Sunday, November 09, 2008
Doña Bárbara - Wed., Nov. 5 - Chepo digs himself into a hole with DB; Toño and Cecilia have problems
Meanwhile, the Marisela/Santos fight causes Cecilia to delay telling Santos about her relationship with Antonio. Antonio is frustrated and says that they don't need Santos' approval. Cecilia says that Santos is her only relative and she wants his blessing.
QD comes to see Chepo at the bar and addresses him by his real name. Josefa is confused since he gave her a different name. Melquiades forces QD to invite Chepo to El Miedo without telling him DB's name.
Chepo comes to El Miedo and gets a nasty shock when he sees DB. QD doesn't understand what is going on. DB orders him to go to his room.
Santos tells Antonio that he is jealous of QD and that he can't get DB out of his mind. Antonio tells DB that he has been bewitched by DB. He says that Santos' obsession with DB is blinding him to what else is going on around him. There are other people who need him and he isn't there for them.
Lorenzo thanks Cecilia for putting up with him and for helping Marisela. Cecilia asks what she should do with him and he replies, "Be in love with me again?" Cecilia says that she has discovered that there are different kinds of love.There is the love of friendship. She says that Lorenzo is her best friend. They embrace and, of course, Antonio walks by and sees them.Gervasia fights BP and bites him. He hits her and knocks her out. He decides that if she doesn't want him, he'll see how she does with others.
At breakfast at Altamira, Santos is in a bad mood. When Cecilia comes down and she is in a bad mood too, Santos asks if she is upset by the conversation he had last night with Marisela. Cecilia says no. Santos isn't the center of her universe. She has her own problems and they don't matter to him at all.
While the El Miedo vaqueros dig a hole, DB toys with her victim. She also wants information on the other two rapists.QD wants to know what is going on with DB and Chepo. He knocks Melquiades out and escapes from his room. QD sneaks up and witnesses what is going on with DB and Chepo.
Marisela has convinced herself that Santos will bring DB to Altamira so she has decided to leave. Lorenzo comes in and says that they can go together.
Antonio and Cecilia have a spat about the fact that Cecilia was embracing Lorenzo. Antonio says that Cecilia is using Santos as an excuse not to marry him because she is in love with Lorenzo. Cecilia is furious that Antonio spied on her and says he is behaving like a child. Clueless Santos comes and asks what they are arguing about.The Altamira vaqueros grab Juan Primito to find out what is going on with Gervasia. Juan Primito tells them that BP won Gervasia in a card game and then tied her up.
DB has Chepo buried up to the neck and then leaves him there to cook during the day.
Marisela and Lorenzo return to La Chusmita. Santos goes after them.
QD abandons his friend and makes a run for it but Melquiades finds him and returns him to El Miedo.
Labels: barbara
El Cuerpo del Deseo, Wed., Nov. 5 - Antonio gets help from PJ/S in buying a gift for his mother; Rebeca seeks psychic help to get PJ/S
Consulted about what color dress to buy Abigail for her birthday, PJ/S knows that green is Abigail's favorite color (apparently her son doesn't know this). PJ/S goes on to say that PJ gave the same color dress to Abigail years ago and she loved it. PJ/S tells Antonio not to hesitate to consult him with any questions and he'll get a detailed answer just as he would have from PJ.
When Antonio gives Abigail the dress and she says the exact same thing the PJ/S told Antonio, he is upset.
Antonio goes outside and sees PJ/S holding Angela's hands and is jealous. Isabel sees this too and is jealous. She tells PJ/S to meet her in the woods. (PJ/S looks good in blue shirts, too.)
In the woods, Isabel lashes out at PJ/S for paying attention to Angela. PJ/S says that Isabel seems to be jealous. He asks how she could be jealous of him when she is married and sleeps with another guy every night. Isabel tells him that since she had sex with PJ/S, she hasn't slept with any other man, including her husband. She asks if PJ/S believes her. In answer, he kisses her. They admit that they are crazy about each other.
Valeria comes back from the Music Academy all discouraged about her chances of getting in especially since PJ's old piano is locked up. Isabel quizzes Simon about his relationship with Valeria. He tells her about Valeria's plan to enter the academy.
A friend of Rebeca's brings her to Gaetana's bar to consult with Matilde, the singer and card reader. Gaetana scoots out so that Rebeca doesn't see her and gets Camilo to keep PJ/S out of the bar as well. Rebeca seeks Matilde's help in getting a handsome, althletic, chauffeur to be interested in her. Matilde tells Rebeca to get a lock of PJ/S's hair, nail clippings, a glass he has drunk out of and a photo of him.
Isabels tells Valeria that she will get her a piano. She says PJ's piano in the study is a relic and must never be touched.
Labels: cuerpo
Querida Enemiga #97 – Friday, November 7, 2008 – Sara’s Back in Biz
Santiago Arredondo, Fluffy Cuenca’s pegote (hanger-on/toady) eyes Ernesto, whom he has discovered in a restaurant with Ximena. Yesterday, Santiago told Ern that he’s Ern’s greatest admirer and never misses the cooking show. In today’s rehash he recapitulates—well, the person who really hooks him is that chica working with Ern, Lorena de la Cruz. Ern looks politely interested. Sure, right. Santiago babbles on that maybe Lore’s related to Fluffy’s girlfriend, Sara—last name’s the same. Santi’s never asked if she’s related but could be, huh? Ern’s ears perk up—you know Sara de la Cruz? Yep. Santiago’s been having trouble telling Toribio, Fluffy and Hortensia all the chisme—they all know him too well and shove him off. But Ern gets the scoop. She’s the girlfriend of Fluffy Cuenca. Ern confesses that he’s clueless and Santi is only too happy to fill him in—after he gives a backhanded insult or two about why Ern wouldn’t know Fluffy. Fluffy bought Hortensia’s banquet company and he needs a good chef. Ern should work for Fluffy here. Ern chuckles self-deprecatingly. He’s not exactly looking for work. But, Santi insists they need each other. Ximena decides it’s time to go and excuses herself with a little chuckle.
Santi seats himself in her vacant chair and notes that the mags say Ern’s always with the prettiest women and he just proved it. Ern makes an offhand remark and plunges into an interrogation about Sara. You say she’s in charge of this? Nope, Santi tells Ern, “YOU’RE going to be in charge, because I’m not letting you get away.” But…..Santi insists that Ern can’t say no. You can’t ignore the good things. Santi wants to let Fluffy know right away. Ern could be a little exasperated here.
Nurse Augie (Augusta Vayarino) always loves having a new patient, and she’s tickled to have Zulema as one at Hortensia’s call. Zulema looks not quite so sure. [Ed. Note: I’ve just realized who we have here. Nurse Augie is a new disguise for Mary Poppins. Augie brought firmness and joy into Hortensia’s life and soul, and she’s going to do the same for Zulema by resisting Omar and anyone else who would bother her patient. I’m just saying.] She’s brought flowers for her lovely Sra. and for her new patient. Both are tickled to have flowers. Everyone’s tickled here. They thank Augie, who says they’ll never have reason to complain and she’s so glad they thought of her. Lore gives Augie an inservice on the meds.
Julian’s gotten cleaned up and off the floor. Not in that order. He’s griping to Diana in the kitchen-why did they lie to Mama about Papa? Diana explains patiently to the little boy [oops, who said that? (looking over shoulder)] that they just didn’t see the value in telling Mama right now. Maybe when she’s stronger. Julian grudgingly acknowledges that if it’s for her health, he’ll play the game. Lorena joins them—pleased about having Nurse Augie who took such good care of Granny. Diana fills her in on the discussion she and Julian are having. Lore defends them—given the circumstances, it’s what we had to do. The girls face off, arms crossed. “So, how’s that hangover?” Successfully distracted from the other topic, he admits it’s better. Lore nails him—did he talk to Rossy? Julian wants her to drop it; he feels bad enough. He promised Mami he would change. Lorena wants him to put his money where his mouth is (hechos y no palabras - actions and not words). Diana chimes in – they want to trust him. Julian groans and slinks out. Call ya later, he tells his sisters, who give each other a look of irritation.
Bruno has found Fluffy and Sara in the living room and asks how Fluffy feels this morning. Fluffy doesn’t feel all that stellar, so Bruno gives him a quick pat-down. Looks like he has gas. Fluffy bolts up from the sofa-turned-examination-table. Fluffy gets Bruno down on the side where Sara isn’t and whispers—“gas? GAS? Fluffy Cuenca????” His look is pure disbelief. Gas wouldn’t DARE invade his delicate system. “Yep, gas. Flatulence.” Bruno gets a little grin that Fluffy doesn’t register. A few little pills will nip that in the bud. Fluffy wonders if Bruno can imagine what it would mean if Fluffy Cuenca let one fly?? Bruno and Sara hold themselves back from howling. [Ed. Note: your recapper, too. No, I take it back. I did howl. ]Bruno says he has a breakfast appointment. Sara wrinkles her nose and tries to hold back her mirth. Bruno wonders if Sara could go with him so he could send her back with the pills. Sara jumps up to go with Bruno, delighted. Fluffy puts his head in his hand.
Sara gets as far as the building lobby and peppers Bruto with questions. Why did he say he has to take her with him to the pharmacy? Does he REALLY have an appointment? Bruto has an idea for getting her that inheritance—is she still ready to do most anything? Yep. Bruto takes her by the arm and keeps her moving.
