Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Querida Enemiga Tuesday July 22 '08 Last One In Is A Rotten Egg!

Another night of misery and mayhem, Querida Enemiga style. I tried to watch it twice but had to stop at the rotten egg scene. Arrrrgggh. So if I've missed anything important in this "once-through", feel free to add it in your comments.

We have a brief rehash of the workshop fire disaster and the lack of insurance. Even the tools were completely burned. But just when you think it couldn't get worse, it does....Two fellows arrive wanting to be paid for their autos that burned up in the fire. If they don't get paid, they'll take Omar to court. Zulema pleads for understanding, adding lawyer's fees will just make it harder to repay. Omar asks for a few days or a week to dredge up the money. (where he's going to get it beats me). He gives them his word. But evidently there were other cars burned as well, so there will be more to pay. Plus the workshop was rented so they will have to pay for the damages to the building. Zulema cheerfully assures him that somehow they'll start from zero and make enough with her catering business. (Right!)

Julian is moping around the livingroom, still blaming himself while the assembled females, and especially Rosy try to talk him out of it. Rosy thinks someone could have set the fire (Sara looks momentarily panicky) and Diana even wonders if it might be Hortensia or Jaime behind it. Sara comes vigorously to their defense, protesting that they'd have nothing to gain anyway by hurting Omar.

And what did they gain by making him believe that you were dead? snaps Diana. Little goody two-shoes Lorena jumps in and says, "Let's not remember ugly things" And she notes that even though such horrible things have happened, how wonderful to see the family all together again. (Gag me with a spoon)

Vasco and Omar are still outside, Vasco hoping to get financial help from friends or the bank. Omar protests that it's his responsibility but appreciates the offer of help. "We'll get out of this," Vasco assures him. (Not with Sara sabotaging your every move you won't!)

In the livingroom they're still rehashing the arson possibility but Omar nixes that. Investigations cost money. (In the U.S., the fire inspectors would do an investigation automatically. It wouldn't cost...except in the taxpayer sense). Anyway, everyone perks up at the idea of catering lunch at Mundo y Vida and starting to make money on Zulema's home-cooked food. (Feel those anvils about to fall, folks?)

Now an ugly scene with Barbara and Jaime. Even if she were saying something nice, that voice would make it ugly; but she's shrieking at him for not being at work, for being depressed, for not hiring a lawyer, for stupidly trusting Sara to work things out, and for not helping her with HER nerves.

Mercifully we switch to a scene in the company kitchen with Rosy and Maruja having a cosy chat about poor Julian and Omar's disaster. Don Toribio's therapy is working!

Jaqui and Hortensia are having a less cosy conversation. Hortensia is incensed that Jaqui proposed a menu of French food for the the Art and Culture museum opening. Mexican food? asks Jaqui. Duh! snaps Hortensia. (well, those weren't her exact words but that was the intent).

Back at Casa Pobre, Lorena is whipping up mayonnaise while Zulema gets ready to go to the bank with Omar. Smarmy Sara wants to help. She's brought rotten eggs that Chalo got for her. She deliberately drops a bottle of pop and when Lorena goes to get a mop, she drops one of the eggs into the mayonnaise, and while gagging, whips it in. (If the odor is strong enough to make Sara gag, why doesn't Lorena notice? And why don't folks notice when they eat it?)

More foreshadowing of disaster. Omar says if they can't raise the money any other way, they'll have to mortgage the house. And what if they can't make the monthly payments then? THEY'LL LOSE THE HOUSE!!! (Watching this is so much fun...right?) Zulema assures him that God wouldn't let that happen. And besides, we're hard workers, we'll manage.

Julian pops in, says the taxi is waiting. Food is bundled up, including tainted mayonnaise, and you just have that sick feeling about what's to come.

And speaking of sick feelings, now we have Ickturo (Arturo to you purists) and harlot mom having a cosy lunch. She asks him is he wants more "tinga" (check vocabulary list) and he passes but is bragging about how much money he's going to make selling cheap Chinese toys. He goes off to check on child and Mom hears his cell phone ring and intercepts a compromising message from Barbara. Does my son have a mistress? she wonders, squinching up her beady eyes.

She questions him, he lies and says the call is from the office. I'll compress some scenes here. Valeria arrives home from work. She has the afternoon off. Child wants Dad to take him to the swings like he promised but Ickturo has to return to office...he's working very hard to maintain the family. Harlot mom asks Valeria to use her afternoon off to watch the children because she has an errand....(checking up on her sons' assignation!)

She trails him to the hotel, follows him up to the room. We're treated to another loathsome post-coital scene with Barbara (no details, puhleeze!) and then the confrontation with Mom. Well, hey, she understands he needs a mistress, given what a b....his wife is, but now, it's nothing to be proud of either! He softsoaps her into believing that Barbara is supportive and loving (but you said that about Valeria sonny!). This is going pretty well until he drops the word that Barbara is married. Brief downturn but finally Mom is happy if Ickturo is happy. (This is almost as bad as the rotten egg in the mayonnaise scene. You see why I couldn't watch it twice.)

Okay, back to our other disasters. Jaime is trying to persuade son Vasco to let him help Omar out with some major money. Vasco accuses him of just trying to salve his concience as well as persuade Omar not to pursue justice for the baby kidnapping. Jaime fruitlessly tries to convince his son he just wants to help and that Omar doesn't even have to know it's from him. Nuthin' doing.

Lorena and Sara are back at the house. Lorena is prattling on about how wonderful it is to see Sara settling in. Sara can't understand why Omar won't accept her grandmother's help. She and Lorena squabble about whether or not forgiveness is merited and to change the subject she asks how things are going with Alonso. Of course they're still on the outs, as Sara is happy to learn.

Now...oooh, horrible scene with everyone at the office gobbling down Zulema's home-cooking, asking for more mayonnaise on the salad....and you just know what's coming! When they return home later, they're all happy, noting that folks ate EVERYTHING AND NOW THE WORD WILL SPREAD. Oh yes, and it will be a diasaster.

But wait....there's more. Don Toribio, after fibbing to Alonso that he's out walking, is actually driving the car and hits pedestrian Chalo (small world) and speeds off to avoid arrest. I'll compress scenes again. Chalo tries to call Sara. She refuses to answer. So he calls Lorena. They advise him to go to Alonso's clinic where he's fitted up with a cast on his leg. Nasty look from Alonso as Chalo whines about losing his job and having no one to take care of him. But he'll be back to let Alonso remove the cast!

Lorena goes to check on Chalo, he's already left. Bruno intercepts her and asks why she doesn't stop in to see Alonso. She demurs. Bruno gloats, surmising that they've broken up. Then Lorena decides to go anyway, opens the door, sees Alonso brooding, changes her mind and leaves without saying anything. More stupid misunderstandings. What's not to love?

Interspersed in all this is a brief nasty scene between Hortensia and Jaime. She needs some figures from him that she asked for and is concerned that they make Omar and Zulema believe in their repentance.

Then an odd scene where Maruja pops into Jaime's office to bring him a cold drink from the machine.. Bumbles around and knocks over something in his office, breaking it, and apologizing ...backs out of the office again. Not sure where this is going.

And yet another brief scene. Dario and Jaqui snuggling on couch. Bettina getting ready to go home. He wants to take her. Nope, Mom's waiting for me down below. Oh no, she shouldn't even know where we live.

Mommy Paula is crying, seeing that Dario has achieved all she ever wanted...a great life in a great building while she can't even go to the movies, she's so short of cash. She starts in about the beautiful building but Bettina stops her short and off they go.

Another quickie scene...Don Toribio indulging in ice cream therapy but he runs out! and with nothing to dull the pain, he has to face the fact that he fled the accident scene like a coward. And what if the guy saw his licence plates!? He'll be busted.

Vasco and Diana are late coming home from work. Zulema is worried. Omar brushes it off until they arrive with the sad word that everyone at work has food poisoning, including Vasco and the contract with Mundo y Vida is kaput. Fortunately Diana didn't eat anything so the baby is safe from any ill effects.

Zulema can't believe this latest disaster. In all my years of cooking, I've never had this. I was so careful, washing everything, sanitizing the containers....how could this be? "There's always a first time," chirps Sara and gets glared at by everyone. And besides, you weren't the only one cooking, Lorena was helping.

A little light-hearted scene to break up the endless disasters. Julian is at Rosy's house. Mom isn't home. The smooching gets hot and heavy and Julian tries to call a halt, since he promised never to go into Rosy's room and rumple the sheets again. Maybe they should just chill and watch a movie. Or....we could make love somewhere besides my room...like, say...the kitchen! We leave our little couple still making out on the couch. At least someone is happy tonight.

At Paula's house, the sadder but wiser gals are once more playing cards and dishing about Paula's miserable love life. She's bemoaning the fact that Jaqui's living like a queen, enjoying all the perks of Dario's success that she should have received.

Lorena has come to check on Chalo who's still whining about needing more attention. Are you just going to leave me here like a dog? Is it because Alonso's jealous? If he were really a good guy, he wouldn't resent your doing a good deed.

While he's casting doubt in Lorena's mind about Alonso, Paula is doing the same with her brother. If you're jealous, maybe there's a reason. I was never jealous of Dario until he started cheating on me with that tramp. Before that, I trusted him completely. Better keep your eyes open, bro'.

There's a storm going on during that conversation (SYMBOLISM ALERT) but the storm is having a different effect on Lorena. She's remembering their sweet kisses in the rain (about five minutes after they met! if memory serves) and feeling very sad.

Final scene. Omar is storming around the bedroom in a bad mood. Sara knocks on the door, says she wants to talk. "Well then talk! Don't announce it!" He quickly apologizes for his remark, explaining that he's tense; and Sara does announce firmly that she's going back to work and going to ask for money from her grandmother to put an end to their difficulties.

Impactado look from Omar. And that's all the misery for this evening, folks.
* * * * * *

Vocabulary (very brief tonight)

tinga = messy stew, with cooked shredded chicken, lots of tomatoes and chipotle chili peppers (what harlot mom was giving Arturo for lunch_

con dinero las penas son menos = with money, problems are less....a play on the old saying "con pan, las penas son menos Sara's philosophy

limar las asperezas = iron out the differences

no es para menos = no wonder!

