Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Sortilegio Monday January 11

Fernando is reprimanding Katia for lying about the cell phone call and falsely accusing a work friend, but she refuses to back down and manages to shed all blame and enrage him at the same time. She calls Mari a fat cow and when Fernando tells her not to be rude she begins lowing like a cow: mooooo, moooooo. She says that Mari’s problem is that she doesn’t know how to defend herself/stick up for herself/get along on her own (no sabe defenderse), which sounds a lot like a justification Bruno would use. Fer fires her from her position at Lombardo Construction and Katia is astounded – why am I fired!?!?! And you can’t fire me anyway!!! Fer tells her she’s not trustworthy, and he CAN fire her, but she begins shouting blah blah blah (yes, those words exactly) over the sound of his voice to drown him out. She doesn’t put her hands over her ears but she does slam the door on her way out.

Alex is talking to a sad and tired looking Roberto in the hospital. Alex asks how the baby is and finds out she’s doing poorly. And how is Raquel? Fine, says Roberto. Apparently, there is no justice in this world. We cut to Victoria at Raquel’s bedside; Raquel seems very energetic (or maybe she’s just noisy) for a woman who has recently given birth. She’s shouting that she doesn’t want the IV drip OR the baby – all she wants is a drink. And by the way, she asks, do you know what’s going on with Ulises?

Maura is on her cell phone with Elena, who is asking her when she can come to them. Maura is nervous – she has to be careful now that people know they know each other – but Elena insists that she come.

Fernando’s tío abuelo (whose name I forget, so I’ll call him Tío) is at Porfirio’s bedside with Jorge and a nurse hovering over the other side of the bed. Tío wants Porfirio to go to a hospital, or at least Jorge’s clinic. (Did Tío receive a blow to the head in a previous episode? Can’t he see from Jorge’s stone face and cold eyes that Jorge is pure evil? Doesn’t he realize that our very own Jardinera has aptly named him Mexico’s Dr. Mengele?) Porfirio refuses – he says that even though Jorge would be capable of killing him he won’t do it because he knows the granddaughter will inherit all his (Porfirio's) money when he dies only if he (Porfirio) actually sees her again first. Jorge has to make sure Porfirio doesn’t die before the granddaughter shows up. And, Porfirio taunts Jorge, when my granddaughter does show up I’ll tell her not to trust you. This seems a crazy thing to say to a man you don’t trust who is standing next to your IV drip with a complete knowledge of pharmaceuticals and a loaded syringe, but Porfirio is a feisty old coot and doesn’t back away from anything.

A random collection of the extended Lombardo clan is sitting down to dinner. We see Victoria, Felipa, MJ and Alex, Paula and Roberto. Victoria is telling the others that Raquel doesn’t want anything to do with the baby. Roberto says he wants a DNA test but is ready to take responsibility for the baby no matter who the father is. He blames himself for letting Ulises get within a mile of his wife when he knew full well who and what Ulises was, and now he feels it’s up to him to deal with the mess. Alex says there’s no point in talking about the past, and Felipa gives Roberto a big hug for his good and generous soul. I think she even says “canangas” to him, an expression I thought was only for dogs but maybe it's just a general signifier of admiration and affection.

Katia is complaining to Lisette about the way she has been treated for simply answering the phone when Maura comes in and confronts her about the lie she told about Mari. Based on what Katia said Maura accused Mari, who began weeping uncontrollably (llorar como una Magdalena), which of course made Maura look like the creep she is. Katia finally admits she lied and Maura calls her a metiche (nosy – someone who gets involved in [se mete en] other people’s business). Well, being called a liar didn’t upset Katia much, but being accused of being a metiche – that just pisses her off! Maura exits stage left and Katia wonders why all the fuss just for a phone call.

Fer is ranting to Victoria about Katia. Victoria first suggests sending her to a boarding school (internado) where the school would have the sorry job of trying to control her, but then admits that she doesn’t know what to say or how to help. She couldn’t deal with her own children, she says, so how could she help him. Fer gets that googly-eyed look again and says that the only way to help him is by loving him.

MJ and Alex are leaning over Tony’s crib in the nursery and talking about what an overall stupendous being they have created, and how lucky they are to have found one another. Back in their room MJ wonders if her dad will be free in time for the wedding. Alex says “Maybe…and uh…by the way, your mother wants to see you, but I wouldn’t recommend it. There’s something strange about all this, but …oh never mind, I think I’m just paranoid.” Alex! Doesn’t the fact that Maura (yes, the Maura who unwound the Mario Aguirre plot which almost led to the destruction of your marriage and the death of MariaJose – yes, that one) is involved in this, and that you think that Bruno is too, mean anything to you?

Arturo is helping an impatient and cranky Raquel out of the car. Motherhood has clearly not improved her. A nurse is waiting for her, along with Victoria, but Raquel refuses the nurse's help because she doesn’t want a JAILER. She tries to flee in her wheelchair but clearly didn't wheel away fast enough because in a later scene we will see this same nurse hovering over her trying to convince her to take her medicine.

Ulises goes to see Elena. She seems to be a little flirtatious, maybe working the cleavage thing, probably because she can sense that Ulises is furious. He drags her to the barn and flings her inside, angrily accusing her of trying to cut him out of the deal. No, no, no, no, no – no way, says Elena. In fact, she and Jorge were just going to call him – they were just waiting to talk to Maura to get some more information.

Now Ulises and Elena are in Jorge’s office and Ulises is demanding to know what’s going on. While he’s talking, Jorge casually goes to the desk behind Ulises (Ulises’ back is to him while they're talking –eek!!!) takes a syringe from the drawer and fills it. I can’t believe that the wily Ulises is so guileless here! Jorge asks him if anyone else is aware of what they’re talking about, and when Ulises tells him “of course not” (as in, "of course not, I’m no dope, what do you think?") Jorge plunges the syringe deep into his neck. Yech – I can’t watch. When I peek again, Ulises is slumped down and clearly unconscious.

Ulises’ building concierge is telling Roberto that Ulises left a couple of days ago on a trip. Roberto tries to call him but gets a message that the phone is off.

Jorge is telling Elena that he collected all the papers from Ulises car and got rid of them. Did he say he somehow hid or got rid of the car, also? I don’t recall hearing that, but I can’t imagine what good it is to hide his papers if the car is still there. Anyway, they are not sure if anyone knew that Ulises was coming to see them, but agree that if someone does comes looking for him they will say he never arrived. But what about the CAR? Wouldn’t that be a dead giveaway? Did I miss something?

MJ and baby Tony, Victoria and Felipa are talking about what a wreck Raquel is when Maura, that two-faced dog, arrives with some fashion magazines showing the latest wedding-dress styles and offers to help MariaJose draw up the guest list – it’s so important to make sure only the right people get invited. Victoria turns down her offer and Maura, chipper in the face of rejection, says that’s no problem, because it will give her even more time to work on finding a house for MJ and Alex. Vicki is impactada – she didn’t know MJ and Alex were planning on moving. Maura apologizes for spilling the unhappy news and twirls off to visit Raquel. MJ explains to the stricken Victoria that they want their own place because they don’t want to be around when Bruno is nearby. Vicki and Felipa understand and agree with her reasoning.

Maura is with Raquel, listening to her rage hysterically that everyone is against her (which is actually true, so at least she’s not paranoid). She’s out of her wheelchair and refusing to take her antibiotics. She wants alcohol only, and begs Maura to bring her some as proof of their friendship. Maura refuses and Raquel orders her to get out, but before she goes Raquel reminds her to find her a divorce lawyer. At the end of the scene Raquel finally decides to take her medicine so that she can get well and get out of there that much sooner.

Paula and MJ are looking at wedding and bridesmaid dresses in magazines as Paula wonders whether or not their father will be free in time for the wedding. She wonders something else, too, but I started writing about the next scene and didn’t finish writing this one down. Sorry!

Roberto and Hernán are looking at the baby, who is crying inconsolably in the little protective contraption they put newborn babies in (I know it’s not a humidor, but that’s the only word that’s coming to me right now). Roberto wants to know why she is crying so much and Hernán explains that now that the baby is born she is no longer receiving a steady supply of cocktails through the mother and so is going through alcohol withdrawal symptoms. He adds that the baby will need long term care, and then delivers the final blow – the DNA tests came back and the baby is not Roberto’s. Roberto does not look impactado at all, but more like he has been expecting this very news even while hoping for something else.

In the Lombardo living room Paula is blathering on to Roberto and he is clearly not interested. Vicki arrives and asks if he Roberto knows where Ulises is. Roberto says he can’t find him but wants to so that he can claim legal parental custody (patria potestad) of the baby. Paula says that they will all take care of the baby, but that is clearly not the issue for Robert – he wants the baby to be his. So, even knowing that the baby will most likely be sickly and need constant care, Roberto is fighting to take responsibility for her. I love him!

In Alex’s office, Alex is handing off a contract to Fer – the first one they’ve gotten since the series of scandals began – and it looks like business is picking up. Alex wonders where Bruno is, and if maybe he has given up. Fer, who has been acting a lot more clever than Alex recently, says Bruno is like a dog with a bone and won’t give up. I wonder if Alex is so desperate to put all the family’s problems behind them and return to a normal life that he is now deliberately refusing to acknowledge anything that might upset their precariously normal existence.

MJ is playing with Tony in front of the house when Bruno walks up. Wasn’t she just saying they wanted to move because they don’t feel safe with Bruno around? Now she’s practically luring him out by playing alone with the baby when no one else is in sight. Anyway, he comes out of his lair now and says to MJ that the baby could have been theirs. Even if it’s not his, he says, the baby and MJ both have his blood running through their veins (though it’s a hot day I think MJ must be shivering at her narrow escape). Bruno asks if MJ was ever in love with him and she answers no – true love is...something that I don’t catch because Tony is crying too loudly. She bundles up the baby and walks off and Bruno grumbles that Alex has taken everything –everything! from him. He flips a coin and murmurs that the war isn’t over yet.

Alex is telling Fer that MJ wants to meet her mother. Fer offers to ask his uncle about Elena but Alex says no - he doesn’t want anyone to know about the relationship between Elena, MJ and Paula, and it’s better to just leave the past behind and move on. Fer points out that the past is coming back to bite them in the butt and explains that it's Don Porfirio’s money (which Sandra is heir to) that is keeping Jorge’s clinic running. Alex agrees that this is interesting.

While they are talking Maura comes in to let Alex know that Raquel is in bad shape, to let Fer know that Katia didn’t come back to work, and to let them both know she’s going to be gone for a few days. Alex reminds her of the board meeting and insists she be there. She seems to agree, and though she doesn’t look happy about it she’s not so upset that she can’t caress Alex’s shoulder on the way out. Fer warns Alex that Maura is after him but Alex just gives a kind of a smirk, claps him on the back and tells him they have to go to the church What’s the deal, Alex? Are you happy to let this go on so that you can make MJ jealous? Reacciona por favor!

Maura is telling Elena that she can’t come to see them and Elena tells her to fly to Toluca for the day. Maura asks why Elena and Jorge don’t come to her and Elena explains that the situation is too delicate and that they don’t want to risk anyone seeing them.

