Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Corazon Salvaje, Tuesday, April 6: Ep 33--Leo spills some of the frijoles, but not all of them.

We are all to be disappointed tonight, as Mr. 5ft did not sub for me as expected. So now it's late and I'm trying to get through this as quickly as possible because I'm expecting to be quite beelike in the next two days. Mr. 5ft has promised to provide additional snark and his super-secret code names for some the characters. Let's get to it!

Remigio can't find Juan [Mr. 5ft: The Hulk of God] back at the cave and wonders where he is.

Leo gives Clemencia a hard time for not being around during the day. Leo thinks Clem should pay more attention to her now that she's so very nervous about the upcoming wedding. For lack of a peer to talk to, Leo unburdens herself to Clem about not being sure that Aimee is the right girl for Renato. Clemencia covers for Regina by saying that Aimee only meant to say that Reggie loves Ren as a brother, that's all. She also says that Aimee likes being the center of attention. Truer words were never spoken.

Renato manfully pulls Juan onto the shore. Juan wimpily declares he wants to die at his mother's tomb. Renato very manfully throws Juan over his shoulder and gets him onto the back of his horse, then he super-duper manfully mounts the horse and rides off with Juan slung over the back. [Mr. 5ft: poor horse!]

Leo goes on about how much Reggie has changed, she's absolutely incorrigible. Clemencia stands up for her and says Leo is supposed to be on Reggie's side because she's her godmother. She just needs a little affection--that's why she loves Renato. Leo has heard enough, so she brushes Clem off and heads to bed. Clem worries about what will happen and hopes Aimee will leave Juan alone like she promised. After last night with the portrait at the casino, every time I see the portrait of Rod in the foyer, I expect to see the eyes move.

Renato keeps riding and encouraging Juan not to sleep. Or maybe he's encouraging the horse.

Remigio looks for Juan at the shore and still can't find him.

Clemencia drags Remigio into the house to tell him that something that has happened that could completely screw with this already tragically screwed up family--Renato pulled Juan out of the river. "Did they recognize each other?" No, so that's why Remigio has to hightail it over to the doctor's house/office and keep them from recognizing each other. The past has caught up to them at last.

Renato extra super macho manfully carries Juan into the doc's office and lays him down on the table. I bet there were outtakes of these carrying scenes. Let me know if you find any, cause those must have been some fun days for filming. And also, if this were a different kind of show, that would have been a great "meet cute" for Juan and Renato as a couple. Alas. Remigio comes running in and convinces Renato to leave, but not without some effort. The doc chimes in that he'll be knocking Juan out anyway. Renato lets himself be convinced and says he'll come back early in the morning. Remigio is worried about Juan. The doctor wants to know what's the relationship and Remi says that's his bro. But he's not authorized to say anything more. If the doc wants to know about Juan, he'll have to do the asking. [Mr. 5ft is calling this the "Dr. Priest" outfit. I'm just glad the doc doesn't wear it all the time. He's definitely got no game with that outfit.]

Leo is getting ready for bed and Renato comes in, channeling a young Hef, to say good night. He tells her about pulling a guy out of the river. Leo has a fit of the vapors. O noes! What if the other guy was just some loser? The horrors! Well, since he's fine, it's time to have The Talk.

Aimee can't sleep when she hasn't had caveman lovin'. [Mr. 5ft: The Redheaded Vixen of Sluttiness.] She gets a robe on and leaves the room.

Leo's advice is basically: you're the man, so wear the pants and don't let that ho run things, her job is to keep you happy, but every once in a while, like maybe once a year, you should let her have her way, but only on something small and inconsequential.

Aimee goes downstairs, goes into Clemencia's room and declares that she won't marry Renato. Wonderful! Now we can call off the wedding nonsense and move on, right? Right? Just let me dream until the commercials are over.

Renato isn't happy with the advice. Leo just wants to make sure that Aimee is worthy of Renato's love. She also thinks it's crazy talk for Aimee to get Ren to set her up at the house in town. Renato is offended that Mami is talking to him like he has no spine. She says it's just because she knows his little head is doing the thinking. And if he doesn't think he can get the big head doing the thinking, then maybe he shouldn't marry her. Renato disagrees.

Clemencia tells Aimee to think hard about her decision. Clemencia, quit trying to talk her out of it. Shut up. Aimee reminds Clem that she knows how Aimee feels about Juan. Clem advises Aimee not to opt for passion that may fade. "Does Juan love you?" Aimee says he's never told her he does. What? Really? I could have sworn we'd heard that a few times, no? Maybe it was just implied? But, come on, the man got the milk for free and he keeps insisting on trying to buy the cow, that's got to mean something, right? Cause that's a lot of free milk we're talking about, and she never made a move to cut off his supply. Aimee is sure that Juan wants her. Clem reminds her that Renato does love her and he's willing to shower her with material goods. "What does Juan offer you?" Clemencia. Shut. Up.

Doc tells Juan that a guy brought him in, but Remi puts him off of talking about who. He wants Juan to just rest. Behind Juan's back, Remi gives the doc the "Don't tell him anything" look. [Mr. 5ft: yes, cover his wound for decency's sake.] Juan starts interrogating the doc, begging for the guy's name. Doc tells him to just rest, already.

Aimee comes bursting into the cave, looking for Juan. She can't find him and she starts crying. She thought bubbles that she'll need a lot of strength to make Renato happy. And also, Juan, Juan, why have you forsaken me? Blah, blah, blah. You know, I don't think it's just the hair. Reggie's done a lot of crying, and she doesn't cry the same way. I've gotta give props to Araceli for that. I've been watching her face a lot lately and it's really amazing, she never makes the same face for both twins. Oh, and the narrator spouted some nonsense, but who cares. Uh, Aimee's really sad. Whatever.

Reggie has noted Aimee's absence. Aimee comes walking back in, acting like nothing is wrong. She says she's going to keep the promise. She'll marry Renato and make him happy. Reggie is thrilled and says she'll support Aimee. Aimee says Renato loves her and that's what made her decide to keep her word. She'll marry Renato and let Juan become a distant, bitter memory. Reggie says that's best.

Renato is eating breakfast when Noel comes in, humming. Renato wants Paraiso finished before his wedding. Renato asks if Noel thinks he's a dreamer, but Noel says he's a fair, noble man. Renato tells him about pulling Juan out of the river and how mommy wasn't happy about it. Noel tells him to follow his conscience. He also informs Renato that the finca is now completely and totally his, and he can do whatever he wants to. Renato says he'll pay Noel back for buying out uncle Rod. Noel says it's no big--what's his will be Renato's one day anyway. Renato gives Papa Noel a big hug and goes about his damn liberal hippie business.

Noel and Rod talk wood. The price is going down, so could now be a good time to buy? Rod responds that he's the businessman around here and Noel's just a notary. Why am I even surprised anymore when this guy sinks to greater depths of assholery? Noel just shakes his head.

At the doctor's place, Juan is all healed up. Juan wants to explain, but doc isn't sure that's a good idea. Juan tells him he's the leader of the guys making attacks, but they're just trying to do what's just.

The law come to report to Rod that they really don't know jack about the guys who ripped him off. They offer extra protection. Like that would make a damn bit of difference. Rod agrees and he makes a partial payment. He'll pay the rest when they catch the guys. They're so never seeing that money.

The doc tells Renato that the guy he brought in has left already. He claims not to know who the guy was. Remigio claims never to have seen the guy before. Renato is disappointed. He wanted to talk to him because he was asking to be taken to his mother's grave to die there. He has the impression the guy has suffered too much.

Maria del Rosario cradles her rag baby and repeats her mantra "I found him in the sea, I lost him in the sea, and only the sea can give him back." [Mr. 5ft: Sounds like she's talking about Cthulhu.]

Clemencia helps Juan get dressed. She tells him she talked to Aimee last night. She knows the whole story about the two of them. She's upset that Juan has declared revenge even on people who had nothing to do with anything. Juan said he just said that to Aimee to get her away from him. He knows she had nothing to do with it, but her dad has to pay. Clem begs him to give up revenge before he gets hurt. Juan says he can't, because he swore to his dad. Clem asks the Virgen del Carmen to illuminate him so he'll quit this crap before he does something really stupid. She reminds him that he's all she has left of MdR. Nice guilt trip, but I suspect it won't be enough.

