Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Dinero #41, March 15 2010 A picture is worth a thousand Ale smiles

Rafa is explaining to Ale about the photos. He is showing her the pictures from the wedding. Initially Ale is smiling, then suddenly grabs the photos from Rafa. She wants to know how much money they want. She says it is extortion. She wants to know what they are going to do with the pictures. In what magazine are they going to publish them in. She becomes all paranoid and crazy.

Rafa assures her it isn’t extortion. He shows her the envelope it came in with their names on it. And reads what the letter says "To our grandest friends, Ale and Rafa, memories of this wonderful moment you shared with us. Your friend Aurelio".

Rafa tells her not to worry about the pictures he will guard them. Ale starts grabbing them from him, wants to know what he is going to do with them. She tells him he is capable of selling them. She is afraid that the pictures could be misinterupted and cause damage to her personal life and snatches them out of Rafas’ hands. She says do what I say, and don’t make me mad.

Rafa tells her he wants to keep at least one. She asks him if he is crazy and wants to know why. She says this is dangerous material and almost radioactive. Rafa tells her to not exaggerate. He says she may want to forget about this day but he doesn’t want to. For him it was unforgettable and he will never forget about it. Rafa walks away sad.

Ale sits down at her desk and starts looking at the pictures. Smiling, then says, how crazy, this cant be and turns on her shredder, but picks up the pictures again, smiling not able to believe that the women in the picture was her. Then starts singing the song she sang with Rafa and smiling the whole time.

We have Chavez at Marcos’ door handing him an envelope telling him "mission completed". The money, the tickets and everything he asked for his little vacation. Marco asks Chavez if he has been drinking, and Chavez says it was to console himself because Marco won’t let him go along with him. Then he asks for a drink. Marco says okay go ahead.

He wants to know how he is going to justify his trip to Ale. Marco tells him tonight he will have to think of something. He just doesn’t know what yet. He feels that Ale has been acting very strange.

Said strange acting Ale is still looking at the pictures. Attempts to shred one but can’t, then Beltran suddenly shows up and asks her what she’s doing. She hides the pictures. He wants to know if Rafa brought new clothes. She assures him that yes he did. She almost lets it slip that she paid for them but catches herself , and says she made him improve his image and pay for it with credit.

Beltran says good. It's better to be in debt. If someone is hungry they work harder. Then he wants her to come to his office to go over figures. Her pictures are left on the desk and she follows him out of the office.

As Beltran walks through the sales room, Marino goes to greet him, Beltran asks him how he is than walks right by him to go talk to Rafa. This doesn’t please Marino one bit. Beltran wants him to continue to sell, and just imagine the smile Ale will have when she returns. As he leaves Marino tries again to greet Beltran, once again and is brushed off, as Beltran tells him to get to work. Ale sarcasticly repeats to him get to work son, smiling as she walks away.

Isabel chides Marino and says he has lost his touch. Marino says it is only temporary and could happen to anyone. Isabel continues to chide him. He tells her not to worry about him, he will recuperate his first place standing and walks away angrily. Rafa starts to giggle.

Chavez is worried about Ales’ trip and is worried that Ale doesn’t love him anymore. Marco tells him to stop talking like an idiot. He tells Chavez to stop drinking. He says he has to go get Ale. Chavez continues with his preoccupation. He wants to know if he has been affectionate with Ale. I think he was asking him if he has slept with her. Marco tells Chavez he is drunk and delirious. He says you’ve seen Ale. The way she looks now. Chavez continues to warn him that if Ale feels unloved, perhaps while she is away someone might be able to win her affections.

Rafa is on the phone and Ale tells him to come to her office. Ramiro tells him this will be his last chewing out of the month. Now we are back to Chavez warning Marco that some guy in the states might just become interested in Ale pay the debt of the hacienda . Marco tells Chavez that this type of guy would never be interested in Ale. Especially how she is now.

Ale is giving Rafa orders of what needs to be done while she is away and has increased what he owes her this month. (I think that is what she said) She reminds him that she paid for the clothes and gave him extra money for his personal expenses from her own account. Then she gets all anxious and says she can’t go on her trip because with her gone Rafa will act like he is on vacation and party.

She calls Susan and tells her to cancel the trip. Rafa takes the phone and tells Susana not to pay attention to what Ale just said. She turns a little bit crazy on Rafa. He ends up telling her if the reason she is having the operation is because she looks deformed, he tells her she is wrong, because to him she is marvelous.

Back with Chavez telling Marco that Ale is mighty fine looking (not exactly his words but that’s what he meant). And that while she is in therapy recuperating, someone is going to get a look at those fine legs and curves she has. Chavez is getting a little carried away with his images of Ale in therapy and Marco suddenly screams at him to stop, he is talking about his girlfriend. Chavez apologizes and blames it on the drinking. (Those two together crack me up).

He continues to warn Marco that Ale could attract someone that could steal her and the hacienda away from them. He tells him that tonight he has to become affectionate with her . He has to have a night with her that will stay in her mind for the entire month she is gone. After all someone could sweep her off her feet while she is away.

Marco has a look of disgust on his face and tells Chavez that he is right. Then he says disgustedly that he will have to spend the night with Ale. Chavez says, I think for you it is torture so I could help you out with that. Marco yells at him.

Back with Rafa and Ale. Rafa tells her to stop saying how ugly she is, because it is a lie. He tells her she is precious and divine. And for him she doesn’t need any operation. Ale says he is telling her these things because it makes it easier for him. He continues to tell her that the only operation she needs is on her ears to hear what people are saying. Then he starts telling her how everyone comments to him how beautiful his boss is. He gets a little carried away and something was said about Vicky. And I am not certain if Rafa said Vicky was beautiful but crazy or said Ale was beautiful and crazy.

Susana interrupts and says Marco is here. Ale seems confused, then says okay. Tells Rafa to have a good trip, then says sell. Susana wants to know if she is okay. Ale tells her she leaves things in her hands.

Ramiro tells everyone this will be the last goodbye to Ale for 30 days. Ale walks out and tells then she will see them in a month and to not let her down. She stares for a while and if you looked away, you would have missed that brief very sweet smile exchange between Rafa and Ale . Then she leaves. Everyone is ecstatic except poor Rafa.

Ale walks to the car. Marco is there all sweet and syrupy. He rattles on about how in one month she will be looking great and he will be able to marry her. Ale says yes, gets in the car and starts remembering the last time she tried to seduce Marco and how disastrous that was. Then she smiles as she remembers Rafas’ words that she is precious and divine. And that she doesn’t need surgery that she is beautiful. The rest of the ride home is silent and solemn

Back at Siglo Everyone is ready to celebrate. They are about to leave, and Dandy and Claudia go back to get Rafa. They convince him to go and celebrate with them.

Marco and Ale have arrived home and Rosario tells Ale that she can’t go with her because there will be nobody to take care of Jorge. Ale agrees and says you need to stay. Then she says she will just cancel the whole thing. Marco tells her she cant do that. Than Rosario says there is a way that she could still go. That would be if Marco agrees to stay with Jorge. Marco looks like he is going to be sick.

Rosario tells him he wouldn’t need to be there all the time just mostly at night to make sure Jorge doesn’t do anything crazy. Ale agrees. Marco says sure he doesn’t know why he didn’t think about that.(Yea right Marco). Marco looks panic stricken.

Ale says she thinks that Marco is not really comfortable with this idea. That they can’t take advantage of Marco like that. Marco disagrees and says how could you think that . Jorge is like a father to me. At this in walks sweet papa Jorge.

He wants to know if Marco is taking them to the airport in the morning or if they want him to take them. Ale quickly stands and says Marco will do it. She says not only is he doing that but he is going to stay with him while they are gone. This whole little scene is pretty funny. Marco is trying to be convincing that he is delighted to be able to help out. Jorge is all excited about being able to play cards the whole time.

Rosario suggests they go get something to eat and Ale reminds her that they don’t have time. They need to pack. They take off to pack, Jorge is all excited about how much fun he is going to have with Marco and Marco is down the hallway crying as he calls Chavez to have him cancel his vacation plans. He also finds out that he will not be getting any refund and is out all the money for the trip. To funny.

Ale is packing and Marco comes back in and sits on the bed. Ale questions him if he is sure he wants to stay with Jorge. He assures her that he will take good care of him. He remembers Chavez’s advise about being affectionate with Ale tonight. He goes in for the kill and is shot down. Ale says she is to busy . He attempts again and again is shot down. She tells him in one month they can make love when she returns from her trip as a more desirable women.

Marco tells her she is the most spectacular women on the planet. He gives it one more shot, and attempts to kiss Ale. She asks him if he is serious. Why would he tell her this now. She tells him it would be best if he just went home. Marco looks very confused. Ale walks away into the bathroom, comes back and gives him a good night kiss and says she is going to take a bath and tells him good night as she closes the bathroom door. Marco leaves scratching his head.

After he leaves, Ale walks back into her room and seems perplexed by the whole Marco being affectionate encounter. And wonders why now would he be acting like this. She sits on the bed and takes out her pictures and starts smiling.

We have all the Siglo crew now out at Dona Dolores’. We have each one making their little phone calls and excuses as to where they are and why they wont be home right away. Been there, heard all that before.

Back to Ale . Rosario walks in and inspects her luggage and takes out her computer. (How she knows Ale.) She scolds her and tells her this is prohibited. She gives her her passport and tells her to sleep well. Sweet little moment. Rosario leaves with Ales’ computer and Ale is left alone on the bed.

She goes to put her passport away and takes the pictures out and starts looking at them again. Smiling and lauging. She has a brief moment where she calls herself crazy and is about to tear up the pictures, but sanity takes over. As she hold the picture close to her face.