Tinga poblana de pollo

Serves 4
more stories like this
Ana Garcia of La Villa Bonita, a cooking school in Mexico, makes this tinga (the common term for "messy stew") with cooked chicken, lots of tomatoes, and chipotle chili peppers. Regions throughout Mexico have a version. This one comes from the state of Puebla - hence the word poblana. Authentic versions use lard, but it's fine to substitute vegetable oil. For the quickest preparation, buy a chicken already roasted and shred the meat. Serve the tinga with warm tortillas and black beans.
tablespoon vegetable oil
large white onion, chopped
teaspoons salt, or more to taste
large cloves garlic, chopped
plum tomatoes, chopped
cup chopped parsley
chicken, poached or roasted, meat pulled into shreds
whole canned chipotle chilis in adobo sauce
teaspoon adobo sauce (from the can)
cup chicken stock1. In a large flameproof casserole or earthenware cazuela, heat the oil over medium heat. Add the onion and salt. Cook, stirring often, for 10 minutes or until it softens. Add the garlic and cook 5 minutes more.
2. Stir in the tomatoes and simmer, stirring occasionally, for 10 minutes or until the tomatoes cook down to a sauce-like consistency.
3. Stir in the parsley, chicken, chipotles, adobo sauce, and stock. Bring to a boil, lower the heat, and simmer for 20 minutes or until sauce thickens. Taste for seasoning and add more salt, if you like. Adapted from La Villa Bonita
© Copyright 2008 Globe Newspaper


Guapos: Monday 7/21/08 "A Game of Clue, Anyone?--- Lady Luci with the Lead Pipe, in the Lounge?"

A shadow slips over the painting of Rosario and Mili in the foyer. Slash, slash, slash, repeated and repeated as the painting is neatly shredded. **Note: They shouldn’t have shown a close up of the “painting” because in my opinion it looks like one of those photographs that has been given the painted effect---it makes Hugo look like a lazy painter who’s trying to pull the wool over everyone’s eyes.

Marisela is making small talk at Bobby’s…she’s thankful that he showed up to her father’s funeral and he said that despite what happened between them, he had to pay his respects. She mumbles on about not being able to forget what they were and he mumbles back about her being with Mateo now…she’s made (or unmade) her bed, now she’s got to lie in it. Bobby insists she cut to the chase, what’s she doing there in the middle of the night and what it is she needs to tell him about Al. Mari questions whether Al is the best man to run Mafia Enterprises. Bobby says he’s got all the confidence in the world for Al. Mari calls Al a thief, he stole money from his family. Bobby tells her to get out, this is a waste of time and he accuses Mat the Rat of trying to wash his hands of wrong doing by casting blame in another direction.

Back at the Belmonte mansion, we are being treated to the previews for an ABC After School Special. Gloria, our did it one time with Chamuco girl, is experiencing some morning sickness, but just thinks she’s ill. Lina tries to help her and Braulio enters the room and tells them more work and less talk. Lina fills him in on Gloria’s not feeling well and Brau suggests that she should rest back in her room. Gloria pales and the majordomo and her best friend are full of concern. Gloria’s pallor is not do to her pregnancy, but rather to what she’s noticed on the wall---the shredded painting….dah,dah.,dah,daaaaaahhh. Braulio is upset and wonders who could have left it hecho jirones (in shreds).

In the library, Damian is getting teased by Constancio. Connie is in a wonderful mood, but this is soon to be broken as Brau rushes in to tell him of the paintings fate. Connie immediately thinks it had to be Andrea.

Out in the garden, Valeria and Rocky plan how they will continue to keep their romance a secret from her family, as to not risk Rocky getting pummeled again. Lina bursts in on the happy couple and tells them of the painting’s fate. Val is sure it had to be her mother, but Lina thinks perhaps it was Karla.

Mili and Hugo are discussing the day’s upcoming game. Hugo won’t be going because he was up all night painting and he’s pretty knackered. He’s going to stay home and catch some Zs. Gloria comes in and tells them of the painting’s horrible fate and Mili thinks it had to be Constancio.

Flo begs Al to skip the game. He says no can do, as Padre Manuel is counting on me. Flo insults the good padre by saying he’s just Mili’s conspirator. Val comes in and fills the couple in on the painting’s fate and Al accuses Flo of doing it. She denies and Val says she thinks it was their mother.

Socorrito and Lina confront Karla about the painting. She denies any wrong doing and she and Lina start to fight. Soco attempts to break it up and it appears she succeeds, but more insults are flung and the girls are back to trying to pull out each other’s hair. They fight like crazy sisters.

In the foyer the cast is gathered. Accusations fly. Luci enters the room and demands to know what the ruckus is all about. Val accuses her and points to the painting. Luci swears it wasn’t her and everyone turns on her, they all start to believe that it was done by Lady Luci with the lead pipe in the Lounge. Luci leaves the room distraught and denying any involvement. Damian asks the group if they believe her or was she lying. Singing a little ditty he exits.

Upstairs, Mili tells Hugo she doesn’t feel like going to the game. He says she should go and he’s not going to sleep, instead he’s going to redo the painting for Mili. This makes her happy.

Luci cries on Nestor’s shoulder and he tries to console her, but also encourage her to ‘fess up. She’s upset to think he doubts her. He offers some more comfort but says he’s got a meeting and asks if he should go. She says yes, go. He begs her to not drink and gets her to promise to not hit the bottle. He leaves and she doesn’t even wait a beat before reaching for her not-so-secret stash. Glug, glug.

Gloria talks about the game with Soco and how she’s not feeling well. She wants to go and be supportive for Padre Manuel, but she’s feeling poorly. She runs out of the room, ready to hurl and Soco realizes that they’ll be changing diapers in nine months.

Brau removes the painting from the wall.

Fernando contacts Damian and lets him know that everything went well the day before with Karla. It is revealed that Damian is giving Fernasty some dinero to woo Karla away from him. Damian and Karla talk, she gushes over him and he apologizes, for what I’m not sure. She quotes “Love Story”---“Love means never having to say you’re sorry”. Cough—bullsh*t! (I hate that line—and Karla my dear, if he’s apologizing, and you believe this movie quote, perhaps you could figure out he doesn’t love you).

Luci and Andrea have a cat fight over who’s responsible for the painting. Luci messes up Andrea’s nails and leaves the room. Andrea realizes that Luci wasn’t the slasher, who could it be?

In the library, Karla calls Fernasty and makes arrangements for a booty call, I mean a date, for tomorrow. Connie overhears her plans and he’s tickled pink.

At the game, Rocky warms up and hurts his shoulder. Val’s concerned, but Rocky tells her the game is played with the feet, he’ll be okay.

Bobby impresses Lina with by balancing a ball on his face, just like a seal. He tells her he’s going to dedicate his goals to her…..what romantic words. He reminds her they’ve got a date later and he’s got something important to tell her. He emphasizes that they’ll be alone, just the two of them.

Chamuco hobbles up and asks about Gloria. Lina tells him she’s under the weather.

Mili and PM talk about the painting and then Mili tells him that Al’s inside praying for a 5-0 victory. The padre scolds her for praying for such a thing, a 3-0 victory is enough.

Connie stares at the blank wall.

Damian gives Karla flowers. She’s ecstatic and Connie just laughs. Damian wants in on the joke, but Connie won’t tell him.

Brau and Hugo talk about the repainting. Brau suggests that Hugo add him into the picture. Hugo’s not too keen on the idea. They discuss Hugo’s mother, Leonor. Hugo’s been working on a painting of her. Brau shares a memory he has of Hugo and his mom. Hugo’s almost brought to tears. Brau leaves and Flo comes into the room. She accuses Hugo of destroying the painting.

Al prays and asks for help for him and Mili getting back together. Mili overhears and Al catches her listening. He asks if she thinks God will help. She says he works in mysterious ways, but she doubts he’ll intervene. Al insists that he can’t let go of Mili and that it is a question of faith. They’ll be together again, God can do wonders, just think of the loaves and fish. Mili says that was a miracle. Al says yep, a miracle, just like you…you are the miracle I need. He walks away.

Andrea and Karla discuss the painting. Andrea accuses Karla. She denies. They realize it wasn’t either of them or Luci, so who could it be?

Flo and Hugo have some words about Mili and Al. You got your peanut butter in my chocolate, no you got your chocolate in my peanut butter. Flo tells Hugo that her guts tell her it was him who ruined the painting and she trusts her guts. Hugo questions why she thinks he’d do that. She says ‘cuz Mili won’t sleep with you and a little bit of advice, next time don’t take it out on a painting, be a man and take what’s yours.

During the game, both Bobby and Rocky are distracted by their girls on the sideline. Rocky gets hurt and Val steps in as his replacement. Mili scores a goal. Yeah!! Later she kicks the ball, which bounces off of Val’s head, and ends up with another goal.

After the game, Lina tells Mili she’s nervous about being alone with Bobby.

Al catches Val and Rocky together and he tells his sister that he’s got no problem with their relationship and he’ll keep quiet about it. He’s glad to see her happy and he tells Rocky to take care of her. Al glances over at Mili and he leaves. Mili stares off in Al’s general direction, deep in thought.

Flo and Mari rehash the painting. Mari tells Flo she should also have Mateo take charge of her money.

Al goes to see Mateo and tells him to stop messing in his life. Words are exchanged back and forth and Al tells Mateo he’s going to be watching, if Mat does anything fishy with the MP2’s money, he’ll find out about it……veiled threat and the END OF THE EPISODE.


Fuego, Monday 7/21 (#59): Don Feonando, tan divino!

Hey folks, this recap is less than half as long as I usually do, though I think I got all the good stuff. I've got nerve problems in both hands - apparently have had for a while, but they creep up on you so it takes a while to realize that things aren't supposed to be weak, sore, and numb.

I've ordered some voice software, but even if it works well I'm going to try to keep my recaps shorter - no more super-late nights. Please feel free to fill in anything I missed!

This wasn't a completely depressing episode... at least not if you watched Querida Enemiga first.

The girls try on their wedding dresses with no enthusiasm. Gabi affirms that they will be married in a week and Feo will be at the hacienda forever. Joy.

Armando, his hair, and his henchmen show up wanting to shoot Juan. "No, please!" cries Juan's miniature, pregnant bodyguard. Feonando, of all people, shows up to save the day, slugging Armando when he doesn't lower his gun quickly enough. (Armando loses his hat, but this time his hair stays on.) Juan finds the timing of Feonando's arrival suspicious. Feo says Juan owes him his life, regardless. Juan says in that case kill me because I don't want to owe you anything. (Sofía is still trying to hold Juan back.)

Feo catches up with Armando and scolds him for threatening Juan in public. Not interested that Juan tried to strangle Armando, he's more concerned that Mapache may have said something to Nabor before dying. He throws his cigar butt on the ground (so now he's a litterbug too).

Juan's still grumbling that Feo saved his life. Sofía tells him to relax. His wounds are healing amazingly well.

Feo is mumbling to himself about getting closer to Sofía by saving Juan when he encounters yet another gangster roadblock. This time Coyote & his pack aren't fooling around. Feo is whisked away, his own truck abandoned on the road with its door still open.

Franco grumbles to Oscar about Gabi. He'd like to tell her off. Oscar tells Franco of his and J's plans for him to run the hacienda. Franco, being the intellectual one, finds this improbable.

