Sunday, November 23, 2008
Querida Enemiga #106 – November 21, 2008 – Sara Gets New Bling-Bling
The party is in full swing at Zulema’s house with everyone in the D.F. attending except Omar and Alonslow. Ern and Lore chitchat, and Zulema gets their attention to thank them for everything for several minutes, especially being reunited with her family, which she’s dreamed of since she came out of the coma. Today the dream has come true. She’s prepared lots for the party, so chow down. Rossy, Julian, Barb and Diana dive in but Ern wants everyone to listen up a minute. He has something this needs to do. Ernesto reaches into his pocket –we assume for the ring he bought earlier—or maybe the one he gave her last time they were engaged. He’s still trying to make his announcement as the doorbell rings, Lorena tells him to hang on, answers, and – surprise! - Alonslow bursts in with the sad news (NOT) that Bruno has been poisoned by Sara, and so sorry to interrupt. The boys eye each other with irritation and Alonslow gives them the scoop, guaranteed to put a damper on the party mood. As Alonslow continues his story about Bruno’s confession, Ernesto takes the ring out of his pocket, and looks at it while sad music plays—it ain’t happenin’ tonight, folks. Alonslow tells them it was about Fafy’s estate. Lorena asks about Bruno’s status. Alonslow tells them it’s not hopeful, and depends on him stabilizing the vital kidney functions. It’s pretty serious.
Patty is clueless even if she isn’t blonde and she’s ready to party but Vasco says they have to talk. (Didn’t we all have a discussion early on about how this phrase is the kiss of death?) She protests that they’ll be late and Vasco tells her this thing they have isn’t working out and it would be better if they broke up. Patty doesn’t look nearly as surprised as we might expect.
Alonslow continues the tale of Bruno at the lesser house, arms crossed, addressing only Lorena. Bruno arrived in bad shape but was able to record his confession. Alonslow seems to think Lorena is the only one in the room who cares. He supposes that Bruno wanted to nail Sara. He had Dra. Serrano and Val as witnesses, too. Hortensia wants to know what that b*****d said. Slow turns and tells her that Sara poisoned Bruno with the same stuff that he and Sara had planned to use to kill Fafy but he died on his own, before they could kill him. Ern is impactado. The autopsy results were right, then. Alonslow confirms that Bruno and Sara brought down the Armendáriz Empire. Lore asks about the recording and Slow tells her it’s at the Public Minister’s office, since it involves a matter of homicide. At the end of the day, Sara’s toast. Impactados looks all around, mixed with tentative relief and some wariness—Zulema looks to heaven.
Patty pleads her case with Vasco. She tells him about all she’s done to make it work. Nope, she doesn’t tell him—make that she whines at him. Vasco appreciates it. But, his body language is what any woman in her right mind would read as “you’ve lost this war, honey.” They continue on this path for a while…and she tells him that her only passion is him. She’d do about anything for him. Thanks, but that’s not what his heart is telling him to do. Hablablablabla. If he can’t love her, don’t be telling her someone else will. She brings up Diana and doesn’t want to be a consolation prize. He tries to deny it. She wants to know if he’s talked to Diana. He hasn’t, and don’t ask him to. He cares about Patty, but….”But you don’t love me.” Patty turns away and the emotion overtakes her. She knows he can’t love her because he loves Diana. He tells her not to get like that. Vasco tells her the last thing he wants to do is hurt Patty. She whines that if he hasn’t talked to Diana, why is he causing her this pain? He tells her it’s not good to think about waking up with someone who isn’t appropriate (wake up with someone who isn’t what you consider the most important part of your life). Patty wonders why, if he can’t talk to Diana, WHY can’t he get it together with her? She’ll wait and hope he’ll love her. She just wants the opportunity. Vasco sighs, weighing how to deal with it.
Julian is irritated with Alonslow for turning over the recording to the authorities and Slow justifies himself—it’s part of a homicide investigation. Lorena intervenes—she can’t imagine that Sara is falling like this. Hortensia wonders how come they don’t have champagne to drink to that. Rossy chimes in and Maruja tells her not to be frivolous (because she didn’t dare tell Snortensia not to be frivolous). But Maru asks her mother-in-law’s pardon, she’s indignant. Lots of opinions coming fast and furiously but Diana stops them all cold---Bruno is the father of her child, after all. They’re saved by the bell as Slow gets a call. It’s Valeria with more news (sorry, Ferro, no shots of Val, just Slow’s voice telling us it’s her). Rossy asks why he has that look. Bruno has died. Impactados looks all around, and Diana looks like she might faint.
Vasco tries to convince Patty not to make this difficult. She asks how she’s supposed to take this—she thought he was the love of her life! (Only a little guilt here). He protests—“try to understand me!” and she grabs him and lays a big kiss on him, crying. Vasco tells her no, please, and pries her loose. He’d like to be able to reciprocate, but the truth is he can’t. She wants to know how he thinks she can live without him. She walks away, and Vasco tells her he’ll go with her. Patty tells him no. She’ll have to get used to going it alone. And she does. Leaving Vasco frustrated and sighing.
Zulema notices that the party is going up in smoke and weakly encourages everyone to eat—with all the excitement she can muster upon learning that the father of her first grandchild has just died due to deliberate poisoning. Julian tosses off a remark about losing their appetites and Lorena suddenly remembers that Ernesto was about to make a great pronouncement. He tells her it was really important but this isn’t exactly the right time for it. Slow looks mildly alarmed. (He saw Ern buy a ring, right?) He jumps in—there’s something more Slow wants to tell them. Bruno confessed one more thing. Barb, who has become truly astute in her old age, asks if it has to do with Chalo. Nope, it was before Sara disappeared—she did one more thing against us. “US?” Lorena is impactada. Yep, she did it to hurt both you and me, Slow tells Lorena. Sara never forgave me for getting those DNA results. She told him to mess with the anesthesia for Zulema’s procedure. Zulema comes to face Alonslow. He tells Zulema that Bruno and Sara were guilty of putting her into a coma. Diana is crushed, and Lorena damns them and wonders why they did that. Ernesto comes to comfort her and Zulema. Slow gives his best professional opinion—Sara’s sick. There’s no other explanation. Julian and Ern comment on Sara—so diabolical—she needs to be in a nuthouse. Into this happy scene pops Vasco, all smiles for his family. “Ready to eat?” Since he’s astute Barb’s offspring, he realizes all is not well here very quickly. In fact, it’s like a wake. Lore informs him Bruno died. Sara poisoned him. Vasco wants to know if Diana’s aware. They point him in the direction of her bedroom and he takes the cue. A dirge plays.
Vasco comes to comfort Diana and she tells him the Rest of the Story—Bruno was responsible for Zulema’s coma. Diana knew he was bad news, but never dreamed he’d go to those lengths. What will she tell her son when he asks about his father? Vasco tries to give her comfort—tell him his Papi was a doctor and he’s not with us any more. Hortensia comes to ask if she’ll be all right. Diana waves a hand to indicate she will. Hortensia tells them everyone decided to call it a night and go. Hortensia herself will be in her room if they need anything from her. Vasco thanks her and she goes, leaving Diana in tears, impactada from the sadness of it all. A very respectable 3 on the Ugly Crying Scale—she could be a lot worse with all this trauma.
The partygoers bid each other goodbye in front of Zulema’s house. Zulema tells Alonslow it’s a sad end for Bruno. Betrayed, and a victim of his own ambition. Slow tells her he’s worried about Diana. They talk about the next steps, with the recording in the hands of the authorities and the witnesses’ statements. Slow says he’ll go back to the hospital and find out how it all ended up. He’ll let them know.
Meanwhile, a few feet away, Ernesto is standing more than an arm’s length from Lorena and saying his farewell. Both of them have their hands in their pockets, a sure sign that they’re resisting the huge temptation to grab and paw each other. Instead, they talk about how it stands with Sara now that Bruno is dead. Ern thinks justice might happen. Lorena wants it to happen quickly; she wants this chapter of her life done and to try to be completely happy. She smiles endearingly at Ernesto. He smiles just as endearingly back. Sigh. Lore changes the subject—she wants to talk to him about Ximena. Ern’s already aware of Ximena’s nonsense. Before they can get very far with this revelation, Slow shows up to interrupt the happy tryst. He’s going, and gives her a little kiss on the cheek. [Ed. Note: So GO already.] Lorena gives him a discreet half-hug, which in no way resembles a full-body press—it’s mostly at arms length. I’m just saying. She thanks him for everything. Lorena assures Slow that she NEVER thought he was responsible for what happened to her mother and she’s pleased to have the new info. Ern looks anxious and slightly irritated in Slow’s direction over her shoulder. Then Ern interrupts—he’s going. [Ed. Note: Both of our galáns are in light-colored shirts, and she’s in black. Is there some symbolism I’m missing here?] Lore turns back to Ern, so now Slow’s behind her. But, she’s jerked back around when Slow wishes Ern Godspeed. With a sincere smile. “What, aren’t you going?” Ern wants to know! Slow squares his jaw a second and confirms he’s going, too. Lorena turns back and forth, watching the ping-pong match. Then she gets discreet cheek kisses first from Slow and then from Ern. She tells them both to take care of themselves. They face off with muted glares while Lorena smiles a little and looks back and forth nervously. [Ed. Note: I wouldn’t want to be between those two; I’d be about six feet away.] More goodbyes from one, then the other—“I’ll call you if I find out more” and “we’ll talk tomorrow.” Lore gets increasingly nervous, hands in and out of pockets. The boys, however, have hands out, ready to punch if necessary. I’m just saying. They inch off to their cars. Ern’s SUV pulls away, and Lore watches. Alonslow’s sedan, the second in line, pulls away and then stops abruptly in front of her. He’s forgotten something and jumps out. She wants to know what’s up and he mutters something inane about having been thinking about coming over since a while ago (early), then puts his hand into his pocket. He hyperventilates and looks intently into her eyes…..and she smiles a little, waiting…..for the commercial….
Alonslow earnestly tells Lorena how hard this is, but he can’t stand it any more and she looks totally confused, but Zulema interrupts—ringus interruptus. Diana is having a nervous breakdown and they need him. He grabs his black bag out of the trunk and they all flood into Diana’s room where she’s hyperventilating—“can’t breathe!” Hortensia and Vasco are giving their best medical advice to no avail. Slow, extraordinary doc that he is, diagnoses that Diana is hyperventilating and sends his assistant (who usually is an assistant chef, but tonight is a medical assistant) for a high tech device to help Diana quit hyperventilating. Lorena runs for the paper bag the bread came in. Diana knows immediately how to use it on Slow’s instructions, and breathes herself back to normal.
Meanwhile, at the Dark Castle, Sara would really like to know if Bruno has gone on to a better life. But, if she calls around, that might trip her hand. So, she’ll just wait until morning and report him missing. With any luck, they’ll toss him in a community grave. She smiles at her wit.
Alonslow has made it back to the hospital, where Val has waited. They come into his office and he apologizes for making her wait so long, but Diana had a bad spell. No problem. Well, sure, with the news you gave her. Slow asks her about what the Public Minister did with all of the info. They took the body to check for the poison. Incredibly, he actually managed to sign his confession before he died! What? The Public Minister insisted on talking with Bruno. He verified everything he recorded. He laid all the blame on Sara. Slow is impactado. Val thinks it’s sad they couldn’t do anything for Bruno. Slow notes that Bruno thought they could save him—but Val points out is was a bad game of fate—Bruno had sold off all the antidote that would have saved him. The time they needed to get hold of it made the difference. Slow thinks Lorena needs to know all this and calls. He plays with the ring, taking it out of the box, as he calls. Val sadly lets herself out of the office while his attention is totally absorbed.
And at home in his living room, Ernesto examines the ring he’s got for Lorena, while he reminisces about the lovely picnic day full of passion. We get teased by the view of his lovely naked upper torso as they….uh…..begin to enjoy the afternoon… (Sigh) Then he’s reminiscing of time with Lorena in a restaurant, forcing a bite of chocolate cake down her and asking if she’s awestruck (moved) to find the ring in her mouth. Nope, her teeth hurt from biting down. OF COURSE she’s moved! She adores him and YES, she wants to marry him! The flashback ends, but Ern is still hopeful. It’s just a matter of time. When everything’s resolved, he’s going after her again. I can’t lose you, he tells Lorena as he talks to himself.