Rosenda's boobs bring Rod his coffee. He notices the ring on her hand again. He says he remembers the night he gave it to Leo. It was a dark and stormy night…. Noel asks if Leo likes her gift. I take it hers was not as flashy as MdR's. She says she prefers tasteful, discreet jewelry and besides, opals are bad luck, so MdR better watch out! Um, yeah, I also heard snotty self-interested sisters with no scruples are bad luck. Rod asks Rosie if she's heard from her mother. She hasn't, but she doesn't care to either. The other maid comes in and announces Fed, with a big bunch of pinkish flowers. Fed gets the go-ahead to talk to Reggie. Rod sends Rosie to get her. Rod has some cognac to celebrate his certainty that Regina will accept Fed.

Rosie tells Reggie that someone's looking for her. Fed asks Reggie to come out and have a walk. She begs off, trying to use Aimee as an excuse, but the faithless harpy tells Reggie to go ahead. With no excuse, she puts the flowers in a vase and goes out for a walk with Fed. Aimee chews on her fan.

Gabe helps a hobbling Juan onto a horse so he can go back to the house. Juan reports there were others in the cave last night and he wants to know who. Juan still wants to find the guy who saved him last night. Ok, so Juan rides his horse back to the house, while Gabe takes the carriage? This makes sense how?

Eloisa and her dressmaker discuss fabric samples. The dressmaker agrees to make a golden lacy number for Eloisa for Aimee's wedding. Eloisa also asks if the dressmaker can help her out by letting her use the dressmaker's house as a love nest. For a fee, of course, for the hospitality and keeping her mouth shut.

Fed asks if Reg has considered his proposal. She has. She doesn't love him and she never will. Fed gets desperate, he's sure with time…. No dice. There's not enough time in the world for that. Reggie says he just thinks he's in love with her, but he's not. He should find someone he really loves and who can love him back. "But I'm not that woman. Have a nice day." [Mr. 5ft: and he huffs and puffs and blows the house down.]

Juan thinks Gabe is coddling him and Gabe thinks Juan is being stupid to try to go back to business as usual. [Mr. 5ft: hit him with the stick!] Gabe doesn't want Juan making Rod uncomfortable. Juan doesn't care. Besides, he's back to wanting to kill Rod.

Rod and Leo meet. Rod says he was about to tell Rosenda everything. Leo seems surprised to hear that he still loves MdR. She's pissed off about it. Rod tells her to leave him alone, and being the little obedient puppet she is, she does so. Rod flashes back to MdR's reaction to her present, Leo crying to him, MdR saying she's in love with Juan, MdR crying at his feet and him saying that that's where she would be from now on. "But that wish didn't come true, because Maria del Rosario died. Maria del Rosario is dead."

Leo paces in the hallway. He thinks MdR is dead and he's still in love with her! "I hate her!"

MdR keeps chanting. She remembers Rodrigo and starts coughing. "Rodrigo, Rodrigo loved me, he can help me!" Oh, no.

Rod begs Leo to forgive him. He's tried to wipe out MdR's memory, but he can't. He keeps denying love, but deep down he can't forget her. Leo says she defends love because she's always felt it, but it's never been returned. "I'm going to tell you just once, and I'll never repeat it. You'll forget and we'll pretend nothing happened. Rodrigo, I love you. I've loved you all my life!" The other maid comes in with a box and interrupts them. It's Aimee's wedding dress. Leo wants to take a look, but first Rod would like some clarification. "I warned you I'd only say it once and we'd forget it." Renato and Aimee come in, smiling and laughing. Aimee spent the whole day with Renato in Paradise. Of course, that doesn't mean the same thing with him as it does with Juan. Rod tells Aimee her wedding dress is in the box. Leo says Renato can't see, it's bad luck. He carries the box upstairs, though, and they leave Rod downstairs. Rod remembers what Leo just said and he looks kind of pissed off about it. What's the confusion, dude? She crawled into your bed once, did that really need any further explanation or have you blocked that out too?

Gabe and Jimena walk by the river. He doesn't know what to think anymore about Estrella. He wonders if maybe she has a scar or something is wrong with her face and that's why he never gets to see her. Gabe wants Jime to tell him. She says that Estrella doesn't want to see him because she's condemned to death. Gabe doesn't believe it. She insists that Estrella is sick and she doesn't have long to live. She wants Gabe to remember her as an illusion, an apparition. Gabe leaves. Jime asks him to forgive her, but she didn't know how to keep up the lie, so it's better to disappoint him forever.

Gabe sits by the river and cries ugly. He doesn't want to live without Estrella.

Tomorrow: Gabe tells Juan what Jime said about Estrella; Juan can't wash that woman out of his hair; Aimee is about to marry Renato; Juan is ready to kill to get her back; Renato gets a look at Aimee in her dress; Leo looks shocked and upset; Juan looks shocked and upset.


Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Dinero 4-6: in which Rafa finds a fine use for cigarettes and gets calls from people other than Vicki.

  • Rafa has oozed his way into the Classy Execs Club, but as they say, "You can run but you can't hide." Vicki Vicki Vicki (or as we know her affectionately, VVV) calls him and forces him to whistle lovingly into his cellphone just as the grand Refri Transport VIP, Julian LeMaitre, arrives with his lovely wife and some other babe of a similar age. He is surrounded by the press, which is good, as it hides from him the ridiculous antics Rafa is using to catch his attention (jumping on chairs and yelling "LeMac! LeMac!")

  • Whether it's from lack of meat or the heat of the curry in Susana's Indian Vegetarian restaurant, Nelson ("Dandy") has melted, all the way to his no longer jaunty pompadour. He's sliding towards the floor. Susana accuses him of being a big meat-eater. "No, only twice a day." "Your body needs to detox, to recalibrate correctly."

    She asks again if he can bring her some Java Essence tomorrow. After Susana rises Nelson collars the waitress and asks if any establishment in the vicinity sells hamburgers or tacos.

  • Finding out from a passing waiter that the woman in the black dress is LeMaitre's wife, Rafa eavesdrops on her as if his life depends on it.

    He then approaches her, lights her cigarette, and announces that it smells odd. "May I?" he asks, taking it, sniffing, and staring into its ashes.

    "You have a daughter - far away..."

    Long story short, he melds the info he's just accumulated with Rosaura's unending stream of gossip (the previous day) and he dazzles Beatriz with his ability to read her life from the cigarette, further pleasing her by promising her husband has no other woman but is madly in love with his own wife (her).

    "No, his problem is elsewhere..."

    Phone rings! It's not VVV - it's the other harridan in Rafa's life, Ale, desperate to know how things are going.

    But back to work. Rafa had asked the friend to puff on the cigarette while he took his call, and now back to Beatriz: "Your husband, he's a very important man... he has a group of employees, not all of them are trustworthy - "

    LeMaitre arrives and wants to take his wife home, but she wants to hear more, so LeMaitre listens also. Rafa now addresses him directly, while staring at the cigarette. "Someone is not playing clean - someone in charge of purchases - of renovating your fleet - he is colluding with a distributor and not allowing others to bid - you are only getting 2% discount when others would offer 4%..."

    LeMaitre is fascinated but skeptical. "You're not getting such exact figures from a cigarette butt." "You'll find clearer figures in the documents of MOUNTAIN TRUCKING." Rafa admits this info is not from the great beyond, but from a more immediate source. He gives LeMaitre his card. The scene degenerates when Rafa drops Rosaura's name, I missed why... and Rafa is besieged with women waving cigarettes for him to read...

  • In the dark Rafa's phone wakes him from a sound sleep, it's Ale of course, unable to sleep a wink, wanting him in the office.

  • At Auto Siglo after daybreak, Ale gives Susana an invite to the wedding and then goes to Beltran's office to deliver his.

