Saturday, December 05, 2009

Sortilegio, 12/04/09: No More Mother Goose

Capítulo 47?

We return with a quick rehash of the night past to Merida, the land of rumba and rumbles and of the risqué rich, just as the scurrilous scandals of the lurid Lombardo lifestyle are about to leap from lip to gossiping lip. As Viewerville straps itself in for another ride on the dark side, the Mexi-trash Twins are discussing Bruno’s bed-ability and Maura is advising licentious Lisset that fooling around with a sociopath like Bruno is a dangerously stupid thing to do; Paula is telling Mary Jo about the run-in at the Jacuzzi with Raquel and Roberto and gets a scolding from her big sis for daring to put herself in a compromising social situation by goofing around with a married man; and Bruno is meeting with the newspaper reporter, Saldivar, to give him the salacious scoop on Victoria’s extramarital affair with Antonio Lombardo, explaining how it led to her having his two illegitimate children, one of which is (duhn-duhn-duhn-duhnnn!) he himself.

Bruno gives the reporter the details about the affair taking place while Vicki was still married to Samuel Albeniz and adds that he and his sister are currently getting DNA tests done to prove their right to be recognized as a Lombardo. The reporter notes that this will destroy his mother’s reputation and is curious that this doesn’t seem to bother El Bruto; but Bruto slides right by that with practiced arrogant ease. He ignores him and says he can go with what he has in the gossip column [nota, nota sociedad] and then once the DNA results come out in a few days he should give the story four columns’ worth (twice the normal size for a story). He emphasizes that he is to keep his name completely out of it. The reporter takes offense at this questioning of his professional ethics, then says he’ll have to get his boss’s permission to run with the story because of the Lombardo’s power and influence. Bruno leaves the reporter a thousand pesos for “coffee” as incentive and takes off.

At the lab, while waiting on Raquel to finish her Do Not Ask test, Vicki mentions to Bobo that Raqui told her about wanting to get a divorce. Bobo says he’s objects to the divorce, but it’s not because he’s still in love with her. With his best poker face, he tells her that it’s simply that he doesn’t feel he has a reason to divorce her. (Whoring is obviously not gender-specific.) Vicki asks if Raquel has reasons, but there’s no time for Bobo to answer her because Drama Queen has just rushed back in to complain that she’s had to avoid the (huff-huff-n-puff) supposedly questioning stares of the staff. Of course, she then turns around and immediately makes a big to-do with the nurse not to go spreading tales to the press. This irritates Bobo. “--Why’d you do that? You just gave her the idea!” They quarrel about it on the way out. Vicki rolls her eyes and Bobo shakes his head. He knows by now that he might as well spit into the wind. (Viewerville’s women immediately turn to their significant others to plead for assurances to mercifully kill them in their sleep before letting them turn into anything even closely resembling Raquel.)

At Lombardo, Inc., Alex informs Fernando that Gabriel didn’t show up for his therapy that morning at the hospital. It seems he and Meche grabbed their things and disappeared off the map. Alex thinks they were warned, but Nando is inclined to think they were threatened and ran away. It could have been Bruno, Erick, or even Chucho since Chucho told them they might end up in jail if she came to work there once Alex found out. Fernando then mentions he finally got the ever-elusive judge who performed the sham marriage to answer his e-mails. The guy is about to go on another safari but Nando doesn’t know where. Alex hopes that Bruno doesn’t find out where he’s going before they do. The two discuss the lawsuit and reckon that the judge dealing with their case will be discreet about the results of the DNA tests.

Fernando then mentions he’s coming over to the house later to discuss plans with Victoria for the archeological complex they want to develop. He’s excited just being near her. (I take time out to breathe deeply into my paper bag.) Alex gives him an atta-boy for his persistence. (Sorry, but I say this puppy is sick.) Alex changes the subject then, and tells Puppy Boy that he threw Bruno out and that Bruno rather rudely reminded him about divorcing MJ as part of the deal they struck. Fernando tells him that he has no reason to comply with such absurd demands from crazy Bruno. Alex reminds him that he was desperate and would have sold his soul to the Devil himself. Nando tells him he can’t do it because he’ll just be playing into Bruno’s hand if he does. Alex seems to have a plan, though, and he says that two can play at that game. (Viewerville lets loose with a sigh of relief and thinks it’s about time and then some for Alex to ditch the Marquess of Queensbury for Machiavelli.) “--If he can play dirty, then I’m going to play the same game.”

Back at the Lombardo manse, Pau, MJ and Papi Pedro are merrily chatting away till MJ reminds Paula that it’s time to go home (wherever and whatever that is now). Pau entertains them with another temper tantrum because she knows that this time there’s no way she can avoid having to exchange the luxurious Lombardo lifestyle for Papi Pedro’s pocilga. [cuchitril = hovel/ pocilga = pigsty, both words being totally interchangeable in Paula’s dictionary.] MJ tells her she doesn’t need her arguing with Raquel every time they run into each other. (MJ needs her space and Paula—for all her good points—is a regular pain in the ass when it comes right down to it.) Pau screams that her sister is just being selfish and stomps out of the room. (Hubby interrupts this tender scene with a snicker to remark that Pau would probably machine-gun a bus full of crippled children to stay there.) Pedro says it would be fine if she could stay at the Lombardo’s, but Mary Jo says she doesn’t want him left alone, even though he reminds her that Chucho lives with him now and he is not alone. She keeps the possibility open for later, depending on what happens once Pau moves back in with him. (Ok. So just what does she expect to change her attitude? As the ditty goes, “How ya gonna get ‘em back on the farm once they’ve seen Paree?”)

At the same time, Bruno calls the house to have Zeke pack up his things and have Erick bring them to him at the hotel he’s moved to.

Outside, Erick, gripes to Arturo about Alex firing him and throwing out Bruno. Artie tells him if they were thrown out there had to be a reason, but Erick insists Alex did it just for the hell of it. Buttlick goes inside to help with Bruno’s things.

The Rolls drives up and Raqui, Bobo and Vicki get out. Drama Queen, still fuming, storms off to the chalet. Vicki complains about her daughter’s nasty personality. Bobo agrees and says the problem is that she doesn’t think of anyone but herself. Vicki tells him they need to talk further about his situation.

The first thing Raquel does is call up Uli to bitch about her embarrassing predicament with the results of the DNA test and Bruno’s going public. She’s also having a hissy fit over the fact that Roberto knows about the two of them. Uli asks if he actually said something to her. She shouts at him hysterically that he didn’t mention Uli by name, only that he knows she has a lover. They’ve got to see each other ASAP!

It’s much quieter on the terrace where Bobo and Vicki are discussing his and Raquel’s possible divorce. Vicki is opposed unless they simply don’t get along with each other. (That’s a tactful way of putting it.) He’s agreed, he says, obviously tiptoeing through the pesos here. He skillfully avoids any mention of the truly hellacious relationship they have. Vicki asks why they’ve never had any children. Bobo blames it all on Raquel, saying that in the beginning she never wanted any and then things cooled off, the relationship got rough and stale. In the end, it just wasn’t right. Vicki asks if they could wait with the divorce until things blow over. He can stay in the chalet and she can move back into the main house. Vicki also wants to know if he might have some “female friend” of sorts. He answers in the negative. Just then Paula, MJ and Pedro come outside.

Vicki and Bobo walk up and she gives a warm greeting to Pedro. He laps it up. (If I were Pete I’d be pinching myself and wondering why the Ice Queen’s suddenly melted.) MJ mentions he’s moved to Merida. Pedro and MJ explain the new pottery business that he and Chucho are starting. (Yawn.) Vicki offers to help anyway she can. (That’s reason enough for another pinch.) Bobo offers to take Pedro and Pau back home. After they leave, Vicki offers Mary Jo to let them come back and live there in the bungalow again if they like. Mary Jo says she refuses to take advantage of the family that way. Vicki accepts her conscientious answer. The conversation turns to Mary Jo’s mother and MJ tells her she died when she was about three.

Meanwhile, Fernando leaves the office for home but first he asks Mari where his sister is. Sainte Mari says she had a phone call and disappeared and has no idea where she went.

Nando’s kid sis, who I not so fondly think of as Crotchya, is paying a visit to Bruno at his new digs. From the looks of it, Bruno is looking forward to a little afternoon delight with his favorite juvenile delinquent. They share a little statutory romance and he warns her to be discreet about their relationship. She lies about her chats with Lis and denies ever having done something so ridiculous. In between kisses he persuades her to get him the file of Alex’s uncle, Roman Villavicencio, out of the company archives so that he can use it to win his lawsuit against Alex. “--Lawsuit? What lawsuit?” (Golly geez! Older men are so intriguing……)

Speaking of Alex, he’s on the phone with his attorney. Lic. Quiñones tells him, yes, he can give his money to whomever he wants: a charity, the Church, or any beggar off the street. Alex mentions he remembered Quiñones saying that Bruno might have a card up his sleeve. LQ says yes he did, and then mentions that the judge chose a lab that he trusts, so he doubts the news of their DNA tests will get out.

Pau and Pedro enter the apartment building. Pete’s making excuses for the “simple” accommodations. Pau takes one look around and crinkles up her nose. (It’s rough, but not exactly the roach motel that Meche or Julia live in.) She finds her room and slams the door in Pedro’s face. Chucho winces. She takes one look around her new bedroom and begins to bawl. (That Tequila Sunrise paint job would do it for me. Ugh! Just looking at it is enough to give me a hang-over. On the other hand, what’s to complain about, Pau? He gave you the t.v.) The two men commiserate over Pedro’s parental predicament.

Mary Jo continues discussing her family with Vicki. She tells her that her dad’s not a bad guy. He has just had an unfortunate life. He became both father and mother to the girls very early in his life. Vicki wonders why they visited her mother’s grave so rarely. Supposedly they left his hometown and transferred her mother’s remains when they moved to Saqui. MJ says she thinks he never visited the grave much afterward because the whole experience was too painful for him. Vicki still thinks it’s odd to have moved the remains to Saqui and then avoided visiting the grave. MJ says she hadn’t really thought about it before.

Alex comes back from work. He kisses Mary Jo passionately. (Come to think of it, that Italian hairdresser does know a few tricks. Kudos.) Vicki smiles and excuses herself. He tells Mary Jo that whatever happens, he loves her more than life itself. She doesn’t like the sound of that and says when he says things in that tone she gets frightened, since it usually means something pretty ugly is going to happen. (Probable divorce alert!) Alex says he just wants her to know that he would never leave her. They kiss and hug again.

Meanwhile, Buttlick is outside in the patio area of Bruno’s new no-tell hotel waiting to deliver Bruno’s personal things to him. He hides behind a pillar when he sees Crotchya leaving. The clerk comes outside and tells him which suite Bruno’s in.

Saldivar is now trying to persuade his boss to let him go with the Lombardo story. The boss tells him it’s dangerous. If it isn’t true it will open the paper to a major lawsuit and could lead to them shutting the entire paper down. Saldivar says his source is 100% reliable and the story is true. He suggests that they print it initially as gossip; then when the DNA results come out they can give it four columns. He’s sure the paper will sell like hotcakes and that the story might even go national. His editor demands to know his source or he won’t go with the story. Saldivar eventually gives in and tells him it’s Bruno Albeniz. The editor nearly has a heart attack when he hears it’s Sra. Lombardo’s own son.