Eugenia, who has made enough money in tips to get a really powerful pushup bra, is impactada to see that Benito has discovered where she works. It saddens him that she calls him "usted," but she says he broke her heart and made a fool of her. She still loves him, but his family won't accept her.

Rigo shows up with a rose. He takes one look at Eugenia and Benito, and decides to throw in the towel for good.

Armando tells a minion they need to make it clear to Nabor that if he doesn't keep his mouth shut, they'll shut it for him permanently. After they leave, the bartenders worry that Armando will find out that they turned Mapache in. One of them wants to turn in Armando, but the other is afraid to awaken more suspicions. He wants to wait.

Bobby serenades Rosario with roses. She is charmed.

Hilario is yelling at Hortensia for meddling... what if the school investigates? Rigo shows up looking depressed. "Eugenia doesn't love me, so I set her free." Group hug.

Juan is giving Pablito some clothes from the Trunk of Robles-Reyes Past, including hand-me-downs from his childhood. Pablito thanks his "Papa" and proudly shows them off to his "Mama." (Juan puts the blanket over the trunk before Sofía can see the big "FR" on the front.) "Wow, you'll be a total cowboy," Sofía says. "And I'll be a total Reyes," Pablito says. Quintina says if they're Reyes (Kings) then she is their Reina (Queen). Kissing fit.

Bask in the warmth of this moment while you can.

Armando's minion is at the jail, telling Nabor he has a "message." The minion sneaks out unseen while the padre is telling the comisario that a lot of innocent people are in danger. The comisario agrees to talk to Nabor.

Nabor says Mapache never said anything. He tells Tadeo he was confused. "I never mentioned the name of Feonando Escandón, never."

Somewhere in the Boss's lair, Feonando is getting worked over by four men. The Coyote tells him that if he doesn't pay up by the weekend, he'll be dead.

Feonando drags his sorry butt back to the cantina and shares his news with Armando and friends. They've got to find a way to get that money from Crabi. The bartenders are there but I'm not sure how much they hear.

Crabi is listening to the scary choir music. She picks up her Bible, perhaps planning to write in her name wherever "God" or "He" appears. She kisses her rosary. Then Feo just sort of pops up behind her and kisses her. She acts irritated for about six seconds. Then the Bible slips out of her hands and she throws the rosary on the floor.

The scene is cut funny, so there's probably a less wholesome version online. Ah yes, here. The fun starts four minutes in and lasts less than two minutes, but I assure you that these two are very thorough. (To cleanse your eyes afterwards, try this or this.)

The brothers commiserate about being in love with the sisters and hating the mother and feeling like they're betraying Libia. Oscar gets mysterious about something that will happen in a few days. Juan is frustrated that Oscar won't tell. (In telenovelas, it's bad luck to tell people about your plans. Unfortunately, it's also bad luck not to tell. Or to be in a telenovela at all.)

Gabriela wakes up smiling. Feo is gone, but there's a rose on the pillow. (She deserves a horse's head.) I guess the rose is there to let us know that it wasn't a dream - weird that she didn't notice his bruises though. She seems to pop from one side of the bed to the other. Whatever. She flashes back to an intense moment and takes off her old wedding band. She's all "Don Feonando, tan divino!"

Jimena and Oscar meet by the old stone wall. They're all ready to get married. Civil ceremony right away, then a church wedding. Jime says Mom will be mad at first, but then she'll forgive them. (Hahahaha) Despite the fact that she knows Feo will never leave, Jime still thinks Mom will let him run the hacienda!

She goes back to the room to play with her gown. She doesn't hate it so much now!

Oscar tells himself in a lizard-rimmed mirror that soon he'll be working at the hacienda. He won't like working for Gabriela. Juan and Franco won't like it either. Neither will Oscar. Hmmmm...

Tadeo is hearing confessions. Something rattlely slithers up to the open-air confessional. Feo wants to talk about Nabor. Tadeo realizes that Nabor was warned not to talk. Tadeo doesn't want to hear Feo's "confession," but he's stuck. Feo tells the padre he caused the accident that killed Bernardo.

Maracuya sets a plush trap for Oscar in her dressing room/tiki hut. Candles, rose petals, champagne and tequila... Oscar shows up, not sure why she asked for him. Sucker! Tonight's her last show and she wants him to give her a proper goodbye. He tries to beg off, but she offers him tequila and says she wants him to be happy with his girlfriend. He'll drink to that! She flatters him, gives him another drink, assures him that it's okay... but doesn't let him go. She offers a third drink - she promises it will be the last.

Time passes. It's getting late. He wants to go, but he's hosed. He can barely walk. She chucks her glass, positions him on the chaise, takes off her robe, and starts unbuttoning his shirt. He tries to talk her out of it - "I love Jimena, I can't betray her" - but she's too big and strong for him.

Pablito is trying on a fancy little outfit when the real outside world makes a rare and rude intrusion in our nutty magical village. The school superintendent arrives with a social worker. Juan, Sofía, and Quintina resist, Pablito cries like crazy, and the dog even barks in protest, but the law is not on their side. Sofía says they have to give him up. Juan tells him it will just be for a few days and he'll be home soon. Pablito feels betrayed, "you told me I'd never be separated from you." Sofía tries to tell Pablito the same thing, and Quintina too, but he doesn't believe any of them. He says they failed him and lied to him.

The real-world people take the boy away. The grownups all cry.

Maracuya is getting dressed and giggling. Octavio sticks his nose in, sees Oscar passed out naked on the chaise, and pulls his nose out pronto. Oscar wakes up and is horrified when he realizes what happened. She tries to cheer him up, "nothing bad happened," but he disagrees. She tells him not to tell anyone. He says he'll lose Jimena forever if he tells her, but he can't deceive her. He storms out with his spurs and hat in hand. Maracuya is very pleased with herself.

Tadeo is still hearing Feo's confession. "Truly, it wasn't my fault," he says of Bernardo's death. They had been arguing. Feo knew Bern had a lover.

"You knew that?" Tadeo asks... I think he just put together the puzzle of Libia's death. But maybe not.

Feo says that Bernardo said he was going to tell the family about Libia himself. Feo tried to stop him, the horse got nervous and bucked, and Bernardo fell and hit his head on a rock, dying instantly. (Head-throbbing flashback.) Feo giggles as he tells Tadeo how he framed Nabor. Tadeo crosses himself and says that you come to confession to repent. Feo says no, he did it for his own amusement and also to let Tadeo know what happens to people who get in his way.

Tadeo says if Feo's not sorry, he can't be absolved or take Communion. "Really? Look how mortified I am," Feo replies, not looking very mortified. "All I can do is pray for your soul," the padre answers. He says the evil in Feo is even deeper-rooted than he had feared. If he doesn't repent, he won't be saved. He'll be condemned.

Feo simply tells the padre that he can't tell anyone what he said. (I'm not sure if this is true. It's not a confession if you say you're not sorry, that you're just amusing yourself and making threats.) If Tadeo keeps meddling, Feo will be tempted to get rid of him. "I'm not afraid of you," Tadeo says. "Jesus is with me, and together we'll defeat you."

Rigo, praying nearby, notices the intense conversation and asks the padre if he needs help. Feo squeezes the padre's hand, wrapped around the fat bars of the confessional, and kisses it. "May God be with you."

Next time:
Dr. Gomes (the crooked doctor) tells Gabi that she has an arrhythmia that wasn't there before. Should Gabi believe him, or did Feo pay for the diagnosis?

Oscar tells Jimena what happened with Maracuya. That's when the Tumbao premieres an impromptu attraction - mudless mud-wrestling.

Feo acts like a jerk.


Monday, July 21, 2008

Querida Enemiga Monday July 21 - The roof is on fire

Alonso and Lorena fight, she tells him to leave.

Sara tries to be nice to Diana in the room they now share. She wants to share her clothes, she puts Diana into the red dress that she has worn so many times already. Everyone thinks she looks good, especially Vasco who says she has a 'spectacular' body. They all look at him, he's like 'what?' Diana looks uncomfortable. Omar likes all his happy family being together, Vasco looks like something is on his mind, something other than Diana's great cleavage.

Don Toribio, the next morning, says his reunion sucked, everyone is old, sick, or dead. Alonso had a bad night too.

Rosy and Maruja talk about the whole Sara situation then see that Lorena is sad. She says she was fighting with Alonso.

Sara complains that she'll have to eat eggs and frijoles for breakfast, but to me that sounds great. Vasco confronts her about pretending to be Hortensia's niece, she begs him to forgive Jaime and grandma.

In the living room Vasco, Zulema, Diana, and Julian make more plans about finding some clients at Mundo Y Vida.

Omar tells Sara to stop working for Hortensia. She says she won't quit and she won't help them put Jaime and Hortensia in jail. Omar says he will fight on without her.

Slimy husband of hottie doctor's assistant Valeria (can't remember his name and this entire episode nobody calls him by name to remind me) is talking on the phone with some woman about business and then tries to hit on her, but is interrupted by Valeria entering the room. She found out that he took her money and she's pissed. He says he'll make it all back and buy her a big house, she isn't having it. Loser's mom shows up and says not to yell at her son. Valeria tells loser's mom that she is sick and tired of her! Finally, this needed to be said long ago.

Barbara comes to Omar's house and asks him to forgive Jaime and Hortensia for her and Vasco's sake. Omar says Vasco is cool with the whole thing, so she says ok just for me. Omar is one smart cookie and says why do you care? You don't care about Jaime at all. He leaves.

Loser's mom cries a river about how she 'opened her house' to Valeria, Valeria says yeah right, I pay all the bills around here! She yells at her loser husband some more. He demands that she apologize to his mother. Valeria doesn't she just turns and leaves. Even though she's mad, she looks hot in her business attire. The skirt isn't so short, but enough to show her nice legs. Loser's mom plays the 'poor me' routine after Valeria leaves. Whatever.

Sara tells Hortensia and Jaime that Omar won't back off, Jaime says all is lost and leaves to go pout somewhere.

Rosy is telling the chef the whole sordid tale of Sara when Jackie walks up behind her and overhears. Rosy tries to make up a story, Jackie tells her don't worry I won't say anything, actually, tell me everything! Is Jackie turning into one of the good guys? She certainly would like to get rid of Sara, and her man Dario is getting the short end of the stick in his dealings, maybe those two will end up being good guys.

Maruja finds Jaime's wallet at the soda machine. I guess he doesn't only drop soda cans. She says he'd drop his head if it weren't attached. She heads to his office to return it, where she finds him pouting. She smiles a lot and gives him the wallet, he thanks her by name and she is all aflutter that he remembered it. He says he remembers with even more reason now, holding up the wallet. She giggles her way out the door, barely missing Barbara, who immediately starts wailing about her conversation with Omar.