    Beltran is sucking oxygen and looking down the shirt of his cute nurse; he is overwrought, more than usual, because a surprise audit is coming and Auto Siglo's sales are abysmal at the moment. He doesn't want to hear anything about this wedding, how selfish of Ale, and after she just spent a month in the US recovering from surgery! Better she should cancel the wedding and concentrate on sales.

    She doesn't agree to that but backs out of the room as he says it's time to bring back her native manner: loud, abrasive, grating, but effective.

  • Nelson gives a smiling Susana her little gift of Java Essence. Ale tells her it smells putrid. Susana points out Ale seems totally uninterested in her wedding. "It's a small affair, and Marco and my aunt are taking care of it."

    "What about his parents?" "His mother is in the insane asylum in the U.S. and his father has to be with her all the time."

  • Elsewhere, Chavez laughs at Marco about this story. The fact is, Marco's parents would be sent to jail if they came back to Mexico. Chavez passes Marco the wad of cash for wedding #2. Marco will spend some of the dough on a return trip to the hotel. Chavez thinks that's a waste - but Marco promised. Things should go better this time, his hickey is finally gone.

  • Ale is yelling at her salesforce, which pleases Ramirez.

    The phone rings for Rafa and all chant "Vicki! Vicki! Vicki!" "No, it's a call from the jungle!"

    It's Magda, who whispers: auditors have arrived to look into Zarate's shenanigans. Rafa promises he didn't give her name to LeMaitre. He goes back to the meeting, where Marino (hasn't his hair grown back sufficiently to be better than this awful wig?) promises to sell 18 cars. Rafa, goaded, promises to sell 70-80 trucks. Consternation erupts.

  • It's dinner time at VVV's house and her brothers and father are irritated that once again Rafa has stood them up. They laugh at VVV when she says Rafa's at the Cool Exec's Club: "He's probably cleaning the floor or the toilets. Did he make the sale?" "I don't know, he didn't call me." The knives come out again...

  • Unfairly, speaking as Susana's employer Ale demands the name of her date the previous night; she chokes to hear it was Dandy. "How can you be so ingenuous?" "We just talked about oriental essences." "It's against company regulations to date a salesman, that's why we threw out Bulmaro." ?? Bulmaro was the guy Rafa replaced.

  • I guess the whole sales team has chipped in, as an "investment," to pay for Dandy's wooing of Susana, so they are furious to discover (1) the vegetarian restaurant was very expensive and (2) Nelson did not manage to get Susana in the sack. Or even get kisses.

    "She's shy! And stop criticizing me! I dislocated bones for the cause."

    Rosaura defends him: "Susana isn't easy!" He says he'll try again; they say it better be spaghetti in a diner this time.

    Susana arrives, ending this conversation: "Rafa, Ale wants to see you."

    Nelson pretends to be busy working, but Susana points out his computer is off. She leaves. He bangs his head on the desk.

  • Ale is furious Rafa made such a scene in the meeting and publicly promised to sell so many trucks. She warms to his story about meeting LeMaitre but cools again to hear nothing has been finalized, and is telling him to stop with the delirium and retract his foolish promise when - the phone rings - and it's LeMaitre's secretary! Rafa straightens up and prepares for the call...


Gancho Tuesday April 6, 2010 Who's Afraid Of The Big Bad Wolf? Bring Him On!

As usual, the final scene was the most dramatic of the actual episode. We see Christian erasing the video Mauricio made of Isabel confessing to her vile plot to make it appear Estrella and he were lovers, and her overarching plan to make Monita as miserable as Hissy has been. Dang! Mauricio once more with egg on his face. But that's for tomorrow. What else happened today?

Marcos holds firm to his love for Nieves, despite some serious challenges from Jacqui. Jeronimo appears to have a heart, if not a brain, and actually agrees to try and help Salvador and Aldo escape. Tano bids farewell to Paula, but assures her that Christian is sure to come around. ( Tano knows they're made for each other. ) Lobo bares his chest (hope you're watching Julia!) and Nieves is so entranced that she gropes those finely chiseled abs. We even get the impression she may have been the first instructor in the Art of Love for our equal-opportunity Wolfman flirt. News that horrifies Beto! Oh and Ximena has Monita wrapped up in a sack to drag her to the fiesta and Monita is literally hopping mad. Good physical comedy until she punches Mauricio in the breadbasket. A popcorn war at home between Rolu and Arny is going great guns and Ximena catches Rolu in the wrong chair. Busted! No real plot progression but who cares? Good times in Gancholand.

Want more juicy details? Here we go. Nieves and Beto are reminiscing about Lobo. Seems the Wolfman taught Beto "how to be a man", in other words the Don Juan he is today. Nieves listens gravely and has another go at slipping Beto's executive name plate under her jacket. No dice. Jacqui then sashays into the office, glowing as only a middle-aged woman who's been loved up one side and down the other for 24 hours can do. (not that I'd know). It hasn't improved her view of Marcos' romance with Nieves however. She assures her ex he's going to humiliate her, their daughters and the company by dragging that naco sausage, reeking of grease and onion ,to the firm fiesta. Marcos could care less (yay Marcos!). Nieves is his date for the evening and that's that.

Back at the Doom Cottage, Aldo and Sal are quietly hatching escape plans. And Aldo confides that he saw Isabel here plotting something with Oscar. But didn't overhear what was up. When he learns that Mauricio actually helped Isabel fake her death, he's even more down on his dad. Sal assures him that anything Mauricio did was to protect Monita and someday they'll find out the real story about him and Estrella being in bed together. Aldo's not buying it. (until the previews)

Back at the office, Jacqui's still sermonizing Marcos on why she should be his date for the fiesta, not the fishmonger! Marcos calmly disagrees and informs her that not only will Nieves be his date, he's planning to propose marriage that very evening. Too much for Jacqui, who promptly faints (after first locating a comfy couch on which to fall.)

In another office, our dim but hunky Mauricio is finally getting worried about not hearing from Plump PI. Gabriela is even more worried. His cell has been turned off for hours. Maybe she should contact a medium to locate him, because for sure this poor schlump is floating in a river somewhere. Mauricio counsels her not to be pessimistic. Oh Mau Tse-Tung!--so fine but so slow-witted! Free Sal!

More arrivals. Ximena and Paula, giddy with plans for the fiesta. A great musical group, fabulous food and a magician! What!? Well, that was Beto's suggestion, after we nixed the idea of scantily clad babes dancing around. Gabriela is all for it. Maybe the magician could make Plump PI appear. Nothing else seems to be working. Mauricio is beginning to get a clue and looking stressed. He's also wondering if Xime has a plan to get Monita to the party. She does indeed. Come with me. As she drags him off to the elevator, she muses "How many years do you get for kidnapping?" This cannot be good.

Jacqui has recovered enough to start bickering again. For gawdsakes, if you have to have that woman, keep her in a back room somewhere but don't drag her out in public with you! It will end us socially. This is the worst mistake of your life. Nope. The worst mistake of my life was marrying you and leaving Nieves at the altar, responds Marcos. So go....and leave me in peace. Well, as a matter of fact, I just talked to Katia and she's lonely so I was going to go visit her in Italy for a few weeks. Great! Go and meet and marry your next millionaire. Anything else? And now for the actual reason for Jacqui's visit. She wants Marcos to buy back Connie's shares in the company. He protests at first because he wants the firm to belong to both Connie and Monita. (He has other financial plans for Katia, fear not folks.) Jacqui explains that Connie will have to hit bottom before she gives up her plans for vengeance. So buy 'em already! You can give them back later. Agreed. Off goes our well-loved but still prickly Jacqui. With a resounding slam of the door for good measure.

Enter our next jealous lover. Christian. Looking fine in a dark suit. Miss Paula looking even better....and mad as hell! Throw 'im out. Call Security. Whoops. Christian IS Security. Yep. That was Beto's latest brainstorm.

Paula vows to kill him but Beto is well out of harm's way, gulping down sandwiches from a street vendor while Mama Nieves tries to get his mind off food (very difficult...he's already ordering seconds) and onto the problem of Lobo, back in town and sniffing around Monita. They have quite a juicy conversation about Lobo's flirting skills (first-rate) and his initiation into the Art of Love (also first-rate) by none other than....Nieves!? Beto makes her swear it's not true. Nieves swears...but to what? Clearly our chunky little chicharrona has been around the block a few times in fine company. But she's still on task, reminding Beto that it's not his girlfriend about to be bird-dogged, it's Mauricio's.