Bruno tells Buttlick to go to the company and demand his severance pay. Buttlick says fine, but complains he’s still out of work. Bruno tells him he’ll still be working for him and getting the same salary as before. Bruno tells him to visit his cousin and find out what they’re saying around the barrio about Meche and Gabe. Afterwards he’s supposed to go back to his house and wait for him to call if he needs him for something else. For now he can consider himself on vacation. Buttlick heads out and Bruno calls the front desk with a request for daily deliveries to his room of every national and local paper they can get him.

Back at Lombardo, Inc. Mari is trying to tell Katia that she can’t just up and leave during working hours. The smart-mouth little brat tells her to lay off because she’s nothing more than the secretary there. Alex is the only boss so, “Ubicate!” [Figure it out and get real already!] She could care less about Mari’s bitching. Again Sainte Mari says nothing. Katia tells her she’s going to bathroom to avoid getting coughed on. Erick walks into the reception area as the blond bimbette-in-training walks out sucking on her lollipop. He explains he’s there for his severance check. After Mari gives him directions to Payroll, he asks her who the girl was that just left. He says he thought he’d seen her around the Lombardo’s. Mari tells him she’s Fernando’s sister. He makes a mental note of one more reason to consider his boss something akin to a loose turd.

As it turns out, Crotchya is really down in the archives asking for help from one of the employees to show her where the dead files are.

A bit later, Felipa and Vicki are on the back patio discussing Mary Jo’s mother and the fact that Pedro rarely visited his dead wife’s grave. Felipa suggests that he killed her and then wanted to stay away from her and the site of the supposed crime. Vicki laughs that she’s been watching too much television. Felipa admits she was just kidding around [pura vacilada]. She thinks it’s more likely his wife might have cheated on him or was mean and he only brought the remains back to give the girls a place to pray for her. “If she did cheat on him there was no reason for the girls to have known.” Just then Vicki notices Raquel is changed and walking towards the carport. They wonder where she’s going now. Felipa suggests it’s to see Meowra. Vicki shakes her head in utter frustration.

Raqui starts yelling for Arturo and finds him catnapping on the floor in the back of his cab. She wants the keys to the Beemer and he worries about why he can’t drive her instead. She asks him why it matters. He tells her that they just fired Erick and he’s worried that he’s next. She is surprised that Erick got fired. Artie tells her that Sr. Alex fired him and threw out Sr. Bruno at the same time. She screams at him for the keys and peels out of the driveway. Vicki notices that she’s driving herself. Felipa says, well yeah. Vicki asks why she answered like that. Felipa catches herself and says she was just agreeing with her.

Upstairs MJ and Alex are sharing a little down-time playing board games. She stops and says she’s worried because it’s not the first time he’s made little asides that make her think that something bad is going to happen to them. He fudges a little and says he’s just worried about the problem with Bruno and the trial. She asks if it’s got to do with money and he says yes. She tells him she doesn’t care if he’s a poor man or not. He says he’s still got to defend what’s right and just or his life will turn into a fiasco. He tells her to forget about all that and they begin the smooch-fest all over again.

Across town, Raqui shows up outside Uli’s place and notices Bobo’s car parked out front. She curses and calls Uli’s cell to find out what’s up. Uli’s inside asking Bobo why he’d ask such a question when his cell rings. He tells Bobo it’s his wife calling him. He answers and Raquel tells him they had a date and to get rid of her husband. Uli refuses. He says he brought a friend over and they’re having a pleasant conversation, so it’ll have to wait till later. (I think that’s the gist of it. The CC went out here.) She hisses at him to get rid of both of them. He hangs up on her. She is ready-to-explode impactada. She mumbles to herself about WTF is going on with Uli and then walks away in a huff to wherever she parked her broomstick.

Inside, Roberto demands an answer. “Did you use a condom with Raquel or not?” Uli says he doesn’t remember. Sometimes he did but at other times he didn’t. “What is the problem?” Bobo, he says, certainly didn’t use a condom when he forced himself on her the last time, did he? If she did get pregnant, he sneers, he and Roberto can share paternity. Bobo does not appreciate the tasteless attempt at humor; he calls Uli a shameless S.O.B. Uli doesn’t understand the concern here since they’re both bi-sexuals. Bobo gets mad. “Because you messed around with my wife!” Uli pours them both another drink and mocks him. “My wife. My wife. Heh-heh. How macho-o-o!” Bobo grabs him by the collar and yells at him. “You continued sleeping with her and had unprotected sex!!” [hacerlo a pelo] Uli apologizes for upsetting him.

Bobo gets up and looks around the apartment. “Nice apartment.” Uli lies and says he pays for it all with the money he got from Maura and the Mario Aguirre scam. Bobo says he doesn’t believe him and then accuses him of taking money from Raquel. Uli gets defensive. “So what? You yourself would have done the same!” Bobo says but this is his wife they’re talking about. Uli wants him to calm down. It’s over and she doesn’t really interest him. Anyway, he’s just passing time till his girlfriend returns from Spain. She’s worth a fortune and he’s going to marry her.

Roberto tells him to stop making things up. Uli insists he’s not making things up. He has a girl from his past that he plans to move on. He says she’s always been in love with him. She's half nuts, but he knows how to keep her under control. (I couldn’t catch the next sentence. It was all Chipmunk.) Uli says he’ll never believe it, but it just happens to be Mary Jo’s twin sister. Bobo sucks in his breath as Uli gives him a brief family history of the Samaniego’s. “The girls mother didn’t die. She met a wealthy man and ran off with him. After he died she hitched up with another man. It turns out, incredibly, that Mary Jo and Sandra are identical! As alike as two drops of water.” Bobo’s eyes are like saucers. “Does Mary Jo know about her?” Uli say no and nobody else does either. “Only you!” He told him because he loves him and because he wants them to stay friends.

Back at the manse, Nando is finishing up in the study covering the details of the (yawn) archeological project for Vicki, MJ, and Alex. MJ is thrilled to be able to help with it. Zeke interrupts to tell Vicki she has a call from Dr. Hernan. She gets up and shares an uncomfortable stare with the other puppy-dog in her life before taking the call out in the living room. Alex looks a little sheepish.

Vicki tells Hernan about the trip to the lab with Raquel. He asks her out for dinner and says it might help distract her a bit. (Dunno. A date with this guy would be more like a sure cure for insomnia than for a case of the blues, or is that just me?) She declines politely by saying it’s not the best time to be seen out with a man. He says it would have exactly the opposite effect and their being together would show she has support. He insists and she finally gives in.

Back inside the study, Vicki’s two-legged puppy-dog is pacing around. Alex sighs and says there’s no reason to pretend now since MJ knows about Fernando’s feelings for his mother. Fernando asks MJ what she thinks about it. Mary Jo gives it her blessing and says age doesn’t matter. It’s what inside that counts, yada, yada, yada….. We get the same chitchat about their being able to live in an exotic clime somewhere together. (Damn, that’s so tacky! Tell the truth, MJ. If their May-September romance were such a happening thing, escaping to never-never-land wouldn’t always have to be a part of this discussion, now would it?) Alex fawns over Mary Jo and her lovely view of life. (Time for a Red Bull.) She smiles and tells Fernando that love makes us all invincible. (Hubby gets disgusted and says make it two.) MJ and Alex continue to smooch.

On the other side of town we find Chucho telling Pedro that he can’t believe that Paula would act that way after they spent all their time fixing up and painting the place. (Dunno. Maybe it’s the color scheme, Chuch.) Pedro says Pau does have her good points. He figures the problem is that she just got used to living the good life and now he can’t give it to her. Pedro says then that he’s worried that she hasn’t come out of her room since she got there. Chucho says well, maybe they’re just worrying about nothing and she’s simply taking a nap. Pedro goes into check on her. She’s in bed, pouting and playing possum. He gives her a kiss and walks back out. Pedro is having a crisis of conscience. He feels rotten that the place isn’t up to her new standards, but Chucho tells him to give her time and eventually, when she gets over the tantrum, she’ll get used to the place. Pedro can only hope. Chucho cheers him up by reminding him that they start their new business the next morning. FF>>

Later that afternoon, Crotchya goes back to Bruno’s hotel and hands him over the file he wanted. Bruno kisses her and then dismisses her. He’s got to read through it right away because he’s meeting with the lawyers in a little bit. She’ll have to wait for her “reward” till after.

Outside the manse, Fernando is getting ready to leave and telling Vicki good-bye. He professes his love. She tells him it’s not possible for them. He says it is unless she doesn’t want it to be. Either way, he will always be waiting for her. Felipa walks out and sees him kiss her good-bye. (Totally cringeworthy.) Vicki turns around and asks her not to say a word. Felipa says she won’t, but it hurts her to see her so sad. They share a hug. FF>>FF>>

That night, Alex and Mary Jo share a peaceful sleep. It’s just as well, since the next morning all hell is about to break loose.

Fernando rushes into Alex’s office with the morning’s paper. “Have you seen the news?” Alex reads the headline: “Something very odd is going on in the Lombardo Family. It would seem that the well-known construction magnates have doubts about their background as Raquel and Bruno Alebeniz, as well as Alex Lombardo, were seen entering a genetics laboratory where DNA tests are done. This would suggest that one of them is going to surprise us with a name change.”

Alex throws the newspaper down and wonders how the Hell they found out. “Who could have gotten access to that information??” Cue the cricket chirps. Nando has no idea. He makes a quick call to Lic. Quiñones and asks him if he read the morning paper. The lawyer says yeah, and he’s just as puzzled as Alex about it. Obviously, this is a serious breach and says the judge had chosen that lab precisely to avoid this sort of thing. Alex tells him to get to the bottom of it and fast, then hangs up. He tells Nando that the lawyer doesn’t think it was either the judge or the lab that gave out the information. Who else? They come to the same conclusion simultaneously: Bruno, of course.

Vicky and Mary Jo are having another polite chat when Zeke comes in with the phone saying Bruno’s on the line asking to speak to Mary Jo. She panics and refuses to take the call, but Vicki says go ahead. She wants to listen on the extension. Mary Jo takes the phone and waits till Vicki secretly picks up in the other room. Bruno asks Mary Jo if she’s seen the newspapers. She says she hasn’t and asks why. He tells her that there’s a bit in the gossip column about him, Alex and Raqui going in for DNA tests. “Why are you so mean, Bruno?” “—Because you have to pay for everything you’ve all done to me. –Did the bastard ask you for a divorce yet?” “The divorce? Why?” “—When I gave you back your life by giving you my blood I asked Alex for two things in exchange: his giving up the presidency and divorcing you.” MJ and Mama are both saucer-eyes impactada.


Gancho December 4th. Hiding behind Masks and Sunglasses

Not every episode of Gancho is filled with humor. Tonight we had a lot of drama, and very little lightness until the last 15 minutes. Ultimately, though, it was very satisfying, and left our mouths watering for more. Here’s what happened.

The episode begins with a bit of urgency. Jerry’s upset that Jackie seems to have made a date with Salvador. He wants to plead his case, to win back his true love. Jackie, however, wants just one thing. To get to the tocador (bathroom, literally dressing room, must be a euphemism) on time. She shocks Jerry by telling him Connie’s no longer divorcing Mau, Jackie and Connie have an “arrangement”, and Jerry of the maxed out tarjetas de credito is out of luck. She lurches away to complete her business.