We are back with Siglo crew having a great old time. Rafa tells them that this time he is not going to pay and says it is someone else’s turn. Perhaps Marino. After all he was second in sales. Marino gets all up in Rafas’ face. He goes to sit down and the chair breaks. His wig falls off and bow-tie guy to the rescue. He throws his coat over Marino so he can put his wig back on. Marino calls him an idiot.

Rafa suggests now they should get another bottle so Marino wont cry. Marino starts yelling. Then Claudia walks over to Rafa and reminds him about their trip to Acapulco. Rafa is sitting there but is deep in thought. They want to know what’s wrong with him. Dandy asks him if he is gay. Ramiro thinks it has something to do with Ales’ trip.

Rafa asks them how they could think that. Dandy wants to know if it has to do with his girlfriend. He asks if he killed her. Ramiro gets worried and wants to know where the corpse is. Rafa says he is the corpse. He tells them he has to marry Vicky. He says that he is being pressured by her family. They have been going out for two years and they think it is time. Dandy thinks a tequila is in order. Rafa looks sad.

Ale now ready for bed, pictures still in her hands is smiling and talking to herself. Looking at each picture very thoughtfully. Then she puts them in her purse and says to herself “ How about if I just take you with me.” She turns off her light and gives thanks to god, smiling.

It is Morning and Rafa’s alarm goes off (the phone). He gets all excited as he answers the phone knowing it is Ale. He tells her he didn’t think she would be calling. Ale reminds him how many trucks and cars he needs to sell. He says 26 cars or 10 trucks. He tells her he wont let her down. That she can leave in peace. She reminds him to go pick up his new clothes. And don’t even think about going back to Siglo in his old awful clothes. He can be a little late and he can tell Susana that she authorized it.

They both seem as though they do not want to hang up. Finally Ale says “Goodbye already Medina” Rafa says Don’t say goodbye boss. It’s better if you say we’ll see you later. He tells her to have a great trip. And wishes her good luck. She says okay we will see you later and smiles and hangs up.

We have the sweetest split-scene of Ale and Rafa encircled in a heart shape outline with little cupids shooting arrows, both smiling at the phones they have just hung up.

So did anyone else notice that we did not have a single obligatory odd salon scene and only had a brief Vicky encounter and that was a brief phone call?


Monday, March 15, 2010

El Clon, Mon., March 15- We're finally done with the virginity issue and Said gets the nice guy prize

Dora thanks Albieri for making the miracle happen that got her pregnant. Just to make sure he is as uncomfortable as possible, she shows him the picture of Osvaldo and says that Silvia has assured her that the baby will look just like him. Albieri looks at the picture and sees Lucas. He staggers out of the room.

Silvia tells Luisa that she is concerned about Albieri's behavior. She vows that she will find out what is going on. Meanwhile, Albieri has post-cloning remorse. He vows that the baby cannot be born. It could have horrible defects. It is his moral duty to warn Silvia.

Cristina, Dora and Vicki celebrate the good news with snifters of milk. Cristina asks if Dora wants to know who the father is and Dora replies that it is prohibited to know who donated the sperm. Vicki says that Dora doesn't need to know - the father is Osvaldo and once again we hear about how much the donor resembles Osvaldo.

Back in Morocco, Said and Jade are led to their room with Nariza as close as she can be without actually being in the bedroom with them.

Said tells Jade that he won't do anything if she doesn't want him to. He'll wait until she likes him, until she loves him. (What a nice guy!) Jade replies that she wants to be with him. We have the foot washing.

Nariza is right outside the door. Zoraida tells Ali that she is like a venomous snake who wants to ruin the marriage. "Does she have any reason to do so?" asks Ali and Zoraida has to lie and say no.

Nariza tells Zoraida that as the older sister, it is her responsibility to watch over her brothers. Zoraida says she should have no worries - she has Jade's certificate of virginity. Nariza replies that a virginity certificate is only good on the day it's issued (and not even then if you have a corrupt doctor). A lot of time has passed since then, anything could have happened.

Back in the bedroom, Said asks Allah to make Jade understand the love he has for her, and have her appreciate him. But when he kisses her, she flashes back to kissing Lucas. Said goes on to asks Allah to bless the children they will have, to bless this night and all the nights they will have. Said asks Allah to take away everything that might separate them.

Lucas is outside the hotel suffering.

Lastly, Said asks Allah to let him make Jade happy and to have her make him happy as well.

Lucas suffers outside the hotel. Outside Said and Jade's room, the families wait.

Said learns that Jade is not a virgin. Angrily he gets out of the bed. Jade waits to accept her fate. She hopes that she dies quickly without suffering.

In the bathroom, Said finds a straight razor (they should only have safety razors in a honeymoon suite). He struggles with his anger and love for Jade. Finally he cuts his finger. He comes back to the bedroom and tells Jade that he is going to commit a sin worse than hers. They will never speak about this night but if Lucas ever crosses Said's path, he will kill him.

The door of the bedroom opens and Nariza is given the proof of virginity, which she displays to everyone. [She doesn't seem too disappointed or suspicious.] Everybody's happy except Jade and Said.

Lucas returns to Florida tormented by flashbacks. At the last moment, he can't face going to his house and goes to Cristina's. He tells her what happened and says that he will never see Jade again. She tells him not to despair that things in life can change in an instant. She agrees to put him up.

Leo is told that Lucas has returned but not to the house. He is his usual nasty self taking out his frustration on others.

Albieri has driven to Dora's house and is steeling himself to tell her about the clone problem. He jumps out of his car and right into the path of another car. He is knocked down but not seriously injured and drives away without talking to Dora.

Albieri returns home and is fussed over by Luisa.

Jade goes to the ruins and suffers. Lucas walks on the beach and suffers. He lies on the couch at Cristina's like a zombie. Then all of a sudden, he comes to a decision. He tells Cristina that he has decided to face his destiny. He returns to his father's house.

Silvia tells Luisa that she will find out what is going on with Albieri. Albieri wonders whether to tell Silvia about what he did but decides he has to calm her suspicions before she figures out what happened and gets him in trouble. At this point, Miss Brown arrives on her way to London. She says that she and his friends are worried about him. He almost tells her but chickens out at the last minute because she would judge him like everyone else. Ms. Brown thinks that Albieri's condition is the result of Dr. Molina filling his head with ethical concerns.

Only days into her pregnancy, Dora already has given up on her plan to stay at home during the entire 9 months. She goes to the club but doesn't dance or drink. Of course, in comes Osvaldo. He wants to talk to Dora but the perfidious Norma hijacks him and of course he can't just push her aside. Dora wants to kill them both but Vicki drags her out of the bar. Dora says that Miami has nothing for her and she decides to go to New York to have her baby at her Mom's. "Ojos que no ven, corazon que no siente," she says, "What the eyes don't see, the heart doesn't feel."

Ms. Brown chides Albieri for keeping the photo of his dead fiancee. Silvia comes in and Ms. Brown tells her about her theory that Albieri's state of mind is the result of Dr. Molina's ethics lectures. Silvia doubts this. Dr. Molina hasn't been around. He hasn't even called. Silvia swears that she will figure out what is going on.

Nariza and Jade are praying. Nariza criticizes the way Jade prays and then tells her how to cook. Jade says that she is going to see Ali. Then Nariza criticizes Jade to Said and the Mouth doesn't notice when Said walks away.

Jade tells Ali that she obeyed him and got married but she doesn't like it. Ali asks if Said is performing his marital duties properly. Does he rush things? Literally, 'Does he come to you more quickly than a bird (viene a ti más rapido que un pájaro). If so, she can have the judge speak to Said. If he doesn't give her satisfaction in bed, no one will complain if she divorces him. Jade says that isn't it. She doesn't like Said and Nariza is driving her crazy. Ali tries to give Jade advice but they aren't communicating.

Albieri decides to get rid of the snoopy Silvia by sending her to London as Ms. Brown's assistant. He pretends that he wants her to fly higher in her career.

Leo comes home and goes to see Lucas. Lucas tells him that he is ready to take over the business.
Leo is impactado.

The credits roll.


Saturday, March 13, 2010

Dinero #40, 3/12/10: Dinero Difficulties, Shopping Sprees, and Photo Mysteries.

Rafa looks ill when Don Gaston tells him the wedding is going to be in 3 months.

Ale takes a trip down memory lane while holding the famous bouquet. She’s frustrated for thinking about “Medina!” and crushes one of the flowers in her hand.

Rafa tells Vicky it may not be such a good idea for him to live with her and her family. She’s sure everything will be fine. It’s only for a little while and he can get to know her padre and hermanos better. Said hermanos worm their way into the conversation and warn Rafa not to make Vicky cry anymore.

Rafa gets Ale’s wake up call and she wastes no time in harping that just because she’s leaving for her surgery doesn’t mean he gets to slack off at work; when she gets to the office they’re going to have a talk about the rules for when she’s gone. Rafa hangs up and says she’s crazier than ever. (Ha!)

Leonor, awakened by the phone call, asks Rafa if he could get an advance on his paycheck because he’s employee of the month. They need money to cover the electric and gas. Rafa promises to see if it’s possible since Ale is leaving for her operation soon. “And then she’s getting married,” Rafa adds sullenly.

Ale is short with Trapito (the janitor) who came in early to retouch the paint on the front of her desk. She complains about the paint fumes and storms out because of his idiocy. Trapito mumbles he was just doing her a favor.

Ale “greets” all of the employees as they file in for another day. Ale asks Susana to add a reservation for Rosario for the trip the next day since she agreed to join Ale.