Whoa! or is Nieves wrong? We now get a glimpse of some "up close and personal" boxing training (sign me up!). Lobo is wrapping Connie's wrists. Yum. Now he's holding the punching bag. Oh those finely muscled arms! She places her hand on his chiseled chest. Be still my heart! She shows him her skills jumping rope while he admires the results of all that bouncing around. They both both do curlups face to face. Delicious. Now one straight leg pushup for Connie. Delightful contemplation of her trim derrière. Now many many pushups for Lobo. We meditate on his equally delightful and well-defined backside.

Now, where was I? Oh shoot, we're back at the Dim Dungeon of Dreary Doom. Jeronimo catches Sal and Aldo talking about escape plans. Lots of "cara" insults thrown around. Cara de niño (Aldo) Cara de estupido (Jerry) Cara de muerto (Sal and Aldo. yikes!) How long have you been off those injections? asks our primo.

Oh great. We're back at the gym. Things are heating up. Lobo can't help smiling at how clumsy Connie is, so she asks for some finely tuned help. He moves in close and arranges her legs. Then has her flex her knees. Now he lifts up her left arm and there they are, wrapped in a boxing stance embrace , back to belly, belly to back, when Beto and Mamita arrive. "Condenado Lobo, suelta a mi vieja!" (Get your hands off my old lady, Lobo!) To their credit, Connie and Lobo do look a little abashed and guilty.

Parallel gym scene with Monita. She's all hot and sweaty and Ximena's all cool and giddy. Has to talk to her. Right now. But now here. Outside. Take a break. So finally Monita goes. Ximena has three things to say. 1) All's fair in love and war. 2) You and Mauricio are soul-mates. And 3) I'm a family member so don't get mad at me. Go get her, chicos! Costeño and another masked luchador jump out and slip a giant bag over Monita's head. Ximena tops it off with a bright red bow. Cesar and Mauricio 'round the corner and are horrified. And Monita is literally, hopping mad.

Threats, reproaches, apologies (Ximena, for not thinking up anything better) and then everyone but Mau vamooses, not wanting to be around when our hapless hero lets the monkey out of the bag. Not that he's going to anytime soon. Every time he gets near, she screams at him not to touch her. More bouncing around. Lame but funny.

Back to Connie's gym. Beto stakes his claim "Esas carnes ya tienen dueño" (that meat belongs to me.) Not eloquent, but effective. Connie explains that Lobo is not groping, he's "training". Yeah, "training" you to cheat on my son, snaps Nieves. Lobo smooths it over, wants a brotherly hug from Beto, apologizes for not realizing Connie was his girl ,and assures him his only interest is in Monita anyway. Nieves relaxes enough to rub Lobo's biceps, tap his tight tum, and note that he's even better-looking than before. A nice wolfish grin from Lobo until Beto puts the kabosh on their schmoozing. This is my sacred mother! Back off! And Lobo does.
Alas, Mauricio does not. He's still trying to untie Monita. She thanks him by stomping on his foot. The bag comes off and she's all tousled and frowzled and angry as a wet hen. Belts him a good one in the solar plexus and off she goes. Love hurts, Mauricio. Love hurts. And it ain't over yet.

At the cabaña though, things are looking up. Aldo and Sal, working in tandem, assure Jerry that he's in as much danger from Oscar as they are. He's just a "pelele" and a "titere" (both words mean "puppet") for Oscar and once he no longer needs him, what do you think will happen? No worries. Jerry has his own plans and wants to see Oscar behind bars as much as they do. And that's why he'll help them escape. And Sal can once again be with his adored Gabriela. (hooray!)

The conversation between Nieves, Beto and Lobo continues. Lobo is now bare-chested. Do we really care what they're saying? The man is just so nicely ripped. Not over-developed. .. just nicely chiseled and not an ounce of flab anywhere. (Oh Diana, I wish you could see this! Use your imagination. And Julia. Record this please. It merits a lengthy review.) A little more palaver about laying off Monita but Lobo stands firm. She's single. I'm single. We've both been disappointed in love. I'm going after her. Matter of fact, I'm having dinner with her tonight. Nieves and Beto depart, with Mamita turning for one last loving look at Lobo's tuchis. Whadda gal! Not sure if tender-hearted Marcos is up to the task.

And is Christian? So far, no. Paula's threatening him with murder and mayhem if he doesn't get out of her life and quit bugging her. Tano arrives, enormous funereal bouquet in hand. Paula's all over him, noting loudly how thoughtful he is and how SOME PEOPLE could take lessons from a guy like Tano. Our bland galan suggests they talk about it in the office and they go to Mauricio's where Tano explains that he's leaving for the US to work as a NASCAR mechanic and may not be coming back. Paula is disappointed. Who knows what might have developed between them? No, I have a bad habit of going after women whose heart belongs to someone else, sighs Tano. And you clearly are in love with Christian. And he'll come 'round, I know it. So I just want to say good-bye and wish you well. (Okay. That was classy. Makes up for the nasty little conversation with Estrella the other day. But lays the groundwork, alas, for another Mauricio disaster.)

And speaking of diasters, we have an outrageous one going on back at the apartment. Rolu is flinging popcorn all over while a frantic, masked and gloved Arny, in microbe-hysteria, frantically tries to clean up. Arny's sick but Rolu's even sicker. Pretending to be a paralytic, camping out in a wheelchair to try and hang on to his wife. How sick is that!? On they bicker when suddenly Ximena arrives home. Rolu quickly falls in a chair. But it's the wrong one! The wheelchair is on the other side of the room. Busted.

Back to the office. Tano has left the building. Christian, accompanied by consoling buddy Ivan, is going to check the video to see just what Paula and Tano talked about. He pushes a few buttons. Looks troubled and confused (like me whenever I'm at the computer). Silence. Gloom. I think I just erased the tape, he sighs. Damn damn damn damn!!!!! (Sorry, "dang" just didn't seem adequate.)

Connie's ready to walk off with a big satchel full of dinero in return for her shares in the company. Papa Marcos will provide her with a chauffeur and two armed guards.
Monita arrives at the party, looking hot. Is it her Red Riding Hood dress or the scrumptious Lobo hanging on her arm?
Isabel is thanking Oscar for the poison and gloating over how she drugged Mauricio and Estrella in order to separate Monita from the love of her life. Aldo overhears.

a esas alturas = at this stage of the game
peso "Walter"= this is the closed caption attempt at welter weight
donde pone el ojo pone la bala = this guy "scores' (Beto, talking about Lobo's success with women)
pergamino antiguo = ancient old scroll (Jacqui insulting Nieves)
me les voy = same as "me desmayo" I'm fainting
al grano = get to the point
regresa a tus cabales = get hold of your senses, use your head (Jacqui to Marcos)
escarnio = derision, ridicule (what Jacqui fears will happen socially)
me da portazo a la rata = give me the "runs". Beto complaining that his mom is rushing him when he eats
es un coqueto de lo peor = he's an outrageous flirt (Lobo)
mucha labia = the gift of gab, he has a good line
manoseando = groping
pelele, titere = puppet "pelele" can also mean wimp
tras las rejas = behind bars
es lavadero = refererence to Lobo's washboard abs

Dicho of the Day

A lo hecho, pecho. What can't be cured, must be endured. ( Yes, Mauricio, you're going to have to suffer a little while longer, I'm afraid. So man up.)


Corazon Salvaje - Monday, April 5, 2010 - little birdies never lie

* At the convent office, Regina meets with Padre to discuss her inclusion into the convent. She is suffering from a horrible heartbreak and feels dead to the world but alive to God. He gives her the advice that she can’t enter the convent to hide, she has to go live in the real world and find out who she is and what she really wants to be first. She is hurting and crying about Renato loving Aimee and not her. Padre tells her that isn’t a reason to enter the convent and become a nun. He wants her to take off her habits. She can’t do that. He tells her to go ahead, start fresh and become a new and improved “Regina Montes de Oca”.