MJ, Alex and Tony, accompanied by Vicki, Fer and Felipa, meet the priest to arrange the details of their marriage. The priest seems a little confused at the order they’re dong things in and asks who the baby belongs to; they explain that the baby is theirs and they want to arrange a baptism, also.

Bruno goes to see Maura but only Lisette is in. Lisette recounts with surprise how furious Maura was at Katia for answering her phone and then telling Ulises about the call but Bruno seems uninterested. He tells Lisette she’s not looking well at all (muy desmejorada) and asks what’s wrong. His concern seems real, and he gives her a kiss and tells her to take care and I totally see how Katia could be such an idiot about him; when he becomes a human being again he really is hot. It’s hard to know when he’s being deceptive and when he genuinely cares about someone, so I can understand why katia is confused (though it doesn’t explain the lying, the snottiness, the mooing like a cow when her brother tries to reason with her…).

With the information he’s gathered Bruno goes to Katia and they have a snuggle and a debrief on the beach. She’s crying because she lost her job and her friend for telling Bruno about the call. (I wrote Bruno in my notes, but shouldn’t it be Ulises?) Bruno is so sorry – he never would have asked her had he known…he was just curious...but now tell me about this woman Elena... Katia explains about Sandra, Porfirio’s heir.

Bruno barges into Roberto’s room for a little social chit-chat, which for him takes this form: so – do you know who the baby's father is? Once the niceties are dispensed with he asks Roberto what he knows about MariaJose and her family. Roberto explains that Sandra was Ulises girlfriend and was set to inherit Porfirio’s estate, but she’s a drug addict and the old man won’t leave her his money when he finds out.

MJ and Alex are in bed and MJ is wriggling with excitement at the upcoming marriage. Alex, in one of those intimate bedroom moments, swears he would give her anything. Anything? says MJ flirtatiously. It seems for a moment that there might be another hot scene between MJ and Alex but alas it’s not to be, and the next scene is MJ and Paula at the prison; what MJ asked for was for Alex to bring her to see her father.

When Pedro sees the girls he gets a kind of hunted look and turns around to walk away. The girls shriek and bang the bars separating them and he turns back to greet them. When he learns about the upcoming wedding he moans that he’d like to be there to walk MJ up the aisle, but since he can’t he’ll content himself with just a few simple pictures – that’s enough for him – don’t worry about me, etc., etc. (Perhaps in another life Don Pedro was a little Jewish grandmother?) Alex says that they may be able to get him out on bail within a few days, so there’s still a chance he could be at the wedding.

Maura apparently decided to fly to Toluca because she and Elena are getting out of a car on Jorge and Elena’s ranch. Elena introduces her to Jorge and even Maura must be able to tell she’s in the presence of evil; she stands far away from Jorge and extends her arm way out to shake his, as if she was afraid to get too close to him. Maybe evil is able to recognize evil without any information other than a soul-searching gaze, and this gaze reveals that Jorge’s soul is rotted through (and Maura’s is getting pretty manky).

The three of them visit Sandra’s bedside and Maura is taken aback at how exactly Sandra resembles MJ. She asks if Sandra will get better and Jorge gives a very emphatic No! It’s hard to know if that’s because he’s going to finish her off or if she’s really too far gone for help.

Later, Maura, Elena and Jorge are talking about Maura participating in something, though we don’t know what. Maura is worried – if Alex finds out about it he will kill her. Since he did find out about Mario Aguirre and it had zero affect on their relationship it’s hard to believe she will let that stop her. Jorge assures her that it would be absolutely impossible for anyone to find out and she protests only feebly – but I don’t wish MJ badly. Elena puts it to Maura in terms she can pretend are valid: you’d really be contributing to MJ’s HAPPINESS if you did this, because then she would be rich. Maura would get the love of her life, and it would be a win-win-win situation: Maura gets Alex, MJ gets wealthy, and Jorge gets funding for his clinic. What's not to like if the price is simply losing your rotting soul?

In the previews of next chapter we see Bruno with his hands around Maura’s neck, threatening to choke her if she doesn’t tell him what’s going on. He flings her onto the sofa and, to save her neck (literally), she tells him that “some guys” are planning to kidnap MJ.


Gancho recappers and fans: what about this time change?

Hi all,

First, let me apologize for not keeping up with your show. I am just overwhelmed in my real life, and by how HUGE Caray, Caray has become. I see you've all been doing well without me, though, paddling your own canoe. Thanks, so many thanks, to you great recappers. Sounds like this show is a hoot.

Now, we have a big problem. Your show is moving to the afternoon. Why, I wonder? but then it's hard to watch at that time, so the fans may dwindle, AND, what about the new 7 pm show? What do you think we should do? One thing that occurs to me is that we could put one or the other of the shows on "quick and dirty" - have one or two recappers who plan to watch the show anyway post bi-weekly reviews.

It's your call. What do you want to do?


Amor Monday, Jan 11, 2010 Who does the baby look like? The Michelin Tire Man? The Pillsbury Doughboy? You decide.

Friday: Madeleine is Chris’s ma!

Monday: Is this a joke? says Chris.

Madeleine: No joke; I’ve been wanting to see you again forever.
Chris: Madam, I don’t know what kind of game this is, but you’re very much out of line.
M (pleading): Don’t push me away. I understand you are surprised, maybe angry, but this is no time to argue. It’s bad enough what you are suffering in this place.
C: I don’t understand what you’re doing here in the prison.
M: God works in mysterious ways. Being here has wrecked your life, but if it weren’t for that, I wouldn’t be here with you now.
C: What is it you want, Madam?
M: To see you, to get to know you. You’re my child – my only child.
C: I was a half-orphan from a very young age. I lost my mother. I think it’s better that you leave now. (He stands)
M: Please, just listen to me.

Diana and Inez are having lunch at a café and Inez asks her to be her maid of honor. Diana says sure and says she hopes she has the same kind of luck with Samuel. Whew! What a lover! Maybe Camila has said he’s bad in bed, but she must’ve just been frigid. Yowrrrrr. Pragmatic Inez says maybe he just got a lot of experience in the meantime. Whatever, says Diana…. what a night!

Joel walks in with Monica, her child in his arms. Diana spots them and says Joel! What’s with the kid? Oh, poor little guy – I see why you’ve kept him hidden. Monica snatches the boy from Joel’s arms and says He’s mine! Joel says And he’s going to be mine too very soon. He hasn’t been kept hidden. Diana says Oh, don’t be so touchy.

Monica heads for another table waaay on the other side of the room and Joel tells Diana he hopes her grandson will recover. Diana is shocked and Joel says didn’t you know he was born last night? Diana says You’re lying! Joel tells her that he’s in an incubator, and Diana abandons Inez, furious that nobody even told her.

Madeleine tells Chris that she lives in Paris, but was born in Mexico. When she saw his photo in the papers and read his name, she jumped on the first plane to Mexico. Or rolled on.

Chris says I’m sorry to hear you went to the trouble, because you’re wasting your time. I have no mother. My mother abandoned me when I was a baby, and left me with an alcoholic father. So you can see, even if she were alive, I wouldn’t want to have any sort of relationship with her.

I understand how you feel, she says. I expected it. But this isn’t the time to argue. I wanted to be here for you at this hard time. Chris says I don’t want you here. Go on back to Paris. Please, she implores. I need to be with you, just once.

Why? says Chris. Madeleine says I wanted you to know how much I love you (Chris snorts) and how much I care what happens to you. Empty words, says Chris. If something is important to a person, they don’t ever desert it.

Chris says I don’t want to judge you, but if you are who you say you are, you made that decision years ago, let’s be honest.

Carlota is reading in the paper that Chris and Natalie’s case is coming up and German will be their lawyer. The prosecutor will be Lic. Cordero. Carlota seems to know who that is, but I don’t. Anyway, she figures she has some secrets about Chris to tell him.

Back at the jail, Madeleine says people change their minds, see the errors of their decisions, repent. Perdoname! Chris says I have nothing to forgive. But I do get to choose who I want to be with, and I don’t want to be with you.

Madeleine says the thought of seeing you again has kept me alive all these years. If you want me near, or far away, I can die in peace, knowing that I was able to look you in the eyes and tell you that I haven’t had one single day of peace. Perdoname!

Nurses are trying to get Romina suited up in a sterile outfit to go be with her baby. Em watches through a door window. Romina is scared – the baby will be too fragile. She’s just not good at stuff like that. They tell her they need her to give breast milk and she is horrified – she says there is all kinds of good formula out there. The nurses say the baby needs her. Romina tells Em that she’d give milk to the baby in the incubator, but not to the nurse. Gross! Forget it.

Em, all suited up, goes in to see the megababy.

Madeleine tells Chris that she’s going to leave a box at the priest’s residence that has family papers and photos so if he wants to he can find out about his mother and his family. Chris says I made it all these years without knowing that, why bother? Madeleine says because now you know you have a mother. Who abandoned me, says Chris. Who is here now, says Madeleine.

I’ll leave it with the priests, she says. Chris says you realize they chucked me out of the church? I know, she says, mi amor. Chris squeezes his eyes shut. Leave, he says, and don’t come back.

The baby has a great pair of lungs. The nurse tells Em to touch the baby and he reaches through the incubator armholes with his UNGLOVED hands. Every inch of him is covered in blue sterile getup, hair included, but all those parts of him are outside the incubator. He strokes the baby, buttering it with germs. Romina watches through an observation window. Em sweettalks the baby, telling him he loves him, that he’ll take him camping and everything. Romina smiles.

Madeleine says I know I have no rights here, but I’m going to stay in town. Think about it… if you want to see me, I’ll leave my hotel address. Chris says why don’t you go back to Paris – you must’ve been happy all these years. Madeleine says how could I be happy? I love you, I’ve always loved you. Chris rolls his eyes and sighs. I’m going to stay here and see what happens with the trial. Chris takes the hotel’s card and gets up to leave. As he passes her, Madeleine takes his hand, kisses it and leans her cheek into it. Chris gives her a perfunctory blessing and leaves.

Paloma in her bedroom slops bright yellow paint on a canvas. She stops and calls Gabriel and tells him that she had a nap, and when she woke up, she felt she had to get her thoughts on canvas. Never has she been in this color mood! She feels like something is starting, something is about to be born. Gabriel says wow – we’re painting the same thing! Me too! Orange! Yellow! Red!

Paloma wonders if it has something to do with the baby being born. Gabriel thinks so. He’s stoked that they’re so in sync. He tells her to bring her canvas when she comes for her lesson.

Lili and Sandra (in bed with her hepatitis) are talking on the phone and Lili gives her the bad news that Gabriel went over and asked Paloma if he could escort her to the graduation party. Sandra is bummed, but Lili says he doesn’t think Paloma is interested in him. Sandra has heard about Lili’s breakup with Erik, but she says it makes sense since Lili is still hung up on German.

Sandra says she’s realized she liked Erik way better than she thought and now she’s unhappy. Sandra asks her to tell all about Romina’s water breaking at the party, and then says she feels jealous of Paloma. What should she do?

Romina calls Paloma from her hospital bed and begs her to come see the monster newborn. Paloma says I didn’t think you wanted me to come because…. Romina says please come see him, he’s adorable. She hangs up and says I want you to come shrivel up with jealousy about Emiliano and the baby.

