, "I'm going to make a visit to my woman." Wow, who knew it was that easy to get cops to do stuff?

Karla begs Emilio not to report her, she needs the job. Job? Her job of sneaking into men's tents? Or maybe her job of walking around camp wearing only a towel? Or perhaps her job of tormenting the young nurses who have arrived to save lives? Or her job as Typhoid Karla, out to infect the world with rotovirus? Emilio finally consents to not reporting her as long as she takes on Alina's nursing reponsibilities. (!?!) Karla whines that she doesn't want to, it's too dangerous. Que? She was waltzing around the infirmary without a mask and handling infected sheets. Now she worries?

Vera and Orlando get into it about who gets to do what to Luba and Gaspar. She says the village idiots are pretty angry at them, he responds that she will be held responsible if something bad happens. Thelma enters to bust up the fun. She wants to know why Orlando didn't leave days ago when he finished his job.

Alina dreams of her night of love with Emilio. His singing accompanies her dreams of his slobbery kisses. "Emilio I love you so much," she sighs. Good God, does she never tire of this crap?

Orlando tells Thelma he stayed around in case he had to protect Luba and Gaspar from the madding crowd. Thelma doesn't buy it, he's there because he wants to confront Emilio with them. He says he's going to give them a couple of days more to return to Escondidaville, then he will give up. Thelma doesn't believe he's capable of giving up his plans of vengeance, she knows him too well and he hates Emilio too much. She walks out and mutters that she'd be happy if Orlando changed, but she suspects sooner or later Luba and Gaspar will show up. Alone in the kitchen Orlando stuffs food into a bag.

Adela calls around for Coral. How odd, where could she be? Cut to Coral, alive (hoorah!!) but tied up in her boutique. Back to Adela, "Oh right, she's probably visiting her pals at the Cave, maybe I'll go look for here there." I think Adela's just using her boss's absence as an excuse to go out and whoop it up at the Devil's Cave.

Gaspar drives Luba crazy by running from radio to radio and talking to himself. Suddenly the door opens...who is it? Anticlimax, it's Orlando of course. Luba tells him she's tired of hanging around. When is he going to get them out of there?

Soledad frets to Elias that she hasn't heard from Alina. There is a knock at the door. It's their guard; he informs them that there will be a routine inspection of the hotel. Soledad immediately suspects DonLoco, but Elias says Vargas would have sent reinforcements if that were the case. For some reason he leaves Soledad in the room and accompanies the guard. He tells her to lock the door well. Don Loco lurks outside her room. She locks the door, deadbolt and chain.

DonLoco approaches the door. He's about to knock when someone calls his name. It's Soledad. How did she get outside the room? Is it another one of his hallucinations? She says she knew he'd find her. He reaches out but she pulls back. She says it's not necessary to use force. She's inclined to do what he says but he must forget his thoughts of vengeance. They need to talk somewhere where nobody can find them. They leave together. Hmmm...maybe she's not a hallucination.

Head nurse Valentina and Emilio bring Karla to apologize to Alina. They tell Alina that Karla will be doing her work while she recovers. Apparently Typhoid Karla isn't actually qualified to do Alina's work so Valentina will have to tutor her. Karla makes a cat butt face.

Soledad tells DonLoco that she never betrayed him with Elias. She never stopped loving him. They embrace. He says he knew she would forgive him. He wants to take her far away to a new start in a new country. She doesn't know if she wants to live her life in hiding.

DonLoco asks her will she forgive him? If they are together he'll never again give her cause to distrust him. "Yes Alvaro, I'll forgive you," she responds, "and I'll go with you wherever you want." They kiss. Hell, this has got to be a hallucination! Even stupid Soledad couldn't be this idiotic.

DonLoco says the worst thing he did was cause the death of their daughter, their Alina, fruit of their love. He flashes back to a time when he denied to Alina that she was his daughter. Alina begs him and tells him that her mother never betrayed him. "Ma loves you and I love you too, papito. You're my example, the person in whom I placed all my trust." Back to reality and DonLoco is super slo-mo impactado.

Advance - Some guy (Rodrigo?) goes flying down a zip line, wheeeee! But oops, he falls into the raging river.

darse por vencido = to give up
estar al acecho de - to lie in wait for
profugo/a = fugitive


Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Acorralada Monday 7/9/07 - Larry fights for his woman!

Opening scene: New Bruna (aka Samantha) offers to take Marfil to Max's room, where she's sure they'll find Max with Diana.

Meanwhile, Max is trying to tempt Diana into kissing him. As they begin to kiss, we see the doorknob turning... lucky for Diana it's Dulce, coming to warn Diana that Samantha and Marfil are on their way. Marfil and Samantha enter, leaving Max impactado.