The Prodigal Esposo is finally home, but it’s his mother-in-law he meets first. Maruja sarcastically remarks that he’s finally shown up. She and Jaime stand up from the breakfast table. Maru tells Julian he’s disrespected everyone in the house, starting with Rossy. Julian acknowledges he knows it. He’s giving his word to never drink again. Even less to run away. Maru mutters that she hopes he follows through. Now it’s Jaime’s turn—with respect to work, Julian’s attitude has been very irresponsible. Julian’s inclined to agree with everything they’re saying—he deserves it, what more can he say? Nothing and they expect to see him make a real change, Jaime tells Julian. Julian agrees that he will, and Rossy slouches into the room, sighing, and notices Julian. She just stares at him with censure in her angry face, then looks away. Jaime and Maru bow out, leaving the lovebirds alone.
Julian tells Rossy he understands her anger. “You understand? What will we get with that?” Julian follows her and tries to embrace her, but Rossy walks away again and tells him no. A hug and a kiss won’t resolve a thing. He asks her forgiveness. Rossy tells him she is Fed Up. He’s gone over the top. Rossy isn’t yelling as usual—her voice has dropped about 15 dB below conversational and we know that means she reeeeeallly is past caring here. Rossy points out he lost several days, never thought in anyone except himself, and it didn’t even matter to him how she was feeling. Julian shrugs in apology—it was never his intention to make her suffer. No? It is never your intention but you somehow manage it. For Julian, Rossy doesn’t really exist. She’s the last one he thinks of. “Will Rossy care? Will she be totally annoyed? No, she always understands. Stupid Rossy understands everything.” Rossy cries in anger and frustration with this child-man she married. “Why be worried about her?” Julian tries again. He doesn’t know the right words to ask her to forgive him. To Rossy, no word is going to matter. She crosses her arms and turns away. Julian insists he won’t drink again and has no reasons now to behave like that. His Mami is out of the coma. Rossy faces him again and cries that they’re all happy about that, but what’s it going to take to cure her? Rossy is wounded, hurt. She tells him she’ll make up his suitcases and wants him to go. Julian tries to talk her out of it. She’s serious. He can come look for her when he grows up. Keeps trying to persuade her otherwise. Rossy tells him not to bother to show up at work; they never will miss him there. She strides off toward the bedrooms and leaves him sadly impactado.
Santiago is back to Fluffy’s building lobby, with his arms full of take-out breakfast and has dragged Ern to Fluffy’s with him, assuring Ern this is the best day of his life. He won’t regret coming to meet Fluffy. Ern hopes his visit won’t take Sr. Fluffy by surprise. No problem, Santi vows. Fluffy will be delighted, and by the way, since you’re here, we could make breakfast—right?? Ern looks doubtful.
Fluffy opens his own door. Santi thinks that’s weird—where’s Sara? Out to get some meds. Fluffy is not his usual picture of self-assurance and bubbly personality. Who’s this guy with you? Santi introduces the best chef in Mexico, Ernesto Mendiola. Fluffy greets Ern with a handshake, and Ern registers discomfort. Santi registers nothing, ever. He announces that Ern’s going to be Fluffy’s new chef at the gastronomy company. Fluffy and Ern eye each other warily.
Vasco has Patty converted, obviously, because she’s wearing a peace symbol tank top (sparkly, though) and giving Barb a lecture on the economies and ecologies of riding a bike for transport. Barb is mildly amused that she plans to travel to work this way. Patty calls her suegra and Barb chides Patty fondly not to call her that, but not to use “Ud.” and so Patty wins one and loses another. Patty agrees and tells her to cheer up—and Vasco can loan her his bike. Barb can’t believe Patty wants HER to ride to the office all dolled up in a lovely business suit as she is on a BICYCLE! She has strong legs but she’s not Wonder Woman. Vasco chimes in that he thinks he can’t imagine how she’d do it. Patty thinks she would, and age has nothing to do with it. They chitchat –Barb says Patty’s calling her old and Patty denies it—how can she think that, hablablablabla. Chuckles.
Fluffy, Santi and Ern sit and discuss the business idea—Fluffy thinks Santiago is right and Ern is the perfect guy for the chef job. Santiago predictably affirms Fluffy yet again. Fluffy wants to hear Ern’s opinion. Ern wants to hear the actual offer Fluffy is making. Fluffy spells it out. He wants to set up that enterprise again, Banquetes Armendáriz, and it’ll be #1 in the country. In fact, in of all America. Ern wants to know--before Santi found him, how did Fluffy plan to manage it? Fluffy shares a little secret with Ern—he bought the company for a dame—er, lady. To please her. It’s not his bag, but fortunately, Ern appeared. Santi chimes in another inanity about Sara. Fluffy continues that she studied gastronomy, hablablablabla and Ern is getting the picture. Santi adds that Fluffy’s been granting her whims, even to the point of buying a mansion. Ern manages to make all the right awed faces. Fluffy tells Santi to shut up, because this isn’t of interest to the gentleman. [Ed. Note: Wrong, it’s of paramount interest.] Ern looks a little uncomfortable, though, as Fluffy asks if he doesn’t want to see the place. Santi chimes in yet again—give the boy the bottom line, tell him the salary.
Speaking of the former Queen of Rome, the business lady of the new banquet company, aka Hortensia, pores over menus with Lore. Wow, Lore has them perfectly balanced. Lore is relieved and wonders if they’re ready to show to the clients. Hortensia wants to see if they can lower the costs first. Of course, and not compromise the quality. She gives Lorena an example. Since the group will be 500 people, isn’t it more effective to make a Vichyssoise than a walnut cream soup? Sure, Lore thinks it also won’t change color so easily or get bitter when it’s prepared ahead. Diana joins them. She wonders if Lorena has talked to Omar. No---and Lorena jumps up to call him. Hortensia tells Diana they’re making little menu modifications. Lore gets Omar and tells him she needs him to do her a little favor.
Regreta rummages through a bag while she walks down the street, and at the same time Ximena seems to be looking for a house or building or something, so they bump into each other. Here’s a big surprise, they know each other. They exchange surprised greetings. It’s been years! How have you been? Hablablablablabla. Greta calls Ximena an ungrateful wretch—how come she hasn’t called? Well, she’s never in Mexico due to her work. She tells Greta she restores art, and does museum work. She travels all over the world. Greta is awed, and says she was stupid and married, dropping her studies. Now she has no career and no hubby. [Ed. Note: not to put too fine a point on it, but she has a hubby. It’s just that he actually belongs to someone else.] Greta conveniently lives here, and invites Ximena in for coffee. Ximena conveniently was looking for an address where someone is selling a painting near by. She’s got time for coffee.
Julian tries to get sympathy from Mami—Rossy’s run him off. Zulema takes Rossy’s side, though. But Zulema thinks they can resolve it because they love each other. Really? Julian thinks he’s failed a whole lot here. Yeah, but that’s exactly why you have to prove to her you’ll change. He shrugs happily—he sees her and suddenly finds he has all the strength in the world to fight for what he wants. Zulema encourages him—she just has to give him little nudges once in a while. He pledges to be a good man for her and for his Rossy. They’re always his reasons (motor – motive or reason) for moving forward. Zulema launches into a full-scale pep talk. He’s a marvelous man, and how is he not going to succeed at anything he plans to do? They lean in to grasp each other’s hands and look lovingly into each other’s eyes, Julian much encouraged. Nurse Augie interrupts and Zulema introduces Julian. Augie has brought her consommé and when Zulema finishes, they’ll do her rehab exercises, which is fine with Zulema.
Lore works hard over the menu items. In the background is a sign for something organic, so they must be working with Vasco. Maru goes to check the dish Rossy is working on, and hesitatingly asks when Julian’s coming to work. Um, he’s not. Why??? We’re going to separate, Mama. Maru thinks that’s pretty drastic. Rossy can’t continue with him so immature. [Ed. Note: Takes one to know one, but at least Rossy has improved.] Since they’ve been married it’s been one deception after another. She’s told him not to come near her again until he’s behaving like a total man. Rossy is sad, and Maruja is impactada. [What, this is a SURPRISE to her?]
Greta’s idea of treating Ximena to coffee comes with strings attached—Ximena also gets treated to a demo of the total line of cosmetic creams Greta is selling. They chitchat about the creams—what, men buy them, too? Sure, they make the guys feel younger and livelier. She starts in on how Omar has fewer wrinkles and looks ten years younger. Ximena wants to know who Omar is. The guy who lives with Greta. She’s terrified he’s leaving her any minute. Why? Well, he’s married, for one. Ximena is mildly impactada and stays quiet. Greta tells Ximena in a nutshell about Zulema’s coma and unexpected recovery. She tells Ximena Omar has misgivings now, although ….something your recapper couldn’t catch (aúnque yo le ha dado lo que ella en su vida le ha dado – although I’ve given him something she had given him in life?? That’s what the captions said and she talked so fast it might have been “something she hadn’t given him in life” and the captions missed the no ha dado) Ximena remarks that she wouldn’t be worried [Ed. Note: obviously I missed something important. Maricruz, are you reading? Help!]. Greta says now that she’s out of the coma it’s worse than ever, and she can’t believe that Zulema came to. “Zulema?? Lorena’s mother?” “Yes. You know her??” No, but she knows very well who Zulema IS. She’s thrilled that Zulema is out of her coma, so there’s no real obstacle for Lore to go back with the doc. Greta begins to see the big picture—Ximena is dying for Ernesto. Yep. She’s been working months at being his great friend and confidante. [Ed. Note: Well, is anyone surprised by this confession? I thought not.] Ximena looks a bit smug. Months and months she was wanting him to kiss her! You know what? Ximena vows to Greta she’s not losing Ern now.