Rufi was listening, and Paloma says she feels uncomfortable about going. Yesterday was an emergency, but this is different. Rufi says it’d look rude if you didn’t come, and besides, you’re not butting in, Romina invited you. Paloma says you’re right! I’ll get a present and go.

Rafa and Luz are visiting Romina in the hospital. Em is there too. Rafa marvels that he’s a grandfather and Romina marvels that she’s a mother. Luz urges Romina to touch her baby – that it would know her smell and her voice. Romina is doubtful. She asks if Luz has kids, and Luz says no, you two are so privileged to have one.

Diana barges in and says nobody even told me! Luz smirks. Rafa rolls his eyes. He says he called all night, but she didn’t pick up. Diana says no you didn’t, but Em backs Rafa up.

Rafa and Luz leave, Luz trailing clouds of smugness. Diana reproaches Em and Em says all you can gripe about is not having found out? Why don’t you ask how Romina is? How the baby is?

Samuel comes in with a bouquet of tacky baby-themed balloons. Diana looks nervous and shifty-eyed. Samuel is all phony-gushy and Romina informs him the baby will be named after him.

Paloma, gift in hand, is looking through the big observation window at the baby and coo-cooing at him. Em enters and Paloma melts, seeing him caress his child. He looks up and sees her and they look at each other with delight. A nurse comes up and talks to Paloma for a while, but we can’t hear. Next thing, we see Paloma all suited up, being allowed to come love up the baby. She puts her hand into the incubator and we all hope and pray that she doesn’t have any Carlota cooties on her ungloved hands.

Paloma doesn’t look like she knows how to handle a baby, she mostly just pets its clothes, but she does know how to sing, and so we and Em are treated to a lovely little lullaby. Em looks at her with admiration.

Paloma says this is the most amazing thing she’s ever experienced. She has the urge to protect the baby, to hold it and kiss it. Em says you can come do that any time. But reality break: Paloma says Romina wouldn’t like that. The musicians put down their Happy Baby sheet music and switch to the Crushed Lovers score. I’ve just come today because she asked me to. Em says the nurses say the baby needs this attention to thrive and Romina is unwilling, or unable, to provide it. Let’s not tell Romina.

In the prison visiting hall, Chris is telling Padre B about his mother’s visit. He says he didn’t actually know if she was dead or alive, but just that she had abandoned him when he was very small and left him with father and after he died, he lived with his grandparents until they died.

Padre B says don’t you want to know what happened? Chris says no – I’m sure she’s just here because she was always afraid her child might turn out to be a murderer. Padre B says whoa – negative vibes! Chris says why not? The church turned its back on me. Padre B says he believes in him, and look at the silver lining – his mother found him. She came all this way to see him!

Why do I have to deal with so much? Chris anguishes. Padre B says they’re trials, trials that’ll make you stronger. He urges Chris to dig around in his heart and find some love and compassion. Besides, the trial will give him the opportunity to tell his side. He says Chris should give his mother the same opportunity.

Back at the hospital, Paloma says she doesn’t want to make Romina mad. Em says you never know which way that cat will jump, but the main thing is what the baby needs. Paloma marvels at it, that it’s Em’s baby.

Em says he wishes it were her baby. Paloma says hush. He says you’re right, it shouldn’t have to pay for his mistakes. Paloma says the baby is lucky to have him. Em says he’s going to dedicate his life to making his son happy. Paloma looks at him with melty eyes. She sings another lullaby. He looks at her tenderly.

Gabriel is painting furiously – he has done a landscape with a yellow sky. Oops – suddenly he doesn’t feel well.

Now Paloma is visiting with Romina who says the baby looks just like Em, don’t you think? Paloma says to her babies never look like anybody, but they’re so sweet. Romina says he scares her – he’s so fragile. What if she dropped him? She likes babies better when they’re bigger. Paloma gives her a kiss and Romina thanks her for everything she’s done for their new family. Paloma leaves and Romina smirks.

The sun rises over Real del Monte.

At the plateria, Angelica is telling Orlando about what Dario did to her. Orlando says he’s sorry he hasn’t been around – all the excitement with the baby. Angelica says she’s going to go after Dario with everything she’s got.

Orlando says he’s sorry, but he couldn’t find the manuscript she gave him. He wanted to read it. Why? she says sharply. It was a good story, she says, or Dario wouldn’t have stolen it. Don’t look for it, I found it thrown in among your other papers. Orlando says he really wanted to read it and Angelica says is that why you lied to me and said you had? Orlando says I was ashamed that I hadn’t yet.

I’m awfully sorry, says Orlando. I won’t lie to you again. Give it to me – I want to read it. I’ll be honest with you from now on – does this mean you’ll stay? She reminds him that she was just filling in for a couple of months. He says he wants her to stay because things are really going to be hopping when they expand to the U.S. You write your new novel and I’ll read every page!

Every page? Wow, you da man, Orlando! Why not go for the gold and read the cover flap too?

Angelica gets a little tearful and Orlando asks why. She says she felt so alone. You’re not alone he says.

Don Eugenio is on the phone with Gabriel, who assures him he’s fine. Don E wants to come see him anyway. He uses the excuse of the unfinished conversation with Carlota. Gabriel, though he’s having a nature walk, looks a little peaky and Don E looks worried after he hangs up.

Paloma and Lili are visiting. Lili says it looks like there’s something between Paloma and Gabriel, but Paloma scoffs. Lili says I know you don’t want anything to do with cupid, but Em’s making his own life with Romina and the baby and you should make yours.

Paloma deflects her by asking about Erik. Lili says she’s really down and Paloma suggests she talk with him and tell him how she feels.

Lili says I know! I’ll try with Erik and you try with Gabriel. They laugh and banter then agree and high five.

Camila is packing up Romina’s bag and she and Em are about to check her out of the hospital. Em says it’s weird to leave the baby there, but Romina says they’ll take good care of him. A nurse comes up and asks if they’re going to go by the neonatal unit. Romina says of course, we want to say goodbye to the baby before we go. The nurse says I wasn’t asking for that reason – I was asking because we need some milk.

Camila tries to talk her into it and Romina says she can do it at home, but not here with a nurse. The nurse warns her that her milk will dry up. Romina walks off and Camila says Romina finds ways to get out of things, but she’s sure Romina is very worried about the baby. Em looks skeptical.

Romina looks at the baby through the observation window and thoughtbubbles that he looks just like German and she doesn’t know what she’s going to do when he gets bigger. Em and Camila come up and Romina gushes about how he looks just like him. Even his mother said so! Em doesn’t really see how he looks like him. And her dad says he looks like her when she was young, she asserts. Don’t you think so, Mami? Behind her, Camila looks very troubled.

In the prison yard, Chris is staring and is remembering his mother saying she hadn’t had one day of peace all these years, thinking about him. Chicho spots him and runs over and says what’s wrong? Chris says he just doesn’t get all this. Chicho says his mother says God’s ways are not the same as men’s ways. From a distance, Canibal studies him. He and another thug approach slowly. Canibal tells him he can’t wait until the day when he quits pretending to be innocent and admits to be a killer, like the rest of them there.

Canibal says maybe he’ll land up back in the hospital, or maybe even the cemetery. Chicho tells him to knock it off – a higher power will be stepping in. Canibal says he always wanted to tempt God. He grabs Chicho and starts to struggle with him, Chris and the thug jump in and the guards come and break it up.

Holding Canibal at bay, the guard tells Chris he has a visitor. Chris says he doesn’t want any visits, unless it’s his lawyer. The guard says this isn’t a boutique – go see your visitor.

AHHHHHH intone the bassos. It’s Carlota waiting for Chris. Guard! he says when he sees who it is, but the door remains closed. He wants to know why she won’t leave him alone. She says who is this Madeleine Martell? How did you find out? Chris demands.

Ca: I know everything. Is she one of your conquests?
Ch: How do you know this stuff?
Ca: There’s nothing money can’t buy.
Ch: You’d better leave, because I’m capable of….
Ca: (coming in close) Of what? Kiss me!

He grabs her face and pushes her away and says Basta! You’re nuts! This obsession of yours is driving me crazy. And I can’t get it out of my head that you’re responsible for all this.

Ca: And what if I told you you’re right?
Ch: Dios mio! You were capable of killing Alonso to get close to me?
Ca: One day you’ll understand what your love has made me do.
Ch: Get out of here.
Ca: This is your last opportunity to get back to your life. The trial is about to start and then I won’t do anything for you. Now is the time. The only thing I ask of you is that you be mine.
Ch: You are the worst thing that has happened to me in my life. I’d rather spend the rest of my days in prison than in bed with you.
Ca: Fine. If you want to stay in prison, help yourself. We would have been great together.

The guard lets Chris out and she says You lost your opportunity.

Avances: Carlota tells German that she wants him to sink Chris. He’s stunned. She tells him that she consents to him approaching Paloma. And then she grabs him by the face and kisses him passionately.


Monday, January 11, 2010


We began with pinging between Constanza and Mauricio with their respective lawyers which Hombre covered quite well on Friday. The new stuff picks up with Coni conferring with her lawyer. He tells her that she must be open and honest with him. Clearly he doesn't know our Coni very well. She must share with him details of her private life. She wants none of that."Yo tengo el sartén por el mango (Remember? we've had this one before. I have the skillet by the handle, that is, I have the upper hand. I think Emilia understands this phrase well)... besides, Mauricio has no proof of anything." "You never know what details Mr. Sermaño might bring up. Have you been unfaithful too? Do you have a lover?" Coni looks genuinely hurt (we know she excels at this sort of thing), "¡Por supuesto que no! What do you take me for?" ¡Por favor, Coni! Be glad it's not us you asked that of. "I'm not a cualquira!" Uh... Yeah... OK. He nods, "El que nada debe, nada teme, y siendo asi es un pan comida.(He who owes nothing, that is, has done nothing wrong, has nothing to fear. Being so it's a piece of cake, literally bread eaten)." He looks unconvinced, however, and Coni looks worried.

Mauricio is a little more frank with his attorney. He owns up to having been seeing Valentina Lopez but not as Mauricio Sermaño. Looking puzzled the lawyer says, "I don't understand." Mao explains. He tells him that Moni is a champion batamweight boxer. The creation of Furia Enmascarada was in order to be close to Monita. They train in the same gym. "Does Mrs. Sermaño know of this?" "Yes... well, she strongly suspects, but has no proof." He also informs him that Moni has no idea who Furia is. He's kept his identity secret so as not to compromise Moni. Uh, yeah. In spite of all this, he points out, that he has not been unfaithful. The lawyer tells him if he doesn't want to lose everything, his possessions, his money, his children, he must cut off all contact with Monita and give up his persona as Big Bug. "Of course," Mao agrees. Careful, Mao. The lawyer tells him he will arrange for him to be able to see his children. Can someone explain why a lawyer has a bathtub in his office?