When they come home from work, Vasco, Diana and Julian announce that they have a bunch of people coming to taste food tomorrow, they should get some clients. Omar comes home, apparently very early, he says the lights are busted at the shop and he can't work at night, Julian says he'll fix them. Apparently he is good at that stuff, maybe he is as dumb as he thinks he is if he doesn't realize that he can make a good living as an electrician. He asks Sara to come along so she can see the shop.

Lorena serves ravioli for dinner, Rosy and Maruja say it's good until Lorena leaves, then they spit it out. Aww, I guess Lorena's usual secret ingredient is happiness or love or some crap like that. I don't think being sad can make you forget how to make good ravioli. They try and cook up a plan to help Lorena and Alonso.

At the clinic, the little girl apparently needs a new shipment of chocolate and asks Alonso when Lorena is coming back. He doesn't know. Valeria comes in and she and Alonso compete to see who can heave the biggest sigh and have the longest face.

At the shop, Julian shows Sara around. She pretends to be impressed but really thinks it's lame.

Rosy puts banana peels on Maruja's head to give her a fake fever. Maruja asks if it works, Rosy says sure, it got her out of school a bunch of times! Maruja wants to start yelling at her but there's no time. Rosy tells her to look sick. The doorbell rings and they throw the banana peels behind the couch cushion (I would love it if they found them again later on) and Rosy lets Lorena in. Wait, Lorena stays there but has to ring the bell? She brings in some pills and leaves to get water. The bell rings again, Maruja yells very loudly "MUST BE THE DOCTOR." Of course it is Alonso. He gives Maruja some advice and refuses payment, when Lorena comes back in the room it gets much colder in there. Rosy and Maruja try to keep Alonso around to talk, but he makes his getaway after exchanging a few uncomfortable looks with Lorena.

Julian fixes the lights, in the conversation he tells Sara that Omar is a true father to him, not just a stepfather. They get home and everyone is asleep, Sara says she'll stay up and watch TV.

After Alonso leaves, Lorena the hypocrite has the nerve to act irritated that Maruja and Rosy put together this little skit to try and put her and Alonso together. I guess it's only OK when SHE does it.

Sara calls Chalo and cooks up some plan.

Valeria is cleaning up toys, loser husband tries to make nice with her. For some stupid reason, she buys it and caves in.

Jaime wants a little affection, she rudely tells him to leave her alone in a way that would have had me leaving the house for good. Way over the line. He wants to be with her, she says "well I'm right here, with you." No, he wants some lovin. She again is very rude and says no, how can he think about that with everything going on. I think it makes sense, he needs somebody to be on his side. I guess it's time to look for Maruja. Barbara won't shut up about Omar.

Chalo arrives outside the house, Sara gives him some keys. She sneaks back in the house, Zulema hears her and comes out to talk and hug, etc.

The keys were to Omar's shop! Chalo douses the place in gasoline. Uh oh.

Sara manages to get Zulema to go back to bed and leave her up watching TV.

In bed, Lorena the naive fool thinks Sara must be so happy with her family. Jeez she's blind.

Alonso walks around shirtless for you ladies and mopes about Lorena.

Chalo returns with the shop keys and wants his 'reward' immediately, Sara says later and avoids his attempt to molest her, ducking back into the house.

The shop goes up in flames, cars explode, all the neighbors come out and stand WAAAY too close to the fire. They get a weak bucket brigade going, like 10 gallons of water for a huge fire.

Sara sneaks into her room, just then the house phone rings and Omar starts yelling that there was a fire. Everyone runs out of the house to check it out. Except Sara who stays behind looking smug.

I guess it's the next day, Paula offers to take Bettina to Dario's house, I'm sure so she can find out where she lives, but Bettina is too smart and says no, she'll ask her dad to come pick her up.

Jaime, Barbara, and Hortensia read the news about Omar's shop in the paper over breakfast.

Rosy and Lorena go to Zulema's house to see what they can do. Diana is crying and says that Omar is despondent and Julian thinks he did something wrong with the wiring.

Jaime tells Hortensia that he hopes Omar had insurance, Hortensia says she hopes he doesn't (bitch!), because then he'll be too busy getting out of his mess to worry about the police and all that. Also, maybe now he'll have to let Sara accept money from Hortensia.

Julian beats himself up, saying it was all his fault. Nobody else believes that could be what happened. Even Sara says she saw his work, he didn't do anything wrong. I wonder what her angle is.

Jaime asks Hortensia if she had anything to do with the fire, she says no!

Out for a walk, Omar tells Zulema he stopped paying the insurance a while back. She says she'll get her catering up and running and they'll get back on their feet. Vasco offers to help financially too, he owes them. Some guy walks up that Omar recognizes, the guy says Omar owes him for his car, he wasn't insured. Omar has to pay him for it or the guy will sue him.


Pasión de Gavilanes, Mon., 7-21: Dínora's back and Juan is in the crosshairs

Olegario and Quintina

Olegario and Dominga

Juan is angry (his gun is out of the picture)

Malcom nearly blows Fernando's head off

She's back with a new 'do but still gunning for Juan

I'll put the comments to today's episode into this posting.


Marie Celeste, I also noticed the stand-in. The wig was not as curly as Mario's actual hair. Yup, the "Amor Prohibido" performance was a little disturbing, but I'm glad that Melissa finally realized what a mess she was getting into and got herself out of it. After today's episode, we see that your Dinora theory was indeed correct.

Shame on Olegario! He's not even that good looking, and now it turns out he has a babe in every stable! Hope he gets caught. If Dominga takes refuge at the Reyes house, there will be no hiding things. I think she'd actually be a good "pareja" for one of the fruit boys. She's too pretty for Olegario. Quintina may well forgive him, but if she does, I hope she gives him hell first. She's no shrinking violet and will know how to keep him in line in the future.

That Gabi is taking the old "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" saying a little too close to heart. It will no doubt come to bite her in the butt. I figured the mere fact that Malcolm nearly decapitated Fernando would be a wake up call about the insanity of keeping those guys around, but it looks like she's too insane to see the truth. On the plus side, this means we still have many episodes to go.

Marie Celeste:

I completely agree about Olegario. ¡Que descaro! I did like him, but he's lost some points with this little stunt. I had the same thought about Dominga and the Fruit Sons. Hopefully she'll see there's greener grass at the Reyes' place, and Quintina will teach Olegario a thing or two & he'll end up sorrier but wiser.

So we now have Dinora "2.0". Strangely enough, I like the new hair (more the cut than the color, but as a whole, I think it works.) Talk about "mala hierba nunca muere"; she's it. I hope the Reyes & Elizondo clans modify their behavior a little better in light of the fact it's clear someone is trying to murder Juan. Since the police are of no help at this point, it would be a good idea for both the Elizondos and the Reyes' to watch their backs a little closer. We'll see how they do.
Nice to see Memo is back. He tells the waiter that he's doing terrible - 'me va como los perros en misa' 'It's going like dogs at Mass.'

Ok, I assume that Amor Prohibito was played because Leonidas is married. But we didn't get that tune when Juan and Norma got together and she was married. I don't see what would have been so 'prohibido' about Melissa and Leonidas, if Melissa had been interested. While mothers don't marry their daughter's ex-husbands very often, old guys dump their wives for a fresher model all the time.

Marie Celeste, once you said that Antonio reminded you of a baboon, I can't get that out of my head when I see him. ;-) How true!


Sunday, July 20, 2008

Querida Enemiga, Friday July 18th Let my people (grandma and uncle) go!

Hi everybody! This is maricruz your friendly substitute recapper. I’m sorry to tell you that I’m a little rusty and I have forgotten how long it takes to recap. Since I haven’t been able to finish and I know how much some of you enjoy reading your recaps on Sunday morning, I’m posting the first half right now and later when I’m done I’ll post the rest.
Thank you for your understanding

First part (SECOND PART IS UP)

Sara, tries to convince her “father” to forgive and forget, but her father is adamant, the guilty (his mother and brother) have to pay. Furthermore, he tells her that she can’t take anything from them, especially money. He tells her that he’ll provide for all her needs. Sara cries and begs to no avail.

Alonso calls a TV station that has a program that helps to reunite families. He talks to Julia Pedrero and explains that he wants her to help his girlfriend find her family.

Sara is leaving to go pick up her things. Since her father did not change his mind, she tries to convince her mother not to take legal action against her “grandma”, but her mother tells her that the decision has been taken and not to worry about it. Right then Julian and Lorena come back from the market. Zulema introduces Julian to Sara. Sara (over)reacts hugging her “brother” and Zulema is very happy that her children are finally reunited. She starts checking the things that Lorena and Julian bought. When she asks for an ingredient and says that she was told it was good, and Lorena replies that she doesn’t like it because it is too creamy, Julian comments that “wink, wink” they behave like mother and daughter. After checking everything Zulema realizes that there is a missing ingredient and goes with Julian to buy it. Lorena and Sara are left alone in the living room, and like the good stubborn girl that she is, Sara applies the broken record technique, this time with Lorena and asks her to please help her convince her parents not to act against her grandma. Lorena tells her that they deserve whatever they get and that she should be happy that she now has a family. Lorena confesses that she is worry because her father doesn’t want her to take money from rich grandma and that she was hoping to inherit because grandma has changed her will to include her.

Barbara comes to see Vasco to tell him about the fight between his father and Oscar. She tells him that it is his obligation to close ranks and rally round his dad, but Vasco doesn’t agree. He tells her that he won’t help and that he’ll respect his uncle decision.

Lorena and Sara argue. Lorena tells Sara that she should be happy that she recovered her parents and that she should be mad with her grandma because it is her fault that she (Sara) had to grow up as an orphan. Sara replies that she agrees that her grandma has to pay, but she prefers to get paid with money because “Las penas con pan son menos” (The grief is less when you have bread) and that she knows that her parents won’t be able to give her as much as her grandma could give her. Lorena gets angry at her friend and calls her ungrateful. Sara calls her a “stupidly naïve” girl that still believes in fairy tales. Lorena slaps her.

Sara leaves the house and once outside she tells to nobody that Lorena will pay for slapping her.

Hortensia and Jamie are talking about the next big event. Jaime has a bad feeling about it, but Hortensia tells him that everything will be ok. Jacky walks in and tells them that they are having some difficulties because Sara is not here. She tries to badmouth her but Hortencia stops her cold and tells her to tell it to somebody that cares. Jacky leaves.

Zulema and Lorena are talking about the chicken they just prepared. Zulema wants to know what other ingredients Lorena used. Lorena tells her that she used lettuce and anise. Julian is worried because nobody has called. They don’t understand what could have gone wrong, but mom dismisses Julian’s worries saying that it is still early. She is sure that God is blessing them, because they have recovered their missing daughter.