Ximena continues that she’s not giving up until she’s achieved her goal. She always says she has to have a cool head. Greta likes it. Of course, Ximena did always say that! Ximena notes that men like women who say yes, in the long run. Greta is getting an idea. She’s been foolish, too impulsive. Ximena tells her that’s a big mistake. You have to manipulate your men. [Ed. Note: Greta knew that lesson better in the beginning.] Find their weak points, and attack there! Ximena’s face shines with zeal. Greta’s face frowns in a mask of stupid. She knows that Ern’s weak point is his pride. She’s going to work her magic with a clever trick to make Lorena doubt Ernesto and he’ll get far away because he’ll tire of her. [Ed. Note: She has fewer than 13 episodes to pull it off, doesn’t she?] What’s Omar’s weak point? Guilt, Greta tells Ximena. He always feels guilty for what he does and what he doesn’t do, Greta says with irritation and disdain. Ximena urges her to attack there. Guilt is one of the strongest channels for every man! Greta gives her the “huh?” look.
Santi wants to know what Fluffy thinks about the Chef Mendiola thing? It was quite a find, huh? They’re drinking their breakfast, and Sara’s coming back with the gas pills. She gives Santiago a long look. He has the grace to be uncomfortable, which is rare for the old boy. Fluffy wants to know why she took so long. She gives him a lame excuse about them not having what they needed and she had to go to another branch of the pharmacy, and by the way, Sra. Menendez called me and says we can get into the house pronto. Great news, and I have my own good news for you. Oh? Santiago watches the back and forth like a tennis game. Yep, Fluffy tells Sara, I’ve contracted a first-class chef for the new company. We left it that he’ll be around this afternoon. Fluffy’s clearly pleased with himself, but Sara’s snippy. What does Fluffy know about Chefs? He should have consulted with her! Fluffy points out that Santiago found him and Santi isn’t too comfy with that. “You told me that I’M in charge of the business,” Sara fusses at him. Fluffy looks dumbfounded. She spouts that he should keep doing what he wants and she’s not going to be a decoration for him any more. Fluffy, obviously not used to this, tries to call her back and goes after her. “Kitten! Kitten!” Santi looks pretty dumbfounded, too. No one treats his buddy like that. He never dreamed he’d see the day when some woman would break up with Fluffy Cuenca, he tells the empty room.
Fluffy tries to get Sara to talk to him, meowing at her as he crawls on all fours across the king size bed. [Ed. Note: Hubby is sitting next to me laughing disdainfully at this guy about his age, crawling on the bed on all fours and meowing, calling him a caricature of a man—“Even I could tell he’s a jerk” –and hubby speaks not a lick of Spanish.] Fluffy barks at his Kitten. She scowls and looks away. [Your recapper is with Sara here, if only briefly.] He gives up and tells her not to be like that, when she hears who it is, she’ll be pleased. He thinks the chef is a good choice. “A good choice? To show me how little I mean to you?” Fluffy is taken aback. It’s not like he hasn’t taken her around the world and bought her lots of stuff already, is it? She accuses him of buying the company to manage it himself. No, that’s not true. Sara accuses him that she’s not worth anything to him. That’s a lie. She’s going to be in front in this company, even if it is in his name. He’s got great plans. Sara gives him her best wary, distrusting, P. O. U. T. Y. look. She’s going to be in charge of all the events in all of his hotels. She yells at him again. [Ed. Note: About now, I’d have the chick’s bag packed and her on the street with it.] That doesn’t resolve anything, and where does it leave me? Where? In the administration. He keeps attempting his persuasion with magic words; they’ll earn 20 million the first year, if they do it his way; he’s calculated it. Sara indignantly asserts that if she was ambitious, that might make her happy, but she’s not. She just wants to WORK and feel independent. [Independently wealthy with stuff in her name, right.] He backs off-okay, if she doesn’t want his help, fine, she can do what she wants. She’s not accepting that chef! Fluffy points out she needs to meet him and Fluffy’s made an appointment with him. Sara does a 145 (it’s not a 180 because it’s totally fake). Okay, she’ll do, for Fluffy. As always. He leans over and kisses her cheek, calls her kitten, and meows twice. Blech. Sara fumes.
Fluffy goes back for a stiff one (whiskey) and Santi wants to know the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. What’s up? Fluffy has bought into it all. Yep, she’s right, I treat her like she doesn’t exist, like an object. Santi scoffs—Fluffy shouldn’t let it bug him. Easy to say it, but Fluffy’s never seen her like this. [Stick around, pal, there’s much more where that came from.] He wants her to feel good and Santi points out if he’s caving in to all her whims and she still isn’t feeling good, then what? Santi thinks he should threaten to send her to the devil and see if she lays off him, but Fluffy thinks she might take him at his word and it’s better to let it be and he’s not going to give her any more advice. What? Fluffy’s going to let her go it alone? Santi decides that is a wise decision! But Fluffy needs his help; Santi can monitor, in case there’s an emergency. He’s a friend, right? Santi is impactado and wary, but smiles nervously at his pal.
Dra. Serrano meets with Alonslow in her office. They exchange greetings and work chitchat about some statistics she’s giving him, then get to the point. She wants him doing bariatric surgery again. He’s the only specialist in the area. Slow is dubious about the whole idea. Now that Zulema’s doing okay, other patients can benefit. He tells her he won’t lie to her—it would be a huge personal challenge to take that up again. But he agrees to do it and she’s pleased. She hands him the first file to review. Slow swallows and the clock of doom ticks.
Toribio’s in hog heaven; Paula knows how to get to his heart with a big dish of ice cream. She’s pleased to see him and wants to know how Slow is doing. Toribio fills her in—Slow is fine, very happy. Zulema woke up and then Alonslow woke up, too. Paula thinks that all that’s left is for him to go back with Lore and all will be well with the world. Toribio thinks they need to keep giving him a hand and Paula wants a plan. Toribio saw something on the internet—they could send up a little airplane with a banner that says “Lorena, I love you!” They could rent the time, can she imagine? Paula grins at the idea and claps. It is sooooo romantic (romantiquísima with about three “sisisimas”). How much? That’s the problem. Toribio’s face falls. It costs a bundle. Impossible. They sigh.
Alex is convinced that if his Uncle Ern keeps being such a slowpoke, Bettina’s uncle will get Lorena. Gina stops drawing at the table while she and Fanny listen to Alex thinking out loud. They have to think of something more impressive. But what? Gina thinks they should tell Uncle to act sick so Lorena will come and see him EVERY day. Alex, always thinking, tells her it won’t work. They see each other every day on the program and nothing happens. Gina thinks a little more. If they find out what Lorena likes most, they can buy it and make it look like it was from Ern. Does she have money? No, she gave up all her savings for the balloons. Alex spent his on the gifts for Doña Zulema. Fanny gives them an empathetic look. Gina says that Ivan doesn’t have any money, either. They both look at Fanny, who shrugs and tells them she doesn’t have any to contribute, either. Glum looks all around.
Speaking of the king of Rome, he’s into a pickup game of b-ball at the local park with his peeps. He sees Bettina and goes to the fence to greet her, taking the ball with him. Ivan asks if she’s mad with him and she retorts that she’s bored. What, she doesn’t want to be with him? They exchange a few fussy snarks and predictably they get into a “whose uncle will get the girl” discussion. Ivan accuses her of being piqued because he and his siblings want their uncle to get the girl. Bettina’s sorry, but she’s going to choose Slow. The buds call Ivan, and Bettina snipes one more time and stalks away, leaving Ivan frustrated.
Sara has returned to the scene of several crimes. In fact, there’s still one of those red folders for her to slap onto her old desk (or Jaime’s, or Arturo’s, depending on the era). She’s put out about having Fluffy stuck to her back. She wants to do it all and have the employees fear and respect her like they did with Hortensia. Fluffy finds her, bringing the new chef trailing along to meet her. Oops, it’s Ernesto. Sara gasps and whips around to face him. Ern looks warily over Fluffy’s shoulder at her. Sara gets a grip and smiles the best she can; Ern breaks into a knowing smile.
Ernesto Mendiola? Sara plays dumb. Fluffy knew she’d be surprised. [Little does he really know.] He told her she’d be delighted. Her fake sparkly smile hasn’t failed her yet. “Here you have one of the best chefs in the country.” Ern plays along—“mucho gusto, Sara. It’s going to be a pleasure to collaborate with you.” He shakes her hand, giving his very best earnest Ernesto look. Fluffy tells him to collaborate with her, because she’s in charge here. It’s her business. He sends them off to look at the facilities. Ern wants to know if Fluffy’s coming. Nope, Sara knows them better than he does. She tersely asks Ern “shall we go?” And they do, leaving a smug and clueless Fluffy smiling indulgently to himself.
Val comes to see if Slow can give her an opinion on some x-rays. She has a patient with sharp pains in the lumbar region. She notes his expression and asks if something’s happened. Slow fills her in on his chat with Dra. Serrano. She wants him to do bariatric surgery again and it’s giving him dread. Val congratulates him on regaining her trust. Val reminds him that the supposed error he made with Zulema had nothing to do with the surgery itself. He tries to argue and she cuts him off. [Ed. Note: this woman is SO much better for him than Lorena. He and Lorena bring out the worst in each other, and Val and he bring out the best in each other. I’m just saying.] Val points out she would have likely ordered the very same analyses as Slow did before Zulema’s surgery. Anyway, it’s OVER. Slow tells her he isn’t sure he can do it. The clock ticks as they exchange a serious look.