At the office, Oscar and Jero each pretend to be keenly interested in anything but each other, studiously avoiding eye contact while alternatively stealing furtive glances at one another.
Oscar ruptures the viscous silence, "Jerónimo, about this thing that happened..." Jero is quick to respond, "Nothing happened." Oscar quickly agrees but asks if Jero really remembers nothing. Turns out that neither remembers anything that happened, therefore nothing at all actually happened. Case closed. Before they have chance to dissect that logic, the subject is quickly changed to a discussion of a lucrative business deal they are pursuing, the acquisition, demolition, and redevelopment of the property that currently comprises our nacos' 'hood. A much safer and more comfortable topic. Oscar observes, as he displays supportive photos, and of course the plans are false, that there's absolutely no reason for Salvador to suspect anything. Jero concurs. Uneasy, Jero once again broaches a troubling subject, "About last night..." Oscar quickly cuts him off, "Nothing happened last night." They both shift uncomfortably and uneasily in their chairs, each wincing from a slight real or imagined pain. We smile.

The door to Ximy's place swings open and she wheels in a beaming Rolu and in one deft motion expertly kicks he door shut behind her.
She possesses the skills of an experienced hospital transport aide. An oddly jocular Rolu confirms, "The best, the best." They kiss. A morsel for thought, Is Rolando manifesting symptoms of Munchausen's Syndrome? They happily kiss. A jumpy Arnie comes bounding down the spiral stairs wielding spray bottle of all-purpose cleanser, brandishing it like a high-powered pistol."Stop right there!" "Arnie, you frightened me!" Ximey reacts, startled. She is lovely in tight jeans and a blouse with short puffy sleeves and a white yoke with winged collar. He is wearing gloves and a protective mask.She and Rolu sniff the air noticing the acrid fragrance of disinfectant. Much like the hospital. He explains that he's been busy cleaning everything... and he means everything, with Clorox,...He ponders the fact that they've been in the hospital and no place has more germs than a hospital (he's pretty much right you know. Certainly the most dangerous germs) He points his weapon at R&X and opens fire. She dashes for cover leaving Rolu exposed in the line of fire. Hmmm... is Ximy really so kookily flawless after all? Ximy starts, and Rolu takes over, explaining his unfortunate mishap. Besides the obvious broken arm, the three falls have resulted in serious back injuries which have resulted in damage to a disc (disco), Ximy misinterprets thinking he's taking about the other, more fun disco. Patiently he diverts her attention to the topic at hand (hurrah for Rolu) Explaining that nerves are at risk requiring risky surgery before he can walk again. He seeks and obtains a commitment from Ximy to remain by his side until he is healed and can walk again."Do you promise?" "¡Sipis!" They sweetly kiss. Arnie reacts with negativity, rolling his eyes. He is not pleased.

Meintras tanto, Aldo is relaxing reclined on his bed. Cell phone rings. It's dad... Mao. He asks about the other children. Aldo inquires about the progress of the divorce and Mao fills him in. He expects the judge will give permission for him to see them if only once or twice a week. Mao promises that "pronto, muy pronto" they will be happily reunited. "Call if you need anything. Hugs." Aldo views the phone momentarily then begins to dial. Hmmm, whom could he be calling?

At home, Estrella searches for el famoso vestidito de piel de tigre; She calls it her battle garb (vestidazo de batalla) , she locates it as the cell phone rings. "¿Principe, qué pasó?" Oh yeah, Mao gave Aldo his phone and got himself a new one. Aldo acts hurt, "What? I'm no longer your cachorro?" He tells her of the mummy dismissing Mao from the house. She tells him that now Monita knows everything. She tells him that there was no way she could lie when Moni confronted her with the facts. She stands and suddenly swoons. Without warning she faints leaving Aldo talking to no one. Helplessly he calls her name,"¡Estrella! ¡Bueno! ¡Estrella!"

Our newly-minted gay couple, Oscar and Jero are meeting with Sal in Jero's office. They are presenting their latest business proposal, that regarding the barrio. "Es un negocio redondo (an excellent business deal)." They present the photos and plans. They've checked every detail. Sal is skeptical."Why the hurry? Why on Sunday? Does Mauricio know of this?" Jero grouses,"We don't need Mauricio, I'm also an owner and president... It's always the same. We try to do the right thing..." The property is abandoned, they tell him. "The only thing living there are cats and dogs and rats." "OK, where do I sign?" He knows this is stinky. Hurrah, the devious duo are successful. Sal slunks off. Elated, they embrace, we glimpse Jero's face react to the realization of what they are doing. Apparently it also dawns upon Oscar how this must look in light of last night. Quickly they separate, embarrassed. Though it's not exactly sensitive or PC, I'm enjoying their discomfiture.

Fortunately Moni has come seeking Estrella and the magic boogying dress and finds her unconscious on the floor of her apartment. She hurriedly kneels over the limp, lifeless body of her carnala (sister, sort of). She runs to the door and frantically calls for help, "¡Paula!" then hurries back and tries to rouse her.

Now for a super-heartwarming scene, Jaui, Katia, and the Femsibs are bonding. How sweet is this? Jacqui is entertaining the three as Luisa arranges Dani's hair as Katia arranges Luisa's hair.
She questions Dani about her Novio. She replies,"I don't have a Novio, I have puras maestras (pure teachers? Help!)" Cute kid. The subject shifts just as Aldo rushes in beside himself. He needs to leave but he knows that the mummy wouldn't approve. Jaqui bigshots it. "I'm in charge here. Go wherever you need to go." She's puzzled however. The older girls are sure it has something to do with Estrella. She shrugs the granny version of "Oh really? Whatever." No fan of Estrella, she doesn't see the attraction. Sensing that the girls share her restlessness she jumps up an suggests "Let's go out!" Dani gives her a sincere hug and she hugs back with the same warmth. Awww. She promises that in less than an hour,"we're all gonna feel super." She forms a conga line and they dance out singing,"♫vamos a la calle!♫" Now that is a granny to conjure with.

At Estrella's, help has arrived in the shape of Nieves, Alicia, and Paula. Three beautiful angels of mercy. The four turn their full attention their amiga. She is seated between Alicia and Nieves. Alicia fans as Nieves offers water. For some reason I'm hearing Three Little Maids From School wafting in from somewhere. Pau is sweeping up the rubble created in Estre's fall. Though Estre says it's probably just a drop in blood pressure, Pau divulges that this is not the first time. Moni thinks that it's high time that Estrella sees a Dr. "¡No! No, no, no! I don't like Drs." Estrella! Thanks! I love you, too. Nieves and Alicia confer behind her back.
Girl talk ensues. Auntie's three days late, as some of the ladies have put it. "¡No, no, no, no estoy embarrazada!" I don't believe that requires translation for anyone who has watched even the smallest portion of a TN. Clearly shaken, she takes a seat as the others are stirred to action. Moni rushes off to get a pregnancy test. Pau, on her knees, fans with a magazine as she sits in the armchair. Nieves notes that she has become more busty (más pechugona). Estre checks her breasts and readjusts her tee shirt. Though this is not the best of prospects for obvious reasons, I for one am relieved. At least perhaps no coma looms in our future.

Sal (who we know is due a heart attack at any moment) and Gabi (who we know will witness it and laugh because she thinks he's faking) are having lunch in an airy restaurant. He is worried and agitated over Jero's and Oscar's planned business venture. He knows (as do we) that they are dishonest and devious and that there is something very fishy about this deal. He fills her in. She asks him if Mao knows about it. "No." She thinks it's strange that she was not included in drawing up the papers. He will investigate further and have the the bank hold up the funds. He lauds her efficiency as a secretary. They kiss. Awww.

Coni's home. Interesting outfit. As always she looks great, but this time, a little strange as well. Black knit blouse, beige shorts, black tights (panty hose?), designer shades, black pumps. She looks like a movie star. The doorbell sounds and she calls for, "¡Mamá! ¡Katia! ¡Niños!" No one else is home and she has to answer it herself. Doncha wish you hadn't been so hasty in dismissing our Teri?

Well, check this out. Jaqui has taken the girls to the spa and they're all relaxing in the treatment chairs, sipping beverages, and getting facials. Including Dani!
Jaqui asks if they're more relaxed. Dani sums it up, "¡Ay sí, relajadísimas!" I've already been blessed with some of the cutest, sweetest scenes tonight and we're just a little over halfway through. Deb and Julia, you have to find ways to stick around. This sort of thing is just too unique, clever, and precious to miss.

It was Beto at the door. He strolls in behind Coni. He is wearing a lime tee which boldly states:

"No soy santo pero hago milagros (I'm no saint but I work miracles)."

Coni scolds him for running off and leaving her last night. Beto is feeling empowered. He declares his masculinity, "I wear the pants, here! Like it or not!" She likes it, but at first he doesn't notice. He insists that she get a divorce and marry him. She softens, drapes herself over his shoulders, then oozes and flows over him, enveloping him in the hembracity that is uniquely Coni. She agrees. At first surprised, now it's Beto's turn to melt, (it's fascinating how these two are putty in each other's hands) "¿Huh?" She proceeds to seduce him by caressing his face and kissing him in a fashion that has him squirming and me starting to sweat even in this freezing weather. Wow! Look at those large, limpid, longing eyes.
Can this gorgeous, groping goddess really be evil? Take me now, Lord! Does anyone have a cigarette? I have a feeling that I'm going to need one.

Meanwhile, back with Estrella (couldn't we have tarried at Coni's place for just a bit longer?) Pau is still fanning her with a copy of ERES magazine. Her wrist is tiring. She pauses and shakes the cramp off. Estrella keeps insisting that there is nothing wrong with her as Aldo comes flying in, all breathless, "¿Cochorro, Qué haces aquí?" "¡Estrella! ¿Qué pasó?" She urges him to take it easy,"Ya, tranquila." Paula, who is by now a bit exasperated with her friend hands the magazine over to Aldo to continue the fanning (his effort is half-hearted at best). She leaves the two of them alone and Aldo puts down the magazine. He doesn't beat around the bush, "¿Estás embarrazada?" She sighs resignedly, she rolls those beautiful but tired, sad eyes, looking away.

Coni and Beto are still kissing, but wait! He's suspicious. He pushes her back and examine her eyes, those same gorgeous gigantic... sorry, Coni transports me to another time and place. Beto is exstatic. He picks Coni up and swings her around as you would a small child you are delighted with. They kiss. They embrace. he's a bit overenthusiastic and she grimaces and pushes him away. He drops to his knees and kisses her barely blooming fecund belly. He embraces her fertile womb and talks to the little bitty Betito safely and happily nestled inside. He firmly vows that Betito will be born into a "familia, hecha y derecha." He looks up at Coni and says that Betito will walk out in the patio each day and shout to Estrella,"¡Tú no eres nadie, tú no eres nadie!" Coni shuts him up and makes a face. She has no intention of living in that pigsty of a 'hood. "Then where will we live?" She tells him that, after the divorce, everything that Mauricio has will be hers. "Except for Monita." She does not think that joke was funny. He tells her that of course his mamá will come live with them. Coni objects. He doesn't want to leave his mother alone but she points out that she still has the naco with the strange hair. Beto then begins to channel little Betito, crawling on the floor on hands and knees playing with imaginary toys. She joins him on the floor climbing atop his supine form like a leopardess stalking her prey. She grinds into him prompting him to moan, "¡Constancia!" She returns his mating call, "¡Roberto!" Furtively they struggle with each other on the floor until suddenly she recalls, No one's home. She lures her prey into her lair to consume in private. OK, Now where's that cigarette?