Morning comes in the House of Zulema and with it comes Patty. Hortensia is Not Thrilled to see her. Patty wants to chat with Diana, but Hortensia asks what she wants. Hortensia goes into Mother Lioness mode. Don’t think Di feels well, better come back later. Patty insists and Hortensia sends Matilde to fetch Diana. Diana is almost as terse as Hortensia. “What can I do for you, Patty?” Patty wants to talk woman to woman about Vasco. Diana tells Patty that she has nothing to say about him. She realizes that Patty and Vasco are sweethearts and Diana respects that. Patty sadly tells Diana that she and Vasco broke up last night. Diana is a little impactada. Why? Vasco told me he doesn’t love me and it’s clear he loves you. What, he told you that? Not in so many words, no, but it’s true. He also told me that you never loved him enough. Diana gets hot—that’s not true! If I’ve been feigning that all this time, it’s because I didn’t want to interfere with you two. Patty begs her to love Vasco. He loves Diana with all his heart. And maybe he’s never dared to tell her that. Diana thanks Patty—it surely had to be very difficult for her to do all this. Patty looks sadly resigned, and Diana looks hopeful.
Ickturo can’t understand why the person on the phone is telling him Valeria doesn’t work there. Catalina looks on with a bit of anxiety about this conversation at their dining room table. What? She’s gone back to the D.F.? Cat rubs her hands and grins in glee at the idea. Icky asks if they know the work number. Apparently not, because his excitement dims. He thanks the person on the phone. Cat is so thrilled to think her grandkids are close by. It’s a blessing! Icky thinks Val might have gone back to the Clinic. But if not, surely someone there will know something about her. Cat urges him to go look for her. She’s in alt to see the babies—how they must have grown! Icky tells her he’ll go find Val right after his Mami gives him breakfast. He beams at the thought. So does his Mami. [Ed. Note: What? Did we hear an echo of Oedipus?] Ickturo smiles a smug smile.
Bimbo Colchones get another prominent placement on Valeria’s breakfast table as she serves them to Anelis, along with bunches of stuff from the panadería. Apparently Val herself never eats this stuff, or she’d be a blimp. As she serves, she also holds a cordless phone on her shoulder and talks to Slow. They exchanges domestic chitchat—she tells him not to worry, she thought he’d be talking late with Lorena and she left. He tells her not to do that to him as he eats his breakfast with Toribio. If she had wanted, he’d wait for her. Val wouldn’t want to bother him. He tells her not to say that. And should he drop by for her? No, Val will get to work on her own—the Nanny hasn’t shown up. She doesn’t want to make Slow late. He chides her a little. She asks when he thinks he’ll give Lore the ring. Slow tells her he was about to do it the night before, but the moment wasn’t right. He’ll have another chance, and hopes it’s soon. Valeria decides it’s time to sign off and doesn’t even give him time to say goodbye. She strokes Anelis’ back while the niña eats her balanced breakfast of pastries and Bimbo Colchones. (Who are those guys, anyway?)
Toribio harasses Slow about not getting the job done with the ring. Slow tells his Papi when it all gets resolved, he’ll have an opportunity to do it. (They wrote one basic line for Ern and Slow? Shouldn’t their pay get docked?)
The kidlets are ready for school and Gina runs to hug Uncle Ern. Gina earnestly tells Ernesto that she’d like it way better if he took them. Ern explains why it’s important to use the school bus—it makes less traffic, better for the environment. Alej chimes in that it’s less pollution, too. The little ones go off for the bus with Fanny supervising. Ivan comes to make a pitch for the car he wants. Ern points out he’s not even old enough to drive. Ivan changes the subject—has Uncle secured a stepmom for them? Nope. Ivan laments that he’s awfully slow. Ern says things got complicated. Ivan thinks the plan might fail and Ern assures him it won’t happen—right before he rushes Ivan out the door, sighing.
Hortensia, Lorena and Zulema gossip in Zulema’s living room. Hortensia gripes that she can’t understand why Patty is talking so long with Diana and about what. She hopes it’s not what she’s thinking it might be. Lorena remarks that Patty is her friend, but really she would love to see Diana end up with Vasco. Zulema agrees—Vasco is irreproachable. Hortensia thinks they just need to give the kids a little nudge. Zulema wonders if while she’s at it, shouldn’t she be giving her granddaughter a little nudge, too? Lorena pretends to be miffed. “Between us, I have a favorite.” Hortensia looks at Lorena, who says “OH? You haven’t told me that, Grandma.” Turns out, the favorite will give her lovely great-grandchildren and possibly one will be a doctor like Daddy. So she prefers Alonslow? Sure, for obvious reasons—he saved Vasco’s life, brought about the knowledge that Lorena is Hortensia’s granddaughter, and is helping with Sara’s fall from grace. Diana overhears and asks if they’re talking about Sara. Zulema says no, they’re talking about the hunks who are competing for Lorena. So, Diana voices her opinion—Ern’s the one, the looker, the mature one, there’s no doubt in her mind. He’s never failed Lorena. Lore says he’s not perfect, but yeah, he has his good points. Hortensia seizes on it—then she prefers Alonslow? Nope. Lorena wasn’t saying that. Then it’s Zulema’s turn to opine. Well, she’d be happy to have them both. Chuckles all around. Zulema tries to get Lore to tell them her decision but Lorena refuses because she knows they’re all blabbermouths and within five minutes after she tells them, it’ll be all over the place. They all feign being insulted. Lorena chuckles happily at them.
Valeria arrives at work only to be accosted by Ickturo, and qué the H*** is he doing here? He’s come to see her, of course. They have nothing to discuss. They have two children. She’s indignant since it’s been more than a year since he checked on the kiddies. He hangs his head; she’s right. What reason did he have to abandon his children? None. He tells her not to scold him; he’s come in peace. Also to ask for a loan. She scoffs at giving him a loan. He’s exhausted all her money and he’s the last person she’ll give even one cent to. He does his “I swear I’ll pay you back” number, and tells her about his marvelous business opportunity. Same old, same old. She scoffs at him again and tells him to ask his Mami for the loan. He tells her not to mess with his Mami and manhandles her. She tells at him to let her go. Our not-quite-hero, Alonslow, is on the scene and confronts Icky, who tells him not to meddle. Icky thought she was such a saint, so is this her new lover? Slow is incensed and tells Icky not to insult Valeria. Slow not only meddles, he belts Ickturo so Icky bleeds. Good one, Slow!
With Valeria shouting at him that it’s not worth the trouble, Slow beats on Icky. All Slow’s pent up anger at Sara and Ernesto and whoever centers on Icky’s smug mug. Val finally gets between him and Alonslow, pushing Slow away even though Slow is ready for more. He’s points at Icky and yells that he’s going to show Icky how to respect her! Icky, all wild-eyed, points at Slow and accuses them of being lovers. As Slow tries to move Val out of the way so he can go after Icky, Icky runs and a police siren sounds. Slow wants to know what this idiot did to Val and hugs her close in comfort, telling her not to cry. Val looks after Icky—he isn’t going to leave her in peace. They talk about the wretch—Slow thinks he won’t come back. Look, he saw the police patrol and took off running. It’s his guilty conscience. Val tells Slow Ickturo had the nerve to ask her for a loan for this grand company he wants to set up. He used the excuse of the children. Slow hugs her again and tells her to calm down. Val looks anxiously over his shoulder off where Icky disappeared, not quite able to enjoy how close she is to Slow.
Omar is calling around to look for work he found in the want ads. He has a degree in Business Administration—what? My age? 58, he tells the person at the other end of the line, and I have lots of experience. They hung on me, he muses. There’s a knock at the door as he puts the phone down in resignation. It’s Lorena and he’s delighted to see her. He offers her coffee.
At Zulema’s, Vasco appears asking after Diana. Zulema tells him that the sedative that Alonslow gave Diana helped after she got the terrible news. Vasco thinks that deep down she never stopped loving Bruno. If that was true, Zulema wants to know, would it bother him? He has a girlfriend. Vasco tells Zulema he’s broken up with Patty. Why? She’s a good girl. He tells Zulema that’s true but he didn’t love Patty. He couldn’t fool her or himself. Diana overhears as she comes out of her room. Zulema continues to tell him she’s always admired his maturity. Vasco confesses that the maturity everyone talks about all the time caused him to lose his life. Why? Because while he was being noble, good, understanding he put aside many things. He’s talking specifically about Diana. He should have fought for her until he wore out, and not let her go with Bruno. He lacked the strength and the maturity and lost her. Diana has heard enough and comes out to talk to him. She tells him not to blame himself; the same thing happened to her. She was thinking about what was the “right thing” and didn’t listen to hear heart. Zulema thinks it’s time to excuse herself and leaves them looking tentatively at each other.
Lorena hesitantly tells Omar that lots of things have happened in the past several days that she wants to let him know about. Omar cheers up a bit, and tells her she has no idea what it means to him that she’s thought of him. She nails him on calling the house and staying quiet. He admits he did. It was the only thing that occurred to him so he could hear her mother’s voice. He asks if they had a party. Lorena confirms they did. Omar is excited that Zulema cooked and invited all the family, not resentful that he was left out. Lorena gets serious. They didn’t feel like partying after they got bad news from Alonso. Sara poisoned Bruno and he died. Omar worries about Diana’s reaction and Lorena fills him in. Omar notes that Hortensia told him Sara and Bruno were responsible for bringing down the company with the poisoning. Yes, and last night we heard about the worst of their acts—Bruno added something to the anesthesia when Mami had her operation and she went into a coma. He intended to kill her. Omar damns Sara and Bruno. Why against Zulema? To hit me where it would hurt me most, Lorena tells him. Sara couldn’t resist making sure she couldn’t have her mother and enjoy her family. She wanted to destroy it. Omar utters another curse. Lorena continues that Alonso had nothing to do with it and Sara tried to destroy his career. Omar wonders how she could dare to do that much harm. Sara should pay like Bruno did with his life. Lorena is just sad.
Diana and Vasco continue their discussion of their relationship. She never would have dared to love him like he deserved. She also had this notion that Saulito needed to be with his father. Vasco points out she rejected him every which way. She asks him to forgive her—she did it because she was just plain afraid. Vasco wonders why she never told him. She was ashamed. By the time she finished her therapy, Patty was on the scene. Vasco had been thinking Diana just didn’t love him enough. He thought even up to last night she was still hooked on Bruto. Nope, all this time she’s been hooked on Vasco. He’s the only man who has ever made her quiver with just a look. He tells her to say it again. Diana takes a breath and blurts out that he’s the love of her life. But she doesn’t want him to just hear it, she wants him to feel it. Oooh, lovely, long, tender kissing….
Apparently, cold cloths won’t do for Ickturo’s black eye. Nothing but top sirloin here. Cat ministers to his wounds as they discuss the next steps. He’s going back to look for Valeria, and Cat always did think there was something suspicious in Val’s “friendship” with that doctor. “He hit me awful hard, Mommy.” The doc can’t be there as Val’s bodyguard 24/7, though. He’ll get the money out of her. Cat thinks it’s not a good idea for Icky to go again, and she ought to go to find Val. Ickturo vetoes that; she shouldn’t humiliate herself in front of Val. Cat wants to try—she misses the grandkids, anyway, and they need the $$. Icky tells her no way again. She slaps the steak back onto his eye and his face screws up, ready to cry. Pobrecito.