Alonso is talking to the TV producer. She says that she will help, but she can’t assure him that she’ll be able to find Lorena’s parents. He has to prepare her because even if they find them, her parents might not want to know about her. Alonso says that they have to risk it. He thanks the producer.

Rosi and Maruja are taking their therapy with Toribio. They argue and argue about who is at fault. Rosi says that it is her mother’s fault because she doesn’t let her have a boyfriend. She tells Toribio that she is sure her mother has a problem with men. Maruja says that it is Rosi’s fault because she is always getting involved with the wrong kind of guy. She accepts that she might have a problem with men, but all she wants to do is protect her daughter. Rosi tells her that just because she had a bad experience it doesn’t mean that Rosi will have the same problems, besides how come now she reacts to Julian like if she wanted him for herself? Maruja says that Rosi is mistaken; she is just trying to be nice to Julian because she doesn’t want to have more problems with Rosi, and Julian is such a nice boy. Rosi says “ni tanto que queme al santo ni tanto que no le alumbre” (It (a candle) shouldn’t be too close to burn the image or too far to not cast enough light to the image) She wants her mother to behave like any other mother, not hating her boyfriend, but not keeping them for herself either.

Paula is trying to access Dario’s bank account, because she is sure that he has a lot of money and she wants to have proof. She inputs the pin number, but it has been changed. She tries to figure it out, maybe Bettina’s b-date? No it is not it; maybe his lover’s name? No, that’s not either. She keeps on thinking and in doing so, she remembers that he wanted to go to Thailand with her. She inputs Thailand but alas that is not the password either, and now she is sad that she’ll never get to go to Thailand with him.

Arturo’s mom is feeding him. He is happy because mom’s food is better than street food and now that he can come at lunch time, he says that he’ll be here every day. His wife arrives and tells him that she didn’t know that he had enough time to come and eat. The nasty suegra answers that since he is his own boss now, he can do whatever he wants. Wife lets it go and changes subject. She asks how the business is doing. He says that it is better than ever. Wife tells him that she is glad that the business worked and she was mistaken when she thought that it wouldn’t work. Nasty suegra tells her that she is always mistaken and that she has never helped her husband. Wife retorts that she has helped her husband by working and supporting him (you go girl, tell her off!) but she says that she doesn’t want to argue and tells Arturo that she’ll serve him more food if he wants to. Arturo says he is finish and that he needs to go to sleep. Wife tells him that maybe he should go back to work, he says that no, he is done for the day. He leaves, and nasty suegra scolds wife because she doesn’t want her “baby” to rest.

Lorena, Zulema and Julian are very worried because nobody has called to ask about the food. Now they are sure that something is wrong. They have a lot of food and no clients to buy it.

Sara arrives to the clinic to talk to Alonso. She is crying and tells Alonso that Lorena slapped her. Alonso doesn’t understand why Lorena would do something like that. Sara tells him that maybe Lorena is jealous because she found her parents. Alonso has a flash back about Lorena crying because she wished that she had found her parents. Cara de impactado de Alonso.

Back to Lorena, Zulema and Julian. Zulema reads the flyer and realizes that the phone number in the flyer is wrong. It is a non-existent number. Now they are in big trouble, what are they going to do with all the food?

Sara opens the waterworks and cries to Alonso. She tells her that nobody understands her. All she wants is to have a united family. She doesn’t want grandma or uncle in jail, and the money… she wants it for her family, they need it and she can provide it now that she is included in the will. Alonso reluctantly agrees that Sara has a point there. Sara is soo happy that Alonso understands her and doesn’t judge her. She tells him he is a real friend.

2nd part

Alonso tries to apologize for Lorena. He tells her that Lorena loves her like a sister and tells her to remember that it was her (Lorena) who found out about Sara’s parents. He then tells her his “secret” about calling the program. Sara is not happy about it.

Julian calls himself a fool. They don’t know what they are going to do with the food. Lorena suggests donating it to an orphanage. Julian is worried because they lost a lot of money, and they won’t be able to recoup their investment. Sad faces all around.

Sara is worried and tries to point to Alonso how hard it will be to find Lorena’s parents. She tells him that the orphanage doesn’t have any info on her parents. (If Alonso were a little curious he would ask her how she knows that info, but alas he doesn’t) He tells her that everything is possible in TV land, besides he (Alonso) doesn’t have to do anything; it is the program that will do the entire dirty job. Then just to show us how clueless he is, he asks her if he can trust her. Sara says that he can trust her 100%

Back at the house of the doomed business, Zulema is happy because the food won’t go to waste and at least the orphans will have a nice meal. Julian is still mad at himself. Oscar arrives, he is very happy because he bought a bed for Sara and some furniture for the living room. He asks his wife how the business is doing. Zulema changes the topic of the conversation and asks him if he talked to Cipriano. Oscar tells her that Cipriano’s son will help them and they have an appointment for later (Question for everybody out there. Why do they need a lawyer to press charges against Hortencia and Jaime? Wouldn’t they just need to go to the police and accuse his mother and brother? Wouldn’t the police then investigate and press charges if they found out that there was a crime? Or is he trying to sue them? I thought he didn’t want the money…mmm wondering minds want to know…) any way, Zulema is worried about how much the lawyer will charge them. Oscar tells her not to worry he is hoping that the lawyer will take in consideration that they are his father’s neighbors and won’t charge them that much. (Ha! fat chance)

Clueless Alonso asked Sara to go with him to help him pick the engagement ring. He tells her that he wants the best because Lorena deserves it. Sara tells him that she is sure that Lorena will accept. A sales associate comes and tells Alonso that the ring they are looking at right now is the one that looks the best on her girlfriend’s hand (It may not be the best looking ring but I can bet that it IS the most expensive! :)) When Alonso corrects her, and tells her that Sara is not his girlfriend, the sales girls says that it is a shame they are not a couple, because they really look very cute together. Sara pouts and says that somebody else took him first.

Vasco is chastising Julian. He gives him a crash course on business 101. The golden rule on business management; don’t put all your eggs in just one basket. The problem wasn’t only the wrong number in the flyers; they didn’t promote the business any other way. Vasco tells him that what they need to get a client list. He tells him that he(Vasco) and Diana will create one with the names of all the people in their work place that are interested in having good food for lunch delivered to them. Julian is very happy with the idea.

Oscar and Zulema are talking to the lawyer, he tells them that their case is very complicated, especially if the daughter is not a minor, she could give testimony on favor of her grandma and could decide to go and live with her. Caras de impactados de Zulema and Oscar.

Sara is talking to Hortencia and Jaime. Hortencia tells Sara to convince her parents not to press charge against them. Sara tells Hortencia that she is doing everything in her power to prvent it, but her parents are very stubborn. Hortensia tells her to black mail them, to tell them that if they press charges she’ll stay with her grandma. Jaime can’t believe his ears. Sara likes the idea.

Alfonso is helping his father put on a tie, they remember Alfonso’s mother and how she was the one always helping him with the tie. Timoteo notices that Alfonso is nervous and that the table looks very nice. He asks him why. Alfonso tells him that he is proposing to Lorena today. Timoteo congratulates himself for having the man to man talk with him long time ago, now he doesn’t have to worry about him. Alonso just smiles.

Lorena is getting ready to go out. She tells Rosi that Alonso called her and was very mysterious. Rosi wishes her luck and hopes that what ever he has to tell her is good news. Maruja and Rosi leave.

Chalo is outside and calls Sara to let her know that Lorena is alone in the house. Sara tells him to proceed with the plan. Sara then calls Lorena and in a sickening syrupy fake girly voice, asks her to forgive her. Lorena tells her that she is the one that needs to ask for forgiveness. They kiss and make up and then Sara asks her if she can come right now. Lorena tells her that she is has a date with Alonso and that she is taking a taxi. Sara smiles her evil smile.

Jaime offers a drink to Hortencia, she declines telling him that she knows a lot of drunks that started with just one drink. She tells him to stop drinking because it bothers her. Jaime looks drunk (he has to be, I recon that’s the only way he would dare talk back to his mother) he tells her that it seems that all he does is to bother her. Sara comes with his baggage and tells her that she is ready to go. Hortencia tells her to take the car. Sara says that she’ll take a taxi. She cries a little more just for effect and tells them that she’ll miss them. Hortencia, always the charming caring grandmother, tells her that if she really loves her she better make sure that her parents forgive her. Sara tells her that she’ll do it.

Chalo goes to Lorena’s house and feigns being drunk. He is crying and tells her that he lost his job. Lorena tells him that he needs to leave, she has a date. Right then the phone rings and it is Alonso, when Chalo hears that it is Alonso he starts yelling. Alonso asks her what is going on. Lorena lies and tells him that it is the TV. He tells her to hurry up, but she tells Alonso that she is waiting for the taxi. She tells him that she’ll be there pretty soon. As soon as Alonso finishes his conversation with Lorena he receives a phone call from Sara. Sara tells him that she just talked to Lorena and noticed that she was very nervous; she tells him that she is worried for Lorena. She suggests that he needs to go and pick her up.

Back at Lorena’s, Chalo is giving the performance of the year, he cries and moans that everybody hates him. Lorena tells him to leave. He cries and tells her that she is his only friend and to please at least give him something for his indigestion. Lorena stomps out of the room to get him the medication.

Rosi and Julian are sitting at a restaurant. Julian looks pensive and Rosi wants to know what troubles him. He tells him that it is not only the problem with the business that bothers him; he finally tells her that he just found out that Sara is his half-sister.

Sara arrives to her “parents” house. Her mother is very happy. Zulema introduces her to Diana. Sara with her fake little voice tells her that she knows that they started on the wrong foot, but now she is willing to get know her. She hugs Diana. Diana looks unsure.

Back at Lorena’s, Chalo is sleeping in the sofa. Lorena tries to wake him up, but he won’t budge, she finally does the sensitive thing and empties the glass of water on his head. Chalo wakes up with a start and tells her that he is leaving but he needs a towel. Lorena gives him a towel and comes out to ask the taxi driver to please wait for her. When she is talking to him, Chalo comes out with the towel. Lorena is asking the cab driver to please take them first to her friend’s house when Alonso shows up. Lorena gets Chalo in the cab and hastily asks the cab driver to go. Alonso comes out of his car, he looks very angry he asks her what is going on. She explains everything, but he doesn’t believe her. He tells her that he doesn’t want to imagine what they were doing inside since Chalo came out with a towel. Sara looks hurt and frightened she tells him that he is offending her. Alonso tells him that he is just starting to know her and he doesn’t like what he is seeing. He brakes up with her.

The end.


Saturday, July 19, 2008

Al Diablo Con Los Guapos #124, Friday 7-18: On the eve of the big game, Hugo helps Mili practice her goal-scoring kick.

