Thursday, April 08, 2010

El Clon 4/8/10 Cap 38: In which Jade does the sword dance but Marisa wields the knife -- and Zoraida dreams up a way to come home.

An angry mob is awaiting Jade when she reaches home – oh wait, that’s her family. Where have you been and by the way, where the heck is Zoraida? Dunno, says Jade, I’ve been out looking for her myself.

Meanwhile back in Miami, Albieri tells Luisa that Dora can’t be allowed to send Danielito to NY. He knows that Dora’s ma detests him and she’d never let him visit. He bullies Luisa (sigh! yes again) into trying to persuade Dora to take the kid to LA;

Tio Ali rants about Zoraida’s betrayal for leaving his household, calling her an ingrate, a bad woman (mala mujer). “Let her drown in her own tears!” Tio Abdul fans the flames by telling him that there’s been something cooking between Zoraida and the fruit seller. Abdul concedes that Zoraida’s a good-looking woman and the fruit seller in fact ‘tiene buen ojo’ (has a good eye). Ali continues to rant that she’s an exhibitionist (huh??) and if she wanted a husband, she should have come to him, he’d have found one for her.

And as the gang in Misery Mansion prepare to celebrate Marisa’s birthday --

[My question: Wasn’t Diego killed in the helicopter crash exactly one year ago trying to go to a birthday party for Marisa? Doesn’t this ‘anniversary’ give anyone else, especially Leonardo, ‘mala espina’, a bad feeling, premonition?]

-- Lucas discovers that the key to his safe box is missing. No worries, Mama Rosa will get a locksmith (cerrajero) to open it and they’ll do it when Marisa’s not looking. “I’d never forgive myself if I lost Jade’s necklace” says Lucas. Rosa offers two novenas to get rid of the mala mujeres (bad women) in her universe, Jade and Cristina.

Cristina interrupts Leo in a meeting in his office, bursting in with an invitation to her wedding and asking if he’ll be ‘padrino’ (literally ‘godfather’ but here, ‘best man’). It’s to be on the 4th of July -- to celebrate her independence from Leo. And in the Mandarin Hotel, no less, where these two had planned to wed.

Afterwards, Leo acknowledges to Enrique that of course her plans bother him. The best way to show your indifference is by going to the stupid thing, says Enrique.

Back in Misery Mansion, Rosa opens the box and is horrified to find the necklace is gone. Were you looking in here (¿metiste la mano en esta caja?), she asks Marisa. Marisa: Don’t be silly. Rosa: But the house will be turned upside down (patas pa’arriba) when Lucas learns it’s gone. M: So don’t tell him.

Osvaldo and Dora do their mating dance at the club –

He: Without your papi, you’re nobody (Sin tu papi tú eres nadie)

She: If war is what you want, war is what you’ll get. (Si quieres guerra, guerra tendrás.) Boasts. Insults. She leaves.

Our girl Jade, duly chastened, is praying that Allah protect Zoraida. It’s all my fault, she says.

Tio Ali still hasn’t found Zoraida. I want to find her to curse her (maldecirla) he says.

In Miami, Danielito runs near the pool and Dora catches him up, scolding him and confesses that she always worries about his being near the water. (should we be worried too?) Dora’s on her way out and Luisa plans to take Dani to the party. Of course Albi can’t let that happen, says he & Dani will stay home and Luisa can go alone. It’s for adults, not little kids and he needs to sleep. (This is actually true!)

At Mansion Ferrer, Marisa is upstairs primping, preparing to give Lucas the surprise of his life. Lucas is greeting the guests. Mama Rosa wants to know what’s up, why doesn’t she come down already, the guests and press are here. She just wants to call attention to herself says Lucas (tiene ganas de llamar la atención).

Looking gorgeous and melancholy, Jade is lying on a couch, gazing at a candle flame while Said watches from the doorway. He is remembering when she danced the sword dance (la danza de la espada) for him and he thought she was starting to love him. Were you, he asks. I don’t know. Will you dance for me again? Yes. And she does, exquisitely, erotically, for a spellbound Said. The dance climaxes with the point of the sword at the partner’s throat. He has put himself completely at her mercy.

In Miami, Marisa does her own sword dance. She makes her entrance (looking plain vanilla when we have just seen the spectacular Jade) wearing THE necklace. It was Lucas’s mother’s, she explains, I’m wearing it as a tribute to her. Are you nuts, asks Mama Rosa? (good question). Lucas narrows his eyes – if looks could kill… if only!

Tio Abdul has found Zoraida working in the Café Asis. He and Ali go there, quarrel about whether it would be a sin to go inside because they sell alcohol there (But we’re not drinking it, reasons Ali). They see Zoraida sweeping. Ok says Ali, I can curse her from out here. Again with the ingrata, mala mujer, this is how you repay me song.

At home Jade hugs Zoraida and tells everyone that Zoraida left because of a dream. Yes, says Zoraida, I dreamed Ali had threatened to return me to the desert. (These women are good!) That’s just superstition says Ali. You can see he’s relieved.

Nazira says snidely (well, ok, she says everything snidely): One sinner defending another. Surprisingly Abdul reproaches her: Watch your tongue or the lashes will be for you! (Snap!)

“Infeliz cumpleaños” (unhappy birthday) shrieks Lucas (well, not really) as he rips Jade’s necklace off Marisa’s neck. They run off, they argue. No mating dance here. Just genuine dislike on one side and attempt to control on the other. Marisa says she’s leaving. So go, says Lucas. Leo convinces him that he has everything to lose if she does, that she’ll take Natalia away. Find a way to make her stay, he says.

So Lucas sort of apologizes for lying about the necklace. Marisa says: Get rid of it or I leave. That woman or me. You choose. I choose my life with you, he says.

Luisa tells Albieri she couldn’t convince Dora to take Danielito with her to LA. The kid’s going to NY with grandma. In that case, says Albi, tell her the LA deal is off.

Dora then tells her ma that the kid will stay with her in Miami. Ma continues to protest. She agrees to watch Dani so Dora can go to Cris’s wedding. (I hope she’s not planning to take Dani away…)

And now Cris and Leo’s, I mean, Armando’s wedding –

Cris is trying to squeeze into her Gilda dress. Armando sees Leo come in and wonders what the heck Cris was thinking when she invited him. Invited him? He’s the best man! Poor Armando is reduced to a bit player in this production. Cris makes her entrance, peels off one Gilda glove (for Leo), and takes Armando by the arm. Cris and Leo are the principals. She can’t stop looking at him, thinking about him, even as she exchanges her vows with Armando.

Los declaro marido y mujer – I now pronounce you husband and wife.


Dinero #59 - 4/08/10: Pack my bags too! I’d love to go to the beach.

From yesterday: Ale trash talks about Rafa to Susana. Rafa is in her office and hears her and looks very hurt by her words. “If we continue working together, one day you’d have to call an ambulance”, Ale continues. She asks Susana to reconfirm her appointment the next afternoon with the lawyer who will be looking into the hacienda embargo for her.

Ale returns to her office and finds a glum Rafa. She tells him that everything is all set for his trip to Playa Estrella and soon their association will come to an end. “Like you said, we’d be together till money do us part.” Neither one of them look like they’re excited about this, despite putting up a good front.

They start arguing over how much Rafa still owes Ale and how much will be left for Rafa after he’s paid Ale. Turns out he will pocket 290,000 (dos cientos noveta y mil) pesos. Rafa is pleasantly surprised. He then asks Ale, “How do I leave?” As in, how do I formally resign from Autos Siglo? Ale, ever the queen of sarcasm, flippantly answers him, “Through the door.” (Lol!) Rafa gives her a dirty look and clarifies what he means. Does he write a resignation letter, or what? Ale confirms that that is what he will need to do. He tells her it’s been a pleasure to meet her and shakes her hand. For a brief second it looks like she is melting, but then she hardens again and mentions the dummy incident. Rafa can’t believe she’s still going on about that, and of course she won’t let him explain what really happened.

Rafa turns to leave Ale’s office in a huff, but Ale stops him. “Medina. Buena suerte.” She gives him a big smile and a thumbs up. Rafa exits her office in deep thought and hardly hears Susana as she tells him about his trip preparations. He wanders off in a cloud of thought.

Ale is also in deep thought in her office. “Medina, Medina. Is this the end of our relationship?” She starts to remember the sweet words Rafa has said to her and tender looks he has given her on many occasions. She sighs. She remembers the first business lunch they went to, when Rafa mistook what pene (pasta) was. She laughs. She remembers the gallant words he said to her about how he would treat her if she were his girlfriend. She states out loud that, “Yes, Rafa is a gentleman.” She remembers finding him and Dandy practicing their dance moves in the showroom. She says, “And he dances so well!” (Ha! Lol!) Many more memories...the time he comforted her when she was freaking out and in a lot of pain and he told her about taking her to the hospital; singing together at the boda; the car ride and the Almost Kiss. She sighs some more. The time Rafa asked her to please not ask him to forget about the great time they had at the boda. She says, “I also won’t be able to forget.” She remembers his drunken joy at making his first large sale. She sheds a tear. She then remembers his strip tease in her office. She admits to herself, “The truth is, I’m going to miss him.” (Wow! She’s made a breakthrough!)