Ern has looked over the spacious and well-appointed kitchen of the former Armendáriz banquets building. He declares them very satisfactory and ready to go today. Sara snaps at him not to feign as if nothing’s going on here. According to her, what IS happening, he wants to know. What’s he doing here? Did Lorena send him to spy? She spits the words out with crossed arms. What, didn’t Sara’s …. Spouse explain to her? Ern was minding his own business having a cuppa in a restaurant and was accosted by Santi who practically broke his arm to take the chef job. [Okay, this is a very liberal translation here.] No one told him he was going to have to work with her. Okay, then why wasn’t he very surprised to see her? Well, he notes, he can dissimulate almost as well as she can. [More liberal translation here.] Or, maybe I should have told him I know her – I know everything ABOUT her? Sara screws up her face in fury and demands that he tell her at once why he’s here. Fluffy made him an offer he couldn’t refuse and he had to take advantage of it. Kind of like she’s taken advantage for herself here. And he’s delighted she’s been doing so well. Sara eyes him suspiciously.
Val is still giving Slow a pep talk mixed with advice. He needs to have confidence in himself, because if he doesn’t, yes, the patient is running a risk. He agrees. She tells him if he doesn’t feel confident he’d better tell the Dra. Between the two of them, he’s talked into it and she volunteers to assist. She’d do that? Sure, what are friends for? He’ll feel much better with her in the OR. She smiles and whips up the x-rays for them to review.
Sara tells Ern not to celebrate her good fortune. She brings up Lorena and Ern messes with her, working to convince her that Lorena doesn’t mean anything to him now. Sara knows her friend, right? She’s sickly-sweet, dull and uninteresting. He builds a case for why he’s over her. How long does Sara think Lorena would be pleasing to him? She suspiciously notes that Lorena spoke mighty well of him in the interview. Ern chuckles and looks away. Don’t tell me you believe that. Sara tells him she doesn’t believe him at all. That’s her problem. He laughs and tells her his philosophy that women are passing fancies for him. Lorena was simply one more on the list. Don’t think you’ve convinced me, Sara retorts, and tells him to get out. Okay, fine. I say goodbye and we haven’t lost a thing. He notes they’ll have to tell her hubby, though. Ern tells her she can invent what she wants. He’s no good at excuses. Sara asks him to swear he has nothing going with Lorena. He swears it. She tells him he’ll have to show her. Ern asks if that means she wants him to stay. Yes, and after thinking it over well, it’ll suit her to have a chef of such prestige. He grins widely. (It’s NOT the grin he gives Lorena. I’m just saying.) His grin fades to a slight frown.
Diana asks Julian about working on the sports program again—he hopes he’ll get to work there again. With a sigh, Zulema asks if Lore’s been able to get in touch with Omar. Lorena comes running in to Zulema’s room before they can respond. She’s got him on the webcam. “Omar, is it you? Not a recording?” He tells her it’s no recording. It’s him. He smiles for the camera and Zulema is ecstatic, smiling broadly in return. He tells her it’s a miracle to see her like this and she looks good. She responds in kind. When is he coming? He tells her when this work is done he’ll be there to see her. Zulema tells him she’s dying to hug him. She tells him she loves him and wants him close. He tells her he loves her, too. [Jerk!] Lorena gives Zulema a strange side glance. He calls her “gordita” and she delightedly tells him she’s not a chubbette any more. [Ed. Note: maybe not, however, the cords in her neck stand out lots.] He just has to see her, Zulema tells Omar. She’s as tiny as when they married! All three children are uncomfortable with this and Julian shakes his head in irritation.
Patty, Vasco and Hortensia hang in the living room. Patty extols Vasco’s virtues to Hortensia. The only thing she wants to do is make him happy. She strokes his cheek. Hortensia gives Patty a look of singular boredom and disdain—of which she is the master. “I see.” Patty babbles on—she’s got it, they can invite Hortensia to an organic picnic—she’ll love it! Vasco looks doubtful. Hortensia politely tells Patty she likes to eat at a table, seated in a chair—she’s old school. Patty finally picks up on the signals. Vasco asks if something’s up with Granny-she seems so serious. No, but Hortensia wants to talk to him about something now that he’s come to see his auntie. He tells her he’s all ears. She wants to talk ALONE. Patty is distinctly uncomfortable; Hortensia declares they can talk in her room and trots off. Vasco stays glued in his seat but Patty sends him off—she’ll wait for him. He trails Hortensia. Diana comes in and notices Patty—she greets Patty and asks if she has come to see Zulema? Patty affirms that she came with Vasco and points off toward Hortensia’s room. Diana offers her whatever. Patty assures Diana she’s fine, then turns back to wait, concern on her face.
Vasco wants to know what’s up with Granny. She tells him this chica Patty tries to be nice, but a little more and she’ll be stuck to him like a stamp. Vasco smiles a little at her sarcasm and notes how observant she is. Hortensia accuses him of not really being in love with Patty. “Why do you say that?” Vasco sits up and listens. “Didn’t you just say I’m really observant?” No smile this time. He protests that Patty cares about him. What can he say after Diana’s rejection? Granny points out that was her fault and Vasco protests that Diana never really loved him that much. She loved Bruto. Hort defends Diana-she has a child with Bruto, try to understand her. He continues to protest—he was always understanding to the point that he finally got tired of it and of begging her. Ultimately, Patty is the reality.
Lorena is surprised to see Patty. Patty cheerfully tells Lore she came with Vasco to see Zulema. Lore wants to know why she didn’t just go in. Zulema’s just gone to sleep. Diana worries about Zulema sleeping, it makes her nervous, but Patty tries to reassure Diana. All the bad time is passed. [Ed. Note: Has anyone noticed that Lore is wearing suits nowadays? What’s up with that? Did she go on the “What Not to Wear” program with Stacy and Clinton?] Lorena says she won’t move from Zulema’s side all night. Her phone rings and it’s Ernesto. He needs to talk to her urgently and immediately.
In the dark of night Fluffy brings Sara into the former Armendáriz big house. Does her new house please her? [New???? Hah.] Yes, much. Sara is still petulant, but I guess we can expect no less of her. Fluffy is all delighted at having gifted this to her. But he notes her pout and tells her that her face says something else. She denies it but he points out he knows her, so what is it she doesn’t like THIS time? “Well, you know me well, and I can’t lie to you” she tells him. He tells her to get it out—tell him. “For all you’ve given me these material things, the empty place in my heart stays the same.” [Aw, pobrecita.] “Huh? I don’t understand, what empty place do you mean?” Fluffy is clueless. “You don’t love me.” He wonders where she’s gotten that from. This is the longest relationship he’s had. [That says it all, doesn’t it, gals? See my theory at the beginning of the recap.] That should mean something. “Relationship??” She protests that’s all she is for him, a simple relationship. Fluffy seems to think that should be the cat’s meow [excuse me, couldn’t help myself]. She wants proof. They live together, he points out, what more proof could she want. Well, she is enamored of him and wants him to marry her, of course. Fluffy howls with laughter and Sara pretends to be totally offended. She runs off and he chases after her, claiming he’s not making fun of her. He catches up with Sara, no doubt by her design, in front of the steps she pushed Hortensia down a year ago or so. “Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill!” (Don’t make a storm in a glass of water). “You KNOW I wasn’t born for marriage!” Sara protests that he treats her like a mascot, and she’s just a sex object. [Nope, folks, I’m not touching that line. Ferro and all you guys, have at it.] Is she just a little Pekinese or an angora cat? Fluffy whines a little that he’s just bought her a little company to keep her diverted. She retorts that if she doesn’t have his love, no material gift has any real meaning. He rubs his eyes with his hand. She’s lost heart and hers is destroyed. She’s a person, not a body, but he’ll never see her as that. He tries to tell her she’s just really high-strung (nervous), but she’s on a roll and butts in again. No, she’s deceived!! She’ll never be anything more in his life than a kitten. She can’t stand more! Off she runs up the famous steps. Fluffy is frustrated and tries to get her to come back, sighing, “women.” He rubs his eyes again.
Bruto has arrived, very cheerful as always, and greets Fluffy. Bruto likes his room, at least. Fluffy is glad. By the way, did he hear that? No, what? The Kitten. She’s in “Crisis.” Fluffy rolls his eyes. He invites Bruto for a drink and a listen. [Whoa, when did that bar get put in there? Was it always there when Hortensia lived here?] Fluffy thinks the time has come to break it off with Sara. Bruto is a little impactado. What? End it? You just bought this house and isn’t it all better than ever? No. It’s her who doesn’t like it. She just asked me something that will never happen. Bruto doesn’t want to be indiscreet, but can he ask what that might be? Fluffy rolls his eyes again. Matrimony. Bruto remarks it’s a natural desire. Fluffy says it goes against his principles; he vowed never to go to the altar. Okay, Bruto acknowledges Fluffy is talking about his convictions, but speaking from the heart, couldn’t Sara be his wife? Could be. But if Fluffy could avoid it he would. There are other ways to show affection. Bruto asks if he cares about her. Fluffy admits, with a big smile, that’s the closest thing to love he’s experienced. Bruto proposes that they drink to it. Fluffy smiles and clinks a glass with him. Bruto gives him that evil grin thing.