In a second replay from last night, Xime has come to the gym to find Beto. She’s just about bursting with the secret that Coni is going to tell Mau that the baby she’s carrying is Mau’s (although it’s really Beto’s). She’s intercepted by Moni, and after letting it slip that she’s got a secret, one that even Mau doesn’t know, Moni gets tough with Xime, backs her against the punching bag, and threatens physical violence. There’s a brief delay as Costeño greets Xime, but Moni’s determined to get Xime to spill the beans (soltar la sopa). Finally, Xime breathlessly reveals that Connie has a lover, and guess who he is? Beto, replies Moni. You knew? Sure I did, but you have to promise not to tell Mauricio. Xime can’t believe another person is making her keep secrets. She can’t take the pressure, and wants to go to the only person who can comfort her – her husband Rolu. Well don’t tell HIM! pleads Moni, and Xime assures her she won’t.

Connie’s been waiting in Mau’s office. When he gets there, she first asks about his mouth (sore from Aldo’s punch) which he said came from hitting himself with the car door. Connie says the divorce will take 1-2 months, but in the meantime, she wants to go to St. Tropez with her Mom. And her Mom just happens to have found an apartment for sale there. She knows she wasn’t going to get Mau’s money until the divorce, but could he give her a little advance to buy the apartment? Our handsome blockhead sees no problem with this, gets out his checkbook, how much is it? Here’s the price, says Connie, and could you, ummm, make it out to my Mamá, she’s been negotiating the price. Again, no problem. (Ooooh, that Connie. I was wondering how she was going to pay off Jackie to keep quiet, and I guess we have our answer. Clever girl).

Beto has arrived at the office to “work”, but wants to talk to Connie. Connie refuses, and leaves with her Mom. Ivan’s in the office, too. He has two goals, to dig up something about Beto and Connie, and to talk to Mau about Luisa. Gabi says Mau will see him now. As Connie and Jackie leave, Gabi asks Beto to get a messenger to take some deposits to the bank. Almost before Gabi can finish her sentence, Beto volunteers to do it, grabs the checkbook, and runs to the exit.

Downstairs, Connie gives her Mom the check from Mau, and Jackie’s delighted. The Mummy’s Mum will keep mum. They need to go to the bank to deposit the check, though. Before they get the car door open, Beto bursts out of the elevator, needs to talk to Connie about the child. Jackie says to be quiet, we’re going to the bank. So is Beto, and he helps himself to a ride, as mother and daughter wave away the smell and don their fashionista sunglasses in unison.

Ivan decides to plead his case about Luisa. Luisa’s now 15, and Ivan’s only 19, that’s not so much difference, is it? He wants a chance to prove to Mau that he’s a trustworthy person. He’s one of the best students in his class (he uses the word generación, which is a false friend here, of course he’s not saying he’s one of the best students of his generation!). He’s also working in a fast food restaurant, and paying his own rent. Mau decides to give him a chance, if he’ll work at Grupo Sermeño. He can start at the bottom, as a messenger, and if he can prove he’s a good, reliable worker, they’ll revisit the subject of his going out with Luisa after a while. Ivan gratefully agrees, promising not to disappoint (defrauder, another false amigo) Mau.

Everyone’s coming to the office today. Now, it’s Aldo’s turn. Gabi greets him warmly. Gabi stops Paula to get Aldo something to drink. Paula was cleaning the storeroom, it was like a pigsty (chiquero). Aldo isn’t really thirsty, though. Ivan comes out, ask Gabi about Beto. Just left. And Constanza? She left, too. They left one behind the other. Ahah, thinks Ivan.

Now, we get a very powerful confrontation between Aldo and Mau. Mau has a little toothpick bandage on his lip, from being punched. Aldo is pretty sure Mau is La Furia Enmascarada (whom he punched earlier in the day), but he plays his cards close to the vest. This was such a beautifully acted scene, I’ve decided to give it to you verbatim.

M: How come you weren’t in school today, Aldo?
A: Who said I wasn’t there? Look (holds up backpack), I came from school.
M: Please. Don’t lie to me, answer me.
A: How did you find out I didn’t go? Tell me.
M: Because I just spoke to the directora who told me you weren’t there.
A: Oh really? That’s strange, they never call home about that, and they definitely don’t call offices, they send a notice to be signed by the parents.
M: Yes, I know. But since your conduct left much to be desired, I asked the directora to inform me personally of anything strange with you.
A: Anything “strange”?
M: Right, like your missing school without telling anyone or --
A: Or a bruise on the face like YOU have, something like that?
M: Don’t change the subject. We’re talking about you.
A: No, look. What a bump you’ve got on your face. Who were you fighting with? Who gave that to you?
M: This wound? No one, I did it to myself. I got out of the car, tripped, and hit myself.
A: How strange, you’re never distracted, you’re careful. It’s not very common for something like this to happen to you.
M: Well, you see, no one’s immune (exento) to accidents. But the important thing now is that you missed classes again, you tried to escape them.
A: Hmmmm. Let’s see. Who called you? The truth (la neta), was it really the directora?
M: That doesn’t matter. The fact is that I know, and the proof is that you’re here. Where did you go?
A: I can’t tell you.
M: Now you’re hiding things from me.
A: Do you prefer that I lie?
M: I don’t like lies or secrets, you know that very well.
A: Yeah, you say that all the time, then it turns out that ---
M: What the devil is happening to you, Aldo? Why do you do these things when you know how much I’m trying to trust in you again?
A: Hey, don’t say that, man, I promise I won’t do it again.
M: Are you going to tell me why you weren’t in school?
A: Fine. Some buddies convinced me not to go, and we left school, but it was dumb, and it won’t happen again.
M: How many times have you promised me the same thing, Aldo? I don’t want to go to the extremes of Constanza but if you don’t start to change, I’ll have no other choice but to put you in a boarding school.
A: Are you serious?
M: You don’t leave me any other option, Aldo, maybe a military school would be the best for you.
A: No, don’t do that. I assure you I’m changing. I want to do the right thing, but don’t send me away from you or my sisters, please, I don’t want to be locked up again.
M: It’s not pleasant (grato) living in those places, right? However, you didn’t take advantage of what I’ve offered. What are you missing from me? What do you need?
A: Nothing.
M: Okay. I’m going to give you another opportunity, Aldo, the last one, and I truly hope this time you don’t fail me, don’t lie one more time.
A: Thanks. But don’t tell me you don’t have secrets.
M: Maybe I do, but they’re not secrets that affect you or your sisters, or put anyone at risk.
A: Yeah, but secrets aren’t too different from lies, are they? And what about those little accidents (points to his mouth) that can happen to someone, so really, everybody lies at some point, no?
M: Where’s this coming from?
A: Remember that letter that Luisa gave you? The letter from La Monita?
M: Yes, she gave it to me when I left you this morning at school. Why do you ask?
(Also pulls the envelope from his pocket, pauses for a few seconds, then gives it to Mauricio)
A: It fell out when you got into the car, I noticed it, and was able to pick it up in time.
M: Thanks, Son. Thank goodness you found it, now go, I’ve got things to do.
(They stare at each other).
M: Something wrong?
A: No, no, nothing. Take care of that wound, put some ice on it or something.
He leaves. Mau is not really sure what just happened. And we’ve observed a wonderfully artful Aldo, probing, testing, but not overplaying. As young and impulsive as Aldo is, he’s wise beyond his years.

Jerry tells Oscar he’s really down. He’s out of money and lost Jackie. Oscar has no sympathy. Jerry adds that Jackie told him Connie’s no longer getting a divorce, what are they going to do? Oscar isn’t worried. His plan now is to get Aldo back on drugs, and Connie will lose custody. Without the kids, she’ll have less weapons against Mau, and the only way she could get anything would be to divorce Mau (and get the money, to be shared with Jerry and Oscar). Jerry praises the master again.

On Aldo’s way out, he runs into Paula, who, loose-lipped as always, tells him that Mau’s rarely in the office, never in the mornings these days. Aldo takes this in (knowing that La Furia trains in the morning), and asks Pau, when she sees Estrella, to tell her Aldo’s sorry for the mess he got her in this morning. Aldo goes into the elevator, and is followed by Oscar. He proceeds to tell Aldo how hard it is to be a teenager, he understands the pressures, and if he needs anything at all, just call Oscar on his cell. He gives him his card.

Estrella’s sweeping, thinking back, still has it bad for Aldo. She then replays the scenes with Furia, likes him, too.

In Connie’s car, Beto wants to talk to Connie, so they dispatch a disgusted Jackie to make Beto’s bank deposit along with her own. And we get ANOTHER heavy scene. Connie thanks Beto for talking her out of the abortion. Beto’s beaming. “Because the child I’m expecting isn’t yours. It’s Mauricio’s”. Beto’s beam busts.

Mau fondly reads Moni’s letter. She loves him, etc. etc., the important part is that she’ll wait for him forever, and she knows he’ll comply with what he solemnly swore. He’ll never touch La Momia. (Close that barn door!) Mau looks a bit lost and pitiful with that little toothpick bandage on his lip.

Beto’s not buying it. He knows there’s nothing between his ex soul brother and Constanzia. But Connie says she just pretended that she only had feelings for Beto, to make him happy. Of course Mauricio and she sleep together, they’re married. Beto insists, he’s the only one she felt things for, he knows. Or were all her feelings just lies? He felt her tremble, her lips moisten, her passionate kisses. Don’t hurt me, Constanzia. Roberto, I just do what’s convenient for me. I might lie. Whatever I do has a dual purpose. I’m not a woman you can trust. And you are the most naïve (ingenuo) man in the world.

Sal comes into Mau’s office, and Mau tells him to get a lawyer to do the divorce as soon as possible. Sal doesn’t get why Mau’s not jubilant, but lets it go, recommending Mau proceed with caution (con pies de plomo, literally with lead feet), because Connie could change her mind at any time.

As tears stream down Beto’s face,

Connie recommends he hitch up his pants and comply with his promise to leave her. But he can’t. The pain is killing him. Connie advises him to try to get La Monita back, or someone else. He can’t believe it’s what she really wants. It’s just not right, it’s just not right. Connie says what’s really not right is that he still has that cellphone she gave him. Give it back. He drops it in her hand, wiping tears from his face. But don’t ask me to give back all the love I have for you. You didn’t buy that for me, it’s mine. Very much mine. And that’s something you can’t take away.

Jackie rips open the door, kicks out Beto, notices Connie is crying, asks her what happened. “So ends my story with Roberto, Mamá. It’s over. For ever.” She snaps the cellphone in two, tosses the pieces in the back seat, sobs. Jackie removes her sunglasses. “I can barely believe it. You’re really in love with that jackal”. Shut up, mother, says Connie, ruefully putting her shades back on, fastening the seat belt, starting the car.

Okay, enough of this drama, Estrella’s got a(nother) new outfit! This one’s a white dress with splashes of black, red, blue, gray and orange, a high-waisted red sash and a red hem, about 4 inches above the knee. She also has an orangish pink shawl. It’s not as wild as her old look, not as chic as her Xime-inspired look, but I like it.