Aldo's pointed question disturbs Estrella. There are way to many things that would be working against them. He asks why she hasn't at least done the test. "I don't want to know. I'm afraid, My Little Puppy." He hugs her closely, "What will happen, will happen. Whatever, I am with you." Well hitch up your britches little puppy, you're about to grow up very fast.

Perdóname while I pause the TIVO and gaze at this apparition directly from my adolescent feverish dreams and fervid fantasies... Welcome home, Señorita. I've missed you. You haven't changed a bit... Linda! Would you drive around to the Valero and pick me up a pack of Pall Malls? Oh, and if it wouldn't be too much trouble, could you make me a martini before you go?Thanks honey, you're a love.

Sorry about that. Someone I haven't seen for a long time just showed up and it's suddenly dawned on me why I've always wanted to learn Spanish...

Needless to say, it's Valentina la Monita Lopez like we haven't seen her before. She is squeezed into Estrella's famoso Vestido de Piel de Tigre. Her ebony tresses cascade over her shoulders like glistening molten black lava, her lips look as though they've been painted with blood, her eyes are glowing black coals of fire. She is wearing, of course, Tigress perfume which is mingling with her own natural feral scent and enveloping her in an intoxicating, bewitching, stupefying, lethal, invisible cloud... an atmosphere of her own. She is wearing black patent leather pumps with impossibly high narrow heels. They have been described by some of the ladies who hang out at blog B by just initials, CFM shoes (not sure what that means, comfortable finely made?). All in all, not a bad job Monita, I think you've accomplished what you've set out to accomplish. In ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠

There is a knock on the door, "♪¡Pase!♪ ♪It's open!♪ ♪¡Hola!♪" Let the game begin.

Do I need to tell you who it is? He's in full insectual mode and regalia. His billowing green and gold cape trailing behind, he looks like the drum major of the Baylor Golden Wave Band having just emerged from his penultimate molt. "¿Monita?" Is that really the best ya got, big fella? ¡Por favor! That's OK, Monita has this already scripted. Just go along with it. You're going to feel a little uneasy and queazy at first but once she gets you into her space, it shouldn't hurt a bit. Just be glad she's not of your species, Mr. Mantis. "♪I've been expecting you!♪." Deep breaths Carlos, you can do this. He babbles incoherently, at least I didn't understand nor care, what he said. Monita is desperate for a kiss. From somewhere deep inside the EFVDPDT, she extracts a silky beige scarf. She indicates she wants to be blindfolded for her kiss. "♪¡Besame♪♪¡Besame!♪" she demands sweetly as she lifts the scarf to her eyes. Now, I understand the big plan here, he's to break it off. Swift, sweet, virtually painless. My hat's off to you if you can pull it off, Señor Bug. He starts off well enough. She's sitting expectantly, hopefully blindfolded, on her bed "Monita I just came to say goodbye. Gotta run. Leaving Mexico tonight dóncha know? Good to meetcha! Been fun...

Not. So. Fast. Meester Bug.

The little monkey isn't quite done with you. She's developed quite an affinity for beneficial insects. Valentina the Vixen has other plans. Monita uses her various techniques of seduction with varying results. Point is however, she is relentless. She decides if he's leaving, she'll go with. She begins to pack. Now Mauricio would be intellectually overmatched by a gifted hamster; he is certainly no match for a phantom summoned from the depths of my pubertal musings with Valentina Lopez doing the driving. He babbles about her friends. I'll make new friends. Her boxing. "Don't they have Boxeadoras in Argentina?" Oh sweet Jesús Lopez, she sits on the bed and channels Sharon Stone. Deep breaths here Carlos, steady boy, steady. They dance around, I'm enthralled, I'm not paying attention to a word they say. Would someone a little more detached please fill in some of the dialogue here, I'm going to take a moment to rewind and watch again...this time without the sound... hey! Where's that martini? Where's my Pall Malls? For that matter, where's the Lovely Linda? Just great. Tres Cosas. Pues, she pushes him back onto her bed... she poises to pounce...

Now ordinarily, beaming back to Coni and Beto is a good thing... well, this is pretty much where we left off except now they're in Coni's bedroom. Both are still fully clothed... I gotta tellya, Miss Teendreams Tigress not withstanding, this is far and away the most sensuous pairing on this show. Sure, Ximena and Rolu are sweetly stimulating, Estrella and Aldo give us a vicarious taste of forbidden intergenerational mating, Luisa and Ivan...well,,, uh, just keep it clean kids, Oscar and Jerónimo and Lalo, ummm... next!; but for downright spine tingling raw bumping of the little cars and all that leads up to that... I present... Constansia & Roberto. He pushes her back on the bed... Uh, what's that? "What did they say?" Who cares? Next!

We're almost done here, gang. It's really been my pleasure to be your guide here at Club Gancho today. I warn you, we're about to rejoin M&M (he may look like a bug but she knows...), but at this very moment, I have absolutely no idea what will happen. I'm as excited (and skeptical) as you are. Let's join them...

She has him pinned. She insists that she must have his kisses, not only on her lips but... oh my, is it getting hot in here? ... on her... gulp... body. She rolls off him and begins reapplying the scarf to those gorgeous, dark, sultry... easy boy, you've almost made it... eyes. She doesn't need to see his face. She rolls back over, blind fold in place her breath on his face... he's reached his tipping point, he's had enough. Uncle! Calfrope! I give!... "¡Ya, ya, ya, Monita!" he leaps off the bed and unmasks as quickly as you could peel a banana. She insists on that kiss from Furia Enmascarada. He can't take it he falls on her and she gets that passionate kiss from...Mauricio Sermeño, our very own Grupo Sermaño himself. Symbolically significant, the deflated, empty cranial covering of a once proud mantid lies (or would that be lays, Dr Judy?) limp on the floor.

Let's pause a moment and mourn the passing of a noble arthropod...Furia Enmascarada, truly a beneficial insect. Que en paz descanses.
Linda's back. She tells me to get my own danged martini. She reminds me that I quit smoking 36 years ago. She tells me to go take a cold shower... hmmm... tres cosas.

*John Denver

Dr. Judy... next!



Saturday, January 09, 2010

Gancho, Friday, January 8th. There’s Battle Lines Bein’ Drawn

Alternate Title: Marriage Therapy 101 by Rolando Klunder: Go Above and Beyond What She Expects – Take a Leap of Faith

Ximena’s mega party was a watershed event. Connie announced to all the world that Mau was Furia, and then was humiliated and proven wrong when they showed up in the same room. Beto finally hitched up his pants, and is going to act like a man, now in partnership with Mauricio. Rolu has accepted that he loves Ximena, although she still wants this to be their farewell. And Connie’s reaction to the humiliation was to kick Mau out of the house, fire Teresa, and vow revenge. It seems that the forces of good and evil are lining up for the cosmic battle to come. But not without a lot of fun along the way, as we shall see tonight.

We begin with Moni and Estrella, still in their party dresses. Moni has figured out that the “eyes” have it, specifically Mau’s, which when surrounded by a mask, are identical to Furia’s. Moni points out all the evidence, but Estre nervously tries to downplay each point. Moni’s had enough. Drawing on her deep friendship, she asks Estrella point blank, “You already knew Furia Enmascarada was Mauricio, right?” Estre hems, she haws, she puts up her hand, and finally says……”No comment”. Huh? Well, that’s what actresses say when they don’t want to answer. And by the way, I just happen to be super tired, so bye! She heads for the door, but Moni cuts her off, you’re not leaving until you talk. We’re not just friends, we’re bosom buddies (carnalas, I just made up the bosom part). Okay, Estrella might talk, but Moni has to swear not to get mad, or stop talking to her. Moni promises. Okay, the answer is…..yes. Estre’s afraid of Moni’s reaction, but Moni is…….happy, entranced, amused.

A conga line dances its way into Xime’s place, chanting “Let the party continue” (que siga la fiesta). We’ve got Jackie, Oscar, Jero, Xime, Rolu and Lalu, with a much more reserved Katia and Arnoldo bringing up the rear. Jero goes to pour everybody some more booze, and Xime’s gonna put on the music, after Rolu tenderly kisses her again. (I understand what Jarocha has been saying. Rolu is really good looking, especially when he’s smiling, which he’s definitely doing here. How’s Xime going to resist?) Arnie wants to leave, but Rolu tells him this is a magical night. The dance music starts, and Xime glides into Rolu’s arms.

Moni’s a little more somber, now, asking whether Aldo and Estre have known for a while. Estre admits they did, and is worried that Moni’s going to be mad now, but Moni just wants the whole story. She sits Estre down, it’s time for her to come clean (desembuchar).

Arnie tells Rolu he’s going to bed. And he’s not unpacking, because he hopes they’ll leave in the morning. Katia tells Jackie she’s tired too, can we go home? Her mom, drink in hand, tells Katia not to be such a wet blanket, besides, she doesn’t have school tomorrow. Jackie, Oscar and Jero toast to an unforgettable night. Xime’s wearing Rolu’s bowtie, and Lalu’s dancing behind her. Rolu cuts in without her knowledge, rubs up against her, and she’s startled by “Lalu”, then turns to see Rolu. They kiss deeply.

Mau pulls up to his house to see his suitcases sitting in the driveway. This does not make him happy. Connie saunters out to knock him down a little farther. She confidently tells him that she knows he’s Furia, and that proves that he broke the prenup, by getting close to the chimpanzee. He should stop rubbing shoulders (rozando) with the lower class, and act like a gentleman. Mau shoots back that Connie’s no lady, given the way she’s acting.

Back at Xime’s, Katia’s fallen asleep on the couch. Jackie and the guys are sloshed out of their minds. Rolu’s slow dancing with Xime, even though the songs are fast. He just wants to be as close as he can, he wants this night to last til morning, and he wants to take Xime to the cama! Eyes flashing with excitement, Xime seductively leads him upstairs. At the top of the stairs, Rolu lifts her into his arms, and carries her across the threshold.

Another couple is not quite so limber. Don Cesar and Nieves are slumped on their sofa, pooped out. Cesar is stiff from the dancing, but ready for bed. But wait – here’s Alicia, having been assigned Beto’s room, complaining about the smell, of course. Hmmph, says Nieves, a beggar with claws. Well, if you don’t like Beto’s room, the front door’s just over there. Alicia wonders why Nieves doesn’t even clean that room. Are you calling me a fodonga (a sloppy, unkempt person)? is the reply. Don Cesar says they’re like a pair of hens, when Beto enters to add to the menagerie. Nieves angrily reminds him that this is longer his house, unless he starts acting like a man. Cesar agrees, and when Beto tells him he’s a scrounger, Cesar says Soy un hombre hecho y derecho, y más derecho que hecho (I’m an upright, grown-up guy, literally made (or done) and honest, and more honest than made). In contrast, you’re a mama’s boy. Beto calmly responds, I WAS, but no more. I spoke with Mauricio, and we’re best friends now. I realize he loves La Monita, and I’m going to help him get her back. Nieves and Cesar’s mouths drop open.