Ximena is trying to make points with Alex and Gina by building with Legos with them. She finishes a tower, worrying about it falling. Gina thinks it came out very pretty. Ximena goes for more points by telling them she likes playing with them. Gina remarks that she never played with them before. Ximena turns it back on Gina, who told her she didn’t draw well and thought badly of her. Gina and Alex give her grins. Ximena tells them she cares about their uncle. Gina wonders if she likes necklaces of stone. What kind? You know, the craft kind (they make at home). No, Ximena likes the store-bought kind (de marca, with a brand name). Alex tells Gina he told her so, they don’t all like that kind. Gina is disappointed. She wonders what they should give Lorena then. Ximena wonders if they’re giving Lorena a gift. Yep, we want her to go back with my uncle, Gina affirms with a lovely gap-toothed smile. Ximena sighs and says she wants them to go back together, too. [Mentira!] She knows how much their uncle loves Lorena. But….. The kids want to know what the “but” is. Ximena tells them she thinks Lore doesn’t want to go back with him, because she wants to have her OWN kids and not raise someone else’s. [B***h!! That’s one nasty set-up there.] Gina and Alex give each other a dismayed look. Ximena looks a bit smug when Fanny comes in to tell the children it’s late and time for bed. She asks pardon from Ximena because tomorrow she’ll have to work hard to get them up. Ximena excuses herself, she won’t wait for Ern. She kisses the kidlets goodbye. Fanny waves goodbye and Alex and Gina keep looking at each other with dismay.
There’s a bottle of pills knocked over on the bed, and an arm attached to a prone body….surprise, it’s Sara. Ostensibly, she’s taken an OD. Her eyes are slightly open when Fluffy comes in smiling and cheerful, and quickly realizes something’s amiss here. He talks to her supposedly unconscious self, asking what she’s done to herself. Fluffy tries to get her to wake up, shaking her gently, patting her face, and talking to her desperately. He’s commercial distressed.
Fluffy’s still working on his Kitten when we return from the commercial. He could have called 911 or at least his house doc by now. “Wake up! What have you done? You couldn’t do this to me!” Finally, he kicks into high gear and calls Bruto while Sara lies motionless.
Lorena greets Ernesto and wonders what’s the rush to talk to her. She notes that he seems very upset, so what’s happened? He explains that he’s been to the Armendáriz company and they’re planning to reopen it. Lorena doesn’t understand. He tells her that Sara has bought it. Lorena is impactidísima.
Bruto checks Sara while Fluffy begs him to save her. Bruto declares she’s had an OD as he holds the bottle. Duh. Fluffy groans and moans. “Why, Sara?”
Lorena tells Ernesto that it’s clear Sara continues with her bitterness and envy, or she wouldn’t have bought Hortensia’s company. Ernesto tells Lorena about Fluffy—an eccentric type who offered him a small fortune to work there with her. He did it without Sara knowing what he was doing. Of course, when she saw Ern she almost died. Lorena points out Sara knew Lorena and Ernesto were sweethearts and might even still think they are. Ernesto tells her he lied to Sara, and please don’t ask him to repeat what he’s told Sara. He never has said so many stupid things, but he thinks he convinced Sara. Of what? That you don’t matter to me, Ernesto tells Lorena, who is impactada. “Lorena, this is an opportunity to make her fall; for you, and for your family.” Lorena isn’t sure he should be risking himself this way. They ought to be leaving her to do what she wants. And the farther away, the better. Ernesto points out that Sara is just as obsessed as ever with Lorena. He would never forgive himself for leaving Sara in peace if she did something against Lorena or her family. Lorena rubs her forehead. She thinks it’s better to let Sara leave their lives. Ernesto disagrees. It’s better to know what her intentions are. Even if he has to separate himself from Lorena for a while. He reaches out and gently strokes her cheek with the back of his fingers and Lorena closes her eyes. Lorena’s eyes are abruptly opened when she hears Granny’s voice as she strolls in to greet Ernesto. The kids jump up off the sofa to greet Hortensia. Lorena says she thinks her Granny really ought to know about this. What? Sara’s shown up again. Hortensia is impactada.
Fluffy continues to mourn Sara’s OD while Bruto tells him they have to get Sara to the hospital and pump her stomach. Fluffy whines for him to save Sara. Bruto picks her up and carries her down to take her to the hospital, Fluffy trailing and moaning.
Apparently, Hortensia has been filled in, because she’s indignant about Sara hanging with a millionaire who is indulging her. She fusses about Sara getting into some high place with a fool who should know better, but Lorena thinks they should forget her. No way! Hortensia agrees with Ern. They have to watch Sara very closely. The b***h will have her punishment! We’ll catch this viper with her own weapons! Lorena tries to persuade Hortensia not to be so angry, and Hort tells her she’s sorry but she’s indignant. Ernesto tells her he understands and will do everything in his power to see that Sara pays for what she’s done. Hortensia fumes.
It’s dawn in the D. F. and Sara is resting peacefully. Bruto comes to see his “patient.” She grins and asks how she did. Did she pull the acting off well? Perfect! They chuckle together. They chat about the old guy, her supposed suicide attempt, and Bruto notes Fluffy hasn’t shown up. Sara asks if Bruto is sure that Fluffy is feeling the guilt. Absolutely! Last night Bruto saw another side of Fluffy Cuenca. No! Sara is jubilant. No, it’s the face of an idiot that we’re going to see from now on, she tells Bruto. They chuckle evilly as he tells her if all goes well, Fluffy will be eating out of her hand. The door opens and Sara flops back down on the bed into her pose.
Julian comes to the street outside his home to find his buddy Toño there. What’s up, Toño wants to know, greeting Julian. Julian is not so thrilled to see his former drinking bud, who happens to be the forger guy. Toño tells Julian he couldn’t have been so fried that he can’t remember him. No, Julian remembers Toño. But he never imagined seeing him there. Why not? They’re friends, right? He invites Julian to a party. Julian doesn’t want him to take this badly, but he’s retired from vices. Toño doesn’t believe it. They chitchat and Julian tells Toño his Mami woke up from the coma. Toño congratulates him on the miracle. Lorena strolls up and chats a minute, goes into the house, and Toño asks if she lives there. Julian says she’s his sister, and Toño marvels that Julian’s the brother of Lorena de la Cruz, since his name is Ruiz. He remarks that she’s much prettier in person than on television, and calls Julian cuñado—to which Julian takes exception. No doubt he doesn’t think Toño is good brother-in-law material for his baby sis. Then Toño realizes he knows the name from the forgeries and connects Chalo to Lorena de la Cruz of television fame. We see Toño flashing back to Chalo paying for the forgeries and congratulating Toño on his skill as a forger from long ago. Toño asks why Chalo’s dealing in forged docs from abandoned babies, and Chalo chides him not to ask. Toño comes back to the present and Julian wants to know why he zoned. Toño was remembering…he asks where the orphanage was where she grew up. San Martín. Could I talk to her? Julian doesn’t like that at all. Toño says it’s in good faith. Julian looks at him with suspicion and Toño says he thinks Lore knows a friend of his.
Bruto and Sara are still celebrating their coming victory over Fluffy, who happens to be the one coming in the door. She looks pitiful, though, and Fluffy is all “Sara, my little Kitten.” Bruto smiles and turns away to let her pitifully work her magic on Fluffy. He begs her pardon, he was insensitive, etc. If anything had happened to her, he would die. Without her, his life is meaningless. He begs her to swear she’ll never try anything like that again. She cries that her life is meaningless, she fell in love with him and he just uses her. Better he would have let her die. [Bravo! (clap, clap)] He swears that he’s going to be more demonstrative and they’ll be more united than ever. He’ll show her how important she is for him. “We’ll marry?” Something better. He hands her a file of docs and tells her to look for herself. She’s his sole heir. Sara gets a glow of success on her impactada face.
Monday: Julian tells Lorena about Toño’s news re: Chalo’s death.
Labels: enemiga
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Fuego en la Sangre, 11/07/08: Boy, Oh Boy! This Babe, Ruth, Is Back in Town!
Alrightie then. Sofia has just confessed her love for Juan to her sisters and says she could sense Juan felt the same for her. (So what was her first clue, the kissing or the horn-toad in his pocket?) What a downer though, cuz unfortunately fate has separated them and (say it with me, class--) they will never be able to be together a-gain. Jimena asks Sofia if she’s ever thought about what she might do if another woman gets close to Juan like Demian got close to her. (Will somebody tell the folks in charge of CC to agree on one spelling of Demian/en?) Sarita scolds her sister for doing what she told Sarita she shouldn’t: give up happiness with the man she loves. Sofia insists it’s not the same because with her and Juan there is just too much grief keeping them apart. (I’ll say, and it’s all coming from you!) Just then Augie rolls in to tell the three of them that he’s moving back into the house to protect them from Mama and Fernando. They all look at each other like, “Who? What? You lovable, crazy old geezer, you!”
Downstairs in her office Gabi knocks back a brandy and remembers Ruth Uribe’s arrival a few minutes ago and Ruth's informing her she was there to “settle accounts” with Gabi over allowing the loss of her parents’ hacienda to the Reyes’. Ruth, she tells herself, presents a danger to her because she’s Eva’s daughter and she is worried about her return to Cd. Serdán. No way does she want to consider what might happen if and when Eva and Ruth come face to face. Ruth, she thinks admiringly, reminds her of when she was young because Ruth has such self-confidence and is afraid of nothing and no one. “She seems more like my own daughter than Eva’s.” (Possible accidental baby switch alert! Ha. Sofia should be so lucky.)