She knocks on Moni’s door. Moni (whom we haven’t seen in a dress for months – what’s up with that?) happily greets her, asking if she’s all done up for a date with La Furia. But no, it’s for a small role in a movie! And for the first time, it’s a speaking role! Estre peeks at the crib sheet on her wrist, and confidently declaims “Well, here are your coffees”. That’s it. She’s going to be a waitress, and that’s her line. Estrella explains her “motivation”. The waitress is an intense woman, with two children, alone. One of the kids has asthma, so Estre has really been trying to work the tiredness and sadness into her voice, listen again “Well, here are your coffees”. Moni’s not exactly knocked over by this amazing acting prowess, asks if all this background is going to be a big part of the movie. Well, not really, Estre made up the backstory, that’s her job, to bring as much as she can to the role. Well, asks Moni, how will the audience know the backstory? Why, just listen “Well, here are the coffees”. You hear the depth and great conflict in my voice?

Enter Beto, giving Estre a little more inspiration, because her waitress also happens to have a good for nothing boyfriend, and she can use Beto as inspiration for that. She leaves.

Beto’s very sad. He needs a hug, which Moni gives him. As usual, Mauricio (dressed as La Furia) just happens to be observing in the background at this precise moment.

Back at the office, the day’s almost over, and Gabi gives Paula her final instructions. Cristian arrives to pick up Paula, and gives her a big kiss. He’s right on time, that’s his rule number one. Well, Paula has a rule, too, give her novio a “fine” of ten kisses for each one he gives her. She starts, as Gabi looks on jealously.

Just as Beto tells Moni he has a broken heart, she notices Furia, and waves him over. Why’s that joker here? asks Beto. Does he want another whipping? No, says Moni, he probably just came to find Estrella. Turning to Furia, she tells him Estre’s not here, she has a small role. But why not come inside for a coffee? Furia and Beto both follow her in.

Gabi tells the lovebirds they forgot about one of the office rules. No making out in front of those in their forties (cuarentena). So where are you guys goin’? To the movies. Gabi jokes that the last movie she saw was “El Rincón de las Virgenes” (Nest of Virgins, a 1972 film), and the virgins are now all grandmas! So what kind of movie are you seeing? Paula wants to see a horror movie, with vampires! Okay, I’m ready, says Gabi, putting pocketbook over shoulder. Well, go ask Salvador, says Paula, Cris and I like to curl up (acurrucarse) in the scary scenes, sorry, we like to be alone. Gabi tells her Sal and she are having a time out, he needs his space. She’s a little depressed, it’s not easy, she doesn’t like being home alone. Gallant Cris (to the displeasure of Pau) suggests Gabi come along, and Gabi lights up, thanks Paula, exclaiming that between three, the scare is less, and why not get wine and cheese later. I’m all set, she adds, as Paula rolls her eyes at Cris, warning Gabi not to grab (sin manotazos) in the scary scenes. Gabi’s chirping away, full of happy energy, as they get into the elevator.

Beto and Furia are both sipping coffee as Moni explains a little about Estre’s role. Beto gets all macho, he’s still mad at Furia, but Moni thinks they’re all on the same team, they’re like a family, Don Cesar’s fighters. Furia agrees, we’re in the same boat. Beto thinks it’s a trick, and recalls that Furia cheated in their fight. No, corrects Moni, it was a clean fight. Furia stands up, says it really was a clean fight, and you know how sometimes in wrestling you win, sometimes you lose, but actually, Beto, you’re a super genius fighter, a phenom (sos un fenómino, which is hilarious to hear Mau use the “voseo” form of familiar address used in Argentina, where sos=eres Beto is stopped in his tracks. Really? He smiles from ear to ear.

Furia continues. You have an impressive charm, and the people adore you. And the way you do that slam, wow! You’re a phenom. Beto agrees, and what about my war cry (grito de guerra), Hooooahhh! as he throws out his claws for emphasis.

Furia keeps pouring on the syrup – what a great yell, few fighters have the gift of being known for just one simple war cry, and you’ve got it. Beto offers to help Furia get his own war cry, even though he does talk as if he’s got gum in his mouth (!). And I gotta admit, you’ve got some great moves, sometimes you remind me of Tarzan, adds Beto. You know what, why don’t we become a tag team? Moni likes the idea. Man, you’re really cool (chido), says Beto. No, you’re more chido, responds Furia. No, you’re cooler. No, you are. (Beto’s saying tú más, and Mau’s saying no, “vos”, the voseo form of tú). Furia again says Beto’s a phenom, and Beto just has to agree. They decide to be pals (carnales), and seal it with a firm handshake.

At Xime/Rolu/Jerry’s house, they’re having a quiet dinner, when a red-eyed Xime breaks the silence. “I’m not telling you anything!” What’s up? inquires Rolu. Well, Xime is guarding a terrible secret, and she’s deathly afraid of letting it out. All of a sudden, Jerry awakes from his stupor. What’s the big secret, we’re all here to support you, tell us. She just can’t. Rolu says of course you can, and if you like, you can say it in 3 things. This is really tempting to Xime. She holds up her pinky for number one, but she just can't. Jerry tries to reassure her, we promise we won’t tell a soul, but Xime doesn’t give in, gets up, rushes out, saying she’s going to resolve this problem on her own, leaving Jerry and Rolu scratching their chins.

Beto goes off to tell Don Cesar, leaving Moni and Furia together, as the romantic music starts to swell up. Moni tells Furia that Beto’s like a rowdy kid, but underneath, he’s a gem, he’s like a brother to me. Furia wonders if Moni has anyone else special in her life. Yes, she does. She’s in love with someone, so much that sometimes she thinks her heart will explode. Well, that guy must be the luckiest man in the world, says Furia. He stares at her lovingly, longingly,

and she stares back, questioning.

We’re left to wonder and wait, as that’s the end of tonight’s drama.

But Monday looks like tons of fun, with Connie spilling her coffee and all sorts of revelations. Or not. But we’ll have Stephe to sub for Carlos, right, so it should be fenominal!


El tocador – euphemism for the bathroom, literally the dressing room
Soltar la sopa – to spill the beans, let out the secret, literally, to release the soup
Generación – can mean generation, but Ivan used it to mean his class, saying he was one of the mejores alumnos de su generación, one of the best students in his class
Chiquero – a pigsty
Exento – exempt, immune
Grato – pleasant
Con pies de plomo – with caution, literally, with lead feet
Acurrucarse – to curl up, what Paula wanted to do with Cristian when the movie got scary


Friday, December 04, 2009

En Nombre del Amor, December 4, 2009

For discussion of the Friday episode, Dec. 4.


Sortilegio December 3, 2009 Was it Murder or Was it Not?

Meche and Gabriel are talking. There is a loud knock on the door. Oh, no, it's Erik. Meche invites him in. (Like she had a choice.) He wants to know why she was at the Casa. She said she was looking for a job but decided not to take the job because she didn't want to work with EZ. Erik doesn't believe her. Gabriel finds his set and starts yelling at PDE. PDE pulls out a gun that is almost bigger than he is and says he's going to bust a cap in their a$$. They beg for him to put it down. He tells them they are coming with him.

Chucho and Pedro are telling Alex about what happened the night of the accident. Chucho says it wasn't Paula's fault. The guy got up and ran away on his own two legs. They explain about Meche and Gabriel. Alex asks Chucho if he is sure the money came from Bruno. Chucho says yes. He was behind everything and his dog too. Alex says ok, we need to have Meche identify Bruno. Pedro wants to know if Meche and Gabriel should tell the police. Pedro thanks God that Meche and Gabriel will be saved. Chucho and Pedro think Alex is “The Man.” Alex says let's go see Meche.

Raquel is sitting in her car frantically trying to call someone but keeps getting voice mail. Cut to an apartment with clothes strewn across the floor as if they were taken off in a hurry. Pan to the bed and we see Useless and Bobo basking in the afterglow. (Did I really type that?) Bobo checks the time and can't believe it is so late. (Did anyone else notice the thing next to the bed that looks like a cow? It distracted me so much I had to rewind.) Raquel who is now pacing outside Useless' apartment, gives up and knocks on the door. Uh oh! They are so busted. Raquel comes in demanding to know why he hasn't answered the phone. Useless said he was sleeping. She tries to get into the bathroom but the door is locked. She wants to know who is in there. He won't tell her. She says she loves him and wants to get a divorce. Bobo (in the bathroom) realizes it is Raquel and looks pissed. Useless tells Raquel he will talk to her tomorrow. She wants to know what time. She clings to him as he tries to get her to leave. Sheesh can you say “stalker?” He gets rid of her with a kiss. How pathetic is she? Bobo comes out of the bathroom and he doesn't look very happy. If it is because Useless said there was no one important in the bathroom or the fact that Raquel wants a divorce I''m not sure. Useless tries to talk to him but he brushes past him out the door. Useless says what bad luck.

Alex, Chucho and Pedro head out to Meche's house so Alex can get to the bottom of the whole situation. When they get there the lights are out and nobody is home. They all look worried. Ominous music plays. ( I swear those are the same curtains Margarita and Jacinto had in their living room.) They head over to Gregorio's house. Alex asks Julia if she knows where Meche and her brother are. She says she hasn't seen them. Gregorio comes out of the back room and drops his popcorn when he sees Alex. Alex asks him if he is the cousin of Erik who is the chauffeur or Bruno. He stammers and says yes. Alex leaves his card and says he needs Meche to call him right away to talk about the account at the hospital. The Three Musketeers leave and Julia wants to know who that guy was. Gregorio tells him that it was Alejandro Lombardo.

Meche and Gabriel are trussed up like Christmas geese in the backseat of PDE's car. They look worried but still alive for the moment. Gregorio calls PDE and says Alex was here. Meche pipes up from the back seat and loudly asks if that is Gregorio. Erik walks away from the car so Gregorio won't hear her. PDE wants to know what Alex wanted. Gregorio who should be the number one winner of the Darwin Award says Alex wanted to talk to them about the account at the hospital.

They all head back to Chucho's and Pedro's new crib. They try to figure out where Meche and her brother could have gone. Alex, clever lad that he is, noticed that they left without their clothes. Chucho said she didn't take a job at the house. Alex wonders if they know Bruno. Chucho says he's going to find out where they went.

Bruno shows up at Moora's for their meeting. Moora is bummed that MJ is pregnant.
Bruno cuts to the chase and asks what she wants. Moora wants to know what he is going to do about MJ. Bruno says nothing. Moora looks surprised and wants to know why not. He says that it would look bad for Alex to divorce MJ while she is pregnant so he will wait. Bruno wants to know if she knows anything about his mother seeing Ferdumbo. She says she has no idea and Bruno wants her to find out. She says why don't you find out from Katia. You are amigos. He says something and Moora says no way (ninguna manera). She tells him that if he helps her she will help him.

Bruno wants to know who thought up the idea of Mario Aguirre. Moora says it was Lissette. Bruno thinks that was a stupid idea. She says it worked for a little bit. They get in each other's face and Bruno says something and Moora says that if Ferdumbo finds out that he is congressing with his sister he will kill him. (Ah, we can only hope.) Bruno says then we are at war. I don't know about Viewerville but I think Bruno would probably win that one.