Meanwhile, Rafa’s at his desk and calls his family to let them know he will be flying to Playa Estrella that night to close a big deal for work. Rafa still looks really nervous about flying. Everyone (Leonora, Julieta, and Jaime) are excited for him. Rafa asks his mama to pack a suitcase for him and to put Jaime on the phone. Rafa asks Jaime to get the legal paperwork ready for the end of his debt contract with Ale. Jaime wants to know what Rafa will do after he’s closed the deal. “Leave Autos Siglo, of course.” Jaime is all for this, as Rafa will finally be free of that harpy, Ale. But, he reminds Rafa, he still has to deal with Vicky. Oops! Rafa forgot about her and the family dinner he’s supposed to attend that night. He calls Vicky, who has her usual favorite accessory in her hand- a large knife. She’s also standing over a huge chunk of raw meat. She is excited to present Rafa to her tias that evening and wants Rafa to come over a bit early to help her prep the food. Rafa informs her that not only will he NOT be able to do this, he is NOT going to make it to dinner. Needless to say, Vicky is NOT happy about this. She. Goes. Apesh!t. That’s the only way to describe it. She reaches a new level of crazy, which for her, is pretty darn crazy. She screams, “NO!!!!”, and points the knife at the phone threateningly. No amount of logic will quell her and she lets him know that if her father comes after him for this, she will not stop him from killing Rafa. He assures her it’s for business, that it will mean his debt is settled and he won’t have to work for Ale anymore, and besides, he’s going alone (uh oh!). He hangs up and just then, Beltran walks up to Rafa’s desk.

Beltran is so happy about the monster sale that Rafa’s about to close that he does a happy little jig. The expectation of all that money has miraculously cured him. He tells Rafa he is proud of him and asks him if he’s ready to close such a large, important deal. Rafa assures him he is and tries to impress him by mentioning a large sale of women’s blouses he once made. Beltran asks him if he’s been to Playa Estrella before. Nope. Beltran keeps on a happy face as he dances away, but heads straight to Ale’s office with some concerns. He tells Ale that he doesn’t think Rafa has the experience it takes to close such an important deal. He can’t risk it with the Board of Directors breathing down his neck. “You have to go with him.” Ale is left mouth open, cara impactada. “Qué? Please, not me.” “You’re the boss and it’s your responsibility. You go with Medina. It’s an order!” He leaves. “No, no, no. Con Medina? En la playa? Yo? No!”

Rafa’s in the midst of saying farewell to Susana, as he does not intend to ever return to Autos Siglo. He won’t say his farewells to everyone now, and he’ll have his things sent to him later. They are interrupted by Ale, “Medina! Come to my office!” She explains that Beltran is ordering her to go with him. He’s offended that they don’t think he’s experienced enough. He mentions his past sales of perfume and ropa intima. He then wants to know if this means he will have to split his commission with Ale (like the first time he sold a car). She assures him no (although it’s practically all going to her anyway). They are both cranky and griping at each other. She sends one of her trademark sarcastic zingers his way as he leaves her office, telling him to make sure he uses a suitcase and not a plastic bag to pack his clothes. (Why so mean Ale?)

Ale bitches and moans to Susana as she has her make all her travel arrangements. She’s not pleased she will be on the same flight as Rafa, and she nearly loses it when Susana suggests she change Rafa’s hotel so that they can be in the same hotel. She thinks she will return in time to make her afternoon appointment with the lawyer (I have some serious doubts she will), and wanders off griping some more about going on the trip with Rafa. Methinks she doth protest too much, and so does Susana by the look of the smile on her face.

Back at La Casa Loca, aka Vicky’s house, Don Gaston and his boys have returned home to a gruesome scene. No, Vicky didn’t kill herself, or anyone else….yet. But it looks like she has. There are hunks of raw meat stuck to the walls and streaks of blood where they’ve slid down. (Isn’t she the one who will have to clean this mess up?) Don G. calls for Vicky and she comes running out of the kitchen screaming, bloody knife in hand. Don G looks horrified and the boys look scared (not an easy thing to achieve). Somehow they understand her screams enough to interpret that Rafa will be a no show at dinner. They threaten to go after Rafa, but Vicky tells them she’ll do it HERSELF! Don G and the boys look really worried now and call to her as she’s heading out the door. She tells them she won’t do anything crazy (Really? They believe that?), drops the knife and runs out. (Vicky sometimes tries my patience, but this scene was hilarious and I could not stop laughing. This actress really throws herself into this role and I have to admire that kind of commitment.)

Ale has returned home to pack. Tia Rosario wants to know how Ale can travel so close to the wedding with so much left to do. Ale tells her she is sure that Rosario and Marco can take care of everything. Uh oh. “Marco!” Seems that Ale has forgotten her date that evening with the man she is about to marry. Speak of the devil, in saunters the man himself. He wants to know why she’s packing a bag. She tells him she has to travel to Playa Estrella. Cara impactada de Marco.

At Rafa’s house, another fiancé is not so pleased about this upcoming trip either. Leonor hands him the suitcase she’s prepared and lets Rafa know Vicky is waiting for him in his room. He contemplates taking off without going in to see her, but Leonor convinces him that it would not be the right thing to do. (Good moral values from a good mama. Nice to see in a telenovela as all the ones on right now seem to be filled with evil mamas.) When Rafa enters his room, Vicky actually seems relatively calm. Of course she’s turned away from him, and Rafa can’t see her hands clutching his comforter until her knuckles turn white, or the tears streaming down her face. He tries to reason with her. When that doesn’t work he uses threats- “If you make me lose this opportunity I will never forgive you. This will be the last time we see each other.” “No, no, no! I won’t stop you.”

For a while it seems that this is going to work. Vicky watches as Rafa finishes packing his suitcase. She puts up a bit of a fight when she sees him packing swim trunks, imagining all the possibilities for temptation on a beach. He assures her he won’t have time to even go to the beach and she calms down a bit. Unfortunately, Ale chooses just then to call Rafa’s cell phone, and Vicky hears Rafa say we’ll see each other there (the airport). Vicky wants to know who he was speaking to and what did he mean. Rafa explains who his travelling companion will be. This does not go over well. “I will NOT permit it! That woman is a witch!” Rafa assures Vicky that Ale hates him (meaning nothing could possibly happen between them). Rafa is saved by the bell when Vicky’s brothers call checking to see how she’s doing. “Did he hurt you?” “Sí!!!!” That’s all the Brothers Grimm need to hear before they rush out with knives drawn to take care of the bastard who’s hurting their baby sister. Rafa tries to leave his bedroom, but Vicky blocks the door, looking crazed and swearing she won’t let him leave. Rafa looks frustrated.

There was frustration of another sort in our random scene of the evening: Jimenez takes the advice of the sex therapist and has an “intimate” conversation with his wife Elvira. He wants them to go back to doing the things they did before they created their kids (hint, hint). At first Elvira is not excited about the prospect of having any more kids, but Jimenez clarifies that he means just getting the passion back. She seems game. So game in fact, that later that night she slinks into their bedroom wearing a sexy pink and black teddy with black stocking and a garter. She’s even put on lipstick! This is not quite the vision of loveliness Jimenez imagined. In fact, he seems to only get excited when he squints or closes his eyes and imagines the sex therapist in the pink and black number. Every time he opens his eyes and sees Elvira, however, his soldier cannot maintain its stance at attention. Elvira gets frustrated, slaps him and leaves. And for once, I am cheering her on. I mean, for an older woman, who’s had a few kids, I don’t think she looked bad in the outfit. She at least was making an effort, and Jimenez is no WL/EY/FC (insert your favorite telenovio here). Jimenez is happy to continue fantasizing about Dr. Feelgood after Elvira storms out.

Tomorrow: Marco is not pleased to learn Ale is travelling with Rafa. Rafa has to leave his room dragging Vicky, who is attached to his leg. The Brothers Grimm bust into Casa Medina looking for Rafa, but it looks like he escapes and makes it just in time for his flight.


Gancho Thurs 4/8/10 A Mysterious Mago Causes Snow to Disappear and Constanza’s Red-letter-day Finds Her Caught Between a Gangster and a Cobra.

Hot off the press. Elna June's recap of un Gancho al Corazón 203:

Jeronimo comes to Coni’s apartment to pick up the blackmail money. Coni is not home from the party, but, in the meanwhile, Jacqui puts the moves on Jero saying she regrets the end of their relationship. Jero, ever jorny, begins to growl and paw at Jacqui. She calls him her Doberman, and advises “Calma, calma”. (Good dog, Jero). He obeys his mistresses command.

In la vecindad, Moni and Lobo have returned from the Grupo Semeño party and Lobo (bad dog!) moves in to punish Valentina with a goodnight grope. Punish, you ask? Yes, punish. Lobo has cottoned on to the fact that M&M have some serious history and is not amused at being used (mad dog!). A rough kiss ensues, but is not returned by Valentina. Why? Well, she tells Lobo that she has lots of history with Mauricio—she loves him but is unable to forgive him for cheating on her with her best friend, Estrella. Lobo looks impactada. Sad dog, sad dog.

Naturally, in the way of telenovelas, we in the audience see a lurking Mau, who observes the whole scene and manages to misinterpret it entirely. Sigh.

Back at the Grupo fiesta I am happy to say we are finally finished with Andres’ INTERMINABLE pop warbling (yesterday’s capitulo). I am telling you, the kid needs lessons from our Hombre. I could cut him some slack if I had heard one solid note sung in a major key, but NO…what we got was wanna-be-Mariah warbling, which only works if you really do have nearly perfect pitch and a multi-octave range. Think Minnie Rippington. Anyway, the only one who seems to be impressed is Luisa, who casts fatuous looks at the stage while Ivan walks off in a huff to be cornered by the man-eating Alexandra. Grrrr.