A new day means a new business meeting. Ale informs the group she’ll be leaving the next day and will be gone for a month. She lays down the law for how everyone is to behave in her absence.

Ramirez gives a long-winded speech about how sad everyone is to go on without Ale and assures her everything will be handled with Marino in charge. Marino starts to grandstand but Ale cuts his acceptance speech short; Susana is going to be the one in charge.

The entire office is surprised, Susana included. Marino is steamed. “Who brings in the most money? Who’s the most important salesman every month?” Ale says it’s all in the past since Marino got edged out of the best employee spot. (Denied!)

Ale tells everyone to respect Susana and warns them she will be in touch with Susana about everything going on in the office.

Jump cut to a shot of Ovi’s cleavage as she and the former cellmates ogle over a tabloid magazine. A wrester in full mask wanders in and scares the daylights out of all of them. He assures them he just wants a haircut but he can’t show them his face. Ovi hops to it. The cellmates gossip about how cute the wrestler is. (These two really need names. Maybe we should make some up…)

Ale assures Beltran everything has been organized for her trip; Susana is going to have everything under control while she’s gone. Rafa wanders by and when he leans down to pick up some papers, everyone sees the holes in his pants.

Beltran says they need to do something to about Rafa: he has white socks, worn out shoes, and isn’t very presentable. Ale tells Susana there is no way Rafa could afford to buy new clothes.

Susana asks Ale why she told everyone they would be in touch; the doctor orders were for Ale to have uninterrupted recuperation after the surgery. Ale says she’s going to call every hour to keep the employees on their toes.

Ale also instructs Susana to wake Rafa each morning at 5. She even writes up a list of insults for Susana to call him. (!!) Ale also cautions her about Rafa’s habit of getting drunk with clients and flirting with their daughters.

Susana doesn’t know if being so aggressive is the right way to handle things because it "interrupts the healthy exchange of energies between people”. Peace and love may make Susana happy but all Ale cares about is money, money, and more money. If Ale weren’t firm with the employees, they would come up with excuses for their lacking performance.

Meanwhile, all the employees are picking their “sick days” for the next month. Rafa says he doesn’t want to take any days off and everyone tries to talk him into enjoying some downtime while he can.

Susana interrupts their gathering. Nelson teases her for being Ale’s second-in-command. Marino asks her why she agreed to be in charge since she isn’t capable for the job. He offers to help her in any way he can. (What a swine.) Susana tells him not to worry; if she needs help, she has Ale on speed-dial.

Rafa meets with Ale in her office to go over the ground rules. Rafa starts talking about needing to sell 26 cars and 9 trucks, leans forward on Ale’s desk, gets a large streak of paint on his suit. He takes off his paint-stained jacket but his shirt has a sizeable mark from an ironing mishap that morning. He has to wash his suit every day because it’s the only one he has.

Ale is floored Rafa only has one suit and tells him he has to buy another. Rafa doesn’t have a single peso for a replacement. Ale cancels her appointments for the afternoon and tells Rafa they’re going to buy him a new suit.

The employees are scheduling their off days and Don Bebé wants nothing to do with their dishonesty. Claudia plants one on his cheek and tells him to lighten up.

Ale and Rafa arrive at the shop. Ale asks to see his socks and shoes. Rafa’s shoes have a hole worn through the bottom and his socks are Swiss cheese too. Ale exclaims it’s even worse than she thought. Rafa thanks her what she’s doing but Ale assures him the cost of the suit will be added to his debt.

A salesclerk helps them out and finds the right size for Rafa. He leaves to try it on and the clerk asks Ale if her husband would like to see some of their European suits. Ale balks and assures him Rafa is not her husband. She’s paying and Rafa isn’t choosing anything; they just need a classic, economical suit since Rafa doesn’t have any money.

Rafa struggles to try on the suit and gets a phone call from Leonor. She says Julieta wants to quit going to college and look for a job instead. They can’t afford they supplies Julieta needs for her classes and she doesn’t want to be a burden. There are more important things they need to pay off.

Ale overhears Rafa say Julie’s education is the most important thing for him, no matter what it costs. They can pawn their electronics again if they have to but Julie has to stay in school.

Leonor gives Julieta the phone and Rafa tells her there is no excuse for quitting her education. Rafa doesn’t want Julie to have the life he does: having to struggle to get by without a title or a career. “You’re not going to be another Rafael Medina. You’re going to have a career, you’re going to work somewhere with your head held high and you’re not going to be a slave to a tyrannical boss.” Ale looks offended.

Rafa says the cost of her education is his responsibility along with the electricity, gas, and water. “Trust me. I’m going to come through.” Ale smiles and acts nonchalant when Rafa rushes out and says he needs to leave. Ale has him model the suit instead.

Marco is on the phone and makes a reservation on a cruise for 35,000 pesos. Chavez claims it’s too much money but Marco doesn’t care.

Ale’s credit card doesn’t go through at the clothing shop. She assures the clerk it must be a mistake at the bank and gives him a different card. Rafa is itching to leave and is shocked at the price of the suits.

Ale and Rafa return to the Siglo. Once they’re situated in her office, Ale asks how much money Rafa needs for the month. Rafa doesn’t want to answer but Ale says his financial situation affects her so she wants to know. Rafa needs 4,000 pesos for his madre and hermana and Ale adds another 1,000 for Rafa. She gives him 300 pesos for transportation, 1,000 for the bills, and the 3,750 pesos for Julieta’s education. Ale gives him 10,000 pesos altogether and Rafa promises not to use the money as an excuse to slack off at work.

Ale also doesn’t want to hear he spent all of it partying and dancing with women. Rafa swears that won’t happen. Ale tells Rafa to call home and tell his family the problem is solved. Rafa thanks her but Ale again says he’ll pay her back later. (Perhaps Ale sells herself short when she says all she cares about is "money, money, money...")

In a short and sweet scene after the break, Trapito gives Susana a flower. (An "Aww" moment.)

Rafa calls Leonor and tells her Ale gave him an advance. Leonor is thrilled but asks why Ale has been so good to him all of a sudden. Rafa doesn’t know.

Rafa receives an envelope addressed to himself and Ale, which is curiously missing her last name. Rafa opens it to find several photos of Ale and himself at the infamous fiesta. He quickly hides them from Marino’s prying eyes and pulls Ale aside. Rafa shows her the pictures and Ale’s jaw drops.

Avances: Marco wrinkles his nose over the thought of having to sleep with Ale, Chavez delivers something to Marco, and the fallout over the pictures.


Salvaje, 3/12/10: Ali Baba and the 40-ish Fishermen

Cap. 15?

As we JIP to the sandy, overcast shores outside of the vaunted port of Veracruz somewhere along the coast of Mexico, Aimee arrives for her secret tryst with Juan. Juan carries her in his arms and smothers her with kisses. He, naive knave that he is, excitedly tells her that today is the perfect day to speak to her father and tell him about their relationship. Aimee, though, says no can do cuz papa's too sick. Upset with another delaying tactic, Juan demands all the particulars like her surname and address so that he can drop in on her anytime he pleases and they can continue their midnight lovemaking. (Juan, just get Gabe to follow her, you putz!) Unfortunately, Renato might find this a bit disagreeable, so Aimee manages to distract Juan long enough with her feminine wiles to steer him away from such compromising details. "¡Ay! Juan! I am yours and nobody else's. Nobody's!" Much kissing ensues. Juan suggests they go to the nearby caves so they can do the nasty in private. Aimee is only too happy to oblige. The caves it is. There's more flirting and kissing in the caves. Then the clothes come off and it's 1870's Mexico's answer to "From Here To Eternity", complete with time-elapsed visions of a blue sky and pounding surf on a secluded sandy beach. FF>>

After the deed, Juan (long, wet....er...tresses flowing in the breeze, and posing for us in all his delicious, nearly bare-nekked, glory) starts in again on formalizing their relationship with Aimee's daddy. She stalls some more with the lie that her daddy's not physically up for it. It's not that she doesn't love him or doesn't want to marry him, but it's a big step and it's got to be done right (if not exactly right away) and that means he needs to be patient with her. Juan argues that he's not a patient man and isn't likely to sit idly by when he wants something. She kisses him--or he kisses her-- passionately. "Ah! You are a savage! My savage!" Again she manages to distract him and change the subject by pointing out the nearby caves as a place for their future rendezvous. He says terrific and he'll light a bonfire to signal he's there, but if there's not a bonfire then it's because he's been distracted by some unforseen business he needs to take care of. She asks jealously if it might be another woman. Naw, he can't say, but he'll tell her some day when the time is right. (Viewerville only hopes she's as honest with him some day. Maybe when pigs fly.)

Far away in the fields of the Finca del Mar, Arcadio is bitching out the peones for missing work that morning. Remigio tries explaining that they were all with him, out of respect, because of his mother. Ol' Orca screams at them that he's not running a charity there and since they missed work that morning, they're going to have to do double the load and without pay for the day. Remi objects. That's unfair and Master Renato will object! Orca could give a crap. He screams at the peones to get to work. Remi starts off but then turns around and defiantly says he's not working double cuz he's got other things of his own to do! If Orca wants gripe to Renato about it then go ahead because, either way, Renato is well aware of the guy's high-handed ways. The two stare each other down, but it seems Remi wins this battle as he walks off to join the others.

Back in town, Puerto de Alvarado, Aimee sneaks up behind Clemencia and lies that she was delayed because she had to find another sweetshop for Leonarda's goodies. (Ok. Ok. How long was she on the beach with Juan--an hour, maybe two? How long would it have taken, really, to find another candy store?) Clemencia is obviously tired of waiting and makes it clear that she doesn't want another load of dung slung from Aimee. She just wants to load up the buggy and make tracks to the convent, ASADP!