Felipa, EZ and Arturo are in the kitchen. Felipa is wondering why Arturo wasn't driving Raquel. He starts to say something and Ez makes the ahem, ahem, zip it noise. Paula walks in and sees Felipa feeding Cuko. Pau leans over and picks him up. For those of you who are wondering or keeping track, hers are real. OMG the dog is wearing a bib. The cook is going to make some yummy Mexican food for everyone. I wonder if they just call it “food” in Mexico because they are already in Mexico so there's no need to call it “Mexican” food. Hmmmm. Felipa wants Pau to sit down so she can pump her for info. They talk about what Pedro and Chucho are up to. The phone rings and Ez answers it. Ez hangs up and runs into Alex. Ez says Victoria wanted him to let her know when Alex arrived.

Bruno is driving and calls Pimp Daddy E (who is wearing another really bad shirt.). Bruno wants to know what happened. He says he did what he asked him to do. I killed them. Bruno thinks that is just peachy. PDE disgustedly throws his phone in the back seat and curses him.
Alex goes up to see Vicky who is sitting in a chair reading a book. Does she ever really do anything?

Alex tells her that he thinks that Bruno has been up to no good again. To her credit she actually wants to hear about it.

Bobo is in the hot tub. Paula walks up and says hi. He tries to get her to get into the tub. She says she doesn't have a swimming suit and he says she can wear one of Raquel's (Uh, no thanks. We don't know where that thing has been. Oh, wait, yes we do. Ewwww.) Shes worried about what Raquel will say. He says she's probably drunk and watching TV in bed. Paula asks if they sleep together and he says of course not. She looks surprised.

Back to Alex and Vicky. Alex is giving her the lowdown on the newest dirty deeds of Bruno. She says are you sure? Not totally but it is logical. Chucho saw the guy get up and walk away. He says Bruno's dog Erik is involved. Vicky wants to know if Meche actually saw Bruno. Alex says yes but he never told her his name. We went to their house to check it out but they have disappeared. Vicky is distraught. Alex says he knows this is hard for her and it hurts but she has to hear it all. We have to do something. She is crying and Alex tells her it isn't her fault. Yawn...FF>> She doesn't understand why Bruno is so hateful. She wants Alex's forgiveness. Ok everyone, say it with me, “He is a monster but he is my son.” Alex and Vicky hug.

Bobo finally convinced Pau to get in the hot tub. They are talking and drinking champagne. Bobo wants to know what happened with Erik. She's just about to spill her guts but who should walk up? Oh yeah, you know who I'm talking about. Somebody put a bell on that heifer. Of course she starts making a scene. She accuses him of messing with a sister-in-law. Bobo says she is drunk and stupid so shut up already. Bobo gets out of the tub and drags her back to the house. They argue and she smacks him. He asks her if she has a lover. She laughs. She throws a glass at him—again.

Alex is sneaking into the bedroom so he won't wake MJ. But wait—what's that? It's MJ looking all sexy (except for the sling maybe). He looks surprised and happy. Lots of hot kissing and slow dancing to no music. Happy couple talk. I'm not sure any conversation is necessary as he slow dances her toward the bed. FF>> . They end up on the bed and kiss some more. We don't get to see the good stuff unfortunately.

Bobo is apologizing for what happened. Paula's like, it's cool dude, don't sweat it. She tells him that his heifer hates her. Personally, I think she hates everyone including herself. Pau apologizes if she caused any trouble. He gives her a brotherly (or was it?) kiss on the cheek .
Alex and MJ are in bed. Not quite sure if this is before or after because he still has his pants on. He's touching her all over.

Vicky is filling Felipa in on the conversation with Alex. Felipa brings up the fact that MJ said that Bruno was the one that gave her the key to meet him at the hotel. And he was behind the Mario Aguirre deal. Vicky tells her that the women described the man who gave her the money and it was Bruno. Felipa is visibly shaken. Ez calls to tell Vicky that Bruno has arrived.

Vicky lights into him and says how could you blame Paula for the accident. Alex knows everything. You paid those poor people money to say it was Paula's fault. I want to know everything. Bruno plays dumb. Alex has convinced you that I've done something bad. He gives her the guilt trip about her infidelity and it's not his fault. Blah, blah, blah. Sorry everybody FF>> What an asshat.

Vicky and Felipa FF>>

Next day. Alex is getting dressed to go to work. He has to find Meche and her brother.
Chucho is also going out looking for Meche. The lawyer shows up with the paperwork for the DNA testing. Alex thinks that was fast and the attorney tells him that Bruno was in a hurry (tiene prisa).

Bruno and Erik are talking. Bruno doesn't understand why he is so sqeamish about this job. He points out that he did try to kill Alex. Bruno says but this was a woman and a kid. Bruno asks if he would rather spend his life in jail. He asks Erik what he did with the bodies. Erik says he buried them. Alex drives up and Bruno tells Erik to be quiet. Alex and Bruno have words and Bruno says that he gave blood so MJ would live and in return you will give me the presidency and a divorce. You are a man of your word aren't you. Alex says that MJ doesn't want a divorce. Bruno says perhaps (quisas). I don't know why Alex doesn't just tell him to kiss his a$$.
Felipa and Vicky in the bedroom talking. Cuco starts to whine. Hey, I'm right there with you buddy. I'd whine too if I had to listen to those two all day. Bruno comes in and wants to know what's up with Alex. He starts in with the whole guilt thing again and Vicky doesn't want to hear it. He accuses her of abandoning him. She tells him that he's made his own way. She tells him to get out. He wants to know if she's seeing Fernando. She tells him she's not seeing anyone. Like it is any of his business really. She says that if she had known he was going to be such a monster she would have had an abortion and something about going to hell. She storms out. He looks stunned for a minute then advances on Felipa. He tells her that when he is the owner of this place she is history. Cuco barks at him and he leaves. Good job Cuko. Felipa sighs and says he's a demon.

Raquel is at it again and Bobo tells her to shut up.

Chucho is still out looking for Meche. Alex has gone to the hospital to talk to the doctor.
Lissette and Moora talking about Bruno. Katia told Lissette that Bruno is great in bed.

MJ and Paula. Telling MJ about what happened with Bobo and Raquel. MJ says it's not cool to be hanging out with a married man.

Bruno has a meeting with some guy. I think I should know who it is but I don't remember.


Un Gancho Al Corazón - Thurs 12/3 - If you can't be with the one you love honey, loathe the one you're with.

Alternate title: Ximena stars in her telenovela within a telenovela.

Jero tries to borrow money from Rolu but Rolu couldn't care less about Jero and his personal or money problems. Rolu chases Jero out and catches sight of a shapely tush. Sorpre!! (But no surprise for us, we already know it's Ximena.)

Well, Mau and Coni did it, bleck. She asks, nay demands, that in respect to her position as his wife he maintain the charade until their divorce. (Doesn't make sense to me but whatever.) Mau leaves in disgust and Coni smiles her smug little victory smile. Grrrrr, trouble's a-brewing.

Nurse Ximena is drowning Rolu in kisses. He pushes her away and whines that she's not properly trained. Xime tells Rolu that she has all the tools to help in his recovery. The actor playing Rolando can barely keep from cracking up in this scene. She starts to play doctor by listening to his heart with her little stethoscope, whacking his knee just a little too hard with her little reflex hammer ("you have very bad reflexes"), and finally whipping out the "perfect" medical tool, she will take his temp with a horse thermometer. "Relax"...and ay ay ay she naughtily slips the thermometer under the sheets as Rolu howls.

The big Mau family is having a fairly civil breakfast. Jacqui suggests that they get some help for Tere since there are so many of them, but Coni tells Jacqui to butt out of the household business because soon it will no longer concern her. Does Mau want to tell them the happy news? Pleased, Mau announces that he and Coni are going to split up and the kids are staying with him. Everybody except Coni is positively ecstatic. It must be hard to maintain one's dignity when the entire household is so obviously overjoyed at one's impending departure.

Over at the barrio Moni runs into a hung over Beto with a towel hung over his head. She scolds him for drinking to forget and why did he do it? Don't lie, she knows him too well. It was for la momia, right? Beto explodes and tells Moni not to mention that perfidious woman, that damned harpy!

Estrella has a new dress, a hot little red number. Moni raves about it but points out Don Cesar's not going to be happy if she shows up and distracts the guys in the gym. Estrella says she dreamt about La Furia last night. "Me too", mutters Moni.

Mau drops the overjoyed kids off at school and Luisa gives him something, it's a note that Monita gave Luisa to give to him. He shoves it in his pocket and makes them promise not to look for Moni. He doesn't want any problems with Coni or anything to get in the way of them being together. Ominous music plays as he drives away. Uh oh, Aldo runs back down the school steps and heads off down the street.

Over at the lingerie store Jacqui is congratulating Coni on her wise decision and impending financial windfall due to the divorce. Xime joins Coni and Jacqui and proceeds to tell them three things. One, her own marriage is in danger of 5, 4, 3, 2, boom, being over. Two, she's looking for ways to rescue it but she's not asking Coni's advice because Coni should get advice, not give it. Three, she can't remember if she removed the thermometer she put in Rolu. Jacqui looks intrigued. Crabby Coni isn't in the mood to listen to Xime's stupidities and tells her so. Jacqui suggests that Xime be a good influence on Coni, why can't she just divorce her husband and take all his money?

Coni cuts to business and says she wants to tell them something together because they are the only ones who know she's pregnant. She reveals her dastardly plot, she has no intentions of divorcing Mau and she slept with him last night because she wants him to think the baby is his. Xime tries to hide her eyes from this hideous news.

Meanwhile Estrella and Moni are hanging out in front of the gym discussing Estrella's plans to add a male mantis to her insect collection. La Furia parks his bike while Monita grins and Estrella seductively shakes her bootie. Furia says hello to Monita and doesn't appear to notice the foxy lady in red. He and Moni promise to go to each other's fights and Estre finally sidles in and asks Hey what about me? She starts caressing his shoulders when Aldo appears, whips La Furia around and coldcocks him to the horror of the ladies. "You want Fury (Furia) Estrella? Well here he is!"

Jacqui can't understand why Coni insists on battling to keep Mauricio. Xime interrupts and says she doesn't exactly understand what they are talking about. Jacqui spells it out, Coni is preggers by another man and wants Mau to think he's the father. Xime is impactada and comments that it's so low! But it's also very creative like in a telenovela. However in telenovelas the truth always gets discovered. Neither Jacqui nor Xime want to be a part of Coni's telenovela.

Back at the gym Aldo puts his foot on Furia's chest and refuses to let him get up. Estrella gives him girlie slaps and tells him to beat it, she's with a real man. Moni pulls Aldo away while Furia pulls himself together. Ineresting for him, how will he deal with his son without revealing his true identity?

Jacqui tries to talk sense into Coni but Xime tells her not to bother, Coni is very slow about comprehending certain things. Coni tells Xime to shut up and Xime passionately yells back "No you shut your own mouth for once, and find yourself another friend to keep your dirty secrets!" Wow, did our Xime just yell? She calmly tells Coni to stop giving her bad vibes and she has three things to say. One, Mao Tse Tung has to know what she's doing to him. Two, she's going to tell him. Three, (pulls lingerie off rack) where did Coni find the adorable ensemble? Coni wants to tell Xime just one thing, if Ximena opens her mouth she will kill her, no kidding she will KILL HER!

