Saturday, July 14, 2007

Zorro, Friday the 13th: “Death Will Arrive Dressed as a Woman”

(Tobias del Valle y Campo, circa 1821)

[recapper’s note: Thanks to everyone who said such lovely things about my sub recap last week! I wasn’t able to answer you, or participate in other recaps because my browser was fritzing – sometimes it just won’t load the comments page, which is incredibly frustrating. Thanks again!]

The last moments of the muy impactado scene from Thursday night. Esme and Comandante Sara Kali embrace as the partygoers, who don’t seem to notice Zorro in their midst, look on. Then Esme slowly approaches the Queen with a gentle expression, introduces herself to her second cousin, and…starts talking about her VENGEANCE!!! In front of the crowd she accuses Montero of imprisoning her, stealing her baby, and attempting to murder her. The Queen knows Montero couldn’t have been the only one behind these acts; and in addition to Fernando, likely had an even more powerful ally. She orders the new Gobernador to arrest Montero. Evidently, Alejandro believed he could simply pose in front of Montero and arrest him, but Montero socks him, and in the confusion as soldiers rush to Alej’s aid, Montero grabs the Queen and holds her hostage with a gun to her throat. Everyone has a new reason to be muy impactado.

At Mangle’s house, she and Olmos continue their struggle. He wants affection before he leaves for Spain; she’d prefer to not be raped. She manages to push him to the ground and grabs an oil lamp that she throws at him. It breaks and sets him aflame. Olmos [not yet having the benefit of those “Stop! Drop! And Rolllllll Around PSAs from a 150 years later] wails in pain. She answers his plea for help by stabbing him with a piece of the cut glass from the lamp.

Agapito is mooching off Tobias and Cata’s food when he hears a noise and prepares to defend himself (ulcer #1)…but it’s only Tobiasina, needing his help to deal with his gunshot graze from Pizarro, but Agapito better get out of the open, since Pizarro is chasing him. Tobiasina, evidently having been passed the VENGEANCE card by Esme, swears that he will get Pizarro even if he dies in the attempt.

Montero has cover from his soldiers as he begins to make his way out of the Palace with the captive Queen. The Duke says “Wait! Take me with you!” and at last the Queen knows for sure what a traitor he is – she had suspected for a while. Zorro advances and Montero orders the soldiers to kill the masked (male) bandit, but Xenameralda knocks the soldier’s gun and the shot fires to the ceiling. Chaos #1 breaks out, and the Gypsies and Padre Tomas lend a hand, a gun butt, and whatever’s available. The whole crowd runs out of the party screaming. Cata, outside waiting against her will for Pizarro, wonders what’s going on. Montero dissembles for the Queen’s armed guards at her coach and tells them that someone has tried to kill her. Her coach drives off with Montero yelling for the soldiers to shoot at will.

[The verbally-challenged super trio, for foreign language, muteness, and sometimes slurred wine speech]Kamba, Bernardo, and Garcia rush in from an alley and join Chaos #2 outside. Kamba impedes a cannon directed at the place from hitting its intended target by wheeling it around and it strikes the wall. In the entryway, Esmeralda assures Zorro she’ll be fine, and he should go after the Queen. She and the Gypsies then scramble to find a suitable hiding place for Sara Kali. Shortly after their exit, Almudena tells Padre Tomas she doesn’t want to leave Alejandro (ulcer #2), but the good Padre insists that she accompany him to the church for safety.

Kamba is gut-checked by a soldier lighting the fuse for a second cannon shot – then the soldier is struck by an arrow out of nowhere….


The Los Angeles Women Warriors Association arrives and wars with Montero’s soldiers. In the confusion, Catalina takes the opportunity to run away. Esmeralda is impactada to see her dear friends, trainers [and rawhide/buffalo pelt lingerie models]. Dania and her sister salute the grateful Esme.


Alejandro has followed Duke Jacobo to the rafters? inside balcony? of the palace and they exchange words about treason, restoring the rightful Queen to the throne, and which one of their dead bodies the other will have to step over to get what he wants. Not satisfied with the edge weapons, Alejandro sheaths his sword in its scabbard and nonverbally challenges Jacobo to a straight fight by raising his boxing fists. Um, not so much, seems to be the Duke’s feeling, though he does manage to get a couple of good punches in before deciding to jump down to the floor – which looks like it has to be at least a good 15 feet below. Alejandro helps out with a shove, and the Duke lands on a table. Alejandro jumps down after him, landing on both feet. Alejandro places Duke Jacobo under arrest and orders his “soldiers” to take him to the prison.

Dania tells Esmeralda that she still owed her one and her sister [whose name I forget] agreed. She notes that there’s something different about Esme, who confirms that she’s got back her baby, her mother, and her man. Does this mean Esme won’t be returning to the tribe? No, she tells Dania ruefully, and they have a group hug. It’s best if the Amazons leave now – things could get dangerous (ulcer #3).

Catalina runs after Pizarro, wanting to know what’s going on. He also wants to know what happened at the party after he fled, having failed to murder Montero. They exchange information: he was stabbed by a degenerate guy dressed as a woman; and she saw Montero take the Queen hostage – AND Esmeralda’s alive. Pizarro is impactado – and perdido. He’s sunk (ulcer #4). But wait! He has an idea, and pulls Catalina along (subtract ulcer #4). She implores him to let her go if he really loves her, because she doesn’t want to go with him. His response is to pull a gun on her and tell her it’s too late for her to choose.

Mangle, still a little shaken from her barbeque with Olmos, encounters Santiago in another room in her house. He’s brought the baby, after running through an obstacle course of nannies, soldiers, and hacienda men. Distracted, she complains that he has brought the child to the first place los de la Vega will look. He needs to take him somewhere else. She goes to get his money. Santiago commiserates with Alejandrito about his mother. Hearing someone enter off screen, he looks up and his expression changes to mild horror.

Bernardo intercepts Dololes’ and Amelia’s coach – the two women are devastated (ulcers 4 and 5, possibly gastroenteritis), and fill him in on Santiago’s kidnapping of Alejandrito. Bernardo rushes to tell Diego (ulcer #6).

Esme and Sara Kali [not quite as pressed about finding a hiding place, as they are still in the street] compare the suffering they experienced when they each thought the other was dead, and the way they missed each other, even before they “met.” Esmeralda promises her mother that they will be together from now on.

Zorro approaches El Callao and dispatches each soldier one by one. The petite Cifuentes runs at the masked (male) bandit with an early, Western version of the rebel yell, but stops dead in his tracks in front of the hero. Just don’t kill me, he says, as he offers Z his sword. All Zorro wants is to know where Montero is, and where he might have taken the Queen, but Cifuentes doesn’t know anything. Reinforcements arrive, but Cifuentes holds them off from attacking our hero.

Esme and Sara Kali, now trying to hide, are found by Renzo. He lets them know that Hermes is safe, and Jonas and Azucena are waiting for them around the corner. “Princess?” he hopefully addresses Esme [and her expression suggests she could write the For Men version of the book He’s Just Not That Into You]. She reluctantly hears his words of happiness, barely meeting his eyes. While he talks about being happy to see HER, and to know SHE’s alive, she says how much she missed all of THEM, and wanted to be back with her PEOPLE again…but first she had to take care of her VENGEANCE! They leave for safety.

We see what Santiago has made the fish face at: Olmos [looking like the “Massive Head Wound Harry” character from Dana Carvey’s years on Saturday Night Live] begs him to tell the authorities that the person who murdered him was Mariangel Sanchez de Moncada. Santiago smells a rat [and burnt flesh]. Olmos must’ve done something to Mangle to warrant that act, but Olmos denies it. The woman destroys everything she touches. In fact, she doesn’t even love the child Santiago now holds – she’s just using him to get money from Diego de la Vega. Santiago is impactado. He tells himself what a huge mistake he’s made (ulcer #7). From behind, Mangle has returned with his “payment,” which consists of a dagger swipe to his right arm. Santiago accuses her of tricking him, but she says no, I just used you [which is one level above lying to him, but two levels below betraying him]. Evidently the dagger wound is pretty debilitating, as it prevents the 6-foot-plus Santiago from preventing the 5-4 or less Mangle from taking the baby from his arms. She curses at SM and Olmos as she leaves.

Montero arrives with the captive Queen at Chez Incarceration, newly staffed after the massacre of Leroy and the other “hombres de confianza” by Pizarro at the weapons drop. He sends the men out to kill the Queen’s driver. Montero blames Fernando for the imprisonment of SK, but the Queen spits back at him that no one else probably ordered him to do the things he did to Esmeralda. Won’t you please just sit down, make yourself comfortable, and shut up, he asks the Queen. When Montero is found, the Queen will order him to be killed [Montero would like a method that doesn’t require a hood – can’t touch the hair] Montero, tired of hearing from another nagging woman besides Mangle, forgoes the seat and makes the Queen go into the special Comandante Suite in the basement.

Bernardo finds Diegorro and tells him that Santiago kidnapped the baby – Diegorro suspects SM took the babe to Mangle (ulcer #8).

Santiago’s expression as he helps Olmos rise from the ground and sit in a chair resembles that of Mariangel when she woke up from the potion. Olmos fills him in on Mangle’s lamp-glass attack, leaving out little details like the incident that let up to it. He further informs Santiago [and as Cathy would say, the rest of the viewing audience, especially those folks tuning in for the last two weeks of the novela] that the baby Mangle stole isn’t even hers, but Diego’s and Esmeralda’s, born during her imprisonment by Montero. Mangle’s baby was born dead, and he switched the babies, etc, etc, etc. Olmos wants SM’s help to flee the city, but Santiago determines that he must find Mariangle. Olmos yells that only he knows where she is, and Santiago relents.

Gerardo, Olmos’ “hombre de confianza” opens the door despite Pizza not using the secret knock this time. Pizza wants to know where the hell Olmos is. He orders a soldier to find Olmos and bring him there ASAP. Pizza is tense, as are his associates and captives, G, Cata, and Laisha (ulcers 9, 10, and 11).

Alejandro is planning the search for Monte and the Reina, and dispatches his men. Almudena arrives, having escaped Padre Tomas’ evil protective clutches. Alejandro is relieved to see her, but wants Dena to go back to the hacienda. No way, JosAlej – she needs to see Esme. She confirms that she knew Esme was alive, but had promised to keep the secret. Amelia and Dololes rush in with the horrible news of the baby-napping. Into this anguished scene, Esme arrives with SK and Dena runs to hug her surrogate daughter. Esme feels the need to introduce Dena to SK [wouldn’t these ladies have met in Spain?], and Esme’s two mothers embrace warmly. Unfortunately, Alejandro has to break the news that his grandson has been kidnapped. Esmeralda is quite a bit more than impactada.