Back on the beach there's another fracas between the fishermen and the bad guys' front man, the 1870's equivalent of a mob syndicate made man, who is demanding they sell him their fish at ridiculously low prices. The sheriff [alguacil] comes by with his guard of soldiers and asks what the ruckus is about. The crooked buyer runs over to the sheriff and whines that the fishermen refuse to sell their fish to him at the price the sheriff has ordered them to. Suddenly, from the back of the crowd, Juan takes a flying leap at one of the soldiers, rolls him over, then knocks him out with a head-butt. Juan then gets up and defiantly breaks the soldier's gun in half over a log of deadwood. The sheriff frowns but doesn't move a muscle.

Meanwhile, Regi tells the abbess that seeing the needy makes her more sure than ever that she wants to take her vows as a nun. Yep. Charity is The Lord's work. The abbess tells her that taking vows, though, is a calling and she has to be sure her taking her vows is not just being done on a whim. She tells Regi that time will determine whether she is a serious candidate for cloisterdom or not.

Back at the "public disturbance" on the beach, the sheriff yells at the crowd to stop and desist or he'll lock them up for life for defying the legal authorities. Juan gives them a boldly insolent belly laugh and tells the sheriff that this time it won't be so easy for him to carry out his threats. The sheriff and his soldiers point their guns at him and cock. "Oh? Do you want to find out?" Pedro stops Juan from going for his knife and getting shot for his pains.

Aimee and Clemencia are now visiting with Regi. Aimee hides her snicker behind a gloved hand and tells Regi she still can't understand how her sister can enjoy being in this silent sort of prison. Regi is dismayed to hear her sister belittle the convent, but Aimee really takes the wind out of those sails Regi's wearing by telling her sis that she's now learned Regi only entered the convent because she was in love with Renato, but he chose Aimee instead. Regi begs Aimee to keep her secret. (Considering how people keep secrets around there, I wouldn't expect much.) Regi then demands that Aimee keep her promise from the other night. "You remember that, right?" Aimee laughs at her and says she thinks it was the most ridiculous thing she'd ever heard. In fact, she thought Regi was nutty asking her something like that. "Well, you can see I'm not and I'm more full of sense than ever! For Renato's good and yours, don't forget it!" Regi wants to know if Aimee's been seeing Juan. Aimee lies and swears she hasn't seen or heard from him since they left the ship. Regi takes her sister's word as gospel and smiles angelically. Clemencia, who didn't exactly fall off the taco wagon yesterday, frowns suspiciously at Aimee.

Across town in Noel's office, Rodrigo is telling Renato that his father was wrong to make him promise to take care of that bastard, Juan. Renato is insulted and says he's never gone back on his word; and this time won't be any exception. Rod says Ren disappoints him. Noel breaks in and says he must realize that Renato has no idea who Juan is, nor does he even suspect the history behind it all. Ren yells at the two of them then somebody should tell him already! (Naw. That would make too much sense.) Noel says not now. It's not the proper time to go into it. Rod warns Ren that for his own good and for the good of the family he had best forget it or otherwise, neither Rod nor his daughters will have anything more to do with him, ever. Noel tries to get Rod the Rash to calm down, but Rod's not interested. He glares at Ren. "Never! Understand? Never!" The camera flashes a picture of our gorgous gálan as Renato processes and Uni breaks for a bit of crass capitalism so it can pays its bills.

When we resume, Rod, Noel and Don Fulgencio are now discussing business plans. [Ed. note: Esmas notes say Rod has decided to invest in a wood enterprise, despite Noel and Fully's opposition. It would seem this was edited out of the scene. Why does this not surprise me?] Fully says, "Well it's your decision." Rod agrees and mentions now that he is anxious to meet their new business associate, aka, Juan Aldama, who heads this enterprise. Noel says he'll let them know when he finally returns from Europe. Rod thinks the man should have been back by now and thinks "such informality" is unprofessional from the man, i.e., not to have given them a date certain for his return.

Rod and Fully leave Noel's together. Noel, now alone in his office, thinks to himself that Rod might be opposed to Renato looking for Juan, but that doesn't mean that he can't. Noel made a promise to Juan and he plans on keeping it even if it means Rodrigo never speaks to him again.

Back at the beach, Juan is bummed. He tells the fishermen that they were wrong to give away their fish like that. "If you continue to do that you'll never stop being slaves [sometidos = people in bondage]." Santo reminds him they were sort of like looking down the barrel of a gun and forced to. Juan says there has to be another way. "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth." He begins planning a way to get even. Santo asks what he's got in mind. Juan says he'll let them know that evening. He'll wait for them at Devil's Rock by the Caves of Santa Cruz. Be there or be square.

Back in town, meanwhile, Ren paces around and remembers "Tio" Rod's angry threats. Renato (the frustrated horntoad) can't bear the thought of never seeing Aimee again.

At the same time, somewhere on the way into town, Mme. Marlene's coach is racing out of control. The horses are running away with it. Juan sees what's happening so he jumps off his horse and onto the seat next to the driver. He helps the driver stop the racing carriage. (Ok. Two good deeds and counting, but the day isn't over yet.) Magda/Mme. Marlene is crying her eyes out. She wants to repay him for his troubles (I think). He replies that she is apparently the one with troubles, not him, and asks if he can help. She keeps sobbing. Suddenly, she recognizes him from the ship. He says he recognizes her, too, and that he remembers dancing with her at the ball. Mme. Marlene is still sobbing so hard she can't finish her sentence. (This is getting irritating.) He promises not to say a word to anyone if she'd like to tell him what's bothering her. He takes her hand and manages to get her to stop weeping.

In town again, Federico bumps into Gabe on the street. Feddy tries to make small talk with him and says he's really interested in meeting his employer and so does he know when his boss is due back? Gabe is curt. "Don't know." He puts Feddy off and keeps walking till he remembers that Feddy is the foppy guy from the ship. Gabe asks him why he's so interested in meeting his boss. "Do you represent somebody?" For once Feddy doesn't know quite what to say.

In the meantime, Aimee meets Renato in town. While they wait for Clemencia to finish praying at the church he asks her how Regi is doing at the convent. She thinks it's a horrible place where they imprison people and make them (oh the horror!) scrub the floors by hand. Aimee says her sis must have been out of her mind doing something like that [no estar en sus cabales]. Ren shakes his head and says well, different strokes for different folks. [Cada cual decide su destino= everone chooses their own destination.] He jumps into the carriage and they head for the cafe.

At the same time, Rod and Fully are walking along the boardwalk and chatting. Rod takes a flier from a little boy and learns that there's a new casino, Casino Veracruz, having its grand opening in town that night. He and Fully make plans to meet there later that evening.

Back at Mme. Marlene's coach, Magda is saying something to Juan about not being able to risk being recognized. She doesn't know why she's telling him all this, she says, but for some reason he inspires trust in her. Juan says not to worry; he's got an idea that might help her out of her jam. He won't betray her confidence. Trust him. (Good deed #3 and still counting. What a waste of gallantry, though. After what Magda pulled?) No. Mme. Marlene mustn't worry any further.

Renato and Aimee meet Clemencia at the cafe. Once they're seated Ren asks Aimee if she'd ever allow her father to separate her from him. She says no way, but then, of course, she wouldn't be able to go against her father's will. She adds, "But, I'm not like Regina." That apparently settles it for him and he mumbles something about knowing who has to give in then. Rodrigo appears at the cafe and Ren goes to greet him. He starts to snub Renato. Ren takes him aside and explains that he's decided to forget about looking for Juan, provided "Tio Rod" won't distance himself from the family. What's past is past and stays there. Rod hugs Ren and claps him on the shoulder. Good puppy...er... boy!! Smiles all around.

Back at Juan's rented cave-top casota, Gabe is confused when he hears what he's just been told to do. Juan laughs at him and says it will only be for a short time and that he should just enjoy himself.

At Mme. Marlene's, Mme. is telling Fey Man, Phillipe, that she's surprised at how much calmer she feels after discussing things with Juan despite having just met him. Phillipe is anxious for the grand opening of the casino that night. She says first she has to get through the visit at the Montes de Oca's that afternoon. Upstairs her pro's are primping and preparing for a good night's haul. Fifi is troubled. "It pains me to see how the little gypsy girl is suffering for her man." They are feeling charitable and decide to help Jimena in her pursuit of true love.

Later that day, Remi and Juan meet at JD Sr.'s graveside where Remi ceremoniously hands him the letter that was left in his blanket when he was abandoned. Juan is close to weeping as he reads it. "This is incredible! That son of a whore! [ese mal nacido = literally it's how they'd have said it back then, but it's bastard or M.F.'r --my preference-- in today's earthy vernacular] Rodrigo Montes de Oca not only rejected me, but he preferred to kill me rather than to acknowledge me as part of his family!" Tears run down Juans cheeks. "Fortunately, somebody took pity on me and left this letter so that one day I could tell my story...so that I might find my own way. Remigio, you have to help me! You have to help me find this person so I can pour out my gratefulness for their generosity. " Remi nods in solidarity with his adopted bro.

Back in the study at the finca, Noel asks Rod to be patient with Ren because his son is a man whose ideas of right and wrong are "very entrenched" [arraigado] in him. Rod says not to bother. He and Ren have already talked it over and Ren has given up his plans to go looking for the bastard. What Rod would appreciate though, is to make sure that neither Ren nor his two daughters ever find out about what happened between Rosie and him.