At the hospital, Gaviota has come to offer her support to Paco. Pobre de Paco is beside himself over Octavia's silence. Of course Gaviota doesn't miss a chance to tell him "I told you so." It's followed by a tender moment between Paco and Gaviota where she tells him that she understands why he married Octavia - he thought she was the love of his life.

We're transported to Gaby's bedroom in psycho mansion, where she's surprised by a noise outside her window. It turns out to be none other than her super hot amante, Larry, who's come because he knew that she wasn't really in Puerto Rico.

Back to the hospital, where Paco asks Gaviota's forgiveness, and for once she's gracious. She tells him they should stop thinking about the past and start moving forward. Then she tells him that Diana's left the mansion with Maxito. Paco urges her to look for her and get her to return to the mansion before it's too late. She just can't support their love for the Irazabal boys - she'll never allow it! He tells her not to be so inflexible, and is interrupted by the arrival of Octavia. This quickly turns into a cat fight between Octavia and Gaviota, where Octavia tells Gaviota to leave, which prompts Paco to tell her that Gaviota's not going anywhere, and Octavia better pack her bags and get out of his apartment! Gaviota's standing behind him looking quite pleased with herself when Paco tells Octavia that he wants a divorce.

At the psychiatric hospital, Marfil is trying to throw Diana out of Max's room, but Diana's a professional - she's employed at the hospital and she doens't take orders for Marfil! Samantha tries to intervene, but Max doesn't allow it.

Larry's trying to get an explanation from Gaby, but she's just stuttering in response. He asks what's going on and all she can say is not to ask, and he should just forget about her. Just as he takes her into his arms, the door opens (funny that he just walks right in - she locked the door as Larry climbed in the window) and Kike walks in sporting a bandana on his head like he's ready to throw down.

Pancho is in his cell thinking that he needs to escape when Caramelo arrives to give him the latest news - that Paola is her sister!

Diana's standing her ground in Max's room - she doesn't take orders from Samantha, she only takes orders from the director. And Max isn't supposed to have visitors. Samantha and Marfil leave the room, followed by Diana. Max tries to stop her so they can discuss their kiss, but she tells him that it can't happen again. I really don't know how to interpret the look on Max's face when she tells him that - his eyes move from side to side and he has kind of a sly smile. Maybe it's the "I hope they have more of that yummy watermelon for lunch today" look. Who knows?

Marfil's fuming about her run in with Diana when Diego calls and wants to know where she is. She lets him know where she is, and that Diana is working there.

Silvita is getting sick of the babysitting gig and calls Isabel for help - she tells her that Diana hasn't approved it yet, but she'll talk to her tonight and she can start tomorrow. Isabel and Diana are thrilled that they'll get to move forward with their plan.

Paco's really reading Octavia the riot act now - she tries to tell him that they'll discuss this later when Gaviota's not around, but he tells her that the next time they talk it will be in front of a judge for their divorce hearing.

Back at the mansion, the boys are brawling in Gaby's bedroom as Gaby screams for help. Larry delivers an amazing kick to Kike's already bloody face as Gaby continues to wail. It's turning into a bloody mess as the ladies of the house arrive to watch and cry. Gaby won't let them call the police, and she refuses to leave with Larry when he tries to get her to go with him. Larry walks out and Kike lets her know that she'll pay for each hit. Santa, Lala, and Miguelina hear this but don't react to it. All of the ladies huddle together and go off to the sala because Gaby doesn't want to be alone with Kike.

Caramelo's explaining the Paola story to Pancho, who's speechless. She tells him that it's his fault that they hate each other - he lied to them both, and now he must live with it. Paola's condition is serious, and there's really no hope.

Marfil stops by Lala's place to update Diego on Diana's latest venture, but he quickly shows her the door. He has to go to Ignacio's place to update him and Camila on what he's learned. They come up with a fabulous way to get rid of Max once and for all -- they'll burn the psychiatric hospital! Diego doesn't go for it at first - think of all of the innocent patients - but Ignacio convinces him pretty easily that they crazy people are just a drain on society anyway. They'll be doing everyone a favor by getting rid of them! And there's no reason to waste time - they'll do it tonight. Kill the dog and you get rid of the rabies!

Octavia returns to Paco's place and finds Fiona lounging on the sofa reading a magazine. She orders Fiona to help her pack her bags immediately.

Max tells Pedro that he finally kissed Azucena/Diana - and her lips are so sweet! Pedro tells him that if he escapes, he won't be able to see Azucena anymore...

Octavia arrives at the new Irazabal house and orders Yolanda to pay for her taxi and get her bags. Paco has asked for a divorce, and it's all Yolanda's fault for telling a secret that wasn't hers. So now she will live with her sons. She tells Yolanda to show her to her room while Larry brings her bags.