Val and Alonslow are enjoying a cup of coffee in the office, interrupted by a phone conversation she’s having with the nanny. She directs the nanny not to open the door to anyone for any reason, even if he says he’s the children’s father. She hangs up and tells Slow that she’s also advised the school. Slow is furious to see her having to deal with this. Val tells him she knows Icky—he’s totally capable of grabbing the kids. Slow urges her to ask Dra. Serrano to go be with the kids and he’ll find someone to cover for her. Val is touched-he’d do that for her? She’s really nervous about this. She knows she shouldn’t let this bas***d bother her, but she can’t let anything happen. Slow earnestly tells her that sometimes he sees her as so fragile and suddenly she transforms into Wonder Woman (okay, I loosely interpreted here). He looks intently into her eyes and tells her he loves these contrasts in her. Val looks intently back, a lovely fond smile on her face, and blindly moves to set the coffee cup back onto the desk at her left without looking where she’s putting it. It goes onto the floor and breaks, splashing coffee all over. “What a fool I am!” Slow jumps in to the rescue, taking a cloth from heaven knows where, and sponging up coffee that has splashed onto her lovely, shapely ankle and leg -- in three inch heels. He holds her ankle in place and wipes her ankle and up her leg, suddenly stilling a little and looking up abruptly into her face. Val is equally startled and stares back intently into his eyes. Slow might not be as slow as we think. He smiles nervously and stands; she thanks him and rushes out to see the boss. Slow is left with the memory of the ankle, the leg, and Wonder Woman. No, folks, he’s not flexing his pecs—that’s his heart thumping erratically you’re seeing under that well-fitted shirt.
Lorena tells Granny about her Papi’s indignation at Sara’s betrayal and what Bruno did to Zulema. Hortensia wants to know if he said anything about Zulema. No, but he really wants to come home. Hortensia doesn’t see a happy ending here; she thinks they’ll never reconciliate. Lore’s worried about Omar—he’s very lonely and can’t find work. Hortensia gives a PSA about how awful it is that when folks get to be a certain age, no one wants to hire them any more even if they have the most experience and maturity. Too bad they can’t really bring him into the Cooperative. She gives Lorena a tentative look as she mentions this. Lorena thinks that Zulema won’t forgive him, and it’d be difficult. The bell rings—it’s Ern with some pastries he’s brought to them now that he’s not being followed by the detective any more, and he’s making up for lost time. He guesses the nuns taught Lorena manners and she’ll invite him in for chocolate? Of course she will. He greets Hortensia, who basically disses him and excuses herself. Ern wonders if she’s jealous, or just doesn’t like me much? Lore blows it off—that’s her and I’ve learned to love her as she is. Ern’s phone rings. It’s a lawyer who wants him over at Fafy’s house. Okay, if that’s what Fafy requested. Lorena wants to know what’s up. The lawyer wants me at Fafy’s for the reading of the will. What, did he leave you something? Ern chuckles—he doubts it. They barely knew each other so it must be something else. He gets a serious look. Lorena’s phone rings. It’s Alonslow, which makes Ern grimace. Slow has more news about the Public Minister and what’s going to happen with Sara. Really? It’s a done deal? We can see why she might doubt, since all along Joel has told them there’s no proof of anything solid against Sara.
Slimy Jorge accosts Bettina on her way home. She doesn’t want to talk to him, she’s told him that. He wants to tell her something about Ivan, it’ll be worth her while. Why? Because he HATES to see her suffering on Ivan’s account. Ivan erased Bettina from his contacts. Bettina wants to know how Jorge knows. Jorge was there and saw him do it. He goads her about proving to Ivan she isn’t such a baby. If he just told her everything Ivan thinks about her….Bettina storms off and Jorge exults that he’s got her number. He nailed it.
Slimy Ickturo accosts Val at her front door (what’s this about not opening to anyone?) She tries to slam it on his foot and he yells at her, so she lets him in. She demands to know why the h*** he’s here and who gave him her address. He got it by going back to the clinic. So much for confidentiality. He paces and scans her apartment, and demands to know if her little doctor is there. He doesn’t want to be caught unprepared. She retorts that he shouldn’t be involving Alonso in this, since he’s just a friend. They get to the point—she’s the only one who can help him. Nope, she’s the last person to help him, she declares. He tells her it’ll be worth her while (he and Jorge have the same lines here). Icky will make her his associate. For the kiddies, you know, so they’ll have an inheritance. “Did your Mommy give you permission?” Ickturo looks abashed and gulps.
Toribio and Paula, who seem to have lots of time on their hands during the day, talk over the situation with Ickturo and Valeria, which clearly Alonslow has mentioned to them. Toribio thinks Icky won’t leave Val in peace. He also wonders if Cat’s come back. Paula wonders if it’s important to him. (does she still move your heart?) Well, no, but he would like to know why she disappeared. Paula thinks if this woman raised a slime ball like Ickturo, she’s a witch and it’s best not to hang out with her. Bettina storms in and Paula wants to know how everything’s going with her baby. Bettina snaps “don’t call me your baby!” Paula wants to know what’s up and Toribio calls Bettina back to scold her—“what am I, chopped liver (a painting)?” Bettina asks them to excuse her and greets Granddad. She’s furious because of that scumbag Jorge and his nonsense. Toribio gives his opinion—he does NOT like Jorge. Paula thinks she should ignore Jorge, not get mad and don’t fall into his little game. Toribio agrees; the one who gets mad, loses. Bettina tells them that Ivan erased her from his contacts. Toribio teases her gently about getting dumped from the email contacts being the worst thing that can happen in the internet age and she tells him not to mock her. Toribio thinks Bettina should send him an email virus, which brings a chuckle to her lips and Paula’s.
Ickturo continues to present his case for a loan to Valeria. He reminds her his Mami has always helped them. “At what price?” Usurping my authority in front of my kids? Making me out to be the worst wife? She doesn’t want to argue with him now as if they had something. He makes the case that there’s a sacred link of the children between them. It won’t be broken easily, not even in 100 years. He begs for help again. She’ll have lots of profits. She tells him to take his tales to some other idiot. He tries to stroke her face and she slaps his hand. He argues that they were always really happy. (I must have been watching some other program). He says he’s learned the lesson. She wonders what he’s willing to do. Whatever she asks, he tells her. Okay, send your mother to Alaska. “Alaska?” Ickturo is dumbfounded. Valeria chuckles and opens the door to wave him out, telling him to go ask one of those bimbos (not related to colchones) he hangs with. They’ve wasted less on him than she has. He tells her she’s missing a golden opportunity. She makes a snide remark about his businesses and tells him to go already. Ickturo looks like a chastised child and Val closes the door behind him with a sigh.
Sara yells to the doorman to open the door already at the sound of the doorbell at the big house. In marches Santiago, ready for battle. She demands to know what the h*** he’s doing here since she’s told him she doesn’t want to see him. He tells her she wouldn’t dare. She scolds him for insulting her, which he thinks she deserves. She’s a b**** and a murderer! Even if everyone says the opposite. Look, decrepit old man, she tells him—I’m not wasting my time on you. She’s got a very important matter to attend to. But why is she explaining to him? She tells him to get lost. He’s not moving from this spot. Sara lunges at him, and he catches her hands and pushes her back. Santiago is not one to hit a woman. But, he’s here for the very same thing she is. The reading of Fafy’s will. “You?” Yep. How come, she wants to know. It’s what Fafy wanted. Sara doesn’t give a rip what Fafy wanted. The lawyer, Ortíz, comes in the open door. The lawyer thinks it’s what should matter to her the most. Sara looks at him defiantly. Ortíz tells her he called Santiago. Santiago looks back and forth between them. Sara puts on her cooperative face—can they start now? Nope, they’re waiting for one more person. In strolls Ern. Sara wonders why Ernesto’s here. He has no idea. He’s come with some amazement—but if Fafy left him something, he’ll treat her to a bottle of champagne. Sara is impactada.
Bettina starts to write to Ivan on email but decides against it. Jorge’s instant message pops in, and she doesn’t want to respond (“what part of disappear don’t you get?”) but he cajoles her into responding and putting on her webcam. There he is, with a big sign that says “I invite you to dance.” The sign disappears and Jorge’s face tells her to give him a chance. Silly girl, she actually smiles at him.
The attorney begins the reading of the last will and testament of Sr. Fernando Rafael Federico the third Cuenca and Espinoza of the Monteros (hunters), aka Fafy. Santiago and Sara sit in the front row with the lawyer behind the desk in the study, and Ern in the peanut gallery. The lawyer will begin with a letter from the deceased to Srta. Sara de la Cruz. She sobs gently for effect, looking constipated. (Wasn’t that supposed to be Alonslow?) He starts: “Sara—Kitten.” Sara sobs again—“that’s what he always called me fondly.” We hear Fafy’s voice reading the letter to us.
Fafy’s voice: I don’t know when death surprised me, but from this moment I want to leave this declaration/token (testimonio, one definition is token) as my main bequest to you, because I know perfectly well how much you loved me.
(Sara sobs into her hankie, UCS 9, really fake).
Fafy’s voice: My money never interested you, and your greatest happiness was in the long hours of pleasure that we had together.
Sara, through her tears: He was always so affectionate. That’s why I loved him so. And I still love him.
Santiago: My poor friend, to die like this, so betrayed.
(Sara gives him the stink eye).
Fafy’s voice: I loved you in my own way, you know that. You won my heart, and with it, my eternal gratitude. I hope you’ll like this video as much as I liked it.
(Sara sobs again.) The lawyer turns the laptop that has been sitting on the desk so Sara, Santiago and Ernesto can see the video that Fafy’s letter mentioned. How about that, it’s the one in the company office that Ern recorded with the hidden camera where Sara and Bruno spilled their guts about the poisonings, etc. We see them ‘fessing up in living black and white. Sara’s face goes through multiple contortions, none of them contrite. Santiago looks thoroughly nauseated as Sara kisses Bruto onscreen. Sara begins to hyperventilate and Ern smirks a little. Sara is muy, pero muy, commercial impactidísima.
Sara jumps up and shouts in the lawyer’s face. What is this bull****? (Okay I paraphrased here). Santiago, behind her, says it’s the confirmation of her dirty tricks. When he sees that doctor, he’ll show him how to be a man! (Santiago, you’re a day late and a dollar short). Sara demands to know if Santiago did this (the video). No, he spits back, but it would have delighted him to be the one to do it. She accuses Ernesto—is was you, you b*****d! She yells at them both to get out of her house. Ortiz tells her the one who has to leave is her. She yells that she’s the sole heir, she’s seen Fafy’s will. Ortiz tells her that he had time to see it – the same day he saw the video. (Hooray for all of us who figured this out! Hooray for Fafy!) Ortiz reads the revised will to them all:
“In full use of my faculties, I leave my fortune to establish a trust that will be used to build an old folks’ home. I want it to be administered by my friend Santiago Arredondo, who was the only person I could really trust. Santiago vows that he will take it upon himself to follow through with Fafy’s wishes. Sara is rabid—“NO! So much for nothing! I let him use me!” She pivots and points at Ernesto—“You d*** bas***d! I will kill you!” She tells him he’ll regret the day he crossed her path (it was a good hour that you crossed my path). He tells her it was a bad day that she crossed Lorena’s path. She sputters at him not to mention Lorena and he tells her he did it for Lorena—he’s pleased to have unmasked Sara in time. She tells him she hates him. Ernesto, totally calm and collected, tells her to say what she likes, but they’ve beat her. He didn’t really expect to leave her in ruins, but she deserves that and more. Santiago tells her she’s going back to the streets where she belongs. “Never!” She’s going to challenge and break the will. Sara begins to storm out and suddenly Hortensia’s joining the party in her old study. Sara demands to know why she’s here Hortensia’s come to tell her a tale that Sara told her when Hortensia was bedfast--about someone who stole her friend’s inheritance, all the while calling her sister. Sara screams for the d****d old woman to shut up and tries to run. Ern grabs her arms to stop her. Sara screams to be let go and suddenly Alonslow joins the festivities. “You’re not going anywhere, murderer.” Sara quiets down and tries to appeal to the one she thinks should love her. “You don’t have any reason to call me a murderer, please, Alonso.” She notes there is proof that Fafy died of natural causes. “But not Bruno,” Alonso tells her. “You killed him.” He continues that she never counted on Bruno having enough time to talk. His final words were to ask Alonso to bring her down. “No, this isn’t possible—I’m going crazy!” Hortensia pipes in that a plea of insanity won’t save her. She’s going to pay for all she’s done. Sara breaks away and runs, Ernesto dashing after her. The rest follow.