* Noel shows Rod the latest revenues from the ranch and the contracts turning over ownership to Renato. Rod is pleased with the statements and has no problem with Renato owning the ranch, after all it will stay in the family because of Renato’s wedding to Aimee. Noel mentions Regina’s feelings. Rod doesn’t really want to discuss her, cuts the conversation short and leaves.

* Dr. Pablo is on the street by the carriages. He overhears a conversation by two gentleman. They are discussing a mysterious stranger who sailed into port recently. He flashes back to treating Juan’s wounds in the cave; he is almost convinced that the conversation is about Juan. Dr. Pablo sees Regina and stops her. She is sad; he offers to help.

* Gabe is on the street. He talks with a man as he looks around for Dr. Pablo. Jimena is about 100 steps behind him. She hides her bag and sneaks up behind Gabe. Gabe thinks it’s Estrella but is disappointed when he sees it’s just Jimena. She’s sad by his lack of enthusiasm to see her. Of course, his mood changes drastically when she tells him that tonight at the casino he will see his Estrella. He is so excited by the thought of seeing his "Estrella" again.

* Federico is on the other side of the garden watching Gabe and Jimena, and thought bubbling to himself.

* Juan pratices his own form of jujitsu in his private cave. He sits down and feels his head. He has a fever. He drinks some water and screams. He lays on his grass mat and remembers his dad’s ‘death oath’. He rolls over and calls for his daddy. He mutters to himself as Clemencia enters the cave. She kneels down at his side. He is a scared little boy asking for his mommy. She isn’t his mommy but cares for him just the same. She blames Aimee for what Juan is going through right now.

* Aimee stares as Leona hands her the guest list for the wedding. Leona is illusioned to plan the wedding and hopes Renato and her will be happy together. She finally notices Aimee staring at her, with a frozen expression on her face. Aimee has to snap out of her frozen state to tell Leona that of course she will be happy with Renato then let’s it out that Regina was totally in love with Renato for all the years they were in Europe. Leona is stunned. Eloisa enters and Aimee says she’s there to help with the wedding planning. Aimee excuses herself, she feels faint.

* Regina comes back to the main house at the ranch. Renato won’t let her enter the house until she promises they will meet together later.

* Federico and Renato meet in the office to discuss Federico backing off and not pressuring Regina to marry him. Federico is courteous. Then Renato is curious about Federico’s business or other interests with someone else at the ranch. Federico hints at something with someone. Renato is curious who it is? perhaps Aimee? Federico is offended by the insinuation and leaves.

* Regina meanwhile is in her bedroom, thought bubbling to herself. She is thinking about her conversation with the Padre and his wise advice for her to take off the habits and cloak and reinvent herself (video magic - one minute she has on the habit; the next she is ‘all dolled up’ as a victorian lady and admiring her image in the mirror.)

* General, Admiral and soldiers are pestering and interrogating Pedro, Santos, and the crew on the beach about Juan and his boat. They continue to play clueless to the questions. The troops finally leave. Santos, Pedro and the boy laugh to selves about the secret.

* Noel, Rod, Renato, Aimee and Leona have lunch together. The men start talking about business and about the mysterious boat and captain that sailed into port recently. Aimee is scared. Leona agrees with Rod that the pirates need to be dealt with as such. Aimee thinks they are the enemy. Rod agrees with her. Noel looks around and asks where Regina is? Rosie says she’s in her room. Aimee makes a comment about Regina sinking further and further into craziness. Rod believes it is true. Regina appears and apologizes for being late. Noel and Renato are delighted to see her. Rod wonders about her change in clothes - no habit, does this mean she has reconsidered the marriage proposal? Regina says no, not really. They ask her to help with Aimee and Renato’s wedding plans. Leona and Rod comment.

* Pedro, Santos and the crew visit Juan and Clemencia at the cave. They tell him the news about the soldiers searching for him. Juan takes it under advisement. Gabe enters and says he couldn’t find the doctor in town. Juan says he doesn’t need a doctor anymore. Clemencia asks Gabe for his name - he tells her - she smiles and mentions she knows about “Estrella”. Gabe wonders who told her. She says ‘a little birdie told her.’

* Jimena meanwhile is with Lulu, Fifi and Brigette. The threesome have a plan for Jimena and Gabriel to be together tonight.

* Federico visits Eloisa at the house. They flirt and then kiss briefly before they hear the echoes of Fulgencio’s voice in the hallway. They break it off and separate to different sides of the room. Fulgencio enters the room and tells Eloise to leave so the men can talk business. She leaves. Fulgencio tells Federico that he doesn’t like his wife to be alone with any other men. Federico informs him about observing Gabriel with a gypsy girl in the streets today. Fulgenio is intrigued.

* At the casino, Gabe arrives alone. He is eagerly looking around the room. He finds Marlene. She is happy to see him. She takes him over to a painting at tells her it’s Estrella. He’s confused. She tells him to look closely at the painting and find the mystery in it. He looks up at the eyes and starts talking to it. Estrella’s voice replies back to him. Marlene’s assistant is on stage introducing the main show -- the three ladies (Fifi, Lulu and Brigette) are belly dancing tonight. Rod, Noel and guys are watching intently. Marlene comes over to welcome them and talk. Rod mentions that he won’t lift a finger to help her if there’s any trouble. Raul, Noel and Federico laugh and make jokes about the mysterious captain and ship. Rod isn’t amused and calls the man a coward for not showing his face in town.

* Juan is in his cave - still driving himself crazy with memories of Aimee. He prays for help and salvation - he wants to be able to continue on with his life and his plans and to forget about her. He can’t deceive himself, who he is and what he is.

* Federico, Fulgencio and Noel continue to discuss the ship that sailed into port. Rod makes a comment and then leaves. Raul follows him and has a private conversation - Raul understands Rod’s point of view completely. Brigette (?) has a polite conversation with Rod and walks away. Rod and Raul comment on the beautiful girls. In another part of the room, Federico talks with Fifi (?) and they plan to meet later in a private room. Lulu walks towards Noel - Noel is nervous and stutters - they agree to sit and talk for awhile.

* As Noel holds the chair for Lulu, Fulgencio and Federico excuse themselves for the evening and leave.

* Outside at the carriage, Fulgencio wants to discuss with Federico how to get some money.

* At the cave, Federico and Fulgencio look around and are amazed; they can’t find anyone there. Juan is hiding in a dark tunnel, watching the men, and wondering how they found the cave - he thought it was a secret.

* Renato and Remiglio are out on horseback late at night. They find the shacks but no one around. They decide to call off the search for the night.

* As Renato rides close to the river rapids, he squints through the darkness and sees a man (our Tarzan) on the other side of the river, teetering on the rocks and falling into the river. The man floats downstream.

ADVANCE: The tension, intrigue and risks mount up for Juan and the Montes de Oca family. Clemencia predicts a huge catastrophe may occur that will completely destroy the family.


un Gancho al Corazón Mon.4/5/10 Valentina Dances With Wolf

So gang, we've reached capitulo numero 200. Seems like only yesterday that we began this joyous journey. Let's proceed.

In the barrio patio, Mauricio has come to share good news with Estrella. "You've found Aldo?" Estre is hopeful. No, not that good news, but he has the proof to prove to Moni that he and Estre are innocent of any hanky panky. His cell phone rings. It's the porky detective. He's located Aldo. He's staying in a cabaña in Ajuzco. Now that is very good news. Estre hugs Mao and at just that exact moment (timing is everything) Moni rounds the corner and spots them. Oops. Oops again, because from out of nowhere, a pistol, with Oscar at the other end, cocks and is aimed at our detective's head. This could be a setback for the good guys. Oblivious, Mao follows Estre into her apartment as Moni, her heart in tatters, sadly watches.Coni's having another mother daughter chat with Jaqui. Coni tells her that she'll be needing a new place to live when she returns from Italy since she's selling the house. Jaqui ignores this and brings up Groupo Sermeño. She knows that Mao is back in charge. Coni couldn't care less, she's selling her part to Daddy. Jaqui is aware that she's gathering the money to settle up with Jero. Coni ushers Jaqui and shuts the door. She doesn't look happy.