Santiago begs Olmos to help him find Alejandrito. Olmos agrees, but only if SM will allow him to punish Mangle afterward. It’s a deal. Pizza’s soldier interrupts the plotters , and he stares in horror at Olmos Kruger.

Mangle’s arrival at Chez Incarceration wakes up the snoring Montero –and she’s brought the baby. [In an improbably sweet and unexpected scene] Montero gets all gushy to finally meet “his” son. Montero lets Mangle know that their world is turned upside down – Esmeralda is alive AND Sara Kali is alive AND Pizarro betrayed him AND he had to kidnap the Queen to escape and now she’s in the basement. This starts a fight, and Montero picks up and soothes the crying baby, disturbed by his shouting caregivers.

Pizarro wants to leave ASAP, and signs don’t point to Olmos’ arrival. He instructs Gerardo that if Olmos isn’t there an hour before the express ship to Spain sails, they’re leaving without him. He then proceeds to yell at Catalina to stop crying. Laisha observes this sadly.

As Mangle predicted, folks arrive at her house to search for the baby. Esme finds blood on the floor, and a baby bonnet/blanket [?] Diegorro arrives; Bernardo told him about the napping, and he reassures Esme that Mangle won’t harm the baby – they need to use him for money. Does Esme remember at all where she was incarcerated? Yes, in hard-to-find cabin, which turns out to be a site Diego had visited, but didn’t return to, thinking Montero wouldn’t use it again after Zorro discovered it. They’ll go investigate the cabin, but they have to be veeeeeerrrrry careful – Montero may have set a trap.

Montero plans his escape with his men while Mangle listens, uninterested and annoyed. Like a dutiful father, Montero asks her if it isn’t time for her to feed their son, and she snaps at him that she’s not a cow – find an Indian woman to take care of that! Turning back to business, Montero instructs his man Macario to prepare the gunpowder, which they’ll set up to get rid of anyone who comes to Chez Incarceration searching for him. After the men take off, he returns with a huge smile to play with his son [once again, Montero is truly enchanted with this kid! He probably just sees him as an extension of himself, tho’]

Evidently, Pizarro’s man managed to take off with Santiago and Olmos, but SM manages to disarm him. SM and Olmos take off on their original mission to find Mangle and the baby. The soldier comes to and conveniently mutters out loud – so a following Tobiasina can overhear him – that he’s going back to Pizarro empty-handed. Tobiasina promises that tonight Pizarro will see that “la muerte se presentara vestida de mujer.” (Death will show up dressed as a woman)

Sara Kali is doing planning of her own, with help from Jonas and Renzo. Renzo notes Ana Camila off to the side, quiet. What is it? She feels silly telling him this, but she thought she noticed something about the way he looked at Esmeralda, his great love, returned from the dead [Hmmmm… feeling silly? Does that warrant an ulcer? Sure – ulcer #12]. There’s nothing to fear about him and Esme – he loves Ana Camila. When the Second Annual Gypsy Queen Quest is over, they’ll discuss this in-depth, and she accepts that.

Pizarro is doing reassuring of his own, for Catalina [in his own gruff, against-the-woman’s-will sort of way]. His soldier bursts in with the news that he was attacked by Olmos’ associate on the way back to this barn/cabin. That’s it! Pizarro wants to leave NOW! But then, Tobiasina bursts in – with 19th century wig cap, and black evening gown - there’s no way you’re taking my woman, Pizarro! Tobiasina is there to get his VENGEANCE!!! Catalina looks ready to swoon in happiness at this romantic, dashing, suicidal gesture by her man; Pizza looks bemused or annoyed [as interpreted by his moving his eyes side to side and shifting his head a little].

The masked (female) bandit suits up. Garcia is worried about this next mission (ulcer #13), but Esme isn’t going alone – she’ll be with Zorro. Because they’re tracking Montero, it’s not safe for Garcia to be seen. She also has to be careful to protect Zorro’s identity. Garcia’s ears prick up - does la senora know the true identity of Zorro? She asks him to not ask any more questions, but softens the blow by thanking him for supporting her quest to find her son – his grandson. They share a tender moment as she reminds him that he is her son’s grandson and always will be.

Montero, Mangle, and his Not-So-Merry Men camp out in the forest for the night before they head to the coast in the morning. Montero corrects Mangle that they are actually more safe because they have the Queen in their possession than they would be without her. Mangle finally sees the humor in the situation – the supreme military authority of Los Angeles is now a fugitive. He reminds her that she is, too, and now they have their son with them. Montero wishes he could have seen Diego de la Vega’s face when he learned the child wasn’t his…oh,well. Mangle still doesn’t believe they can shake Diego that easily, after all, he is Zorro. Well, Montero snarks, if he goes looking for us at Chez Incarceration, he’ll get an explosive surprise…

Meanwhile, back at said shack…

The Man and Woman in Black case the joint. They suspect the captives are in the basement. Before they go in, Diegorro tells Esmeralda that if something happens, she is to get away as far as possible with the baby – he’ll “cover” her escape. He pulls down her train robber bandanna and they kiss passionately yet tenderly. When they pull back from the kiss, they hear a voice from the foliage. “Don’t move.” Esme re-masks and with Diego turns to face Santiago Michelena, who has a firm expression and an even firmer grasp on the pistol he points at them…

Ulcer count: 13
The official last ep of the show will be Monday, July 23rd!


Friday, July 13, 2007

Juan Querendon 7:13: during which your recapper is bored and disgusted by endless scenes of goo-goo-googly eyes as we try to decide who's hunting whom

Your temporary fill-in recapper here. I love Yo Amo a Juan Querendon, the first Mexican farce I've ever seen!

A few definitions of farce:

A comedy characterized by broad satire and improbable situations; intended to invoke non-censorious laughter; often with ridiculous or stereotyped characters.

As opposed to romantic comedies, farces frequently focus on a transgression or on a character's urge to hide something from the other characters, and the unforeseen chain reaction that results.

Having no time to step back and consider what he's been doing or will be doing next, the character who has something to hide soon passes the point of no return, erroneously believing that any course of action is preferable to being found out or admitting the truth, getting deeper and deeper into trouble.

The protagonist is usually presented sympathetically, encouraging the audience to identify with him and hope for his success.

The "skeleton in the closet" may be real or merely a misunderstanding or misinterpretation of facts. It is sometimes a secret which concerns the immediate present or the long-forgotten past and has just re-emerged and started to threaten the main character's security or peace and quiet.

Generally, there is a happy ending. The convention of poetic justice is not always observed: The protagonist may get away with what he or she has been trying to hide at all costs, even if it is a criminal act.

Farce in general is highly tolerant of transgressive behavior, and tends to depict human beings as vain, irrational, venal, infantile.

As far as ridiculous, far-fetched situations, quick and witty repartee, and broad physical humor are concerned, farce is widely employed in TV sitcoms, in silent film comedy, and in screwball comedy.

  • We start with the cute jammies-only birthday party for Nidia; the scores of candles on her cake go up like a torch (I did this once, I put 50 or 60 candles on a cake, I don't recommend it). Juan's happy voiceover: "This is what keeps me with them... Doña Nidia's a little concerned about getting older but she should enjoy every one of her years." They decide they'll have a 'little' party that night.

  • Chelo, the maid at CL and Monika's house, picks up the fainted wife. Monika thinks she's anemic - then the Doctor muses that she's under way too much stress and a heart attack at her age is likely to be fatal! But of course it turns out she's pregnant. "How could that happen, no puede ser, I'm so careful, there's no room in my plans for children."

    The maid dishes out one Public Service Announcement after another about the joy of having children, the miracle of life inside you etc., and that maybe this is best, the missus has been jetting around way too much, leaving the massah on his own too often, and that is, uh, not so good for marriage. A kid is just the ticket. And besides, a couple as gorgeous as Monica and CL should have a dozen children.

  • Pastor wakes up, wrapped in red satin sheets, still wearing his apron and satin shirt, way hungover. He immediately calls Juan (interrupted just as he's about to dive for a piece of birthday cake): "Juanito, I feel terrible, in fact fatal, there are birdies flying around my head, help me, I never drank so much (cries), nothing went as I'd planned, I don't even remember what happened." Juan, very relieved to hear this, assures him everything last night went great.

    "Juanito, please come get me right away." "NOW???!!" "Please don't shout." Juan says he can be there in half an hour; he lies to the ladies that he's needed for a big important problem at work.

    At Pastor's borrowed flat (where the Silver Fox used to boink Yvonne) Juan whips up a hangover remedy. Pastor morosely apologizes for complaining when Juan's been "such a prince." He attacks him from behind to deliver "an embrace of appreciation." Juan says, "Aw it's nothing, it's what friends do for each other," then says he can't be Pastor's date that night since he has to attend his aunt's birthday party. Pastor wrings from him a promise that they'll be together the next day.

    Juan drives Pastor home; Pastor half-heartedly proposes that Juan come in to say hi to Mommy Dearest. Juan is about to slip off, afraid to face "The Panther," when her rasping screech is heard. "This is some hour to be arriving home, decent people never sleep away from their own houses and especially not with mulletheads like HIM. Pastor, go wait in your room, I'll deal with you later, right now I'll talk to this monkey."

    To Juan: "I'm fed up with this to the crown of my head. Look here, boy, don't you hurt my idiot drunken son. I'll have to scrape him up off the sidewalk with a spatula, he falls in love with any old hairball, even that Fernando [Juan begins to smile in dazed appreciation that he'll have this hitherto-secret tidbit to blackmail Fernando with], they were friends for just a few months then Fernando jilted him. Don't you dare treat my boy badly, ok now to change the subject, would you like to stay and eat?" Juan, startled: "Oh, no, no, I can't, I..." "Just as well, I didn't want you anyway, I was only being polite." "Well, next time..."

    "I hope," she concludes sternly, "there won't be a next time."

  • In their cute little yellow shirts and caps the seminar participants in Tasco are engaging in bonding activities - e.g., a scavenger hunt. Paula cheerfully participates but Cesar wanders around by himself and doesn't even try. Paula visits him on the greensward, does some industrial-strength flirting, shows him how to hold his compass. "You're not even trying, after all these years of owning a corporation you've never learned how to be part of a team?" He says teamwork and cooperation aren't part of his style.

  • Yvonne calls Ana (Paula's mother) yet again and says: "You might want to warn Paula, who's messing with a married man, that his wife is on the way to Tasco and would not like to find her husband in bed with your daughter." Ana tries calling Paula but they don't connect.

  • Parafan yells at the flower vendor that the flowers are too expensive, it's robbery, "You've just lost a first-rate customer."

    He arrives at Nidia's with a huge bunch of luridly died carnations which Yadira judges to be third-rate: "He's so putadisimo with you, ma!" (I think that means cheap or like a son of a bitch.)