Fedora arrives home and asks Kike to fix her a drink - she doesn't notice that he's been beat up until he hands her the glass. She's furious to hear that Larry attacked Kike in her own house and she goes off to talk to Gaby. When she enters Gaby's room, she finds Gaby sitting on her bed staring off into space. Gaby tells her that it wasn't her fault - Larry entered through the window. Gaby tells her that it won't happen again, Larry knows that he's out of her life forever. For their whole lives.

Diana's impactada to hear Silvia's plan to hire Isabel. She can't leave Maxito with a stranger! But Silvia tells her that it's not a stranger - it's the same person who took care of him when the "toca discos" (record player?) Bruna stole him. Then she calls Isabel to tell her that she's got the job.

Camila drives Ignacio and Diego to the hospital with a truck loaded with gas cans and ladders. They scale the fence surrounding the hospital and climb up onto the roof with the gas cans wearing black ski masks over their face. Somehow they manage to walk right into the hospital without being seen, then they proceed to walk through the halls pouring gasoline all over the place. Diego spends extra time in Max's room making sure that it's sufficiently soaked.

Paola is still fighting for her life as Yolanda and Larry stand at her bedside telling her to be strong! Paco and Caramelo arrive for part two of the pep talk. They tell her about all of the lovely plans they have for her - they can travel as a family, united and beautiful.

Max awakes to find the masked men in his room and manages to demask them both, but that doesn't stop them from lighting a match and running, locking Max's door from the outside as they leave. These brainiacs didn't even wear tennis shoes for a quick getaway, but they still manage to get out and back to the truck unnoticed.

Max is trying to get out of the burning room and having no luck - he's bashing the window with a chair, but it just won't break! The director and Samantha are in his office when they hear the fire alarms and open the door to find the hallway in flames. Just then Diana wakes from a nightmare where the hospital is burning!

Ignacio and Diego are sitting in the truck watching the place burn when they hear the fire engines coming. They're not happy since they know that Max saw their faces.

The director uses a chair to break through a door in his office, but Samantha is paralyzed with fear and doesn't follow him.

As Diana is telling Emilio and Silvia about her nightmare, the doorbell rings. Gaviota has arrived and wants Diana to return to the mansion with Maxito.

Samantha is pinned to the floor by a burning log and she's asking forgiveness for how badly she's treated the patients.

Octavia is telling Larry and Yolanda that Paco will not be able to visit Paola in the hospital, when she receives a call that there's been a fire at the psychiatric hospital. She screams "is my son Max alive? Is he alive?" But we'll have to wait until Tuesday's episode to find out. I don't know about you kids, but I'm on pins and needles!


Juan Q 7/10 You're not a real ninja; you're just a guy in a ninja suit!

How long can Juan and Fernando keep their secret? Let's find out!

Pastor advises CL that Pastor refused to pay Juan. CL wants to know why. Pastor tries to give a rosy picture of what’s expected of the employees, but CL cuts him off and tells Pastor to be real with him. CL reminds Pastor that he, CL, gives the orders. He commands Pastor to give Juan his pay. Pastor makes more excuses. Juan hasn’t demonstrated that he’s a good worker, and he has some attributes that are undesirable. Pastor whips out the “Paula” card, but it doesn’t work quite how he likes. CL says that he’s at the limit of patience. Pastor keeps going saying that if he has to go back and pay Juan per CL’s orders then the employees will lose respect for his authority. CL stands and replies that he knows perfectly well about Pastor’s relationship with Juan. CL says that he’s the one who maintains the rules. Pastor’s personal problems will not be allowed to affect the business. Ha! This is funny considering CL wants to keep Juan around for a favor. Who thinks that favor will be for business purposes? Anyone? Hello? Yeah, me neither! CL decides that Pastor may say that it was his decision to give Juan the pay. That way, Pastor will lose neither the employees respect nor Juan’s friendship. Pastor’s been seriously verbally bitch slapped by CL, but he smiles anyway and sort of shakes his head in agreement.

Fernando and Juan walk around discussing the problem of getting Mareli a job. Fernando notes that the two men told many lies. He thinks that eventually they will be caught. Juan brushes off the comment. He then jokes about Alirio wanting a loan from Fernando. Juan finds it quite humorous that Alirio thought Fernando was a millionaire just like James Bond. I’m not sure who came up with that analogy. Last time I checked James Bond was more famous for being a spy than a millionaire. Juan assures Fernando that Santa Niño de Atocha will not let them down. Pastor walks into the back of the room and demands that Juan immediately come speak with him in private. Fernando laughs and pats Juan on the back. Juan thought bubbles to himself that he’s going to be fired.