Moni is still holding Aldo back, she tries to explain that the green guy is a professional and could kick his butt. Furia calmy tells Aldo that Estre is a friend and shouldn't he be in school? This sets Aldo off again, I'm not a child! Moni finally lets him go, Aldo tries to take another swing at Furia, Furia ducks and spins Aldo over his head while the girls laugh and call him escuincle. (How humiliating!) Moni and Furia go inside and Aldo asks Estre how can she like that guy over him? She picks up Furia's jacket off the ground and of course the letter falls out. Aldo peeks at it and sees that it's Monita's letter "To Mauricio". Cara impactada de Aldo.

Inside the gym the ladies try to get Furia to lift up his mask just a little so they can clean his bloody boo-boo lip. No luck there. Don Cesar arrives and accuses Estrella of distracting Furia, and caray, caray what happened to Furia's face? Don Cesar tells Moni to get busy with practice and he kicks Estrella out of the gym once and for all.

Coni convinces Xime that if Xime betrays her she literally will kill her. Xime has goose bumps and says she no longer wants to be part of Coni's telenovela. Coni tells her it's more like a horror film, and if she can't kill Xime she'll kill her cousin Mauricio. All Xime has to do to save them is keep her mouth shut. Xime says if she is to be part of Coni's telenovela then here is her last line..."Get ready Constanza Lerdo de Tejana, because one day you will pay dearly for all the damage you are causing, one day and it's not far away, aja!!" Xime spins around to leave, her pony tail horizontal, then she grabs the dainty undies as her payment for silence and swooshes out dramatically, just like a real telenovela star!

Jacqui tells Coni that Coni is her daughter and she's on her side whether she agrees with her or not. Coni is all "sure sure, just tell me how much money you want to maintain your silence." Jacqui responds "finally we understand each other."

Unmasked Mau and Don Cesar are behind closed doors where DC can tend to Mau's wound (and what in the heck is hanging off Mau's lip?). Mau is mad that Aldo skipped school; DC points out the kid hides from school for the love of a woman just as Mau hides behind his mask for the love of a woman, where does the kid learn his tricks, eh? DC says Mau's bigger problem is that Estrella is falling for La Furia. Mau thinks he won't have to keep up the charade much longer because Coni is going to give him a divorce. However until he and Coni are divorced he can't let Monita know so he needs to keep his mask on.

Jero goes to the bar and finds Ximena there drinking and thinking. Hah thinking, he says, the day she thinks will be the end of the world. Jero is very interested to hear that Xime just saw his lady love Jacqui but Xime shuts him down. She has to concentrate on her problem to find a solution. Jero keeps telling Xime how stupid she is, whenever he thinks she couldn't possiby be more stupid, well she is! Xime says she suddenly remembers a message that Jacqueline had for Jero. It's trememndous and guess what it is?!? Tell me tell me tell me squeaks Jero jumping up and down excitedly in his seat! "Oh whoops, I'm so stupid I forgot it, byeeeee!" Our Ximena loves to play the dingbat but in reality she is quite a devious, almost sadistic, scamp.

Gabi brings cranky Sal some cinnamon tea. "What part of bring me nothing do you not understand?" he asks. She tells him fine, it's just a pretext so she can talk to him. What's up with him these days? What's up with his silence, his distance, his indifference? She's patient but she has her limits. He sighs and says he needs time. How much, she wants to know? For now he just wants to be alone. With his toupee. (Heh, I made up that last bit.) Gabi leaves, unsatisfied.

Nieves is getting bouncing baby boy Beto ready for school, er I mean work. She crosses him and wishes the sainted cross to protect her little angel from bad women and bad thoughts. Oh mama, you are SO way too late for that. Ivan hangs around and asks Beto if he can go to work with him, he wants to talk to Mauricio about something. Beto says sure as long as Ivan pays for the taxi. Beto is running late because his ma made him eat a big plate of chilaquiles with cheese, crema, onions, all sorts of things. "Don't forget to eat lunch!" Nieves yells after him.

Coni and Jacqui invade Grupo Sermeño. Gabi tells them it's nice to see Jacqui but she can't say the same about Coni. Jacqui tells Gabi no problem, she knows Coni has "sangre pesada", (heavy blood) i.e. a nasty disposition. Gabi continues to dis Coni after she flounces off. Jacqui sez no problem, she's her daughter and she knows her. Gabi should have known Coni as a kid. When she was ten she was stung by a scorpion. Luckily nothing happened to Coni but the poor scorpion died.

Gabi goes off to get some coffee for Jacqui. What should happen next but Jacqui runs into Sal, "You always end up in my arms, Salvador" she flirts.

Moni trains at the punching bag while Don Cesar coaches. It sounds like she won't have a fight for another month. Then DC asks her not to bring Estrella to the gym because she distracts Moni and the guys. In fact one of the guys fell and broke his nose trying to get a look at Estrella as she flirted with the whole world. Moni says not the whole world, only La Furia Enmascarada. She asks DC what Furia looks like without his mask and DC is saved by the commercial.

Sal explains to Jacqui that he and his crazy wife are getting a divorce. Jacqui, who by the way is acting like a kid who's about to pee her pants, tells Sal that's great, he can pick her up at 8:30. More talk and oh, it turns out Jacqui DOES have to go to the bathroom. She dashes off to the Mujeres but is ambushed by Jero who wants to know why she was talking to Sal and acting all (moves up and down, mimicking Jacqui with a full bladder). "I have to pipi, idiota!" she snaps and tries to escape.

Now we have another great scene with these two. They are bickering about her dumping him and not giving him another chance, meanwhile Jacqui is hopping around trying to keep from wetting herself and Jero is hopping around in postural echo. He thought they were a team conspiring against Coni. Jacqui tells him things have changed and finally manages to tear herself away, leaving Jero skittering and scowling in frustration.

Well well, who should show up at the gym but Ximena?! Moni gives her a big hug but is curious as to why Xime is there looking for Robi el Fantasma Vengador. Xime tells her it's about something horrible but she can't tell Moni what it is. Moni throws Xime up against the punching bag and tells her to throw out the soup. Xime, still acting in her telenovela and clearly wanting Moni to force the truth out of her, tells Moni she can't reveal the truth because Coni will kill her. She dramatically insists "I can't, I can't, I can't", then eyes Moni hopefully.

Tomorrow: Coni thanks Beto for not letting her go through with the abortion because the child is not Beto's, it's Mauricio's.

When I was in Guanajuato the college kids who showed us around were very interested to hear that we collect dichos. Here are a couple they shared with me...

Arrieros somos y en el camino andamos - What goes around comes around (Lit. We are all driving animals along the same road, inferring that if we don't help someone then it will come back to bite us someday.)

Hay que hablar a calzón quitado - Speak as if you don't have knickers on, i.e. speak frankly.


En Nombre del Amor, December 3, 2009--Get Me to the Wedding in Time

Sorry for the late notice but I'm unwell tonite and can't do a recap right now--will try to update sometime tomorrow.

Update: Here's the recap, and thanks again everyone for your patience and for pitching in.

Repeat of Alonso talking with Natalia about Paloma--he understands now why Inaki fell in love with her. He also mentions that if they need to seek justice re: Inaki’s death, he’ll do it, and if he finds proof of anything, he’ll be relentless.

Camila sees Samuel and Carlota talking on the street—he’s trying to ask her out—and wonders what he’s up to. She doesn’t like the two of them together.

Orlando whines to Angelica about he’s jealous that Camila is going to the convention, and Rafael will surely be there. Angelica worries that he’s so insecure when his marriage with Camila is already a done deal.

Rafa asks Joel if Camila has accepted the invitation to the convention. No, not yet. Well, you’re going to have to pressure her, replies Rafa. Joel doesn’t think that’s a good idea but Rafa insists that he try at the wedding today.

Carlota is on the phone with Paloma’s fake dad--she deposited an advance in the account and when she finds out that he did his job, she’ll deposit the rest.

Rufi is with Edmundo’s granddaughter who’s trying to call the Espinosa house, but the line is busy. Rufi is anxious to speak with Paloma and tell her that she’ll be back in a few days.

Carlota informs Pal that she located her father and he’s going to talk with Padre Juan Cristobal. Pal is sure that PJC will be disillusioned with her father just as she was. And with she hopes PJC will forget about her father, as she would like to do. She wants to get away from the past and hopes she’s not going to find out about anything else . . . or is there anything she should know? No, of course not, lies Carlota. Carlota promises that Pal isn’t alone and she’ll always be there for her.

PJC tells Orlando he doesn’t agree with the Emiliano-Romina marriage because it’s full of blackmail and manipulation. He also says that he’ll be late to the wedding because he has an important appointment with the guy who says he’s Pal’s father.

Romina, appropriately adorned in a tiara to reflect her ME-ME-ME diva complex, complains to the hairdresser that her hair looks horrible. She goes into the bathroom and finds blood running down her leg. She immediately dials Carlota911 to ask for help--she can’t lose the baby before the wedding, or else Emil won’t marry her. Carlota tells her to calm down and rest as much as she can and she’ll try to find out if there’s something she can take to stop the bleeding.

Rafa tells Emil that he’s really proud of him and he knows he’s making a huge sacrifice. I think Emil says he wouldn’t be half the man he is if not for Rafa.

Paloma takes the dolls from her dollhouse (Inaki, Emiliano, and Romina), says goodbye and puts them in her treasure box (is that Mac’s box?). She cries that it hurts as much to lose Emiliano as it does to lose Romina--she was more than a friend, she was a sister for Pal.

Carlota is on the phone trying to get info on some medicine for Romi.

Roberto (Samuel’s ex-roommate) calls Alonso with news about Inaki’s investigation into Pal’s inheritance--it was handled by Luis Duarte. Pal’s parents weren’t in debt, and Carlota sold their house. Also, Pal was the beneficiary of Sagrario’s investments/accounts.

Carlota calls Romi to tell her that she’s sending over the medicine. When Camila comes in Romi pretends that she’s dizzy and nauseous. Camila suggests they postpone the wedding but of course Romi says no way.

Paloma comes downstairs in her new look and Carlota asks why the change. Pal says she’s not a little girl anymore and doesn’t want anyone to remember the good Pal, the one who suffers and is unhappy. Carlota doesn’t like the new clothes. On their way out Carlota comments that Pal’s new hairdo reminds her of Macarena.

Romi whines some more that she looks pale, terrible, etc. and shoots down Cami’s suggestion that her not feeling well is a sign she shouldn’t go through with the wedding.

Diana shows up and informs Emil that Romina invited her. Emil pulls her aside and when she tells him he can ask for anything from her, he says, then give my dad (Rafa) a divorce. Just then Samuel arrives.

PJC leaves for Pachuca with some guy (I think he works at the church?).

The wedding ceremony starts. Angelica notices blood on Romi’s dress and informs Camila. Camila yells out “you’re bleeding!” and everyone stands around looking dramatic while Hitchcock-ian suspense music plays.

Everyone yells at Romi to see a doctor but she insists that they continue with the ceremony. Emil and Cami try to drag her toward the stairs and Samuel tells her he will ask the judge to wait, so she finally relents. Mientras tanto, Diana looks nervous and downs a couple drinks.

Carlota drives along while thinking that Pal will never be able to be happy with any man, she won’t allow it. Pal boo-hoos to herself about Emil.