Sara only gets as far as the entry, where Vasco, Barb and Jaime are waiting. Vasco reminds Sara he told her once that she would be gone from there eventually, and today it’s definite. Sara calls him an imbecile and tells him he should be dead, too. She tells Jaime the accident with the cut brake line was intended for him—he should have been dead. Barbara lunges at her, furious that Sara can be such a cynic about trying to kill her ex and put her son into a coma. “And guess who helped me?” Sara spits the truth out at Barbara—it was your lover, Chalo. He cut the brake line! Jaime confronts Sara about what she did to his son, but Sara says there’s no proof of anything, since she was more intelligent than all of them. There were no witnesses, it was all perfect! Including the death of MY Chalo! Barbara is muy impactada. Sara insists Chalo was hers, not Barbara’s. Vasco can barely hold Barbara back from attacking Sara. He bitterly asks if Chalo’s fate was the same as Bruno’s. Alonso asks if he would have been the next one—dying like the rest of her lovers. Sara runs to him to try to hug him. She never would have tried to harm him—her only love. He pushes her back—her love was the worst nightmare of his life. Sara hits out at him and yells that he should have loved her, not that imbecile, Lorena.
Speaking of the Queen of Rome, Lorena, Zulema, Diana and Julian come in the open front door. If we had Omar, we’d have a full deck. And the joker is Sara. Sara puts on her best pitiful face and runs to Lorena. “Lorena, they want to hurt me! Help me! You have always cared about me!” Sara whines and hugs Lorena, who reluctantly holds her an instant, looking sad and wise beyond her years over Sara’s head. Zulema stands totally unmoved by this display behind Lorena. Sara backs away from Lorena, but they hold hands while Lorena looks sadly into the face of the one she called “sister.” Zulema, Julian and Diana watch soberly, arms crossed.
A cop comes rushing in and puts the shiny matching bracelets with the lovely chain connecting them on Sara’s slender wrists (oh, how satisfactory it is to this recapper to see this!). Sara looks at them desperately. It’s all over. Or, is it?
Monday: who knows? We’re in Últimas Horas here, even if they don’t advertise it that way. Plus they only tell us about the Gran Final next Friday.
Labels: enemiga
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Fuego en la Sangre, 11/21/08: Augie Takes Gabi’s BULL By the Horns
[Note: My request from last week still stands. Thanks. –ed.]
Both Fernando and Gabi are getting antsy being married to each other and both, it seems, are in for a big surprise…….. Feo meets with the attorney in Puebla City who did Gabi’s will, and tells him he’s there for “his wife” to get a copy of her will. The lawyer tells him that apparently Feo wasn’t kept in the loop: Gabi expunged him from her will, so All-Fer Nando is back to being None-Fer Nando.
Gabi, meanwhile, has had Rosendo drive her into town on bidnez. Rosendo gives her a telegram from Root that Ricardo Uribe has recovered. She crabs to Rosendo over not giving her the telegram sooner. Crabi gets out of the SUV and walks absent-mindedly into the street. Feo’s pea-brained posse has been following her in their truck ‘cause Feo’s put a hit on her. (Query: Why are there three guys in that truck when only one needs to slam down the gas pedal and go for it?) The driver revs the engine and races the truck into the middle of the street in their attempt to run her over.
At the same time, Augie’s gone to visit Bernie’s attorney. The lawyer tells him that Gabi and Fer were there ages ago and found out that Sofia’s defunct daddy left her the whole Elizondo enchilada, provided she was divorced from Fernando and had the first kid with a man she really loved. “They were very troubled because of it.” “—Ah, yes?”
Rosendo sees the truck racing towards Crabi and yells a heads up to her. She panics and can’t move. As Viewerville cheers on the bad guys, El Coyote sees what’s about to happen and races over just in time to push Crabi out of the way.
Back in Puebla City, Fer is now trying to wheedle out of Gabi’s attorney which of the daughters her money’s now going to AND why nobody ever bothered to tell him about it; but the lawyer refuses to discuss it and courteously kicks Feo’s devious derriere out of his office.
Again in Cd. Serdán, Coyote wants to take Crabi to a doctor to check out her hurt foot. All the while the poor guy can’t seem to take his eyes off her.
Across town Oscar and Franco pay a visit to Jimena and Sarita at the Trinkets R Us while a shirtless Juan treats us to another beefcake bucket-bath and wonders if his and Sofia’s love could be stronger than the painful memory of his parents’ murder at the hands of Bernardo Elizondo, the father of the love of his life. “Lots has happened since I returned from the jungle. I recovered my daughter and kept my promise, and I returned her to her mother.” Juan thinks to himself that he swore to avenge his parents’ death but figures it is going to be a bit difficult, since the guy who’s guilty, the one who destroyed his entire life and all his hopes, is already dead. (You’re hittin’ on about all cylinders so far, Juan. Well, almost.)
Across the way in her bedroom of the Double-E (Hacienda de las Elizondo y del Escandon) Sofia pets that same old angora baby sweater and is suddenly all smiles again because she is remembering the GREAT time she and Juan had when they went looking for baby clothes together. (Note: Sofia is officially no longer in “luto” (mourning) cuz she has exchanged the Gaudy in Gothic for Pretty in Pink.) “Juan gave me back my daughter and kept his promise like he always does.” A bit later she tinkles on that bell collection of hers and considers how fate continues to separate them from each other. A bit later, she tearfully admits to herself that Mama has succeeded in finally separating her daughters from the Reyes’. Oh, the pain, the shame, the grief! ~~~~~
Back at Trinkets, Franco and Oscar tell Jimena and Sarita the reason that Juan and Sofia have ended it a-gain. Sarita and Jimena refuse to believe their father was capable of murder, or that Mama could have concocted such a story if it weren’t true. (Say, what?) They’re hoping it’s all a misunderstanding or some sort of mistake. (Oh.) They have to break up, but first the two couples have to talk it out separately. In particular, Jimena and Oscar have to discuss what to do because of the little girls they’ve just adopted.
Back in town, wonders never cease as Gabi actually thanks El Coyote for saving her life. In fact, she tells him he can dispense with the “Doña” --and that he’s actually a nice guy when you come to think of it! Viewerville gags as Coyote tells her he IS a nice guy, but only where she is concerned, and that “nothing would be the same without her.” She refuses to see a doctor. He tells her to remember she can always count on him for whatever, anything out of the ordinary, even. He also warns her to be careful of those around her because what just happened to her to his way of thinking was done on purpose. (Gasp!)
Feo drives home in a snit. He thinks to himself that yeah, he is with Gabriela because she excites him, but her money excites him a whole lot more. His new plan is going to be to seduce her all over and convince her to make him her sole heir again. First he’s got to call off the hit or some other lucky S.O.B. will end up with her money instead of him.
Sofia asks the virgencita if Juan might ever be able to forgive and forget.
Juan visits the bank. His loan is finally paid off and his family’s hacienda is theirs free and clear once again.
Oscar tells Jimena he still loves her even if she doesn’t love him anymore, but she needs to grow up and understand he’s talking about the love between a man and a woman, not a pre-teen or a high school fling. (Go for it, Oscar! Yowza!) He’s not moving back in with her just for the sake of the little girls they adopted. If that’s all she wants, then it’s up to Sofia and Juan to take up the slack and forget the rest of it. Juan and Sofia have a responsibility to get married themselves if they want to hang onto those little girls.
A little while later Sofia is playing with the three little girls when Juan trots by on Capricho. He overhears her saying she wants to forget all her pain and sorrow. He jumps off and asks if she will manage to forget him too. Sofia says she’ll never be able to forget him. He says he can’t get her out of his mind. He’s conflicted. All he has to do is to look at her and he wants to run to her, to hug her, kiss her and touch her, to make love to her; but he just can’t.
Back at Trinkets meanwhile, Franco tells Sarita he doesn’t blame her for what her daddy did, and he still loves her with all his might, but they’d never be happy together because of IT. Sarita agrees and says the worst of it is that it’s happened just when they were actually finally getting along. So, it’s “Adios para siempre” and Franco exits stage left.
That night Augie explains to Sofia how she fits into Bernardo’s will as the sole heir to everything and how he doesn’t doubt Gabi got rid of her daughter so she wouldn’t lose control of the hacienda or the Elizondo fortune. Sofia is impactada and still refuses to believe that Mama could be guilty of all the horrible things that have happened to the family. Anyway, the only thing that matters to her is the three little girls. Augie can’t believe she wouldn’t want the inheritance but she says it’s stained with blood, so no go.
Sofia and Augie get frustrated with each other and go round and round. He insists that Gabi is lying and that Bernardo didn’t murder anyone. She insists that Mama isn’t lying and has no reason to; and despite everything, no, she can’t believe Daddy did such dastardly deeds either, but everything her mother told Juan fits perfectly with his memories. How could she have known so much if her father hadn’t been there and told her about it? Somebody had to have told her, and it very well could be her father. (I’m getting a headache.) Augie insists that somebody else told her, and that that somebody else was right there: “That somebody else was the true murderer of the Reyes’ parents and that somebody else was not your father!”
Augie tells Sofia that as far as the inheritance is concerned, he refuses to let Fernando get his mitts on a single centavo. Even if she’s not interested in it she owes it to herself, to her sisters, and to her daughters to fight for it, and he’s going to make sure that she does.
Speaking of Mama, Gabi is sitting in her bed nursing her foot and thinking about what El Coyote said to her earlier in the day when he saved her life when None-Fer Nando comes in faking concern about her nearly getting run over. He wonders why the family isn’t in there slobbering all over her because of it. Gabi says she never bothered to tell them about it. Then she throws El Coyote in his face and says that Coyote has been more attentive to her than he, her own husband, has. None-Fer swears he loves her more than anything in the world, so how could she continue to insult and to hurt him like that? She says good to know he loves her so much because she just changed her will and he’s no longer her sole heir.
Just then Augie comes rolling into the bedroom with Sofia to let them both know the jig is up. Even if Gabi would not have changed her will, she knows darned well she doesn’t have a right to any of the Elizondo fortune because Sofia is the sole heir since she had a daughter --exactly as Bernardo’s will stipulated!!
Across the way at the Double R (Hacienda de los Robles-Reyes) Juan and his brothers are backslapping each other because the mortgage to the hacienda is paid off in full and Juan has kept his promise to their parents. Oscar tells Juan then that he’s decided that even though he doesn’t want to, he’s bringing Jimena and the little girls they’ve adopted to live with them. Juan refuses to have Oscar live with the daughter of their parents’ murderer. He says they’ll find another solution to the problem with the little girls. He doesn’t know exactly what yet, but one thing is certain and that is that he will not let the little girls be taken away from them.
Back at the Double E, Gabi puts on another show for Snowfia. Gabi tries to play dumb but Augie says he’s been to see the attorney and the attorney told him himself that Gabi and Feo were there to see him a long time ago getting the 411 on that will. He wouldn’t put it past Fernandito that he convinced Gabi to get rid of Sofia’s daughter so that Gabi could arrange to keep the fortune for herself AND him.
Gabi plays another sympathy card, and for the umpteenth time--and Sofia falls for it for the umpteenth time. No, of course Sofia doesn’t believe Mama would go to such lengths, but Fernando is another story. She doesn’t trust him in the slightest. Gabi whines that she’s tired of all these accusations and says that she didn’t want to tell her before so as not to frighten her, but she was nearly run over in the street that morning. “Oh, Mamita!”