Back in the Boondocks, Oscar, flanked by his toady Jerónimo, holds the pistol at the head of our chunky detective's head. He wants to know with whom he was talking on the phone. Jero correctly guesses that it was his cousin on the other end. Oscar dismisses a worried Jero, "What are you going to do with him?" and orders the detective back into his car. We barely got to meet this guy, don't even know his name, and now it looks as though he will soon be abruptly departing the show. Dang.

Nieves and Marcos are seated at her table. She no longer looks like a derelict geisha. He invites her to come with him to the reinauguration party at Groupo Sermeño. She eagerly agrees. He will have a surprise for her, a question to ask. She tries to guess but he insists that she wait. As he gets up to leave, she offers her hand which he kisses. Then they playfully rub noses. He leaves, Nieves rejoices with a little victory dance, and Beto emerges looking very un-naco in shirt and tie. She pumps Beto for more information and after her appeal to him as his mom, he confirms her hopes, telling her that yes, "He asked me for your hand." she swoons, he eases her to the bed complaining that she will cause him to have a hernia.

Marcos has yet more business in the 'hood. He drops in on Isabel. As she opens the door, he bursts in and takes a seat. He has heard that the Dr. has told her that she doesn't have long to live. She rightly surmises that this must be good news for everyone. He appeals to her to open her heart and show love for Monita. She rejects this so he dispenses with charm and goes right for the throat. Actually he whispers in her ear, giving us a glimpse of the source of some of Coni's social skills, "Soon you will be dead and I will then have lots of time to get close to Valentina and to undo all this harm you have done. Your life has been useless." At this point (well after a few commercials) Monita comes in and orders him to leave. At this point the snake morphs into a crippled lamb and cowers behind Monita as the angry monkey castigates Marcos. As he leaves, Marcos calmly and warmly tells Moni that he will see her soon and undo the damage Isabel has done. As she slams the door behind him, Issy collapses against the door, this time in genuine tears with the realization that Marcos is right. This scene is uncomfortably satisfying.

In Estre's apartment Mao assures Estre that now he will set everything right. He'll meet with the detective (good luck with that) and get all the details about Aldo and they will reveal the fraud perpetrated by Snake Lady. Mainly, is is essential that Estrella attend the fiesta tomorrow at Groupo Sermeño. Of course she'll be there.

At the Domicile of Doom, Jero's soliloquy is interrupted by Oscar. The robbing an swindling he has no problem with, but Jero feels that the killing was not in the job description. Seeing Jero taking to himself Oscar speculates that Lorenza's insanity is contagious. Jero wants to know what Oscar did with Plump PI. "I took care of him so he won't be opening his mouth again." As he makes himself a drink, hey, don't you think Jero could use one too?, He blames Jero for being careless and warns him that if things go bad, he will be in jail for a long time. Jero tries to reassure him and tells him that he reminded Constanza that it would be healthy for her to give them the money. Oscar reminds Jero that if he betrays him, "You are a dead man." Well, I'm certainly glad that we all understand how things stand.

Looking very cute in a pink nighty, Moni tries to console her mommy. She tells her they will make the most of the time she has left. Isabel(clad in cute brown pajamas dotted with daisies), whining that she doesn't want to die, wants a little more than that. She wants a promise that Moni will not allow Marcos near her once she's dead. Moni objects that she's not good at this hate thing. Marcos words, meanwhile, echo in her ear, "Your life was useless." Sweet dreams, you bitter old biddy.

It's morning on the patio and Estrella is sharing the good news with Paula. Paula notes that Estrella is beginning to show. As they rejoice they are joined by Lobo. Does this guy ever frown? Both are delighted to see him (almost as much as our Julia). Before Estrella gets too excited, Paula reminds her that Lobo is married. "Was," he corrects her. Both ladies express their regrets as each inwardly rejoices and are even happier to learn that he is hoping to stay for a couple of months in the neighborhood.

At breakfast Moni tell Isabel that she bumped into Lobo. "¿Lobo? He didn't bite you?" That's our Isabel, a laugh a minute. Moni tells her that he inspired her boxing, he is very handsome, they have a platonic friendship though they did share a kiss as children. Isabel is underwhelmed. She tells her how he met and married a girl who lived three blocks away and they ended up moving away. "So he's married?" "Nope. Divorced" Issy scowls as who then should appear at the door but Señor Wolf himself. "You look precious!" Mamá does not approve.

More commercials before Moni introduces them. He's delighted. She looks like someone farted. Before they head off to the gym Moni tells Issy that they'll eat together later. Nope. Issy will be gone for today. She must make a trip to Moroleón. After the two bounce out, Isabel grumbles to herself, "One more to keep away from Valentina."

They pass Nieves who is busy at the communal sink. She doesn't look happy to see Moni with Lobo either. She is joined by a perky Estrella who announces that Lobo is moving in. Nieves sees this as an impediment to M&M's already shaky relationship.She thinks that Lobo will influence Moni with sweet talk (engatusar... I really like this word). I think that it's safe to say that we join her in her concern.

Meintras tanto, at the Count's Condo, he tells Nice Nurse that he wants both Sal and Loriloca to remained locked in their rooms. He doesn't want either wandering about. "Don't worry, Licenciado, I'll take care of it." As he is making another drink (Oscar seems to be drinking quite a bit these days) he turns to Aldo, who asks if someone is coming, and orders him to his room as well without answering his question.

Back in his office, Mao informs Gabi that last night, Bocanegra (well at least now we know his name), the detective, called. He tells her that all he knows is that Aldo is in a cabaña in Ajuzco. Much better at algebra than Mao, Gabi calculates that he is in the clutches of Oscar and Jero.

Apparently in no hurry to get to the gym Moni and Lobo pause in he park to catch up on old times and conveniently fill us in on Lobo's troubles. He asks Moni if she remembers Jairo (Isn't he the guy who ran Las Copatonas where they had ladies' mud wrestling in Fuego en la Sangre?). She does. He was the boxing manager with ties to the Mafia (only one?), who's now in jail. (Anyone care to bet on who's gonna be gettin' outa th' slammer very soon?) Well, he ordered Lobo to take dive in the third round of his last fight with Rayo Gonzales, offering him money. "And you told him to shove it?" "No, but he threatened to make my wife disappear." "But you won that fight!" "By a TKO." After the fight he and his wife and got the heck outa Dodge. After several years and separating from his wife, he decided to return to Mexico and sniff around Moni. OK, I added that last bit.

Wow, Beto looks right at home in his new office wearing a starched light blue shirt and solid pink tie (no macho hangups for our Beto). He invites Nieves in. She is impressed and even wants to take his nameplate home. He stops her as she is placing it in her giraffe purse. He shows out by calling for capuchinos calientes, not tepid (tibios), no sugar (he's dieting) for him and his mom. Paula (his secretary) is not there but the lovely Alejandra will bring them in.

Back in the park (don't these kids need to get on to the gym?), Lobo is heart-broken. Well shut my mouth, so is Moni. "Beto?" No a new guy. "So you're single (soltera)? "Right now there's no one else in my life." He tells her that he likes her very much. She shyly blushes. Uh oh!

Back in Beto's office, Nieves is so proud (orgullosa). She gets up and goes around the desk and hugs him. He shoos her back to her chair, puts his feet upon his desk, and then very professionally asks,"How can I help you?" Dang, he's convincing. He tells her for the second time today to get Georgina (apparently giraffe purse) off the desk. She's nervous. He tells her that's natural but once she's married... No, she nervous about the return of Lobo and his interest in Moni. Beto's just happy to learn that Lobo's back in town.

Well, I think we all saw this coming. The Serpent Woman has arrived at the Count's Chalet.She thanks him for shooting her and now she has another job for him. She is dying and after she does, since she doesn't wish for Moni to be happy, "Valentina has to die." Not an unreasonable request for Satan's Spawn to make and who better to ask than Satan's envoy?