    In a moment of weakness Nidia asks Yadira timidly: "Do you think Alirio and I would make a good couple?" "Do you love him?" "I, uh, esteem him, he does whatever I want and I don't meet many men like that..." "But do you love him?" "With time, maybe I could learn to love him..."

    Nidia's eye starts to twitch like Lety's and as she equivocates and finally admits she doesn't love him, Yadira gives a resounding thumbs down. "Ma, a good man needs to have: money, eyes, mouth, hands, ("chomi, chomi"), he has to move well and not be a pest, and Alirio flunks all these criteria so forget him!"

    Juan primps in his boudoir mirror, debating whether to tie his hair back like a horse's tail, "But that would hide my highlights!" He lets it free and flips it as Gaviota does. "I'll wrap myself up like a present for them!" He sashays out the door in an ecstasy of self-approbation and runs into Marely in her black minidress. "Oh, the next world beauty queen, I need a pretty girl to take to the party." She says he looks elegant and he modestly replies, "One does one's best."

    Nidia descends the stairs a la Marilyn Monroe, to extended applause: feather boa, elbow-length gloves, spangles on her eyelids, an inverted silver cone on her hair. Alirio presents the beautiful birthday girl to the assembled multitude, then asks how she likes the flowers. She doesn't - they're cheap carnations - he should have at least coughed up for roses!

    As the party progresses, Juan is in a corner trying unsuccessfully to get Fernando to back off with Yadira because Enrique really loves her (while Fern's only known her for a week)...

    Suddenly that selfsame recently discarded fiancee shows up uninvited. He has a present for Nidia and makes a pretty speech, and after the third or fourth compliment Nidia invites him to stay, ignoring Yadira's furious signals. He and Fernando glower at each other.

    Yadira drags Ma into another room to yell about Kike's presence; she says she (heh) doesn't have room in her life for a pathetic chauffeur (Enrique). (Remember, she thinks Fernando is a rich impresario.)

    Nidia says Kike has been a member of the family since long before he was Yadira's BF and that Samuel (the dead husband) liked him. My closed captions weren't working so I'm not sure, but it's possible she said Samuel started that way too and Kike is following the same road. Yadira = unmoved. She says blood's gonna run in the street.

  • I reluctantly end this recap with a brief summary of all the nauseating, boring Paula vs. the Silver Fox scenes. All are performed with goo-goo aka bedroom eyes, half opened mouths with little bits of saliva dripping discreetly down both chins.

    Paula, with a soupçon of coy candor, breathes: "Mom says I'm an innocent gazelle and you are an implacable predator seeking another trophy for your collection." She says she's going to bed early, he begs her not to, she leaves, she soon returns, having removed her little shawl to reveal her deliciously protuberant breast implants squeezed out over the top of her scarlet minidress.

    To the tiresome sound of a thousand undeserved cymbal crashes and some idiotic "sweet nothings," Paula squeezes out of Cesar Luis the confession that he's wanted to carry her off to bed since the first moment he first saw her... but now... he wants... (more drool)... to make love with her. And this is quite clearly what she's been angling for, as well.

    Therefore I decree: Paula, joining Juan on the list of those who are causing their own downfalls by their own actions, now deserves everything that may happen to her. Let the blood run in the streets.


Acorralada #126 – 7/12/07 – Thursday - Boom, Boom! Out Go the Lights!

Dimwit is pouring out her tale of miseries to Granny M, Gaby, Fidiota, and Sylvie. "But that's not important. How did the trial go?" Little Doormat says she was declared innocent. Now Dimwit starts in with how if it wasn't for Maxito, she would have no reason to live. She wants to die so she can be together with Max. The only reason she's carrying on is because of her son.

Princess Fi is bending Octopus' ear about Max. Princess Fi wants to talk to Dimwit to see if Maxi-Moron mentioned her (Princess Fi's) name even once. Who cares?

More of Dimwit mourning over Max and the gaggle saying they can count on her. Dimwit needs to be strong for Maxito.

Princess Fi has gone back to Pasta's Palace and is now helping herself to another drink. What is she going to do without Max? What if Pasta makes her move? Woe is Princess Fi!

Emili-Oh, Roddy, and Sylvita are mourning over Max as well. "Max was like a brother to me," says Emili-Oh. Suddenly Sylvie starts hitting on Roddy. Roddy says he's engaged to Fidiota. Sylvie isn't about to be deterred; if he's ever available, she is more than willing to fill Fidiota's shoes.

Back to Dimwit and her posse. She's never going to get over the loss of Max!

Mid-drink at Pasta's Palace, there's a knock at the door. It's Cousin Eddie begging Princess Fi to take him back. She says he's probably pretty happy to hear about Max's death. "As a matter of fact, no I'm not. I'm not that kind of guy." He keeps begging for a second chance. Princess Fi seems to be contemplating it, since she's out of money and may soon be out on the streets.

Back to the Dimwit Entourage. They want Dimwit to move home. Dimwit would rather stay at Emili-Oh's place and sort things out. Fidiota then suggests she come back to Perfumes 'R Us, since the manicomio is gone. Dimwit wants to look for another job as a nurse. Looks like Fidiota is 0 for 3. Fidiota then tells Dimwit Peyote is Pasta's daughter.

Princess Fi makes up her mind. She never is going to go back to Cousin Eddie. She simply doesn't love him. Now she needs to figure out what to do when she gets evicted from Pasta's. "There is only one person who can help me. My friend, Ismael, the fisherman!!" How nice and tidy is that?

Ismael is offering to teach Max how to fish, when the phone rings. It's Princess Fi, his long-lost friend. He's all smiles, until she says she needs his help and wants to come visit right now. Suddenly, he looks impactada! Commercial.

I'm not really sure, but this is what I think is going on. . .Princess Fi really needs money and a place to stay. Ishy would really like to help his buddy, but he's really broke; the fish have not made him rich and he has just enough money to survive. Princess Fi says she's about to be evicted and wants to know if she can just stay with him for a few days or weeks. That seems to be OK.

Dimwit is still with her entourage when Isabel walks in with a tray of coffee. Everyone but Dimwit gets coffee. Dimwit gets magic tea. Fidiota asks the obvious about Isabel working for Dimwit, after Dimwit's sister shot Isabel's beloved nephew. They then point out Gaby was found innocent. Isabel calmly replies that if the courts found Little Doormat innocent, that's good enough for her. After Isabel leaves, Fidiota tells Dimwit to keep a close eye on Isabel. Orchestra of Doom.

Ishy tells Max he has an old friend coming to visit, but Max is leaving for Atlanta with his "grandfather." After escaping death, he's become a new man. A man bent on vengeance. He thanks Ishy for Ishy's kindness and promises to pay back the hospitality.

Dimwit gets another stomach cramp following the magic tea. Fidiota wants to call a doctor. After Fidiota runs out Dimwit has a heart-to-heart with Little Doormat. Little Doormat shouldn't let Luscious get away. L.D. replies she's not as strong as Dimwit and is afraid to confront Mommie Dearest and Kick Me. Meanwhile, Fidiota is in the other room with Sylvie, Roddy, Emili-Oh, Granny M, and Isabel. Fidiota wants to call a doctor. Isabel talks her out of it saying it's probably something Dimwit ate. With the aspirin, her fever should go down in a couple of hours. Roddy backs up Isabel's plan and Sylvie pipes up saying Isabel is a nurse and knows about these things. It's been decided, they'll wait two hours.

Marfil is telling Diablo she is just leaving for his house and will be there in a half hour. We see her getting into her little white Mercedes and fumble for the keys. Uh oh, this must be foreshadowing. Sure enough, we see a close-up of a gun between the car seats, and a hand reaching for it. Wait a minute, it's the little (now) red-headed weasel! As Marfil is driving by, LRW shoots and Marfil slumps over the wheel.

More discussion amongst the living room brigade about Dimwit's condition. Suddenly the doorbell rings; it's Princess Fi. Princess Fi needs to talk to Dimwit – it's very important. Fidiota says now isn't the time, but Princess Fi is persistent.

Luscious comes to visit the comatose Peyote. He pours out his tail of woe; Peyote is in a coma, Max is dead, Gaby won't fight for their relationship, Rene just left Yolanda to go to Germany, Pasta is divorcing Octopus. Apparently it's a bad time to be an Irascible; so much bad karma!

Kick Me has on his tight swimming trunks, when Little Doormat walks in. He tells her to change into her little bikini and accompany him to the pool. When she says she doesn't feel like it, he grabs her by the hair and threatens her. He says he won't take Larry's appearance at court out on her THIS time, since it's clear she had no control over "The Imbecile" showing up, but if he ever catches them together. . .Kick Me heads out to the pool telling Gaby to change quickly so she can rub suntan lotion on his back. Pobre de Gaby.

Princess Fi asks Dimwit if Max ever mentioned her (Princess Fi's) name at the asylum. Alas, he didn't. Princess Fi acknowledges that she and Dimwit didn't get off to a very good start, but now that Maxi-Mundane is gone, perhaps they can share their grief and become best friends.

Debora is gloating about finally paying Marfil back for all the years of misery Marfil caused Debora. All of a sudden we see police cars following Debora and the chase is on. We don't get to see much of a chase, since suddenly we cut to police cars rolling up to Marfil's Mercedes. The cops converge on Marfil with guns drawn. The one cop walks up and checks Marfil's pulse. "She's alive!" They then supposedly wake her up. She tells them she heard two shots, but doesn't know what happened. The cop asks if she knows of anyone who would want to kill her.

Mighty Max and Pedro say their good-byes to Ishy and Ishy's little girl. Max promises to get her a doll house. Pedro wants to steal a car like in his old days.

The chase continues and now Debora is running into a vacant house with the cops in hot pursuit.

The police tell Marfil she needs to accompany them to the sheriff's department, even if she doesn't know who shot at her.

Dimwit is delirious and calling for Maxi-Moron. Fidiota comes running in and tells Roddy to call 911. Isabel tries to stop them, but Fidiota will have none of that. Isabel stalled them two hours ago and now Dimwit is even worse! Isabel goes running out into the living room and Emili-Oh asks where she thinks she's going. As she's running to the front door, Isabel tells Emili-Oh that Fidiota no longer needs her services. Suddenly Emili-Oh gets worried and runs into Dimwit's room. Sylvie tries to stop Isabel, without success.

Meanwhile, Debora is holed up at the construction site, clutching her gun. They'll never take her alive! Finally, a gun battle breaks out.

Apparently Maxi-Moron and Pedro have stolen a mini-van. It's a trip down memory lane for Pedro, who was apparently a rebellion in his youth. All is fun and games until Maxi-Morose starts thinking about Dimwit and how she allegedly "cheated" on him with Diablo. Now she's going to be really sorry!