All this time, Mauricio and Connie have been arguing outside the house. She says he’s Furia. He says he’s not, and she has no proof (of course whenever a telenovela character says this, you KNOW it’s true). She says she’ll get the proof, she’ll show the judge, and he’ll be left with nothing, no kids, no money, he’ll end up in the trash. And I’ll get the children, MY children, she says. She picks up one of his suitcases, tosses it to him. Now leave. You’re forbidden from entering this house. Mau can’t believe she’d be so cruel to the children. But Connie’s not daunted. She says he’ll never see them again, and in the morning she’s changing the locks (chapas). She tells him he dug his own tomb, with that ridiculous idea of La Furia Enmascarada.

Estrella has finished telling Moni the whole Furia storia, and Moni likes it! He did all that just to be close to me! Right, says Estre, he did it out of love, and wouldn’t let any Mummy keep him away from the woman he loved. So don’t be mad. Of course not, says Moni, I can’t believe it, the two guys I love are the same one! Gushing with happiness, she really does seem to have forgiven Mauricio. What a cool thing he did! Estre is so happy for her, and also happy she finally doesn’t have to keep this secret, a big weight has been lifted from her shoulders, it’s finally over. Well, not quite yet, corrects Moni. You still have to keep the secret. Her head in her hands, Estre moans, why? Moni sets her jaw, and lays it out – Mauricio tricked me, he did it for love, but he tricked me, and I’m going to have a little fun with him for just a bit (un ratito). She smiles conspiratorily.

Estrella doesn’t like that look, What are you up to? (Qué estás tramando?) She’s going to give Mau a taste of his own medicine (una sopa de su propia chocolate).

Connie and Mau are still out there in the dark, strutting (seems as if they’ve been doing this for hours). Mau says he’s got weapons, too. And when the judge hears his side, Connie will be the one with nothing. No marriage, no kids, no money. You have a lover, I have witnesses, and you’re going to have a child with him, so YOU’VE dug (cavó) your own grave. Connie tires of this (as do we), and leaves, saying this is WAR.

A few seconds later, Aldo comes out, having somehow avoided the Momia’s reCONIssance. Mau pulls him aside, asks him to tell the girls not to worry, he’s going to win the case. He gives Aldo his cellphone, keep this hidden from Constanza at all costs. I’ll get another tomorrow, and I’ll be able to call you. I give you the number. And no matter what, keep me informed as to what’s happening with you kids. They hug, and part tearfully, as Mau reminds Aldo to take care of his sisters. They’ll be together again soon.

Beto’s been spellbinding his Mom and the spikey-one with his new plans. He’s going to fight for his love, and for his son. You’ll see, I’m gonna hitch up my pants. Upon hearing those golden words, Nieves rises to give her now grown-up baby boy a tender hug and kiss. Cesar’s dubious, but Nieves, hugging Beto to her breast, is proud. She’s ready to cook him up some eats, but Beto’s a bit sleepy after all this speechifyin’. But where’s the boy to sleep, since Alicia’s taken his room? Not to worry, says Nieves, you can sleep in MY bed tonight. Cesar – you’ll be just fine in the easy chair!

Okay, it’s FINALLY morning. We begin at Xime/Jero’s. The first to rise are Katia, who slept on the sofa in her party dress, and feels a little twisted (torcida), and Arnie, who’s been up for hours, cleaning every corner of this disgusting apartment. And Jackie ended up on the sofa as well. She’s got a major hangover, and Katia gives her grief for this, saying she’s too old to behave like that. Jackie’s says you’re never too old to have fun, and besides, she’s not old. Arnie gives her mineral water with lemon and salt, it’s great for a hangover. Katia reminds her Ma this has happened before, she had to sleep in strange houses while Mom partied, but Jackie says we can talk about those great old times later, she wants to go home. They each kiss Arnie, one on each cheek, leaving him in microbial shock.

Next stop, upstairs. Jerry’s naked upper body turns to see……Oscar’s naked upper body! They both scream. What happened? Don’t remember. Neither do I. From in between, pops out………….. Lalu’s naked upper body. Good morning! As they jump out of bed, Lalu smiles, makes a sign of “2”, claps his hands in glee, and thanks heaven for little boys. Awwwwwww!

Xime comes downstairs dressed casually, jeans and a gray and white top, and informs Arnie that Rolu’s packing. She then gleefully tells the now horrified Arnie that last night Rolu was a total tiger, grrrrr, want to hear what he did? She starts acting it out, but of course this is a bit too much information for our tender Arnie, so Xime zips her mouth, but she does have 3 things to tell him. 1) About last night. Last night was the best night of my life, uhuh! 2) I know you don’t like me too much, Arnie, but it’s been a super, super pleasure knowing you, and 3) I want to ask you a super favor, porfis. Take care of my Rolu, please. She grabs one of Arnie’s kleenex’s to dab away a tear. Upstairs, Rolu’s dressed, but asks Xime if she knows where his passport is. She does, saying goodbye, ex-brother in law, kissing Arnie on both cheeks, and as she goes upstairs, Arnie complains, why do they have to have all that kissing? Germs, germs, germs, gotta wash up again!

Magical, wonderful, enchanting Ximena lightly touches Rolu’s arm, tells him his brother is fantastic, but he is a little strange, no? She goes into the bedroom for Rolu’s passport. Rolu is standing there on the balcony, despondent, he loves Xime with all his heart. He thinks to himself, what can he do to stop this? Suddenly, it dawns on him. He steps back, takes a deep breath, and launches himself over the railing, crashing to the floor! This causes Arnie to scream, Xime to scream louder, as she rushes downstairs, clutching the passport, wondering why he wanted the passport if he was going flying without it. Rolu tries to smile through the pain.

Moni’s shaving her lower legs while fully clothed (well actually she’s wearing a small, red crop top and clingy white sweats), reading a magazine on her bed (do people really do this?) Of course there’s a knock at the door, and it’s Mauricio, looking tall, dark and handsome, as the sexy music begins to play. Can he come in? Nope, Furia’s in here. This puts the usual dumb look back on Mau’s face, and he comes in to look, only to confirm that he wasn’t already there (if that makes any sense). Moni explains that she just wants Mau to know that Furia’s her boyfriend now, they’re in love, so you’ll just have to accept it. Oh, I do? replies Mau, and he plants a HUGE kiss on her, one that she feels throughout every pore of her body. Don’t do that, she says weakly. Why not? Does Furia kiss better? Does he make you tremble and forget the whole world when he kisses? She starts to talk, “Mauricio” when he REALLY goes in for the kill, wrapping his strong arms around her, and letting her feel all those long months of pent-up emotion. She melts into his arms.

After the commercial, they’re still kissing, but Moni drags herself away, telling Mau she doesn’t know. You don’t know what? Well, if his kisses are as good as Furia’s, since she hasn’t kissed Furia yet, and she’d like to compare. But how are you going to find out, inquires Mau, if he never takes off his mask? Ah, women have their little tricks (mañas), don’t you worry. Besides, she tells him (a hint of sneaky smile on her lips), Furia is a little taller than you, a little heavier (she says ponchado), more personality, just a little more of everything than you. In the ring, he’s the best fighter I’ve seen, and outside of it, he’s loving, kind, he’s just cool! (chido) Mau’s getting a little upset here, saying, So you’ve really found another guy? Yep, she says, he’s the man of my life. What’s more, come over here. She pulls his head down to hers, and gives HIM a super intense kiss. What was that? he asks, he thought she loved Furia. Yeah, but she needs to remind herself, so she can compare. He’s a bit stunned, but she’s barely able to contain her devious little self.

It’s a quiet little breakfast over at Connie’s (formerly Mau’s) place. Well, actually there IS no breakfast. Katia, Luisa and Dani are sitting silently in front of empty plates as Jackie, sporting sunglasses to protect her hangover eyes from the bright light of day, is drinking orange juice, it’s divine, she’ll have a second cup. She tells the morose kids she knows Connie kicked their Daddy out, but trust her, this’ll pass, she’ll have a talk with La Momia. Enter said Momia, dropping a bag of fast food on the table, telling the kids, Here’s your breakfast. Eat, watch TV, whatever, but you can’t leave the house. Jackie takes Connie aside for a little chat.

Mauricio exits Moni’s apartment with his usual stunned look. Estrella asks him if things went badly with Moni. Well, he says, Moni was acting a little strangely, is anything going on? Estrella covers, no, um, of course not. By the way, who was dressed up as Furia at the party? You’ll never believe it, says Mau, but he doesn’t have time to tell, he needs to go see the lawyers now. It’s time to speed up the divorce, and the Mau/Furia thing has to stop, today. Things have just gotten out of hand. He goes off, but runs into Teresa and Ivan. Terry painfully relates how Connie fired her. She slept at Ivan’s, and he stayed with Cris and Paula. Mau is outraged, but assures her this won’t be for long, Connie’s not going to win this time. Terry is worried about the kids, who’s taking care of them? Aldo, repies Mau, and he takes out his wallet, gives Terry some money. She reluctantly accepts it. He tells Ivan to take care of his Granny, and if they need anything, call Gabi, she’ll be able to get in touch with him. He goes off, more determined than ever.

So, do you think Jackie’s little chat with Connie will have any effect? Neither do I. Jackie says it’s fine that Connie’s going to get divorced, even get all his money, but why does she want the kids? With the baby, she’ll have FOUR kids, and that’s quite a load. Connie doesn’t care, she can just put them back in the boarding school. But, asks Jackie, wouldn’t it be easier just to give them back to your husband? No, Mom, I want Mauricio to cry tears of blood with this divorce. I’m going to hit him where it hurts the most. But, you know what, Ma? I’m grateful that you’re going to make sure Oscar and Jero get nothing, too. We’ll have plenty of money, and you, Mother, will be well rewarded. Jackie lights up a bit, well that’s nice, and I earned it (she says yo creo que me la he ganado a pulso, no?, literally, I think I’ve earned myself to a pulse, right?, but it just means I’ve earned it). Connie gives her Mom a quick kiss, she’s got important things to do, and by the way, Teresa doesn’t work here anymore, so could you be a dear and watch the niños? Jackie sputters, but Connie’s off with a happy “Ciao” and an airkiss, leaving Jackie to mutter to herself, “four kids!”

Moni tells Estre about Mau’s kiss, it was so strong, she was flying, she can still taste him on her lips. Estre’s happy, you see, you two were made for each other. Moni’s laughing, I love Mau, I love Furia, but they’re the same! Estre wants Moni to stop making Mau suffer. And by the way, Mau told her Furia is going to come by today to tell you the truth. He said things were getting out of hand. Fine, says Moni, with another sneaky smile, fine, but I’m not letting him off the hook that easily. Remember that tiger striped dress (vestidito) you have that’s ultra sexy? Will you lend it to me? Estrella will, but what does Moni have in mind? Moni has that devious little smile again!

Abogado time. Connie’s with her mean-looking lawyer. He’s checked the prenup, and everything’s in Connie’s favor. Cut to Mau, with his less mean-looking lawyer, HE’s checked the prenup, and there’s no hope.

Back to Connie: Mauricio invented this wrestler, he used that to break the contract and get close to his girlfriend.

Mauricio: Constanza has a lover, she started before the marriage, and she’s still with him, she’s even pregnant by him.

Connie’s lawyer: Got any proof that Mauricio is Furia Enmascarada? Not yet.

Mau: Of course I have proof she was unfaithful. In fact, her lover, Roberto Ochoa, is willing to testify against her. His lawyer tells him that changes EVERYTHING, in fact, we might win the whole thing with this.