Valeria nurses Rocky's wounds and he does the classic flinching from the antibiotic. Valeria and Rocky recreate the scene from Indiana Jones (it hurts here…and here…). Rocky finally tells her that it wasn't a carjacking, but Valeria already figured it out. She has to break it to him that it was her mom, not her dad. Andrea has covered her ample bottom by blaming it on Karla. Valeria is sick of Mommy Dearest and wants her to leave the house with Nestor.

Luciana drinks and gets familiar with the backside of the Mili & Rosario painting. Andrea comes downstairs and gets in some digs about Luci's drinking and Constancio not thinking about Rosario when he's with Andrea. Luciana's not buying that last part, though. She tells Andrea the painting is there to remind Constancio of Rosario every day. She says if Constancio never loved her, it's because he liked low-class girls like Rosario and Andrea. They start getting into an Alpha Female fight again, but Luciana goes upstairs.

Valeria comes in and tells Andrea she was right, Luciana had some guys beat up Rocky. Andrea pretends to care. Poor Valeria is upset and doesn't know what to do about mommy. Andrea suggests they act like they learned their lesson and keep the relationship secret…er, a better secret than it already was.

Mili laments that Rocky won't be able to play fútbol all banged up the way he is. Rocky laments that Valeria won't be able to watch him plan…oh, and that her daddy won't let them be together. Mili feels for them, not being able to be together, even though they luuuuurve each other. Rocky tells her she still loves Alejandro. Mili tells Rocky he's like a brother to her. He goes to hug her, but aggravates one of his injuries.

At the ultrasound, we discover that Florencia's baby has five heads and three tails and will soon rip its way out of her womb like that thing from Alien. Or so I wish. Speaking of wishes, Alejandro imagines it's Mili there with her fake pregnancy belly hanging out and covered with ultrasound goop. Really, the things that turn this guy on. He tells Mili he's super duper happy and then kisses the belly. Then he kisses Mili, but she turns back into Florencia…he looks a little surprised and disgusted as this. Dude, don't make me get out my DSM-IV-TR…BSC is not a recognized diagnosis.

That money grubbing ho is out shopping for jewelry. Karla, I mean, not one of the others. She tries to bargain with the guy at the jewelry counter, but he's not having it. Frat Boy Fernando comes up and offers to buy the necklace for her, since he likes pleasing spoiled brats…er, pretty ladies, or whatever. He puts the necklace on Karla, stroking her ear in the process. Then he walks off. Karla grabs her shopping bags and chases him. She recognizes him as Mat the Rat's friend. He starts to say he recognizes her as the maid, but she says she was Luciana's personal assistant. He says it's too bad she's getting married and no, he's not dating Lina. He tells her she's way more of a woman than Lina. She wants to thank him for the necklace and invites him to sex. I mean coffee...right...coffee. She'll probably invite him to sex later.

Alejandro and Florencia come home and Alejandro nags her about taking better care of herself, like the doctor said. Florencia threatens him some more about what will happen if she busts him with Mili again, then she gets all excited about their trip, which the doctor approved of. Mili comes in while they're hugging, allowing Florencia to give her a smirk behind Alejandro's back.

Florencia and Marisela have a Mafia Princess Board Meeting. Marisela announces that Alejandro won't be managing her money--Mat the Rat will. Florencia is surprised.

Mili and Lina work on putting together a puzzle up in Mili's room. They pout that Gloria won't be at the fútbol match since she's feeling so sick and all. Mili gives Lina a hard time about being there for Bobby and not for her. Hugo comes in all mopey and asks Lina to give him a moment alone with the little missus. Mili looks guilty and asks if he's still mad. He says he trusts her, but he did get jealous. Mili says she tried to stay away from Al, but, you know. Then she gets all offended that Hugo doesn't believe her. She wants to know what to do so he'll feel better. Hugo grabs her under the chin from behind and says he wants her to be "his." Oh, yeah, that coupled with the headlock he's got her in and the rubbing up against her…no, not threatening at all. Mili breaks away and says he's scaring her. Hugo invokes his marital "rights" and suggests maybe it's what Mili needs to forget about Alejandro.

Alejandro walks down the hallway hearing Florencia's voice telling him that it all depends on him staying away from Mili. Of course, he hears Mili yelling "no Hugo!" and goes running to their room. He screams "Let her go" but Mili had already taken care of matters with a well placed kick. Alejandro gets to gloat for a few seconds before leaving the room again. He laughs out in the hallway and says "that's my Carlitos!"

Hugo asks Mili why she did it. I think that's going to win the stupid question award for the evening. Mili reminds him he made her a promise and he's got to keep it. She calls him on the drinking and he asks her to forgive him. She demands he go take a cold shower or she won't let him back in the room. She shoves him into the bathroom.

Bobby and Lina have a moment out on the tennis court. Bobby's trying to convince her she's the prettiest girl he knows. She's not buying it. He tells her it's what's inside that counts and really, she's the prettiest. They make plans to meet at the fútbol match and Bobby invites her out on a date after…he wants to be alone, without anyone else. He moves in for a kiss, but Lina pushes him away and says they won't go to his apartment. He agrees and suggests wine…before that gets settled Alejandro comes up asking if Bobby's ready to lose. Lina decides to stay and watch them. Bobby comments that Alejandro's looking pretty happy and he says it's because he doesn't have to watch Mili and Hugo anymore. Bobby takes his place on the other side of the net and calls to Lina that he's dedicating his "star" serve to her…Alejandro jokes that it's his "star" ("estrella") because he always crashes it (estrellar) into the net. Ja ja ja…puns just aren't as funny when they have to be explained.

Karla drools over Frat Boy as they have dessert and coffee. Meaningless seductive chatter--"You're so hot" "I'm getting married." Frat Boy tries to take his leave, but Karla thought bubbles that she can't let him go--she doesn't have much singlehood left. Frat Boy says he just can't today, but he leaves her his card so she can call him…"Fernando, Gigolo Extraordinaire, $199.99 for the first hour, $50 for each additional hour, call 555-SKANK, email fernando@skankboiz.com" Karla drools over him some more after he leaves.

Rocky breaks it to Socorro that this happened because Karla busted them and ran to Luciana to gossip. Socorro wants to go have words with Karla, but Rocky tells her not to. Horacio tells him he'll have to learn to live under threat of death. Rocky swears nothing will separate him from Valeria.

Hugo returns from his cold shower. Mili is sitting up in bed, but won't talk to him. He asks her to forgive him again and has a bit of pain as he gets into bed. She asks him to forgive her too, but says she's not ready. Hugo says that sometimes he can't control his jealousy of Alejandro. He tells her it won't happen again and she's right. He says he'll keep his promise, but she also has to keep hers and not cheat on him. Mili agrees. Hugo says he'll give her all the time she needs, as long as it's not too long. He rests his head on her chest and gives a look to the camera that makes me think he's had a full-on BSC relapse.

Luciana and Nestor sit in the living room reading and making kissy faces at each other. Upstairs, Constancio and Andrea play Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf a little too loudly for Luciana's taste. There's more vying for Alpha status. Andrea goes upstairs as Constancio goes to the kitchen for a snack. Andrea calls down to him not to forget the whipped cream…ugh! Gross! I'll have to wash my brain out now, thanks. Nestor tells Luciana he's getting tired of her fights with Andrea. He goes upstairs and Luciana says she'll join him once she shags Constancio again…only she says "once I finish reading this article." She snags Constancio and drags him into the study, complete with apple and can of whipped cream…seriously? Whipped cream out of a can? I mean, it's fine for me, but wouldn't the Belmonte's think that's just too naco? They insult each other and snog some more. Luciana asks for the favor of taking down Mili's painting. Awww, the fun's over for Constancio now. He reminds her they said they wouldn't be together again and goes to leave, but Luciana stops him.

Valeria sneaks into Rocky's room in the dark and sits on his bed. She remembers telling Regina that she's in love and it's impossible and crazy. She remembers Regina being happy to find out that she was in love with Rocky and telling her it doesn't matter what the world says and to fight for her feelings and be true to herself. Valeria sneaks back out as Rocky sleeps on.

Mili sits in the kitchen eating dinner and a little to excitedly says to someone that she's all hyped about the big game. She can't wait to kick the ball. Oh, she's telling this to Hugo. Yeah, I don't think he can think about her playing fútbol quite the same way again. He asks if Alejandro's going to be there. Well, duh, he's the goalie numbnu--uh, never mind. Mili doesn't know. She reminds Hugo he's their best defender and they're sure to win. Hugo says he's going off to paint and will probably be at it all night. He gets a glass of iced tea, kisses Mili goodbye and leaves. Karla comes in with her usual attitude and spits a bunch of venom in response to Mili asking "where have you been?" Mili slaps her a good one and says not to get into it with her. Karla swears she'll be sorry. What. Ever.

Hugo sits in the living room flipping through a magazine. I wonder if it's that Vanidades that Luciana was flipping through earlier. Alejandro comes in and, talk about rubbing salt on the wound, says "Mili kicks hard, doesn't she? She kicked me like that once too." I almost think the implication there is "I kissed her first, I got kicked in the nads by her first, and I'm going to sleep with her first, too, nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah." Alejandro laughs thinking about Mili kicking him, pulling his hair, and dumping a drink on him. Hugo says "and she fell in love with you. I guess I still need her to dump a drink on me and pull my hair, but I'm on the right track, replacing all the moments she had with you, don't you think?" Hugo reminds Alejandro that he's patient and goes upstairs. Alejandro meets Florencia coming back from the Mafia Princess Board Meeting. She suggests they go upstairs and talk…probably because he must stink from playing tennis and she wants him to shower first. They go upstairs as Braulio, who let Florencia in, vamps the pose on the cover of Vanidades. He once again busts Luciana and Constancio post-gross-coitus. Constancio asks Braulio for the favor of taking the whipped cream back to the kitchen. Braulio puts two and gross together and raises his eyebrows looking at the can of whipped cream. Dude, do NOT put that back in the fridge!

The Naca Princesses are also having a board meeting up in the bunker. Lina explains to Mili that guys like sex. And here I thought Sor Cachete covered that. Did she somehow miss the "When a guy marries you and swears he loves you it's only because he wants to do the nasty with you" lecture? Seriously, if she wasn't prepared to have sex with him, then why bother marrying him? Mili does remember Sor Cachete saying the first time should be with a guy you love, which is her justification for waiting to have sex with Hugo--she doesn't love him yet. OK, again, did Sor Cachete not give them the lecture on not marrying someone you don't love and wouldn't at least be willing to have hawt loveless sex with? Sor Cachete's really falling down on the job here. Karla comes in, being as pleasant as usual, pleasantries are exchanged, and Mili leaves. Lina tells Karla to be nice, Gloria needs to rest because of her stomachache. Karla blames it on kissing Chamuco and Gloria returns with "it's better than being like a pizza that gets delivered to anyone inside of 30 minutes, if you know what I mean." There's more talk about Gloria having waited for sex and Gloria having that look on her face that says it's not true.