Well L&M (not the cigarette, Lobo and Monita) have arrived at the gym and since their little téte a téte has stirred up the hormones, they hop into the ring for a little sparring. They dance a little. He wants to see what she's got. He drops his guard. She demonstrates. After decking him she celebrates, pumping her fist, then drops to her knees. He's impressed. Their eyes lock. He reminds her of that childhood kiss. She remembers. He offers to show her what he's learned. He moves in. She leans forward expectantly. We gasp... time for a commercial break.

She must have thought better of it during the timeout because even though close... no beso for you, Wolfboy! Too soon. Besides, he's her idol. Nope, you guys can be friends and help each other through this tough time. He less than enthusiastic about this proposition, but agrees... "For the moment... friends." Yeah... friends. I bet it's not for nuthin' they call you Lobo. Baaa for now. We've seen your kind before.

Even Oscar is surprised by the coldness with which Isabel is facing her own death and by her desire to off her offspring. After thinking about the beauty of her selfish hate, however, surprise turns to admiration. She wants a potent untraceable poison (veneno). Not even painless, you craven old cow? He agrees.

The welcome home of Lobo continues. Costeño is happy to see him. They share man-talk with Costi telling him that he's found an insatiable woman and needs to get his strength up. Gosh, now who could he talking about? They are interrupted by a strange looking Luchador in a red dog mask, "Phone call for Costeño in Cesar's office, some Ximena." ¿Qué? Hmmm.

Lobo turns his interest back to Moni. He tells her about Jimmy's offer to train a Momia but declined when he discovered that she is training to fight Monita. Well... Moni says, "Why not?" She thinks it's a splendid idea. "She needs all the help she can get." Moni doesn't want an easy fight. "You sure? I guess we'll see each other later." "Let's eat together," Moni suggests. "Say no more!" Cesar approaches, "Hey, that was el Lobo, the world champion welterweight!" Cesar's surprised to see him back in Mexico." "Yes, and he's training la Momia." "¿Qué?" "I asked him to." "¿Qué? ¿Por qué?" "Because she's my sister and I don't want to kill her in the ring." Don Cesar is rendered speechless.

Beto is thrilled with the return of Lobo. They're pals. He expects they can pick up where they left off: cantinas, beer, dominos, cards. Nieves shouts her disapproval. Beto asks her not to shout. He's an executive after all. She's worried about Monita. Beto says that it's not as though Moni is Red Riding Hood and... Nieves thinks that's exactly the case. Moni's mad at Mao because she thinks he betrayed her with her best friend, "And what if Monita ends up telling Lobo?"

Turns out Oscar's favors come with a price tag. He want to be sure he collects. She gives him her word. He offers to show her to the door. Aldo appears. Oscar reminds him that he was to stay in his room and calls him a booger-snot kid (mocoso). "That was Monita's mom, wasn't it?" Aldo asks. Oscar warns him about meddling in his affairs. Kinda mild for Oscar, I'd say.

Hair in French braid, Coni's in Gym Jimmy ready to train. Jimmy tells her that he's lined up one of the best boxers in the world to train her but no go. She tells him that money is not a problem. Jimmy tells her that money is not the problem. As she turns to pout, Lobo swaggers up. Jimmy introduces them. She gives him a look that only our Coni can, "What will it take to change your opinion?" "For me, that smile and those eyes are enough. I came back to accept your offer. From this moment on, I'm your official trainer." He winks. She inspects her acquisition.



Monday, April 05, 2010

Dinero #56 April 5, 2010: Of cocktails and fine Hindu dining

Rafa excitedly takes a call from Magda. She informs him where the cocktail will be tonight and where he will be able to encounter president Lemaitre and his wife. She tells Rafa she hopes she wont regret this. Rafa assures her she won’t. Rafa wants to know how he is going to get in. Magda says that will be his problem. It will take a miracle if he pulls it off.

Marco is on the phone with Ale. He would like to whisk her away for the night. This isn’t going to happen. They need to discuss the wedding plans with Jorge and Tia at Ales’ house. Ale is uncomfortable about taking more money from Marco for the wedding. Ale hangs up and appears very tired. Marco has a worried look on his face and is not happy.

Rafa is trying to get advise on how to enter the cocktail from none other than Ramirez. Ramirez tells him he doesn’t have a chance on getting in. Rafa is determined to get in. Ramirez tells him that getting into the executive club would be a dream come-true for Rosaura Rafa thanks Ramirez for the great advice and heads off to talk with Rosaura. She gives him the gossip and doesn’t miss the opportunity to include her stay in Miami.

Susana tells Rafa Ale is looking for him. Then she encounters Dandy with his finished reports. She wants to pick his marvelous homeopathic brain, in particular about the essential oil he was using on Claudia. He tells her that auto Siglo isn’t the best place to talk and suggests they go some where else. Susana thinks they should go to this great Hindu restaurant. Dandy looks a little nervous about this but agrees.

After Susana leaves the Siglo crew all rush Dandy and wants the scoop. He tells them he has a date with Susana. He asks them for something and they misunderstand and thinks he wants money. What he wants is meat, after all he is going to a vegetarian restaurant.

Vicky calls. She calls to support Rafa and tells him that no matter what time he gets home she will always be there for him and that she will support him in any way possible and in her sweet gentle voice apologizes if she has interrupted him. NOT!!(Just seeing if you are all paying attention). She calls screaming and wants to know when he will be home. She tells him they are having supper with her papa. Rafa tells her that he cant make it. Vicky is not happy. Papa wont be happy.

Rafa tells her his plan to get a new client. Vicky does not believe him. He tries to explain if he can make this sale he can leave Siglo. Vicky screams and hangs up.

Ale encounters Rafa. He tries to explain to her about the cocktail. She chews him out telling him that Fiestas are is specialty . Ale wants him in her office now. Susana asks Ale if she can leave. She tells her to go ahead, she is just going to kill Rafa.

Dandy is waiting for Susana and the Siglo crew is wishing Dandy luck. He goes to give her his arm and she walks off ahead of him. We are off to a good start here Dandy boy.

Ale wants to know about the cocktail. She wants to know if he was invited? She is all excited and wants to see the invitation. Rafa tells her he wasn’t exactly invited. Ale wants to know how in the devil he is going to get in. Rafa tells Ale he doesn’t know how he is going to do this but he will. Ale gives him “productive criticism” and tells him not to act stupid while he is there.

Rafa tells her he off to hunt his lions. He tells her after all he is well dressed, showing off his fine duds that Ale paid for. Ale finally agrees to let him go and wishes him good luck, because if he makes this sale they wont have to deal with each other. They both have a sad face at this thought as Rafa leaves.

Rosaura has great gossip to share with the Siglo crew. Ale is getting married. They get all reminiscing and recall fond memories of the last time they went to Trancazo when Ale was going to get married.(or something like that). We have a little stroll down memory lane. They all decide they had so much fun, why not go and celebrate again.

Dandy and Susana have arrived at the Hindu restaurant. Susana, with grace and ease sits on the floor. Dandy on the other hand is not quite so graceful.

We are at the cocktail and Rafa tries to bluff his way in. He is having no luck despite trying many different tricks. He even tries to attach himself to another couple but this does not work.

He finally leaves the reception area and tries to come up with a plan. He has entered the basement (I think that is where he went) and is mistaken for a worker and is thrown an apron. Could this be Rafas’ ticket. Rafa has made it into the cocktail and is pretending like he belongs there.

Dandy and Susana are enjoying drinks. Well anyway Susana is. Dandy is not having the best time. He complains of his back hurting. Susana goes to help and starts one of her famous massages and cracks his neck. I don’t think Dandy was expecting this and I don’t think it helped.

Marco is showing everyone the wedding plans. He is dressed in full scarf. Ale accuses Marco of smelling of alcohol. He says it is medicine. Rosario wants to know about the honeymoon. Ale says she cant get away from work. She says they could settle for going away Saturday night and returning on Sunday. Rosario says it sounds more like a negotiation agenda then a wedding. Ale is looking over the guest list and realizes Urdiales' name is not on the list. She asks Marco about it and Marco almost coughs up a lung.

Rafa continues his little charade and asks the waiter where the president is. He is mingling like the best of them. He almost gets discovered by the young women from the reception area who would not let him in earlier. Rafa looks for a hiding spot.