Connie’s lawyer: Without proof, you’re not going to win.
Mau: Salvador recommended you, sir, and I know you’re honest. I don’t want you to break any rules, but I want the divorce as soon as possible.
Connie: I’ll get the proof, but who cares? Do what you have to do. Buy off witnesses, judges, dogs, whatever. I’m determined to ruin Mauricio Sermeño, and nothing’s going to stop me!

Yes, the battle lines are drawn.

Previews: Estrella collapses again (we sort of forgot about that, hope it’s nothing serious). And Moni raises the temperature WAY up with that tiger dress. Oh, Carlos, you lucky dog!


Carnalas – best mates or buddies, feminine version, sisters
Desembuchar – to come clean about something
Rozar – to rub against, brush against, or “rub shoulders” with someone or some group of people
Fodongo(a) – someone who is unkempt, sloppy, unattractive, crass and does not care one bit to change or improve themselves
Chapa – a lock. Can also mean a metal sheet or panel, or a badge
Tramar – to plot or plan, Qué estás tramando means what are you up to?
Una sopa de su propia chocolate – a taste of his own medicine, literally, a soup of his own chocolate
Ganarse a pulso – to earn something, literally earn yourself a pulse
Vestidito – a little dress. Can’t wait to see Moni in it!


Sortilegio 1/8/10: The Mystery Around Mary Jo's Twin Peaks

Capítulo 67?

As we return to the milder climes of Mexico and Merida this week-end :

Paula is feeding the slowly recuperating Roberto his hospital din-din and chattering on, giving him the gossip about Raquel. She mentions that Raqhell is back home and back on the booze; neither Alex nor Vicki can stop her from drinking. Bobo mentions he's being released the next day and will be living in the main house. The big guy sort of likes the thought of having a place--make that a space--of his own. He's curious to know if Ulises has come to see Raqui and Pau sniffs that she doesn't think so. On the other side of the city at Casa de los Lombardo, Mary Jo tells Alex that she'd like to go visit her daddy in the clink. Alex tells Mary Jo that he'll work things out with the lawyer and see what he can do to get permission. He also reminds her they agreed to get remarried and that it's high time they get hitched again, especially before Tony gets baptized in the Church. Mary Jo isn't up for it right now since Papi Pedro's still in the pokey. Alex tells her life goes on and that, God willing and the creeks don't rise, Pedro will be freed and will be their guest of honor at the reception.

Across town, Elena is having a drink with Ulises in the apartment Raqui leased for him. He explains to her that he hasn't been back to the Lombardo's and made contact with Mary Jo because the whole family probably knows now about his affair with Raquel. Elena calls him a pig and smirks. He says hey, Raquel offered him money and because he needed it he took it. Even the apartment, he says, is something she rented for him. Elena looks at him and laughs, no doubt admiring what an accomplished man-whore he has become. She mentions that Horrible Jorge's treatments with electroshock on Sandra haven't gotten any results. Sandra still has brain damage.

Uli suggests that they should kidnap MJ's baby and force her to impersonate Sandra for Porferio's benefit and just be done with it. Elena says not so fast, especially if MJ and Alex are the kind of people he's told her they are. She'd have to get it past Jorge first anyway, and the last time she brought up something he told her to go to Hell. She does have a plan in mind, but she first needs to be convinced that Mary Jo is really identical to Sandra. She wants to see her. Uli says that'd be difficult because MJ never leaves the compound and he's not exactly able to visit there any longer.

In the city at Lombardo, Inc., Alex is telling Maura he's getting married to MJ again. She says he's got to be crazy since the woman has caused him nothing but trouble ever since he met her and now he's stuck with trying to get her father out of jail. He reminds her that the divorce was only a countermeasure against Bruno's plotting. Meowra insists that it's silly to get remarried since the two of them are like water and oil and have nothing in common. (Tony might disagree.) Alex gets a bit perturbed at Mau and says he and MJ share a child and their love together. He lays down the law to her saying that he appreciates her buying stock in his company and helping him to retain the presidency, but when it comes to his private life or his sex life, she needs to butt out!

A bit later, still hot under the collar and red in the face, Meowra is griping to Uli during a lunch date about the dust up with Alex. Just like Lisett, he tells her the obvious: that now the baby is born she doesn't stand a chance with Alejandro. Mau can't understand it because they've always gotten along together; they had the same tastes, and they come from the same class. Suddenly this piece of filth comes along and she takes it all away from her! Bruno happens to walk by the restaurant patio as Mau and Uli are chatting. They don't notice him. He eavesdrops from behind a post while Uli tells her that MJ's mama is back in town to find out if MJ really is identical to her twin. Uli explains that she's planning something but that they haven't discussed it yet. The two discuss the possibility of Mau helping him to get MJ out of the house for a while or maybe even taking a snapshot of her using the baby as an excuse. Mau wants to know what's in it for her. Uli has a couple of thoughts along that line, but Viewerville is beamed away before they hear the details.

We are teleported to another part of the city as Bruno is meeting Katia for lunch or a drink or something. They stop at the bar while they wait for a table. He orders them a couple of apple martinis--a great chic drink, the way a Tom Collins used to be in the 70's. (I wonder if Katia will use her tootsie pop to stir it with.) Bruno mentions that he saw Uli and Mau together. Could be they've hooked up, but he thinks it's more likely something Mau has cooked up. He wants the Crotchya to find out for him what that is. She's happy to oblige once she gets her bit o' sugar from the sweet-talker in chief. Smo-o-o-ch-h!

That night, at the Casota de Lobos y Locos de los Lomabardo, MJ asks Alex why he's leaving for Saqui in the morning but not taking either Paula or herself with him. He says this time there's no reason to take them for what he's got to do. Wrong answer! She breaks down into tears. He admits finally that her daddy had a pulverizing run-in with one of the other inmates but is now doing better and that he simply didn't want either of his daughters to have to see their papi that way. MJ cries but Alex promises he'll get the ol' guy out of their somehow. Kiss-Kiss. Hug-hug.
Uli brings Maura back to the apartment to chat with Elena. Elena tells him she wants to chat with Mau woman to woman so Uli leaves the apartment. Elena tells Mau she's known Uli for a long while and that Uli is a blabbermouth, so she'd rather they talk alone. Elena starts by saying that she knows Mau still has a thing for MJ's husband and wonders what she's prepared to do to get him back. Mau says with the kid and all that it's not really likely and besides, since MJ is her daughter, she wouldn't think of doing anything to hurt her. (Guess Mau had all her fingers and toes crossed while she told Elena that whopper.) Elena says she thinks there's a way that everyone can be happy, but if a word of what she says gets out she will deny it and deny ever meeting Maura. Mau's all ears.

It's now bedtime for Alex and MJ. She's crying. His rather simplistic solution: make love and suddenly all the ugly thoughts turn into happy ones. Alex tells her that they can't allow the mistakes of other's to bring them down. She's got her own family now to worry about and to take care of. He's able to separate the problems of daily life from his relationship with her and she needs to learn to do the same. She figures he's right and she relaxes a bit with him. They hug and smooch and start turning those ugly thoughts into happy ones......
Meanwhile, across town, Uli is now sending Elena off in a cab. He walks over to Mau and asks her for a rundown of the big pow-wow she had with Elena. Mau plays dumb and innocent. All the woman talked about were her husband and her daughter. Uli isn't buying it and wants the truth. Mau says the only other thing Elena mentioned was that she wanted to have her take a picture of MJ. Other than that she only asked questions about Mary Jo and her husband. Mau says she's tired and drives off. Uli isn't convinced.

The next day Meowra drives over to Casota Lombardo. MJ is with Felipa and the baby out on the grass. Felipa (along with Viewerville) lets out with an eye roll and an "Hijole!" when she sees who's walking towards them. Meowra gushes effusively over little Tony and hands over MJ a couple of obligatory gifts for the baby (although deep down, Viewerville is convinced, she'd really rather be tying MJ in a bag with snakes and dumping her into the nearest lake.) Meowra says she's dying to take a snapshot of the little snook-ums. "He's so cute!" She snaps a pix of Mary Jo and Baby Tony on her cell, then quickly makes her exit by saying she's heard Raqui's back and that she needs to visit her a bit too. As she races off, Felipa tells Mary Jo that the woman gives her the willies. Suddenly an ambulance drives past and they see it's bringing Bobo back from the hospital.

Everyone rushes out to greet Bobo and help him inside. Raqhell sloshes her way over to the chalet's front porch. She twitches and bitches then bitches and twitches about it to Maura. (Man! Just watching her do the twitch thing gives me hives.) Mau looks a bit concerned. She asks how long till the baby comes. Raqui thinks about two months but isn't sure. Raqhell asks Mau if she's heard from Uli recently but Mau lies and says no. Raqui twitches and blinks a few times. "The coward!" Mau asks if Raqhell knows who the baby-daddy is but she doesn't and could care less. She is more interested in getting a lawyer through Mau to help with her divorce.

Back at her hotel a while later, Elena receives an envelope via messenger with Mau's photo of MJ holding little Tony in it. Elena draws in her breath. "She's identical!!"

Alex returns home from Saqui with good news for Mary Jo about her scrappy papi. There's a good chance to get Pedro out on bail. (Viewerville's male population are in awe. It's got to be a real upper being able to be a Macho-Man 24/7 to your woman like that.) Vicki walks in and tells the two of them that she's gotten Dr. Hernan and Bobo together for a meeting and wants Alex and MJ to join them for it.

Back with our loonies in the boonies, Elena shows Jorge the Horrible Mary Jo's photo. Success! "--It's Sandra!" She corrects him. "--No, it's Mary Jo." Mexico's Dr. Mengele is excited as visions of experiments dance in his head. "She is exactly the same!" Elena sighs, relieved, and smiles.

In the study back at the Casota de Locos y Lobos, Vicki and Hernan explain to MJ and Alex the problem they've got with Raqhell's continued drinking. "The baby will be born with all sorts of problems. It may even die!" Bobo interjects here that that is exactly what Raqui wanted--to kill the baby. Caras de impactado [looks of shock] bounce around the room. MJ and Alex express the obvious: there needs to be a way to stop her from getting off the property till the baby is born. (Viewerville scratches its head and asks how about just finding her latest stash and dumping it, then firing the next employee who smuggles a bottle in to her? That should put a split-second stop to everything!) Everybody's stumped as to how to achieve the nigh impossible here.

In the boonies with our favorite goonies again, Jorge says they could take samples of MJ's brain cell tissue and transfer it to Sandra. The brain damage would be cured, but Sandra's addictions would not. She'd return to the same bad habits so that idea wouldn't work for their purposes. Elena suggests Uli's plan to kidnap MJ. Jorge says nope, because Uli's a worthless hustler. He doesn't want Elena having anything more to do with Uli. Elena seems fine with that. So she moves on to suggest Maura because Mau is still in love with Mary Jo's husband. However, Horrible George says he doesn't trust a woman. Women are useless chatterboxes. Elena figures there's nobody else who can get close to Mary Jo. "No. It's got to be a man." He'll have to think on it a bit more. He asks her for the name of the family's company. "--Lombardo Construction." Horrible George walks off with the photo of MJ to ponder the possibilities and to plot their next diabolical move.