Now Beto, or, more properly, Roberto “Beto” Ochoa as he styles himself, presents the last act at the Fiesta—a Magician (mago) in a neon blue turban-hat. In fact, it’s such a lame looking turban that this could be the turban equivalent of a clip-on bow tie. The camera pans to the audience where Coni, looking absolutely gorgeous in a black cocktail dress, is very proud of her man Beto and gives him a winsome smile that knocks my socks off. The camera moves right, bringing Marcos into view. He is (somewhat aggressively) brandishing an engagement ring in Nieves’ face. You will recall that in yesterday’s episode he asked Nieves to marry him and he is still awaiting a reply. Nieves questions the size of the offering (Ay, Nieves, NEVER question the size of a love offering!) and bats her eyes in what appears to be surprise. (Viewerville knows Nieves is faking surprise because Beto already let slip Marcos’ intentions). Just as this tender moment is unfolding, El Mago has finished his perusal of the audience seeking a volunteer and has chosen—Nieves!—to join him in the magic act. He explains that his next act of magic will be to make a beautiful woman disappear. And they say timing is everything.

For once the ever-dapper Marcos is caught off-guard and is left waving the ‘tan chiquito’ engagement ring at Nieves ample backside as she heads to the stage for her next adventure. To assist him in the disappearing act, El Mago has recruited some serious blonde talent, a hot tamale in a tomato red dress who ushers a blindfolded Nieves into a large box that looks like a satin-cutained tin coffin standing on it’s head. El Mago makes magician-like sounds, Abra cadabera, abre usted, etc. When the scarlet-garbed blond assistant reopens the box Nieves has disappeared!

Isabel runs into Mau in the courtyard of la vecindad, tortures him for a moment about his reemplazo (replacement-Lobo) and then toddles of with Alicia for a cup of coffee. As usual Alicia is nattering on about what KIND of coffee they will have.

Back at Moni’s place, Lobo is sitting at the kitchen table and she makes him a plain cup of black coffee. Moni asks him what happened with his ex. We learn that she is called “Carolina” and that their relationship of many years duration ended when she cheated on him with his manager, who was like a father to him. ¡Como no! (I can’t imagine why we need to know the ex’s name unless she is somehow going to appear in the story later on).

Back at the Grupo Semeño fiesta, Alexandra joins Luisa center stage with a sharp hip thrust, elastic cleavage and a Mardanin orange-colored dress. Whoa. Serious hubba-hubba. She gives Luisa the once-over with her eyes and announces her intentions. The she-wolf lunges! Alexandra likes Ivan—very much. He is a man and needs a woman like herself—not a girl. (I must say I have to agree with her). Alexandra notes that Luisa is cute…but…Luisa pouts (or maybe she is terrified or furious or sad, but quien sabe when the actress has but one facial expression). Andres comes over to Luisa and she asks him to do her a favor and take her home. Moments later Ivan returns and the Scheming Tangerine Alexandra informs him that Luisa has just departed with the singer from the band, looking very happy. (Bad dog, Alexandra).

“Los pies”, Coni complains about her poor sore feet as she returns from the party to her apartment. Behind her, Jaqui swooshes by from stage left to stage right and offers her daughter a quick hello. Jacqui is in her robe and looks like she is ready to roll. (Of course, when have we ever known Jaqui NOT to be ready to roll)? Coni answers a call from Isabel with a charming, “What do you want, Isabel”? Behind Coni Jacqui now makes a return swoosh across from stage right to stage left, holding a can of whipping cream as she asks Coni not to disturb her. Just then, who should make his own move, skipping from stage left to stage right, but Jorny Jero, dressed only in boxers and a T-shirt. It cannot be!

Meanwhile on the telephone, Isabel is proposing to help???? Coni. They agree to meet early tomorrow morning. Coni, now off the telephone, is muy impactada at the sight of Jeronimo and asks what he is doing. Jero replies that he wants the blackmail money from Coni. Oh no!

As the party winds down Marcos is pissed that Nieves has truly disappeared. He unmasks El Mago as Don Cesar and is ready to take action when El Mago pulls a trick out of his sleeve. Pouf, there is a large amount of smoke and Cesar disappears.

Beto and Mauricio are en la vecindad. Mau knows that Monita has gone into her home with Lobo. Mau discovered them kissing but he trusts Beto to make a distraction to interrupt Lobo and Monita. Beto says he has the situation under control. Mau knocks on the door, runs away to hide and leaves Beto to answer to an angry Moni. (Wow, Mau, that took some stones). “What do you want Beto”? Beto, thinking on his feet, asks Monita if she wants to help find his Mama because she disappeared at la fiesta. Moni isn’t buying it. She slaps Beto and orders him back to his Mommia.

In her apartment, L Mommia Constanza drops the maletin (briefcase) full of money that she got from her Daddy in front of Jero. And now, wow-wow, we have found what makes Jero truly happy. He disappears into groans of orgiastic excess, kissing and caressing the greenbacks. Finally he remembers that Jacqueline is waiting and he skips off to get drinks and enjoy an evening of passion.

Nieves’ blindfold is coming off. She has been kidnapped—by Don Cesar. He has prepared them a candlelit love nest, and begins the verbal seduction, “No puedo perder…Tu es la mujer de mi vida, Nieves me engañaste”, cries Don Cesar. (I cannot lose you, you are the woman of my life, Nieves, you cheated me…) Cesar continues his love talk; he believes he will make her very happy. “Vuelve con mi, regresa a mi, Nieves,” Cesar croons. Nieves is overcome by these romantic words of love and falls into Don Cesar’s open arms. (Don Cesar is so darling and romantic that I think I would fall into his arms, and he is NOT my type).

Isabel comes home to Monita’s and Lobo takes his leave of them both. Hissy says that Lobo is muy guapo and Moni confesses their kiss but her heart is still with Mauricio.

At Coni’s place, Jero heads back to Jacqui’s bedroom caressing his malatin like, no doubt, he hopes he will soon be caressing Jaqueliney. Seduction begins but Jero is no Hero. He can’t get truly into it until he shows Jacqueline the money. Sigh. Such a romantic scene (NOT!) and the maletin (the real source of Jero’s desire) moves just out of viewerville’s sight as Jero promises Jaqui the world and she proclaims him rich as a King. With the extra lubrication provided by el dinero they do the deed.

The night of passion has passed and Jero wakes up to an empty maletin and a note from Jaqui thanking him for the money. He curses himself for a fool (too right!) and a stupid person (Duh!) and slaps his own face after each insult. He tries to call Jaqui but receives no answer because…

Jaqui and Costeño are meeting Mau at the airport! Jaqui waxes poetic about the experience of Venice by moonlight because she and Costeño are on their way to Italy. Jaqui hands Mau the much-traveled (bank to Marcos to Coni to Jeronimo to Jaqui) maletin full of money and says that this is the best she could do to recover Mau’s money for him. Now she is off to a sweet trip with Costi. “Costeño, mi amor, vamanos”! And with a “Toodles” glance over her shoulder, she sashays on to the plane. What a woman! I’ll miss her.

We now have a moment with Nieves and Don Cesar in the afterglow of love and 1000 candles. They have on matching pink feathered headbands and thank each other for the magical night of love. Sweet.

Cut back to Moni’s place, where Isabel and Coni begin their rendezvous with an exchange of nasty attitude. Unbeknownst to Isabel, Alicia is lurking within with her laundry basket, and hears all of Hissy’s evil plans for Monita. Yes, Isabel says that in their upcoming fight, Coni will best Moni in the ring and that on that day Valentina will die. Coni’s face shows that she cannot believe it (Yeah! She does have a conscience!). “What are you saying Isabel”? Coni asks Isabel if she is really serious.

Isabel says, “Yes, I am serious, Valentina is going to die”. Coni is shocked and tells Isabel that she is capricious, to which Isabel replies that, “Death is capricious”. OK, Isabel has moved into a clear diagnosis of BSC (Bat Sh!# Crazy). Right now, she could give Carlota from ENDA a run for her money. “Do you understand the opportunity I am offering you”, Hissy asks Constanza? Coni looks truly horrified while Alicia—still lurking with the laundry—finally grocks just who Hissy is.

Quick cut to a nightmare inside Rolu’s head. (Who cares)? Rolu dreams he is falling—again. This time Arnie has pushed him off the balcony. Xime hears Rolu cry out and bustles in to explain the nightmare by recapping his previous history of falling off of high places. (Yawn.)

Jero is desperate. He has just ripped off Oscar and, been ripped off in turn by Jacqueline. He tries to call Jacqui. No luck there, so he is on the horn to Gabriella. Where is the money she promised him? He tells her that the detective is a goner and offers Gabi one last chance to trap Oscar.

To the great relief of your recapper and Gancholandia Coni says “No”, to Isabel’s hideous offer and weakly suggests that she will win anyway. Just then, Isabel pulls out the dread red envelope, given to Hissy by evil Oscar, in which she has the incriminating photos of Coni and “dead” Sal. “Valentina will die, anyway”, hisses Issy. Still eavesdropping, Alicia looks like she is going to suffer a stroke as she hears the full extent of Isabel’s perfidy. Isabel threatens Coni to force her to cooperate in Hissy’s dastardly scheme, and our lanky beauty finds herself trapped between the gangster and the cobra. Which way will she turn?

Gancholanders: Please correct anything that needs correcting and add anything you find edifying. I am sure I missed some details.

Elna June


Dinero #58 April 7, 2010: Colorin Colorado, the place to go when the story is finished

We start out with Ale chewing out Rafa . She is upset with him for boasting at the meeting how much he was going to sell. He tells her that she is the one pressuring him to sell so much. She tells him not to be delusional . She tells him to forget about this sale and that he needs to make a retraction tomorrow.

The phone rings. Ale thinks it is Vicky. She tells Rafa she is not going to stick around while he talks to her. Rafa tells her it is not Vicky, It is Lemaitre . He tells Rafa that he reads cigarettes really well and wants some quotes from him. He will have his secretary send him the specifications for the 70 trucks he will need.