Gabi knocks back a second brandy and wonders if Raqui ever told Ricardo the truth that she couldn’t have children and so Ruth isn’t his. She remembers the time when she and Raqui planned the fake pregnancy because Ricardo was so desperate to have kids --and we all know that Ricardo of The Snake Buckle and Gory Guffaws never takes no for an answer. So Gabi fitted Raqui out with a fake belly. Raqui planned to sleep in a separate bedroom for the last few months under the pretense of not wanting to be “bothered” in her “condition”. Raqui asked, but Gabi would not tell Raqui the name of the woman who was having the baby. In exchange for the newborn Eva was soon to deliver, whatever the sex, Raqui promised to give Gabi the land that Juan Robles-Reyes would never sell to Gabi while he was alive.
After swallowing the last dregs of a third brandy, Gabi tells herself that that deal was useless in the long run because the Reyes’ managed to take back their land anyway. Because of the threat Ruth poses, she decides to forbid her daughters from telling Eva that Ruth is back.
In the kitchen over at the Double R (Hacienda de los Robles-Reyes), Eva is still inconsolable at the loss of Rosario. Quintina tells Eva that she is sure one day Eva will still come face to face with her real daughter. Eva reminds Quintina that that is impossible since Ruth left the country and would never be returning. She tells Quintina that she saw the picture of her daughter at the Uribe’s when she worked for Raquel. She looked beautiful and ladylike and she imagines Ruth is very good and sweet. (WRONG! As the Hubster says, Ruth definitely is not going to be sharing in any group hugs with them anytime soon.)
Cut to the muddy back streets of Cd. Serdán where rowdy Ruth is now rushing through the muck, appropriately enough, in a silver Jeep Renegade and slopping anyone who is unlucky enough to get in her way. (No, it’s not the American Indian reference. It’s renegade, as in “rebel, somebody who chooses to live outside laws or conventions”.) She gets out and struts around (her knee-length leather jerkin slit down to her bared waist and hooked with a single fastener, her push-up bra in full-push) thinking the town is still the stinking muddy pit it was years ago. Ruth smiles smugly to herself that she’s returned to take revenge on the Reyes’ for taking her parents’ hacienda away and once she’s done with them she’ll leave ASAP, and when she goes, “those Reyes brothers are going to learn just who Ruth Uribe really is!”
Quintina rides Eva to town in the taxi-scooter and drops her off a few yards up from Ruth and Eva leaves without seeing her. Quintina starts to rush off and Ruth is walking in the middle of the little street. Quintina nearly runs her over in the taxi-scooter and the two have a snippy encounter because snotty Ruth refuses Quintina’s apology. Ruth, apparently the queen of c--- (rhymes with stunt), calls Quintina an old hag and pushes her down into the mud. Franco comes up and warns Ruth to lay off her and she wallops him upside his head. “Nobody tells me what to do. Got it?” she sneers at the two of them. Insults being her strong suit, she calls them low-class and not worth her time, makes a snide crack about Franco being “married to this old hag”, pinches his cheek and tells him to take a hint and clean his boots, and then struts her stuff on down the road. Quintina, gawd love ‘er, yells back at the b---- (rhymes with witch) “Let us tell YOU something: cover up those boobs!”
Franco and Quntina wonder who the crazy broad was and he says whoever she is it’s plain she’s not from around those parts. (Newsflash! She is and wishes to gawd that she wasn’t.)
Back at the Double E (Hacienda de las Elizondos y del Escandon), Sarita complains to Augie that he’s always griping about the same thing with Mama and Fer. Gramps sticks to his guns though. Suddenly, out of the blue, Sofia says that Rosario might have wanted to tell her she knew where her baby girl was. Augie says maybe so, but too late since now they’ll never know for sure. Rosendo knocks at the door just then and tells them Oscar is downstairs wanting to speak with Don Augustin.
Over at the cottage Oscar tells Augie how Gabi took Jimena’s hand when she was unconscious and signed her name to the divorce papers, and then tricked him into signing also. Augie tells him to call his personal lawyer because then the divorce is invalid.
A while later in the kitchen of the Double R, Juan is pacing around because he’s anxious to know whether Sofia accepted Demian’s marriage proposal or not. Franco and Quintina tell him she couldn’t have because it’s obvious she still loves Juan. Qunitina changes the subject to the incident in town with the crazy woman (dear, sweet Ruth) that afternoon. They tell Juan about the fight and that they don’t think she’s from around there. Franco, who likes his fillies rough, says he thinks that she is as rude as she is pretty.
While Ruth is driving back to the Double E she is remembering the large charge she got from fighting with Franco and Quintina. She is just itching to have her run-in with the Reyes brothers now and laughs at the thought that they will probably be course, paunchy old men and ugly.
Downstairs in the hallway of the main house, Augie faces off with Crabi and tells her that as 20% owner of the hacienda he’s exercising his rights and moving back into the hacienda, specifically to protect his granddaughters from her. She smirks as usual and tries to kick him out but he calls her bluff. Before he heads up to his room with his things he asks Gabi if she is certain that the night Rosario was killed Feo Nando was actually there by her side for the entire night. “Did he ever leave your sight?”
Crabi thinks back to taking her sleeping pills and worrying where in blazes Fernando had gone off to. She lies of course and says he was with her, why? Augie tells her it’s “Because he’s a poisonous varmint and capable of a great deal of villainy, and you always defend him! So, I am warning you again. Be very careful, Gabriela, because YOU could be his next victim. --Are you really listening?? HIS NEXT VICTIM!!” Gabi frowns at him, but as campana bells dramatically send us off to the commercial break they symbolically are ringing in Gabi’s head as well.
After the break, Augie has disappeared and Ruth rolls in with her suitcase, push-up bra still in push-up mode, broadly hinting that Gabi have the help take up her bag. (Anybody else wonder how come nobody ever told Rosario to cover up HER bon-bons?) The two Cheshire cats of the house purr warily at each other as we zoom over to their prey, Franco and Juan, having a meal in the field together.
Juan’s so depressed and anxious about Sofia that he can’t eat. Franco asks if Juan is going to talk with her or not. Juan says that’s “the heart of the matter” (el meollo del asunto) because he doesn’t know if he should even be talking to her. Oscar has told him to be careful about how he handles himself. So he isn’t exactly comfortable with the whole business. Franco asks if it’s because Juan doesn’t trust Sofia. Juan says don’t be a stupid jerk, of course he does. It’s just that since his memory still isn’t fully back he doesn’t want to step in it.
Suddenly Juan gives in and decides he’s going to see Sofia now and get it over with. Franco says “Go for it, Bro’ !” Juan, shirt-tails and kerchief in full swing, jumps onto Capricho, and those of us in Viewerville remembering visions of delicious Demian in his devastating toreador duds can’t help but notice Capricho is the slicker looking of the two here. (Query 1: Will Juan ever learn to dress like anything other than a major slob? Query 2: Does the fact that Dra. Leonora at least taught Juan to shave mean there is still hope for him?)
Back at Haughty Haven, the latest addition says she doesn’t remember anyone from town and then complains to Crabi that she was nearly run over in the street on her way over. Crabi suggests she stick around the hacienda then to avoid contaminating herself further with the hoi palloi, aka, those who are always told to eat …cake.
Outside Sofia has Rosendo help her onto Mr. Ed. She says she’s finally gotten the urge to ride through the grounds of the hacienda again. Rosendo is glad to see her getting back to her old self. (Yeah and the sooner the better, I say. She is getting on my last nerve.)
Back inside the main house, Gabi, always figuring it’s better to keep her friends close and her enemies even closer, gives Ruth All-Fer Nando’s old bedroom to stay in. When Ruth asks whose room it is she tells her that it used to be Sofia and Feo’s when they were married. Ruth asks if Sofia isn’t one of her daughters and Gabi says yes. When Ruth asks for details about Fernando Gabi puts her off and says they’ll talk later and then leaves. So, Ruth, whose scale is tilting way over at “T” for tacky by now, begins rummaging through all of Fernando’s (and supposedly, Sofia’s) drawers and closets. She comes across a photo of Sofia when she was married to Fernando and says to herself that since they were kids she has always hated Sofia. Mistakenly thinking Fer is still Sofia’s husband she now plans to steal him away from her.
A couple minutes later Gabi comes back in. Ruth sprawls her royal highn[a]ss on the bed as Gabi introduces her to Fatima. Ruth grunts and rolls over saying she likes riding and feels like a ride on horseback (seems the only thing missing here is a bunch of grapes to pop into her mouth). After an awkward second or two she looks at Gabi and nods her head in Fatima’s direction in a hint as huge as the side of a barn that Gabi needs to order Fatima to have the men get her royal highn[a]ss ready with a horse to station that royal backside of hers on immediately if not sooner. Gabi does. She advises Ruth that she can ride any of the horses in the stable except for her dead husband’s which refuses anyone but her daughters to ride it. Ruth giggles a bit and says she can control him. “Nobody can refuse me, neither horses nor men.” Gabi smiles politely but then looks over at the dresser with the picture of Fernando and Sofia that nosy Ruth had obviously dug up and left there. Gabi’s smile turns again to a look of disquieted impactada. Ruth just smiles mischievously up at her.
Somewhere on the grounds, Sofia is walking along one of the footpaths when Juan appears on a handsomely prancing Capricho. (Got to admit that without Rosario as musical entertainment it seems the next best show in this town is watching Capricho going through his moves, which for true lovers of horseflesh, is the essence of beauty in motion. I am jaw-dropping impactada. Capricho is almost too elegant an animal for the likes of our J-wan.)