Mamita says she’s fine and just needs to rest. Augie’s not interested and tells her to give it and everybody else in the family a rest--just nix the nasty ‘tude and tricks. Fer warns Augie that although he’s been patient up to now, if Augie doesn’t stop harassing him and “his wife” he will sue him. Augie, he says, persists in trying to wreck their lives despite the fact that it was already proven that Armando was the one who kidnapped Sofia’s baby. Augie says wasn’t it convenient the way Armando and Rosario died like they did and suggests Fer is in this up to his neck. So, he’s not giving Fer the pleasure of leaving him alone for an instant; and he’s going to be keeping a close eye on Fer from now on. Augie says he doesn’t believe him and neither does Juan, who really will turn the two of them in to the police.
“Turn us in! Juan Reyes turn us in?” ¡Qué horror! So Fer snorts, “With what evidence?” Gabi ramps it up and deflects. “Oh, Sofia! Stop listening to your crazy abuelo and all those crazy accusations of his!” Oh, oh! It’s inconceivable that her own father, the crazy coot, would dare accuse her of such horrendous things. Sure, she and Sofia have had their disagreements but she never ever has acted against her! “Look me in the eyes, Sofia! You DO believe me, DON’T you?” Sofia first looks at Augie who’s rolling his eyes. She looks back at Mama and says no, of course not. --Viewerville wants to pull its hair out as it watches in amazement, also for the umpteenth time, Sofia showing her naively misplaced support for mendacious Mamita with another mother-daughter hug fest. (¡Caray! ¡Caray!)
Meanwhile, Fer’s two not-so-blood-thirsty chumps, happy as hell that when the rubber literally hit the road they didn’t actually manage to splat flat and smear Doña Gabriela all over the pavement after all, decide they’d better skip town and hop the next bus to Anywhere.
Across town, Padre Tadeo and Juan have a heated discussion about what can be done legally with the little girls since Jimena and Oscar don’t live together anymore. Juan warns Tadeo that one way or the other he will never let those little girls be given back to the orphanage.
Back at the Double E, Gabi’s pity party continues. Gabi concedes Sofia is now full owner of the hacienda. Fernando selflessly declares he will remain with “his wife as she is”, without expecting anything in exchange because what keeps him there is “only the love that we share.” Gabi adds it’s woe is she, having now lost everything that she had, and after expending all that effort fighting tooth and nail alongside Bernardo, and for what? For him to not only betray her love with a younger woman but to snatch away everything that was once hers.
Ok. She and Fer will leave whenever Sofia says, right now if she wants. Augie makes a quick save for Sofia, saving her from herself before she falls into another one of her Mamita’s traps. He takes over: “Very well done, Gabriela! Brilliant acting job! Sofia will think things over first, and later, after she decides she’ll let you know. Now let’s go, Sofia.” “Ok, Abuelo.” She rolls him out of the room and it’s score one for the home team –-the real home team.
Once they’re alone, Feo wants to know what Gabi’s planning to do now. She tells him she’ll let him know when she’s ready and kicks him out of their bedroom. Alone, Gabi swears to herself that “Sofia will never ever get what’s mine! Never!” (¡Qué melodramática! Y’all understand that, right?)
Across the hall Augie immediately calls a meet in Sofia’s room with her and her sisters to tell them about Bernardo’s last will and that he recently discovered their father named Sofia as his sole heir. Sofia says not to worry, that she plans to divide everything equally among her sisters and Mama. Augie says not so fast. Does she really want Feo to end up with her mother’s share? He’s got a better idea, even though it may take a while. Sarita is all ears. So Augie explains that for now they’ll keep the will the way it is and that will help stop Gabi from manipulating them the way she has. At the same time they’ll give Mama a taste of her own medicine. In the long run, the important thing is to protect Gabi from Fernando. (Only a parent could love a child like that…) Now that she has nothing, it’s certain he’ll show his true colors. “What a coincidence that somebody tried to run her over, huh?” “—But that was an accident!” says Sofia. Augie says baloney! Sarita and Jimena ask if he really means that somebody tried killing Mama? Augie says yeah, “Fernando! Fernando! Who else!” Coming from Augie, this accusation leaves all three sisters muy impactadas. (Yes. Hope springs eternal in the Mudville of Mexico. )
Feo, meanwhile, is planning ahead himself and races into his old room to get the cash and Libia’s medallion out of his safe so he can stash them somewhere else. He thinks back to the time Bernardo threatened to let the others know about him and how the argument led to Bernie falling off his horse and fatally hitting his head on a rock. “You are a fool, Bernardo. The best thing to come out of all this is that now the Reyes’ believe that you killed their parents without suspecting that their parents’ real murderer will be arriving in town real soon.”
A while later Juan makes another midnight visit to Sofia’s room. She tells him that she didn’t expect to see him there like that again. He says he’s always got the…er… urge to see her. The reason he’s there though, is to let her know that he went to see Padre Tadeo over what could be done about the social worker taking the little girls away from them. He wants her to know that if the social worker tries anything, he’ll kidnap the little girls himself to keep her from getting them. He’ll let Sofia know where and when she can find them so she can see them whenever she wants. He won’t let anyone dare to ever take her children from her again.
Sofia is so grateful that she tries to hug Juan, but he backs away and starts to leave, but then he gives in and comes back. He hugs her tightly. “How I wish I didn’t remember a thing, to be able to hug you, to touch you and to hold you like this!” He moves in for THE KISS, but as soon as he tries to kiss her the memories of his parents’ murder, the visions of the snake belt, and the ugly laughter as Juanjo is being shot in front of his face, all flood his brain and he stops cold. “I can’t! I can’t! Dammit all!! I can’t get this damned memory of the murder of my parents out of my mind! Forgive me, Sofia! Forgive me!” He races back out through the balcony. Sofia is literally left panting (as only a true melodrama queen like AN can), “My Love! My Love!”
Labels: Fuego
Friday, November 21, 2008
Doña Bárbara, Thurs., Nov. 20 - DB and Luisana exchange insults; Marisela reacts badly to the news of Cecilia & Lorenzo's wedding
Meanwhile Santos is getting beat up by Melendez and his henchman when he won't confess to being part of the rebel group. All of a sudden, Melendez gets order from above to let Santos go.
DB is crazy with worry about Santos. She leaves the hospital against medical advice and heads to the building where Santos is being held to get him released herself.
Santos is sent to an office where he finds Luisana. Santos apologizes to her for the way he treated her. She tells him that she made the right decision to marry the super rich Tony. She tells him that he should leave DB before it's too late and that DB is a killer and evil. Luisana says that she had wanted to spit in Santos' face when she saw him again but not anymore. She says goodbye to him forever.
DB is out of her area of influence and is making a futile effort to bribe the guard in front of the building where Santos is being held. Melquiades tries to get her to leave before Chepo or Melendez sees her. Luisana breezes out and insults DB's pathetic efforts. Then Santos appears. He is upset that she left the hospital and wants to know how she found out he had been arrested. DB evades answering.
Back at Altamira, Cecilia and Lorenzo decide to go to San Fernando and get married right away. Marisela makes a futile effort to convince them that this is a mistake and says that she won't participate in the ceremony. Then she goes to tell Antonio what is happening.
Meanwhile, Maria Nieves has a quickie and gets the warning from Federica. Casilda sees MN coming out of Federica's house and passes this information on to Marisela.
DB and Santos make love. DB says that she isn't looking for vengeance on Chepo. DB also tells Santos that she wants to have his baby. She says that maybe this time she will be a good mother.
Melquiades kidnaps Chepo.
The next day Santos has a business meeting that will last all day. DB says that she will go out shopping and even promises to get a nice gift for Marisela to try and heal their relationship. Where she actually goes, however, is to where Melquiades is holding Chepo and promises him a long agonizing death.
Gonzalo finds Santos coming out of the hotel.
Melendez receives a report on Santos. He is interesed in the woman with whom Santos is staying at the hotel. He wants to send Chepo to check her out but he is told that Chepo has shown up for work yet.
Labels: barbara
El Cuerpo del Deseo, - Thurs., Nov. 20 - the deathwatch for PJ/S continues
So besides the hospital shots with the ugly tubes up the nose, we don't see much of PJ/S except Simón has a dream about him and Valeria. Valeria tells Simón how much she loves him and the PJ/S staggers up apparently shot in the heart and bleeding.
On Wednesday, Rebeca's success in getting Salvador's hair and nail clippings came to naught when Gaetana interrupted Matilde's session with Rebeca and chaos ensued. Matilde never saw the picture of PJ/S.
On Thursday, Rebeca decided to go to Tio Felipe's house. She is horrified to learn that PJ/S is supposedly married to the rustic Cantalicia. She refuses to tell Cantalicia anything about PJ/S's whereabouts.
PJ/S wakes up in the hospital.
Antonio has taken to wandering around the house at night in his zombie state. Walter demonstrates his compassion for a person with mental problems and Antonio attacks him. After the attack, Isabel decides that Antonio will have to be institutionalized.
Labels: cuerpo
Cuidado Thursday, November 20, 2008: New beginnings: two embryos and an embryonic star
I understand you and Onelia are allies now, he adds with a flourish.
Isa, who as you will recall had just been asked by Ceci at the end of yesterday’s show how old Stef was, tells her 22. I’m surprised that you ask, says Isa. Ceci says there’s a good reason – she looks older than 22. Ceci just looks at her.
Back to JM and Mari. She is trying to walk away and he says I’m talking to you! Mari says when I was testifying, Onelia had already spilled the beans. JM says yes, but that you would heap it on too! He is talking at top speed and I didn’t catch the rest, maybe something about what if it had been a crooked judge… Anyway, he says that he’s glad she did that because it cured him of his fascination with her. And of his guilt. He announces that she’s worse than him – a thousand times worse. Mari rolls her eyes.
When I did what I did, says he, I was drunk and not myself. But you were sober - and calculating - when you testified against me.
Mari says if that’s what you think, fine. Leave. JM says you know what my daughter means to me. You were trying to hurt me the worst you could. Mari loses patience and says okay, if that’s what you want to hear, I did testify against you to get my revenge. Happy?
That’s great says JM because I’m cured of my love for you. I don’t love you any more (Mari tries to look defiant but doesn’t quite bring it off) which is just as well because you hate me. Mari takes off and JM looks tragic a little bit. During all this, the many people on the street didn’t pay a shred of attention to their spat.
Mari starts to head upstairs to the apartment, but instead goes back down and sits under the picturesque arch under the building and sobs. She thoughtbubbles that it’s just as well this way. She wishes she had Cuate to hold. She can’t tell Cande. I’m alone, she sobs to herself. But then she feels her belly and says no I’m not, I’ll have my own little baby.
Now we’re back with Ceci and Isa, who says she is surprised Ceci would make that comment about Stef. She says Stef has always looked older than her age, and besides, don’t forget that she has had a hard life, working since she was a child. What? says Ceci, shocked. Isa backpedals and says well, not work in the strictest sense of the word, but she did have to help with the financial situation. Ceci notices this gaping hole in the story and says but you told me you had helped Stef in every way.
Isa has many shortcomings, but she is not slow on her feet. She casts her eyes down and says well, the truth is that we both had to work in order to get ahead. This has the desired effect, and Ceci anguishes a bit. Isa says you’re not thinking that Stef isn’t yours? Ceci says no no, it’s not that, she just looks awfully mature for her age.
Sparkly stars and we’re in Grannyland. Mayita looks happy and asks Granny to tell her a new story. Granny tells the Aesop’s fable of the fox and the crow, the one where there’s a crow in a tree with a piece of cheese in its beak and the fox flatters it a bit and then says I bet you have a wonderful singing voice, and the crow opens her beak to demonstrate her voice and the cheese drops to the fox. Granny’s moral is that the crow is a preening fake, and hungry to boot. (The usual moral to this tale is flatterers are not to be trusted.) Anyway, Granny is making a point about how poseurs end up losers.
Speak of the devil(s)! In their room, Isa is telling Stef about Ceci’s question and her reply. Stef says well it is certainly true I’ve worked all my life. Isa says I’m worried Ceci may suspect something. If they discover us, what will we do? They both shake their heads and wonder.
Rocio is being unveiled! There she is with only slight scars and a bit of her eyebrow askew. Amazingly, after having been under those bandages so long, there’s no gooey or yucky stuff to see and her skin is dewey. She looks sweet-faced again and they hand her a mirror and we know she’ll be pleased, but they don’t show us that.