At the same time, down in the bowels of the main house, rambling Rosie accidentally touches a secret latch that opens the door of her cell, revealing a secret stairway leading up and out of the cellar. Ruh-roh!! Rosie may be nearly off her rocker, but she's lucid enough to realize what she's just found. She hesitates with indecision as her wild eyes flit from side to side under the vestiges of her tattered veil. (OMG! I guess Mejia's methods have me overwrought with the need for melodramatic flourish. I've been recapping his schmaltz way too long!)

Upstairs, Celia (?) announces to Noel and Rod that Mme. Marlene has arrived. She and Phillipe come into the room. The men greet her warmly. Rod kisses her gloved hand and lingers a bit. All smiles, he sends for Leona (Bitcha Maxima) and Rosenda (Bitcha Minima). Magda sits down and thinks to herself that she's finally going to see her daughter after all this time apart from her. Rosenda walks in. She takes one look at Magda and realizes immediately who is sitting there and expectantly staring her in the face. It might be "the call of the blood" but Rosenda is anything but pleased that it has beckoned her. "Sour puss" doesn't quite capture it.

In town, Fifi is taking a walk. Feddy, like a mouse to cheese, notices and greets her. They exchange pleasantries and begin walking together --until she sees that too many of the "gentlemen" in town, including Gabe, recognize her. She makes her excuses and races off.

Back in the living room of the finca, Maxima and Minima, having been introduced, are having tea and chatting--if you can call it that--with the guests. (Actually, Rod is the one doing most of the talking.) Rod is ready to do away with formality and wants them to all use the familiar "tú" [tutearse] but Leona says they've only just met. It's way too soon to do that and it might make their guests uncomfortable. Mme. Marlene politely agrees and then asks Rosenda how long she's been working there in the house. Rosenda says ever since her mother abandoned her. "It's something I will never forgive! If it hadn't been for Sra. Leonarda, I don't know what would have happened to me." Magda gets all weepy-eyed. Noel reprimands Rosenda for second-guessing her mother's motives. Phillipe hints it's time to go. Rosenda shows them out. Leona tells herself that it might be her imagination but she is sure she knows the woman somehow.

In the carriage on the drive back, Magda is totally distraught at the way her daughter rejected her. (I don't suppose the way she abandoned her as a little girl, leaving Rosenda to tend to her disgusting drunk of a father while Maggie whored her way to the top of a booming brothel business with nary a backward glance might have had anything to do with it. Naw. Magda has the brain of a magpie.) Phillipe tells her to just keep on trying and she'll eventually warm to her mama. (Viewerville suspects Rosenda has a bit more self-respect than that.) Magda would like to think so, but she's sure that Leonarda has raised her to be just like her [en su imagen y semejanza= in her own image and likeness, i.e., another bitch-witch like Leona].

Afterwards, Leona gripes to Rosenda about Rod's bahavior towards Mme. Marlene. "Did you notice how he went out of his way to pay attention to her??? I have got to find a way to avoid that woman ever visiting here again!" Rosenda tells her to leave it up to her.

Meanwhile, "Mena" pays a visit to the brothel. Fifi tells her that she's just seen Gabe in the main plaza in town. "If you hurry you can catch up with him." Mena wants to but wonders what she'll wear. She doesn't want him to see her dressed like a gypsy. Fifi decides to lend her some of the girls' clothes. The next thing we see is Mena, dressed normally, and Gabe taking her by the hand. He professes his love for her and seals it with a kiss. She professes her love for him, but now she has to go. If her aunt finds out, she says, she's likely to lock her up in the house. He wants to know where he can find her. He asks where she lives. She avoids saying and tells him the gypsy girl will be their "messenger of love". She runs off, leaving him in another lover's daze. He remembers their brief night together on the ship and sighs.

There is a circus in town, right? We get a few minutes of gypsy acrobats and clowns doing their schtick. FF>>

Night falls. Juan is arming himself. He tells the others there that they have to be quick so that nobody recognizes them. Above all, they need to remember that the others will have weapons. Even Curly the kid is along for the fun. Juan, in a bit of seafaring daring-do, leads his masked amigos aboard the Luzbel as they head out to sea to attack the gunrunners' boat. (OMG! It's Ali Baba Juan and the 40 Fishermen! Viewerville, who's been in semi-snooze mode for the last 50 minutes, snaps to.) "Don't attack until you see the signal." Juan leaps into the sea and swims by moonlight towards the other boat.

In the gunrunners' cave, Fully tells his man, Samuel, to guard the goods. Fully's expecting a special lot of "tools" [herramientas] specially made in England that he wants kept under wraps. "Shoot to kill anybody who comes near here! If you find anybody spying on us, kill them, whoever it might be!" He leaves for the casino.

At Casino Veracruz, Mme. Marlene's nifty troop of naughty ladies are ready to make an evening of it. However, Marlene comes in as they're ready to join the festivities to tell them tonight they will not be allowed downstairs. A family problem has come up [surgir] and so she needs their help, which is staying upstairs this evening. Her working girls are getting the night off, but they'll have to spend it in their room. Borrrring!

Downstairs, Gabe is hosting. Every "gentleman" in town seems to be there for the big event.

Meanwhile, Juan jumps on board the gunrunners' boat and throws their look-out overboard. The crew hear the splash and grab their weapons. Juan flashes the signal torch and his gang come aboard. He puts on his leather mask--but remains shirtless. (OMG! Juan looks like something out of a bad S&M flick. Hubby makes a crack about it being real "Eyes Wide Shut" material.)

While Juan and the gang are battling away with the crew of the gunrunners' boat we suddenly beam to a mansion and see Dagger Man break into it. Dagger Man begins bagging the silver. The owner's wife, probably alone because hubby's gone gamblin' at CV, comes down in her nighty--always a bad move-- to find out who's loose in her house.

Fully, Feddy, Rod, and Noel arrive at the casino. Feddy explains to Fully that Gabe, their host, is also the man he spoke with at the hilltop mansion Fully had him visit the other day. "He's refusing to tell me who employs him." Fully warns Feddy not to say a word about him in front of anybody, especially not in front of Sr. Montes de Oca. Feddy's to keep an eye on Gabe until he can find out who he's working for.

Across the room, Rod and Noel take a table. Rod is impactado with the luxurious digs and wonders who owns the place. Noel says he hasn't the slightest idea. Rod thinks surely it's some wealthy man who wants to hide his identity because their host is just a youngster who's been put in charge for the evening.

Inside the mansion, Dagger Man grabs the woman in the dark and threatens her with his knife.

On board the gunrunners' boat, Juan fights off a man who's ready to do in Remigio and beats the guy to a bloody pulp. Another one of the crew draws a gun on Juan's guys. All seems lost till Juan swings over on a rope and jumps him. It seems the fight's over and they've gotten control of the boat and its cargo. They start congratulating each other. Curly stands on the stairs of the quarterdeck and cheers them on. Suddenly the gunrunners' captain --Front Man from the fight on the beach that afternoon-- sneaks up and has a crewmember grab Curly. They hold a knife to his throat. Juan looks up and fingers his knife. Curly sees Juan go for the knife and kicks his captor in the shins, distracting him long enough to get away. Juan makes his move and throws the knife into the man's thigh. Front Man panics and races off the quarterdeck into the shadows.

Meanwhile, Aimee has come out in the pouring rainstorm (QTH?) in a thin dress and a shawl to meet Juan for their nightly tryst. She doesn't see the bonfire and, of course, doesn't find Juan. Instead of leaving and heading back, she stands there in the drenching rain and searches for him. (Ok. Who can see anything in the dark of night during a rainstorm, especially on the beach? The ocean is black as ink. Secondly, who else is thinking this gal may be beautiful but she's obviously too stupid to know when to get out of the rain? Bada-boom.) Samuel, sitting out in the pouring rain himself, sees her standing there, cocks his rifle, and gets ready to off her if she comes anywhere near the caves.
To Be Continued.........


El Clon, Fri. March 12 - Jade gets hitched; Lucas takes the veil and Dora's eggo gets preggo

Jade's plane is gone. Lucas walks disconsolately through the airport. He accosts another veiled woman. He suffers flashbacks. On the plane, Jade asks herself, "Why Lucas?" Why indeed.

At Albieri's house, Luisa is gradually insinuating photos of her and Albieri and hiding those of the dead Laura. When Albieri comes in, Luisa asks him why he was at Dora's house.

Cristina comes home to find Lucas in her house. He tells her that he 'got held up at home' (with flashback to the attempted slap and tickle session). He couldn't get to the beach on time and Jade has gone to Morocco. He asks Cristina what he should do. He loves Jade. She is the only thing that means anything in his life and now she's going to marry someone chosen by her uncle. Cristina almost asks Lucas where his balls are but changes it to his 'manhood' and tells Lucas to take a plane to Morocco and bring Jade back. She tells him to kidnap Jade if necessary but not to come back without her. Lucas looks at her as if he could not have come up with this idea on his own. He'll do it.

Luisa says that Albieri told her he was going to Mohamed's house, which is on the other side of town. How did he end up at Dora's? Albieri produces a totally lame story about looking at a car for sale and pleads exhaustion.

Nariza, the mouth, is haranguing Said about what a mistake it is to marry Jade. He pays no attention. Finally he tells Nariza that he loves Jade and is going to marry her. He says that no one can prove Jade isn't a virgin [couldn't he ask for another examination by the virginity doctors?] He tells Nariza that if it turns out that Jade isn't a virgin, he'll return her and kill the Westerner who, uh, stole the cherry, as it were. He's got it all planned in his mind. The mouth asks Allah what Jade did to bewitch Said.

Lucas sneaks out of his house.