That night in his lab office, Horrible is researching the Lombardo's and comes across the stories in the newspapers about the recent trial, the fight between the two half-brothers for the presidency of the company, the affair between Vicki and Antonio while she was still married to Samuel Albeniz, and the two illegitimate children--Bruno and Raquel--who were never told about their true father till only recently. The papers mention that this has served to sully the family's public image and to hurt the company's financial stability.

Meanwhile, at Don Porferio's, he and Fernando's Tío Abuelo, Emiliano, discuss Porfi's distrust of both Elena and Horrible George. He also cannot understand why he hasn't seen hide nor hair of his granddaughter in six years, especially with the amount of money she stands to inheirit from him. Porfi suspects that Sandra might even be dead and it's a shame because he took to the little girl right away. He liked her spunk and wit. He's certain she became a nuissance to Elena and her husband and that's why they sent her off to Spain to school. Emiliano remarks that many parents simply send their kids off to school in Spain because they think they'll get a better education and fare better once they return. Fernando did just fine in Mexico, though, so he doesn't necessarily agree with that practice. Emiliano suggests it could be that Porfi was too much of a curmudgeon and scared her off. Porfi says he now thinks maybe he should get married again to keep Elena and Jorge from getting his money when he dies. It could be the maid or the washer woman. It doesn't matter.

The next day Horrible tells Elena what he found out about the Lombardo family. He thinks Bruno would be the perfect one to deal with since he's probably filled with hate and resentment at losing his legal challenge to become the company's president even though he's the older son. "Bruno should be resentful enough to stop at nothing to get back at his half-brother."

In the meantime, Raqhell has gone into labor pains. She races down the lane towards the main house screaming that her water's broken or something. (What is that ugly red thing the wardrobe department put her in for this scene--something from E. Gad?) Vicki races out and screams for the servants to call an ambulance.

At Lombardo, Inc., Maura overhears Mari discussing Alex's intended move with him. (Damn! Could that mini-skirt be any shorter? Mau better have on panties when she crosses those legs of hers. On the other hand, maybe she could bring in a bit more business that way.) Mau asks him why move from a house he's lived in his entire life? Alex says Bruno's living there too and it's best they be as far apart from each other as possible. She can't argue with facts and offers to find the perfect house for Alex and MJ as a show of friendship. There's a call on Alex's cell just then. He finds out from Felipa that Raqui's gone into premature labor. Mau races off with Alex to the hospital and forgets her purse in the reception area.

Meanwhile, Pau runs in to give the news to the convalescent Bobo. She races around to help him get ready to go to the hospital with the others. He is a physical mess still and struggles to get off the couch and out from under his meal tray--a totally unnecessary scene. FF>>

Outside on the grounds, Erick observes the chaos and gives the low-down to Bruno as he drives up in his Zzzz-4.

Back in Reception at Lombardo, Inc., Katia and Mari are discussing the premature birth situation when they hear a cell ring. It is coming from Maura's purse. The Bratia answers it and is surprised to hear Elena on the other end. Elena says yeah, Uli is a friend they have in common. Katia explains that everyone left in a hurry due to Raqui's going into premature labor. Mau happened to forget her purse and cell there. Elena decides not to leave a message. Fernando walks into the room looking for Alex. Mari explains what's going on with Raqhell and Fer races out and off to the hospital as well.

Raqui's baby girl is born weak and with under-developed lungs. She will have to be put into an incubator. It's not clear if she'll live. Raqui is fine, though. Bobo worries that the baby may still die. Fer arrives and comforts Vicki.

In the kitchen at Casota Lombardo the servants are eating dinner. Pau has joined them. Felipa mentions their need to put the baby in an incubator. Zeke says it's to be expected with premies. Pau isn't as charitable about the situation. "The only reason that baby is sick and in an incubator is because its mother was stuck sucking her own bottle all these months and drank like a fish! [beber como un cosacko = drink like a fish/ literally it's to drink like a Cossack] The one who deserves to be in serious condition is its mother!" (Viewerville gives 10 points to the Pugster.) Felipa scolds Pau for not being more sympathetic. "You need to be understanding with alcoholics and diabetics and the like." Pau says she doesn't feel a bit guilty when it comes to Raqui and she sticks to her guns. She tells the group that she doesn't have the slightest bit of sympathy for Raqhell. (You go, girl!)

That night Alex gives the rundown on Raqui and their new little niece to MJ. He says Bobo's bummed and bothered about the birth of the baby as well as Raquhell's situation. That's what happens when someone faces up to the mess they've made, he adds. (Bobo has apparently and it ain't purdy.) Mary Jo says she actually likes the guy now, though she didn't trust him at first. She asks Alex if he thinks Uli's the baby-daddy. He says he doesn't know, but Bobo wants to keep her even so. MJ thinks it's a terrific gesture on Bobo's part. She changes the subject to postponing the wedding. Alex says no way! He wants the whole world to see her dressed in white at the church. She reminds him she isn't a virgin and can't use white. He says then she can choose whatever color she wants. "The wedding only signifies a contract, and gives an official stamp to the proceedings. It's not just for the witnesses, but for the couple as well." (What is this? Sociology 104: marriage contracts as a part of the social contract?) Toni burbles his two cents worth, too. (I almost like Tony better than Cuco. Just wait till he graduates from gurgle to bark!)

Downstairs, Victoria cries on Fer's shoulder. She of course blames herself for Raqhell's situation and the problem with her grandbaby. Fer's a bit more forgiving and sympathetic than I would be with her, but then he's looking to get another meaningful roll in the hay. Fer says Raquel is all "growed-up" now and responsible for her own behavior, the same as everybody else in the world. It was her decision to ruin her life this way. He's sure the baby will recover. Vicki and Bobo will be able to raise Raqui's baby and he'll be there as well to help. He stares deeply into her eyes and tells her he's amazed at how much she cares for others; that he admires her for it. Each time he admires her more. He loves her and her huge heart touches him deeply. He feels so lucky to claim the love of a Victoria Lombardo, to have been permitted to even get close to her. She says she's luckier having him love her. They share another funky priss-kiss. (Blechhh!)

Back at the hospital, Dr. Hernan runs into Bobo and tries to make him get some rest. Bobo can't because he's too upset about the baby's condition. He asks to see her. Hernan takes him to the premie part of the nursery. Bobo is in awe. (Viewerville can definitely relate.) "Will she live?" Dr. Hernan says they trust that she will.

The next morning Bruno and Crotchya are having breakfast out. Crotchya mentions the possibility that Raqui's baby might die. Bruto says it's just as well. Crotchya is naively impactada to hear him admit it. El Bruto is being practical. "With an alcoholic mother and Roberto--why lie about it? If Uli's the father, it's just as bad because then it will have the genes of a worthless hustler." Small talk changes to the phone call Mau got that Crotchya intercepted. She says that it turned out to be Elena. Bruto doesn't remember her mentioning the woman before. Crotchya explains about her and her ogre of a husband who's always stuck in his labs, and mentions their daughter, Sandra, "that nobody ever sees because she's always off studying." Bruto pricks up his beady little rat-ears.

"Sandra" is the magic word here. Bruto has flashbacks to Alex asking him who Sandra was and then to his overhearing Alex mentioning to Vicki that MJ has a twin sister named Sandra living with her mother outside Toluca, and that Uli mentioned it to Bobo who mentioned it to him. Bruno gets up, leaves Crotchya some cash to pay for breakfast, then races off to find out what Maura's got going with this woman.

Bruno now shows up unexpectedly at Uli's door. He pushes his way in and sits down to eat the guy's untouched breakfast. (What a charmer.) In between shovelled mouthfulls Bruno tells Uli he should know that his kid was born the night before and that now he's daddy to a diseased kid with rickets. Uli asks how Raquhell is. "--I didn't come to talk about her. I want to know everything about Mary Jo's twin sister and her mother." Uli pretends not to know what he's talking about. Bruno warns him not to pretend because Alex told him himself about Sandra and that she and her mother, Elena, live outside Toluca somewhere. Uli says he's partially right, but Sandra's been out of the country studying for years now.

Bruno warns Uli not to lie because he says he's got the woman's phone number and will be checking his story. Uli asks how he got the number. "From Maura." Uli says he introduced them but didn't know they'd become such close friends. Bruno says something's going on between Mau and her 'cause there's got to be a reason the two are calling each other. "Let me have it in detail!" Uli asks why it matters so much to Bruno. "--It matters to Mary Jo!" "-- MJ has nothing to do with you! She's your brother's wife!" "--Alex took the presidency from me and then he stole a woman who ought to have been mine! I am not eager to see things to go on like they are!"

Uli takes a different tack and tells Bruno to calm down because MJ's having a twin sister doesn't change the facts. "--Maybe not, but I don't like all the mystery. I want to know what's up." Uli says he's sorry but he hasn't anything more to tell him. "--We'll see about that!" Bruno storms out of the apartment to gawd knows where now.

Uli immediate calls Mau to get an explanation while the not-so-innocent Crotchya the Bratia eavesdrops. Uli yells at her to tell him what Elena called about. Mau plays dumb and says there's nothing. He reminds her of that private chit-chat the two women had the other day at his apartment, then threatens her not to try anything behind his back. Click! Mau turns around and asks Katia if somebody named Elena called there the other day. Katia apologizes for not telling her how she took the call for her since she'd left her purse the day before when she raced off to the hospital because of Raquel. Mau want's to know how Ulises found out about the call. Katia blames Mari. Mau says Mari wouldn't know Uli, much less have a reason to tell him about Elena's phone call. Katia plays dumb and insists it had to be Mari.

That's enough for Mau. (It's always the hired help with this broad.) She races out to Mari's desk and lites into her for being a gossipy busybody and too loose with the intimate details of her private life. Mari is completely-bewildered-impactada. She swears she has no idea what Mau's talking about and would never dream of doing such things. Alex and Fernando come out of their offices to see what the din is about. Maura tells Alex that he's got a big mouth for a secretary and that he needs to look for a new one.

In Alex's office a few moments later, Mari swears that she would never stoop to something so unprofessional and that she has no idea even who this Ulises guy is. It wasn't even she who took the phonecall. It was Katia! Enough said. Fer and Alex exchange looks. They immediately know what--or rather, who--the problem is here. They let Mari go back to her desk after apologizing for the mixup. (Alex, give the gal a major raise, too. It's not exactly like you couldn't sell a property or two to pay for it. She deserves it with everything she puts up with working for you!!)

Mari leaves the office. Fernando admits, redfaced, that it was Katia. The two now want to know what Maura has to do with MJ's mother. Alex goes in to speak with Mau. He asks her point blank about Elena. Mau admits Uli introduced them and that she met her, but only a couple of times. The first time was when she showed up with Roberto. The second time Elena mentioned that she was with Uli and that the woman said she'd like to see Paula and Mary Jo. Mau explains, innocently enough, that she didn't have any reason to think it was strange since the woman was their mother and, after all, it wasn't really any of her business. So she really didn't pay much attention to her. That is why she never bothered mentioning it to him.

Alex accepts her answer and walks out of her office.


Alguien Te Mira-Index

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Friday, January 08, 2010

ENDA, January 8, 2010

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