Fidiota and Roddy show up at the hospital. Yolanda and Pasta want to know why Roddy and Fidiota are so agitated. Roddy tells them Dimwit is gravely ill. As Fidiota heads to the ER, they run into Octopus. O--"What are you doing here? Stay away from my daughter!" Fidiota says "I have no intention of seeing Peyote; Dimwit is seriously ill." Octopus tells Fidiota she hopes Dimwit dies. Brrrrrr! I could all but see the ice crystals form on the TV screen. Roddy has to hold Fidiota back from attacking Octopus! Insults are then exchanged until Fidiota remembers she has a daughter to tend to; it's not always about fighting with Octopus. Octopus then mutters she hopes Fidiota has to suffer as much as she does, following the death of Max.

The standoff continues. Finally a cop gets Debora in his gun sights.

DoK tells Dulce, and later Fidiota and Roddy, that Dimwit was poisoned. At first he thinks Dimwit was trying to kill herself, but Fidiota says there's no way Dimwit would do anything like that. Finally a light bulb goes on over Fidiota's head. "It's that nurse!" DoK says they need to report this to the police.

The shoot-out continues. She'll never be taken alive!!! Finally she points her gun at a copy and he shoots her smack dab in the middle of her forehead. As she looks surprised, she gets shot in the back by another cop. Guess the show must be winding down, since we see our Little Red-headed Weasel fall from about three stories up and land in a pit. We see a close-up of her bullet wounds, so it will be hard to see her recover from this one; apparently her nine lives have finally run out.

Isabel is frantically packing to make a quick getaway. Now that Dimwit is in the hospital, everyone will know Dimwit was poisoned. From there, they will put two and two together and get Isabel. Isabel is going to go to New Orleans and stay with her friend Petra until things calm down. Just as she's leaving, who should be at her front door but Fidiota, Roddy, and the men in blue! As they take her into custody, Isabel is claiming she didn't poison anyone. She cries and denies her activities as they are hauling her away. Buh bye! Another loose end nicely tied up; you can tell the show is winding down.

Marfil finally shows up at Diablo's Dungeon, six hours late. He starts yipping at her, so she tells him what happened and how she was detained by the police. She has no idea who tried to kill her.

Granny M is visiting Dimwit and bringing her up to speed about what happened. Dimwit thought Isabel was nice; why would she do such a thing? Granny M wants Dimwit to get better so she can be reunited with Mini-Max. Dimwit is still mooning over Maxi-Moron. Cousin Eddie is whining to Doc Evil about losing Princess Fi. Iggy tells him to get over it. "I will never love another woman. . . Unless it is Dimwit!" Iggy is appalled. I'm appalled. "Dimwit is special." I could just barf. Iggy looks like he wants to barf.

Marfil is not in the mood. She's had a long day. She gets a call from the police to go to the morgue and identify Debora. Marfil says it can't be Debora, Debora died in a fire awhile ago. She hangs up, muy impactada!

The next morning she and Diablo are at the morgue. She tells the attendant it couldn't possibly be her dead twin sister. Pobre de Marfil, that's exactly who it is! She then tells the attendant it was obviously Debora who tried to kill her the day before. We then see Debora with a fake-looking scar, unlike any burn I've ever seen, and singed "red" hair. Hmmm. Wasn't Debora also a blonde? I don't have time to contemplate this as the

Credits roll.


Destilando Amor - Thursday, 7/12/07: “You know it’s true… Everything I do, I do it for you”

Aaron and his mom are chatting at a restaurant and he mentions that Isa’s baby might be the result of, well… Fedra asks, You mean, you doubt that the baby is Rod’s? They have a good laugh.

Bruno joins them and admonishes Aaron for just walking away from Minerva. She’s a good wife and he thinks Aaron’s getting all caught up in having an heir and chasing the Montalvo inheritance. And if Rod’s baby inherits, the business would still be in the family, right?

Pilar calls Bruno and tells him that she needs all of them to come to her place right away. It’s more important than Aaron’s business trip. She wants to talk to them now. They wonder what it could possibly be.

Rod calls the hacienda, asks after James, and instructs Roman to make preparations for him and Isa. They’re planning to come back to the hacienda.

It’s night and James tiptoes up to the front door at Rancho Arroyo Seco. He turns back toward his car. “Mister James!” It’s Acacia. James asks about Meliton’s whereabouts. She says Meliton’s sick, his liver is letting him down.

Gaviota is drinking alone at the Malquerida, despondent. She thinks to herself, why did you have to trick me again, Rod? And make a joke out of my love?

A lonely businessman approaches Gavi at the bar and asks her why she’s all alone. She tells him bluntly to get lost. She’s not looking for company. He persists, sits down, and starts to order her a drink. He tells her he likes angry women! Just then, Frankie approaches, so earnest, and apologizes to Gavi, “Jennifer,” for being late to meet her. He tells the businessman to get lost, because he and his girlfriend want some privacy.

Gavi says to Frankie, who are you? I don’t know you! Get out of here! Are you deaf or what? Frankie tells her he only wants to know one thing, why she hates men. He doesn’t like men, either! He likes women so much better. Gavi scoffs at him.

Frankie says that God made women to show men beauty, love and sensibility. Just like you! Men are so much less stable. A man chases one woman, then goes after the next conquest. A man will always telling the woman he meets that she’s the only one for him, he’s having a problem with his wife, he’ll leave his wife for her. That gets Gavi’s attention.

But Gavi confronts Frankie. What are you talking about? You’re a man! Yes, Frankie says, but he’s not like the others, he’s loyal. He’s looking for a queen to share his life with. He wants to dedicate his life to making one woman happy, forever.

Frankie asks, are you single, married, widowed or separated? Gav says, none of those! She’s a committed to remain single, the best state for a woman to be. She asks Frankie, are you married or engaged? He says no, of course not. Or I wouldn’t be here. She tells him he looks like he is. He says it’s because he spent the day working on taxes.

Aaron, Fedra and Bruno join Pilar, Sophie and Daniela at Pilar’s place. Aaron wants to get started, so he can leave for Miami. Dani tells him that they need to wait for Rod, because Rod will be especially interested in the information that Aaron will provide them. Dani instructs Sophie to go call Rod to track him down. Sophie reports that the line is busy and Rod’s cell is off.

Since Rod is not reachable, Dani decides to get down to business. She asks Aaron, What did you do with Mariana Franco’s liquidation check for 5 million pesos, the one you said you gave to her to leave my brother alone? You said she left happy with the check, but it was never cashed and she left the company humiliated. Dani has proof about the check!

Aaron shouts at Dani, you listen to me! Dani confronts him, No you listen to me! I want you to retract your words and apologize. Bruno wants to end the charade if what Dani says is true.

Aaron admits that things didn’t happen exactly like he told them. Yes, Mariana did leave. Aaron knows what kind of a woman she is: that’s what’s important! She was going to go after Rod. Aaron did what he had to for the family. Aaron told them all the version that he did because he did not want to drag the family into issues of this nature.

Fedra chimes in that Mariana had her eye on Aaron as soon as she started work with him – that’s the reason for Aaron’s divorce with Minnie. Dani calls Fedra on her lie: the real reason that Aaron is divorcing Minerva is that she can’t bear him an heir!

Dani tells them that Videgarray considers Mariana to be a woman of integrity. Aaron interrupts her, That woman is a danger to Rod! Bruno says that Rod’s old enough to make up his own mind and take care of himself. Aaron is angry that they doubt his word. He said what he did was for the good of the family. Period! And that’s all he’s going to say!!

Aaron gets up to leave, and Pilar calls after him to wait. He storms out. Fedra gets up and tells them to let Aaron go, her son acted in good faith. Bruno is flustered and doesn’t know what to think. He follows Fedra out. Dani has tears in her eyes and is angry that Bruno and Fedra are not getting involved. Pilar is distraught and is sure the family will break apart.

Minerva is at home, seated on the floor, crying. She can’t imagine her life without Aaron. He is everything to her!

Rod gets word that the taxi is ready to take Isa and him to the airport. The phone rings again and Isa tells him not to answer it or they’ll be late. He picks up the phone and tells Sophie that he can’t come to Pilar’s now. He and Isa are leaving. Isa decided to forgive him. Rod paces around the couch, sighing. They’re going back to the hacienda to make the marriage work and to plan the honeymoon that they never took. Rod wonders why Sophia is not happier for them. She congratulates him weakly and hangs up.

At the bar, Gavi prepares to leave. Frankie asks her why she is at the bar, drinking by herself. It must be for spite. Gavi looks vulnerable. Frankie tells her that the eyes always tell the tale. Her eyes do. He knows how to read people and he waves his hands in front of her face. She plays along and pretends to be surprised.

Frankie says, a man came into your life and hurt you. If I’m lying, you can leave. If you stay, you’ll let me buy you a drink so we can talk about your past, your present, and your future. Gavi gets up to leave, but turns around. Are you some kind of a sorcerer?

Frankie’s got her interest now. He tells her he has special power from a Tibetan monk that he must share. Gavi stays, but she’ll pay for her own drink. She wants to know more. They gaze at each other for a moment, and he pretends to blow magic dust off his palm toward her. She smiles and nods, pretending to be impressed.

At the ranch, Acacia lets James inside. He tells her he’s found a house for them in town. They can see Father Cosme tomorrow about getting married. But Acacia’s not leaving. She’s told him, this is her ranch and soon it will be his, too! James doesn’t understand how she can stay in this hell with her uncle. He sees the rifle on the table. Acacia picks it up and tells him that the rifle makes her feel safer, especially since Meliton is blaming her for everything. Here, she says to James, you take the rifle!

Acacia runs down the hall to peer at Meliton, asleep on his bed. She mentions that Meliton told her that many people have died cleaning their guns. And that can happen to Meliton, too. James lets go of the rifle like it is contagious. Acacia! They kiss in the doorway.

Frankie tells Gavi he has a sense of her past by her eyes. But for the future, you have to look at the hands. She plays along and asks him to read her palm. He does an incantation and says her hand shows that she’s smart, talented, etc. He sees her happy in the future, in a place with flowers. But not with the man who betrayed her. Gavi is disappointed.

Acacia breaks away from James and he runs after her. She can’t possibly stay here, Meliton will continue to abuse her. That makes James want to kill him! Acacia agrees that Meliton will continue to abuse her – unless James does something about it. James wants her to leave, but she won’t. She says, Kill him! If you really love me, kill him!

James horrified. He aims the rifle, thinks about it for a second, and refuses. You’re not serious! He tries to get her to leave. Again she refuses. She’s staying. James tells her he knows how much she hates Meliton, but killing him is not the solution! James pleads with her to leave. He’ll come back tomorrow for her answer. She shows him the door and tells him he knows what her terms are. She leans away as he tries to kiss her goodbye.