Natalia sees Alonso working on his computer but he claims he’s just on the Internet. He asks about the guy who replaced Rojas (German), he couldn’t remember his name. Nat asks if he’s reached Carmen--he sent a message, so hopefully she checks her mail.

Liliana and friends greet Pal with flowers and lots of cheers. Carlota sighs and rolls her eyes.

Rufi calls the house and the new maid, Felipa, answers and explains that Carlota hired her because Rufi doesn’t work there anymore. Rufi’s surprised to hear this and asks to speak to La Loca, but she’s not home. Rufi tells Felipa to give Carlota the message that she’ll be back soon and if she’s going to fire her, she’ll have to do it herself.

Cami tells Romi her life and the baby’s could be in danger; their health should be her priority. But no, Romi continues to insist that her top priority is her wedding. Cami asks Romi if she was bleeding when she claimed earlier that she had called the doctor about being dizzy, but Romi denies it. Cami goes to call the doc but Romi tells her not to and confesses that she hadn’t called anyone earlier.

Pal tells Lili how Romi didn’t want to cancel the wedding even when Emil said he didn’t love her. Lili tries to encourage her to move on but Pal weeps that she can’t. I guess she has already forgotten the little speech she gave Carlota 15 minutes ago about wanting to change and not be a little girl anymore.

Downstairs at the Drama Queen’s house Diana and Ines are chatting. Diana says the wedding has to go on for the purposes of her plan of vengeance. She whispers something to Ines that we don’t hear--Ines' response is that she can’t be a witness to that. Diana is not going to take things lying down, what with Rafa in support of Emil being against her and all. Ines refuses to be Diana’s accomplice and walks off.

Carlota is bored at the art showing and tells Pal that the class of friends she invited turn her stomach, so Pal tries to defend. Then Pal mentions that some important painter gave everyone the opportunity to exhibit at this event, and shows Carlota one of his paintings. Pal thinks Mac would have liked to have seen this and gets sad that she, Rufi, and Emil aren’t there with her. Carlota takes this opportunity to remind Pal that she better forget about Emil, because married men are off limits.

German asks Emil if he’ll still marry Romi if she loses the baby, but Emil doesn’t want to think about that. German reminds Emil that one time he suggested Pal would be a good for German--after all, she has to remake her life with someone. Emil doesn’t like that idea and orders German to keep away from Pal. Dr. B. arrives and comments that he still needs German’s help and to let him know if he changes his mind. Emil asks what’s up and German replies that Dr. B. has a legal issue but he doesn’t want to get involved.

Liliana et al. try to cheer Pal up. Her teacher runs up all excited to tell her that someone is interested in her paintings, and something about he wants to give Pal an arts scholarship?

Dr. B. checks Romi. Cami goes to get the medicine from the pharmacy that Romi took earlier. Romi begs him to help save the baby.

Carlota is annoyed about the scholarship and argues with Pal. Yay, here comes Cesar Evora! He’s introduced as Eugenio Lizarde. He looks like he might be interested in Carlota.


Thursday, December 03, 2009

Gancho Wed 12-2 - The oldest trick in the could he fall for it???? Ack!!

Hey there, I'm back again but still catching up so this is a little light tonight. SUPER thanks to Cap'n Sharkbait for filling in for me. What a treat. I need to catch up, but I'll be back in the swing soon. OK onward....

Connie gets a new one from her Mom about being with a man who doesn’t love her and that will gradually eat her insides out. I'm hoping to see that.

Moni and Paula rag on Estre for throwing herself at the luchador she barely knows. I think Estre looks hell of hot now.

Beto shows up stinking drunk. He wants some lovin’ They refuse to give it to him. He goes off in a huff.

Poor Xime is crying when Jero comes home. Ironically he complains to her about a woman who wanted him only for his money. Xime says huh, and you don’t even have any. He eventually feels better that he will get the right girl. He still neglects to make Xime feel better, instead telling her it’s her fault for all this. She bawls more.

Luisa shows up and Mona is happy to see her. So is Ivan. They are being watched though so they don’t get too close.

Jaqui talks to Mau about Connie and thinks that he needs to treat her better. He claims she provokes him and only thinks of herself. She reminds him all he’s provoking is more hate from her dangling this other woman in front of her. She says he needs to be patient and treat her differently to change her attitude so she backs down her guard a little.

Estre asks Katia how Aldo is. They spar cattily for a bit, Estre is with someone new, blah, blah, Estre insults Katia that she should buy a forest and get herself lost.

Katia and Ivan discuss the possibility that something is up between Beto and Her sister Con. Ivan promises to see what he can find out.

The kids leave the barrio and Katia yells out she’s leaving it to Ivan. Mona hears this and her interest is piqued.

Mau has the calming conversation with Coni, he begs her pardon for all he’s done to her, including loving another. He knows she must act this way because she’s been hurt. He says aside of all of the horrible things she’s done he’s willing to forgive, and expects her to do the same. He starts to leave, and she breaks out the water works. She’ll give him the divorce.

Lu and Kat show up at the house. Aldo comes to chat, and learns that Ivan will help them and Ester has forgotten him, she’s with the luchador. Aldo refuses to believe it.

Coni gives Mau the kids, she just wants to spend one night with him like when it was only the two of them. Mau says no way. That’s absurd. They fight about this, she renegs on giving him the divorce since he won’t give in. Ugh for crap’s sake!!!

Aldo soon starts asking questions about the luchador. Kat keeps insulting Estre as being a street girl and acting that she cares about Aldo. He throws Kat out.

More fighting between Coni and Mau. Coni lays on the guilt trip that he is only one night away from being with Mona because she could leave and go to Europe with her Ma.

The barrio girls chat about the letter Mona wrote. They talk about the love she has for him…

Coni keeps up the heat. Mau decides he can’t and walks out asking to think about it. Ah crap, here we go again. Why does he let her manipulate him like that? UGH!!!!!

Aldo calls Estre and wants to know about the luchador. She realizes Kat opened her mouth. She says she’s giving the luchador a chance, and they can’t be together so get over it. Aldo won’t take it, they can’t be just friends.
Mau lies in bed apparently struggling over the decision as he flashes back to Mona and then Coni’s proposition. He really does look like his brain is hurting. Mon apparently dreams about him too, this time that he has come back to her forever and he proclaims himself hers that he will come back but she doesn’t want him to leave. At the end she’s really hugging the Masked Fury.

Coni is sprawled out on the bed when we hear a knock. Mau thought it over and will sleep with her if tomorrow she’s gone. He says he won’t kiss her. What the hell then, why bother. Sheesh.

Nieves is with Cesar who is off to a meet with promoters who will set Mona’s next fight. Nieves wants him to get some tacos on the way for himself. She tries to wake up Beto with pots and pans and of course he is in a bad way.

A nurse is back at Rolu’s and Jero is lusting over her. Jero promises not ot rat Rolu out with Xime if he lends Jero money to resolve some debts. Rolu is not interested. Jero teases him and manages to evade him. Rolu kicks him out and turns to the nurse who is still shaking her ass in his face. SURPRISE!!! She turns around and it’s our Xime!!! Rolu is impacted.

We see a sulking Mau who says he will talk right away with his lawyers. She says go ahead, but don’t go after Mona until we are legally divorced. She smiles an evil smile, and he gives a look of alright, fine. And that’s it!


Sortilegio - Wed Dec 2 - Ep 40 - Chucho and Pedro Busted!

Capitulo 45

Katia and Maura leave Maura's house.

Ale tells Victoria about the visiting Dr Hernan and about MJ asking for a paternity test. Ale tells victoria that he is the father of the baby. Ale wants Victoria to have a relationship with MJ without all the drama. Victoria says ok. Victoria asks what Ale knows of Bruno. Ale says nothing. The lawyers are waiting to submit the request to see if they are brothers... and the world is going to fall over says Victoria. NO says Ale, we still have time to give him everything he wants. No says Victoria, your father would never forgive me, and it is not right.

Katia and Lisette are walking close to some beach slurping something loud through straws. Katia tells Lis how she is spying for Bruno. She is really stupid even for being 17. They stop to take off their shoes to so they can walk in the sand. Lis says that Katia must really be in love to spy.


Chucho meeting someone...

Pedro painting....

Chucho and Pedro having lunch. Pedro tells Chucho that he had MJ recommend Meche for a job at Ale's house. Chucho tells Pedro that Meche cannot work there. Chucho then tells the story why Meche cannot work there.

EZ is on the phone and says Meche what do you want? He then tells Felipe that Meche is a recommended employee from Ale.

MJ answers her phone and what a surprise it is Papa. Papa finds out MJs already told Ale about Meche. Papa is really sweating it literally. He is wiping the sweat off his face. Papa tells MJ that she needs to stop it make up something to Ale. Papa is in Merida and will come and see MJ.

Chucho will go see Meche as Pedro is off to see MJ.

EZ interviews Meche. Meche doesn't really have any recomendations. EZ says they will try her for a week.

Paula is telling Roberto that she doesn't want to go live with her father. She wants to live in the big house and eat good food. Roberto tells her he understands. It is easy to get accustomed to the good life. He says they are alike. She says it is not, but they swing in the swing and try to go faster and higher.

Maura tells Lis nothing that they have tried has work and now she needs to form an alliance with Bruno. Maura calls Bruno who is busy with the lawyers. Bruno tells Maura he will come to her house this afternoon.

Roberto and Paula are on the stairs now. Roberto says that Paula didn't tell him that she knew Bruno before coming here. Of course not says Paula. Roberto says he thought they were becoming friends and you trust friends. Paula says not if they really don't want to be friends. Roberto tell Paula to test him.

MJ and Victoria talk about painting and writing. Mj says she is ignorant, but Victory says no, you just have to be sensible etc. MJ struggles to ask what Victoria thinks about her baby. Victoria tells MJ that her baby is her grand child, and MJ cries.

Pedro comes to the house. Paula comes running to greet him. I just realize that I keep hearing cymbals clash and certain times. Pedro tells Paula that he has come to visit and when EZ leaves to tell MJ, Pedro tells Paula that they have a new misfortune. Paula shakes her head. No!

Meche is telling Gabriel that she starts work tommorow. Chucho is on his way to visit Meche. Meche lets him in. Gabriel says he exercises and shows Chucho how he is on his way to walking. Meche tells how she has a job at the house. Chucho tells Meche she cannot work there.

Pedro tells MJ what Chucho told him about Meche, and Paula is hoppin mad that she could have gone to prison for a lies. Paula is very mad. Pedro explains that Chucho is a good person, that he got them a place in Merida and paid for every thing.

Chucho is getting the description of Bruno out of Gabrial and Meche. Tall, thin, dark hair, fair skinned, good body. Meche says they gave the money back to Erick.

Pedro is whining to MJ. Meche was only working at the club to help Gabriel. MJ tells Papa that he is always giving her problems. Papa promises that this is the last time. Right!

Ale and Fer at the office going over plans, and the lawyer comes. The lawyer believes the process will take 3 or 4 years.

Bruno is talking strategy with his lawyers. Something about Hernan?

Katia calls Bruno to tell Bruno that Alex's lawyer just left. He says she has done good.

Ale and Fer talk some more and gets quite heated but I did not catch it. They leave the office and Katia wants to get more info out Fer but he is busy. Says he was just meeting with Alex and the lawyer.