After he hangs up he tells Ale the good news. They are both so excited and start jumping up and down hugging each other very tightly. Rafa gets a little carried away and Ale comes to her senses and pulls away from Rafa.

Rafa tells Ale he needs to call Lemaitres‘ secretary for all the details. He is so excited that if he makes this sale it will solve both their problems. Ale sadly says yes then we won’t have to see each other again. Rafa has lost a little enthusiasm and agrees. As he leaves Ale says a little prayer that Rafa will be successful and that they won’t have to see each other, but this is said with a hint of sadness.

Ramiro is on the phone with Rafa approaching him. Ramiro tells him it is Vicky. Rafa tells him to tell her he will call her back. Rafa gets in touch with Lemaitres’ secretary to get more details. She says she will fax what she needs to Rafa. This was a kind of cute little scene with Ramiro running around trying to get the fax number for Rafa.

We have a quick moment with Marco and Chavez at an outdoor restaurant. Marco is talking to Ale, confirming their plans for the night. He senses that she is not all that psyched and asks her what’s wrong. She says nothing's wrong. She says there are just some pending issues with Rafa and a potential sale that will solve all their problems. Marco is quite pleased to hear this as it means the criminal won’t be hanging around Siglo anymore. Ale tells him not to get too excited because there is lots left to do. As she hangs up she looks sad.

The faxes have arrived and Rafa is trying to sort it all out. There is a questionnaire that needs to be filled out. He tells Susana it looks very complicated and she suggests he go and ask Ale for help. Rafa approaches Ale and asks for her help with the questionnaire. Ale being Ale cant help but get a little dig in and reminds him about how he tried to fill out his resignation. They should hide the pens from him.

She finally tells him she is more than willing to help to make sure this sale goes through. Ale is sitting and Rafa is looking over her shoulder at the details. They are very close. Ale gets all excited when she reads the request for 70 units (trucks) . The warm fuzzy feeling leaves Ale when she realizes that Rafa has offered a 4% discount instead of 2 percent.

We change scenery and are poolside with Julieta and her rich friends. It is just the girls hanging out. The maid approaches and says the boys are wanting to know if they can come in. Julieta jumps up and says if they come in I am leaving. Then we get our painful little flashback of the guy that came on way to strong with her and we see Julieta slapping the guy and giving him what for. We have a long discussion about adolescent boys and what they are all after. Julieta finally agrees to let the boys in, but not to expect her to be nice to them.

Ale and Rafa are still discussing the issue of the discount they will be offering. Ale tries to explain to Rafa that it will make a huge difference in what his commission will end up being. Rafa explains to her it was the only way he could convince Lemaitre to deal with him. He is begging Ale to consider this. She finally tells him the decision is not up to her but Beltran. Then he questions if she really is in such a hurry to get rid of him. Ale is offended and says of course I am in a hurry and heads for the door, but not without looking back with sad puppy eyes at Rafa. We see the same look on Rafas’ face once she leaves.

We see a nurse leaning over Beltran handing out boobs, oops I mean pills to Beltran. He is going on about his perforated liver and other maladies of a stressed out man. Ale walks in and wants to talk with him. Beltran says you came to tell me horrible things about the bad sales like a lethal injection. Ale is all smiles and says no it is a good thing. He tells her to be careful and not toy with him. She tells him that Rafa has talked with Refri and they want to buy 70 trucks from them. This has cheered him immensely, as he stutters what?

Beltran is very happy shouting Rafas’ praise and says he has the power to cure. Now he wants facts from Ale. He is not all that happy about the discount Rafa has offered. He goes back to sucking on his oxygen. Ale convinces Beltran that this was the only way they could seal the deal. She reminds him that this will insure that Refri will be a permanent client. Beltran finally agrees to the discount.

We are once again poolside and the boys are now in the picture. Minus the young lad that tried to get free with Julieta. We have a new prospect. His name is Jordi and he is all polite and immediately heads towards Julieta. Jordi wants to know if she has a boyfriend. Julieta is flustered with this and says not exactly. Her friend chimes up she has lots of prospects and our new charmer wants to be added to her list.

Rafa is pacing nervously in Ales office as she enters. He wants to know what Beltran said. She says before or after he had his heart attack. She tells him he agreed and Rafa grabs Ale for a moment and suddenly lets go.

Now we see Dandy sniffing around Susana. He almost lands on top of her surprising the heck out of her. He tells her she smells delicious. He asks her if she likes the oil and she says she loves it and wants to know if she could get more. Rafa rushes up to Susana to ask for help. He spies Dandy hanging around Susana and gives him a what the heck is up look. Dandy leaves and Rafa gives Susana an approving smile.

Susana wants to know what Rafa needs. He wants her to fax documents to Refri but at the speed of light. He is pacing back and forth and just a bundle of nervous energy. Susana tells Rafa to take a big breath and calm down.

Back at the pool. Jordi is chatting with the boys and he is quite impressed with Julieta. He had not noticed before at school how fine she was. The guys warn him that she is a bit up-tight. He tells them there isn’t a girl that can resist him. Jordi bets them 1000 barros (I think that is pesos but not certain) that not only will he win her over but he will get her in bed as well.

Bebe gives Rafa the phone. It is Vicky. She rags on him for not calling and for not taking her calls. She wants to know about the big sales. She wonders if it is still on. Rafa says yes it is and that is why he has been so busy. Vicky is all excited thinking if he makes the sale he won’t have to continue on at Siglo. Rafa sadly says it probably wont be necessary. Vicky is jumping for joy. (My picture went out at this time and I only had dialogue with no CC and I think I missed most of this conversation. What a shame).

Vicky is going on about the dinner she has planned for him tonight with the whole family. She tells him he better show up. Rafa reluctantly agrees.

Now we are at Vickys‘. The brothers enter carrying huge platters of meat. They are getting ready for the big family reunion. They want to know if Rafa is bagged out again. Vicky assures them he will be there and will tell everyone about his great deal he has going on. And how much money he will be making and how he will be able to pay off his debt. They make fun of her. She blows them off and says something like they would have to work in the kitchen for a hundred years to make that kind of money and walks off.

Rafa is talking with Bebe about his big sale. Bebe congratulates him and tells him to enjoy the huge commission he will be receiving. Rafa gets a call from Refri . They are happy with the quotes and want to meet with Rafa Tomorrow.

Rafa goes to tell Ale that Refri accepted the quotes and wants a meeting. Ale is all excited that it is practically a done deal. She wants to know when and where the meeting will be. It will be at Playa Estrella at eight in the morning. He tells Ale he has to leave right away. It is going to take him at least 6 or 8 hours to get there by bus. Ale tells him he cant go there by bus. Rafa is protesting and says you don’t expect me to walk do you?

Ale tells him he needs to fly. ( Any bets on if Rafa has ever flown before? ) Rafa looks very worried and makes gestures as if a plane is going down. Ale sweetly teases him about this. Then she calls for Susana to make reservations. Susana says she will need the okay from Beltran first. Ale tells her to get started and she will go talk to Beltran. As she leaves she is smiling and she tells Rafa he is brilliant. Rafa has a very panicked look on his face.

We are at the salon having lunch with our good friends B&V and Ovi. I think they are talking about what she has in her house. They are surprised when she tells them she is very conservative. She says something about having pictures of all her boyfriends. V is worried she might get them confused when they call. I really didn’t get much more of this conversation but there was a reference to Bougainvillea.

Ale gets Beltrans’ approval for the trip but not without some grief first. And he wants to make sure Rafa will be at a budget motel. He makes a comment regarding how much money Rafa will make from this commission and we see a smile across Ales’ face. He wants to be sure there will be detailed receipts of everything. As Ale leaves Beltran ponders the image of Rafa on the beach.

We have an interesting bar scene with Jorges’ old friend. ( I can’t remember his name but he is the one who drove Jorge to the Hacienda). He is discussing with one of his mates the goings on at the Hacienda. He is convinced it isn’t ghosts that Jorge saw. He also believes that it wasn’t a hallucination or dream Jorge had (Remember the hotties).

Friend believes that someone is taking advantage of the situation. And it is someone with money. Those costumed girls weren’t cheap. He knows the hacienda was in financial troubles but it should be making money by now. He knows the money isn’t going to the Aunt or to Ale. They even wonder if the future son-in-law (Marco) might be up to something. Friend thinks this is a possibility . The Friend is going to get to the bottom of it. And if he finds anything out some one is going to have to pay for his silence.

We are at Rafas' house. Jordi comes a courting with flowers chocolates and stuffed animals. As he enters the house he is not impressed with its appearance but he tells himself he doesn’t have to marry her. Jaime shows up and wants to know who the kid his. He chimes up he is the boyfriend and grabs at Julieta. Jaime does not look happy and Julieta looks embarrassed.

She quickly disentangles herself from the leech and says he isn’t her boyfriend. Jordi admits that he isn’t her boyfriend but wouldn’t mind becoming her boyfriend. Jaime isn’t having any of this and practically kicks the young man out. (Good going Jaimie).

Our two local cops stop Rosaura and want to give her a ticket for parking in an illegal spot. Rosaura complains there wasn’t any where else to park. They are going to fine her but Rosaura says she doesn’t have any money. She tells them that when she lived in the states she did not need to carry money around. She ends up moving her car.

Ramiro is visiting the sex therapist. He admits to having intimacy problems with his wife. She tells him she is not his mother but the mother of his children. She tells him he has to recuperate his intimacy with her. She gives him advice on how to recapture this. She starts massaging his shoulders to relax him and tells him if he is worried about his wife finding out, he doesn’t have to tell her about them. Poor Ramiro misunderstands her and thinks she is coming on to him. She corrects him and tells him he needs to rediscover the intimacy with his wife. He is lost in thoughts of her legs. As he leaves she reminds him to do his homework.