Pastor and Juan speak in what looks to be a café. Pastor explains that he will speak about delicate things and that’s why he brought Juan to the café. Juan comments that he’s nervous. Pastor opens by saying that he has a question for Juan and he wants an honest answer. Is Juan prepared to change? Juan replies that he will, if Pastor gives him the opportunity. Pastor says that opportunities are not given, they are earned. Juan swears that he’s willing to change. Pastor says that Juan will have to demonstrate this through his actions. He also says that he believes in Juan’s sincerity. Pastor then tells Juan that he’s been reconsidering the whole paycheck thing. Juan hopefully smiles.

CL enters Paula’s office to tell her that he’s leaving. He asks if she wants him to pick her up tomorrow morning in order to go to the seminar. Paula thinks that it would be a better idea if she got a taxi and went to his house early in the morning. CL prefers that he pick her up. As an added bonus he’ll be able to say hello to mom. Paula agrees to his request and they take their leave of each other.

CL crosses the office lobby, but Yvonne stops him before he can leave. She asks if he’s going to be with Paula all weekend. He cannot hide his excitement while he says that he will. He warns Yvonne to be careful while he’s gone. Yvonne thinks that CL should help lessen the risk.

Juan assures Pastor that if Juan receives his pay, he will change his ways this very day. Juan thought bubbles that this change will have to endure longer than Lent. Pastor says that good intentions pave the way to hell. He wants to hold the pay a little longer, while Juan undergoes a test to make sure that he really will change. Juan nervously says that he cannot wait any longer for his pay. Pastor replies that the test period may be very short or very long, depending on Juan. Juan wants to know a time frame. Pastor says that it may be over as early as this weekend. Juan understands exactly what Pastor wants.

CL lets Yvonne know that he does not like to be blackmailed. Yvonne says that she’s tired of the murmurs that he’s leaving for the weekend with one of the executives. [If anyone has this episode taped, check out the two women in the background intently watching this conversation.] CL reminds Yvonne that he’s going to a seminar. People must be imaging ridiculous things. Yvonne reminds CL that she used to be the one who accompanied him on these trips. He remembers them fondly. Yvonne hisses that she doesn’t think that he’ll get anywhere with Paula. He smiles and says that the difficult ones are the ones that he likes; easy women bore him. He announces that he will not be with Yvonne again. Nobody owns anybody and jealousy’s roots are in insecurity. Yvonne watches him leave.

Juan comes down the stairs and sees Paula waiting. He apologizes and explains that he and Pastor came to an understanding. Pastor buts in and explains to Paula that Juan was late due to Pastor. He turns to Juan and asks if they’re confirmed for this weekend. This comment, right in front of Paula, upsets Juan.

Fernando tells CL about Juan and how Pastor freaked out when he found out about the women. CL doesn’t think that this proves anything. Fernando’s sure about Juan’s sexuality. When they were in the club, Juan made a lot of noise about women but nothing happened with a woman that night. CL replies that it’s a shame, he really thought he had Juan pegged. CL excuses himself, saying that he needs all of his energy for this weekend.

Ana stands in her home and “paints” a picture that looks as though it was drawn with charcoal. Her phone rings. It’s Yvonne, but she doesn’t tell Ana that. All she says is that Ana should look out for her daughter. Paula’s messing with a married man who can cause her a lot of hurt.

Paula tells Juan that she’s glad that he fixed his problems. He says that he is too, unfortunately. He explains to her that he’s sad because sometimes to fix money problems, one has to act like a person who is not the true person. Paula says that she authorized his pay. He thanks her and the Santa Niño de Atocha. She notes that she also devotes herself to this saint. Juan perks up a bit. Paula goes back to the subject at hand. She’s very proud that Juan solved his problem; she’s proud for his family and more than anything, proud of Juan. Juan thought bubbles to himself that despite any past problems, he is back at Paula’s feet. Paula asks if there’s anything else. Juan absentmindedly says that he’s more in love now than ever. Paula smiles and says she’s glad the personal relationship is going well. Juan stumbles through some excuses but shuts his mouth. Paula says that it’s okay, to each his own. Juan thinks to himself that he would love to demonstrate the macho that he is this woman.

Juan has a short day dream. Paula’s a damsel in distress, about to be consumed by a fire. Juan’s the fireman who comes to her rescue. They passionately kiss at the top of his ladder. Pastor comes to the window and tells Juan to keep his word. Juan tells him to go to hell. Pastor cries out while Paula and Juan make out.

During this little fantasy, Juan passes Paula’s house. Juan excuses himself; his head was in a different place. Juan thinks to himself that his and Paula’s moment will come.

Pastor glowingly tells Yvonne that the fire is still burning. Juan came to him and pleaded for forgiveness and promised to change. Yvonne thinks that Pastor should be careful. Pastor promises not to be an idiot. This weekend is a test for Juan. He’s going to take Yvonne’s advice and stop being subtle; he will take the bull by the horns.