Upstairs in Alejandro and Florencia's bedroom, Florencia has gotten into her red silk ninja pj's, but Alejandro hasn't showered yet. Maybe he thinks eau de tennis will keep Florencia off him…but the giant fake pregnancy belly should be doing that well enough on its own. Florencia tells him that Marisela doesn't want him to manage the company. Alejandro asks what Florencia wants to do. She doesn't exactly answer, but says they need to agree on some solution. Alejandro asks if Marisela wants Mateo in charge. Florencia says that as long as she can't trust Alejandro to stay away from Mili, she's prepared to let Mateo be President of MafiaCorp and also let him manage her money. Alejandro tells her she's in no position to threaten him. He says it's not his problem if they decide to trust Mat the Rat. Florencia gripes about all the hurt Milagros has done and how she wants revenge, but Alejandro says she's the one hurting herself by not acknowledging the truth of the situation. I'm not even going to ponder which of the many truths he means.

Once again, Constancio isn't in the mood for sex with Andrea. Andrea wants to play, though. Constancio tries to beg off, but Andrea suggests they play that she's Rosario for tonight. That freaks Constancio out, but good, and he screams at her that she'd better never say that name again. Wow, Andrea's radar must be way off if she thought Constancio was going to go for that. She'd better just pack up her toys and go home. He screams that she dirties Rosario's name by saying it and she'd better not do it again. Now Andrea pressures him to take the painting down. He basically says "shut up about it or I'm breaking up with you." Andrea looks like it just sunk in that Luciana was right about Constancio's luuuurve for Rosario (even if he never did have the cojones to stand up for it).

Nestor isn't making any demands on Luciana tonight. She's awake, remembering Constancio weeping over Regina's coffin that Mili is the daughter of the only woman he ever loved. Luciana curses Rosario. I have no advance knowledge of anything, but just like Domingo's oddly long goodbye to his daughters, these back-to-back scenes feel like big heavy anvils to me.

Bobby wakes up to a knock on his door. It's Marisela and he's not happy to see her. She says she's sorry, she couldn't sleep, and she thought about it a long time before coming over. Bobby grins and says she probably should have thought about it some more. Aw, that's sweet, he's insulting her, but in a completely good-natured way. Marisela says it's urgent and she didn't want to call him. Bobby finally lets her in and asks what it's about since as far as he's concerned, they're over. He wakes up when she says it's not about them, it's about Alejandro. He's impactado as we leave the scene.

A shadow with a knife falls over the painting of Mili and Rosario. The butcher knife descends on the painting and starts cutting it to ribbons. Now we must speculate on who done it.

Monday: Mili overhears Alejandro talking to her cuate Jesús about his luuuurve for her. And the whole Belmonte house is in uproar over the, uh, defaced painting. Everyone accuses everyone else.


Fuego en la Sangre, 07/18/08: The Pride of the Prejudiced

Padre Tadeo is telling the parable of the prodigal son. Bottom line: try a little mercy. If your kids go astray, then forgive and forget and simply love them. Any parent who doesn’t do this isnt’ following God’s teachings. Unfortunately for Sofia, the padre’s sermon has hit a little too close to the hacienda for Mama. Gabriela stands up and makes a big scene over wanting to leave the church immediately, but before she goes she stares daggers at Sofia. Sofia stands up. “Mama?” Gabi hauls off and slaps her daughter so hard it nearly knocks Sofia down. (Well, lady, if the town wasn’t gossiping about you before, they certainly will be after that little display!) Juan yells at her, “What’s the matter with you, Señora?” She rushes out of there with her daughters running red faced after her.

As soon as Crabi has stormed out of the church she starts bitching to Fernando while completely ignoring her two mortified daughters that Padre Tadeo was purposely trying to embarrass her in front of the whole congregation. Fernando says he warned her Tadeo was taking liberties he had no right to take. She’s fed up she says and swears the padre isn’t going to do this to her again. She’ll take measures to see he doesn’t mess with her or her family anymore. She’ll even look for a different church to marry her daughters in if necessary.

Both Sarita and Jimena try to calm Mama down, apparently fearing Mama will have another attack. ( Somebody needs to slap some sense into these 20-something ninnies, but oops! No can do. We must realize that what we’ve been witnessing the past few weeks is one long PSA on abusive parent dependency.) Gabi crabs and whines at Jimena that all she’s done is remind her of the problems she’s been causing herself. Gabi doesn’t miss her chance at more emotional blackmail. She turns to Feo: “See they want to kill me. They’re going to kill me. I feel ill. Take me back to the hacienda.” Everyone piles into the SUV for the gloomy ride back.

In his office Tadeo is telling Sofia and Juan that he cannot believe Gabi would have gone as far as to threaten her with a weapon. Sofia says that’s why she is now so scared for her sisters. Tadeo, ever the pseudo-psychoanalyst, says Gabriela’s problem is arrogance. She cannot allow the world to revolve without her controlling it. Juan snorts. Sofia says she blames herself, but Tadeo says not to, and that if he weren’t clear on the fact that she was a victim of evil deeds by certain individuals he wouldn’t have supported her and Juan’s relationship. (Somehow I still don’t think that quite fits into Rome’s overall game plan.) Juan doesn’t want to hear it. Next time he won’t hold back even if it means his life. Nobody messes with his wife and child. Tadeo looks at Sofia and says no, she must have patience. Juan doesn’t look too convinced and is anything but placated. Tadeo tells her that he will go see Mama himself. He only hopes that God will enlighten him how best to soften her heart (that’s assuming the woman actually has one).

Hortensia has gone back to the principal’s office at the local grade school. She’s trying for all the right reasons to get Pablito enrolled. The principal doesn’t understand why she can’t come up with the proper papers for him. She explains that his granny died and that the Reyes’ took him to live with them since he didn’t have anyone else. Hortensia is impactada to find that this is a crime in this man’s book. He "enlightens" her that children aren’t dogs and are supposed to be adopted formally; and since no good deed goes unpunished in the world of the bureaucrat, this one decides he’ll report the Reyes brothers to the authorities. Too late Hortensia realizes she suffers from foot-in-mouth disease.

At the bakery Franco is teaching Pablito how to paint as Oscar and he are finishing up the last of the repairs to the bakery. Franco tells Oscar that what happened to Sofia in church really baffles him. Oscar says it proves the bloody old bag has a black heart and it just roils his innards. Just then Quintina comes in with snacks. She chitchats with Oscar and Franco over the way Sofia’s mother went way overboard smacking Sofia around in front of everyone during mass, especially since she knew her daughter was pregnant. Talk turns to the bakery’s repairs nearly being finished and how the old bakery will look as lovely as ever (a definite matter of opinion) once the painting is done. Then it’s bath time for Pablito. Quintina and he are going to visit Don Augustin.

Back at the hacienda Sarita and Jimena look wistfully over at the finished cottage and remember their first time meeting Franco and Oscar. Sarita doesn’t want to remember but gives in to her emotions. “That’s in the past,” she sighs, “and there’s nothing we can do about it now. We’re getting married in one week.”

Juan walks in on his brothers and is amazed at the way the bakery looks now that they’ve painted it. (Yeah, a little paint and polish after a thorough sterilization never hurts.) Oscar says it was their little surprise since Juan was recuperating. Juan changes the subject and tells them that he’s worried about what he was saying when he was delirious and that now Sofia’s been asking him about it. He feels it’s time they should come out with the truth since it affects the relationships that all three of them have with the Elizondo sisters. Oscar looks like he’d rather let sleeping dogs lie.

Out back of the Bad Love Bar Armando is walking with Franco and telling him that if Rosario doesn’t return soon they’ll have to close the business. They don’t even have enough money to pay the help, and all because he had to gamble. “If you at least would win!” he complains. Fernando says it’s none of Armando’s business, but Armando says it is because he’s got money invested in the place alongside of Feo’s. “So pay your debts!” Armando pleads. “—With what?” asks Feo. Armando says Fernando’s got to think of something or they’re going to be carrying them out by the hindquarters (think dead vermin--or road-kill). Feo grabs Armando by the collar and warns him not to talk to him like that again ‘cause if he does, Armando knows what Feo’s capable of. He walks away leaving Armando in a snit. Armando swears to himself that he’s going to make Fernando pay for all the crap he’s taken off him.

Padre Tadeo comes calling on Gabi but she has no intention of listening to him, she says, especially after the sermon he gave in church that morning. He says he’s come on a priestly mission of reconciliation. She smirks and says don’t make her laugh. She can’t trust him any longer, he betrayed her and by the time she realized it her daughters were rebelling and the whole house was in turmoil. He suggests that all of it was a result of her inability to forgive. She tells him to save his advice. She’s closer to God than he is anyway. Tadeo warns her that such arrogance is a serious sin. She screams at him to get out or she’ll have them throw him out. “Leave and don’t ever come back! Just GET OUT!” (Didn’t that poltergeist in Amityville tell that priest the same thing the same way?) Tadeo turns and walks through the huge foyer.

On his way out of the house Fernando slithers towards him. “Great sermon, Padre,” he sneers. “Gabriela has ended up by hating you.” Padre looks him straight in the eye, “You’re the last person who should mock.” Feo snickers. “Don’t talk like that, little priest. I don’t deserve it. My sins aren’t that serious. Or do you know something else about me?” (Cantú’s got that evil smile thing down pat.) Tadeo answers, “The truth will be known shortly. Then you’ll find out.” Fernando snickers again. “What? What am I going to find out?” Tadeo replies with a look around toward the stairwell,“What some person said…before…dying.” Padre Tadeo turns and walks out the door as we hear a thunderbolt crack from on high and suddenly Feo’s smirk is gone.

The bakery is apparently finished and Juan and Sofia admire it. Sofia wants to learn to bake bread. Juan puts a bowl of eggs, a pitcher of milk and a box of flour onto his prep table, all ready to go. They start throwing ingredients together. (Wait, what’s wrong with this picture? Where’s the frickin’ mixing bowl????) Baking lessons begin and it’s a happy threesome; when the conchas are done they taste them. Quintina comes in to take Pablito to Augie’s, but he’s so full of flour and egg and sticky dough that he’s got to take another bath. Off he goes, kicking and screaming with Quintina. Juan and Sofia laugh. Juan kisses Sofia and says this is the way he loves to see her, smiling and happy.