Our final scene is of Ale asking Susana if she has gotten Rafas’ tickets yet. She reminds Susana to get him a modest hotel and not one on the beach. Susana wants to know if once the sale is done if Rafa is still going to be around. Ale says he wants to leave as soon as possible and that is fine by her. Susana can’t imagine Siglo wanting to loose such a fine sales person. Then we start having some Ale trash talk and Poor Rafa is sitting in her office hearing all of this. She goes on to say that if Rafa continues working at Siglo after this sale they will have to call an ambulance to recover the body.

Susana also reminds Ale that she found a lawyer for her to investigate what is going on at the hacienda. The appointment is for 3 pm tomorrow. Ale thanks her for this and tells her to reconfirm it.

Ale enters her office and Rafa is sitting there with a very sad hurt look on his face. She tells Rafa Beltran okayed the trip. Rafa wants to know what’s next. She says you go and close the deal. Then you come back and sign over the check to me. Your lawyer takes care of the documents regarding the debt and then “Colorin Colorado este cuento se acabado” This story is finished, In other words they will be finished with having to deal with one another. And that’s where we end tonight.


Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Corazon Salvaje- 4/7, Wed. - Seeing Is Believing? Illusions Abound

Hi all, this is my last recapping night before heading to Costa Rica. I will post a brief recap later but here is this night linked for your blogging pleasure. I still have not heard that someone is willing to recap or at least post headers for the two nights, April 14 and 21. I also need a recap substitute for May 5. Then I should be around for a while. Thanks for any volunteers.

So here it is:

Review/Preview: Leonarda warns Renato about Aimee, Jimena breaks Gabriel’s heart with the news of Estrella’ doom, Juan once again rides off in a fury not able to get out of his bad habit of Aimee passion. Aimee thinks she can give up Renato’s wealth she misses her passionate savage Juan so much. Rodrigo is in for a surprise...

Gabriel questions Jimena about why Estrella lives behind the veil. Does she have a cicatriz/scar on her face, no nothing like that. She claws for a story, oh she is so ill she can’t live long she is like an apparition. Gabriel runs off Jimena regrets losing Gabriel for ever while Gab looks like he may fall in the river next.

Leonarda fusses over the wedding dress on Aimee as Clemencia looks on, Renato walks in and the superstitious witch Leo shrieks, you have condemned us with this fracaso/failure.

Tarot Tia reads to Servando explaining the cards say Jimena will read palms well and he is to leave her alone so she can make big money. She calms him with the image of the rich woman she knows who will pay so much for fortune readings.

Renato is at wits end with Leo;s fears she runs , Aimee is frightened about what Leo says. Clemencia calms Leo, this is not the tragedy of love that has fallen on this house . Leo says the jewelry of bad luck was involved, obliquely referring to jewelry Rodrigo gave her and Rosario, I think. How will we survive this, she wails . Who is believing that the bastardo is living. She disposed of him herself, she ought to know. Clemencia gets the last grin, if Leo knew that Juan aka bastardo is very much alive and how close he really is to the Montes de Oca.

Juan practices walking in spats and bastón/cane without limping, Gabriel fights with Juan that he should not be going out in this condition. He dresses for the club and Juan comments that Gab has been very sad since he returned. Gab sobs that Jimena has told him Estrella will die. Jimena? Juan shakes his head.

Who slips beneath from bed of Tarot woman and slinks off in her veils and spangles miraculously not making a sound.

amargiata Rosario is the only one Rodrigo could have loved he avers as he admires himself in the mirror . He is tired of ALeo. What is it with women and this love thing... But Rosario appears behind him in her black veil asking for his help.
Rodrigo help me, he falls to the ground and she continues , he is the only one who can help her.

Feddie and Arsenicio (sorry he seems like a poisonous old thing and I can’t keep all the names straight) chat at the club when Juan walks in in full black tails and smiles Madelena greets him warmly appreciating the real friend that he is. Juan talks with Madelena about Gabriel being fooled by Jimena with the story that Estrella is condemned to die. Madelena is on to the dual nature of Jimena. She agrees, This is too much, Valga me dios/God help me.

Clemencia tells Jimena she knows Gabriel a little, so the disillusioned Jimena wants advice from Regina and Clem. Regina says sure sometimes telling the truth does more damage, but but she must tell him the truth as it will be right and better in the end. How about Servando and your Tia. For advice? Clemencia doesn’t know what she is saying clearly. Jimena says something is being taken, . by Tia? Warning them about Leo’s falling for Tarot Tia’s methods it seems.

Rodrigo clutches his chest and gets up without a wrinkle in his suit, Did I see Rosario, I am thinking about her so much surely I invoked her. I won’t say anything to any one they will think i am loco.

Leo knocks are you going out . He says no I am not going out , I prefer to be alone. I only want to rest. He bars the door from her push.

Madelena flatters her guests, Without you this place would not be the same . Arsenicio says to Juan, you haven’t already gone to Vera Cruz? Juan wonders, Why isn’t Montes de Oca here tonight? He didn’t come. Juan, muses, maybe he is a coward? Arsenicio retorts, he said just the same of you. Then he suddenly knocks Juan’s leg with his cane and Juan folds down in mock pain then they all laugh. He says you have confused me with some rough person in the town who has caused trouble, I am not wounded, here, I can drop trousers... no no, that’s not necessary, Madelena looks disappointed, so am I.

Leonarda is having trouble breathing in her emotional snit about the bad omens everywhere. She looks out the window seeing Tarot Tia and Jimena. They argue presumably to decide the importance of Tarot -vs- Palmistry, but actually it is the struggle for the most lucrative clients that decides which method is most powerful. Leo runs them off and calls for Arcadio like she doesn’t know them. Not giving up so easily on card revenue, Tia promises that Jimena is good with reading the hands and they talking of her love and with all security and discretion. I can do the cards. Leo takes the bait, but not here she motions away from the front steps, lets go to the kitchen. Tia pushes Jimena off and goes to the kitchen to get her fee after finishing the Tarot session.

As they sit at the kitchen table Tia assures Leo, I will hardly talk it is the cards that talk , She shuffles and tells Leo to cut the cards into 3 montons/ piles,

Gabriel sees Juan who is laughing about how Fulgencio set him up in a trap by disfraz/disguise . But he hit him in the equivocada pierna/wrong leg. Juan so pleased with himself brags about his deception.
Jimena oh luna gitana/gypsy moon counsel me . Aid me with Gabriel, she remembers the moments as Estrella, She and Gabriel meet at the fiesta of disfraz/costume ball. She cries what a beautiful dream of love. this mentira/lie that ended my dream my dream of love. Jimena and Gabriel are spending entirely too much time crying in my opinion. But neither can seem to throw off the game they are entangled in.

Gabriel thinks of the same fiesta where he had his first kiss from Estrella . Estrella fugaz/shooting star, (he makes a nice Spanish allusion) and now I only suffer.

Back in the kitchen, the satin bustled Leo dishes the dirt with Tarot Tia, What to do you see in my future? Problems! In the future and the past. There is a great tragedy in your family with a man whom you love intensely who is NOT your husband! She has Leo reeled in now, Is this man going to love me some day? Oops they hear Renato yell and Leo makes Tia hide outside the kitchen, she will pay her later, just hide so my son doesn’t find you.

Juan talks to his father the picture (the really bad painting). He says he agreed to make the people that hurt his mother suffer, But, he can’t really be supposed to do the same with the innocent offspring...

Leo nags and whines about the curse of Renato seeing the wedding dress. Renato teases that someone dead may appear. Leo is shrieking about not invoking evil illusions.

Regina imagines that she will be always at Aimee’s side to help her keep her promise to be happy at Renatos’ side. (Ewww, feels like getting stuck in a honey jar.)

Juan wakes up hearing Aimee’s voice why did you abandon me. His sleep is certainly ruined and the wind is blowing in the window.

He wakes up fully dressed and the bed made a second later, (weird scene cut, who dressed him, who made the bed so nicely?) I can’t stop thinking about Aimee. I need her besos/kisses , her caricias/caresses. Aimee. I will go to the Finca to carry her far away. He rides madly on the horse but encounters Renato on a fast horse coming toward him in the middle of the fields. And Renato says I was coming to see you. You are the one who saved my life Juan feigns bad memory or nearly bad manners, You wanted to be taken to the tomb of your mother, Renato reminds him how close he really was. I am in debt to you for this act for ever, professes the loyal Juan. Renato tells him who her is, Juan doesn’t have a clue before this moment. (What are these people drinking that takes their memory so profoundly)...
I am the owner of the Finca del Mar. What is your name. Juan hesitates and is saved by Remegio riding up to tell about construction problems at Paraiso that boss needs to see, Don’t you recognize him, asks the innocent Renato. He is the one I saved. Remeio plays dumb Juan acts dumber, glad to meet him. He presses he has to go off to his pressing business, but Renato insists he come with him.

Madelena sees Rosenda, in the square and tries to be friendly but Rosenda says MADAM Madelena, I know exactly what- who you are. Later at home in tears, Felipe listens to Mady cry of her punishment for being a bad mother. Ac child has no right to judge his parent. says Felipe Don;t mortifique/torment yourself, Madam. he soothes with tenderness.