Juan tells Sofia that he’s surprised to see her there alone. She asks why and he says he thought she’d be hanging with that “other guy.” Sofia tells Juan that he thought wrong. Demian left town. He smiles and says sure he left town, because she rejected Demian for him! She reminds Juan that she told him she was never going to love anyone again. Juan’s smile fades and he insists that she blew off Demian because she really is deeply in love with him. “Sofia, please! Stop denying what you feel for me.” Juan comes closer to her and takes her arm. “Just look at how you tremble in my arms.” They embrace and he kisses her. She can’t resist (and we’re back to her chewing his chinstrap again).
Sofia finally pulls back from Juan and tells him it’s true, she does love him but it isn’t going to work. He tells her emphatically that of course they can be happy together again. All that’s needed is for him to find their daughter and deliver her into Sofia’s hands. Sofia, suddenly hopeful and bright-eyed, asks if Juan really thinks they can be happy. He answers with another passionate lip lock that sends a tingle throughout all of Viewerville.
Ruth comes trotting by at that point and stops to stare at the two of them kissing each other. Thinking Sofia is cheating on Fernando, she plans to tell Fernando about what she’s just seen. (Ha! Big whoop, Ruthie.)
Eventually Sofia pulls away just as Juan is about to get carried away and to carry her away. “No, this isn’t any good, Juan.” “—What’s wrong with loving? Why are you denying yourself?” “—I’m in a hurry. I have to go.” He grabs her arm. He is literally B-B impactado. She says she’s going to a place where she finds peace and consolation and he asks if that isn’t there with him. Sofia just answers with a “Let me go.” Can’t he go with her? She refuses and says good-bye but does caress his face first. (That’s it. Put gas on that fire, Sofia. Sheesh.) They share one last passionate kiss. She looks up at him and tells him to forget this moment. (Yeah, right. Give it a rest. Sofia is her own kind of selfish and cruel and Juan is such a putz to take it, but hey, we all know she doesn’t really MEAN to be.) As Sofia rides away Juan tells himself he’d have to be stone cold dead to forget her kissing him like that (and vice verse, Eduardo. Vice verse. Ice, anyone?)
Meanwhile, upstairs at the Double E, Jimena and Sarita are helping Augie get re-situated in his old room. Jimena is anxious to know why Oscar came to see him. He explains that Oscar told him about how the divorce went down and that Oscar wasn’t happy the way it turned out. Jimena says she wasn’t either but she thinks it’s too late to do anything about it. Grampa Augie says it’s never too late and when you want something you fight for it and never give up. Augie asks the two of them where Sofia has gone. Nobody knows. For days it seems she’s gone somewhere she says gives her “peace and consolation” and Augie says she told him the same thing. He thought it might be the church, but turns out it isn’t. They’re all intrigued by the mystery.
Juan follows Sofia to the convent’s orphanage and peeks in while she plays with the three little girls there. Sofia asks if she can take them out for a walk every so often to keep them from being locked inside there all the time. The mother superior gives her permission and then turns around and sees Juan at the door. She invites him in. Mother Superior says they always kept him in their prayers because of the generous way he fixed up the orphanage. He says if that’s the way it’s been then that’s the way it will stay as far as he’s concerned.
Juan turns to Sofia and explains that he had to follow her to find what place gave her “peace and consolation”. Now he understands why it does. He thinks the little girls are beauties and wonders if he can stick around. She smiles and says fine. He feels a strange tug in his chest as he looks at the three little girls and wonders about them himself. Sofia explains that they’re all the same age as Maria Guadalupe would be now and that she’s grown to love all three of them. Tearfully they wonder if she is with somebody who will love and care for her. Juan tells her not to torment herself and swears to her that their little girl will show up eventually.
As for Fernando, he’s sneaking into the empty locker room at the Bad Love Bar in town. He takes out the letter with Armando’s confession about kidnapping Sofia’s baby that he tricked him into writing before killing him. Feo puts it inside Armando’s locker along with the clothes Fer used to disguise himself as Juan the night he kidnapped the baby. He figures that before the building is torn down he’ll make sure someone opens the locker and blames everything on poor, dumb, dead Right-Armando.
Back outside the orphanage, Juan tells Sofia that she may think he’s crazy but he is certain she is feeling the same way he is, that one of those little girls is theirs. Sofia says yes, she thinks so too, but suggests it could be they’re just so eager to find her that they’ll think any little girl might be theirs. She admits to him then she no longer thinks he took away her little girl. She knows he always comes through with whatever he promises her and she trusts him to bring her back their daughter. From a long shot that suggests somebody is spying on them from a distance, we see the two of them embrace.
Back in Puebla City, Oscar has come to see Augie’s lawyer. The lawyer says that Augie was correct and that the divorce is invalid. He and Jimena are still legally married.
A bit later Juan gallops back through the fields remembering what Sofia just told him outside the orphanage. He’s happy as heck cuz she trusts him now. He promised to get her daughter back and that’s just what he plans to do. Ruth, who must have followed him to the orphanage and back because she’s still on horseback, is watching him from a different clearing in the trees.
Back at the Double E, Gabi tells Jimena she wants her to tell her sisters that she needs to speak to them right away. Jimena tells her Augie and Sarita are around but Sophia isn’t. Gabi grumbles that’s because Sofia’s no doubt off seeing that starving wretch of a Juan Reyes. Jimena says, “Speaking of the Reyes’, I want you to explain to me how you divorced me from Oscar while I was sick.” Gabi frowns back at her and is muy impactada from the question.
Out in the back fields, Ruth pretends to lose a rein on her horse and she gallops past J-wan screaming for help like the distressed damsel she isn’t. Juan sees a woman on a run-away horse and immediately jumps on Capricho to rescue her. Once he’s stopped her horse he gets down to help her dismount. She swings herself around and mounts Juan. Faking tears of fear, she locks her legs around his waist and slides seductively down the entire length of his lower body as she makes a “feeble attempt” to stand up and “recover”. Juan feels awkwardly abused and confused by another silly, seductive female --and (good on him) it shows.
Labels: Fuego
Doña Bárbara - Mon., Nov 3- Antonio gets out of jail; DB plans her wedding; Leon loses Gervasia in a card game
Marisela tells Santos that she wants him to be her lawyer to get back the estate that DB stole from her father. Marisela says that Santos fights for justice and she wants justice.
Juan Primito brings Carmelito to see Gervasia. He wants her to leave El Miedo with him right away but she says that she can't after all the things she has done to her family. Carmelito says that he will find out if her family will take her back and then come back the next night at the same place and time.
Meanwhile BP has won Gervasia from Leon in the card game.
Santos tries to explain to Marisela that DB got posession of La Barquereña legally even though she took advantage of Lorenzo's weakness and probably killed Prieto senior. Marisela is not satisfied with that explanation. She says that trickery is bad and therefore it ought to be punished.
BP comes looking for Gervasia in the middle of the night but finds Leon. He says that Gervasia is sleeping with Eustaquia.
Juan Primito comes to visit Marisela and brings her a lizard.
Santos goes to town and sees an announcement of DB's wedding posted on the wall.
Don Encarnación comes to El Miedo and says DB cheated him by making him break his deal with Santos and then selling him inferior cattle instead of what she promised. DB says it was his choice and what did he expect for the price she offered. DE says that this won't be the last she hears of this.
Santos goes to see Antonio in prison but he is distracted by seeing DB's wedding announcement. Santos tells Antonio that he can get him out of prison but he has to do what Santos tells him. Whatever that is, Antonio doesn't want to do it but Santos tells Antonio to trust him.
BP comes for Gervasia and Leon tells her that he lost her in a card game. BP drags Gervasia off and ties her up.
A judicial proceeding against Antonio begins. Matilde points out Antonio as the man who raped her and fathered her child. Following Santos' instructions, Antonio tells Pernalete that he will marry. Federica exults...
and then Antonio clarifies that he is willing to marry the woman accusing him - Matilde.
Federica faints. After a conversation with Santos, Matilde, who is already married, withdraws the accusation against Antonio and he is freed. Santos agrees to help her get her husband out of jail.
There is no celebration in the bar though because DB has bought all the liquor in town for her wedding.
Genoveva tells her sisters/cousins that Gervasia wants to return home. She and the other terneras are happy but she isn't sure how Melesio will react. He overhears and says that he would be overjoyed to have Gervasia back. Then Antonio comes in and there is much rejoicing.
Juan Primito unties Gervasia but BP sees her trying to escape and gives chase. Meanwhile Carmelito is at the rendezvous place waiting for her.
Antonio has a joyous reunion with Cecilia. They plan to tell the still oblivious Santos about their relationship at dinner. Lorenzo excuses himself. Melquiades interrupts to deliver a wedding invitation to Santos. He tells Melquiades that he will attend and although he says that he doesn't care what DB does, he is obviously upset.
Meanwhile DB finds out that Chepo, rapist #3 is in town.
Labels: barbara
Cuidado: Friday 11/7/08- "Juan Miguel Begs and Pleads and Gets Nowhere"
Onelia tells Estefania that JM returned to the DF without Marichuy. Stef is happy to hear this and pumps Onelia for some more information about what kind of connection that JM and MC could have had in the past. Onelia says that they have only known each other for a short period of time, as far as she knows. Onelia questions Stef as to why she would think otherwise. Stef blows her off, saying it was nothing. Stef just thinks it is strange that they can have developed such a love in so short of time (hasn’t she ever watched a novela, according to these people fall in love in record speed….of course, why do I ask, she would be too high class to watch novelas). The conversation switches to Viviana and Onelia mentions that she has been receiving strange phone calls with the person not on the other end talking.