Paula advises Juan that he doesn’t need to pick her up tomorrow. She’s going to a seminar to with CL. Juan wants to know if they’re going alone, because then they may need a chauffer. Paula explains that CL decided this. She will put Juan at Pastor’s orders. He reluctantly agrees. They leave each other. Juan thought bubbles about how he can put out that fire.

Paula and Ana discuss the upcoming weekend business trip. Paula mentions that CL wants to come to the Dávila house to greet Ana. Ana sarcastically notes that CL is quite the gentleman. Ana thinks that Paula should invite Ana so that she won’t be bored and home alone.

CL’s maid, Consuelo, packs his suitcase and asks if he’ll be gone long. He replies that it’s only two days, but may extend to three. He tells Consuelo that he must ask her a favor. If his wife calls, he wants Consuelo to tell her that he’s on a trip. Consuelo wants to know who he’s going with and if he’s going far away or close, just in case Monica asks. CL replies that he’s going with some people from the office.

Paula thinks that Ana will be more bored there, but Ana doesn’t agree. Paula catches on that Ana is doing this out of fear for Paula. Paula reminds Ana that they already had this argument and that Paula will be okay. She lived many years alone in the United States. Ana subtly explains that this is not what worries her. Paula laughs at her mom’s insinuation; she doesn’t want to complicate her life and does not need a chastity belt.

Juan asks Pastor if he knew that Paula would be leaving tomorrow. Pastor acknowledges that he did. He realizes that Juan will not have to get up early tomorrow, so he’s available tonight. Juan thinks to himself that this is going to make him go crazy. Pastor asks Juan to come to eat with Pastor and his mother. Juan replies that Pastor will not be able to reach him. He may have a phone in his house, but it’s going to be cut off because the bill is not paid. Pastor turns away from Juan and says that Juan is taking one step back. Juan has to think to talk himself into accepting the invitation. My favorite line is “How can a woman who names her son after a taco be normal?” Apparently, there is this thing called a taco al pastor that is supposedly the best taco ever. It’s marinated in a pepper sauce and then cooked with onions and pineapple. Here’s a link to a recipe if you would like to try it. The real recipe for these tacos is supposed to be a big secret in Mexico City, so I’m not sure how authentic these will taste.

Nidia warns Alirio not to make the same offense to her. Alirio begs to know what he said and if it was so bad. Nidia won’t tell him, but warns him not to do it again. Alirio begs for forgiveness. He slaps himself around a bit. She says she’ll think about his plea, but now he needs to leave. Alirio tells her that she has a meeting with Juan about a small favor. The door bell rings and Alirio thinks it’s Juan. Yadira says that it’s not; it’s someone for her.

Yadira leaves the house and greets Fernando. He gives her flowers. She invites him into the house. Enrique watches this from the bushes and needless to say, he’s furious.

Fernando comes into the sitting room and greets everyone. Alirio says that Yadira is not the only one waiting for Fernando. Mareli is also wondering about the job she was promised. Mareli acknowledges that she’s worried about it. Alirio says that he’s also waiting to speak with Fernando about business. Fernando says that he doesn’t like to talk about money in front of women. He asks for Juan.

Pastor introduces Juan to Señora Gaytan who is a peculiar looking woman. She’s indignant that her son would bother with a filthy chauffer. Juan thought bubbles that just when he thought he had seen everything, the mother of Godzilla appears. Señora Gaytan glares at Juan.

Juan tries to politely introduce himself, but she’s not having it. Juan says that if his presences is interfering, then he can leave. Pastor won’t allow him off the hook so easily. Pastor convinces his mother to get into the car. Juan thought bubbles to himself that he actually feels sorry for Pastor. Nothing pleases that woman. Pastor asks Juan to forgive his mother; she’s beginning to have some dementia problems. Juan tells Pastor not to worry about it. He likes people like that, openly frank. Pastor’s mother leans out of the window and says that she wants to leave because she’s hungry. They leave.

The Cachones dine and Nidia’s worried about Juan. Fernando comments that such is the life of an executive. Alirio agrees. Mareli asks Fernando where he met Juan. Fernando replies that he met Juan at the university when he was studying business management. Mareli replies that she didn’t know that Juan went to university. Fernando replies that Juan only stayed two semesters. Alirio thinks this makes sense; Juan has a “businessman-like” aura. The telephone rings. Yadira says that if it’s for her, she’s not there. It’s Enrique and he asks for Yadira. She tells him that Yadira went out. Enrique looks as though he’s about to lose it. He flings his cell phone to the ground.

Juan comments that Pastor’s mother has a good appetite. She gobbles up some food and demands that Juan pays. Pastor tries to pass Juan money under the table, but Juan mistakenly thinks that Pastor’s going for the leg. He can’t believe that Pastor would do that in front of his mother. Luckily, Señora Gaytan turns to signal the waiter for dessert. Pastor thumps Juan’s leg with the money. Juan won’t accept it, but finally puts it into his pocket.