Rosenda comes to the barred gate and Arcadio gives her some present, apparently not nice enough she scoffs, these are corrientes/common, she complains. he opens the door and says she will have to do more than talk to get the good jewels. She tries to plan to see him tonight. Rosenda complains about the marriage of Renato whom Aimee doesn’t deserve. Arcadio is easy to engage in his insecurities of Rodrigo and Leo in close quarters, She says it is a good way to engarte/hook Leo and Don Rodrigo don’t you think. HE stalks off and she steals the keys.

Arcadio replays Rosenda’s taunts that they could both be dead. Around the corner in the same dungeon, Rosario replays the the surprise visit to Rodrigo. He can’t help me, he can’t forgive me and for this he hates me. We see keys in the straw.(How come her black veil isn’t all stuck with pieces of straw?)

Renato brags about his rainproof roofing he is installing, thatch wasn’t new then but maybe to Mexico?? Remegio and Juan argue about Renato being unlike the rest of his ratty family.

Rodrigo tells himself that he hallucinated Rosario because he has been thinking about her so much. He is a coward, he calls himself. Rosario thinks no one can help her now. Will her old Juan come for her?

Remegio gives a fake good by to take care and Juan pretends to remind himself of . Why are you doing this a compromiso sociale/social commitment. I have had a blessed life of privilege. The least he can do is improve the lives of these poor workers who have so little. Ahhh, the nobility of it all.

Renato Montes de Oca enunciates Juan, who would think that I would owe my life to one of my sworn enemies.

Next: Jimena and Gabriel cry and part, and then come together for a tender kiss. So nice they can console each other in their hour of illusion.


El Clon, Wed., April 7 - Will the veiled passenger in seat 10A please identify herself to the flight attendants?

Thanks for all the support. We have a new recapper to help out so we will continue recapping El Clon. Let's hope something will happen in the novela soon. Tonight's episode was more of the same with some beanie tightening moments.

Thanks to her sleight of hand in putting it in the box, Marisa chooses Jade's jade pendant as her gift from Lucas' mother's jewelry. Leo doesn't remember it and is sure that he didn't give it to his dead wife. Marisa (those tattoos are really starting to bother me. Every time I see her, there seem to be more of them) asks Leo not to mention her present to anyone. She wants it to be a surprise at her birthday party.

On her way out to organize her escape, Jade has to endure 20 nasty questions from Nariza. Finally, she gets out the door. Zoraida is concerned about the consequences of helping Jade escape and that a person who remains silent participates in the sin. But, as always, Jade convinces Zoraida to help her. They arrange to meet the next morning to go to the airport.

Cristina tells Estela that Dora's trip to LA for dance lessons is an opportunity she can't miss. She makes the analogy with her marriage to Armando. When she saw him passing by, she grabbed him by the scruff of the neck (agarré del pescuezo) and is going to take him to the altar. Dora and Danielito come in. Dora says that she's fed up with people in the street asking her where the kid's mother is. She says that she can't stand the torture much longer.

Albieri tells Luisa that his life a torture. He can't continue with so many lies. Luisa thinks that he is concerned about Julio's ethical concerns. But Albieri shows how lying can get you into trouble. He tells Luisa that every day that passes make it more likely that the child will betray him. Luisa, of course, doesn't understand. As usual, Albieri mumbles something and runs out of the room.
Luisa reminds Julio that he owes everything to Albieri.

Dora and Osvaldo have the same pointless argument as always at the club. (They always seem to be playing the same song there.)

Julio goes to Albieri's house. He tells Albieri that he can fix the error that the made by giving Dora the opportunity to have the embryo that he prepared for her. Albieri has to admit to Julio that he doesn't have any of the eggs Silvia harvested from Dora and that furthermore he doesn't know where the embryo that was implanted in Dora came from. Julio says that he will think about what he will do. Albieri asks for his help and Julio agrees. [I was thinking/hoping that maybe Albieri would kill Julio to prevent his telling Dora about the 'mistake' at the clinic.]

Cristina and her substitute fiance, Armando, are planning their wedding. Cristina's goal is to stick it to Leo in all possible ways so she recalls that for their wedding he wanted her to be dressed as Gilda in the 1946 Rita Hayworth movie. Cristina has no idea who Rita Hayworth or Gilda are but Armando does. [Here is a poster for Gilda from the internet. I suppose Cristina's wedding dress will be along these lines unless there is a specific wedding dress in the movie. I've never seen it either.]

Cristina and Leo were also going to have their reception at the Mandarin hotel so that is where she will have hers with Armando. She can barely tolerate having Armando kiss her.

Jade pretends to be mopping the floor [that in itself should be very suspicious] when Said and Nariza go out to the market.

They ask her to go along but she says that she has to organize the closets (!). When they are gone, Jade scurries over to Ali's house and she and Zoraida leave for the airport.

In Mohamed's shop, Vicki and Latifa have a clash of the cultures conversation. Vicki can't understand how Latifa can't go out without her husband and Latifa can't understand how American women have to continually make themselves beautiful to keep their men. When she hears that Latifa likes to dance, she suggests that she and Mohamed go to the club, Heat (Caliente), where Dora dances. [I can just see Mohamed and Dora coming in there all covered up and seeing the dancing there.]

Lucas is suspicious of why Marisa went to see Leo in his office. She makes up a story. Marisa wants to plan a large birthday party for herself where the press will be invited in addition to their friends and acquaintances. Lucas says whatever, kisses Rosa but not Marisa and leaves. Marisa says that she can never forgive Lucas' betrayal of her. Rosa says that was Lucas' adolescent love. Since Natalia was born, he is more mature. Marisa says that after her birthday party, Lucas will learn to respect her. [Even without the scenes from Thursday's episode, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that showing up at her birthday party wearing Jade's pendant is going to produce the opposite of respect in Lucas.]

Zoraida and Jade go to the ticket window in the airport.

Just as Zoraida told Jade before, the guy refuses to sell her a ticket without permission from her husband or some other man. Jade is crushed. She has her passport and money but she can't leave. Zoraida sends her to the bathroom to wash away her tears. A woman in the full black robes and veil goes into a stall. Now this is where the beanie tightening part comes in. For some reason, the woman in the stall takes her whole outfit off and her bag with her passport and drops it on the floor of the stall [no hooks on the door, I guess] so that Jade can snatch it and put it on herself. Jade then gets in line to go through security behind Careless Bathroom Woman's [thanks Novelamaven] husband.

Poor Zoraida prays for protection from Ali's rage.

Said and Ali return to Ali's house and are told that Zoraida went out. Ali is miffed that Zoraida isn't there to make the tea the way he likes it. Said confesses to Ali that Jade doesn't love him. She still wants the Westerner and they always argue about the same thing [that certainly is true!]. Said says that sometimes he says things he shouldn't. Ali confides that he always argues with his wives in Spanish so that they don't understand him. He thinks that Jade's decision to stay in the house and organize the closets is a good beginning for their relationship.

Now that Nariza is talking to Mohamed again, she takes the opportunity to complain about Jade and to feel sorry for herself. Then she tells Mohamed that Latifa is an exhibitionist and that he doesn't know what she does when he's not around. Of course, Mohamed believes this maliciousness and demands to know what Latifa did. Since he won't believe that his sister tells lies, poor Latifa cannot defend herself. She swears up and down that she has done nothing.

Jade waits nervously for the flight to board.

Said shows Ali the fabric and gold he bought for Jade in the market.

When Zoraida gets to the door, she doesn't have the courage to enter Ali's house. She says that she will run away but the other servants see her.

Unfortunately, Careless Bathroom Woman's husband is a chatty guy. Now here's another beanie moment. All this time Jade has been living in Morocco and she hasn't learned any Arabic? They get on the plane but Jade has no idea what the guy is saying to her.

Finally, he becomes suspicious and pulls her veil down. Jade is taken away by security protesting in Spanish that she is an American citizen.

Ali is told about Zoraida's strange behavior. Said says that they should go look for her. In a cute scene, Ali angrily says that he doesn't want her back, etc., etc. Said just waits patiently saying nothing. Finally, Ali says, "Let's go look for her."

Detained by security, Jade worries about what will happen if Said's family finds out what she did. There is an disturbance in the security area and Jade is able to escape.

Cristina shows her wedding invitation to Vicki and the other woman whose name I forget. They decide that Cristina will deliver Leo's invite personally. Rosa gets a call from Leo's secretary, who got a call from Cristina asking when she can deliver his wedding invite. Rosa is glad that finally Cristina will be out of Leo's hair. Leo does not seem to be very happy. Then Leo refuses to tell Rosa what he gave to Marisa for her birthday.

Lucas is out golfing when Marisa tools up in a golf cart with a press photographer documenting the idle life of the wife of a successful businessman. She invites the press guy to her birthday party. [Do we think that Marisa believes Jade gets to see these photos or that she just likes to be in the Society pages?]

Dora tells Abieri that Daniel is going to stay in New York with her mother while Dora goes to LA. Albieri doesn't seem too happy about this but it's not clear why. NY isn't as far away as LA but it's a big city. Then Dora asks Luisa to babysit before she leaves.

Jade is on her way back to Ali's.

At Ali's, no one can find Zoraida and now Jade is missing as well. Uncle Adbul says that she must receive 100 lashes for running away and no one will save her this time. At this moment, Jade comes into the house.

The credits roll.


Gancho Wednesday April 7th The Land of 1000 Dances

Hi, all. This is Kris's night, but she had tons of obligations, so I'm subbing. Sorry, no pictures, no vocab, but hopefully, lots of excitement. Here we go.

This is, of course, the night we've been waiting for. Mau is going to prove to the world (and Moni) what a vicious viper Hissy is. All he has to do is 1) somehow get Moni to the party, and 2) play the recording he made of Hissy admitting everything. Simple, huh? Let's see.