Jade tells Zoraida that she has stopped fighting. She'll marry Said or whoever. She doesn't care. Zoraida points out the love 'em and leave 'em perfidy of Westerners. Jade asks why Lucas stood her up twice. Zoraida praises Ali for ignoring what everyone saw was going on and bringing her back. Jade replies that Ali was just trying to protect his family from shame. Then Zoraida tells Jade how to pass the marriage night proof of virginity test. Jade says that she won't do that. She doesn't care if Ali punishes her. She hopes Said returns her and that Ali kills her.

Jade is summoned to Ali's study to see Said. Glumly, she obeys. Zoraida says that Jade looks like she has lost her soul.

Ali tells Said that there's no reason to delay the marriage. Said tells Ali that Jade got into his heart the first moment he saw her. Ali warns him that she has a strong temperament but a good soul. Jade appears, eyes downcast. Ali blesses them both.

Rosa finds a note from Lucas saying that he has gone to Morocco. She thinks Lucas will say anything to avoid going to his father's office. Marisa turns up and she believes the note. Leo tells Enrique to cancel Lucas' credit cards. Then Leo blames Rosa for not watching Lucas and she reminds him that it was he who went AWOL when Diego decided to fly the helicopter solo.

Meanwhile, Lucas is in Morocco lurking outside the door to Ali's house.

Zoraida tells an indifferent Jade about the wedding plans and the jewelry Said bought for her.

Then she says that Said and Ali have gone
out to fulfill their zakat duty. Ali tells Said that he can't cheat Allah by not giving 2.5% of his income to the poor. (For more about zakat, click the link above.) Lucas lurks.

The Mouth is pouring out her grievances about the marriage to Mohamed. She says that she will be all over them on their honeymoon to get the truth on the virginity issue. Latifa tells Mohamed that Jade hasn't been with anyone else. She says that Jade made it all up because she didn't want to be married so young. Mohamed replies that he hopes that is true, if not a great misfortune will fall upon her.

It's waxing time again at Ali's house. Ali, with his water pipe, sighs and says that he never thought this day would come. Zoraida needs to get some more incense and goes out of the house. Lucas pounces on her. Zoraida tells him to go away. Hasn't he brought enough sorrow on their family? Lucas asks for her help to take Jade away. Zoraida tells him that Jade is getting married this day and she won't tell Jade that Lucas in in Morocco. Lucas tells Zoraida that Jade is marrying against her will and will be unhappy the rest of her life and it is Zoraida's fault.

The Mouth tells Uncle Abdul that she is in her best dress with all her jewelry to go to her brother's funeral. Abdul doesn't understand her concern. If Jade is no good, she'll just be sent back. Nariza claims that Said won't be the same if that happens. Adbul blesses Said while Nariza wails. Abdul rolls his eyes at Said.

The women are dressing the Jade doll for her wedding.

Who is that veiled person in sneakers? It's Lucas in disguise!

A religious person (an Imam?) tells Said (translated by Abdul for our benefit since presumably Said speaks Arabic) that the Prophet said that a good wife is one of the greatest things a man can have in this life (the others being a big house and a nice car.) The Imam details the characteristics of a good wife, which Jade seems unlikely to fulfill. A woman says a poem over Jade to bring her happiness. All it brings her is flashbacks to being with Lucas. Jade is asked whether she accepts being married to Said. Jade hesitates but finally accepts.

Osvaldo tells a friend that he didn't come back to make up with Dora. He will get another girl - prettier and with fewer issues. Dora finds out that Osvaldo is back in town. She is surprised he hasn't come looking for her. Dora tells Vicki that now that the day has come, she is afraid that she isn't preggers after all. Vicki says that she is sure that Dora is pregnant.

Albieri asks Luisa about Dora. She coldly tells him that Dora is coming in for her pregnancy test today.

The men go through the marriage ceremony with Ali representing Jade while the women, including the bride, wait in another room. There is some chanting and Jade is brought in to greet her husband.

And look who's crashed the wedding - it's Lucas in his veil. Jade sees him.

Ali tells Said that he is giving him a treasure and tells him to make Jade happy. Said says that he will. The Egyptian belly dancer performs. Lucas gestures to Jade to leave but what a dummy. How is she going to do slip out in the middle of her wedding?

On the home front, everyone is very tense waiting for news of Lucas. Leo manages to insult Enrique.

Back in Morocco, Jade is carried in on the palanquin. She tells Zoraida that Lucas has come for her. Zoraida asks if she wants to be left in the street again. She says that if Jade leaves with Lucas, both of them will surely die.

The Mouth warns Said to beware of any trick that Jade might pull on the wedding night. Said (who seems to have changed out of his business suit) says that he can take care of himself.

Now Ali and Abdul notice the strange veiled
woman. Lucas bolts from the house. Since cross dressing is probably frowned upon in Morocco, he is chased by some guys in the street. Once again, Lucas has let Jade down and she is crushed.

Lucas goes to the ruins where he is dazzled by the vision of Jade dancing for him. Then he acknowledges to himself that he has lost Jade and collapses in grief.

Julio asks Albieri where the cells that he cultured from Lucas are. Albieri says that he had an accident and lost them. He is told that Dora has come for her pregnancy test. Albieri is sure that she will be told that she isn't pregnant and the nightmare will be over.

Back in Morocco the newlyweds are about to leave Ali's house. Zoraida tells Jade that the materials for her to fool Said about her virginity are in her purse. Jade refuses to use them. When Zoraida asks if she wants to die, Jade says that she won't escape her death. The wedding party leaves the house.

Albieri says to himself that he never should have gone that far. Luisa doesn't understand why Albieri has changed so much since Diego died. The moment of truth arrives - Dora is pregnant! Albieri is impactado and Luisa cannot understand his reaction.

The credits roll.


Friday, March 12, 2010

Gancho Friday March 12th No Show, So Club Gancho

Choices. We all have them. Should we make up deep sounding introductory paragraphs? Should we try to find the true meaning of our little novela? Should we attempt to see why our characters' lives are so tortured, so misguided, so in need of something, such as love?

No way!! We're taking this weekend OFF! We're gonna kick back, grab our favorite beverages, whip up some delicious eats, and hang out. No topic is off-topic. We can talk about Gancho, basketball, food, pets, whatever. Welcome to Club Gancho!


El Clon #19, 3/11. Girls come and kiss me. Tell me you'll miss me. But get me to the beach on time.

[ed. note: I just changed the title. Jean's suggestion was just too perfect to pass up. Thank you, Compañera! I hate thinking up titles; it's usually the hardest part of my recap. So I appreciate yours.]

Said overhears Zoraida saying that Jade is in love with Lucas. While still in a daze, Tio Abdul steps up and starts telling him that he is a business genius and he’s going to be very rich. But all Said can think of is Jade and the magic she worked on him, and his detestable rival Lucas. He asks Tio, what is the punishment for a man who corrupts a maiden. Abdul is aghast. Such a degenerate gets 80 lashes. Said speculates, with no particular remorse, that the punishment would kill most men. Abdul points out that both participants are guilty, and both would get the same punishment. Oopsie.

Jade leaves the house, ostensibly to go grocery shopping, but really to call Lucas. She calls his house, and Rosa tells her he left with Marisa and won’t be home for supper. Jade remembers their other conversation about Marisa, and she sees red. And green. Like a Christmas tree! But I don’t think Morocco uses Christmas trees. (Can you tell I’m getting punchy?) Lucas and Marissa are at the beach. She’s in a bikini that can fit into a 35mm film canister. I really don’t care to have her complete butt thrown in my face, thank you, especially as the central focus of an extended scene. As my son said about a certain catalog, looks like Victoria ain’t keeping no secrets! Lucas says that if Albieri’s mission fails, he and Jade will just live together, although it will be a bit complicated with no job, since papa will halt the gravy train. Pobrecito will lose his credit cards and car if he moves out. Let’s think about this. Jade can’t get married because Ali would disapprove. So the best solution is for them to shack up. Because Ali would just loooove that, right?

The ever-helpful Marisa says her father can get him a job. But is he sure he wants to give up everything for Jade. Lucas professes his boundless love, yada yada. Marisa wishes somebody would love her that much. Her fishing works; Lucas tells her how wonderful she is and how any guy would love to be at her side. What a schmuck! Then she asks him to put suntan lotion on her back. Of course she opens the back of her bikini, because heaven forbid that the tiny region covered by the swim suit should not tan. Lucas is uncomfortable. So am I.

Latifa tells Ali she’s kinda’ glad Nariza left. Ali reminds her that she’ll be back, and Latifa needs to treat her with respect, as if she were her mother-in-law. Latifa ponders whether Allah will grant Nariza a husband. Ali says, “A man hopes a wife will bring peace and calm to his house. Doña Nariza takes a storm wherever she goes.”

Albieri shows up at the door of Little Morocco, to talk to Ali. He says he himself found out only recently about the matter with Lucas and Jade. Ali notes that Albieri feels guilty about something; what is it? Albi dodges the question. Albi says he got married, she’s a wonderful woman.. Ali interrupts, “But she doesn’t fill the emptiness in your soul, does she? That emptiness is because you don’t have God (Dios) in your life.” Albi says he left the idea of God a long time ago and doesn’t want to talk about it. Albi pitches Lucas’ case, but Ali won’t budge on that matter. Lucas is a westerner, he’s not a Muslim, and he will never change to that way of life. (Note, Ali doesn’t refute that Lucas will convert to Islam, but rather that Lucas will never behave nor think like a Muslim.) Ali says the young think love conquers all, but those with more years under their belts know that’s not the case. Albi says we cannot ignore their emotions. Albi says we cannot ignore their cultures. (Good contrast of value systems.) And his final word? “Jade will never marry Lucas.”