Enrique goes to the supermarket for a beer. He changes his mind and asks for two forty ounce beers of Carta Blanca. and some cigarretes.

Pastor thanks Juan for the pleasant evening. Juan happily says that what’s important is that Señora Gaytan enjoyed herself. Pastor seems pleased. Juan says he has to leave to return the car, but Pastor tells Juan to take it home. Pastor tells Juan that he has something to tell Juan. Juan’s worried about what it will be. Fortunately for Juan, Señora Gaytan interrupts Pastor’s speech. Juan says that they can speak tomorrow. Pastor says goodnight and thanks Juan. Juan thought bubbles that he was very thankful for the mother, but tomorrow will be another day.

Yadira and Fernando romp outside. She asks what it’s like always being asked for favors. Fernando replies that he’s accustomed to it. Yadira complains about Alirio. They talk about his and Nidia’s relationship. The small talk is over and it’s time to say goodnight. They give each other a kiss while Enrique angrily watches.

Alirio exits the home and stalls Fernando. Alirio asks for a ride because his car is in the shop. Enrique stumbles around some car that I’ve never seen before.

Juan drives home and thinks about the day that he just had. He knows that he’s building a time bomb and that it will eventually have to go off. He turns on the radio and listens to some romantic music. A woman in a convertible pulls next to him, but she’s not impressed by his “moves”. He speaks to her and she finally smiles and blows a kiss.

When Juan gets to the house he’s immediately accosted by Enrique. Enrique says that he needed to speak with someone. He immediately begins to cry clutches Juan.

Juan and Enrique sit in a bar. Juan asks if Enrique’s sure. Enrique says that he is; he saw it with his own eyes. The man seemed like Juan. Juan realizes that Enrique saw Yadira with Fernando. Enrique goes on to explain his phone call and the conversation with Nidia. Juan thinks that Enrique should talk with Yadira, but Enrique doesn’t think that’s a good idea. Juan can’t believe that Enrique would give up so easily. Juan realizes that Enrique really does love Yadira. Juan feels more and more at fault. Enrique asks Juan to investigate this man who was with Yadira. Juan assures Enrique that he will.

The next day, Ana brings Paula’s breakfast to her room. Okay, I love the dress, but the boobage is terrible. Paula talks about being able to rest on this vacation. Ana reminds Paula that yesterday Paula said this trip will be totally business. Paula again tells her mother not to worry. The doorbell rings; Ana rushes to answer while Paula finishes her packing.

Mareli and Yadira surround Juan and tell him about Fernando’s visit the night before. Mareli wants to talk about work. Juan assures her that he will speak with Fernando that very day. Mareli thinks it would be even better if she accompanied him to the office.

Tomorrow: Both Juan and Paula are in trouble but for very different reasons.

Animal de bellota – Blockhead
Caguamas – Mexican slang for 40 oz. of Carta Blanca beer.

La Cuaresma - Lent
Primero cae un hablador que un cojo – A gossiper falls harder than a cripple
Puñulada trapera – A stab in the back
Tener buen diente – to have a good appetite


ZORRO Monday July 9, 2007: "Where a rose by any other name is a threat."----

Zorro and the Woman in Black (WIB—mujer en negro would be MEN and that’s not so good--- aka Esmeralda) are fighting against Montero, his men, and the Duke’s forces. Monty calls for his soldiers to kill them, but in typical Zorro fashion, they are incredibly inept. Zorro proceeds to knock a few of them out and WIB does a good job utilizing her Amazon warrior skills and knocks out a few of the soldiers. Zorro asks who WIB is and why is she helping him (I can only comment that her disguise is as weak as Diego’s, so one would think that he’d be able to recognize her and while I’m at it, her bandana over the nose and mouth makes her look a little like a train robber and also doesn’t seem to be a really secure disguise---I mean I can totally see that thing slipping in action and revealing her cara). WIB throws Zorro a rose and he gets that confused/befuddled look on his face (Ed. Note: if Monty cannot figure out for certain that Zorro is Diego then he is an idiot, the look Zorro gave to WIB is the same look that Diego uses all the time to look like a bumbling idiot). This segment of the show ends with both Zorro and WIB having the tips of their blades located at Monty’s neck.

Almudena is questioning Mariangel about the poison; she wants to know why Mangle would do such a thing. Mangle denies doing anything. In fact, she places the blame on that maldita india and Diego taking advantage of the situation to smear her name in order to keep her away from her son. Dena is not buying it. Mangle makes a comment about Dena forgoing allegiance to blood and sticking up for Diego.