At the hacienda, San Juana skips into the kitchen and tries to get Hilario’s attention. She asks after James. Hilario chides her for her interest in Elvis, Francisco, and now James. James is getting married! San Juana’s not so sure. Hilario tells San Juana that he doesn’t want anything with her. She counters that she knows what Hilario wants. Just then, Roman comes in to tell them to get ready for Rod and Isa’s return. San Juana turns to Hilario to taunt him, Good news for you!

Sophia tells Dani and Pilar that Rod has reconciled with Isa and they are returning to the hacienda. Dani can’t believe it. Sophie couldn’t tell Rod the news about Aaron sending Gaviota away, Rod is so happy about his child now. Dani says she’ll tell Rod the news! Pilar tells her not to call him. Rod won’t handle the news at all. Sophie agrees.

Sophia says, maybe Mariana wasn’t so bad after all. Pilar says, maybe Mariana isn’t really a saint. But at any rate, she’s gone and no one can find her. There’s no point in telling Rod now, there’s no chance for him to reconcile with Gaviota. And the news could turn him against the family, Isa, and his child. He could be capable of killing Aaron!

Gavi says to Frankie, so I’ll live my life as an old maid, but happy! No, no. He sees someone in her future, someone very special: loyal, sincere, noble. He can’t see what the man looks like. And this is all too much for Frankie! Why? Well, Frankie doesn’t want to brag, but the man he sees in Gavi’s future is a lot like him. Gavi’s ready to end the consultation.

She gets up to leave and Frankie follows her. He wants to know her name, seriously. She tells him it’s Jennifer. He wants her number, but she refuses. At least she can let him walk her to her car or give her a ride home. It’s dangerous out there!

Dani calls Elvis and gives him the news about the confrontation with Aaron. It goes against her principles not to tell Rod what happened. Elvis tells her to try to see things from Pilar’s point of view, she’s trying to keep the family together.

Gavi thanks Frankie for the ride. He wants to see her again and tells her about great places they can go, dancing. He sings a little reggaeton song to her about how he hopes he didn’t offend her. He wants her number. She tells him it’s in the book, under Jennifer! She leaves. Francisco strikes out!

Gavi comes home and wakes her mom. Clarita confronts her about drinking. Gavi smiles. But I met a charming guy who read my palm and told me my future. Clarita gets interested. Will we be poor? Get I get married? Win the lottery? Gavi says, no, no. It was just a game to get to know me. But he seemed like an OK guy. She tells Clarita she listened to what he had to say. And she stills feels like she’ll be betrayed again.

Rod and Isa walk into the hacienda foyer, holding hands. Isa pulls him aside and whispers that she wants them to sleep in the same room. Rod manages a smile and agrees. Isa will need some special provisions. She gets Rod to tell the staff the news: My wife is pregnant.

Clarita badgers Gavi into praying to the saints. Gavi prays for protection from the Montalvos. She has a laundry list of requests. And she wants to break Rod’s face, too. Clarita is angry at her and starts to pray again. Gavi’s not going to forgive Rod, but she prays that nothing bad will happen to him.

Rod wants to hire someone to help Isa with everything. Isa knows the perfect person for the job, San Juana. San Juana is thrilled!

Hilario looks ill. Rod and Isa approach the stairs, hand in hand. Isa stops in front of Hilario, Aren’t you going to congratulate me?

Gavi can’t sleep and remembers how Rod told her he wanted them to return to Tequila when they got married. A lie! She hears Francisco’s words about men again. Gavi says, if Rod wants to be with his wife, I hope he’s happy!

Isa is sitting in bed. I thought it was over, but I won. I won, Gaviota! Now Rod is mine. Rod strides out of the bathroom. He brushes his hair and pauses suddenly. Isa asks, what are you thinking about? Nothing, he says. She smiles sweetly. I don’t believe you!

Rod sits next to her. Look, the most important thing in my life is my child. My child… my child and…. you. Isa brightens up. I’ve never heard you talk like that before! What beautiful words. She leans over and says, I’ll always love you. Rod looks resigned and sad. Isa kisses him and he doesn’t break away from her.

Advances for Friday:
- Isa and Rod kiss
- Isa gloats
- Dani finally reaches Rod on the phone, but will the truth be revealed?


Yo Amo a Juan - Thurs 7/12 - Juan gets yelled at...twice (egoist x 2)

At poolside, Cesar Luis kisses Paula's hand and then moves in for the mouth kiss. She's willing but he pulls back, he doesn't wish to commit a grave error. Paula runs off and leaves CL stunned but also smiling.

Pastor, wearing his cute little apron, tells Juan he will wait for him but Juan had better not stand him up. "Again the burro goes to the wheat," Juan responds (again with the same old crap). Pastor hangs up on him and Juan plays the big exec in front of Marely and Yadira.

Juan, Fernando, Yadira and Marely go down to the garage. Who should be lurking there with a scowl on his face? Enrique!

Yadira and Fernando are driving in "his" car. She's in a snit because she recognized Ivonne from the disco. She picks a fight with Fernando giving him a taste of her spoiled, bitchy personality. When he snarls back she makes up and they kiss.

Marely and Juan are in the other car. Why aren't they all in one car? Don't they know about carpooling? Marely mentions she heard Juan studied with Fernando in college. Juan nearly crashes the car because this is the first he's heard about it. He tells her he studied economics of course. They chat some more and she eventually asks him what he wants (out of life?). He thought bubbles that he wants her to feel butterflies inside her sublime chest whenever he is at her side. Cut to Pastor fuming over his shrimp cocktail.

Pastor phones Ivonne to find out what time Juan left the office. She advises him to stop looking at his watch and have a copita of something before he ruins this date like he does all his others. Pastor vows that if that guy doesn't show up he'll kill himself.

Juan, Fernando and the girls are enjoying lunch in a nice restaurant. Yadira and Fernando are disgustingly goopy with each other. Marely interrupts, she hates to be a wet blanket but can they talk about her job? She looks at Fernando hopefully until Juan butts in and says it's already arranged. Marely's ecstatic, when can she start? Fernando mumbles something incoherent and Juan pipes up "this week!" Juan broadly grins at Marely's joy but oh dear, his lies are becoming very complicated and they involve way too many people. Fernando looks like he's about to choke.

Alirio is at the bank about to cash a big check. While he waits for his money he dreams of Nidia..."Ah Nidia, now you won't be able to say No to me, I already have the dead guy's dough."

Taxco, Guerrero: Paula gazes out her window and asks herself what's happening to her. Meanwhile CL lies on his bed watching a hot chick on an exercise show. He visualizes it's Paula. "Why is that woman driving me crazy?" he wonders.

Alirio shows up at Nidia's door and says he has the perfect cure for her previous wrath at him. She haughtily allows him to enter. He proudly states, "In this moment I am in front of the sole legitimate heir of Don Samuel's fortune!" Nidia's mouth goes into a perfect "O" before she erupts in joy..."No puede ser, no puede ser!"

Alirio assures her he's absolutely serious. It wasn't easy but he falsified Sam's will so she would inherit everything. He explains to her how he arranged this with the utmost discretion to benefit her. She vows her lips are sealed.

After the foursome return from lunch Enrique accosts them in the garage. He yells at Juan and Yadira for betraying him. Fernando comes to Yadira's defense. Kike calls him a cadaver and dares him to fight but Juan breaks them up. Kike elbows Juan in the stomach and mocks the "wonderful Juan Dominguez" who is a liar, a pig, an opportunist and an egoist. Furthermore he borrowed all of Kike's money and used it to help steal Yadira from him.

Kike really works himself into a lather. Juan tries to calm him but he only pisses Kike off more. He turns on Yadira again and Fernando leaps over to try to punch him but Juan holds him back. Poor Kike yells "bring it on" to Fernando but he looks like he's in tears.

Nidia asks Alirio if he's sure his "funny" documents won't get her into trouble. He skirts the question sufficiently enough for her to go into spasms again, "It's all for me, all all all all!" She wants to know when she'll get the check. He reminds her that he took care of his part of the bargain, he got her the money, now it's her turn to make good on her part. She holds her head and pretends she doesn't know what he's talking about. "Darling Nidia," he reminds her, "I was going to get you the deceased's money and in return you were going to marry me." Nidia's mouth goes into a perfect "O" again.

Poor Pastor, he's sitting alone, waiting for Juan, with shots of tequila lined up on the little bar. He pounds the shots and refills the glasses until the bottle is emptied. He opens another bottle.

Juan arrives back in the office and Ivonne scolds him for not meeting Pastor. Now he will be responsible for the suicide of the Chief of Personnel. Juan pats his pockets and makes up one of his stories, he lost the address, does she have it? Ivonne tells him to be careful with Pastor, he's very sensitive and easily disillusioned. Juan thought bubbles, "Bah, he's a regular Madame Butterfly. Santo Niño de Atocha have pity on me and this opera that I'm in."

As Juan walks away Ivonne totally checks out his stupendous aft end and wonders what's going on with Pastor and Juan.

Nidia becomes very sweet to Alirio. She tells him she's still in mourning and is concerned that they not rush things, they need to follow social protocol. Fine, answers Alirio, just so she knows they WILL get married. He starts drooling over her and begins to chase her around the coffee table. He warns her not to make him too crazy because he could, in a moment of insanity, reveal their plot to Ana and Paula Davila. Nidia gets huffy and replies that she might, in a moment of insanity, reveal that the honorable licenciado Alirio Preafan Rocha de Francisco falsified official documents. He counters that jail would be a fiesta compared to not spending the rest of his life with her. Round and round the table they go.

Nidia suggests that they could be novios without matrimony, couldn't they? "I require the complete package," Alirio firmly responds, "and now I'll leave while you consider your decision. Don't rush, but if you don't decide neither will you get your money. Farewell my Egyptian princess." She hisses like an asp after he departs.

(And now we introduce the magnificent comedic team of Juan and Pastor.) Pastor is three sheets to the wind when Juan finally arrives. Juan has to hold Pastor up he's staggering so badly. Pastor grabs Juan's wine and blubbers insults at Juan. He cries that Juan is an egoist who ripped his heart apart. Who does Juan think he is, Juan Camaney? (sorry, I don't know who Juan Camaney is. Juan is as clueless as I...) "No, Dominguez," answers Juan, "and all I want is a little respect."

Pastor replies that Juan and the rest of the world insult and disrespect him, well he's had enough, he's going to change and he wants Juan to get far away from him. Juan goes through a series of amusing facial expressions and thought bubbles "Ay ay ay, who woke the sleeping lion? Don Pastor is worse than Lupe D'Alessio." Pastor concludes his train of thought by stating he may have drunk too much.