Jade goes to Cristina’s and says she’s worried about Lucas being around Marisa so much. There is also the problem of Ali taking her back to Morocco to marry the man chosen for her. Cris tells her to ditch them all for the man she loves. Jade asks how they can live without money. Cris has no idea. Being a kept woman, she’s never thought about such trivialities. Then she gets the brilliant idea, you can move in with me. I just wonder who is paying Cristina’s rent these days.

Jade gets home and Ali is waiting. She tries to lie her way out again, but he won’t buy it. He says he’s taking her back to Morocco tomorrow before it’s too late.

Luisa discovers that Albieri brought a second frame so he could have both Laura’s and Luisa’s pictures on his desk. He explains that Laura will always be a part of his life, and if she were here, he’s sure Luisa would like her. Yeah, and pigs might fly. Sylvia some good straight talk to Luisa. “Either you set him straight and tell him he needs to put you first, or you will endure a living hell the rest of your days.” I’ve got to hand it to Sylvia. Before the marriage, she told Luisa to give up on Albieri; it was hopeless. But now that they are married, Sylvia tries to help her make the marriage as good as possible.

Leo tells Albieri that Enrique says Diego could be reincarnated any time now. Albieri asks how Leo would feel if Diego was born “de nuevo,” for example if he was cloned. Leo thinks that’s crazy talk. I also think it’s crazy - Albieri has deluded himself that Lucas’ cells would yield a clone of Diego. Albieri changes the subject to Lucas. He defends Jade’s family. Leo is sure that if Lucas marries Jade he’ll move to Morocco. Albieri warns that those kids are capable of doing anything to be together. If Leo gets in their way they could do something crazy. Leo assures Albi, he’ll make sure that doesn’t happen.

Jade recalls when Lucas told her he loved her. Which should be easy to remember, because that is about the only conversation those two ever have. He honks the horn from down on the street, and she goes out to give him kisses and the news: Ali wants to take her back tomorrow, but Cristina said they can share her apartment, so they need to escape tomorrow morning.

Osvaldo sees his old friend and tells him Dora is completely out of his life. Dora, talking to Luisa, says the same about him. She also ponders why Albieri came to her neighborhood.

The next morning, Ali leaves to visit Mohammed’s shop before going to the airport. As soon as he’s gone, Jade sneaks out with her bags. She calls Lucas from the phone on the street, to say she’s ready to meet him, so he starts to pack his bags. Don’t’ get me started! Jade waits and waits at the jetty, but Lucas doesn’t arrive. That’s because Marisa paid a social call on Lucas. Social call, social diseases.. I wonder if they are related. He says he’s moving in with Jade. Marisa says, “Don’t leave,” and she strips down to her skivvies. She grabs hold of him like a leech, he pulls away like a scared rabbit. Leech, rabbit, leech, rabbit, I lost count of how many times they repeat the loop. He finally escapes her grip and races to find Jade. She has already given up on him, and Ali has taken her to the airport. Lucas gets to the airport just as she’s flying away.

Consider the following. Let’s assume the worst. That Lucas is your basic 20-year-old guy, nothing but sex-crazed hormones. He has a choice.
A. Give in to this skank whore who was his brother’s novia, with who-knows-how-many STD’s considering her behavior. And keep the love of his life waiting, when at any moment her uncle might discover them and whisk her away.
B. Delay his gratification for all of 10 minutes, go collect Jade from the beach, take her to Cristina’s, and spend the rest of the day playing doctor. With the love of his life, the woman of his dreams, etc., Who, by the way, doesn’t have any STD’s unless Lucas does. And who also, by the way, has a bigger chest and way better hair.
Hmm. Skank whore now. Or love of my life, ten minutes from now. Decisions, decisions. Monty Hall, Carol Merrill, and the whole audience is yelling “Door Number One!” but Lucas just can’t decide what he wants to do. Yes, Lucas finally does escape from Marisa, but gee, that was earth-shatteringly stupid, even for Telenovela-land!

Tomorrow, Jade and Said’s wedding, and an unexpected wedding guest, one in a veil and facial hair. Tiziano, are you listening?


Corazon Salvaje 3/11/10 I Can't Tell You. It's a SECRET!

When I played back my recording it had sound glitches and I don’t have subtitles so I apologize in advance for any gaps. Please fill in or correct.

From Yesterday:
Renato is asking Aimee to marry him. She doesn't know what to say. All you have to say is that you accept me. He only wants to know one thing. Will you marry me? Of course she accepts. But unfortunately for Aimee he's in an all-fired hurry to wed. She tries to stall. Wants to get to know each other better. For now it will be our SECRET only for us. He will do anything she wants.

Meanwhile Juan is extolling the virtues of Aimee.

Aimee is gawking at the ring. Celestina comes in to her room. She can’t wait to share the big SECRET with her Nana. We are engaged. How dreamy. So much for the SECRET. She doesn't want Celestina to say anything. Good thing because she just stands there looking at her funny. She blurts out that Aimee doesn’t love Renato. She tells her about Regina loving Renato and giving him up for Aimee. Aimee says now it makes sense. Renato is the secret love. That is why she wanted me to swear. She's a nun because Renato wants me. Remind me not to confide in Celestina any time soon.

Regina is busily scrubbing away. Madre Superior interrupts. She has a visitor that is waiting. It's Renato. He brought her her camera. She is very happy. How is everyone. I am very happy. Renato has a SECRET. No? Really? Do tell. Last night I declared my love for Aimee and she accepted. We are engaged. Regina swoons. (She makes it look so elegant. I don’t know about anybody else but when I “swoon” I hit the ground like a sack of potatoes. I’m just saying…) Are you marrying right away? No. He wants her to be happy for him. She says oh sure I'm really happy for you and my sister. Gag! He wants to help her. Why won't you say who you love. He wants her to tell the guy her feelings. (Hey, go talk to Nana Big Mouth. I’m sure she’d be happy to tell you who it is.) Please don't do this. I'm taking my vows and you can't change my mind. Thank you for listening. Thank you for everything. She says good-bye. She thinks to herself--what a dumbass. If he only knew he was in love with someone who loves Juan del Diablo. I think there should be a evil laugh when someone says his name don’t you?

Juan and Gabe. They were checking out the house. The one guy looked familiar. They didn't give me their names.

Fed is making his report. Fully says what he does is very important to him. I need to know who lives in the house.

Juan introduces the kid (I'm calling him Curly because of his adorable curly hair) to Gabe. He wants him to take a bath and get some new clothes. Curly is not excited about the bath. Gabe hustles him off.

Knife thrower guy is going on about something to Mama. Where is Jimena? She is making money. FF>>

Jimena runs into one of the Hos. The Ho tells Jimena something and she looks surprised. Apparently they entertain gentlemen. Jimena wants to read her palm but she declines. She tells the Ho about the awesome man she met on the boat. They become BFF (best friends forever.)

Juan is on the beach remembering Remigio. He shouts for him. Remigio's mother is not doing well. Juan is still shouting. Juan enters the hut and finds his "mother" on the floor. She is very ill. Remi comes in and threatens Juan with a machete. He starts to say his name but hesitates. Mom knows it is him and is very happy to see him again. Remigio looks surprised. You are Juan de Dios? I am your brother. I am Juan. They are very happy. I think mom is dying. Juan tells her to rest.

Ho and Jimena are walking on the beach. She gives Jimena money. She has to get back. Snore--FF>>

They got the doctor for mom. Juan says the doctor has to save her. He's sorry he can't do anything. Mom wants them to be brothers again. She gives Remi the benediction. They all cry. She dies. It is the next day they have the funeral. All the fishermen are there. FF>>

Leo has made some “special tea” for Rod. Normally I would say run, run but in his case I’ll make an exception and ask him if he wants more. He asks about Rosenda.

Magda is talking to the gay dude about going to Finca del Mar. I don't want to go. But she want to see Rosenda.

Juan and his friends are talking. He finds out that Remi works for a Montes de Oca. Dun, dun, dun…Juan doesn't look happy.

Leo is talking to Rosenda. She doesn't want another woman around Rodrigo. Rosenda knows how much she loves Rodrigo. Always I will guard your secrets. Someone runs in with a message for Rod. She gives it to Leo. Rosenda tells her to get lost. It is a note from Madame Magda (I can’t remember her other name). Leo looks less than pleased.

Juan and Remigio are talking. Juan wants to know the scoop. We will talk later. Remi thanks Juan.

Aimee is thinking about Juan. But then again, when doesn’t she think about Juan.

Juan sees Regina as she walks by in her nun habit. He is happy to see her. She is surprised to see him too. He explains to the Madre how he knows Regina. Madre says the novices are not allowed to speak to gentlemen in the street. Let's go Regina. Regina says May God protect you. Or the Devil says Juan.

Aimee is talking to Leo and Rosenda is there. Aimee wants to go to Vera Cruz but Leo says she has to take Clemencia with her. She wants to visit Regina at the convent. She gets permission and is very happy.

Knife thrower guy. The circus is in town. Come to the circus. I don’t really get this whole side plot and I don’t really care.

Aimee is getting ready to leave and arguing with Clemencia. Renato walks in. He wants to know what is up. She is going to go visit Regina. He doesn't want her to go without him. Oh wait, I forgot something. Hen Aimee goes back upstairs Renato tells Clemencia that when he looks at Aimee it makes him crazy. Regina is my friend, my confidant. But Aimee… Yeah, we get it already. Rosenda watches.

They arrive in Vera Cruz. She wants to visit Regina. That's fine.

Curly is all cleaned up. Juan has to leave. He needs to complete his plans. He wants to meet Rodrigo face to face.