Purita asks what’s been going on at Cande’s. Cande replies- “Men! Always shameless pigs!! Liars the lot of them.” She encourages Purita to remember that and then hollers up to MC that he’s gone, so she can come out now. MC comes down and she’s crying. Purita tries to comfort her. Cande tries to get her to eat. Purita says that she’s sure MC and JM will get everything worked out. The camera pans down to the diamond solitaire and wedding band that MC tossed (notice how neatly they landed near each other when they were emotionally hurled from upstairs on the previous episode--amazing, I know).
The next day we see Purita talking to Adrian, but don’t hear what she’s saying. It is safe to assume she’s telling him the gossip about Mari being at Cande's and having problems with JM. Which is confirmed in the next scene when Adrian goes to Cande’s house and he demands to know if it is true that MC isn’t going back to that man. MC nods and Adrian indicates that he’s glad she agrees. MC asks if Adrian knows who JM really is and he indicates he does. MC is upset that Adrian didn’t tell her that JM is the man who caused her nightmares and that Adrian knowingly let her marry JM. Adrian’s lame excuse is that she seemed happy. Changing the subject, Adrian adds that since they were married such a short time, MC and JM can get the marriage annulled. Good thing there wasn’t enough time for you to do the deed, Adrian adds. MC looks uncomfortable, but doesn’t tell him that JM rocked her world.
Rocio freaks out at the hospital and stumbles into the bathroom and unwraps her bandages on her face. She starts to scream about the horror of her face (it doesn’t look too terrible---just some serious road rash and it will heal…she’s got a couple of lines stitched across her cheeks, they might look nasty for awhile, but in all honesty, this isn't as bad as it could be). Rocio continues to freak about how horribly disfigured she is and Vicente hears her screaming, not realizing it is her, and asks his mom to go be with Rocio so she won’t be upset by the yelling patient. Meanwhile, Elsa and Beatriz come to visit Rocio and they are shocked to see her face….Really people it isn’t that bad. She’s still got all the pieces of her face, they are just scraped up a bit----sheesh, it could be much, much worse.
Viviana calls JM’s office, pretending to be a patient of his in order to pry some info out of his staff. From Israel, she learns JM's out of town because he got married and finds out that Marichuy is the woman he married. She bursts out laughing, realizing that MC is the laundress girl. Israel doesn’t understand why this is so funny. Viv excuses herself and giving him a fake name says she’ll not leave a message, she’ll just call back later. Israel discusses this call with a co-worker and she says that she’d expect such a reaction from someone like Stef, who must hate MC for marrying JM. Israel looks pained at hearing Stef’s name and that she would be jealous of Marichuy.
Mari goes to visit Padre Anselmo and tells him all about how she learned that JM is the man from her nightmares. She asks PA how Juan could have made love to her, knowing all the time the truth and deceiving her. Just then, JM walks into PA’s office. He says –"Finally I found you Marichuy." She asks him why he’s been looking for her (stupid question, but she's entitled I guess). He asks why she ran away (stupid questions; MC:1, JM:1). She retorts- "So, I should have stuck around for you to hurt me some more?" JM insists that they have to talk. Mari rants to Padre Anselmo that JM’s a liar, she'd love to spit in his face, but that PA should kick him out. JM appeals to MC to forgive him and that she needs to stop acting like a child and face the situation they are in. PA advises JM to take a look at his own behavior before scolding MC. JM asks again for MC to listen. She says why, so you can hurt me some more. She tells him as far as she's concerned, she never needs to see him again. JM says he won’t give up on her and she replies that's fine, she’ll give up on him. JM begs PA to intercede and PA says he can’t. JM pleads and reminds PA that he said God would forgive him. PA reminds JM that he broke his word to God and that causes him to lose the forgiveness (a truly penitent person does not repeat the sin, to repeat the sin is an insult to God---according to my childhood priest---when you think about what a child says in confession---I didn't listen to my parents, I fought with my brothers---well recidivism's gotta run pretty high, therefore repeated insults to the Heavenly Father, pretty heavy burden to lay on a child, but I digress).
Onelia and Maya have a discussion about Maya’s conversation with JM. Maya tells Onelia that her dad said that MC will not be living with them any time soon. This seems to make them both happy. I think little Mayita needs to go to her secret place and have a little visit with Abuelita Mariana.
Rocio screams to the nurse that she doesn’t want anyone to see her this way. Vicente’s mom gets to the room and starts to comfort Rocio and the nurse runs out to get the doctor. Elsa and Beatriz stand helpless in the background.
Juanmi tries to explain his situation once again to PA. He wanted to allow MC to experience the sweetness and kindness of love before exposing her to their painful past. PA says that was an error. MC demands to know why JM thought it was OK to lie to her by hiding the truth. He tries to explain. She says she’ll never forgive him, so don’t bother to come looking for me again. She leaves, slamming the door behind her. PA lectures JM on taking advantage of MC’s innocence and going back on his word to God---he’d promised not to touch her until he’d revealed the truth. JM tries once again to tell his side of the story. PA is angry, so he’s not in the mood to listen and he advises JM to forget about Mari, there’s nothing more he can do.
Stef and Isa lounge by the pool. Stef fills her in on what she knows about JM and MC. Isa speculates that perhaps the nightmares are the connection between JM and MC’s past. She even suggests that JM and MC were lovers for awhile, even when Viv was alive. Stef isn’t so sure. Stef tells Isa that she’s stepped up her plan to snag Ed and perhaps she’ll get some more info out of him--that way she can hurt/ humilate JM. Isa leaves as Cece approaches. Cece suggests that Stef go visit Rocio. Stef doesn’t agree and Cece says she can’t blame Rocio for what happened with Juanmi. Stef says that Rocio could have supported her, but didn’t. Now Stef’s lost a good looking rich doctor as a prospective husband. Cece is disturbed to hear her “daughter” focus on JM’s money. She pries, hoping that Stef will admit that love, not money, was her motive in wanting to marry JM. Stef says that Cece married into money, therefore she should understand. Cece says she fell in love with Pat not knowing he came from money. What luck, mutters Stef and then she adds that she’s just trying to get back what she was deprived of when Cece “abandoned” her. Trying to tone down her bitchiness, Stef says that she’s not being critical of Cece (oh but yes you are, and considering Cece had nothing to do with your lot in life, you are just being the biznitch you truly are, there I go again another digression) but there is no denying she went without and now she just wants what she didn’t have. No denying it, Stef is offering up some good emotional blackmail, making Cece suffer. The cell phone rings and indicating this conversation is over, Stef answers her cell. It is Onelia, calling to give Stef the latest. Stef is overjoyed to hear of the problems between JM and MC. She knows there has got to be more to the story and she’s determined to find out what it is. Cece’s face shows repulsion at Stef’s comments and behavior.
JM visits Rocio and she cries that it would have been better to have died. She begs him to not let Vicente see her like this. JM says it will all be OK and he’s going to consult the plastic surgeon.
Adrian brings flowers and a lollipop to Mari. Purita is visiting and she looks mildly jealous at his behavior toward MC. Adrian once again encourages MC to get an annulment but MC ends up spilling the details about her romance with JM, including the fact that they made love. Adrian looks upset at this news (now Marichuy is tainted goods).
Stef tells Isa her conversation with Onelia and then decides she’s got to go see Rocio. She might run into JM at the hospital. When she gets to Rocio’s room, she catches sight of her face and she can’t disguise her utter horror. This makes Rocio cry all over again. JM comes back from visiting the surgeon and Stef starts to give her “well wishes” on his marriage to MC. JM can tell it isn't sincere and tells her he doesn’t want to talk about it . Then he leaves the room. Stef apologizes to Rocio about her reaction, and once again fails to sound sincere, but this could just be me---I honestly couldn't tell if Rocio sensed the insincerity of Stef's words, I can only hope she did.
JM goes to talk to Ed and he fills his best friend on what happened and what MC said at Padre Anselmo’s office. Ed says give it time and then JM should try to work things out with Marichuy. JM’s resigned himself that time won’t cure these problems. Ed encourages his friend to not give up…..JM needs to be willing to fight for Marichuy.
Stef runs into Israel outside the hospital. He ends up confessing that he believes he’s falling in love with her. She laughs and he tells her not to laugh. She basically tells him that he’s got nothing to offer her. He reminds her that he’ll be a doctor some day and therefore has a bright future. She says she’s not willing to wait 20 years to get what she wants. Consider yourself lucky Israel, she's truly a biznitch and you are so much better without her.
Adrian and MC are leaving Cande’s. Adrian wants to know if PA knows that MC and JM slept together. MC tells Adrian that PA knows. However, she's rejected any chance of reconciliation with JM, so they’ll have to see what can be done. Just then JM shows up and tells MC that they need to talk, without witnesses, and it will be the last time they talk, but they need to talk. Adrian lets into Juan and the two men have a not very impressive pissing contest. Adrian basically tells JM to get lost and JM says he won’t go unless Marichuy asks him to go. The camera flashes to her face, she looks upset, but we know most likely she’ll tell him to leave…but we won’t know until Monday as this is the END OF THE EPISODE.
canalla- swine
carcajada- guffaw, burst out laughing
demora- delay
jeta- face/ mug
paleto/a- uncouth, unsophisticated, hick
paleta-(in Mex.) lollipop; elsewhere chupete or chupeta is lollipop
perdulario/a- morally corrupt
portazo- slam, bang a door
renunciar- to give up, relinquish
retachar- to reject, to refuse to accept, to ricochet
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