Back at the hacienda Feo finds Gabi trying for a little booze-soothe in her office. She’s all nerves and breaks a glass as he enters. She says she just ran off Padre Tadeo and sucks her cut finger. He says he knows, he just saw him and complained about his behavior at the mass earlier. Fernando has apparently been considering his next move. Ever the gambler, he begins to play that extra Ace up his sleeve. He says he is embarrassed to have to bring this up as he doesn’t want to upset her further, but Tadeo told him he thinks that Feo was the one who raped Sofia. Gabi thinks it’s absurd and sits down to write a letter to the archbishop to complain in hopes of getting Tadeo replaced:

“…The priest in our parish is determined to dissolve the sacred ties of marriage of one of my daughters, giving unjust reasons that sadden and wear out our family.” Whoah! Feo couldn’t have done it better himself. “Perfect!” Gabi gives him a smug smile and then beams at him as she continues to write: “Kindly give this matter your attention so that you dismiss him as soon as possible for the good of our community.” Gabriela folds the letter and puts it in an envelope, pleased as heck with herself, and marveling at her own brilliance.

In his cottage, meanwhile, Augie and the friend who’s decided to invest in Sofia’s corn crop are kidding around and doing a little bit of cooking.

Meanwhile, that night, we see that Rosario and Bobby are adored by their growing fan base, and her smiles are genuine these days.

Morning comes to Cd. Serdán. Juan is making bread dough while Sofia watches. She is curious to know how Juan learned to make bread. Juan tells her that after his parents died he and his siblings kept wandering from place to place and from town to town. He was feeling hopeless because he couldn’t find work so he could feed them. He came across a bakery and stopped there. He told the woman who owned it that he’d work in exchange for food. She liked them and not only fed them but gave them a room to sleep in and that was how they learned to make bread. Franco and Oscar show up and they join in the conversation. After realizing the conversation wasn’t about their vengeance oath, Franco says, yeah, they were hard times, but they managed to come out ahead despite it all.

Everyone shares a little Reyes family cumbayah moment singing a little ditty and doing a little jig when Rigo and his brother enter the bakery to interrupt the family bonding. Rigo tells the Reyes brothers that they were told Armando, the owner of the Bad Love cantina, had hired women from another town to stone Sofia. Apparently everyone conveniently forgot to mention this little circumstance to Juan. He gets predictably upset and Sofia quickly explains how the night before, when she was desperate to get him medical help after her loony 5’ 1” Mamita had beaten his 6’5” meaty frame into a delirious pulp, these women came out of nowhere with rocks and began to shriek at her. However Padre Tadeo appeared in the nick of time and managed to shame them into putting down their rocks and leaving before anything happened.

We are shunted back to the tour as Rosario finishes another fabulously received performance. Ofelia tells her that she just gets better and better at this. She asks Rosario what’s going on with this Bobby guy. Rosario says not much because she’s told him she’s in love with Franco. Ofelia tells her to consider giving him a chance because she might end up falling in love with him and find true happiness. Rosario thinks it over. Ofelia leaves and Bobby walks over.

Bobby tells Rosario the tour is over but in the time they’ve been together he’s fallen in love with her. He wants a chance to spur romance and to prevent them from making her suffer. (Major script disconnect here--does he know about Mr. Big and Feonando? And anyway, if a guy has to beg to be dated, there ain’t much spark in the sparkin’, so to speak, so why bother? Never understood that paradox.) If she loves Franco, though, he says, she’ll fight for him the same way he continues trying to win her affections. (Our little roly-poly Bobby bug and his boys make marvelous music together, but his wooden acting really makes Pablo’s look like academy award material.) Rosario mulls it over a little more.

Back at the bakery, Juan is angry to think of what might have happened to Sofia. He rips off his apron and is ready to rumble. Franco stops him and warns him not to mess with Armando because the guy is underhanded and very dangerous. (These guys are always so great at stating the obvious.) To emphasize his concern, Franco finally admits to them that Armando was the one responsible for ordering the beating that nearly killed him that night months ago; he’d refused to say anything for fear it would only make things worse.

In the office at the Bad Love, Armando is sampling some of the new hooch when he hears a “Howdy” from Juan Reyes. He turns around and sees three fists come at his nose and he’s knocked back into the wall. (Note: Is there some reason the three Reyes’ all have their huge sombrero’s strapped securely onto their chins during the ruckus with Armando? It’s like it’s symbolic of Mexican virility. Or, maybe it’s just the costuming department and the director’s choreographic creativity? Whatever.) Juan drags Armando by his nose to a nearby table and throws him down and starts choking him. It takes all their strength for Franco and Oscar to finally pull him off before Juan kills the guy. As the three Reyes jingle-jangle out of the room Armando struggles for breath and swears he’ll get even with Juan for this.

Meanwhile, Raqui has been shopping. She comes to visit Gabi and says she hopes she’s over her snit because she’s got something absolutely divine to show her and points to two boxes the house slave…er…servant is holding. Gabi smiles because she knows what’s in them.

Outside Franco and Oscar, fresh from their little brawl at the Bad Love, are galloping to see the two Elizondo sisters. Unfortunately, the twelve foot gate’s been locked this time. They realize they’ve never tried to enter from this side before. They start to climb up the gate when Rosendo drives up in the hacienda’s SUV. They tell him they’re there to visit with …uh…Don Augustin who’s told them to come by anytime they want. Rosendo offers to give them a lift and hides them in the back, then drives them around to the side past the gates to the cottage.

At Augie’s, Luisito and Pablito are dressed like Augie, in cravats and tuxes and the three are playing with enough toys to put FAO Schwartz to shame. Oscar and Franco come knocking and tell Augie that they’d really like to see Sarita and Jimena if it wouldn’t be too much bother.

At the same time, Maracuya is in her dressing room thinking very warmly about Oscar and their last conversation. She’s hot to trot at the vey thought of him and says to herself that he’s got to be hers, if only for a single night.

One of the servants fetches Sarita and Jimena and tells them Don Augustin needs to see them immediately. They show up at the front door and, after a little teasing from Quintina, “Surprise!” Oscar and Franco appear just inside the doorway.

In the main house in her office, Gabi is arguing with Fernando that there is no way she’s going to have Padre Tadeo marry her daughters. Feo tells her she needs to think it through better because she would be exposing her daughters to gossip (as if). Gabi gets miffed and asks whose side he’s on, anyway, hers or theirs. He sneaks a kiss on her neck and says hers, of course. (Skin crawl alert.) She growls not to pressure her. Right now she just wants to mail the letter to the Archbishop. Feo takes the letter out of her hand and says he’ll mail it for her then covers her face and neck with stolen kisses before he leaves. She is flustered and says to herself that she doesn’t want to fall into his arms (nor what comes after) because he would end up controlling her and she won’t permit it.

In Augie’s cottage Oscar is speaking with JImena, trying to get her to run off with him to get married. He tells her he knows just how to do it so nobody will know and when the others find out they’ll already be man and wife. Jimena doesn’t picture her wedding this way and balks at the idea. Oscar says it’s not like he can face her mother and ask for her hand. No way!

Jimena says sure Mama will be angry but she’ll eventually give in and accept Oscar as a son-in-law. Juan is the one she hates. The way she sees it, now that Fernando and Sofia are finished, there will be no reason for him to stay on at the hacienda. Her mother will need somebody to run the place and he’s a good, hard worker and a great administrator. Her mother would certainly give him the job. Listening to her, Oscar can almost see it himself there.

On the other side of the cottage Sarita is uselessly trying to get thick-headed Franco to see that he cannot love two women at the same time. He says loving two women could happen to any man and she should understand. “Never!” She doesn’t want to suffer over a love that’s going nowhere. (Finally we get some meaningful communication between these two, even if it is one-sided.) As long as he won’t choose to love her and her alone she has no desire to see him again. It has got to be either Rosario or her. Franco stands there, nose squinched and crinkled, his eyes squinting, apparently wondering why she has to be so cruel. It’s just too confusing a concept for the meatball headed one. Sarita gets irritated and stomps off in a frustrated huff.

Meanwhile, Rosario smiles as she watches off stage while Bobby performs his last set. (Yep. He definitely sings much better than he acts.) He sings his song to the crowd, but it’s obvious the words he’s singing are meant for her. (Yeah, he’s a roly-poly, but he’s a rich roly-poly and they could make beautiful music together…..) Rosario thinks back to what Ofelia told her about possibly finding unexpected happiness with him.

Beaming back to the state of Puebla at hyper drive, there suddenly is a loud knocking at the cottage door. Augie tells Quintina not to let anyone in. The two sisters hide just in case. Quintina opens the door and sees it’s Crabiela demanding to see her father. (How can the woman not have heard all that caterwauling and partying going on inside?) Quintina gives her guff about Don Augustin not receiving visitors today, but the witch pushes the door open and flies on in anyway. She scowls when she sees the two Reyes brothers there. “What are these two bricklayers doing here?” Augie says it’s his place and he can invite over whoever he wants. She sneers. “Your….guests, eh? Just like Sofia, with a preference for…trash.” Quintina rushes in to defend them but Crabi shuts her up with a look. Quintina looks like Crabiela might just zap her into a mouse or a monkey or worse.

Augie wants to know why Gabi is there. “You aren’t here to insult my guests, right? What can I do for you?” She says she wanted to speak with him, but not in front of this… filth. She makes her grand exit as Quintana mocks her and feins a couple of boxing moves. The girls come out of hiding and race back to the house before Mama realizes they’ve left. Quintina is upset that they almost got caught. She asks Oscar what he and Jimena were discussing. He says it was nothing in particular.

Back in Mama’s room the two girls grab for their books and shut the door. Mama comes in and smiles at her little angels. “Come with me. I have a surprise for you.”

It’s the wedding gowns that Raqui has just brought over for them. While Eva gets them fitted, Sarita asks if they really will be getting married. Beaming, Mama says, yes, it’s just exactly as she’s planned, one week away. Jimena asks her then, with Sofia gone won’t Fernando be leaving the hacienda also? Gabi says, why no. He’ll always live here at the hacienda. Always. (Is this the big “ahah! moment we’ve all been waiting for?) Jimena gets a strange look on her face when she hears this ‘cause she knows this doesn’t make sense. Gabi’s words are not lost on Eva who manages to hide her surprise.

Back in town Sofia and Juan are just about to enter the bakery. He wants her to go inside and rest up. She tells Juan that she is ready for work. She knew that when she decided to stay with him she would be working very hard and would have to leave everything behind in order to start her new life. He smiles at this and just has to tell her how good she is for him.

However, Juan and Sofia’s happiness is cut short when suddenly Armando appears with a couple of his goons and points his gun at the two of them. “I was just waiting to get my hands on you!” he yells over at Juan. Sofia protects our heroic and herculean Juan with her bony body and begins to scream at them. “No! Don’t hurt him!” Juan scuffles with her, trying to get her to go inside the house. (One of these days you’ll learn not to waste your breath, Juan.) Sofia manages to squirm away. “--No, Juan!” “—Pay attention to me!” he pleads.

Just in the nick of time Fernando yells at Armando to let Juan go, but Juan is not exactly pleased to see it’s Fernando who has come the rescue.


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