Paula is out walking off her anger. Erick comes running to her obviously glad to see her and says something about her returning with her sister. Paula shoves him and says she is not happy, Why Erick asks? Paula kicks Erick in the shin for good measure. You dare to ask with the misfortune in my life? Paula walks off as Roberto ask s Erick what is wrong. Erick says he doesn't know, that she is crazy.

Ale comes home and EZ tells him he talked with Meche and they will try her out for a week. Also, that Pedro came to visit MJ and Paula.

MJ is asleep. Ale awakes and kisses her and asks MJ , asking about her day. MJ says she had a nice visit with his Madre. They talked about the project that Victoria is working on with Fer and Victoria invited her to participate. Good says Ale. What else? Who else says MJ? Ales says are you going to tell me about the visit with your Padre?

Rachel is talking on the phone with someone. She wants as soon as possible an apartment that outside the city that is pretty and comfortable and secluded. Roberto ask who she was talking to and Rachel says it is not important.

MJ sighs and gets up. Ale tells MJ he has had a bad day and he doesn't need complications. She is supposed to tell him. She promised she would tell her husband things. She says they are not married. Finally ,this man that has got to win a medal for patience gets MJ to tell him the truth. Yeah!!!! It took a lot!

EZ, Felipe and Arturo are in the kitchen talking about Mecha.

Ale , I think tells MJ about some of the problems Bruno is causing , and then gets the address of where Pedro is.

Ale tells Victoria that he has problems he has to take care of. She wants to know what problems, but he hurries out.

Rachel comes in and rants and somewhere in this tirade I hear more cymbals clashing. Rachel says she is not important and Victoria says she is. Rachel tells her she is getting a divorce, and Victoria questions her about it. Rachel is ranting and ranting, and I my ears refuse to hear. Victoria calls for Felipe and leaves and Rachel screams after her and then gets a car from Arturo.

Erick comes down to talk with Arturo who tells Erick that Meche, the sister of the guy that pretended to be in the accident, is coming to work at the house, by Ale's recommendation.

Erick is off to call Bruno to give him the news. Bruno says they cannot take the risk and tells Erick to kill them.

Victoria is talking with Felipe when she gets a call from Fernando. She tells him she will see him tomorrow afternoon.

Pedro and Chucho are cleaning up when there is a knock on the apartment door. Guess who? Ale. Ale tells them that MJ told him everything. BUSTED!!!

Paula is painting her toenails while talking to MJ. They talk about love and other stuff.

Chucho and Pedro explain their reasons to Ale for doing what they did. Ale tells them that it has caused lots of problems with his family. Pedro says they are good people. Ale says it is okay. Ale knows that it was Erick that started this.

Erick is banging on Meche's door. Erick is screaming to be let in. Meche tries to offer him some coffee. Erick manhandles her and asks her about her job at the house. Meche says she was offered a job but said no cause EZ is very bossy.Erick pulls out his gun and lots of yelling but my dvr ends.


Wednesday, December 02, 2009

ENDA, December 2, 2009

Carloca tells the new maid that she doesn't know if Rufi will come back and offers her the job.

PJC talks to Padre Benito about Carloca denying that Paloma is his child. And saying that that Paloma's father is someone else. Padre Benito tells him to investigate. Because your promotion depends on it. PJC agrees.

Joel is asking Monica why she rejected him. She denies it. She just doesn't want to be rejected again once he finds out about her life. They get interrupted by Camila. Joel was waiting for her. He has an invitation for her to a ceramics convention. He and Rafael have already confirmed and want her to come along. She wants to think about it.

Orlando tells Emiliano that they have found a house and Romina is going to decorate it. Emiliano gets a hissy fit. Orlando tells him that he needs to change his attitude or his life will be hell. Emiliano says it's not that easy. Orlando says you have to try for Romina and your child. If it doesn't work out then you at least tried.

Romina is shopping for a couch and notices a couple shopping together. She cries.

Rufi is taken to a party. Edmundo walks up and apologizes for having told her a white lie. He wanted her to meet his children and grandchildren. And it was the only way for her to see the house he would buy her once she married him. Rufi laughs in his face and says they will never marry. Especially since I now know that you are a liar. Edmundo says I did this all for you because I care about you. Rufi says whatever and demands to go back to Real del Monte a.s.a.p.

PJC goes to visit Macarena's grave. He understands why she asked him to care for Paloma. He always wanted to have a child with her. Paloma is so great. I have to find out if Paloma is telling me the truth or Carloca.

Paloma reminds Carloca after Jennifer leaves that Rufi will be back in a couple of days. Carloca tells her to worry about her things and she'll worry about everything else. Paloma tells Carloca that Saturday is her art exhibit. Carloca asks if she's going to the wedding. No, replies Paloma. Carloca tells her it's a good idea and offers to pay for a new dress and salon visit to look nice for the exhibit.

Rufi demands Edmundo's granddaughter find out when she will be leaving. She tells Rufi that the bus only comes twice a week so they cannot leave today. Rufi is not happy.

Joel tells Rafael that he told Camila about the convention but she wants to think about it first. Rafael grills him.

Monica is trying to convince Camila to go to the convention.

Alonzo is taking a walk at the park and talks to Inaki's spirit. He spots Paloma and walks up to her. Paloma gets frightened, but he says it alright. He wants to know if he can talk to her for a minute. He says that he was very unfair with her. Paloma tells him that she loved his son very much. I understand that you and Carloca did not accept our relationship although at the end Carloca did. Alonzo asks if she was not surprised about Carloca's change of attitude. Paloma says she was, but figures that Carloca realized that she couldn't keep them apart. Alonzo wants to know if Inaki was sick that last night at her house. Paloma says not really. At the end of the night he was a little, but I figured he just drank too much. He was hurt that you (Alonzo) wasn't going to be at the wedding, but hoped that you would eventually accept me. Alonzo wants Paloma to tell him how she and Inaki met and what she thought of him. Paloma says they met at a party. We see a montage of her relationship with Inaki. Everything from how they met, sneaking around to see each other, their wonderful moments together and his proposal at the church. Also their last night together and his death. Alonzo the whole time is either smiling or crying. They hug.

Liliana tells Emiliano everything that happened between Romina and Paloma. Paloma telling Romina that she will not be at the wedding witnessing the man she loves marry another. Liliana says she came to tell him because Romina wouldn't.

PJC goes to la casa de la loca aka Carloca's house. He asks Paloma to speak with Carloca.

Emiliano looks out the window and says to himself how wonderful and strong Paloma is. Angelica comes in and asks Emiliano if everything is okay. He tells her that Paloma had the balls to tell Romina how she felt about him and he never told Romina how he felt about Paloma. Angelica reminds him that he did want to in the beginning, but Paloma begged him not too. He's not a coward. Emiliano asks Angelica if he told Romina how he felt about Paloma, that she would cancel the wedding. Angelica doesn't think so.

PJC asks Carloca and Paloma where he can find her father. Paloma asks why. He is a very undesirable person. PJC says he understands, but has some questions for him.

Emiliano asks Romina if Paloma told her that she was not coming to the wedding. Romina says yes because she prefers to go to her art show instead. Emiliano says that she not coming because she loves me just like I love her.

Carloca says that it's really not PJC business. PJC says it's important. Carloca doesn't understand why now that Macarena's dead and Paloma doesn't want anything to do with her father. Why do you want to talk to him? PJC says he has reasons to meet him, but if Carloca doesn't want to help he'll find other ways. Paloma says I don't really see why, but if you insist okay. Carloca says she'll call him and give him PJC's number.

Romina can't believe that Emiliano admitted to her how he feels about Paloma. Because it's the truth replies Emiliano. I would have told you sooner, but Paloma didn't want too. Romina says then you will have to forget about your love for her the moment we get married. Emiliano says they shouldn't get married. It's a bad idea now that you know I love Paloma. Romina says I don't care if you love Paloma or not. Emiliano replies that their marriage will be hell. I promise to be the best father, but don't obligate me to marry you knowing that I love Paloma who is like a sister to you. Romina says that Paloma stopped being her friend the moment she had eyes for him. So don't talk to me about her anymore and start forgetting about her this very moment. Because if you don't marry me, I promise you will never see your child. Fine replies Emiliano. But understand I am only marrying you to be a father to our child, not your husband.

Carloca tells the actor she paid to call PJC and tell him the same story he told Paloma. Fake daddy Juan tells Carloca it's not the same. It's one thing lying to a child and another lying to a priest. Carloca says it's the same thing. Fake Juan says if you want me to lie to the priest it's going to be costly. Carloca finally agrees.

Emiliano calls Paloma wanting to see her. She thinks it's not a good idea, but he says that he would ring the doorbell. He has to see her. She finally agrees to see him at the park.

Camila tells Orlando about the convention and wants him to join her. He has to see a client. They get into an argument because he knows that Rafael will be there and doesn't want her to go. She tells him that she has made her own decisions for years and will not allow someone to come in and tell her what to do.

Romina is crying to her daddy about how Emiliano doesn't love her but Paloma. BLAH-BLAH. Samuel is annoyed, but tries to hide it. He tells her to calm down. He says there is a thin line between love and hate. She needs to change tactics. What tactics asks Romina? The victim replies Samuel. It never fails. No man likes a difficult woman. They like to protect a woman, provide for her and be the authority. So if you make him feel like he's the boss and is needed then things will change. Romina says that's not me. Samuel says if you want your marriage to work then you will.

Paloma asks Emiliano why he told Romina the truth. Because you did replies Emiliano. Well yeah because soon I will be leaving this place and it doesn't matter. She should have never known how he feels about her. It will only cause more problems. I thought that if she knew how I felt about you she would cancel the wedding. Why do we have to give up on our love all because of a mistake? It's not fair to us. Life is not fair replies Paloma. You have to marry Romina tomorrow and I will have to leave here. I have to make a life without you. It's not easy without you. But I love you so much replies Emiliano. So do I says Paloma. They kiss.

Diana wants Carloca to help unmask the woman that Rafael is now with since she will be at the wedding. Carloca says that she will not be able to go because she is going to Paloma's art exhibit instead. But you can do that all on your own. Diana says I need your advice then. You are a smart woman. Tell me what to do. Carloca tells her to out the woman in front of everyone.

Samuel goes to visit Emiliano. He yells at Emiliano to treat Romina right and not only are they to have a civil ceremony, but also a religious one. Emiliano says that's between Romina and me. No replies Samuel. She is my daughter and it is my business to protect her. If that was the case says Emiliano, you would never have abandoned her as a child. Samuel starts to say something, but Emiliano interrupts and says he has no right to say anything to him. Samuel says he's with her now to protect her and care for her. Emiliano tells him then to convince Romina not to marry him because he doesn't love her. Samuel says he won't do it. And if Romina cries one tear over him then he'll have to deal with him. Emiliano tells Samuel to get out.

Fake Juan calls PJC. PJC wants to meet tomorrow. They set up a meeting.

Alonzo tells Natalia that she was right about Paloma. I know understand why Inaki feel in love with her. I saw her at the park and talked to her. I want to help her because Inaki would have wanted me too.

Carloca and Samuel meet up in the streets. He wants to invite her to coffee, but Carloca has to go to Paloma's art exhibit. Camila spots Samuel giving Carloca's hand a kiss and wonders why they are together.

Manana: La boda de Romina and Emiliano; Paloma's new look


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