When last we left our loveable characters, Xime saw that Rolu was in a regular chair, not his wheelchair. Busted? No, Rolu says Arnie carried him there, and got mad at how heavy (pesado) Rolu was, so they argued. Yeah, really pesado, says Arnie (pesado also means “a pain in the butt”). Xime’s phone rings, and it’s Mau, who tells her the plan with Moni was a bust. Can she still get Moni to the party? Xime’ll try.

Gabi is calming down Jacqui (still in shock from Marcos’s wedding plans for Nieves) in the coffee room. Jacqui doesn’t like it when Gabi analyzes her problems, but is receptive to the idea of a chiropracter. While Gabi goes for the contact info, Jacqui remembers another method of stress reduction. She calls Consteño.

As Paula smells her flowers and Alejandra makes a face, the elevator door opens, revealing Beto and Coni, as Beto lets out a wolf yell, displaying his macho. Coni goes to talk to Marcos. Costi arrives for Jacqui’s therapy, and they decide to be bold and do it right in one of the offices. We then see Coni’s shadow in Marcos’s office. Marcos has agreed to buy her shares, but wants to know why she needs the money. She’s not telling, but wants the money in cash. He opens a briefcase, and there it is. He’ll send two security men and a chauffeur to make sure she gets it home.

Night falls, and Moni and Lobo are walking back to the vecindad, in great spirits. They’re about to go for some food, when in runs Xime, apologizing for the sack thing. She asks Moni to go to the office party, but Moni gets mad, and ends up scaring Xime off. Lobo doesn’t understand why Moni’s so mad, and Moni admits Xime’s not a bad person, but she has no desire to go the party. Lobo then suggests calling out for pizza. He’s certainly not going to get on Moni’s s-list, he’ll do whatever she wants.

Beto and Nieves are dressed for the party, he in a suit, she in a floor length black dress with a red feathered boa, with red feathers in her hair. Enter Cesar, also wearing red, he wants to talk, as Nieves hides behind her boy. Nieves has nothing to say to him, and walks out. Beto tells Cesar that Marcos is going to ask Nieves to marry him tonight, and Cesar is determined to stop this. Beto doesn’t think he has a chance. But the party might be fun. They’ll be a magician with a busty assistente, he remarks.

Moni pays for the pizza, sees a contrite Estrella in the distance. She insults Estrella telling her to go to the party with the novia she robbed, won’t listen to a word Estre says, and Estre leaves with a downtrodden face. This seems to affect Moni, and when Lobo opens the door, Moni’s not hungry anymore. In fact, she now feels like dancing. How about that party? Lobo looks confused, but I’m sure he’ll go.

We switch to the party, which is in a hotel or something, with lots of blue and red geometric shapes, lots of people sitting around. Coni’s looking especially hot in a little black dress with a pink carnation at her hip, one strap keeps falling down. Beto still thinks she’s making time with Lobo, but she says no way, and starts heating up her biscocho Beto with her trademark pouty lips. Estre is also wearing a black dress, but hers is a halter top with silver trim and hanging fringes, sort of a dressed up hippie look. Mau’s wearing a black sportscoat over a black and white striped open neck shirt. Some new guests arrive. It’s Moni and Lobo, she in a super sleek strapless short red dress, he in a suit and tie. Heads turn. Lobo and Mauricio eye each other. Moni smiles.

Well, Lobo and Mauricio recognize each other, since Mau’s a famous race car driver, and Lobo’s a famous boxer. They shake hands. Moni beams, Estre frowns.

Marcos argues with Jacqui (wearing a nice white long sleeved blazer over her white pantsuit outfit) about the money he gave Coni. What's Coni going to do with it? Jacqui criticizes him over his plans for Nieves. Neither gives ground. Paula (wearing a nice red dress with a ruffled neckline) and Tano (grey suit, silver tie) applaud something as Cris bumbles with plugging something in, shocking himself. He’s plugging in a laptop for Mau’s surprise recording of Isabel. Mau comes to check, and Cris thinks things are okay, but he may have erased everything. Mau is shocked, asks him to make sure. No, says Cris, there is a recording here (but which one?). Mau is relieved (uh oh), and goes off to make preparations for his dramatic announcement.

Gabi, looking nice in a black outfit, grabs the mike and welcomes the crowd to the event, as the band sets up behind her. She introduces Andrés, and Luisa is a bit impactada. As she sits demurely in her black and white spotted party dress, an irked Ivan crosses his arms at her side. Of course the song is directly about Luisa, saying “ I heard you’ve given me up, are loving another, but I know it’s a lie”. The beat kicks in, and the dance floor fills. Luisa says she didn’t know Andrés would be singing, but he IS good. Ivan doesn’t want to hear him, goes off for a drink and runs right into Alejandra, dressed in a hot orange chiffon dress. At first he’s hesitant, but decides to make Luisa jealous, and goes to dance with Ale.

Xime wants to dance, too. Too bad Rolu can’t, or can he? He says he can’t, so Arnie jumps in, HE’ll dance, and they jump up, and start to boogie, much to Rolu’s consternation. Marcos is dancing with Nieves, to Jacqui’s dismay. So many dances, so much jealousy, and we're just getting started.

Outside the Creaky, Creepy, Cabaña of Chaos, Jero and Oscar are inspecting a bottle of poison Oscar has obtained for Hissy. Jero compliments Oski on his efficiency. Oski reminds Jero how great he (Oscar) is, then says that Coni called, has the money. Jero volunteers to pick it up, but Oscar nixes that. He’s having someone else do it, doesn’t trust Jero.

Mau wistfully watches Moni and Lobo bop onto the dance floor. Beto and Coni feel the beat, too, and start to shake their assets, as Andrés continues to sing his Mentira song. But look -–Mau cuts right in and starts dancing with Moni. She’s furious about this, but he tries to calm her down, we’re just dancing. Well dance with THIS, she says, kneeing him in the groin. Twice. Go dance with your new noviacita, huh? She pushes him towards Estre. But as he sadly looks back, we see that she does have mixed feelings about all this.

A white car approaches outside the Castle of Calamity. Hissy gets out, and Oscar hands her the bottle of poison. She inquires how effective it is. It’s infallible, he replies. She goes to leave, but he says no, you owe me a debt, and now it’s time to collect it (cobrarlo). In the background, Aldo peeks out of the front door. His eyes go wide as he hears Hissy tell Oscar she’s not in debt just for this, but also for those small vials (ampolletas) he recommended that she used to sedate (sedar) Mauricio and Estrella. Thanks to that, my plan went perfectly (mi plan salió a pedir de boca). I was able to separate Valentina and Mauricio and end the ill-fated (nefasta) friendship between Estrella and Valentina. Aldo is muy impactado.

Andrés has finished singing, and Mau takes the stage in front of a huge screen. He thanks the attendees, many of them clients, stressing that “loyalty is one of our most important virtues.” He keeps talking about honesty, truth, then steers the conversation to him and Moni, saying he has the proof to demonstrate that her Mamá doesn’t love her honestly. Moni stands up, what are you talking about? Mau cues Cristian. Here’s the proof!. Cris presses the button, and the images fill the huge screen. But it's not Isabel! it’s Jacqui and Costeño, making out in the office, must have overwritten the other tape! Caray! Some are shocked, some are mad, some are amused (Xime), and some are sad, as we go to commercial.

Well, Jacqui’s really on the receiving end now. Coni points out how her Mom is always talking about avoiding scandals, not fraternizing with nacos, and look at her now! Xime thinks this is a great kind of therapy. Nieves has a few words of her own, why are you always messing with MY men (whoops, she’s admitted she was with Costeño, too!). Nieves! shouts Marcos. Beto covers with a lame excuse that Nieves knew Costi since he was a kid, he’s like her son. Marcos tells Jacqui she never stops doing ridiculous things in a vain attempt not to look older, and she CLOCKS him in the mouth! Moni angrily tells Mau, so this is your proof? Thanks a lot. She stalks away.

Inside the Dungy Dustbin of Delirium, Sal is on the sofa as Lorenza is writing something. Jero inquires what it is. The list of guests for her second wedding. Don’t forget the Blue Demon and the Silver Masked Man, quips Jerry. Oh, thanks, I had forgotten, replies Lori sincerely. They’re important. I’ll send a carrier pidgeon! She goes off to get one. Aldo enters, and breathlessly tells Sal what he heard. Isabel sedated Mau and Moni, it was all a big trap. My Dad was innocent all along! Sal gets up, you see, I told you! Aldo is very repentant, can't believe how wrong he was, feels terrible. Sal sagely tells him never to doubt his Dad. A few feet away, Jero muses, what kind of a deal could Oscar have with the Mamita de la Monita? He goes off to check.

So what do you want? asks Hissy. As Jerry pokes HIS head out the door, Oscar tells Hissy he’s wanted by the police, and he's going to receive a large sum of money from Constanza, but he wants Hissy to go get it, because he can’t trust Jerónimo. We see Jero's face in the background, hearing all. Oscar gives Hissy a red envelope containing proof of how Constanza killed Salvador. In case La Momia doesn’t pay, give this to the police. Hissy agrees to get the money for Oscar.

Back at the party, Lobo tells Moni that Costeño is his idol, how cool! They leave. Mau is down in the dumps, in a bit of shock, as Estrella tells him how Lobo is making all the right moves on Moni, and Moni may be vulnerable to this dirty dancing. Nieves comes over to tell Mau how she’s worried about the same thing, Lobo could try to bed Moni. This spurs Mau to action. He tells Ivan to take Luisa home, and goes off to make some other stupid mistake.