Juan calls Ivonne. He says Pastor did something crazy. "Is he alive?" she gasps. Pastor staggers into the room, mutters "I'm dead" and falls face down onto the bed. Ivonne tells Juan not to leave Pastor alone and to take him to the emergency room if he gets worse. Pastor becomes sloppy, he begs Juan to forgive him. All the while Juan is flopping Pastor around like a bloated fish, trying to get him face up on the bed. Pastor yells at Juan to use the "tu" form with him before he (Pastor) dies and to tell him that he (Juan) feels something for him. "To tell you the truth," Juan answers, "at this moment I only feel shame for you/usted."

It's a beautiful night in Taxco. CL and Paula are at the Seminar of Strategic Thinking (Planning Strategy?) which has just concluded. The seminar leader is pleased to see CL and tries to chat him up but CL can't wait to follow Paula who has left the building.

Pastor's world is spinning so Juan tries the old trick of putting one foot on the ground. Unfortunately Pastor's leg is too short and his foot doesn't reach the floor no matter how hard Juan pulls. Pastor begs for one word of love and Juan flips him over in disgust. Juan silently comments to the Santo Niño that only God knows the twisted ways of love.

CL finds Paula in a cafe listening to Fur Elise. He invites her to a meal with the seminar participants but she says she wants to go to bed early. He tells her he's been thinking of their conversation from that afternoon. Did she never consider marriage and children? Yes and no she answers. So far she has been busy with her studies, plus her own family situation was kind of negative. He admits that from the start he has felt a certain aloofness from her. She says maybe it is deliberate, her way of protecting herself from...(sleazy music)...because she's starting to feel...(more sleazy music and hopeful looks from CL).

Commercial break to Paula in a bikini followed by scenes from El Gran Final of Duelo de Pasiones. The music is very suspenseful but I don't see any sign of The Cofre.

Paula thanks CL for the conversation but she's tired. He tries to get her to stay but she cuts him off and splits.

Juan burns his fingers on a hot plate he takes out of the oven. No reason to let Pastor's delicious meal go to waste just because Pastor has passed out. He digs into his steak with gusto and thinks that at least there is no question that Pastor is a very good cook. After he eats he rolls Pastor around some more so he can get him under the blankets, all the while babbling to himself about poor Pastor. It must be difficult to live life running in the wrong direction. In some ways Pastor has been nicer to him than many of his other friends.

CL drinks his wine with a smug grin on his face. He recalls Paula's words that she was beginning to feel something. He jumps up and dashes out of the cafe.

Juan sits in his car and thinks about Paula, "Ay Paula, do you know how much I think of you? Not because I want to but because I can't get you out of my head. You are there no matter where you go. Good night my sugar dove."

Paula calls Ana to tell her goodnight and that everything is going fine. Paula looks over at the door that adjoins her room to CL's.

CL approaches Paula's door, starts to knock, turns away, then turns back to her door but stops before he knocks and says "caught in my own trap, the hunter becomes the hunted."

Paula promises her mother that she will be careful, then she reclines on her bed with the look of love on her face.

Next morning: Monica tells the maid she felt nauseous all night. (Uh oh!!! Pregnancy alert!) She can't bear the thought of breakfast but going to visit Cesar in Taxco will surely make her feel better. She tells the maid that if Cesar calls don't tell him she's on her way because she wants it to be A Surprise. (Again with the surprise.) She faints on her way to the door.

The second day of the seminar begins. Paula and CL are wearing their seminar uniforms of yellow polo shirts and caps. He whispers to her that it wasn't easy to sleep knowing they were separated by just a door. She tells him to take sleeping pills...but if it makes him feel any better she couldn't sleep either. It looks like she just made him feel better.

Whoopeee!! A treat for the ladies, Juan is in his cute little jammie bottoms doing pushups. He grunts "one, two, three" and flops onto the floor, muttering that the good life is taking a toll on him. Someone knocks on the door. When Marely enters he enthusiastically resumes his pushups counting out loud "five hundred sixty-seven, five hundred sixty-eight." Can Marely speak with him for a moment? She beckons and he follows her out on his knees. He's almost as tall as she is. My gawd he is a complete hunk.

They sneak into the dining room where Yadira awaits. They are obviously plotting something as there is much whispering and giggling. Marely kisses a photo of Samuel. Nidia walks in and is greeted by music and a cake covered with burning candles. In fact it's a veritable inferno. Happy Birthday Nidia! Juan picks her up and twirls her. They all happily blow out the candles. Juan puts his big arms around them all and thought bubbles that they feel like his own family..."In spite of everything what it would happen to us later, this was the only family that I had ever really had."

Any appearance to reality is pure coincidence.

Advance - Ivonne makes another anonymous call to Ana, a doctor tells Monica that she's expecting a baby.

dejar a plantado alguien = to stand somebody up
soy una tumba = my lips are sealed (lit. I'm a tomb)


Zorro - July 12, 2007 chaos reigns and the truth comes out

* Z and Dona Z have confrontation in upstairs room. As he starts to question who she is, whether she's friend or foe, she gets defensive, vague and draws her sword.

* Queen ML addresses invited guests at ball - thanking them for attending. Jonas whispers to SK and Renzo to be very careful, enemies can be anywhere and everywhere in that ballroom. Piza shifts his eyes as he keeps careful watch, as does the secret guards and soldiers and drag queen Toby. ML makes the announcement that the new governor (replacing Don Fernando) is Don Alejandro. ML asks Alej to step forward, he pauses a moment to look at Dena before approaching the Queen. He kneels in front of her and accepts the new position. Monty and Jacomo grimace while SK and others "golf clap" applause.

* Z and Dona Z sword fight in upstairs room. D is still curious and asks questions to Dona Z - he notes the pain in her voice as she speaks and tells her to have hope; she says hope brings pain and she's tired of waiting. They continue sword fight.

* ML finishes installing Alej as governor. She walks down the carpet, Jacomo wants to speak with her, she says later and goes over to have private conversation with Alej. ML and Alej whisper about security measures for the event and about SK's presence. Alej assures her that he and his men will protect her and SK. Dena interrupts to congratulate Alej on his appointment.

Monty and Jacomo walk single-file to Alej and ML; Jacomo congratulates Alej cordially and dignified before walking away. Monty swallows his pride and offers his hand to Alej, Alej says don't bother with formalities, he is well aware of Monty's feelings for him and his feelings are mutual towards Monty. Monty swallows and walks away. Mejias comes up afterward and gives Alej a military salute, Alej reciprocates, Mejias leaves.

Piza and his secret guard keep watch. MA enters ballroom wearing all read and stands behind Piza.

* D/Z and Dona Z/Esmy continue sword fight and conversation. He says something; she reciprocates by slashing his shirt (exposing his bare chest). He is shocked, goes to take off his hat, and gloves. As she turns, he slashes her bodice with his sword (touche). She's shocked. He grabs her and pulls her close to him - he realizes it's ESMY!. They kiss.

(cue theme song and opening credits)

* Santiago enters kitchen and finds Dolly and Camelia relaxing and finishing up their chores. He talks to them about everyone attending the ball; he notices they are drinking milk and talks them into sharing a bottle of wine with him (he is insistent). Dolly and Camelia agree.

* D and Esmy have a intimate conversation in the room about where she was, what happened to her. She explains and includes Monty and MA's part in the story. He was told that she was dead but he always knew in his heart that she was alive - he found her clothes and her pendant. She said she lost it on the ship. He doesn't understand it but he found a mariner on the street and got it from him. He shows it to her. She's surprised.

* Dolly and Camelia are drunk and laughing with Santiago, who isn't at all drunk, as they play poker with beans as chips. The wine bottle is empty. Santiago will go get another - they try to protest but Santiago is still insistent and goes for the new bottle. In storeroom/pantry, Santiago takes a sip from the bottle before pouring his secret powder into the wine and mixes it up. He mutters something about the brothers who are looking for him.

* MA finds Monty at the ball - he's surprised she's there - she reminds him of the plan and that she wants Alejandrito away from D and his family now. He says be patient, relax, no hurry. She is adamant of taking the baby tonight. (ERGH!)

* Piza whispers to Gutierrez his plan to help Olmos and Laisha escape from jail tonight. Gutierrez leaves immediately. Toby pesters Piza, tries to solicit punch companion. Piza says he's working and refuses the offer (if you want punch, get it for yourself). Soldier whispers a message to Piza, Piza leaves Toby.

Piza and Monty argue over SK getting into the ball with a fake invitation. Piza assures him they were extra diligent with all the invitations and guests entering the ballroom. Monty hopes there won't be any problems tonight or Piza will pay with his life.

Renzo and Cami are nervous and talk about why they came. SK approaches. Cami asks when will she meet ML. SK says soon, not now.

Alej and Dena leave ML's side to have private conversation. They wonder where D is; Alej asks Dena to leave because of what may happen when Mercedes does appear. Dena is shocked by the request and refuses to leave her husband, the new governor's, side. Alej says then he will have two queens to protect.

* D and Esmy in room getting reunited (romantic kissing - UY!) She pulls away; he comes in for more. They hug.

* Fer and MP in their special love nest barn, he talks of his past, of Regina's angelic visit to him in the forest and that she forgave him. MP asks if Fer has forgiven Regina, he says he can't.

* PT stands beside ML. Jacomo, nervous, goes wandering through the crowd. Monty tells Piza his nervousness of the ball guests and security measures. Piza assures that everything is under control. Monty notes that D hasn't appeared, thinks it may be a sign of something bad to come. Piza assures him otherwise. Monty leaves. Piza grumbles about Monty being seriously hurt.

* D and Esmy hug, kiss and talk in room. She tells him about her vengeance plan for mom's death. D informs her that her mom, SK, is still alive and SK's plan for vengeance tonight when she meets with ML and tells her whole story against Fer and Monty. Esmy is extra-happy to know her mom is still alive. She mentions wanting to hold their son in her arms. D asks about their son (he's baffled by her comment).

* Santiago looks at Dolly and Camelia passed out drunk on the table. He leaves to go to nursery.

* Mejias enters nursery and goes to crib. Santiago enters and asks why Mejias is there. Mejias draws his sword to challenge Santiago to duel.

* Toby spies on Piza from other side of column. As Toby breathes, a male guest comes over and tries to pick-up Toby. Toby tells him to take a hike.

* Piza and soldier check magistrate judge who just arrived. Toby is nervous and calls man back, agrees to one dance. As magistrate walks to other side of the room, Toby fakes a dizzy spell, man goes for punch, Toby returns to hiding place behind column.

* Piza and guard discuss what could happen at ball against him, be very vigilant. Toby spies on them.

* Gutierrez convinces guard to leave post; guard leaves reluctantly. Gutierrez opens cell door and explains to Olmos and Laisha to go with him (now and fast; orders of Piza).