Mari comes home and Cande fakes that she was doing nothing. For her part, Mari fakes being cheery and says I hope you didn’t tell anybody about the acting thing, they’ll say it’s all made up. Cande says nobody has said anything. Mari tells about the shopping trip and says pretty soon they’re going to lifted out of poverty.
Cande says aren’t you afraid of Amador? Mari says, hey, he ought to be afraid to me. Cande says will you really be on TV? Mari thinks so. Cande says she will be so proud of Mari on TV, she will brag, and then she imagines an elegant party and her being Mari’s mom, signing autographs and giving interviews on what Mari likes to eat. This reminds Cande that she’s hungry.
When Cande’s back is turned, Mari thinks of JM saying he hated her now and tears well up.
Rocio is looking in the mirror. She’s shocked and cries and says she looks just the same. (And I thought she looked almost as good as new!) The doctor says there will be other surgeries and with each one she’ll look better and better.
Mari pedals over to Televisa and is filmed doing dialog with a tall, blonde actor. I don’t know the characters of Pygmalion, but the counterparts in My Fair Lady would be Eliza Doolittle and Henry Higgins. She is in the I’m a poor girl phase. He corrects a language error. (I’m not sure why this is being filmed, since she doesn’t seem to have been by hair and makeup.)
Cut! and Amador says terrific and the crew claps. The Henry Higgins actor says she’s a natural. Mari is happy and Amador goes to give her a congratulatory hug but she says hands off. He tells her she was great and she says really?
JM is walking down a hospital hall, doing his eyebrow touch thing. He sees Beatriz coming out and says Beatriz? He asks how she is and she says bad… destroyed. He says time to rebuild your life. She says you’re wasting your time. Not at all says JM and says let’s go to the cafeteria. Off they go.
In Madrid, beautifully attired Lety is lying on her bed and Viv, unseen by her but seen by us, has given up on measuring drops from the eyedropper and just squirts the whole contents into the glass of water. Viv asks how her headache is and Lety says she’s practically seeing stars. Viv hands her her medicine to drink.
Lety says did you notice when Gustavo came in last night? Viv says no. Lety says 3 in the morning – I’m going have an honest talk with him. Viv wonders if that’s a good idea, but Lety says he owes me that.
Beatriz is telling JM how depressed she is and he asks why and she says she’s pregnant. JM asks who the father is and she says Amador. JM rolls his eyes.
Back at Televisa Amador is assuring Mari that she did great and that that applause from the crew was sincere. He says there are humble people out there who have natural talent and he’s pleased that he was able to discover her. Others go through life never knowing they have the gift. Mari says so do I get to be in the show? Amador says the part is yours, there are just some details to work out.
He informs her that the show is going to film now. I think he said it’s going to be on next Sunday, and he needs her for ads now. That’s sure a short time frame to learn the whole part in Pygmalion! Why didn’t they have the actress months ago?? Anyway, Amador says see? Like you said, nothing is going to stop you now.
Viv is telling Lety to wait and be sure before she talks to Gustavo. Maybe it’s just some unimportant fling. Lety says after all these years of marriage, there is no such thing as an unimportant fling. Viv says you’re not sure anything is happening. Lety says but you told me. Viv says but you didn’t see for yourself. I’m sure he’ll get tired of her very soon. Wait. Lety, who is taking this turn of events relatively calmly says well, okay.
We’re in the hospital cafeteria again and JM is asking Beatriz if she’s told Amador. She says no and she can’t even imagine how he’d react. She says I wish I could just die. JM says let me psychoanalyze you, here’s my card. I can help you.
Amador and Mari are looking at the test tape and she is cringing to see herself, but she’s fascinated too. An assistant tells Amador someone is waiting and it’s urgent. He goes to the lobby and sees it’s Beatriz. No more Mr. Nicewolf: He says coldly ¿Que. haces. aqui? He can’t talk to her at work, and she says you’re never home and he says he has tons of work and that they can’t see each other like they did. She tells him she’s pregnant. Amador looks like hmmm. For the ad break, he is shown petting his wolf and the cellos buzz.
JM is visiting Rocio and is telling her that her attitude is ridiculous, she looks way better than before and besides the scars will get smaller and smaller with each surgery. He tells her she needs to be strong for Vicente, for everyone. Rocio smiles you’re right, and if I start whining, let me know. Oh I will, he says, laughing.
She asks after Mayita and JM says much better and he tells how Stef bought Cuate from Mari. Rocio says I can’t imagine she would sell Cuate, she loves that dog. JM says it seems her emotions are pretty changeable and that she doesn’t know how to love anyone, not even a dog.
Amador asks Beatriz whose kid it is. She says yours of course and he says he knows she had other men. She says of course not. He wants a blood test, then reproaches her for not protecting herself, and she says you should have used protection.
Amador says he’s not taking responsibility and she says you think I should get rid of it, huh? He says yes, you know what to do. The cellos go nuts. He leaves her standing there.
He’s back by the TV with Mari who says she’s embarrassed to see herself on TV and people will laugh. Amador says no they won’t and tells her she needs a stage name, but she says she already has a name. He starts thinking of names, hits on Alejandra Alba, then decides to name her after him, her discoverer, like they do a new species of fruit fly. Alejandra Robles! (Not only does that not have as nice a ring as Alejandra Alba, we know what’s going to happen when JM sees her on TV - which has gotta happen - going by that name.) That’s your name from now on he exults. Mari rolls her eyes and Amador laughs and tells her she can go change. (I thought those were here street clothes!) She takes off down the hall.
Wow this happened sooner than I expected: Mayita is watching TV with Cuate while Stef reads. Mari’s ad comes on and Mayita exclaims. Stef looks at the TV astonished and JM appears and looks too. All are impactados, Mayita is excited.
In Madrid, Viv asks Lety if she’s talked to Gustavo. Lety says no, she took Viv’s advice. Viv says how about next time he goes out, I’ll follow and tell you what happens. Lety says okay, only this time I’m coming along. Viv bobbles a bit then says that’ll be great.
Zip we’re in Mayita’s bedroom again, looking at them looking at TV. JM seems slightly amused and Mayita is going nuts with excitement. She wants to know why Mari is using that name. She runs off saying she wants to tell everybody. Stef looks disgusted and says I don’t believe it. JM half smiles and says asi que sera eso, which I’m not sure what it means. Maybe “so that’s what it was”? (This seems important, help!)
We see Olga in her humble kitchen, humbly cooking. Her daughter Purita comes in dragging Adrian. Olga swears she saw Mari on TV under the name of Robles. Purita is all excited and realizes that Adrian seems to already know. He says yes, that’s her.
JM tells Stef about going to Televisa (how do you get in just like that, anyway?) and seeing Mari in Amador’s embrace, looking like they were about to kiss. Stef wants to know why he went looking for her. JM tells her he’d seen her earlier with Amador and wanted to tell her to knock it off. Anyway, says JM, it looks like maybe I could have misinterpreted things.
Stef says it’s ridiculous for somebody like Mari to turn overnight into an actress. JM seems pleased and says well we just saw it. Mari didn’t cheat on me with Amador, he says smiling.
Olga is exclaiming over Mari being an actress and wonders how she learned it. Adrian says she seems to know how and she has the lead. Olga is thrilled and Purita too. Olga goes upstairs and Purita notes that Adrian doesn’t seem happy about Mari. He says no, did you ask her what I wanted you to? Purita says not yet. Adrian says I’m losing her more every day. Purita says maybe she’ll do this one program and that’s all. Adrian says no, her life is going to change.
The neighborhood gossips are in full bloom, including they lady with the rollers in her hair, Casilda. They are having fun with the news of Mari, suggesting that her figure got her into TV and that well, you know what happens in that world… They spot Cande coming and they loudly say here comes Candelaria, queen of the neighborhood. She’s going to have lots of money, made off of nudity. Cande ignores them. They make other taunting remarks about folks in the entertainment industry.
A lady is knocking on Cande’s window and Cande who’s just coming home says here I am Clemencia, so we know her name. Clemencia is all excited about having seen Mari on TV. Cande didn’t know about the ad, in fact she says so it’s real, I wasn’t sure if it was all true. They decide to go to Olga’s to watch on her TV.
They arrive and the ad seems to be playing almost continuously, probably because almost nobody is buying ad time in this recession. Cande is thrilled and says to Damien it’s true and Damien says unfortunately yes. Seems like love has left him in the dust of the road and he knows it. But everyone else is excited and they plan a big TV party with munchies on Sunday. Cande wonders if it’s shot live and Damien says no it’s taped ahead of time.
Mari is shooting the scene where the Henry Higgins-equivalent character is telling Liza he accepts the job of improving her speaking and he tells his housekeeper to take Liza upstairs and give her a bath, and Liza says I bathe myself and I don’t need money or anything from you. (hey! Is My Fair Lady called Pygmalion in Spanish? These lines seem awfully familiar.)
Amador is watching with the crew and he says she’s a marvel, she will be the envy of seasoned actresses. He says he’ll fill his coffers with money and his heart with….
At the judge’s house, Isa and Stef are standing by that inside water wall and clucking over Mari’s debut. They decide it’s no reach for her to play a naca, but what is she going to do when the character gets refined? (Stef’s hair ribbons are just too much tonight – long and red.) Isa wants to know if JM knows and Stef says yup.
Back on the soundstage, Mari is now in a short dressy dress and her hair has been done up a bit. They cut and her co-star congratulates her and so does Amador. People are calling her Alejandra and it’s a bit odd for her. Amador says that Sunday they are going to be swamped by the press. (What does farandula mean, anyway? I can’t find it in my on-line dictionary but I see it a lot.) Amador says you will be famous and you’ll be working non-stop. Mari feels her still-flat tummy and says I hope I can. Oblivious, Amador says of course you can.
She asks if there are pregnant roles. He says sure, he’ll write her one. He tells her never to forget that he created her and she belongs to him. She says as an artist, but not as a woman. I’ll go along with that, he says. You know, Sunday some guy is going to see you on TV and realize what he let slip through his fingers.
The artist group is meeting at some tables, maybe at the theater, and they say Amador has been very mysterious and hasn’t even been around to direct their play. Nelson says I’m his best friend and he didn’t even tell me anything. But they comment that Amador has given Mari his last name and it’s a good thing he didn’t give her his first one too. Beatriz says she went to see him at his job and he was unkind to her. Elsa tells her to forget him. Beatriz says she can’t. Elsa tells her you were in love with him, but we can all see how he’s chasing Mari.
They say they may never see him again, but Elsa says she can’t stop seeing him, not now. She tells them she’s pregnant by him.
Ceci and the judge are sitting down to eat outside their mansion. She tells him about Mari being the new face on TV this Sunday and that she’s acting under another name. The judge says I sure hope she doesn’t have a speaking part. Ceci tells him she’s the lead. He can’t believe it and she is a little unsure. Here comes Stef and they tell her about it. She fakes not knowing. She says what fun they will have watching Mari make a fool of herself Sunday. Ceci looks at her disapprovingly, but Stef doesn’t notice. One good thing: She’s wearing barrettes and not ribbons.
Cande’s friends are outside in the street talking and here comes the padre. He wants to know about Mari and they say how they’re all going to watch together. He is amazed he didn’t know about it, but they say Mari wanted to surprise everyone. Here comes Cande and he wants to know how Mari got into TV and she says Amador. He says that guy who assaulted her? Why didn’t you forbid it? Cande says ah, you know! The padre wants to see her and they says she’s down at the studio. They all (except the padre) can’t wait for Sunday.
Eduardo pops in on JM at this office and they discuss Mari’s being on TV, and her name change. Eduardo says do you think Amador has hidden motives and JM says they’re hardly hidden! Eduardo says Amador is really taking a chance. If she’s a flop, the critics will have a heyday. JM says Amador will do anything to get what he wants. Eduardo says he’s probably convinced her that she’s a great actress. JM asks if he’s going to watch and Ed says probably and JM says he’s not sure yet if he will.