First, though, Marcos catches up to Moni and Lobo just outside the building. As Lobo goes for a taxi, Marcos tells Moni how all he wants to do is care for Moni. The only reason he acquired Grupo Sermeño was to secure the future for Moni and her sister. Moni says she doesn’t want his money, the company, and certainly not his love. She calls to Lobo and rushes away, leaving Marcos speechless.

Jero appears at Jacqui’s (Coni’s) place, but she’s not happy in the least, just what she needs (she says sarcastically) to cap off her day (cerrar el día de oro). He wants to talk to Coni. She’s not here, she’s at that party, where I was the laughing stock, I’ll never live it down, it was humiliating. Jero thinks she deserves it for scorning a guy as elegant (gallardo) as him. Jacqui gets all soft and vulnerable, you’re right, I was a fool. I’m so repentant, my pet. Could we try again, doll? Are you serious? Of course, she replies. Jero lights up, and lets out a “Jacquelinay!” They start with their doggie love. She stops him, asking if he came to pick up the money from Coni. You got it, he says. Well, she’s not here, but we can wait together, she says seductively. He likes this.

Marcos is now talking to Nieves. He wants to ask her something he should have said a long time ago. Nieves coquettishly plays with her boa, you couldn’t forget me, right? Right, and that’s why, says Marcos, in front of everyone present (although no one’s watching), I want to ask you….He gets out a little red box, opens it up, to reveal a ring, “Would you like to be my wife?” Nieves thinks the ring is a bit small (hah!).

Lobo and Moni are back in the barrio, and he coldly says goodnight. Moni is taken aback, what’s up? He says he doesn’t like being used. He could see there was something between Mauricio and her. And the whole night she used him to make Mau jealous. She apologizes, that was not her intention. He asks what is between her and Mau, and she says nothing, it’s a long story, but now, nothing. He reconsiders, asks if she wants him to help her forget, and out of the blue, lays a nice big, juicy kiss on her. OF COURSE, Mau walks in at just that moment!

Previews: Coni and Jero parry, Arnie and Rolu fight (and go a bit “overboard”) and Hissy tells Coni not only will she beat Moni in the ring, but on that very day, Valentina will die!


El Clon #36, 4/6. The Necklace That Goes Around.

Dora comes to the clinic. Julio told her there was some delicate matter, and she wants to know what it is. Julio says a lot of nothing, but Albieri interrupts and insists on talking to Dora alone. He tells her that she got her accepted in the best dance school in Los Angeles. Without her submitting her qualifications, without them seeing an audition tape, without Dora signing anything. Okey-dokey. Albi says there is just one catch. She has to surrender all parental rights. Oops. No, that comes later. She has to leave tomorrow. He’ll pay for everything. If she’s successful she can provide a better life for his godson. Dora says yes. She leaves and Julio asks Albi whether he told her the truth. He says he’s getting there.

Lucas is gazing at the necklace some more. Marisa grabs it from him and asks Rosa if she thinks Leo would let her wear it. Lucas snatches it back and Marisa leaves in a huff. Rosa tells him he should get rid of the necklace if he’s no longer involved with Jade. Rosa is willing to deliver it to Jade’s relatives in Miami. Lucas is not willing to give it up. But he promises that he won’t pursue Jade anymore, for the sake of his daughter.

Norma and Vicky see Osvaldo at the club and tease him about not being a sultan yet. He says it was all lined up, and Vicky asks, then why did he come back to them. Ozzie’s answer? Because nobody in Arabia speaks Spanish. The whole bar laughs with / at him.

At a bar across town, Chris has hooked up with Armando, an old boyfriend. He’s glad she called him. He never married because he was waiting for her, or so he says. She says she always wanted to be in this bar with someone who would say, “I love you and I want to marry you.” He accepts her proposal.

Meanwhile Leo tells Enrique that Diego’s death will always come between him and Christina, and he can never get over the guilt of being with her when his son died. But still, he can’t get her out of his mind, and he feels guilty for how he treated her. So he says he’ll still be her sugar daddy and set her up in the spa business she wants.

Chris comes home and tells her friends she’s marrying Armando, the Wall Street investor. Just then Enrique calls to tell Chris that Leo will pay for her spa venture. Vicky asks how she can accept his money when she is going to marry someone else. Chris assures her, Leo won’t just pay for the spa, he’ll also pay for her wedding, reception, and honeymoon.

Dora just found out that she and her son have to leave for LA tomorrow morning. So rather than wasting her time packing, planning, spending time with her mother, or getting a good night’s sleep, she goes out dancing. A bar buddy tells Ozzie that she’s going to dance school in LA and that doctor she hooked up with is paying for it. Ozzie struts out to the dance floor and charges that Dora’s son in Albi’s. Ozzie demands that she remove his name from the child; he wants it back. Ever notice that Dora’s hair is short at the club but long everywhere else? Is it supposed to be two different wigs?

Albi tells Luisa that tomorrow morning she needs to find an LA dance school where she can enroll Dora immediately, but he won’t explain why it’s so urgent. Luisa urges him to tell Julio about the mistake. He starts mumbling to himself about how he ignored all his ethical principles and sacrificed everything for the fame he craved. Luisa says, “What’s going on? You’re starting to scare me!” Start? Only start? Luisa must take the last bus.

Jade complains to Ali that Said won’t let her visit him without his permission, and that he says that she is now part of his family, not Ali’s. Ali confirms that this is correct. Jade goes to the kitchen and continues to plot how to be free. She decides to find out the combination to Said’s safe, get her passport, take his money, and escape to the US. She makes a speech about not letting him treat her like his possession. In all this, has she ever given ANY consideration to how he feels? She says that all she has is her dignity, and she refuses to lose that. I guess that’s why she’s stealing from her husband.

At breakfast, Marisa provokes a scene by asking Leo about the green necklace that belonged to Lucas’s mom. Leo doesn’t remember one, and Marisa points out that it was jade. Marisa leaves the table in a huff (she has more huffs than rubber band dresses). Lucas follows. At least they have the decency to argue in private. Unlike Leo, who comes in and involves himself in their argument. METICHE!!!

In Morocco, Jade misses her necklace and the safety it brought her.

In Miami, Dora’s mama hears that Albi is sending Dora to LA. She warns, if you go with him, you’ll never see your son again.

At the clinic, Julio refuses to lie or surrender his ethics to cover this lie. But Albi claims that the reputation of the clinic depends on hiding the secret of the swapped embryos. He says that if the truth comes out, his career will be ruined. After more pressure, Julio agrees to at least think about it. Albi tells Luisa that he is building a spider web to cover his errors, but he’s getting trapped in it himself.

Latifa tells Zoraida that Mohamed is fixated on having children, and she’s worried that he’ll take a second wife. Someone needs to tell that woman that bigamy is illegal in the US. Instead, Z reminds her that Scheherazade saved her life by distracting her husband with stories. Z counsels Latifa to distract her husband too. Mohamed gets home and Latifa distracts him with her dancing. (BTW, there is an excellent youth book retelling the legend of Scheherazade. It’s Shadow Spinner by Susan Fletcher. I strongly recommend it.)

In Miami, Enrique and Leo are astounded by the amount of Christina’s cost proposal for the spa. Meanwhile Chris tells Vicky that the “extras” in the request are to cover he wedding and honeymoon. Vicky decides she’d rather have Chris for a friend than an enemy.

Lucas puts the necklace in his metal lockbox and puts the key in his nightstand while Marisa “sleeps.” When he leaves the room she recovers the key and takes the necklace. Meanwhile Said checks his safe while Jade is “sleeping” in the same room. Abdul calls him away, so he leaves the safe open. Jade sneaks over and recovers her passport. There is also a big wad of cash. It appears that she leaves that behind, but later with Zoraida, she has it. Said hears when she drops a bracelet, so he goes to check and finds her in bed, with her other bracelet placed on the floor. He gently, lovingly restores it to the “sleeping” Jade.

In the big house, Enrique tells Leo that he doesn’t want to be his go-between regarding Chris. Lucas hears part of this and wants to know what they’re talking about. Leo blows him off and leaves, so Lucas finds out from Rosa that it’s about Chris. Meanwhile Chris is thrilled by the check and imagines the wedding blow-out she’ll have, to spend Leo’s money.

Marisa meets Leo at his office and asks him a favor. She’d like to wear a piece of jewelry from Lucas’s mother for her upcoming birthday bash. Leo takes the hint and apologizes, saying he should have already given her a piece of Isabel’s jewelry. He’ll bring her all the items today and let her pick one to keep.

Jade is excited that she finally has the ingredients she needs for her freedom. She says that it must have been the hand of Allah that allowed her to get her passport and the money for the trip. IOW Allah helped her rob her husband. I suspect that the Judeo-Christian Ten Commandments are not part of Islam, but I’m sure Islam doesn’t look kindly upon blasting the second commandment to smithereens (Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain). Jade implores Zoraida to help her buy the ticket. Z refuses as always. Jade begs as always. Z caves as always. Jade promises this is the last favor she’ll ask, as always.

At the house, Leo shows Marisa the box of all Isabel‘s jewelry. Marisa de-palms the jade necklace into the box, and then says, “I want this one.” Roll credits.

Friends, I need to say something and I’ll only say it once. Albi’s self-chiding, Lucas’s pining, Jade’s whining, Marisa’s conniving, Christina’s striving, and Luisa’s self-blinding .. it’s just more of the same and I can’t get excited about it anymore. I know that my writing suffers because of my attitude. I will continue to recap because I gave my word. But if anyone gets bored with my lifeless recaps and would like to take over one or both of my recap nights, believe me, I would not be offended in the slightest. I’d even send you a care package of some of the best Mexican pastries north of Baja to show my gratitude. Or to bribe you.


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