Ale is still amazed that Urdiales isn’t on the list. Quick thinking Marco comes up with a great story. He says Urdiales will be out of town. Jorge wants to know if Marcos’ parents are going to be there. Marco looks uncomfortable at this and Ale apologizes that Jorge has forgotten. Jorge wants to know what he has forgotten. Marco is in full lie mode Marco says his mother’s health his poor and dad cant leave her. They have to stay in the US. Marco just coughed up another lung.

Rafa continues his party crashing. He pretends he knows everyone and starts schmoozing He even is able to insinuate himself into a photo. He has discovered that the president hasn’t arrived yet. He hands out his calling cards.

Marco and Ale are discussing where they will be living after the wedding. Ale says of course they will be staying at her house. Marco is not happy with this idea. Ale does not want to live in his apartment and they are not going to discuss it. Besides they don’t have money for another apartment. She tells them when things get better they can make other plans. Than she says when Rafa comes through with what he owes them. This sets Marco off. He tells her not to be so optimistic. Ale says it isn’t optimism. She says today he has risen to the occasion and smiles. Marco is not smiling.

We have a final Vicky call. This time she is crazier than ever. We have a little Sybil going on. Rafa is trying his hardest to continue to blend into the cocktail and converse with nutcase. She finally asks him to sing to her. This calms her down a little. As Rafa is whistling into the phone, the president of Refri is announced and walks past Rafa. This is where we end.


El Clon, Mon., April 5 - Some things almost happen: Cristina almost gets back with Leo; Jade's plan for Said almost works; Lucas almost stops lying

Lucas is enchanted with his daughter. The baby was premature but is ok. Marisa and Lucas agree to start over for the sake of the baby. Marisa says that if their relationship is going to work, there can't be any more lies.

Albieri is running around in a panic. Is he thinking of jumping off that bridge or is it just a dramatic shot?

Just as he realizes what would happen if Leo goes to the birthday party, he gets a call from Enrique about the birth of Lucas' baby. He leaves for the hospital.

Of course, he doesn't think to tell Luisa what is going on. Back at the birthday party, she asks Julio if he knows where Albieri went. Julio doesn't. When Dora asks why Albieri left in such a hurry, Luisa lies and says there was an emergency in the clinic. Then she sneaks out herself. Cristina is convinced that the reason Leo didn't come to the birthday party is because he is with another woman.

Leo and Enrique see the baby. They are gowned with booties but no masks. Albieri arrives and congratulates Leo. Leo asks Albieri why he never talks about Diego anymore. He says that it's almost as if Albieri is hiding something. Albieri protests that isn't so. Then Leo suggests that maybe Albieri has forgotten about Diego because he has a new godson.

Said protests to Abdul and Ali that he doesn't want another wife. Abdul suggests that he wait until he sees the woman. Sometimes you don't want to eat until you see food. Ali confesses that if he had it to do it over again, he would only have one wife. Abdul says that he knows some men who seem not to have a wife even though they are married. Everybody looks at Jade and she quietly leaves.

In the kitchen, Nariza is eating and running down Jade and her brother Mohamed. The family of possible wife #2 arrive. Nariza takes the woman, Muna, aside. She says that Said knows how to please a woman. She taught him everything. She says that he likes good food and a clean house. His first wife doesn't do any of those things and that is why he wants another wife to take care of him like she did. When Muna says that she can cook a little, Nariza replies that she will teach Muna all Said's favorite dishes. Finally, she urges Muna to take off her veil and dance provacatively as if for her husband.

Nariza will make sure that Said sees her. Muna obeys but Jade is eager to find out how well her plan is working out. She goes to talk to Muna and when Said sees them together, he realizes what Jade tried to do.

Said is furious that Jade tried to trick him into taking a second wife. She replies that she did it to make him happy. Wife #2 would be company for Jade and be the wife that he always wanted. Said that that she has asked for it and now must accept the consequences. [I thought he meant that he was going to take Muna as a second wife but apparently not.]

Back at Ali's, it appears that Said's sudden disappearance from the party does not augur well for the marriage. Ali is sure that Said does not want to get married again. Ali says that Jade should be careful. She is playing with fire and could end up getting burnt.

Leo goes to a bar.

Cristina is moping around after the party and letting Vicki clean up everything. Her cell rings. It's Leo asking her to come to the bar. She arrives and learns that Lucas' daughter was just born. Leo says that since Diego is dead and Lucas has formed his own family, he realizes that he is all alone. Cristina replies that the isn't alone - he has her. They kiss and all I can think of is that her makeup is going to be all over his face. She really had a lot on.

Luisa finally finds Albieri. He says that he is panicking because it is obvious that Daniel is not Dora's child and he afraid of the consequences if someone finds out what he did. Luisa suggests that people will think that the hospital switched the babies and that wasn't his fault. Albieri is impressed with Luisa's defense of him for personal reasons. He says that he is only concerned about what his error did to Dora. He wishes he could be more like Luisa.

Cristina and Leo end up at what appears to be a hotel. She looks SO much better without that lipstick on.

Passion ensues. Afterwards, Cristina suggests that they get married in Paris like they planned. Leo says that his feelings for her are real but when he is with her he can't help feeling guilty that they were together when Diego was killed. Just when I thought maybe something was going to be resolved in this novela, it falls apart. Cristina is offended and leaves in a huff.

Latifa is very happy when Mohamed tells her that Said isn't taking a second wife. Then Mohamed tells her that he is upset because Adbul has told him that Nariza pretends that they don't exist anymore. Latifa says that what happened wasn't his fault. But when she says that Nariza was selfish, Mohamed is angry. Only he can criticize Nariza. He says that he has written an apology to Nariza and makes Latfia write one too that he dictates.

Jade is sulking around the house. Said shows her a newspaper article about the birth of Lucas' child. Jade tries not to show her distress to Said.

Marisa and the baby come home from the hospital. Marisa, Lucas and Leo all agree to be one big happy family for the baby.

Jade tells Said that if he tried to make her unhappy, it didn't work. Said won't let her go to Ali's house. Jade goes upstairs and suffers. Said is about to go after her when Nariza the witch comes in. She has the letters of apology from Mohamed and Latifa but says she isn't buying. Nariza asks Said what is going on. He says that nothing is going on. Nariza assumes that there is a problem with Jade. Said tells her to stay out his marriage. Nariza doesn't stop. She urges Said to get rid of Jade. When he tells to shut up, Nariza makes an 180 degree turn in her affections and says that Said is dead to her. Only Mohamed respects and loves her.

Julio wants to talk to Albieri about the Dora problem. He says that it is obvious that Daniel is not Dora's son and wonders if the embyros got mixed up. Albieri swears that it wasn't anything he did. Julio replies that however it happened, the wrong embryo got implanted. He wants to do a DNA test on Dora to see if Daniel is her son. Albieri gets that 'deer in the headlights' look.

Albieri tells Julio that he will take all the responsibility for what happened but Julio should just leave the matter alone for the time being. When he is alone, Albieri says that he has to take Daniel far away.

Cristina makes a play for another guy. She says that she wants to married and ask Leo to give her away.

In the ruins, Jade reads the newspaper article about Lucas and suffers.

Marisa [she sure got her figure back quickly!] has found Jade's jade pendant. She thinks it is a present that Lucas got for her.

Lucas is momentarily speechless but he grabs it back and says that it belonged to his mother [it didn't take long for him to start lying again]. He doesn't want her messing with his stuff. Lucas runs off with the pendant. Marisa tells Rosa what happened without describing the necklace. Rosa is surprised. All of Lucas' mother's jewelry should be locked up in Leo's safe.

Julio calls Albieri in and says that he is concerned about the Dora business. If what happened goes public it could hurt the clinic. Dora could even sue the clinic. He says that he understands why Albieri got close to Dora and the boy. Julio doesn't think that is the right approach. He says that Dora has the right to know the truth while she can still have children of her own. Since Albieri hasn't done anything, Julio has asked her to come to the clinic. Albieri is impactado but he doesn't have to wait long - Dora arrives with Luisa behind her and asks what is so important that he has to tell her.

The credits roll.


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