Mari comes home late at night and Cande springs out from behind the pillar and congratulates her. She says she found out Mari’s surprise. She is all enthusiasm but after a while notices Mari isn’t equally excited. Mari says it’s all true about the acting, but maybe it’s not for her. She’s still not happy.
Avances: Sunday night! Stef and Isa watch and scoff, Mari’s whole neighborhood streams indoors in to watch Mari on TV, there’s a big neighborhood party, Mari is exultant, fireworks go off, and guess who shows up but JM who smiles at Mari.
Labels: Cuidado
QE Thursday 11/20 (#105) - Bruto tastes Love Potion #86 and all the weiners get their neeners
Lorena, hearing Greta, immediately comprehends that Jimena has been tricking both her and Ernesto. She tells Jimena she can't believe she sank so low as to pretend to be her friend to try to steal Ernesto away from her. Jimena reasons since Lorena had the doctor she didn't need Ernesto. Interesting logic but Lor doesn't buy it, "my love life isn't your business". As the star of this show she gets to have as many men as she wants and Jimena gets nothing, neener neener neener. (OK, I paraphrased.) Lorena points out that Ernesto's not going to be happy to hear about Jimena's trickery and she orders Jimena to get out.
In a random scene Zuly scolds Matilde for forgetting the peppers. Matilde says she was distracted because she's so happy at the prospect of seeing Zulema cook. She rushes out to the store while Zulema gets ready to watch Lorena's show. Uh, OK.
The very bad Private Investigator tries to talk his way into the Televisa studios to watch Ernesto, it's for his work, uh, it's private business, but the receptionist who has heard it all soon wearies of him and tells him to leave. Remember how Juan Querendón could always talk his way into the Televisa studios? Well this guy's no Juan.
Ern and Lor get ready for their show by discussing Fafy's demise and the pair of wretches who no doubt helped him get there. Lorena tells him that Snorty mentioned Santiago was Fafy Cuenca's dear friend and Ern says he's suffering and he hopes he keeps his silence about Ernesto's involvement. Lor wants to talk to him about Jimena but they are interrupted by the director's countdown. These two are pretty cool about being on camera. If it were my show I would be a nervous wreck checking ingredients and psyching myself up instead of talking.
Omar watches the show while stuffing a fast food burger in his mouth. Oh how the well-fed have fallen. Another neener.
Over at casa pobre Zulema snacks on product-placed Bimbo colchones while Ernesto welcomes the audience to their second season and Lor thanks God that her mother came out of the coma. She wants to dedicate this first show to her. Zuly happily eats her colchones and remarks that Lor is cooking a dish that Zuly taught her. In his lonely room Omar is sad, heh.
Sara yells at Santi some more, he was nothing more than a toady to Fafy. Her mouth is a perfect claymation square (thanks Susanlynn). She bares all her teeth and spits insults at him. He gives it right back, calls her a harpy and a cursed witch; Fafy's message proves he trusted Santiago! Sara yells at him to leave. Santiago tearfully scrunches up his face.
Team Al watches the show and compliments Lorena's talent while Al sighs "how lovely she is". Tori comments that he loved eating Lorena's cooking and knew she'd be a chef. Paula tells Al he'd better get on the stick or Chef Ernesto will make him eat swine, i.e. steal a march on him. (This was an idiom that Paula used with the verb comer, a play on words referencing Ern's career, "comerle a alguien el mandado" = to spoil someone's plans and get an advantage over them by doing something sooner or better than them). Betina agrees that Al is too slow, it's time to do something drastic. Tori calls him a chicken and tells him to hurry up and take the bull by the horns.
Ern and Lor finish another successful show. He wants to know what's up with Jimena but they are interrupted by a call from Santiago who tells Ern that the autopsy came back...apparently Fafy died of natural causes. Ern is impactado. He and Lor are about to talk when Celeste tells Ern he has an interview right now with a gourmet magazine. Lorena invites him to stop by her house later tonight. Excellent idea.
Julian pays another visit to Toño the forger and this time Toño's at home. Julian tries to get Toño to help him get the goods on Sara but Toño refuses. It's not his problem and his business has taught him to be discreet. Sorry but he can't do something like that without implicating himself.
Sara and Bruno celebrate Fafy's demise with a drink and it doesn't take long for this greedy pair to start bickering. Sara says things are finally going her way. Bruno reminds her things are going their way. Sara keeps commenting about "her" money and Bruno keeps reminding her they're in this together, it's "their" money. He suggests opening a joint account where they can't spend the money without the other's consent. Sara hates this idea and informs him from now on she doesn't want to be stuck with him. He replies that he was thinking they would get married. She makes a sour face and he asks "don't you want to be Mrs. De Palma?" She thinks he's crazy. He says he's decided that's how it will be and can she think of a better plan? She looks at him with ominous loathing. I would say yes, she's thinking of a better plan.
After the commercial he tells her end of discussion, he wants her, then he calls her "gatita" which truly irritates her. He says he'll call her whatever he wants because she's his woman. Oh and he wants her to wear a negligee, now! As he swaggers upstairs he turns and tells his ga-ti-ta to pour him another class of wine. She glares daggers at him and her cogs and sprockets start, yes!
Jimena shows up at Ern's house and learns that Lor hasn't spilled the beans on her yet. She tells Ern they need to talk.
Over at Moth-Eaten Estates Catalina misses her grandkids and gets mad when Icky says he wants to call Valeria tomorrow and borrow money from her. Of course he's lost all their money and wants to go sniveling back to Val. Cat doesn't like the idea because she's convinced Valeria will revel in their misfortune. He hopes Val will forgive him for forgetting the children. Cat snarls that he couldn't call them, that's different from forgetting, but she wonders what excuse he'll give Val for not calling. She also thinks he needs to be careful of Sara. Icky pines over Val and says it would be very lucky if she gave him another chance. Dude, she is so over you. Neener.
Tori's at the clinic looking for Al. He comments he probably knows where Al is but he wisely does not reveal it to Val. They say tact skips a generation. He ends up chatting to Val and she mentions she and the kids are very happy and she hasn't heard a thing from Icky. No she doesn't think it's weird because they are used to his absence. She lets slip that her kids think Al is the best man in the world. Tori chuckles knowingly and Val looks busted.
Ern is irate at Jimena. He tells her he doesn't hate her but he feels very disappointed. She admits it was love for him that drove her to play dirty. However she has some advice for him, judging by Lorena's reaction she still loves Ernesto. He should go and find her now, don't waste any more time. She tells him that a woman in love cannot be just a friend, goodbye forever. Eavesdroppers kids and Fanny rush out and urge him to go to Lorena.
Over at the jewelry store Al is busy picking out an engagement ring for the most wonderful, noble and real woman in the world. She's not his girlfriend but she's the woman he loves. The clerk pretends to care.
When Lor gets home Snorty compliments her on her show and Zuly is on cloud nine because of Lor's on-air message to her. Lor tells them she invited Ernesto over for dinner which Zuly thinks is a great idea but she gets all in a flutter, whatever will she cook for this great chef?
Snorty asks Lor if she invited Ernesto because she's decided on him? Lor smiles shyly and tells her abuela that he's coming over to discuss the death of Fafy Cuenca, they need to develop a new strategy to trap Sara. However, she admits she has revised her opinion of Ernesto. Snorty advises Lor to use her heart to choose between Al and Ern. Lorena says it's hard to decide...same old.
Back at the only joyería in the DF Al's got his rings lined up. Who should walk in but Ern who wants a special ring for a special woman. The two rivals size each other up as the kooky music plays.
Sara tells the wine bottle that if Bruno wants a glass of wine he'll get it. At first I thought we might be seeing some product placement but she pours white wine out of a bottle of Louis Latour Beaujolais-Village Chameroy. Eh? Isn't the Beaujolais-Village a red wine? Oh never mind. She pours a glass for Bruto, hides the bottle, then pours herself a glass from another bottle. He calls to his gatita and asks about his wine. She gleefuly hands him his glass, calls him her little beast and toasts to their brilliant future swimming in gold. He flashes his most odious grin and she smirks affectionately. Bruto's about to be 86ed as they say in the kitchen.
Lorena tells Snorty it's hard to listen to her heart. Snorty tells her to imagine the rest of her life, who is it she wants to spend every day of her life with? Lorena gets a funny smile. Is it love mixed with hunger I hope I hope?
Sara wants to toast their partnership, a toast to Sara and Bruno...until death parts them. They chug their wine and she smiles, working her jaw oddly like a mantis who has just bitten the head off her mate. Bruto gives her a funny look, does he suspect?
No, after drinking through the commercial all he can think about is rolling in dough. Sara strokes his ego by saying she looks forward to having a real name instead of an orphanage name. He wants to travel to Paris. "Whatever you decide my love," she coos. He says it's the best day of his life because today he stops being a loser starts being be a millionaire. He kisses Sara goodbye and says he's off to help with Fafy's arrangements. Sara happily mutters, "What's stopping is your existence, you said yourself the poison is slow but sure."
Bruto gets in his car, surveys the house and congratulates himself on the power that all his millions will bring.
Ern shows the kids his ring. They think he'll win Lorena for sure and Ern seems confident by the look he saw in Lorena's eyes. Just then Bad Hair Jorge strolls in and pulls a bunch of food out of the refrigerator without even saying hi. What a leech. Ern scolds him and tells him to have respect, even his nephews ask permission first. "Fine, eat your popcorn," Jorge sasses, putting the popcorn and lemonade on the table. (May I say he at least has good taste in snacks? As a kid I regularly made myself sick by injesting too much popcorn and lemonade, one of my favorite combinations to this day.)
Ivan decides to go get the snacks himself and stupidly leaves his laptop open. A message pops up, "We need to talk", presumably from Betina. Jorge takes over and composes a quick response, "I'm not interested". He smiles nastily.
On the receiving end Betina is very upset. She tells Pau that Ivan deleted her from his contacts and wants nothing to do with her. She cries on mom's shoulder and Paula reassures her that Ivan is immature, maybe one day they will recognize their mistakes and reconnect, eh?
Ivan comes back with the snacks and tells Jorge he was rude for grabbing the food, all he had to do is ask permission, duh, get a clue and some manners. Jorge accuses Ivan of being a child. Ivan notices that Betina's no longer one of his contacts. Jorge pretends to look and cheerfully notes she must have deleted Ivan. For a young kid he's pretty smarmy.
Stupid Al happily shows Val the ring he bought for Lorena.
Over at the lesser house there's lots more Bimbo product placement, apparently that's all Zuly and Lor want to eat because they're really macking on a mountain of colchones. Both Lor and Diana want to help Zuly cook but they're relegated to setting the table. Lor tells Diana that someone else will join them, Ernesto's stopping by. Diana gets super excited, he's a part of the family, hooray! but Lor says they have a lot to talk about. Diana stuffs a colchone in her mouth. OK, they're yummy, we get it, I'm going to buy a bag tomorrow to see what the big deal is. I'll report back. Zuly asks if Al is coming over. Lor looks incredulous, having them both there would be a time bomb!
Bruto starts to feel the effects of the poison. His hands get numb. He thinks back in horror...he poisoned the wine, then he drank some wine. The poison! Damn that Sara!! He pulls out his cell phone but he's fading fast. Gasping for breath he calls an ambulance.
Sara calls the PI and tells him his services are no longer needed. Now that Fafy has died she cares about nothing. She caresses the poison bottle and cackles at Bruto, he should be feeling the effects by now. Bwaahaahaahaaa. She grabs the poison bottle and glass, time to get rid of the evidence.
Zuly has made platters of colchones appetizers and she's on cloud 9. She woke from her coma, she's not fat, and now Rosy and Julian are back together. Diana says it's too bad papa's not with them, maybe they can invite him? Zuly's not on board with this. Diana can't stop her mouth, dad's really remorseful and he's not with that woman any more, can't Zuly consider forgiving him? Nope. Mom leaves the room and Lor gives Diana The Look.