Monty tells Zorro to just kill him and I agree. However, Zorro doesn’t at this point in time. This gives Monty time to call for reinforcements and we are treated to foot shots of soldiers running. Monty says again, kill me now or next time it will be you who is dead. Zorro jumps on Tornado and take off. I didn’t see how WIB got out of the sticky situation, but apparently, she made like geese and got the flock out of there.

Mangle returns to her room at her father’s house and finds a rose on her bed. There is a note attached. It says that she won’t be able to escape the sword and the rose (hey, now the title of the show makes sense). Mangle wonders who left this threat.

Pizarro has pulled aside three of his most faithful men. He tells them Monty’s been a tyrant and needs to be stopped. Now is the time. Piza gives them a little run down of what they’ll need to do. One of the soldiers expresses concern because there are more of them than of us (ulcer 1). Piza tells him if they cut off the head of the snake, it will leave Monty’s men without guidance. Another soldier questions if what they do would be considered treason (ulcer 2). Piza tells them that they Queen will reward them for getting rid of Monty.

Esme has returned home and SAM was worried about her (ulcer 3). They don’t discuss in too much detail what just occurred with Zorro and Montero. Although, they do talk about how Esme’s son is alive and what a miracle that is. Esme tells SAM that she’s got to finish what she’s started (getting VENGEANCE on all of those who have harmed her, her mother, and her son).

Diego arrives in the Fox Cave and rehashes with Bernardo about the appearance of the mystery woman. Diego seems rather impressed with the woman and the different weapons she used. He tells Bernie that he will find out who she is and what she wants.

Esme and SAM talk over their plans for what needs to occur at the Queen’s party. SAM tells Esme that she still hasn’t gotten an invite, but Esme is not concerned, the Queen will follow proper protocol and invite her. SAM mentions that there is an attic, which will be a great place to hide Esme’s WIB clothes and weapons. SAM says that no one will think of the attic because the ladder to it is in a very narrow space. (Just a side note, the Secret Service makes several sweeps of the entire area before a presidential appearance—in fact, my friend works for and George W. came for a visit. She said that 10 days before his visit a Secret Serviceperson came to check out the location. The next day their were two and then the next day there were four. Her story basically was that they multiply each day as it gets closer to the visit and they left no stone unturned. They even did a sweep of all the surrounding buildings. So what I’m thinking is that if the Queen’s guards are any good they would search every nook and cranny, and then search them again. So I don’t know how sound SAM’s plan is, of course I’m basing that on 21st Century Secret Service---and we know that the stark realism of Zorro has never caused us to question the loopholes.)

Diego, now inside the hacienda, finds Santiago sitting outside his son’s room. Diego questions why SM would be there and the two of them discuss the safety of Diego’s child. SM offers to help in the protection, but Diego pretty much tells him that he doesn’t need his help. Diego goes inside to find Dolores fawning over the child. They talk about how they cannot believe such an innocent could come from Mangle. The comment is made how the child doesn’t even resemble Mangle, but does look like Diego. The whole time the baby is just doing the cutest things with his blanket---which makes me think that again, the stark realism comes into play---this baby is supposedly how old?

Esme is alone in her quarters. She has flashbacks to all the times that Montero threatened her child and also to the time that Pizarro told her the baby was dead. Esme sits up and says to no one but herself, my son is alive.

SM thinks about the deal he made with Mangle--$$ in exchange for Alejandrito. He walks over to the drawer in his room and pulls out a gun. He then puts it back. He looks troubled. Santiago is an enigma---I think he is basically good at heart, but is lacking in funds and is so desperate for money he agrees to do things his conscience will not allow.

Catalina is crying while Tobias is asleep. She’s angry that he’s catching 40 winks, so she wakes him up. They start to fight about Piza. She asks Tobi how he can sleep while she is stressed out about Piza wanting her to leave town with him. Tobi tells her that it is her fault, therefore she should be the one to stress. Besides, Tobi adds, you humiliated me with that man, why would I care. Cat begs Tobi to show her some affection, all she wants is for him to love her. Tobi isn’t persuaded. Cat begins to cry again and Tobi mutters to his pillow go ahead and cry because I’ve cried enough.

Piza approaches LeRoy at the weapons storage place. LeRoy questions why Piza is there and Piza tells him that he’s been assigned to watch over the weapons. LeRoy thinks this is odd because Monty didn’t tell him this and besides he’s Monty’s best man. He even brags to Piza that he is worth 10 men. Piza pulls out his pistol and shots LeRoy in the head, while his soldiers kill the rest of LeRoy’s men. Piza comments that what a great experience it was killing 10 men with one bullet. Piza tells his men that now there is no turning back. They are off to kill Montero.