Noel is happy that Renato is in Vera Cruz. Everything is fine at the Finca. Renato has good news but it is a SECRET. Noel wants him to spill his guts. But of course it is the bestest, most wonderfulest SECRET in the whole wide world so he can’t tell. Rod thinks sometimes it is best not to tell your secrets. Hmmmm….. Renato tells Noel he has been thinking about what he was promised as a child. He wants to look for Juan. I want to know what happened to him. Rodrigo looks impactada.

The fishermen are trying to sell fish but the soldiers won't let them. Where is the Union Steward when you need him? Some guy is running his mouth. Sell your fish for good or for bad. I really don’t get that part. Who cares where they sell their fish?

Aimee is walking on the beach. Oh happy day! Juan shows up and is so happy to find her. Juan wants to know why she didn't wait for him. She spins a story about problems at home and her father being sick blah, blah, blah. He looks a little doubtful. He wants to talk to her dad. His health is very delicate right now. He wants to know her last name. What is your last name? Would somebody tell him already so we can move on?


Thursday, March 11, 2010

Dinero #39 - 3/11/10: Shut Up and Listen! No One Messes With My Family!

Racapper's Note: I had a super exciting day today and almost didn't get home in time to see this. My organization, College Summit, was chosen as one of 10 that President Obama donated his Nobel Prize winnings to. Yay! :)

Claudia continues to convince Rafa to spend some of his hard earned cash on little old her- specifically in a fancy restaurant on a shrimp, lobster and champagne meal. After dinner, activities would include contact sports- the kind that involve her wearing a little thong (tangita). She assures Rafa that he won’t regret it, and that no one will know. *wink, wink*

Marino heads over to Susana’s desk to try to get an advance on next month’s salary. His baby mommas are really after him to pay up this month, and one of them in particular is being demanding. Susana asks him how many sons he has (nine), and assumes that he doesn’t want any more kids. He makes it very clear, by the way he slithers over her desk, that he would love to have some daughters and he considers Susana a prime candidate for giving him one. Ewwww!!! (By the way, I am loving this large coral necklace Susana has been wearing this week. It’s beautiful and she wears it so effortlessly.)

Susana is saved from any more indecent proposals when Marino realizes that it’s Wednesday and pay day, meaning that Doña Dolores (Dodo) from their local cantina will be coming around to collect on their tabs. Dodo arrives just then and begins to hunt her prey. Everyone, except Claudia who’s still busy trying to seduce Rafa, is one step ahead of her though. They’ve all found hiding places, but it seems like Dodo knows all their tricks. She catches Claudia first, but the ever slippery Claudia manages to escape, trailing promises behind her. Rafa somehow owes 1,000 pesos, thanks to his colleagues’ generous use of his tab. Considering that is all the money he has in the world at the moment (as a result of the bike sale), he convinces Dodo to let him pay only 400 for now. Claudia smells money and starts circling Rafa like a vulture. Before he knows it, his remaining 600 pesos are being tucked deep into the recesses of Claudia’s décolletage, with lame excuses about a sick relative in the hospital (we’ve heard that one before) and promises to pay him back as soon as she’s cashed her check. Next, Dodo finds Ramirez hiding under a truck and makes him cough up the 500 pesos he owes. Ramiro and Marino are busted together in the men’s bathroom (No, not in like Senator Larry Craig. Although money is passed under the stall door.) Rosaura and Isabel are caught as they try to sneak out of the building. Bebe accidently runs right into Dodo’s boobs, but has no issue with handing over his 300 pesos. Dandy’s the last to be found, hiding in a car and pretending to be fixing something. Guess he’ll have less play money to wine and dine the ladies with this month.

Having been hit by hurricane Dolores, the sales team surveys the damage and conclude that they’ll all have trouble paying their debts and other financial obligations. All, except Rafa with his HUGE commission, they assume. They all demand (and not very nicely) that he loan each of them some money. Rafa says he can’t and quickly makes an exit, heading off to conquer some more lions and to actually try to earn some money he can keep.

In the midst of all this we have two random scenes. Random Scene One is obviously a commercial for a pro-biotic yogurt drink like our Activia (I actually love the stuff). Susana is enjoying her yogurt drink in the cafeteria when Claudia comes running in (hiding from Dodo) clutching her stomach. Susana inquires what’s wrong and when Claudia tells her that her financial woes are affecting her stomach, Susana recommends the yogurt, and hands one to Claudia who thinks it’s delicious. Random Scene Two is another beauty shop scene (I wonder when these will start to make sense with the rest of the storyline?). Julieta wonders into the shop trying to sell cookies that her mom made to earn some extra money for the family. The beauty shop folks don’t have any money to buy cookies, but they sit Julieta down to get the latest gossip on Rafa, and of course have to munch on a few (free) cookies while they get the rundown.

It’s apparently also pay day for Chavez and Marco and they are helping themselves to the profits from Ale’s family finca. Marco is excited for his “vacation”- the month that Ale will be away and he will get to enjoy his freedom. In fact, he thinks he will go away during that time. Chavez is hurt that Marco wants to go away without him (awww!), but Marco reminds him that someone needs to take care of the finca (meaning fleece it for all it’s worth).

Ale is making arrangements with a very disapproving Susana about how she will keep in contact with her and keep up with Autos Siglo business while she’s away. What about rest? Ale doesn’t know the meaning of the word! Apparently Marino Jr. also doesn’t sit on his laurels. He’s come back to daddy’s place of employment to deliver a sales plan to his old man. Since it’s a business matter, he feels it’s more proper for Trapito to deliver the envelope with the plan, than for him to do it personally. I wouldn’t have been surprised if the kid had pulled out a toothpick and started chewing on it right then.

Rafa’s back at Autos Siglo packing up for the day. He sees Claudia leaving, and knows she already cashed her check. Hey, how about those 600 pesos? I think we all know that once something makes its way down Claudia’s cleavage, it will never see the light of day again. I hope Rafa’s learned his lesson. He speaks to his mom on the phone, reassuring her that she will not be kicked out of her home, that it was all a misunderstanding and that Ale send her apologies. Leonor is now more concerned with the fact that Rafa has been left with not one cent to bring home and wonders how they’re going to have any money to take care of their needs. (I wonder this too.) This all reminds Rafa of just how ticked off he is at Marco for making his mama worry and cry, and he swears he will find that coward!

He doesn’t have long to wait or too far to look, as Marco has just pulled up in front of Autos Siglo to wait for Ale. Rafa takes advantage of Marco’s complete self absorption to sneak into the backseat of the car and to put Marco in a chokehold. All of a sudden sweet Rafa’s turned into Tony Soprano, telling Marco that he’s going to pay for what he did to his mama and that no one messes with his family! Marco starts blustering, making a fuss, denying that he did anything and then threatening, but Rafa tells him to shut it. He then has him repeat a few statements while he pretends to hold a knife to his neck. A weeping Marco then states that he is a rat who messes with the weak and with women. Rafa then tells him that the next time there is a problem, Marco will deal directly with him! (Go Rafa!) He then quickly and stealthily leaves blubbering Marco alone in the car, just in time for Ale’s entrance. She asks Marco what’s wrong and he accuses Rafa of threatening him at knife point and nicking his throat with the knife. Ale is incredulous (Medina?!), and is downright suspicious of Marco when she looks at his neck and instead of finding the telltale marks of a knife, finds a girly heart and arrow drawn right under Marco’s ear. (Go Rafa!)

Once they arrive at her house, Ale seems much more interested in watching her show (wonder if it’s a telenovela?) than in conversing with Marco, especially not if he’s going to continue to badmouth Rafa. She notes how hard Rafa’s working to pay off the debt. Marco thinks once she’s away for her surgery, Rafa will revert to a lazy bum and not work at all (he should know). Her aunt and dad come in, as well as the maid, who Ale asks to fetch the suitcases and to start laying out the clothes she will take with her to the clinic. Among those items are cashmere sweaters, new shoes, and other items that Marco comments are more appropriate for a cocktail party than for a stay at a clinic. Ale says you never know what may come up, and Marco starts to look a little suspicious and jealous. When she leaves the room he feigns concern to her aunt and dad, saying that he’s worried she’ll work the entire time and no one will be there to “control” her. He thinks someone should go with her; how about Aunt Rosario? She initially declines because of how much that would cost, and how generous (ha!) Marco is being already by paying for Ale’s expenses. He makes his case again in front of Ale at the dinner table. Not only does he convince them to let him pay for Aunt Rosario’s trip with Ale (with their money!), he gets major good guy points with Ale who is very grateful to him. (Score Marco)

Another random scene: Ramiro is at the dinner table at home, and his wife and suegra are berating him, again. It also doesn’t look like their trip to the beauty shop the other day did much good. Ramiro wanted to spend some time with his kids, but the Wicked Witch of the West and the Wicked Witch of the East say they already went to bed, embarrassed by their father who can’t afford to pay for their school field trip. The other kids make fun of them. Ramiro is so down about this, he decides he can’t eat. The Witches sit him back down, turn the bowl of soup over his head, and saunter off cackling. Ramiro looks as forlorn and resigned to his fate as usual, and notes that the soup needs salt.

Rafa can’t avoid Vicky any more (and that means we can’t either). Before he knows it, he is set down in front of her father and knife-wielding brothers and, without getting more than one word out, has somehow formally asked for Vicky’s hand in marriage and agreed to wed in 3 months. Don Gaston is sad to lose his precious baby girl, and her brothers are sad to lose their cook, so it’s decided that Rafa and Vicky will live with them until Rafa has managed to get free of his debts and can provide a proper home for his pajarita. Rafa takes a big gulp, and so do we. Poor Rafa!


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