* D listens intently as Esmy tells him their baby is a son; Monty stole him from her after birth and then made her believe he was dead. When she went to the cemetery and exumed the body of the baby, she realized it isn't her baby who died - it must be MA and Monty's. (AY!)

* Mejias and Santiago fight in nursery. Santiago swipes and knocks the sword from Mejias' hand. Mejias picks it up. Santiago slugs him and he falls to the ground. Santiago goes to the crib and takes Alejandrito away.

* D is still baffled by MA and Monty as a couple. He realizes, with Esmy's help, that Alejandrito is really THEIR son. They kiss. He asks her to go on a vacation. She wants to meet her mom first; unfinished business to take care of. He smiles, agrees. They kiss.

* Monty keeps watch at ball. Piza cocks his pistol and hides behind the column. He tries to aim and shoot Monty. Toby pulls out his knife from his garter, sneaks up behind Piza and stabs him in the upper arm. Piza turns in shock and anger; he aims his pistol and shoots at Toby as Toby runs away. Monty and everyone drops down on the floor - chaos erupts.

* D and Esmy hear the gunshot. Esmy is worried about her mom. D is in his Z costume (including the slashed shirt). He leaves first after Esmy promises to be careful and go down later.

* Toby runs outside, passed Cata. He trips and falls all over his long dress, dropping his wig and having to pick it up and carry it in his hands. As he runs through the market tents, Piza and guards run outside - Cata yells at Piza for update on what's happening. Piza answers briefly as he aims and shoots in the direction of the market tent/Toby.

* As guests shout, cry and run for the door, soldiers have rifles aimed and ready to fire. Alej assures ML he will protect her and SK. Z punches and kicks out soldiers right and left. Monty sees Z and orders the soldiers to shoot to kill. ML stands up and shouts for them to stop - there will be no shooting or killing in her presence! As everyone calms down, Z closes his ripped shirt and tips the brim of his hat to the queen. SK walks forward and takes off her mask, with Jonas and the gypsies close behind. Jacomo tries to speak to ML, but Jonas slugs him to the ground. ML presents her cousin Mercedes to the attendees. Everyone drops to their knees to show respect, including ML herself. Everyone stands up. ML tells everyone to listen to the interesting and important story Mercedes is to tell them.

* Fer and MP still in their love nest barn. Fer repeats his reason for bringing Mercedes to California, his back-door deals with Jacomo, his ulterior motive for everything (his undying love for MP). MP tells him to stop, they can't live in the past nor can they go back to change it. She wants to take care of his wounds. He wants to stay with her in bed (talking).

* Olmos and Laisha in soldier uniforms outside; they rendezvous with Gutierrez who informs them of Piza's plan to get them to San Blas. Olmos tells them to go on; he needs to go somewhere first - he would never forgive himself if he didn't take care of this one important item before he left California. They can't talk him out of it. Olmos leaves alone.

* Santiago carries little Alej outside hacienda. Guard tries to stop him; he walks away; Rafael approaches; the two chase after Santiago. As guard soldier (Mejias' partner) spots Santiago on the outside walkway with little Alej, he aims the cannon, lights the wick and fires it over the wall. It explodes behind Santiago, making him stop to look. He breathes relief and continues on to MA's house.

* Dolly and Camelia finally wake up, realize Santiago disappeared. They get paranoid and run to the nursery to check on the baby. OH-NO! Baby Alej has been kidnapped!

* MA quickly packs in her bedroom. Knock at the door. She's shocked to see Olmos standing there. Olmos enters. She wants him to leave immediately. He is angry and humiliated and wants vengeance against her (in his own way).

* Mercedes makes her case and accusations against Monty and Fer to the crowd. Monty's defense is he was under direct orders from Fer. Mercedes continues with her case and brings up her assumptions that Monty did the same to her daughter, Esmy, and killed her. Monty acts horrified, and defends himself that he did not kill Esmeralda, his wife. That in fact, his wife actually helped her mom (Mercedes) escape. Mercedes continues with the accusation and the assumption. Monty laughs and demands Mercedes produce one witness to back up her story. Z steps forward - he has that one witness. A lady in blue wanders into the ballroom. She drops her blue feather mask. IT'S ESMY! "Daughter," says Mercedes. Esmy smiles at her mom. Cami looks over at Renzo, who is frozen staring at Esmy with his mouth open. PT nods and smiles. Alej looks at Dena, who smiles and nods. Monty shakes his head in disbelief.


Thursday, July 12, 2007

Duelo de Pasiones, Thursday July 12 - Don Loco's imaginary friend is the only one he has left

Alvaro (aka Don Loco) admitted that he regretted what he'd done to Alina. Soledad said, "Although we want, we can't turn back time." She told him he was tired and should rest.

Don Loco got into bed, saying tomorrow they would go far away. Soledad put her arms around him and they both went to sleep.

At Claudia's house: Claudia's mother apologized for not believing her about Rosendo's abuse. Angel (providing this episode's public service message) said, "Unfortunately, many women are victims of men like Rosendo."

Claudia's mother said she would have nothing more to do with men, she would devote her life to Claudia, but Claudia said no, "It's not necessary to renounce love."

She tried to convince her mother to go with her to Coral's house for the night, but for some reason the mother refused, so Claudia and Angel left. (Great idea, guys! I'm sure Claudia's mom will be perfectly safe!)

Adela went to the Devil's Cave, looking for Coral. The bartender called Coral's friend Erika, who laughed when Adela called Coral "senorita." Adela said Coral was in danger from "a very crazy man."

(I'm wondering about the purpose of these recent scenes of Adela at the Devil's Cave. They don't seem to have any impact on the plot or characters. Or is Adela going to end up taking Coral's old job as a dancer? Just a thought.)

At Coral's house: Angel and Claudia worried because Coral wasn't home. Angel called Agent Vargas to tell him about Coral's disappearance. Then he and Claudia left the house.

Meanwhile, Rosendo returned to Claudia's mother's house. She confronted him, and he said, "I never liked you. It was Claudia I desired!"

Claudia's mother slapped him and told him off again. Rosendo said, "I'm already damned, and you won't believe what I'm capable of when someone makes me look as ridiculous as you did," then started punching her.

At Coral's Boutique: Angel and Claudia found Coral tied up. She told them Don Loco had gone after Soledad.

At the military camp: Alina woke up and found Emilio beside her. He asked how she felt, and she said, "Very well."

(How serious could this illness have been -- she was only sick for about half an hour and then made a complete recovery?? She's still wearing her uniform, for Pete's sake. OK, fine, whatever.)

Some kids brought her flowers. (How adorable, and what a good idea to let children into a sick ward! Without face masks! It all makes perfect sense! Emilio is indeed a great leader!)

Alina and Emilio agreed to get married. Emilio said, "Surely Thelma has already signed the divorce papers." (Yes, surely, because everything Thelma has done throughout your marriage demonstrates her complete willingness to divorce you, Duhmilio.)

Back at the San Mateo hotel: Alvaro woke up and Soledad was STILL with him. How weird! At this point I was starting to think she had to be real, not a figment of his imagination.

At the always spotless Abandoned Cabin of Refuge for Anyone Who Wants to Hide in Sierra Escondida: Luba told Gaspar to summon Orlando on the walkie-talkie.

Gaspar said, "Lieutenant, Lieutenant, it's me, Gaspar. I'm here with Mama. Lieutenant, talk to me."

Thelma, of course, just happened to be in the absent Orlando's room at La Rinconada at that moment, and of course Orlando had left the walkie-talkie in his room, so Thelma heard Gaspar announcing his exact location. (Good work, writers; it's all perfectly plausible!)

At Soledad's hotel: Alvaro and Soledad came downstairs in time to see Agent Vargas and his men knocking on Soledad's door. The door was opened -- by -- yes -- Soledad!

Surprised, Don Loco looked over his shoulder at -- yes -- Soledad! She was still standing behind him. I must admit that this scene was cool.

Unfortunately, the real Soledad and her companions didn't notice Don Loco and his imaginary friend standing there just a few feet away.

Imaginary Soledad said to the stunned Don Loco, "Of course I'm not really Soledad. I'm a hallucination." She asked whether he thought she would really forget everything he'd done to her, then disappeared.

Don Loco muttered that he was getting worse every day, then went back to his room to look for Soledad, calling, "Soledad, Soledad, come back, Soledad. It couldn't all be a lie."

He sat on the bed and said to himself, "There's no doubt. I am crazy. Completely crazy." (Sergio Goyri is a good actor -- I really felt sorry for him in this scene.)

At La Rinconada: Vera and Ifigenio were eating breakfast together in the kitchen (still no sign of long-lost Jaime, aka Mexican Larry). Thelma came in and told them, "Orlando lied to us."

When she tried to urge them to go after Luba and Gaspar, Vera said nervously that Orlando had threatened her. Thelma retorted that Orlando had raped Alina -- I guess she was hoping Bloodthirsty Vera would put Orlando on her hit list, too.

Meanwhile, Orlando arrived at the cabin and told Luba and Gaspar to collect their things because they were leaving immediately. Gaspar jumped up and down with joy at the thought of finally seeing his little cub, then hugged his mother.

In Floodlandia (as Margaret calls it): Rodrigo tried to cross a raging river on a zip-line (thanks to Sylvia for using that term in her recap because otherwise I wouldn't have known what to call it). He got stuck halfway, then fell into the water.

At Coral's house: The bruised Coral told Angel and Claudia she was OK now. Claudia said she would go home to see her mother.

Angel went to Claudia's neighborhood with her, but then left her before she went into the house. (What makes him think Rosendo isn't lurking nearby? Why are these people so endlessly stupid?!?!)

In the real Soledad's hotel room: Vargas was assuring Soledad and Elias that Don Loco couldn't escape. Soledad didn't believe it.

After Vargas and his men left, Elias locked the door and told Soledad for the millionth time that he wouldn't let anything happen to her. Soledad didn't look too confident, and I didn't blame her.

Right away there was a knock at the door. Elias asked, "Who is it? Who?"

Back in Pueblo, Claudia found her mother on the floor, covered in blood. She cried, "No, Mama, no!"

In Floodlandia: Yes, all this time had passed and Rodrigo was still in the water. Apparently no one could rescue him except Super Emilio! So a soldier named Luis ran to get him.

Meantime, Elias was still trying to decide whether to open the hotel room door. Soledad begged him not to, but Elias heard a voice from the hall and opened the door, telling Soledad, "It's an employee."

A waiter came into the room, quickly followed by Don Loco, who knocked the waiter out, then asked the terrified Soledad, "You weren't expecting me, right?" He warned Mighty Protector Elias, "Let go of my woman if you don't want to die."

Soledad told Elias, "Alvaro is serious."