Duke Jacabo confronts Monty about Sara Kali being alive and Monty knowing all along. Monty throws the blame on Fernando. He says FS is planning on using SK at some point in the future to hurt the Duke. DJ isn’t quite so quick to accept this, and all of sudden gunshots ring out. DJ and Monty duck for cover.

Renzo and Ana Camila (NAC) are discussing the upcoming party. He’s worried (ulcer 4) that she’ll be in harms way if she goes to the party. NAC asks him if Esme were there would he tell her not to go to the party. The two discuss Esme and Renzo tells his wife that Esme is a fond memory, but he loves her, NAC. NAC tells him that she married him so they could always be together. So that means she is going to the party with him. The two get romantic, but unfortunately for them, they are interrupted by Jonas. He’s come to tell them that some of the gitanos have returned from LA and they have bad news. Laisha’s been captured by Monty and she knows that Sara Kali is still alive. The three discuss if they should go ahead with their plans if there is a chance that Monty knows SK is alive. Jonas tells Renzo and NAC that SK wants to still keep their plan in place.

Monty and DJ are ducking underneath a desk and DJ asks Monty who was trying to kill them. Monty seems surprised that the Duke thought they were the target. Just then one of Monty’s soldiers comes in to tell the boss that they were able to run off the would-be assassins, and they killed one and captured another one. Monty tells the soldier to lock up the prisoner, he’ll be personally conducting the interrogation. He also wants LeRoy to be brought to town. DJ questions the Queen’s safety.

Piza gets news that the assassination attempt was a bust and that one of the men got caught. Piza’s worried that the man will talk under torture (ulcer 5). He decides he’ll take care of it personally. He orders his men to go back to life as usual.

Monty gets word that LeRoy and his men have all been killed. Monty is upset and worries that the weapons they were guarding are at risk (ulcer 6). He declares Marshall Law in Los Angeles.

Dena rehashes her visit to Mangle with Alejandro. He’s upset that she went alone. He tells Dena that Mangle isn’t worth any of her tears. Dena expresses concern that Mangle will try to kidnap the baby (ulcer 7). She wants to warn Diego, but Alej tells her not to worry---between him and Diego they will make sure that the baby is protected (this makes me think that something will happen to little Alejandro---I guess I just don’t have any faith in the great General de la Vega).

Mangle tries to get in to see Monty, but one of his soldiers tries to stop her. Not one to listen to orders, Mangle pushes her way through. Monty scolds her for being out and about. He tells her that the town is not safe right now. She shows him the rose and wants to know who would send her such a thing. Monty rehashes about Zorro and WIB. He tells Mangle that he’ll find out who is threatening them. Mangle asks, why me (I am so surprised she has to ask herself this question, she’s been making enemies left and right). Monty tells her to go home and lock the doors. She reminds him that it is best to kill your enemies, that way they won’t be able to destroy you (see, now I thought the expression was keep your friends close, but your enemies closer or then there is my enemy’s enemy is my friend, but I don’t think I’ve ever heard of Mangle’s expression).

Padre Tomás and Diego discuss the encounter with Montero and the arrival of WIB. Diego wants to know if the alliance sent someone to help him. PT says he knows nothing about this. Diego wonders who she could be and what’s her agenda. He remembers that there is a new woman in town, Countessa Bracamonte. Methinks he might be putting it all together.

Esme arrives at the empty (except for Tornado) Fox Cave. She fondles Zorro’s weapons and his mask. She vows that they will be together again. Sensing that someone is coming, Esme runs and hides behind Tornado. Bernardo enters and seems to know that something isn’t quite right. He fails to see that Tornado looks like a circus freak, with six legs showing in his silhouette.

Alej and Dena get romantic. They talk all mushy and Alej says he wants to hacer amor con Dena. They make like rabbits and Dena, in her afterglow, tells Alej that she would like to have a baby. This news makes Alej very happy.

Esme sneaks into Diego’s bedroom. She remembers the last time she snuck in there. She leaves a rose on his pillow. Couple of things I need to say here---have you ever noticed on this show that someone enters a room there always seem to be candles lit, but no one there---aren’t they at all concerned with fire safety? Also, Esme must know that Diego and Mangle split, because she left the rose for Mangle at Fernando’s house. If she thought they were together, she’d have left it for Mangle at the de la Vega home.

Santiago finds Diego and tells him that he wants to talk to him about Esmeralda.

Mangle asks two of Monty’s soldiers to do a job for her, she no longer has faith that Santiago will do the job. She needs that baby because she knows it is her access to the de la Vega fortune. So she tells the soldiers that she wants them to get her baby from the hacienda.

Dena gets up to get a drink and hears a noise in the baby’s room. She opens the door and asks--- who are you?.....we see Esme sitting and rocking the baby. END OF EPISODE/ Ulcers=7 P.S. Tonight's episode looks really, really good. I can't wait to see it!!


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