Snorty asks Vasco why he insists on being with Paty, he obviously doesn't love her. He admits it but he's fond of her. Better to be with Paty who loves him that wait around for Diana all his life. Snorty asks what would he say if she told him she knows Diana still loves him?
Felipe shows up with a present for the baby. Diana tries ten different ways to get rid of him but he won't take a hint. He even tries to invite himself to the party. What a pest. She finally tells him to quit insisting, she's not interested. But she does take the present.
Bruto has made it to clinic 23, he gasps out an order that Al inject him with 10 cc's of fluoverax, an antidote to the poison Sara gave him. He admits he used the stuff to try to poison Fafy but the old guy died on his own. Whether they save him or not he'll renounce Sara right now. He hears himself flatlining, a fantastically macabre touch there. A nurse runs in, there's no antidote! What??? Horrified, Bruno remembers this is one of the medications that he himself sold off on the cheap. Ahhh, it's divine justice of the most twisted sort. Al tells the nurse to get some from another clinic or pharmacy, quickly! Bruto, amazingly clear headed considering his dire situation, announces there's no time to write his admission so they'll have to record it, he instructs Val to use his cell phone which has video. Val's no cinematographer since all we can see in the phone are his nostrils. Bruto admits that he and Sara planned to kill Fafy, he injected some wine bottles (yes he said bottles..with an "s") with neuropandol, they poisoined the Armendariz guests and he sabotaged Zulema's operation so she'd go in a coma. Al was innocent, he did it because he always envied him. He gasps "tell Diana..." His head flops back, we hear heavenly singing and it looks like Bruto kicks the bucket. Val's got it all on the cell phone. Awesome scene! Somebody give that bad boy an Oscar.
Val hands a stunned Al the phone, she recorded the whole thing. Al can't believe there's such evil in the world.
Over at the bitch house Greta whines some more to Jimena. She still singing the same song, Omar only left her because he feels sorry for the fatty. Jimena tells her to give it a rest, her tricks didn't work. Anyway, she only came to say goodbye because she's off to Florence. (Ha! Did we call this one or what?) Greta is shocked, Jimena her only friend is leaving her? Greta wants to know are they really friends or was Jimena just using her? Jimena tells her they are friends of circumstance, Greta lost her true friends when she decided to live with Omar. Double neener for the nasty girls.
Cut to sad Omar, he calls the lesser house. Zuly answers but Omar says nothing. She hands the phone to Lorena, still no response from Omar. Lorena inadequately "hangs up" the phone and the receiver slips off unnoticed to the ladies. In anguish Omar listens to their happy chatter, Zuly looks wonderful in her new dress, she's beautiful and happy, blah blah blah. Today her whole family will be with her, reunited. Omar sighs, this was, and could have been, his life but due to his weak character he lost it. Julian and Diana arrive and they all hug and laugh because Zulema is beautiful and once again the queen of her house! Omar's eyes tear up and he bites his lip. He's the Ebenezer Scrooge of the DF.
Later the other guests have arrived and they clap at Zulema's grand entrance. The doorbell rings, it must be Vasco. But no, it's Ernesto hiding behind two huge bouquets, one for Lorena and the other for her mama. He's pleased to have been invited to their family gathering and to the first time that Zulema cooks for her family since her coma.
Vasco and Patty get ready for the party. She says he's acting odd. He says he's been thinking about them. Of course, she says, we're novios so we're always thinking about "us". Just yesterday she was thinking about having children. He's somber and tries to speak but she keeps interrupting him with forced pratter. He insists they have to speak. She doesn't want to keep her future family waiting.
Ernesto quickly fills Lorena in on how he got proof of Sara's perfidy and Lorena compliments Ernesto on his detective skills.
Zulema has an announcement. Today is her dream, to be able to cook for her family again, now eat up! But wait, Ernesto is happy to see the family together because has an announcement, he reaches into his pocket. But wait, the doorbell rings and it's proponus interruptus for poor Ernesto...a somber Al has arrived and sees a party to which he was not invited. The galans glare at each other momentarily until Al speaks, "Sorry I didn't know there was a party but I have bad news. Bruno arrived at the clinic, Sara poisoned him." Caras Impactadas spread through the gathering and Zulema rushes to Diana. The camera rests on Ernesto's grim face.
No preview for tomorrow, darn!
Labels: enemiga
11-20-08 Fuego "Some men see things as they are and say, "Why?" Juan dreams of things that never were and says, "Why not?"
We begin with Juan crying.
Juan tells Pablito that they will be a family one big family.
Sofie discovers the empty cribs and she starts yelling at the Nun. She questions the Nun repeatedly about the whereabouts of the three cuter than button orphans. Finally the Nun breaks her twenty year long vow of silence and tells Sofie that the buttons where adopted by a young couple. What young couple? Who knows?
Well fool me once…Looks like the young couple adopting the little rays of sunshine are Yeh Yeh..Oscar and Jimena. Gosh Darn, I was like two seconds away from passing out. I had been holding my breath during this tense segment. PSA…Smokers I’m sure you came to sometime after the papers were signed and the happy parents, (Jimena & Oscar) were carrying the kidlets as well as the beloved parish priest who was carting the spare.
Meanwhile Fer is hanging around the outside of the orphanage, he is trying to help childless young couples fulfill their hearts desire by directing them to the one-stop shop for human trafficking. The young couple that was intended to be the loving parents of the button triplets, walk past Fer. They are carrying a young boy. Fernando is upset as he carefully screened the couple and by the information gleaned they were perfect candidates to adopt three girls.
Oscar & Ximena adopt the daughters.
Fernando sees the intended parents and they have a boy.
Padre Tad who witnessed the Oscar/Jimena adoption; sends the couple and the newly adopted little boy on their way. He tells Fernando that suspects Fernando was up to no good. Fernando says the priest always thinks the worst of him.
Sofie runs and tells Juan that someone else has adopted the beloved daughters.
Oscar & Ximena take the daughters home. Gabi can’t believe they adopted the children after all they are divorced. No they are not they respond as it is do-overs if you sign divorce papers while in a coma.
The adoption lady runs into Quitana and tells Quitana that Oscar & Jimena adopted the kids. Quitana says that is impossible they are divorced and live in two separate homes.
Juan and Sofie come in and see the kids. It is a very happy scene of good clean family unity.
Later Adoption lady comes by and tells Ximena that they have to give the kids back as they lied about their marital status. Sofie begs and cries that the one baby is hers, but alas they have fallen love with all the babies. Ximena says fine, that Oscar will move into the Hacienda. Gabi says no way. Adoption lady agrees to allow one week for the families to straighten this out. Wow, I would have thought maybe they would have all moved to the Reyes Ranch. Ooooopppss sorry there I go questioning the TelVista Authority. Forget what I said, it was crazy talk..questioning authority? As if, I mean that is why they are the Authority Right? I mean they know best and they will guide us though this tale.
Fernando comes in and Gabi is rather cold with him. Basically he is worthless and good for nothing. The look on poor Fer face is heartbreaking, no matter how many moral transgressions he commits it is never enough for Gabi. Without the support of a caring spouse a man can only commit so many crimes, before he just gives up and turns to a life of obeying the law. Gabi will have no one to blame, but herself when this happens.
Meanwhile the well meaning Padre and the scrappy abuelo (hey kids that means grandfather in Spanish) discuss the near miss of strangers adopting the three orphans. Hmmmm the wise elder concludes, it must have to do with money.
Oscar and Frankie as Juan why Juan and Sofie broke up.
Juan does not want to tell. The would endanger the idealistic relationships the others are engaged in.
Oddly enough Sofie is having the exact same conversation with her sisters.
Juan finally tells the brothers that the infamous Ber is the true killer of Ma & Pa Reyes. No Puede Ser.
The brothers are crushed. Just when their relationships where going so well with the girls. Oh Capulets and Montagues. A curse on both your haciendas. *This translates to Oh Hatfields and McCoys a curse on both your shacks.
Sofie gets out the belt and shows her sisters. Oh the horrors, how can it be. Pa was the best Pa in the world. In fact many young girls referred to him as Daddy. Ximena and Sarita are crushed as they see the ship of happy dreams sail off the edge of the earth with the sisters still standing alone on the pier.
The adorable Grandfather has built a mock-up of the hacienda and with his trusty magnifying glass he looks from one room to another. Questioning what was in it for Gabi & Fer, think, think, think he thinks.
Finally Eureka, the land…Scarlett the land.
The brothers Reyes descend on the Gabi house to confront her over the murder of their much missed, much loved parents. The brothers are dressed in traditional Mexican costumes. Oscar and Frankie as handsome Charros, while Juan sports more of a beach cabana boy look, sometime spotted in the famous bath houses. Adding even more thrilling cultural charm to our tale. Gabi tells a tale as old as the earth itself or roughly about 4500 years, love, betrayal, jealousy, snakes, murder. JJ Robles-Reyes, was enamoured with the fiesty young vixen Gabi. Ber found out and was crazed by the thought. She describes the murder scene, saying Poor What’sHerName Ma Reyes was shot a la drive-by, wrong place, wrong time. Juan replays the beta-tape in his head. Gabi has been mournful tears in her eyes. The boys leave and Gabi’s face turns from horror to a shudder and then a happy face. I guess she must have had a happy thought of unicorns right there at the end. Thoughts of magical single horned creatures are often known to cause a woman to shudder.
Gramps visits Ber’s Lawyer. Our neighbors to the South do not have the same legal system that we have. I guess it is okay for lawyers to discuss wills with anyone who stops by. The lawyer tells Gramps that Ber left everything to Sofie, if she divorced Fer and then bore a child by someone else. The lawyer seems surprised that this is not common knowledge as Fer & Gabi were quite aware of the conditions.
Fer goes to see Gabi’s lawyer. Gabi’s lawyer tells Fer that he has been disinherited. Fer is no longer in Gabi’s will. See Fer no good deed goes unpunished.
Fer later talks to some gentlemen who used to do odd jobs for him. I believe he just paid them a huge sum of money to disappear the other day, but it seems they are back and he has another job for them. Yes, Mexican men are crazy romantics and I just bet Fer, realizing how much he loves Gabi will try to win her love again. What could it be? Candy, flowers, maybe a pony?
Now to the Reyes Hacienda. Just like the Brady house, the three brothers share a room. This is very common in Mexico. People live in huge Haciendas, but the Latin Blood is blood of the Family and much warmer than ours. Grown men often sleep in the same room with their brothers, well into their twilight years. In fact 72% of adult males do not actually sleep in the same room with their wives, but continue to room with their brothers. In rural parts of Mexico, this is partially due to a myth dating to Aztec times that women will steal a man’s Mojo during the night and sell it to a demon for earthly goods, in times past it was for gold and precious stones and peyote, now it is for a dishwasher and satellite dish, oh and still peyote.
Juan is dreaming…he dreams of the death of his parents. In his dream he sees the belt buckle, he hears the rough language of the assassins. He sees the face of his poor mother silently begging him to remain quiet.
Suddenly the face of the shooter becomes the face of Ber, mocking him.
Juan screams out in his sleep. Oscar and Frankie leap from their beds and jump on Juan.
This behavior in America would seem odd, but lest we forget this is a different culture and it is in no way threatening for an adult sleeping male to be leapt upon by two other men dressed only small briefs. It is a common occurrence. Juan is sleep addled and fears he is being attacked by Ber. When he is finally roused from sleep. He tells Oscar and Frankie that he saw the scene of the murder and indeed it was Ber who killed their parents.
Wow…mystery solved.
Next day…Gabi is going to town with the ranch lackey, he forgot to give her a telegram. Gabi reads it and she is very distressed. Ricardo Uribe has taken a turn for the better.
She gets out of the SUV and is standing in the street. We see a pickup truck with the men Fer gave the job to the evening before. They rev the engine and aim straight for Gabi. Her eyes open to an enormous size.
I believe these low day labours that Fer hired in good conscious probably spent the night drinking and playing cards. They probably forgot all about the 1-800-flowers and in a rush to do their jobs have now endangered the chance of Fer and Gabi making up.
Labels: Fuego
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