Don Loco told Soledad not to cry, that he didn't want to hurt her, only wanted her to be happy. She asked him to put down his gun, but of course he didn't. He said he had a plane waiting at a nearby airport to take him and Soledad far away. Soledad said OK, just put down the gun.

Suddenly the waiter jumped up and started struggling with Don Loco, who knocked the waiter out. Soledad begged him not to kill the waiter and Elias.

Alvaro said there was nothing he wanted more than to kill this desgraciado Elias, but he wouldn't because he had changed. This kinder, gentler Don Loco knocked Elias out, then left the room with Soledad.

Meanwhile, Emilio was still chatting with Luis about how to save Rodrigo (who must be remarkably waterproof). Alina said rescuing Rodrigo would be very dangerous, so she would go with him.

Back to Claudia's neighborhood: Claudia ran down the street to Angel (who was coughing again!) and said, "She's dead! Rosendo killed her; it's the only explanation!" Angel hugged her and unreasonably told her to be calm.

At Rodrigo's house: Tina told Aida (aka Dr. Loca, the professional bimbo -- oops, I mean, the very professional psychologist) that Gaby had a nervous problem. Oh, yes, no better person to call for help than Dr. Has-It-All-Together-Herself.

Aida went into Gaby's room and asked if she wanted to go out to the park. Gaby said no, but agreed to re-enact the kidnapping with her dolls, saying she would play the part of the bad woman.

In Floodlandia: Soldiers were still trying without success to rescue Rodrigo. Silly of them; didn't they know that only Super Emilio could do that?

At Soledad's hotel: Don Loco saw a police officer guarding the lobby and told Soledad to get rid of him or she would have his death on her conscience.

Soledad ran to the officer and told him something about someone needing his help elsewhere. It worked; the officer left, giving Don Loco the chance to leave the hotel with Soledad.

At the river: Emilio and Alina still chatted while Rodrigo continued to drown. Alina told Emilio to be careful.

At the Only Cabin in All of Sierra Escondida, where it apparently took hours for Orlando and Luba to pack their sacks full of possessions: Orlando asked Luba why she was taking the cofre with her. Luba said, "This box is very important." They finally left the cabin.

At Rodrigo's house: Gaby and Aida re-enacted the kidnapping with Gaby's dolls. Aida, playing the role of the kidnapped girl, said she would tell the police about the woman who kidnapped her.

Gaby, playing the Bad Woman, said, "No, you can't say anything to the police." She told Aida directly that she couldn't say who the woman was, but Aida coaxed her and Gaby eventually had the doll say that she was Thelma, the wife of Emilio Valtierra! Later Aida passed this information on to Tina.

Meanwhile, Soledad stood on a country road with Don Loco. She told him, "This is the road to Sierra Escondida." They squabbled a bit -- just like old times -- and Don Loco said, "I am crazy, not stupid." I think he said he wanted to take cover in the woods, or something like that.

Soledad insisted that this part of the mountain was dangerous, but Don Loco said, "I'm always going to protect you," and started off into the woods with her.

Back at the hotel, Vargas and his men finally found Elias, who told them about Alvaro supposedly having an airplane.

In Floodlandia: Super Emilio finally got around to rescuing Rodrigo from the water. How dumb. Er, I mean, how heroic of Emilio.

At the boutique: Malena showed up, looking for Soledad, saying she wanted to tell her how happy Mariana and Ricardo (aka Dr. Love) were together. Coral said she was worried about Soledad, then started to explain the situation to Malena.

Back to the river: Waterlogged Rodrigo was nursed by Alina and Valentina while Emilio stood around trying to look casually noble. He told Frank he would radio the general to ask for a helicopter to help their rescue operation.

From the ground, Rodrigo told Emilio, "Again I am in your debt." Emilio said that wasn't true because they were friends, blah blah.

Elsewhere: Tina went to see Tia Rebeca and said Rebeca's niece would pay very dearly for kidnapping Gaby.

(Shouldn't Tina have gone to the police instead? And who takes care of Gaby while Tina is running around town? No wonder Gaby is so afraid of being kidnapped again; it's a legitimate concern with Thelma on the loose and Rodrigo/Alina/Tina all gone. Poor kid.)

Rebeca said tearfully, "I don't know what to tell you." Tina said she would denounce Thelma to the police. (Good idea!)

Aunt Rebeca said it was true that Thelma had done horrible things, and she too was a victim of Thelma's threats, that she was afraid Thelma would separate her from the baby. I think she apologized to Tina.

Floodlandia again: Emilio radioed General Ochoa about the helicopter. The general said Don Loco had kidnapped Soledad and they were believed to be in Sierra Escondida.

Alina, of course, overheard this. She cried, "My papa is very sick, and he could do anything!"

Emilio promised to find her mother. Alina insisted on going with him. With his usual careful foresight and planning, Emilio said OK, let's go.

Meanwhile, Vargas told Elias that Don Loco's airplane story had turned out to be false. Elias said Don Loco must have said that to buy time. Somehow they deduced that Don Loco must have taken Soledad to Sierra Escondida.

In the mountains somewhere: Soledad rested, saying resentfully that she couldn't go on and Don Loco should be in an insane asylum.

Don Loco said he wouldn't give anyone the satisfaction. He dragged her up the mountain, saying, "We have a meeting with destiny, and I want us to be punctual." Uh oh. That doesn't sound good.

At the military camp: The helicopter Emilio requested arrived. That didn't take long. Emilio and Alina said goodbye to the soldiers and nurses and left in the helicopter to save Soledad.

OH, YEAH, THAT MAKES PERFECT SENSE! If you have to confront a dangerous, armed lunatic and you have a bunch of soldiers under your command, you should DEFINITELY leave the soldiers behind and set off in pursuit of the madman with only a young, sick nurse to assist you!

And at the end of this brilliantly believable episode, Orlando was shown sitting on a horse in the woods at night, chatting with Gaspar and Luba, who were on foot. Orlando said everything was going just as he'd planned.

Right on cue, Vera showed up with her witch-burning mob, complete with torches and pitchforks.

And who was behind them but Thelma, on horseback! She said, "What, Orlando? Did you think you were going to get away with it?" ("Creíste que te ibas a salir con la tuya?")

salir con la tuya = "get away with it" or "get your own way" according to this helpful message board discussion.

Note: This is my last recap for Caray Caray! I've enjoyed it but just don't have time right now to continue as a recapper. I'll still be around as a commenter, and you can also find me on my own blog. Thanks to everyone for making my time as a contributer here rewarding and fun!


Acorralada #125 Wednesday 7/11/07 Meet Alejandro Salvatierra--is this an Al Gore joke?

We open with a recap of Diana's collapse on the bedroom floor. Silvia discovers her. Silvia is wearing a black wig--it must be her mourning wig. Isabel is not letting anyone call 911, natch.

Camila and Iggy review the fire. Camila is upset.

Roddy and Lala discuss Pancho's case. He thinks it's okay. (So why is Puncho going to prison later in the episode.)

Now they are getting ready for Gaby's trial. I am going to cut to the chase. Gaby wins.

Well, I'll give a little more, but there was little to be had anyway. Once again, it was nothing like an American court system. If you've watched Perry Mason and Law and Order, you know you should at least have a jury and spectators. Kike and Larry are required to wait in the hallway where they spend time figuratively butting antlers. Kike is wearing dark glasses to cover up his black eyes. Larry tells him to let Gaby go since he knows Kike really hates her.
The trial consists of a few scenes where Gaby tells what happened in her various encounters with Andres, and there are some flashbacks of the actual scenes. The judge announces that she is innocent based on his study of the evidence and the ballistics and her testimony. When it's over, Gaby comes out with Granny M and Fidiota. They tell the results, and Kiki leads her away. Granny M tells Larry that she's sorry he loves too much.

Isabel and Silvia discuss Diana's fever. They don't want to let the family know, since they're all at Gaby's trial.

There are some more bedside scenes with Paola.

Pedro and Max discuss their upcoming conversion to Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.

Lala visits Paola's bedside and apologizes for her miscreant son. She loves Paola and wants her to live. She gives her a cross. Emilio kisses Paola on the forehead while Caramelo and Paco look on. (BTW, doesn't Emilio love both Paola and Caramelo? He could do the bigamy thing too.) Then he tries to kiss Octopus, who sneers that she doesn't want any demonstrations of pity.

Pancho is now being taken from the jail to a true prison cell. They have swapped his orange jumpsuit for khakis. This looks like the same cell as before, but they have added a second bunk bed--and a new cellmate, Halcon. They exchange the usual pleasantries, such as what are you in for--Halcon is a bank robber. He tells Pancho don't worry, it's not so bad here. Solitary is worse. (I don't understand how Pancho has been put in prison, as he has not had a trial yet. I guess he will not be punished for the kidnapping as Caramelo and Diana have decided not to tell on their spouses.)

Isabel continues to forcefeed Diana with the poison tea. Diego comes over, and Silvia wants him out. But even he thinks it's ridiculous not to call a doctor. Isabel tells them she is worried--because a high fever can affect the brain. Apparently Isabel's cover story here is that it's an "emotional" fever, caused by the stress and sorrow of losing Max. (Even if they were inclined to believe her, has anyone ever heard of such a ridiculous thing? And Diana is a nurse herself--why trust Isabel?)

Max stands shirtless on the beach for a gratuitous baring of pecs. He flashes back to the scene where he is hanging from the rafters and Diana told him she spent the night with Diego. (Geez, can't even Pedro realize that Diana was just handing him a story and smack some sense into him?)

Silvia is till trying to throw Diego out of the apartment. He insists as Diana's husband he has rights. (Why aren't they divorced yet?) He finally leaves.

Diego, Iggy and Camila have convened at Iggy's for a debriefing. Camila is appalled when Diego uses the tu form. Diego reminds her that they're all equal now--equal killers. Iggy tells him not to go around broadcasting that news. Diego says they are linked forever in their bad deeds.

Diana wakes up and her stomach hurts again. Silvia promptly offers her more of the tea that Isabel made! Diana asks if it's true Max is dead. Yes, it's not a dream, Silvia says.

Fiona cries with Octy over the loss of Max. She's sad because she left her husband for him. (It's all about ME!) Octy now lets loose with a deluded monologue: How could all these horrible things happen? First "they" take her fortune away, and her mansion and her factory, they humiliate her, then I find myself living in a small apartment with this man who I once loved, but he turns out to be just a humble jerk who's not at my level who runs a bar on the beach (and he throw me out), and then I lose my son in a fire, and my daughter's in a coma. What did I do to deserve this?

Lala reports that Pancho is in prison.

Silvia tells Diana to stop thinking about Max so her fever will go down. She tells her that Diego was there. Now Mom comes in with Gaby. They report the happy news about the trial. But they are most worried about the fever. Gee, maybe Mom will do something. Credits roll.


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